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Title: Fitness| Meaning| Benefits| Tips| Get started
Description: Many people strive to be fit. Fitness, after all, is synonymous with health.
Fitness and Exercise: Health Benefits, How to Get Started,
and How to Get Better
Many people strive to be fit. Fitness, after all, is synonymous with health.
Having a high level of overall fitness is linked with a lower risk of chronic disease, as well as
a better ability to manage health issues that do come up. Better fitness also promotes more
functionality and mobility throughout one’s life span.
And in the short term, being active can help your day-to-day functioning, from better mood to
sharper focus to better sleep.
Simply put: Our bodies are meant to move, and they tend to function better when we’re more
That said, it’s also important to know that there are many different ways to be fit (think of a
ballet dancer versus a bodybuilder or a sprinter versus a gymnast). And fitness does not have
a singular “look.” In fact, appearance can’t necessarily tell you about someone’s habits,
whether they’re actually physically active, or even whether they’re fit at all.
What It Means to Be Fit
There are five components of physical fitness:
 Cardiorespiratory Fitness Your VO2 max is a commonly used measure of this. It’s
your body’s ability to uptake and utilize oxygen (which feeds all of your tissues),
something that is directly related to your health and quality of life, says Abbie Smith-
Ryan, PhD, professor and director of the Applied Physiology Laboratory at the
University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.
 Musculoskeletal Fitness This includes muscle strength, endurance, and power.
 Flexibility This is the range of motion of your joints.
 Balance This is your ability to stay on your feet and steady to avoid falls.
 Speed This is how quickly you can move.
Types of Fitness
There are a few main components of fitness, all of which are important for building a well-
rounded exercise routine. Below, you will find the ones included in the Physical Activity
Guidelines for Americans, which HHS highlights as the components that should be included
in weekly exercise. (It’s worth noting that many definitions of fitness include other
components as well, such as endurance, muscular endurance, power, speed, balance, and
agility — as mentioned above.)
Aerobic (Cardiovascular) Exercise
Aerobic exercise is the foundation of every fitness program — and for good reason. Also
called cardiovascular exercise or cardio, this type of physical activity increases your heart
rate and breathing rate, which improves your cardiorespiratory fitness, according to the
American Heart Association.
Aerobic exercise includes activities like brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming, aerobic
fitness classes (like kickboxing), tennis, dancing, yard work, tennis, and jumping rope, per
the Physical Activity Guidelines.
Strength Training
Strength training is an important way to improve mobility and overall functioning,
particularly as you get older. “As you age, you lose muscle mass, which can have a
significant impact on the quality of life. Strength exercises build bones and muscle, and more
muscle protects your body from falls and the fractures that can happen in older age,” says
Robert Sallis, MD, a family medicine doctor at Kaiser Permanente in Fontana, California,
and chairman of the Exercise Is Medicine initiative with the American College of Sports
Medicine (ACSM).
According to the ACSM, the definition of strength or resistance training is exercise that is
“designed to improve muscular fitness by exercising a muscle or a muscle group against
external resistance.” Activities that answer this call include lifting weights, using resistance
bands or your body weight, carrying heavy loads, and even strenuous gardening, per the
Physical Activity Guidelines from HHS.
Flexibility and Mobility
Flexibility and mobility are both important components of healthy movement, according to
the International Sports Sciences Association. However, they are not synonymous.
Flexibility refers to the ability of tendons, muscles, and ligaments to stretch, while mobility
refers to the body’s ability to take a joint through its full range-of-motion.
There is no specific recommendation for the number of minutes you should do activities that
improve flexibility or mobility (such as stretching), and the health benefits of those activities
are not known because of a lack of research on the topic, according to the Physical Activity
Guidelines from HHS. But the guidelines note that flexibility exercises are important for
physical fitness.
And the guidelines do recommend that older adults incorporate balance training into their
weekly fitness routine. Evidence suggests that regular exercise that includes balance training
can significantly reduce older adults’ risk of falls, which can cause serious and debilitating
injuries, among other consequences.
Rest and Recovery
Building in rest and recovery days allows time for your body to repair the natural damage
that occurs to muscles during exercise. Exercise, by definition, puts stress on the muscles and
the body. The repairing or healing of that stress is how you get stronger (and fitter). But
you need to give the body adequate rest after a workout for that recovery process to happen.
Recovery days can include no physical activity at all or they may look like an active
recovery day, which means doing low-intensity, low-impact forms of exercise, such as
walking or gentle yoga. Dr. Sallis generally recommends doing some activity every day, such
as a 10-minute walk outdoors.
For rest and recovery days, the idea isn’t that you’re immobile on your couch; it’s just that
you’re not pushing yourself to a point where physical activity feels strenuous or challenging.
Health Benefits of Exercise
Improved fitness drastically reduces the risk of chronic diseases that develop over time, such
as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer. “The one thing that will help prevent
almost any type of disease is fitness,” says Grayson Wickham, DPT, CSCS, founder of
Movement Vault, a mobility and movement company in New York City.
In 2007, ACSM partnered with the American Medical Association to launch the Exercise Is
Medicine initiative, with the goal of making physical activity assessment part of routine
medical care and providing exercise resources to people of all ability levels. “The
scientifically proven benefits of physical activity remain indisputable, and they can be as
powerful as any pharmaceutical agent in preventing and treating a range of chronic diseases
and medical conditions,” the initiative’s website notes.
