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Tiffany Fruth / 3070 (9:05 am)
Topic: Universe
Unit Title: Exploration of the Great Unknown
Earth and Space Science: 3rd Grade
I. Unit Title and Grade Level
The title of this unit is Exploration of the Great Unknown and is designed for
students in 3rd grade. The lessons will be taught in an elementary setting during an
instructional block of 50 minutes and will cover a period of five days during the last nine
weeks of the school year. Classroom demographics include twenty-one students, three
Asian, five African-American, two Hispanics and eleven Caucasians with mixed genders.
Essential questions to be addressed include the following:
 What are the main components of the solar system?
 In what order and distance do the planets orbit around the sun?
 What are the sizes of the planets compared to the sun?
 What are the characteristics of each planet, i.e. temperature, surface conditions,
planet composition, moons, and atmosphere?
 What are characteristics of stars and uniqueness of the Sun?
State Standard (s)
Standard 6.0 - Universe
Expectations and Performance Indicators:
GLE 0307.6.1 Identify and compare the major components of the solar system
SPI 0307.6.1 Identify the major components of the solar system, i.e., sun, planets, and
II. Goals/Objectives
The goals of this unit on the Universe are established for third-grade science
students to understand the main components of our solar system, their characteristics and
the distance they orbit around the Sun. These goals will be achieved through the
development of an Exploration Graphic Organizer, a model of the solar system activities,
charts, and worksheets. In addition, periodical and end of unit assessments will be given
to indicate that students have met each goal with at least 95% accuracy. Each lesson will
be modified and accommodated to meet individual learning styles, using Multiple
Intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy and Differentiated Instruction.
Objective Standards to
which it
Assessment that will
measure it
Leading Unit discussion students will
recall prior knowledge of the solar
systemto determine students with at
least 80% proficiency.
GLE 0307.6.1
-Pre-assessment with
Solar System fact game
and prediction chart of
planet characteristics.
Cognitive/ Affective
Following introduction of vocabulary
and essential questions students will
generate an Exploration Graphic
Organizer, reporting daily to achieve
95% proficiency in answering essential
GLE 0307.6.1
- The introduction of unit
vocabulary and essential
- Introduction to the
development of an
Exploration Graphic
Organizer throughout the
Synthesize Cognitive/ Affective
Presented with a class discussion on
characteristics of the sun and stars,
students will provide properties about
stars and distinguish the sun’s unique
characteristics with at least 85%
GLE 0307.6.1
- Class Discussion on
stars and the sun.
- Group Star Mobile
- “My Sun’s
Uniqueness” Worksheet
- Assessment- “My Solar
System” Worksheet
Apply/ Analyze Cognitive/ Affective
Following unit discussion, students will
design a model of the Solar System
illustrating planet size, distance from the
sun and ideal planet color with 100%
GLE 0307.6.1
- Unit discussions
-Student Solar System
Given the discussion of acronyms, and
planet order, students will restate the
order of the planets with at least 95%
GLE 0307.6.1
- Class Discussion on
planet order
-Explanation and
examples of acronyms
- “From Near to Far”
Acronym Activity
Comprehend Cognitive/Affective
Provided with discussion and activities
on solar systemcomponents, students
will recognize and categorize planets by
orbiting paths with at least 90%
GLE 0307.6.1
-Class Discussions on
planet orbiting path
- “Solar System in
Motion” Demonstration
- “Are we there yet”
- “What’s My Weight/
Age” Chart
- Assessment- “My Solar
System” Worksheet
Cognitive/ Affective/
Given a class discussion on planet sizes
and gravitational pulls, students will
illustrate the planets by their size,
showing at least 85% proficiency.
GLE 0307.6.1
-Discussion on planet
size differences
- Demonstration on
planet size comparison
-“Solar System
Necklace” Activity
-“What’s My
Weight/Age” Chart
Analyze Cognitive/Affective
Presented with necessary materials,
students will create a paper solar system
to determine at least 85% proficiency in
planet size, order, and orbit distance.
GLE 0307.6.1
-Assessment- Paper
Solar System model
project illustrating planet
size, distance, and order.
III. Prerequisite knowledge and skills
Based on Standard 6 of Second Grade Earth and Space Science, students should know
that the sun is our nearest star and that its position in the sky changes. Students should
also have the knowledge of the Moon’s phases.
