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Conflict Theory And Symbolic Interactionism
Sociology is the function of the human society, and social problems among us. There are three
different theories that I will be discussing in this essay. The theories are symbolic interactionism,
The conflict theory and functional analysis perspectives. These perspectives help make up the way
society thinks as a whole. All three of these perspectives are alike, as much as they are different.
Symbolic interactionism helps explain both of our individual personalities and the ways the human
society is linked together (p.27). It also helps us differentiate social order and change through a
process. The teachings of symbolic interactionism comes mostly from George Herbert Mead
But,George was not the only one that influenced the thoughts and ideas of symbolic interactionism.
Symbolic interaction is theoretical perspective so it is still changing and evolving. It also has four
kinds of understandings in the population and environment. One of the understandings is that
symbolic interactionism is to understand why people engage or do not engage in social growth of
the population . Symbolic Interactionism assumes that people from different social backgrounds,
and different cultures may see different social issues within their social community. George
Mead,Charles Cooley and Herbert Blumer shaped symbolic interactionism on the predictions of
yourself causing you to behave a certain way so it becomes true. Structural functionalism is a theory
that explains why society
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The Theory Of Symbolic Interactionism
The last theoretical perspective I have applied to my movie selection, Dead Man Walking, is the
symbolic interaction theory. The theory was primarily established by American philosopher George
Herbert Mead in the 1920's and the term was later coined by American sociologist Herbert Blumer
in the 1960's (McClelland, 2000). Symbolic interactionism examines society on a small scale and
focuses on interactions between individuals and how these relations impact social order (Brown,
2013). To comprehend human behavior, we must understand what the idea or situation means to the
participant (Dubose, 2015). The same situation can have different meanings to different people and
therefore affect people in different ways (Dubose, 2015). Throughout this analysis, I will apply the
theory of symbolic interactionism to explain Poncelot's behaviors and interactions with other people
in his life.
Background Information
Poncelot was an inmate on Death Row in a Louisiana Prison in the 1990's. He was incarcerated for
six years while awaiting his execution by lethal injection. He was convicted of killing two teenagers
as well as brutally raping the female victim. At the beginning of the movie, Poncelot denied the
allegations against him and blamed both crimes on his partner. Throughout the movie, he portrayed
himself as an arrogant, racist, sexist, and condescending man. He was shunned by nearly all of the
people he came in contact with and enjoyed the negative reaction his behavior
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George Herbert Mead's Theory Of Symbolic Interactionism
According to George Herbert Mead, symbolic interactionism is a theory that rely on the reality of
human's daily actions which are interactions. It focuses on roles and behaviour as well as human's
interactions and actions. The idea that individuals use language and significant symbols in their
communication with others is the central to symbolic interactionist thought . Rather than addressing
how common social institutions define and impact individuals, symbolic interactionists shift their
attention to the interpretation of subjective viewpoints and how individuals make sense of their
world from their unique perspective. Symbolic interactionism basically means the ongoing use of
language and gestures in anticipation of how others will react which is equal to a conversation. ...
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Morris in 1934. His theory of the self maintains that the conception a person holds of themselves in
their mind emerges from social interaction with others. This is, in effect, a theory and argument
against biological determinism because it holds that the self is not at the start there at birth nor
necessarily at the beginning of a social interaction, but is constructed and re–constructed in the
process of social experience and activity. This means individuals expand their self concept through
interactions with other people. Self concept gives a vital motive towards people behaviour. For
example, people will not repeat their mistakes once it pointed out by other people. Not only that, the
meanings also regulate our behaviour and actions so that people do not act hastily and recklessly.
This also make us different and seem disciplined in the current world that people can get popular for
doing something stupid and inappropriate in social media platforms like Instagram and
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Functionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism
Internationally the act of deviance is being practiced daily. Sometimes is knowingly and
unknowingly, the culture, or the society norms. Right or wrong is a prospective, deviance basically a
judgmental call. "It is important to remember that when sociologists use the term deviant they are
making a social judgment, never a moral one" (Ferris, Stein page 156.) There are three way that you
can view deviance from a sociologist's standpoint, which are, Functionalism, conflict theory, and
symbolic interactionism. All three allow us to take an outlook on how to view the act of deviance.
Functionalism was founded by Emile Durkheim, who continuously question norms and how society
works. Functionalism is based on how society conformed to the daily functions of everyday activity.
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, there are boundaries that are strict between morals and
social. Functionalism focus on the natural way society works, it doesn't try to see how society will
work if changed. Functionalism in a society is just one big circle, everyone contributes to one
another to keep it going. I have encountered a situation that involves the whole community that can
be looked at from a functionalism perspective. A little boy was shot and killed in his home while he
slept. When the word got around town it spark up many discussions on social media. There were so
many opinions, arguments, and inputs made about his death. Instead of coming together as a
community and viewing the
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Symbolic Interactionism Theory
Conflict and symbolic interactionism theories can help explain the necessary power level
preconditions of police brutality against black bodies. Police brutality is a form of Institutional
racism in the way policies and laws are crafted and put into practice, such as the decades–long set of
policing and legal policies known as "The War on Drugs," which has disproportionately targeted
neighbourhoods and communities that are predominantly black. The police force is one of the most
visible features of control and governance. Law enforcement officers engage in abusive behaviours
against civilians despite their duty to ensure the public's safety the weak in our society more prone
to victimisation from police Social Conflict Theory state that the police function as an instrument of
the dominant class, white and rich Government institutions, including police departments, are ...
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Police institutions have adopted a model that targets racial minorities. policing occupation largely
white–male dominated, especially in the higher ranking positions. Racially minorities
disproportionally represented in the criminal justice system police forces exist only to serve the
elite's interests Complementing the Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism – significant
influences of socialization in explaining the patterns of police brutality interactions between people,
including violent encounters between civilians and police officers, role–taking. Police and civilians
alike learn to behave to the norms, rules, and expectations of a particular group. In the context of
police–civilian interactions black viewed as "rule violators" and police oppressors respectively in
the eyes of one another. Police departments portray the role of control agents rather than social
workers to serve public Society accepts their authority (whether willingly or not) officers internalize
their new occupational identity and enact their expected
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##bolic Reactioning Theory : Symbolic Interactionism...
Symbolic Interactionism Theory on Social Media Our cellphones are instruments or symbols of
communication. Our dependence in our phones increases overtime. We can't get out in the house
without it, it's like everything revolves around it. People use it to contact their friends or family,
explore games, do social media, send important emails and the list goes on. Every year, companies
improve on making phones more useful and likewise, offers cheap alternatives, so that every person
can have access to the device. Looking at a couple years back, phones are generally use for
messaging and seen as an unnecessary accessories but now, people can't live without. Based on the
website called Tame Yourself, study shows that "...58% of smartphone users don't go without
checking their phones." this explains how addicted we are on our devices. As I mentioned above,
our addiction to phone is to the extreme. The causes of phone addiction can have a variety of
reasons but the main obvious reason for that is the use of social media. Almost, everybody is
familiar with facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube. These are just one of the millions of
applications offered. As popularity of social media goes higher and higher, our social
interaction(face–to–face) with our surrounding deteriorate. This is where the perspective of the
theory symbolic interaction takes place. According to the website called ThoughtCo, symbolic
interaction theory came from the American philosopher George Herbert
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Sociological Perspectives Of Functionalism, Conflict...
Explain the three major sociological perspectives of functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic
interactionism. Identify which perspectives use a macro level or a micro level of analysis. Apply
each perspective to socialization.
Functionalism – Macro Level – This means that each person has a specific function and that each
society works together to achieve what is best. For example, my 2 boys attend a public school. The
school is funded by taxes I pay as well as neighbors who do not have any children attending school.
Schooling helps teach and socialize my children and will enable them to continue their education
years later.
Conflict Theory – Macro level – This is built off of resources, status, and power that are not evenly
distributed ... Show more content on ...
We decide how our peers come to a conclusion about us. For example, why do people I am
intelligent or why do people think that I am uneducated?
We take what people say about us to heart. Which in turn makes us question ourselves. For example,
I must be intelligent if others think so or I must be dumb if others think that I am uneducated.
Goofman's dramaturgical model of interaction is similar to Cooley's "looking glass self" in that we
are judged daily by our peers, that we care what others think of us and we try to modify ourselves so
that we are able to give a good impression and not a bad one. Impression management is 1 aspect of
his model. We try to give off a good impression to our peers. Basically, we are trying to show them
our best side. They are also similar as they both involve emotions
Goofmans dramaturgical model of interaction is different from Colleys "looking glass self" due to
Goffmans front and back stage. The front stage is where we are able to control what someone may
see. Whereas the back stage is where we are able to let our guard down. Cooley's concept is based
on self–image where front stage and back stage is based on how we control that self–image.
Identify and define the seven basic elements of nonmaterial culture.
Gestures are a way of communicating with others using our body. For example, we use our hands to
wave, which is another way of saying hello.
Language is the primary way of communicating with one
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##bolic Interactionism : Symbolic Interactionism, And...
Symbolic interactionism, Structure–functionalism, and Conflict theory. They are all different but all
of them affected my life equally the same.Symbolic interactionism is a theory that uses everyday
interactions of individuals to explain society as a whole. Conflict theory are perspectives in
sociology and social psychology that emphasize the social, political, or material inequality of a
social group, that critique the broad socio–political system. Functional theory is a theory that sees
society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. Symbolic
Interactionism sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals in their social
group. It has a micro–level orientation. Which means it studies on the small individual interactions
rather on the whole society. I'm going to analyze my religion according to this theory. When i was 5
or 6 i was brought up to be christian, i was basically forced to believe in christ and to pray everyday.
During dinner ,after dinner before dinner and even before bedtime. It wasn't until my mother had her
4 child that she realized that she didn't want to be christian anymore. So she changed our dominant
religion to buddhism. I of course was confused and just followed with the flow because i was only 6.
When relatives came to visit us there would always be a problem with our family not being
christian. Especially at the dinner table where we were suppose to pray before we ate. I made the
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Symbolic Interactionism In Sociology
Symbolic interactionism is one of the three major theoretical perspectives in sociology. Symbolic
interactionism is important in microsociology because interactionists emphasize the subjective
meaning of human behaviors, while other theoretical perspectives like functionalism and conflict
theory focus on society as a whole on the macrosociology level. Interactionists focus on the micro–
lens of society because they base their theory on the image of humans, rather than on their image of
society. The central theme of symbolic interactionism is that symbols are culturally derived social
objects with shared meanings that are created and maintained through social interaction.
Symbolic interactionism originated with two key theorists, George Herbert ... Show more content on ...
The children of wealthy parents also tend to be more popular in schools. The wealthier you are the
more symbols of wealth you have, and the more social control people think you have. People think
that money goes hand in hand with happiness, but they also believe they more money achieves a
higher social standing, and therefore more future success. The richer children all have designer
clothes, brand new iPhones, and have the biggest houses. Other kids grow jealous of them and want
to be around someone of that type of status. The student's peers in school are the ones pressuring
them with the threat of exclusion from the cliques they belong in if they don't keep up with the latest
trends. This popularity with their classmates allows the wealthy kids to become exclusive in school
and they form cliques with other children of wealthy households, excluding the poorer
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Symbolic Interactionism, Functional Analysis, And Conflict...
Modern sociology is characterized by three main theoretical approaches: symbolic interactionism,
functional analysis, and conflict theory. Personally, I believe that symbolic interactionism is the
most logically viable approach to understanding modern society due to its understanding of the
meaning people ascribe to everyday concepts. As a theory, functionalism fails to mention those who
either deviate from the whole or work against society. Concerning Marx's conflict theory, for now,
the time of competing for scarcities has ebbed; there are other, more pressing factors driving society
today such as family and an individual's aspirations. Nevertheless, symbolic interactionism is not
without its faults; the very fact that symbols differ in meaning ... Show more content on ...
Firstly, most people are unaware they are partially motivated by their awareness of symbols. Thus,
symbolic interactionism can't fully explain an individual's actions because they aren't consciously
making the decision based on their understanding of symbols and labels. Secondly, symbolism can
be harmful to society. Consider the difference of respect given to a businessman in a suit versus a
homeless veteran with a drug addiction; the symbols of wealth and poverty play a notable roll in the
way humanity treats each other. Lastly, symbols change over time. A perfect example is the field of
technology: years ago, it was viewed as mysterious and complex while today, technology is
something to be mastered. Programmers, scientists, and cyber hackers alike all quest to gain the
upper hand in today's ever–expanding technological
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The Sociological World : Functionalism, Conflict Theory,...