Here’s a breakdown of those benefits:
Exercise Boosts Your Mood
Regular exercise has been shown to be a buffer against depression and anxiety, according to
research. What’s more, other studies show that exercise can help manage the symptoms of
depression and help treat it, notes a scientific article. Exercise may help reduce inflammation,
something that has been shown to be increased in people with depression; it’s also possible
that physical activity promotes favourable changes in the brain, too, say the researchers.
Exercise Is Good for Sleep
Habitual exercise can help you get more restful sleep at night. Of 34 studies included in a
systematic review, 29 found that exercise improved sleep quality and was associated with
longer bouts of slumber. It may help set your body clock (so that you are alert and sleepy at
appropriate times), create chemical changes in the brain that favour sleep, and, as past
research indicates, can ease pre sleep anxiety that may otherwise keep you up.
It’s worth noting, however, that high-intensity exercise done too close to bedtime (within
about an hour or two) can make it more difficult for some people to sleep and should be done
earlier in the day.
Exercise Promotes Long-Term Health
Exercise has been shown to improve brain and bone health, preserve muscle mass (so that
you’re not frail as you age), improve gastrointestinal function, and reduce the risk of many
diseases, including cancer and stroke. Research involving more than 116,000 adults also
showed that getting the recommended 150 to 300 minutes of physical activity per week
decreased the risk of death from any cause by 19 percent.
Fitness Helps You Manage Chronic Disease
Exercise helps the body function, and that includes managing other chronic health problems.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if you have
osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease,
dementia, or have had a stroke or cancer, physical activity can help. Exercise can help
decrease pain, improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control, promote mobility, improve
heart health, lower the risk of other chronic diseases, and play a role in good mental health.
If you have a chronic disease and you’re looking to stay active or get more active, a walking
routine is generally a safe place to start. “The vast majority of people do not need clearance
from their doctor to start walking, unless your physician has told you specifically that they
don’t want you exercising,” says Sallis.
He says he wishes that more people would look at physical activity as a baseline and that:
“You need to get clearance from your doctor not to exercise,” he says.
But if you get excessively short of breath, experience chest pain, or have any other
concerning symptoms, call your doctor.
What to Eat Before, During, and After Exercise
Fueling your body with adequate and healthy foods also plays an important role in exercise.
Before Your Workout If you’re exercising shortly after you wake up in the morning, listen to
your body’s hunger cues, says Jackie Dikos, RDN, a sports dietitian in Westfield, Indiana,
and author of Finish Line Fueling. If you ate a heavier or later dinner the night before, you
may not need anything. If you have an intense workout ahead of you and are hungry, you
may need a small snack.
Eating easy-to-digest carbohydrates, such as a banana or some cereal just prior to a workout,
or a combination of carbs and protein (e.g., toast with nut butter) 30 minutes beforehand will
fuel you up for the work ahead. If you recently ate a meal, you may be able to skip the snack
During Your Workout Shorter workouts don’t require mid-exercise fueling, but longer bouts
of endurance exercise do. Consume 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates every hour after the
first 60 minutes of exercise, according to recommendations from the International Society of
Sports Nutrition. Sports drinks are one option.
After Your Workout A low- to moderate-intensity workout, such as a 45-minute brisk walk,
doesn’t require immediate refueling (particularly if your next meal is not far away), Dikos
says. But if you’ve just done a high-intensity workout, or if you know you’re doing another
workout later that day or a tough workout the next day, your body will need fuel. Dikos
recommends eating half a gram of carbs per pound of body weight, plus 10 to 20 grams of
Title: Food habits| Ten| Wellness
Description: The food habits you should follow for a better healthy lifestyle. To avoid
unwanted problems and maintain a good life.
Top healthy food habits to maintain wellness
1. See what you are eating
Observe your present diet. What is it you eat more? Are you consuming too many calories in
your diet and don't have enough time to burn them? Then you should probably consider
eating something that is less fattening and easy for your body to digest. A couple of minutes
spent doing basic yoga postures will also help you burn those extra calories.
Protip: Plan healthy meals in advance and ensure that you have the ingredients at home. It
will be easier and faster to cook.
2. Choose green leafy vegetables
Add green leafy vegetables to your diet. They are a rich source of proteins, iron, calcium,
and fiber. Green leafy vegetables are easy to prepare and quite appetizing too.
Protip: Try to include as many colors as you can on your plate for each meal. It would be
ideal if you could include all the six different types of tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter,
pungent, astringent) at least once a day.
3. Know when to drink water
The body receives a significant amount of minerals through water. Drinking plenty of water
also helps detoxify the body and gives you a glowing skin. However, avoid drinking water
during meals as it slows down the digestion process. It is advisable to have water 30 minutes
before or after your meal. Yes, learning to drink water correctly forms a strong base for good
eating habits.
Protip: Drink a glass of water right after getting up in the morning, and before brushing your
pearly whites. Morning saliva is considered extremely beneficial for digestion. Drinking
water in the morning (known as ushapana in Ayurveda) helps in flushing out toxins from the
system, cleansing the intestines and ridding the body of diseases.
4. Include enough proteins in your diet
Proteins are vital for the body and should definitely be included in the diet. Broccoli,
soybeans, lentils, asparagus, and spinach are some protein-rich foods. Low-fat dairy
products are also a rich source of proteins. Ensure that your body receives the required
amount of proteins daily.
Protip: Approximately 25 percent of your meal should be good proteins. If you’re regular
with active exercise, then the amount could be increased by five percent.
5. Chew your food
Have you seen a cow chew its food? It’s at least 40-60 times.
One of the easiest and obvious ways to digest food is to chew it. Most people often eat their
food in a hurry and skip chewing their food properly. While what you eat eventually gets
digested, but a barely chewed morsel takes more time and tires your digestive system.