IV. Unit Assessments
Pre-Assessment Activity
Students will participate in a teacher designed card game on the solar system to determine
the knowledge level of unit objectives. In addition to the Solar System game, students will
Provided with class discussions
and activities on planet
characteristics students will
illustrate and categorize planets
by characteristics with 90%
-Discussion on the sun’s
impact on planets
- Discussion on Inner
and Outer Planet
- “That’s the Planet”
- Assessment- Guess
Who” worksheet
- “A Letter Home” and
Cookie” Activity
Cognitive/ Affective/
As a class, students will construct
a Venn diagram comparing and
contrasting the inner and outer
planets with at least 3 similarities
and differences among them.
- Inner/Outer Planet
Venn Diagram
Apply/ Evaluate Cognitive/ Affective
develop a chart predicting planet characteristics prior to the start of the unit. These two pre-
assessments will allow the teacher to assist the students that may be at risk of not meeting
State Science Standard 6. Those who achieve 80% accuracy or better will be allowed to
work more independently on unit activities and assist others needing extra help.
Exploration Graphic Organizer
Upon the introduction of unit vocabulary and essential questions students will be required
to maintain an Exploration Graphic Organizer. Students will report daily on the
knowledge and understanding of the Solar System that is gained throughout the unit. This
graphic organizer will provide the students material to review prior to the unit
assessment. The teacher will assess the graphic organizer periodically throughout and at
the end of the unit indicate student’s participation and understanding of unit essential
Group Star Mobile Activity
The following lesson on stars and the sun students will be placed in cooperative groups.
(Seven groups of three) This activity requires groups of students to create six complete
sentences and templates that recognize star properties to create a mobile. The teacher will
present students with an overhead of sentence criteria and examples. Upon students
proofreading their sentences, the teacher will assess the sentences prior to allowing
students to create the mobile. As the teams complete their Star Mobiles and explore other
mobiles they will gain an interest and knowledge in the stars that light the night sky. This
activity will be used to assess the students understanding of star properties as well as an
understanding of complete sentences.
“My Sun’s Uniqueness” Worksheet
Each student will be provided with the “My Sun’s Uniqueness” Worksheet. As
instructed, students will read the worksheet story about the Sun’s facts and
characteristics. In connection with reading the story, students must fill in the missing
information. This will be a formative assessment to assess the students understanding of
the importance and characteristics of the Sun following Class discussion about the Sun
and Stars.
Solar System model project
Following unit discussion, students will design a model of the Solar System. The teacher
will present students with a handout providing model ideas and examples and project
rubric. Each model must illustrate proper planet size, order, color and distance. This
project will be used to assess student’s ability to identify and recall Solar System
“From Near to Far” Acronym Activity
A teacher designed activity which will aid the student’s ability to properly place planets
in their correct order. The teacher will present students with an explanation and
examples of acronyms. Students must create their own acronym in a way to remember
the planet order in their own understanding.
“Are We There Yet” Worksheet
Each student will be provided with the “Are We There Yet” Worksheet. Students will
complete the worksheet by filling in the blanks, matching planets to characteristics, and
answering True and False questions. Students will use their textbooks, and to complete the worksheet. This assessment will address the
objective of identifying the method and path which each planet orbits the sun. Teacher
will use this Worksheet to aid the students in their understanding of planet order how
planets orbit around the sun.
“What’s My Weight/Age” Chart
“What’s My Weight/Age Chart is a formative assessment to determine students’
understanding of planet size and mass. Each student will be provided with a blank chart
with the titled headings of planet name, size, mass compared to earth, predicted weight,
scientific weight, distance from sun, number of days in a year (Revolution), predicted
age, scientific age. Following instruction on Day two of unit students will complete
headings planet name, Distance from sun, number of days in year, predicted age and
scientific age. Students will predict their age on each planet using their “Are We There
yet Charts,, and then proceed to to gather their actual scientific age on
each planet. Following discussion on Day 3 of unit students will complete headings
planet size, mass, predicted weight and scientific weight. Using the discussion on
gravitational pull and mass students will predict their weight on each planet. Students will
then proceed to to calculate their scientific
weight. This activity will be used to assess the student’s ability to understand the
importance of planet distance and mass and further their interest in the exploration of the
Solar System.
Assessment- “My Solar System”
An assessment designed to determine knowledge obtained from the unit. This assessment
will measure the student’s ability to properly identify distance planets orbit the Sun, order
of planets, Star and Sun characteristics. This assessment will be given following the
discussions of planet orbit, star and Sun on previous days.
“Solar System Necklace” Activity
A teacher designed activity, which will aid students in identifying size and distance of
planets. This activity will be given to each student to complete. As instructed students
will use different color and size beads to create a necklace, illustrating distance between
planets and sun and planet size.