Sociology is the study of groups of individuals within societies and the interactions involved. These
studies are performed on micro and macro levels, studying the cultures and patterns of people
(Keirns et al., 2015, p. 6). Sociologists use sociological imagination, a term created by C. Wright
Mills, to describe cultures by acknowledging their own life experiences and assigning that to the
circumstances around them (Mills, 1959). There are three main theoretical perspectives in the
sociological world: functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Functionalist "see
society as a structure of interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of the
individuals in that society" (Keirns et al., 2015, p.15). Conflict theorists see society "as a
competition for limited resources" (Keirns et al., 2015, p. 16), while symbolic interactionist focus on
the relationships among individuals within society (Keirns et al., 2015, p. 18). Sociology focuses on
how a society functions and how each individual fits within that society utilizing the scientific
methods as a basis for research. In societies there are cultures, which are beliefs and values shared
and practiced by a group of individuals. There are multiple cultures throughout the world with
unique differences within them. In order to appreciate other cultures, sociologist use culture
relativism which involves analyzing another culture without the bias of your own culture (Keirns et
al., 2015, p.55).
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Symbolic Interactionism : Application Of A Symbolic...
Symbolic Interactionism Theory Application Trent confessed to his wife that he was gay. He grew
up in an active Latter Day Saint home, served a mission, and married Nicole in the temple. Early in
their marriage she realized something was wrong. Hand holding, kissing, and other affectionate
gestures were lacking in their marriage (Smith & Hamon, 2017)18 She began to wonder if there was
something bothering him. He eventually broke down and told her he was gay and had known since
he was a teenager. This was devastating news to her and put her dreams of having children to a halt.
Trent told his family and most of them were understanding, with the exception of his father. His
father could not understand how his son could choose to be this way and was angry. Trent and
Nicole visited with their Bishop. The Bishop did his best to try to help them but at the time the
church had no resources to help leaders deal with this issue. He was at a loss to know how to help
Symbolic Interactionism has three overarching themes. The first is that "People will react to
something according to the meaning that the thing has for them" (p.15). For Trent and Nicole
homosexuality had different meaning to each of them. For Trent it meant shame particularly because
he knew that homosexuality was against his religious beliefs. For Nicole it meant having a husband
who was not attracted to her and not being able to become a mother which is something she
dreamed about ever
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Essay about Symbolic Interactionism Theory
Symbolic Interactionism Theory
George Herbert Mead studied and used an interactionist approach for many years. He was a
philosophy professor at the university of Chicago. Mead thought that the true test to any theory is
whether or not it is useful in solving complex social problems (EM Griffin, p.83). So Mead decided
to study the procedures of communicating, specifically with symbols, the theory was titled Symbolic
Mead declared that our gift of language, our ability to manipulate and interpret abstract symbols,
was what separated human beings from the other animals. I feel in a big way that Mead is correct.
Humans understand and filter out information whether they intend to or not, all due to the channel of
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Meanings of things arise out of social interaction. In order for there to be a meaning between two
people you must socially intersect, whether or not it's verbally or non–verbally.
Meanings are handled in and modified through, an interpretative process (1972, p.401). Everyone
sees a symbol and takes it to their own degree of meaning, not everyone interprets a meaning the
same way.
The exchange of meaning is usually the number one reason for problems in a relationship. Dyads
and groups struggle over the processes and content of communication. It's obvious that there are
different implications for different people, so the goal is to work out a consensus although that isn't
usually achieved. Not only is it the differences in meaning, studies show that it is taken–for granted
symbols that are the most likely for the subject of disagreement. Taken–for –granted symbols are
signs that people give to one another that aren't picked up on by others.
One of the most important part of the symbolic interaction structuring is for human beings to realize
that one of the most important objects in their communication environment is the "self" of the
individual. "Self" represents ways the individual acts toward or treats him/herself, otherwise known
as the "looking–glass self". There's two ways that one sees him/herself, one of them is the "I"
personality. This is
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Theories That Serve As Lenses For Analyzing Society :...
Take–Home Final Within the study of sociology, there are three main theories that serve as lenses
for analyzing society: functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Functionalism is
based largely on the works of the sociologists Emile Durkheim, Herbert Spencer, Robert Merton,
and more. According to the functionalist perspective, society exists as a harmonious system of
interconnected parts that maintain a state of social equilibrium and balance as a whole. Different
social elements contribute unique aspects to society, and functionalism emphasizes how each part
impacts and is impacted by other parts. For example, as technology has progressed, colleges and
universities has started to offer more technical programs, and many adults have begun returning to
school to learn these new abilities that are required for the evolving workplace. As more women
have joined the workforce, policies on job discrimination and sexual harassment have become more
and more commonplace. Various social institutions can be considered functional or dysfunctional
depending on how they contribute to society; functional if they enhance social stability and
dysfunctional if they disrupt. Crime, for example, can be considered both functional and
dysfunctional. While it is associated with physical violence and fear, Durkheim and other
sociologists agree crime is also necessary for increased social cohesion. Within the realm of
functionalism, there are two types of functioning: manifest
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Critical Theory, Functionalism And Symbolic Interactionism...
In sociology, there are three major theories; critical theory, functionalism and symbolic
interactionism. These theories express the structure of society in which each theory looks at a
different aspects of sociology. Sociologists apply these theories in the study of society, but it
becomes difficult if only one theory is applied. For that one applied theory, would only look at the
aspect to which it is confined to. To successfully study sociology all three theories must be applied
Critical theory was founded by the German philosopher Karl Marx (Little, 2016, p. 12). It was
originally known as historical materialism which is "a critical analysis of capitalism that saw the
material or economic basis of inequality and power relations as the cause of social instability and
conflict" (Little, 2016, p. 12). Critical sociology can be defined as the "inequality and power
relations in society in order to achieve social justice and emancipation through their
transformations" (Little, 2016, p. 45). Novack describes critical theory as, "Marx's sociology is
essentially, the sociology of conflict and class" (Novack, 1982, p. 51–52). This was because some of
Marx's views were based on freeing the people from the capitalist structure, which to him were
oppressing the lower–class citizens (Little, 2016, p. 14). As it is the aim of critical sociology to look
at the power constraining class system, it also creates room for the scientific, "In this way the goal
of sociology would
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Conflict Theory And Social Interactionism In Orange Is The...
Orange is the new black is a Netflix original series about the functional ability of a woman's prison
in upstate New York. Integrity, power, and privilege all work together to create many of the
situations that arise. Litchfield prison is made up of white male officers, and different racial groups
that are clearly divided. For each race, loosely made up of: blacks, latinos, whites, "others", and a
group of older women known as "the golden girls", there is a sector of living. Blacks in one block,
with a bathroom only for them, whites in another, etc. Conflict theory and symbolic interactionism
are both excellent theories to examine this series by. Conflict theory, a multi–part theory about both
race and gender, is applicable to Orange Is The New Black because of the degrading treatment of the
women and the denial of their basic feminine needs. Symbolic interactionism can be applied to most
situations that occur in the show. Through these theories social interactions in Orange Is The New
Black can be looked at and better understood.
Privilege can be applied to many different situations throughout the show. Racial privilege, gender
privilege, class privilege, etc. A common theme of privilege throughout Orange Is The New Black is
racial privilege. This is shown through the cleanliness of the living quarters and punishment given
across races. SHU (solitary confinement) is much more readily handed out to black inmates over
any other race. In one episode, a screwdriver goes
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Example Of Symbolic Interactionism Theory
MEDIATIONAL THEORY Imagine for a moment that you are out on a vacation with your family.
After a long journey you decided to go out and check out the new city. Now it is a pretty cloudy and
the sky isn't to clear, but the breeze is nice, so you don't mind. While you are out there you hear a
group of people screaming, and then a loud gun shot. What do you think of? What is the first word
that comes to your mind? How do you react to the sound, or do you at all? And why? These are
some of the main questions that should be considered when looking at MEDIATIONAL THEORY.
According to Charles Osgood's mediation is a theory that can be laid out very simply, yet in nature it
is very complex. The key elements of this theory ... Show more content on ...
An individual interpretation of symbols is modified by his or her own thought processes. Our
thoughts, self–concept, and the wider community we live in are created through communication
symbolic interaction. We use language and meaning making to create the self and the
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Social Action Theories Essay
Social action theories are known as micro theories which take a bottom–up approach to studying
society; they look at how individuals within society interact with each other. There are many forms
of social action theories, the main ones being symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and
ethnomethodology. They are all based on the work of Max Weber, a sociologist, who acknowledged
that structural factors can shape our behaviour but individuals do have reasons for their actions. He
used this to explain why people behave in the way in which they do within society. Weber saw four
types of actions which are commonly committed within society; rational, this includes logical plans
which are used to achieve goals, traditional–customary behaviour, ... Show more content on ...
Labelling theory has also been used to apply the interactionist theory to society; the theory, like
Mead, emphasises the importance of symbols and situations in which they are used. The main
interactionist concepts are the definition of the situation – if we believe in something then it could
affect the way in which we behave. The looking glass –self – this was created by Cooley who argues
that we see ourselves in a way in which we think others see us. These concepts have been useful in
explaining why people act in certain ways in certain situations; therefore, the labelling theory is
effective in the study of society.
Overall, in conclusion, there are many different social action theories which can be used in the study
of society, however, not all of them can be applied to all
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Symbolic Interactionism And Social Structure
Could you image at the age of fourteen not having any education and living in extreme poverty
everyday? Using the lens of symbolic interactionism, this essay will analyze Maria's education, gang
surroundings, and family conditions. In the beginning, I will define symbolic interactionism, then I
will explain why Maria a fourteen year old girls conditions contain these elements. Finally I will
explain how symbolic interactionism is integrated into her life. Symbolic interactionism can be
easily described as the "interactions of individuals with the larger institutions of social structure"
(Ainbinder, 2015 p. 20). It can also be explained as focusing on ways, which meanings emerge
through human life (symbolic interactionism, 2003 para. 2). In everyday life, it represents that
people are repeatedly observing and understanding through their social interactions (Ainbinder,
2015 p. 20). Symbolic Interactionism can be defined in many ways, simply it means that everyday
we are observing our surroundings. Historically, symbolic interactionism was coined by one of the
Mead's students Herbert Blumer ("symbolic interactionism", 2003 para. 2). He intended the term to
have three basic ideas ("symbolic interactionism", 2003 para. 2). He focused on terms of actions and
its consequences ("symbolic interactionism", 2003 para. 2). Herbert Blumer refers to this theory as
role –taking with the ability to take perspective of other people (symbolic interactionism, 2003 para.
3). Though he does
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##bolic Reaction Theory : The Development Of Symbolic...
As a society, whether we want to believe it or not we engage with one another for a specific purpose
or for a response. Today's society is not perfect, but it plays a part in how we individually behave to
certain things. Symbolic interaction theory analyzes the meaning that manifest from interactions
with other animate or inanimate things. It also makes one wonder why and how we assign meanings
to words and symbols. To sum it up, this theory is about why individuals are influenced to behave a
certain way because of the meanings they give to other people, objects, or events. Throughout this
paper I will discuss the development of symbolic interaction theory, and how theorists have applied
it to communicate with strangers and within personal relationships. Furthermore, symbolic
interactionism helps us interpret the world and situations that might have a meaning that may or may
not trigger an emotion or response.
THEORY ORIGIN To summarize its meaning, symbolic interaction theory explains how humans
create symbols that have meaning to help them understand the world from their perspective. The
interactions we have with society molds us together to give objects certain meanings. People react
toward people or things based the description they give them or it. The thesis of this theory is that
people react toward distinct situations based on the meaning that situations has to them, which can
be an object or can be referred to as a symbol. Also, this theory emphasizes many
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Symbolic Interactionism: The Bad And The Ugly
Sarah Goins
June 8, 2018
Introduction to sociology
Trent Cason
Symbolic Interactionism– The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
There are many strengths and weaknesses of symbolic interactionism, throughout this paper I will
discuss what is helpful about this theory and how it applies to everyday life, what this theory is
missing and what it does not adequately explain and how I believe the strengths outweigh the
weaknesses. In my opinion, this is the most important and practical sociological theory, because
without the symbols and words we use, there would be no relationships anywhere. Even when
words are unable to be used to communicate (i.e. language barriers, hearing disabilities) symbols
and signs are used to get the point across and form relationships.