Besides, the more you chew your food, the easier it becomes for your stomach to digest it and
the more calories you burn moving your jaw. Small steps like learning to chew correctly go
a long way in forming a healthy food habit.
Protip: Chew 32-40 times so that the food becomes a paste and is ready for the stomach to do
its digestive magic. Sip water and other liquids, roll it around in your mouth and then
swallow. This activates saliva, which contains digestive juices.
6. Keep away from fast food and soft drinks
Although it may appease your taste buds, fast food usually does a lot of harm to the body. It
can be unhygienic and also high on harmful fats like trans-fats. Also, carbonated soft drinks
have a high sugar content which will lead to obesity, diabetes, and dental caries. Instead of
these harmful drinks, refresh yourself with a glass of buttermilk or lemonade.
Protip: Infuse slices of fruits like oranges, or grapes, lemons, and herbs like tulsi or mint in
water for a few hours and then drink it. Lemon and cucumber also help to make the water
alkaline, which is good for the body. You will love these alternatives to soft drinks. Good
eating habits have never been so easy.
7. Cook at home
Instead of ordering pizza from the joint around the corner, use your kitchen and make that
dish you've been planning on having. Cooking at home is a very good investment as it lets
you spend more quality time with your family. It's a great way of ensuring that everyone in
the family follows healthy food habits. Also, it's a very good idea to sit cross-legged on the
floor or a chair while eating. Try it!
Protip: Sukhasana makes it easier to sit with a straight back as opposed to slouching on a
chair, or sinking into a sofa. A slouch will also bend and twist the abdominal areas while a
straight back helps the stomach. This will help the digestion of food. A good posture also
reduces excessive strain on muscles and joints
8. Focus on your food
Most of us have our food while texting or watching television and don’t really keep a count
of how much we end up eating. Though your stomach might be full, your brain tells you to
eat more, and you eventually end up overeating. If you focus only on your food then you’ll
eat only as much as your body requires. So, the next time you sit down for your meal, keep
the remote control and mobile phone away for some time.
Protip: It’s best to reserve 20-30 minutes for your meal time. Don’t eat in a hurry (you will
overeat!). Use your meals as a time to relax, rejuvenate and celebrate life.
9. Never skip your breakfast
Breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day as the body prepares itself for the
whole day ahead. Make sure you eat a wholesome and rich breakfast before you step out of
the house.
Protip: Maintain regular meal timings. The stomach will get trained to secrete acid at those
times, leading to better digestion. Failure to maintain those timings will make the stomach
feel confused.
10. Boost your digestion
While knowing what to eat and how much to eat is important, it always helps if you can
boost the process of digestion. Sitting in Vajrasna (adamantine pose) for a few minutes after
having food helps you there. This yogic posture enhances blood circulation in the lower
abdomen and improves the digestive process.
Protip: Consume pre- and probiotic supplements (after consulting with a food expert). A
prebiotic creates a good environment for the good bacteria in the stomach. You can add
many more of the good bacteria with the regular consumption of a probiotic.
Title: Javascript| Meaning | Introduction| beginners
Description : JavaScript is a dynamic programming language developers use to create
interactive web applications using HTML and CSS. Many browsers use the
programming language to perform dynamic functions on websites.
What is JavaScript? Definition and How to Learn It.
Without JavaScript, most interactive computer and mobile device features, such as media or
games, wouldn't function properly. As projects become more reliant on JavaScript, employers
increasingly seek candidates with strong skills in this technical area. Learning more about it
can increase your ability to find a job in a technical field. In this article, we explain what
JavaScript is, how it functions with other coding languages and how to develop JavaScript
skills to advance your career.
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a dynamic programming language developers use to create interactive web
applications using HTML and CSS. Many browsers use the programming language to
perform dynamic functions on websites. Anytime you're using a website and have to use a
drop-down menu or change colour on a page, you're using the end product of JavaScript. As
it stands, without JavaScript, websites would use HTML and CSS as the primary
development tools. The limitations may render websites static, with no graphics.
Understanding JavaScript is an important qualification for many computer scientists and
web developers because it's the basis of interactive user interfaces on the web. JavaScript is
a multipurpose programming language used to create web applications, game development
and graphics. Brendan Eich developed the object-oriented, general-purpose language. Once
Java applications are compiled, they result in a bytecode that can execute on any platform
with the JavaScript engine. Because of this, JavaScript is what's known as a WORA ( write
once, run anywhere) programming language.
How does JavaScript work with other coding languages?
Developers can combine JavaScript with other coding languages to improve the basic
structure of web pages. The concept of creating website layout, design and content use a
combination of programming languages. Although they differ in rules and syntax, they all tell
the web browser what to do. All websites use a set of instructions that build upon each other.
JavaScript is a core language for web content and structure. However, any application that
runs on the browser likely uses different programming languages. JavaScript might fail to
execute complex projects. To overcome this limitation, several trans pilers and new
languages work efficiently with no JavaScript lines being written. For instance, Dart, which
is an object-oriented programming language, is designed to help develop applications for
mobile devices, browsers and servers. Dart VM or JavaScript can interpret the language for
Other languages that are combined with JavaScript to increase its application
TypeScript: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. Valid JavaScript can be referred to as
TypeScript with static typing added.
ELM: This purely functional programming language allows compilation to JavaScript, CSS
and HTML. It's a great alternative to JavaScript that allows complete web development.
Pure Script: This strongly typed programming language is purely functional, meaning it
treats all computations as evaluations of mathematical functions.
