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Covid-19: All you need to know about the
Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine
Britain’s regulators today approved the
Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, offering
renewed hope the end of the pandemic...
Deaths in England and Wales were 7%
higher than usual during week ending
Dec 18
Deaths in England and Wales were 7% higher than
usual during week ending December 18, analysis
reveals England and Wales...
Coronavirus UK: Britain will need
lockdowns until summer 2021 even with
vaccines, scientists warn
England will be stuck in its relentless cycle of
coronavirus lockdowns until at least the end of
spring even if the vaccine...
Is the great vaccine drive by Easter
doomed already? Volunteers army has
NOT been recruited
Retired doctors desperate to roll their sleeves up
and help Britain administer 2million Covid vaccines
each week to end the...
Blood vessel cells implicated in chronic
inflammation of obesity
“The inflammation of fat cells in obese individuals is
linked to many of the comorbidities we associate
with being...
Social media safety messages: Pictures
should match the words
After looking at social media posts, parents of young
children were better able to recall safety messages
such as how to...
Bionic idea boosts lithium-ion extraction
IMAGE: Metal ion sieving using a bioinspired
nanochannel membrane view more Credit: XIN
Weiwen Lithium is...
Scientists find the error source of a sea-
ice model varies with the season
IMAGE: Schematic diagram of the sea-ice
simulation error sources of a regional configuration
of MITgcm. view...
Combined approach could boost breast
cancer immunotherapy, study suggests
IMAGE: A diagram showing the various strategies
that could enhance the activity of CAR T cells
against breast cancer. ...
Study points the way to boost
immunotherapy against breast cancer,
other solid tumors
IMAGE: UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer
Center’s Jonathan S. Serody, MD, and colleagues
report that adding...
Transfusions with higher red blood cell
levels do not improve preterm baby
IMAGE: This large, multi-center randomized clinical
trial was conducted by Dr. Haresh Kirpalani of the
University of...
Study: in social media safety messages,
the pictures should match the words
IMAGE: Researchers found that parents understood
safety messaging better when the picture showed
the desired behavior,...
St Petersburg University scientists
discover an ancient island arc in the
Kyrgyz Tien Shan
IMAGE: (a) Tectonic units of the Tien Shan in
Kyrgyzstan; (b) schematic geological map of the
Songkultau area ...
Allergists offer reassurance regarding
potential allergic reactions to COVID-19
BOSTON – Reports of possible allergic reactions to
the COVID-19 vaccines produced by Pfizer-
BioNTech and Moderna, both...
Coronavirus: Spain to keep register of
those who refuse Covid vaccine
It is currently rolling out the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
which was approved for EU member states last
Coronavirus doctor’s diary: ‘Close to
death from Covid, I asked them to save
my baby’
Trump’s call for $2,000 cheques blocked in Senate
Mitch McConnell says raising aid cheques from
$600 would be “another...
Covid: New Year’s Eve warning as
millions are told to stay at home
Covid-19: Twenty million in England added to
toughest tier of restrictions
Covid rule-breakers ‘have blood on their
Trump’s call for $2,000 cheques blocked in Senate
Mitch McConnell says raising aid cheques from
$600 would be “another...
Covid-19: Impact on Israel
Covid-19: How winter exercise could help us cope with
Covid-19: How will the pandemic affect global health in
Is it wise to carry on shielding in the 12 weeks between your
first and second jabs?
Thousands at risk of blindness set to benefit from a new eye
HEALTH NOTES: Surge in patients admitted to hospital for
alcohol-related liver disease
I caught Covid from a hospital, we must give all NHS
workers the jab
My chest pains are terrifying
How many have to die before Britain tackles its black and
Asian organ donor crisis?
A couch potato took part in experiment on boosting immunity
‘Covid loves a crowd… so stay at home this New Year’s Eve’
says NHS boss
Professor Hugh Montgomery says hospitals are facing a
"tsunami" of Covid cases.
Face masks: How to wear one correctly
‘We filmed our dad’s final months to help people’
JOANNA HALL’S 30-day exercise plan to kickstart your New
New mutant coronavirus strain IS more contagious by nearly
DR MICHAEL MOSLEY launches a new series to make
2021 your healthiest year yet
Allergists offer reassurance regarding potential allergic
reactions to COVID-19 vaccines
Putty-like composites of gallium metal with potential for real-
world application
Nanoparticle drug-delivery system developed to treat brain
Model used to evaluate lockdowns was
In a recent study, researchers from Imperial College
London developed a model to assess the effect of
different measures...
Discovery boosts theory that life on Earth
arose from RNA-DNA mix
LA JOLLA, CA–Chemists at Scripps Research have
made a discovery that supports a surprising new
view of how life originated...
Do toddlers learning to spoon-feed seek
different information from caregivers’
hands & faces?
IMAGE: A. A toddler moving their spoon towards the
food in a dish that the caregiver is holding. B. The
caregiver moving...
NTU Singapore study suggests link
between word choices and extraverts
A study by a team of Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore (NTU Singapore)
psychologists has found a link between extraverts...
Big bumblebees learn locations of best
IMAGE: A bumblebee on a flower. view more
Credit: Natalie Hempel de Ibarra Big bumblebees
take time to learn...
The brain network driving changes in
The loss and return of consciousness is linked to the
same network of brain regions for both sleep and
anesthesia, according...
Despite recommendations, patients with
treatment-resistant hypertension rarely
tested for primary al
Below please find summaries of new articles that will
be published in the next issue of Annals of Internal
Medicine. The...
Carotid physiology, neck restraints in law
What The Viewpoint Says: This Viewpoint reviews
the potential neurologic consequences of any
restriction of blood flow or...
US won’t approve AstraZeneca shot until
APRIL, Operation Warp Speed chief says
The US has only administered about 10 percent –
less than 2.6million – of the 20 million doses of
UC researcher urges caution using
remdesivir to treat COVID-19
IMAGE: Bingfang Yan is a professor at the
University of Cincinnati’s James L. Winkle College of
Pharmacy. Yan’s...
Dating apps don’t destroy love
Mobile apps have revolutionised the way people
meet in Switzerland and elsewhere in recent years.
Unlike traditional dating...
Higher red cell transfusion threshold
offers no advantage for treating preterm
Very low birthweight infants often need blood
transfusions to survive. A National Institutes of
Health-funded study suggests...
Frailty is a factor in higher mortality for
women awaiting liver transplants
Women awaiting liver transplants in the United
States are known to be about one-third more likely
than men to become too...
NIH study uncovers blood vessel damage
& inflammation in COVID-19 patients’
brains but no infection
IMAGE: In an in-depth study, NIH researchers
consistently found blood vessel damage in the
brains of COVID-19 patients...
Published data from Moderna COVID-19
vaccine trial show 94.1 percent efficacy
BOSTON — A peer-reviewed paper published in
The New England Journal of Medicine provides data
from the much-anticipated...
Moving due to unaffordable housing may
jeopardize healthcare
LOS ANGELES (Dec. 30, 2020) — People who
move due to unaffordable housing are at increased
risk of failing to receive...
How did trauma centers respond to
COVID-19? New processes provide care
to trauma patients while keeping
providers safe
December 30, 2020 – As the COVID-19 pandemic
emerged, trauma centers faced unprecedented
obstacles to providing care...
Covid: Essex declares major incident
over virus cases
Primary schools in the districts of Brentwood,
Epping Forest, Castle Point, Basildon, Rochford,
Harlow, Chelmsford, Braintree,...
Covid-19: Twenty million in England
added to toughest tier of restrictions
And secondary schools across most of England are
to remain closed for an extra two weeks for most
Losing a daughter to cancer during the
Covid-19 pandemic
In the last year of her life, Anna’s determination
shone through, as she continued on with her
studies, with her college...
Covid-19: Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine
approved for use in UK
Second ‘super-COVID’ case suspected in
It comes as millions more in England are placed in
tier four restrictions.
A second case of ‘super-COVID’ variant of
coronavirus is now suspected in Colorado, officials
said Wednesday. Elbert...
Covid vaccine: Oxford AstraZeneca
professors stand to make MILLIONS
Britain today approved the Oxford/AstraZeneca
Covid-19 vaccine, paving the way for millions to
receive the jab within weeks...
Britain’s deadliest day since April: Health
chiefs record 981 Covid victims
Leicester City Leicestershire (Oadby and Wigston,
Harborough, Hinckley and Bosworth, Blaby,
Charnwood, North West Leicestershire,...
Questions over Britain’s decision to drop
two-dose vaccine regimen
Pfizer warned today there is ‘no data’ to show a
single dose of its coronavirus vaccine provides long-
term protection,...
Matt Hancock reveals Britain will only
have 530,000 doses of Oxford’s Covid jab
next week
Britain will only have 530,000 doses of the
Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine at its disposal from
Monday, the Health Secretary...
Weekly Covid deaths rose again in last
full week of data and rose by 44% in the
South East
Weekly Covid-19 deaths rose again in England and
Wales and surged by 44 per cent in the South East
during the last full week...
Potential new RX strategy for stroke
Nicolas Bazan, MD, PhD, Boyd Professor, Professor
of Neurology and Director of the Neuroscience
Center of Excellence at LSU...
Novel public-private partnership
facilitates development of fusion energy
IMAGE: PPPL physicist Gerrit Kramer with
conceptual image of SPARC fusion reactor. view
more Credit: Collage...
Anti-transpirant products unnecessary in
cycad propagation
IMAGE: Benjamin Deloso holds a Zamia stem
cutting that has successfully produced a healthy root
system. In his recently...
Largest study of Asia’s rivers unearths
800 years of paleoclimate patterns
IMAGE: Map of the Asian Monsoon region; river
basins involved in this study are highlighted by
subregion, rivers belonging...
A pursuit of better testing to sort out the
complexities of ADHD
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The introduction of computer
simulation to the identification of symptoms in
children with attention...
The map of nuclear deformation takes the
form of a mountain landscape
IMAGE: Deformation landscape of the nickel-64
nucleus. Prolate, oblate local minima and main
spherical minimum are...
LSU Health New Orleans discovers
potential new RX strategy for stroke
New Orleans, LA – Research conducted at LSU
Health New Orleans Neuroscience Center of
Excellence reports that a combination...
New research may explain severe virus
attacks on the lungs
IMAGE: The development of human macrophages.
view more Credit: The research team. In some
cases, immune...
Scientists explore deficits in processing
speed in individuals with spinal cord
IMAGE: Dr. Wylie is director of the Rocco Ortenzio
Neuroimaging Center at Kessler Foundation. view
more Credit:...
Only 28 Covid patients are currently
being treated in No10’s £220million
Nightingale hospitals
Only 28 Covid-19 patients are currently being
treated in Nightingale hospitals across England,
official data shows amid...
How a QUARTER of hospitals are
operating at Covid ‘danger zone’
A quarter of England’s hospitals were treating a
‘dangerous’ number of Covid patients in the run up
Patients from London could be taken to
YORKSHIRE for treatment
Medics in Covid hotspots are just days away from
having to make ‘horrendous choices’ over who they
can treat...
Millions more face Tier 4 as Boris
Johnson reveals TODAY where tougher
restrictions are needed
Millions more are set to face the country’s toughest
Tier 4 coronavirus restrictions this week, with Boris
Essex declares ‘major incident’ over
surging Covid cases
Essex declares ‘major incident’ over surging Covid
cases Councils and health chiefs warn of
Covid vaccine from Oxford University and
Astrazeneca is APPROVED
Matt Hancock hailed approval for the critical Oxford
University and AstraZeneca vaccine today saying it
means the UK will...
Obesity, eating disorder disparities
among sexual, gender minority children
What The Study Did: The likelihood of having
obesity or eating disorders was compared between
sexual and gender minority...
Gut cells sound the alarm when parasites
To effectively combat an infection, the body first has
to sense it’s been invaded, then the affected tissue
must send...
Patient characteristics associated with
telemedicine access during COVID-19
What The Study Did: This study identified racial/
ethnic, sex, age, language, and socioeconomic
differences in accessing...
Assessment of neutrophil extracellular
traps in coronary thrombus of case series
of patients with COVID-19
What The Study Did: Severe COVID-19 is
characterized by the intense formation of neutrophil
extracellular traps (NETs),...
Imaging the twilight zone
IMAGE: Differences in brain activity between
connected and disconnected states of
consciousness studied with positron...
Order and disorder in crystalline ice
A fascinating substance with unique properties, ice
has intrigued humans since time immemorial. Unlike
most other materials,...
Detective work in theoretical physics
IMAGE: Time axis showing the number of
publications relating to dynamical density functional
theory. view more Credit:...
An explanation for the lack of blood
oxygenation detected in many COVID-19
One of the physiopathological characteristics of
COVID-19 that has most baffled the scientific and
medical community is what...
Covid-19: First vaccine patient has her
second jab
The grandmother, who is originally from Enniskillen,
Co Fermanagh, received a first injection on 8
December, a week before...
Covid: Military back-up for pupil testing
as heads urge delay to start of term
“Instead, it appears that there will be 1,500
personnel available for more than 3,400 secondary
schools in England,...
Covid in Scotland: ‘Stay at home’
Hogmanay plea as cases hit record high
The whole Scottish mainland is in the highest level
of restrictions in a bid to contain a new strain of the
Covid: Millions more braced for tougher
rules in England
There may also be further curbs for areas already in
the highest tier amid concerns tier four rules are not
enough to stop...
Super gonorrhea could be fueled by
antibiotic use amid the pandemic
Grasping at straws for COVID-19 treatments may be
inadvertently fueling a the rise of another hard to
treat disease: super...
General anesthesia and normal sleep
affect brain in an amazingly similar way
as consciousness fades
Explaining the biological basis of human
consciousness is one of the greatest challenges of
science. While the loss and return...
College football players: Underestimating
risk of injury and concussion
Christine Baugh, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of
medicine at the University of Colorado School of
Medicine and member of...
Scientists develop high-throughput
mitochondria transfer device
A study, published today in the journal Cell Reports,
describes how the new UCLA-developed device,
called MitoPunch, transfers...
In plants, channels set the rhythm
Although plants are anchored to the ground, they
spend most of their lifetime swinging in the wind.
Like animals, plants...
Sugars influence cell-to-surface adhesion
IMAGE: Flagella-mediated adhesion and gliding by
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (green alga) on a solid
surface (top). Using...
Electrons hop to it on twisted molecular
IMAGE: Concept and chemical structure of
periodically twisted molecular wires. view more
Credit: Osaka University Osaka,...
Significant disparities in telemedicine
use, especially among older and POC
After “COVID-19,” the term that most people will
remember best from 2020 is likely to be “social
Scientists turned toxic pesticide into
treatment against antibiotic-resistant
N-Aryl-C-nitroazoles are an important class of
heterocyclic compounds. They are used as
pesticides and fungicides. However,...
Study examines the most effective
COVID-19 control policies
IMAGE: Anita M. McGahan is a University Professor
and the George E. Connell Chair in Organizations
Society at the...
Polysaccharides from red algae affect
mice immune systems, say FEFU
Carrageenans, biologically active polysaccharides
isolated from red algae and widely used in the food
industry as stabilizers,...
Imaging of ballistic wounds, bullet
composition and implications for MRI
IMAGE: Scout (A), T1-weighted spin-echo (SE) (B),
T2-weighted SE (C), T2-weighted gradient-recalled
echo (GRE) (TR/TE,...
More than a million Americans flew on
Sunday despite COVID-19
U.S. air travel hit a pandemic-high on Sunday
following Christmas, with at least 1.28 million
Americans flying, according...
Covid England: How the new mutated
strain has spread in a fortnight
By David Churchill What has happened to the
coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of
Covid has developed which...
Covid UK:New cases DOUBLE in a week
with 36,804 more infections
By David Churchill What has happened to the
coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of
Covid has developed which...
New coronavirus variant has triggered
‘explosive’ outbreaks in London schools
By David Churchill What has happened to the
coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of
Covid has developed which...
Moonshot scientists DEFEND rapid
lateral flow coronavirus tests
The scientists behind the Government’s Moonshot
testing plans have leapt to the defence of lateral flow
Coronavirus UK: R rate is UP again to a
possible 1.3, SAGE warns
The coronavirus R rate in Britain has risen to
between 1.1 and 1.3 and it is at least one or higher
in every region of England...
your way to weight loss
Want to eat better forever? I’m in no doubt that the
best and simplest way to do that is to eat
wholefoods — foods...
Covid UK: 41,385 daily cases and 357
deaths as second wave grows
Britain could be put into ‘Tier 5’ restrictions, it has
been claimed, with England’s hospitals are now...
Long-lasting COVID immunity gives real
hope for the long-term protection of
The research is the strongest evidence for the
likelihood that vaccines against the virus, SARS-
CoV-2, will work for long...
A single gene ‘invented’ haemoglobin
several times
Having red blood is not peculiar to humans or
mammals. This colour comes from haemoglobin, a
complex protein specialized...
Stopping RAS inhibitors tied to worse
outcomes in patients with chronic kidney
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects approximately
ten percent of the global population. Hypertension is
the most common...
Flag leaves could help top off
photosynthetic performance in rice
The flag leaf is the last to emerge, indicating the
transition from crop growth to grain production.
Photosynthesis in this...
Story tip from Johns Hopkins expert on
In a study that looked at suicide deaths during
2020’s first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in
Maryland, Johns Hopkins...
UCLA scientists develop high-throughput
mitochondria transfer device
LOS ANGELES — Scientists from the UCLA
Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center have
developed a simple, high-throughput...
College football players underestimate
risk of injury and concussion
AURORA, Colo. (Dec. 29, 2020) – College football
players may underestimate their risk of injury and
concussion, according...
The puzzle of nonhost resistance: why do
pathogens harm some plants but not
IMAGE: Ralph Panstruga Matthew Moscou view
more Credit: Ralph Panstruga Matthew Moscou
People have puzzled...
Army research leads to more effective
training model for robots
IMAGE: New Army research reduces the
unpredictability of current training reinforcement
learning policies so that they...
2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for
Americans recommend grains at all life
IMAGE: 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for
Americans recommend maintaining existing serving
size for whole and enriched...
Sustained cellular immune dysregulation
in individuals recovering from COVID-19
IMAGE: Nathaniel Erdmann view more Credit: UAB
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – COVID-19, which has killed
Coronavirus: Spain to keep registry of
those who refuse Covid vaccine
It is currently rolling out the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
which was approved for EU member states last
1.7 million... week.
Parents warned of ‘sharp rise’ in eating
What is an eating disorder?
Covid-19: Military to support mass testing
of students in England
New coronavirus variant: What do we know?
Covid-19: Health workers ‘back in eye of
storm’, says NHS chief
With coronavirus infections at what public health
officials called an “unprecedented level” and a new
Mother reveals two-year-old daughter’s
flu-like symptoms were deadly meningitis
A mother has revealed how her two-year-old
daughter had to have both legs amputated after
contracting meningitis. Restaurant...
Frontline medic choir in Queen’s
Christmas message tell of sacrifice
Gareth Malone. Justin Bieber. The Lewisham and
Greenwich NHS choir could easily have been
forgiven for thinking they had...
Why tidying your kitchen will help you
polish off the pounds!
Over-indulged this festive season? Carrying a few
extra pounds? Feeling sluggish and unfit? Fear not,
help is just around...
‘My feet burn with pain if I go walking’:
DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health
I’m an avid walker aged 74, but now find after a few
miles I get a tingling feeling in my little toe which
spreads to the...
Silicone ‘ping pong ball’ implanted in the
stomach could help relieve persistent
Silicone ‘ping pong ball’ implanted in the stomach
could help relieve persistent heartburn By Pat
Hagan for the Daily...
Will 2021 finally be the year we finally get
the male pill?
A male counterpart to the contraceptive pill for
women, which first appeared in Britain 60 years ago,
is seen as the Holy...
High-tech new toothbrushes designed to
make you smile
Looking to add ‘better-looking teeth’ to your New
Year resolutions? The latest electric toothbrushes
claim to be capable...
