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In some videos, particularly our Civil Rights short videos,
we sometimes get comments that “everyone knows” that
the Civil War was not fought over slavery.
Unfortunately, someone did not inform the leaders of the
Confederacy that they did not secede because of slavery,
because the fear that slavery would be abolished was
exactly the reason the Confederate leaders gave for
seceding from the Union.
Please, we welcome interesting questions in the
comments. Let us learn and reflect together!
At the end of our talk, we will discuss the sources
used for this video. Feel free to follow along in the
PowerPoint script we uploaded to SlideShare.
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South Fought Civil War Over Slavery
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After the seven core states of the Confederacy
seceded, and three weeks after the inauguration of
Abraham Lincoln as President, Alexander Stephens,
Vice President of the Confederacy, delivered the
Cornerstone Speech in Savannah, Georgia. He
proudly announced that white supremacy and black
slavery was the cornerstone of Southern society,
claiming that white supremacy and slavery was based
on divine law.
Confederate VP, Civil War was about Slavery
(REPEAT) Stephens continues, “Our confederacy is founded upon
principles in strict conformity with these laws” establishing
slavery. “This stone which was rejected by the first builders 'is
become the chief of the corner,' the real 'corner-stone,' in our
new edifice.” This is religious imagery, as Christ was proclaimed
as the corner-stone of Christianity.
Furthermore, the Confederate VP Stephens proclaimed that the
new Confederate “Constitution has put at rest forever all the
agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution, African
slavery as it exists among us, and the proper status of the negro
in our form of civilization.”
The Confederate VP Stephens proclaimed:
“Our new government's foundations are
laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great
truth, that the negro is not equal to the
white man; that slavery, subordination to
the superior race, is his natural and
normal condition. This, our new
government, is the first, in the history of
the world, based upon this great physical,
philosophical, and moral truth.”
Portrait of Alexander Stephens (1812-1883)
Stephens continues, “Our confederacy is
founded upon principles in strict conformity
with these laws” establishing slavery. “This
stone which was rejected by the first builders
'is become the chief of the corner,' the real
'corner-stone,' in our new edifice.”
Furthermore, the Confederate VP Stephens
proclaimed that the new Confederate
“Constitution has put at rest forever all the
agitating questions relating to our peculiar
institution, African slavery as it exists among
us, and the proper status of the negro in our
form of civilization.”
Confederate States Secede Over Slavery
Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Currier & Ives, 1861
What did the states give as their reasons to secede in
their secession conventions?
South Carolina, the first state to
secede, and the first state militia to
fire on Union troops at Fort Sumter,
starting the Civil War, stated in its
declaration of secession the
“increasing hostility on the part of
the non-slaveholding States to the
Institution of Slavery". "A
geographical line has been drawn
across the Union, and all the States
north of that line have united in
the election of a man to the high
office of President of the United
States, whose opinions and
purposes are hostile to slavery.”
Major Anderson Raising the Flag on the Morning of His Taking
Possession of Fort Sumter, 1860, by Edwin White, 1862
Mississippi proclaimed that its reason
for seceding was to preserve “the
institution of slavery, the greatest
material interest of the world.”
Florida proclaimed that the reasons
for its seceding were all related to
slavery: “the North's disregard for the
1850 Fugitive Slave Act; John Brown’s
1859 failed slave uprising; and
William Lloyd Garrison’s The Liberator
and Frederick Douglass’ The North
Star tried to ‘excite insurrection and
servile war,’” and lastly listed Lincoln’s
election as another reason.
The Battle of Olustee, North Florida, was the only major
Civil War battle fought in Florida, 1864
The Fugitive Slave Act was part of the Compromise of
1850 to hold the Union together, it stated that
Northern officials were obligated to return runaway
slaves to their masters and was deeply unpopular in
the North. In return, several states were admitted to
the Union as free states.
Railroad, by
Charles T
Webber, 1893
John Brown was a fanatical anti-slavery terrorist who
captured the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry in
Virginia, hoping to spark a slave uprising, except that
the surrounding slaves had no knowledge of his
plans. Robert E Lee was the US general who put
down the insurrection, and John Brown was able to
deliver a prophetic oration at his trial, capturing the
imagination of many in the North.
