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Consequences Of The Nanjing Massacre
The Nanjing Massacre to some extent was more atrocious than the bombing of Hiroshima. The main
reasons were: the ongoing physical violence, Japan's war aggression, and lastly, people tend to
forget to forget its history, in comparison to Hiroshima bombings. The Nanjing Massacre was
arguably more atrocious than the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in terms of ongoing physical
violence. The Japanese Imperial Army's invasion in China prolonged the Nanjing Massacre.
Moreover, arguably, it was more atrocious in their case because their own government and army
abandoned them. A survivor named Jiang Genfu had to watch his parents and siblings get killed by
Japanese soldiers, at the age of nine. The Nanjing Massacre was "hardly the unifying event that it
has for the Chinese". "No one could fathom the overall extent of the terror" by looking at
confidential accounts and diaries from Chinese survivors. An estimate of 200,000 Chinese civilians
and war prisoners were massacred in Nanjing during the first six weeks of the Japanese invasion.
Numbers may not mean anything, however, the violence was ongoing. Historians also had to take
into account that not all numbers add up because published textbooks present varied information.
Beijing stated that 300,000 people were massacred. Both sides often questioned the figures. A
professor at Sophia University named Watanabe Shoichi, claimed that "200,000 or 300,000 could
not have been massacred in Nanjing," assuming the size of the Japanese
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The Holocaust: A Morbid Atrocity that Made People...
The Holocaust, a morbid atrocity that made people question humanity, was the cause of millions of
deaths. One of those victims of this brutality was Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who hid from the
Nazis along with her family. Although she was merely ordinary, Anne Frank kept a diary which
became a significant, historical artifact in the modern world as it details her account of concealing
her identity from the outside world. Her story, told in an innocent perspective, allows individuals to
reflect the dreadful events of the Holocaust and acknowledge how far we have come since then.
Even though she died along with millions of other victims from the Holocaust, her spirit still exists
thanks to her articulately written words in her diary which is now considered one of the most
famous works of literature. Anne Frank's legacy still lives on today because her story provides a
primary source of a dark period in history, insightful contemplation of humanity, and motivation for
people to stand up against unjustified persecution.
People can only imagine the terrors that the Jews and other ethnic groups had to go through during
the Holocaust in World War II. With Anne Frank's diary, people can finally put themselves into the
scene and captivate all the feelings and sentiments that Anne Frank has poured onto the pages. Anne
Frank, her family, and their friends were known for hiding from the German Nazis in the Secret
Annex for two years from 1942–1944. Innocent and naive,
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African Atrocities
Running–head: Slavery
The Atrocities of Slavery Christopher Tracy Arnold AIU
Throughout the course of history mankind has lived by the old cliche "live by the sword die by the
sword, but is that what they halfheartedly believe? Darwin believed in his theory of natural
selection, yet how can a nation or tribe advance when barbarians are constantly looking for people
to ... Show more content on ...
. So it has been said that in order for blacks, Nubian s in America to overcome such horrific
atrocities of slavery it would take Universal Consciousness to correct it. It seems that time is
arriving as black linguist, Historians, and scientist are uncovering real facts of who's who on this
planet as well as exposing the lies of European historians and Anthropologists who have misled all
of man and mankind. When scientist announced in August of 2010 "Is the Sun Emitting a mystery
particle"? Some thought the world was coming to an end. According to Discovery News (O'Neill,
2010), is the sun emitting a mystery particle, it stated . "When probing the deepest reaches of the
cosmos or magnifying our understanding of the quantum world, a whole host of mysteries present
themselves. This is to be expected when pushing our knowledge of the universe to the limit. But
what if a well–known and a apparently constant–characteristic of matter starts behaving
mysteriously? This is exactly what has been noticed in recent years; the decay rates of radioactive
elements are changing. This is especially mysterious as we are talking about elements with
"constant "decay rates–these rates aren't supposed to change". One may ask what does this has to do
with slavery. Again
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Atrocities In Afganistan (Women) Essay
(NOTE TO STUDENT: my teacher gave me a B+ and said I would have had an A if I had had more
detail on the Taliban's reasons for these laws)
The women of Afghanistan have been enduring unfathomable suffering since the Taliban, a religious
faction, seized control of the country in 1996. (NOTE TO STUDENT: my teacher gave me a B+ and
said I would have had an A if I had had more detail on the Taliban's reasons for these laws) Since
1996 Afghan women have been living fear for their safety and lives. A myriad of discriminating
laws has been placed on Afghan women. The punishments for violating these laws are unimaginably
The Taliban is an ultra–fundamentalist group that has 90 percent of Afghanistan under ... Show
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Before the Taliban took over Afghanistan the country was fairly progressive in terms of women's
rights. There were women in Parliament, medicine, law, engineering and many other creditable
professions (Shanahan). The majority of teachers were women (Shanahan). Half of the civil servants
and university students were women (Shanahan). It seems the Afghan society was much like our
own in relation to gender equality.
The current situation in Afghanistan contrasts the old one as black does white. Few women are
permitted to work. Those who are must do so inside their homes (Stop). Girls are banned from
attending school after the age of eight (Stop). A journalist speaks of girls not being allowed to leave
the state orphanage building since 1996 although the boys go outside every day to attend school and
play (Stop). The Taliban have severely limited women's access to medical services because male
physicians aren't allowed to treat women and only a few selected female physicians can work only if
they are veiled and treat only women (Stop).
The punishments for violating the Taliban's laws are even more appalling than the laws themselves
and are among the most savage in the world. Often the punishments are dealt out in public in front
of thousands of spectators. 30,000 men and boys gathered in an arena to eat biscuits and drink tea
while watching women receiving the 100–lash
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Police Atrocities In The United States
Starting in the mid–1800s, there was a blast of metropolitan police offices in the United States.
These early police divisions were composed around the area or ward–based political frameworks
that commanded this period. It was the nearby neighborhood government official who gave
initiative and oversight over a significantly decentralized arrangement of policing. Work choices
inside police departments were made at the ward level, and occupations were allowed in light of an
arrangement of political support. This framework compensated residents with police work in return
for their reliability to the nearby ward government official who gave them the employment.
The confined idea of policing amid this period had exceptionally significant outcomes ... Show
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Two of the more critical issues amid this period were (1) the inclusion of police in defilement and
(2) constrained oversight and supervision of watch officers. Amid this period, police inclusion in
debasement went up against various distinctive structures. Initially, on account of their cozy
association with groups, officers were defenseless to contribution in criminal action or the
acknowledgment of rewards as a byproduct of the nonenforcement of laws. The later piece of the
political time matched with Prohibition and made open doors for officers to pick up fiscally by
securing illicit drinking foundations or speakeasies. An arrangement of political support and the
nearby association officers needed to neighborhood ward legislators likewise made them
exceptionally defenseless against political debasement. Since they gave oversight at neighborhood
surveying areas, it was normal for officers to have undue impact over open voting choices or in a
few cases to deliberately fix decisions. The issue of defilement was confounded by the constrained
types of administrative oversight and supervision of watch officers. Not at all like the verifiable
periods that would take after, the accessibility of innovations to screen and track the area and
exercises of officers was constrained to nonexistent amid this time. Watch officers were managed
extensive watchfulness in their day by day exercises, and there was restricted inspiration to regulate
and rebuff them for wrongdoing given the complicity of administrators in political defilement too.
The wastefulness and disruption that came about contained an immediate target and force for the
following authentic period, the change/proficient
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Atrocities Laziest People In Nigeria
Having read your write ups, it is obvious that you are blaming the atrocities laziest people in Nigeria
perpetuate on those in authority. To a large extent, I disagree with you. Inasmuch as the majority of
those in authority are corrupt, I don't think that is a reason for justifying laziness, greediness, and
evil that people commit. If the government had done everything it could to establish a healthy
environment for Nigerians, so many people would have yet indulged in atrocities. Nigeria is an
environment in which the majority of the inhabitants wants to be rich overnight, and that is what
gave birth to the corruption we witness today at all levels of government and institutions in Nigeria.
However, in the midst of the unhealthy environment
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Atrocity Propaganda In World War I
World War One was a war that didn't seem to end: it was four years of fighting throughout Europe,
people dying on the sides of both the Allied and Central powers. For about half of the war, the two
opponents reached a stalemate. There was no clear winner during battles and there was no progress
on either side. The Allied powers, including Great Britain, needed to find a way to add more power
into their armies. Perhaps they needed more people who were passionate about winning the war and
defeating the Germans and the other Central powers. The key to creating these troops? Atrocity
propaganda. Great Britain's World War I propaganda campaign had many components, but its
demonization of Germany through graphic images was key in motivating people ... Show more
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Images of him depict him burning down houses, violating women, and killing children and war
prisoners, showing that he is a threat to Europe and its safety. Britain, always wanting to be the
humanitarian, had to be the one to stop this menace, and in order to do that, people had to join the
war effort. He was also commonly drawn as a butcher or the grim reaper; killers. The atrocious acts
shown in these drawings created feelings of hatred towards Wilhelm, which could then be directed
to Germany as a whole and inspire the public to support Britain's campaign. As previously
mentioned, in David Wilson's "How the Hun Hates!", Wilhelm is seen in a crowd of Germans
mocking British fishermen, seemingly satisfied with the scene and making him look like a terrible
person. In the British Empire Union poster, he is shown drunk and scaring a girl, although why that
is is not clear in the image. Propaganda artists and officials had to make Wilhelm seem as terrible as
possible so that the people would feel inspired to stop an evil force. Religion and discrimination was
even incorporated into posters against him: he was illustrated as an atheist, the Antichrist, someone
with Jewish traits, and a friend of homosexuals. Although some of these might not seem like such
atrocious things now, Europe in the early 20th century was still very conservative and Christian, so
these depictions could also win some devout religious people to fight for the war effort. Wilhelm
was made into the enemy for every perspective, making this propaganda campaign effective, and
inspiring more British people to
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Assignment 1: The Atrocities Of Zyklon B
Assignment 1 – The Atrocities of Zyklon B Since the Holocaust, nearly 70 years ago, the world has
watched as similar catastrophes have occurred in various continents across the globe. Few, however,
have been as far–reaching in their affliction, targeted in their hate or as determined in the systematic
approach to crimes against humanity. The gays, roma, mentally handicapped and physically disabled
were all victims of the Nazi regime, and the way in which those deemed 'inferior' were exterminated
took an (if possible) increasingly sadistic turn with the emergence of a dangerous new chemical
weapon in 1941. The new asphyxiating agent, Zyklon B, was used wholly for pest control up until
this point; after which it became a tool of mass annihilation ... Show more content on ...
The obvious illustration was the monetary gains that were accrued. The German Corporation for
Pest Control was partially owned by I.G. Farben a chemical industry conglomerate and their
dividends on its "Degesh investment for the years 1942, 1943, and 1944 were double those of 1940
and 1941 (Borkin 123)." The profits were a direct reflection of the newfound 'prosperity' at
Auschwitz, but there was another way in which Degesch was ethically invested in Zyklon B. When
Zyklon B was being produced as a pesticide it contained, by German law, an odor indicator to warn
humans of its toxicity. The S.S. demanded with their high quantity order Zyklon B be produced
without the odor indicator. Initially, Degesch was reluctant due to the fact that the odor indicator is
what held the patent on Zyklon B and thus secured their monopoly, but eventually in the end the
S.S. got their way. By removing the odor indicator it implies implicit participation in dooming the
Jews at Auschwitz and solidified Zyklon B's infamous role in Nazi
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The Causes Behind The Atrocities Experienced During World...
When evaluating the causes behind the atrocities experienced during World War II, many reasons
for these events can be found in the conditions occurring beforehand. Beyond this, many of these
causes can be applicable contributions to each World War. In terms of cause, World War II can be
considered an inevitable continuation of the first World War. It erupted due to Hitler's extreme desire
for expansion and hostile foreign policy, war was immediately declared upon German militarization
of Poland. However, the expectation for global warfare had been longstanding before Mussolini and
Hitler came to power or Japan's assault upon China. Whereas the tensions leading to World War I
came about due to a rise in nationalism in response to ... Show more content on ...
Moving further, Germans began challenging their current political structure, as a large majority of
civilians now rejected the seemingly weak authority of the Weimar Republic. With the decrease in
faith towards a strong democratic republic, a desire for a powerful nationalistic leader such as Adolf
Hitler arose. Hitler and the Nazi Party were able to quickly spread their own extremist beliefs
through the rising German nationalism. For instance, Hitler utilized the appeal of uniting all
Germans in Europe in a singular nation, then using this unification to strengthen German desire for
expansion and militarization. He desired the power colonize and control Eastern territories, an
establishment of complete power demonstrated previously by imperial powers such as Britain.
However, Hitler and the Nazis also maintained a sense of Aryan racial superiority, believing all
other races were inferior to the Germans, especially Jews. They called for a complete ethnic
cleansing, thus resulting in the Holocaust. As horrific as these beliefs were, they were made possible
through a remarkable faith in Hitler and the Nazi Party. The extremist actions taken within Nazi
Germany can be traced back to a desire for nationalism due to the results of the Treaty of Versailles
and diminishing of faith in a failing democratic system.
Another cause of the brutality and
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How the Atrocities of War Exemplify the Characteristic...