Why common antibiotics may trigger
mental breakdowns
Earlier this year it was reported that Alana Cutland,
a 19-year-old Cambridge University
student,pictured, jumped...
$3.9M project on self-deleting genes
takes aim at mosquito-borne diseases
To control mosquito populations and prevent them
from transmitting diseases such as malaria, many
researchers are pursuing...
One year later, how does COVID-19 affect
What The Patient Page Says: We have all lived with
COVID-19 for about a year now. Overall, we have
learned that children...
Comparing health outcomes of privileged
Americans with residents of other
developed countries
What The Study Did: Researchers looked at
whether health outcomes of white citizens living in
the richest U.S. counties were...
Beverage prices, volume sold after
sweetened beverage tax repeal in
Chicago’s county
What The Study Did: This observational study
examined whether lasting change in sweetened
beverage prices or the volume sold...
High-speed atomic force microscopy
takes on intrinsically disordered proteins
IMAGE: Structural and dynamic features of three
IDPs (NTAIL, PNT and Sic1) revealed by HS-AFM
imaging. The top and...
Protein twist and squeeze confers cancer
drug resistance
In 1986, cellular biochemist Kazumitsu Ueda,
currently at Kyoto University’s Institute for Integrated
Large transporter protein linked to
IMAGE: Abnormalities in the cholesterol transport
protein ABCA13 have been shown to lead to
schizophrenia in a mouse...
Brain imaging predicts PTSD after brain
Philadelphia, December 29, 2020 – Posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex psychiatric
disorder brought on...
Oxford coronavirus vaccine to be
approved ‘shortly after Christmas’
Coronavirus vaccinations have started in care
homes in the UK, Matt Hancock confirmed today.
Care home residents are top...
Tony Blair calls for the UK to use up ALL
coronavirus vaccine supplies on one
dose strategy
Tony Blair has called for Britain to scrap its current
coronavirus vaccination strategy and give ‘as many
people as...
Covid England: Earlier spring lockdown
could have saved 20k lives
Starting spring lockdown just a WEEK earlier could
have saved 20,000 lives from Covid-19 crisis, claims
Imperial College...
Coronavirus can affect the brain because
its ‘spike’ protein is capable of crossing
blood barrier
Covid-19 may be able to infect the brain because it
carries a protein capable of getting through the
barrier at the top of...
Covid cases in England spike back up to
pre-lockdown levels with 646,000 people
infected last week
One in every 85 people in England is now infected
with coronavirus, half of them have caught the new
super-infectious strain...
Why you should open your windows
while eating Christmas dinner
Open your windows while eating Christmas dinner:
Simulation reveals how fresh air whisks away
coronavirus particles in a...
Quack cure or Covid hope? Six science-
backed foods that fight Covid
A vaccine is being rolled out and potential
treatments are being trialled to see if they can cure
Covid, but for the foreseeable...
Coronavirus vaccine: How the Oxford
dosing mix-up REALLY happened
Oxford accidentally under-dosed participants in its
coronavirus vaccine trial because of a measurement
blunder by the university’s...
HKU chemists develop a new drug
discovery strategy for "undruggable"
drug targets
IMAGE: Graphic illustration of the work: DNA-
programmed affinity labelling (DPAL) enables the
direct screening of DNA-encoded...
New research makes strong case for
restoring Hong Kong’s lost oyster reefs
IMAGE: Oyster reefs in Hong Kong view more
Credit: ©Kyle Obermann/Courtesy TNC New
research produced jointly...
Study identifies distinct sub-types of
aggressive tumours to allow for targeted
Angiosarcomas are clinically aggressive tumours
that are more prevalent in Asian populations Study
led by Singapore clinician-scientists...
Faster, greener way of producing carbon
IMAGE: Carbon spheres – microscope images A
fast, green and one-step method for producing
porous carbon spheres,...
Heart transplantations: prospects of
success increase with larger case
In a series of commissions awarded by the Federal
Joint Committee (G-BA) to the Institute for Quality
and Efficiency in Health...
Industry collaboration leads to important
milestone in the creation of a quantum
IMAGE: (a) Scanning electron image of one of the
Foundry-fabricated quantum dot devices. Four
quantum dots can be formed...
Surveys identify relationship between
waves, coastal cliff erosion
IMAGE: Scripps Oceanography geomorphologist
Adam Young buries wave energy-measuring
sensors. view more Credit:...
Common brain malformation traced to its
genetic roots
IMAGE: The lowest part of a child’s brain is visible
below the bottom of the skull in this MRI scan and
Covid-19: Five ways to stay positive
through the winter
“You can think of it as a kind of brain fertiliser – it
helps parts of your brain regenerate,” says Dr...
Covid-19: Concern at ‘unprecedented’
infection level in England
On Monday, a further 41,385 Covid cases and 357
deaths were reported in the UK.
Chemotherapy ‘is made a THIRD more
effective’ with magnetic nanoparticles
Chemotherapy technique that uses magnetic
nanoparticles to heat cancerous cells to more than
104°F while delivering drugs...
Only 388 people aged under 60 with no
underlying health conditions have died of
Covid in the UK
388 people aged under 60 with ‘NO underlying
health conditions’ have died of Covid in England’s
hospitals Covid-19...
Millions more Britons face being plunged
into Tier 4 lockdown this week
Doctors fear the NHS could be overwhelmed within
days as hospital admissions surge due to the highly
infectious Covid strain...
Hospitals in England ‘on track’ to have
more than 20,000 Covid patients on New
Year’s Eve
Hospitals in England are hurtling towards having
20,000 coronavirus patients who need NHS
treatment on New Year’s Eve,...
Children who identify as gay or
transgender are 64% MORE likely to be
Children who identify as gay, bisexual or
transgender are 64% MORE likely to be obese,
study finds US-based researchers...
Is Cumbria on the brink of Tier Four? SAGE expert warns hitting one million
vaccines a week won’t be enough to curb
More than 90 per cent of councils in England saw
their coronavirus outbreaks grow before Christmas,
according to official...
Covid crisis in months
Teachers and key workers will be added to the
vaccine priority list when the Oxford
University/AstraZeneca jab is finally...
Britain records 41,385 Covid cases and
357 more deaths as second wave
continues to grow
Britain today recorded 41,385 cases of Covid and
357 more deaths as the second wave of the disease
continues to grow with...
Do toddlers learning to spoon-feed seek
different information from caregivers’
hands and faces?
An international research collaboration led by Kobe
University’s Professor NONAKA Tetsushi (Graduate
School of Human...
Switching DNA functions on and off by
means of light
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the basis of life on
earth. The function of DNA is to store all the genetic
information, which...
Chemists develop a new drug discovery
strategy for ‘undruggable’ drug targets
Membrane proteins play important roles in biology,
and many of them are high-value targets that are
being intensively pursued...
Study suggests link between word
choices and extraverts
The finding highlights the need for stronger linguistic
indicators to be developed for use in online
personality prediction...
Music-induced emotions can be predicted
from brain scans
The researchers used a machine learning algorithm
to map which brain regions are activated when the
different music-induced...
Quick look under the skin
How big is the liver? Does it change if medication is
taken? Is the kidney inflamed? Is there a tumor in
the brain and did...
Vaping could cloud your thoughts, new
studies suggest
While other studies have found an association
between vaping and mental impairment in animals,
the URMC team is the first...
The evolving role of platelet-rich plasma
(PRP) in plastic surgery
December 28, 2020 – Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
treatment, which involves injecting a small amount
of a patient’s...
The liverwort oil body is formed by
redirection of the secretory pathway
Cells, the basic unit of life, are surrounded by a
limiting membrane called the plasma membrane.
Inside cells, there are...
New studies suggest vaping could cloud
your thoughts
Two new studies from the University of Rochester
Medical Center (URMC) have uncovered an
association between vaping and mental...
Extremely energy efficient
microprocessor developed using
IMAGE: AQFP MANA microprocessor die photo.
MANA is the world’s first adiabatic superconductor
microprocessor. ...
One psychedelic experience may lessen
trauma of racial injustice
COLUMBUS, Ohio – A single positive experience on
a psychedelic drug may help reduce stress,
depression and anxiety...
Discovery about how cancer cells evade
immune defenses inspires new treatment
Cancer cells are known for spreading genetic chaos.
As cancer cells divide, DNA segments and even
whole chromosomes can be...
Neurologists say there is no medical
justification for police use of neck
BOSTON – Some police departments in the United
States continue to teach officers that neck restraints
are a safe method...
Groups of bacteria can work together to
better protect crops and improve their
IMAGE: Scientist Susanna Harris in the lab. view
more Credit: Noam Eckshtain-Levi, Susanna Leigh
Harris, Reizo...
Covid-19: UK records 30,000 new cases
and 316 deaths
It comes as doctors in Scotland warned that the
health system was “severely stretched” and a Welsh
hospital made...
Covid-19: London Ambulance Service
receives as many 999 calls as first wave
The UK reported another 30,501 positive tests on
Sunday, and 316 deaths of people who had tested
positive within the past...
Covid: Cardiff health board plea for
critical care help
It said it needed help from people with experience in
“proning” patients.
Scar-free operation could banish acid
reflux for good
A revolutionary scalpel-free procedure that
strengthens weak muscles in the oesophagus could
spare millions from chronic...
HEALTH QUIZ: How much of 2020 do YOU
If there was ever a year to pay attention to health
news, it was 2020. From the first celebrities to
receive a Covid jab,...
Now here’s the good news
It has been a year like no other. Families have been
torn apart and long-term plans destroyed, with few
able to consider...
Thousands of children are stuck in care
home hell
Like any 11-year-old, Josh Jones loves Christmas.
Above all because it’s normally one of the few
occasions he gets...
Hope after a grim week
Last week I wrote about receiving my first dose of
the Covid-19 vaccine – as a healthcare worker, I am
one of the first...
The intriguing reason you feel ill after a
single glass
I’ll admit it: I have a drinking problem. But mainly
only with white wine, not red. And always with
bubbles. No, it’s...
COVID-19 isolation hurting women more
than men
A study by University of Calgary researchers with
the Hotchkiss Brain Institute examining sex and
gender differences on sleep,...
Mayo Clinic Model of Care and Research
leads to favorable outcomes for patients
with COVID-19
ROCHESTER, Minn. — Patients with COVID-19
who received care at Mayo Clinic, whether in the
hospital or at home, had...
E-cigarettes, as consumer products, do
not help people quit smoking, study finds
E-cigarette use has risen steeply and mostly without
regulation over the past decade. The devices have
diversified into a...
Record-setting thermoelectric figure of
merit achieved for metal oxides
IMAGE: The barium-cobalt oxide film (top right,
approximately 1 cm2) being exposed to an open
flame to generate voltage....
Researcher uses machine learning to
demonstrate that DNA impacts cancer
Lifestyle, or put another way ‘bad habits’, is one of
the textbook explanations for why some people are
at higher...
Covid-19: Tougher Covid rules begin for
millions in UK
It comes after official UK coronavirus deaths passed
70,000 on Christmas Day.
Maternal Immune Activation Induces
Sustained Changes in Fetal Microglia
IMAGE: Illustration of microglial process motility
changes in fetuses affected by maternal immune
activation. ...
Cancer’s intelligence
Dr. J. James Frost and The International Journal of
Unconventional Computing will soon be publishing
Evidence for a massive paleo-tsunami at
ancient Tel Dor, Israel
IMAGE: Geoprobe drilling rig extraction of a
sediment core with evidence of a tsunami from
South Bay, Tel Dor, Israel ...
Children’s emotion inferences from
masked faces during the COVID-19
IMAGE: Girl wearing a mask at school view more
Credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash,
VR simulations shed potential light on
goalkeepers’ ability to stop free kicks
IMAGE: The study’s VR technology being used for
training purposes view more Credit: INCISIV
Capturing 40 years of climate change for
an endangered Montana prairie
IMAGE: The intermountain bunchgrass prairie at the
National Bison Range, Montana, USA at one of the
study areas. ...
Remarkable new species of snake found
hidden in a biodiversity collection
IMAGE: Jeff Weinell, a KU graduate research
assistant at the Biodiversity Institute, is lead author
of a paper describing...
Neurology patients faced with rising out-
of-pocket costs for tests, office visits
MINNEAPOLIS – Just like with drug costs, the
amount of money people pay out-of-pocket for
diagnostic tests and office...
People in rural areas less likely to receive
specialty care for neurologic conditions
MINNEAPOLIS – A new study has found that while
the prevalence of neurologic conditions like
dementia, stroke, Parkinson’s...
Experiment takes ‘snapshots’ of light,
stops light, uses light to change
properties of matter
New research highlights the importance
of the thymus in successful pregnancies
IMAGE: Magdalena Paolino, assistant professor and
team leader at the Department of Medicine Solna,
PITTSBURGH–Light travels at a speed of about
300,000,000 meters per second as light particles,
photons, or equivalently...
Karolinska Institutet. ...
Weedy Seadragon genomics reveal highly
distinct populations
Charismatic, iconic and Instagram-friendly, the
weedy seadragon is a favourite with divers and
snorkellers. The first genomic...
New research highlights the importance
of a forgotten organ in ensuring healthy
An international research team led by the University
of British Columbia (UBC) has uncovered for the first
time the importance...
The thymus as key to healthy
IMAGE: The thymus as key to healthy pregnancies.
view more Credit: @IMBA/Kulcsar Female sex
hormones instruct...
Caspian crisis: Sinking sea levels
threaten biodiversity, economy and
regional stability
IMAGE: Infographic showing the effects of water
level change in the Caspian Sea area. view more
Credit: Naturalis The...
Scientists discover how our brains track
where we and others go
IMAGE: Scientists used a special backpack to study
for the first time how a person’s brain navigates
space and...
Covid: Post-exposure antibody protection
Covid antibodies ‘last at least six months’
Covid-19: UK coronavirus deaths pass
More than 70,000 people in the UK have now died
within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test, official
figures show.
DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Overdone it this
year? Help’s just around the corner
How was Christmas for you? With 2020 having been
such a difficult year, it would be completely
understandable if you’ve...
Global trial reveals life saving drug for
acute myeloid leukemia
A landmark paper published today in the New
England Journal of Medicine describes the results
from a global trial across...
Assessment of air contamination by
SARS-CoV-2 in hospital settings
What The Study Did: In this systematic review of
current evidence on air contamination with SARS-
CoV-2 in hospital settings,...
Chest pain risk assessment may reduce
treatment disparities
The use of a standardized tool for assessing the risk
of serious outcomes in patients with chest pain was
associated with...
FDA Oncology Center of Excellence
during COVID-19
What The Viewpoint Says: This Viewpoint discusses
initiatives of the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration’s Oncology Center...
Wistar reports new class of antibiotics
active against a wide range of bacteria
IMAGE: Bacteria image view more Credit: The
Wistar Institute PHILADELPHIA — (Dec. 23, 2020)
Climate crisis is causing lakes to shrink
While global sea levels are rising due to the climate
crisis and threatening near-coastal infrastructures,
higher temperatures...
Triple chemotherapy combination
improves metastatic colorectal cancer
IMAGE: Scott Kopetz, MD, of SWOG Cancer
Research Network view more Credit: SWOG
Cancer Research Network Researchers...
Perfect transmission through barrier
using sound
The perfect transmission of sound through a barrier
is difficult to achieve, if not impossible based on our
existing knowledge....
Bedford woman ‘lost hands and feet’ as
Covid led to sepsis
A woman who had her hands and feet amputated
after coronavirus led to pneumonia, which then
caused sepsis, says she is looking...
Rob Burrow: Rugby League legend’s year
living with MND
playRob Burrow: ‘2020 has taught me life is
precious’ Video, 00:04:53Rob Burrow: ‘2020 has
taught me life...
Coronavirus: Fresh air ‘forgotten weapon’
in fight
EU diplomats get Brexit trade deal briefing MPs are
waiting to see the full text of the agreement ahead of
a vote in Parliament...
Covid: Rapid tests ‘useful public health
It’s a more difficult question once you are using them
to clear people to do something – for example visit
Theory describes quantum phenomenon
in nanomaterials
Researchers develop new way to break
reciprocity law
IMAGE: A quantum dot (the yellow part) is
connected to two lead electrodes (the blue parts).
Electrons tunneling into...
IMAGE: One-way light transmission. view more
Credit: Xuchen Wang / Aalto University An
international research...
Estonian-led international network
publishes first study of growing influence
of social media
The key conclusion of the study was not a surprise
to the scientists involved: the importance of social
media as a primary...
The ABCs of species evolution
IMAGE: The ABCA1 protein flips the cholesterol
from the inner to the outer layer of the cell
membrane. This strengthens...
Christmas trees can be green because of
a photosynthetic short-cut
How can conifers that are used for example as
Christmas trees keep their green needles over the
boreal winter when most trees...
Plastic is blowing in the wind
As the plastic in our oceans breaks up into smaller
and smaller bits without breaking down chemically,
the resulting microplastics...
Study suggests great earthquakes as
cause of Arctic warming
IMAGE: Aleutian Islands are an archipelago
comprising dozens of islands with 40 active and 17
dormant volcanoes ...
TPU chemists convert plastic bottle
waste into insecticide sorbent
Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University proposed
a method to create a sorbent for imidacloprid
insecticide removal from...
Teen figure skater suffers rare genetic
disorder her to have transplant at just 14
A teen figure skater needed a heart transplant after
it was discovered she had a genetic condition that
was turning her heart...
Mathematical modeling can help balance
economy, health during pandemic
As a result, many areas, including the St. Louis
region, saw increases in cases in July. Using
mathematical modeling, new...
Cooperation with R&D organizations is
significantly distinctive for advanced
The innovation performance of firms depends on
their ability to innovate in cooperation with external
partners. In a study,...
Trophoblast motility in a gelatin hydrogel
IMAGE: Journal brings together scientific and
medical experts in the fields of biomedical
engineering, material science,...
Astrocytes eat connections to maintain
plasticity in adult brains
IMAGE: A 3-D animated image showing our
synapse phagocytosis reporter in mouse
hippocampus. Presynapses in green, astrocytes...
COVID-19 severity affected by proportion
of antibodies targeting crucial viral
COVID-19 antibodies preferentially target a different
part of the virus in mild cases of COVID-19 than
they do in severe...
Eavesdropping on the pH levels inside
the brain
IMAGE: The multiplexed pH probe with a light-
addressable potentiometric sensor and a schematic
diagram of the multimodal...
Multi-population risk scores could
improve risk prediction for inflammatory
bowel diseases, study finds
Using genetic data from nearly 30,000 people,
Mount Sinai researchers have built risk scores from
a combination of datasets...
Early mammal with remarkably precise
IMAGE: The investigated dentition of P. fruitaensis.
The upper molars (M2, M3) are offset from the lower
ones (m2,...
Novel method reveals small microplastics
throughout Japan’s subtropical ocean
IMAGE: Six areas around Okinawa were visited to
collect samples for analyzing the marine
microplastics – two...
‘Horrendous’ ambulance delays at West
Midlands hospitals
Delays in hospitals taking over care of patients is
considered “risky”, NHS England said, because it
not only...
Covid-19: UK bans travel from South
Africa over variant
Covid: Sharp rises in infection levels in England,
says ONS
Schools ‘may need to close to control
new variant’
The work, which is still preliminary, calculates the
variant is spreading 56% faster than other forms of
the virus.
Covid: Sharp rises in infection levels in
England, says ONS
According to the ONS figures, there are sharp rises
in levels of positive tests in the capital, the east of
England, and...
Breaking bad: How shattered
chromosomes make cancer cells drug-
International research team calls for
‘glocal’ approach to help mitigate
In a paper published in the December 23, 2020
online issue of Nature, researchers at University of
California San Diego School...
flooding damage
IMAGE: By coupling a large-scale hydrological
model with a local-scale, high-resolution hydraulic
model and urban flood...
Human-made landscape promotes
coexistence of two normally separated
Andean warblers
IMAGE: The two species and their habitats at the
study site in Ecuador (Photos by J. Nowakowski).
The higher elevation...
