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Concert Critique Essay
This critique will discuss the performance of The Chamber Singers and The University Singers in concert. This event was presented by the CSUB
music and theater department which took place Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at the Frances B. Dore Theatre. For this event, I was well prepared
since it took place on a Tuesday evening and I did not have to work. One thing I did differently to prepare myself for this concert was to take a pen
and a small notebook to write down notes of what I observed. One of the observations I made as in previous concerts I attended I noticed that older
people always tend to sit more towards the front of the stage. Most attendees seemed to be casually dressed with the exception of a few older people
who sat at the more content...
Along with the singing from the chamber singers and the university singers, Ernest Cervantes played a few instruments such as the djembe, drum
set, and the bongo. Even though I enjoyed the choir singing, my favorite part was when Kyle Ball and Ingrid Borja did their solos. From all the
songs performed, one of my favorites was El Cumbanchero because the sound of the drums during the song. My reaction to the music was a bit
overwhelming by choir. They did an amazing job but I feel that I enjoy music better without a big choir and with the use of more instruments. The
part I enjoyed the most was when the two performers presented their solos. The one thing I did not like about this concert is the fact that there
wasn't an actual intermission other than the small segments in between songs. I am not quite sure I would attend another such performance as I
discovered that I am not quite a fan of a big choir singing. However, it was a good concert so I would recommend it to others who are interested in
such music. In the future, I will take the time to look over different concert options in the area and pick a concert day with time in advance to
prepare for it well and not be rushed. I liked the fact that I did not have to work the day of the concert and that I was relaxed and stress
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Evidence Critique Essay
As well, Sand–Jecklin & Sherman (2014) found favorable findings on changing to bedside report. In their study, they noted that adopting bedside
reporting facilitated enhanced accountability assurance and increased the extent to which patients are involved in care provision. In relation to time
consumed, Sand–Jecklin & Sherman (2014) also found that the method utilizes positively reasonable time. In their surveys, a major observation notable
relating to bedside reports was that the comments were largely positive. Of relevance to patient satisfaction, the response that bedside reports kept the
patients informed and enabled them to have good explanations of their condition. Worth noting, Sand–Jecklin & Sherman (2014) noted an aspect that
is likely to be counterproductive. Among the respondents, they noted the respondent who raised he complaint that bedside report tend to compromise
patient privacy. Evidence CritiqueTaking into account that the recruitment and selection procedures that the more content...
Thus, the choice by Richmond, Merrick, Green, Dinh, & Iedema (2011) to report p–values and confidence values (CI) in establishing the significance
of the results assists in enhancing the reliability and validity of the study. Whereas, Tobiano, Chaboyer, & Mcmurray (2012) adopted thematic analysis
in data analysis, which facilitated flexibility while maintaining research rigor. The straightforward nature of the thematic analysis also contributes in
enhancing the validity of the provided evidence. In the case of Sand–Jecklin & Sherman (2014), the presentation of the findings in terms of means,
standard deviation (SD), p–values and degree of freedom (df), coupled with the use of tables in presentation facilitated easier understanding of the
values and identification of any trend likely to emerge. The presentation was critical in improving the validity of the findings
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Research Critique Essay
Moses Williams
NURS 450
Professor Peggy Melloh
Catheter–associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is a fairly common complication in hospitalized patients. Nosocomial infection prevention and
patient safety promotion has been issued and many researches have been conducted to improve patient's quality of life. In this article, Saint et al. (2005)
hypothesize that using a paper–based urinary catheter reminder can reduce the incidence of urinary catheterization, and consequently this will enhance
the patients' safety.
Critique Part 1 Research Questions or Hypotheses The background and significance of this study are properly presented in the introduction. The
research question is presented at the end of more content...
Review of the Literature This article does not provide the search strategy including a number of databases and other resources which identify key
published and unpublished research. In this article, both the primary sources and the theoretical literatures are collected and appraised in order to
generate the research question and to conduct knowledge–based research. In the section of the literature review, nineteen professional articles are
appraised in order to provide the significance and background of the study. Saint develops the research question based on these analyses.
"Catheter–associated urinary tract infections in surgical patients: A controlled study on the excess morbidity and costs" is one of the primary sources
written by Givens and Wenzel who conduct and analyze this study. In addition, "Clinical and economic consequences of nosocomial catheter–related
bacteriuria" is a review of a literature article which is the secondary source. Although many studies state that patient safety is a top priority and CAUTI
can be controlled by the caution of health care providers, the infection rate is relatively high among other nosocomial infections. One of the reasons
Saint and colleagues uncovered is unawareness and negligence by health care
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Book Critique Essay
Critique A piece of home to hold onto and a memory that will never die. Although Katniss is very fond of Peeta "the boy with bread" she feels like
she will always owe him. Suzanne Collins book "The Hunger Games" states "to this day, I can never shake the connection between this boy, Peeta
Mellark, and the bread that gave me hope" (Collins, p.32). Although Katniss will always feel in debt to him in her eyes, her feeling for Peeta are not
genuine and are instead a means for survival. While her conflicted feelings about the once little boy that gave, her hope is now her enemy and later
her ally. When Peeta name is pulled as tribute she recalls "our only real reaction happened years ago. He probably forgotten it. But I haven't and I
never will...." more content...
She will always feel obligated to payback an old debt despite saving his life. However, her strong will to survive and return home keeps her alert at
all times whenever around cameras and the people of the Capitol. She makes sure to play on the romance so she can receive more sponsors for
more food. Collins point out "To say my thoughts aloud would be tipping off the audience has been fabricated to play on their sympathies and that
would result in no food at all'' (p.296). Another point, before the interview celebrating their win she fears warning from Haymitch, her double suicide
attempt upsets the Capitol and knows she must play lovesick role to survive. Collins states "What if he hadn't warned me in time? Would I have
acted differently? Flaunted the moment with the berries in the Capitol's face? No I don't think so. But I could easily have been a lot less convincing
than in need to be right now" (p.360). However, Katniss will to survive the arena and now the unknown dangers from the Capitol keeps her alert. After
the interview Haymitch replies "Great job, you two. Just keep it up in the district until the cameras are gone (Collins, p.372). Although, Peeta is
unaware of this new danger from the Capitol and Haymitch
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Rhetorical Critique Essay
Kimberly Huerta Frey English 102–167 January 25, 2012 A Rhetorical Critique of David Brooks "People Like Us" In David Brooks' "People Like
Us" passage on the issue of diversity, Brooks takes a personally emotional perspective of the way in which Americans don't appreciate how diverse
our nation is while "relatively homogeneous" (Brooks 136). His argument is weakened, however, through a bias and hypocrisy that his diction
conveys. He claims that grouping ourselves with those who we are most alike is in our nature to, and in doing so, we separate ourselves from those
who are different. Using certain statistics as evidence, Brooks points out that the social segmentation created by society will always exist. He argues
that no more content...