Tragic Prelude,
John Brown, by
John Stuart Curry,
painted 1938
Frederick Douglass, a former runaway slave and
spell-binding orator whose English friends were able
to purchase his manumission, wrote a best-selling
autobiography on the brutalities he experienced and
witnessed in his life as a slave.
Likewise, Alabama seceded from the
Union mainly to perpetuate slavery.
Georgia likewise seceded from the
Union to preserve slavery, its governor
asked, “What will be the result to the
institution of slavery, which will follow
submission to the inauguration and
administration of Mr. Lincoln as the
President? It will be the total abolition
of slavery.”
Likewise, Louisiana seceded from the
Union mainly to perpetuate slavery. Texas
also explicitly stated that slavery was the
cause for secession: “We hold as
undeniable truths that the governments
of the various States, and of the
confederacy itself, were established
exclusively by the white race, for
themselves and their posterity; that the
African race had no agency in their
establishment; that they were rightfully
held and regarded as an inferior and
dependent race, and in that condition
only could their existence in this country
be rendered beneficial or tolerable.”
New Orleans Captured, Currier and Ives, April 1862
Slavery was the main reason for secession for the
other states seceding from the Union.
Dred Scott Supreme Court Decision
Not only had the Confederate states dominated Congress and the Presidency in the
decades prior to the Civil War, they also dominated the Supreme Court. A major
cause of the Civil War was the Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott vs Sanford in
1857. Dred Scott was a slave who sued his master for his freedom as his master
moved him and his family between slave states and free states that banned slavery
under the Missouri Compromise law.
(REPEAT) The Southern Chief Justice Roger Taney held that no negro had ever
enjoyed the rights of a citizen under the Constitution. Negroes were denied the
dignity of personhood, negroes were always property and would also remain
property, negroes were declared by the Supreme Court decision to be “so far
inferior that they had no rights which a white man was bound to respect.” This
decision applied to freed blacks as well as slaves. This decision, which denied that
the Constitution gave Congress the right to bar slavery in the territories, enraged
public opinion in the North, bolstering the popularity of Lincoln and the Republican
Negroes were denied
the dignity of
personhood, negroes
were always property
and would also remain
property, negroes were
declared by the
Supreme Court decision
to be “so far inferior
that they had no rights
which a white man was
bound to respect.”
Harriet Beecher Stowe: Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Eliza tells Uncle Tom that he has been sold and she is running away to save her child, by
Hammatt Billings, illustration in first edition, 1852
When Abraham Lincoln met Harriet Beecher Stowe, he remarked, So you
are the little lady whose little book started the Civil War. This book, Uncle
Tom’s Cabin, was the best-selling book by far in 1852, eventually selling
over a million copies, galvanizing Northern opinion about the horrors of
slavery. This romantic novel from the point of view of ordinary slaves, and
it really promoted that the lives of even slaves should have dignity, they
were not just mere property like cows or horses, that slaves could the
heroes and heroines of a tragic novel allowing the reader to imagine the
horrors of a life lived bound in chains, of souls bound in cruel inequities,
of human beings bound in a life of unending peonage.
State’s Rights and Preserving the Union
The surrender at Appomattox, by Louis Guillaume, 1892
To say that upholding state’s rights was the true cause of the Civil War is ignoring
the truth that the Confederate States saw it as the right of the individual states to
uphold the institution of slavery, so state’s rights and slavery are really the same
Wondrium had sponsored an online discussion featuring Professor Gary Gallagher
and his Civil War lectures, and I was able to ask the good professor two questions.