Shapeshifting crystals-varying stability in
different forms of gallium selenide
IMAGE: The P and AP phases of a GaSe monolayer
view more Credit: Hirokazu Nitta from Japan
Advanced Institute...
Discovery of aging mechanism for
hematopoietic stem cells
IMAGE: No caption view more Credit: ©Atsushi
IWAMA, The Institute of Medical Science, The
University of Tokyo By...
Protein tells developing cells to stick
IMAGE: Compartments in adult tissues. Fluorescent
protein expression shows posterior compartments in
the wing and the...
A new TanSat XCO2 global product for
climate studies
Since CO2 has been recognized as the most
important anthropogenic greenhouse gas owing to
its significant impact on global...
Modeling can help balance economy,
health during pandemic
IMAGE: Arye Nehorai, the Eugene Martha Lohman
Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Preston M.
Green Department...
RUDN University scientist showed global
warming effect on greenhouse gas
emissions in paddy soils
IMAGE: A soil scientist from RUDN University
studied the decomposition of organic matter in rice
Even after long-term exposure, bionic
touch does not remap the brain
A new study by neuroscientists at the University of
Chicago and Chalmers University of Technology,
published on December...
The brain’s protein factories at work
Proteostasis refers to maintaining a delicate balance
of protein levels in the cell, which is of particularly
crucial importance...
Metabolic syndrome ‘interacts’ with
Announcing a new publication for BIO Integration
journal. In this review article the authors Zeling Guo,
Shanping Jiang,...
Understanding nanoparticle entry
mechanism into tumors
Announcing a new publication for BIO Integration
journal. In this commentary the authors Phei Er Saw
and Sangyong Jon from...
Quantum wave in helium dimer filmed for
the first time
Anyone entering the world of quantum physics must
prepare themself for quite a few things unknown in
the everyday world:...
Physician-led Spanish-speaking
volunteers address health care inequities
during a crisis
BOSTON — In a perspective published in the
Journal of Hospital Medicine, experts from the
Massachusetts General Hospital...
New mammal reference genome helps ID
genetic variants for human health
The rhesus macaque is the most widely studied
nonhuman primate in biomedical research. A
genome sequencing project for this...
Scientists at Tel Aviv University develop
new gene therapy for deafness
IMAGE: Professor Karen Avraham and Shahar
Taiber of Tel Aviv University. view more Credit: Tel
Aviv University A...
With COVID exacerbating superbug
threat, researchers ID new weapon
IMAGE: Corrie Detweiler in the lab at CU Boulder.
view more Credit: CU Boulder As scientists around
Atomic-scale nanowires can now be
produced at scale
IMAGE: (a) Illustration of a TMC nanowire (b)
Chemical vapor deposition. The ingredients are
vaporized in a hydrogen/nitrogen...
Coronavirus variants and mutations: the
science explained
UK has two cases of variant linked to South Africa
NHS: Intensive care choir attempts
Christmas number one
They face stiff competition from Justin Bieber’s
collaboration with the Lewisham and Greenwich
NHS choir.
Coronavirus: Vaccinate more people with
one dose, urges Tony Blair
In the Independent, he argued the roll-out must be
“radically accelerated”.
UK has two cases of variant linked to
South Africa
Covid: New variant found ‘due to hard work of UK
COVID-19: First 10 days after hospital
discharge are most dangerous
COVID patients are 40% more likely to die within 10
days of leaving the hospital than those with
pneumonia or heart failure,...
Moderna says it expects its coronavirus
vaccine to protect against the new U.K.
Moderna Inc says it expects its COVID-19 vaccine
to protect people against the new mutant British
variant of the coronavirus. The...
Similar factors cause health disparities in
cancer, COVID-19
The same factors are also causing worse outcomes
from COVID-19 in this population. “The similarities
between COVID-19...
Scientists develop new gene therapy for
The scientists were able to prevent the gradual
deterioration of hearing in mice that had a genetic
mutation for deafness....
Disposable surgical masks best for being
heard clearly when speaking, study finds
Corey, an electrical and computer engineering
postdoctoral researcher under professor Andrew
Singer at the University of...
Ancient DNA retells story of Caribbean’s
first people, with a few plot twists
An international team led by Harvard Medical
School’s David Reich analyzed the genomes of 263
individuals in the largest...
How our brains track where we and
others go
Published Dec. 23 in Nature, the findings suggest
that our brains generate a common code to mark
where other people are in...
New class of antibiotics active against a
wide range of bacteria
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared
AMR as one of the top 10 global public health
threats against humanity....
New drug inhibits the growth of cancer
Mitochondria provide our cells with energy and
cellular building blocks necessary for normal tissue
and organ function. For...
Covering faces around kids won’t mask
It’s easiest to understand the emotions of the people
around you by taking in all the hints they’re
What does ‘do not resuscitate’ mean?
Varying interpretations may affect patient
care, reports American Journal of
December 23, 2020 – When patients have a do-not-
resuscitate (DNR) order, it means they have chosen
not to receive cardiopulmonary...
Sex Differences in Death After Stroke
IMAGE: Journal dedicated to the diseases and
conditions that hold greater risk for or are more
prevalent among women,...
Discovery of chemical clue may lead to
solving cacao’s black pod rot mystery
IMAGE: The researchers have created a
streamlined sample-collection protocol that only
requires a single leaf disc....
Scientists identify new gene involved in
autism spectrum disorder
IMAGE: Bruce Beutler, M.D. view more Credit:
Photo taken by Brian Coats for UT Southwestern
Medical Center DALLAS...
Turning the heat down: Catalyzing
ammonia formation at lower temperatures
with ruthenium
IMAGE: The metal ruthenium, supported with
lanthanide oxyhydrides, can efficiently catalyze the
synthesis of ammonia...
Breaking bad: how shattered
chromosomes make cancer cells drug-
IMAGE: In this scanning electron micrograph of
inside the nucleus of a cancer cell, chromosomes
are indicated by blue...
No. 1 news release on EurekAlert!’s 2020
Trending List smashes previous all-time
record for visits
IMAGE: The sixth most popular release in 2020 is
also the first from China and described a newly
unearthed prehistoric...
Ludwig Cancer Research study reveals
how ecDNA forms and drives cancer drug
IMAGE: Ludwig San Diego Members Don Cleveland
and Ofer Shoshani view more Credit: Ludwig
Cancer Research DECEMBER...
HALF of air samples taken from hallways
and a fifth from bathrooms have high
levels of coronavirus
HALF of air samples taken from hospital hallways
and a fifth from bathrooms have high levels of
coronavirus, study finds Researchers...
Blood alcohol levels much lower than the
legal limit impair hand-eye coordination,
study finds
Cellular exclusion of mitochondria
protects cells from damage
New research published in The Journal of
Physiology however found for the first time that
hand-eye coordination is dramatically...
Most cells in the body require mitochondria to
function and survive. Various disease processes and
toxic agents can harm...
Scientists discover mutations associated
with early onset dementia
Adult onset Leukoencephalopathy with axonal
Spheroids and Pigmented glia (ALSP) is an ultra-
rare condition characterised...
Cannabis use blunts stress reactivity in
female rats
In contrast, male rats that were provided access to
the same potency of cannabis over the same 30-day
window did not experience...
Controlling cardiac waves with light to
better understand abnormally rapid heart
In Chaos, by AIP Publishing, researchers use mice
to study tachycardias and find there are intrinsic
mechanisms that exist...
Increased meat consumption associated
with symptoms of childhood asthma
Asthma prevalence among children in the United
States has risen over the last few decades.
Researchers found that dietary...
Liquid bandage detects tissue
oxygenation without the drawbacks of
wired oximeters
“Our trial showed that the transparent liquid
bandage detected tissue oxygenation as well as the
gold standard of an...
New mammogram measures of breast
cancer risk could revolutionize screening
Published in the International Journal of Cancer, the
University of Melbourne-led study found two new
mammogram-based measures...
New mechanisms to control dental
procedure spray emissions
Alexandria, Va., USA — Since the onset of COVID-
19 the potential risk of dental procedure spray
emissions for SARS-CoV-2...
Light smokers may not escape nicotine
addiction, study reveals
HERSHEY, Pa. — Even people who consider
themselves to be casual cigarette smokers may be
addicted, according to current...
Tracing the many paths of vision
IMAGE: The catalog allowed studying individual cell
types in the retina and linking them to a specific
structure, function...
Changing the perspective on the
‘Cinderella of the cytoskeleton’
SETD2 is a protein well known as a chromatin
remodeler, one that helps turn genes on or off by
modifying histone proteins...
AI-designed serotonin sensor may help
scientists study sleep and mental health
Serotonin is a neurochemical that plays a critical
role in the way the brain controls our thoughts and
feelings. For example,...
Immersive virtual reality boosts the
effectiveness of spinal cord stimulation
for chronic pain
December 23, 2020 – For patients receiving spinal
cord stimulation (SCS) for chronic pain, integration
with an immersive...
Research reveals compromised transfer
of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies
through placenta
BOSTON – Recent analyses indicate that pregnant
women and newborns may face elevated risks of
developing more severe...
Cost-effective hood reduces aerosol
exposures to patients, otolaryngologists
(Boston)–The COVID-19 pandemic has continued to
cause dramatic shifts in the practice of
otolaryngology. Even with...
Covid-19: Can face masks make
communal singing safe enough?
playCan face masks help people sing together
again? Video, 00:02:21Can face masks help people
sing together again?
Covid-19: The Philippines and its
lockdown baby boom
The crush can be felt everywhere from the city’s
traffic jams to the jails, where people sleep like
sardines in cells...
Cygnet Woodside in special measures
over ‘patient safety risks’
Follow BBC Yorkshire on Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram. Send your story ideas to
‘I was desperate for a cancer manual –
but there isn’t one’
One of them is Steve Bland, who runs the award-
winning and ground breaking You, Me and the Big C
podcast which was co-created...
Evolution of a killer: How African
Salmonella made the leap from gut to
Bloodstream infections caused by a drug-resistant
type of Salmonella Typhimurium called ST313 are a
major public health concern...
New method for imaging exhaled breath
could provide insights into COVID-19
“Scientists believe the SARS-CoV-2 virus is primarily
spread through respiratory droplets that can be
carried in the...
Modeling study suggests mitigation
efforts can prevent most college campus
COVID-19 cases
Investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
Massachusetts General Hospital and Case Western
Reserve University...
What if clean air benefits during COVID-
19 shutdown continued post-pandemic?
The researchers leveraged the unintended “natural
experiment” of cleaner air in New York City during
the COVID-19...
New drug combination could improve
glucose and weight control in diabetes
The results pave the way for clinical studies of the
new drug combination as a more effective long-term
treatment for millions...
Bio-inspired endoscope provides 3D
visible and near-infrared images
Endoscopes with 3D imaging capability can help
surgeons precisely locate diseased tissue. Adding
fluorescence imaging can...
Pandemic and forthcoming stimulus
funds could bring climate targets in sight
— or not
The worldwide recession caused by the coronavirus
has had a profound impact on greenhouse gas
emissions that is likely to...
Scientists suggested a method to
improve performance of methanol fuel
IMAGE: Metallic glass, microscopic image view
more Credit: FEFU press office Fuel cells based on
What pandemic messaging around
changing holiday rituals gets wrong
In the midst of the raging coronavirus pandemic,
we’re faced with agonizing decisions about whether
to forgo treasured...
Diversity, severity of autism symptoms
linked to mutation locations
NEW YORK, NY (Dec. 22, 2020)–One of the most
recognizable characteristics of autism is an amazing
diversity of associated...
Survival of the thickest: Big brains make
mammal populations less dense
IMAGE: A Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) in
Gibraltar view more Credit: Manuela Gonzalez-
Highest levels of microplastics found in
molluscs, new study says
Mussels, oysters and scallops have the highest
levels of microplastic contamination among seafood,
a new study reveals. The...
Molecular reporters expose the allies of
the brain tumor
IMAGE: Previously only suspected, now made it
visible thanks to the molecular reporter: where
human tumor cells and...
Are two phases of quarantine better than
New research into this question shows that the
second wave of an epidemic is very different if a
population has a homogenous...
Genetic engineering without unwanted
side effects helps fight parasites
Around a third of the world’s population carries
Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that puts people with
a weakened immune...
NIH launches study on allergic reactions
caused by Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine
The U.S. National Institues of Health (NIH) is
planning to examine why a few people have suffered
allergic reactions to Pfizer‘s...
Covid US: Number of people keen to take
vaccine DOUBLES to 46%
The number of Americans who say they are willing
to get a coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible is
growing, a new poll...
Cloth masks are NOT enough to stop the
spread of COVID-19 without social
Wearing a cloth mask is not enough to prevent the
spread of the coronavirus without practicing social
distancing, a new study...
Masks not enough to stop COVID-19’s
spread without distancing, study finds
In Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, researchers
tested how five different types of mask materials
impacted the spread...
Community spread of COVID-19 tied to
patient survival rates at area hospitals
“We have known that individual risk factors like age
and gender, comorbidities such as obesity, and
whether someone...
Hand-held device measures aerosols for
coronavirus risk assessment
That is, until now. Researchers from the Cardiology
Centers of the Netherlands and the University of
Amsterdam demonstrate...
Pregnant women in third trimester
unlikely to pass SARS-CoV-2 infection to
“This study provides some reassurance that SARS-
CoV-2 infections during the third trimester are
unlikely to pass through...
Surgery may offer survival advantage in
certain metastatic breast cancers
Stage four breast cancer accounts for 6% of newly
diagnosed breast cancer cases. Systemic therapy,
In shaky times, focus on past successes,
if overly anxious, depressed
The findings, published today, Dec. 22, in the journal
eLife, are particularly salient in the face of a COVID-
which may include treatments... 19 surge that...
Mouse-controlled mouse helps
researchers understand intentional
The study, published today in Neuron, sheds light on
how the brain represents causally-controlled objects.
The researchers...
Model predicts where ticks, Lyme disease
will appear next in Midwest states
Black-legged ticks can carry the bacterium that
causes Lyme disease, an infection that can affect
the nervous system, heart...
Light flips genetic switch in bacteria
inside transparent worms
IMAGE: Light-responsive bacteria fed to worms are
visible in images of the worms’ gastrointestinal
tracts. Engineers...
Putting on the pressure improves glass
for fiber optics
IMAGE: The voids (yellow) in silica glass become
much smaller when the glass is quenched at higher
pressures. ...
Why an early start is key to developing
musical skill later in life
Among the many holiday traditions scuttled by
pandemic restrictions this year are live concerts
featuring skilled musicians....
Perspective: Why opioids cannot fix
chronic pain
A broken heart is often harder to heal than a broken
leg. Now researchers say that a broken heart can
contribute to lasting...
Enzyme discovery can help rein in blood
vessels that fuel cancer
LA JOLLA, CA–Most living things need oxygen to
grow and thrive. Even cancerous tumors. That’s why
tumors will...
Secondary bloodstream infections
associated with severe COVID-19
People with severe COVID-19 and a secondary
blood infection were significantly sicker upon
hospital admission, had longer...
How the American child welfare system
lost its way
Black children are removed from their families at
much greater rates than any other race or ethnicity
in this country. At...
New mammogram measures of breast
cancer risk could revolutionise screening
World-first techniques for predicting breast cancer
risk from mammograms that were developed in
Melbourne could revolutionise...
Covid-19: UK sees over 80,000 excess
deaths during pandemic
High death rate ‘may be starting to fall’
Coronavirus: Impact of new variant on
children investigated
New coronavirus variant: What do we know?
Covid jab ‘very likely’ to protect against
new variant
The new variant has also been found in Denmark,
the Netherlands and South Africa – countries which,
like the UK, are...
Covid: New variant found ‘due to hard
work of UK scientists’
US Congress passes long-awaited Covid aid
package The $900bn package comes as millions
have been left jobless or in poverty...
Vivek Murthy says most Americans won’t
get the coronavirus vaccine until
President-elect Joe Biden‘s nominee for U.S.
Surgeon General has said the general public might
not get a coronavirus vaccine...
High rates of COVID-19 in a community
reduces survival rates among
hospitalized patients
The spread of COVID-19 in a hospital’s surrounding
community can affect the survival rates of patients, a
new study...
Is the new Covid variant REALLY more
infectious for children?
By David Churchill What has happened to the
coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of
Covid has developed which...
Covid deaths fell 3% in England and
Wales after national lockdown
Cambridge University experts behind a string of dire
coronavirus projections fear England was on track
for 900 deaths a day...
Is mutant Covid ripping through UK
REALLY 70% more infectious or is Britain
just testing more?
By David Churchill What has happened to the
coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of
Covid has developed which...
Diseased cell fragments burst from
pockets in immune cells to activate
In their study, published in Nature Immunology, the
scientists found a mechanism by which specific
immune cells, called dendritic...
Potential new drug target to treat
cutaneous T cell lymphoma
Moffitt Cancer Center treats approximately 16% of
CTCL patients nationwide. In order to improve their
understanding of how...
How to be happier in 2021
You are not alone. New Year’s resolutions are as
ubiquitous as they are difficult to keep. Does it even
make sense...
High-five or thumbs-up? New device
detects which hand gesture you want to
That’s one of the goals of a new device developed
by engineers at the University of California,
Berkeley, that can...
Brain tissue yields clues to causes of
The analysis of gene expression patterns in brain
tissue located in four regions of the prefrontal cortex
— areas of...
Antibiotics for C-sections effective after
umbilical cord clamped
The study, by far the largest of its kind and published
in the journal Antimicrobial Resistance Infection
Control, challenges...
Neuroscientists isolate promising mini
antibodies against COVID-19 from a llama
The study was led by a pair of neuroscientists,
Thomas J. “T.J.” Esparza, B.S., and David L. Brody,
M.D., Ph.D.,...
Anti-diarrhea drug drives cancer cells to
cell death
When cells digest themselves In certain types of
tumour cells, administration of loperamide leads to a
stress response in...
Japanese art technique inspires new
engineering technique
Paper snowflakes, pop-up children’s books and
elaborate paper cards are of interest to more than
just crafters. A team...
Promising clinical data for fenofibrate’s
ability to prevent lung damage in COVID
IMAGE: Under the microscope. view more Credit:
Daniel Hanoch In what has the potential to
Scientists pinpoint molecular cause for
severe disorder in children
IMAGE: By modelling the mutations causing the LIC
syndrome in the system, this showed that the
mutations affect ability...
Can we be manipulated into sharing
private info online? Yes, says Ben-Gurion
U. study
IMAGE: Online users are more likely to reveal
private information based on how website forms are
structured to elicit...
The college student in a pandemic
Washington DC, December 22, 2020 – A study in
the Journal of the American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry...
Scientists suggested a way to measure
soil properties at any depth without
A team of scientists from RUDN University and the
Dokuchyaev Soil Science Institute developed a
method for identifying the...
New imaging method views soil carbon at
near-atomic scales
The Earth’s soils contain more than three times the
amount of carbon than is found in the atmosphere,
but the processes...
A powerful computational tool for
efficient analysis of cell division 4D
image data
IMAGE: Morphological dynamics of cell division of
C. elegans embryo cell at single-cell resolution. view
more Credit:...
New online tool reveals when YOU can
get the coronavirus vaccine
A new online tool reveals how long it will be until
different Americans are eligible to receive the
COVID-19 vaccine. With...
Revealed, the truth about the Covid
mutation that threw Christmas plans into
By David Churchill What has happened to the
coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of
Covid has developed which...
Rapid coronavirus tests used by UK
Government ‘could miss 97% of
Rapid coronavirus tests that Britain spent more than
£600million on could pick up as few as three per
cent of people infected...
Did No10 lie about Professor Lockdown
quitting SAGE?
September 20: Patient in Kent became the first
person to test positive for the new strain. At that
point, the UK was recording...
300 years of London smallpox data may
offer insight into coronavirus
What 300 years of smallpox epidemics in London
can teach us about Covid-19: Infection with a small
amount of virus can IMPROVE...
How the Mail’s amazing 30,000 volunteers
are helping on the NHS front line
Kenny is just one of the more than 30,000 amazing
Daily Mail readers who signed up in response to our
2018 partnership...