In his novella Night, Elie Wiesel portrays the horrors he and his family faced at the hands of Nazi
Germany through graphic and moving descriptions of his plight. A compelling excerpt, "I watched
other hangings. I never saw a single victim weep. These withered bodies had long forgotten the
bitter taste of tears," demonstrates the utter disregard for human life that many of the world's leaders
adopt in times of war, inspiring further research through the evocation of a need to more thoroughly
learn about the moral ambiguity that envelops those in positions of power during wartime. This
characteristic moral ambiguity of human nature is most clearly seen in the atrocities of war through
institutionalized torture, mass death, and willingness of leaders to sacrifice troops. Through analyses
of conflicts such as the World War II, the Vietnam War, the Civil War, the An Lushan Rebellion, and
the Muslim conquest of the Indian subcontinent in such genres as non–fiction books, documentaries,
the internet, music, and poems, the moral ambiguity of the human race is proven to lead to atrocities
of war such as institutionalized torture, mass death, and willingness of leaders to sacrifice the lives
of their troops. Many painful examples of disregard for human life can be seen across all instances
of war, although perhaps most notably in the horrors the Jewish people, among others, faced in the
Holocaust of World War II at the hands of Hitler and the Nazi Party. The Holocaust, long viewed
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The Atrocities of World War II
The only recognized atrocity of World War II was the Holocaust, but the real truth hides much
deeper within. There were thousands of atrocities that occurred leading up to the war, within the
years of World War II, and after the war. Many were unrecognized and undocumented and the
stories of the dead still remain unknown. My purpose here is to tell the story of the men, women,
and children that no one remember, or never even knew existed. The Holocaust was perhaps the
most dramatic and well known atrocity of World War II because of the sheer number of deaths and
crimes that had to be put on trial in Nuremburg. Millions upon millions of Jewish men, women, and
children were executed and experimented on in dozens of ways. The Russians ... Show more content
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The German civilians had to deal with many tragedies such as being invaded or having the women
raped by Allied troops. The economy of World War II had a major impact on the world today. The
German economy during the war crashed so much that their money had no value and was just used
as paper. There is picture of German children making castles out of thousands of German dollars
because they were worthless. The American economy is still affected today by the results of World
War II. Thousands of war–bonds were sold to the public in efforts to raise money for the war, build
weapons, build ships, build tanks, and pay soldiers. An enormous sum of the money that we owe to
other countries dates back to World War II. The amount of federal spending during World War II
increased nearly 300% from 1941 to 1945. The money that was spent in World War II increased 72
Billion dollars from 1940 to 1945. Many boards and committees were set in place to monitor the
growth in spending and the money spent on the war, so we could spend our money wisely and get
more "bang for our buck". One important topic when talking about World War II is the effect it had
on human emotion. Human emotion carried an enormous role throughout the war and probably
could have changed the ways and lives of millions of civilians and soldiers for the benefit of the
world. For instance,
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Changi Extended Response
EXTENDED RESOPONSE John Doyle's Changi episodes are about the struggle of the Australian
prisoners of war. The series mainly focuses on six young Australian men giving an insight of each
character's deepest struggle within the camp. There are many themes evident within the episodes,
Seeing is believing, Curley, Private Bill and Pacifying the angels. Some of which include power and
atrocities of war. These themes are also apparent throughout Edward Zwick's 2006 film 'Blood
Diamond', which is about a country torn apart by the struggle of the government and rebel forces.
According to the Macquarie dictionary, the term Power is defined as possession of controlling
influence that a person or object holds over someone or something. The theme ... Show more
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Tanaka then shoots Lofty in the head as he failed to succeed. The camera is positioned in a bird's
eye view, portraying deceased Lofty, the rest of the POW's surrounding him and the Japanese
commanders walking away. This specific technique is used to allow the audience to witness the
atrocity of war the Japanese commander just performed on Lofty Morgan. Similarly this theme is
articulated within the episode 'Pacifying the angles'. Within this episode, the Japanese men lose
control after their defeat in the war, therefore resulting in their anger being released through a
massacre on the POW's. The technique of a bird's eye view is used to illustrate the atrocity of war
the Japanese people performed on the POW's. The theme of the atrocities of war is also performed
within Edward Zwick's 2006 film 'blood diamond'. Within a specific scene the R.U.F is shown
teaching young kid's to kill those who do not respect them. This is evident through the quotation
aimed to the children, "shed their blood". The use of descriptive language within the previous
statement accentuates the atrocity of war that is being brought upon the children. The scene turns
into a massacre which is viewed through a bird's eye view, also to accentuate the atrocity of war that
is being performed on the innocent villagers. In culmination it is evident that the themes of power
and atrocities of war have been efficaciously embodied throughout John Doyle's Changi miniseries
as well as Edward
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The Cause And Effects Of The Atrocity Of War
The atrocity of war, in the discussion of both World Wars offers to a particular extent an insight into
the cause and effects, that the world experienced during both periods. The First World War was
fought from 1914–1918 and the second between 1939 to late 1945, staging as the largest conflicts of
human history. World War 1 stimulated into existence with the Assassination of Archduke Francis
Ferdinand of Austria, in June 1914, the war triggered from these notions of militarism, imperialism,
nationalism and alliance system. World War 2, started as a result of political and economic
instability in Germany, the harsh conditions of the Treaty of Versailles and Adolf Hitler's rise of
power and alliance partnership with Italy and Japan. Both periods signified an entailment to the
economic structure, political regime and social value of the allied and axis powers. The nature ...
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An estimated number of reported deaths for World War 1 ranged from 10 million military personnel
and about 7 million civilians, which World War 2 increased in figure exponentially to a 60 million to
over 70 million morbidity rate. This essay response aims to briefly comment on the pattern in which
rates of outcome grew severely between successive years of warfare, and draw attention to specific
developments that changed the perspective through which war was initially carried out. It also aims
to comment on the effect this military advancement had on soldiers and civilians. World War 1 was
a national mobilization, with the entire nation contributing to sustain Australia's demography at both
homefront and battlefronts, in similar context to World War 2. The First world war saw
unprecedented damage and carnage, as new military commandment fortified soldiers and civilians
to undoubtedly fight for
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Atrocities And Liberation Of Concentration Camps
The Atrocities and Liberation of Concentration Camps If you combine sadistic Nazi soldiers, a
"license to kill," and twenty–six million people whom they took their aggression out on, you have
the Holocaust. From torture to murder, the concentration camp prisoners experienced almost every
despicably, inhumane act one can imagine. Hitler 's Nazis will never be able to justify this ultimate
example of cruelty and unfairness. Although the Holocaust occurred nearly seventy years ago, the
world will never fail to remember the horrible acts that were committed against millions of innocent
people in concentration camps. Whether the camps ' establishments were for labor purposes, or
simply because Hitler ... Show more content on ...
Next, every bit of their hair was shaved off with electric razors and shearing machines. That hair
was used to make clothing that the guards and their dogs would wear. To finish off this
"disinfecting" process, the deportees were then taken into a shower room and were immersed in a
phenol solution. Those who lived, for many had died because they weren 't able to stand or became
unconscious, were given wool rags to wear and wooden sandals that caused inflammation. Paper
clothing that the deportees had made was taken, and some had resorted to trading in their food for
clothing, only to have it confiscated shortly afterward (Whissen 5–13). Housing assignments for the
prisoners were then issued. The prisoners ' barracks, which were designed to house half the people
who were stuffed into them, were filthy and full of vermin, as one of the women assigned to them
stated: "When we arrived, the sleeping accommodations appeared to be quite nice; the beds had
been neatly made, and on each straw mattress there was a small, blue–white coverlet that was
almost pretty. But unfortunately our contentment did not last long. When we turned down the corner
of the coverlet, we saw that the mattresses and covers were crawling with vermin. My blanket was
filthy." (Inside the Concentration Camps 14) Even though these
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Kant 's Powerful Reasoning For Moral Atrocities
Isaac Albert
Moral Philosophy
Word Count: 1528
Kant's powerful reasoning for moral atrocities.
Kant explains his moral theory, the categorical imperative, in "Grounding for the metaphysics of
Morals". In this paper i will argue that Kantian reasoning provides the most powerful understanding
of how to assess and navigate moral dilemmas concerning atrocities when compared to
Utilitarianism. In order to effectively do so, i will be using a case by Bernard Williams. The case by
Williams in "A critique of Utilitarianism," is as followed. Jim is in a small South American town
where he finds a band of armed men holding twenty indians hostaged. Pedro, the man in charge,
explains that because of recent protest the ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, i will provide an examination of what both utilitarianism and the categorical
imperative would do in this situation; beginning with utilitarianism. In "Principles of Morals and
Legislation" Jeremy Bentham outlines utilitarianism. The most important feature being the principle
of utility, Bentham believes that pleasure and pain governs all aspect of life, and one must do all
they can to reduce their pain and maximize their pleasure ( Bentham, 7) Bentham Develops the
Felicific calculator in order to quantitatively measure pain and pleasure in any given circumstance.
To adhere to this calculus, one ought to consider if "the value of a pleasure or pain will be greater or
less according to: Intensity, duration, certainty, nearness, fecundity, purity, and extent" (Bentham,
22). For an example, in Williams' case one must consider the pleasure and pain involved in their
ability to be certain of the outcomes of their actions. If one cannot be sure that they can trust Pedro's
promise to let the nineteen hostages go, then this should be considered in the calculations of the
pleasures and pain of the consequences of their actions. Consequentialism is another key aspect to
utilitarianism. An action 's morality is dependent on outcomes only. One's intentions does not really
matter. It becomes evidently clear from running the felicific calculus, consulting the principles of
utility and
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The Worst Gun Atrocities Of Modern American History Essay
The worst gun massacre in modern American history happened on April 16, 2007 at Virginia Tech.
It started off as an ordinary Monday morning. Twenty–three–year–old Seung Hui Cho moved
methodically from classroom to classroom, shooting rapidly and randomly. When he was done,
thirty– two students and faculty members were dead; twenty–five others were wounded. As the
police closed in on him, he saved a final bullet for himself. The Virginia Tech shooter's choice of
weapons were a 9–mm Glock 19 pistol and a .22–caliber Walther P22. Both guns were
semiautomatic handguns purchased legally at stores. Cho had a long history of behavioral and
emotional problems, and in 2005, a judge declared him mentally ill and a danger to himself and
others. This information should have been adequate to prohibit him from purchasing a handgun, but
Virginia did not have strict gun laws to prevent him from buying the guns. If Virginia had stricter
gun laws, it might have been an ordinary Monday. Although the constitution says that "right to bear
arms should not be infringed" recent times have showed us that that statement is a double–edged
sword. Increased gun control measures are needed to stop certain aspects that are being used as
loopholes to avoid current laws. Supporters of more gun control laws state that the Second
Amendment was intended for militias; that gun violence would be reduced; that gun restrictions
have always existed; and that most Americans, including gun owners, support new gun
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Atrocities And Tolerance In Film
Activist belief that people were not created to be the same. We were made to be unique and to
embrace that something special that makes us different. They success in getting their voice heard,
which made a lasting impression to the new generation. In the film, Mexican American lawyers
stepped in and fight for their 14th Amendment rights, as a result they won in the state but still the
society did not enforced it because the Hispanics and black people were still second class citizens.
The key of deleting corruption is promoting the values of solidarity and tolerance, by breaking the
cycle that has oppressing different races and social classes, so that we follow what the state
highlights as "Justice for all" but also removing what silence them,
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War Is A Genocide And A Complete Atrocity
What is war? When I hear the word 'war ' I think of conflict, corruption and poverty. My family has
so much history about war physically and mentally. The types of war I would like to pursue in this
personal essay are loss of a family members in the battle of cancer and war in Vietnam. Whenever I
encounter a conversation about war people instantly bring up the negativity. I am not judging people
on their opinion on how they feel that war is a genocide and a complete atrocity. I agree, but, it is
not always about the physical wars around the war, what about mentality of people and their
families. We as people go through war everyday. Whether that is having a hard time waking up for
work or class, losing a loved one, battling an illness or ... Show more content on ...
If I was that child in war I wouldn 't know what to do or even how I would feel. I surely wouldn 't
even let my child be in a war. But, I know that many parents in other countries have no choice that
their children are being taken to war. I would never know how it feels to be a child at war with the
world. They will no longer know themselves or their homeland. In 2011, I loss my closest family
member, my uncle, the most perfect father figure. The call was devastating. He had been battling
cancer all of his life. One year it was gone and then back again. He was going through a war with
his body, this illness. He was 47 when he passed. I never will understand why God will take the
most joyous, heart felt, loving people. But I could never question God. It was simply his time. Now
who would I look up too? That was my war. Watching my Uncle Ernie have to go to treatment after
treatment was tiring not for only him but for me. When he was drained I felt drained, I fed from his
energy. When my uncle passed I felt my world was over. I couldn 't believe it, I didn 't want to
believe it. His war was over and my war had just started. The Vietnam war drafting began during the
late 1960s. Three of my uncles were drafted in this war in their early twenties. I knew they were in
the war but I didn 't they were in such a well known war. They had explained to me that they did not
know that they had been put in a lottery for the war. My Uncle Buckles had
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Africa Has Had Some Atrocities Occur In Its History. One
Africa has had some atrocities occur in its history. One of those was the tyranny of King Leopold. In
order to gain control of Congo King Leopold would use violent force and control economic
monopolies. His violence was fairly unknown by the rest of the world until some missionaries and
other Europeans came into Africa and witnessed the horrors. The missionaries would go on to write
about what they experienced and spread the word to inform society of what is occurring. Most of the
violence done by King Leopold was coming from the hands of his military called the Force
Publique. They would do brutal things like hold family members hostage of citizens who did not
fallow King Leopold's orders. Performing amputations especially on kids were ... Show more
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A majority of the missionaries were catholic and Leopold himself also practice Catholicism so he
used his religion in order to cover up what he was doing. One missionary that was different from the
other was William Sheppard. Instead of forcing his religion on people he got to know and
understand the way of life of the people in Africa. He first stumbled upon a Kuba tribe. They at first
were hostile towards him and were even going to behead him but later they decided that their
ancestor's spirits were living through him. This tribe was deep in the Congo forests and were
protected from most of the other tribes and the Congo government. Even though the tribe didn't
accept Christianity, Sheppard still stayed because he was able to make relationships with the people
there. Sheppard, like many other missionaries at the time, was trying to add relief for captives and
other distressed people. William Sheppard was different from other missionaries however because
he was African American. He had a white supervisor who he was friends with. His inspiration for
going to Congo was because of a movement for slaves in America to go back to Africa. He stayed in
Africa for quite some time though because of the relationships he made and because of the things he
witnessed. He discovered amputated children who had their limbs amputated due to low
productivity from family members in the
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Atrocity Of Prejudice
The American author and poet Maya Angelou once said, ¨Prejudice is a burden that confuses the
past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.¨ Angelou conveys the true atrocity of
prejudice with this statement, revealing it as an enemy of humanity. Harper Lee, another author of
Angelou's period, also discusses prejudice in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Lee masterfully
touches on such a difficult topic in her novel by displaying multiple events to readers, as well as the
effects they have on the characters, through the eyes of a young girl named Scout Finch. Some
instances of prejudice and discrimination present in the novel are Maycomb´s treatment of Arthur
¨Boo¨ Radley, Aunt Alexandra´s perception of Walter Cunningham, and the manner in which Tom
Robinson's trial was handled.