Symbolic interactionism is described in our book as, early ideas from Max Weber that give priority
of the viewpoint of the individual and how that individual relates to society, but George Herbert
Mead is the one who introduces this specific set of ideas to American sociology in the 1920s.
Symbolic interactionism is an approach that seeks to explain action and interaction as the outcome
of the meanings of actions. To a symbolic interactionist, meanings are not in the object but rather
from social processes. ... Show more content on ...
One comparison from sociology scholar Ashley Crossman put this into words to say that rather than
focusing on the 'forest', symbolic interactionism focuses on the individual 'trees'. Another way I put
that into thought was, if a tree were to fall and you were trying to figure out how this happened
through the symbolic interactionism theory, if you couldn't focus on the big picture (forest) you
might miss that there was a large backhoe plowing down trees. Symbolic interactionism is also
criticized for insulting the social forces influence on individual
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Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic...
This response addresses question four and define the provided theories, which include structural
functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. In doing so, various components of the
theories are identified in relation to the topic of social change. In doing so, it is important to point
out that in sociology, theories are used to explain the patterns, the way groups of people decide to
perform specific actions, and the way societies do certain things or rather experience a change in a
different manner. On the other hand, social change implies the growth and development of a social
order, which bears some significant consequences.
To begin with, structural functionalism looks at the society as a bundle of a complex system with
different parts that work to support the whole. It stipulates that a society is a combination of
interrelated components, which work independently, but seek to achieve a common goal, which
supports the growth of the whole system. Some of the systems in the society include the
government, schools, businesses, and families. In essence, all these different components are
fundamental in the society as they serve different functions to develop the society. On the other
hand, social conflict theory looks at the society as a system with equal components, but within the
endeavors to grow to find themselves in conflicting paths. Thinking about the society, some of the
trends lead to conflict among the people living together. For example, ageism,
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Sociological Perspectives Of Functionalism, Conflict...
1.) Explain the three major sociological perspectives of functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic
interactionism. Identify which perspectives use a macrolevel or a microlevel of analysis. Apply each
perspective to socialization. Functionalism – Macro Level – This means that each person has a
specific function and that each society works together to achieve what is best. For example, my 2
boys attend a public school. The school is funded by taxes I pay as well as neighbors who do not
have any children attending school. Schooling helps teach and socialize my children and will enable
them to continue their education years later. Conflict Therory – Macro level – This is built off of
resources, status and power that are not evenly distributed groups in our society. Such conflicts as
these are the driving force behind social change. This also causes there to be an unequal social order.
Only a few benefit benefit while a majority do not. An example of this would be racism or prejudice
against people who are gay, lesbian, or bi–sexual. Symbolic Interactionism – Micro level – This
involves using symbols. The symbols generally have the same meaning to society, but may not mean
the same thing to an individual. For example, a wedding band is a symbol used to show a person is
married and it is generally assumed if a person is not wearing a wedding band they are not married
or they are trying to hid the fact that they are. 2.) Discuss Cooley's concept of the "looking glass
self". Be sure to describe the 3 steps in the process and provide an example. Compare this with
Goffman's dramaturgical model of interaction. How are they similar and different? Be sure to
include key terms such as impression management, front and back stage self, etc. Cooley's concept
of the "looking glass self" states that a persons identity or self worth comes directly from their social
interactions. That our self image is a direct correlation as to the responses and evaluations from
others in our society. There are 3 steps: o We in–vision how people see us. Any example of this, is
we may think that our peers see us intelligent or uneducated. o We decide how our peers come to a
conclusion about us. For example, why do people I am
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Structural Funcionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic...
In this paper, I will discuss three different schools of thought that, while they may seem to explain
the inner workings of society, by themselves they fail to satisfy completely. For each theory, I will
discuss the basics and cover the main tenants of each. Then, I will discuss the ambiguities,
inadequacies and irrelevance to reality based on our current understanding of modern society.
Structural Functionalism In the Functionalist School of Thought, society is viewed as being a
complex structure of inter–related parts, analogous to a living being, with many different organs
contributing to the daily functioning and health of the entire organism. From evolving societies still
going through the processes of differentiation of social ... Show more content on ...
If we are to look at society as a super–organism, then we have to accept that conflict is a vital part of
any organisms' future development and evolution. Humans weren't put on this earth perfected;
through biological conflict with the environment and disease, we have evolved into what we are
now. While still not perfect, evolution is still taking place. The same is true for societies. No one
society was born perfect. Society has evolved from the same analogous process of trial and error,
success and failure. While not all conflict is productive, it is necessary to the evolution of society.
Functionalism all but ignores this aspect. Conflict Theory Where the positivist theory of Structural
Functionalism focuses on the rigidity and stability of society, conflict theories focus on the chaotic,
negative and unequal aspects. This perspective is constructed from the numerous hypotheses of Karl
Marx, who saw society as intrinsically broken, and constantly in a state of disarray with social
groups competing for a limited amount of social capitol and economic resources. According to
Marx, society is constructed around two classes of people: the ruling class and the subject class.
Those in the ruling class have a disproportionately large control over all resources, and use this
power to subjugate the lower classes. This ensures that the ruling class never gives up power, due to
the fact that the lower classes have to struggle to obtain
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Sociology : Symbolic Interactionism, Functional, And...
There are three main theoretical perspectives in sociology: symbolic interactionism, functional
analysis, and conflict theory. These theories serve as an approach to the formulation and solution of
social problems. Each theoretical perspective defines specific touch to the study, interpretation, and
evaluation of social objects. Despite the fact that these theories use different approaches to research,
all of them can be applied together to any aspects of a social life to better understand the nature of
human relationships and to give a bigger picture of studying subject. The main idea of symbolic
interactionism lies in the statement that human interactions take place through the interpretation of
symbols and signs. Human actions and relationships are defined by symbols, which had been
created and fulfilled with meaning by human beings themselves. And that makes symbols the
essential part of any society. American sociologist George Herbert Mead, one of the founders of this
theory, considered human actions as social behavior based on communication. He believed that
people respond not only to the actions of the others but also to their intentions, and interpret them on
the basis of the analysis and actions of our past experience in similar situations. For example, a
reached out hand can symbolize one of the following: a greeting, attack, or a plea for help. Only by
interpreting a symbol, we can react to it, as to shake hands with the other person, firmly grasp or
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Theoretical Perspectives Structural Functionalism Conflict...
Do you know how your society functions? There are three very different and distinctive theoretical
perspectives that can all explain how society sustains itself. The problem is no one knows which of
these perspectives best describes how our society functions. Does society function on structure
where different groups work together to maintain sustainability of the society, conflict where various
struggle to maintain power provoking change within the society, or is it symbolic interactions and
relationships between the people in the society that keep the system running smoothly? This paper
will discuss the three theoretical perspectives, structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic
interactionism and why symbolic interactionism is the best perspective to describe how society
Structural functionalism focuses on how all parts of a society work together to keep the society
functioning. Take institutions for instance. They ... Show more content on ...
In this perspective it is believed that society is sustained by a constant power struggle. An example
of this is politics. In the presidential campaign the candidates are competing to win office. The
conflict is which party is more fit to be in power and once resolved that party can begin making
changes within the society. Each time a conflict is resolved it stands to reason that the person on the
losing side of the conflict will start a new fight to sway the power back into their hands thus
continuing the cycle of conflict within the society. An example of conflict theory is competitiveness
in businesses. Two businesses that produce the same good will fight so that people in society will
chose one over the other. This competition drives prices to be lower and goods to be easily accessed.
As a result the society thrives off the conflict these two businesses have because the competition is
making goods
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Sociological Theory And Symbolic Interactionism In Nursing
Define and describing Symbolic Interactionism
Nursing has many philosophies and theories that have been developed over time. In nursing, it is
essential to understand the patient and the way that they experience health and illness in the
healthcare setting. This understanding allows the nurses and the healthcare team to properly provide
care to patients. This falls under that theory of symbolic interactionism. Symbolic interactionism, a
major sociological theory, relates symbolic meanings which individuals develop and rely upon in the
process of social interaction. Symbolic interactionism examines the meanings developed from the
mutual interaction of individuals in a social environment with other individuals and focused on the
meanings and symbols from the interaction between people (Aksan et al., 2009). These meanings
that are evolved from individuals are shared among other individuals as well.
George Herbert Mead was a very influential figure in the history of American philosophy. Mead
developed symbolic interactionism where he believed that mind and ego were the products of
society. It was believed that symbols grew in mind and used as methods of thinking and
communication. Mead focused on how people interact in their daily lives utilizing symbolic
interaction and how they create order and meaning. In one of Mead's writings, Mind, Self and
Society, he goes on to describe the way a person's mind in addition to themselves ascends from the
social process. Mead
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The Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, And Conflict Theory
Faith Williams Dr. Whitman Sociology Abstract This review connects three theoretical frameworks.
The first theoretical framework is the symbolic interactionism. This focuses mainly on how the
individual interacts with others, and how others influence the individual behaviors that impact
society in a micro or macro way. The second theoretical framework is the conflict theory, it
examines the rift between the rich and the poor and how it affects the quality of education, health
care, and living condition of said group. Thirdly, the functionalist theory, which compares society to
a system of interrelated parts, it's a social system not just an individual. Each frame work plays part
in the issue when an economy declines which causes many families to lose their jobs. Single
mothers lose their jobs and go into prostitution as a mean of support. CHAPTER I:
INTRODUCTION In this review there are three main paradigm: Functionalist theory, symbolic
interactionist theory, and conflict theory. The functionalist theory compares society to a system of
interrelated parts. It looks at society more as system not as an individual. Symbolic interactionism
focuses on how the individual interacts with others in a society and how others influences that
individual; what impact does that have on a society. Conflict theory examines the rift between the
rich and the poor and how it affects the quality of education, health care, and living condition of said
group. In this review
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Symbolic Interactionism: Studies of Social Construction
Symbolic Interactionism: Studies of Social Construction Hundreds of years before written word,
theories have been made about words, the symbolism behind them, and root meanings assigned by
social construction. William Shakespeare can be shown as example of this with posed questions by
characters in his writings. In Romeo and Juliet, the character Juliet poses questions that reflect the
symbolism of the name of her and her star–crossed lover Romeo. "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art
thou Romeo. Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I
'll no longer be a Capulet... 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;––Thou art thyself, though not a
Montague. What 's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor ... Show more content on ...
"There are two well–known traditional ways of accounting for the origin of meaning. One of them is
to regard meaning as being intrinsic to the thing that has it, as being a natural part of the objective
makeup of the thing." (Blumer, 1969) This shows that a chair is a chair, a cow is a cow, a cloud is a
cloud, and so forth. The meaning starts from the thing. This shows that because of its social
construction the object just is. This position reflects "realism" in philosophy. Blumer's third premise
is based on the fact that "an individual's interpretation of symbols is modified by his or her own
thought processes" (Griffin, 2006). The third premise suggests that meanings described are handled
in, and modified through and interpretative process used by the person in dealing with the things
they encounter (Blumer, 1969). In simple terms, it's a thought process that is handled by an
individual who go through what Mead describes as minding, or inner conversation. (Griffin, 2006)
The concept behind thought is the process of being able to think, reflect, and take the role of the
other. This would mean to put yourself into another's place to think and reflect upon yourself. Once
there is an understanding of the three main concepts of meaning, language, and thought, one can
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Major Sociological Theories
1. Most sociologists interpret social life from one of three major theoretical frameworks or theories:
symbolic interactionism, functional analysis, or conflict theory. Describe the major points and key
concepts of each framework. List at least one sociologist who is identified with each of these three
frameworks. Symbolic interactionism is a theoretical perspective in which society is viewed as
composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, develop their views of the world, and
communicate with one another. (Henslin, pg G–6). Symbolic interactionism which is derived from
American pragmatism and particularly from the work of George Herbert Mead is influential in many
areas of the sociological discipline; especially in social psychology ... Show more content on ...
We would be unable to distinguish how we're related to one another, from whom we could expect to
receive privileges or to whom we owe obligations and respect. Symbolic interactionist examine the
way in which people determine their relationships by studying face–to–face interactions to see how
we as a society define ourselves and others. (Henslin, pg. 16). Functional Analysis
Functional analysis also known as functionalism and structural functionalism; rooted in the origins
of sociology is the idea that society is a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together.