My first question was whether many Northerners suspected that if the North sued
for peace rather than calling up troops after South Carolina shelled Fort Sumter, that
this would only delay the inevitable Civil War. The reason war would be inevitable is
that the two nations would eventually come to blows over whether newly settled
states in the western territories would be admitted to the Confederacy as slave
states or be admitted as free labor states in the Union. Professor Gallagher
answered that indeed, this was the fear of many informed citizens before the Civil
Major Anderson
Raising the Flag
on the Morning
of His Taking
Possession of
Fort Sumter,
1860, by Edwin
White, painted
My second question was, Why Were Northern Soldiers Eager to Fight to
Preserve the Union? Which seems to be a rather abstract cause to give
the ultimate sacrifice of your life.
Professor Gallagher said that he wrote a book exploring that very
question, which we reviewed in a prior video. Northerners were deeply
committed to preserving the Union cause, this dominated the politics of
American icons such as Daniel Webster and Henry Clay in the many
decades preceding the Civil War. Northerners were resentful that the
Confederate states seceded after Abraham Lincoln won the Presidency,
this resentment was deepened by the fact that the Southern states had
dominated the government since the founding of the Republic. But to
truly understand the depth of these feelings, we need to reflect on the
biographies of Daniel Webster and Henry Clay, which we plan to do.
There is no denying that the abolition movement in the North
was never enthusiastically supported by the majority of whites in
the North, most Northern whites were deeply prejudiced against
blacks, and segregation of the races was nearly universally
accepted. But many Northerners supported the Free-Soil Party,
active from 1848 to 1854, which opposed slavery not on moral
grounds, but on economic grounds, since slaves were seen as
unfair competition to free white laborers and workers. When the
Free-Soil Party dissolved, most of its former members joined the
newly formed Republican Party.
Emancipation Proclamation, AA Lamb, painted 1864
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation
To win the war, Lincoln drafted the Emancipation
Proclamation, shared it with his Cabinet, and then
pocketed the document until the fortunes of war
improved for the North. After the victory at the
Battle of Antietam and Grant’s victory at Vicksburg,
Lincoln released the Emancipation Proclamation as
an executive order issued under his war powers as
Commander-In-Chief in September 1862.
Battle of Antietam,
the charge of Iron
Brigade near the
Dunker Church,
1862, by Thure de
Thulstrup, painted
Union 12,000
Confederate 10,000
1st Battalion, 13th
Infantry, lost forty-three
percent of its men, but of
the attacking force, it
alone fought its color up
the steep slope to the top.
General Sherman called its
performance "unequalled
in the Army" and
authorized the 13th
Infantry to inscribe "First
at Vicksburg" on its color.
Lincoln proclaimed that if the Confederacy
surrendered by January 1, 1863, she could keep her
slaves, but if the rebellion persisted after that date all
slaves in the rebelling states would be free. This
guaranteed that England would not intervene in
favor of the Confederacy, since the British were
deeply committed to abolishing slavery.
This Harper’s Weekly illustration shows what the free
blacks saw in Emancipation, no longer would they be
whipped, no longer would they be abused, they
could now vote, they and their children could attend
school, learn how to read, and have a house, and
have a family, and have family in their house, and
have a real life of their own.
from Harper's
Weekly 1865
Discussing the Sources
Professor Gallagher’s book, the Union War, explores the reasons why Union soldiers
were willing to lay down their lives simply to preserve the Union.
Eric Foner is the renowned Civil War and Reconstruction Era historian, his book, The
Second Founding, explores the Reconstruction Amendments that guaranteed all
citizens, including freed slaves, due process under the law. He also wrote a book on
the Free-Soil Party, which we plan to reflect on soon.
Eric Foner also wrote a hefty tome on Reconstruction history, which we were
planning to use for a video, but the problem is that many of the reforms passed by
the mixed southern legislatures of black and white Lincoln Republicans were
repealed under Jim Crow, to be reenacted in a different form after the Civil Rights
Era of the 1960’s. But he also has some shorter books on Reconstruction. Eric Foner
also wrote the Fiery Trial on Abraham Lincoln and slavery.
We plan to reflect on several biographies of Henry
Clay and Daniel Webster to gain a more complete
understanding of why ordinary Union soldiers were
willing to enlist and fight to simply preserve the
Union. Gary Gallagher’s book on the Union War,
while helpful, does not provide a complete answer to
this question.