Paper Solar System Homework Activity
A teacher designed activity to aid the students understanding in planet size, order and
distance. Given a variety of paper circle and backdrop sheet students must complete the
activity by determining which circle best illustrates each planets size and then properly
placing them in order writing the planet distance and name on the square provided. This
activity will further the student’s knowledge and assess the student’s ability to identify
planet size, distance, and order.
“That’s the Planet” Chart
Following class lesson on Inner and Outer Planet characteristics students will be provided
a “That’s the Planet” Chart. The chart given is a blank chart with title headings of,
Temperature (min/max), Surface conditions, Planet composition, Atmosphere, and
Number of Moons. Students will complete “That’s the Planet” Chart by using their
knowledge gained from discussion and lessons, textbook, Exploration Graphic Organizer,
Assessment- “Guess Who” Worksheet
A summative assessment designed to determine knowledge obtained from this unit. This
assessment will measure the student’s ability to successfully identify planets by their
characteristics. This assessment will be given following the lesson and activities on Inner
and Outer Planet Characteristics.
Inner/Outer Planet Venn Diagram
Following the lesson and activities on Inner and Outer Planet characteristics students will
create a Venn diagram as a class. This activity will aid the students understanding
characteristics of Inner and Outer Planets. The Class must complete the Venn Diagram
by comparing and contrasting characteristics of the Inner and Outer Planets.
“A Letter Home” and Cookie Activity
A teacher designed activity which will aid the students in the ability to identify
components of the solar system and their understanding in planet and sun characteristics.
Students will be placed into cooperative groups. (Nine Groups: Six groups of two, Three
groups of three) Each group will be assigned either a planet or the sun. Students must
design a letter to send home to Earth. Students will complete this activity by illustrating
at least five characteristics that help them identify their planets from other plants in
complete sentences. The teacher will use a transparency displaying the criteria for the
letter. In addition to creating the letter home each student will be given a cookie that they
must frost and decorate to portray their assigned planet.
Assessment Name
Standards to
it relates
Objective that it measures
or Formative
Day it will be
Pre-Assessment Activity
Leading Unit discussion
students will recall prior
knowledge of the solar
system to determine students
with at least 80%
Formative Day 1
Exploration Graphic Organizer
Lower level Learners/ Special Needs
Students will be provide with information
that needs to be placed in the Exploration
Graphic Organizer
Following introduction of
vocabulary and essential
question students will
generate an Exploration
Graphic Organizer, reporting
daily to achieve 95%
proficiency in answering
essential questions.
Team Start Mobile Activity
Lower level Learners/ Special Needs/
Advanced Learners
Advanced learners will be paired with a
lower learner/special needs students to
assist in creating complete sentences
about stars.
Presented with class
discussion on characteristics
of the sun and stars, students
will provide properties about
stars and distinguish the
sun’s unique characteristics
with 85% accuracy.
Formative Day 1
“My Sun’s uniqueness”
Lower level Learners/ Special Needs
Studentswill be allowed to choose correct
answers from a chart to fill worksheet.
Advanced Learners
Students will be required to work on the
worksheet without the use of textbook.
Presented with class
discussion on characteristics
of the sun and stars, students
will provide properties about
stars and distinguish the
sun’s unique characteristics
with 85% accuracy.
Summative Day 1
Solar System Model Project
Lower level Learners/ Special Needs
Following unit discussion
students will design a model
of the Solar System
illustrating planet size,
Formative Day 6
Students will be given time in class to
complete the project with guidance an
assistance from the teacher
Advanced Learners
Students will be required to complete the
project by choosing a higher level
distance from sun and ideal
planet color with 100%
“From Near to Far” Acronym
Lower level Learners/ Special Needs
Students will receive assistance from the
teacher or aide in developing their
Given discussion of
acronyms, and planet order,
students will restate the order
of the planets with 95%
Provided with discussion and
activities on solar system
components, students will
relate and categorize planet
by orbiting paths and size
with at least 90% accuracy.
Formative Day 2
“Are We There Yet” Worksheet
Lower level Learners/ Special
Needs/Advanced students
Advanced learners will be paired up with
a lower level learner/special needs
student to assist in finding information for
Provided with discussion and
activities on solar system
components, students will
recognize and categorize
planet by orbiting paths with
at least 90% accuracy.