Some of the standard combinations used to create a website include:
JavaScript and HTML
HTML tags are used to create objects, while JavaScript is used to make the objects
interactive. For instance, HTML allows a developer to create an 'Upload file' display, while
JavaScript allows the actual file to be uploaded. Other HTML tags you can interact with
include images, text fields and embedded Java applets. To make JavaScript and HTML
work, developers embed JavaScript into HTML files.
Since websites comprise more than one language, JavaScript is used to make the websites
accessible on browsers. Plug-ins, such as Adobe player and Real player, are examples of
platform-specific objects that require JavaScript. The current date and the browser version
are examples of non-HTML objects website users interact with using JavaScript. Document
Object Models (DOMs) are browser and platform-related objects, browser objects, and
HTML objects built into the programming language to make the website function.
JavaScript and CSS
CSS and JavaScript are used in web pages alongside HTML for different roles. CSS helps
create an appealing layout for the user, so they can feel more comfortable with the interface.
After styling the webpage, JavaScript makes the webpage interactive.
CSS outlines the paragraph structure, spacing and position of elements on the page, providing
guidelines for how JavaScript can influence the webpage. While HTML provides the content
for a webpage, CSS modifies the visual display through shape, color, size and style. CSS
provides the outer cover to HTML elements and JavaScript can only operate within the
boundaries set by the CSS code.
Other programming languages
Because JavaScript is so commonly used, many other programming languages influence its
use. Programming languages like C, C++ and ECMAScript modify a webpage so that it can
run JavaScript. Some programmers create customer frameworks to modify JavaScript code,
while others use standardized libraries of programming functions that work well with it.
What is an API in JavaScript?
API is an acronym for application program interface, which functions as a software
intermediary that allows applications to communicate. When you check an application on
your phone, the phone sends data to the server. The server interprets the data, carries out the
functions and sends the data back to the phone in a presentable manner. All this happens via
an API.
In JavaScript, APIs create interfaces between a server and a client, creating protocols for
security and troubleshooting while maintaining functions on the webpage. APIs allow users
to access a page based on credentials set by the page administrators. They send and retrieve
information that allows JavaScript to make timely changes to a page.
When to use JavaScript
While JavaScript is prominent for increasing the functionality of a website. Its application
for front-end development goes further than styling and functionality. The front end is the
part of the website with which the user interacts. JavaScript is used with Node.JS for back-
end or server-side development. Back-end development makes the website function as it
should. Developers can retrieve and save data from the database using JavaScript and
Node.JS. JavaScript carries out functions, such as processing payments and saving social
media posts, that the user doesn't realize are happening.
Programmers use the highly adaptable JavaScript language to perform an unlimited number
of functions, although some are common among many web pages. Some jobs JavaScript can
do include:
 Reacting to mouse movements and clicks
 Adding, changing or removing HTML content on a page
 Responding to typing
 Downloading files
 Uploading files
 Storing data through caches
 Interacting with site visitors
 Sending and receiving messages
In recent years, JavaScript has been used to create mobile applications and online games.
Although, these games aren't as complex as others made by programming languages
specifically designed to develop games.
Benefits of using JavaScript
JavaScript is a flexible but consistent coding language.
Some benefits of using this coding language in web development include:
Ease of learning: Many programmers find JavaScript easy to learn because its commands
are similar to English. There are also many resources available for people looking to learn
JavaScript because it's so widely used.
Low bandwidth needs: JavaScript is a client-side language, meaning that users provide the
bandwidth needed to operate it. This saves bandwidth for the server that runs the page.
Fast processing: Changes to the code are completed almost immediately after the user
performs an action.
Modifiable programming: JavaScript is easy to test and modify based on errors and bugs.
Functionality on any browser: Any browser can run JavaScript code, making information
more accessible to a wide audience
How does JavaScript work?
Web browsers have engines that translate JavaScript and other code to the images, text,
animation and other features you see on your screen. The engine interprets the commands
from JavaScript to dynamic actions on the page. After loading HTML and CSS in a browser,
JavaScript performs one function at a time to write the code on the web page. This allows
each element to complete an action in a logical sequence. Well-written, optimized code
keeps webpages running efficiently, while unorganized commands can slow down a user's
browser or cause errors.
Who uses JavaScript?
Because coding and running a website often requires collaboration from an array of experts,
many positions within web development require the use of JavaScript. Some of the most
popular positions are:
Web application developer: Web app developers work with JavaScript in all stages of an
application's development, focusing on the interactive aspects of programming.
UX designer: UX designers research how people experience a website and create plans for
improving site functions from the perspective of the website's users.
Front-end developer: Front-end developers mainly use JavaScript to build the visual
aspects that users can access.
DevOps engineer: DevOps engineers manage updates to JavaScript and other code to
decrease errors.
How to learn JavaScript
Learning JavaScript adds a valuable skill to your resume and gives you a greater
understanding of how websites function. The basics of JavaScript are easy to learn, allowing
you to expand your skills and apply them to new situations. If you're interested in a career
writing code and programming web applications, follow these steps to learn JavaScript:
1. Learn HTML and CSS
JavaScript is used closely with both HTML and CSS. Focus on developing your
understanding of each language before moving on to JavaScript. HTML and CSS are easy to
learn, with many free guides readily available online. These courses equip learners with the
basic skills they need to start a career in programming.
2. Take an online course
Online courses provide an opportunity for nontraditional learners and high school graduates
to acquire JavaScript programming skills. The variety of online classes provide flexibility and
affordable tuition. Learning JavaScript through online classes allows you to control your
pace. Whether you're a new learner or have some background in the JavaScript programming
language, you can define your JavaScript learning experience.