As he provides the statistic that 90 percent of professors in some universities that are "in the arts and sciences who had registered with a political
party had registered Democratic" (Brooks 135), he gives the reader opportunity of debate. However they are connected with very specific subjects, in
this case education, which does not include the amount of neighborhoods he is considering. On the other hand, supporting Brooks' main point, the
detail he provides explains to what level of diversity is not as widespread as we think it is. In Brooks' statement, "many of us are so narrow–minded
that we can't tolerate a few people with ideas significantly different from our own" (Brooks 136), he sounds very passionate about what he is
saying. I believe that when a writer becomes emotional about their argument, it is more engaging and gives the reader a reason to be convinced.
Brooks begins this fundamental paragraph comparing our wish for diversity to our dream of equality. He says that both of these are "based on ideals
we celebrate even as we undermine them daily" (Brooks 135). In this 21st century, one would think that equality exists everywhere, however similarly,
women still get paid less than men for the same job, and discrimination by race occurs plenty to this day. The same unawareness occurs with diversity,
which we see, but by nature, we prevent it. Brooks continuously tells how terrible the situation is,
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The Notebook critique
The Notebook
By Nicholas Sparks
"I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life... but I've loved another with all my
heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough. –Noah Calhoun
When we were assinged to do a book critique, I knew right away I was going to do a Nicholas Sparks novel. I have read all of his books, cried many
tears and felt many emotions as I pictured the people falling in love, people doing heroic events and people living their normal life. I wasn't sure
which one I wanted to do, but I had to go with the book that affected me the most, The Notebook. The Notebook was the first novel written by Sparks
and personally it is more content...
During the summer, they fall in love, deep heartfelt love. Unfortunately, Allie's parents do not agree with their daughter's love for Noah, and
returns the family home to the city shortly after. Noah writes Allie every day for a year, and without knowing, Allie's mother is secretly hiding the
letters from Allie... so she slowly moves on, thinking Noah no longer felt the way she did for him. She meets someone new, and is about to be
married when she sees Noah in the paper and decided to return to Sea brook to "See how Noah is doing" She goes to see him and they realize their
love has never died. The story goes on to explain how Allie faces her challenge of being with the man she is in love with or the man she is
supposed to marry. She picks Noah and together they build a home and family. Later on Allie is diagnosed with Alzheimer's and writes her and
Noah's story of true love in a notebook that she gives to Noah to read to her, she promises him that if he reads their story to her, she will come back to
The first time I read this, I did what I think every female did. I related to the story, and I kept a box of tissues by my side though out the entire
reading process. I love the way Noah is so in love with Allie and devotes his entire being to their love for one another. He knows that they are meant
to be, despite all their differences. When I first started reading, from the very first few lines, I was intrigued, it only took me
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Culture of Critique Essay
Americans have embraced debate since before we were a country. The idea that we would provide reasoned support for any position that we took is
what made us different from the English king. Our love of debate came from the old country, and embedded itself in our culture as a defining value.
Thus, it should not come as a surprise that the affinity for debate is still strong, and finds itself as a regular feature of the mainstream media. However,
if Deborah Tannen of the New York Times is correct, our understanding of what it means to argue may be very different from what it once was; a
"culture of critique" has developed within our media, and it relies on the exclusive opposition of two conflicting positions (Tannen). In her 1994
editorial, more content...
Secondly, Tannen attempts to refute the misconception, held in the "culture of critique", that "when both sides argue, thetruth will emerge" by stating
that the "truth is more likely to be found in the complex middle." However, though this argument does not stand on its own, as it is intended, her
subsequent explanation does give the refutation credibility. She reasons that the culture of critique leads reasonable people to waste effort defending
themselves from misrepresentation by unreasonable opponents, instead of being constructive; champions of unsubstantiated positions are knowingly
given credibility by the media, just so that there can be opposition.
Thirdly, after explaining why the culture of critique is predicated on false support, Tannen returns to the problem with the culture of critique itself, and
expands the discussion to how it affects journalism, politics and academia. She does so through anecdotal illustration of how a graduate student is
forced out of graduate school by its "combative" atmosphere, and presenting her own personal experience of appearing on a television talk show. The
two stories are primarily intended as an emotional appeal, encouraging the audience to relate personally, but they also help the readers identify Tannen
as a credible authority.
Additionally, Tannen, a University professor and Doctor of
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Critique Essay Examples
Critique Essay of Process and Learning
Out of all the projects for this course, I think the critique paper was the hardest because it challenged how I thought about scientific journals when it
came to identifying weak parts of a study and how to critique the strengths and weaknesses within those articles in a scientific manner. As a result, my
writing process was affected by this in depth look into each of the three articles I chose on stroke rehabilitation with a focus on virtual reality, and my
understanding of science writing grew with this paper.
With the critique paper, my writing process consisted of using the critique planning worksheet provided on Blackboard, and meeting with you, the
professor, outside the classroom during your more content...
For the proposal between my partner, Alicia Buettner, and I, we decided to find something that related to each of our health profession majors.
Our research for the proposal revealed the importance of occupational and physical therapists working together in the field and the changing
technology in prostheses within rehabilitation treatment. With both topics in mind, we chose to have our proposal addressing the need for
occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) students working together in a class at the University of Findlay that also focused on
prostheses. After deciding on a topic for our proposal, the next step in the writing process was following the break down for each section of the
proposal that you, the professor, provided our peers and us in the classroom. By discussing the content required for each of the sections in the
proposal and the correct formats we were to be using during class time, my partner and I were able to gain a grasp on what you were requiring
from our proposal. For example, Alicia and I spent a great deal of time looking over the notes we wrote down from the board to make sure we were
following the correct guidelines for each section. The mini assignments also helped in reassuring that Alicia and I were on the correct path for the
proposal. With each
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Quantitative Research Article Critique This paper is an academic critique of an article written by Lautrette, et al. (2007) titled: "A Communication
Strategy and Brochure for Relatives of Patients Dying in the ICU" and accurately reflected the content of the article and the research study itself. The
abstract explained the article in more detail, while remaining concise. The type of research study, sample size, variables, intervention, measurement
method, findings, and conclusion were all mentioned in the abstract.
Statement of the Problem
The problem explored in the article was stated as a problem statement. In this article, the authors explain about the stressful situations of families having
loved more content...
A prospective, randomized, controlled trial was conducted during the study. One family member per patient was assessed over the telephone 90 days
after the patient's death. The measurements collected include the symptoms related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other significant
symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Study Variables For this study patient families were randomly assigned to the intervention or control group. In the control group the interactions
between the family and ICU staff, including the end–of–life conference, occurred according to the usual practices and policies in the hospital; whereas
in the intervention group, the research study was conducted according to specific guidelines. A bereavement information leaflet was given to each
surrogate decision maker. In this research, the independent variable can be the type of family conference received by the surrogates and the dependent
variables were the level of stress, anxiety, and depression levels indicated in the 90–day follow–up interview.
Conceptual Model / Theoretical framework In this research study, authors chose to relate the research article to Sister Callista Roy's Adaptation Model.