Britain’s Covid outbreak continues to
worsen with another 33,364 cases
The mutated coronavirus spreading rapidly in the
UK will likely become the dominant global strain, a
SAGE scientist warned...
Covid UK: Children are more likely to
catch mutated new strain
Drinking milk while breastfeeding may
reduce the child’s food allergy risk
Children may be more at-risk of catching the new
mutated coronavirus variant than any previous
strains, Government advisers...
The result is based on a survey of more than 500
Swedish women’s eating habits and the prevalence
of allergies in their...
Difference in blood pressure between
arms linked to greater early death risk
Led by the University of Exeter, the global
INTERPRESS-IPD Collaboration conducted a meta-
analysis of all the available research,...
How cancers hurt themselves to hurt
immune cells more
The immunotherapies currently administered for
melanomas work by removing obstacles that keep
immune cells called T cells...
The mechanics of the immune system
How this process takes place at the molecular level
is not yet well understood. What is now clear,
however, is that not only...
Silkworm’s brain determines diapause by
thermal information
IMAGE: Thionin staining of embryos 8 days after
oviposition in DW-injected silkworms and 60 days
after oviposition...
Study identifies amenities parents want in
public parks
While parents from diverse backgrounds most often
value parks that offer amenities like playgrounds,
sports fields and green...
Reston ebolavirus spreads efficiently in
IMAGE: This colorized transmission electron
micrograph shows a slice of Reston virus particles
(blue) in the lung of...
Child care facilities can be safe and are
essential: new Case Western Reserve
Cleveland – Child care programs can be safe within
the context of low community transmission of
COVID-19, according...
Modeling study suggests mitigation
efforts can prevent most college campus
COVID cases
Boston — As colleges and universities consider
strategies for the spring semester to keep COVID-19
cases down, a study...
ACP, Annals of Internal Medicine host
virtual COVID-19 Vaccine Forum II for
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 21 – As COVID-19 vaccines
are becoming available, physicians and other health
care professionals...
Nobel Prize reflects perseverance in
scientific research
IMAGE: Topics cover both human and animal viral
immunology, exploring viral-based immunological
diseases, pathogenic...
A groggy climate giant: subsea
permafrost is still waking up after 12,000
IMAGE: Artistic diagram of the subsea and coastal
permafrost ecosystems, emphasizing greenhouse
gas production and...
Coronavirus: Do people still have to
shield and what are the rules?
As many parts of the UK face more restrictions due
to rising cases of coronavirus across the country,
what are the recommendations?
Covid-19: Visitors from tier 4 and Wales
‘must self-isolate’
Covid-19: More than 40 countries ban UK arrivals
Covid: Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine approved
for EU states
More than 311,000 lives have been lost to the
pandemic across the bloc.
Covid-19: More than 40 countries ban UK
Flights from the UK are being suspended to
countries across the world including Spain, India
and Hong Kong.
The extraordinary and moving story of a
grieving mother’s vow
The walls are still blue in the bedroom where Ella
Adoo-Kissi-Debrah once slept. Against the
makeshift sky the little girl...
Hospital worker celebrates as he and
colleagues become among the first to
receive Moderna’s vaccine
The first Americans have received Moderna’s
coronavirus vaccine after it was approved for
emergency use authorization. Just...
Could this ‘straw’ for your NOSTRILS be
the answer to overeating?
A tube that is slipped inside the nostrils to dull the
sense of smell could offer a simple and drug-free
way to lose weight. People...
Woman contracted sepsis and almost
died after minor injury to her finger
Sales executive Beth Brown has two passions in life
— her beloved horse, Cider, and having a
glamorous set of smartly...
We test these High-Street treatments for
your embarrassing ailments
Two thirds of us avoid going to the GP for conditions
we find embarrassing to talk about, according to a
recent survey,...
‘Agonising leg cramp interrupts my
sleep’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your
health questions
Side effects? It’s time to give your pills a
yellow card
I am plagued with cramp in my legs at night. I have
great difficulty getting back to sleep, and the various
medications I’ve...
Nearly 60 years on, the thalidomide scandal is still
arguably the world’s worst preventable medical
disaster. It took...
Why some people won’t mind Christmas
parties being cancelled
Most of us can find some joy in Christmas — even
this year — but just imagine what it would be like if
you couldn’t,...
Brain stem cells divide over months
From stem cell behavior to the activity of genes in
individual cells In a study published in Nature
Neuroscience, the group...
How one pain suppresses the other
In the first study, the research team compared an
established CPM model with a recently introduced
variation. With Conditioned...
Antigen tests — are self-collected nasal
swabs a reliable option?
Rapid antigen tests may be less reliable than PCR
tests, but their speed and simplicity make them an
important complementary...
Prostate cancer regulator plays role in
COVID-19, providing a promising
treatment lead
Two proteins, ACE2 and TMPRSS2, help the
coronavirus gain entry and replicate within cells.
TMPRSS2 is well-known to Arul...
Traditional model for disease spread may
not work in COVID-19
Called the R-naught, or basic reproductive number,
the model predicts the average number of
susceptible people who will be...
Learning from three centuries of
smallpox epidemics in London, UK
Smallpox, one of the most devastating viral diseases
ever to strike humankind, is one of only two
infectious diseases that...
Community-based COVID-19 testing: The
importance of understanding the virus’
unique impact on children
Of the 1,445 patients tested at the specimen
collection site for SARS-CoV-2 virus between March
21 and May 16, 2020, the...
New 3D maps reveal inner workings of
immune cell gene expression
“The difference is within us,” says Vivek Chandra,
Ph.D., an instructor at La Jolla Institute for
Social media use by young people in
conflict-ridden Myanmar
IMAGE: Explores the psychological and social
issues surrounding the Internet and interactive
technologies. view...
The far-reaching effects of mutagens on
human health
IMAGE: Michael Lynch is the director of the
Biodesign Center for Mechanisms of Evolution and
professor at ASU’s...
Breathing rate predicts therapeutic
benefits for heart patients
Conditions causing arrhythmia are among the most
common cardiac conditions. A study headed by
Prof. Georg Schmidt of the...
Researchers explore why some MS
patients experience seizures
IMAGE: Image shows astrocytes (green) in MS
hippocampus. view more Credit: Tiwari-Woodruff
lab, UC Riverside. RIVERSIDE,...
Deep, slow-slip action may direct largest
earthquakes and their tsunamis
IMAGE: Map of the Cascadia subduction zone. view
more Credit: Public Domain Megathrust
earthquakes and subsequent...
COVID-19 news from Annals of Internal
Below please find a summary and link(s) of new
coronavirus-related content published today in
Annals of Internal Medicine....
Hormone metabolites found in poop give
researchers new insight into whale stress
IMAGE: Oregon State University researchers are
studying gray whales along the Oregon Coast.
Images and data collected...
Light signal emitted during
photosynthesis used to quickly screen
An international effort called Realizing Increased
Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE) aims to transform
crops’ ability...
People without college degrees
accounted for two-thirds of all of
California’s excess deaths
Excess deaths in California during the height of the
coronavirus pandemic were higher among the
elderly, minorities and those...
‘Professor Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson
warns Tier Four may be needed until
By David Churchill What has happened to the
coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of
Covid has developed which...
Italy becomes fourth country to spot
mutated Covid virus in British traveller
By David Churchill What has happened to the
coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of
Covid has developed which...
Where’s next for Tier Four? Medical oddity reveals unheard-of
‘immunity gene’ mutations and new way
By David Churchill What has happened to the
coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of
Covid has developed which...
to screen them
The IRAK4 gene instructs the production of a protein
that plays a key role in the early recognition and
response to invading...
California lockdown suppressed excess
pandemic deaths
Nearly 20,000 more Californians died in the first six
months of the pandemic than would have been
expected to die in a normal...
Ecosystem dynamics: Topological
phases in biological systems
Physicists at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU)
in Munich have shown that topological phases could
exist in biology,...
CRISPR helps researchers uncover how
corals adjust to warming oceans
Baltimore, MD– The CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing
system can help scientists understand, and possibly
improve, how corals...
Sex-specific Alzheimer’s treatment could
benefit males over females
A University of Ottawa study has found a specific
Alzheimer’s treatment is effective in male and not
female mice, providing...
Under Antarctica’s ice, Weddell seals
produce ultrasonic vocalizations
IMAGE: University of Oregon evolutionary biologist
Paul Cziko looks over the underwater camera during
a dive at the...
Gene pathway linked to schizophrenia
identified through stem cell engineering
IMAGE: These are neurons derived from induced
pluripotent stem cells from a schizophrenia patient.
view more Credit:...
Citizens versus the internet: Confronting
digital challenges with cognitive tools
Access to the Internet is essential for economic
development, education, global communications,
and countless other applications....
January issue of SLAS Discovery “Cryo-
EM: The Resolution Revolution and Drug
Oak Brook, IL – The January edition of SLAS
Discovery features the cover article, “Cryo-EM: The
Resolution Revolution...
New coronavirus variant: What do we
The government’s advisers on new infections have
“moderate” confidence that it is more able to
Covid: Cases rise as Christmas rules
come into force
Coronavirus cases in the UK have risen by 35,928 –
nearly double the number recorded last Sunday,
figures show.
Study resolves the position of fleas on
the tree of life
A study of more than 1,400 protein-coding genes of
fleas has resolved one of the longest standing
mysteries in the evolution...
Screen time, emotional health among
parents’ top concerns for children during
IMAGE: A new national poll gives a glimpse into
parents’ greatest concerns about their kids in the
pandemic-era. ...
Climate warming linked to tree leaf
unfolding and flowering growing apart
An international team of researchers from the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang A F
University and the University of...
Study reveals low risk of COVID-19
infection among patients undergoing
head and neck cancer surgery
A recent international observational study provides
important data on the safety of head and neck
cancer surgery during the...
Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance
could be more challenging outside of the
In a new report from the Microbiology Society,
experts from around the UK explain the desperate
need for long-term and ambitious...
Exposure to metals can impact
Exposure to metals such as nickel, arsenic, cobalt
and lead may disrupt a woman’s hormones during
pregnancy, according...
Water and genes flow between the two
largest Baltic salmon rivers
IMAGE: Juvenile salmon from the Tornio River. view
more Credit: Ville Vähä Salmon from upstream
Targeting the deadly coils of Ebola
In the midst of a global pandemic with COVID-19,
it’s hard to appreciate how lucky those outside of
Africa have been...
New nature lover? It’s a COVID-19 side
The new study finds that 26% of people visiting
parks during early months of the COVID-19
pandemic had rarely — or...
Long non-coding RNA may play a key
role in cardiovascular disease
Through utilization of genetically modified high-risk
atherosclerotic mice, a research team from Brigham
and Women’s...
Three-dimensionally reconstituted
organoids that are just like human organs
IMAGE: A bladder assembloid, a reconstituted
organoid with three tissue layers of the human
bladder. view more Credit:...
New solutions for addressing systemic
Systemic risks like climate change, cybersecurity
and pandemics are characterised by high
complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity,...
Researchers make ‘high vis vests’ to help
monitor bee behaviour
A team of researchers from the University of
Sheffield and The Bumblebee Conservation Trust
have been trialling new, low-cost...
Blood pressure drug may be key to
increasing lifespan, new study shows
IMAGE: Scientists found that C. elegans
administered metolazone lived longer than those
that were not given the drug....
When light and atoms share a common
An especially counter-intuitive feature of quantum
mechanics is that a single event can exist in a state
of superposition...
Getting into shape pre-surgery to aid
recovery for older patients
Older adults about to undergo elective surgery
should undertake a sustained programme of
targeted exercise beforehand to...
Socioeconomic background linked to
survival after having a cardiac arrest in
IMAGE: Graphical abstract view more Credit:
European Heart Journal Hospital in-patients from
lower socioeconomic...
COVID-19: avoiding hospital caused heart
disease death rise
Lower rates of hospital attendance for urgent heart
problems during the initial phase of the COVID-19
pandemic may have contributed...
Covid: Matt Hancock on ‘new variant’ of
playMore than 1,000 cases of ‘new variant’ virus.
Video, 00:01:15More than 1,000 cases of ‘new
variant’ virus
Covid tier 3 rules: What closes in tier 3 in
More half of England’s population are set to be
subject to the tightest set of restrictions from 00:01
GMT Wednesday. Health...
Covid Christmas: What are the Christmas
Covid rules?
A five-day window of special restrictions will be in
place this year across the UK to allow people to
celebrate Christmas. The...
New recipe for antibiotic could prevent
Gentamicin is used in U.S. hospitals to treat a
variety of bacterial infections, including infections in
newborns and in...
Living environment affects the microbiota
and health of both dogs and their owners
In a joint research project known as DogEnvi,
researchers from the University of Helsinki, the
Finnish Environment Institute...
Power boost thanks to gold lamellae
IMAGE: Ultra-thin gold lamellae drastically amplify
the incoming terahertz pulses (red) in the underlying
The Milky Way primordial history and its
fossil findings
IMAGE: Panoramic view of the Milky Way (Credit:
ESO/S. Brunier) with the location of the two Bulge
Fossil Fragments...
Potentially damaging surface ozone
levels rose in lockdown
Less traffic on the roads during the first lockdown led
to a reduction in air pollution but may have caused
potentially damaging...
New drug molecules hold promise for
treating rare inherited terminal childhood
Scientists at the University of Exeter have identified
a way to “rescue” cells that have genetically
Covid-19: contaminated surfaces as a
risk factor
The results could make a significant contribution to
combating COVID-19 and have now been published
in Advanced Nano-Biomed...
Novel crystalline oxide may solve the
problem of overheating in composite
Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology recently
synthesized a novel material that displays unique
thermal expansion...
Researchers reveal link between
cryptocurrency coding and market
A new study by Reader in City’s Department of
Mathematics, Dr Andrea Baronchelli, published in
the Science Advances...
New curriculum improves students’
understanding of electric circuits in
FRANKFURT / TÜBINGEN. Life without electricity is
something that is no longer imaginable. Whether it
be a smartphone, hair-dryer...
New discovery brings analogue
spintronic devices closer
IMAGE: This EM image of an experimental device
as used in this study shows graphene (light green)
with boron nitride...
In liver, a stressed cell can be bad news
for its neighbors
A key protein in the communication channels
between cells can allow a stress response in one
liver cell to spread to neighboring...
New mechanism of force transduction in
muscle cells discovered
IMAGE: The picture shows focal adhesions
(red/blue), in which metavinculin connects to the
intracellular actin cytoskeleton...
Inverted fluorescence
Fluorescence usually entails the conversion of light
at shorter wavelengths to light at longer
wavelengths. Scientists have...
Study sets baseline for sleep patterns in
healthy adult dogs
A new canine sleep study from North Carolina State
University could serve as a baseline for research on
chronic pain and...
Research brief: Researchers discover
new way to deliver DNA-based therapies
for diseases
University of Minnesota Twin Cities researchers in
the Department of Chemistry have created a new
polymer to deliver DNA...
Researchers determine factors
associated with ovary removal in patients
with ovarian torsion
(Boston)–Ovarian torsion can cause severe pain
and other symptoms because the ovary is not
receiving enough blood...
Study sheds new light on how the brain
distinguishes speech from noise
IMAGE: This image shows histological confirmation
of recording sites. Fluoro-Gold deposited at the end
of separate...
Long Covid: I used to run, now I can only
walk 200 metres
playLong Covid: I used to run, now I can only walk
200 metres. Video, 00:01:46Long Covid: I used to
run, now I can only walk...
Covid Christmas: What can you do to
stay safe?
Changes to a planned relaxation of Covid rules for
Christmas have been scrapped. Only people living
outside of tier four...
Covid vaccine: How will the UK jab
millions of people?
In addition to the Pfizer vaccine though, two other
jabs – developed by Moderna and Oxford-
AstraZeneca – are...
Coronavirus creates boom in digital
“Covid-19 has presented many people with the
unique opportunity to exercise more, because,
practically, people have...
Could coronavirus trigger a sudden
menopause years before your time?
Coughing fits that send shockwaves down to your
toes. Breathlessness that feels as though you’re
drowning. Haunted by a...
HEALTH NOTES: Happiness is a slice of
cake and a loved one
HEALTH NOTES: Happiness is a slice of cake and a
loved one By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published:
17:01 EST, 19 December...
What can I do about my lockdown
radiator face? EVE SIMMONS asks the
For many, 2020 has been a year of new
experiences: wearing masks in supermarkets, Zoom
conferences and watching Ministers...
Thousands are risking blindness because
they don’t use their eye drops properly,
warn experts
Failure to use eye drops correctly is putting
hundreds of thousands of Britons at risk of
blindness, experts have warned....
DR ELLIE CANNON: Help… I just can’t
stop my nose from dripping!
My nose won’t stop running – particularly in the
mornings. It drips when I move around in the
afternoons. Antihistamines...
How healthy is a vegan Christmas?… and
can you really stomach soya turkey made
with coconut milk?
The vegan bug bit last year, with thousands of
Britons turning to plant-based diets in a bid to save
the environment, shed...
If face masks really stop Covid, then why
are so many of us still catching it?
Stifling. Itchy. Dehumanising. Oppressive.
Profoundly un-British. Just some of the terms used
to describe the experience...
Researchers create model to calculate
COVID-19 health outcomes
“The goal is to give an earlier alert to clinicians to
identify patients who may be vulnerable at the
COVID-19 pandemic had big impact on
commercial fishing in Northeast
Of those who kept fishing, nearly all reported a
decline in income compared with previous years,
according to the survey...
Researchers use artificial intelligence to
ID mosquitoes
Human malaria is an ongoing public health crisis
affecting multiple continents, with the highest
numbers of cases and people...
The mask matters: How masks affect
airflow, protection effectiveness
In Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, researchers
from the University of Massachusetts Lowell and
California Baptist University...
New insights into cholera microbe and
chances of pandemic strain
The finding was revealed by examining the type VI
secretion system, or T6SS for short, a secretion
system used by Vibrio...
Potentially damaging surface ozone
levels rose in lockdown, UK study finds
The study — led by the University of York — shows
levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) down on average
across the...
Prenatal testing has halved the number of
babies born with Down syndrome in
Europe, study finds
The researchers spent three years collecting data
from multiple registries and databases in every
country in Europe to estimate...
Stroke and altered mental state increase
risk of death for COVID-19 patients
The study looked at data from 4,711 COVID-19
patients who were admitted to Montefiore during the
six-week period between...
World’s first transmission of 1 Petabit/s
using a single-core multimode optical
IMAGE: Previous high capacity demonstrations in
multi-mode fibers view more Credit: National
Institute of...
COVID-19: what strategies are beneficial
to the state
Those who consider themselves healthy will be
more willing to comply with COVID restrictions if
they believe, according to...
Key building block for organic molecules
discovered in meteorites
IMAGE: Photo of a piece of the Murchison meteorite
that was used in this study. view more Credit: NASA
NYS can achieve 2050 carbon goals:
Here’s how
ITHACA, N.Y. – By delving into scientific,
technological, environmental and economic data,
Cornell University engineering...
Experts call for Europe-wide COVID-19
A group of more than 300 leading scientists across
the globe are calling for European governments to
work together in managing...
Concern about loved ones might motivate
people to mask up and get vaccine
ANN ARBOR, Michigan — While many people have
listened to messaging about wearing a mask and
following social distancing...
Discovery finds a cellular building block
acts as a gel, not liquid as previously
University of Alberta researchers have found an
answer to a fundamental question in genomic
biology that has eluded scientists...
What’s the ‘true’ rate of dislocation after
total hip replacement?
December 18, 2020 – The cumulative incidence of
hip dislocation following total hip replacement is
about 50 percent...
AI-supported test predicts eye disease
three years before symptoms
Researchers hope their test could be used to
identify the disease early enough so that treatment
can effectively prevent...
New way to deliver DNA-based therapies
for diseases
The research is published in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Gene
therapy involves altering the...
CAPTUREing Whole-Body 3D movements
Animal behavior is important to a broad range of
disciplines, from neuroscience and psychology to
ecology and pharmacology....