The rumors regarding Boo Radley, born only from the stigma surrounding his lifestyle, are one
instance of prejudice in the novel. At the beginning of the novel, young Scout Finch says, regarding
Radley, ¨Inside the [Radley] house lived a malevolent phantom... Any stealthy small crimes
committed in Maycomb were his work.¨ Miss Scout´s ... Show more content on ...
In actuality, Mr. Robinson´s trial was nothing more than a formality for those who had condemned
him as soon as they´d seen the color of his skin. As Atticus Finch said when addressing the court,
¨The state has not produced one iota of medical evidence to the effect that the crime Tom Robinson
is charged with ever took place. It had relied instead upon the testimony of two witnesses whose
evidence has not only been called into serious question... but as been flatly contradicted...¨ Here, Mr.
Finch calls to attention the fact that there is no evidence that a crime was even committed, or that
Tom Robinson was involved. Furthermore, the truth of Tom Robinson's trial is that it is a formality,
merely meant to precede the guilty conviction his skin color has condemned him
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Propaganda And Atrocity Propaganda
World War One marked a watershed in the modern development of propaganda. Propaganda
assumed an ever–increasing role in shaping mass opinion, a role that has had a lasting influence on
the course of twentieth century politics. Propaganda is potentially an immensely revealing source
for examining the state–society relationship, for it is, in essence, a set of messages from the state to
the society. It is based upon and seeks to modify certain assumptions about popular behaviour. It
was not until Germany invaded Belgium, that atrocity propaganda emerged as a major force.
Atrocity propaganda focused on the most violent acts committed by the German and Austro–
Hungarian armies, emphasising their barbarity and providing justification for the conflict. ... Show
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Therefore, the Germans were looked upon as a country that could only be described as a corrupt
invader in the war from the start. The German army engaged in several atrocities against the
Belgium population during the course of the war. These atrocities were seen as an organised terror,
an attack to intimidate the civilian population, to terrorise the inhabitants of recently occupied areas,
to intimidate the politicians and most importantly, to intimidate the Belgian army. The period after 5
August 1914 and the months to follow were fierce, and the dynamic of violence was enduring.
There were multiple cases of civilians being used as leverage to induce compliance or to stymie
resistance often as human shields marched in front of German units, or as hostages to ensure good
behaviour. At Liège, several influential citizens were taken hostage and threatened with death if the
German troops, charged with taking nearby forts, came under attack. 'Civilians were executed en
masse, as the invasion force advanced on its first obstacle, the ring of forts around Liège'. This was
a terrifying time for Belgians, as the Germany army was ten times the size of theirs. The anxiety
was also apparent in proclamations issued throughout Belgian towns. One notice, issued at Hasselt
on 17 August 1914 by the Burgomaster, warned the villagers in no uncertain terms 'to abstain from
... all acts of hostility which might bring
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Belgian Congo vs. Holocaust
The atrocities of the Belgian Congo and the Holocaust are two of the main events in history that
have been responsible for the mass murdering of millions of people. Although these events
significantly changed the course of humanity, and the story behind each one is very different, there
are significant factors that make them alike as well as different. Many would agree that comparing
two atrocities that affected the lives of so many people and gave a 180–degree turn to each of their
countries would be something very difficult to achieve. However, by comparing the behavior of
both the perpetrators and the victims of both cases we might be able to further understand the lack
of morality and the inspiration that led to these awful events. ... Show more content on ...
This allowed several years of massacre. However, eventually the number of Nazis running
concentration camps diminished, as they needed manpower fighting the war. This is further
explained in "The Drowned and the Saved", "The Nazism of the final years could not do without
these external auxiliaries, determined as it was to maintain its order within subjugated Europe and
feed the front lines of the war, bled white by their opponents' growing military resistance." (Levi
pg.42) This weakening in their system allowed for the Holocaust to end and liberate the Jews from
the occupied Europe. This began the process of the creation of the state of Israel, where the Jews
could find refuge. This gave them a process of healing and allowed them to rebuild the Jewish
community. The set of events for the Belgian Congo was not similar in any way. The ivory
company, which exported ivory to Belgium and the rest of Europe leaded by King Leopold of
Belgium, was the responsible for the atrocities committed in Congo during the 1880's.
Another key factor that differentiates these cases is the aftermath of the atrocities, and how the
Holocaust was able to utilize the Nuremberg Trials as the first step in achieving justice. In the
Belgian Congo atrocities, Belgium slowly deleted history and refused to take responsibility. In Heart
of Darkness we can find the lack of justice at the very end of the book when Charles
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Atrocities of the Holocaust Essay
Of all the examples of injustice against humanity in history, the Jewish Holocaust is one of the most
prominent. From 1933 to 1945, the Nazis waged a vicious war against Jews and other "lesser races".
This war came to a head with the "Final Solution" in 1938. One of the most horrific results of the
Final Solution were the scores of concentration and death camps spread across Nazi Germany,
Poland, and other parts of Nazi–controlled Europe. In the aftermath of the Holocaust, people around
the world were shocked by final tallies of human losses, and the people responsible were punished
for their inhuman acts. The Holocaust was a dark time in the history of the world. The beginnings of
the Holocaust can be traced as far back as 1933, when ... Show more content on ...
This was the first major act of violence against Jews in Germany. The Nazi's intentions were now
clear. Nazi plans for the Jews of Europe were outlined in the "Final Solution to the Jewish question"
in 1938. In a meeting of some of Hitler's top officials, the idea of the complete annihilation of Jews
in Europe was hatched. By the time the meeting was over, the Final Solution had been created. The
plans included in the Final Solution included the deportation, exploitation, and eventual
extermination of European Jews. In September 1939, Germany invaded western Poland. Most, if not
all Jews in German–occupied lands were rounded up and taken either to ghettos or to concentration
camps. The ghettos, which were located inside cities, were a sort of city/prison to segregate Jews
from the rest of the public. Conditions in ghettos were horrific. Jews were subject too mass
overcrowding, lack of food, and lack of sanitation, as well as brutality by Nazi guards. By June
1941, most of the Jews in Europe lived in lands controlled by Nazi Germany. The SS deployed 3000
death squads, or "Einsatzgruppen", to dispatch Jews in large numbers (Wallechinsky). In September
1941, all Jews were forced to wear yellow Stars of David on their arms
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An Analysis Of Erhard Schon 's ' The Vienna Woods ' And...
When looking through the pages of history, without any doubt one will eventually find themselves
reading the detailed recounts of crimes committed during War. When read from the perspective of
those who experienced the events, we can feel their pain, desperation and helplessness. From those
who enforced these ordeals onto others, we delve into their minds and see the world as they did;
what drove their actions and how they felt.
In this instance, two chosen documents can be analysed side by side in order to understand the
savagery that is inflicted upon both parties during the expansion of Empire: Erhard Schön's
illustrations that accompany the translated texts of the 'Turkish Riders with Christian Captives,' &
'Turkish Atrocities in the Vienna Woods' and Siegfried Sassoon's poem 'Atrocities'. Both pieces are a
representation of different points of view during two different wars. However, though they may be
separated by 500 years, both are easily able to relay the pain that is trust upon common everyday
people who are involved in circumstances outside of their control.
Born in Germany, Schön adopted Lutheranism during the 1520s and began designing woodcuts that
would more often than not amuse, outrage or enlighten the public . In these two particular works of
art, they depict how the Turkish soldiers '[choked their] children' and were 'murdering virgins and
wives, cutting children in half and impaling them on pikes'. This appeal to Ethos ultimately leads the
reader to feel
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Crime And Human Rights : Criminology Of Genocide And...
For the book review assignment, I chose to read "Crime and Human Rights: Criminology of
Genocide and Atrocities". I chose this book, because the study of genocide is interesting to me, in
learning about why it happens and how to stop it from happening in the future. In regards to the
essay, it is going to be broken into three different parts. The first part, which is planned to be about
half of the essay, will talk about a couple of the major themes of the book. The second part will
consist of showing how the book is tied to content we have learned in class. And to wrap up the
paper, I will talk about some of the strengths and weaknesses of the book. The first major theme I
am going to talk about is the criminology of genocide and how it unfolds. In explaining the
criminology of genocide, the book used historical cases of genocide to explain their reasons for
genocide unfolding. First off, according to the book, genocide is more likely to happen in countries
with a weak government (Savelsberg 3). In other words, any country that has lack of leadership and
control of the people are more likely to be prone to genocide occurring. Other factors that can
contribute to genocide are racism and any political upheaval. In explaining why and how genocide
unfolds, the book used the example of the holocaust in order to provide a real life situation to put the
concepts to life. The book examines the steps that it took for the German genocidal regime to be put
into place. This helps give
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Germany 's Postwar Silence : The Horrible Atrocities Of...
Germany's Postwar Silence
The horrible atrocities of the Holocaust remain an important subject in World history. Although very
few people are alive from the Nazi era the horrors of the era still haunt Germany. Should the
generations of German people be held collectively responsible for the Nazi crimes? If you were
born in 1940 the start of the war, you would be 75 years old today. The younger generation of
German's look at that period of history differently than those alive post war. How the postwar
Germans have dealt with the Nazi era of their country's history has been a topic of controversy
surrounding Gunter Grass. Gunter Grass for many years has accused German's of not dealing with
what happened in a realistic manner. He ... Show more content on ...
Paul's struggle is whether to publish his mother's story or bury it with the memories of the Nazi era.
As the survivors' begin to age, Paul's mother nags him even more to write her memoirs. In chapter 4
at the survivors reunion she turns to Paula and says, "Soon none of us will be alive anymore, only
you. But you just don't want to write down all the stuff I've told you" (98). She went on to tell him
that "maybe my Konradchen will write something sown about it someday" (98). Paul never wants to
be associated with the Germany his mother so dearly wants to hang onto. At the reunion he keeps
his distance from Tulla because he does not want to be associated, questioned or celebrated by the
Lowe veterans. At the end of chapter 4 the divide between Konrad and his father begins. Konrad
went home and posted details of the reunion. He praised the superior German engineering and pitied
the hundreds of German lives lost when the ship was sunk. Paul retreated to the beach, and kept
silent. The sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff was the beginning of much misery for the German's
escaping the war torn East Prussia. Although Tulla had put her hope into Paul writing about the
violence Germans endured at the hands of the Russian's once they crossed the eastern borders of
Germany, it was Konrad that she relied on throughout the novella to tell her story. Grass uses his
novella to teach a younger
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Dr. Johnson 's Death Of Death For The Cold Blooded Atrocity
In March 1906, Tennessee native Ed Johnson was sentenced to death for the rape of eighteen–year–
old Nevada Taylor. Mr. Johnson supposedly choked the victim with a leather strap and subsequently
sexually assaulted her. When testifying, the woman only had one adjective to describe the
perpetrator, a word that damned the twenty–six–year–old to a guilty verdict; black. Although he had
never been in possession of a leather strap, had a sound alibi verified by countless testimonies, and
the rape victim never definitively identified Mr. Johnson during the trial, the all–white jury came to
the conclusion that the African–American man was undeniably responsible for the cold–blooded
atrocity. A day later, while sitting in his cell, a mob of white men dragged Ed Johnson out of the
jailhouse, paraded him around the streets, and ultimately hanged the guiltless man at Walnut Street
Bridge. The men then began to fire round after round at his lifeless body for the amusement of
townsfolk who had gathered to watch the lynching, until, "one stray bullet severed the rope," (Yellin
1). As the bloody corpse fell to the ground to the delight of the white children, " one of the men put
the barrel of his gun to Mr. Johnson 's head and fired five times," (Yellin 1). The men faced no
charges and nearly one hundred years later the Supreme Court found the viciously murdered man
innocent. Unfortunately, when it comes to promoting justice for non–white Americans, the United
States' criminal justice system
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The Atrocities Of The Holocaust
The atrocities of the Holocaust placed the German Jewish population in a quagmire of antisemitic
persecution, but it also spread beyond Germany to affect Jews throughout Europe. Poland was such
a country. The first nation invaded by Nazi Germany and the last to be liberated, the population of
Polish Jews was nearly eradicated. How were the Nazis able to accomplish such a feat in a nation
where antisemitism had not been as prevalent? Aside from forcibly introducing antisemitic policy
into Poland, the Nazis relied on fear and self–interest to accomplish their goals. For the average
Polish Catholic in 1943, a decision had to be made on where they stood regarding the "Jewish
problem". Should they sit idly by and do nothing, or perhaps even assist in the capture of the Jews?