Roy's adaptation model can be applied in this study because of the family member's opportunity
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Advertising Critique Essay
Advertising Critique:
LibraTech's eLluminate – The NEW Standard for eReaders
MKTG575: Advertising Management
DeVry University, Keller Graduate School
February 4, 2013
Introduction What makes a good product? This is a question that many companies find themselves asking as they begin market research to uncover
new products for their current and potential customers. Is it the quality? The product's functionality and ease of use? Maybe it is the features and all
of the bells and whistles that distinguish a product from its competitors. Perhaps, consumers are keenly focused on unbeatable prices when looking for
new products. When companies ask, 'what makes a good product?' the answer is simple; a more content...
These companies are dominating the e–reader scene, [by providing] quality, great features, and reasonable prices" (Hill, 2012). LibraTech will deliver
the same product solution, however the company must work hard and be vigilant in converting customers over to the new LibraTech technology. This
advertising critique will provide a solid approach to tackling the challenges that LibraTech will face as they introduce their new eReader to the market.
It will outline recommendations for a product name, strategies to target potential customers and a high–level recommendation for an advertising plan
that will surely help to put LibraTech's new eReader on the map as a powerhouse in the eReader industry.
Product Naming Strategy At its core, LibraTech is a company with a brand name that is strong and easily recognizable. What stands out the most
for this brand is it powerful usage of the word 'Libra'. In the zodiac world, Libra is one of the most powerful zodiac signs. The Libra represents a
since of balance, harmony and it is one of the sun signs of the zodiac. Given such a powerful foundation, the name for LibraTech's new eReader had to
embody the essence of the Libra zodiac sign. The name had to strong, and it had to marry well with the parent name of the company. The name
selected for this
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Institutional Critique Essay
When someone enters an art gallery, they believe they are going to view art, but under the guise of Institutional Critique, this notion often false. Instead
of being the traditional art of painting, sculptures, and installations, viewers encounter, in the work of Hans Haacke, Daniel Buren, and Michael Asher
in the 1970s, not much to look at, but a lot to think about. In essence, Institutional Critique is a protest against museums/galleries demanding them to
view art and art exhibition in new ways, exemplified by Conceptual art where words, video, readymades, and even ideas are art. Institutional Critique
manifested from the protests of the 1960s, one of which philosopher Michel Foucault participated in Paris, 1968. Clearly, more
In 1971, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum was to present a solo show of Haacke's work, which was to include the controversial piece, Solomon
R. Guggenheim Museum Board of Trustees (1974), but the museum director cancelled the exhibition. This was partially due to Haacke's refusal to
omit the work from the show, but mostly because of the piece's subject matter. This piece consists of two framed panels with lists of the museum's
board of trustees, which would be acceptable to showcase because this knowledge would be readily available, but Haacke added five more panels
listing the corporate sponsors of the museum along with each member's other affiliations with corporations. This work exposed the inner mechanisms
of the institution by revealing the trustees' questionable affiliations and the financial backers of the museum. In addition, this piece exemplifies
Institutional Critique precisely because of its focus on the museum itself over the artwork. After all, this piece cannot be sold at auction, which is an
essential aspect of galleries and museums. The piece is, to an extent, also site–specific in that the trust essence of the piece could only be felt if it was
exhibited in the institution it was criticizing, although Haacke never exhibited it at the Guggenheim. In fact, the piece was not shown until Documenta
X in 1997, but by that point, it had lost its critical value. Not only was it not shown in the
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Essay on Criticism
Criticism can be negative or positive; the way it is said may be good or bad. Why do most of us want to avoid giving or receiving criticism? The
purpose of criticism is to encourage positive outcomes (what the giver wants). Ideally, it brings balance into our lives, provides us with a basis of
comparison, and brings truth, honesty, and intimacy. Hopefully, it gives us honest feedback–a balance of praise and criticism. Do most of us want to
know how we are doing?
Why do successful business people actually seek out criticism from people they respect? Why do people feel they are unfairly criticized? Are tone of
voice, choice of words important? What communication more content...
Know ones skill and weaknesses; ones successes and failures. How does one know when one is doing a good job? Need to have a "feel" so we are not
caught off guard. Need to learn to take criticism on the job professionally, and emotion (breathe deeply and slowly). Try to remain impartial. Ask
yourself is the criticism is valid. What can we learn?
Other factors that color criticism: 1) relationship with the giver of criticism (friends give advice). Why do we resent criticism from in–laws, parents
and spouses more than bosses do? 2) Choice of words–how it is given. "I can't believe you would do such a stupid thing." What words make you angry,
loud, etc? 3) Style of delivery, sacristy, fast and angry, loud, etc. 4) Timing, and public or private. 5) Other types: beyond your control, aimed at your
gender, size, heritage, appearance, etc
QUESTIONS: How good are you at staying cool under criticism? (Knots in stomach, anger, etc). How well do you listen when you are criticized?
(Rephrase so that you really understand what he/she is saying). How effectively can you organize your thoughts to answer (if you think you should)?
How well do we put the criticism in perspective (not life threatening)? Do we brood on it for weeks, months?
In many societies a giver of bad news was killed. Is it more difficult to give
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Research Critique Essay example
Table of contents Page Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research1 Problem Statement/Purpose1 Literature Review2 Limitations of the Study2
Hypothesis/Research Question3 Operational Definitions/Definition of Terms4 Research Design5 Setting, Population and Sample5 Data Collection
Methods/Instruments6 Data Analysis, Findings, Implications, & Recommendations 7 References8 Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research
The article selected for review in this investigation is entitled "Perioperative outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting: Effects of metabolic
syndrome and patient's sex." more content...
The presence of acute coronary syndrome in some patients served to increase lipid output, making it difficult to clearly determine lipid disorders in
some patients. This is an issue of concern because high lipid levels are a hallmark for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. Hypothesis/Research
Question A careful review of the information provided by the authors demonstrates that a definitive hypothesis or research question is not directly
stated in the investigation. Rather, at the conclusion of the introduction/literature review, the authors note that "For these reasons, this study was
conducted to examine the incidence of metabolic syndrome in CABG patients and to determine if metabolic syndrome and/or the patient's sex affect
clinical outcomes in the perioperative setting" (p. 469). Based on the direction of the literature review and previous studies reviewed by the authors, the
reader can imply that the research questions seek to determine the impact of CABG on patients with metabolic syndrome and the hypothesis is that
gender will have some impact on the specific outcomes which result for patients in this particular group. Operational Definitions/Definition of Terms
Operational definitions used in the study include: metabolic syndrome, coronary artery bypass graft surgery and gender. Data for the investigation was
reviewed by patient gender–i.e. male or female. In addition, all patients included in the study had undergone coronary
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Critique of "The Importance of the Person in the Role of Teacher" Quality relationships between students and teachers are foundational to an effective
learning environment. David Hansen, author to "The Importance of the Person in the Role of Teacher" shares his observations of three teachers that
have established good relationships with their students. The relationship between these teachers and their students is strong and genuine, so that these
teachers have a positive influence in their students' lives. That is the essential question that Hansen seeks to provide the answer. The question being
"how can teachers have a positive influence on their students' behavior and learning?" Hansen's answer to the question is to have a person committed more content...