3. Join a study group
Joining a JavaScript study group helps improve creativity and communication skills. A
study group is a great way to break down complex JavaScript concepts and stay up to date
with emerging updates. You can build your coding habits and learn how to speed up your
work and compare, teach and learn different perspectives of JavaScript programming.

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  • 1. Title: Fitness| Meaning| Benefits| Tips| Get started Description: Many people strive to be fit. Fitness, after all, is synonymous with health. Fitness and Exercise: Health Benefits, How to Get Started, and How to Get Better Many people strive to be fit. Fitness, after all, is synonymous with health. Having a high level of overall fitness is linked with a lower risk of chronic disease, as well as a better ability to manage health issues that do come up. Better fitness also promotes more functionality and mobility throughout one’s life span. And in the short term, being active can help your day-to-day functioning, from better mood to sharper focus to better sleep. Simply put: Our bodies are meant to move, and they tend to function better when we’re more fit. That said, it’s also important to know that there are many different ways to be fit (think of a ballet dancer versus a bodybuilder or a sprinter versus a gymnast). And fitness does not have a singular “look.” In fact, appearance can’t necessarily tell you about someone’s habits, whether they’re actually physically active, or even whether they’re fit at all. What It Means to Be Fit There are five components of physical fitness:  Cardiorespiratory Fitness Your VO2 max is a commonly used measure of this. It’s your body’s ability to uptake and utilize oxygen (which feeds all of your tissues), something that is directly related to your health and quality of life, says Abbie Smith- Ryan, PhD, professor and director of the Applied Physiology Laboratory at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.  Musculoskeletal Fitness This includes muscle strength, endurance, and power.  Flexibility This is the range of motion of your joints.  Balance This is your ability to stay on your feet and steady to avoid falls.  Speed This is how quickly you can move. Types of Fitness There are a few main components of fitness, all of which are important for building a well- rounded exercise routine. Below, you will find the ones included in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which HHS highlights as the components that should be included in weekly exercise. (It’s worth noting that many definitions of fitness include other components as well, such as endurance, muscular endurance, power, speed, balance, and agility — as mentioned above.)
  • 2. Aerobic (Cardiovascular) Exercise Aerobic exercise is the foundation of every fitness program — and for good reason. Also called cardiovascular exercise or cardio, this type of physical activity increases your heart rate and breathing rate, which improves your cardiorespiratory fitness, according to the American Heart Association. Aerobic exercise includes activities like brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming, aerobic fitness classes (like kickboxing), tennis, dancing, yard work, tennis, and jumping rope, per the Physical Activity Guidelines. Strength Training Strength training is an important way to improve mobility and overall functioning, particularly as you get older. “As you age, you lose muscle mass, which can have a significant impact on the quality of life. Strength exercises build bones and muscle, and more muscle protects your body from falls and the fractures that can happen in older age,” says Robert Sallis, MD, a family medicine doctor at Kaiser Permanente in Fontana, California, and chairman of the Exercise Is Medicine initiative with the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). According to the ACSM, the definition of strength or resistance training is exercise that is “designed to improve muscular fitness by exercising a muscle or a muscle group against external resistance.” Activities that answer this call include lifting weights, using resistance bands or your body weight, carrying heavy loads, and even strenuous gardening, per the Physical Activity Guidelines from HHS. Flexibility and Mobility Flexibility and mobility are both important components of healthy movement, according to the International Sports Sciences Association. However, they are not synonymous. Flexibility refers to the ability of tendons, muscles, and ligaments to stretch, while mobility refers to the body’s ability to take a joint through its full range-of-motion. There is no specific recommendation for the number of minutes you should do activities that improve flexibility or mobility (such as stretching), and the health benefits of those activities are not known because of a lack of research on the topic, according to the Physical Activity Guidelines from HHS. But the guidelines note that flexibility exercises are important for physical fitness. And the guidelines do recommend that older adults incorporate balance training into their weekly fitness routine. Evidence suggests that regular exercise that includes balance training can significantly reduce older adults’ risk of falls, which can cause serious and debilitating injuries, among other consequences. Rest and Recovery Building in rest and recovery days allows time for your body to repair the natural damage that occurs to muscles during exercise. Exercise, by definition, puts stress on the muscles and the body. The repairing or healing of that stress is how you get stronger (and fitter). But you need to give the body adequate rest after a workout for that recovery process to happen.