Formative Day 2
“What’s My Weight/Age Chart
Lower level Learners/ Special Needs
Students will be allowed assistance on
the computer and making predictions
Advanced Learners
Studentswill assist lower level learners in
prediction weight and age
Provided with discussion and
activities on solar system
components, students will
relate and categorize planet
by orbiting paths with at
least 90% accuracy.
Given a class discussion on
planet sizes and gravitational
pulls, students will illustrate
the planets by their size,
showing at least 85%
Day 2
Day 3
Assessment “My Solar System”
Lower level Learners/ Special Needs
Students will be given a list of possible
answers for fill in the blank. Additional
time given for assessment.
Presented with class
discussion on characteristics
of the sun and stars, students
will provide properties about
stars and distinguish the
sun’s unique characteristics
with 85% accuracy.
Provided with discussion and
activities on solar system
components, students will
relate and categorize planet
by orbiting paths with at
least 90% accuracy.
Summative Day 3
“Solar System Necklace
Lower level Learners/ Special
Needs/Advanced Learners
Advanced learners will be paired up with
lower level learners/special need students
to assist them in choosing correct amount
and size of beads.
Provided with discussion and
activities on solar system
components, students will
relate and categorize planet
by orbiting paths with at
least 90% accuracy.
Given a class discussion on
planet sizes and gravitational
pulls, students will illustrate
the planets by their size,
showing at least 85%
Formative Day 3
Paper Solar System Homework
Lower level Learners/ Special Needs
Teacher will provide a guide on how to
use the necklace and acronym to aid in
completing the paper model.
Advance Learners
Students will be required to illustrate the
rotational direction of the planets.
Presented with necessary
materials, students will
create a paper solar system to
determine which student
have 85% proficiency in
planet size, order and orbit
Summative Day 4
“That’s the Planet” Activity
Lower level Learners/ Special Needs/
Advanced Learners
Advanced Learners will be paired up with
lower level learners/special needs to
assist collecting data to fill out chart
Provided with class
discussions and activities on
planet characteristics
students will identify and
match planets by
characteristics with 90%
Formative Day 4
Assessment- “Guess Who”
Lower level Learners/ Special Needs
Students will be give additional
time for assessment and given a
list of possible answers to fill in
the blanks on the worksheet
Provided with class
discussions and activities on
planet characteristics
students will identify and
match planets by
characteristics with 90%
Summative Day 5
Inner/Outer Planet Venn
As a class students will
construct a Venn diagram
comparing and contrasting
the inner and outer planets
with at least 3 similarities
and differences among them.
Formative Day 5
“A Letter Home” and Cookie
Lower level Learners/ Special Needs
Students will be paired up with an
advanced learner to create a letter
illustrating their assigned planet.
Provided with class
discussions and activities on
planet characteristics
students will illustrate and
categorize planets by
characteristics with 90%
Formative Day 5
Accommodations and Modifications
 Students with an IEP
Modifications will be made to each lesson according to the student’s Individualized
Educational Program (IEP), as legally required
 Lower Level Learners and Special Needs Students
Lower level learners/Special Needs Students will be provided with modifications and
Accommodations to meet certain activities and assessments within the unit. They will be
given the information needed to complete their Exploration Graphic Organizer. On
Worksheets and Assessments students will be provided with a list of the possible answers
requiring them to choose the correct answer from the list for each question. They will
also be provided additional time on the assessments. On activities students will received
assistance and guidance from the teacher and will be paired up with an advanced learner
to assist them in progress throughout the unit. See assessment chart above for additional
 Advanced Learners
Advanced learners will be given opportunities to assist other students in cooperative
learning groups. Enrichment activities will be available for advanced learners as well to
prevent boredom. See additional accommodations mentioned in assessment chart above.