Nanotechnology: Nanoparticles as
weapons against cancer
Both calcium phosphate and citrate are involved in
the regulation of many cellular signaling pathways.
Hence, the levels...
How does the brain manage its learning?
H.M. helped scientists understand the role of the
hippocampus in learning, but a mystery remains
around how signals from...
NASA finds what a glacier’s slope reveals
about Greenland Ice Sheet thinning
IMAGE: GIF showing the potential distances over
which thinning can spread into Greenland’s interior.
Breast cancer study uncovers how
macrophages may contribute to a
therapeutic weak spot
Breast cancer, the second most common cancer in
the United States, can result from a number of
cellular misregulations, such...
Prenatal testing has halved the number of
babies born with Down syndrome in
BOSTON — The growth of prenatal screening in
Europe has reduced the number of babies being
born per year with Down...
APS plays foundational role in
development of COVID-19 vaccines
IMAGE: Data taken at the APS shows the
neutralizing antibody D25 binding to the F protein of
the Respiratory Syncytial...
Land ecosystems are becoming less
efficient at absorbing CO2
Land ecosystems currently play a key role in
mitigating climate change. The more carbon dioxide
(CO2) plants and trees absorb...
Humpback whale songs provide insight
to population changes
IMAGE: Humpback whale off Maui. view more
Credit: HIHWNMS/NMFS ESA Permit #782-1719
Approximately 8,000-12,000...
Shifting gears toward chemical machines
IMAGE: Animation from simulation demonstrating
spatio-temporal control of rotors via a cascade
reaction. GOx-coated...
Scientists get the most realistic view yet
of a coronavirus spike’s protein structure
IMAGE: This rotating image shows the detailed
structure of a “spike ” from a coronavirus that
causes cold...
Covid-19: Germany introduces new
restrictions amid rise in cases
Coronavirus: Germany to go into lockdown over
Covid Christmas risk ‘hard to control’
US approves Moderna as second Covid-19 vaccine
The Food and Drug Administration gives the green
light for releasing millions...
Covid rules still to be relaxed over
Christmas in UK
Only two households are advised to mix in Wales,
under new stricter advice.
Covid: US approves Moderna as second
It has recorded more than 313,500 deaths and
about 17.5 million infections, according to Johns
Hopkins University.
Media Alert: The CRISPR Journal
publishes special issue on expanding the
CRISPR toolbox
IMAGE: outstanding research and commentary on
all aspects of CRISPR and gene editing, including
CRISPR biology, technology,...
Study shows incorporating telemedicine
helps surgical practices
IMAGE: Aurora D. Pryor, MD view more Credit:
Stony Brook University STONY BROOK, NY,
December 18, 2020 –...
New study identifies greatest risk factors
of mortality from COVID-19
Hospitalized COVID-19 patients have a greater risk
of dying if they are men or if they are obese or have
complications from...
Researchers propose process to detect
and contain emerging diseases
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – A University of Arkansas
biologist is part of a global team of researchers
developing a strategy...
Study finds growing numbers of critically
endangered sawfish in Miami waters
IMAGE: Figure 3 from the paper: (A) Photograph
taken by W. A. Fishbaugh in the 1920s, recorded as
taken in Miami (courtesy...
Ultra-fast gas flows through tiniest holes
in 2D membranes
IMAGE: Researchers identify ultra-fast gas flows
through atomic-scale apertures in 2D membrane
and validate a century-old...
New topological properties found in "old"
material of Cobalt disulfide
IMAGE: Experimental verification of Weyl nodes in
Cobalt disulfide, in comparison to the theoretical
prediction. ...
Low-income preschoolers exposed to
nurturing care have with higher IQ scores
later on
IMAGE: This model illustrates the proposed
association between early cumulative adversities in
childhood and benefits...
How a very ‘sociable’ protein can hold
clues about Alzheimer’s origin
The origin of the most prevalent form of Alzheimer’s
disease, which accounts for 95% of cases, is still not
clear despite...
New material system to convert and
generate terahertz waves developed
Some time ago, a team of experts working on the
HZDR accelerator ELBE were able to show that
graphene can act as a frequency...
Monkeys, like humans, persist at tasks
they’ve already invested in
But why would we engage in such potentially self-
defeating behavior? Georgia State researchers think
two factors may play...
Zika virus affects eye development before
but not after birth
The Zika virus is primarily transmitted by the bite of
an infected mosquito from the Aedes genus.
However, it can also be...
More than half of Hudson River tidal
marshes were created accidentally by
IMAGE: The arrival of the railroad and associated
structures in 1850 along the banks of New York’s
Hudson River...
New class of cobalt-free cathodes could
enhance energy density of next-gen
lithium-ion batteries
IMAGE: Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers
have developed a new class of cobalt-free cathodes
called NFA that...
Gene biomarkers indicate liver toxicity
quickly and accurately
IMAGE: From left: University of Illinois researchers
Zeynep Madak-Erdogan, associate professor of
nutrition; Rohit...
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  • 2. Model used to evaluate lockdowns was flawed In a recent study, researchers from Imperial College London developed a model to assess the effect of different measures... Discovery boosts theory that life on Earth arose from RNA-DNA mix LA JOLLA, CA–Chemists at Scripps Research have made a discovery that supports a surprising new view of how life originated... Do toddlers learning to spoon-feed seek different information from caregivers’ hands & faces? IMAGE: A. A toddler moving their spoon towards the food in a dish that the caregiver is holding. B. The caregiver moving... NTU Singapore study suggests link between word choices and extraverts A study by a team of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) psychologists has found a link between extraverts... Big bumblebees learn locations of best flowers IMAGE: A bumblebee on a flower. view more Credit: Natalie Hempel de Ibarra Big bumblebees take time to learn... The brain network driving changes in consciousness The loss and return of consciousness is linked to the same network of brain regions for both sleep and anesthesia, according... Despite recommendations, patients with treatment-resistant hypertension rarely tested for primary al Below please find summaries of new articles that will be published in the next issue of Annals of Internal Medicine. The... Carotid physiology, neck restraints in law enforcement What The Viewpoint Says: This Viewpoint reviews the potential neurologic consequences of any restriction of blood flow or... US won’t approve AstraZeneca shot until APRIL, Operation Warp Speed chief says The US has only administered about 10 percent – less than 2.6million – of the 20 million doses of coronavirus... UC researcher urges caution using remdesivir to treat COVID-19 IMAGE: Bingfang Yan is a professor at the University of Cincinnati’s James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy. Yan’s... Dating apps don’t destroy love Mobile apps have revolutionised the way people meet in Switzerland and elsewhere in recent years. Unlike traditional dating... Higher red cell transfusion threshold offers no advantage for treating preterm infants Very low birthweight infants often need blood transfusions to survive. A National Institutes of Health-funded study suggests... Frailty is a factor in higher mortality for women awaiting liver transplants Women awaiting liver transplants in the United States are known to be about one-third more likely than men to become too... NIH study uncovers blood vessel damage & inflammation in COVID-19 patients’ brains but no infection IMAGE: In an in-depth study, NIH researchers consistently found blood vessel damage in the brains of COVID-19 patients... Published data from Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trial show 94.1 percent efficacy BOSTON — A peer-reviewed paper published in The New England Journal of Medicine provides data from the much-anticipated... Moving due to unaffordable housing may jeopardize healthcare LOS ANGELES (Dec. 30, 2020) — People who move due to unaffordable housing are at increased risk of failing to receive... How did trauma centers respond to COVID-19? New processes provide care to trauma patients while keeping providers safe December 30, 2020 – As the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, trauma centers faced unprecedented obstacles to providing care... Covid: Essex declares major incident over virus cases Primary schools in the districts of Brentwood, Epping Forest, Castle Point, Basildon, Rochford, Harlow, Chelmsford, Braintree,... Covid-19: Twenty million in England added to toughest tier of restrictions And secondary schools across most of England are to remain closed for an extra two weeks for most pupils. Losing a daughter to cancer during the Covid-19 pandemic In the last year of her life, Anna’s determination shone through, as she continued on with her studies, with her college... Covid-19: Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine approved for use in UK Second ‘super-COVID’ case suspected in Colorado
  • 3. It comes as millions more in England are placed in tier four restrictions. A second case of ‘super-COVID’ variant of coronavirus is now suspected in Colorado, officials said Wednesday. Elbert... Covid vaccine: Oxford AstraZeneca professors stand to make MILLIONS Britain today approved the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, paving the way for millions to receive the jab within weeks... Britain’s deadliest day since April: Health chiefs record 981 Covid victims Leicester City Leicestershire (Oadby and Wigston, Harborough, Hinckley and Bosworth, Blaby, Charnwood, North West Leicestershire,... Questions over Britain’s decision to drop two-dose vaccine regimen Pfizer warned today there is ‘no data’ to show a single dose of its coronavirus vaccine provides long- term protection,... Matt Hancock reveals Britain will only have 530,000 doses of Oxford’s Covid jab next week Britain will only have 530,000 doses of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine at its disposal from Monday, the Health Secretary... Weekly Covid deaths rose again in last full week of data and rose by 44% in the South East Weekly Covid-19 deaths rose again in England and Wales and surged by 44 per cent in the South East during the last full week... Potential new RX strategy for stroke Nicolas Bazan, MD, PhD, Boyd Professor, Professor of Neurology and Director of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at LSU... Novel public-private partnership facilitates development of fusion energy IMAGE: PPPL physicist Gerrit Kramer with conceptual image of SPARC fusion reactor. view more Credit: Collage... Anti-transpirant products unnecessary in cycad propagation IMAGE: Benjamin Deloso holds a Zamia stem cutting that has successfully produced a healthy root system. In his recently... Largest study of Asia’s rivers unearths 800 years of paleoclimate patterns IMAGE: Map of the Asian Monsoon region; river basins involved in this study are highlighted by subregion, rivers belonging... A pursuit of better testing to sort out the complexities of ADHD COLUMBUS, Ohio – The introduction of computer simulation to the identification of symptoms in children with attention... The map of nuclear deformation takes the form of a mountain landscape IMAGE: Deformation landscape of the nickel-64 nucleus. Prolate, oblate local minima and main spherical minimum are... LSU Health New Orleans discovers potential new RX strategy for stroke New Orleans, LA – Research conducted at LSU Health New Orleans Neuroscience Center of Excellence reports that a combination... New research may explain severe virus attacks on the lungs IMAGE: The development of human macrophages. view more Credit: The research team. In some cases, immune... Scientists explore deficits in processing speed in individuals with spinal cord injury IMAGE: Dr. Wylie is director of the Rocco Ortenzio Neuroimaging Center at Kessler Foundation. view more Credit:... Only 28 Covid patients are currently being treated in No10’s £220million Nightingale hospitals Only 28 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in Nightingale hospitals across England, official data shows amid... How a QUARTER of hospitals are operating at Covid ‘danger zone’ A quarter of England’s hospitals were treating a ‘dangerous’ number of Covid patients in the run up to... Patients from London could be taken to YORKSHIRE for treatment Medics in Covid hotspots are just days away from having to make ‘horrendous choices’ over who they can treat... Millions more face Tier 4 as Boris Johnson reveals TODAY where tougher restrictions are needed Millions more are set to face the country’s toughest Tier 4 coronavirus restrictions this week, with Boris Johnson... Essex declares ‘major incident’ over surging Covid cases Essex declares ‘major incident’ over surging Covid cases Councils and health chiefs warn of ‘significant... Covid vaccine from Oxford University and Astrazeneca is APPROVED Matt Hancock hailed approval for the critical Oxford University and AstraZeneca vaccine today saying it means the UK will...
  • 4. Obesity, eating disorder disparities among sexual, gender minority children What The Study Did: The likelihood of having obesity or eating disorders was compared between sexual and gender minority... Gut cells sound the alarm when parasites invade To effectively combat an infection, the body first has to sense it’s been invaded, then the affected tissue must send... Patient characteristics associated with telemedicine access during COVID-19 pandemic What The Study Did: This study identified racial/ ethnic, sex, age, language, and socioeconomic differences in accessing... Assessment of neutrophil extracellular traps in coronary thrombus of case series of patients with COVID-19 What The Study Did: Severe COVID-19 is characterized by the intense formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs),... Imaging the twilight zone IMAGE: Differences in brain activity between connected and disconnected states of consciousness studied with positron... Order and disorder in crystalline ice explained A fascinating substance with unique properties, ice has intrigued humans since time immemorial. Unlike most other materials,... Detective work in theoretical physics IMAGE: Time axis showing the number of publications relating to dynamical density functional theory. view more Credit:... An explanation for the lack of blood oxygenation detected in many COVID-19 patients One of the physiopathological characteristics of COVID-19 that has most baffled the scientific and medical community is what... Covid-19: First vaccine patient has her second jab The grandmother, who is originally from Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, received a first injection on 8 December, a week before... Covid: Military back-up for pupil testing as heads urge delay to start of term “Instead, it appears that there will be 1,500 personnel available for more than 3,400 secondary schools in England,... Covid in Scotland: ‘Stay at home’ Hogmanay plea as cases hit record high The whole Scottish mainland is in the highest level of restrictions in a bid to contain a new strain of the virus. Covid: Millions more braced for tougher rules in England There may also be further curbs for areas already in the highest tier amid concerns tier four rules are not enough to stop... Super gonorrhea could be fueled by antibiotic use amid the pandemic Grasping at straws for COVID-19 treatments may be inadvertently fueling a the rise of another hard to treat disease: super... General anesthesia and normal sleep affect brain in an amazingly similar way as consciousness fades Explaining the biological basis of human consciousness is one of the greatest challenges of science. While the loss and return... College football players: Underestimating risk of injury and concussion Christine Baugh, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and member of... Scientists develop high-throughput mitochondria transfer device A study, published today in the journal Cell Reports, describes how the new UCLA-developed device, called MitoPunch, transfers... In plants, channels set the rhythm Although plants are anchored to the ground, they spend most of their lifetime swinging in the wind. Like animals, plants... Sugars influence cell-to-surface adhesion IMAGE: Flagella-mediated adhesion and gliding by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (green alga) on a solid surface (top). Using... Electrons hop to it on twisted molecular wires IMAGE: Concept and chemical structure of periodically twisted molecular wires. view more Credit: Osaka University Osaka,... Significant disparities in telemedicine use, especially among older and POC patients After “COVID-19,” the term that most people will remember best from 2020 is likely to be “social distancing.”... Scientists turned toxic pesticide into treatment against antibiotic-resistant bacteria N-Aryl-C-nitroazoles are an important class of heterocyclic compounds. They are used as pesticides and fungicides. However,... Study examines the most effective COVID-19 control policies IMAGE: Anita M. McGahan is a University Professor and the George E. Connell Chair in Organizations Society at the...
  • 5. Polysaccharides from red algae affect mice immune systems, say FEFU scientists Carrageenans, biologically active polysaccharides isolated from red algae and widely used in the food industry as stabilizers,... Imaging of ballistic wounds, bullet composition and implications for MRI safety IMAGE: Scout (A), T1-weighted spin-echo (SE) (B), T2-weighted SE (C), T2-weighted gradient-recalled echo (GRE) (TR/TE,... More than a million Americans flew on Sunday despite COVID-19 U.S. air travel hit a pandemic-high on Sunday following Christmas, with at least 1.28 million Americans flying, according... Covid England: How the new mutated strain has spread in a fortnight By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which... Covid UK:New cases DOUBLE in a week with 36,804 more infections By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which... New coronavirus variant has triggered ‘explosive’ outbreaks in London schools By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which... Moonshot scientists DEFEND rapid lateral flow coronavirus tests The scientists behind the Government’s Moonshot testing plans have leapt to the defence of lateral flow coronavirus... Coronavirus UK: R rate is UP again to a possible 1.3, SAGE warns The coronavirus R rate in Britain has risen to between 1.1 and 1.3 and it is at least one or higher in every region of England... HUGH FEARNLEY-WHITTINGSTALL: Eat your way to weight loss Want to eat better forever? I’m in no doubt that the best and simplest way to do that is to eat wholefoods — foods... Covid UK: 41,385 daily cases and 357 deaths as second wave grows Britain could be put into ‘Tier 5’ restrictions, it has been claimed, with England’s hospitals are now... Long-lasting COVID immunity gives real hope for the long-term protection of vaccines The research is the strongest evidence for the likelihood that vaccines against the virus, SARS- CoV-2, will work for long... A single gene ‘invented’ haemoglobin several times Having red blood is not peculiar to humans or mammals. This colour comes from haemoglobin, a complex protein specialized... Stopping RAS inhibitors tied to worse outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects approximately ten percent of the global population. Hypertension is the most common... Flag leaves could help top off photosynthetic performance in rice The flag leaf is the last to emerge, indicating the transition from crop growth to grain production. Photosynthesis in this... Story tip from Johns Hopkins expert on Covid-19 In a study that looked at suicide deaths during 2020’s first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Maryland, Johns Hopkins... UCLA scientists develop high-throughput mitochondria transfer device LOS ANGELES — Scientists from the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed a simple, high-throughput... College football players underestimate risk of injury and concussion AURORA, Colo. (Dec. 29, 2020) – College football players may underestimate their risk of injury and concussion, according... The puzzle of nonhost resistance: why do pathogens harm some plants but not others? IMAGE: Ralph Panstruga Matthew Moscou view more Credit: Ralph Panstruga Matthew Moscou People have puzzled... Army research leads to more effective training model for robots IMAGE: New Army research reduces the unpredictability of current training reinforcement learning policies so that they... 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend grains at all life stages IMAGE: 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend maintaining existing serving size for whole and enriched... Sustained cellular immune dysregulation in individuals recovering from COVID-19 IMAGE: Nathaniel Erdmann view more Credit: UAB BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – COVID-19, which has killed Coronavirus: Spain to keep registry of those who refuse Covid vaccine It is currently rolling out the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine which was approved for EU member states last
  • 6. 1.7 million... week. Parents warned of ‘sharp rise’ in eating disorders What is an eating disorder? Covid-19: Military to support mass testing of students in England New coronavirus variant: What do we know? Covid-19: Health workers ‘back in eye of storm’, says NHS chief With coronavirus infections at what public health officials called an “unprecedented level” and a new variant... Mother reveals two-year-old daughter’s flu-like symptoms were deadly meningitis A mother has revealed how her two-year-old daughter had to have both legs amputated after contracting meningitis. Restaurant... Frontline medic choir in Queen’s Christmas message tell of sacrifice Gareth Malone. Justin Bieber. The Lewisham and Greenwich NHS choir could easily have been forgiven for thinking they had... Why tidying your kitchen will help you polish off the pounds! Over-indulged this festive season? Carrying a few extra pounds? Feeling sluggish and unfit? Fear not, help is just around... ‘My feet burn with pain if I go walking’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions I’m an avid walker aged 74, but now find after a few miles I get a tingling feeling in my little toe which spreads to the... Silicone ‘ping pong ball’ implanted in the stomach could help relieve persistent heartburn Silicone ‘ping pong ball’ implanted in the stomach could help relieve persistent heartburn By Pat Hagan for the Daily... Will 2021 finally be the year we finally get the male pill? A male counterpart to the contraceptive pill for women, which first appeared in Britain 60 years ago, is seen as the Holy... High-tech new toothbrushes designed to make you smile Looking to add ‘better-looking teeth’ to your New Year resolutions? The latest electric toothbrushes claim to be capable... Why common antibiotics may trigger mental breakdowns Earlier this year it was reported that Alana Cutland, a 19-year-old Cambridge University student,pictured, jumped... $3.9M project on self-deleting genes takes aim at mosquito-borne diseases To control mosquito populations and prevent them from transmitting diseases such as malaria, many researchers are pursuing... One year later, how does COVID-19 affect children? What The Patient Page Says: We have all lived with COVID-19 for about a year now. Overall, we have learned that children... Comparing health outcomes of privileged Americans with residents of other developed countries What The Study Did: Researchers looked at whether health outcomes of white citizens living in the richest U.S. counties were... Beverage prices, volume sold after sweetened beverage tax repeal in Chicago’s county What The Study Did: This observational study examined whether lasting change in sweetened beverage prices or the volume sold... High-speed atomic force microscopy takes on intrinsically disordered proteins IMAGE: Structural and dynamic features of three IDPs (NTAIL, PNT and Sic1) revealed by HS-AFM imaging. The top and... Protein twist and squeeze confers cancer drug resistance In 1986, cellular biochemist Kazumitsu Ueda, currently at Kyoto University’s Institute for Integrated Cell-Material... Large transporter protein linked to schizophrenia IMAGE: Abnormalities in the cholesterol transport protein ABCA13 have been shown to lead to schizophrenia in a mouse... Brain imaging predicts PTSD after brain injury Philadelphia, December 29, 2020 – Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex psychiatric disorder brought on... Oxford coronavirus vaccine to be approved ‘shortly after Christmas’ Coronavirus vaccinations have started in care homes in the UK, Matt Hancock confirmed today. Care home residents are top... Tony Blair calls for the UK to use up ALL coronavirus vaccine supplies on one dose strategy Tony Blair has called for Britain to scrap its current coronavirus vaccination strategy and give ‘as many people as... Covid England: Earlier spring lockdown could have saved 20k lives Starting spring lockdown just a WEEK earlier could have saved 20,000 lives from Covid-19 crisis, claims Imperial College...