In my practice, I prioritize treating my students with respect. I believe that respect is the foundation which grounds the sense of community in my
class. Respect also begets the trust that is essential to engage students in their learning. Viewing students as "persons–in–the–making," allows to
approach student learning holistically. Ms. Smith, in an interview with Hansen, states "learning subject matter involves learning how to conduct
oneself confidently and wisely" (Hansen, 1998, p.401). This statement rings true to me, as I agree, student learning is not reserved to subject content
only but encompasses the student's sense of self and capability. Guiding the student to develop their sense of self and their academic knowledge
enables the student to participate in class discussion with
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Apa Critique Examples
At this point, you should now be able to summarize your evaluations and connect it to your research report. Do not forget to emphasize its
contribution to the field, as well. Again, avoid subjective assessments that you cannot justify. End your critique with an APA formatted reference list.
Remember to use the heading "References," not "Bibliography," or "Works Cited." Also, do not put the font in bold. Center the word at the top of the
page, like what you will see on the next page. Also recheck your parenthetical and in–text citations and make sure they match with your references list
to avoid unintended plagiarism. Make sure your reference list is alphabetized and properly indented. Word count of this dummy critique: 458 words
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Example Of A Critical Review Essay
The study consisted of 395 students from the Australian National University studying a first–year psychology course of which 247 were female, 143
male, 4 as other gender, and 1 one was missing. The age of the participants ranged from 17 to 56 years of age (В”=19.7, Пѓ=4.6). Participants were
recruited through participation in a lab activity, however, all participation was voluntary without the use of incentives. Data was collected with the
awareness and informed consent of the participants. This study followed a between–subjects design, and the study itself was quasi–experimental. The
variable which was manipulated – the independent variable – was the presence of a childhood imaginary companion. The variables which were
measured – the dependent variables – were fantasy proneness and the frequency of self– more content...
The study was completed over the duration of a week by nine classes, each with approximately 30 students and was conducted online. Firstly, the
participants read an information sheet which briefly highlighted the study and its procedure. Following this, the participants completed a Creative
Experiences Questionnaire (CEQ), designed by Merckelbach, Horselenberg, & Muris (2001). This questionnaire aimed to measure the fantasy
proneness of the individual and involved choosing either 'yes' or 'no' to the given 25 questions. Then, the participants completed the Self–Talk Scale
developed by Brinthaupt, Hein, & Kramer (2009). This involved 16 questions with the selection of answers 1 (never) to 5 (very often), and was used
to assess the frequency of self–talk. The last task to complete was the Imaginary Companion (IC) questionnaire, of which the first part collected
demographic information such as age and gender. Proceeding this, a definition of imaginary companion was provided followed by questions relative to
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Charles Baudelaire Critique Essay
Final Critique
The topic of this critique about Charles Baudelaire is kind of an insight into the background of his life. His life was filled with an immense amount of
mental and physical suffering. Charles was an alcoholic and had lots of drug addictions. He seemed to dwell in his own problems and self–pity (p. 93).
In the poem "The Dog and the Scent Bottle" there are examples of his self–regard. This poem explained how his life went up and down and all the
problems he had to overcome. It is noted to be "garbage" and was rejected (as he was in life). Another example of his vulgar techniques is found in
the poem "Carrion". His idea of transgressed existence is more content...
I would have to say that the critic was very successful in persuading me, the reader, to lean towards his views of this author. As soon as I read this
essay I was easily persuaded into thinking the man in this poem was probably a loner, and a drunk. I came to the conclusion that he based his works
on his personal strengths and weaknesses. An example of this would be in two of his works, "Allegory" and Metamorphoses of a Vampire" each
describing a woman. In each, the women are both prostitutes but they go on from there to two different routes. One maintains her purity while the
other is a temptress who sucks the life out of her helpless victims. The critic takes these two points and forms his assumption. Baudelaire had not given
up hope on ultimate purity even under the skin of a prostitute. I find that to be a strong example of strength he may have.
Both of these poems relate to Charles Baudelaire's life because they both explain how the ups and downs go. No matter what happens in life you
should never give up hope and always have faith until the end regarding anything you do. He writes a lot of poems about what he had previously
experienced in his life and always hints that it's not easy but never give up.
The critic did an excellent job getting his views across. He knew the works well enough to relate them to Baudelaire's life and he worked with the
history of his life.
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Short Story Critique Essay
The short story "Who's Passing for Who" by Langston Hughes was influenced by Hughes' background in his society. This racial influenced story
exemplifies how people thought of and interacted with those of a different race and those of a similar color. Hughes proves his credibility in writing
the piece through his experiences that he endured in his lifetime during the Harlem Renaissance. The life he led was filled with daily racism and
discrimination; he experienced much of his subject matter regarding racial and social tension first hand. Langston Hughes' "Who's Passing for Who"
clues the reader into the issues that were present during Hughes' lifetime. Hughes' short story opens with the narrator explaining how white people feel more content...
Over dinner, the white couple in the group questioned the black men about the light–skinned black people. They wondered if many people who were
black could pass as white and the black men confirmed it true. The white couple the revealed to the group of black men that they were in fact black
people that passed as white individuals. The narrator then explains the change of mood in the group; the atmosphere became more comfortable,
relaxed and natural, knowing that they were all the same. After the group's pleasurable night, the couple went to get in their cab and yet again,
revealed more information. They said that they were actually not black people at all, but they figured that they would pass as black people just as
black individuals passed as white folks. This information confuses the men; they can's figure out if the couple was actually black or white. All they
know is that they had a great night with a couple of friendly people. Langston Hughes lived during the Harlem Renaissance, a time of prosperity
among black artist and writers, and at the height of racial discrimination. Whether it was Jim Crow laws or poll tax, black people were always being
put down. Hughes was one of the most influential individuals of the Harlem Renaissance. He was a great visionary of his time and understood that
racism was actually hurting the country.
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Critique Of A Qualitative Research Article Paper
Critique of a Qualitative Research Article The qualitative research article critiqued for this paper was "Hospital Nurses' Lived Experience of Power"
(Fackler, Chambers, Bourbonniere, 2015). The criteria used for this critique came from "Critiquing Qualitative Research (Beck, 2009)." The study is a
phenomenological qualitative research design. The title addresses nurses' lived experience of power, which is the purpose of the study as stated in the
abstract, along with the design, findings, and conclusions. The study was directed by Merleau–Ponty's philosophy of phenomenology of perception,
with an emphasis on the person's lifeworld, consisting of temporal, spatial, relational, and corporal aspects of lived experience. The key concept of
power is significant to the advancement of nurses in healthcare reform and overall patient care. Understanding power can improve nurses' work
environment and allow them to achieve goals for themselves and their more content...