Or maybe they could risk everything by hiding and otherwise aiding the Polish Jews. If I were such
a Polish Catholic citizen living in 1943 and the opportunity arose to help a Polish Jew, my
conscience would prevent me from doing any less. Deciding to aid the Polish Jews is not a decision
to be taken lightly. To aid any number of Jews would risk one's very life. So what would cause an
individual to take such a risk and assist the Jews faced with Nazi persecution? Whether I sympathize
with the Jews' religion or not, I would recognize that what the Nazis are doing is atrocious. Only if I
were as malicious as the stereotypical Nazi would I think otherwise. I simply could not survive
having done nothing
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Nanking Atrocities
Nanking was not the only place of Japanese Army atrocities. Nanking held the distinction of
allowing foreigners to witness and survive the atrocities. I learned from the story that the Japanese
Army would take drastic measures to eliminate a people, to systematically use every means
available to eliminate your enemy, people that may not have been involved, people that got in your
way and people you just took pleasure in killing. To even invite fellow military personnel who were
not even involved to come and watch as if it is some side show. A sick pride in performing your
duties.To knowingly kill people in many different possible ways, who are just scared and frightened,
just to entertain yourself. Why did killing go on even as
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Atrocities And Harmful Affects Presidents
1111Attention all leaders around the world, including the beautiful Queens. There's a severe disease
going around and only affects Presidents and Presidents only. Not the doctors, not the nurses, not
any other hospital workers, not other patients who are sharing the same hospital room, not the
patient's family members and loved ones, not the secret service agents, not the soldiers who are
visiting their fellow injured soldiers, perhaps sometimes one only. Not the government officials
traveling alongside of the President in the same convoy. And definitely not the honest, patriotic, an
affectionate former parliament member either. Since bullet wounds known to be very much
contagious, shaking hands or showing any type of affection to the injured
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Survival of Nazi Atrocities and Borowski’s Narrative...
Tadeusz Borowski's "This Way to the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen" is a story told by Tadek, the
diminutive of Tadeusz, recounting the Nazi atrocities that took place in Auschwitz. In his rendering
of daily life in Auschwitz, Borowski explains his role as a kapo: a non–Jewish inmate who works
and schemes to survive amid daily slaughter. In the 'concentration universe' social relations are
determined by access to basic goods needed for survival, like food and clothing, and by the surplus
of these that can buy their possessor a place in society (Kennedy 160). Tadek works his way up the
inmate social latter in order to survive in the camp for so long. His tactics include bartering for
privileges and goods, lying and stealing. By doing this he is ... Show more content on ...
The inmates are also referred to as transports and are brought to the camps in trains that carry "cattle
cars". Symbolizing the characters as animals makes them progressively inferior then the guards and
Nazis already treat them.
Another case in which symbolism is illustrated is through the food that the inmates acquire and the
prestige that comes along with it. "Around here whoever has grub had power" Plunder from the
transports was the basis for the camp's black market and barter economy (Kennedy 161). The
Canada men do the unloading of the train cars and take all of the belongings from the passengers
including jewellery, gold, coins, watches, bread, sausages, marmalade, sugar and more. They are
able to take food and clothing, or anything that is of value within the camp, when they are working
on the ramp. The ability to obtain food gives inmates the power to barter with SS men and also other
Canada men for goods or for favours.
Borowski's tone is detached through most of the story and he gives Tadek an emotionless approach
to everything going on around him. Borowski's language is disturbing because it takes up the
vocabulary of his oppressors (Kennedy 163). He talks about trampled babies and people being
cremated as though there is nothing wrong with it. The simple language which he uses to recount his
firsthand experiences touches the reader more directly than if he had tried to raise his voice (Vedder
649). It isn't until a woman says to
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Outline The Doctrine Of R2P
Over centuries the international community has witnessed the deadly harm of sovereign states that
have demonstrated acts of colossal inhumanity, such as the atrocities of the Holocaust, Khmer
Rouge and Rwanda. All these episodes have contributed of an introduction to a new paradigm of
international of law, The Responsibly to Protect (R2P). This was adopted unanimously in 2005 by
United Nations General assembly World Summit. The R2P doctrine is based on 3 pillars of
responsibility: 1. Each nation state is obligated to protect its populace from crimes such as
"genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity". 2.The international
community has to encourage states to uphold their role in ensuring R2P is adequately met. 3. If the
nation state fails to protect its populace from these crimes, it therefore it becomes an implication for
the international community to collectively take action. Notably this must be in accordance to article
39 of the United Nations Charter. Hence, academic scholar Bellamy reinforces this; "R2P offers the
best change in our own time to build an international community that is less tolerant of mass
atrocities and more predisposed to preventing them". However it must be noted that the doctrine of
R2P is not legally binding.
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Child Atrocities
GONE are the days when children were considered as gifts from God and women were revered as
mothers and sisters. Now girl children have sadly become lucrative business options for many in
India's most literate state.
The alarming rise in the number of child rape cases is a pointer in that direction. Children as young
as 4 years are being raped and brutally killed and the convicts walk free for want of evidence or
exploiting the shoddy rape laws.
As many as 174 cases of rape of the minor girls were registered with the police during the six–
month period from January to June 2011, according to figures released by the state police. The
number is very high compared to last few years. The number during the 12–month period in 2010
was 208 and ... Show more content on ...
Based on the information we rescued the girls."
"As per the information available with us, these girls are from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and
Mumbai," Sethi said.
Reportedly, one girl is 17–years–old, the rest are around 12 and 13 years. "The girls were brought to
Delhi about ten days ago. We are yet to question them on their living conditions as they are still
scared and unable to talk," said Geet adding that the girls will now be taken for a medical
Meanwhile, Addl DCP (Central) Aslam Khan said, "The eight girls were rescued by 'Rescue
Foundation'. We will conduct an ossification test to ascertain their age. They will presently be sent
to the Nirmal Chhaya home care".
Police said the kotha is owned by one Shakuntala and managed by one Jayshree. Police said the
girls will first be questioned and based on their statements, action will be taken against the owner
and the manager
Rangu Souriya grew up in Darjeeling. Among her several childhood memories, she remembers
clearly how young girls in and around Darjeeling used to go missing. Many of them who lived in
the tea gardens and also in the villages were lured by jobs and were trafficked, never to return.
Among her recent memories, she vividly recollects how in 2006, for the first time she rescued a 13–
year–old girl from Delhi, where she was working as a domestic help. Souriya says the girl, who was
taken there on the pretext of job and had
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Nazy Atrocities in the Movie Defiance
Defiance is not a typical holocaust movie, although there are scenes of Nazi atrocities, the story is
more about those Jews who escaped the German camps and fought back for their freedom. It is
based on a true story of the Bielski brothers, they led thousands of Jews to hide from the Germans in
the forests of Nazi occupied Belarus, and they managed to keep them alive for several years. This
movie is historically very accurate except for minor issues that happened in the movie. The Bielski
brothers were actually aggressive with each other to show power over the rescued Jews, but what
was not accurate that the film suggests Asael was much younger than the other two, he was actually
only two years younger than Tuvia, while Zus was four years younger. In the film, Tuvia kills one of
the police officers that killed his parents which was true but he did not go into emotional distress
because of it, he was sending a message that who would kill Jewish people will be killed too and the
fact he killed many others before this officer it did not matter to him. What was also accurate, in
Eastern Europe, the Nazis didn't immediately send Jews to concentration camps, instead, they
created walls around each city, where Jews were forced to work as slaves, and kept in terror by
frequent executions. Until the walls were destroyed, the Bielskis had many plans to rescue the Jews
and guide them to their camp in the forest. It was daring from the brothers as they had a heave price
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Examples Of Atrocity In Night By Elie Wiesel
ausing him to lose his faith in God, and learn how to fight for himself.
The first atrocity that was presented in Elie Wiesel's memoir Night, was when everyone in the
wagon was beaten by inmates. "Abruptly, our doors opened. Strange–looking creatures, dressed in
striped jackets and black pants, jumped into the wagon. Holding flashlights and sticks, they began to
strike us left and right..."(Wiesel 28). In this quote Elie calls the inmates "creatures" to demonstrate
that the prisoners become inhumane attacking innocent people. The second atrocity was portrayed
when Idek abused Elie without a reasonable explanation. "One day when Idek was venting his fury,
I happened to cross his path. He threw himself on me like a wild beast, beating me in the chest, on
my head, throwing me to the ground and picking me up again, ... Show more content on ...
One less reason to live.
"Eliezer ... Eliezer ... tell them not to beat me ... I haven't done anything ... Why are they beating
me?" I began to insult his neighbors. They mocked me. I promised them bread, soup. They laughed.
Then they got angry; they could not stand my father any longer, they said, because he no longer was
able to drag himself outside to relieve himself."(Wiesel 109)
Eliezer's father was assaulted by an officer because he kept calling out for his son. Even when
Eliezer's father was weak from his illness the other prisoners chose to attack him.
Two atrocities that occured after the Holocaust is the Cambodian Genocide, and the Genocide in
Bosnia. The Cambodian Genocide took place in 1975 after the Khmer Rouge was in control of the
Cambodian government. The Khmer Rouge wanted to turn Cambodia into a communist agrarian
society. They led millions of people into forced–labor camps where they were starved and abused.
The Cambodians who were ill, young, and were too old were killed. The Cambodian Genocide
eliminated up to 1.5 to 3 million
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Joseph Mengele and his Atrocities Essay
Three thousand twins entered Auschwitz between 1940 and 1944. Only two hundred and fifty pairs
of twins ever had the smell of freedom again. Why did this unfortunate event occur? It occurred
because the Nazis party was in control and Adolf Hitler was the Fuhrer and he wanted a perfect
race. "Right, left", what kind of a man could send people to their death with a flick of a cane,
without one scent of remorse or one inkling of guilt? –his name was Josef Mengele. (Nazi304)
Hitler gave Mengele all the resources he could and this is the main reason why he went to
Auschwitz, because the of the availability of the victims he could do his work on. The stories and
pictures of Auschwitz tell a gruesome tale of death and torture. Josef Mengele ... Show more content
on ...
During his stay at Auschwitz he was nicknamed the "Angel of Death." When the trains arrived at
Auschwitz they would sit i the cars for days before being herded out like cattle. After this hellish
journey, the first thing that people saw when they left the cars was Josef Mengele, the Angel of
Auschwitz standing in his immaculate SS uniform, shining boots, perfectly brushed and pressed
shirt and pants, and glistening silver skulls.(Mengele156) He would perch there and would yell
"left!" or "right!", left meaning a quick end as you headed to the gas chambers and right meant you
were placed on a starvation diet and had to work as a slave. During this time in Auschwitz his first
and only son, Rolf, was born on March 11, 1944. His moment of happiness in Auschwitz (his
perverse perception of happiness) was short lived. In the middle of January in 1945 he fled
Auschwitz and went to Grossen– Rosen camp. He then fled before the Russians liberated it on
February 11, 1945. After fleeing Grossen–Rosen he was captured as a prisoner of war and held in a
POW camp in Munich. He stole some papers from a fellow prisoner and the American Army
released him not realizing he was part of the SS. During his life on the run he went under several
aliases, these include;
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The Atrocity Of Genocide
The atrocity of genocide can no longer coexist with humans. The United States needs to lead the
charge in stopping genocide worldwide. With the support of the UN genocide on earth can
completely be destroyed as a problem. The United States is one of the most powerful countries in
the world today. Sitting back and doing nothing is quite selfish. If the United States decides to lead
the charge genocides around the world will stop. For example, in World War II when the U.S joined,
Hitler was brought down quickly and it all ended. This shows that when the United States has
intervened in the past it has worked. Why sit back and do nothing? The amount of people killed in
these genocides is far too many that ever had to die. If the United States
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Humorous Wedding Speech: Atrocities Of A Fraternity
I would first like to thank the fraternity of Delta Kappa Epsilon for this lovely nomination, I stand
here today looking at the most handsome, funny, genuine group guys that I have very known from
my 19 years of living on this world. Never in my life did in my younger years I'd think I would be
joining and sorority and on top of that running to be a sweetheart to one of the jolliest and good
fraternities on this ASU campus. When I told my mom during the summer I was considering
running for sweetheart her response was "I'm happy for you, but sad at the same time, because that
means you slept with most of all of those boys." You can tell I was first in Greek life within my
family knowing she really had no idea what a sweetheart actually was. ... Show more content on ...
Nothing makes me happier then acting like an actually mother to you all even though way more
then half of you in this room are older then me. Baking for you all, giving out advice, and my
favorite cleaning up after your parties (mostly when I am still hammered and at the party) brings
nothing more to my face then a smile. Seeing you all truly happy is what makes me happy. In life,
there are few moments better than those that are filled with absolute, unequivocal happiness and
with no doubt I feel like being your fraternities sweetheart will be a moment I will always cherish. I
would like to say one last thank you, thank you to the vertex, 519, Hammond, terrace, mill manor,
titty city, campus, la Jolla, the dean and to every location I have made the best memories at. I am
signing out by saying on last thing, thank you to the DKE's who have encouraged me to black out,
to the DKE's who have blacked out with me, and to all of the DKEs who have helped me in a black
out. Thank you boys for being my sweethearts just like I hope to be
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The Role Of Atrocity In The Film 'Th How'
There is a huge difference between the cause of atrocity and atrocity itself. The cause of atrocity
usually comes from different pursuits of harm or anger, in all shapes and forms. Atrocity can be
found in different religions or countries. In other words atrocity has been shown from the British in
1840's when the British government decided that cheaper goods was more valuable than feeding its
comrades in Ireland. The Germans have displayed atrocity in the 1940's when Adolf Hitler's
political party rose to power, also known as Nazis. The most specific example of Atrocity can be
displayed when Hitler order the final solution to be carried out by his first hand and loyal friend
Heinrich Himmler. There is no doubt that atrocity comes from certain individuals or entire
Pursuing a political position should be beyond our own agenda, it should be from a natural stance of
understanding life and an entire nation. After all, a look at what certain individuals did when they
were part of political party and before it; is just amazing the vast changes that can be seen. However,
to have too much pride for the growth of one specific population is a horrible mentality. But that
didn't stop the Nazis in world war two as we can see it in the film ... Show more content on ...