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South Fought Civil War Over Slavery
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Confederacy Fought the Civil War to Preserve Slavery, Confederate Leaders Proclaimed

  • 1.
  • 2. In some videos, particularly our Civil Rights short videos, we sometimes get comments that “everyone knows” that the Civil War was not fought over slavery. Unfortunately, someone did not inform the leaders of the Confederacy that they did not secede because of slavery, because the fear that slavery would be abolished was exactly the reason the Confederate leaders gave for seceding from the Union.
  • 3. Please, we welcome interesting questions in the comments. Let us learn and reflect together! At the end of our talk, we will discuss the sources used for this video. Feel free to follow along in the PowerPoint script we uploaded to SlideShare.
  • 4. © Copyright 2023 Become a patron: YouTube Channel, Reflections on Morality, Philosophy, and History: South Fought Civil War Over Slavery
  • 5. YouTube Channel (click to subscribe): Reflections on Morality, Philosophy, and History © Copyright 2023 Become a patron: Jimmy Carter Devotions - Biographical, Historical, and Humorous Devotions - Inspirational Devotions Jimmy Carter, Life From Pages of Atlantic Magazine -
  • 6. SlideShare contains scripts for my YouTube videos. Link is in the YouTube description. © Copyright 2023
  • 7. After the seven core states of the Confederacy seceded, and three weeks after the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln as President, Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy, delivered the Cornerstone Speech in Savannah, Georgia. He proudly announced that white supremacy and black slavery was the cornerstone of Southern society, claiming that white supremacy and slavery was based on divine law.
  • 8. Confederate VP, Civil War was about Slavery
  • 9. (REPEAT) Stephens continues, “Our confederacy is founded upon principles in strict conformity with these laws” establishing slavery. “This stone which was rejected by the first builders 'is become the chief of the corner,' the real 'corner-stone,' in our new edifice.” This is religious imagery, as Christ was proclaimed as the corner-stone of Christianity. Furthermore, the Confederate VP Stephens proclaimed that the new Confederate “Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution, African slavery as it exists among us, and the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization.”
  • 10. The Confederate VP Stephens proclaimed: “Our new government's foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.” Portrait of Alexander Stephens (1812-1883)
  • 11. Stephens continues, “Our confederacy is founded upon principles in strict conformity with these laws” establishing slavery. “This stone which was rejected by the first builders 'is become the chief of the corner,' the real 'corner-stone,' in our new edifice.” Furthermore, the Confederate VP Stephens proclaimed that the new Confederate “Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution, African slavery as it exists among us, and the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization.”
  • 12. Confederate States Secede Over Slavery Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Currier & Ives, 1861
  • 13. SECESSION CONVENTIONS What did the states give as their reasons to secede in their secession conventions?
  • 14. South Carolina, the first state to secede, and the first state militia to fire on Union troops at Fort Sumter, starting the Civil War, stated in its declaration of secession the “increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery". "A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery.” Major Anderson Raising the Flag on the Morning of His Taking Possession of Fort Sumter, 1860, by Edwin White, 1862
  • 15. Mississippi proclaimed that its reason for seceding was to preserve “the institution of slavery, the greatest material interest of the world.” Florida proclaimed that the reasons for its seceding were all related to slavery: “the North's disregard for the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act; John Brown’s 1859 failed slave uprising; and William Lloyd Garrison’s The Liberator and Frederick Douglass’ The North Star tried to ‘excite insurrection and servile war,’” and lastly listed Lincoln’s election as another reason. The Battle of Olustee, North Florida, was the only major Civil War battle fought in Florida, 1864
  • 16. The Fugitive Slave Act was part of the Compromise of 1850 to hold the Union together, it stated that Northern officials were obligated to return runaway slaves to their masters and was deeply unpopular in the North. In return, several states were admitted to the Union as free states.
  • 18. John Brown was a fanatical anti-slavery terrorist who captured the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry in Virginia, hoping to spark a slave uprising, except that the surrounding slaves had no knowledge of his plans. Robert E Lee was the US general who put down the insurrection, and John Brown was able to deliver a prophetic oration at his trial, capturing the imagination of many in the North.
