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~ Abigail M. Smith ~
Freelance Christian Copywriter
Comprehensive Information Packet
March 29, 2016
Ephesians 3:20-21
“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine, according to His power
that is at work within us, to Him be glory in
the church and in Christ Jesus throughout
all generations, forever and ever!
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~ Abigail M. Smith ~
Freelance Christian Copywriter
Table of Contents
Section I:
Letter of Introduction........................................... 1-3
About Abigail M. Smith ........................................ 4-5
What Others Have to Say ........................................6
Relevant Experience............................................. 7-8
Section II: Writing Samples
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~ Abigail M. Smith ~
Freelance Christian Copywriter
33 Deakin Road, Petersburgh, NY 12138
518-686-9888 
Kampala, Africa - Our ministry team had just arrived at the slums
of Kivulu where dozens of street boys greeted us with banging on the
bus windows and grasping at the door. They were so excited to see
“Mzungu” (white people), so hopeful that our visit would bring them
one step closer to realizing their dreams of having a home, going to
school and becoming professional soccer players.
The boys knew our leaders well and craved the message of hope, love
and acceptance that our team would bring. They numbered over 100
and some were as young as 3 years. They wore filthy, tattered clothing
and had dirt encrusted faces and shoeless feet; yet there was hope in
their eyes.
As I looked down towards the ground, tears welled up. I thought about
the stories their feet could tell if only they could talk…and felt
compelled to wash them.
Though those boys had great physical want, they were not spiritually
poor. They had the joy of Jesus…because someone - like you - cared
enough to share the hope that only He could give them.
Thank you for what you do!
Hi! I’m Gail Smith.
I have traveled overseas three times
on short-term mission trips.
God used my experiences in Uganda,
Israel, and Guyana to break my heart
for His people – people just like those
you serve.
In preparing for those trips, I watched videos, read articles and learned
all I might ever want to know – and some of what I didn’t – about the
depth of poverty and despair in the countries I would visit.
However, I did not truly understand the plight of the natives until I saw
it with my own eyes.
I believe God called me overseas to not only see and help meet the
need of the natives, but also to give me a burden for His people.
I thought it would get easier with each trip. It never did. I had to do something…
The Lord has given me a deep desire to use the gifts He has given me - mercy, compassion and
writing skills - to help Christian organizations fulfill their call to those in need.
That is why I have placed this information packet in your hand.
Isaiah 61:1-3
The Spirit of the
Sovereign Lord is on
because the Lord has
anointed me to
proclaim good news to
the poor.
He has sent me to
bind up the broken-
to proclaim freedom
for the captives and
release from darkness
for the prisoners,
to proclaim the year
of the Lord’s favor and
the day of vengeance of
our God,
to comfort all who
mourn, and provide for
those who grieve in
to bestow on them a
crown of beauty instead
of ashes,
the oil of joy instead
of mourning,
and a garment of
praise instead of a spirit
of despair.
They will be called
oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the
Lord for the display of
his splendor.
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My Credentials as a Christian Copywriter
Practical Experience - While overseas, I helped
provide food, water, and clothing for the
natives. I washed their feet and bandaged their
I laughed and cried and played with them,
prayed over them, and have persevered in
prayer for them since my return home.
As a result, I “get” what you do and why you do it. You feel compelled!
Freelance Writing – Your organization will profit from my diverse writing
experience. I have blogged, written fundraising letters, articles, news-
letters, press releases and web content; authored two devotionals, written
a weekly Christian column for two secular newspapers, and specialized in
human-interest stories.
Though followers, even non-Christians, encouraged me because my
articles were refreshing and included a spiritual spin, I knew it was time to
move on. The LORD was enlarging my territory.
He was calling me to make a greater difference by offering copywriting
services to humanitarian organizations such as yours to help, “bind up the
broken-hearted, proclaim freedom for the captives and release from
darkness for the prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1.
Spiritual – I believe the greatest asset I can bring to your organization is my
relationship with Jesus Christ. I am an intercessor and an evangelist at
heart. I have learned the importance of listening and obeying – even when
what is being asked doesn’t seem to make sense, no matter the cost…
Let me share what a couple of friends have to say:
 “Gail is not only good at envisioning something, but also has the
skills and creativity to turn vision into reality. I believe that a lot of
her success is directly related to her relationship with Jesus Christ
and the time she spends in prayer seeking His guidance and
inspiration.”  Rev. Donald Childs
 “Gail is willing to step out in areas no other person is willing to
go. When God calls, she says, ‘Yes, Lord!’”  Susan Blocker
…That is why I am especially excited about this “call.”
I feel confident that as I seek the Lord, He will guide me in writing effective
copy such as those listed below that will help you take your organization’s
goals and dreams to new heights:
 Fundraising Letters that NET RESULTS
 Donor Letters that INFORM and INSPIRE
 Articles that CAPTIVATE, ALLURE, and GROW your donor base
 Web Content that POPS!
“Gail has great concern
for a wide variety of
people, but her greatest
strength is her
willingness to take great
risks for God.” Mike
Green, Deacon, HF
Community Alliance
“Gail has great leader-
ship skills and multi-tasks
better than anyone I
know. I am amazed at
how she is able to get a
variety of people to join
forces with her in
whatever endeavor she is
involved in.” Sandy
Dooley, Celebrate
Recovery Leader
“Gail’s unique strength is
tenacity!! She is always
striving to do better...and
perseveres until the job
is done or GOD moves
her to a new thing.” Lisa
“Gail will do whatever it
takes, within her power,
to accomplish what she
sets out to do and will do
all she can to help others
accomplish their goals.”
Susan Blocker – Leader,
Women of Hope
“What Gail does that few
do is recognize the ‘good’
in a situation or
individual and focus on
supporting that quality.”
David Borge, Hoosick
Falls Mayor
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Copy that Converts:
Just as you would hire professionals to perform other key functions in your organization, it is
essential to hire a professional to write persuasive copy that will drive your results.
Readers of websites and blogs, those who respond to e-mail or direct mail campaigns, and other
marketing methods of organizations such as yours are empathetic. A story or video depicting a need
often moves them to action.
My script paints a picture that draws readers into the story and helps them visualize the need. It
tugs at heartstrings to evoke an emotional response, often enticing a desire to help. One might
write a check, be willing to travel to a foreign land, sponsor a child or storm the heavens in prayer
…. Copy that converts.
I will do extensive research to develop an understanding of your organization and its goals to
determine how my services can help fill the gaps between where you are at and where you would
like to be. I am also open to travel should that be necessary.
An Estimated Fee Schedule is included with a list of services I provide that you can use as a general
guideline. Please feel free to contact me if you have copywriting needs that aren’t listed. I am a
quick study and would be happy to discuss them with you.
Contact Information:
Thank you for taking time to review my packet.
I can be reached at 518-686-9888. You can also e-mail me at
My website and blog are at and you can also find me on LinkedIn and
If I don’t hear from you within a week, I will follow-up with a phone call to answer any questions
you might have.
I would count it a privilege to use the gifts God has given me to help you meet the practical and
emotional needs of those in impoverished lands, while also offering the hope that only Jesus can
give to those who so desperately need Him.
I look forward to speaking with you personally to discuss how we might co-labor to that end.
“In light of Gail’s character as a faithful believer in Jesus and her success as
an effective writer, I would recommend her to you wholeheartedly and with fond
regard.”  Rev. Jonathan W. Youngmann
Whether we have the opportunity to work together or not,
please know that I appreciate the difference you are making
and I am persevering in prayer for you and your ministry.
Wrestling with God for His people,
Abigail M. Smith
Freelance Christian Copywriter
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About Abigail M. Smith
Gail was born and raised in upstate New York – 15 minutes from the Vermont-
Massachusetts border. She and her high school sweetheart, Dan, have been married over 41 years.
The Smiths have two children and three beautiful grandchildren. Dan is now enjoying retirement
while Gail is relishing in the joy of the flexibility that her own freelance writing business offers.
Gail gained much experience in the business world during her early years of adulthood.
She worked as Administrative Assistant for the President of a large manufacturer for 14 years,
and subsequently built her own home baking business “from scratch.” It was not, however,
until she had a personal encounter with the LORD that she found her most fulfilling work.
Gail had been a Christian for over 25 years when God met her in a time of desperation
that would forever change her life. The moment He “touched” her, she knew God was real, that
He was Holy and personal, and that He loved her deeply.
With that encounter, Gail’s relationship with the LORD changed, as did her life. Out of
gratitude for His mercy, she began to live a life of radical devotion.
If you were to ask someone about Gail, the first thing they would likely tell you is that
she is a woman of faith and prayer. Rarely does Gail speak with someone who has expressed a
need that they don’t both go to the LORD, on the spot, to ask for His help. She also very
naturally shares the hope people can find in Christ and has led many to the Lord.
Early in her faith, God broke Gail’s heart for the lost and downtrodden. She is a visionary
who has founded several ministries in her community. These ministries target people with
spiritual, emotional and material needs and are a conduit to building relationships.
Gail has been on three short-term mission trips. Through her experiences in Guyana,
Uganda and Israel, God opened her eyes to the plight of His people. He broke her heart and
gave her a love for them, their countries and customs. Those trips have given her a much
deeper appreciation for things we take for granted – like life, family, health and water, to name
a few. A question that will forever haunt her is, “How do I reconcile what I’ve seen with what I
Through those trips, God also showed her the love and devotion for Christ that the
natives had that those of us stateside would do well to imitate.
In 2010, the LORD really tested Gail’s faith. While doing research for a ministry center
she felt a call to pursue, she came across a need to serve veterans in her community. The
problem was that she had not exactly appreciated History in school and lacked what she felt
was adequate knowledge of veterans, war or military matters.
“Hey God, remember me? I don’t do History…” she balked. Though veterans were NOT
on her radar, she felt it a clear call and obeyed. Not long after taking a step of faith, the Lord
brought along a man with a wealth of knowledge, passion and experience in this arena.
Just over 5 years later, through the Lord’s direction and provision, Voice of a Vet is a
thriving faith-based veterans’ task force whose mission is to recognize, honor and serve
veterans. Now Gail anticipates her weekly Wednesday morning History lesson as she meets
with 15-20 veterans for Coffee and Camaraderie, one of their outreaches. (You can read more
about the organization’s programs by clicking on the links in Voice of a Vet section).
A little over a year ago, upon hearing the Lord’s prompting to “pursue her writing,” Gail
took another step of faith. She quit her two paying jobs to begin building her freelance
copywriting business. Her dream is to write for Christian humanitarian organizations to help
them fulfill their call to help those in need.
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Gail considers two of her greatest accomplishments as authoring and publishing
”Reflections,” a book of poetry, Scripture and prayer, within one year, and earning 61 college
credits in a one semester Life Experience course at Southern Vermont College. And now, at 60
years of age, she finally knows what she wants to be when she grows up!
Gail loves the adventurous life that has resulted from having fully surrendered her life
and will to the LORD, and she is expectant. She knows that the dreams God has planted in her
heart are nothing compared to what He has in store for her and those she serves in the months
and years ahead.
If your organization has been “settling,” call Gail at 518-686-9888 or 518-390-4986, or e-
mail her at Let her show you how her faith and writing
skills can help you take your organization’s goals and dreams to new heights.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according
to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21
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What Others Have to Say:
 “Gail is a passionate Jesus follower. She is a careful student of the Scriptures with a consistent
devotional life. She is a powerful intercessor in prayer, an “intense worshipper,” and dynamically
shares her faith. She has an amazing servant heart and works tirelessly to build God’s Kingdom. Gail
is very compassionate towards those who are marginalized and dispossessed and has been used
wonderfully to reach veterans in our area. Gail is far from perfect – but she is diligent to remain on
the pilgrim path to become all she can be through God’s help. ”  Rev. Jonathan Youngmann
 “Gail loves the Lord with all her heart! She is great at witnessing for the Lord and has the gift of
mercy and a loving heart for lost souls! She is very good at writing so others can easily understand.
Gail’s greatest strength is she is always striving to better herself.”  Ken and Robbin White
 “Gail’s greatest strength lies in her unrelenting journey for a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
She is a high-energy person who perseveres and overcomes any obstacle to bringing a project to
completion. She is a person of care and compassion. She is very effective at securing the
commitment and participation of others to help in whatever project she is engaged. Her planning,
organization, attention to detail and writing skills are a great asset to any group she works with. Her
moral compass is strong and her Biblical foundation is solid.”  Rev. Don Childs
 “Gail has a desire for excellence. Her relaxed presence has a calming effect on others; and we
know when she takes on a responsibility, she can be counted on to do an excellent job!”  Rev.
Dave Richter, Delta Lake Bible Conference Center Board
 “Gail is a caring, sensitive person, cognizant of the needs of others. Her actions are true to her
beliefs. Gail makes things happen. She is an excellent organizer, writer, and communicator.” 
Deborah Alter, Eastwick Press Reporter
 “Gail exemplifies the willingness and desire to approach every subject with detailed study and
does not finalize projects until she has researched the subject matter thoroughly. She visualizes
opportunities and takes advantage of them.”  Char & Charles Edson
"Gail is very goal oriented. Her unique strength is her drive and perseverance to pursue that
which she is passionate about. Her ability to organize and oversee events is remarkable and she has
an incredible talent for writing.”  Kathy Reed
 “Gail’s greatest strengths are in her administrative and organizational skills. She is also very adept with
the computer and is a good communicator.”  Bill & Deb Tudor
 Gail has always amazed me with her strong desire to serve the Lord above all others. She is not afraid to
make a statement about Him and perhaps salvation, on a social media website, in an article for a newspaper or
in person. She is a strong woman. She knows what direction she going and does not waiver. She lives to serve
others.  Loraine Robichaud.
”Gail is very detail oriented. She works very hard to make sure each detail is correct and the correct
process is followed. She also doesn't rush into what she says or does. She is sensitive to think it through
before speaking or doing.”  Steve Clark, Director, Delta Lake Bible Conference Center
"Gail has the unique ability to draw people together and foster an environment of inclusiveness.
She listens to others and has a welcoming personality that puts others at ease."  Valerie Bell”
 “Gail is very good at organizing things and getting them off the ground. “ Ted & Kathy Rice
 “Gail is probably the best one to call if you’re looking for a project to be done completely and then
some. She is well organized and thorough. She can also handle more than one project at a time and
do a very thorough and accurate job.”  Ann Powers (this is my Mom so she may be prejudice ).
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Abigail M. Smith: Relevant Experience
Allied-Signal Inc.
Administrative Assistant to the Sales Force and President – Prepared presentations, brochures,
correspondence, flyers, set up Corporate Sales Meetings. Self-taught in computer applications.
House of Walsh
Marketing Assistant - Created display ads, window dressing, advertising and marketing for upscale
clothing retailer.
Grandma Gail’s Home Baked Goods
Sole Proprietor for my own home baking business. Wares included pies, specialty cakes, fudge and
cookies. My “job” included everything from purchasing supplies, to baking and packaging, clean-up,
marketing and signage, setting up and selling at semi-weekly Farmer’s Markets and craft fairs.
Grandma Gail’s had earned such a good reputation, that after 5 years I had to either expand my
facilities and hire additional help or let it go. The first was not an option.
Hoosick Falls Community Alliance Church
Administrative Assistant – Prepared press releases, flyers for events, Powerpoint presentations for
Sunday worship service, correspondence; was available to talk and pray with people as needed and
perform any other duties necessary to support our pastor and the church.
The Eagle Newspaper
Columnist - I wrote my own weekly column for 2 secular newspapers. “The Christian Perspective”
took biblical principles and put them in layman’s terms.
Reporter – Reported on various community events, wrote human-interest stories and often write
Letters to the Editor on societal issues from a Christian perspective.
Facebook Pages/Groups: Moving Mountains for Lenny; Celebrate Recovery Hoosick Falls; Making
Streams in the Wasteland;
 Ugandan Water Project – Spearheaded community-wide fundraiser over 6-month period to
raise funds to provide one rainwater collection tank ($3,500) for a Ugandan village. Through
God’s provision, over $10,500 was collected in 6 weeks, which enabled us to purchase three
tanks. I traveled to Uganda to visit our tank sites and build relationships with recipients. As hard
as it was to see the depth of poverty, it was very humbling to see how the natives responded to
our visit and to see their love for Christ.
 Living for Jesus International – Our team traveled to Guyana, South America, to disciple the
church in the gifts of the Spirit. It was a blessing to see people so hungry for more of God and to
be able to equip them so they could, in turn, equip other churches in Guyana.
 Chosen People Ministries – I toured Israel for 1 week, and then stayed on for another week solo
for ministry: soup kitchen, coffee house, and beach ministry. My personal favorite, however,
was the many hours I spent prayer walking in the Old City and surrounding areas. Through this
time on the streets, God showed me the plight of the Jewish people and gave me a deep love
for them, their country and culture.
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Celebrate Recovery Hoosick Falls – Co-founder (2010) of faith-based 12-step recovery program for
anyone with hurts, habits and hang-ups. Leader, assimilation coach and on-going participant. En-
courager and sponsor; facilitated meetings, prepared presentations, flyers, invites, public relations.
Plugged In - A ministry I founded in 2011(-2014) that ministered to the needy. We held clothing
drives, served free dinners and used those and other events as opportunities to share God’s love
and the Gospel message. Responsible for public relations, flyers, social media, etc…
Voice of a Vet – I founded this veterans’ task force in 2011. Our mission is to recognize, honor and
serve veterans. I have responsibility for overseeing the organization and personally handle all public
relations, social media, advertising, flyers, press releases, banners and communication with vets.
We hold various events including our annual Memorial and Veterans’ Day programs. We also have
several on-going prototype programs: Town of Hoosick Flag Tribute, Welcome Home Celebrations,
and our weekly Coffee & Camaraderie (I created and maintain these facebook pages).
Spearheaded a fundraising event in 2015 that brought in $4,500 in just a little under 5 weeks in our
rural community of < 3,500 people.
 Below is an article written by Jason Holland of American Writers and Artists Inc. (AWAI) after
he read in an assignment about the Voice of a Vet fundraiser mentioned above.
 Helping Those in Need – and Finding a Life’s Calling – with the Power of Copywriting
Hoosick has Heart Coordinator – Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator for 3 Red Cross blood drives a
year in our church (since 2012). Spearhead Town of Hoosick blood drive campaign and work with
other sponsoring organizations. Do P.R. to help meet community’s annual goal of 500 units. Saw
increase from 359 in 2013 to 461 in 2014, to 467 in 2015.
Delta Lake Bible Conference Center – Secretary, Board of Directors (October 2013 – Present)
Voice of a Vet – Founder and President – 2011
Celebrate Recovery Hoosick Falls – Co-founder and Leader 2010
Hoosick Area Church Association Liaison - Since 2008
American Writers and Artists (AWA) – Member since 2014
Reflections, a Devotional of Poetry, Scripture and Prayer - Self-published (2008)
Delta Daily Devotions – A self-published devotional (2014) for Delta Lake Bible Conference Center,
that incorporates peoples’ testimonies of what DLBCC ministry has meant to them over the years,
each combined with relevant Scripture and prayer (available only at DLBCC).
Songwriter: I have a passion for singing and have written many songs that focus primarily on a
deeper relationship with Jesus. Some have been put to music, but none have been recorded.
Earned 61 credits in a one-semester Life Experience course at Southern Vermont College.
RELEVANT COURSES (AWAI = American Writers and Artists):
 AWAI Accelerated Copywriting
 AWAI Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market
 AWAI Web Copywriting 2.0
 AWAI Simple Path to Success
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~ Abigail M. Smith ~
Freelance Christian Copywriter
Writing Samples
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Click here to read article that was
written by AWAI staff member
after reading this article.
Gail M. Smith
AWAI Assignment: Editorial Content
The Blessings of Writing for the Christian Market
Using your God-given gifts and passion to help Christian organizations fulfill their missions
Do you have a passion for writing and a deep desire to honor and serve God with the gift He has
given you? I do, more than anything else in the world…
I had been writing in various forms for years, most recently for a local newspaper, when I
sensed the Lord’s prompting to “…pursue my writing.”
Not having a clue what He was getting at, I began to pray.
A month later while on retreat, I received a “random” e-mail from Writer’s Digest offering a
“Test Drive” of AWAI’s (American Writers and Artists Inc.) Accelerated Program for Six-Figure
Copywriting for $17 - $380 off!
In hindsight, there was nothing “random” about it at all.
It was definitely a God thing…
I had never even heard of copywriting, but as I read the e-mail and prayed it through, I felt led
to place the order. After all, for $17 and a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, I had nothing to lose.
Within 24 hours, I received confirmation that my order had been processed. I logged into
AWAI’s website, downloaded the program and began reading.
The Pursuit was Over
The more I read, the more I sensed that “my pursuit” was about to end; yet I was in a quandary.
As a devout Christian with a passion for writing, I knew deep down inside there were faith-
based organizations who needed the skills I would be learning to help them achieve their goals.
…This was my deepest desire.
Not knowing how it would all play out, but being certain it would, I continued working through
the Accelerated Copywriting program; …then lo and behold! Two weeks later, I received an e-
mail from a man named Joshua Boswell that went like this…
“My name is Joshua Boswell...and I believe God has given you the
special gift of writing for a specific reason.”
Say what?!?
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The Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market
Mr. Boswell proceeded to tell of The Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market, a program he
designed to complement The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting.
As I read his introduction, my heart raced and my excitement and anticipation grew.
God – The Bible – Jesus – Prayer - Faith
They were all in there!
…All of these foundational elements through which I try to live my life were woven throughout
his letter. This Joshua was a man after my own heart. He truly understood my desire to live fully
for God, my passion for writing, and my desire for God to provide for our family while helping
some great causes fulfill their calls.
Through inspired content writing, copywriters can make a difference far-and-wide.
For instance, you could help:
 The Ugandan Water Project provide clean water for the Ugandan people
 your local food pantry feed the hungry in your community.
 Teen Challenge set men and women free from their addictive and compulsive behaviors.
 encourage people to adopt an orphan in a 3rd world country.
 …and even help break the chains of social injustice by co-laboring with organizations
such as Love 146 and Hope for Justice to help free those enslaved by human trafficking.
What are the burdens God has placed on your heart? You can make a difference… I can make a
My pursuit was over. I placed the order.
As I read through the materials, I learned that my initial $17 investment was well spent, as The
Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting would be the foundation upon which all of my
copywriting assignments would be built, regardless of genre or niche.
Though I knew I needed to complete the basic program first, I quickly skimmed the Christian
materials. As I did, everything I read confirmed this was where God wanted me.
He had answered the cry of my heart…
The Blessings…
The intent of this article is not to get into the nuts and bolts of copywriting for the Christian
Market, but to encourage you that there is tremendous blessing for Christians who desire to
copywrite for God’s glory.
For starters…
 Personal Fulfillment from knowing you are using the gift God has given you to help others.
 Passion – You can write about things you are passionate about.
 Be Your Own Boss - Work as much or as little as you want, whenever, and wherever.
 Great Pay – Get paid well for doing what you love, which helps provide financial security for
your family and also allow you to be more benevolent towards others.
 Make a Difference - You can change the world by helping Christian organizations fulfill what
God has called them to.
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 Work Part-Time - Because copywriting pays well, you can work fewer hours, allowing more
time for family and serve to God.
 God will be Glorified through your work as you serve in the Christian arena.
What other “jobs” afford you all of this and more?
Even though all of the above are truly blessings; to me, one of the greatest comes from Joshua’s
statement, “It’s OK to talk about my faith in the marketplace.”
By “working” as a Christian copywriter, you don’t have to be constrained or torn between being
a Jesus-lover and working at a “traditional” job where your faith might not be welcome.
You can live out your faith:
…through your work,
…while serving God,
….helping others,
…and providing for your family.
Is this also the cry of your heart?
It’s OK to Get Paid
Let’s get back to “providing well for your family.” I really struggled with this, as you might guess.
How was I going to ask a non-profit to pay me?
Joshua understands the tension between a Christian’s desire to be benevolent and the need to
receive a paycheck, so this issue is discussed at length.
He explains, “The ‘silent majority’ is no longer silent. The Christian Market is over $4.6 billion
and growing.” Since Christian products - movies, music, seminars, apps, apparel, children’s
products, to name a few - have gone mainstream, the industry recognizes the need for good
copywriters in order to compete for its share of the pie.
Copywriters provide an essential service that helps organizations succeed in their missions. Just
as they might need professional level staff to perform other jobs, copywriters are hired to
persuade – to convince prospective supporters that their prayer, check, or service is essential to
the organization making a difference in the lives of real people, right now!
Christians have Direct Access to God’s Heart
As we pray, the direct line we have to God’s heart – inspiration through the Holy Spirit – can, in
a heartbeat (no pun intended):
 show us where God is working so we can join Him;
 illumine our minds and give us wisdom to know how to convey a message that will tug at
peoples’ heartstrings; and
 guide us to prospective supporters for the organizations we write for and give them “ears to
hear” and hearts to respond.
“It’s OK to talk about my faith in the marketplace.”
Joshua Boswell
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The Sky’s the Limit!
Combine this “God-connection” with the practical tools allotted us through AWAI’s Accelerated
Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market, plus Web
Writing 2.0 (if you are going to be writing for the web), and the sky’s the limit!
Nothing can stop us, as we co-labor with ANY organization, from helping them realize their
goals and dreams while attaining our own financial security.
“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all,
and therefore all died.” 2 Corinthians 5:14
Christ’s love compels us to employ our love for Him and the gifts and passions He has knit into
us to live out our faith through works and share the Good News because of our gratitude for
what He has done for us at the Cross.
Thank you, Joshua and AWAI, for the resources and opportunity to glorify God through my
writing. At almost 59 years old, I am so excited that I have finally figured out what I want to be
when I grow up!
Success Unfolds
I’d like to share a testimony about the first direct response letter I wrote, just a few weeks ago.
It was for Voice of a Vet, a faith-based Veterans task force in our community that I founded
several years ago.
Though I am still working through The Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market, I know God
has called me, and am very expectant and excited about how He is going to use AWAI programs
and me to:
1) help Christian organizations become powerful forces for His Kingdom; and
2) pass along the blessings I will receive as I walk in faith and trust in His leading.
It was exciting to craft a fundraising letter that employed the skills I have learned
in The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting and Secrets of Writing for
the Christian Market for an organization that I lead.
Before working through these programs, I never would have had the nerve to ask
someone specifically for $50, $100 or $200. But it has been exciting to go to the
mailbox and open checks in these amounts from community members who are
willing to become “Honorary Members” to help Voice of a Vet accomplish its
mission “to recognize, honor and serve veterans” in our community.
Your programs have helped me to understand the angles from which to approach
and the emotions that need to be evoked.
We are a community of less than 4,000 people in rural Upstate New York, with
more empty storefronts than not and little industry, but I have already received
over $2,525 in just 2 weeks. YAY, God!
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Is God Calling?
What about you? Do you hear God calling?
I’ll end by suggesting what Joshua suggested in that initial e-mail I received.
Pray about it…
Perhaps God also wants to bless you through a career writing for the Christian Market.
Get the details at The Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market or call AWAI at 866-879-2924
today to begin the most compelling and fulfilling journey of your lifetime.
Page | 6
Writing Sample OnlyFundraising letter far
exceeded expectations
$4,500 raised in 6 weeks
in a rural community of
<3,500 people with little
P.O. Box 558, Hoosick Falls, NY
March 1, 2015
Dear Colleague,
“A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to
‘The United States of America,’ for an amount ‘up to and including their life.’"
This anonymous quote was written by someone who “gets it.” Though all who served were not required to
pay the ultimate price, Town of Hoosick servicemen and women’s signatures proved their willingness to go
the distance in their fight for our freedom, should that be required of them.
It behooves us to take time to recognize, honor and serve our Hometown Heroes for their willingness,
whatever the cost, whatever role they played. This is Voice of a Vet’s mission.
Two of the many ways we have chosen to repay our veterans’ debts are through our Welcome Home and
Town of Hoosick Tribute Flag programs.
Welcome Home Ceremonies
Over 225 people attended our first Welcome Home celebration that was held at the Armory in October 2013
to honor Town of Hoosick WWII Veterans. In September 2014, our Korean War Vets were welcomed home
with a parade and similar program at the Town of Hoosick Skating Rink, with over 325 people in attendance.
On August 8 of this year, our Vietnam Veterans will receive a fitting and long overdue Welcome Home during
an event that will be held at Wood Memorial Park beginning at 10 am with a parade, followed by guest
speakers, recognition, music, food and other activities. Because of the unfortunate manner in which our
Vietnam Vets were received upon their return from war, we expect an even larger crowd than in the past to
be on hand to honor these men and women.
In years to come, we will continue this tradition until all Town of Hoosick Veterans have been appropriately
welcomed home.
Town of Hoosick Tribute Flag
The Town of Hoosick Tribute Flag Program’s mission is to fly Voice of a Vet’s tribute flag, Liberty, over
cemeteries at home and abroad of all 100 Town of Hoosick serviceman who died in battle.
This program began on Flag Day 2014 when we formally handed Liberty over to the Patriot Guard Riders NY,
who escorted her 3,650 miles, over the course of 150 days, to 22 Civil War Cemeteries where ceremonies
were held to honor 27 Town of Hoosick men who were killed in action.
Liberty will travel to the Punch Bowl in Hawaii with HFCS students in March; then similar ceremonies will be
held in Hoosick Falls on May 9 to honor local men, with a program at HF Community Alliance Church
beginning at 10 am. This event will begin with PGR and HFCS students sharing from their particular legs of
Liberty’s journey.
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Liberty has also flown over cemeteries in Belgium, Sicily, and England; but more funds are needed in order for
her to complete her trek.
The Welcome Home and Town of Hoosick Tribute Flag programs have been very meaningful for honorees,
their families, and our community, but they do come at a hefty cost.
You Can Help Us Repay that Debt to Our Vets
We are inviting you to co-labor with Voice of a Vet for our Debt to a Vet Fundraiser on Tuesday, May 5, by
serving on the Honorary Committee and attending the event.
Debt to a Vet will be held from 4-9 at Brown’s Brewing, 50 Factory Hill Rd, Hoosick Falls NY. This alcohol-free
event will feature Giffy’s Chicken Bar-B-Q ($11 for ½ chicken meal); music provided by the HFCS Jazz Band; a
Silent Auction; live Dessert Auction, with Hoosick Falls’ very own Ronald Seifert doing the honors; plus
Brown’s will be serving their very own root beer which is brewed at their Troy facility.
Sponsorship Levels
As a member of the Debt to Our Vets Honorary Committee, we are offering a variety of sponsorship levels for
you to choose from:
 General/Admiral is $200 and includes 4 BBQ tickets.
 Captain is $100 and includes 2 BBQ tickets.
 E-1 is $50 and includes 1 BBQ ticket.
Your generous contribution will help fulfill our on-going mission to recognize, honor and serve Town of
Hoosick Veterans through our Welcome Home and Tribute Flag programs.
Debt to a Vet Honorary Committee members will be listed on the event program and will also be recognized
in press releases subsequent to the event.
Thank you for co-laboring with us to help repay our veterans at home and afar. Your sponsorship checks can
be mailed to Voice of a Vet LLC, P.O. Box 558, Hoosick Falls, NY 12090. Response by March 31st
is especially
We look forward to celebrating with you on May 5. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Gail or
Joyce at the numbers below.
Gail Smith Joyce Brewer
(518) 686-9888 (518) 258-5772
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Debt to a Vet Fundraiser
Response Form
Yes, I would like to help support the Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home and Town of Hoosick Tribute Flag
Enclosed is my sponsorship check for:
 General/Admiral Sponsorship for $200 which includes 4 BBQ tickets.
 Captain Sponsorship for $100 which includes 2 BBQ tickets.
 E-1 Sponsorship for $50 which includes 1 BBQ ticket.
 Other $
 I am unable to attend and would like my ticket(s) donated
How would you like your name listed:
City, State, Zip:
Please mail your donation to:
Voice of a Vet LLC
P.O. Box 558
Hoosick Falls, NY 12090
Please respond by March 31, 2015.
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Invitation – 65 churches invited - 10 different churches represented.
NAMI FaithNet
(National Alliance on Mental Health)
Vital Tools for Your
Church’s Mental Health Tool Kit
April 6, 2015
Dear Faith Community Leader,
Do you know someone who struggles with depression, bi-polar, anxiety, panic or mood
disorders, PTSD, phobias, or the like?
 If so, do you know how to best support them? Or are you at a loss, like many others?
 If not, it could be because many with mental illness are afraid to talk about it due to the
stigma. The fact is that this may be affecting some of your very own constituents, family
members, friends, and neighbors; ….but you just don’t know it.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 60% of people in emotional
distress first turn to their clergy for help, but many clergy members feel ill-equipped to provide
appropriate support and referrals.
I’m not clergy, but I am involved in ministry and used to spend time with someone whose
behavior left me feeling irritated and ineffectual, to the point where it hindered our relationship. I
simply didn’t know how to relate to or help her. I knew there were mental health issues, but I
knew nothing about mental illness, nor had I considered learning. My bad…
NAMI FaithNet
NAMI FaithNet is a resource for NAMI members, clergy, and congregations of all faiths
working together to create welcoming and supportive faith communities for individuals and
families living with mental illness.
Last July, our church, HF Community Alliance, received a NAMI FaithNet flyer informing us of
a meeting that was being held to discuss how the faith community could support those with
mental illness. I felt compelled to attend.
Little did I realize at the time, that the very week that meeting was to be held, we would be in the
throes of a loved one’s mental health crisis. It was at this time that I knew I needed to become
educated. That FaithNet meeting was a God-send.
The Numbers Are Clear
Here are a few statistics you might find interesting though disheartening:
 Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.—43.7 million—experiences mental illness in a given
year; and 1 in 20 adults—13.6 million—experiences a serious mental illness that
substantially interferes with or limits 1 or more major life activities.
 Approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 (21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder in a
given year. For children aged 8–15, the estimate is 13%.
 Among the 20.7 million adults in the U.S. who experienced a substance use disorder,
40.7%—8.4 million—also had mental illness.
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 Serious mental illness costs America $193.2 billion in lost earnings per year.
 70% of youth in juvenile justice systems have at least one mental health condition and at
least 20% live with a serious mental illness.
 More than 90% of children who die by suicide have a mental health condition.
The Faith Community Must Become Informed
These numbers are unacceptable! As a faith community, we cannot sit idle while those around us
struggle with the devastating effects of mental illness. We must become informed.
My diagnosed loved one said the best thing anyone can do for those with mental illness is to
become educated. Understanding how the disease affects its victims helps break the stigma. In
turn, individuals with mental illness can begin to live in freedom instead of silence and shame.
I am pretty certain this is what Jesus would want, and we (the church) can be a catalyst.
The Right Tools for Your Church’s Mental Health Tool Kit
At that FaithNet meeting, I heard about NAMI’s many programs and have since been attending
Family-to-Family meetings where I am learning about mental illness and how to support my
loved one. Through education, God has given me deep compassion for those afflicted, including
the individual I referred to earlier.
NAMI has been such a blessing to me, that I now feel compelled to share what I have learned
with others, to give them hope, and to help break the stigma; thus this invitation…
Voice of a Vet and the Hoosick Area Church Association would like to invite you and your
congregants to join us on Thursday, April 23, at 6:30 p.m. at Hoosick Falls Community Alliance
Church, 484 Hill Road, Hoosick Falls, NY, for a NAMI FaithNet meeting that will help you
become better equipped.
That evening, NAMI speakers will share tools and resources that will become invaluable to you
in counseling those with mental health issues; and your congregants will receive information that
will help them better understand the disease and how to support those afflicted.
This brief investment of time will allow you to bless individuals with mental illness with the
practical support, encouragement and hope that NAMI has to offer. All we ask is that you take
some materials back to your church and community, and use what you have learned to help those
who may call upon you.
Please let me know via phone (518-686-9888) or e-mail (
by Friday, April 17, approximately how many will be representing your church so we will have
ample materials.
We look forward to seeing you then.
Gail M. Smith
Leader, Voice of a Vet
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Letter to the Editor
Published in The Eagle “How Not to Get Rich Quick”
To the Editor,
Know anyone who literally throws money out the window? Silly question, huh?
I went for a walk one day and saw 4 pieces of paper strewn along the roadside. As I got closer, I
realized they were (4) $20 losing scratch-off lottery tickets. The thought occurred to me that someone had
(almost literally) tossed $80 out the window. $80!!
This was one purchase, one person, one shop, one town, one state, in one day! Hellooooo! Stand in a
convenience store for 10 minutes. This practice occurs countless times a day by countless people in countless
locations. Imagine what we (individuals, communities, NYS, the U.S.) could do with all that money! I began
Two weeks later, a half mile from the first spot - 4 more scratch-offs - $5 each; total - $100! Wrote
some more.
Recently, there has been talk about siting the first 3 new casinos in NY. Finished writing, knowing it’s
not going to make me many friends. Can’t help it! If just one is spared, my job is done.
Last November, NY voters approved a constitutional amendment authorizing up to 7 more Las Vegas-
style casinos in the state. About the same time, Governor Cuomo signed legislation to put up better signs at
gambling facilities to notify compulsive gamblers where to get help because “current signage isn’t effective;
…only 1,449 calls were placed in 2011 although about 1 million New Yorkers have been identified with a
gambling problem.” ( Really?? I’ve been in denial about other things so I’m
guessing most problem gamblers think those signs are for someone else if they see them at all.
From the Governor’s office ( on July 30, 2013, “Destination gaming
resorts will be required to develop comprehensive problem gambling programs, and part of the decision for
siting a destination gaming resort will be determined by” – get this – “the quality of the applicant’s ‘problem
gambling program.’” Really??
So then, New Yorkers, if you want a casino in your town, research its ill effects, come up with a good
“problem gambling program” for those who will get sucked in by your marketing program, then justify
building anyway. How warped is that?
I’ll fill out that application. My “problem gambling program”? DON’T BUILD! No doubt that application
would get rejected, though I think it would arguably be the most effective. By the way, Celebrate Recovery is
another great recovery program for anyone struggling with gambling or any life issue. Open Meetings are
Tuesdays at H.F. Community Alliance Church at 6:30 (686-3269).
From the Daily News January 2013 ( - Gov. Cuomo was proposing “to
boost state coffers by adding 780 new locations for Quick Draw lottery games. This proposal would allow 18-
year-olds to play the instant-win game in restaurants …that currently only allow 21-year-olds to play.”
From 40% of all problem gamblers started before they were 17 years old; the
number of teens playing poker for money has increased by more than 700% in the last two years alone; there
is a 75% co-morbidity rate (the person addicted to gambling usually has at least one other addiction); of all
the addictions currently recognized, problem gamblers have the highest rate of suicide.”
Addictions are family, marriage, community, and life, destroyers. I don’t have to tell some of you that.
For gambling, losing is part of the game and can render one who has put their hope in it (money) hopeless,
say nothing about penniless.
So, the question begs, is our government more concerned with money than it is with people? Seems
Remember when cigarette machines were everywhere, but then health risks associated with smoking
became apparent, so they were placed out of reach, and the bar was raised (no pun intended) in 1984 for the
drinking age to 21 from 18 because of the number of teen alcohol-related traffic deaths a year. These are
examples of our government responding appropriately.
It appears that NYS recognizes the dangers of gambling, but instead of legislation with more
restrictions, they are increasing opportunities - for the sake of the almighty dollar, but to the detriment of the
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We dangle the proverbial carrot in front of those already sucked in and even encourage youth to
engage at an earlier age knowing the dangers; then back pedal and try to fix the symptoms with band-aids
after the damage has been done. What are we thinking New York? God is not interested in band-aids. He
wants to heal the root of the problem! 1Timothy 6:10 says, “The love of money is the root of all evil.”
Proverbs 1:19 says, “Such are the paths of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the life of those
who get it.” Even if one were to win at the game – whatever form it takes; and even if they were to give away
their winnings - God’s Word is clear. He doesn’t honor ill-gotten gain. Gambling shows a lack of trust in Him
to meet our needs. It will come back to bite you/us; …and I dare say, it already is.
If our government can’t be responsible, I pray that individuals and families will be. Do your own
research. If you have a loved one who gambles, challenge them to stop and get help if they need it so they
can experience God’s abundant blessing in their life, beginning with all that dough they throw out the
window. It is a faith walk. There is hope.
Tune in, in a week or two for the rest of the story.
Gail Smith
N. Petersburgh, NY
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A vision I was given for Delta Lake Bible Conference Center Family Camp 2015 at Delta Lake Bible Conference Center that
proved to be very fruitful (no pun intended).
Spiritual disciplines are intentional practices that alter our
existing life and thought patterns in order to commune
with God and create space for the Holy Spirit to do His
transforming work in us. It is the foregoing of the
“routine” for the “sublime” that draws us into a place that
fosters a deeper relationship with our Creator.
This year, we have built in additional time during each day
of Family Camp to enter into the Spiritual Disciplines of
Prayer (and Prayer Walking), Fasting, Solitude and
Reading God’s Word.
We hope you will prayerfully consider setting aside a
block of time to join us in walking out our faith here at
Delta Lake Bible Conference Center. Not only will
participants be personally blessed, but as we come
together corporately to seek God, the ministry of DLBCC
will be also.
For more information, call Gail Smith at 518-390-4986, stop in
at RV site 13 on Tozer Trail, or stop her on the grounds.
Family Camp 2015
All events will be held in the
Prayer Chapel except **.
Fasting is optional wherever
Corporate Prayer – Daily at
7 am and 6 pm from Thurs.
evening July 3 through
Saturday morning, July 11.
Sat. July 4 12-1 pm
Prayer Walk & Fasting
Sun. July 5 12-6 pm
Reading God’s Word (drop in
anytime to listen or share
your favorite Scriptures).
Mon, July 6 8 am – 6 pm
Prayer Walk** (sign up for 1
hr. time slots at the Café)
Tues. July 7 12-1 pm
Solitude & Fasting
Tues. July 7 1-6 pm
Prayer (drop in any time)
Wed. July 8 8 am – 6 pm
Prayer Walk** (sign up for 1
hr. time slots at the Cafe)
Thur. July 9 12-1 pm
Reading God’s Word &
Fri. July 10 12-1 pm
Prayer Walk & Fasting
Thank you for joining us.
Bible Reading: "I have stored
up your Word in my heart that I
might not sin against you."
(Psalm 119:11).
Pray: "…pray without ceasing"
(1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Fast: "And when you fast…"
(Matthew 6:16).
Solitude: “Come away by
yourselves to a lonely place &
rest a while” (Mk. 6:31)
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Comprehesive Information Packet - 10-11-16

  • 1. Page | 1 ~ Abigail M. Smith ~ Freelance Christian Copywriter Comprehensive Information Packet March 29, 2016 Ephesians 3:20-21 “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.”
  • 2. Page | 2 ~ Abigail M. Smith ~ Freelance Christian Copywriter Table of Contents Section I: Letter of Introduction........................................... 1-3 About Abigail M. Smith ........................................ 4-5 What Others Have to Say ........................................6 Relevant Experience............................................. 7-8 Section II: Writing Samples
  • 3. Page | 1 ~ Abigail M. Smith ~ Freelance Christian Copywriter 33 Deakin Road, Petersburgh, NY 12138 518-686-9888  Kampala, Africa - Our ministry team had just arrived at the slums of Kivulu where dozens of street boys greeted us with banging on the bus windows and grasping at the door. They were so excited to see “Mzungu” (white people), so hopeful that our visit would bring them one step closer to realizing their dreams of having a home, going to school and becoming professional soccer players. The boys knew our leaders well and craved the message of hope, love and acceptance that our team would bring. They numbered over 100 and some were as young as 3 years. They wore filthy, tattered clothing and had dirt encrusted faces and shoeless feet; yet there was hope in their eyes. As I looked down towards the ground, tears welled up. I thought about the stories their feet could tell if only they could talk…and felt compelled to wash them. Though those boys had great physical want, they were not spiritually poor. They had the joy of Jesus…because someone - like you - cared enough to share the hope that only He could give them. Thank you for what you do! Hi! I’m Gail Smith. I have traveled overseas three times on short-term mission trips. God used my experiences in Uganda, Israel, and Guyana to break my heart for His people – people just like those you serve. In preparing for those trips, I watched videos, read articles and learned all I might ever want to know – and some of what I didn’t – about the depth of poverty and despair in the countries I would visit. However, I did not truly understand the plight of the natives until I saw it with my own eyes. I believe God called me overseas to not only see and help meet the need of the natives, but also to give me a burden for His people. I thought it would get easier with each trip. It never did. I had to do something… The Lord has given me a deep desire to use the gifts He has given me - mercy, compassion and writing skills - to help Christian organizations fulfill their call to those in need. That is why I have placed this information packet in your hand. Isaiah 61:1-3 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken- hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.
  • 4. Page | 2 My Credentials as a Christian Copywriter Practical Experience - While overseas, I helped provide food, water, and clothing for the natives. I washed their feet and bandaged their knees. I laughed and cried and played with them, prayed over them, and have persevered in prayer for them since my return home. As a result, I “get” what you do and why you do it. You feel compelled! Freelance Writing – Your organization will profit from my diverse writing experience. I have blogged, written fundraising letters, articles, news- letters, press releases and web content; authored two devotionals, written a weekly Christian column for two secular newspapers, and specialized in human-interest stories. Though followers, even non-Christians, encouraged me because my articles were refreshing and included a spiritual spin, I knew it was time to move on. The LORD was enlarging my territory. He was calling me to make a greater difference by offering copywriting services to humanitarian organizations such as yours to help, “bind up the broken-hearted, proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1. Spiritual – I believe the greatest asset I can bring to your organization is my relationship with Jesus Christ. I am an intercessor and an evangelist at heart. I have learned the importance of listening and obeying – even when what is being asked doesn’t seem to make sense, no matter the cost… Let me share what a couple of friends have to say:  “Gail is not only good at envisioning something, but also has the skills and creativity to turn vision into reality. I believe that a lot of her success is directly related to her relationship with Jesus Christ and the time she spends in prayer seeking His guidance and inspiration.”  Rev. Donald Childs  “Gail is willing to step out in areas no other person is willing to go. When God calls, she says, ‘Yes, Lord!’”  Susan Blocker …That is why I am especially excited about this “call.” I feel confident that as I seek the Lord, He will guide me in writing effective copy such as those listed below that will help you take your organization’s goals and dreams to new heights:  Video Script that SOFTENS THE HARDEST HEART  Fundraising Letters that NET RESULTS  Donor Letters that INFORM and INSPIRE  Articles that CAPTIVATE, ALLURE, and GROW your donor base  Web Content that POPS! TESTIMONIALS: “Gail has great concern for a wide variety of people, but her greatest strength is her willingness to take great risks for God.” Mike Green, Deacon, HF Community Alliance Church “Gail has great leader- ship skills and multi-tasks better than anyone I know. I am amazed at how she is able to get a variety of people to join forces with her in whatever endeavor she is involved in.” Sandy Dooley, Celebrate Recovery Leader “Gail’s unique strength is tenacity!! She is always striving to do better...and perseveres until the job is done or GOD moves her to a new thing.” Lisa Moseley “Gail will do whatever it takes, within her power, to accomplish what she sets out to do and will do all she can to help others accomplish their goals.” Susan Blocker – Leader, Women of Hope “What Gail does that few do is recognize the ‘good’ in a situation or individual and focus on supporting that quality.” David Borge, Hoosick Falls Mayor
  • 5. Page | 3 Copy that Converts: Just as you would hire professionals to perform other key functions in your organization, it is essential to hire a professional to write persuasive copy that will drive your results. Readers of websites and blogs, those who respond to e-mail or direct mail campaigns, and other marketing methods of organizations such as yours are empathetic. A story or video depicting a need often moves them to action. My script paints a picture that draws readers into the story and helps them visualize the need. It tugs at heartstrings to evoke an emotional response, often enticing a desire to help. One might write a check, be willing to travel to a foreign land, sponsor a child or storm the heavens in prayer …. Copy that converts. I will do extensive research to develop an understanding of your organization and its goals to determine how my services can help fill the gaps between where you are at and where you would like to be. I am also open to travel should that be necessary. An Estimated Fee Schedule is included with a list of services I provide that you can use as a general guideline. Please feel free to contact me if you have copywriting needs that aren’t listed. I am a quick study and would be happy to discuss them with you. Contact Information: Thank you for taking time to review my packet. I can be reached at 518-686-9888. You can also e-mail me at My website and blog are at and you can also find me on LinkedIn and Facebook. If I don’t hear from you within a week, I will follow-up with a phone call to answer any questions you might have. I would count it a privilege to use the gifts God has given me to help you meet the practical and emotional needs of those in impoverished lands, while also offering the hope that only Jesus can give to those who so desperately need Him. I look forward to speaking with you personally to discuss how we might co-labor to that end. “In light of Gail’s character as a faithful believer in Jesus and her success as an effective writer, I would recommend her to you wholeheartedly and with fond regard.”  Rev. Jonathan W. Youngmann Whether we have the opportunity to work together or not, please know that I appreciate the difference you are making and I am persevering in prayer for you and your ministry. Wrestling with God for His people, Abigail M. Smith Freelance Christian Copywriter
  • 6. Page | 4 About Abigail M. Smith Gail was born and raised in upstate New York – 15 minutes from the Vermont- Massachusetts border. She and her high school sweetheart, Dan, have been married over 41 years. The Smiths have two children and three beautiful grandchildren. Dan is now enjoying retirement while Gail is relishing in the joy of the flexibility that her own freelance writing business offers. Gail gained much experience in the business world during her early years of adulthood. She worked as Administrative Assistant for the President of a large manufacturer for 14 years, and subsequently built her own home baking business “from scratch.” It was not, however, until she had a personal encounter with the LORD that she found her most fulfilling work. Gail had been a Christian for over 25 years when God met her in a time of desperation that would forever change her life. The moment He “touched” her, she knew God was real, that He was Holy and personal, and that He loved her deeply. With that encounter, Gail’s relationship with the LORD changed, as did her life. Out of gratitude for His mercy, she began to live a life of radical devotion. If you were to ask someone about Gail, the first thing they would likely tell you is that she is a woman of faith and prayer. Rarely does Gail speak with someone who has expressed a need that they don’t both go to the LORD, on the spot, to ask for His help. She also very naturally shares the hope people can find in Christ and has led many to the Lord. Early in her faith, God broke Gail’s heart for the lost and downtrodden. She is a visionary who has founded several ministries in her community. These ministries target people with spiritual, emotional and material needs and are a conduit to building relationships. Gail has been on three short-term mission trips. Through her experiences in Guyana, Uganda and Israel, God opened her eyes to the plight of His people. He broke her heart and gave her a love for them, their countries and customs. Those trips have given her a much deeper appreciation for things we take for granted – like life, family, health and water, to name a few. A question that will forever haunt her is, “How do I reconcile what I’ve seen with what I have?” Through those trips, God also showed her the love and devotion for Christ that the natives had that those of us stateside would do well to imitate. In 2010, the LORD really tested Gail’s faith. While doing research for a ministry center she felt a call to pursue, she came across a need to serve veterans in her community. The problem was that she had not exactly appreciated History in school and lacked what she felt was adequate knowledge of veterans, war or military matters. “Hey God, remember me? I don’t do History…” she balked. Though veterans were NOT on her radar, she felt it a clear call and obeyed. Not long after taking a step of faith, the Lord brought along a man with a wealth of knowledge, passion and experience in this arena. Just over 5 years later, through the Lord’s direction and provision, Voice of a Vet is a thriving faith-based veterans’ task force whose mission is to recognize, honor and serve veterans. Now Gail anticipates her weekly Wednesday morning History lesson as she meets with 15-20 veterans for Coffee and Camaraderie, one of their outreaches. (You can read more about the organization’s programs by clicking on the links in Voice of a Vet section). A little over a year ago, upon hearing the Lord’s prompting to “pursue her writing,” Gail took another step of faith. She quit her two paying jobs to begin building her freelance copywriting business. Her dream is to write for Christian humanitarian organizations to help them fulfill their call to help those in need.
  • 7. Page | 5 Gail considers two of her greatest accomplishments as authoring and publishing ”Reflections,” a book of poetry, Scripture and prayer, within one year, and earning 61 college credits in a one semester Life Experience course at Southern Vermont College. And now, at 60 years of age, she finally knows what she wants to be when she grows up! Gail loves the adventurous life that has resulted from having fully surrendered her life and will to the LORD, and she is expectant. She knows that the dreams God has planted in her heart are nothing compared to what He has in store for her and those she serves in the months and years ahead. If your organization has been “settling,” call Gail at 518-686-9888 or 518-390-4986, or e- mail her at Let her show you how her faith and writing skills can help you take your organization’s goals and dreams to new heights. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21
  • 8. Page | 6 What Others Have to Say:  “Gail is a passionate Jesus follower. She is a careful student of the Scriptures with a consistent devotional life. She is a powerful intercessor in prayer, an “intense worshipper,” and dynamically shares her faith. She has an amazing servant heart and works tirelessly to build God’s Kingdom. Gail is very compassionate towards those who are marginalized and dispossessed and has been used wonderfully to reach veterans in our area. Gail is far from perfect – but she is diligent to remain on the pilgrim path to become all she can be through God’s help. ”  Rev. Jonathan Youngmann  “Gail loves the Lord with all her heart! She is great at witnessing for the Lord and has the gift of mercy and a loving heart for lost souls! She is very good at writing so others can easily understand. Gail’s greatest strength is she is always striving to better herself.”  Ken and Robbin White  “Gail’s greatest strength lies in her unrelenting journey for a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. She is a high-energy person who perseveres and overcomes any obstacle to bringing a project to completion. She is a person of care and compassion. She is very effective at securing the commitment and participation of others to help in whatever project she is engaged. Her planning, organization, attention to detail and writing skills are a great asset to any group she works with. Her moral compass is strong and her Biblical foundation is solid.”  Rev. Don Childs  “Gail has a desire for excellence. Her relaxed presence has a calming effect on others; and we know when she takes on a responsibility, she can be counted on to do an excellent job!”  Rev. Dave Richter, Delta Lake Bible Conference Center Board  “Gail is a caring, sensitive person, cognizant of the needs of others. Her actions are true to her beliefs. Gail makes things happen. She is an excellent organizer, writer, and communicator.”  Deborah Alter, Eastwick Press Reporter  “Gail exemplifies the willingness and desire to approach every subject with detailed study and does not finalize projects until she has researched the subject matter thoroughly. She visualizes opportunities and takes advantage of them.”  Char & Charles Edson "Gail is very goal oriented. Her unique strength is her drive and perseverance to pursue that which she is passionate about. Her ability to organize and oversee events is remarkable and she has an incredible talent for writing.”  Kathy Reed  “Gail’s greatest strengths are in her administrative and organizational skills. She is also very adept with the computer and is a good communicator.”  Bill & Deb Tudor  Gail has always amazed me with her strong desire to serve the Lord above all others. She is not afraid to make a statement about Him and perhaps salvation, on a social media website, in an article for a newspaper or in person. She is a strong woman. She knows what direction she going and does not waiver. She lives to serve others.  Loraine Robichaud. ”Gail is very detail oriented. She works very hard to make sure each detail is correct and the correct process is followed. She also doesn't rush into what she says or does. She is sensitive to think it through before speaking or doing.”  Steve Clark, Director, Delta Lake Bible Conference Center "Gail has the unique ability to draw people together and foster an environment of inclusiveness. She listens to others and has a welcoming personality that puts others at ease."  Valerie Bell”  “Gail is very good at organizing things and getting them off the ground. “ Ted & Kathy Rice  “Gail is probably the best one to call if you’re looking for a project to be done completely and then some. She is well organized and thorough. She can also handle more than one project at a time and do a very thorough and accurate job.”  Ann Powers (this is my Mom so she may be prejudice ).
  • 9. Page | 7 Abigail M. Smith: Relevant Experience EMPLOYMENT: Allied-Signal Inc. Administrative Assistant to the Sales Force and President – Prepared presentations, brochures, correspondence, flyers, set up Corporate Sales Meetings. Self-taught in computer applications. House of Walsh Marketing Assistant - Created display ads, window dressing, advertising and marketing for upscale clothing retailer. Grandma Gail’s Home Baked Goods Sole Proprietor for my own home baking business. Wares included pies, specialty cakes, fudge and cookies. My “job” included everything from purchasing supplies, to baking and packaging, clean-up, marketing and signage, setting up and selling at semi-weekly Farmer’s Markets and craft fairs. Grandma Gail’s had earned such a good reputation, that after 5 years I had to either expand my facilities and hire additional help or let it go. The first was not an option. Hoosick Falls Community Alliance Church Administrative Assistant – Prepared press releases, flyers for events, Powerpoint presentations for Sunday worship service, correspondence; was available to talk and pray with people as needed and perform any other duties necessary to support our pastor and the church. The Eagle Newspaper Columnist - I wrote my own weekly column for 2 secular newspapers. “The Christian Perspective” took biblical principles and put them in layman’s terms. Reporter – Reported on various community events, wrote human-interest stories and often write Letters to the Editor on societal issues from a Christian perspective. Facebook Pages/Groups: Moving Mountains for Lenny; Celebrate Recovery Hoosick Falls; Making Streams in the Wasteland; SHORT-TERM MISSION WORK  Ugandan Water Project – Spearheaded community-wide fundraiser over 6-month period to raise funds to provide one rainwater collection tank ($3,500) for a Ugandan village. Through God’s provision, over $10,500 was collected in 6 weeks, which enabled us to purchase three tanks. I traveled to Uganda to visit our tank sites and build relationships with recipients. As hard as it was to see the depth of poverty, it was very humbling to see how the natives responded to our visit and to see their love for Christ.  Living for Jesus International – Our team traveled to Guyana, South America, to disciple the church in the gifts of the Spirit. It was a blessing to see people so hungry for more of God and to be able to equip them so they could, in turn, equip other churches in Guyana.  Chosen People Ministries – I toured Israel for 1 week, and then stayed on for another week solo for ministry: soup kitchen, coffee house, and beach ministry. My personal favorite, however, was the many hours I spent prayer walking in the Old City and surrounding areas. Through this time on the streets, God showed me the plight of the Jewish people and gave me a deep love for them, their country and culture.
  • 10. Page | 8 MINISTRIES: Celebrate Recovery Hoosick Falls – Co-founder (2010) of faith-based 12-step recovery program for anyone with hurts, habits and hang-ups. Leader, assimilation coach and on-going participant. En- courager and sponsor; facilitated meetings, prepared presentations, flyers, invites, public relations. Plugged In - A ministry I founded in 2011(-2014) that ministered to the needy. We held clothing drives, served free dinners and used those and other events as opportunities to share God’s love and the Gospel message. Responsible for public relations, flyers, social media, etc… Voice of a Vet – I founded this veterans’ task force in 2011. Our mission is to recognize, honor and serve veterans. I have responsibility for overseeing the organization and personally handle all public relations, social media, advertising, flyers, press releases, banners and communication with vets. We hold various events including our annual Memorial and Veterans’ Day programs. We also have several on-going prototype programs: Town of Hoosick Flag Tribute, Welcome Home Celebrations, and our weekly Coffee & Camaraderie (I created and maintain these facebook pages). Spearheaded a fundraising event in 2015 that brought in $4,500 in just a little under 5 weeks in our rural community of < 3,500 people.  Below is an article written by Jason Holland of American Writers and Artists Inc. (AWAI) after he read in an assignment about the Voice of a Vet fundraiser mentioned above.  Helping Those in Need – and Finding a Life’s Calling – with the Power of Copywriting Hoosick has Heart Coordinator – Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator for 3 Red Cross blood drives a year in our church (since 2012). Spearhead Town of Hoosick blood drive campaign and work with other sponsoring organizations. Do P.R. to help meet community’s annual goal of 500 units. Saw increase from 359 in 2013 to 461 in 2014, to 467 in 2015. AFFILIATIONS: Delta Lake Bible Conference Center – Secretary, Board of Directors (October 2013 – Present) Voice of a Vet – Founder and President – 2011 Celebrate Recovery Hoosick Falls – Co-founder and Leader 2010 Hoosick Area Church Association Liaison - Since 2008 American Writers and Artists (AWA) – Member since 2014 AUTHOR: Reflections, a Devotional of Poetry, Scripture and Prayer - Self-published (2008) Delta Daily Devotions – A self-published devotional (2014) for Delta Lake Bible Conference Center, that incorporates peoples’ testimonies of what DLBCC ministry has meant to them over the years, each combined with relevant Scripture and prayer (available only at DLBCC). Songwriter: I have a passion for singing and have written many songs that focus primarily on a deeper relationship with Jesus. Some have been put to music, but none have been recorded. OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Earned 61 credits in a one-semester Life Experience course at Southern Vermont College. RELEVANT COURSES (AWAI = American Writers and Artists):  AWAI Accelerated Copywriting  AWAI Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market  AWAI Web Copywriting 2.0  AWAI Simple Path to Success
  • 11. Page | 9 ~ Abigail M. Smith ~ Freelance Christian Copywriter Writing Samples
  • 12. Page | 1 Click here to read article that was written by AWAI staff member after reading this article. Gail M. Smith 518-686-9888 AWAI Assignment: Editorial Content The Blessings of Writing for the Christian Market Using your God-given gifts and passion to help Christian organizations fulfill their missions Do you have a passion for writing and a deep desire to honor and serve God with the gift He has given you? I do, more than anything else in the world… I had been writing in various forms for years, most recently for a local newspaper, when I sensed the Lord’s prompting to “…pursue my writing.” Not having a clue what He was getting at, I began to pray. A month later while on retreat, I received a “random” e-mail from Writer’s Digest offering a “Test Drive” of AWAI’s (American Writers and Artists Inc.) Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting for $17 - $380 off! In hindsight, there was nothing “random” about it at all. It was definitely a God thing… I had never even heard of copywriting, but as I read the e-mail and prayed it through, I felt led to place the order. After all, for $17 and a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, I had nothing to lose. Within 24 hours, I received confirmation that my order had been processed. I logged into AWAI’s website, downloaded the program and began reading. The Pursuit was Over The more I read, the more I sensed that “my pursuit” was about to end; yet I was in a quandary. As a devout Christian with a passion for writing, I knew deep down inside there were faith- based organizations who needed the skills I would be learning to help them achieve their goals. …This was my deepest desire. Not knowing how it would all play out, but being certain it would, I continued working through the Accelerated Copywriting program; …then lo and behold! Two weeks later, I received an e- mail from a man named Joshua Boswell that went like this… “My name is Joshua Boswell...and I believe God has given you the special gift of writing for a specific reason.” Say what?!?
  • 13. Page | 2 The Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market Mr. Boswell proceeded to tell of The Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market, a program he designed to complement The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting. As I read his introduction, my heart raced and my excitement and anticipation grew. God – The Bible – Jesus – Prayer - Faith They were all in there! …All of these foundational elements through which I try to live my life were woven throughout his letter. This Joshua was a man after my own heart. He truly understood my desire to live fully for God, my passion for writing, and my desire for God to provide for our family while helping some great causes fulfill their calls. Through inspired content writing, copywriters can make a difference far-and-wide. For instance, you could help:  The Ugandan Water Project provide clean water for the Ugandan people  your local food pantry feed the hungry in your community.  Teen Challenge set men and women free from their addictive and compulsive behaviors.  encourage people to adopt an orphan in a 3rd world country.  …and even help break the chains of social injustice by co-laboring with organizations such as Love 146 and Hope for Justice to help free those enslaved by human trafficking. What are the burdens God has placed on your heart? You can make a difference… I can make a difference. My pursuit was over. I placed the order. As I read through the materials, I learned that my initial $17 investment was well spent, as The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting would be the foundation upon which all of my copywriting assignments would be built, regardless of genre or niche. Though I knew I needed to complete the basic program first, I quickly skimmed the Christian materials. As I did, everything I read confirmed this was where God wanted me. He had answered the cry of my heart… The Blessings… The intent of this article is not to get into the nuts and bolts of copywriting for the Christian Market, but to encourage you that there is tremendous blessing for Christians who desire to copywrite for God’s glory. For starters…  Personal Fulfillment from knowing you are using the gift God has given you to help others.  Passion – You can write about things you are passionate about.  Be Your Own Boss - Work as much or as little as you want, whenever, and wherever.  Great Pay – Get paid well for doing what you love, which helps provide financial security for your family and also allow you to be more benevolent towards others.  Make a Difference - You can change the world by helping Christian organizations fulfill what God has called them to.
  • 14. Page | 3  Work Part-Time - Because copywriting pays well, you can work fewer hours, allowing more time for family and serve to God.  God will be Glorified through your work as you serve in the Christian arena. What other “jobs” afford you all of this and more? Even though all of the above are truly blessings; to me, one of the greatest comes from Joshua’s statement, “It’s OK to talk about my faith in the marketplace.” By “working” as a Christian copywriter, you don’t have to be constrained or torn between being a Jesus-lover and working at a “traditional” job where your faith might not be welcome. You can live out your faith: …through your work, …while serving God, ….helping others, …and providing for your family. Is this also the cry of your heart? It’s OK to Get Paid Let’s get back to “providing well for your family.” I really struggled with this, as you might guess. How was I going to ask a non-profit to pay me? Joshua understands the tension between a Christian’s desire to be benevolent and the need to receive a paycheck, so this issue is discussed at length. He explains, “The ‘silent majority’ is no longer silent. The Christian Market is over $4.6 billion and growing.” Since Christian products - movies, music, seminars, apps, apparel, children’s products, to name a few - have gone mainstream, the industry recognizes the need for good copywriters in order to compete for its share of the pie. Copywriters provide an essential service that helps organizations succeed in their missions. Just as they might need professional level staff to perform other jobs, copywriters are hired to persuade – to convince prospective supporters that their prayer, check, or service is essential to the organization making a difference in the lives of real people, right now! Christians have Direct Access to God’s Heart As we pray, the direct line we have to God’s heart – inspiration through the Holy Spirit – can, in a heartbeat (no pun intended):  show us where God is working so we can join Him;  illumine our minds and give us wisdom to know how to convey a message that will tug at peoples’ heartstrings; and  guide us to prospective supporters for the organizations we write for and give them “ears to hear” and hearts to respond. “It’s OK to talk about my faith in the marketplace.” Joshua Boswell
  • 15. Page | 4 The Sky’s the Limit! Combine this “God-connection” with the practical tools allotted us through AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market, plus Web Writing 2.0 (if you are going to be writing for the web), and the sky’s the limit! Nothing can stop us, as we co-labor with ANY organization, from helping them realize their goals and dreams while attaining our own financial security. “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.” 2 Corinthians 5:14 Christ’s love compels us to employ our love for Him and the gifts and passions He has knit into us to live out our faith through works and share the Good News because of our gratitude for what He has done for us at the Cross. Thank you, Joshua and AWAI, for the resources and opportunity to glorify God through my writing. At almost 59 years old, I am so excited that I have finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up! Success Unfolds I’d like to share a testimony about the first direct response letter I wrote, just a few weeks ago. It was for Voice of a Vet, a faith-based Veterans task force in our community that I founded several years ago. Though I am still working through The Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market, I know God has called me, and am very expectant and excited about how He is going to use AWAI programs and me to: 1) help Christian organizations become powerful forces for His Kingdom; and 2) pass along the blessings I will receive as I walk in faith and trust in His leading. It was exciting to craft a fundraising letter that employed the skills I have learned in The Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting and Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market for an organization that I lead. Before working through these programs, I never would have had the nerve to ask someone specifically for $50, $100 or $200. But it has been exciting to go to the mailbox and open checks in these amounts from community members who are willing to become “Honorary Members” to help Voice of a Vet accomplish its mission “to recognize, honor and serve veterans” in our community. Your programs have helped me to understand the angles from which to approach and the emotions that need to be evoked. We are a community of less than 4,000 people in rural Upstate New York, with more empty storefronts than not and little industry, but I have already received over $2,525 in just 2 weeks. YAY, God!
  • 16. Page | 5 Is God Calling? What about you? Do you hear God calling? I’ll end by suggesting what Joshua suggested in that initial e-mail I received. Pray about it… Perhaps God also wants to bless you through a career writing for the Christian Market. Get the details at The Secrets of Writing for the Christian Market or call AWAI at 866-879-2924 today to begin the most compelling and fulfilling journey of your lifetime.
  • 17. Page | 6 Writing Sample OnlyFundraising letter far exceeded expectations $4,500 raised in 6 weeks in a rural community of <3,500 people with little industry. P.O. Box 558, Hoosick Falls, NY March 1, 2015 Dear Colleague, “A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to ‘The United States of America,’ for an amount ‘up to and including their life.’" This anonymous quote was written by someone who “gets it.” Though all who served were not required to pay the ultimate price, Town of Hoosick servicemen and women’s signatures proved their willingness to go the distance in their fight for our freedom, should that be required of them. It behooves us to take time to recognize, honor and serve our Hometown Heroes for their willingness, whatever the cost, whatever role they played. This is Voice of a Vet’s mission. Two of the many ways we have chosen to repay our veterans’ debts are through our Welcome Home and Town of Hoosick Tribute Flag programs. Welcome Home Ceremonies Over 225 people attended our first Welcome Home celebration that was held at the Armory in October 2013 to honor Town of Hoosick WWII Veterans. In September 2014, our Korean War Vets were welcomed home with a parade and similar program at the Town of Hoosick Skating Rink, with over 325 people in attendance. On August 8 of this year, our Vietnam Veterans will receive a fitting and long overdue Welcome Home during an event that will be held at Wood Memorial Park beginning at 10 am with a parade, followed by guest speakers, recognition, music, food and other activities. Because of the unfortunate manner in which our Vietnam Vets were received upon their return from war, we expect an even larger crowd than in the past to be on hand to honor these men and women. In years to come, we will continue this tradition until all Town of Hoosick Veterans have been appropriately welcomed home. Town of Hoosick Tribute Flag The Town of Hoosick Tribute Flag Program’s mission is to fly Voice of a Vet’s tribute flag, Liberty, over cemeteries at home and abroad of all 100 Town of Hoosick serviceman who died in battle. This program began on Flag Day 2014 when we formally handed Liberty over to the Patriot Guard Riders NY, who escorted her 3,650 miles, over the course of 150 days, to 22 Civil War Cemeteries where ceremonies were held to honor 27 Town of Hoosick men who were killed in action. Liberty will travel to the Punch Bowl in Hawaii with HFCS students in March; then similar ceremonies will be held in Hoosick Falls on May 9 to honor local men, with a program at HF Community Alliance Church beginning at 10 am. This event will begin with PGR and HFCS students sharing from their particular legs of Liberty’s journey.
  • 18. Page | 7 Liberty has also flown over cemeteries in Belgium, Sicily, and England; but more funds are needed in order for her to complete her trek. The Welcome Home and Town of Hoosick Tribute Flag programs have been very meaningful for honorees, their families, and our community, but they do come at a hefty cost. You Can Help Us Repay that Debt to Our Vets We are inviting you to co-labor with Voice of a Vet for our Debt to a Vet Fundraiser on Tuesday, May 5, by serving on the Honorary Committee and attending the event. Debt to a Vet will be held from 4-9 at Brown’s Brewing, 50 Factory Hill Rd, Hoosick Falls NY. This alcohol-free event will feature Giffy’s Chicken Bar-B-Q ($11 for ½ chicken meal); music provided by the HFCS Jazz Band; a Silent Auction; live Dessert Auction, with Hoosick Falls’ very own Ronald Seifert doing the honors; plus Brown’s will be serving their very own root beer which is brewed at their Troy facility. Sponsorship Levels As a member of the Debt to Our Vets Honorary Committee, we are offering a variety of sponsorship levels for you to choose from:  General/Admiral is $200 and includes 4 BBQ tickets.  Captain is $100 and includes 2 BBQ tickets.  E-1 is $50 and includes 1 BBQ ticket. Your generous contribution will help fulfill our on-going mission to recognize, honor and serve Town of Hoosick Veterans through our Welcome Home and Tribute Flag programs. Debt to a Vet Honorary Committee members will be listed on the event program and will also be recognized in press releases subsequent to the event. Thank you for co-laboring with us to help repay our veterans at home and afar. Your sponsorship checks can be mailed to Voice of a Vet LLC, P.O. Box 558, Hoosick Falls, NY 12090. Response by March 31st is especially appreciated. We look forward to celebrating with you on May 5. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Gail or Joyce at the numbers below. Sincerely, Gail Smith Joyce Brewer (518) 686-9888 (518) 258-5772
  • 19. Page | 8 Debt to a Vet Fundraiser Response Form Yes, I would like to help support the Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home and Town of Hoosick Tribute Flag programs. Enclosed is my sponsorship check for:  General/Admiral Sponsorship for $200 which includes 4 BBQ tickets.  Captain Sponsorship for $100 which includes 2 BBQ tickets.  E-1 Sponsorship for $50 which includes 1 BBQ ticket.  Other $  I am unable to attend and would like my ticket(s) donated How would you like your name listed: Address: City, State, Zip: Please mail your donation to: Voice of a Vet LLC P.O. Box 558 Hoosick Falls, NY 12090 Please respond by March 31, 2015.
  • 20. Page | 9 Invitation – 65 churches invited - 10 different churches represented. NAMI FaithNet (National Alliance on Mental Health) Vital Tools for Your Church’s Mental Health Tool Kit April 6, 2015 Dear Faith Community Leader, Do you know someone who struggles with depression, bi-polar, anxiety, panic or mood disorders, PTSD, phobias, or the like?  If so, do you know how to best support them? Or are you at a loss, like many others?  If not, it could be because many with mental illness are afraid to talk about it due to the stigma. The fact is that this may be affecting some of your very own constituents, family members, friends, and neighbors; ….but you just don’t know it. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 60% of people in emotional distress first turn to their clergy for help, but many clergy members feel ill-equipped to provide appropriate support and referrals. I’m not clergy, but I am involved in ministry and used to spend time with someone whose behavior left me feeling irritated and ineffectual, to the point where it hindered our relationship. I simply didn’t know how to relate to or help her. I knew there were mental health issues, but I knew nothing about mental illness, nor had I considered learning. My bad… NAMI FaithNet NAMI FaithNet is a resource for NAMI members, clergy, and congregations of all faiths working together to create welcoming and supportive faith communities for individuals and families living with mental illness. Last July, our church, HF Community Alliance, received a NAMI FaithNet flyer informing us of a meeting that was being held to discuss how the faith community could support those with mental illness. I felt compelled to attend. Little did I realize at the time, that the very week that meeting was to be held, we would be in the throes of a loved one’s mental health crisis. It was at this time that I knew I needed to become educated. That FaithNet meeting was a God-send. The Numbers Are Clear Here are a few statistics you might find interesting though disheartening:  Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S.—43.7 million—experiences mental illness in a given year; and 1 in 20 adults—13.6 million—experiences a serious mental illness that substantially interferes with or limits 1 or more major life activities.  Approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 (21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder in a given year. For children aged 8–15, the estimate is 13%.  Among the 20.7 million adults in the U.S. who experienced a substance use disorder, 40.7%—8.4 million—also had mental illness.
  • 21. Page | 10  Serious mental illness costs America $193.2 billion in lost earnings per year.  70% of youth in juvenile justice systems have at least one mental health condition and at least 20% live with a serious mental illness.  More than 90% of children who die by suicide have a mental health condition. The Faith Community Must Become Informed These numbers are unacceptable! As a faith community, we cannot sit idle while those around us struggle with the devastating effects of mental illness. We must become informed. My diagnosed loved one said the best thing anyone can do for those with mental illness is to become educated. Understanding how the disease affects its victims helps break the stigma. In turn, individuals with mental illness can begin to live in freedom instead of silence and shame. I am pretty certain this is what Jesus would want, and we (the church) can be a catalyst. The Right Tools for Your Church’s Mental Health Tool Kit At that FaithNet meeting, I heard about NAMI’s many programs and have since been attending Family-to-Family meetings where I am learning about mental illness and how to support my loved one. Through education, God has given me deep compassion for those afflicted, including the individual I referred to earlier. NAMI has been such a blessing to me, that I now feel compelled to share what I have learned with others, to give them hope, and to help break the stigma; thus this invitation… Voice of a Vet and the Hoosick Area Church Association would like to invite you and your congregants to join us on Thursday, April 23, at 6:30 p.m. at Hoosick Falls Community Alliance Church, 484 Hill Road, Hoosick Falls, NY, for a NAMI FaithNet meeting that will help you become better equipped. That evening, NAMI speakers will share tools and resources that will become invaluable to you in counseling those with mental health issues; and your congregants will receive information that will help them better understand the disease and how to support those afflicted. This brief investment of time will allow you to bless individuals with mental illness with the practical support, encouragement and hope that NAMI has to offer. All we ask is that you take some materials back to your church and community, and use what you have learned to help those who may call upon you. Please let me know via phone (518-686-9888) or e-mail ( by Friday, April 17, approximately how many will be representing your church so we will have ample materials. We look forward to seeing you then. Gail Gail M. Smith Leader, Voice of a Vet
  • 22. Page | 11 Letter to the Editor Published in The Eagle “How Not to Get Rich Quick” To the Editor, Know anyone who literally throws money out the window? Silly question, huh? I went for a walk one day and saw 4 pieces of paper strewn along the roadside. As I got closer, I realized they were (4) $20 losing scratch-off lottery tickets. The thought occurred to me that someone had (almost literally) tossed $80 out the window. $80!! This was one purchase, one person, one shop, one town, one state, in one day! Hellooooo! Stand in a convenience store for 10 minutes. This practice occurs countless times a day by countless people in countless locations. Imagine what we (individuals, communities, NYS, the U.S.) could do with all that money! I began writing. Two weeks later, a half mile from the first spot - 4 more scratch-offs - $5 each; total - $100! Wrote some more. Recently, there has been talk about siting the first 3 new casinos in NY. Finished writing, knowing it’s not going to make me many friends. Can’t help it! If just one is spared, my job is done. Last November, NY voters approved a constitutional amendment authorizing up to 7 more Las Vegas- style casinos in the state. About the same time, Governor Cuomo signed legislation to put up better signs at gambling facilities to notify compulsive gamblers where to get help because “current signage isn’t effective; …only 1,449 calls were placed in 2011 although about 1 million New Yorkers have been identified with a gambling problem.” ( Really?? I’ve been in denial about other things so I’m guessing most problem gamblers think those signs are for someone else if they see them at all. From the Governor’s office ( on July 30, 2013, “Destination gaming resorts will be required to develop comprehensive problem gambling programs, and part of the decision for siting a destination gaming resort will be determined by” – get this – “the quality of the applicant’s ‘problem gambling program.’” Really?? So then, New Yorkers, if you want a casino in your town, research its ill effects, come up with a good “problem gambling program” for those who will get sucked in by your marketing program, then justify building anyway. How warped is that? I’ll fill out that application. My “problem gambling program”? DON’T BUILD! No doubt that application would get rejected, though I think it would arguably be the most effective. By the way, Celebrate Recovery is another great recovery program for anyone struggling with gambling or any life issue. Open Meetings are Tuesdays at H.F. Community Alliance Church at 6:30 (686-3269). From the Daily News January 2013 ( - Gov. Cuomo was proposing “to boost state coffers by adding 780 new locations for Quick Draw lottery games. This proposal would allow 18- year-olds to play the instant-win game in restaurants …that currently only allow 21-year-olds to play.” Really?? From 40% of all problem gamblers started before they were 17 years old; the number of teens playing poker for money has increased by more than 700% in the last two years alone; there is a 75% co-morbidity rate (the person addicted to gambling usually has at least one other addiction); of all the addictions currently recognized, problem gamblers have the highest rate of suicide.” Addictions are family, marriage, community, and life, destroyers. I don’t have to tell some of you that. For gambling, losing is part of the game and can render one who has put their hope in it (money) hopeless, say nothing about penniless. So, the question begs, is our government more concerned with money than it is with people? Seems so… Remember when cigarette machines were everywhere, but then health risks associated with smoking became apparent, so they were placed out of reach, and the bar was raised (no pun intended) in 1984 for the drinking age to 21 from 18 because of the number of teen alcohol-related traffic deaths a year. These are examples of our government responding appropriately. It appears that NYS recognizes the dangers of gambling, but instead of legislation with more restrictions, they are increasing opportunities - for the sake of the almighty dollar, but to the detriment of the people.
  • 23. Page | 12 We dangle the proverbial carrot in front of those already sucked in and even encourage youth to engage at an earlier age knowing the dangers; then back pedal and try to fix the symptoms with band-aids after the damage has been done. What are we thinking New York? God is not interested in band-aids. He wants to heal the root of the problem! 1Timothy 6:10 says, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” Proverbs 1:19 says, “Such are the paths of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the life of those who get it.” Even if one were to win at the game – whatever form it takes; and even if they were to give away their winnings - God’s Word is clear. He doesn’t honor ill-gotten gain. Gambling shows a lack of trust in Him to meet our needs. It will come back to bite you/us; …and I dare say, it already is. If our government can’t be responsible, I pray that individuals and families will be. Do your own research. If you have a loved one who gambles, challenge them to stop and get help if they need it so they can experience God’s abundant blessing in their life, beginning with all that dough they throw out the window. It is a faith walk. There is hope. Tune in, in a week or two for the rest of the story. Gail Smith N. Petersburgh, NY
  • 24. Page | 13 A vision I was given for Delta Lake Bible Conference Center Family Camp 2015 at Delta Lake Bible Conference Center that proved to be very fruitful (no pun intended). WALKING OUT THE SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES Spiritual disciplines are intentional practices that alter our existing life and thought patterns in order to commune with God and create space for the Holy Spirit to do His transforming work in us. It is the foregoing of the “routine” for the “sublime” that draws us into a place that fosters a deeper relationship with our Creator. This year, we have built in additional time during each day of Family Camp to enter into the Spiritual Disciplines of Prayer (and Prayer Walking), Fasting, Solitude and Reading God’s Word. We hope you will prayerfully consider setting aside a block of time to join us in walking out our faith here at Delta Lake Bible Conference Center. Not only will participants be personally blessed, but as we come together corporately to seek God, the ministry of DLBCC will be also. For more information, call Gail Smith at 518-390-4986, stop in at RV site 13 on Tozer Trail, or stop her on the grounds. Family Camp 2015 All events will be held in the Prayer Chapel except **. Fasting is optional wherever listed. Events Corporate Prayer – Daily at 7 am and 6 pm from Thurs. evening July 3 through Saturday morning, July 11. Sat. July 4 12-1 pm Prayer Walk & Fasting Sun. July 5 12-6 pm Reading God’s Word (drop in anytime to listen or share your favorite Scriptures). Mon, July 6 8 am – 6 pm Prayer Walk** (sign up for 1 hr. time slots at the Café) Tues. July 7 12-1 pm Solitude & Fasting Tues. July 7 1-6 pm Prayer (drop in any time) Wed. July 8 8 am – 6 pm Prayer Walk** (sign up for 1 hr. time slots at the Cafe) Thur. July 9 12-1 pm Reading God’s Word & Fasting Fri. July 10 12-1 pm Prayer Walk & Fasting Thank you for joining us. Bible Reading: "I have stored up your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11). Pray: "…pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Fast: "And when you fast…" (Matthew 6:16). Solitude: “Come away by yourselves to a lonely place & rest a while” (Mk. 6:31)