  • 7. Coronavirus can affect the brain because its ‘spike’ protein is capable of crossing blood barrier Covid-19 may be able to infect the brain because it carries a protein capable of getting through the barrier at the top of... Covid cases in England spike back up to pre-lockdown levels with 646,000 people infected last week One in every 85 people in England is now infected with coronavirus, half of them have caught the new super-infectious strain... Why you should open your windows while eating Christmas dinner Open your windows while eating Christmas dinner: Simulation reveals how fresh air whisks away coronavirus particles in a... Quack cure or Covid hope? Six science- backed foods that fight Covid A vaccine is being rolled out and potential treatments are being trialled to see if they can cure Covid, but for the foreseeable... Coronavirus vaccine: How the Oxford dosing mix-up REALLY happened Oxford accidentally under-dosed participants in its coronavirus vaccine trial because of a measurement blunder by the university’s... HKU chemists develop a new drug discovery strategy for "undruggable" drug targets IMAGE: Graphic illustration of the work: DNA- programmed affinity labelling (DPAL) enables the direct screening of DNA-encoded... New research makes strong case for restoring Hong Kong’s lost oyster reefs IMAGE: Oyster reefs in Hong Kong view more Credit: ©Kyle Obermann/Courtesy TNC New research produced jointly... Study identifies distinct sub-types of aggressive tumours to allow for targeted treatment Angiosarcomas are clinically aggressive tumours that are more prevalent in Asian populations Study led by Singapore clinician-scientists... Faster, greener way of producing carbon spheres IMAGE: Carbon spheres – microscope images A fast, green and one-step method for producing porous carbon spheres,... Heart transplantations: prospects of success increase with larger case volumes In a series of commissions awarded by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) to the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health... Industry collaboration leads to important milestone in the creation of a quantum computer IMAGE: (a) Scanning electron image of one of the Foundry-fabricated quantum dot devices. Four quantum dots can be formed... Surveys identify relationship between waves, coastal cliff erosion IMAGE: Scripps Oceanography geomorphologist Adam Young buries wave energy-measuring sensors. view more Credit:... Common brain malformation traced to its genetic roots IMAGE: The lowest part of a child’s brain is visible below the bottom of the skull in this MRI scan and shows... Covid-19: Five ways to stay positive through the winter “You can think of it as a kind of brain fertiliser – it helps parts of your brain regenerate,” says Dr... Covid-19: Concern at ‘unprecedented’ infection level in England On Monday, a further 41,385 Covid cases and 357 deaths were reported in the UK. Chemotherapy ‘is made a THIRD more effective’ with magnetic nanoparticles Chemotherapy technique that uses magnetic nanoparticles to heat cancerous cells to more than 104°F while delivering drugs... Only 388 people aged under 60 with no underlying health conditions have died of Covid in the UK 388 people aged under 60 with ‘NO underlying health conditions’ have died of Covid in England’s hospitals Covid-19... Millions more Britons face being plunged into Tier 4 lockdown this week Doctors fear the NHS could be overwhelmed within days as hospital admissions surge due to the highly infectious Covid strain... Hospitals in England ‘on track’ to have more than 20,000 Covid patients on New Year’s Eve Hospitals in England are hurtling towards having 20,000 coronavirus patients who need NHS treatment on New Year’s Eve,... Children who identify as gay or transgender are 64% MORE likely to be obese Children who identify as gay, bisexual or transgender are 64% MORE likely to be obese, study finds US-based researchers... Is Cumbria on the brink of Tier Four? SAGE expert warns hitting one million vaccines a week won’t be enough to curb
  • 8. More than 90 per cent of councils in England saw their coronavirus outbreaks grow before Christmas, according to official... Covid crisis in months Teachers and key workers will be added to the vaccine priority list when the Oxford University/AstraZeneca jab is finally... Britain records 41,385 Covid cases and 357 more deaths as second wave continues to grow Britain today recorded 41,385 cases of Covid and 357 more deaths as the second wave of the disease continues to grow with... Do toddlers learning to spoon-feed seek different information from caregivers’ hands and faces? An international research collaboration led by Kobe University’s Professor NONAKA Tetsushi (Graduate School of Human... Switching DNA functions on and off by means of light DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the basis of life on earth. The function of DNA is to store all the genetic information, which... Chemists develop a new drug discovery strategy for ‘undruggable’ drug targets Membrane proteins play important roles in biology, and many of them are high-value targets that are being intensively pursued... Study suggests link between word choices and extraverts The finding highlights the need for stronger linguistic indicators to be developed for use in online personality prediction... Music-induced emotions can be predicted from brain scans The researchers used a machine learning algorithm to map which brain regions are activated when the different music-induced... Quick look under the skin How big is the liver? Does it change if medication is taken? Is the kidney inflamed? Is there a tumor in the brain and did... Vaping could cloud your thoughts, new studies suggest While other studies have found an association between vaping and mental impairment in animals, the URMC team is the first... The evolving role of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in plastic surgery December 28, 2020 – Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment, which involves injecting a small amount of a patient’s... The liverwort oil body is formed by redirection of the secretory pathway Cells, the basic unit of life, are surrounded by a limiting membrane called the plasma membrane. Inside cells, there are... New studies suggest vaping could cloud your thoughts Two new studies from the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) have uncovered an association between vaping and mental... Extremely energy efficient microprocessor developed using superconductors IMAGE: AQFP MANA microprocessor die photo. MANA is the world’s first adiabatic superconductor microprocessor. ... One psychedelic experience may lessen trauma of racial injustice COLUMBUS, Ohio – A single positive experience on a psychedelic drug may help reduce stress, depression and anxiety... Discovery about how cancer cells evade immune defenses inspires new treatment approach Cancer cells are known for spreading genetic chaos. As cancer cells divide, DNA segments and even whole chromosomes can be... Neurologists say there is no medical justification for police use of neck restraints BOSTON – Some police departments in the United States continue to teach officers that neck restraints are a safe method... Groups of bacteria can work together to better protect crops and improve their growth IMAGE: Scientist Susanna Harris in the lab. view more Credit: Noam Eckshtain-Levi, Susanna Leigh Harris, Reizo... Covid-19: UK records 30,000 new cases and 316 deaths It comes as doctors in Scotland warned that the health system was “severely stretched” and a Welsh hospital made... Covid-19: London Ambulance Service receives as many 999 calls as first wave The UK reported another 30,501 positive tests on Sunday, and 316 deaths of people who had tested positive within the past... Covid: Cardiff health board plea for critical care help It said it needed help from people with experience in “proning” patients. Scar-free operation could banish acid reflux for good A revolutionary scalpel-free procedure that strengthens weak muscles in the oesophagus could spare millions from chronic...
  • 9. HEALTH QUIZ: How much of 2020 do YOU remember? If there was ever a year to pay attention to health news, it was 2020. From the first celebrities to receive a Covid jab,... Now here’s the good news It has been a year like no other. Families have been torn apart and long-term plans destroyed, with few able to consider... Thousands of children are stuck in care home hell Like any 11-year-old, Josh Jones loves Christmas. Above all because it’s normally one of the few occasions he gets... Hope after a grim week Last week I wrote about receiving my first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine – as a healthcare worker, I am one of the first... The intriguing reason you feel ill after a single glass I’ll admit it: I have a drinking problem. But mainly only with white wine, not red. And always with bubbles. No, it’s... COVID-19 isolation hurting women more than men A study by University of Calgary researchers with the Hotchkiss Brain Institute examining sex and gender differences on sleep,... Mayo Clinic Model of Care and Research leads to favorable outcomes for patients with COVID-19 ROCHESTER, Minn. — Patients with COVID-19 who received care at Mayo Clinic, whether in the hospital or at home, had... E-cigarettes, as consumer products, do not help people quit smoking, study finds E-cigarette use has risen steeply and mostly without regulation over the past decade. The devices have diversified into a... Record-setting thermoelectric figure of merit achieved for metal oxides IMAGE: The barium-cobalt oxide film (top right, approximately 1 cm2) being exposed to an open flame to generate voltage.... Researcher uses machine learning to demonstrate that DNA impacts cancer risk Lifestyle, or put another way ‘bad habits’, is one of the textbook explanations for why some people are at higher... Covid-19: Tougher Covid rules begin for millions in UK It comes after official UK coronavirus deaths passed 70,000 on Christmas Day. Maternal Immune Activation Induces Sustained Changes in Fetal Microglia Motility IMAGE: Illustration of microglial process motility changes in fetuses affected by maternal immune activation. ... Cancer’s intelligence Dr. J. James Frost and The International Journal of Unconventional Computing will soon be publishing “Cancer’s... Evidence for a massive paleo-tsunami at ancient Tel Dor, Israel IMAGE: Geoprobe drilling rig extraction of a sediment core with evidence of a tsunami from South Bay, Tel Dor, Israel ... Children’s emotion inferences from masked faces during the COVID-19 pandemic IMAGE: Girl wearing a mask at school view more Credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash, Children... VR simulations shed potential light on goalkeepers’ ability to stop free kicks IMAGE: The study’s VR technology being used for training purposes view more Credit: INCISIV Virtual... Capturing 40 years of climate change for an endangered Montana prairie IMAGE: The intermountain bunchgrass prairie at the National Bison Range, Montana, USA at one of the study areas. ... Remarkable new species of snake found hidden in a biodiversity collection IMAGE: Jeff Weinell, a KU graduate research assistant at the Biodiversity Institute, is lead author of a paper describing... Neurology patients faced with rising out- of-pocket costs for tests, office visits MINNEAPOLIS – Just like with drug costs, the amount of money people pay out-of-pocket for diagnostic tests and office... People in rural areas less likely to receive specialty care for neurologic conditions MINNEAPOLIS – A new study has found that while the prevalence of neurologic conditions like dementia, stroke, Parkinson’s... Experiment takes ‘snapshots’ of light, stops light, uses light to change properties of matter New research highlights the importance of the thymus in successful pregnancies IMAGE: Magdalena Paolino, assistant professor and team leader at the Department of Medicine Solna,
  • 10. PITTSBURGH–Light travels at a speed of about 300,000,000 meters per second as light particles, photons, or equivalently... Karolinska Institutet. ... Weedy Seadragon genomics reveal highly distinct populations Charismatic, iconic and Instagram-friendly, the weedy seadragon is a favourite with divers and snorkellers. The first genomic... New research highlights the importance of a forgotten organ in ensuring healthy pregnancies An international research team led by the University of British Columbia (UBC) has uncovered for the first time the importance... The thymus as key to healthy pregnancies IMAGE: The thymus as key to healthy pregnancies. view more Credit: @IMBA/Kulcsar Female sex hormones instruct... Caspian crisis: Sinking sea levels threaten biodiversity, economy and regional stability IMAGE: Infographic showing the effects of water level change in the Caspian Sea area. view more Credit: Naturalis The... Scientists discover how our brains track where we and others go IMAGE: Scientists used a special backpack to study for the first time how a person’s brain navigates space and... Covid: Post-exposure antibody protection trialled Covid antibodies ‘last at least six months’ Covid-19: UK coronavirus deaths pass 70,000 More than 70,000 people in the UK have now died within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test, official figures show. DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Overdone it this year? Help’s just around the corner How was Christmas for you? With 2020 having been such a difficult year, it would be completely understandable if you’ve... Global trial reveals life saving drug for acute myeloid leukemia A landmark paper published today in the New England Journal of Medicine describes the results from a global trial across... Assessment of air contamination by SARS-CoV-2 in hospital settings What The Study Did: In this systematic review of current evidence on air contamination with SARS- CoV-2 in hospital settings,... Chest pain risk assessment may reduce treatment disparities The use of a standardized tool for assessing the risk of serious outcomes in patients with chest pain was associated with... FDA Oncology Center of Excellence during COVID-19 What The Viewpoint Says: This Viewpoint discusses initiatives of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Oncology Center... Wistar reports new class of antibiotics active against a wide range of bacteria IMAGE: Bacteria image view more Credit: The Wistar Institute PHILADELPHIA — (Dec. 23, 2020) —... Climate crisis is causing lakes to shrink While global sea levels are rising due to the climate crisis and threatening near-coastal infrastructures, higher temperatures... Triple chemotherapy combination improves metastatic colorectal cancer outcomes IMAGE: Scott Kopetz, MD, of SWOG Cancer Research Network view more Credit: SWOG Cancer Research Network Researchers... Perfect transmission through barrier using sound The perfect transmission of sound through a barrier is difficult to achieve, if not impossible based on our existing knowledge.... Bedford woman ‘lost hands and feet’ as Covid led to sepsis A woman who had her hands and feet amputated after coronavirus led to pneumonia, which then caused sepsis, says she is looking... Rob Burrow: Rugby League legend’s year living with MND playRob Burrow: ‘2020 has taught me life is precious’ Video, 00:04:53Rob Burrow: ‘2020 has taught me life... Coronavirus: Fresh air ‘forgotten weapon’ in fight EU diplomats get Brexit trade deal briefing MPs are waiting to see the full text of the agreement ahead of a vote in Parliament... Covid: Rapid tests ‘useful public health tool’ It’s a more difficult question once you are using them to clear people to do something – for example visit a... Theory describes quantum phenomenon in nanomaterials Researchers develop new way to break reciprocity law
  • 11. IMAGE: A quantum dot (the yellow part) is connected to two lead electrodes (the blue parts). Electrons tunneling into... IMAGE: One-way light transmission. view more Credit: Xuchen Wang / Aalto University An international research... Estonian-led international network publishes first study of growing influence of social media The key conclusion of the study was not a surprise to the scientists involved: the importance of social media as a primary... The ABCs of species evolution IMAGE: The ABCA1 protein flips the cholesterol from the inner to the outer layer of the cell membrane. This strengthens... Christmas trees can be green because of a photosynthetic short-cut How can conifers that are used for example as Christmas trees keep their green needles over the boreal winter when most trees... Plastic is blowing in the wind As the plastic in our oceans breaks up into smaller and smaller bits without breaking down chemically, the resulting microplastics... Study suggests great earthquakes as cause of Arctic warming IMAGE: Aleutian Islands are an archipelago comprising dozens of islands with 40 active and 17 dormant volcanoes ... TPU chemists convert plastic bottle waste into insecticide sorbent Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University proposed a method to create a sorbent for imidacloprid insecticide removal from... Teen figure skater suffers rare genetic disorder her to have transplant at just 14 A teen figure skater needed a heart transplant after it was discovered she had a genetic condition that was turning her heart... Mathematical modeling can help balance economy, health during pandemic As a result, many areas, including the St. Louis region, saw increases in cases in July. Using mathematical modeling, new... Cooperation with R&D organizations is significantly distinctive for advanced innovators The innovation performance of firms depends on their ability to innovate in cooperation with external partners. In a study,... Trophoblast motility in a gelatin hydrogel IMAGE: Journal brings together scientific and medical experts in the fields of biomedical engineering, material science,... Astrocytes eat connections to maintain plasticity in adult brains IMAGE: A 3-D animated image showing our synapse phagocytosis reporter in mouse hippocampus. Presynapses in green, astrocytes... COVID-19 severity affected by proportion of antibodies targeting crucial viral protein COVID-19 antibodies preferentially target a different part of the virus in mild cases of COVID-19 than they do in severe... Eavesdropping on the pH levels inside the brain IMAGE: The multiplexed pH probe with a light- addressable potentiometric sensor and a schematic diagram of the multimodal... Multi-population risk scores could improve risk prediction for inflammatory bowel diseases, study finds Using genetic data from nearly 30,000 people, Mount Sinai researchers have built risk scores from a combination of datasets... Early mammal with remarkably precise bite IMAGE: The investigated dentition of P. fruitaensis. The upper molars (M2, M3) are offset from the lower ones (m2,... Novel method reveals small microplastics throughout Japan’s subtropical ocean IMAGE: Six areas around Okinawa were visited to collect samples for analyzing the marine microplastics – two... ‘Horrendous’ ambulance delays at West Midlands hospitals Delays in hospitals taking over care of patients is considered “risky”, NHS England said, because it not only... Covid-19: UK bans travel from South Africa over variant Covid: Sharp rises in infection levels in England, says ONS Schools ‘may need to close to control new variant’ The work, which is still preliminary, calculates the variant is spreading 56% faster than other forms of the virus. Covid: Sharp rises in infection levels in England, says ONS According to the ONS figures, there are sharp rises in levels of positive tests in the capital, the east of England, and... Breaking bad: How shattered chromosomes make cancer cells drug- International research team calls for ‘glocal’ approach to help mitigate
  • 12. resistant In a paper published in the December 23, 2020 online issue of Nature, researchers at University of California San Diego School... flooding damage IMAGE: By coupling a large-scale hydrological model with a local-scale, high-resolution hydraulic model and urban flood... Human-made landscape promotes coexistence of two normally separated Andean warblers IMAGE: The two species and their habitats at the study site in Ecuador (Photos by J. Nowakowski). The higher elevation... Shapeshifting crystals-varying stability in different forms of gallium selenide monolayers IMAGE: The P and AP phases of a GaSe monolayer view more Credit: Hirokazu Nitta from Japan Advanced Institute... Discovery of aging mechanism for hematopoietic stem cells IMAGE: No caption view more Credit: ©Atsushi IWAMA, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo By... Protein tells developing cells to stick together IMAGE: Compartments in adult tissues. Fluorescent protein expression shows posterior compartments in the wing and the... A new TanSat XCO2 global product for climate studies Since CO2 has been recognized as the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas owing to its significant impact on global... Modeling can help balance economy, health during pandemic IMAGE: Arye Nehorai, the Eugene Martha Lohman Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Preston M. Green Department... RUDN University scientist showed global warming effect on greenhouse gas emissions in paddy soils IMAGE: A soil scientist from RUDN University studied the decomposition of organic matter in rice paddies–the... Even after long-term exposure, bionic touch does not remap the brain A new study by neuroscientists at the University of Chicago and Chalmers University of Technology, published on December... The brain’s protein factories at work Proteostasis refers to maintaining a delicate balance of protein levels in the cell, which is of particularly crucial importance... Metabolic syndrome ‘interacts’ with COVID-19 Announcing a new publication for BIO Integration journal. In this review article the authors Zeling Guo, Shanping Jiang,... Understanding nanoparticle entry mechanism into tumors Announcing a new publication for BIO Integration journal. In this commentary the authors Phei Er Saw and Sangyong Jon from... Quantum wave in helium dimer filmed for the first time Anyone entering the world of quantum physics must prepare themself for quite a few things unknown in the everyday world:... Physician-led Spanish-speaking volunteers address health care inequities during a crisis BOSTON — In a perspective published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine, experts from the Massachusetts General Hospital... New mammal reference genome helps ID genetic variants for human health The rhesus macaque is the most widely studied nonhuman primate in biomedical research. A genome sequencing project for this... Scientists at Tel Aviv University develop new gene therapy for deafness IMAGE: Professor Karen Avraham and Shahar Taiber of Tel Aviv University. view more Credit: Tel Aviv University A... With COVID exacerbating superbug threat, researchers ID new weapon IMAGE: Corrie Detweiler in the lab at CU Boulder. view more Credit: CU Boulder As scientists around the... Atomic-scale nanowires can now be produced at scale IMAGE: (a) Illustration of a TMC nanowire (b) Chemical vapor deposition. The ingredients are vaporized in a hydrogen/nitrogen... Coronavirus variants and mutations: the science explained UK has two cases of variant linked to South Africa NHS: Intensive care choir attempts Christmas number one They face stiff competition from Justin Bieber’s collaboration with the Lewisham and Greenwich NHS choir. Coronavirus: Vaccinate more people with one dose, urges Tony Blair In the Independent, he argued the roll-out must be “radically accelerated”.