  • 19. Tragic Prelude, John Brown, by John Stuart Curry, painted 1938
  • 21. Frederick Douglass, a former runaway slave and spell-binding orator whose English friends were able to purchase his manumission, wrote a best-selling autobiography on the brutalities he experienced and witnessed in his life as a slave.
  • 23. Likewise, Alabama seceded from the Union mainly to perpetuate slavery. Georgia likewise seceded from the Union to preserve slavery, its governor asked, “What will be the result to the institution of slavery, which will follow submission to the inauguration and administration of Mr. Lincoln as the President? It will be the total abolition of slavery.”
  • 24. Likewise, Louisiana seceded from the Union mainly to perpetuate slavery. Texas also explicitly stated that slavery was the cause for secession: “We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.” New Orleans Captured, Currier and Ives, April 1862
  • 25. Slavery was the main reason for secession for the other states seceding from the Union.
  • 26. Dred Scott Supreme Court Decision
  • 27. Not only had the Confederate states dominated Congress and the Presidency in the decades prior to the Civil War, they also dominated the Supreme Court. A major cause of the Civil War was the Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott vs Sanford in 1857. Dred Scott was a slave who sued his master for his freedom as his master moved him and his family between slave states and free states that banned slavery under the Missouri Compromise law. (REPEAT) The Southern Chief Justice Roger Taney held that no negro had ever enjoyed the rights of a citizen under the Constitution. Negroes were denied the dignity of personhood, negroes were always property and would also remain property, negroes were declared by the Supreme Court decision to be “so far inferior that they had no rights which a white man was bound to respect.” This decision applied to freed blacks as well as slaves. This decision, which denied that the Constitution gave Congress the right to bar slavery in the territories, enraged public opinion in the North, bolstering the popularity of Lincoln and the Republican Party.
  • 29. Negroes were denied the dignity of personhood, negroes were always property and would also remain property, negroes were declared by the Supreme Court decision to be “so far inferior that they had no rights which a white man was bound to respect.”
  • 30. Harriet Beecher Stowe: Uncle Tom’s Cabin Eliza tells Uncle Tom that he has been sold and she is running away to save her child, by Hammatt Billings, illustration in first edition, 1852
  • 31. When Abraham Lincoln met Harriet Beecher Stowe, he remarked, So you are the little lady whose little book started the Civil War. This book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, was the best-selling book by far in 1852, eventually selling over a million copies, galvanizing Northern opinion about the horrors of slavery. This romantic novel from the point of view of ordinary slaves, and it really promoted that the lives of even slaves should have dignity, they were not just mere property like cows or horses, that slaves could the heroes and heroines of a tragic novel allowing the reader to imagine the horrors of a life lived bound in chains, of souls bound in cruel inequities, of human beings bound in a life of unending peonage.
  • 32.
  • 33. State’s Rights and Preserving the Union The surrender at Appomattox, by Louis Guillaume, 1892
  • 34. To say that upholding state’s rights was the true cause of the Civil War is ignoring the truth that the Confederate States saw it as the right of the individual states to uphold the institution of slavery, so state’s rights and slavery are really the same issue. Wondrium had sponsored an online discussion featuring Professor Gary Gallagher and his Civil War lectures, and I was able to ask the good professor two questions. My first question was whether many Northerners suspected that if the North sued for peace rather than calling up troops after South Carolina shelled Fort Sumter, that this would only delay the inevitable Civil War. The reason war would be inevitable is that the two nations would eventually come to blows over whether newly settled states in the western territories would be admitted to the Confederacy as slave states or be admitted as free labor states in the Union. Professor Gallagher answered that indeed, this was the fear of many informed citizens before the Civil War.