(Henslin, pg. G–2, pg. 17). Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer believed that like an organism; if
society is to function smoothly, its various parties must work together in harmony much like the
functioning organs of a living creature. (Henslin, pg. 18). Robert Merton used the term functions to
refer to the beneficial consequences of a person's actions. Functions can be latent or manifest and
help to keep a group social system or society in balance. (Henslin, pg.
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##bolic Reaction Theory : Symbolic Interactionism Theory
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The understanding of people choosing bottled water even though
tap water is healthier and cheaper can be explained using the symbolic interactionism theory.
"Symbolic interaction theory analyzes society by addressing the subjective meanings that people
impose on objects, events, and behaviors (source)" These meanings are based on people's behavior
and not always what is true. An American sociologist, George Herbert Mead, was the founder of this
theory around 1920s. In 1960, this theory became one of the prominent theories of sociology. In
addition to the symbolic interactionism theory, George Herbert Mead was also a founder of
American pragmatism and one of the founders of social psychology. Symbolic interactionist often
focuses on the micro level of society. It focuses on how the meanings of objects, people, places, etc.
constructs the world around us. Interactionist stressed the understanding of social life by taking the
places of individuals or groups. "By the 1980s mainstream sociology had accepted much of the core
of the symbolic interactionist approach, with its emphases on meaning, agency, and the interpretive
analysis of interactional processes, as a legitimate and central part of the discipline (source)." Water
bottles have become a social norm for the United States. The water bottle has become to symbolize
convenience. In the United States, people choose water bottles because they are easy to carry around
and convenient. Americans do not
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The Social Action Theory and Symbolic Interactionism Essay
The Social Action Theory and Symbolic Interactionism Max Weber believed that individuals were
the key to society. He developed social action theory, the purpose of which was to find out why
individuals function in certain ways. He thought that every social action performed by an individual
had a meaning attached to it. Social actions are the result of conscious thought processes that take
into consideration the reactions of other individuals. Weber identified four types of social action
which include, reason (an instrumentally rational or calculated action), value or rational action
(determined by belief), emotion or effectual action (dependent upon the feelings of the individual),
and traditional ... Show more content on ...
These properties could be exchanged for money in the economic market – he was of the opinion that
this position in the economic market place determined class position so that in theory there would be
as many class positions as economic positions. Therefore the class structure of society is essentially
an occupation structure. Social action theory recognises other divisions apart from simply class and
also recognises that consumption of goods (by which status groups are stratified) is just as important
as the production (by which class is stratified). It also draws attention to the importance of the
individual and their conscious actions. It does not however place enough emphasis on class
divisions, as it tends to concentrate more on status. Symbolic interactionists reject structure and
believe that to study society, the only way to do so is to concentrate on the individual. Both theories
believe in understanding the individual through the use of empathy. George Herbert Mead was
mainly concerned with the importance of language. Language distinguishes humans from animals
and allows us to be aware of our individuality. The use of symbols is a key element of language.
They are used to give meanings to particular events or objects and are learned by socialisation.
Humans make them to assist them to
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Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory And Symbolic...
According to the crime report produced by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2015, there were
an estimated 1,197,704 violent crimes committed in the United States and violent crimes have
increased by 3.9% since 2014. The FBI defines violent crime as murder, rape, robbery and
aggravated assault. This increase in violent crimes is a major social issue and one that can lead to a
sense of danger amongst a society and its inhabitants. According to a study conducted in 2017 by
Statistic Brain, 38% of women feel unsafe to walk alone at night in the United States. This sense of
fear is also why many college campuses, including Clemson University, have blue lights all around
campus for the police to be called to at a moment's notice. Crime and deviant behavior are
guaranteed to be a part of society and there will never be a time when crime isn't something a
society has to deal with. Knowing that the issue is never going to completely go away, one can look
at it through the three major theoretical perspectives of structural functionalism, conflict theory, and
symbolic interactionism. The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology written by Kerry Ferris and
Jill Stein defines structural functionalism as, "A paradigm based on the assumption that society is a
unified whole that functions because of the contributions of its separate structures." Structural
functionalists would look at things that are issues and see the possible ways the issue could be
functional or serve a greater
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Dramaturgical Metaphor Erving Goffman
Erving Goffman's above statement, referencing actors and public image, is a clear allusion to his
dramaturgical metaphor, which is one branch of his work on symbolic interactionism. His
dramaturgical metaphor delves into the premise that we are all 'actors' who 'perform' to others as our
'audience' (Goffman, 1990). It is this metaphor which will be evaluated and analysed for its
sociological significance, as well as the practical implications of the statement above, and what it
means to be sociologically significant. Many other sociologists have also tackled the depths of
Symbolic Interactionism, or the themes explored by the dramaturgical metaphor, of the likes of,
Mead and Blumer. Their insights and contributions will be discussed concerning Goffman's
statement. However, it is Goffman's dramaturgical metaphor which will be of the most help in
evaluating the statement given and its sociological significance. Although, as relayed above, other
sociologists work, such as Meads idea of the self being split into the I and the Me, and their
individual functions will be important in helping us further evaluate the statement, and its
sociological significance (Pampel, 2007). As will Blumer's three–pronged approach to symbolic
interactionism, allowing us to grasp a basic understanding of the concepts and frameworks
surrounding symbolic interactionism, and enhance our knowledge of the dramaturgical metaphors
place in symbolic interactionism (Carter & Fuller, 2015). Overall, the
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Functionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism
In the United States and in several other countries around the world, many people recognize Wal–
Mart for being a great place to shop for any and every household item on the market. However,
sociologist find Wal–Mart to be a bit more than just a one–stop shop for everyday items. Sociologist
use different perspectives to view society and its functions to evaluate the "why's" and "what's"
within a society. The two main perspectives or theories used by sociologists to analyze society are
macrosociology and microsociology, but more specifically: Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and
Symbolic Interactionism. First, functionalism is simply defined as: how a society works (Ferris and
Stein 2016). This is a technique that is used through a ... Show more content on ...
Another fragment of functionalism is organic solidarity. In The Real World, Ferris and Stein
conclude that organic solidarity are social bondings through work. An example in Wal–Mart would
be when co–workers need each other 's help to work a register and they have to communicate with
each other. For mechanical solidarity, this a social bonding through rituals as it is explained in The
Real World (Ferris and Stein 2016). For this example, one could say when two people meet in Wal–
Mart while shopping for the same item, they may carry on a conversation related to the item they are
shopping for. Being a part of something bigger than yourself is collective effervescence (Ferris and
Stein 2016). Black Friday in Wal–Mart can seem outrageous and fun at the same time, but people
coming together to all shop for discounted items all day gives that feeling of being a part of
something bigger, would be an example of collective effervescence. With all of this said, it is the
process of functionalism, and how every "piece of the puzzle" comes together to support the
economy and have a functional, running society. In addition, conflict theory is another method of
viewing society, except this particular perspective is a microsociology method of analyzing society.
Using conflict theory, means to take a closer look at the interactions between people within a
society. In this case, Wal–Mart employees and factory workers will be studied.
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Underage Drinking Interactionism
Kaitlin Seibold
Sociology 1113
Final Paper
Underage Drinking and Symbolic Interactionism
Underage drinking in the United States has become a societal norm and plays a large role in teenage
culture. You see it everywhere in pop culture and real life experiences. In high school it seems like
every teenager around you is drinking at some point in your high school career. Reality TV shows
and movies seem to shine a light on underage drinking and make it more prevalent in society. The
peer pressure of underage drinking starts to intensify and then suddenly before you realize it you
have become just like every other teenager in society. You learn right from wrong at a young age
and you learn that underage drinking is on the side of what ... Show more content on ...
but it also occurs all the way across the pond in Europe. One example of Symbolic Interactionism
and teen drinking is a crisis that has been happing in Europe with Danish teenagers around the age
of 14 to 15. In the scholarly article by Demant and Järvinen about how alcohol is used for social
recognition and to symbolize maturity by teenage drinking.
The function of alcohol in this struggle for recognition is so strong that the teenagers who drink very
little or not at all are put under considerable pressure. With alcohol as the central marker of maturity
– and the parents of the teenagers who drink are described as supporters of this view – teenagers
who do not drink come out as potential losers in the status negotiations of the groups. (Demant and
Järvinen 2006)
Demant and Järvinen show how the symbol of drinking a lot makes you "socially older" than
teenagers that choose to drink less or not at all. "Symbolic interactionism is a micro–level
theoretical framework and perspective in sociology that addresses how society is created and
maintained through repeated interactions among individuals," is how Carter and Fuller (2016)
describe symbolic interactionism. It shows how the repeated interactions of teenager's underage
drinking forms a society where some are "socially older" and some are considered "losers." That is
how this study shows how Symbolic interactionism relates to underage
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Symbolic Interactionism Theory Of Smoking
Symbolic Interactionism Theory "sees interactions and meanings as central to society, and assumes
that meanings are not inherent, but are created through interactions" (Chp. 1 Theory). An example of
Symbolic Interactionism Theory is smoking (informal). Smoking is harmful to your health. A person
may associate a meaning for smoking. They might use smoking for means as a way to meet a new
friend. When two smokers meet, and one offers the other a cigarette, that is a way to become
acquainted with someone. The gesture here is the offer of a cigarette from one person to another.
This gesture is positively sanctioned because the person makes a new friend. The negative sanction
is the harmful effects that a cigarette has on a person's ... Show more content on ...
This is associated with larger ideology in our society because in our society, it is considered rude
and creepy to stare at people. I believe that this is a norm because people tend to be more introverted
or personal nowadays, and they do not want others to be nosy. This is most likely a norm in most
cultures because it is considered rude. This norm is often sanctioned negatively when broken
because it is rude to stare at others. I think that race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and age
play a factor as to how people around them respond. Race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and
age also affect the response of the person as well. If a white person is being targeted by this
experiment, then more people would notice and more people would probably react and ask me what
I was doing. If an African–American was being targeted by this experiment, then people would not
act as concerned. EXPERIMENT TIME The experiment was conducted was April 3, 2017 at 9:16
AM at the Building E Sitting area. My partner, Matthews, and I were seated near the window in E.
The test subjects around us were of many different races and both genders. All of them seemed to be
middle–class and around the ages of 18–21. The subjects that we experimented were all male. Our
first subject was named Cameron. I saw Cameron sitting at his table from our table. He was about 3
tables away from us and was on his phone. I told Mathews that
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Interactionism, Conflict Theory, And Theoretic Perspectives
Theoretic perspectives have been used for years now to try and explain why people behave and
interact with others, the way they do. Three common perspectives that are used are structural
functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Structural functionalism is a theory that
sociologists use to describe human behavior by studying different institutions and how they
correlate with one another and function together within a society. The structural functionalism can
be explained using the human body for example. The body is made up of many organs, and each of
these organs play a specific role. When the organs (which portray different institutions) operate
successfully, they make up a healthy and appropriately functioning body ... Show more content on ...
I was fortunate enough to grow up with my extended family, which is pretty large considering my
dad has six siblings and my mom is one of eight siblings. Family has become a pretty central part of
my life because many of my aunts and uncles on my mom's side lived on the same street in
Philadelphia, PA for years, and so we all grew up together. My cousins and I would spend the day
together outdoors and every night we would all meet up for family dinners at my grandparents'
house. After a few years though, my nuclear family and I, consisting of my parents and my older
brother, moved to New Jersey. My grandparents instilled in us the importance of spending quality
time with one another whenever the opportunity presented itself, and they always reminded us that
nothing in life was guaranteed, and that none of us could predict what tomorrow would hold.
Because of the increased distance, and as we all got older and our lives got busier, members of my
extended and nuclear families had to make more of a conscious effort to set aside a day every now
and then so we could all spend time together. For example, every Thanksgiving and Christmas we
have a family potluck at alternating houses, and on Memorial Day and the Fourth of July we have
barbeques together. It's easy to make excuses to skip our family events, but none of us ever miss
them because these interactions we have with
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What Is The Contribution Of The Functionalist, Conflict...
Sociology is the study of society, it uses its methods in systematic way, and are usually empirical.