Activity Six. (n.d.). Learning Planet Sizes. Retrieved from
Free Printable Worksheet. (2011). The Teacher’s Corner. Retrieved from
Hipschman, R. (2000). Your Age on Other Worlds. Retrieved from
Hipschmnad, R (1997). Your Weight on Other Worlds. Retrieved from
Ideas for Solar System Projects. (2011). eHow Family. Retrieved from
Our Solar System. (2011). Retrieved from
Peppler, S. (2007). Star mobile. Retrieved from
Solar System Learning Activities. (2010). Enchanted Learning. Retrieved from
TN.GOC Tennessee Department of Education. (n.d.). TN.GOV Tennessee Department of
Education. Retrieved from
What is the Solar System? (2011). Great Science Adventures: Lesson 6. Retrieved from

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Week long lesson solar system

Complete Unit Plan

  • 1. 1 Tiffany Fruth / 3070 (9:05 am) Topic: Universe Unit Title: Exploration of the Great Unknown Earth and Space Science: 3rd Grade I. Unit Title and Grade Level The title of this unit is Exploration of the Great Unknown and is designed for students in 3rd grade. The lessons will be taught in an elementary setting during an instructional block of 50 minutes and will cover a period of five days during the last nine weeks of the school year. Classroom demographics include twenty-one students, three Asian, five African-American, two Hispanics and eleven Caucasians with mixed genders. Essential questions to be addressed include the following:  What are the main components of the solar system?  In what order and distance do the planets orbit around the sun?  What are the sizes of the planets compared to the sun?  What are the characteristics of each planet, i.e. temperature, surface conditions, planet composition, moons, and atmosphere?  What are characteristics of stars and uniqueness of the Sun? State Standard (s) Standard 6.0 - Universe Expectations and Performance Indicators: GLE 0307.6.1 Identify and compare the major components of the solar system SPI 0307.6.1 Identify the major components of the solar system, i.e., sun, planets, and moons II. Goals/Objectives The goals of this unit on the Universe are established for third-grade science students to understand the main components of our solar system, their characteristics and the distance they orbit around the Sun. These goals will be achieved through the development of an Exploration Graphic Organizer, a model of the solar system activities, charts, and worksheets. In addition, periodical and end of unit assessments will be given to indicate that students have met each goal with at least 95% accuracy. Each lesson will be modified and accommodated to meet individual learning styles, using Multiple Intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy and Differentiated Instruction.
  • 2. 2 Objective Standards to which it related Assessment that will measure it Bloom’s Taxonomy level Domain Leading Unit discussion students will recall prior knowledge of the solar systemto determine students with at least 80% proficiency. GLE 0307.6.1 -Pre-assessment with Solar System fact game and prediction chart of planet characteristics. Knowledge Cognitive/ Affective Following introduction of vocabulary and essential questions students will generate an Exploration Graphic Organizer, reporting daily to achieve 95% proficiency in answering essential questions. GLE 0307.6.1 - The introduction of unit vocabulary and essential questions. - Introduction to the development of an Exploration Graphic Organizer throughout the unit. Knowledge/ Comprehend/ Synthesize Cognitive/ Affective Presented with a class discussion on characteristics of the sun and stars, students will provide properties about stars and distinguish the sun’s unique characteristics with at least 85% accuracy. GLE 0307.6.1 - Class Discussion on stars and the sun. - Group Star Mobile Activity - “My Sun’s Uniqueness” Worksheet - Assessment- “My Solar System” Worksheet Apply/ Analyze Cognitive/ Affective Following unit discussion, students will design a model of the Solar System illustrating planet size, distance from the sun and ideal planet color with 100% accuracy. GLE 0307.6.1 - Unit discussions -Student Solar System model Comprehend/ Synthesize Cognitive/ Psychomotor Given the discussion of acronyms, and planet order, students will restate the order of the planets with at least 95% accuracy. GLE 0307.6.1 - Class Discussion on planet order -Explanation and examples of acronyms - “From Near to Far” Acronym Activity Comprehend Cognitive/Affective
  • 3. 3 Provided with discussion and activities on solar systemcomponents, students will recognize and categorize planets by orbiting paths with at least 90% accuracy. GLE 0307.6.1 -Class Discussions on planet orbiting path - “Solar System in Motion” Demonstration - “Are we there yet” Worksheet - “What’s My Weight/ Age” Chart - Assessment- “My Solar System” Worksheet Analyze/ Synthesize Cognitive/ Affective/ Psychomotor Given a class discussion on planet sizes and gravitational pulls, students will illustrate the planets by their size, showing at least 85% proficiency. GLE 0307.6.1 -Discussion on planet size differences - Demonstration on planet size comparison -“Solar System Necklace” Activity -“What’s My Weight/Age” Chart Analyze Cognitive/Affective Presented with necessary materials, students will create a paper solar system to determine at least 85% proficiency in planet size, order, and orbit distance. GLE 0307.6.1 -Assessment- Paper Solar System model project illustrating planet size, distance, and order. Synthesize Cognitive/ Psychomotor