Well it seems as war escalated, what was extraordinary for most soon became part of their ordinary
life. No matter if bridges with arcs made by Miguel Angelo in Florence where destroyed what
matter was to win the war. All of this causes lead by Hitler who always seemed to put himself before
others. In the other hand we hear in the film about a certain individual who faced unforgettable
circumstances as she said once "Hitler invaded in March 1938 and everything after that went
downhill. My husband was in the concentration camp and everything was taken – but material
values at the time didn't matter one bit. It was only after that it did matter." (Maria
... Get more on ...

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Consequences Of The Nanjing Massacre

  • 1. Consequences Of The Nanjing Massacre The Nanjing Massacre to some extent was more atrocious than the bombing of Hiroshima. The main reasons were: the ongoing physical violence, Japan's war aggression, and lastly, people tend to forget to forget its history, in comparison to Hiroshima bombings. The Nanjing Massacre was arguably more atrocious than the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in terms of ongoing physical violence. The Japanese Imperial Army's invasion in China prolonged the Nanjing Massacre. Moreover, arguably, it was more atrocious in their case because their own government and army abandoned them. A survivor named Jiang Genfu had to watch his parents and siblings get killed by Japanese soldiers, at the age of nine. The Nanjing Massacre was "hardly the unifying event that it has for the Chinese". "No one could fathom the overall extent of the terror" by looking at confidential accounts and diaries from Chinese survivors. An estimate of 200,000 Chinese civilians and war prisoners were massacred in Nanjing during the first six weeks of the Japanese invasion. Numbers may not mean anything, however, the violence was ongoing. Historians also had to take into account that not all numbers add up because published textbooks present varied information. Beijing stated that 300,000 people were massacred. Both sides often questioned the figures. A professor at Sophia University named Watanabe Shoichi, claimed that "200,000 or 300,000 could not have been massacred in Nanjing," assuming the size of the Japanese ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Holocaust: A Morbid Atrocity that Made People... The Holocaust, a morbid atrocity that made people question humanity, was the cause of millions of deaths. One of those victims of this brutality was Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who hid from the Nazis along with her family. Although she was merely ordinary, Anne Frank kept a diary which became a significant, historical artifact in the modern world as it details her account of concealing her identity from the outside world. Her story, told in an innocent perspective, allows individuals to reflect the dreadful events of the Holocaust and acknowledge how far we have come since then. Even though she died along with millions of other victims from the Holocaust, her spirit still exists thanks to her articulately written words in her diary which is now considered one of the most famous works of literature. Anne Frank's legacy still lives on today because her story provides a primary source of a dark period in history, insightful contemplation of humanity, and motivation for people to stand up against unjustified persecution. People can only imagine the terrors that the Jews and other ethnic groups had to go through during the Holocaust in World War II. With Anne Frank's diary, people can finally put themselves into the scene and captivate all the feelings and sentiments that Anne Frank has poured onto the pages. Anne Frank, her family, and their friends were known for hiding from the German Nazis in the Secret Annex for two years from 1942–1944. Innocent and naive, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. African Atrocities Running–head: Slavery The Atrocities of Slavery Christopher Tracy Arnold AIU Throughout the course of history mankind has lived by the old cliche "live by the sword die by the sword, but is that what they halfheartedly believe? Darwin believed in his theory of natural selection, yet how can a nation or tribe advance when barbarians are constantly looking for people to ... Show more content on ... . So it has been said that in order for blacks, Nubian s in America to overcome such horrific atrocities of slavery it would take Universal Consciousness to correct it. It seems that time is arriving as black linguist, Historians, and scientist are uncovering real facts of who's who on this planet as well as exposing the lies of European historians and Anthropologists who have misled all of man and mankind. When scientist announced in August of 2010 "Is the Sun Emitting a mystery particle"? Some thought the world was coming to an end. According to Discovery News (O'Neill, 2010), is the sun emitting a mystery particle, it stated . "When probing the deepest reaches of the cosmos or magnifying our understanding of the quantum world, a whole host of mysteries present themselves. This is to be expected when pushing our knowledge of the universe to the limit. But what if a well–known and a apparently constant–characteristic of matter starts behaving mysteriously? This is exactly what has been noticed in recent years; the decay rates of radioactive elements are changing. This is especially mysterious as we are talking about elements with "constant "decay rates–these rates aren't supposed to change". One may ask what does this has to do with slavery. Again ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Atrocities In Afganistan (Women) Essay (NOTE TO STUDENT: my teacher gave me a B+ and said I would have had an A if I had had more detail on the Taliban's reasons for these laws) The women of Afghanistan have been enduring unfathomable suffering since the Taliban, a religious faction, seized control of the country in 1996. (NOTE TO STUDENT: my teacher gave me a B+ and said I would have had an A if I had had more detail on the Taliban's reasons for these laws) Since 1996 Afghan women have been living fear for their safety and lives. A myriad of discriminating laws has been placed on Afghan women. The punishments for violating these laws are unimaginably inhuman. The Taliban is an ultra–fundamentalist group that has 90 percent of Afghanistan under ... Show more content on ... Before the Taliban took over Afghanistan the country was fairly progressive in terms of women's rights. There were women in Parliament, medicine, law, engineering and many other creditable professions (Shanahan). The majority of teachers were women (Shanahan). Half of the civil servants and university students were women (Shanahan). It seems the Afghan society was much like our own in relation to gender equality. The current situation in Afghanistan contrasts the old one as black does white. Few women are permitted to work. Those who are must do so inside their homes (Stop). Girls are banned from attending school after the age of eight (Stop). A journalist speaks of girls not being allowed to leave the state orphanage building since 1996 although the boys go outside every day to attend school and play (Stop). The Taliban have severely limited women's access to medical services because male physicians aren't allowed to treat women and only a few selected female physicians can work only if they are veiled and treat only women (Stop). The punishments for violating the Taliban's laws are even more appalling than the laws themselves and are among the most savage in the world. Often the punishments are dealt out in public in front of thousands of spectators. 30,000 men and boys gathered in an arena to eat biscuits and drink tea while watching women receiving the 100–lash ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Police Atrocities In The United States Starting in the mid–1800s, there was a blast of metropolitan police offices in the United States. These early police divisions were composed around the area or ward–based political frameworks that commanded this period. It was the nearby neighborhood government official who gave initiative and oversight over a significantly decentralized arrangement of policing. Work choices inside police departments were made at the ward level, and occupations were allowed in light of an arrangement of political support. This framework compensated residents with police work in return for their reliability to the nearby ward government official who gave them the employment. The confined idea of policing amid this period had exceptionally significant outcomes ... Show more content on ... Two of the more critical issues amid this period were (1) the inclusion of police in defilement and (2) constrained oversight and supervision of watch officers. Amid this period, police inclusion in debasement went up against various distinctive structures. Initially, on account of their cozy association with groups, officers were defenseless to contribution in criminal action or the acknowledgment of rewards as a byproduct of the nonenforcement of laws. The later piece of the political time matched with Prohibition and made open doors for officers to pick up fiscally by securing illicit drinking foundations or speakeasies. An arrangement of political support and the nearby association officers needed to neighborhood ward legislators likewise made them exceptionally defenseless against political debasement. Since they gave oversight at neighborhood surveying areas, it was normal for officers to have undue impact over open voting choices or in a few cases to deliberately fix decisions. The issue of defilement was confounded by the constrained types of administrative oversight and supervision of watch officers. Not at all like the verifiable periods that would take after, the accessibility of innovations to screen and track the area and exercises of officers was constrained to nonexistent amid this time. Watch officers were managed extensive watchfulness in their day by day exercises, and there was restricted inspiration to regulate and rebuff them for wrongdoing given the complicity of administrators in political defilement too. The wastefulness and disruption that came about contained an immediate target and force for the following authentic period, the change/proficient ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Atrocities Laziest People In Nigeria Having read your write ups, it is obvious that you are blaming the atrocities laziest people in Nigeria perpetuate on those in authority. To a large extent, I disagree with you. Inasmuch as the majority of those in authority are corrupt, I don't think that is a reason for justifying laziness, greediness, and evil that people commit. If the government had done everything it could to establish a healthy environment for Nigerians, so many people would have yet indulged in atrocities. Nigeria is an environment in which the majority of the inhabitants wants to be rich overnight, and that is what gave birth to the corruption we witness today at all levels of government and institutions in Nigeria. However, in the midst of the unhealthy environment ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Atrocity Propaganda In World War I World War One was a war that didn't seem to end: it was four years of fighting throughout Europe, people dying on the sides of both the Allied and Central powers. For about half of the war, the two opponents reached a stalemate. There was no clear winner during battles and there was no progress on either side. The Allied powers, including Great Britain, needed to find a way to add more power into their armies. Perhaps they needed more people who were passionate about winning the war and defeating the Germans and the other Central powers. The key to creating these troops? Atrocity propaganda. Great Britain's World War I propaganda campaign had many components, but its demonization of Germany through graphic images was key in motivating people ... Show more content on ... Images of him depict him burning down houses, violating women, and killing children and war prisoners, showing that he is a threat to Europe and its safety. Britain, always wanting to be the humanitarian, had to be the one to stop this menace, and in order to do that, people had to join the war effort. He was also commonly drawn as a butcher or the grim reaper; killers. The atrocious acts shown in these drawings created feelings of hatred towards Wilhelm, which could then be directed to Germany as a whole and inspire the public to support Britain's campaign. As previously mentioned, in David Wilson's "How the Hun Hates!", Wilhelm is seen in a crowd of Germans mocking British fishermen, seemingly satisfied with the scene and making him look like a terrible person. In the British Empire Union poster, he is shown drunk and scaring a girl, although why that is is not clear in the image. Propaganda artists and officials had to make Wilhelm seem as terrible as possible so that the people would feel inspired to stop an evil force. Religion and discrimination was even incorporated into posters against him: he was illustrated as an atheist, the Antichrist, someone with Jewish traits, and a friend of homosexuals. Although some of these might not seem like such atrocious things now, Europe in the early 20th century was still very conservative and Christian, so these depictions could also win some devout religious people to fight for the war effort. Wilhelm was made into the enemy for every perspective, making this propaganda campaign effective, and inspiring more British people to ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Assignment 1: The Atrocities Of Zyklon B Assignment 1 – The Atrocities of Zyklon B Since the Holocaust, nearly 70 years ago, the world has watched as similar catastrophes have occurred in various continents across the globe. Few, however, have been as far–reaching in their affliction, targeted in their hate or as determined in the systematic approach to crimes against humanity. The gays, roma, mentally handicapped and physically disabled were all victims of the Nazi regime, and the way in which those deemed 'inferior' were exterminated took an (if possible) increasingly sadistic turn with the emergence of a dangerous new chemical weapon in 1941. The new asphyxiating agent, Zyklon B, was used wholly for pest control up until this point; after which it became a tool of mass annihilation ... Show more content on ... The obvious illustration was the monetary gains that were accrued. The German Corporation for Pest Control was partially owned by I.G. Farben a chemical industry conglomerate and their dividends on its "Degesh investment for the years 1942, 1943, and 1944 were double those of 1940 and 1941 (Borkin 123)." The profits were a direct reflection of the newfound 'prosperity' at Auschwitz, but there was another way in which Degesch was ethically invested in Zyklon B. When Zyklon B was being produced as a pesticide it contained, by German law, an odor indicator to warn humans of its toxicity. The S.S. demanded with their high quantity order Zyklon B be produced without the odor indicator. Initially, Degesch was reluctant due to the fact that the odor indicator is what held the patent on Zyklon B and thus secured their monopoly, but eventually in the end the S.S. got their way. By removing the odor indicator it implies implicit participation in dooming the Jews at Auschwitz and solidified Zyklon B's infamous role in Nazi ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Causes Behind The Atrocities Experienced During World... When evaluating the causes behind the atrocities experienced during World War II, many reasons for these events can be found in the conditions occurring beforehand. Beyond this, many of these causes can be applicable contributions to each World War. In terms of cause, World War II can be considered an inevitable continuation of the first World War. It erupted due to Hitler's extreme desire for expansion and hostile foreign policy, war was immediately declared upon German militarization of Poland. However, the expectation for global warfare had been longstanding before Mussolini and Hitler came to power or Japan's assault upon China. Whereas the tensions leading to World War I came about due to a rise in nationalism in response to ... Show more content on ... Moving further, Germans began challenging their current political structure, as a large majority of civilians now rejected the seemingly weak authority of the Weimar Republic. With the decrease in faith towards a strong democratic republic, a desire for a powerful nationalistic leader such as Adolf Hitler arose. Hitler and the Nazi Party were able to quickly spread their own extremist beliefs through the rising German nationalism. For instance, Hitler utilized the appeal of uniting all Germans in Europe in a singular nation, then using this unification to strengthen German desire for expansion and militarization. He desired the power colonize and control Eastern territories, an establishment of complete power demonstrated previously by imperial powers such as Britain. However, Hitler and the Nazis also maintained a sense of Aryan racial superiority, believing all other races were inferior to the Germans, especially Jews. They called for a complete ethnic cleansing, thus resulting in the Holocaust. As horrific as these beliefs were, they were made possible through a remarkable faith in Hitler and the Nazi Party. The extremist actions taken within Nazi Germany can be traced back to a desire for nationalism due to the results of the Treaty of Versailles and diminishing of faith in a failing democratic system. Another cause of the brutality and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. How the Atrocities of War Exemplify the Characteristic... In his novella Night, Elie Wiesel portrays the horrors he and his family faced at the hands of Nazi Germany through graphic and moving descriptions of his plight. A compelling excerpt, "I watched other hangings. I never saw a single victim weep. These withered bodies had long forgotten the bitter taste of tears," demonstrates the utter disregard for human life that many of the world's leaders adopt in times of war, inspiring further research through the evocation of a need to more thoroughly learn about the moral ambiguity that envelops those in positions of power during wartime. This characteristic moral ambiguity of human nature is most clearly seen in the atrocities of war through institutionalized torture, mass death, and willingness of leaders to sacrifice troops. Through analyses of conflicts such as the World War II, the Vietnam War, the Civil War, the An Lushan Rebellion, and the Muslim conquest of the Indian subcontinent in such genres as non–fiction books, documentaries, the internet, music, and poems, the moral ambiguity of the human race is proven to lead to atrocities of war such as institutionalized torture, mass death, and willingness of leaders to sacrifice the lives of their troops. Many painful examples of disregard for human life can be seen across all instances of war, although perhaps most notably in the horrors the Jewish people, among others, faced in the Holocaust of World War II at the hands of Hitler and the Nazi Party. The Holocaust, long viewed ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Atrocities of World War II The only recognized atrocity of World War II was the Holocaust, but the real truth hides much deeper within. There were thousands of atrocities that occurred leading up to the war, within the years of World War II, and after the war. Many were unrecognized and undocumented and the stories of the dead still remain unknown. My purpose here is to tell the story of the men, women, and children that no one remember, or never even knew existed. The Holocaust was perhaps the most dramatic and well known atrocity of World War II because of the sheer number of deaths and crimes that had to be put on trial in Nuremburg. Millions upon millions of Jewish men, women, and children were executed and experimented on in dozens of ways. The Russians ... Show more content on ... The German civilians had to deal with many tragedies such as being invaded or having the women raped by Allied troops. The economy of World War II had a major impact on the world today. The German economy during the war crashed so much that their money had no value and was just used as paper. There is picture of German children making castles out of thousands of German dollars because they were worthless. The American economy is still affected today by the results of World War II. Thousands of war–bonds were sold to the public in efforts to raise money for the war, build weapons, build ships, build tanks, and pay soldiers. An enormous sum of the money that we owe to other countries dates back to World War II. The amount of federal spending during World War II increased nearly 300% from 1941 to 1945. The money that was spent in World War II increased 72 Billion dollars from 1940 to 1945. Many boards and committees were set in place to monitor the growth in spending and the money spent on the war, so we could spend our money wisely and get more "bang for our buck". One important topic when talking about World War II is the effect it had on human emotion. Human emotion carried an enormous role throughout the war and probably could have changed the ways and lives of millions of civilians and soldiers for the benefit of the world. For instance, ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Changi Extended Response EXTENDED RESOPONSE John Doyle's Changi episodes are about the struggle of the Australian prisoners of war. The series mainly focuses on six young Australian men giving an insight of each character's deepest struggle within the camp. There are many themes evident within the episodes, Seeing is believing, Curley, Private Bill and Pacifying the angels. Some of which include power and atrocities of war. These themes are also apparent throughout Edward Zwick's 2006 film 'Blood Diamond', which is about a country torn apart by the struggle of the government and rebel forces. According to the Macquarie dictionary, the term Power is defined as possession of controlling influence that a person or object holds over someone or something. The theme ... Show more content on ... Tanaka then shoots Lofty in the head as he failed to succeed. The camera is positioned in a bird's eye view, portraying deceased Lofty, the rest of the POW's surrounding him and the Japanese commanders walking away. This specific technique is used to allow the audience to witness the atrocity of war the Japanese commander just performed on Lofty Morgan. Similarly this theme is articulated within the episode 'Pacifying the angles'. Within this episode, the Japanese men lose control after their defeat in the war, therefore resulting in their anger being released through a massacre on the POW's. The technique of a bird's eye view is used to illustrate the atrocity of war the Japanese people performed on the POW's. The theme of the atrocities of war is also performed within Edward Zwick's 2006 film 'blood diamond'. Within a specific scene the R.U.F is shown teaching young kid's to kill those who do not respect them. This is evident through the quotation aimed to the children, "shed their blood". The use of descriptive language within the previous statement accentuates the atrocity of war that is being brought upon the children. The scene turns into a massacre which is viewed through a bird's eye view, also to accentuate the atrocity of war that is being performed on the innocent villagers. In culmination it is evident that the themes of power and atrocities of war have been efficaciously embodied throughout John Doyle's Changi miniseries as well as Edward ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Cause And Effects Of The Atrocity Of War The atrocity of war, in the discussion of both World Wars offers to a particular extent an insight into the cause and effects, that the world experienced during both periods. The First World War was fought from 1914–1918 and the second between 1939 to late 1945, staging as the largest conflicts of human history. World War 1 stimulated into existence with the Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria, in June 1914, the war triggered from these notions of militarism, imperialism, nationalism and alliance system. World War 2, started as a result of political and economic instability in Germany, the harsh conditions of the Treaty of Versailles and Adolf Hitler's rise of power and alliance partnership with Italy and Japan. Both periods signified an entailment to the economic structure, political regime and social value of the allied and axis powers. The nature ... Show more content on ... An estimated number of reported deaths for World War 1 ranged from 10 million military personnel and about 7 million civilians, which World War 2 increased in figure exponentially to a 60 million to over 70 million morbidity rate. This essay response aims to briefly comment on the pattern in which rates of outcome grew severely between successive years of warfare, and draw attention to specific developments that changed the perspective through which war was initially carried out. It also aims to comment on the effect this military advancement had on soldiers and civilians. World War 1 was a national mobilization, with the entire nation contributing to sustain Australia's demography at both homefront and battlefronts, in similar context to World War 2. The First world war saw unprecedented damage and carnage, as new military commandment fortified soldiers and civilians to undoubtedly fight for ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Atrocities And Liberation Of Concentration Camps The Atrocities and Liberation of Concentration Camps If you combine sadistic Nazi soldiers, a "license to kill," and twenty–six million people whom they took their aggression out on, you have the Holocaust. From torture to murder, the concentration camp prisoners experienced almost every despicably, inhumane act one can imagine. Hitler 's Nazis will never be able to justify this ultimate example of cruelty and unfairness. Although the Holocaust occurred nearly seventy years ago, the world will never fail to remember the horrible acts that were committed against millions of innocent people in concentration camps. Whether the camps ' establishments were for labor purposes, or simply because Hitler ... Show more content on ... Next, every bit of their hair was shaved off with electric razors and shearing machines. That hair was used to make clothing that the guards and their dogs would wear. To finish off this "disinfecting" process, the deportees were then taken into a shower room and were immersed in a phenol solution. Those who lived, for many had died because they weren 't able to stand or became unconscious, were given wool rags to wear and wooden sandals that caused inflammation. Paper clothing that the deportees had made was taken, and some had resorted to trading in their food for clothing, only to have it confiscated shortly afterward (Whissen 5–13). Housing assignments for the prisoners were then issued. The prisoners ' barracks, which were designed to house half the people who were stuffed into them, were filthy and full of vermin, as one of the women assigned to them stated: "When we arrived, the sleeping accommodations appeared to be quite nice; the beds had been neatly made, and on each straw mattress there was a small, blue–white coverlet that was almost pretty. But unfortunately our contentment did not last long. When we turned down the corner of the coverlet, we saw that the mattresses and covers were crawling with vermin. My blanket was filthy." (Inside the Concentration Camps 14) Even though these ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Kant 's Powerful Reasoning For Moral Atrocities Isaac Albert Moral Philosophy 3/20/2016 Word Count: 1528 Kant's powerful reasoning for moral atrocities. Kant explains his moral theory, the categorical imperative, in "Grounding for the metaphysics of Morals". In this paper i will argue that Kantian reasoning provides the most powerful understanding of how to assess and navigate moral dilemmas concerning atrocities when compared to Utilitarianism. In order to effectively do so, i will be using a case by Bernard Williams. The case by Williams in "A critique of Utilitarianism," is as followed. Jim is in a small South American town where he finds a band of armed men holding twenty indians hostaged. Pedro, the man in charge, explains that because of recent protest the ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, i will provide an examination of what both utilitarianism and the categorical imperative would do in this situation; beginning with utilitarianism. In "Principles of Morals and Legislation" Jeremy Bentham outlines utilitarianism. The most important feature being the principle of utility, Bentham believes that pleasure and pain governs all aspect of life, and one must do all they can to reduce their pain and maximize their pleasure ( Bentham, 7) Bentham Develops the Felicific calculator in order to quantitatively measure pain and pleasure in any given circumstance. To adhere to this calculus, one ought to consider if "the value of a pleasure or pain will be greater or less according to: Intensity, duration, certainty, nearness, fecundity, purity, and extent" (Bentham, 22). For an example, in Williams' case one must consider the pleasure and pain involved in their ability to be certain of the outcomes of their actions. If one cannot be sure that they can trust Pedro's promise to let the nineteen hostages go, then this should be considered in the calculations of the pleasures and pain of the consequences of their actions. Consequentialism is another key aspect to utilitarianism. An action 's morality is dependent on outcomes only. One's intentions does not really matter. It becomes evidently clear from running the felicific calculus, consulting the principles of utility and ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Worst Gun Atrocities Of Modern American History Essay The worst gun massacre in modern American history happened on April 16, 2007 at Virginia Tech. It started off as an ordinary Monday morning. Twenty–three–year–old Seung Hui Cho moved methodically from classroom to classroom, shooting rapidly and randomly. When he was done, thirty– two students and faculty members were dead; twenty–five others were wounded. As the police closed in on him, he saved a final bullet for himself. The Virginia Tech shooter's choice of weapons were a 9–mm Glock 19 pistol and a .22–caliber Walther P22. Both guns were semiautomatic handguns purchased legally at stores. Cho had a long history of behavioral and emotional problems, and in 2005, a judge declared him mentally ill and a danger to himself and others. This information should have been adequate to prohibit him from purchasing a handgun, but Virginia did not have strict gun laws to prevent him from buying the guns. If Virginia had stricter gun laws, it might have been an ordinary Monday. Although the constitution says that "right to bear arms should not be infringed" recent times have showed us that that statement is a double–edged sword. Increased gun control measures are needed to stop certain aspects that are being used as loopholes to avoid current laws. Supporters of more gun control laws state that the Second Amendment was intended for militias; that gun violence would be reduced; that gun restrictions have always existed; and that most Americans, including gun owners, support new gun ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Atrocities And Tolerance In Film Activist belief that people were not created to be the same. We were made to be unique and to embrace that something special that makes us different. They success in getting their voice heard, which made a lasting impression to the new generation. In the film, Mexican American lawyers stepped in and fight for their 14th Amendment rights, as a result they won in the state but still the society did not enforced it because the Hispanics and black people were still second class citizens. The key of deleting corruption is promoting the values of solidarity and tolerance, by breaking the cycle that has oppressing different races and social classes, so that we follow what the state highlights as "Justice for all" but also removing what silence them, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. War Is A Genocide And A Complete Atrocity What is war? When I hear the word 'war ' I think of conflict, corruption and poverty. My family has so much history about war physically and mentally. The types of war I would like to pursue in this personal essay are loss of a family members in the battle of cancer and war in Vietnam. Whenever I encounter a conversation about war people instantly bring up the negativity. I am not judging people on their opinion on how they feel that war is a genocide and a complete atrocity. I agree, but, it is not always about the physical wars around the war, what about mentality of people and their families. We as people go through war everyday. Whether that is having a hard time waking up for work or class, losing a loved one, battling an illness or ... Show more content on ... If I was that child in war I wouldn 't know what to do or even how I would feel. I surely wouldn 't even let my child be in a war. But, I know that many parents in other countries have no choice that their children are being taken to war. I would never know how it feels to be a child at war with the world. They will no longer know themselves or their homeland. In 2011, I loss my closest family member, my uncle, the most perfect father figure. The call was devastating. He had been battling cancer all of his life. One year it was gone and then back again. He was going through a war with his body, this illness. He was 47 when he passed. I never will understand why God will take the most joyous, heart felt, loving people. But I could never question God. It was simply his time. Now who would I look up too? That was my war. Watching my Uncle Ernie have to go to treatment after treatment was tiring not for only him but for me. When he was drained I felt drained, I fed from his energy. When my uncle passed I felt my world was over. I couldn 't believe it, I didn 't want to believe it. His war was over and my war had just started. The Vietnam war drafting began during the late 1960s. Three of my uncles were drafted in this war in their early twenties. I knew they were in the war but I didn 't they were in such a well known war. They had explained to me that they did not know that they had been put in a lottery for the war. My Uncle Buckles had ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Africa Has Had Some Atrocities Occur In Its History. One Africa has had some atrocities occur in its history. One of those was the tyranny of King Leopold. In order to gain control of Congo King Leopold would use violent force and control economic monopolies. His violence was fairly unknown by the rest of the world until some missionaries and other Europeans came into Africa and witnessed the horrors. The missionaries would go on to write about what they experienced and spread the word to inform society of what is occurring. Most of the violence done by King Leopold was coming from the hands of his military called the Force Publique. They would do brutal things like hold family members hostage of citizens who did not fallow King Leopold's orders. Performing amputations especially on kids were ... Show more content on ... A majority of the missionaries were catholic and Leopold himself also practice Catholicism so he used his religion in order to cover up what he was doing. One missionary that was different from the other was William Sheppard. Instead of forcing his religion on people he got to know and understand the way of life of the people in Africa. He first stumbled upon a Kuba tribe. They at first were hostile towards him and were even going to behead him but later they decided that their ancestor's spirits were living through him. This tribe was deep in the Congo forests and were protected from most of the other tribes and the Congo government. Even though the tribe didn't accept Christianity, Sheppard still stayed because he was able to make relationships with the people there. Sheppard, like many other missionaries at the time, was trying to add relief for captives and other distressed people. William Sheppard was different from other missionaries however because he was African American. He had a white supervisor who he was friends with. His inspiration for going to Congo was because of a movement for slaves in America to go back to Africa. He stayed in Africa for quite some time though because of the relationships he made and because of the things he witnessed. He discovered amputated children who had their limbs amputated due to low productivity from family members in the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Atrocity Of Prejudice The American author and poet Maya Angelou once said, ¨Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.