Since it is the study of scientific society, human social life, more than aggregate of individuals. In
order to understand any issue related to sociology such as race, gender, caste, culture and marriage
etc. We need to understand its three main perspectives, functionalist perspective, conflict theory and
symbolic interactionism. Functionalist Perspective is all about progress in the society through
harmony, because society has a system which is interconnected Therefore, we need to maintain a
state of balance and social equilibrium for the whole Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Talcott
Parsons and Robert Merton have largely contributed to functionalism. Conflict Theory views life as
competition, distribution of limited resources, power. Its main criteria is to maintain social order by
dominance and power instead of harmony. Karl Marx is the one to put forward the conflict theory.
Unlike conflict theory and functionalist perspective, symbolic interactionism neither deals with
harmony in the society nor with the society with dominance or power. In fact it deals with the
interaction that includes gestural communication. Max Weber contributed for the symbolic
interactionism. Sociology was first coined in 1780 in France. Then, it was again independently
defined by the one of the founding fathers of sociology, Auguste Comte. Comte was successful in
bringing scientific
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Conflict Theory And Symbolic Interactionism

  • 1. Conflict Theory And Symbolic Interactionism Sociology is the function of the human society, and social problems among us. There are three different theories that I will be discussing in this essay. The theories are symbolic interactionism, The conflict theory and functional analysis perspectives. These perspectives help make up the way society thinks as a whole. All three of these perspectives are alike, as much as they are different. Symbolic interactionism helps explain both of our individual personalities and the ways the human society is linked together (p.27). It also helps us differentiate social order and change through a process. The teachings of symbolic interactionism comes mostly from George Herbert Mead But,George was not the only one that influenced the thoughts and ideas of symbolic interactionism. Symbolic interaction is theoretical perspective so it is still changing and evolving. It also has four kinds of understandings in the population and environment. One of the understandings is that symbolic interactionism is to understand why people engage or do not engage in social growth of the population . Symbolic Interactionism assumes that people from different social backgrounds, and different cultures may see different social issues within their social community. George Mead,Charles Cooley and Herbert Blumer shaped symbolic interactionism on the predictions of yourself causing you to behave a certain way so it becomes true. Structural functionalism is a theory that explains why society ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Theory Of Symbolic Interactionism Introduction The last theoretical perspective I have applied to my movie selection, Dead Man Walking, is the symbolic interaction theory. The theory was primarily established by American philosopher George Herbert Mead in the 1920's and the term was later coined by American sociologist Herbert Blumer in the 1960's (McClelland, 2000). Symbolic interactionism examines society on a small scale and focuses on interactions between individuals and how these relations impact social order (Brown, 2013). To comprehend human behavior, we must understand what the idea or situation means to the participant (Dubose, 2015). The same situation can have different meanings to different people and therefore affect people in different ways (Dubose, 2015). Throughout this analysis, I will apply the theory of symbolic interactionism to explain Poncelot's behaviors and interactions with other people in his life. Background Information Poncelot was an inmate on Death Row in a Louisiana Prison in the 1990's. He was incarcerated for six years while awaiting his execution by lethal injection. He was convicted of killing two teenagers as well as brutally raping the female victim. At the beginning of the movie, Poncelot denied the allegations against him and blamed both crimes on his partner. Throughout the movie, he portrayed himself as an arrogant, racist, sexist, and condescending man. He was shunned by nearly all of the people he came in contact with and enjoyed the negative reaction his behavior ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. George Herbert Mead's Theory Of Symbolic Interactionism According to George Herbert Mead, symbolic interactionism is a theory that rely on the reality of human's daily actions which are interactions. It focuses on roles and behaviour as well as human's interactions and actions. The idea that individuals use language and significant symbols in their communication with others is the central to symbolic interactionist thought . Rather than addressing how common social institutions define and impact individuals, symbolic interactionists shift their attention to the interpretation of subjective viewpoints and how individuals make sense of their world from their unique perspective. Symbolic interactionism basically means the ongoing use of language and gestures in anticipation of how others will react which is equal to a conversation. ... Show more content on ... Morris in 1934. His theory of the self maintains that the conception a person holds of themselves in their mind emerges from social interaction with others. This is, in effect, a theory and argument against biological determinism because it holds that the self is not at the start there at birth nor necessarily at the beginning of a social interaction, but is constructed and re–constructed in the process of social experience and activity. This means individuals expand their self concept through interactions with other people. Self concept gives a vital motive towards people behaviour. For example, people will not repeat their mistakes once it pointed out by other people. Not only that, the meanings also regulate our behaviour and actions so that people do not act hastily and recklessly. This also make us different and seem disciplined in the current world that people can get popular for doing something stupid and inappropriate in social media platforms like Instagram and ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Functionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism Internationally the act of deviance is being practiced daily. Sometimes is knowingly and unknowingly, the culture, or the society norms. Right or wrong is a prospective, deviance basically a judgmental call. "It is important to remember that when sociologists use the term deviant they are making a social judgment, never a moral one" (Ferris, Stein page 156.) There are three way that you can view deviance from a sociologist's standpoint, which are, Functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. All three allow us to take an outlook on how to view the act of deviance. Functionalism was founded by Emile Durkheim, who continuously question norms and how society works. Functionalism is based on how society conformed to the daily functions of everyday activity. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, there are boundaries that are strict between morals and social. Functionalism focus on the natural way society works, it doesn't try to see how society will work if changed. Functionalism in a society is just one big circle, everyone contributes to one another to keep it going. I have encountered a situation that involves the whole community that can be looked at from a functionalism perspective. A little boy was shot and killed in his home while he slept. When the word got around town it spark up many discussions on social media. There were so many opinions, arguments, and inputs made about his death. Instead of coming together as a community and viewing the ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Symbolic Interactionism Theory Conflict and symbolic interactionism theories can help explain the necessary power level preconditions of police brutality against black bodies. Police brutality is a form of Institutional racism in the way policies and laws are crafted and put into practice, such as the decades–long set of policing and legal policies known as "The War on Drugs," which has disproportionately targeted neighbourhoods and communities that are predominantly black. The police force is one of the most visible features of control and governance. Law enforcement officers engage in abusive behaviours against civilians despite their duty to ensure the public's safety the weak in our society more prone to victimisation from police Social Conflict Theory state that the police function as an instrument of the dominant class, white and rich Government institutions, including police departments, are ... Show more content on ... Police institutions have adopted a model that targets racial minorities. policing occupation largely white–male dominated, especially in the higher ranking positions. Racially minorities disproportionally represented in the criminal justice system police forces exist only to serve the elite's interests Complementing the Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism – significant influences of socialization in explaining the patterns of police brutality interactions between people, including violent encounters between civilians and police officers, role–taking. Police and civilians alike learn to behave to the norms, rules, and expectations of a particular group. In the context of police–civilian interactions black viewed as "rule violators" and police oppressors respectively in the eyes of one another. Police departments portray the role of control agents rather than social workers to serve public Society accepts their authority (whether willingly or not) officers internalize their new occupational identity and enact their expected ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. ##bolic Reactioning Theory : Symbolic Interactionism... Symbolic Interactionism Theory on Social Media Our cellphones are instruments or symbols of communication. Our dependence in our phones increases overtime. We can't get out in the house without it, it's like everything revolves around it. People use it to contact their friends or family, explore games, do social media, send important emails and the list goes on. Every year, companies improve on making phones more useful and likewise, offers cheap alternatives, so that every person can have access to the device. Looking at a couple years back, phones are generally use for messaging and seen as an unnecessary accessories but now, people can't live without. Based on the website called Tame Yourself, study shows that "...58% of smartphone users don't go without checking their phones." this explains how addicted we are on our devices. As I mentioned above, our addiction to phone is to the extreme. The causes of phone addiction can have a variety of reasons but the main obvious reason for that is the use of social media. Almost, everybody is familiar with facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube. These are just one of the millions of applications offered. As popularity of social media goes higher and higher, our social interaction(face–to–face) with our surrounding deteriorate. This is where the perspective of the theory symbolic interaction takes place. According to the website called ThoughtCo, symbolic interaction theory came from the American philosopher George Herbert ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Sociological Perspectives Of Functionalism, Conflict... Explain the three major sociological perspectives of functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Identify which perspectives use a macro level or a micro level of analysis. Apply each perspective to socialization. Functionalism – Macro Level – This means that each person has a specific function and that each society works together to achieve what is best. For example, my 2 boys attend a public school. The school is funded by taxes I pay as well as neighbors who do not have any children attending school. Schooling helps teach and socialize my children and will enable them to continue their education years later. Conflict Theory – Macro level – This is built off of resources, status, and power that are not evenly distributed ... Show more content on ... We decide how our peers come to a conclusion about us. For example, why do people I am intelligent or why do people think that I am uneducated? We take what people say about us to heart. Which in turn makes us question ourselves. For example, I must be intelligent if others think so or I must be dumb if others think that I am uneducated. Goofman's dramaturgical model of interaction is similar to Cooley's "looking glass self" in that we are judged daily by our peers, that we care what others think of us and we try to modify ourselves so that we are able to give a good impression and not a bad one. Impression management is 1 aspect of his model. We try to give off a good impression to our peers. Basically, we are trying to show them our best side. They are also similar as they both involve emotions Goofmans dramaturgical model of interaction is different from Colleys "looking glass self" due to Goffmans front and back stage. The front stage is where we are able to control what someone may see. Whereas the back stage is where we are able to let our guard down. Cooley's concept is based on self–image where front stage and back stage is based on how we control that self–image. Identify and define the seven basic elements of nonmaterial culture. Gestures are a way of communicating with others using our body. For example, we use our hands to wave, which is another way of saying hello. Language is the primary way of communicating with one ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. ##bolic Interactionism : Symbolic Interactionism, And... Symbolic interactionism, Structure–functionalism, and Conflict theory. They are all different but all of them affected my life equally the same.Symbolic interactionism is a theory that uses everyday interactions of individuals to explain society as a whole. Conflict theory are perspectives in sociology and social psychology that emphasize the social, political, or material inequality of a social group, that critique the broad socio–political system. Functional theory is a theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. Symbolic Interactionism sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals in their social group. It has a micro–level orientation. Which means it studies on the small individual interactions rather on the whole society. I'm going to analyze my religion according to this theory. When i was 5 or 6 i was brought up to be christian, i was basically forced to believe in christ and to pray everyday. During dinner ,after dinner before dinner and even before bedtime. It wasn't until my mother had her 4 child that she realized that she didn't want to be christian anymore. So she changed our dominant religion to buddhism. I of course was confused and just followed with the flow because i was only 6. When relatives came to visit us there would always be a problem with our family not being christian. Especially at the dinner table where we were suppose to pray before we ate. I made the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Symbolic Interactionism In Sociology Symbolic interactionism is one of the three major theoretical perspectives in sociology. Symbolic interactionism is important in microsociology because interactionists emphasize the subjective meaning of human behaviors, while other theoretical perspectives like functionalism and conflict theory focus on society as a whole on the macrosociology level. Interactionists focus on the micro– lens of society because they base their theory on the image of humans, rather than on their image of society. The central theme of symbolic interactionism is that symbols are culturally derived social objects with shared meanings that are created and maintained through social interaction. Symbolic interactionism originated with two key theorists, George Herbert ... Show more content on ... The children of wealthy parents also tend to be more popular in schools. The wealthier you are the more symbols of wealth you have, and the more social control people think you have. People think that money goes hand in hand with happiness, but they also believe they more money achieves a higher social standing, and therefore more future success. The richer children all have designer clothes, brand new iPhones, and have the biggest houses. Other kids grow jealous of them and want to be around someone of that type of status. The student's peers in school are the ones pressuring them with the threat of exclusion from the cliques they belong in if they don't keep up with the latest trends. This popularity with their classmates allows the wealthy kids to become exclusive in school and they form cliques with other children of wealthy households, excluding the poorer ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Symbolic Interactionism, Functional Analysis, And Conflict... Modern sociology is characterized by three main theoretical approaches: symbolic interactionism, functional analysis, and conflict theory. Personally, I believe that symbolic interactionism is the most logically viable approach to understanding modern society due to its understanding of the meaning people ascribe to everyday concepts. As a theory, functionalism fails to mention those who either deviate from the whole or work against society. Concerning Marx's conflict theory, for now, the time of competing for scarcities has ebbed; there are other, more pressing factors driving society today such as family and an individual's aspirations. Nevertheless, symbolic interactionism is not without its faults; the very fact that symbols differ in meaning ... Show more content on ... Firstly, most people are unaware they are partially motivated by their awareness of symbols. Thus, symbolic interactionism can't fully explain an individual's actions because they aren't consciously making the decision based on their understanding of symbols and labels. Secondly, symbolism can be harmful to society. Consider the difference of respect given to a businessman in a suit versus a homeless veteran with a drug addiction; the symbols of wealth and poverty play a notable roll in the way humanity treats each other. Lastly, symbols change over time. A perfect example is the field of technology: years ago, it was viewed as mysterious and complex while today, technology is something to be mastered. Programmers, scientists, and cyber hackers alike all quest to gain the upper hand in today's ever–expanding technological ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Sociological World : Functionalism, Conflict Theory,... Sociology is the study of groups of individuals within societies and the interactions involved. These studies are performed on micro and macro levels, studying the cultures and patterns of people (Keirns et al., 2015, p. 6). Sociologists use sociological imagination, a term created by C. Wright Mills, to describe cultures by acknowledging their own life experiences and assigning that to the circumstances around them (Mills, 1959). There are three main theoretical perspectives in the sociological world: functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Functionalist "see society as a structure of interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of the individuals in that society" (Keirns et al., 2015, p.15). Conflict theorists see society "as a competition for limited resources" (Keirns et al., 2015, p. 16), while symbolic interactionist focus on the relationships among individuals within society (Keirns et al., 2015, p. 18). Sociology focuses on how a society functions and how each individual fits within that society utilizing the scientific methods as a basis for research. In societies there are cultures, which are beliefs and values shared and practiced by a group of individuals. There are multiple cultures throughout the world with unique differences within them. In order to appreciate other cultures, sociologist use culture relativism which involves analyzing another culture without the bias of your own culture (Keirns et al., 2015, p.55). ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Symbolic Interactionism : Application Of A Symbolic... Symbolic Interactionism Theory Application Trent confessed to his wife that he was gay. He grew up in an active Latter Day Saint home, served a mission, and married Nicole in the temple. Early in their marriage she realized something was wrong. Hand holding, kissing, and other affectionate gestures were lacking in their marriage (Smith & Hamon, 2017)18 She began to wonder if there was something bothering him. He eventually broke down and told her he was gay and had known since he was a teenager. This was devastating news to her and put her dreams of having children to a halt. Trent told his family and most of them were understanding, with the exception of his father. His father could not understand how his son could choose to be this way and was angry. Trent and Nicole visited with their Bishop. The Bishop did his best to try to help them but at the time the church had no resources to help leaders deal with this issue. He was at a loss to know how to help them. Analysis Symbolic Interactionism has three overarching themes. The first is that "People will react to something according to the meaning that the thing has for them" (p.15). For Trent and Nicole homosexuality had different meaning to each of them. For Trent it meant shame particularly because he knew that homosexuality was against his religious beliefs. For Nicole it meant having a husband who was not attracted to her and not being able to become a mother which is something she dreamed about ever ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Essay about Symbolic Interactionism Theory Symbolic Interactionism Theory George Herbert Mead studied and used an interactionist approach for many years. He was a philosophy professor at the university of Chicago. Mead thought that the true test to any theory is whether or not it is useful in solving complex social problems (EM Griffin, p.83). So Mead decided to study the procedures of communicating, specifically with symbols, the theory was titled Symbolic Interactionism. Mead declared that our gift of language, our ability to manipulate and interpret abstract symbols, was what separated human beings from the other animals. I feel in a big way that Mead is correct. Humans understand and filter out information whether they intend to or not, all due to the channel of ... Show more content on ... Meanings of things arise out of social interaction. In order for there to be a meaning between two people you must socially intersect, whether or not it's verbally or non–verbally. Meanings are handled in and modified through, an interpretative process (1972, p.401). Everyone sees a symbol and takes it to their own degree of meaning, not everyone interprets a meaning the same way. The exchange of meaning is usually the number one reason for problems in a relationship. Dyads and groups struggle over the processes and content of communication. It's obvious that there are different implications for different people, so the goal is to work out a consensus although that isn't usually achieved. Not only is it the differences in meaning, studies show that it is taken–for granted symbols that are the most likely for the subject of disagreement. Taken–for –granted symbols are signs that people give to one another that aren't picked up on by others. One of the most important part of the symbolic interaction structuring is for human beings to realize that one of the most important objects in their communication environment is the "self" of the individual. "Self" represents ways the individual acts toward or treats him/herself, otherwise known as the "looking–glass self". There's two ways that one sees him/herself, one of them is the "I" personality. This is ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Theories That Serve As Lenses For Analyzing Society :... Take–Home Final Within the study of sociology, there are three main theories that serve as lenses for analyzing society: functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Functionalism is based largely on the works of the sociologists Emile Durkheim, Herbert Spencer, Robert Merton, and more. According to the functionalist perspective, society exists as a harmonious system of interconnected parts that maintain a state of social equilibrium and balance as a whole. Different social elements contribute unique aspects to society, and functionalism emphasizes how each part impacts and is impacted by other parts. For example, as technology has progressed, colleges and universities has started to offer more technical programs, and many adults have begun returning to school to learn these new abilities that are required for the evolving workplace. As more women have joined the workforce, policies on job discrimination and sexual harassment have become more and more commonplace. Various social institutions can be considered functional or dysfunctional depending on how they contribute to society; functional if they enhance social stability and dysfunctional if they disrupt. Crime, for example, can be considered both functional and dysfunctional. While it is associated with physical violence and fear, Durkheim and other sociologists agree crime is also necessary for increased social cohesion. Within the realm of functionalism, there are two types of functioning: manifest ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Critical Theory, Functionalism And Symbolic Interactionism... In sociology, there are three major theories; critical theory, functionalism and symbolic interactionism. These theories express the structure of society in which each theory looks at a different aspects of sociology. Sociologists apply these theories in the study of society, but it becomes difficult if only one theory is applied. For that one applied theory, would only look at the aspect to which it is confined to. To successfully study sociology all three theories must be applied together. Critical theory was founded by the German philosopher Karl Marx (Little, 2016, p. 12). It was originally known as historical materialism which is "a critical analysis of capitalism that saw the material or economic basis of inequality and power relations as the cause of social instability and conflict" (Little, 2016, p. 12). Critical sociology can be defined as the "inequality and power relations in society in order to achieve social justice and emancipation through their transformations" (Little, 2016, p. 45). Novack describes critical theory as, "Marx's sociology is essentially, the sociology of conflict and class" (Novack, 1982, p. 51–52). This was because some of Marx's views were based on freeing the people from the capitalist structure, which to him were oppressing the lower–class citizens (Little, 2016, p. 14). As it is the aim of critical sociology to look at the power constraining class system, it also creates room for the scientific, "In this way the goal of sociology would ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Conflict Theory And Social Interactionism In Orange Is The... Orange is the new black is a Netflix original series about the functional ability of a woman's prison in upstate New York. Integrity, power, and privilege all work together to create many of the situations that arise. Litchfield prison is made up of white male officers, and different racial groups that are clearly divided. For each race, loosely made up of: blacks, latinos, whites, "others", and a group of older women known as "the golden girls", there is a sector of living. Blacks in one block, with a bathroom only for them, whites in another, etc. Conflict theory and symbolic interactionism are both excellent theories to examine this series by. Conflict theory, a multi–part theory about both race and gender, is applicable to Orange Is The New Black because of the degrading treatment of the women and the denial of their basic feminine needs. Symbolic interactionism can be applied to most situations that occur in the show. Through these theories social interactions in Orange Is The New Black can be looked at and better understood. Privilege can be applied to many different situations throughout the show. Racial privilege, gender privilege, class privilege, etc. A common theme of privilege throughout Orange Is The New Black is racial privilege. This is shown through the cleanliness of the living quarters and punishment given across races. SHU (solitary confinement) is much more readily handed out to black inmates over any other race. In one episode, a screwdriver goes ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Example Of Symbolic Interactionism Theory MEDIATIONAL THEORY Imagine for a moment that you are out on a vacation with your family. After a long journey you decided to go out and check out the new city. Now it is a pretty cloudy and the sky isn't to clear, but the breeze is nice, so you don't mind. While you are out there you hear a group of people screaming, and then a loud gun shot. What do you think of? What is the first word that comes to your mind? How do you react to the sound, or do you at all? And why? These are some of the main questions that should be considered when looking at MEDIATIONAL THEORY. According to Charles Osgood's mediation is a theory that can be laid out very simply, yet in nature it is very complex. The key elements of this theory ... Show more content on ... An individual interpretation of symbols is modified by his or her own thought processes. Our thoughts, self–concept, and the wider community we live in are created through communication symbolic interaction. We use language and meaning making to create the self and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Social Action Theories Essay Social action theories are known as micro theories which take a bottom–up approach to studying society; they look at how individuals within society interact with each other. There are many forms of social action theories, the main ones being symbolic interactionism, phenomenology and ethnomethodology. They are all based on the work of Max Weber, a sociologist, who acknowledged that structural factors can shape our behaviour but individuals do have reasons for their actions. He used this to explain why people behave in the way in which they do within society. Weber saw four types of actions which are commonly committed within society; rational, this includes logical plans which are used to achieve goals, traditional–customary behaviour, ... Show more content on ... Labelling theory has also been used to apply the interactionist theory to society; the theory, like Mead, emphasises the importance of symbols and situations in which they are used. The main interactionist concepts are the definition of the situation – if we believe in something then it could affect the way in which we behave. The looking glass –self – this was created by Cooley who argues that we see ourselves in a way in which we think others see us. These concepts have been useful in explaining why people act in certain ways in certain situations; therefore, the labelling theory is effective in the study of society. Overall, in conclusion, there are many different social action theories which can be used in the study of society, however, not all of them can be applied to all ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Symbolic Interactionism And Social Structure Could you image at the age of fourteen not having any education and living in extreme poverty everyday? Using the lens of symbolic interactionism, this essay will analyze Maria's education, gang surroundings, and family conditions. In the beginning, I will define symbolic interactionism, then I will explain why Maria a fourteen year old girls conditions contain these elements. Finally I will explain how symbolic interactionism is integrated into her life. Symbolic interactionism can be easily described as the "interactions of individuals with the larger institutions of social structure" (Ainbinder, 2015 p. 20). It can also be explained as focusing on ways, which meanings emerge through human life (symbolic interactionism, 2003 para. 2). In everyday life, it represents that people are repeatedly observing and understanding through their social interactions (Ainbinder, 2015 p. 20). Symbolic Interactionism can be defined in many ways, simply it means that everyday we are observing our surroundings. Historically, symbolic interactionism was coined by one of the Mead's students Herbert Blumer ("symbolic interactionism", 2003 para. 2). He intended the term to have three basic ideas ("symbolic interactionism", 2003 para. 2). He focused on terms of actions and its consequences ("symbolic interactionism", 2003 para. 2). Herbert Blumer refers to this theory as role –taking with the ability to take perspective of other people (symbolic interactionism, 2003 para. 3). Though he does ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. ##bolic Reaction Theory : The Development Of Symbolic... As a society, whether we want to believe it or not we engage with one another for a specific purpose or for a response. Today's society is not perfect, but it plays a part in how we individually behave to certain things. Symbolic interaction theory analyzes the meaning that manifest from interactions with other animate or inanimate things. It also makes one wonder why and how we assign meanings to words and symbols. To sum it up, this theory is about why individuals are influenced to behave a certain way because of the meanings they give to other people, objects, or events. Throughout this paper I will discuss the development of symbolic interaction theory, and how theorists have applied it to communicate with strangers and within personal relationships. Furthermore, symbolic interactionism helps us interpret the world and situations that might have a meaning that may or may not trigger an emotion or response. THEORY ORIGIN To summarize its meaning, symbolic interaction theory explains how humans create symbols that have meaning to help them understand the world from their perspective. The interactions we have with society molds us together to give objects certain meanings. People react toward people or things based the description they give them or it. The thesis of this theory is that people react toward distinct situations based on the meaning that situations has to them, which can be an object or can be referred to as a symbol. Also, this theory emphasizes many ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Symbolic Interactionism: The Bad And The Ugly Sarah Goins June 8, 2018 Introduction to sociology Trent Cason Symbolic Interactionism– The Good, the Bad and the Ugly There are many strengths and weaknesses of symbolic interactionism, throughout this paper I will discuss what is helpful about this theory and how it applies to everyday life, what this theory is missing and what it does not adequately explain and how I believe the strengths outweigh the weaknesses. In my opinion, this is the most important and practical sociological theory, because without the symbols and words we use, there would be no relationships anywhere. Even when words are unable to be used to communicate (i.e. language barriers, hearing disabilities) symbols