  • 13. UK has two cases of variant linked to South Africa Covid: New variant found ‘due to hard work of UK scientists’ COVID-19: First 10 days after hospital discharge are most dangerous COVID patients are 40% more likely to die within 10 days of leaving the hospital than those with pneumonia or heart failure,... Moderna says it expects its coronavirus vaccine to protect against the new U.K. strain Moderna Inc says it expects its COVID-19 vaccine to protect people against the new mutant British variant of the coronavirus. The... Similar factors cause health disparities in cancer, COVID-19 The same factors are also causing worse outcomes from COVID-19 in this population. “The similarities between COVID-19... Scientists develop new gene therapy for deafness The scientists were able to prevent the gradual deterioration of hearing in mice that had a genetic mutation for deafness.... Disposable surgical masks best for being heard clearly when speaking, study finds Corey, an electrical and computer engineering postdoctoral researcher under professor Andrew Singer at the University of... Ancient DNA retells story of Caribbean’s first people, with a few plot twists An international team led by Harvard Medical School’s David Reich analyzed the genomes of 263 individuals in the largest... How our brains track where we and others go Published Dec. 23 in Nature, the findings suggest that our brains generate a common code to mark where other people are in... New class of antibiotics active against a wide range of bacteria The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared AMR as one of the top 10 global public health threats against humanity.... New drug inhibits the growth of cancer cells Mitochondria provide our cells with energy and cellular building blocks necessary for normal tissue and organ function. For... Covering faces around kids won’t mask emotions It’s easiest to understand the emotions of the people around you by taking in all the hints they’re dropping,... What does ‘do not resuscitate’ mean? Varying interpretations may affect patient care, reports American Journal of Nursing December 23, 2020 – When patients have a do-not- resuscitate (DNR) order, it means they have chosen not to receive cardiopulmonary... Sex Differences in Death After Stroke IMAGE: Journal dedicated to the diseases and conditions that hold greater risk for or are more prevalent among women,... Discovery of chemical clue may lead to solving cacao’s black pod rot mystery IMAGE: The researchers have created a streamlined sample-collection protocol that only requires a single leaf disc.... Scientists identify new gene involved in autism spectrum disorder IMAGE: Bruce Beutler, M.D. view more Credit: Photo taken by Brian Coats for UT Southwestern Medical Center DALLAS... Turning the heat down: Catalyzing ammonia formation at lower temperatures with ruthenium IMAGE: The metal ruthenium, supported with lanthanide oxyhydrides, can efficiently catalyze the synthesis of ammonia... Breaking bad: how shattered chromosomes make cancer cells drug- resistant IMAGE: In this scanning electron micrograph of inside the nucleus of a cancer cell, chromosomes are indicated by blue... No. 1 news release on EurekAlert!’s 2020 Trending List smashes previous all-time record for visits IMAGE: The sixth most popular release in 2020 is also the first from China and described a newly unearthed prehistoric... Ludwig Cancer Research study reveals how ecDNA forms and drives cancer drug resistance IMAGE: Ludwig San Diego Members Don Cleveland and Ofer Shoshani view more Credit: Ludwig Cancer Research DECEMBER... HALF of air samples taken from hallways and a fifth from bathrooms have high levels of coronavirus HALF of air samples taken from hospital hallways and a fifth from bathrooms have high levels of coronavirus, study finds Researchers... Blood alcohol levels much lower than the legal limit impair hand-eye coordination, study finds Cellular exclusion of mitochondria protects cells from damage
  • 14. New research published in The Journal of Physiology however found for the first time that hand-eye coordination is dramatically... Most cells in the body require mitochondria to function and survive. Various disease processes and toxic agents can harm... Scientists discover mutations associated with early onset dementia Adult onset Leukoencephalopathy with axonal Spheroids and Pigmented glia (ALSP) is an ultra- rare condition characterised... Cannabis use blunts stress reactivity in female rats In contrast, male rats that were provided access to the same potency of cannabis over the same 30-day window did not experience... Controlling cardiac waves with light to better understand abnormally rapid heart rhythms In Chaos, by AIP Publishing, researchers use mice to study tachycardias and find there are intrinsic mechanisms that exist... Increased meat consumption associated with symptoms of childhood asthma Asthma prevalence among children in the United States has risen over the last few decades. Researchers found that dietary... Liquid bandage detects tissue oxygenation without the drawbacks of wired oximeters “Our trial showed that the transparent liquid bandage detected tissue oxygenation as well as the gold standard of an... New mammogram measures of breast cancer risk could revolutionize screening Published in the International Journal of Cancer, the University of Melbourne-led study found two new mammogram-based measures... New mechanisms to control dental procedure spray emissions Alexandria, Va., USA — Since the onset of COVID- 19 the potential risk of dental procedure spray emissions for SARS-CoV-2... Light smokers may not escape nicotine addiction, study reveals HERSHEY, Pa. — Even people who consider themselves to be casual cigarette smokers may be addicted, according to current... Tracing the many paths of vision IMAGE: The catalog allowed studying individual cell types in the retina and linking them to a specific structure, function... Changing the perspective on the ‘Cinderella of the cytoskeleton’ SETD2 is a protein well known as a chromatin remodeler, one that helps turn genes on or off by modifying histone proteins... AI-designed serotonin sensor may help scientists study sleep and mental health Serotonin is a neurochemical that plays a critical role in the way the brain controls our thoughts and feelings. For example,... Immersive virtual reality boosts the effectiveness of spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain December 23, 2020 – For patients receiving spinal cord stimulation (SCS) for chronic pain, integration with an immersive... Research reveals compromised transfer of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies through placenta BOSTON – Recent analyses indicate that pregnant women and newborns may face elevated risks of developing more severe... Cost-effective hood reduces aerosol exposures to patients, otolaryngologists (Boston)–The COVID-19 pandemic has continued to cause dramatic shifts in the practice of otolaryngology. Even with... Covid-19: Can face masks make communal singing safe enough? playCan face masks help people sing together again? Video, 00:02:21Can face masks help people sing together again? Covid-19: The Philippines and its lockdown baby boom The crush can be felt everywhere from the city’s traffic jams to the jails, where people sleep like sardines in cells... Cygnet Woodside in special measures over ‘patient safety risks’ Follow BBC Yorkshire on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Send your story ideas to ‘I was desperate for a cancer manual – but there isn’t one’ One of them is Steve Bland, who runs the award- winning and ground breaking You, Me and the Big C podcast which was co-created... Evolution of a killer: How African Salmonella made the leap from gut to bloodstream Bloodstream infections caused by a drug-resistant type of Salmonella Typhimurium called ST313 are a major public health concern... New method for imaging exhaled breath could provide insights into COVID-19 transmission “Scientists believe the SARS-CoV-2 virus is primarily spread through respiratory droplets that can be carried in the...
  • 15. Modeling study suggests mitigation efforts can prevent most college campus COVID-19 cases Investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital and Case Western Reserve University... What if clean air benefits during COVID- 19 shutdown continued post-pandemic? The researchers leveraged the unintended “natural experiment” of cleaner air in New York City during the COVID-19... New drug combination could improve glucose and weight control in diabetes The results pave the way for clinical studies of the new drug combination as a more effective long-term treatment for millions... Bio-inspired endoscope provides 3D visible and near-infrared images simultaneously Endoscopes with 3D imaging capability can help surgeons precisely locate diseased tissue. Adding fluorescence imaging can... Pandemic and forthcoming stimulus funds could bring climate targets in sight — or not The worldwide recession caused by the coronavirus has had a profound impact on greenhouse gas emissions that is likely to... Scientists suggested a method to improve performance of methanol fuel cells IMAGE: Metallic glass, microscopic image view more Credit: FEFU press office Fuel cells based on methanol... What pandemic messaging around changing holiday rituals gets wrong In the midst of the raging coronavirus pandemic, we’re faced with agonizing decisions about whether to forgo treasured... Diversity, severity of autism symptoms linked to mutation locations NEW YORK, NY (Dec. 22, 2020)–One of the most recognizable characteristics of autism is an amazing diversity of associated... Survival of the thickest: Big brains make mammal populations less dense IMAGE: A Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) in Gibraltar view more Credit: Manuela Gonzalez- Suarez/University... Highest levels of microplastics found in molluscs, new study says Mussels, oysters and scallops have the highest levels of microplastic contamination among seafood, a new study reveals. The... Molecular reporters expose the allies of the brain tumor IMAGE: Previously only suspected, now made it visible thanks to the molecular reporter: where human tumor cells and... Are two phases of quarantine better than one? New research into this question shows that the second wave of an epidemic is very different if a population has a homogenous... Genetic engineering without unwanted side effects helps fight parasites Around a third of the world’s population carries Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that puts people with a weakened immune... NIH launches study on allergic reactions caused by Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine The U.S. National Institues of Health (NIH) is planning to examine why a few people have suffered allergic reactions to Pfizer‘s... Covid US: Number of people keen to take vaccine DOUBLES to 46% The number of Americans who say they are willing to get a coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible is growing, a new poll... Cloth masks are NOT enough to stop the spread of COVID-19 without social distancing Wearing a cloth mask is not enough to prevent the spread of the coronavirus without practicing social distancing, a new study... Masks not enough to stop COVID-19’s spread without distancing, study finds In Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, researchers tested how five different types of mask materials impacted the spread... Community spread of COVID-19 tied to patient survival rates at area hospitals “We have known that individual risk factors like age and gender, comorbidities such as obesity, and whether someone... Hand-held device measures aerosols for coronavirus risk assessment That is, until now. Researchers from the Cardiology Centers of the Netherlands and the University of Amsterdam demonstrate... Pregnant women in third trimester unlikely to pass SARS-CoV-2 infection to newborns “This study provides some reassurance that SARS- CoV-2 infections during the third trimester are unlikely to pass through... Surgery may offer survival advantage in certain metastatic breast cancers Stage four breast cancer accounts for 6% of newly diagnosed breast cancer cases. Systemic therapy, In shaky times, focus on past successes, if overly anxious, depressed The findings, published today, Dec. 22, in the journal eLife, are particularly salient in the face of a COVID-
  • 16. which may include treatments... 19 surge that... Mouse-controlled mouse helps researchers understand intentional control The study, published today in Neuron, sheds light on how the brain represents causally-controlled objects. The researchers... Model predicts where ticks, Lyme disease will appear next in Midwest states Black-legged ticks can carry the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, an infection that can affect the nervous system, heart... Light flips genetic switch in bacteria inside transparent worms IMAGE: Light-responsive bacteria fed to worms are visible in images of the worms’ gastrointestinal tracts. Engineers... Putting on the pressure improves glass for fiber optics IMAGE: The voids (yellow) in silica glass become much smaller when the glass is quenched at higher pressures. ... Why an early start is key to developing musical skill later in life Among the many holiday traditions scuttled by pandemic restrictions this year are live concerts featuring skilled musicians.... Perspective: Why opioids cannot fix chronic pain A broken heart is often harder to heal than a broken leg. Now researchers say that a broken heart can contribute to lasting... Enzyme discovery can help rein in blood vessels that fuel cancer LA JOLLA, CA–Most living things need oxygen to grow and thrive. Even cancerous tumors. That’s why tumors will... Secondary bloodstream infections associated with severe COVID-19 People with severe COVID-19 and a secondary blood infection were significantly sicker upon hospital admission, had longer... How the American child welfare system lost its way Black children are removed from their families at much greater rates than any other race or ethnicity in this country. At... New mammogram measures of breast cancer risk could revolutionise screening World-first techniques for predicting breast cancer risk from mammograms that were developed in Melbourne could revolutionise... Covid-19: UK sees over 80,000 excess deaths during pandemic High death rate ‘may be starting to fall’ Coronavirus: Impact of new variant on children investigated New coronavirus variant: What do we know? Covid jab ‘very likely’ to protect against new variant The new variant has also been found in Denmark, the Netherlands and South Africa – countries which, like the UK, are... Covid: New variant found ‘due to hard work of UK scientists’ US Congress passes long-awaited Covid aid package The $900bn package comes as millions have been left jobless or in poverty... Vivek Murthy says most Americans won’t get the coronavirus vaccine until SUMMER 2021 President-elect Joe Biden‘s nominee for U.S. Surgeon General has said the general public might not get a coronavirus vaccine... High rates of COVID-19 in a community reduces survival rates among hospitalized patients The spread of COVID-19 in a hospital’s surrounding community can affect the survival rates of patients, a new study... Is the new Covid variant REALLY more infectious for children? By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which... Covid deaths fell 3% in England and Wales after national lockdown Cambridge University experts behind a string of dire coronavirus projections fear England was on track for 900 deaths a day... Is mutant Covid ripping through UK REALLY 70% more infectious or is Britain just testing more? By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which... Diseased cell fragments burst from pockets in immune cells to activate response In their study, published in Nature Immunology, the scientists found a mechanism by which specific immune cells, called dendritic... Potential new drug target to treat cutaneous T cell lymphoma Moffitt Cancer Center treats approximately 16% of CTCL patients nationwide. In order to improve their understanding of how... How to be happier in 2021 You are not alone. New Year’s resolutions are as ubiquitous as they are difficult to keep. Does it even make sense...