  • 4. 4 III. Prerequisite knowledge and skills Based on Standard 6 of Second Grade Earth and Space Science, students should know that the sun is our nearest star and that its position in the sky changes. Students should also have the knowledge of the Moon’s phases. IV. Unit Assessments Pre-Assessment Activity Students will participate in a teacher designed card game on the solar system to determine the knowledge level of unit objectives. In addition to the Solar System game, students will Provided with class discussions and activities on planet characteristics students will illustrate and categorize planets by characteristics with 90% accuracy 6.0 -Discussion on the sun’s impact on planets - Discussion on Inner and Outer Planet characteristics - “That’s the Planet” Chart - Assessment- Guess Who” worksheet - “A Letter Home” and Cookie” Activity Analyze/ Synthesize Cognitive/ Affective/ Psychomotor As a class, students will construct a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the inner and outer planets with at least 3 similarities and differences among them. 6.0 - Inner/Outer Planet Venn Diagram Apply/ Evaluate Cognitive/ Affective
  • 5. 5 develop a chart predicting planet characteristics prior to the start of the unit. These two pre- assessments will allow the teacher to assist the students that may be at risk of not meeting State Science Standard 6. Those who achieve 80% accuracy or better will be allowed to work more independently on unit activities and assist others needing extra help. Exploration Graphic Organizer Upon the introduction of unit vocabulary and essential questions students will be required to maintain an Exploration Graphic Organizer. Students will report daily on the knowledge and understanding of the Solar System that is gained throughout the unit. This graphic organizer will provide the students material to review prior to the unit assessment. The teacher will assess the graphic organizer periodically throughout and at the end of the unit indicate student’s participation and understanding of unit essential questions. Group Star Mobile Activity The following lesson on stars and the sun students will be placed in cooperative groups. (Seven groups of three) This activity requires groups of students to create six complete sentences and templates that recognize star properties to create a mobile. The teacher will present students with an overhead of sentence criteria and examples. Upon students proofreading their sentences, the teacher will assess the sentences prior to allowing students to create the mobile. As the teams complete their Star Mobiles and explore other mobiles they will gain an interest and knowledge in the stars that light the night sky. This activity will be used to assess the students understanding of star properties as well as an understanding of complete sentences. “My Sun’s Uniqueness” Worksheet Each student will be provided with the “My Sun’s Uniqueness” Worksheet. As instructed, students will read the worksheet story about the Sun’s facts and characteristics. In connection with reading the story, students must fill in the missing information. This will be a formative assessment to assess the students understanding of the importance and characteristics of the Sun following Class discussion about the Sun and Stars. Solar System model project Following unit discussion, students will design a model of the Solar System. The teacher will present students with a handout providing model ideas and examples and project rubric. Each model must illustrate proper planet size, order, color and distance. This project will be used to assess student’s ability to identify and recall Solar System components.
  • 6. 6 “From Near to Far” Acronym Activity A teacher designed activity which will aid the student’s ability to properly place planets in their correct order. The teacher will present students with an explanation and examples of acronyms. Students must create their own acronym in a way to remember the planet order in their own understanding. “Are We There Yet” Worksheet Each student will be provided with the “Are We There Yet” Worksheet. Students will complete the worksheet by filling in the blanks, matching planets to characteristics, and answering True and False questions. Students will use their textbooks, and to complete the worksheet. This assessment will address the objective of identifying the method and path which each planet orbits the sun. Teacher will use this Worksheet to aid the students in their understanding of planet order how planets orbit around the sun. “What’s My Weight/Age” Chart “What’s My Weight/Age Chart is a formative assessment to determine students’ understanding of planet size and mass. Each student will be provided with a blank chart with the titled headings of planet name, size, mass compared to earth, predicted weight, scientific weight, distance from sun, number of days in a year (Revolution), predicted age, scientific age. Following instruction on Day two of unit students will complete headings planet name, Distance from sun, number of days in year, predicted age and scientific age. Students will predict their age on each planet using their “Are We There yet Charts,, and then proceed to to gather their actual scientific age on each planet. Following discussion on Day 3 of unit students will complete headings planet size, mass, predicted weight and scientific weight. Using the discussion on gravitational pull and mass students will predict their weight on each planet. Students will then proceed to to calculate their scientific weight. This activity will be used to assess the student’s ability to understand the importance of planet distance and mass and further their interest in the exploration of the Solar System. Assessment- “My Solar System” An assessment designed to determine knowledge obtained from the unit. This assessment will measure the student’s ability to properly identify distance planets orbit the Sun, order of planets, Star and Sun characteristics. This assessment will be given following the discussions of planet orbit, star and Sun on previous days. “Solar System Necklace” Activity