and signs are used to get the point across and form relationships. Symbolic interactionism is described in our book as, early ideas from Max Weber that give priority of the viewpoint of the individual and how that individual relates to society, but George Herbert Mead is the one who introduces this specific set of ideas to American sociology in the 1920s. Symbolic interactionism is an approach that seeks to explain action and interaction as the outcome of the meanings of actions. To a symbolic interactionist, meanings are not in the object but rather from social processes. ... Show more content on ... One comparison from sociology scholar Ashley Crossman put this into words to say that rather than focusing on the 'forest', symbolic interactionism focuses on the individual 'trees'. Another way I put that into thought was, if a tree were to fall and you were trying to figure out how this happened through the symbolic interactionism theory, if you couldn't focus on the big picture (forest) you might miss that there was a large backhoe plowing down trees. Symbolic interactionism is also criticized for insulting the social forces influence on individual ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic... This response addresses question four and define the provided theories, which include structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. In doing so, various components of the theories are identified in relation to the topic of social change. In doing so, it is important to point out that in sociology, theories are used to explain the patterns, the way groups of people decide to perform specific actions, and the way societies do certain things or rather experience a change in a different manner. On the other hand, social change implies the growth and development of a social order, which bears some significant consequences. To begin with, structural functionalism looks at the society as a bundle of a complex system with different parts that work to support the whole. It stipulates that a society is a combination of interrelated components, which work independently, but seek to achieve a common goal, which supports the growth of the whole system. Some of the systems in the society include the government, schools, businesses, and families. In essence, all these different components are fundamental in the society as they serve different functions to develop the society. On the other hand, social conflict theory looks at the society as a system with equal components, but within the endeavors to grow to find themselves in conflicting paths. Thinking about the society, some of the trends lead to conflict among the people living together. For example, ageism, ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Sociological Perspectives Of Functionalism, Conflict... 1.) Explain the three major sociological perspectives of functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Identify which perspectives use a macrolevel or a microlevel of analysis. Apply each perspective to socialization. Functionalism – Macro Level – This means that each person has a specific function and that each society works together to achieve what is best. For example, my 2 boys attend a public school. The school is funded by taxes I pay as well as neighbors who do not have any children attending school. Schooling helps teach and socialize my children and will enable them to continue their education years later. Conflict Therory – Macro level – This is built off of resources, status and power that are not evenly distributed groups in our society. Such conflicts as these are the driving force behind social change. This also causes there to be an unequal social order. Only a few benefit benefit while a majority do not. An example of this would be racism or prejudice against people who are gay, lesbian, or bi–sexual. Symbolic Interactionism – Micro level – This involves using symbols. The symbols generally have the same meaning to society, but may not mean the same thing to an individual. For example, a wedding band is a symbol used to show a person is married and it is generally assumed if a person is not wearing a wedding band they are not married or they are trying to hid the fact that they are. 2.) Discuss Cooley's concept of the "looking glass self". Be sure to describe the 3 steps in the process and provide an example. Compare this with Goffman's dramaturgical model of interaction. How are they similar and different? Be sure to include key terms such as impression management, front and back stage self, etc. Cooley's concept of the "looking glass self" states that a persons identity or self worth comes directly from their social interactions. That our self image is a direct correlation as to the responses and evaluations from others in our society. There are 3 steps: o We in–vision how people see us. Any example of this, is we may think that our peers see us intelligent or uneducated. o We decide how our peers come to a conclusion about us. For example, why do people I am ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Structural Funcionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic... In this paper, I will discuss three different schools of thought that, while they may seem to explain the inner workings of society, by themselves they fail to satisfy completely. For each theory, I will discuss the basics and cover the main tenants of each. Then, I will discuss the ambiguities, inadequacies and irrelevance to reality based on our current understanding of modern society. Structural Functionalism In the Functionalist School of Thought, society is viewed as being a complex structure of inter–related parts, analogous to a living being, with many different organs contributing to the daily functioning and health of the entire organism. From evolving societies still going through the processes of differentiation of social ... Show more content on ... If we are to look at society as a super–organism, then we have to accept that conflict is a vital part of any organisms' future development and evolution. Humans weren't put on this earth perfected; through biological conflict with the environment and disease, we have evolved into what we are now. While still not perfect, evolution is still taking place. The same is true for societies. No one society was born perfect. Society has evolved from the same analogous process of trial and error, success and failure. While not all conflict is productive, it is necessary to the evolution of society. Functionalism all but ignores this aspect. Conflict Theory Where the positivist theory of Structural Functionalism focuses on the rigidity and stability of society, conflict theories focus on the chaotic, negative and unequal aspects. This perspective is constructed from the numerous hypotheses of Karl Marx, who saw society as intrinsically broken, and constantly in a state of disarray with social groups competing for a limited amount of social capitol and economic resources. According to Marx, society is constructed around two classes of people: the ruling class and the subject class. Those in the ruling class have a disproportionately large control over all resources, and use this power to subjugate the lower classes. This ensures that the ruling class never gives up power, due to the fact that the lower classes have to struggle to obtain ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Sociology : Symbolic Interactionism, Functional, And... There are three main theoretical perspectives in sociology: symbolic interactionism, functional analysis, and conflict theory. These theories serve as an approach to the formulation and solution of social problems. Each theoretical perspective defines specific touch to the study, interpretation, and evaluation of social objects. Despite the fact that these theories use different approaches to research, all of them can be applied together to any aspects of a social life to better understand the nature of human relationships and to give a bigger picture of studying subject. The main idea of symbolic interactionism lies in the statement that human interactions take place through the interpretation of symbols and signs. Human actions and relationships are defined by symbols, which had been created and fulfilled with meaning by human beings themselves. And that makes symbols the essential part of any society. American sociologist George Herbert Mead, one of the founders of this theory, considered human actions as social behavior based on communication. He believed that people respond not only to the actions of the others but also to their intentions, and interpret them on the basis of the analysis and actions of our past experience in similar situations. For example, a reached out hand can symbolize one of the following: a greeting, attack, or a plea for help. Only by interpreting a symbol, we can react to it, as to shake hands with the other person, firmly grasp or leave. ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Theoretical Perspectives Structural Functionalism Conflict... Do you know how your society functions? There are three very different and distinctive theoretical perspectives that can all explain how society sustains itself. The problem is no one knows which of these perspectives best describes how our society functions. Does society function on structure where different groups work together to maintain sustainability of the society, conflict where various struggle to maintain power provoking change within the society, or is it symbolic interactions and relationships between the people in the society that keep the system running smoothly? This paper will discuss the three theoretical perspectives, structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism and why symbolic interactionism is the best perspective to describe how society functions. Structural functionalism focuses on how all parts of a society work together to keep the society functioning. Take institutions for instance. They ... Show more content on ... In this perspective it is believed that society is sustained by a constant power struggle. An example of this is politics. In the presidential campaign the candidates are competing to win office. The conflict is which party is more fit to be in power and once resolved that party can begin making changes within the society. Each time a conflict is resolved it stands to reason that the person on the losing side of the conflict will start a new fight to sway the power back into their hands thus continuing the cycle of conflict within the society. An example of conflict theory is competitiveness in businesses. Two businesses that produce the same good will fight so that people in society will chose one over the other. This competition drives prices to be lower and goods to be easily accessed. As a result the society thrives off the conflict these two businesses have because the competition is making goods ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Sociological Theory And Symbolic Interactionism In Nursing Define and describing Symbolic Interactionism Nursing has many philosophies and theories that have been developed over time. In nursing, it is essential to understand the patient and the way that they experience health and illness in the healthcare setting. This understanding allows the nurses and the healthcare team to properly provide care to patients. This falls under that theory of symbolic interactionism. Symbolic interactionism, a major sociological theory, relates symbolic meanings which individuals develop and rely upon in the process of social interaction. Symbolic interactionism examines the meanings developed from the mutual interaction of individuals in a social environment with other individuals and focused on the meanings and symbols from the interaction between people (Aksan et al., 2009). These meanings that are evolved from individuals are shared among other individuals as well. George Herbert Mead was a very influential figure in the history of American philosophy. Mead developed symbolic interactionism where he believed that mind and ego were the products of society. It was believed that symbols grew in mind and used as methods of thinking and communication. Mead focused on how people interact in their daily lives utilizing symbolic interaction and how they create order and meaning. In one of Mead's writings, Mind, Self and Society, he goes on to describe the way a person's mind in addition to themselves ascends from the social process. Mead ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. The Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, And Conflict Theory Faith Williams Dr. Whitman Sociology Abstract This review connects three theoretical frameworks. The first theoretical framework is the symbolic interactionism. This focuses mainly on how the individual interacts with others, and how others influence the individual behaviors that impact society in a micro or macro way. The second theoretical framework is the conflict theory, it examines the rift between the rich and the poor and how it affects the quality of education, health care, and living condition of said group. Thirdly, the functionalist theory, which compares society to a system of interrelated parts, it's a social system not just an individual. Each frame work plays part in the issue when an economy declines which causes many families to lose their jobs. Single mothers lose their jobs and go into prostitution as a mean of support. CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION In this review there are three main paradigm: Functionalist theory, symbolic interactionist theory, and conflict theory. The functionalist theory compares society to a system of interrelated parts. It looks at society more as system not as an individual. Symbolic interactionism focuses on how the individual interacts with others in a society and how others influences that individual; what impact does that have on a society. Conflict theory examines the rift between the rich and the poor and how it affects the quality of education, health care, and living condition of said group. In this review ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Symbolic Interactionism: Studies of Social Construction Symbolic Interactionism: Studies of Social Construction Hundreds of years before written word, theories have been made about words, the symbolism behind them, and root meanings assigned by social construction. William Shakespeare can be shown as example of this with posed questions by characters in his writings. In Romeo and Juliet, the character Juliet poses questions that reflect the symbolism of the name of her and her star–crossed lover Romeo. "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo. Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I 'll no longer be a Capulet... 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;––Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What 's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor ... Show more content on ... "There are two well–known traditional ways of accounting for the origin of meaning. One of them is to regard meaning as being intrinsic to the thing that has it, as being a natural part of the objective makeup of the thing." (Blumer, 1969) This shows that a chair is a chair, a cow is a cow, a cloud is a cloud, and so forth. The meaning starts from the thing. This shows that because of its social construction the object just is. This position reflects "realism" in philosophy. Blumer's third premise is based on the fact that "an individual's interpretation of symbols is modified by his or her own thought processes" (Griffin, 2006). The third premise suggests that meanings described are handled in, and modified through and interpretative process used by the person in dealing with the things they encounter (Blumer, 1969). In simple terms, it's a thought process that is handled by an individual who go through what Mead describes as minding, or inner conversation. (Griffin, 2006) The concept behind thought is the process of being able to think, reflect, and take the role of the other. This would mean to put yourself into another's place to think and reflect upon yourself. Once there is an understanding of the three main concepts of meaning, language, and thought, one can understand ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Major Sociological Theories 1. Most sociologists interpret social life from one of three major theoretical frameworks or theories: symbolic interactionism, functional analysis, or conflict theory. Describe the major points and key concepts of each framework. List at least one sociologist who is identified with each of these three frameworks. Symbolic interactionism is a theoretical perspective in which society is viewed as composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, develop their views of the world, and communicate with one another. (Henslin, pg G–6). Symbolic interactionism which is derived from American pragmatism and particularly from the work of George Herbert Mead is influential in many areas of the sociological discipline; especially in social psychology ... Show more content on ... We would be unable to distinguish how we're related to one another, from whom we could expect to receive privileges or to whom we owe obligations and respect. Symbolic interactionist examine the way in which people determine their relationships by studying face–to–face interactions to see how we as a society define ourselves and others. (Henslin, pg. 16). Functional Analysis Functional analysis also known as functionalism and structural functionalism; rooted in the origins of sociology is the idea that society is a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together. (Henslin, pg. G–2, pg. 17). Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer believed that like an organism; if society is to function smoothly, its various parties must work together in harmony much like the functioning organs of a living creature. (Henslin, pg. 18). Robert Merton used the term functions to refer to the beneficial consequences of a person's actions. Functions can be latent or manifest and help to keep a group social system or society in balance. (Henslin, pg. ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. ##bolic Reaction Theory : Symbolic Interactionism Theory THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The understanding of people choosing bottled water even though tap water is healthier and cheaper can be explained using the symbolic interactionism theory. "Symbolic interaction theory analyzes society by addressing the subjective meanings that people impose on objects, events, and behaviors (source)" These meanings are based on people's behavior and not always what is true. An American sociologist, George Herbert Mead, was the founder of this theory around 1920s. In 1960, this theory became one of the prominent theories of sociology. In addition to the symbolic interactionism theory, George Herbert Mead was also a founder of American pragmatism and one of the founders of social psychology. Symbolic interactionist often focuses on the micro level of society. It focuses on how the meanings of objects, people, places, etc. constructs the world around us. Interactionist stressed the understanding of social life by taking the places of individuals or groups. "By the 1980s mainstream sociology had accepted much of the core of the symbolic interactionist approach, with its emphases on meaning, agency, and the interpretive analysis of interactional processes, as a legitimate and central part of the discipline (source)." Water bottles have become a social norm for the United States. The water bottle has become to symbolize convenience. In the United States, people choose water bottles because they are easy to carry around and convenient. Americans do not ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Social Action Theory and Symbolic Interactionism Essay The Social Action Theory and Symbolic Interactionism Max Weber believed that individuals were the key to society. He developed social action theory, the purpose of which was to find out why individuals function in certain ways. He thought that every social action performed by an individual had a meaning attached to it. Social actions are the result of conscious thought processes that take into consideration the reactions of other individuals. Weber identified four types of social action which include, reason (an instrumentally rational or calculated action), value or rational action (determined by belief), emotion or effectual action (dependent upon the feelings of the individual), and traditional ... Show more content on ... These properties could be exchanged for money in the economic market – he was of the opinion that this position in the economic market place determined class position so that in theory there would be as many class positions as economic positions. Therefore the class structure of society is essentially an occupation structure. Social action theory recognises other divisions apart from simply class and also recognises that consumption of goods (by which status groups are stratified) is just as important as the production (by which class is stratified). It also draws attention to the importance of the individual and their conscious actions. It does not however place enough emphasis on class divisions, as it tends to concentrate more on status. Symbolic interactionists reject structure and believe that to study society, the only way to do so is to concentrate on the individual. Both theories believe in understanding the individual through the use of empathy. George Herbert Mead was mainly concerned with the importance of language. Language distinguishes humans from animals and allows us to be aware of our individuality. The use of symbols is a key element of language. They are used to give meanings to particular events or objects and are learned by socialisation. Humans make them to assist them to ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory And Symbolic... According to the crime report produced by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2015, there were an estimated 1,197,704 violent crimes committed in the United States and violent crimes have increased by 3.9% since 2014. The FBI defines violent crime as murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. This increase in violent crimes is a major social issue and one that can lead to a sense of danger amongst a society and its inhabitants. According to a study conducted in 2017 by Statistic Brain, 38% of women feel unsafe to walk alone at night in the United States. This sense of fear is also why many college campuses, including Clemson University, have blue lights all around campus for the police to be called to at a moment's notice. Crime and deviant behavior are guaranteed to be a part of society and there will never be a time when crime isn't something a society has to deal with. Knowing that the issue is never going to completely go away, one can look at it through the three major theoretical perspectives of structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology written by Kerry Ferris and Jill Stein defines structural functionalism as, "A paradigm based on the assumption that society is a unified whole that functions because of the contributions of its separate structures." Structural functionalists would look at things that are issues and see the possible ways the issue could be functional or serve a greater ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Dramaturgical Metaphor Erving Goffman Erving Goffman's above statement, referencing actors and public image, is a clear allusion to his dramaturgical metaphor, which is one branch of his work on symbolic interactionism. His dramaturgical metaphor delves into the premise that we are all 'actors' who 'perform' to others as our 'audience' (Goffman, 1990). It is this metaphor which will be evaluated and analysed for its sociological significance, as well as the practical implications of the statement above, and what it means to be sociologically significant. Many other sociologists have also tackled the depths of Symbolic Interactionism, or the themes explored by the dramaturgical metaphor, of the likes of, Mead and Blumer. Their insights and contributions will be discussed concerning Goffman's statement. However, it is Goffman's dramaturgical metaphor which will be of the most help in evaluating the statement given and its sociological significance. Although, as relayed above, other sociologists work, such as Meads idea of the self being split into the I and the Me, and their individual functions will be important in helping us further evaluate the statement, and its sociological significance (Pampel, 2007). As will Blumer's three–pronged approach to symbolic interactionism, allowing us to grasp a basic understanding of the concepts and frameworks surrounding symbolic interactionism, and enhance our knowledge of the dramaturgical metaphors place in symbolic interactionism (Carter & Fuller, 2015). Overall, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Functionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism In the United States and in several other countries around the world, many people recognize Wal– Mart for being a great place to shop for any and every household item on the market. However, sociologist find Wal–Mart to be a bit more than just a one–stop shop for everyday items. Sociologist use different perspectives to view society and its functions to evaluate the "why's" and "what's" within a society. The two main perspectives or theories used by sociologists to analyze society are macrosociology and microsociology, but more specifically: Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism. First, functionalism is simply defined as: how a society works (Ferris and Stein 2016). This is a technique that is used through a ... Show more content on ... Another fragment of functionalism is organic solidarity. In The Real World, Ferris and Stein conclude that organic solidarity are social bondings through work. An example in Wal–Mart would be when co–workers need each other 's help to work a register and they have to communicate with each other. For mechanical solidarity, this a social bonding through rituals as it is explained in The Real World (Ferris and Stein 2016). For this example, one could say when two people meet in Wal– Mart while shopping for the same item, they may carry on a conversation related to the item they are shopping for. Being a part of something bigger than yourself is collective effervescence (Ferris and Stein 2016). Black Friday in Wal–Mart can seem outrageous and fun at the same time, but people coming together to all shop for discounted items all day gives that feeling of being a part of something bigger, would be an example of collective effervescence. With all of this said, it is the process of functionalism, and how every "piece of the puzzle" comes together to support the economy and have a functional, running society. In addition, conflict theory is another method of viewing society, except this particular perspective is a microsociology method of analyzing society. Using conflict theory, means to take a closer look at the interactions between people within a society. In this case, Wal–Mart employees and factory workers will be studied. ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Underage Drinking Interactionism Kaitlin Seibold Sociology 1113 Final Paper 1–8–2017 Underage Drinking and Symbolic Interactionism Underage drinking in the United States has become a societal norm and plays a large role in teenage culture. You see it everywhere in pop culture and real life experiences. In high school it seems like every teenager around you is drinking at some point in your high school career. Reality TV shows and movies seem to shine a light on underage drinking and make it more prevalent in society. The peer pressure of underage drinking starts to intensify and then suddenly before you realize it you have become just like every other teenager in society. You learn right from wrong at a young age and you learn that underage drinking is on the side of what ... Show more content on ... but it also occurs all the way across the pond in Europe. One example of Symbolic Interactionism and teen drinking is a crisis that has been happing in Europe with Danish teenagers around the age of 14 to 15. In the scholarly article by Demant and Järvinen about how alcohol is used for social recognition and to symbolize maturity by teenage drinking. The function of alcohol in this struggle for recognition is so strong that the teenagers who drink very little or not at all are put under considerable pressure. With alcohol as the central marker of maturity – and the parents of the teenagers who drink are described as supporters of this view – teenagers who do not drink come out as potential losers in the status negotiations of the groups. (Demant and Järvinen 2006) Demant and Järvinen show how the symbol of drinking a lot makes you "socially older" than teenagers that choose to drink less or not at all. "Symbolic interactionism is a micro–level theoretical framework and perspective in sociology that addresses how society is created and maintained through repeated interactions among individuals," is how Carter and Fuller (2016) describe symbolic interactionism. It shows how the repeated interactions of teenager's underage drinking forms a society where some are "socially older" and some are considered "losers." That is how this study shows how Symbolic interactionism relates to underage ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Symbolic Interactionism Theory Of Smoking Symbolic Interactionism Theory "sees interactions and meanings as central to society, and assumes that meanings are not inherent, but are created through interactions" (Chp. 1 Theory). An example of Symbolic Interactionism Theory is smoking (informal). Smoking is harmful to your health. A person may associate a meaning for smoking. They might use smoking for means as a way to meet a new friend. When two smokers meet, and one offers the other a cigarette, that is a way to become acquainted with someone. The gesture here is the offer of a cigarette from one person to another. This gesture is positively sanctioned because the person makes a new friend. The negative sanction is the harmful effects that a cigarette has on a person's ... Show more content on ... This is associated with larger ideology in our society because in our society, it is considered rude and creepy to stare at people. I believe that this is a norm because people tend to be more introverted or personal nowadays, and they do not want others to be nosy. This is most likely a norm in most cultures because it is considered rude. This norm is often sanctioned negatively when broken because it is rude to stare at others. I think that race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and age play a factor as to how people around them respond. Race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and age also affect the response of the person as well. If a white person is being targeted by this experiment, then more people would notice and more people would probably react and ask me what I was doing. If an African–American was being targeted by this experiment, then people would not act as concerned. EXPERIMENT TIME The experiment was conducted was April 3, 2017 at 9:16 AM at the Building E Sitting area. My partner, Matthews, and I were seated near the window in E. The test subjects around us were of many different races and both genders. All of them seemed to be middle–class and around the ages of 18–21. The subjects that we experimented were all male. Our first subject was named Cameron. I saw Cameron sitting at his table from our table. He was about 3 tables away from us and was on his phone. I told Mathews that ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Interactionism, Conflict Theory, And Theoretic Perspectives Theoretic perspectives have been used for years now to try and explain why people behave and interact with others, the way they do. Three common perspectives that are used are structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Structural functionalism is a theory that sociologists use to describe human behavior by studying different institutions and how they correlate with one another and function together within a society. The structural functionalism can be explained using the human body for example. The body is made up of many organs, and each of these organs play a specific role. When the organs (which portray different institutions) operate successfully, they make up a healthy and appropriately functioning body ... Show more content on ... I was fortunate enough to grow up with my extended family, which is pretty large considering my dad has six siblings and my mom is one of eight siblings. Family has become a pretty central part of my life because many of my aunts and uncles on my mom's side lived on the same street in Philadelphia, PA for years, and so we all grew up together. My cousins and I would spend the day together outdoors and every night we would all meet up for family dinners at my grandparents' house. After a few years though, my nuclear family and I, consisting of my parents and my older brother, moved to New Jersey. My grandparents instilled in us the importance of spending quality time with one another whenever the opportunity presented itself, and they always reminded us that nothing in life was guaranteed, and that none of us could predict what tomorrow would hold. Because of the increased distance, and as we all got older and our lives got busier, members of my extended and nuclear families had to make more of a conscious effort to set aside a day every now and then so we could all spend time together. For example, every Thanksgiving and Christmas we have a family potluck at alternating houses, and on Memorial Day and the Fourth of July we have barbeques together. It's easy to make excuses to skip our family events, but none of us ever miss them because these interactions we have with ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. What Is The Contribution Of The Functionalist, Conflict... Sociology is the study of society, it uses its methods in systematic way, and are usually empirical. Since it is the study of scientific society, human social life, more than aggregate of individuals. In order to understand any issue related to sociology such as race, gender, caste, culture and marriage etc. We need to understand its three main perspectives, functionalist perspective, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism. Functionalist Perspective is all about progress in the society through harmony, because society has a system which is interconnected Therefore, we need to maintain a state of balance and social equilibrium for the whole Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Talcott Parsons and Robert Merton have largely contributed to functionalism. Conflict Theory views life as competition, distribution of limited resources, power. Its main criteria is to maintain social order by dominance and power instead of harmony. Karl Marx is the one to put forward the conflict theory. Unlike conflict theory and functionalist perspective, symbolic interactionism neither deals with harmony in the society nor with the society with dominance or power. In fact it deals with the interaction that includes gestural communication. Max Weber contributed for the symbolic interactionism. Sociology was first coined in 1780 in France. Then, it was again independently defined by the one of the founding fathers of sociology, Auguste Comte. Comte was successful in bringing scientific ... Get more on ...