  • 3. Recovery days can include no physical activity at all or they may look like an active recovery day, which means doing low-intensity, low-impact forms of exercise, such as walking or gentle yoga. Dr. Sallis generally recommends doing some activity every day, such as a 10-minute walk outdoors. For rest and recovery days, the idea isn’t that you’re immobile on your couch; it’s just that you’re not pushing yourself to a point where physical activity feels strenuous or challenging. Health Benefits of Exercise Improved fitness drastically reduces the risk of chronic diseases that develop over time, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer. “The one thing that will help prevent almost any type of disease is fitness,” says Grayson Wickham, DPT, CSCS, founder of Movement Vault, a mobility and movement company in New York City. In 2007, ACSM partnered with the American Medical Association to launch the Exercise Is Medicine initiative, with the goal of making physical activity assessment part of routine medical care and providing exercise resources to people of all ability levels. “The scientifically proven benefits of physical activity remain indisputable, and they can be as powerful as any pharmaceutical agent in preventing and treating a range of chronic diseases and medical conditions,” the initiative’s website notes. Here’s a breakdown of those benefits: Exercise Boosts Your Mood Regular exercise has been shown to be a buffer against depression and anxiety, according to research. What’s more, other studies show that exercise can help manage the symptoms of depression and help treat it, notes a scientific article. Exercise may help reduce inflammation, something that has been shown to be increased in people with depression; it’s also possible that physical activity promotes favourable changes in the brain, too, say the researchers. Exercise Is Good for Sleep Habitual exercise can help you get more restful sleep at night. Of 34 studies included in a systematic review, 29 found that exercise improved sleep quality and was associated with longer bouts of slumber. It may help set your body clock (so that you are alert and sleepy at appropriate times), create chemical changes in the brain that favour sleep, and, as past research indicates, can ease pre sleep anxiety that may otherwise keep you up. It’s worth noting, however, that high-intensity exercise done too close to bedtime (within about an hour or two) can make it more difficult for some people to sleep and should be done earlier in the day. Exercise Promotes Long-Term Health Exercise has been shown to improve brain and bone health, preserve muscle mass (so that you’re not frail as you age), improve gastrointestinal function, and reduce the risk of many diseases, including cancer and stroke. Research involving more than 116,000 adults also showed that getting the recommended 150 to 300 minutes of physical activity per week decreased the risk of death from any cause by 19 percent.
  • 4. Fitness Helps You Manage Chronic Disease Exercise helps the body function, and that includes managing other chronic health problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if you have osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, or have had a stroke or cancer, physical activity can help. Exercise can help decrease pain, improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control, promote mobility, improve heart health, lower the risk of other chronic diseases, and play a role in good mental health. If you have a chronic disease and you’re looking to stay active or get more active, a walking routine is generally a safe place to start. “The vast majority of people do not need clearance from their doctor to start walking, unless your physician has told you specifically that they don’t want you exercising,” says Sallis. He says he wishes that more people would look at physical activity as a baseline and that: “You need to get clearance from your doctor not to exercise,” he says. But if you get excessively short of breath, experience chest pain, or have any other concerning symptoms, call your doctor. What to Eat Before, During, and After Exercise Fueling your body with adequate and healthy foods also plays an important role in exercise. Before Your Workout If you’re exercising shortly after you wake up in the morning, listen to your body’s hunger cues, says Jackie Dikos, RDN, a sports dietitian in Westfield, Indiana, and author of Finish Line Fueling. If you ate a heavier or later dinner the night before, you may not need anything. If you have an intense workout ahead of you and are hungry, you may need a small snack. Eating easy-to-digest carbohydrates, such as a banana or some cereal just prior to a workout, or a combination of carbs and protein (e.g., toast with nut butter) 30 minutes beforehand will fuel you up for the work ahead. If you recently ate a meal, you may be able to skip the snack entirely. During Your Workout Shorter workouts don’t require mid-exercise fueling, but longer bouts of endurance exercise do. Consume 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates every hour after the first 60 minutes of exercise, according to recommendations from the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Sports drinks are one option. After Your Workout A low- to moderate-intensity workout, such as a 45-minute brisk walk, doesn’t require immediate refueling (particularly if your next meal is not far away), Dikos says. But if you’ve just done a high-intensity workout, or if you know you’re doing another workout later that day or a tough workout the next day, your body will need fuel. Dikos recommends eating half a gram of carbs per pound of body weight, plus 10 to 20 grams of protein.
  • 5. Title: Food habits| Ten| Wellness Description: The food habits you should follow for a better healthy lifestyle. To avoid unwanted problems and maintain a good life. Top healthy food habits to maintain wellness 1. See what you are eating Observe your present diet. What is it you eat more? Are you consuming too many calories in your diet and don't have enough time to burn them? Then you should probably consider eating something that is less fattening and easy for your body to digest. A couple of minutes spent doing basic yoga postures will also help you burn those extra calories. Protip: Plan healthy meals in advance and ensure that you have the ingredients at home. It will be easier and faster to cook. 2. Choose green leafy vegetables Add green leafy vegetables to your diet. They are a rich source of proteins, iron, calcium, and fiber. Green leafy vegetables are easy to prepare and quite appetizing too. Protip: Try to include as many colors as you can on your plate for each meal. It would be ideal if you could include all the six different types of tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, pungent, astringent) at least once a day. 3. Know when to drink water The body receives a significant amount of minerals through water. Drinking plenty of water also helps detoxify the body and gives you a glowing skin. However, avoid drinking water during meals as it slows down the digestion process. It is advisable to have water 30 minutes before or after your meal. Yes, learning to drink water correctly forms a strong base for good eating habits. Protip: Drink a glass of water right after getting up in the morning, and before brushing your pearly whites. Morning saliva is considered extremely beneficial for digestion. Drinking water in the morning (known as ushapana in Ayurveda) helps in flushing out toxins from the system, cleansing the intestines and ridding the body of diseases. 4. Include enough proteins in your diet Proteins are vital for the body and should definitely be included in the diet. Broccoli, soybeans, lentils, asparagus, and spinach are some protein-rich foods. Low-fat dairy products are also a rich source of proteins. Ensure that your body receives the required amount of proteins daily. Protip: Approximately 25 percent of your meal should be good proteins. If you’re regular with active exercise, then the amount could be increased by five percent. 5. Chew your food Have you seen a cow chew its food? It’s at least 40-60 times. One of the easiest and obvious ways to digest food is to chew it. Most people often eat their food in a hurry and skip chewing their food properly. While what you eat eventually gets