The review of literature shows several studies on nurses' perceptions of their work environment, and on other healthcare workers' perception of power,
but there is a gap in knowledge about nurses' perception of power. This study was reviewed by an institutional review board for both the hospitals
involved and the researcher's school. Written consent was obtained and participant confidentiality was maintained with fictional names and destruction
of tapes after transcription. Data was collected through hour–long interviews of fourteen participants until data saturation was met, which is congruent
with a phenomenological
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Concert Critique Essay

  • 1. Concert Critique Essay This critique will discuss the performance of The Chamber Singers and The University Singers in concert. This event was presented by the CSUB music and theater department which took place Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at the Frances B. Dore Theatre. For this event, I was well prepared since it took place on a Tuesday evening and I did not have to work. One thing I did differently to prepare myself for this concert was to take a pen and a small notebook to write down notes of what I observed. One of the observations I made as in previous concerts I attended I noticed that older people always tend to sit more towards the front of the stage. Most attendees seemed to be casually dressed with the exception of a few older people who sat at the more content... Along with the singing from the chamber singers and the university singers, Ernest Cervantes played a few instruments such as the djembe, drum set, and the bongo. Even though I enjoyed the choir singing, my favorite part was when Kyle Ball and Ingrid Borja did their solos. From all the songs performed, one of my favorites was El Cumbanchero because the sound of the drums during the song. My reaction to the music was a bit overwhelming by choir. They did an amazing job but I feel that I enjoy music better without a big choir and with the use of more instruments. The part I enjoyed the most was when the two performers presented their solos. The one thing I did not like about this concert is the fact that there wasn't an actual intermission other than the small segments in between songs. I am not quite sure I would attend another such performance as I discovered that I am not quite a fan of a big choir singing. However, it was a good concert so I would recommend it to others who are interested in such music. In the future, I will take the time to look over different concert options in the area and pick a concert day with time in advance to prepare for it well and not be rushed. I liked the fact that I did not have to work the day of the concert and that I was relaxed and stress Get more content on
  • 2. Evidence Critique Essay As well, Sand–Jecklin & Sherman (2014) found favorable findings on changing to bedside report. In their study, they noted that adopting bedside reporting facilitated enhanced accountability assurance and increased the extent to which patients are involved in care provision. In relation to time consumed, Sand–Jecklin & Sherman (2014) also found that the method utilizes positively reasonable time. In their surveys, a major observation notable relating to bedside reports was that the comments were largely positive. Of relevance to patient satisfaction, the response that bedside reports kept the patients informed and enabled them to have good explanations of their condition. Worth noting, Sand–Jecklin & Sherman (2014) noted an aspect that is likely to be counterproductive. Among the respondents, they noted the respondent who raised he complaint that bedside report tend to compromise patient privacy. Evidence CritiqueTaking into account that the recruitment and selection procedures that the more content... Thus, the choice by Richmond, Merrick, Green, Dinh, & Iedema (2011) to report p–values and confidence values (CI) in establishing the significance of the results assists in enhancing the reliability and validity of the study. Whereas, Tobiano, Chaboyer, & Mcmurray (2012) adopted thematic analysis in data analysis, which facilitated flexibility while maintaining research rigor. The straightforward nature of the thematic analysis also contributes in enhancing the validity of the provided evidence. In the case of Sand–Jecklin & Sherman (2014), the presentation of the findings in terms of means, standard deviation (SD), p–values and degree of freedom (df), coupled with the use of tables in presentation facilitated easier understanding of the values and identification of any trend likely to emerge. The presentation was critical in improving the validity of the findings Get more content on
  • 3. Research Critique Essay Moses Williams NURS 450 Professor Peggy Melloh Introduction Catheter–associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is a fairly common complication in hospitalized patients. Nosocomial infection prevention and patient safety promotion has been issued and many researches have been conducted to improve patient's quality of life. In this article, Saint et al. (2005) hypothesize that using a paper–based urinary catheter reminder can reduce the incidence of urinary catheterization, and consequently this will enhance the patients' safety. Critique Part 1 Research Questions or Hypotheses The background and significance of this study are properly presented in the introduction. The research question is presented at the end of more content... Review of the Literature This article does not provide the search strategy including a number of databases and other resources which identify key published and unpublished research. In this article, both the primary sources and the theoretical literatures are collected and appraised in order to generate the research question and to conduct knowledge–based research. In the section of the literature review, nineteen professional articles are appraised in order to provide the significance and background of the study. Saint develops the research question based on these analyses. "Catheter–associated urinary tract infections in surgical patients: A controlled study on the excess morbidity and costs" is one of the primary sources written by Givens and Wenzel who conduct and analyze this study. In addition, "Clinical and economic consequences of nosocomial catheter–related bacteriuria" is a review of a literature article which is the secondary source. Although many studies state that patient safety is a top priority and CAUTI can be controlled by the caution of health care providers, the infection rate is relatively high among other nosocomial infections. One of the reasons Saint and colleagues uncovered is unawareness and negligence by health care Get more content on
  • 4. Book Critique Essay Critique A piece of home to hold onto and a memory that will never die. Although Katniss is very fond of Peeta "the boy with bread" she feels like she will always owe him. Suzanne Collins book "The Hunger Games" states "to this day, I can never shake the connection between this boy, Peeta Mellark, and the bread that gave me hope" (Collins, p.32). Although Katniss will always feel in debt to him in her eyes, her feeling for Peeta are not genuine and are instead a means for survival. While her conflicted feelings about the once little boy that gave, her hope is now her enemy and later her ally. When Peeta name is pulled as tribute she recalls "our only real reaction happened years ago. He probably forgotten it. But I haven't and I never will...." more content... She will always feel obligated to payback an old debt despite saving his life. However, her strong will to survive and return home keeps her alert at all times whenever around cameras and the people of the Capitol. She makes sure to play on the romance so she can receive more sponsors for more food. Collins point out "To say my thoughts aloud would be tipping off the audience has been fabricated to play on their sympathies and that would result in no food at all'' (p.296). Another point, before the interview celebrating their win she fears warning from Haymitch, her double suicide attempt upsets the Capitol and knows she must play lovesick role to survive. Collins states "What if he hadn't warned me in time? Would I have acted differently? Flaunted the moment with the berries in the Capitol's face? No I don't think so. But I could easily have been a lot less convincing than in need to be right now" (p.360). However, Katniss will to survive the arena and now the unknown dangers from the Capitol keeps her alert. After the interview Haymitch replies "Great job, you two. Just keep it up in the district until the cameras are gone (Collins, p.372). Although, Peeta is unaware of this new danger from the Capitol and Haymitch Get more content on
  • 5. Rhetorical Critique Essay Kimberly Huerta Frey English 102–167 January 25, 2012 A Rhetorical Critique of David Brooks "People Like Us" In David Brooks' "People Like Us" passage on the issue of diversity, Brooks takes a personally emotional perspective of the way in which Americans don't appreciate how diverse our nation is while "relatively homogeneous" (Brooks 136). His argument is weakened, however, through a bias and hypocrisy that his diction conveys. He claims that grouping ourselves with those who we are most alike is in our nature to, and in doing so, we separate ourselves from those who are different. Using certain statistics as evidence, Brooks points out that the social segmentation created by society will always exist. He argues that no more content... As he provides the statistic that 90 percent of professors in some universities that are "in the arts and sciences who had registered with a political party had registered Democratic" (Brooks 135), he gives the reader opportunity of debate. However they are connected with very specific subjects, in this case education, which does not include the amount of neighborhoods he is considering. On the other hand, supporting Brooks' main point, the detail he provides explains to what level of diversity is not as widespread as we think it is. In Brooks' statement, "many of us are so narrow–minded that we can't tolerate a few people with ideas significantly different from our own" (Brooks 136), he sounds very passionate about what he is saying. I believe that when a writer becomes emotional about their argument, it is more engaging and gives the reader a reason to be convinced. Brooks begins this fundamental paragraph comparing our wish for diversity to our dream of equality. He says that both of these are "based on ideals we celebrate even as we undermine them daily" (Brooks 135). In this 21st century, one would think that equality exists everywhere, however similarly, women still get paid less than men for the same job, and discrimination by race occurs plenty to this day. The same unawareness occurs with diversity, which we see, but by nature, we prevent it. Brooks continuously tells how terrible the situation is, Get more content on
  • 6. The Notebook critique The Notebook By Nicholas Sparks "I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life... but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough. –Noah Calhoun When we were assinged to do a book critique, I knew right away I was going to do a Nicholas Sparks novel. I have read all of his books, cried many tears and felt many emotions as I pictured the people falling in love, people doing heroic events and people living their normal life. I wasn't sure which one I wanted to do, but I had to go with the book that affected me the most, The Notebook. The Notebook was the first novel written by Sparks and personally it is more content... During the summer, they fall in love, deep heartfelt love. Unfortunately, Allie's parents do not agree with their daughter's love for Noah, and returns the family home to the city shortly after. Noah writes Allie every day for a year, and without knowing, Allie's mother is secretly hiding the letters from Allie... so she slowly moves on, thinking Noah no longer felt the way she did for him. She meets someone new, and is about to be married when she sees Noah in the paper and decided to return to Sea brook to "See how Noah is doing" She goes to see him and they realize their love has never died. The story goes on to explain how Allie faces her challenge of being with the man she is in love with or the man she is supposed to marry. She picks Noah and together they build a home and family. Later on Allie is diagnosed with Alzheimer's and writes her and Noah's story of true love in a notebook that she gives to Noah to read to her, she promises him that if he reads their story to her, she will come back to him. The first time I read this, I did what I think every female did. I related to the story, and I kept a box of tissues by my side though out the entire reading process. I love the way Noah is so in love with Allie and devotes his entire being to their love for one another. He knows that they are meant to be, despite all their differences. When I first started reading, from the very first few lines, I was intrigued, it only took me Get more content on
  • 7. Culture of Critique Essay Americans have embraced debate since before we were a country. The idea that we would provide reasoned support for any position that we took is what made us different from the English king. Our love of debate came from the old country, and embedded itself in our culture as a defining value. Thus, it should not come as a surprise that the affinity for debate is still strong, and finds itself as a regular feature of the mainstream media. However, if Deborah Tannen of the New York Times is correct, our understanding of what it means to argue may be very different from what it once was; a "culture of critique" has developed within our media, and it relies on the exclusive opposition of two conflicting positions (Tannen). In her 1994 editorial, more content... Secondly, Tannen attempts to refute the misconception, held in the "culture of critique", that "when both sides argue, thetruth will emerge" by stating that the "truth is more likely to be found in the complex middle." However, though this argument does not stand on its own, as it is intended, her subsequent explanation does give the refutation credibility. She reasons that the culture of critique leads reasonable people to waste effort defending themselves from misrepresentation by unreasonable opponents, instead of being constructive; champions of unsubstantiated positions are knowingly given credibility by the media, just so that there can be opposition. Thirdly, after explaining why the culture of critique is predicated on false support, Tannen returns to the problem with the culture of critique itself, and expands the discussion to how it affects journalism, politics and academia. She does so through anecdotal illustration of how a graduate student is forced out of graduate school by its "combative" atmosphere, and presenting her own personal experience of appearing on a television talk show. The two stories are primarily intended as an emotional appeal, encouraging the audience to relate personally, but they also help the readers identify Tannen as a credible authority. Additionally, Tannen, a University professor and Doctor of Get more content on
  • 8. Critique Essay Examples Critique Essay of Process and Learning Out of all the projects for this course, I think the critique paper was the hardest because it challenged how I thought about scientific journals when it came to identifying weak parts of a study and how to critique the strengths and weaknesses within those articles in a scientific manner. As a result, my writing process was affected by this in depth look into each of the three articles I chose on stroke rehabilitation with a focus on virtual reality, and my understanding of science writing grew with this paper. With the critique paper, my writing process consisted of using the critique planning worksheet provided on Blackboard, and meeting with you, the professor, outside the classroom during your more content... For the proposal between my partner, Alicia Buettner, and I, we decided to find something that related to each of our health profession majors. Our research for the proposal revealed the importance of occupational and physical therapists working together in the field and the changing technology in prostheses within rehabilitation treatment. With both topics in mind, we chose to have our proposal addressing the need for occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) students working together in a class at the University of Findlay that also focused on prostheses. After deciding on a topic for our proposal, the next step in the writing process was following the break down for each section of the proposal that you, the professor, provided our peers and us in the classroom. By discussing the content required for each of the sections in the proposal and the correct formats we were to be using during class time, my partner and I were able to gain a grasp on what you were requiring from our proposal. For example, Alicia and I spent a great deal of time looking over the notes we wrote down from the board to make sure we were following the correct guidelines for each section. The mini assignments also helped in reassuring that Alicia and I were on the correct path for the proposal. With each Get more content on
  • 9. Quantitative Research Article Critique This paper is an academic critique of an article written by Lautrette, et al. (2007) titled: "A Communication Strategy and Brochure for Relatives of Patients Dying in the ICU" and accurately reflected the content of the article and the research study itself. The abstract explained the article in more detail, while remaining concise. The type of research study, sample size, variables, intervention, measurement method, findings, and conclusion were all mentioned in the abstract. Statement of the Problem The problem explored in the article was stated as a problem statement. In this article, the authors explain about the stressful situations of families having loved more content... A prospective, randomized, controlled trial was conducted during the study. One family member per patient was assessed over the telephone 90 days after the patient's death. The measurements collected include the symptoms related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other significant symptoms of depression and anxiety. Study Variables For this study patient families were randomly assigned to the intervention or control group. In the control group the interactions between the family and ICU staff, including the end–of–life conference, occurred according to the usual practices and policies in the hospital; whereas in the intervention group, the research study was conducted according to specific guidelines. A bereavement information leaflet was given to each surrogate decision maker. In this research, the independent variable can be the type of family conference received by the surrogates and the dependent variables were the level of stress, anxiety, and depression levels indicated in the 90–day follow–up interview. Conceptual Model / Theoretical framework In this research study, authors chose to relate the research article to Sister Callista Roy's Adaptation Model. Roy's adaptation model can be applied in this study because of the family member's opportunity Get more content on