  • 17. High-five or thumbs-up? New device detects which hand gesture you want to make That’s one of the goals of a new device developed by engineers at the University of California, Berkeley, that can... Brain tissue yields clues to causes of PTSD The analysis of gene expression patterns in brain tissue located in four regions of the prefrontal cortex — areas of... Antibiotics for C-sections effective after umbilical cord clamped The study, by far the largest of its kind and published in the journal Antimicrobial Resistance Infection Control, challenges... Neuroscientists isolate promising mini antibodies against COVID-19 from a llama The study was led by a pair of neuroscientists, Thomas J. “T.J.” Esparza, B.S., and David L. Brody, M.D., Ph.D.,... Anti-diarrhea drug drives cancer cells to cell death When cells digest themselves In certain types of tumour cells, administration of loperamide leads to a stress response in... Japanese art technique inspires new engineering technique Paper snowflakes, pop-up children’s books and elaborate paper cards are of interest to more than just crafters. A team... Promising clinical data for fenofibrate’s ability to prevent lung damage in COVID patients IMAGE: Under the microscope. view more Credit: Daniel Hanoch In what has the potential to significantly... Scientists pinpoint molecular cause for severe disorder in children IMAGE: By modelling the mutations causing the LIC syndrome in the system, this showed that the mutations affect ability... Can we be manipulated into sharing private info online? Yes, says Ben-Gurion U. study IMAGE: Online users are more likely to reveal private information based on how website forms are structured to elicit... The college student in a pandemic Washington DC, December 22, 2020 – A study in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry... Scientists suggested a way to measure soil properties at any depth without digging A team of scientists from RUDN University and the Dokuchyaev Soil Science Institute developed a method for identifying the... New imaging method views soil carbon at near-atomic scales The Earth’s soils contain more than three times the amount of carbon than is found in the atmosphere, but the processes... A powerful computational tool for efficient analysis of cell division 4D image data IMAGE: Morphological dynamics of cell division of C. elegans embryo cell at single-cell resolution. view more Credit:... New online tool reveals when YOU can get the coronavirus vaccine A new online tool reveals how long it will be until different Americans are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. With... Revealed, the truth about the Covid mutation that threw Christmas plans into disarray By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which... Rapid coronavirus tests used by UK Government ‘could miss 97% of infections’ Rapid coronavirus tests that Britain spent more than £600million on could pick up as few as three per cent of people infected... Did No10 lie about Professor Lockdown quitting SAGE? September 20: Patient in Kent became the first person to test positive for the new strain. At that point, the UK was recording... 300 years of London smallpox data may offer insight into coronavirus What 300 years of smallpox epidemics in London can teach us about Covid-19: Infection with a small amount of virus can IMPROVE... How the Mail’s amazing 30,000 volunteers are helping on the NHS front line Kenny is just one of the more than 30,000 amazing Daily Mail readers who signed up in response to our 2018 partnership... Britain’s Covid outbreak continues to worsen with another 33,364 cases The mutated coronavirus spreading rapidly in the UK will likely become the dominant global strain, a SAGE scientist warned... Covid UK: Children are more likely to catch mutated new strain Drinking milk while breastfeeding may reduce the child’s food allergy risk
  • 18. Children may be more at-risk of catching the new mutated coronavirus variant than any previous strains, Government advisers... The result is based on a survey of more than 500 Swedish women’s eating habits and the prevalence of allergies in their... Difference in blood pressure between arms linked to greater early death risk Led by the University of Exeter, the global INTERPRESS-IPD Collaboration conducted a meta- analysis of all the available research,... How cancers hurt themselves to hurt immune cells more The immunotherapies currently administered for melanomas work by removing obstacles that keep immune cells called T cells... The mechanics of the immune system How this process takes place at the molecular level is not yet well understood. What is now clear, however, is that not only... Silkworm’s brain determines diapause by thermal information IMAGE: Thionin staining of embryos 8 days after oviposition in DW-injected silkworms and 60 days after oviposition... Study identifies amenities parents want in public parks While parents from diverse backgrounds most often value parks that offer amenities like playgrounds, sports fields and green... Reston ebolavirus spreads efficiently in pigs IMAGE: This colorized transmission electron micrograph shows a slice of Reston virus particles (blue) in the lung of... Child care facilities can be safe and are essential: new Case Western Reserve study Cleveland – Child care programs can be safe within the context of low community transmission of COVID-19, according... Modeling study suggests mitigation efforts can prevent most college campus COVID cases Boston — As colleges and universities consider strategies for the spring semester to keep COVID-19 cases down, a study... ACP, Annals of Internal Medicine host virtual COVID-19 Vaccine Forum II for physicians PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 21 – As COVID-19 vaccines are becoming available, physicians and other health care professionals... Nobel Prize reflects perseverance in scientific research IMAGE: Topics cover both human and animal viral immunology, exploring viral-based immunological diseases, pathogenic... A groggy climate giant: subsea permafrost is still waking up after 12,000 years IMAGE: Artistic diagram of the subsea and coastal permafrost ecosystems, emphasizing greenhouse gas production and... Coronavirus: Do people still have to shield and what are the rules? As many parts of the UK face more restrictions due to rising cases of coronavirus across the country, what are the recommendations? Covid-19: Visitors from tier 4 and Wales ‘must self-isolate’ Covid-19: More than 40 countries ban UK arrivals Covid: Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine approved for EU states More than 311,000 lives have been lost to the pandemic across the bloc. Covid-19: More than 40 countries ban UK arrivals Flights from the UK are being suspended to countries across the world including Spain, India and Hong Kong. The extraordinary and moving story of a grieving mother’s vow The walls are still blue in the bedroom where Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah once slept. Against the makeshift sky the little girl... Hospital worker celebrates as he and colleagues become among the first to receive Moderna’s vaccine The first Americans have received Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine after it was approved for emergency use authorization. Just... Could this ‘straw’ for your NOSTRILS be the answer to overeating? A tube that is slipped inside the nostrils to dull the sense of smell could offer a simple and drug-free way to lose weight. People... Woman contracted sepsis and almost died after minor injury to her finger Sales executive Beth Brown has two passions in life — her beloved horse, Cider, and having a glamorous set of smartly... We test these High-Street treatments for your embarrassing ailments Two thirds of us avoid going to the GP for conditions we find embarrassing to talk about, according to a recent survey,... ‘Agonising leg cramp interrupts my sleep’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions Side effects? It’s time to give your pills a yellow card
  • 19. I am plagued with cramp in my legs at night. I have great difficulty getting back to sleep, and the various medications I’ve... Nearly 60 years on, the thalidomide scandal is still arguably the world’s worst preventable medical disaster. It took... Why some people won’t mind Christmas parties being cancelled Most of us can find some joy in Christmas — even this year — but just imagine what it would be like if you couldn’t,... Brain stem cells divide over months From stem cell behavior to the activity of genes in individual cells In a study published in Nature Neuroscience, the group... How one pain suppresses the other In the first study, the research team compared an established CPM model with a recently introduced variation. With Conditioned... Antigen tests — are self-collected nasal swabs a reliable option? Rapid antigen tests may be less reliable than PCR tests, but their speed and simplicity make them an important complementary... Prostate cancer regulator plays role in COVID-19, providing a promising treatment lead Two proteins, ACE2 and TMPRSS2, help the coronavirus gain entry and replicate within cells. TMPRSS2 is well-known to Arul... Traditional model for disease spread may not work in COVID-19 Called the R-naught, or basic reproductive number, the model predicts the average number of susceptible people who will be... Learning from three centuries of smallpox epidemics in London, UK Smallpox, one of the most devastating viral diseases ever to strike humankind, is one of only two infectious diseases that... Community-based COVID-19 testing: The importance of understanding the virus’ unique impact on children Of the 1,445 patients tested at the specimen collection site for SARS-CoV-2 virus between March 21 and May 16, 2020, the... New 3D maps reveal inner workings of immune cell gene expression “The difference is within us,” says Vivek Chandra, Ph.D., an instructor at La Jolla Institute for Immunology... Social media use by young people in conflict-ridden Myanmar IMAGE: Explores the psychological and social issues surrounding the Internet and interactive technologies. view... The far-reaching effects of mutagens on human health IMAGE: Michael Lynch is the director of the Biodesign Center for Mechanisms of Evolution and professor at ASU’s... Breathing rate predicts therapeutic benefits for heart patients Conditions causing arrhythmia are among the most common cardiac conditions. A study headed by Prof. Georg Schmidt of the... Researchers explore why some MS patients experience seizures IMAGE: Image shows astrocytes (green) in MS hippocampus. view more Credit: Tiwari-Woodruff lab, UC Riverside. RIVERSIDE,... Deep, slow-slip action may direct largest earthquakes and their tsunamis IMAGE: Map of the Cascadia subduction zone. view more Credit: Public Domain Megathrust earthquakes and subsequent... COVID-19 news from Annals of Internal Medicine Below please find a summary and link(s) of new coronavirus-related content published today in Annals of Internal Medicine.... Hormone metabolites found in poop give researchers new insight into whale stress IMAGE: Oregon State University researchers are studying gray whales along the Oregon Coast. Images and data collected... Light signal emitted during photosynthesis used to quickly screen crops An international effort called Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE) aims to transform crops’ ability... People without college degrees accounted for two-thirds of all of California’s excess deaths Excess deaths in California during the height of the coronavirus pandemic were higher among the elderly, minorities and those... ‘Professor Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson warns Tier Four may be needed until Easter By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which... Italy becomes fourth country to spot mutated Covid virus in British traveller By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which... Where’s next for Tier Four? Medical oddity reveals unheard-of ‘immunity gene’ mutations and new way
  • 20. By David Churchill What has happened to the coronavirus to trigger such concern? A new strain of Covid has developed which... to screen them The IRAK4 gene instructs the production of a protein that plays a key role in the early recognition and response to invading... California lockdown suppressed excess pandemic deaths Nearly 20,000 more Californians died in the first six months of the pandemic than would have been expected to die in a normal... Ecosystem dynamics: Topological phases in biological systems Physicists at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich have shown that topological phases could exist in biology,... CRISPR helps researchers uncover how corals adjust to warming oceans Baltimore, MD– The CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system can help scientists understand, and possibly improve, how corals... Sex-specific Alzheimer’s treatment could benefit males over females A University of Ottawa study has found a specific Alzheimer’s treatment is effective in male and not female mice, providing... Under Antarctica’s ice, Weddell seals produce ultrasonic vocalizations IMAGE: University of Oregon evolutionary biologist Paul Cziko looks over the underwater camera during a dive at the... Gene pathway linked to schizophrenia identified through stem cell engineering IMAGE: These are neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells from a schizophrenia patient. view more Credit:... Citizens versus the internet: Confronting digital challenges with cognitive tools Access to the Internet is essential for economic development, education, global communications, and countless other applications.... January issue of SLAS Discovery “Cryo- EM: The Resolution Revolution and Drug Discovery” Oak Brook, IL – The January edition of SLAS Discovery features the cover article, “Cryo-EM: The Resolution Revolution... New coronavirus variant: What do we know? The government’s advisers on new infections have “moderate” confidence that it is more able to transmit... Covid: Cases rise as Christmas rules come into force Coronavirus cases in the UK have risen by 35,928 – nearly double the number recorded last Sunday, figures show. Study resolves the position of fleas on the tree of life A study of more than 1,400 protein-coding genes of fleas has resolved one of the longest standing mysteries in the evolution... Screen time, emotional health among parents’ top concerns for children during pandemic IMAGE: A new national poll gives a glimpse into parents’ greatest concerns about their kids in the pandemic-era. ... Climate warming linked to tree leaf unfolding and flowering growing apart An international team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang A F University and the University of... Study reveals low risk of COVID-19 infection among patients undergoing head and neck cancer surgery A recent international observational study provides important data on the safety of head and neck cancer surgery during the... Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance could be more challenging outside of the EU In a new report from the Microbiology Society, experts from around the UK explain the desperate need for long-term and ambitious... Exposure to metals can impact pregnancy Exposure to metals such as nickel, arsenic, cobalt and lead may disrupt a woman’s hormones during pregnancy, according... Water and genes flow between the two largest Baltic salmon rivers IMAGE: Juvenile salmon from the Tornio River. view more Credit: Ville Vähä Salmon from upstream reaches... Targeting the deadly coils of Ebola In the midst of a global pandemic with COVID-19, it’s hard to appreciate how lucky those outside of Africa have been... New nature lover? It’s a COVID-19 side effect The new study finds that 26% of people visiting parks during early months of the COVID-19 pandemic had rarely — or... Long non-coding RNA may play a key role in cardiovascular disease Through utilization of genetically modified high-risk atherosclerotic mice, a research team from Brigham and Women’s...
  • 21. Three-dimensionally reconstituted organoids that are just like human organs IMAGE: A bladder assembloid, a reconstituted organoid with three tissue layers of the human bladder. view more Credit:... New solutions for addressing systemic risks Systemic risks like climate change, cybersecurity and pandemics are characterised by high complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity,... Researchers make ‘high vis vests’ to help monitor bee behaviour A team of researchers from the University of Sheffield and The Bumblebee Conservation Trust have been trialling new, low-cost... Blood pressure drug may be key to increasing lifespan, new study shows IMAGE: Scientists found that C. elegans administered metolazone lived longer than those that were not given the drug.... When light and atoms share a common vibe An especially counter-intuitive feature of quantum mechanics is that a single event can exist in a state of superposition... Getting into shape pre-surgery to aid recovery for older patients Older adults about to undergo elective surgery should undertake a sustained programme of targeted exercise beforehand to... Socioeconomic background linked to survival after having a cardiac arrest in hospital IMAGE: Graphical abstract view more Credit: European Heart Journal Hospital in-patients from lower socioeconomic... COVID-19: avoiding hospital caused heart disease death rise Lower rates of hospital attendance for urgent heart problems during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed... Covid: Matt Hancock on ‘new variant’ of Coroanavirus playMore than 1,000 cases of ‘new variant’ virus. Video, 00:01:15More than 1,000 cases of ‘new variant’ virus Covid tier 3 rules: What closes in tier 3 in England? More half of England’s population are set to be subject to the tightest set of restrictions from 00:01 GMT Wednesday. Health... Covid Christmas: What are the Christmas Covid rules? A five-day window of special restrictions will be in place this year across the UK to allow people to celebrate Christmas. The... New recipe for antibiotic could prevent deafness Gentamicin is used in U.S. hospitals to treat a variety of bacterial infections, including infections in newborns and in... Living environment affects the microbiota and health of both dogs and their owners In a joint research project known as DogEnvi, researchers from the University of Helsinki, the Finnish Environment Institute... Power boost thanks to gold lamellae IMAGE: Ultra-thin gold lamellae drastically amplify the incoming terahertz pulses (red) in the underlying graphene... The Milky Way primordial history and its fossil findings IMAGE: Panoramic view of the Milky Way (Credit: ESO/S. Brunier) with the location of the two Bulge Fossil Fragments... Potentially damaging surface ozone levels rose in lockdown Less traffic on the roads during the first lockdown led to a reduction in air pollution but may have caused potentially damaging... New drug molecules hold promise for treating rare inherited terminal childhood disease Scientists at the University of Exeter have identified a way to “rescue” cells that have genetically mutated,... Covid-19: contaminated surfaces as a risk factor The results could make a significant contribution to combating COVID-19 and have now been published in Advanced Nano-Biomed... Novel crystalline oxide may solve the problem of overheating in composite materials Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology recently synthesized a novel material that displays unique thermal expansion... Researchers reveal link between cryptocurrency coding and market behavior A new study by Reader in City’s Department of Mathematics, Dr Andrea Baronchelli, published in the Science Advances... New curriculum improves students’ understanding of electric circuits in schools FRANKFURT / TÜBINGEN. Life without electricity is something that is no longer imaginable. Whether it be a smartphone, hair-dryer... New discovery brings analogue spintronic devices closer IMAGE: This EM image of an experimental device as used in this study shows graphene (light green) with boron nitride...
  • 22. In liver, a stressed cell can be bad news for its neighbors A key protein in the communication channels between cells can allow a stress response in one liver cell to spread to neighboring... New mechanism of force transduction in muscle cells discovered IMAGE: The picture shows focal adhesions (red/blue), in which metavinculin connects to the intracellular actin cytoskeleton... Inverted fluorescence Fluorescence usually entails the conversion of light at shorter wavelengths to light at longer wavelengths. Scientists have... Study sets baseline for sleep patterns in healthy adult dogs A new canine sleep study from North Carolina State University could serve as a baseline for research on chronic pain and... Research brief: Researchers discover new way to deliver DNA-based therapies for diseases University of Minnesota Twin Cities researchers in the Department of Chemistry have created a new polymer to deliver DNA... Researchers determine factors associated with ovary removal in patients with ovarian torsion (Boston)–Ovarian torsion can cause severe pain and other symptoms because the ovary is not receiving enough blood... Study sheds new light on how the brain distinguishes speech from noise IMAGE: This image shows histological confirmation of recording sites. Fluoro-Gold deposited at the end of separate... Long Covid: I used to run, now I can only walk 200 metres playLong Covid: I used to run, now I can only walk 200 metres. Video, 00:01:46Long Covid: I used to run, now I can only walk... Covid Christmas: What can you do to stay safe? Changes to a planned relaxation of Covid rules for Christmas have been scrapped. Only people living outside of tier four... Covid vaccine: How will the UK jab millions of people? In addition to the Pfizer vaccine though, two other jabs – developed by Moderna and Oxford- AstraZeneca – are... Coronavirus creates boom in digital fitness “Covid-19 has presented many people with the unique opportunity to exercise more, because, practically, people have... Could coronavirus trigger a sudden menopause years before your time? Coughing fits that send shockwaves down to your toes. Breathlessness that feels as though you’re drowning. Haunted by a... HEALTH NOTES: Happiness is a slice of cake and a loved one HEALTH NOTES: Happiness is a slice of cake and a loved one By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published: 17:01 EST, 19 December... What can I do about my lockdown radiator face? EVE SIMMONS asks the experts For many, 2020 has been a year of new experiences: wearing masks in supermarkets, Zoom conferences and watching Ministers... Thousands are risking blindness because they don’t use their eye drops properly, warn experts Failure to use eye drops correctly is putting hundreds of thousands of Britons at risk of blindness, experts have warned.... DR ELLIE CANNON: Help… I just can’t stop my nose from dripping! My nose won’t stop running – particularly in the mornings. It drips when I move around in the afternoons. Antihistamines... How healthy is a vegan Christmas?… and can you really stomach soya turkey made with coconut milk? The vegan bug bit last year, with thousands of Britons turning to plant-based diets in a bid to save the environment, shed... If face masks really stop Covid, then why are so many of us still catching it? Stifling. Itchy. Dehumanising. Oppressive. Profoundly un-British. Just some of the terms used to describe the experience... Researchers create model to calculate COVID-19 health outcomes “The goal is to give an earlier alert to clinicians to identify patients who may be vulnerable at the onset,”... COVID-19 pandemic had big impact on commercial fishing in Northeast Of those who kept fishing, nearly all reported a decline in income compared with previous years, according to the survey... Researchers use artificial intelligence to ID mosquitoes Human malaria is an ongoing public health crisis affecting multiple continents, with the highest numbers of cases and people... The mask matters: How masks affect airflow, protection effectiveness In Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, researchers from the University of Massachusetts Lowell and California Baptist University...
  • 23. New insights into cholera microbe and chances of pandemic strain The finding was revealed by examining the type VI secretion system, or T6SS for short, a secretion system used by Vibrio... Potentially damaging surface ozone levels rose in lockdown, UK study finds The study — led by the University of York — shows levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) down on average across the... Prenatal testing has halved the number of babies born with Down syndrome in Europe, study finds The researchers spent three years collecting data from multiple registries and databases in every country in Europe to estimate... Stroke and altered mental state increase risk of death for COVID-19 patients The study looked at data from 4,711 COVID-19 patients who were admitted to Montefiore during the six-week period between... World’s first transmission of 1 Petabit/s using a single-core multimode optical fiber IMAGE: Previous high capacity demonstrations in multi-mode fibers view more Credit: National Institute of... COVID-19: what strategies are beneficial to the state Those who consider themselves healthy will be more willing to comply with COVID restrictions if they believe, according to... Key building block for organic molecules discovered in meteorites IMAGE: Photo of a piece of the Murchison meteorite that was used in this study. view more Credit: NASA Scientists... NYS can achieve 2050 carbon goals: Here’s how ITHACA, N.Y. – By delving into scientific, technological, environmental and economic data, Cornell University engineering... Experts call for Europe-wide COVID-19 targets A group of more than 300 leading scientists across the globe are calling for European governments to work together in managing... Concern about loved ones might motivate people to mask up and get vaccine ANN ARBOR, Michigan — While many people have listened to messaging about wearing a mask and following social distancing... Discovery finds a cellular building block acts as a gel, not liquid as previously believed University of Alberta researchers have found an answer to a fundamental question in genomic biology that has eluded scientists... What’s the ‘true’ rate of dislocation after total hip replacement? December 18, 2020 – The cumulative incidence of hip dislocation following total hip replacement is about 50 percent... AI-supported test predicts eye disease three years before symptoms Researchers hope their test could be used to identify the disease early enough so that treatment can effectively prevent... New way to deliver DNA-based therapies for diseases The research is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Gene therapy involves altering the... CAPTUREing Whole-Body 3D movements Animal behavior is important to a broad range of disciplines, from neuroscience and psychology to ecology and pharmacology.... Nanotechnology: Nanoparticles as weapons against cancer Both calcium phosphate and citrate are involved in the regulation of many cellular signaling pathways. Hence, the levels... How does the brain manage its learning? H.M. helped scientists understand the role of the hippocampus in learning, but a mystery remains around how signals from... NASA finds what a glacier’s slope reveals about Greenland Ice Sheet thinning IMAGE: GIF showing the potential distances over which thinning can spread into Greenland’s interior. Glaciers... Breast cancer study uncovers how macrophages may contribute to a therapeutic weak spot Breast cancer, the second most common cancer in the United States, can result from a number of cellular misregulations, such... Prenatal testing has halved the number of babies born with Down syndrome in Europe BOSTON — The growth of prenatal screening in Europe has reduced the number of babies being born per year with Down... APS plays foundational role in development of COVID-19 vaccines IMAGE: Data taken at the APS shows the neutralizing antibody D25 binding to the F protein of the Respiratory Syncytial... Land ecosystems are becoming less efficient at absorbing CO2 Land ecosystems currently play a key role in mitigating climate change. The more carbon dioxide (CO2) plants and trees absorb...
  • 24. Humpback whale songs provide insight to population changes IMAGE: Humpback whale off Maui. view more Credit: HIHWNMS/NMFS ESA Permit #782-1719 Approximately 8,000-12,000... Shifting gears toward chemical machines IMAGE: Animation from simulation demonstrating spatio-temporal control of rotors via a cascade reaction. GOx-coated... Scientists get the most realistic view yet of a coronavirus spike’s protein structure IMAGE: This rotating image shows the detailed structure of a “spike ” from a coronavirus that causes cold... Covid-19: Germany introduces new restrictions amid rise in cases Coronavirus: Germany to go into lockdown over Christmas Covid Christmas risk ‘hard to control’ US approves Moderna as second Covid-19 vaccine The Food and Drug Administration gives the green light for releasing millions... Covid rules still to be relaxed over Christmas in UK Only two households are advised to mix in Wales, under new stricter advice. Covid: US approves Moderna as second vaccine It has recorded more than 313,500 deaths and about 17.5 million infections, according to Johns Hopkins University. Media Alert: The CRISPR Journal publishes special issue on expanding the CRISPR toolbox IMAGE: outstanding research and commentary on all aspects of CRISPR and gene editing, including CRISPR biology, technology,... Study shows incorporating telemedicine helps surgical practices IMAGE: Aurora D. Pryor, MD view more Credit: Stony Brook University STONY BROOK, NY, December 18, 2020 –... New study identifies greatest risk factors of mortality from COVID-19 Hospitalized COVID-19 patients have a greater risk of dying if they are men or if they are obese or have complications from... Researchers propose process to detect and contain emerging diseases FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – A University of Arkansas biologist is part of a global team of researchers developing a strategy... Study finds growing numbers of critically endangered sawfish in Miami waters IMAGE: Figure 3 from the paper: (A) Photograph taken by W. A. Fishbaugh in the 1920s, recorded as taken in Miami (courtesy... Ultra-fast gas flows through tiniest holes in 2D membranes IMAGE: Researchers identify ultra-fast gas flows through atomic-scale apertures in 2D membrane and validate a century-old... New topological properties found in "old" material of Cobalt disulfide IMAGE: Experimental verification of Weyl nodes in Cobalt disulfide, in comparison to the theoretical prediction. ... Low-income preschoolers exposed to nurturing care have with higher IQ scores later on IMAGE: This model illustrates the proposed association between early cumulative adversities in childhood and benefits... How a very ‘sociable’ protein can hold clues about Alzheimer’s origin The origin of the most prevalent form of Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for 95% of cases, is still not clear despite... New material system to convert and generate terahertz waves developed Some time ago, a team of experts working on the HZDR accelerator ELBE were able to show that graphene can act as a frequency... Monkeys, like humans, persist at tasks they’ve already invested in But why would we engage in such potentially self- defeating behavior? Georgia State researchers think two factors may play... Zika virus affects eye development before but not after birth The Zika virus is primarily transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito from the Aedes genus. However, it can also be... More than half of Hudson River tidal marshes were created accidentally by humans IMAGE: The arrival of the railroad and associated structures in 1850 along the banks of New York’s Hudson River... New class of cobalt-free cathodes could enhance energy density of next-gen lithium-ion batteries IMAGE: Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have developed a new class of cobalt-free cathodes called NFA that... Gene biomarkers indicate liver toxicity quickly and accurately IMAGE: From left: University of Illinois researchers Zeynep Madak-Erdogan, associate professor of nutrition; Rohit...