  • 6. digested, but a barely chewed morsel takes more time and tires your digestive system. Besides, the more you chew your food, the easier it becomes for your stomach to digest it and the more calories you burn moving your jaw. Small steps like learning to chew correctly go a long way in forming a healthy food habit. Protip: Chew 32-40 times so that the food becomes a paste and is ready for the stomach to do its digestive magic. Sip water and other liquids, roll it around in your mouth and then swallow. This activates saliva, which contains digestive juices. 6. Keep away from fast food and soft drinks Although it may appease your taste buds, fast food usually does a lot of harm to the body. It can be unhygienic and also high on harmful fats like trans-fats. Also, carbonated soft drinks have a high sugar content which will lead to obesity, diabetes, and dental caries. Instead of these harmful drinks, refresh yourself with a glass of buttermilk or lemonade. Protip: Infuse slices of fruits like oranges, or grapes, lemons, and herbs like tulsi or mint in water for a few hours and then drink it. Lemon and cucumber also help to make the water alkaline, which is good for the body. You will love these alternatives to soft drinks. Good eating habits have never been so easy. 7. Cook at home Instead of ordering pizza from the joint around the corner, use your kitchen and make that dish you've been planning on having. Cooking at home is a very good investment as it lets you spend more quality time with your family. It's a great way of ensuring that everyone in the family follows healthy food habits. Also, it's a very good idea to sit cross-legged on the floor or a chair while eating. Try it! Protip: Sukhasana makes it easier to sit with a straight back as opposed to slouching on a chair, or sinking into a sofa. A slouch will also bend and twist the abdominal areas while a straight back helps the stomach. This will help the digestion of food. A good posture also reduces excessive strain on muscles and joints 8. Focus on your food Most of us have our food while texting or watching television and don’t really keep a count of how much we end up eating. Though your stomach might be full, your brain tells you to eat more, and you eventually end up overeating. If you focus only on your food then you’ll eat only as much as your body requires. So, the next time you sit down for your meal, keep the remote control and mobile phone away for some time. Protip: It’s best to reserve 20-30 minutes for your meal time. Don’t eat in a hurry (you will overeat!). Use your meals as a time to relax, rejuvenate and celebrate life. 9. Never skip your breakfast Breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day as the body prepares itself for the whole day ahead. Make sure you eat a wholesome and rich breakfast before you step out of the house.
  • 7. Protip: Maintain regular meal timings. The stomach will get trained to secrete acid at those times, leading to better digestion. Failure to maintain those timings will make the stomach feel confused. 10. Boost your digestion While knowing what to eat and how much to eat is important, it always helps if you can boost the process of digestion. Sitting in Vajrasna (adamantine pose) for a few minutes after having food helps you there. This yogic posture enhances blood circulation in the lower abdomen and improves the digestive process. Protip: Consume pre- and probiotic supplements (after consulting with a food expert). A prebiotic creates a good environment for the good bacteria in the stomach. You can add many more of the good bacteria with the regular consumption of a probiotic.
  • 8. Title: Javascript| Meaning | Introduction| beginners Description : JavaScript is a dynamic programming language developers use to create interactive web applications using HTML and CSS. Many browsers use the programming language to perform dynamic functions on websites. What is JavaScript? Definition and How to Learn It. Without JavaScript, most interactive computer and mobile device features, such as media or games, wouldn't function properly. As projects become more reliant on JavaScript, employers increasingly seek candidates with strong skills in this technical area. Learning more about it can increase your ability to find a job in a technical field. In this article, we explain what JavaScript is, how it functions with other coding languages and how to develop JavaScript skills to advance your career. What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a dynamic programming language developers use to create interactive web applications using HTML and CSS. Many browsers use the programming language to perform dynamic functions on websites. Anytime you're using a website and have to use a drop-down menu or change colour on a page, you're using the end product of JavaScript. As it stands, without JavaScript, websites would use HTML and CSS as the primary development tools. The limitations may render websites static, with no graphics. Understanding JavaScript is an important qualification for many computer scientists and web developers because it's the basis of interactive user interfaces on the web. JavaScript is a multipurpose programming language used to create web applications, game development and graphics. Brendan Eich developed the object-oriented, general-purpose language. Once Java applications are compiled, they result in a bytecode that can execute on any platform with the JavaScript engine. Because of this, JavaScript is what's known as a WORA ( write once, run anywhere) programming language. How does JavaScript work with other coding languages? Developers can combine JavaScript with other coding languages to improve the basic structure of web pages. The concept of creating website layout, design and content use a combination of programming languages. Although they differ in rules and syntax, they all tell the web browser what to do. All websites use a set of instructions that build upon each other. JavaScript is a core language for web content and structure. However, any application that runs on the browser likely uses different programming languages. JavaScript might fail to execute complex projects. To overcome this limitation, several trans pilers and new languages work efficiently with no JavaScript lines being written. For instance, Dart, which is an object-oriented programming language, is designed to help develop applications for mobile devices, browsers and servers. Dart VM or JavaScript can interpret the language for browsers.