¨ Angelou conveys the true atrocity of prejudice with this statement, revealing it as an enemy of humanity. Harper Lee, another author of Angelou's period, also discusses prejudice in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Lee masterfully touches on such a difficult topic in her novel by displaying multiple events to readers, as well as the effects they have on the characters, through the eyes of a young girl named Scout Finch. Some instances of prejudice and discrimination present in the novel are Maycomb´s treatment of Arthur ¨Boo¨ Radley, Aunt Alexandra´s perception of Walter Cunningham, and the manner in which Tom Robinson's trial was handled. The rumors regarding Boo Radley, born only from the stigma surrounding his lifestyle, are one instance of prejudice in the novel. At the beginning of the novel, young Scout Finch says, regarding Radley, ¨Inside the [Radley] house lived a malevolent phantom... Any stealthy small crimes committed in Maycomb were his work.¨ Miss Scout´s ... Show more content on ... In actuality, Mr. Robinson´s trial was nothing more than a formality for those who had condemned him as soon as they´d seen the color of his skin. As Atticus Finch said when addressing the court, ¨The state has not produced one iota of medical evidence to the effect that the crime Tom Robinson is charged with ever took place. It had relied instead upon the testimony of two witnesses whose evidence has not only been called into serious question... but as been flatly contradicted...¨ Here, Mr. Finch calls to attention the fact that there is no evidence that a crime was even committed, or that Tom Robinson was involved. Furthermore, the truth of Tom Robinson's trial is that it is a formality, merely meant to precede the guilty conviction his skin color has condemned him ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Propaganda And Atrocity Propaganda World War One marked a watershed in the modern development of propaganda. Propaganda assumed an ever–increasing role in shaping mass opinion, a role that has had a lasting influence on the course of twentieth century politics. Propaganda is potentially an immensely revealing source for examining the state–society relationship, for it is, in essence, a set of messages from the state to the society. It is based upon and seeks to modify certain assumptions about popular behaviour. It was not until Germany invaded Belgium, that atrocity propaganda emerged as a major force. Atrocity propaganda focused on the most violent acts committed by the German and Austro– Hungarian armies, emphasising their barbarity and providing justification for the conflict. ... Show more content on ... Therefore, the Germans were looked upon as a country that could only be described as a corrupt invader in the war from the start. The German army engaged in several atrocities against the Belgium population during the course of the war. These atrocities were seen as an organised terror, an attack to intimidate the civilian population, to terrorise the inhabitants of recently occupied areas, to intimidate the politicians and most importantly, to intimidate the Belgian army. The period after 5 August 1914 and the months to follow were fierce, and the dynamic of violence was enduring. There were multiple cases of civilians being used as leverage to induce compliance or to stymie resistance often as human shields marched in front of German units, or as hostages to ensure good behaviour. At Liège, several influential citizens were taken hostage and threatened with death if the German troops, charged with taking nearby forts, came under attack. 'Civilians were executed en masse, as the invasion force advanced on its first obstacle, the ring of forts around Liège'. This was a terrifying time for Belgians, as the Germany army was ten times the size of theirs. The anxiety was also apparent in proclamations issued throughout Belgian towns. One notice, issued at Hasselt on 17 August 1914 by the Burgomaster, warned the villagers in no uncertain terms 'to abstain from ... all acts of hostility which might bring ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Belgian Congo vs. Holocaust The atrocities of the Belgian Congo and the Holocaust are two of the main events in history that have been responsible for the mass murdering of millions of people. Although these events significantly changed the course of humanity, and the story behind each one is very different, there are significant factors that make them alike as well as different. Many would agree that comparing two atrocities that affected the lives of so many people and gave a 180–degree turn to each of their countries would be something very difficult to achieve. However, by comparing the behavior of both the perpetrators and the victims of both cases we might be able to further understand the lack of morality and the inspiration that led to these awful events. ... Show more content on ... This allowed several years of massacre. However, eventually the number of Nazis running concentration camps diminished, as they needed manpower fighting the war. This is further explained in "The Drowned and the Saved", "The Nazism of the final years could not do without these external auxiliaries, determined as it was to maintain its order within subjugated Europe and feed the front lines of the war, bled white by their opponents' growing military resistance." (Levi pg.42) This weakening in their system allowed for the Holocaust to end and liberate the Jews from the occupied Europe. This began the process of the creation of the state of Israel, where the Jews could find refuge. This gave them a process of healing and allowed them to rebuild the Jewish community. The set of events for the Belgian Congo was not similar in any way. The ivory company, which exported ivory to Belgium and the rest of Europe leaded by King Leopold of Belgium, was the responsible for the atrocities committed in Congo during the 1880's. Another key factor that differentiates these cases is the aftermath of the atrocities, and how the Holocaust was able to utilize the Nuremberg Trials as the first step in achieving justice. In the Belgian Congo atrocities, Belgium slowly deleted history and refused to take responsibility. In Heart of Darkness we can find the lack of justice at the very end of the book when Charles ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Atrocities of the Holocaust Essay Of all the examples of injustice against humanity in history, the Jewish Holocaust is one of the most prominent. From 1933 to 1945, the Nazis waged a vicious war against Jews and other "lesser races". This war came to a head with the "Final Solution" in 1938. One of the most horrific results of the Final Solution were the scores of concentration and death camps spread across Nazi Germany, Poland, and other parts of Nazi–controlled Europe. In the aftermath of the Holocaust, people around the world were shocked by final tallies of human losses, and the people responsible were punished for their inhuman acts. The Holocaust was a dark time in the history of the world. The beginnings of the Holocaust can be traced as far back as 1933, when ... Show more content on ... This was the first major act of violence against Jews in Germany. The Nazi's intentions were now clear. Nazi plans for the Jews of Europe were outlined in the "Final Solution to the Jewish question" in 1938. In a meeting of some of Hitler's top officials, the idea of the complete annihilation of Jews in Europe was hatched. By the time the meeting was over, the Final Solution had been created. The plans included in the Final Solution included the deportation, exploitation, and eventual extermination of European Jews. In September 1939, Germany invaded western Poland. Most, if not all Jews in German–occupied lands were rounded up and taken either to ghettos or to concentration camps. The ghettos, which were located inside cities, were a sort of city/prison to segregate Jews from the rest of the public. Conditions in ghettos were horrific. Jews were subject too mass overcrowding, lack of food, and lack of sanitation, as well as brutality by Nazi guards. By June 1941, most of the Jews in Europe lived in lands controlled by Nazi Germany. The SS deployed 3000 death squads, or "Einsatzgruppen", to dispatch Jews in large numbers (Wallechinsky). In September 1941, all Jews were forced to wear yellow Stars of David on their arms ... Get more on ...
  • 24. An Analysis Of Erhard Schon 's ' The Vienna Woods ' And... When looking through the pages of history, without any doubt one will eventually find themselves reading the detailed recounts of crimes committed during War. When read from the perspective of those who experienced the events, we can feel their pain, desperation and helplessness. From those who enforced these ordeals onto others, we delve into their minds and see the world as they did; what drove their actions and how they felt. In this instance, two chosen documents can be analysed side by side in order to understand the savagery that is inflicted upon both parties during the expansion of Empire: Erhard Schön's illustrations that accompany the translated texts of the 'Turkish Riders with Christian Captives,' & 'Turkish Atrocities in the Vienna Woods' and Siegfried Sassoon's poem 'Atrocities'. Both pieces are a representation of different points of view during two different wars. However, though they may be separated by 500 years, both are easily able to relay the pain that is trust upon common everyday people who are involved in circumstances outside of their control. Born in Germany, Schön adopted Lutheranism during the 1520s and began designing woodcuts that would more often than not amuse, outrage or enlighten the public . In these two particular works of art, they depict how the Turkish soldiers '[choked their] children' and were 'murdering virgins and wives, cutting children in half and impaling them on pikes'. This appeal to Ethos ultimately leads the reader to feel ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Crime And Human Rights : Criminology Of Genocide And... For the book review assignment, I chose to read "Crime and Human Rights: Criminology of Genocide and Atrocities". I chose this book, because the study of genocide is interesting to me, in learning about why it happens and how to stop it from happening in the future. In regards to the essay, it is going to be broken into three different parts. The first part, which is planned to be about half of the essay, will talk about a couple of the major themes of the book. The second part will consist of showing how the book is tied to content we have learned in class. And to wrap up the paper, I will talk about some of the strengths and weaknesses of the book. The first major theme I am going to talk about is the criminology of genocide and how it unfolds. In explaining the criminology of genocide, the book used historical cases of genocide to explain their reasons for genocide unfolding. First off, according to the book, genocide is more likely to happen in countries with a weak government (Savelsberg 3). In other words, any country that has lack of leadership and control of the people are more likely to be prone to genocide occurring. Other factors that can contribute to genocide are racism and any political upheaval. In explaining why and how genocide unfolds, the book used the example of the holocaust in order to provide a real life situation to put the concepts to life. The book examines the steps that it took for the German genocidal regime to be put into place. This helps give ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Germany 's Postwar Silence : The Horrible Atrocities Of... Germany's Postwar Silence The horrible atrocities of the Holocaust remain an important subject in World history. Although very few people are alive from the Nazi era the horrors of the era still haunt Germany. Should the generations of German people be held collectively responsible for the Nazi crimes? If you were born in 1940 the start of the war, you would be 75 years old today. The younger generation of German's look at that period of history differently than those alive post war. How the postwar Germans have dealt with the Nazi era of their country's history has been a topic of controversy surrounding Gunter Grass. Gunter Grass for many years has accused German's of not dealing with what happened in a realistic manner. He ... Show more content on ... Paul's struggle is whether to publish his mother's story or bury it with the memories of the Nazi era. As the survivors' begin to age, Paul's mother nags him even more to write her memoirs. In chapter 4 at the survivors reunion she turns to Paula and says, "Soon none of us will be alive anymore, only you. But you just don't want to write down all the stuff I've told you" (98). She went on to tell him that "maybe my Konradchen will write something sown about it someday" (98). Paul never wants to be associated with the Germany his mother so dearly wants to hang onto. At the reunion he keeps his distance from Tulla because he does not want to be associated, questioned or celebrated by the Lowe veterans. At the end of chapter 4 the divide between Konrad and his father begins. Konrad went home and posted details of the reunion. He praised the superior German engineering and pitied the hundreds of German lives lost when the ship was sunk. Paul retreated to the beach, and kept silent. The sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff was the beginning of much misery for the German's escaping the war torn East Prussia. Although Tulla had put her hope into Paul writing about the violence Germans endured at the hands of the Russian's once they crossed the eastern borders of Germany, it was Konrad that she relied on throughout the novella to tell her story. Grass uses his novella to teach a younger ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Dr. Johnson 's Death Of Death For The Cold Blooded Atrocity In March 1906, Tennessee native Ed Johnson was sentenced to death for the rape of eighteen–year– old Nevada Taylor. Mr. Johnson supposedly choked the victim with a leather strap and subsequently sexually assaulted her. When testifying, the woman only had one adjective to describe the perpetrator, a word that damned the twenty–six–year–old to a guilty verdict; black. Although he had never been in possession of a leather strap, had a sound alibi verified by countless testimonies, and the rape victim never definitively identified Mr. Johnson during the trial, the all–white jury came to the conclusion that the African–American man was undeniably responsible for the cold–blooded atrocity. A day later, while sitting in his cell, a mob of white men dragged Ed Johnson out of the jailhouse, paraded him around the streets, and ultimately hanged the guiltless man at Walnut Street Bridge. The men then began to fire round after round at his lifeless body for the amusement of townsfolk who had gathered to watch the lynching, until, "one stray bullet severed the rope," (Yellin 1). As the bloody corpse fell to the ground to the delight of the white children, " one of the men put the barrel of his gun to Mr. Johnson 's head and fired five times," (Yellin 1). The men faced no charges and nearly one hundred years later the Supreme Court found the viciously murdered man innocent. Unfortunately, when it comes to promoting justice for non–white Americans, the United States' criminal justice system ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Atrocities Of The Holocaust The atrocities of the Holocaust placed the German Jewish population in a quagmire of antisemitic persecution, but it also spread beyond Germany to affect Jews throughout Europe. Poland was such a country. The first nation invaded by Nazi Germany and the last to be liberated, the population of Polish Jews was nearly eradicated. How were the Nazis able to accomplish such a feat in a nation where antisemitism had not been as prevalent? Aside from forcibly introducing antisemitic policy into Poland, the Nazis relied on fear and self–interest to accomplish their goals. For the average Polish Catholic in 1943, a decision had to be made on where they stood regarding the "Jewish problem". Should they sit idly by and do nothing, or perhaps even assist in the capture of the Jews? Or maybe they could risk everything by hiding and otherwise aiding the Polish Jews. If I were such a Polish Catholic citizen living in 1943 and the opportunity arose to help a Polish Jew, my conscience would prevent me from doing any less. Deciding to aid the Polish Jews is not a decision to be taken lightly. To aid any number of Jews would risk one's very life. So what would cause an individual to take such a risk and assist the Jews faced with Nazi persecution? Whether I sympathize with the Jews' religion or not, I would recognize that what the Nazis are doing is atrocious. Only if I were as malicious as the stereotypical Nazi would I think otherwise. I simply could not survive having done nothing ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Nanking Atrocities Nanking was not the only place of Japanese Army atrocities. Nanking held the distinction of allowing foreigners to witness and survive the atrocities. I learned from the story that the Japanese Army would take drastic measures to eliminate a people, to systematically use every means available to eliminate your enemy, people that may not have been involved, people that got in your way and people you just took pleasure in killing. To even invite fellow military personnel who were not even involved to come and watch as if it is some side show. A sick pride in performing your duties.To knowingly kill people in many different possible ways, who are just scared and frightened, just to entertain yourself. Why did killing go on even as ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Atrocities And Harmful Affects Presidents 1111Attention all leaders around the world, including the beautiful Queens. There's a severe disease going around and only affects Presidents and Presidents only. Not the doctors, not the nurses, not any other hospital workers, not other patients who are sharing the same hospital room, not the patient's family members and loved ones, not the secret service agents, not the soldiers who are visiting their fellow injured soldiers, perhaps sometimes one only. Not the government officials traveling alongside of the President in the same convoy. And definitely not the honest, patriotic, an affectionate former parliament member either. Since bullet wounds known to be very much contagious, shaking hands or showing any type of affection to the injured ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Survival of Nazi Atrocities and Borowski’s Narrative... Tadeusz Borowski's "This Way to the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen" is a story told by Tadek, the diminutive of Tadeusz, recounting the Nazi atrocities that took place in Auschwitz. In his rendering of daily life in Auschwitz, Borowski explains his role as a kapo: a non–Jewish inmate who works and schemes to survive amid daily slaughter. In the 'concentration universe' social relations are determined by access to basic goods needed for survival, like food and clothing, and by the surplus of these that can buy their possessor a place in society (Kennedy 160). Tadek works his way up the inmate social latter in order to survive in the camp for so long. His tactics include bartering for privileges and goods, lying and stealing. By doing this he is ... Show more content on ... The inmates are also referred to as transports and are brought to the camps in trains that carry "cattle cars". Symbolizing the characters as animals makes them progressively inferior then the guards and Nazis already treat them. Another case in which symbolism is illustrated is through the food that the inmates acquire and the prestige that comes along with it. "Around here whoever has grub had power" Plunder from the transports was the basis for the camp's black market and barter economy (Kennedy 161). The Canada men do the unloading of the train cars and take all of the belongings from the passengers including jewellery, gold, coins, watches, bread, sausages, marmalade, sugar and more. They are able to take food and clothing, or anything that is of value within the camp, when they are working on the ramp. The ability to obtain food gives inmates the power to barter with SS men and also other Canada men for goods or for favours. Borowski's tone is detached through most of the story and he gives Tadek an emotionless approach to everything going on around him. Borowski's language is disturbing because it takes up the vocabulary of his oppressors (Kennedy 163). He talks about trampled babies and people being cremated as though there is nothing wrong with it. The simple language which he uses to recount his firsthand experiences touches the reader more directly than if he had tried to raise his voice (Vedder 649). It isn't until a woman says to ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Outline The Doctrine Of R2P OUTLINE THE DOCTRINE OF R2P Over centuries the international community has witnessed the deadly harm of sovereign states that have demonstrated acts of colossal inhumanity, such as the atrocities of the Holocaust, Khmer Rouge and Rwanda. All these episodes have contributed of an introduction to a new paradigm of international of law, The Responsibly to Protect (R2P). This was adopted unanimously in 2005 by United Nations General assembly World Summit. The R2P doctrine is based on 3 pillars of responsibility: 1. Each nation state is obligated to protect its populace from crimes such as "genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity". 2.The international community has to encourage states to uphold their role in ensuring R2P is adequately met. 3. If the nation state fails to protect its populace from these crimes, it therefore it becomes an implication for the international community to collectively take action. Notably this must be in accordance to article 39 of the United Nations Charter. Hence, academic scholar Bellamy reinforces this; "R2P offers the best change in our own time to build an international community that is less tolerant of mass atrocities and more predisposed to preventing them". However it must be noted that the doctrine of R2P is not legally binding. "HOW CAN BE POSSBILY DO WORSE FLYING UNDER THE FLAG OF R2P THAN WE DID FOR CENTURIES ACCPETING, IN EFFECT THAT STATE SOVEREIGNTY WAS A LICENCE TO KILL" –GARETH EVANS, PRESIDENT OF ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Child Atrocities GONE are the days when children were considered as gifts from God and women were revered as mothers and sisters. Now girl children have sadly become lucrative business options for many in India's most literate state. The alarming rise in the number of child rape cases is a pointer in that direction. Children as young as 4 years are being raped and brutally killed and the convicts walk free for want of evidence or exploiting the shoddy rape laws. As many as 174 cases of rape of the minor girls were registered with the police during the six– month period from January to June 2011, according to figures released by the state police. The number is very high compared to last few years. The number during the 12–month period in 2010 was 208 and ... Show more content on ... Based on the information we rescued the girls." "As per the information available with us, these girls are from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Mumbai," Sethi said. Reportedly, one girl is 17–years–old, the rest are around 12 and 13 years. "The girls were brought to Delhi about ten days ago. We are yet to question them on their living conditions as they are still scared and unable to talk," said Geet adding that the girls will now be taken for a medical examination. Meanwhile, Addl DCP (Central) Aslam Khan said, "The eight girls were rescued by 'Rescue Foundation'. We will conduct an ossification test to ascertain their age. They will presently be sent to the Nirmal Chhaya home care". Police said the kotha is owned by one Shakuntala and managed by one Jayshree. Police said the girls will first be questioned and based on their statements, action will be taken against the owner and the manager Rangu Souriya grew up in Darjeeling. Among her several childhood memories, she remembers clearly how young girls in and around Darjeeling used to go missing. Many of them who lived in the tea gardens and also in the villages were lured by jobs and were trafficked, never to return. Among her recent memories, she vividly recollects how in 2006, for the first time she rescued a 13– year–old girl from Delhi, where she was working as a domestic help. Souriya says the girl, who was taken there on the pretext of job and had ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Nazy Atrocities in the Movie Defiance Defiance is not a typical holocaust movie, although there are scenes of Nazi atrocities, the story is more about those Jews who escaped the German camps and fought back for their freedom. It is based on a true story of the Bielski brothers, they led thousands of Jews to hide from the Germans in the forests of Nazi occupied Belarus, and they managed to keep them alive for several years. This movie is historically very accurate except for minor issues that happened in the movie. The Bielski brothers were actually aggressive with each other to show power over the rescued Jews, but what was not accurate that the film suggests Asael was much younger than the other two, he was actually only two years younger than Tuvia, while Zus was four years younger. In the film, Tuvia kills one of the police officers that killed his parents which was true but he did not go into emotional distress because of it, he was sending a message that who would kill Jewish people will be killed too and the fact he killed many others before this officer it did not matter to him. What was also accurate, in Eastern Europe, the Nazis didn't immediately send Jews to concentration camps, instead, they created walls around each city, where Jews were forced to work as slaves, and kept in terror by frequent executions. Until the walls were destroyed, the Bielskis had many plans to rescue the Jews and guide them to their camp in the forest. It was daring from the brothers as they had a heave price for ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Examples Of Atrocity In Night By Elie Wiesel ausing him to lose his faith in God, and learn how to fight for himself. The first atrocity that was presented in Elie Wiesel's memoir Night, was when everyone in the wagon was beaten by inmates. "Abruptly, our doors opened. Strange–looking creatures, dressed in striped jackets and black pants, jumped into the wagon. Holding flashlights and sticks, they began to strike us left and right..."(Wiesel 28). In this quote Elie calls the inmates "creatures" to demonstrate that the prisoners become inhumane attacking innocent people. The second atrocity was portrayed when Idek abused Elie without a reasonable explanation. "One day when Idek was venting his fury, I happened to cross his path. He threw himself on me like a wild beast, beating me in the chest, on my head, throwing me to the ground and picking me up again, ... Show more content on ... One less reason to live. "Eliezer ... Eliezer ... tell them not to beat me ... I haven't done anything ... Why are they beating me?" I began to insult his neighbors. They mocked me. I promised them bread, soup. They laughed. Then they got angry; they could not stand my father any longer, they said, because he no longer was able to drag himself outside to relieve himself."(Wiesel 109) Eliezer's father was assaulted by an officer because he kept calling out for his son. Even when Eliezer's father was weak from his illness the other prisoners chose to attack him. Two atrocities that occured after the Holocaust is the Cambodian Genocide, and the Genocide in Bosnia. The Cambodian Genocide took place in 1975 after the Khmer Rouge was in control of the Cambodian government. The Khmer Rouge wanted to turn Cambodia into a communist agrarian society. They led millions of people into forced–labor camps where they were starved and abused. The Cambodians who were ill, young, and were too old were killed. The Cambodian Genocide eliminated up to 1.5 to 3 million ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Joseph Mengele and his Atrocities Essay Three thousand twins entered Auschwitz between 1940 and 1944. Only two hundred and fifty pairs of twins ever had the smell of freedom again. Why did this unfortunate event occur? It occurred because the Nazis party was in control and Adolf Hitler was the Fuhrer and he wanted a perfect race. "Right, left", what kind of a man could send people to their death with a flick of a cane, without one scent of remorse or one inkling of guilt? –his name was Josef Mengele. (Nazi304) Hitler gave Mengele all the resources he could and this is the main reason why he went to Auschwitz, because the of the availability of the victims he could do his work on. The stories and pictures of Auschwitz tell a gruesome tale of death and torture. Josef Mengele ... Show more content on ... During his stay at Auschwitz he was nicknamed the "Angel of Death." When the trains arrived at Auschwitz they would sit i the cars for days before being herded out like cattle. After this hellish journey, the first thing that people saw when they left the cars was Josef Mengele, the Angel of Auschwitz standing in his immaculate SS uniform, shining boots, perfectly brushed and pressed shirt and pants, and glistening silver skulls.(Mengele156) He would perch there and would yell "left!" or "right!", left meaning a quick end as you headed to the gas chambers and right meant you were placed on a starvation diet and had to work as a slave. During this time in Auschwitz his first and only son, Rolf, was born on March 11, 1944. His moment of happiness in Auschwitz (his perverse perception of happiness) was short lived. In the middle of January in 1945 he fled Auschwitz and went to Grossen– Rosen camp. He then fled before the Russians liberated it on February 11, 1945. After fleeing Grossen–Rosen he was captured as a prisoner of war and held in a POW camp in Munich. He stole some papers from a fellow prisoner and the American Army released him not realizing he was part of the SS. During his life on the run he went under several aliases, these include; ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Atrocity Of Genocide The atrocity of genocide can no longer coexist with humans. The United States needs to lead the charge in stopping genocide worldwide. With the support of the UN genocide on earth can completely be destroyed as a problem. The United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world today. Sitting back and doing nothing is quite selfish. If the United States decides to lead the charge genocides around the world will stop. For example, in World War II when the U.S joined, Hitler was brought down quickly and it all ended. This shows that when the United States has intervened in the past it has worked. Why sit back and do nothing? The amount of people killed in these genocides is far too many that ever had to die. If the United States ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Humorous Wedding Speech: Atrocities Of A Fraternity I would first like to thank the fraternity of Delta Kappa Epsilon for this lovely nomination, I stand here today looking at the most handsome, funny, genuine group guys that I have very known from my 19 years of living on this world. Never in my life did in my younger years I'd think I would be joining and sorority and on top of that running to be a sweetheart to one of the jolliest and good fraternities on this ASU campus. When I told my mom during the summer I was considering running for sweetheart her response was "I'm happy for you, but sad at the same time, because that means you slept with most of all of those boys." You can tell I was first in Greek life within my family knowing she really had no idea what a sweetheart actually was. ... Show more content on ... Nothing makes me happier then acting like an actually mother to you all even though way more then half of you in this room are older then me. Baking for you all, giving out advice, and my favorite cleaning up after your parties (mostly when I am still hammered and at the party) brings nothing more to my face then a smile. Seeing you all truly happy is what makes me happy. In life, there are few moments better than those that are filled with absolute, unequivocal happiness and with no doubt I feel like being your fraternities sweetheart will be a moment I will always cherish. I would like to say one last thank you, thank you to the vertex, 519, Hammond, terrace, mill manor, titty city, campus, la Jolla, the dean and to every location I have made the best memories at. I am signing out by saying on last thing, thank you to the DKE's who have encouraged me to black out, to the DKE's who have blacked out with me, and to all of the DKEs who have helped me in a black out. Thank you boys for being my sweethearts just like I hope to be ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Role Of Atrocity In The Film 'Th How' There is a huge difference between the cause of atrocity and atrocity itself. The cause of atrocity usually comes from different pursuits of harm or anger, in all shapes and forms. Atrocity can be found in different religions or countries. In other words atrocity has been shown from the British in 1840's when the British government decided that cheaper goods was more valuable than feeding its comrades in Ireland. The Germans have displayed atrocity in the 1940's when Adolf Hitler's political party rose to power, also known as Nazis. The most specific example of Atrocity can be displayed when Hitler order the final solution to be carried out by his first hand and loyal friend Heinrich Himmler. There is no doubt that atrocity comes from certain individuals or entire government. Pursuing a political position should be beyond our own agenda, it should be from a natural stance of understanding life and an entire nation. After all, a look at what certain individuals did when they were part of political party and before it; is just amazing the vast changes that can be seen. However, to have too much pride for the growth of one specific population is a horrible mentality. But that didn't stop the Nazis in world war two as we can see it in the film ... Show more content on ... Well it seems as war escalated, what was extraordinary for most soon became part of their ordinary life. No matter if bridges with arcs made by Miguel Angelo in Florence where destroyed what matter was to win the war. All of this causes lead by Hitler who always seemed to put himself before others. In the other hand we hear in the film about a certain individual who faced unforgettable circumstances as she said once "Hitler invaded in March 1938 and everything after that went downhill. My husband was in the concentration camp and everything was taken – but material values at the time didn't matter one bit. It was only after that it did matter." (Maria ... Get more on ...