  • 7. 7 A teacher designed activity, which will aid students in identifying size and distance of planets. This activity will be given to each student to complete. As instructed students will use different color and size beads to create a necklace, illustrating distance between planets and sun and planet size. Paper Solar System Homework Activity A teacher designed activity to aid the students understanding in planet size, order and distance. Given a variety of paper circle and backdrop sheet students must complete the activity by determining which circle best illustrates each planets size and then properly placing them in order writing the planet distance and name on the square provided. This activity will further the student’s knowledge and assess the student’s ability to identify planet size, distance, and order. “That’s the Planet” Chart Following class lesson on Inner and Outer Planet characteristics students will be provided a “That’s the Planet” Chart. The chart given is a blank chart with title headings of, Temperature (min/max), Surface conditions, Planet composition, Atmosphere, and Number of Moons. Students will complete “That’s the Planet” Chart by using their knowledge gained from discussion and lessons, textbook, Exploration Graphic Organizer, and Assessment- “Guess Who” Worksheet A summative assessment designed to determine knowledge obtained from this unit. This assessment will measure the student’s ability to successfully identify planets by their characteristics. This assessment will be given following the lesson and activities on Inner and Outer Planet Characteristics. Inner/Outer Planet Venn Diagram Following the lesson and activities on Inner and Outer Planet characteristics students will create a Venn diagram as a class. This activity will aid the students understanding characteristics of Inner and Outer Planets. The Class must complete the Venn Diagram by comparing and contrasting characteristics of the Inner and Outer Planets. “A Letter Home” and Cookie Activity A teacher designed activity which will aid the students in the ability to identify components of the solar system and their understanding in planet and sun characteristics. Students will be placed into cooperative groups. (Nine Groups: Six groups of two, Three
  • 8. 8 groups of three) Each group will be assigned either a planet or the sun. Students must design a letter to send home to Earth. Students will complete this activity by illustrating at least five characteristics that help them identify their planets from other plants in complete sentences. The teacher will use a transparency displaying the criteria for the letter. In addition to creating the letter home each student will be given a cookie that they must frost and decorate to portray their assigned planet. Assessment Name Standards to which it relates Objective that it measures Summative or Formative Day it will be assessed Pre-Assessment Activity GLE 0307.6.1 Leading Unit discussion students will recall prior knowledge of the solar system to determine students with at least 80% proficiency. Formative Day 1 Exploration Graphic Organizer Lower level Learners/ Special Needs Students will be provide with information that needs to be placed in the Exploration Graphic Organizer GLE 0307.6.1 Following introduction of vocabulary and essential question students will generate an Exploration Graphic Organizer, reporting daily to achieve 95% proficiency in answering essential questions. Formative Day1 Day3 Day5 Team Start Mobile Activity Lower level Learners/ Special Needs/ Advanced Learners Advanced learners will be paired with a lower learner/special needs students to assist in creating complete sentences about stars. GLE 0307.6.1 Presented with class discussion on characteristics of the sun and stars, students will provide properties about stars and distinguish the sun’s unique characteristics with 85% accuracy. Formative Day 1 “My Sun’s uniqueness” Worksheet Lower level Learners/ Special Needs Studentswill be allowed to choose correct answers from a chart to fill worksheet. Advanced Learners Students will be required to work on the worksheet without the use of textbook. GLE 0307.6.1 Presented with class discussion on characteristics of the sun and stars, students will provide properties about stars and distinguish the sun’s unique characteristics with 85% accuracy. Summative Day 1 Solar System Model Project Lower level Learners/ Special Needs GLE 0307.6.1 Following unit discussion students will design a model of the Solar System illustrating planet size, Formative Day 6
  • 9. 9 Students will be given time in class to complete the project with guidance an assistance from the teacher Advanced Learners Students will be required to complete the project by choosing a higher level idea/example. distance from sun and ideal planet color with 100% accuracy. “From Near to Far” Acronym Activity Lower level Learners/ Special Needs Students will receive assistance from the teacher or aide in developing their acronyms GLE 0307.6.1 Given discussion of acronyms, and planet order, students will restate the order of the planets with 95% accuracy. Provided with discussion and activities on solar system components, students will relate and categorize planet by orbiting paths and size with at least 90% accuracy. Formative Day 2 “Are We There Yet” Worksheet Lower level Learners/ Special Needs/Advanced students Advanced learners will be paired up with a lower level learner/special needs student to assist in finding information for chart GLE 0307.6.1 Provided with discussion and activities on solar system components, students will recognize and categorize planet by orbiting paths with at least 90% accuracy. Formative Day 2
  • 10. 10 “What’s My Weight/Age Chart Lower level Learners/ Special Needs Students will be allowed assistance on the computer and making predictions Advanced Learners Studentswill assist lower level learners in prediction weight and age GLE 0307.6.1 Provided with discussion and activities on solar system components, students will relate and categorize planet by orbiting paths with at least 90% accuracy. Given a class discussion on planet sizes and gravitational pulls, students will illustrate the planets by their size, showing at least 85% proficiency. Formative Day 2 Day 3 Assessment “My Solar System” Lower level Learners/ Special Needs Students will be given a list of possible answers for fill in the blank. Additional time given for assessment. GLE 0307.6.1 Presented with class discussion on characteristics of the sun and stars, students will provide properties about stars and distinguish the sun’s unique characteristics with 85% accuracy. Provided with discussion and activities on solar system components, students will relate and categorize planet by orbiting paths with at least 90% accuracy. Summative Day 3 “Solar System Necklace Lower level Learners/ Special Needs/Advanced Learners Advanced learners will be paired up with lower level learners/special need students to assist them in choosing correct amount and size of beads. GLE 0307.6.1 Provided with discussion and activities on solar system components, students will relate and categorize planet by orbiting paths with at least 90% accuracy. Given a class discussion on planet sizes and gravitational pulls, students will illustrate the planets by their size, showing at least 85% proficiency. Formative Day 3
  • 11. 11 Paper Solar System Homework Activity Lower level Learners/ Special Needs Teacher will provide a guide on how to use the necklace and acronym to aid in completing the paper model. Advance Learners Students will be required to illustrate the rotational direction of the planets. GLE 0307.6.1 Presented with necessary materials, students will create a paper solar system to determine which student have 85% proficiency in planet size, order and orbit distance. Summative Day 4 “That’s the Planet” Activity Lower level Learners/ Special Needs/ Advanced Learners Advanced Learners will be paired up with lower level learners/special needs to assist collecting data to fill out chart GLE 0307.6.1 Provided with class discussions and activities on planet characteristics students will identify and match planets by characteristics with 90% accuracy Formative Day 4 Assessment- “Guess Who” Worksheet Lower level Learners/ Special Needs Students will be give additional time for assessment and given a list of possible answers to fill in the blanks on the worksheet GLE 0307.6.1 Provided with class discussions and activities on planet characteristics students will identify and match planets by characteristics with 90% accuracy Summative Day 5 Inner/Outer Planet Venn Diagram GLE 0307.6.1 As a class students will construct a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the inner and outer planets with at least 3 similarities and differences among them. Formative Day 5 “A Letter Home” and Cookie Activity Lower level Learners/ Special Needs Students will be paired up with an advanced learner to create a letter illustrating their assigned planet. GLE 0307.6.1 Provided with class discussions and activities on planet characteristics students will illustrate and categorize planets by characteristics with 90% accuracy Formative Day 5
  • 12. 12
  • 13. 13 Accommodations and Modifications  Students with an IEP Modifications will be made to each lesson according to the student’s Individualized Educational Program (IEP), as legally required  Lower Level Learners and Special Needs Students Lower level learners/Special Needs Students will be provided with modifications and Accommodations to meet certain activities and assessments within the unit. They will be given the information needed to complete their Exploration Graphic Organizer. On Worksheets and Assessments students will be provided with a list of the possible answers requiring them to choose the correct answer from the list for each question. They will also be provided additional time on the assessments. On activities students will received assistance and guidance from the teacher and will be paired up with an advanced learner to assist them in progress throughout the unit. See assessment chart above for additional accommodations  Advanced Learners Advanced learners will be given opportunities to assist other students in cooperative learning groups. Enrichment activities will be available for advanced learners as well to prevent boredom. See additional accommodations mentioned in assessment chart above.
  • 14. 14 References Activity Six. (n.d.). Learning Planet Sizes. Retrieved from Free Printable Worksheet. (2011). The Teacher’s Corner. Retrieved from Hipschman, R. (2000). Your Age on Other Worlds. Retrieved from Hipschmnad, R (1997). Your Weight on Other Worlds. Retrieved from Ideas for Solar System Projects. (2011). eHow Family. Retrieved from Our Solar System. (2011). Retrieved from Peppler, S. (2007). Star mobile. Retrieved from Solar System Learning Activities. (2010). Enchanted Learning. Retrieved from TN.GOC Tennessee Department of Education. (n.d.). TN.GOV Tennessee Department of Education. Retrieved from What is the Solar System? (2011). Great Science Adventures: Lesson 6. Retrieved from