  • 35. Major Anderson Raising the Flag on the Morning of His Taking Possession of Fort Sumter, 1860, by Edwin White, painted 1862
  • 36. My second question was, Why Were Northern Soldiers Eager to Fight to Preserve the Union? Which seems to be a rather abstract cause to give the ultimate sacrifice of your life. Professor Gallagher said that he wrote a book exploring that very question, which we reviewed in a prior video. Northerners were deeply committed to preserving the Union cause, this dominated the politics of American icons such as Daniel Webster and Henry Clay in the many decades preceding the Civil War. Northerners were resentful that the Confederate states seceded after Abraham Lincoln won the Presidency, this resentment was deepened by the fact that the Southern states had dominated the government since the founding of the Republic. But to truly understand the depth of these feelings, we need to reflect on the biographies of Daniel Webster and Henry Clay, which we plan to do.
  • 38. There is no denying that the abolition movement in the North was never enthusiastically supported by the majority of whites in the North, most Northern whites were deeply prejudiced against blacks, and segregation of the races was nearly universally accepted. But many Northerners supported the Free-Soil Party, active from 1848 to 1854, which opposed slavery not on moral grounds, but on economic grounds, since slaves were seen as unfair competition to free white laborers and workers. When the Free-Soil Party dissolved, most of its former members joined the newly formed Republican Party.
  • 39.
  • 40. .” Emancipation Proclamation, AA Lamb, painted 1864 Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation
  • 41. To win the war, Lincoln drafted the Emancipation Proclamation, shared it with his Cabinet, and then pocketed the document until the fortunes of war improved for the North. After the victory at the Battle of Antietam and Grant’s victory at Vicksburg, Lincoln released the Emancipation Proclamation as an executive order issued under his war powers as Commander-In-Chief in September 1862.
  • 42. Battle of Antietam, the charge of Iron Brigade near the Dunker Church, 1862, by Thure de Thulstrup, painted 1887 Casualties: Union 12,000 Confederate 10,000
  • 43. 1st Battalion, 13th Infantry, lost forty-three percent of its men, but of the attacking force, it alone fought its color up the steep slope to the top. General Sherman called its performance "unequalled in the Army" and authorized the 13th Infantry to inscribe "First at Vicksburg" on its color.
  • 44. Lincoln proclaimed that if the Confederacy surrendered by January 1, 1863, she could keep her slaves, but if the rebellion persisted after that date all slaves in the rebelling states would be free. This guaranteed that England would not intervene in favor of the Confederacy, since the British were deeply committed to abolishing slavery.
  • 46. This Harper’s Weekly illustration shows what the free blacks saw in Emancipation, no longer would they be whipped, no longer would they be abused, they could now vote, they and their children could attend school, learn how to read, and have a house, and have a family, and have family in their house, and have a real life of their own.
  • 49. Professor Gallagher’s book, the Union War, explores the reasons why Union soldiers were willing to lay down their lives simply to preserve the Union. Eric Foner is the renowned Civil War and Reconstruction Era historian, his book, The Second Founding, explores the Reconstruction Amendments that guaranteed all citizens, including freed slaves, due process under the law. He also wrote a book on the Free-Soil Party, which we plan to reflect on soon. Eric Foner also wrote a hefty tome on Reconstruction history, which we were planning to use for a video, but the problem is that many of the reforms passed by the mixed southern legislatures of black and white Lincoln Republicans were repealed under Jim Crow, to be reenacted in a different form after the Civil Rights Era of the 1960’s. But he also has some shorter books on Reconstruction. Eric Foner also wrote the Fiery Trial on Abraham Lincoln and slavery.
  • 51. We plan to reflect on several biographies of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster to gain a more complete understanding of why ordinary Union soldiers were willing to enlist and fight to simply preserve the Union. Gary Gallagher’s book on the Union War, while helpful, does not provide a complete answer to this question.
  • 52. © Copyright 2023 Become a patron: YouTube Channel, Reflections on Morality, Philosophy, and History: South Fought Civil War Over Slavery
  • 53. To find the source of any direct quotes in this blog, please type in the phrase to the search box in my blog to see the referenced footnote. YouTube Description has links for: • Script PDF file • Blog • Amazon Bookstore © Copyright 2023 Blog and YouTube Description include links for Amazon books and lectures mentioned, please support our channel with these affiliate commissions. Blog: