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Godly Success.indd 3 2/22/12 10:04 AM
© Copyright 2012 – Mornay Johnson
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture is taken from the New King James Version.
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Godly Success.indd 4 2/22/12 10:04 AM
To my wife Angela, whose immovable faith and perseverance
have proven to be beacons of stability amidst life’s storms. Thank
you for your unending love, encouragement, and support. And
to all those who are looking to achieve the high calling of God
for their life, take this book and set sail for your destination of
Godly Success.
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We are the product of those around us. The following people
have aided in the production of this book or helped me become a
better person or both.
My mother, Veronica—your prayers have sustained me over
the years.
Eric and Doreen Smith—thank you for showing me what
Christ’s love looks like in practical form.
Wouter and Yvonne Kempen—your sacrificial lives for the
Kingdom will be echoed throughout eternity.
Pastor Greg Brown—thank you for your support of our min-
istry, your wise counsel, and your friendship.
John Mark Pool—you were the catalyst in the production of
this book.
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Pastor Elisabeth Syrè—your prophetic word ignited the mo-
tivation for this book.
Lisa Thompson—thank you for your speed and precision in
the editing of this work.
Dr. Greg Brown, Dr. Ché Ahn, Dr. Mark Chironna, James W.
Goll, Elisabeth Syrè, John Mark Pool—thank you for providing
valuable endorsements for this book. As respected leaders, your
words of accreditation bring an authenticity to this work that
would otherwise have been lacking.
To all the staff at Destiny Image who were involved in the
publication of this book—thank you for providing me a forum of
communication that allows me to minister the timeless truths of
God’s Word.
Lisa Ott—whose prompt organizational skills pulled together
multiple resources.
Godly Success.indd 8 2/22/12 10:04 AM
Every Christian wants to know the seven steps, the five
keys, and the ten secrets to success—financial success. In Mor-
nay Johnson’s newest book, Godly Success, he beautifully de-
fines and illustrates God’s blueprint for success and prosperity
according to the principles of His Word. Mornay provides prac-
tical, everyday life testimonies we can all relate to, at some level,
which demonstrate how God’s success is an integral part of our
everyday lives.
Dr. Ché Ahn
Senior Pastor, HROCK Church, Pasadena, CA
President, Harvest International Ministry
International Chancellor, Wagner Leadership Institute
Godly Success.indd 9 2/22/12 10:04 AM
I am thankful for Mornay Johnson writing Godly Success.
This is a great book all Christians need to read to develop a bibli-
cal worldview for the season in which we are living. Each chapter
is filled with wisdom on topics we deal with in our daily lives. The
sound and practical approach to each topic is easy to read and un-
derstand. This book can also be used as a daily devotion or even at
Bible study groups. You will want to share this with your friends
once you read it!
Dr. Greg Brown
Senior Pastor, Skyway Church
President, Ascend Apostolic Network
Godly Success by my dear ministry friend, Mornay Johnson,
both prophetic messenger and successful businessman, gives us
the purest form of God’s success plan—not just to a select few—
but for everyone who will read and apply this basic biblical guide
to obtaining genuine success! Believe me, you will never again
look at living in godly success as a prosperous “dream” that is
not for you, but for the few who seem to always grab God’s arm
of favor! No, quite the contrary; Mornay Johnson sets the record
straight in Godly Success, substantiating that real success is based
and pursued as God’s obtainable destiny for you—and yes, that
can include immeasurable prosperity and a treasure trove of bless-
ings that others will want as you grow before them into your true
godly success!
I highly recommend this book to help every person looking
to seize God’s best for their lives and touch the world in doing
so! Godly Success is now in my “ready reference” shelf to help in
many of my teachings as I know the results seen in Mornay and
Angela’s lives will work for those the Lord sends us in our travels.
You too must have this book for your library—and be sure to get
one for your friends! It is one investment that you can rest assured
Godly Success.indd 10 2/22/12 10:04 AM
brings yourself, and many others, the true necessary message on
godly success! Get it and live it today!
Always a Voice for God,
John Mark and Sandy Pool
Authors, Prophetic Messengers
Founders of Word to the World Ministries
This book is such an eye-opener for all who read it. Many
years ago I got a word for Mornay in South Africa: “You will
be a business minister. Your home will be in America. The busi-
ness world needs you more than a congregation would need you.”
At that stage Mornay was already a good public speaker. And
sure enough, today Mornay is used mightily in business events
and seminars. His home is in the U.S.A. and he encourages and
strengthens people with a heart for business and a heart for God.
Mornay experienced the pitfalls of structural patterns in com-
munities that would neither enhance nor encourage the talents of
individuals to become a success through their talents. Mornay is
called to bring the reality of success as an endorsement of God
to men and women in the marketplace. People need his input all
over the world at the place where they are at. I heartily endorse
this book to anyone who is looking for the keys God provides for
true success.
Mornay takes us away from the religious cliché thinking-
pattern of serving God in a box.
I believe that our Creator is so much greater. He has given
each one of us gifts to enhance life and to bring glory to Him in
the corporate world and in our own individual ways.
Godly Success.indd 11 2/22/12 10:04 AM
Many years ago my spiritual mom, Corrie ten Boom, told me:
“Follow God’s instructions, never to be sidetracked about what
people think about it. Obedience is better than sacrifice.”
Thank you for hearing His voice, for following His instruc-
tions for your life, Mornay.
You are an inspiration and a gift for the “now” generation.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to endorse your book
after so many years of friendship and prayer. You are a blessing. 
Elisabeth Syré
With every move of God there comes progressive truths and
new voices. It is my honor to commend to you a book with user-
friendly revelatory content and a person of outstanding character.
Mornay Johnson has done us a great favor by penning his thoughts
as a marketplace prophet in this generation. He lives his message
and his message is his life. Take and eat! A great meal is set right
in front of you!
James W. Goll
Encounters Network • Prayer Storm • Compassion Acts
National Best-Selling Author
Godly Success.indd 12 2/22/12 10:04 AM
	 by Dr. Mark Chironna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
CHAPTER 1	 Essential Business
	 A Matter of the Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
CHAPTER 2	 Kings and Priests
	 “A Divine Partnership—
	 for the Good of the Kingdom” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
CHAPTER 3	 Destination Coordinates
	 Hitting the Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
CHAPTER 4	 Daily Alignment
	 One Bite at a Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
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CHAPTER 5	 Maintaining Focus
	 What You Behold, You Become . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
CHAPTER 6	 Christian Character
	 A Container for the Anointing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
CHAPTER 7	 Money Matters
	 It Really Does! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165
CHAPTER 8	 Godly Success
	 Access to GOFIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
	Endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
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We live in a day of unprecedented change, challenge, chaos,
and uncertainty. Yet for those with a discerning eye for what
wants to emerge, we live in a day of unparalleled opportunity. Ul-
timately, each of us has developed a definition of what we perceive
success to be. Over the many years of being in the people-helping
business, I have listened, counseled, coached, and prayed with
thousands of individuals from every strata of society and practi-
cally every part of the globe.
Invariably, whenever the topic of success has arisen, there
are as many different definitions of success as there are people on
the planet. All of us perceive success differently, and our percep-
tion is tied to the environment that helped shape us, the beliefs
that helped form us, the individuals that helped mold us, and the
choices that helped bring us to where we are in our current reality.
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Finding common ground in terms of individual perceptions of
success is not as easy a task as you might think. Place 50 people in
a room and ask them to give you a 12-word definition of success,
and there will be 600 different words in combinations of sentences
that may have certain similarities, yet will also have a broad range
of differences.
How come? We all perceive reality through the lens and filter
of our own deeply held mental models of how the world “really
works.” In addition, those deeply held mental models operate at
a deeply unconscious level, and because of that, they govern us
even in ways we fail to realize or become conscious of because we
tend to live life on automatic pilot and experience many things by
default. In essence, we will tend to consistently experience what
we believe to be true (even if what we believe isn’t true at all!).
The only way to change your experiences, therefore, is to
change your beliefs and your belief systems. For the mature son
or daughter of God, there is a deep knowing that the only way
to experience real metamorphosis is by way of the mind being
renewed. When the mind is renewed, God’s sons and daughters
have the ability to prove those things that are consummately
good, acceptable, and complete (mature, perfect, having come to
full intention). When you are about proving that in your life, you
are operating at what God deems to be success.
Although you can have your own definition and idea of suc-
cess and I can have mine, we have a “Manufacturer’s Warranty
Statement” (it’s called the Holy Scriptures), and it reveals both
the reason you have been created and given an opportunity to live
on this planet and the One who manufactured (created) you with
His highest and best intentions in mind. Operate according to His
intentions and you will discover that, rather than you searching
for success, it will actually search for you.
A brilliant playwright from a few generations back, who
loved God and struggled for years with a nagging sense of failure
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F o r e w o r d
by Dr. Mark Chironna
because he never seemed to have any of the big New York pro-
ducers on Broadway consider taking one of his plays and turning
them into major productions, brought his petition regarding this
to the Lord, only to hear the Lord say to him these words: “Don’t
write so that you can get to Broadway; write so that Broadway
can get to you!” In essence, God was letting one of His children
know that when we are driven by an unmet need to be recognized
for what we do, success evades our grasp. It isn’t that success is
inherently wrong; it is that our reasons for success can often go
unnoticed because of those deep mental models and belief systems
that have not been renewed by the work of the Spirit through the
Word of God. They can become the very cause of the blind spot
that prevents us from seeing what genuine success really is, not
from our point of view, or someone else’s point of view, or any-
body’s point of view (because as we have already said, we all have
our own definition of success). Rather, we will discover what suc-
cess is from God’s point of view.
Once the point from which you are viewing things is adjusted
and you shift to God’s much more inspiring viewing point, suc-
cess takes on a whole new meaning. Are you ready for godly suc-
cess? Are you ready for the kind of transformation on the inside
that leads to major shifts and changes on the outside, beyond your
wildest dreams? If so, Mornay Johnson has provided you a blue-
print from which to rechart your course and reshape your path.
His newest release, Godly Success, is a “boots-on-the-ground”
training manual that will help you win the battle for success as
you fight the good fight of faith according to the truth as revealed
in the Scripture.
Take the time to work through every nugget he shares, and
don’t merely give mental assent to what he is sharing; apply the
principles in your life and work them! If you will work with the
principles he teaches you, the principles will work both with you
and for you! There truly is a realm of success known only to those
who walk with the God who wills a kind of success that exceeds
Godly Success.indd 17 2/22/12 10:04 AM
limited human definitions. Get down to the essentials of what re-
ally matters, and set your sails to catch the winds of the high call-
ing of God in, on, and for your life. Take this navigation manual
that you hold in your hands, and head for that port of call known
as godly success. Thanks, Mornay, for inviting us to launch out on
God’s sea of adventure and possibility, and reach for the prize of
that high calling!
Dr. Mark J. Chironna
The Master’s Touch International Church
Mark Chironna Ministries
Orlando, Florida
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Essential Business
A Matter of the Heart
For a businessperson, the objective is simple—win! The word
win holds different connotations for people, but essentially it en-
compasses the aspect of achieving. Whether it’s climbing to the top
of the corporate ladder, listing your company on the NASDAQ,
monopolizing a particular market segment, or simply exceeding
your sales projections, your desire is to achieve what you initially
set out to accomplish.
Having this type of determination, drive, and vision to reach
your goals is admirable. However, if you only ever strive for fleet-
ing material possessions and short-lived earthly accomplishments,
your life will be shallow and meaningless, to say the least. These
scheme of things. Make no mistake; you need belongings (houses,
cars, clothing, and so forth) in order to survive. Nevertheless, if
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your possessions become your sole source of fulfillment, you are
sorely lacking. What good is your Mercedes-Benz parked in the
garage—while your kids run wild? What is the benefit of your
company exceeding financial projections for the second or third
year—at the expense of your marriage? What value is there in
winning the award for salesperson of the year for the umpteenth
time—while your health suffers? What have you really gained?
There is more to life
than mere financial gain.
There is more to life than mere financial gain. According to
Scripture, it is God’s intent for you to experience prosperity in
every aspect of your life. I know that some of you reading this
may find that hard to believe. Many folks opine that the Bible is
a set of rules designed to keep people from enjoying life. They
view it as a book intended to stifle all forms of pleasure and think
that those who live by it will be deprived of any excitement in life.
Furthermore, they insist that its adherents are in grave jeopardy of
becoming boring and bland.
On the contrary, the Bible is God’s blueprint for humanity
and provides the only legitimate, comprehensive “instruction set”
for life. Upon closer examination, the Bible offers dozens of ben-
efits. Just a few include gaining insight into God’s intended plans
and purposes for your life, obtaining necessary wisdom to charter
the course of life, and finding out how to live in harmony with
your neighbor.
To the degree that you prosper
internally, you will prosper externally.
One of the many certain promises given in Scripture is God’s
intent that you will “prosper in all things and be in health, just
as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). Notice the correlation, though,
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E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s
A Matter of the Heart
between external prosperity (“all things”) and the prosperity or
well-being of the soul (“just as your soul prospers”). In fact, what
this Scripture really says is that external prosperity originates from
within. In other words, the degree to which you prosper inter-
nally is the degree to which you will prosper externally. This may
be a new concept for some since it radically opposes the current
mind-set. A modern, secular viewpoint advocates that, in order
to feel good on the inside, you have to concentrate your efforts
on the external. The more accomplishments you can rack up, the
more wealth you can amass, the more popular you become, the
higher you climb up the corporate ladder, the more fulfilled you
will feel on the inside.
You can see a glimpse of this throughout media and soci-
ety in general. Magazine racks are laden with gossip periodicals,
which provide the reader with the latest celebrity scoop. Nu-
merous television programs provide insight into the lifestyles of
the rich and famous. Whether in print or over the airwaves, the
storyline is the same: Celeb so-and-so has broken up with rock
star such-and-such, and is now dating sports personality what’s-
his-name. Mr. Super Rich has just erected splendor building
number who-cares and paid a record price for possession num-
ber meaningless. From relationship to relationship and thing to
thing, people make every attempt to fill the void inside. After
all, hasn’t society taught us that external behavior will determine
internal happiness? Wrong! The Creator’s handbook, known as
the Bible, dictates otherwise.
The Manufacturer’s Handbook
Before we start, let’s take a brief moment to discuss the some-
what controversial topic of the Bible.
The Bible is God’s
blueprint for humanity.
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I want to emphasize that the Bible is God’s blueprint for hu-
manity, and it provides the only legitimate, comprehensive set of
instructions for this life. I have always been amazed at how some
people think they know all the answers and how to best manage
life. They think that their clever logic, rationalization skills, higher
education, and intellect are all they need. Yet, for all of their sup-
posed knowledge, what do we usually see when we look at soci-
ety? All of our humanistic efforts have not accomplished much.
All we have to do is check the latest news on any given day or
glance at the morning paper to tell us that. Yet, amidst all of this
disharmony, chaos, and turmoil, many continue to reject the one
Book whose guidelines concerning life will provide them with the
answers they so desperately need.
To illustrate my point, let me share this example. What would
happen if you were to buy a brand-new stereo system and imme-
diately place it in water, plug it into a voltage supply that’s out of
range with the manufacture’s specifications, or simply bash it with
a hammer? Could you return it to the store and complain that the
product was bad? Of course not, that would be absolutely absurd.
When you purchased the stereo, it came with an instruction book.
It is the owner’s responsibility to read and follow it—thereby en-
suring the item’s peak performance and longevity.
In like manner, the human race was provided with a “manu-
facture’s handbook” called the Bible. By following its instruc-
tions and heeding its cautions, we’ll live the optimum lives God
intended for us. Instead, many of us flagrantly violate God’s
laws and then have the audacity to complain to the manufacturer
(God) when things are not going so well for us. We’re simply
suffering the consequences of our own actions—a warning that’s
mentioned in the handbook, by the way (see Deut. 28:15; Ps.
146:9b). All of life’s principles of success are derived from the
pages of the Bible and woven throughout this time-tested Book.
I offer no apologies for my support of God’s Word because I’ve
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E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s
A Matter of the Heart
learned that any success outside the parameters of the Bible
amounts to naught when weighed against eternity.
God intends and desires for us to experience prosperity in
every aspect of our lives. Furthermore, there’s a distinct corre-
lation between external prosperity and internal well-being. Over
the next few pages we will see how we can achieve this in practical
terms. After all, we’ve already stated that we want to win as busi-
nesspeople, including achieving our goals.
The Internal Person
First of all, we need to lay a foundation for what the Bible
means when it talks about internal prosperity or wellness. To do
this, we need a basic understanding of the human makeup. From
Scripture we discover that each person is comprised of a spirit, a
soul, and a body (see 1 Thess. 5:23). The spirit is that part which
knows God. The soul, in turn, consists of the mind, the will, and the
emotions. The mind, as we know, is the place where our thought
processes originate. Our emotions allow us to feel and respond
to these thoughts, our external environment, and other people.
The will gives us the ability to choose—based on our thoughts
and emotions. Our bodies or flesh are the physical part of us that
envelops or surrounds our souls and spirits.
In Genesis 3:19, we learn that when our physical bodies cease
to function, they will die and return to the dust from whence they
were formed. The apostle Peter likens our bodies to a tent, which
houses our spiritual beings (see 2 Pet. 1:14). Although separate,
we cannot treat the spirit, soul, and body as stand-alone entities,
since what affects one influences the others. For example, when
our bodies experience discomfort or disease, our emotions are af-
fected. And the reverse is true as well. When we become angry or
bitter and hold those poisonous emotions within, our bodies are
affected and manifest these symptoms. When we lack spiritually,
we attempt to satisfy our bodies and fill our souls with whatever
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illegitimate physical or emotional substance or addiction we can
to satisfy that void.
When our spiritual needs are met, everything else in life takes
on true meaning. In other words, when the spirit of a person is
satisfied, the soul and body will be fulfilled. This is what the Bible
means when it states that we are to prosper internally.
People were born with
God-shaped vacuums on the inside.
People were born with God-shaped vacuums on the inside,
“holes” brought about by the sin and depravity of a fallen world
(see Rom. 5:12). Much of life is spent trying to fill this void. How-
ever, this emptiness or cavity can only be filled by God Himself.
No person, achievement, or possession can accomplish that task.
You may think that all sounds well and good, but may wonder
how to fill this alleged “hole” with God. It’s a bit more compli-
cated than placing the missing “God-piece” into the puzzle of
your heart. You have to ensure that God is “plugged into” your
life. The Bible calls this “plugging in” being born again or inviting
Jesus into your heart.
You may recall the well-known biblical account of a man
named Nicodemus, who came to Jesus by night. The following
clearly depicts the concept of the new-birth experience:
There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a
ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said
to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come
from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless
God is with him.”
Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to
you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom
of God.”
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E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s
A Matter of the Heart
Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when
he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s
womb and be born?”
Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is
born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom
of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that
which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:1-6).
In this passage, Jesus told Nicodemus he needed to be born
again to enter the Kingdom of God or to have eternal life. Think-
ing with his natural understanding, Nicodemus immediately con-
sidered the impossibility of a grown man reentering his mother’s
womb. What Nicodemus failed to understand was that Jesus was
not referring to his physical body, but rather his spirit being.
In essence, Jesus told Nicodemus that his spirit was dead
and, as such, needed to be resurrected—a term He coined born
again. The Bible is clear that all of us have sinned (see Rom. 3:23)
and that the consequences of that sin is spiritual death (see Rom.
6:23). This puts all of us in the same spiritual condition as Nicode-
mus. Although our bodies are alive, our spirits are most certainly
dead—that is, until they’re made alive again through a personal
relationship with Jesus.
Being born again is the
prerequisite for internal prosperity.
Being born again is the prerequisite for internal prosperity
and is a spiritual experience. But exactly how is it accomplished?
Remember, our goal is to accomplish or achieve. God provides us
with this answer in the same place where we discover the com-
position of people and their spiritual condition prior to rebirth—
namely, the Bible.
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The Bible teaches that God has always existed (see Rev. 22:13)
and that He will continue to exist forever (see Rev. 1:8). This may
seem difficult to fathom. Many have used the fact that not all Scrip-
ture can be grasped mentally as the basis for their arguments con-
cerning the trustworthiness of the Bible. Ironically, it is this exact
same argument that can be used as the basis for its validation—the
God of the Bible surpasses the intellect of His creation. The fact
that God is more complicated and complex than people’s finite
reasoning only serves to show that He’s the only One capable of
all intelligent design.
Two Trees
So again, this all-intelligent, omnipresent Being who has al-
ways existed fashioned people and placed them on Earth. (No-
tice, I said that God created people; we didn’t evolve from apes or
blobs.) The Bible tells us that amidst the lush environment of the
Garden of Eden, teeming with beautiful vegetation and wildlife,
were two distinct trees—the tree of life and the tree of the knowl-
edge of good and evil (see Gen. 2:9).
The Lord gave Adam and Eve the following directive:
Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not
eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die
(Genesis 2:16b-17).
This seems like it should have been a simple instruction to
follow. After all, they were allowed to eat freely from every tree
in the Garden except one. It’s not as if they didn’t have sufficient
food from the fruit of all the other trees or as if God were some
sort of cosmic kill-joy who tried to spoil their fun.
He placed the forbidden tree, the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, in the Garden for a reason; He needed a mecha-
nism for humanity’s will and choice to be exercised. Choice is that
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E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s
A Matter of the Heart
intangible part of us that separates us from the animal kingdom
and makes humankind unique. God did not create a race of robots
who would mechanically and routinely obey Him. No, He created
people for voluntary fellowship with Him (see 1 Cor. 1:9). Imagine
what it would be like if our central processor told us it was fel-
lowship time and our hard-drive dictated how long we spent with
Him. Adam and Eve, like the rest of us, were created for spontane-
ous, pleasurable, freewill-based communion with their Creator.
Unfortunately, Adam and Eve chose to exercise their will (like
all humanity) for evil—partaking of the forbidden tree (see Rom.
3:23). Sin entered the world (see Rom. 5:12), and forever after,
the human race became stained with a natural propensity toward
wrongdoing (see Isa. 53:6) and has suffered with the problem and
consequences of sin until today (see Rom. 7:5). In his book, Maxi-
mized Manhood, Dr. Ed Cole makes a great comparison between
humanity today and cannibals. He says, in effect, that to think
that because we are technologically more advanced today than in
the time of Adam and Eve, and are thereby better people, would
be about as absurd as thinking that because you gave a cannibal a
knife and fork, he’d be a better person.1
Thankfully, this all-powerful, all-intelligent God foreknew
that we would be powerless in our own ability to shun evil and
made provision for the “sin factor” of humanity. He enabled us
to return to the same “pre-sin” state of Adam and Eve prior to
their fall. Provision came in the form of God Himself, who came
to the Earth as one of His own creation. When He entered our
time/space continuum as a human being, He experienced what we
experience. He knew what it was like to be hot, cold, ridiculed, re-
jected, and, ultimately, to die. This “fully God, fully man,” whom
we have come to know as Jesus, willingly laid His life down for
us, allowing the people He’d created to nail Him to a tree.
Thankfully, the grave could not keep its hold over Him and
was forced to surrender its grip. He rose on the third day and
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returned to His throne in Heaven. When we wholly embrace this
truth and ask this same Jesus to come and dwell in our hearts, we
become born again at that moment. Jesus fills that God-shaped
void within each of us. Only then will we experience internal
wellness or prosperity.
Interestingly, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and
the tree of life represent the same two “trees” or choices that con-
front us today. The former symbolizes religion, while the latter
depicts relationship. Knowledge of good and evil (religion) is the
human attempt to gain right standing with God by human meth-
ods. It’s humanity’s way of bypassing God’s provision (the death
and subsequent resurrection of His Son) in a futile attempt to save
themselves, work their way into Heaven, or hope that their good
actions outweigh their bad so that God will accept them.
It’s no wonder that God forbade Adam and Eve to eat the
fruit, warning that it would kill them (see Gen. 2:17). Religion
sucks the life out of you in its feeble attempt to make you think
you gain right standing with God. It not only drives you to meet
an expected quota of daily good works, but also bashes you on
the head when you don’t. It imposes a set of rules and regulations
on you that doesn’t give you the power to overcome evil or to
achieve good. Religion makes you look as though you’ve been
sucking on lemons all day.
On the other hand, relationship, like the tree it’s named for,
gives life. And only after you’ve embraced God’s provision for
your sins and tasted of the tree of life can you feel truly alive.
The source of life inhabits you, gives you abundant life (see John
10:10b) and is likened to fountains of living water gushing from
within (see John 7:38; Rev. 21:6b).
Internal prosperity, therefore,
dictates external success.
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E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s
A Matter of the Heart
Internal prosperity, therefore, dictates external success. As
this newfound internal life erupts, it begins to permeate your ex-
ternal environment. It is then that you can “prosper in all things…
just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2).
This book was written with the heartfelt intention that its
readers would become successful and prosperous. By now, you
can hopefully see that there’s more to prosperity than sheer mon-
etary gain. God’s intent is for us to experience success in every
facet of our lives—spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially,
and financially.
In comparison to eternity, our earthly existence is but a mea-
ger drop in the ocean of time. From an early age, we have been
taught the art of self-preservation. Part and parcel of this involves
securing our futures, at least financially. Pension plans, 401(k)s,
stocks, bonds, and savings accounts all ensure a future financial
“nest egg.” Although there is nothing wrong with that, sadly,
there are fewer folks who’ve actually taken the time to invest in
their ultimate future—namely, eternity.
The Bible states:
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where
moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and
steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do
not break in and steal (Matthew 6:19-20 NIV).
You can make an immediate deposit into a heavenly bank ac-
count, one that ensures the security of your soul. After all, what
does it profit people if they gain the whole world and loose their
souls? (See Mathew 16:26.)
When you reach out and partake of the tree of life, you will
become born again, enter into a relationship with your Creator,
and experience true prosperity in every aspect of life. God’s
Godly Success.indd 29 2/22/12 10:04 AM
provision for your salvation came through the completed work
of Christ at the cross of Calvary. You will not only receive abun-
dant life, but also will secure your future—eternity spent in a
place called Heaven.
Now that’s essential business!
Personal Notes:
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E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s
A Matter of the Heart
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Kings and Priests
“A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom”
—Charles Nieman
Broadly speaking, the practice of biblical commands, truths,
and principles falls into three categories. These relate to current
relevance and the context in which those principles were given.
First of all, there are those that were nullified at the cross. Second,
there are those that “passed through” or traversed the cross. And
last, there are those that started anew at the cross.
Those that were nullified at the cross include animal sacrifice,
dietary restrictions, and the original Levitical Priesthood. After
Jesus’ death and resurrection, these practices were abolished—
superseded by a new covenant.
Those that passed through include the tithe, the mar-
riage covenant (between a man and woman), and adherence
to the Ten Commandments. The new covenant we now enjoy
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through the blood of Christ neither nullified them nor lessened
their relevance.
Those that started anew include fivefold ministry gifts (as
mentioned in Ephesians 4:11), the indwelling of the Holy Spirit,
and evangelism, to name a few. Some of the principles and pre-
cepts that traverse the cross are still applicable, but have taken
on new forms. It’s very important to stress that, while the be-
havior of a particular truth may have changed, the underlying
principle remains the same. Perhaps the following example will
clarify. Obedience to the Ten Commandments, as mentioned,
crossed over Calvary’s threshold, which means that Christians
today must still follow them.
There is, however, a subtle difference between our obedience
to them and that of the Israelites of old. Whereas the Israelites of
old were called to obey the Ten Commandments, they had to do
so using all of their own natural resources. Relying solely upon
their own willpower, they had to ensure their conformity to each
of the Ten Commandments on a daily basis. There was no divine
enablement or empowering of the Holy Spirit, making it difficult
to fully comply.
Unlike their Old Testament
counterparts, Christians today are
endowed with an inner enablement.
Unlike their Old Testament counterparts, Christians today
are endowed with an inner enablement. Through the rebirth ex-
perience, the Spirit of God (called the Holy Spirit) unites with
our human spirit, enabling us to become internally empowered to
obey God’s commands. The former relies on an external command
set, designed to alter external behavior without internal changes
or intervention. The latter relies on internal intervention (Holy
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“A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom”
Spirit in collaboration with conscience) designed to alter external
behavior. The apostle Paul explains it this way:
For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature
do the things in the law, these, although not having the
law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the
law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing
witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing
or else excusing them (Romans 2:14-15).
For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of
Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws
in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be
their God, and they shall be My people (Hebrews 8:10).
During the Old Testament period, God’s commandments or
laws were written on tablets of stone (external), while after the
death of Jesus, God wrote His laws upon the hearts of His chil-
dren (internal). It is the same desired result (obedience to the Ten
Commandments), but a different execution, leading to a greater
degree of success. The same is true for many other truths that
made their way into the new covenant.
New Covenant Kings and Priests
One such principle or practice is the role of kings and
priests. Many are of the opinion that the Old Testament order
of kings and priests was abolished altogether. Not so. Although
different in operation, their function is still intended for the
Church today.
And has made us kings and priests to His God and Father…
(Revelation 1:6).
And have made us kings and priests to our God; and we
shall reign on the earth (Revelation 5:10).
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Again, when a truth makes its way across the Calvary
threshold, although the underlying principle remains the same,
its manifestation or application may change.
The Old Testament, we are told,
acts as a foreshadow or
pattern of the New Testament.
The Old Testament, we are told, acts as a foreshadow or pat-
tern of the New Testament (see 1 Cor. 15:46). The Old Testament
is thus a physical portrayal or representation of its spiritual New
Testament counterpart. Or by one definition, “The Old Testa-
ment concealed is the New Testament revealed.” Therefore, by
studying the Old Testament, one gains better understanding and
insight of the New.
Before we proceed with the intended role of kings and priests
in modern-day Christianity, I’d like to pay due diligence to the
gentleman whose concepts gave me the basis for the inspiration
for this section, Charles Nieman. Based upon a revelation of the
above Scriptures (Rev. 1:6; 5:10), he developed a series of teachings
entitled “Kings and Priests.”1
I would highly recommend listening
to the entire series for anyone serious about understanding God’s
principles of role-assignment within the Body of Christ.
Corporate Calling vs.
Individual Calling
It’s vitally important to know the difference between your
individual calling and your corporate calling.
As an individual, you’re called to operate in both roles as a
king and a priest. As a king, you have to pay bills, run the affairs
of your home, plan, manage, strategize, and organize. As a priest,
however, you will be responsible for praying with family mem-
bers, studying God’s Word, witnessing, and performing other
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“A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom”
biblical responsibilities. Again, in your individual calling, you will
operate as both a king and a priest.
In your corporate calling,
you will operate as either one or
the other—a king or a priest.
In your corporate calling, you will operate as either one or
the other—a king or a priest. I make this statement with the dis-
claimer that there are a few rare exceptions. A select few have what
is referred to as a dual calling. These folks are called to operate in
their corporate calling as both kings and priests. Again, it must
be emphasized that this is not the norm, and such individuals are
endowed with a special grace and dispensation for the task. For
the sake of this book, we will not focus much on those with dual
callings, but assume that in a corporate setting the reader is either
a king or a priest.
Priests—The Minority
Using the Old Testament as our study guide for the role of
kings and priests, one thing soon becomes apparent—there was
only one tribe of priests out of 12 tribes of the children of Israel.
Priests were thus the minority in Israel. The same holds true to-
day. Within the Church, priests should be the minority. When we
refer to priests in the context of the New Testament Church, we
mean those who operate in the fivefold ministry gifts spoken of
in Ephesians 4:11—namely, apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, and
evangelist. Many today refer to these as being in “full-time” min-
istry. However, I don’t particularly like using the term full-time
ministry when referring to these individuals. Somehow it implies
that those not functioning in this capacity either don’t have a le-
gitimate ministry or are not serving God full-time. Some might
infer that kings have a lesser calling, even though they plunder the
wealth of the wicked and master the marketplace.
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So priests, otherwise known as fivefold ministry gifts in the
New Testament, are the minority.
The Church is lopsided in its role allotment—
priesthood-heavy and kinghood-lacking.
This is an extremely important concept to grasp because a
lack of understanding in this area has led to a grave imbalance in
the Church. The Church is lopsided in its role allotment—priest-
hood-heavy and kinghood-lacking. Those who feel there’s any
sort of call on their lives are frequently directed (by well-mean-
ing folks who are often wrong) to pursue the path of “full-time
ministry.” As a result, our seminaries and pulpits are filled with
people who are passionate about God, whose desire it is to serve
Him wholeheartedly, but who are miserable in their callings in the
Church body.
I’d like to share a story about an individual who suffered this
same fate. Charles Nieman was a guest speaker at a local church,
doing a day seminar based on his “Kings and Priests” series. He
had just spoken about the concept of knowing your corporate
calling as either a king or a priest. During the next break, a gentle-
man approached him, asking if he could share how the teaching
had just impacted him. Pastor Nieman consented, and the man
proceeded to tell his story.
This gentleman—we’ll call him Bob—had grown up in a
Christian home with godly parents. At a tender age, Bob was
taught to diligently pray and read his Bible. At age eight, Bob’s fa-
ther encouraged him to start earnestly seeking God with regard to
His intended direction and purpose for Bob’s life. Furthermore,
his father encouraged him to write down his new discovery when
revealed. Bob went into his room daily and, in his simple, child-
like manner, asked God to show him what direction he was meant
to pursue in life. Four years later, at age 12, the answer finally
came. Bob excitedly wrote it down and ran to his dad with the
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K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s
“A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom”
newfound news. Bob eagerly revealed to his father that God had
told him he was to be an architect.
This is where the story becomes sad. Bob’s dad said, and I’m
paraphrasing, “Son, you must have heard wrong. I want you to go
back into your room and hear God right this time. What I meant
was for you to find out what part you will play in ministry. Be-
cause if you are not in the ministry, your life will be wasted.” Bob
admitted to Charles that he went back into his room, and neither
that day, nor ever again, did he hear anything further concerning
his future.
After graduating from high school, Bob attempted to please
his father by enrolling in seminary school. He completed his stud-
ies and assumed a pastoral role in a local church. By this time, he
had gotten married, and children were also in the mix. For many
years, Bob faithfully performed his pastoral duties, until finally he
could take it no more.
Bob decided that he was going to pursue the desire that had
been in his heart all these years—to become an architect. He
prayed, asking God to forgive him for abandoning his calling, and
enrolled in an architectural degree program. After completing his
prescribed years of study, Bob, still feeling guilty about his career
choice, joined an architectural firm. He worked his way up the
corporate ladder, gaining invaluable knowledge of the industry,
and finally opened his own architectural firm.
At the time when Bob spoke to Charles Nieman, his com-
pany had 150 employees on its payroll, and Bob had become an
extremely successful businessman. In fact, his business was so suc-
cessful that they would not even bother bidding on any jobs less
than 50 million dollars. All the while, in spite of this success, Bob
said he had been plagued with guilt and condemnation for pursu-
ing a career that in his mind was contrary to the will of God. Bob
disclosed to Charles that, for 30 years, he would ask God daily to
forgive him for abandoning his call to ministry.
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If there is only one truth you gain from this entire book, then
I implore you, let it be this: You do not have any lesser calling.
There is no diminishment of your love toward God; you are no
less in His perfect will because of pursuing a career in the market-
place. Bob, a big, burly man, with tears running down his cheeks,
threw his arms around Charles that day and thanked him. He had
finally been liberated from the mental bondage of guilt that had
enslaved him his entire life. Bob was well advanced in years at the
time of this encounter. Just think of the difference it would have
made in his life had he heard this truth sooner. Hopefully, through
this story, the saga of Bob’s life can be prevented from replicating
itself in others.
John Wimber (1934–1997) exemplified another powerful
story along these lines. During the early 1960s, Wimber worked
as a famous producer in the music industry. Wimber, after his con-
version to Christ, walked in a very powerful gift of evangelism.
Many of the people he came in contact with were saved dramati-
cally. He was approached by a British band, wanting to make a
name for themselves in America, who asked him to become their
U.S. promoter.
Wimber sought what he believed was godly counsel from
the leaders at the church he attended. The particular leaders felt
that an association with the secular culture of that band would
negatively influence him. (In fact, it was these same leaders who
were influential in his decision to desert his music career in to-
tality.) Due to their advice, John turned down the offer from the
band. However, in hindsight, the members of that group, now
known to us as the Beatles, may have been influenced for good
through John! God may have had a divine strategy for the salva-
tion of the group.
Wimber did eventually become a prominent pastor who
started a worldwide ministry—known as the Vineyard churches
and music. God used him powerfully as a priest. But his original
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“A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom”
call may have been as a king to impact the world for Jesus through
the salvation of John, Paul, George, and Ringo (not to mention
countless others).
Priests are called by God.
Again, priests, otherwise known as fivefold ministry gifts in
the New Testament, should be the minority. Those pursuing this
path in life must be very certain that this is, in fact, their calling.
The key word is calling. One is called into the ministry. You don’t
just go into ministry because things are not working out on the
job. You don’t become clergy because of ambition to make a name
for yourself. Neither should your motive for ministry be because
you feel you are a proficient orator, have a charismatic personality,
or, as so many presume, because you perceive it to be a profitable
business. Priests are called by God and are not in it for any reason
other than God has called them.
I know from firsthand experience that the popular perception
of traditional ministry is one of grandeur and endless spiritual eu-
phoria. Many Christians are of the view that ministry is the ulti-
mate destination, a sacred paradise. In reality, what they are seeing
is only one facet of the ministry. Perhaps it’s the heavenly sound
of praise and worship on a Sunday morning or the pastor stand-
ing behind the pulpit delivering a well-rehearsed sermon. Perhaps
it’s the fervent, vivacious, mid-week prayer meeting or the cozy,
family-orientated home group. The list can go on and on of the
perceptions we have toward conventional ministry. What we fail
to see, though, is what many ministers refer to as “the underbelly
of the ministry.”
Ask your pastor about his many hours of preparation before
delivering a polished sermon. Spend a day at your local church
office and observe the many calls that are fielded. Sit in on a liti-
gious marriage counseling session, or ask the traveling evangelists
what hardships they’ve had to endure. My intent is not to deter
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you from the office of priesthood, if that is your calling. I do want
to make you aware that it’s not all glamor and spotlights and that
there’s another aspect to consider. For many, the call to ministry
or priesthood may bring with it hardship, persecution, and yes,
even martyrdom. So make absolutely certain that you are called
and that it’s not a career choice based on personal preference.
There are countless books, tapes, seminars, and conferences
helpful for anyone aspiring to ministry as a vocation. In compari-
son, there are relatively few resources available for kings or those
called to marketplace ministry. For the most part, kings have been
left out of the mix. Hopefully this book and other teachings like it
will aid in rectifying the deficiency.
Kings—The Majority
If priests are the minority,
then kings are by far the majority.
By and large, most believers are called to assume the role of a
king. If priests are the minority, then kings are by far the major-
ity. Most of you reading this book will embark upon a career in
the workforce in your corporate calling. This may be a new out-
look for some and may even require a shift in conventional think-
ing. The idea of entering the workforce has been one of perceived
compromise for many.
Personally, in the early days of my Christian walk, entering
the workplace seemed like a sellout. I had recently accepted Christ
into my life and wanted, more than anything, to escape the ungodly
environment from which I had been rescued. I wanted to be pure
and holy, and for me, going to work each day felt like corruption
and pollution. The majority of my colleagues and co-workers were
ungodly people whose speech was profane and included dirty jokes
and stories. As a result, I oscillated between two extremes—isolation
and compromise. If I felt really “spiritual,” I would isolate myself
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“A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom”
from any and all possible sources of “pollution.” This meant that I
would sit in my vehicle at lunchtime, not engage in conversations,
and keep my speech to work content only.
On the other hand, when my defenses were weak, I com-
promised my values. I politely laughed at the unclean jokes told
around the lunch table and water fountain. Due to numerous in-
cidents of compromise, I determined that the only way of escape
would be to enter the ministry so I could leave our corrupt world
system. Sadly, this sentiment is prevalent throughout much of the
Church. And as a result, we have an anemic kinghood.
The solution is not an escape from
the workplace, but rather a correct
understanding of our part in it.
The solution is not an escape from the workplace, but rather a
correct understanding of our part in it. To adopt the escapist men-
tality is detrimental on two fronts. First of all, we are robbing the
Kingdom of potential provision. And secondly, we are eliminating
possible contact with people who may otherwise never darken the
doorpost of a church building.
Let’s look at the first dilemma—robbing the Kingdom of po-
tential provision. Again, using the Old Testament as the model of
operation, we see that a divine partnership existed between kings
and priests. Charles Nieman states in his “Kings and Priests” se-
ries, “A divine partnership between kings and priests should exist
for the good of the kingdom.”2
In other words, both parties should
work together to advance God’s Kingdom on Earth.
Priests are supposed to provide the vision,
while kings provide the provision.
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Practically, priests are supposed to provide the vision while
kings provide the provision. If everyone were to become a priest,
how would the activities of the Kingdom be funded? We’re surely all
aware that the Gospel is free (see Eph. 2:8-9). To broadcast, or make
it known, though, costs money. Today more than ever, churches and
ministries are realizing the importance of having financial resources
readily available in order to accomplish what God has called them
to do. God’s preferred means of provision is through the kinghood.
Businesspeople, operating in their call as kings, are supposed to be
the ones who provide the needed financial resources.
If we view working in the marketplace as a sellout or com-
promise, we’ll be deprived of our God-ordained calling to be
Kingdom providers. That’s when we hear statements like, “Guess
I have to go to work today,” or “Not another day at the office.”
Many kings have adopted the mentality that going to work is like
sitting at the proverbial grindstone. Work then becomes a duty
that one is confined to for the rest of one’s employment span. This
is no way to live. God wants His kings to rise up and realize the
weightiness of their calling, to comprehend that without them His
Kingdom will not be established on the Earth.
Kings, you are called to be providers.
The second quandary associated with the escapist mental-
ity is, as mentioned, eliminating all possible contact with people
whose presence may never grace a church building. As much as
we’d like to believe that America is a Christian nation, we’re not.
In fact, we’re a post-Christian nation, which means that our staid,
old, traditional methods of ministry are going to have to change.
Christians are realizing the need to take the Gospel
to where people are at—in their own environment.
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K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s
“A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom”
The Church in Western society needs a revolution and revival
if she wishes to survive the 21st century. More and more, Chris-
tians are realizing the need to take the Gospel to where people
are at—in their own environment. God is going to use the kings
to achieve this task. Anointed men and women, who have been
endued with power, will take the precious message of the Gospel
into the marketplace. This is no small task.
As Christians, we have largely enjoyed the privilege of min-
istering the Gospel in a clinical Christian-centric environment.
Most of our dialogue with unbelievers has been in church settings.
The common view has been that, to get someone saved, we simply
bring them to church. The onus of presenting the Gospel is then
upon the preacher. To the astonishment of some, this is not the
intended biblical pattern of evangelism. God has called many of
us to assume the responsibility of ministry.
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets,
some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the
equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the
edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12).
The biblical model of ministry, according to Ephesians 4:12,
is thus for the priests (apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, and evan-
gelist) to equip the saints (kings) for the work of the ministry. Part
and parcel of that ministry is to take the Gospel into the market-
place—where people are. This coincides with the familiar verse
found in Mark 16:15, also known as The Great Commission: “And
He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to
every creature’” (Mark 16:15).
Priests are the coaches
while kings are the players.
Kings, not priests, are commissioned for marketplace minis-
try. In other words, priests are the coaches while kings are the
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players. As coaches, the priests are intended to train the players or
kings. Trust me; reaching the business community takes training.
Gone are the days where you can bluntly ask someone two spiri-
tual diagnostic questions or follow the formulaic presentation of
“the Roman road of salvation.” Reaching the business community
takes wisdom, anointing, relevance, discernment, and sensitivity.
Instead, the new paradigm of marketplace ministry will be based
upon relationship.
God is busy strategically placing His
kings alongside those in need of salvation.
God is busy strategically placing His kings alongside those in
need of salvation, orchestrating divine appointments. Rather than
hitting people over the head with the Gospel, we are to first estab-
lish relationship.
The Gospel must first be
lived before it is spoken.
What this implies is that the Gospel must first be lived before
it is spoken. Living the Gospel means that our work ethic should
surpass that of the world’s. We will be required to communicate
with relevance—our “Hallelujah” and “Praise the Lord” vo-
cabulary will have to change. We’ll actually have to speak to our
co-workers in a language they can understand. Being relevant
doesn’t mean we have to compromise our values or morality.
Kings can take a stand for righteousness, and people can respect
their values.
There’s a fine balance between
loving people and tolerating evil.
There’s a fine balance between loving people and tolerating
evil—wisdom will assist in obtaining the equilibrium. So just as
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“A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom”
priests are called to their ministry, kings are called to theirs. They
are called to provide and reach. By implementing both facets of
their ministry, kings can provide for the vision of the priests and
reach the lost of the marketplace.
Upward Flow
Kings are going to be at the forefront,
or cutting edge, of the next move of God.
The spiritual landscape is changing, and kings are going to be
at the forefront, or cutting edge, of the next move of God. I was
privileged to hear a verbal exchange between Dr. Mark Chironna
and Dr. Lance Wallnau related to this matter.3
During the course of
their dialogue, which was marked by profound prophetic insight,
Dr. Chironna expounded upon a Scripture in the Book of Micah.
Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the moun-
tain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of
the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and
peoples shall flow to it (Micah 4:1).
This Scripture speaks of the fact that during the end times the
mountain of the Lord will be raised above all other mountains.
Dr. Chironna suggested that when we read of end times or lat-
ter days, we tend to postpone the verse’s relevance to the future,
thereby relinquishing our responsibility of its pursuit. Further-
more, Dr. Wallnau and Dr. Chironna proposed that the time of
fulfillment is now and that, in this context, the mountain of the
Lord refers to the Kingdom of God that will be exalted above all
other kingdoms.
What’s fascinating about this verse is that it speaks of peoples
flowing up to the mountain or house of the Lord. These peoples
are not climbing, but flowing, a word not usually associated with
ascension. Here the Hebrew word for flow means “to defy the law
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of gravity.” These men suggested that a flow, or Spirit-initiated
enablement, is coming that will contradict the forces of darkness
that want to pull things down. Believers will have a supernatural
ability to overcome the evil “gravity,” whose nature it is to hold
back, stifle, and suppress. Instead, we will be raised out of dead
things into a place of incredible intimacy, power, and persever-
ance. We’ll literally be elevated above the systems of the world,
which are designed to drag us back, and ascend into extraordinary
“high” places.
This will be a supernatural phenomenon that will defy human
logic; its signature trait will be marked with providential interven-
tion. This flow or upward ascension, therefore, will not require
self-effort or hard manual labor. “But there the majestic Lord will
be for us a place of broad rivers and streams, in which no galley
with oars will sail, nor majestic ships pass by” (Isa. 33:21).
This verse speaks of broad rivers and streams, again depicting
divine enablement. Interestingly, no oars (representative of self-
effort) will be allowed in these streams and rivers. In that day, the
children of God will relax in the rest of faith, as it states: “For he
who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as
God did from His” (Heb. 4:10). They will discover that the flow
of the Spirit within them will carry them to the top.
God is going to put His people on top. Notice that the verse in
Micah said, “The mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established
on the top of the mountains.” The meaning of this is that the King-
dom of God will be exalted above worldly systems, particularly
pertaining to biblical economy and business practice. I believe
that God’s economic system will become the de facto standard of
business operation and that believers will supernaturally succeed
in the marketplace. They will soar to success and prosperity. And
God’s economy, which radically opposes the world’s modus ope-
randi, will become the preeminent financial force on the Earth.
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K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s
“A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom”
If God’s Kingdom is ever going to become this paramount
force to be reckoned with, it will be because believers are taking
their gifting into the marketplace.
Taking Your Gifting Into Babylon
When I speak of the marketplace or workforce, I’m not only
referring to the business sector. I’m also including all systems that
comprise the world system as a whole. This includes arenas such
as education, arts, humanities, culture, entertainment, and sports.
Marketplace or workplace ministry positively influences any of
these sectors.
One of the most proven methods of influence and penetration
is to use the gifting God has given you. The common misconcep-
tion in Christianity is for believers’ gifts to be exclusively reserved
for church operation. Church should certainly be a place of gift
manifestation and development, but so, too, in the world. I am
not only referring to spiritual gifts (see 1 Cor. 12:8-10), but gift-
ings in the broader sense of the word, including talents, education,
ability, and so forth. Proverbs 18:16 tells us, “A man’s gift makes
room for him, and brings him before great men.” These are also
meant for use in the marketplace, which is sometimes referred to
as Babylon.
Babylon, as you may recall, was the dominant kingdom of the
day during the latter part of the Old Testament. It controlled all
aspects of human civilization from culture to commerce. As the
foremost kingdom of the day, in many respects Babylon repre-
sents our current world system. You may also recall the life of a
certain individual named Daniel. He was a godly man, an Israelite,
who was taken captive by the Babylonians at an early age. What’s
fascinating about Daniel’s life is that God used him in the same en-
vironment that attempted to enslave him. Instead of succumbing
to its wicked culture, Daniel was able to influence and penetrate
the Babylonian system for good.
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This did not happen overnight. Prior to Daniel’s elevation, he
endured years of preparation. He was first required to understand
the wisdom and literature of the Chaldeans (see Dan. 1:4b). In
other words, in order for Daniel to plunder Babylon, he had to
first know the Babylonian mind-set, their worldview and language
patterns. He had to first build a rapport with the king and learn
how to access his court. We need to acquaint ourselves with this
very important principle. For the most part, we have not taken
time to learn what the world is all about.
I’m not saying we have to watch MTV, frequent nightclubs,
and purchase abhorrent literature, but for heaven’s sake, let’s un-
derstand how worldly people think. Let’s gain an understanding
of where they’re coming from; let’s be relevant in our speech
and learn how to meet them where they are. How can we expect
people who’ve had no exposure to the things of God (except
for occasional beatings on the head with a Bible) to understand
Kingdom matters?
“In order for Christ to relate to us, He
had to leave His arena and enter ours.”
—Mark Chironna
We’ve been so immersed in Church culture that we’ve forgot-
ten there’s a world out there that doesn’t have a clue about the
Bible. We cannot expect them to relate to us if we are not first
willing to relate to them. I like what Dr. Mark Chironna says,
“In order for Christ to relate to us, He had to leave His arena and
enter ours.”4
This meant He left His abode of glory—a place with-
out sin, heartache, or difficulty; a place where He was King—and
entered our world, a place of total contradiction.
When Daniel educated himself with, in, and about Babylo-
nian culture, his gifting came to the forefront. And his gifting,
superimposed upon his relevance and learning, revolutionized the
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“A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom”
culture. Significance and education, therefore, form the basis for
effectual gift operation, forming a gift “launch pad.”
Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and
understanding, interpreting of dreams, and shewing of
hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found in
the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar…
(Daniel 5:12 KJV).
This Scripture asserts that Daniel had an excellent spirit. This
Hebrew word for “excellent” is the word rytty, which means “a
coastline that juts out or a mountain that goes above the horizon.”5
Jutting out and going above speak of elevation and distinction.
Daniel was able to excel due to his gifting. Remember what I said
earlier about rising to the top and about supernaturally flowing
or ascending? This is exactly what happened to Daniel. Our gift-
ing, which is divinely imparted, will take us to the top. There will
come a time, after adequate training, when our gifts will propel us
into elevation and distinction, “making room for us.” Excellence
is thus “the actualization of all the potential God has poured into
an individual”6
or “the exhibition of the gifting God has given
you, to the point of 100 percent development.”7
God will ensure that we have our “writing on the wall” mo-
ment (see Dan. 5:5). And like Daniel, we will not only be able
to read and understand the language of the Chaldeans, but also
interpret the writing on the wall when it appears. Understanding
the writing on the wall speaks of allowing our supernatural gifting
to operate, which will take us beyond where our minds can go.
When the world’s resources have been capped and God’s gifting
has come to the forefront through His people, the world will rec-
ognize our uniqueness and distinction.
God is pouring out a new
enablement for access into Babylon.
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God is pouring out a new enablement for access into Baby-
lon. Like Daniel of old, believers today are piercing the dominant
systems. They are doing so by taking the creativity that Babylon
has tried to hijack and utilizing the giftings that God has given
them to reform the culture.
Just as Daniel, who was strategically placed in Babylon, there
are many people who know the marketplace is the right place for
them. These people will not feel guilty because they’re not stand-
ing behind a pulpit or working as vocational ministers. No, they
will know their place in the Kingdom.
Correct placement is essential
for effective functioning.
Hopefully, if you are a king, you are starting to realize the
importance of your calling. And hopefully you’re getting excited
about the prospect of what God can do with you in the work-
place. It’s vitally important, therefore, to know whether you are
called to kinghood or priesthood. Correct placement is essential
for effective functioning. I heard an insightful interpretation of a
familiar passage of Scripture that provides greater clarity regard-
ing the relevance of placement.
Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap
nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by
worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you
worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how
they grow: they neither toil nor spin (Matthew 6:26-28).
Placement determines provision.
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K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s
“A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom”
The commentary I heard of that Scripture is that placement
determines provision. The key to the interpretation of this Scrip-
ture is found in the placement of the lilies and the birds—the lilies
are in the field, while the birds are in the air. It would be absurd to
imagine birds being rooted in the soil or lilies flying through the
air. No, each is situated or functioning where each is called to be.
God’s provision comes when each is in its rightful place.
When you are in your rightful place, when you’re function-
ing where you’re meant to be, then the Lord’s provision will be
present. If you’re called to be a king, then get into the kinghood
and become the best king you can be. If you’re called to be a
priest, then get into the priesthood and become the best priest
you can be.
Are you a king or a priest?
Personal Notes:
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Hitting the Mark
If a hammer is made for driving in nails and a screwdriver for
turning screws, then why were you created? I agree this might not
be your everyday question and possibly not even one you were
anticipating. If this question caught you off guard and you could
not give an immediate, definitive response, then this chapter is just
for you.
Maybe you haven’t ever thought of your life as having a par-
ticular reason or purpose. Perhaps you think, as so many do, that
the sum of your days is to be spent simply doing what unfolds
before you; that as prisoners of fate, you’re merely to do your best
“with the cards you’re dealt.” As admirable as it may sound, such
thinking is wrong, and pity upon those who’ve fallen prey to its
deceptive spell.
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We can obtain the coordinates
to our final destination.
We can know with certainty why we were made and what
our purpose is in life. We can obtain the coordinates to our
final destination. And most importantly, we can, and should,
play an active role in chartering the course of our lives to arrive
at our goals.
Nothing will motivate us
more than purpose—period!
When we’re able to confidently answer the question, “Why
was I made?” we’ll have answered one of life’s cardinal questions.
And in so doing, we will have obtained one of the most essential
keys to unlocking the door, not only to our destinies, but also to
fulfillment in life. This answer will also provide us with the neces-
sary impetus to drive our internal “inspirational motors.” Noth-
ing will motivate us more than purpose—period!
That’s not to say there won’t be any unknowns along our
paths, that obstacles won’t ever confront us, that we’ll never en-
counter resistance, or that we won’t have to pull our sleeves up
and do some good old-fashioned work. At the very least, we
can know our destination coordinates and play an active role in
moving toward them.
It has been said that if you don’t know where you’re heading,
you’ll probably arrive there, and that if you aim at nothing, you’ll
probably hit the mark. Finding your purpose or destiny in life will
motivate you to get you out of bed in the morning, and it is that
dynamic that allows you to endure hardships that would make the
strongest of unfocused individuals crumble.
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D e s t i n a t i o n C o o r d i n a t e s
Hitting the Mark
I stated in the previous chapter that you’re either a king or
a priest in your corporate calling. The destiny we’re speaking of
here is a subset of that calling. Within the priesthood or kinghood
are finer details of consideration. Priests, as previously mentioned,
can be apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, or evangelists. In ad-
dition to these five roles, the priests must also determine with
whom they should be affiliated, what geographical location they
are called to, and so forth. Kings, in turn, represent those called to
the marketplace—the arts, entertainment, business, government,
education, and so forth—and it’s also their responsibility to dis-
cover where they fit. People must discover these finer details for
themselves in order to find their destiny.
Determining your destiny or purpose
is ofttimes a discovery process.
Determining your destiny or purpose, though, is ofttimes a dis-
covery process, which means it must be actively sought after. Most
precious minerals, such as gold, diamonds, rubies, and emeralds,
reside deep below the Earth’s surface, and mining them requires
an extensive amount of labor-intensive work. In many respects,
the practice of mining precious minerals or metals resembles the
process of obtaining one’s destiny.
As we’re all aware, the mining process begins way before the
first drill is ever started or the first hard hat is ever worn. Geolo-
gists are first summoned to survey a potential area of excavation.
Then they perform a conclusive set of tests to determine if the area
in question is feasible for digging. They may also regularly survey
multiple sites prior to boring.
Once a possible area has been identified, the real work begins.
Essentially, mine shafts are burrowed deep into the ground and act
as conduits between the precious resources and their surface desti-
nation. After the valuables have surfaced, they require a great deal
of craftsmanship before they are ever seen as a finished product.
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We are to actively pursue the
exploration of our valuable destinies.
Like the geologist who intently looks for soil or rock that
yields precious resources, so, too, are we to actively pursue the
exploration of our valuable destinies. And, like the geologist, who
might survey multiple sites before boring, the possibility exists
that before discovering what we are meant to do, we have to first
discover what we are not meant to do. In other words, discovering
one’s destiny may involve a process of elimination.
Geologists will tell you that finding the general locale of a
potential site is just the beginning. Once identified, many other
factors need to be considered, such as the underground depth of
the resource, the type of rock or soil in which it is embedded, the
surrounding support structure, and so forth.
In like manner, having knowledge of the general “location”
of your calling or purpose may just be the beginning; bringing it
to the surface is where the real work usually begins. Destiny or
purpose is not something you stumble upon casually or by coin-
cidence. Just as diamonds and gold are typically not easily come
by, so, too, will the discovery of your destiny have to be actively
and energetically pursued.
Throughout this book, I have used the words destiny and
purpose interchangeably because finding one’s purpose results in
fulfilling one’s destiny. Let’s look at this discovery process in more
detail and determine what practical steps we can take to realize its
Jesus—The Ultimate Example
God provided humanity with a handbook for living, which
we can use reassuringly as a blueprint after which we can pattern
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D e s t i n a t i o n C o o r d i n a t e s
Hitting the Mark
our lives. Within this “life manual” or “supplementary design
document” are countless methods used to convey precious truth.
These range from written proverbs and verbal parables to re-
corded historical events and biographies of notable individuals.
There’s no one individual’s life story, however, as full of impact
as that of Jesus Christ, whose autobiography can be used as the
ultimate benchmark for humanity. By observing Jesus’ deeds and
words and having insight into His thought patterns at the time, we
can develop the perfect prototype for human existence.
When we study Jesus’ life on Earth, we notice that He didn’t
just wake up in the morning wondering what He and the disciples
were going to do each day. He didn’t follow every whim and fancy,
either. Decisions such as fishing with the boys or amassing a large
crowd and supernaturally feeding them were not random actions.
No, Jesus had a clear-cut plan and purpose for each and every day
and knew exactly what was going to occur. He also knew pre-
cisely what part He had to play to ensure that these events would
transpire. Jesus was thus a man of exceptional focus.
Not only did Jesus daily exhibit this type of focus and direc-
tion; it was the central theme of His life (see Heb. 12:2).
Jesus’ daily focus allowed
Him to fulfill His destiny.
By consistently exhibiting daily focus, Jesus’ destiny became
an accumulation of His daily activities. The reverse can also be
said; Jesus’ daily focus allowed Him to fulfill His destiny. This is
an extremely essential and effective concept—knowing your pur-
pose and aligning your daily activities to achieve it.
The two key ingredients for acquiring your purpose or des-
tiny in life are foreknowledge of purpose and daily alignment. In
this chapter, we’ll discuss the foreknowledge of purpose.
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Foreknowledge of Purpose
So He [Jesus] came to Nazareth, where He had been
brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the
synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. And
He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when
He had opened the book, He found the place where it was
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has
anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent
Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the
captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty
those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year
of the Lord.”
Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the atten-
dant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the
synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to
them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”
(Luke 4:16-21).
At the time of Jesus’ birth, there were already over 456
prophecies about Him. These ranged in content from where
He would be born (see Mic. 5:2), to what His name would be
(see Isa. 7:14), to what the nature of His ministry would be (see
Isa. 61:1-2), to the intricate details of His death and subsequent
resurrection (see Isa. 53). Jesus had, if you will, a well-detailed
script from which to take His cues. After all, was He not the
One who wrote it?
The foregoing Scripture documents one of Jesus’ many en-
counters with prior writings about Himself. He walked into the
temple of His hometown and was handed the ancient writings
of the prophet Isaiah. He opened the book or scroll to the place
where Isaiah foretold of the Messiah and then boldly and publicly
declared, “By the way, folks, what I’ve just read pertains to Me.”
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Hitting the Mark
Through this text and numerous others, Jesus knew His marching
orders. He knew the reason He was sent to Earth and what He
had to accomplish here. Jesus had a vision for His life.
Jesus was thus a prototype of a new
race that would inhabit the Earth.
The Bible declares that Jesus was the firstfruit or forerunner
of the faith (see Heb. 6:20; 1 Cor. 15:20,23). Firstfruit or forerun-
ner implies that there are more to follow. The Word also states
that He was “the firstborn among many brethren” (Rom. 8:29).
Jesus was thus a prototype of a new race that would inhabit the
Earth. He modeled for us the type of life we should live. We ought,
therefore, to be mini replicas of Him, “little Christs”—hence the
name Christians.
God has a predetermined,
unique blueprint for each of our lives.
With Christ as our example, through the enabling power of
the Holy Spirit, we are able to efficiently pattern our lives after
Him. And if Jesus had a “life script,” a purpose or vision, then we
should all have a predetermined blueprint to live by, too. God has
a predetermined, unique blueprint for each of our lives, but it’s up
to each individual to access it.
Like a master architect who designs his structure with an in-
tricate, sophisticated design, so, too, does the Master Architect of
our lives make His plans. And as structures of far greater value
than earthly edifices, we all have a unique design. The key to fore-
knowledge of purpose is accessing these designs.
Our primary focus in life
should be purpose-centric.
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When something is created, it is generally fashioned for an in-
tentional purpose—a vehicle for driving, chairs for sitting, homes
for dwelling, and computers for crashing—I mean, typing docu-
ments or accessing the Internet. Nothing that I’m aware of has
been humanly created without reason or function. If this holds
true for the objects and commodities we humans create, how
much more so for God’s creations—namely, you and me.
As the highest form of earthly life and the only creatures ca-
pable of enjoying fellowship with our Creator, our privilege is
not void of responsibility. One of these many responsibilities is
the onus of determining our purpose so that, just like Jesus, our
firstfruit or forerunner, we, too, can know with certainty why we
were made. Just like earthly creations, all made for an intended
cause, we, too, can know what our use should be. Now that’s not
to say we cannot ever do anything other than what we were made
for, but our primary focus in life should be purpose-centric.
At first, this may seem like a rather daunting task, but there
are numerous ways God has given us to find our purpose. I like to
refer to these as discovery tools.
Discovery Tools
1. Bible
When looking for life guidance and wisdom, consult the Bi-
ble, God’s preferred means of communication. His written words,
on the age-old pages of the Bible, provide the supreme framework
and definition for human guidance. Many argue that the Bible was
written thousands of years ago, for an ancient people, and as such,
holds little relevance to our modern, sophisticated society.
One of the many wonders of the Bible is its relativity to distant
generations, diverse cultures, and varied ethnicities. Truth is truth,
no matter how it’s packaged. There is nothing outdated or irrelevant
about the Bible. The same command, to “love one another,” is just
as pertinent and applicable today as it was when first uttered.
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Hitting the Mark
“You shall not murder” (Exod. 20:13) still means we ought
not to kill. And “a man shall leave his father and mother and be
joined to his wife…” (Gen. 2:24) still implies that marriage is a
God-ordained institution between a man and woman.
Although the Bible cannot explicitly spell out the answer to
each and every aspect and detail of life, we can make use of its
principles—which are always consistent with God’s character. For
example, the Bible does not provide the precise details of one’s
spouse. It does not tell Joe who to marry, what age or height she
should be, or what she should have studied in college. Each detail
for every decision in life will not be provided. We will not be able
to find a specific Scripture to advise us on what job to take, who
to marry, what car to drive, or what house to buy.
By reading God’s Word, however, we can make decisions
based upon both the character of God and Kingdom principles.
Character of God
God will never act or expect you to act in a manner incon-
sistent with His character. Therefore, by understanding the char-
acter of God, you can ascertain guidance keys and boundaries of
operation. If you were deliberating a decision with an outcome
of strife, enmity, hatred, and disunity, then the odds are probably
that it would be the wrong choice, providing it’s not to take a
stand for justice. The Bible teaches that God is a God of love (see
1 John 4:8), that He is in favor of unity (see Ps. 133:1,3), and that
the wisdom He offers promotes peace and unity (see James 3:17).
Knowledge of the character of God, then, can be used as the foun-
dation for all decisions you make.
Kingdom Principles
A second means of biblical guidance is applying principles of
Kingdom operation. Just as there are laws in the natural realm,
so, too, are there laws or principles that govern Kingdom opera-
tion. You might dispute the law of gravity, but if you stood on
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a tall building and jumped, there’s an extremely high probabil-
ity that shortly thereafter you’d be depicted by a white outline
on the pavement below. The principle of gravity is thus in opera-
tion, whether you believe in it or not. Similarly, there are laws or
principles that govern Kingdom operation. The law of sowing and
reaping (see Gal. 6:7), the law of tithing (see Mal. 3:10), and the
principle of the power of speech (see Prov. 18:21) are just some ex-
amples of laws that all regulate and dictate Kingdom performance.
You can use these laws and principles to make wise decisions.
For instance, regarding the age-old question of choosing a
spouse, we can safely apply the principle of association. The Bible
instructs that we are not to be unequally yoked or to fellowship
with unbelievers (see 2 Cor. 6:14). We can be certain that God op-
poses marriage between believers and unbelievers. It’s that simple.
Now if both were unsaved at the time of marriage and one ac-
cepted Christ at a later time, that’s another situation altogether. In
fact, there are laws of guidance for that situation, too (see 1 Cor.
7:12-15). For those in pursuit of marriage, though, the edict is very
clear; if the other person isn’t saved, then leave him or her alone.
This is just one example of a principle or law that can be used in
decision-making. God has ensured that the Bible provides us with
sufficient principles pertaining to any particular area that will al-
low us to make wise, godly decisions. Apply the keys of the char-
acter of God and Kingdom principles to safely make decisions.
Although not every detail of life can be addressed, the Bible
explicitly addresses innumerable aspects of life. These plain truths
are also designed to assist you in decision-making regarding your
future. Prime examples of such truths include expected conduct
(see Exod. 20:3-17), marriage relations (see 1 Cor. 7), and Church
government (see 1 Tim. 3:1-13).
Furthermore, God can use a specific Scripture, albeit not
directly related to your circumstance, to speak to you. Even
though the passage in question may refer to a totally different
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Hitting the Mark
context or setting, this may still be God’s favored method of
communication in that situation. Such a Scripture that “comes
alive” is often called a rhema word. The Holy Spirit illuminates
a passage, making it seem to “come alive” and leap off the page,
as it were. It will provide the guidance, reassurance, comfort, or
direction you require.
Many years ago, I was at a crossroads in my life. I was faced
with a career decision that would have life-altering consequences.
While living and working in South Africa, I had just been offered
an international contracting opportunity. Personnel with my
skill sets had suddenly become highly in demand, and companies
worldwide were offering excellent salaries to secure their services.
Money was unquestionably an incentive, but there were other
factors of consideration—much travel, short-term contracts, un-
known destinations, and no guaranteed church attendance. At
the time, I was attending and involved in a great church, had just
purchased a new home, and had a secure, well-paying job.
I held the decision at the back of my mind and continued with
my life, waiting for an answer. Allow me to include this gem of
truth: feeling pressure to provide an immediate answer invariably
leads to a wrong choice. Nonetheless, I continued to systemati-
cally read my Bible daily, beginning in Genesis and chronologi-
cally working my way through to Revelation. One morning, as
I read Genesis chapter 12, the first verse suddenly leaped off the
page at me. “Get out of your country, from your family and from
your father’s house, to a land that I will show you” (Gen. 12:1).
God brought my answer from a passage totally unrelated to
my specific situation and completely out of context. The Lord
managed to use a Scripture that I had read numerous times to pro-
vide an answer. And the moment I read it, there was no doubting
what I had to do. “Get out of your country” meant go!
As a result of that rhema word and subsequent decision, a
series of cascading events followed. On one of my journeys, I
Godly Success.indd 65 2/22/12 10:04 AM
met a colleague who was struggling with depression combined
with suicidal tendencies. As a brilliantly intelligent man he found
it hard to grasp spiritual truths, which he argued could not be
reasoned. But God does say that He takes the foolish things to
confound the wise (see 1 Cor. 1:27). And one evening, this gentle-
man found himself staring down the barrel of a handgun, ready
to take his life. In that moment, many of the truths I had spoken
to him prior began to surface in his heart. And he realized that if
he were to take his life, that he would spend it in a godless eter-
nity. Instinctively he called on the name of the Lord. God met
him in his moment of desperation.
The very next day he relayed the account of his suicidal at-
tempt and how God had met him in the nick of time. I then had
the privilege of leading him to Christ. Today this man is married
to a godly woman, has two beautiful children, and is a faithful
churchgoer and successful businessman. I shudder to think what
would have happened to him had I not heeded a rhema word.
A rhema word changed my life and the lives of those around
me—it can change yours, too.
The second means of accessing God’s predetermined purpose
for our lives is prayer.
2. Prayer
Before we commence with our study of prayer, I’d like to
mention that an entire study can be devoted to each of these
topics (the Bible, prayer, and so forth). For the purposes of this
book, I will just briefly mention each subject to provide high-
lights and an overview. The reader can find an abundant amount
of readily available resources for further perusal—one of which
is my first book entitled A Firm Foundation. I will, however, cite
relevant material.
Many folks believe that prayer is speaking to God, which is
only partially true. Speaking to God is only half of the equation.
Godly Success.indd 66 2/22/12 10:04 AM
D e s t i n a t i o n C o o r d i n a t e s
Hitting the Mark
Communication, as we know, is both speaking and listening. Since
we have two ears and only one mouth; it’s a good indication we’re
meant to listen twice as much as we speak. Listening is a lost art,
particularly in prayer. We have our little prayer list that we dili-
gently work through each day as we check them off, feeling really
good about our prayer time. All the while, God earnestly desires
to reciprocate the communication.
Most people have no problem with communication with
God. Listening, however, is both an art and a discipline that many
Christians need to learn. Dr. Mark Virkler authored a book enti-
tled Dialogue With God, which speaks about the concept of wait-
ing on God.1
After reading his book, I made a conscious decision
to embrace the art of waiting or listening.
After my communiqué with God, pen and diary in hand, I
would patiently wait for a response. Looking back upon those
early journals has been highly educational. It has allowed me to
see just how much my listening ability has developed over the
years. It has also allowed me to learn for myself what it means to
hear God. Granted, I have made many mistakes throughout the
years, but the success rate is higher today than when I first began.
It has also allowed me to hone my listening skills.
Again, this is not a comprehensive study on the topic of prayer
or hearing God, but I will throw in one or two little nuggets I’ve
learned along the way.
First of all, do not feel compelled to hear God. This will place
unnecessary strain and demands on you that might lead you to
fabricate a response. Some Christians supposedly hear from God
every minute. They have “the word of the Lord” for every sit-
uation and somehow seem to know what He’s saying on every
occasion. This is one extreme. The other end of the spectrum in-
cludes those who don’t believe that God communicates outside
the realm of His written Word. The Bible states, “My sheep hear
My voice…” (John 10:27), and again, “I will…watch to see what
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236709415 126631996-godly-success-pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. Godly Success.indd 3 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 3. © Copyright 2012 – Mornay Johnson Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture is taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTER- NATIONAL VERSION®, Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version. Emphasis within Scripture quo- tations is author’s own. Please note that Destiny Image’s publishing style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that refer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may differ from some publishers’ styles. Take note that the name satan and related names are not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge him, even to the point of violating grammatical rules. DESTINY IMAGE® PUBLISHERS, INC. P.O. Box 310, Shippensburg, PA 17257-0310 “Promoting Inspired Lives.” This book and all other Destiny Image, Revival Press, MercyPlace, Fresh Bread, Des- tiny Image Fiction, and Treasure House books are available at Christian bookstores and distributors worldwide. For a U.S. bookstore nearest you, call 1-800-722-6774. For more information on foreign distributors, call 717-532-3040. Reach us on the Internet: ISBN 13 TP: 978-0-7684-4126-0 Ebook: 978-0-7684-8835-7 For Worldwide Distribution, Printed in the U.S.A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 / 13 12 Godly Success.indd 4 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 4. Dedication To my wife Angela, whose immovable faith and perseverance have proven to be beacons of stability amidst life’s storms. Thank you for your unending love, encouragement, and support. And to all those who are looking to achieve the high calling of God for their life, take this book and set sail for your destination of Godly Success. Godly Success.indd 5 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 5. Godly Success.indd 6 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 6. Acknowledgments We are the product of those around us. The following people have aided in the production of this book or helped me become a better person or both. My mother, Veronica—your prayers have sustained me over the years. Eric and Doreen Smith—thank you for showing me what Christ’s love looks like in practical form. Wouter and Yvonne Kempen—your sacrificial lives for the Kingdom will be echoed throughout eternity. Pastor Greg Brown—thank you for your support of our min- istry, your wise counsel, and your friendship. John Mark Pool—you were the catalyst in the production of this book. Godly Success.indd 7 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 7. Pastor Elisabeth Syrè—your prophetic word ignited the mo- tivation for this book. Lisa Thompson—thank you for your speed and precision in the editing of this work. Dr. Greg Brown, Dr. Ché Ahn, Dr. Mark Chironna, James W. Goll, Elisabeth Syrè, John Mark Pool—thank you for providing valuable endorsements for this book. As respected leaders, your words of accreditation bring an authenticity to this work that would otherwise have been lacking. To all the staff at Destiny Image who were involved in the publication of this book—thank you for providing me a forum of communication that allows me to minister the timeless truths of God’s Word. Lisa Ott—whose prompt organizational skills pulled together multiple resources. Godly Success.indd 8 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 8. Endorsements Every Christian wants to know the seven steps, the five keys, and the ten secrets to success—financial success. In Mor- nay Johnson’s newest book, Godly Success, he beautifully de- fines and illustrates God’s blueprint for success and prosperity according to the principles of His Word. Mornay provides prac- tical, everyday life testimonies we can all relate to, at some level, which demonstrate how God’s success is an integral part of our everyday lives. Dr. Ché Ahn Senior Pastor, HROCK Church, Pasadena, CA President, Harvest International Ministry International Chancellor, Wagner Leadership Institute Godly Success.indd 9 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 9. I am thankful for Mornay Johnson writing Godly Success. This is a great book all Christians need to read to develop a bibli- cal worldview for the season in which we are living. Each chapter is filled with wisdom on topics we deal with in our daily lives. The sound and practical approach to each topic is easy to read and un- derstand. This book can also be used as a daily devotion or even at Bible study groups. You will want to share this with your friends once you read it! Dr. Greg Brown Senior Pastor, Skyway Church President, Ascend Apostolic Network Godly Success by my dear ministry friend, Mornay Johnson, both prophetic messenger and successful businessman, gives us the purest form of God’s success plan—not just to a select few— but for everyone who will read and apply this basic biblical guide to obtaining genuine success! Believe me, you will never again look at living in godly success as a prosperous “dream” that is not for you, but for the few who seem to always grab God’s arm of favor! No, quite the contrary; Mornay Johnson sets the record straight in Godly Success, substantiating that real success is based and pursued as God’s obtainable destiny for you—and yes, that can include immeasurable prosperity and a treasure trove of bless- ings that others will want as you grow before them into your true godly success! I highly recommend this book to help every person looking to seize God’s best for their lives and touch the world in doing so! Godly Success is now in my “ready reference” shelf to help in many of my teachings as I know the results seen in Mornay and Angela’s lives will work for those the Lord sends us in our travels. You too must have this book for your library—and be sure to get one for your friends! It is one investment that you can rest assured Godly Success.indd 10 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 10. brings yourself, and many others, the true necessary message on godly success! Get it and live it today! Always a Voice for God, John Mark and Sandy Pool Authors, Prophetic Messengers Founders of Word to the World Ministries This book is such an eye-opener for all who read it. Many years ago I got a word for Mornay in South Africa: “You will be a business minister. Your home will be in America. The busi- ness world needs you more than a congregation would need you.” At that stage Mornay was already a good public speaker. And sure enough, today Mornay is used mightily in business events and seminars. His home is in the U.S.A. and he encourages and strengthens people with a heart for business and a heart for God. Mornay experienced the pitfalls of structural patterns in com- munities that would neither enhance nor encourage the talents of individuals to become a success through their talents. Mornay is called to bring the reality of success as an endorsement of God to men and women in the marketplace. People need his input all over the world at the place where they are at. I heartily endorse this book to anyone who is looking for the keys God provides for true success. Mornay takes us away from the religious cliché thinking- pattern of serving God in a box. I believe that our Creator is so much greater. He has given each one of us gifts to enhance life and to bring glory to Him in the corporate world and in our own individual ways. Godly Success.indd 11 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 11. Many years ago my spiritual mom, Corrie ten Boom, told me: “Follow God’s instructions, never to be sidetracked about what people think about it. Obedience is better than sacrifice.” Thank you for hearing His voice, for following His instruc- tions for your life, Mornay. You are an inspiration and a gift for the “now” generation. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to endorse your book after so many years of friendship and prayer. You are a blessing.  Elisabeth Syré With every move of God there comes progressive truths and new voices. It is my honor to commend to you a book with user- friendly revelatory content and a person of outstanding character. Mornay Johnson has done us a great favor by penning his thoughts as a marketplace prophet in this generation. He lives his message and his message is his life. Take and eat! A great meal is set right in front of you! James W. Goll Encounters Network • Prayer Storm • Compassion Acts National Best-Selling Author Godly Success.indd 12 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 12. Contents Foreword by Dr. Mark Chironna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 CHAPTER 1 Essential Business A Matter of the Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 CHAPTER 2 Kings and Priests “A Divine Partnership— for the Good of the Kingdom” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 CHAPTER 3 Destination Coordinates Hitting the Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 CHAPTER 4 Daily Alignment One Bite at a Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Godly Success.indd 13 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 13. CHAPTER 5 Maintaining Focus What You Behold, You Become . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 CHAPTER 6 Christian Character A Container for the Anointing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 CHAPTER 7 Money Matters It Really Does! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 CHAPTER 8 Godly Success Access to GOFIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Endnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Godly Success.indd 14 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 14. -15- Foreword We live in a day of unprecedented change, challenge, chaos, and uncertainty. Yet for those with a discerning eye for what wants to emerge, we live in a day of unparalleled opportunity. Ul- timately, each of us has developed a definition of what we perceive success to be. Over the many years of being in the people-helping business, I have listened, counseled, coached, and prayed with thousands of individuals from every strata of society and practi- cally every part of the globe. Invariably, whenever the topic of success has arisen, there are as many different definitions of success as there are people on the planet. All of us perceive success differently, and our percep- tion is tied to the environment that helped shape us, the beliefs that helped form us, the individuals that helped mold us, and the choices that helped bring us to where we are in our current reality. Godly Success.indd 15 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 15. GODLY SUCCESS -16- Finding common ground in terms of individual perceptions of success is not as easy a task as you might think. Place 50 people in a room and ask them to give you a 12-word definition of success, and there will be 600 different words in combinations of sentences that may have certain similarities, yet will also have a broad range of differences. How come? We all perceive reality through the lens and filter of our own deeply held mental models of how the world “really works.” In addition, those deeply held mental models operate at a deeply unconscious level, and because of that, they govern us even in ways we fail to realize or become conscious of because we tend to live life on automatic pilot and experience many things by default. In essence, we will tend to consistently experience what we believe to be true (even if what we believe isn’t true at all!). The only way to change your experiences, therefore, is to change your beliefs and your belief systems. For the mature son or daughter of God, there is a deep knowing that the only way to experience real metamorphosis is by way of the mind being renewed. When the mind is renewed, God’s sons and daughters have the ability to prove those things that are consummately good, acceptable, and complete (mature, perfect, having come to full intention). When you are about proving that in your life, you are operating at what God deems to be success. Although you can have your own definition and idea of suc- cess and I can have mine, we have a “Manufacturer’s Warranty Statement” (it’s called the Holy Scriptures), and it reveals both the reason you have been created and given an opportunity to live on this planet and the One who manufactured (created) you with His highest and best intentions in mind. Operate according to His intentions and you will discover that, rather than you searching for success, it will actually search for you. A brilliant playwright from a few generations back, who loved God and struggled for years with a nagging sense of failure Godly Success.indd 16 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 16. F o r e w o r d by Dr. Mark Chironna -17- because he never seemed to have any of the big New York pro- ducers on Broadway consider taking one of his plays and turning them into major productions, brought his petition regarding this to the Lord, only to hear the Lord say to him these words: “Don’t write so that you can get to Broadway; write so that Broadway can get to you!” In essence, God was letting one of His children know that when we are driven by an unmet need to be recognized for what we do, success evades our grasp. It isn’t that success is inherently wrong; it is that our reasons for success can often go unnoticed because of those deep mental models and belief systems that have not been renewed by the work of the Spirit through the Word of God. They can become the very cause of the blind spot that prevents us from seeing what genuine success really is, not from our point of view, or someone else’s point of view, or any- body’s point of view (because as we have already said, we all have our own definition of success). Rather, we will discover what suc- cess is from God’s point of view. Once the point from which you are viewing things is adjusted and you shift to God’s much more inspiring viewing point, suc- cess takes on a whole new meaning. Are you ready for godly suc- cess? Are you ready for the kind of transformation on the inside that leads to major shifts and changes on the outside, beyond your wildest dreams? If so, Mornay Johnson has provided you a blue- print from which to rechart your course and reshape your path. His newest release, Godly Success, is a “boots-on-the-ground” training manual that will help you win the battle for success as you fight the good fight of faith according to the truth as revealed in the Scripture. Take the time to work through every nugget he shares, and don’t merely give mental assent to what he is sharing; apply the principles in your life and work them! If you will work with the principles he teaches you, the principles will work both with you and for you! There truly is a realm of success known only to those who walk with the God who wills a kind of success that exceeds Godly Success.indd 17 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 17. GODLY SUCCESS -18- limited human definitions. Get down to the essentials of what re- ally matters, and set your sails to catch the winds of the high call- ing of God in, on, and for your life. Take this navigation manual that you hold in your hands, and head for that port of call known as godly success. Thanks, Mornay, for inviting us to launch out on God’s sea of adventure and possibility, and reach for the prize of that high calling! Dr. Mark J. Chironna The Master’s Touch International Church Mark Chironna Ministries Orlando, Florida Godly Success.indd 18 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 18. -19- CHAPTER 1 Essential Business A Matter of the Heart For a businessperson, the objective is simple—win! The word win holds different connotations for people, but essentially it en- compasses the aspect of achieving. Whether it’s climbing to the top of the corporate ladder, listing your company on the NASDAQ, monopolizing a particular market segment, or simply exceeding your sales projections, your desire is to achieve what you initially set out to accomplish. Having this type of determination, drive, and vision to reach your goals is admirable. However, if you only ever strive for fleet- ing material possessions and short-lived earthly accomplishments, your life will be shallow and meaningless, to say the least. These temporalmaterialgoodsandendeavorsholdlittlevalueinthegrand scheme of things. Make no mistake; you need belongings (houses, cars, clothing, and so forth) in order to survive. Nevertheless, if Godly Success.indd 19 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 19. GODLY SUCCESS -20- your possessions become your sole source of fulfillment, you are sorely lacking. What good is your Mercedes-Benz parked in the garage—while your kids run wild? What is the benefit of your company exceeding financial projections for the second or third year—at the expense of your marriage? What value is there in winning the award for salesperson of the year for the umpteenth time—while your health suffers? What have you really gained? There is more to life than mere financial gain. There is more to life than mere financial gain. According to Scripture, it is God’s intent for you to experience prosperity in every aspect of your life. I know that some of you reading this may find that hard to believe. Many folks opine that the Bible is a set of rules designed to keep people from enjoying life. They view it as a book intended to stifle all forms of pleasure and think that those who live by it will be deprived of any excitement in life. Furthermore, they insist that its adherents are in grave jeopardy of becoming boring and bland. On the contrary, the Bible is God’s blueprint for humanity and provides the only legitimate, comprehensive “instruction set” for life. Upon closer examination, the Bible offers dozens of ben- efits. Just a few include gaining insight into God’s intended plans and purposes for your life, obtaining necessary wisdom to charter the course of life, and finding out how to live in harmony with your neighbor. To the degree that you prosper internally, you will prosper externally. One of the many certain promises given in Scripture is God’s intent that you will “prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). Notice the correlation, though, Godly Success.indd 20 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 20. E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s A Matter of the Heart -21- between external prosperity (“all things”) and the prosperity or well-being of the soul (“just as your soul prospers”). In fact, what this Scripture really says is that external prosperity originates from within. In other words, the degree to which you prosper inter- nally is the degree to which you will prosper externally. This may be a new concept for some since it radically opposes the current mind-set. A modern, secular viewpoint advocates that, in order to feel good on the inside, you have to concentrate your efforts on the external. The more accomplishments you can rack up, the more wealth you can amass, the more popular you become, the higher you climb up the corporate ladder, the more fulfilled you will feel on the inside. You can see a glimpse of this throughout media and soci- ety in general. Magazine racks are laden with gossip periodicals, which provide the reader with the latest celebrity scoop. Nu- merous television programs provide insight into the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Whether in print or over the airwaves, the storyline is the same: Celeb so-and-so has broken up with rock star such-and-such, and is now dating sports personality what’s- his-name. Mr. Super Rich has just erected splendor building number who-cares and paid a record price for possession num- ber meaningless. From relationship to relationship and thing to thing, people make every attempt to fill the void inside. After all, hasn’t society taught us that external behavior will determine internal happiness? Wrong! The Creator’s handbook, known as the Bible, dictates otherwise. The Manufacturer’s Handbook Before we start, let’s take a brief moment to discuss the some- what controversial topic of the Bible. The Bible is God’s blueprint for humanity. Godly Success.indd 21 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 21. GODLY SUCCESS -22- I want to emphasize that the Bible is God’s blueprint for hu- manity, and it provides the only legitimate, comprehensive set of instructions for this life. I have always been amazed at how some people think they know all the answers and how to best manage life. They think that their clever logic, rationalization skills, higher education, and intellect are all they need. Yet, for all of their sup- posed knowledge, what do we usually see when we look at soci- ety? All of our humanistic efforts have not accomplished much. All we have to do is check the latest news on any given day or glance at the morning paper to tell us that. Yet, amidst all of this disharmony, chaos, and turmoil, many continue to reject the one Book whose guidelines concerning life will provide them with the answers they so desperately need. To illustrate my point, let me share this example. What would happen if you were to buy a brand-new stereo system and imme- diately place it in water, plug it into a voltage supply that’s out of range with the manufacture’s specifications, or simply bash it with a hammer? Could you return it to the store and complain that the product was bad? Of course not, that would be absolutely absurd. When you purchased the stereo, it came with an instruction book. It is the owner’s responsibility to read and follow it—thereby en- suring the item’s peak performance and longevity. In like manner, the human race was provided with a “manu- facture’s handbook” called the Bible. By following its instruc- tions and heeding its cautions, we’ll live the optimum lives God intended for us. Instead, many of us flagrantly violate God’s laws and then have the audacity to complain to the manufacturer (God) when things are not going so well for us. We’re simply suffering the consequences of our own actions—a warning that’s mentioned in the handbook, by the way (see Deut. 28:15; Ps. 146:9b). All of life’s principles of success are derived from the pages of the Bible and woven throughout this time-tested Book. I offer no apologies for my support of God’s Word because I’ve Godly Success.indd 22 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 22. E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s A Matter of the Heart -23- learned that any success outside the parameters of the Bible amounts to naught when weighed against eternity. God intends and desires for us to experience prosperity in every aspect of our lives. Furthermore, there’s a distinct corre- lation between external prosperity and internal well-being. Over the next few pages we will see how we can achieve this in practical terms. After all, we’ve already stated that we want to win as busi- nesspeople, including achieving our goals. The Internal Person First of all, we need to lay a foundation for what the Bible means when it talks about internal prosperity or wellness. To do this, we need a basic understanding of the human makeup. From Scripture we discover that each person is comprised of a spirit, a soul, and a body (see 1 Thess. 5:23). The spirit is that part which knows God. The soul, in turn, consists of the mind, the will, and the emotions. The mind, as we know, is the place where our thought processes originate. Our emotions allow us to feel and respond to these thoughts, our external environment, and other people. The will gives us the ability to choose—based on our thoughts and emotions. Our bodies or flesh are the physical part of us that envelops or surrounds our souls and spirits. In Genesis 3:19, we learn that when our physical bodies cease to function, they will die and return to the dust from whence they were formed. The apostle Peter likens our bodies to a tent, which houses our spiritual beings (see 2 Pet. 1:14). Although separate, we cannot treat the spirit, soul, and body as stand-alone entities, since what affects one influences the others. For example, when our bodies experience discomfort or disease, our emotions are af- fected. And the reverse is true as well. When we become angry or bitter and hold those poisonous emotions within, our bodies are affected and manifest these symptoms. When we lack spiritually, we attempt to satisfy our bodies and fill our souls with whatever Godly Success.indd 23 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 23. GODLY SUCCESS -24- illegitimate physical or emotional substance or addiction we can to satisfy that void. When our spiritual needs are met, everything else in life takes on true meaning. In other words, when the spirit of a person is satisfied, the soul and body will be fulfilled. This is what the Bible means when it states that we are to prosper internally. People were born with God-shaped vacuums on the inside. People were born with God-shaped vacuums on the inside, “holes” brought about by the sin and depravity of a fallen world (see Rom. 5:12). Much of life is spent trying to fill this void. How- ever, this emptiness or cavity can only be filled by God Himself. No person, achievement, or possession can accomplish that task. You may think that all sounds well and good, but may wonder how to fill this alleged “hole” with God. It’s a bit more compli- cated than placing the missing “God-piece” into the puzzle of your heart. You have to ensure that God is “plugged into” your life. The Bible calls this “plugging in” being born again or inviting Jesus into your heart. You may recall the well-known biblical account of a man named Nicodemus, who came to Jesus by night. The following clearly depicts the concept of the new-birth experience: There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Godly Success.indd 24 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 24. E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s A Matter of the Heart -25- Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:1-6). In this passage, Jesus told Nicodemus he needed to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God or to have eternal life. Think- ing with his natural understanding, Nicodemus immediately con- sidered the impossibility of a grown man reentering his mother’s womb. What Nicodemus failed to understand was that Jesus was not referring to his physical body, but rather his spirit being. In essence, Jesus told Nicodemus that his spirit was dead and, as such, needed to be resurrected—a term He coined born again. The Bible is clear that all of us have sinned (see Rom. 3:23) and that the consequences of that sin is spiritual death (see Rom. 6:23). This puts all of us in the same spiritual condition as Nicode- mus. Although our bodies are alive, our spirits are most certainly dead—that is, until they’re made alive again through a personal relationship with Jesus. Being born again is the prerequisite for internal prosperity. Being born again is the prerequisite for internal prosperity and is a spiritual experience. But exactly how is it accomplished? Remember, our goal is to accomplish or achieve. God provides us with this answer in the same place where we discover the com- position of people and their spiritual condition prior to rebirth— namely, the Bible. Godly Success.indd 25 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 25. GODLY SUCCESS -26- The Bible teaches that God has always existed (see Rev. 22:13) and that He will continue to exist forever (see Rev. 1:8). This may seem difficult to fathom. Many have used the fact that not all Scrip- ture can be grasped mentally as the basis for their arguments con- cerning the trustworthiness of the Bible. Ironically, it is this exact same argument that can be used as the basis for its validation—the God of the Bible surpasses the intellect of His creation. The fact that God is more complicated and complex than people’s finite reasoning only serves to show that He’s the only One capable of all intelligent design. Two Trees So again, this all-intelligent, omnipresent Being who has al- ways existed fashioned people and placed them on Earth. (No- tice, I said that God created people; we didn’t evolve from apes or blobs.) The Bible tells us that amidst the lush environment of the Garden of Eden, teeming with beautiful vegetation and wildlife, were two distinct trees—the tree of life and the tree of the knowl- edge of good and evil (see Gen. 2:9). The Lord gave Adam and Eve the following directive: Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die (Genesis 2:16b-17). This seems like it should have been a simple instruction to follow. After all, they were allowed to eat freely from every tree in the Garden except one. It’s not as if they didn’t have sufficient food from the fruit of all the other trees or as if God were some sort of cosmic kill-joy who tried to spoil their fun. He placed the forbidden tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in the Garden for a reason; He needed a mecha- nism for humanity’s will and choice to be exercised. Choice is that Godly Success.indd 26 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 26. E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s A Matter of the Heart -27- intangible part of us that separates us from the animal kingdom and makes humankind unique. God did not create a race of robots who would mechanically and routinely obey Him. No, He created people for voluntary fellowship with Him (see 1 Cor. 1:9). Imagine what it would be like if our central processor told us it was fel- lowship time and our hard-drive dictated how long we spent with Him. Adam and Eve, like the rest of us, were created for spontane- ous, pleasurable, freewill-based communion with their Creator. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve chose to exercise their will (like all humanity) for evil—partaking of the forbidden tree (see Rom. 3:23). Sin entered the world (see Rom. 5:12), and forever after, the human race became stained with a natural propensity toward wrongdoing (see Isa. 53:6) and has suffered with the problem and consequences of sin until today (see Rom. 7:5). In his book, Maxi- mized Manhood, Dr. Ed Cole makes a great comparison between humanity today and cannibals. He says, in effect, that to think that because we are technologically more advanced today than in the time of Adam and Eve, and are thereby better people, would be about as absurd as thinking that because you gave a cannibal a knife and fork, he’d be a better person.1 Thankfully, this all-powerful, all-intelligent God foreknew that we would be powerless in our own ability to shun evil and made provision for the “sin factor” of humanity. He enabled us to return to the same “pre-sin” state of Adam and Eve prior to their fall. Provision came in the form of God Himself, who came to the Earth as one of His own creation. When He entered our time/space continuum as a human being, He experienced what we experience. He knew what it was like to be hot, cold, ridiculed, re- jected, and, ultimately, to die. This “fully God, fully man,” whom we have come to know as Jesus, willingly laid His life down for us, allowing the people He’d created to nail Him to a tree. Thankfully, the grave could not keep its hold over Him and was forced to surrender its grip. He rose on the third day and Godly Success.indd 27 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 27. GODLY SUCCESS -28- returned to His throne in Heaven. When we wholly embrace this truth and ask this same Jesus to come and dwell in our hearts, we become born again at that moment. Jesus fills that God-shaped void within each of us. Only then will we experience internal wellness or prosperity. Interestingly, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life represent the same two “trees” or choices that con- front us today. The former symbolizes religion, while the latter depicts relationship. Knowledge of good and evil (religion) is the human attempt to gain right standing with God by human meth- ods. It’s humanity’s way of bypassing God’s provision (the death and subsequent resurrection of His Son) in a futile attempt to save themselves, work their way into Heaven, or hope that their good actions outweigh their bad so that God will accept them. It’s no wonder that God forbade Adam and Eve to eat the fruit, warning that it would kill them (see Gen. 2:17). Religion sucks the life out of you in its feeble attempt to make you think you gain right standing with God. It not only drives you to meet an expected quota of daily good works, but also bashes you on the head when you don’t. It imposes a set of rules and regulations on you that doesn’t give you the power to overcome evil or to achieve good. Religion makes you look as though you’ve been sucking on lemons all day. On the other hand, relationship, like the tree it’s named for, gives life. And only after you’ve embraced God’s provision for your sins and tasted of the tree of life can you feel truly alive. The source of life inhabits you, gives you abundant life (see John 10:10b) and is likened to fountains of living water gushing from within (see John 7:38; Rev. 21:6b). Internal prosperity, therefore, dictates external success. Godly Success.indd 28 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 28. E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s A Matter of the Heart -29- Internal prosperity, therefore, dictates external success. As this newfound internal life erupts, it begins to permeate your ex- ternal environment. It is then that you can “prosper in all things… just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). This book was written with the heartfelt intention that its readers would become successful and prosperous. By now, you can hopefully see that there’s more to prosperity than sheer mon- etary gain. God’s intent is for us to experience success in every facet of our lives—spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially, and financially. In comparison to eternity, our earthly existence is but a mea- ger drop in the ocean of time. From an early age, we have been taught the art of self-preservation. Part and parcel of this involves securing our futures, at least financially. Pension plans, 401(k)s, stocks, bonds, and savings accounts all ensure a future financial “nest egg.” Although there is nothing wrong with that, sadly, there are fewer folks who’ve actually taken the time to invest in their ultimate future—namely, eternity. The Bible states: Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal (Matthew 6:19-20 NIV). You can make an immediate deposit into a heavenly bank ac- count, one that ensures the security of your soul. After all, what does it profit people if they gain the whole world and loose their souls? (See Mathew 16:26.) When you reach out and partake of the tree of life, you will become born again, enter into a relationship with your Creator, and experience true prosperity in every aspect of life. God’s Godly Success.indd 29 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 29. GODLY SUCCESS -30- provision for your salvation came through the completed work of Christ at the cross of Calvary. You will not only receive abun- dant life, but also will secure your future—eternity spent in a place called Heaven. Now that’s essential business! Personal Notes: Godly Success.indd 30 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 30. E s s e n t i a l B u s i n e s s A Matter of the Heart -31- Godly Success.indd 31 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 32. -33- CHAPTER 2 Kings and Priests “A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom” —Charles Nieman Broadly speaking, the practice of biblical commands, truths, and principles falls into three categories. These relate to current relevance and the context in which those principles were given. First of all, there are those that were nullified at the cross. Second, there are those that “passed through” or traversed the cross. And last, there are those that started anew at the cross. Those that were nullified at the cross include animal sacrifice, dietary restrictions, and the original Levitical Priesthood. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, these practices were abolished— superseded by a new covenant. Those that passed through include the tithe, the mar- riage covenant (between a man and woman), and adherence to the Ten Commandments. The new covenant we now enjoy Godly Success.indd 33 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 33. GODLY SUCCESS -34- through the blood of Christ neither nullified them nor lessened their relevance. Those that started anew include fivefold ministry gifts (as mentioned in Ephesians 4:11), the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and evangelism, to name a few. Some of the principles and pre- cepts that traverse the cross are still applicable, but have taken on new forms. It’s very important to stress that, while the be- havior of a particular truth may have changed, the underlying principle remains the same. Perhaps the following example will clarify. Obedience to the Ten Commandments, as mentioned, crossed over Calvary’s threshold, which means that Christians today must still follow them. There is, however, a subtle difference between our obedience to them and that of the Israelites of old. Whereas the Israelites of old were called to obey the Ten Commandments, they had to do so using all of their own natural resources. Relying solely upon their own willpower, they had to ensure their conformity to each of the Ten Commandments on a daily basis. There was no divine enablement or empowering of the Holy Spirit, making it difficult to fully comply. Unlike their Old Testament counterparts, Christians today are endowed with an inner enablement. Unlike their Old Testament counterparts, Christians today are endowed with an inner enablement. Through the rebirth ex- perience, the Spirit of God (called the Holy Spirit) unites with our human spirit, enabling us to become internally empowered to obey God’s commands. The former relies on an external command set, designed to alter external behavior without internal changes or intervention. The latter relies on internal intervention (Holy Godly Success.indd 34 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 34. K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s “A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom” -35- Spirit in collaboration with conscience) designed to alter external behavior. The apostle Paul explains it this way: For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them (Romans 2:14-15). For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people (Hebrews 8:10). During the Old Testament period, God’s commandments or laws were written on tablets of stone (external), while after the death of Jesus, God wrote His laws upon the hearts of His chil- dren (internal). It is the same desired result (obedience to the Ten Commandments), but a different execution, leading to a greater degree of success. The same is true for many other truths that made their way into the new covenant. New Covenant Kings and Priests One such principle or practice is the role of kings and priests. Many are of the opinion that the Old Testament order of kings and priests was abolished altogether. Not so. Although different in operation, their function is still intended for the Church today. And has made us kings and priests to His God and Father… (Revelation 1:6). And have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth (Revelation 5:10). Godly Success.indd 35 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 35. GODLY SUCCESS -36- Again, when a truth makes its way across the Calvary threshold, although the underlying principle remains the same, its manifestation or application may change. The Old Testament, we are told, acts as a foreshadow or pattern of the New Testament. The Old Testament, we are told, acts as a foreshadow or pat- tern of the New Testament (see 1 Cor. 15:46). The Old Testament is thus a physical portrayal or representation of its spiritual New Testament counterpart. Or by one definition, “The Old Testa- ment concealed is the New Testament revealed.” Therefore, by studying the Old Testament, one gains better understanding and insight of the New. Before we proceed with the intended role of kings and priests in modern-day Christianity, I’d like to pay due diligence to the gentleman whose concepts gave me the basis for the inspiration for this section, Charles Nieman. Based upon a revelation of the above Scriptures (Rev. 1:6; 5:10), he developed a series of teachings entitled “Kings and Priests.”1 I would highly recommend listening to the entire series for anyone serious about understanding God’s principles of role-assignment within the Body of Christ. Corporate Calling vs. Individual Calling It’s vitally important to know the difference between your individual calling and your corporate calling. As an individual, you’re called to operate in both roles as a king and a priest. As a king, you have to pay bills, run the affairs of your home, plan, manage, strategize, and organize. As a priest, however, you will be responsible for praying with family mem- bers, studying God’s Word, witnessing, and performing other Godly Success.indd 36 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 36. K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s “A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom” -37- biblical responsibilities. Again, in your individual calling, you will operate as both a king and a priest. In your corporate calling, you will operate as either one or the other—a king or a priest. In your corporate calling, you will operate as either one or the other—a king or a priest. I make this statement with the dis- claimer that there are a few rare exceptions. A select few have what is referred to as a dual calling. These folks are called to operate in their corporate calling as both kings and priests. Again, it must be emphasized that this is not the norm, and such individuals are endowed with a special grace and dispensation for the task. For the sake of this book, we will not focus much on those with dual callings, but assume that in a corporate setting the reader is either a king or a priest. Priests—The Minority Using the Old Testament as our study guide for the role of kings and priests, one thing soon becomes apparent—there was only one tribe of priests out of 12 tribes of the children of Israel. Priests were thus the minority in Israel. The same holds true to- day. Within the Church, priests should be the minority. When we refer to priests in the context of the New Testament Church, we mean those who operate in the fivefold ministry gifts spoken of in Ephesians 4:11—namely, apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, and evangelist. Many today refer to these as being in “full-time” min- istry. However, I don’t particularly like using the term full-time ministry when referring to these individuals. Somehow it implies that those not functioning in this capacity either don’t have a le- gitimate ministry or are not serving God full-time. Some might infer that kings have a lesser calling, even though they plunder the wealth of the wicked and master the marketplace. Godly Success.indd 37 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 37. GODLY SUCCESS -38- So priests, otherwise known as fivefold ministry gifts in the New Testament, are the minority. The Church is lopsided in its role allotment— priesthood-heavy and kinghood-lacking. This is an extremely important concept to grasp because a lack of understanding in this area has led to a grave imbalance in the Church. The Church is lopsided in its role allotment—priest- hood-heavy and kinghood-lacking. Those who feel there’s any sort of call on their lives are frequently directed (by well-mean- ing folks who are often wrong) to pursue the path of “full-time ministry.” As a result, our seminaries and pulpits are filled with people who are passionate about God, whose desire it is to serve Him wholeheartedly, but who are miserable in their callings in the Church body. I’d like to share a story about an individual who suffered this same fate. Charles Nieman was a guest speaker at a local church, doing a day seminar based on his “Kings and Priests” series. He had just spoken about the concept of knowing your corporate calling as either a king or a priest. During the next break, a gentle- man approached him, asking if he could share how the teaching had just impacted him. Pastor Nieman consented, and the man proceeded to tell his story. This gentleman—we’ll call him Bob—had grown up in a Christian home with godly parents. At a tender age, Bob was taught to diligently pray and read his Bible. At age eight, Bob’s fa- ther encouraged him to start earnestly seeking God with regard to His intended direction and purpose for Bob’s life. Furthermore, his father encouraged him to write down his new discovery when revealed. Bob went into his room daily and, in his simple, child- like manner, asked God to show him what direction he was meant to pursue in life. Four years later, at age 12, the answer finally came. Bob excitedly wrote it down and ran to his dad with the Godly Success.indd 38 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 38. K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s “A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom” -39- newfound news. Bob eagerly revealed to his father that God had told him he was to be an architect. This is where the story becomes sad. Bob’s dad said, and I’m paraphrasing, “Son, you must have heard wrong. I want you to go back into your room and hear God right this time. What I meant was for you to find out what part you will play in ministry. Be- cause if you are not in the ministry, your life will be wasted.” Bob admitted to Charles that he went back into his room, and neither that day, nor ever again, did he hear anything further concerning his future. After graduating from high school, Bob attempted to please his father by enrolling in seminary school. He completed his stud- ies and assumed a pastoral role in a local church. By this time, he had gotten married, and children were also in the mix. For many years, Bob faithfully performed his pastoral duties, until finally he could take it no more. Bob decided that he was going to pursue the desire that had been in his heart all these years—to become an architect. He prayed, asking God to forgive him for abandoning his calling, and enrolled in an architectural degree program. After completing his prescribed years of study, Bob, still feeling guilty about his career choice, joined an architectural firm. He worked his way up the corporate ladder, gaining invaluable knowledge of the industry, and finally opened his own architectural firm. At the time when Bob spoke to Charles Nieman, his com- pany had 150 employees on its payroll, and Bob had become an extremely successful businessman. In fact, his business was so suc- cessful that they would not even bother bidding on any jobs less than 50 million dollars. All the while, in spite of this success, Bob said he had been plagued with guilt and condemnation for pursu- ing a career that in his mind was contrary to the will of God. Bob disclosed to Charles that, for 30 years, he would ask God daily to forgive him for abandoning his call to ministry. Godly Success.indd 39 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 39. GODLY SUCCESS -40- If there is only one truth you gain from this entire book, then I implore you, let it be this: You do not have any lesser calling. There is no diminishment of your love toward God; you are no less in His perfect will