  • 10. Advertising Critique Essay Advertising Critique: LibraTech's eLluminate – The NEW Standard for eReaders MKTG575: Advertising Management DeVry University, Keller Graduate School February 4, 2013 Introduction What makes a good product? This is a question that many companies find themselves asking as they begin market research to uncover new products for their current and potential customers. Is it the quality? The product's functionality and ease of use? Maybe it is the features and all of the bells and whistles that distinguish a product from its competitors. Perhaps, consumers are keenly focused on unbeatable prices when looking for new products. When companies ask, 'what makes a good product?' the answer is simple; a more content... These companies are dominating the e–reader scene, [by providing] quality, great features, and reasonable prices" (Hill, 2012). LibraTech will deliver the same product solution, however the company must work hard and be vigilant in converting customers over to the new LibraTech technology. This advertising critique will provide a solid approach to tackling the challenges that LibraTech will face as they introduce their new eReader to the market. It will outline recommendations for a product name, strategies to target potential customers and a high–level recommendation for an advertising plan that will surely help to put LibraTech's new eReader on the map as a powerhouse in the eReader industry. Product Naming Strategy At its core, LibraTech is a company with a brand name that is strong and easily recognizable. What stands out the most for this brand is it powerful usage of the word 'Libra'. In the zodiac world, Libra is one of the most powerful zodiac signs. The Libra represents a since of balance, harmony and it is one of the sun signs of the zodiac. Given such a powerful foundation, the name for LibraTech's new eReader had to embody the essence of the Libra zodiac sign. The name had to strong, and it had to marry well with the parent name of the company. The name selected for this Get more content on
  • 11. Institutional Critique Essay When someone enters an art gallery, they believe they are going to view art, but under the guise of Institutional Critique, this notion often false. Instead of being the traditional art of painting, sculptures, and installations, viewers encounter, in the work of Hans Haacke, Daniel Buren, and Michael Asher in the 1970s, not much to look at, but a lot to think about. In essence, Institutional Critique is a protest against museums/galleries demanding them to view art and art exhibition in new ways, exemplified by Conceptual art where words, video, readymades, and even ideas are art. Institutional Critique manifested from the protests of the 1960s, one of which philosopher Michel Foucault participated in Paris, 1968. Clearly, more content... In 1971, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum was to present a solo show of Haacke's work, which was to include the controversial piece, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Board of Trustees (1974), but the museum director cancelled the exhibition. This was partially due to Haacke's refusal to omit the work from the show, but mostly because of the piece's subject matter. This piece consists of two framed panels with lists of the museum's board of trustees, which would be acceptable to showcase because this knowledge would be readily available, but Haacke added five more panels listing the corporate sponsors of the museum along with each member's other affiliations with corporations. This work exposed the inner mechanisms of the institution by revealing the trustees' questionable affiliations and the financial backers of the museum. In addition, this piece exemplifies Institutional Critique precisely because of its focus on the museum itself over the artwork. After all, this piece cannot be sold at auction, which is an essential aspect of galleries and museums. The piece is, to an extent, also site–specific in that the trust essence of the piece could only be felt if it was exhibited in the institution it was criticizing, although Haacke never exhibited it at the Guggenheim. In fact, the piece was not shown until Documenta X in 1997, but by that point, it had lost its critical value. Not only was it not shown in the Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Criticism Criticism Criticism can be negative or positive; the way it is said may be good or bad. Why do most of us want to avoid giving or receiving criticism? The purpose of criticism is to encourage positive outcomes (what the giver wants). Ideally, it brings balance into our lives, provides us with a basis of comparison, and brings truth, honesty, and intimacy. Hopefully, it gives us honest feedback–a balance of praise and criticism. Do most of us want to know how we are doing? Why do successful business people actually seek out criticism from people they respect? Why do people feel they are unfairly criticized? Are tone of voice, choice of words important? What communication more content... Know ones skill and weaknesses; ones successes and failures. How does one know when one is doing a good job? Need to have a "feel" so we are not caught off guard. Need to learn to take criticism on the job professionally, and emotion (breathe deeply and slowly). Try to remain impartial. Ask yourself is the criticism is valid. What can we learn? Other factors that color criticism: 1) relationship with the giver of criticism (friends give advice). Why do we resent criticism from in–laws, parents and spouses more than bosses do? 2) Choice of words–how it is given. "I can't believe you would do such a stupid thing." What words make you angry, loud, etc? 3) Style of delivery, sacristy, fast and angry, loud, etc. 4) Timing, and public or private. 5) Other types: beyond your control, aimed at your gender, size, heritage, appearance, etc QUESTIONS: How good are you at staying cool under criticism? (Knots in stomach, anger, etc). How well do you listen when you are criticized? (Rephrase so that you really understand what he/she is saying). How effectively can you organize your thoughts to answer (if you think you should)? How well do we put the criticism in perspective (not life threatening)? Do we brood on it for weeks, months? GIVER OF CRITICISM In many societies a giver of bad news was killed. Is it more difficult to give Get more content on
  • 13. Research Critique Essay example Table of contents Page Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research1 Problem Statement/Purpose1 Literature Review2 Limitations of the Study2 Hypothesis/Research Question3 Operational Definitions/Definition of Terms4 Research Design5 Setting, Population and Sample5 Data Collection Methods/Instruments6 Data Analysis, Findings, Implications, & Recommendations 7 References8 Quantitative Article Critique of Nursing Research The article selected for review in this investigation is entitled "Perioperative outcomes of coronary artery bypass grafting: Effects of metabolic syndrome and patient's sex." more content... The presence of acute coronary syndrome in some patients served to increase lipid output, making it difficult to clearly determine lipid disorders in some patients. This is an issue of concern because high lipid levels are a hallmark for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. Hypothesis/Research Question A careful review of the information provided by the authors demonstrates that a definitive hypothesis or research question is not directly stated in the investigation. Rather, at the conclusion of the introduction/literature review, the authors note that "For these reasons, this study was conducted to examine the incidence of metabolic syndrome in CABG patients and to determine if metabolic syndrome and/or the patient's sex affect clinical outcomes in the perioperative setting" (p. 469). Based on the direction of the literature review and previous studies reviewed by the authors, the reader can imply that the research questions seek to determine the impact of CABG on patients with metabolic syndrome and the hypothesis is that gender will have some impact on the specific outcomes which result for patients in this particular group. Operational Definitions/Definition of Terms Operational definitions used in the study include: metabolic syndrome, coronary artery bypass graft surgery and gender. Data for the investigation was reviewed by patient gender–i.e. male or female. In addition, all patients included in the study had undergone coronary Get more content on