  • 9. Other languages that are combined with JavaScript to increase its application include: TypeScript: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. Valid JavaScript can be referred to as TypeScript with static typing added. ELM: This purely functional programming language allows compilation to JavaScript, CSS and HTML. It's a great alternative to JavaScript that allows complete web development. Pure Script: This strongly typed programming language is purely functional, meaning it treats all computations as evaluations of mathematical functions. Some of the standard combinations used to create a website include: JavaScript and HTML HTML tags are used to create objects, while JavaScript is used to make the objects interactive. For instance, HTML allows a developer to create an 'Upload file' display, while JavaScript allows the actual file to be uploaded. Other HTML tags you can interact with include images, text fields and embedded Java applets. To make JavaScript and HTML work, developers embed JavaScript into HTML files. Since websites comprise more than one language, JavaScript is used to make the websites accessible on browsers. Plug-ins, such as Adobe player and Real player, are examples of platform-specific objects that require JavaScript. The current date and the browser version are examples of non-HTML objects website users interact with using JavaScript. Document Object Models (DOMs) are browser and platform-related objects, browser objects, and HTML objects built into the programming language to make the website function. JavaScript and CSS CSS and JavaScript are used in web pages alongside HTML for different roles. CSS helps create an appealing layout for the user, so they can feel more comfortable with the interface. After styling the webpage, JavaScript makes the webpage interactive. CSS outlines the paragraph structure, spacing and position of elements on the page, providing guidelines for how JavaScript can influence the webpage. While HTML provides the content for a webpage, CSS modifies the visual display through shape, color, size and style. CSS provides the outer cover to HTML elements and JavaScript can only operate within the boundaries set by the CSS code. Other programming languages Because JavaScript is so commonly used, many other programming languages influence its use. Programming languages like C, C++ and ECMAScript modify a webpage so that it can run JavaScript. Some programmers create customer frameworks to modify JavaScript code, while others use standardized libraries of programming functions that work well with it. What is an API in JavaScript? API is an acronym for application program interface, which functions as a software intermediary that allows applications to communicate. When you check an application on your phone, the phone sends data to the server. The server interprets the data, carries out the
  • 10. functions and sends the data back to the phone in a presentable manner. All this happens via an API. In JavaScript, APIs create interfaces between a server and a client, creating protocols for security and troubleshooting while maintaining functions on the webpage. APIs allow users to access a page based on credentials set by the page administrators. They send and retrieve information that allows JavaScript to make timely changes to a page. When to use JavaScript While JavaScript is prominent for increasing the functionality of a website. Its application for front-end development goes further than styling and functionality. The front end is the part of the website with which the user interacts. JavaScript is used with Node.JS for back- end or server-side development. Back-end development makes the website function as it should. Developers can retrieve and save data from the database using JavaScript and Node.JS. JavaScript carries out functions, such as processing payments and saving social media posts, that the user doesn't realize are happening. Programmers use the highly adaptable JavaScript language to perform an unlimited number of functions, although some are common among many web pages. Some jobs JavaScript can do include:  Reacting to mouse movements and clicks  Adding, changing or removing HTML content on a page  Responding to typing  Downloading files  Uploading files  Storing data through caches  Interacting with site visitors  Sending and receiving messages In recent years, JavaScript has been used to create mobile applications and online games. Although, these games aren't as complex as others made by programming languages specifically designed to develop games. Benefits of using JavaScript JavaScript is a flexible but consistent coding language. Some benefits of using this coding language in web development include: Ease of learning: Many programmers find JavaScript easy to learn because its commands are similar to English. There are also many resources available for people looking to learn JavaScript because it's so widely used. Low bandwidth needs: JavaScript is a client-side language, meaning that users provide the bandwidth needed to operate it. This saves bandwidth for the server that runs the page.
  • 11. Fast processing: Changes to the code are completed almost immediately after the user performs an action. Modifiable programming: JavaScript is easy to test and modify based on errors and bugs. Functionality on any browser: Any browser can run JavaScript code, making information more accessible to a wide audience How does JavaScript work? Web browsers have engines that translate JavaScript and other code to the images, text, animation and other features you see on your screen. The engine interprets the commands from JavaScript to dynamic actions on the page. After loading HTML and CSS in a browser, JavaScript performs one function at a time to write the code on the web page. This allows each element to complete an action in a logical sequence. Well-written, optimized code keeps webpages running efficiently, while unorganized commands can slow down a user's browser or cause errors. Who uses JavaScript? Because coding and running a website often requires collaboration from an array of experts, many positions within web development require the use of JavaScript. Some of the most popular positions are: Web application developer: Web app developers work with JavaScript in all stages of an application's development, focusing on the interactive aspects of programming. UX designer: UX designers research how people experience a website and create plans for improving site functions from the perspective of the website's users. Front-end developer: Front-end developers mainly use JavaScript to build the visual aspects that users can access. DevOps engineer: DevOps engineers manage updates to JavaScript and other code to decrease errors. How to learn JavaScript Learning JavaScript adds a valuable skill to your resume and gives you a greater understanding of how websites function. The basics of JavaScript are easy to learn, allowing you to expand your skills and apply them to new situations. If you're interested in a career writing code and programming web applications, follow these steps to learn JavaScript: 1. Learn HTML and CSS JavaScript is used closely with both HTML and CSS. Focus on developing your understanding of each language before moving on to JavaScript. HTML and CSS are easy to learn, with many free guides readily available online. These courses equip learners with the basic skills they need to start a career in programming.
  • 12. 2. Take an online course Online courses provide an opportunity for nontraditional learners and high school graduates to acquire JavaScript programming skills. The variety of online classes provide flexibility and affordable tuition. Learning JavaScript through online classes allows you to control your pace. Whether you're a new learner or have some background in the JavaScript programming language, you can define your JavaScript learning experience. 3. Join a study group Joining a JavaScript study group helps improve creativity and communication skills. A study group is a great way to break down complex JavaScript concepts and stay up to date with emerging updates. You can build your coding habits and learn how to speed up your work and compare, teach and learn different perspectives of JavaScript programming.