because of pursuing a career in the market- place. Bob, a big, burly man, with tears running down his cheeks, threw his arms around Charles that day and thanked him. He had finally been liberated from the mental bondage of guilt that had enslaved him his entire life. Bob was well advanced in years at the time of this encounter. Just think of the difference it would have made in his life had he heard this truth sooner. Hopefully, through this story, the saga of Bob’s life can be prevented from replicating itself in others. John Wimber (1934–1997) exemplified another powerful story along these lines. During the early 1960s, Wimber worked as a famous producer in the music industry. Wimber, after his con- version to Christ, walked in a very powerful gift of evangelism. Many of the people he came in contact with were saved dramati- cally. He was approached by a British band, wanting to make a name for themselves in America, who asked him to become their U.S. promoter. Wimber sought what he believed was godly counsel from the leaders at the church he attended. The particular leaders felt that an association with the secular culture of that band would negatively influence him. (In fact, it was these same leaders who were influential in his decision to desert his music career in to- tality.) Due to their advice, John turned down the offer from the band. However, in hindsight, the members of that group, now known to us as the Beatles, may have been influenced for good through John! God may have had a divine strategy for the salva- tion of the group. Wimber did eventually become a prominent pastor who started a worldwide ministry—known as the Vineyard churches and music. God used him powerfully as a priest. But his original Godly Success.indd 40 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 40. K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s “A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom” -41- call may have been as a king to impact the world for Jesus through the salvation of John, Paul, George, and Ringo (not to mention countless others). Priests are called by God. Again, priests, otherwise known as fivefold ministry gifts in the New Testament, should be the minority. Those pursuing this path in life must be very certain that this is, in fact, their calling. The key word is calling. One is called into the ministry. You don’t just go into ministry because things are not working out on the job. You don’t become clergy because of ambition to make a name for yourself. Neither should your motive for ministry be because you feel you are a proficient orator, have a charismatic personality, or, as so many presume, because you perceive it to be a profitable business. Priests are called by God and are not in it for any reason other than God has called them. I know from firsthand experience that the popular perception of traditional ministry is one of grandeur and endless spiritual eu- phoria. Many Christians are of the view that ministry is the ulti- mate destination, a sacred paradise. In reality, what they are seeing is only one facet of the ministry. Perhaps it’s the heavenly sound of praise and worship on a Sunday morning or the pastor stand- ing behind the pulpit delivering a well-rehearsed sermon. Perhaps it’s the fervent, vivacious, mid-week prayer meeting or the cozy, family-orientated home group. The list can go on and on of the perceptions we have toward conventional ministry. What we fail to see, though, is what many ministers refer to as “the underbelly of the ministry.” Ask your pastor about his many hours of preparation before delivering a polished sermon. Spend a day at your local church office and observe the many calls that are fielded. Sit in on a liti- gious marriage counseling session, or ask the traveling evangelists what hardships they’ve had to endure. My intent is not to deter Godly Success.indd 41 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 41. GODLY SUCCESS -42- you from the office of priesthood, if that is your calling. I do want to make you aware that it’s not all glamor and spotlights and that there’s another aspect to consider. For many, the call to ministry or priesthood may bring with it hardship, persecution, and yes, even martyrdom. So make absolutely certain that you are called and that it’s not a career choice based on personal preference. There are countless books, tapes, seminars, and conferences helpful for anyone aspiring to ministry as a vocation. In compari- son, there are relatively few resources available for kings or those called to marketplace ministry. For the most part, kings have been left out of the mix. Hopefully this book and other teachings like it will aid in rectifying the deficiency. Kings—The Majority If priests are the minority, then kings are by far the majority. By and large, most believers are called to assume the role of a king. If priests are the minority, then kings are by far the major- ity. Most of you reading this book will embark upon a career in the workforce in your corporate calling. This may be a new out- look for some and may even require a shift in conventional think- ing. The idea of entering the workforce has been one of perceived compromise for many. Personally, in the early days of my Christian walk, entering the workplace seemed like a sellout. I had recently accepted Christ into my life and wanted, more than anything, to escape the ungodly environment from which I had been rescued. I wanted to be pure and holy, and for me, going to work each day felt like corruption and pollution. The majority of my colleagues and co-workers were ungodly people whose speech was profane and included dirty jokes and stories. As a result, I oscillated between two extremes—isolation and compromise. If I felt really “spiritual,” I would isolate myself Godly Success.indd 42 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 42. K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s “A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom” -43- from any and all possible sources of “pollution.” This meant that I would sit in my vehicle at lunchtime, not engage in conversations, and keep my speech to work content only. On the other hand, when my defenses were weak, I com- promised my values. I politely laughed at the unclean jokes told around the lunch table and water fountain. Due to numerous in- cidents of compromise, I determined that the only way of escape would be to enter the ministry so I could leave our corrupt world system. Sadly, this sentiment is prevalent throughout much of the Church. And as a result, we have an anemic kinghood. The solution is not an escape from the workplace, but rather a correct understanding of our part in it. The solution is not an escape from the workplace, but rather a correct understanding of our part in it. To adopt the escapist men- tality is detrimental on two fronts. First of all, we are robbing the Kingdom of potential provision. And secondly, we are eliminating possible contact with people who may otherwise never darken the doorpost of a church building. Providers Let’s look at the first dilemma—robbing the Kingdom of po- tential provision. Again, using the Old Testament as the model of operation, we see that a divine partnership existed between kings and priests. Charles Nieman states in his “Kings and Priests” se- ries, “A divine partnership between kings and priests should exist for the good of the kingdom.”2 In other words, both parties should work together to advance God’s Kingdom on Earth. Priests are supposed to provide the vision, while kings provide the provision. Godly Success.indd 43 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 43. GODLY SUCCESS -44- Practically, priests are supposed to provide the vision while kings provide the provision. If everyone were to become a priest, how would the activities of the Kingdom be funded? We’re surely all aware that the Gospel is free (see Eph. 2:8-9). To broadcast, or make it known, though, costs money. Today more than ever, churches and ministries are realizing the importance of having financial resources readily available in order to accomplish what God has called them to do. God’s preferred means of provision is through the kinghood. Businesspeople, operating in their call as kings, are supposed to be the ones who provide the needed financial resources. If we view working in the marketplace as a sellout or com- promise, we’ll be deprived of our God-ordained calling to be Kingdom providers. That’s when we hear statements like, “Guess I have to go to work today,” or “Not another day at the office.” Many kings have adopted the mentality that going to work is like sitting at the proverbial grindstone. Work then becomes a duty that one is confined to for the rest of one’s employment span. This is no way to live. God wants His kings to rise up and realize the weightiness of their calling, to comprehend that without them His Kingdom will not be established on the Earth. Kings, you are called to be providers. Reachers The second quandary associated with the escapist mental- ity is, as mentioned, eliminating all possible contact with people whose presence may never grace a church building. As much as we’d like to believe that America is a Christian nation, we’re not. In fact, we’re a post-Christian nation, which means that our staid, old, traditional methods of ministry are going to have to change. Christians are realizing the need to take the Gospel to where people are at—in their own environment. Godly Success.indd 44 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 44. K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s “A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom” -45- The Church in Western society needs a revolution and revival if she wishes to survive the 21st century. More and more, Chris- tians are realizing the need to take the Gospel to where people are at—in their own environment. God is going to use the kings to achieve this task. Anointed men and women, who have been endued with power, will take the precious message of the Gospel into the marketplace. This is no small task. As Christians, we have largely enjoyed the privilege of min- istering the Gospel in a clinical Christian-centric environment. Most of our dialogue with unbelievers has been in church settings. The common view has been that, to get someone saved, we simply bring them to church. The onus of presenting the Gospel is then upon the preacher. To the astonishment of some, this is not the intended biblical pattern of evangelism. God has called many of us to assume the responsibility of ministry. And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12). The biblical model of ministry, according to Ephesians 4:12, is thus for the priests (apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, and evan- gelist) to equip the saints (kings) for the work of the ministry. Part and parcel of that ministry is to take the Gospel into the market- place—where people are. This coincides with the familiar verse found in Mark 16:15, also known as The Great Commission: “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’” (Mark 16:15). Priests are the coaches while kings are the players. Kings, not priests, are commissioned for marketplace minis- try. In other words, priests are the coaches while kings are the Godly Success.indd 45 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 45. GODLY SUCCESS -46- players. As coaches, the priests are intended to train the players or kings. Trust me; reaching the business community takes training. Gone are the days where you can bluntly ask someone two spiri- tual diagnostic questions or follow the formulaic presentation of “the Roman road of salvation.” Reaching the business community takes wisdom, anointing, relevance, discernment, and sensitivity. Instead, the new paradigm of marketplace ministry will be based upon relationship. God is busy strategically placing His kings alongside those in need of salvation. God is busy strategically placing His kings alongside those in need of salvation, orchestrating divine appointments. Rather than hitting people over the head with the Gospel, we are to first estab- lish relationship. The Gospel must first be lived before it is spoken. What this implies is that the Gospel must first be lived before it is spoken. Living the Gospel means that our work ethic should surpass that of the world’s. We will be required to communicate with relevance—our “Hallelujah” and “Praise the Lord” vo- cabulary will have to change. We’ll actually have to speak to our co-workers in a language they can understand. Being relevant doesn’t mean we have to compromise our values or morality. Kings can take a stand for righteousness, and people can respect their values. There’s a fine balance between loving people and tolerating evil. There’s a fine balance between loving people and tolerating evil—wisdom will assist in obtaining the equilibrium. So just as Godly Success.indd 46 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 46. K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s “A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom” -47- priests are called to their ministry, kings are called to theirs. They are called to provide and reach. By implementing both facets of their ministry, kings can provide for the vision of the priests and reach the lost of the marketplace. Upward Flow Kings are going to be at the forefront, or cutting edge, of the next move of God. The spiritual landscape is changing, and kings are going to be at the forefront, or cutting edge, of the next move of God. I was privileged to hear a verbal exchange between Dr. Mark Chironna and Dr. Lance Wallnau related to this matter.3 During the course of their dialogue, which was marked by profound prophetic insight, Dr. Chironna expounded upon a Scripture in the Book of Micah. Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the moun- tain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and peoples shall flow to it (Micah 4:1). This Scripture speaks of the fact that during the end times the mountain of the Lord will be raised above all other mountains. Dr. Chironna suggested that when we read of end times or lat- ter days, we tend to postpone the verse’s relevance to the future, thereby relinquishing our responsibility of its pursuit. Further- more, Dr. Wallnau and Dr. Chironna proposed that the time of fulfillment is now and that, in this context, the mountain of the Lord refers to the Kingdom of God that will be exalted above all other kingdoms. What’s fascinating about this verse is that it speaks of peoples flowing up to the mountain or house of the Lord. These peoples are not climbing, but flowing, a word not usually associated with ascension. Here the Hebrew word for flow means “to defy the law Godly Success.indd 47 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 47. GODLY SUCCESS -48- of gravity.” These men suggested that a flow, or Spirit-initiated enablement, is coming that will contradict the forces of darkness that want to pull things down. Believers will have a supernatural ability to overcome the evil “gravity,” whose nature it is to hold back, stifle, and suppress. Instead, we will be raised out of dead things into a place of incredible intimacy, power, and persever- ance. We’ll literally be elevated above the systems of the world, which are designed to drag us back, and ascend into extraordinary “high” places. This will be a supernatural phenomenon that will defy human logic; its signature trait will be marked with providential interven- tion. This flow or upward ascension, therefore, will not require self-effort or hard manual labor. “But there the majestic Lord will be for us a place of broad rivers and streams, in which no galley with oars will sail, nor majestic ships pass by” (Isa. 33:21). This verse speaks of broad rivers and streams, again depicting divine enablement. Interestingly, no oars (representative of self- effort) will be allowed in these streams and rivers. In that day, the children of God will relax in the rest of faith, as it states: “For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His” (Heb. 4:10). They will discover that the flow of the Spirit within them will carry them to the top. God is going to put His people on top. Notice that the verse in Micah said, “The mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains.” The meaning of this is that the King- dom of God will be exalted above worldly systems, particularly pertaining to biblical economy and business practice. I believe that God’s economic system will become the de facto standard of business operation and that believers will supernaturally succeed in the marketplace. They will soar to success and prosperity. And God’s economy, which radically opposes the world’s modus ope- randi, will become the preeminent financial force on the Earth. Godly Success.indd 48 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 48. K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s “A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom” -49- If God’s Kingdom is ever going to become this paramount force to be reckoned with, it will be because believers are taking their gifting into the marketplace. Taking Your Gifting Into Babylon When I speak of the marketplace or workforce, I’m not only referring to the business sector. I’m also including all systems that comprise the world system as a whole. This includes arenas such as education, arts, humanities, culture, entertainment, and sports. Marketplace or workplace ministry positively influences any of these sectors. One of the most proven methods of influence and penetration is to use the gifting God has given you. The common misconcep- tion in Christianity is for believers’ gifts to be exclusively reserved for church operation. Church should certainly be a place of gift manifestation and development, but so, too, in the world. I am not only referring to spiritual gifts (see 1 Cor. 12:8-10), but gift- ings in the broader sense of the word, including talents, education, ability, and so forth. Proverbs 18:16 tells us, “A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.” These are also meant for use in the marketplace, which is sometimes referred to as Babylon. Babylon, as you may recall, was the dominant kingdom of the day during the latter part of the Old Testament. It controlled all aspects of human civilization from culture to commerce. As the foremost kingdom of the day, in many respects Babylon repre- sents our current world system. You may also recall the life of a certain individual named Daniel. He was a godly man, an Israelite, who was taken captive by the Babylonians at an early age. What’s fascinating about Daniel’s life is that God used him in the same en- vironment that attempted to enslave him. Instead of succumbing to its wicked culture, Daniel was able to influence and penetrate the Babylonian system for good. Godly Success.indd 49 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 49. GODLY SUCCESS -50- This did not happen overnight. Prior to Daniel’s elevation, he endured years of preparation. He was first required to understand the wisdom and literature of the Chaldeans (see Dan. 1:4b). In other words, in order for Daniel to plunder Babylon, he had to first know the Babylonian mind-set, their worldview and language patterns. He had to first build a rapport with the king and learn how to access his court. We need to acquaint ourselves with this very important principle. For the most part, we have not taken time to learn what the world is all about. I’m not saying we have to watch MTV, frequent nightclubs, and purchase abhorrent literature, but for heaven’s sake, let’s un- derstand how worldly people think. Let’s gain an understanding of where they’re coming from; let’s be relevant in our speech and learn how to meet them where they are. How can we expect people who’ve had no exposure to the things of God (except for occasional beatings on the head with a Bible) to understand Kingdom matters? “In order for Christ to relate to us, He had to leave His arena and enter ours.” —Mark Chironna We’ve been so immersed in Church culture that we’ve forgot- ten there’s a world out there that doesn’t have a clue about the Bible. We cannot expect them to relate to us if we are not first willing to relate to them. I like what Dr. Mark Chironna says, “In order for Christ to relate to us, He had to leave His arena and enter ours.”4 This meant He left His abode of glory—a place with- out sin, heartache, or difficulty; a place where He was King—and entered our world, a place of total contradiction. When Daniel educated himself with, in, and about Babylo- nian culture, his gifting came to the forefront. And his gifting, superimposed upon his relevance and learning, revolutionized the Godly Success.indd 50 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 50. K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s “A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom” -51- culture. Significance and education, therefore, form the basis for effectual gift operation, forming a gift “launch pad.” Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, and shewing of hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar… (Daniel 5:12 KJV). This Scripture asserts that Daniel had an excellent spirit. This Hebrew word for “excellent” is the word rytty, which means “a coastline that juts out or a mountain that goes above the horizon.”5 Jutting out and going above speak of elevation and distinction. Daniel was able to excel due to his gifting. Remember what I said earlier about rising to the top and about supernaturally flowing or ascending? This is exactly what happened to Daniel. Our gift- ing, which is divinely imparted, will take us to the top. There will come a time, after adequate training, when our gifts will propel us into elevation and distinction, “making room for us.” Excellence is thus “the actualization of all the potential God has poured into an individual”6 or “the exhibition of the gifting God has given you, to the point of 100 percent development.”7 God will ensure that we have our “writing on the wall” mo- ment (see Dan. 5:5). And like Daniel, we will not only be able to read and understand the language of the Chaldeans, but also interpret the writing on the wall when it appears. Understanding the writing on the wall speaks of allowing our supernatural gifting to operate, which will take us beyond where our minds can go. When the world’s resources have been capped and God’s gifting has come to the forefront through His people, the world will rec- ognize our uniqueness and distinction. God is pouring out a new enablement for access into Babylon. Godly Success.indd 51 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 51. GODLY SUCCESS -52- God is pouring out a new enablement for access into Baby- lon. Like Daniel of old, believers today are piercing the dominant systems. They are doing so by taking the creativity that Babylon has tried to hijack and utilizing the giftings that God has given them to reform the culture. Just as Daniel, who was strategically placed in Babylon, there are many people who know the marketplace is the right place for them. These people will not feel guilty because they’re not stand- ing behind a pulpit or working as vocational ministers. No, they will know their place in the Kingdom. Placement Correct placement is essential for effective functioning. Hopefully, if you are a king, you are starting to realize the importance of your calling. And hopefully you’re getting excited about the prospect of what God can do with you in the work- place. It’s vitally important, therefore, to know whether you are called to kinghood or priesthood. Correct placement is essential for effective functioning. I heard an insightful interpretation of a familiar passage of Scripture that provides greater clarity regard- ing the relevance of placement. Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin (Matthew 6:26-28). Placement determines provision. Godly Success.indd 52 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 52. K i n g s a n d P r i e s t s “A Divine Partnership—for the Good of the Kingdom” -53- The commentary I heard of that Scripture is that placement determines provision. The key to the interpretation of this Scrip- ture is found in the placement of the lilies and the birds—the lilies are in the field, while the birds are in the air. It would be absurd to imagine birds being rooted in the soil or lilies flying through the air. No, each is situated or functioning where each is called to be. God’s provision comes when each is in its rightful place. When you are in your rightful place, when you’re function- ing where you’re meant to be, then the Lord’s provision will be present. If you’re called to be a king, then get into the kinghood and become the best king you can be. If you’re called to be a priest, then get into the priesthood and become the best priest you can be. Are you a king or a priest? Personal Notes: Godly Success.indd 53 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 54. -55- CHAPTER 3 Destination Coordinates Hitting the Mark If a hammer is made for driving in nails and a screwdriver for turning screws, then why were you created? I agree this might not be your everyday question and possibly not even one you were anticipating. If this question caught you off guard and you could not give an immediate, definitive response, then this chapter is just for you. Maybe you haven’t ever thought of your life as having a par- ticular reason or purpose. Perhaps you think, as so many do, that the sum of your days is to be spent simply doing what unfolds before you; that as prisoners of fate, you’re merely to do your best “with the cards you’re dealt.” As admirable as it may sound, such thinking is wrong, and pity upon those who’ve fallen prey to its deceptive spell. Godly Success.indd 55 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 55. GODLY SUCCESS -56- We can obtain the coordinates to our final destination. We can know with certainty why we were made and what our purpose is in life. We can obtain the coordinates to our final destination. And most importantly, we can, and should, play an active role in chartering the course of our lives to arrive at our goals. Nothing will motivate us more than purpose—period! When we’re able to confidently answer the question, “Why was I made?” we’ll have answered one of life’s cardinal questions. And in so doing, we will have obtained one of the most essential keys to unlocking the door, not only to our destinies, but also to fulfillment in life. This answer will also provide us with the neces- sary impetus to drive our internal “inspirational motors.” Noth- ing will motivate us more than purpose—period! That’s not to say there won’t be any unknowns along our paths, that obstacles won’t ever confront us, that we’ll never en- counter resistance, or that we won’t have to pull our sleeves up and do some good old-fashioned work. At the very least, we can know our destination coordinates and play an active role in moving toward them. It has been said that if you don’t know where you’re heading, you’ll probably arrive there, and that if you aim at nothing, you’ll probably hit the mark. Finding your purpose or destiny in life will motivate you to get you out of bed in the morning, and it is that dynamic that allows you to endure hardships that would make the strongest of unfocused individuals crumble. Godly Success.indd 56 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 56. D e s t i n a t i o n C o o r d i n a t e s Hitting the Mark -57- I stated in the previous chapter that you’re either a king or a priest in your corporate calling. The destiny we’re speaking of here is a subset of that calling. Within the priesthood or kinghood are finer details of consideration. Priests, as previously mentioned, can be apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, or evangelists. In ad- dition to these five roles, the priests must also determine with whom they should be affiliated, what geographical location they are called to, and so forth. Kings, in turn, represent those called to the marketplace—the arts, entertainment, business, government, education, and so forth—and it’s also their responsibility to dis- cover where they fit. People must discover these finer details for themselves in order to find their destiny. Determining your destiny or purpose is ofttimes a discovery process. Determining your destiny or purpose, though, is ofttimes a dis- covery process, which means it must be actively sought after. Most precious minerals, such as gold, diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, reside deep below the Earth’s surface, and mining them requires an extensive amount of labor-intensive work. In many respects, the practice of mining precious minerals or metals resembles the process of obtaining one’s destiny. As we’re all aware, the mining process begins way before the first drill is ever started or the first hard hat is ever worn. Geolo- gists are first summoned to survey a potential area of excavation. Then they perform a conclusive set of tests to determine if the area in question is feasible for digging. They may also regularly survey multiple sites prior to boring. Once a possible area has been identified, the real work begins. Essentially, mine shafts are burrowed deep into the ground and act as conduits between the precious resources and their surface desti- nation. After the valuables have surfaced, they require a great deal of craftsmanship before they are ever seen as a finished product. Godly Success.indd 57 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 57. GODLY SUCCESS -58- We are to actively pursue the exploration of our valuable destinies. Like the geologist who intently looks for soil or rock that yields precious resources, so, too, are we to actively pursue the exploration of our valuable destinies. And, like the geologist, who might survey multiple sites before boring, the possibility exists that before discovering what we are meant to do, we have to first discover what we are not meant to do. In other words, discovering one’s destiny may involve a process of elimination. Geologists will tell you that finding the general locale of a potential site is just the beginning. Once identified, many other factors need to be considered, such as the underground depth of the resource, the type of rock or soil in which it is embedded, the surrounding support structure, and so forth. In like manner, having knowledge of the general “location” of your calling or purpose may just be the beginning; bringing it to the surface is where the real work usually begins. Destiny or purpose is not something you stumble upon casually or by coin- cidence. Just as diamonds and gold are typically not easily come by, so, too, will the discovery of your destiny have to be actively and energetically pursued. Throughout this book, I have used the words destiny and purpose interchangeably because finding one’s purpose results in fulfilling one’s destiny. Let’s look at this discovery process in more detail and determine what practical steps we can take to realize its fulfillment. Jesus—The Ultimate Example God provided humanity with a handbook for living, which we can use reassuringly as a blueprint after which we can pattern Godly Success.indd 58 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 58. D e s t i n a t i o n C o o r d i n a t e s Hitting the Mark -59- our lives. Within this “life manual” or “supplementary design document” are countless methods used to convey precious truth. These range from written proverbs and verbal parables to re- corded historical events and biographies of notable individuals. There’s no one individual’s life story, however, as full of impact as that of Jesus Christ, whose autobiography can be used as the ultimate benchmark for humanity. By observing Jesus’ deeds and words and having insight into His thought patterns at the time, we can develop the perfect prototype for human existence. When we study Jesus’ life on Earth, we notice that He didn’t just wake up in the morning wondering what He and the disciples were going to do each day. He didn’t follow every whim and fancy, either. Decisions such as fishing with the boys or amassing a large crowd and supernaturally feeding them were not random actions. No, Jesus had a clear-cut plan and purpose for each and every day and knew exactly what was going to occur. He also knew pre- cisely what part He had to play to ensure that these events would transpire. Jesus was thus a man of exceptional focus. Not only did Jesus daily exhibit this type of focus and direc- tion; it was the central theme of His life (see Heb. 12:2). Jesus’ daily focus allowed Him to fulfill His destiny. By consistently exhibiting daily focus, Jesus’ destiny became an accumulation of His daily activities. The reverse can also be said; Jesus’ daily focus allowed Him to fulfill His destiny. This is an extremely essential and effective concept—knowing your pur- pose and aligning your daily activities to achieve it. The two key ingredients for acquiring your purpose or des- tiny in life are foreknowledge of purpose and daily alignment. In this chapter, we’ll discuss the foreknowledge of purpose. Godly Success.indd 59 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 59. GODLY SUCCESS -60- Foreknowledge of Purpose So He [Jesus] came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the atten- dant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:16-21). At the time of Jesus’ birth, there were already over 456 prophecies about Him. These ranged in content from where He would be born (see Mic. 5:2), to what His name would be (see Isa. 7:14), to what the nature of His ministry would be (see Isa. 61:1-2), to the intricate details of His death and subsequent resurrection (see Isa. 53). Jesus had, if you will, a well-detailed script from which to take His cues. After all, was He not the One who wrote it? The foregoing Scripture documents one of Jesus’ many en- counters with prior writings about Himself. He walked into the temple of His hometown and was handed the ancient writings of the prophet Isaiah. He opened the book or scroll to the place where Isaiah foretold of the Messiah and then boldly and publicly declared, “By the way, folks, what I’ve just read pertains to Me.” Godly Success.indd 60 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 60. D e s t i n a t i o n C o o r d i n a t e s Hitting the Mark -61- Through this text and numerous others, Jesus knew His marching orders. He knew the reason He was sent to Earth and what He had to accomplish here. Jesus had a vision for His life. Jesus was thus a prototype of a new race that would inhabit the Earth. The Bible declares that Jesus was the firstfruit or forerunner of the faith (see Heb. 6:20; 1 Cor. 15:20,23). Firstfruit or forerun- ner implies that there are more to follow. The Word also states that He was “the firstborn among many brethren” (Rom. 8:29). Jesus was thus a prototype of a new race that would inhabit the Earth. He modeled for us the type of life we should live. We ought, therefore, to be mini replicas of Him, “little Christs”—hence the name Christians. God has a predetermined, unique blueprint for each of our lives. With Christ as our example, through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to efficiently pattern our lives after Him. And if Jesus had a “life script,” a purpose or vision, then we should all have a predetermined blueprint to live by, too. God has a predetermined, unique blueprint for each of our lives, but it’s up to each individual to access it. Like a master architect who designs his structure with an in- tricate, sophisticated design, so, too, does the Master Architect of our lives make His plans. And as structures of far greater value than earthly edifices, we all have a unique design. The key to fore- knowledge of purpose is accessing these designs. Our primary focus in life should be purpose-centric. Godly Success.indd 61 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 61. GODLY SUCCESS -62- When something is created, it is generally fashioned for an in- tentional purpose—a vehicle for driving, chairs for sitting, homes for dwelling, and computers for crashing—I mean, typing docu- ments or accessing the Internet. Nothing that I’m aware of has been humanly created without reason or function. If this holds true for the objects and commodities we humans create, how much more so for God’s creations—namely, you and me. As the highest form of earthly life and the only creatures ca- pable of enjoying fellowship with our Creator, our privilege is not void of responsibility. One of these many responsibilities is the onus of determining our purpose so that, just like Jesus, our firstfruit or forerunner, we, too, can know with certainty why we were made. Just like earthly creations, all made for an intended cause, we, too, can know what our use should be. Now that’s not to say we cannot ever do anything other than what we were made for, but our primary focus in life should be purpose-centric. At first, this may seem like a rather daunting task, but there are numerous ways God has given us to find our purpose. I like to refer to these as discovery tools. Discovery Tools 1. Bible When looking for life guidance and wisdom, consult the Bi- ble, God’s preferred means of communication. His written words, on the age-old pages of the Bible, provide the supreme framework and definition for human guidance. Many argue that the Bible was written thousands of years ago, for an ancient people, and as such, holds little relevance to our modern, sophisticated society. One of the many wonders of the Bible is its relativity to distant generations, diverse cultures, and varied ethnicities. Truth is truth, no matter how it’s packaged. There is nothing outdated or irrelevant about the Bible. The same command, to “love one another,” is just as pertinent and applicable today as it was when first uttered. Godly Success.indd 62 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 62. D e s t i n a t i o n C o o r d i n a t e s Hitting the Mark -63- “You shall not murder” (Exod. 20:13) still means we ought not to kill. And “a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife…” (Gen. 2:24) still implies that marriage is a God-ordained institution between a man and woman. Although the Bible cannot explicitly spell out the answer to each and every aspect and detail of life, we can make use of its principles—which are always consistent with God’s character. For example, the Bible does not provide the precise details of one’s spouse. It does not tell Joe who to marry, what age or height she should be, or what she should have studied in college. Each detail for every decision in life will not be provided. We will not be able to find a specific Scripture to advise us on what job to take, who to marry, what car to drive, or what house to buy. By reading God’s Word, however, we can make decisions based upon both the character of God and Kingdom principles. Character of God God will never act or expect you to act in a manner incon- sistent with His character. Therefore, by understanding the char- acter of God, you can ascertain guidance keys and boundaries of operation. If you were deliberating a decision with an outcome of strife, enmity, hatred, and disunity, then the odds are probably that it would be the wrong choice, providing it’s not to take a stand for justice. The Bible teaches that God is a God of love (see 1 John 4:8), that He is in favor of unity (see Ps. 133:1,3), and that the wisdom He offers promotes peace and unity (see James 3:17). Knowledge of the character of God, then, can be used as the foun- dation for all decisions you make. Kingdom Principles A second means of biblical guidance is applying principles of Kingdom operation. Just as there are laws in the natural realm, so, too, are there laws or principles that govern Kingdom opera- tion. You might dispute the law of gravity, but if you stood on Godly Success.indd 63 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 63. GODLY SUCCESS -64- a tall building and jumped, there’s an extremely high probabil- ity that shortly thereafter you’d be depicted by a white outline on the pavement below. The principle of gravity is thus in opera- tion, whether you believe in it or not. Similarly, there are laws or principles that govern Kingdom operation. The law of sowing and reaping (see Gal. 6:7), the law of tithing (see Mal. 3:10), and the principle of the power of speech (see Prov. 18:21) are just some ex- amples of laws that all regulate and dictate Kingdom performance. You can use these laws and principles to make wise decisions. For instance, regarding the age-old question of choosing a spouse, we can safely apply the principle of association. The Bible instructs that we are not to be unequally yoked or to fellowship with unbelievers (see 2 Cor. 6:14). We can be certain that God op- poses marriage between believers and unbelievers. It’s that simple. Now if both were unsaved at the time of marriage and one ac- cepted Christ at a later time, that’s another situation altogether. In fact, there are laws of guidance for that situation, too (see 1 Cor. 7:12-15). For those in pursuit of marriage, though, the edict is very clear; if the other person isn’t saved, then leave him or her alone. This is just one example of a principle or law that can be used in decision-making. God has ensured that the Bible provides us with sufficient principles pertaining to any particular area that will al- low us to make wise, godly decisions. Apply the keys of the char- acter of God and Kingdom principles to safely make decisions. Although not every detail of life can be addressed, the Bible explicitly addresses innumerable aspects of life. These plain truths are also designed to assist you in decision-making regarding your future. Prime examples of such truths include expected conduct (see Exod. 20:3-17), marriage relations (see 1 Cor. 7), and Church government (see 1 Tim. 3:1-13). Furthermore, God can use a specific Scripture, albeit not directly related to your circumstance, to speak to you. Even though the passage in question may refer to a totally different Godly Success.indd 64 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 64. D e s t i n a t i o n C o o r d i n a t e s Hitting the Mark -65- context or setting, this may still be God’s favored method of communication in that situation. Such a Scripture that “comes alive” is often called a rhema word. The Holy Spirit illuminates a passage, making it seem to “come alive” and leap off the page, as it were. It will provide the guidance, reassurance, comfort, or direction you require. Many years ago, I was at a crossroads in my life. I was faced with a career decision that would have life-altering consequences. While living and working in South Africa, I had just been offered an international contracting opportunity. Personnel with my skill sets had suddenly become highly in demand, and companies worldwide were offering excellent salaries to secure their services. Money was unquestionably an incentive, but there were other factors of consideration—much travel, short-term contracts, un- known destinations, and no guaranteed church attendance. At the time, I was attending and involved in a great church, had just purchased a new home, and had a secure, well-paying job. I held the decision at the back of my mind and continued with my life, waiting for an answer. Allow me to include this gem of truth: feeling pressure to provide an immediate answer invariably leads to a wrong choice. Nonetheless, I continued to systemati- cally read my Bible daily, beginning in Genesis and chronologi- cally working my way through to Revelation. One morning, as I read Genesis chapter 12, the first verse suddenly leaped off the page at me. “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you” (Gen. 12:1). God brought my answer from a passage totally unrelated to my specific situation and completely out of context. The Lord managed to use a Scripture that I had read numerous times to pro- vide an answer. And the moment I read it, there was no doubting what I had to do. “Get out of your country” meant go! As a result of that rhema word and subsequent decision, a series of cascading events followed. On one of my journeys, I Godly Success.indd 65 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 65. GODLY SUCCESS -66- met a colleague who was struggling with depression combined with suicidal tendencies. As a brilliantly intelligent man he found it hard to grasp spiritual truths, which he argued could not be reasoned. But God does say that He takes the foolish things to confound the wise (see 1 Cor. 1:27). And one evening, this gentle- man found himself staring down the barrel of a handgun, ready to take his life. In that moment, many of the truths I had spoken to him prior began to surface in his heart. And he realized that if he were to take his life, that he would spend it in a godless eter- nity. Instinctively he called on the name of the Lord. God met him in his moment of desperation. The very next day he relayed the account of his suicidal at- tempt and how God had met him in the nick of time. I then had the privilege of leading him to Christ. Today this man is married to a godly woman, has two beautiful children, and is a faithful churchgoer and successful businessman. I shudder to think what would have happened to him had I not heeded a rhema word. A rhema word changed my life and the lives of those around me—it can change yours, too. The second means of accessing God’s predetermined purpose for our lives is prayer. 2. Prayer Before we commence with our study of prayer, I’d like to mention that an entire study can be devoted to each of these topics (the Bible, prayer, and so forth). For the purposes of this book, I will just briefly mention each subject to provide high- lights and an overview. The reader can find an abundant amount of readily available resources for further perusal—one of which is my first book entitled A Firm Foundation. I will, however, cite relevant material. Many folks believe that prayer is speaking to God, which is only partially true. Speaking to God is only half of the equation. Godly Success.indd 66 2/22/12 10:04 AM
  • 66. D e s t i n a t i o n C o o r d i n a t e s Hitting the Mark -67- Communication, as we know, is both speaking and listening. Since we have two ears and only one mouth; it’s a good indication we’re meant to listen twice as much as we speak. Listening is a lost art, particularly in prayer. We have our little prayer list that we dili- gently work through each day as we check them off, feeling really good about our prayer time. All the while, God earnestly desires to reciprocate the communication. Most people have no problem with communication with God. Listening, however, is both an art and a discipline that many Christians need to learn. Dr. Mark Virkler authored a book enti- tled Dialogue With God, which speaks about the concept of wait- ing on God.1 After reading his book, I made a conscious decision to embrace the art of waiting or listening. After my communiqué with God, pen and diary in hand, I would patiently wait for a response. Looking back upon those early journals has been highly educational. It has allowed me to see just how much my listening ability has developed over the years. It has also allowed me to learn for myself what it means to hear God. Granted, I have made many mistakes throughout the years, but the success rate is higher today than when I first began. It has also allowed me to hone my listening skills. Again, this is not a comprehensive study on the topic of prayer or hearing God, but I will throw in one or two little nuggets I’ve learned along the way. First of all, do not feel compelled to hear God. This will place unnecessary strain and demands on you that might lead you to fabricate a response. Some Christians supposedly hear from God every minute. They have “the word of the Lord” for every sit- uation and somehow seem to know what He’s saying on every occasion. This is one extreme. The other end of the spectrum in- cludes those who don’t believe that God communicates outside the realm of His written Word. The Bible states, “My sheep hear My voice…” (John 10:27), and again, “I will…watch to see what Godly Success.indd 67 2/22/12 10:04 AM