  • 14. Critique Critique of "The Importance of the Person in the Role of Teacher" Quality relationships between students and teachers are foundational to an effective learning environment. David Hansen, author to "The Importance of the Person in the Role of Teacher" shares his observations of three teachers that have established good relationships with their students. The relationship between these teachers and their students is strong and genuine, so that these teachers have a positive influence in their students' lives. That is the essential question that Hansen seeks to provide the answer. The question being "how can teachers have a positive influence on their students' behavior and learning?" Hansen's answer to the question is to have a person committed more content... In my practice, I prioritize treating my students with respect. I believe that respect is the foundation which grounds the sense of community in my class. Respect also begets the trust that is essential to engage students in their learning. Viewing students as "persons–in–the–making," allows to approach student learning holistically. Ms. Smith, in an interview with Hansen, states "learning subject matter involves learning how to conduct oneself confidently and wisely" (Hansen, 1998, p.401). This statement rings true to me, as I agree, student learning is not reserved to subject content only but encompasses the student's sense of self and capability. Guiding the student to develop their sense of self and their academic knowledge enables the student to participate in class discussion with Get more content on
  • 15. Apa Critique Examples At this point, you should now be able to summarize your evaluations and connect it to your research report. Do not forget to emphasize its contribution to the field, as well. Again, avoid subjective assessments that you cannot justify. End your critique with an APA formatted reference list. Remember to use the heading "References," not "Bibliography," or "Works Cited." Also, do not put the font in bold. Center the word at the top of the page, like what you will see on the next page. Also recheck your parenthetical and in–text citations and make sure they match with your references list to avoid unintended plagiarism. Make sure your reference list is alphabetized and properly indented. Word count of this dummy critique: 458 words excluding Get more content on
  • 16. Example Of A Critical Review Essay The study consisted of 395 students from the Australian National University studying a first–year psychology course of which 247 were female, 143 male, 4 as other gender, and 1 one was missing. The age of the participants ranged from 17 to 56 years of age (В”=19.7, Пѓ=4.6). Participants were recruited through participation in a lab activity, however, all participation was voluntary without the use of incentives. Data was collected with the awareness and informed consent of the participants. This study followed a between–subjects design, and the study itself was quasi–experimental. The variable which was manipulated – the independent variable – was the presence of a childhood imaginary companion. The variables which were measured – the dependent variables – were fantasy proneness and the frequency of self– more content... The study was completed over the duration of a week by nine classes, each with approximately 30 students and was conducted online. Firstly, the participants read an information sheet which briefly highlighted the study and its procedure. Following this, the participants completed a Creative Experiences Questionnaire (CEQ), designed by Merckelbach, Horselenberg, & Muris (2001). This questionnaire aimed to measure the fantasy proneness of the individual and involved choosing either 'yes' or 'no' to the given 25 questions. Then, the participants completed the Self–Talk Scale developed by Brinthaupt, Hein, & Kramer (2009). This involved 16 questions with the selection of answers 1 (never) to 5 (very often), and was used to assess the frequency of self–talk. The last task to complete was the Imaginary Companion (IC) questionnaire, of which the first part collected demographic information such as age and gender. Proceeding this, a definition of imaginary companion was provided followed by questions relative to imaginary Get more content on
  • 17. Charles Baudelaire Critique Essay Final Critique The topic of this critique about Charles Baudelaire is kind of an insight into the background of his life. His life was filled with an immense amount of mental and physical suffering. Charles was an alcoholic and had lots of drug addictions. He seemed to dwell in his own problems and self–pity (p. 93). In the poem "The Dog and the Scent Bottle" there are examples of his self–regard. This poem explained how his life went up and down and all the problems he had to overcome. It is noted to be "garbage" and was rejected (as he was in life). Another example of his vulgar techniques is found in the poem "Carrion". His idea of transgressed existence is more content... I would have to say that the critic was very successful in persuading me, the reader, to lean towards his views of this author. As soon as I read this essay I was easily persuaded into thinking the man in this poem was probably a loner, and a drunk. I came to the conclusion that he based his works on his personal strengths and weaknesses. An example of this would be in two of his works, "Allegory" and Metamorphoses of a Vampire" each describing a woman. In each, the women are both prostitutes but they go on from there to two different routes. One maintains her purity while the other is a temptress who sucks the life out of her helpless victims. The critic takes these two points and forms his assumption. Baudelaire had not given up hope on ultimate purity even under the skin of a prostitute. I find that to be a strong example of strength he may have. Both of these poems relate to Charles Baudelaire's life because they both explain how the ups and downs go. No matter what happens in life you should never give up hope and always have faith until the end regarding anything you do. He writes a lot of poems about what he had previously experienced in his life and always hints that it's not easy but never give up. The critic did an excellent job getting his views across. He knew the works well enough to relate them to Baudelaire's life and he worked with the history of his life. Get more content on
  • 18. Short Story Critique Essay The short story "Who's Passing for Who" by Langston Hughes was influenced by Hughes' background in his society. This racial influenced story exemplifies how people thought of and interacted with those of a different race and those of a similar color. Hughes proves his credibility in writing the piece through his experiences that he endured in his lifetime during the Harlem Renaissance. The life he led was filled with daily racism and discrimination; he experienced much of his subject matter regarding racial and social tension first hand. Langston Hughes' "Who's Passing for Who" clues the reader into the issues that were present during Hughes' lifetime. Hughes' short story opens with the narrator explaining how white people feel more content... Over dinner, the white couple in the group questioned the black men about the light–skinned black people. They wondered if many people who were black could pass as white and the black men confirmed it true. The white couple the revealed to the group of black men that they were in fact black people that passed as white individuals. The narrator then explains the change of mood in the group; the atmosphere became more comfortable, relaxed and natural, knowing that they were all the same. After the group's pleasurable night, the couple went to get in their cab and yet again, revealed more information. They said that they were actually not black people at all, but they figured that they would pass as black people just as black individuals passed as white folks. This information confuses the men; they can's figure out if the couple was actually black or white. All they know is that they had a great night with a couple of friendly people. Langston Hughes lived during the Harlem Renaissance, a time of prosperity among black artist and writers, and at the height of racial discrimination. Whether it was Jim Crow laws or poll tax, black people were always being put down. Hughes was one of the most influential individuals of the Harlem Renaissance. He was a great visionary of his time and understood that racism was actually hurting the country. Get more content on
  • 19. Critique Of A Qualitative Research Article Paper Critique of a Qualitative Research Article The qualitative research article critiqued for this paper was "Hospital Nurses' Lived Experience of Power" (Fackler, Chambers, Bourbonniere, 2015). The criteria used for this critique came from "Critiquing Qualitative Research (Beck, 2009)." The study is a phenomenological qualitative research design. The title addresses nurses' lived experience of power, which is the purpose of the study as stated in the abstract, along with the design, findings, and conclusions. The study was directed by Merleau–Ponty's philosophy of phenomenology of perception, with an emphasis on the person's lifeworld, consisting of temporal, spatial, relational, and corporal aspects of lived experience. The key concept of power is significant to the advancement of nurses in healthcare reform and overall patient care. Understanding power can improve nurses' work environment and allow them to achieve goals for themselves and their more content... The review of literature shows several studies on nurses' perceptions of their work environment, and on other healthcare workers' perception of power, but there is a gap in knowledge about nurses' perception of power. This study was reviewed by an institutional review board for both the hospitals involved and the researcher's school. Written consent was obtained and participant confidentiality was maintained with fictional names and destruction of tapes after transcription. Data was collected through hour–long interviews of fourteen participants until data saturation was met, which is congruent with a phenomenological Get more content on