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  Shayla Wilson
  Alma Escorcia
   Jane capers
    Kira Diner
• Community is a coming together of people
  based on shared interests for the purpose of
  interacting with community members and
  strengthening relationships. Communities
  support and protect life, provide interesting
  experience, enhance learning, and bind
  people together. Communities form a network
  of resources for families at home, at work, and
  at play.
•  The rural neighborhood consists of families and open space where
  physical boundaries are not well defined. The wildness of nature
  gently merges with the yards and play spaces of children. One
  major benefit of the rural neighborhood is the opportunity for
  unlimited outdoor play.
• Most children love being outdoors and as adults some of our
  fondest memories are of playing outside with friends and
  neighbors. What do we learn by living in this type of community –
  the rural neighborhood?
• In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Level 1 is the broadest. Some of
  the elements of Level 1 are
  food, air, water, activity, exploration, and manipulation. The rural
  neighborhood provides quantities of these elements in a clean and
  safe environment.
Purpose of Socialization
•   Development of self-concept: A child growing         •   Empowering achievement: Living in a rural
    up in a rural neighborhood lives separately from         neighborhood exposes the child to the wonders of
    the mainstream population. He or she spends              nature and might inspire him or her to further study of
                                                             different elements such as air and
    time alone or with family members and relates            water, ecology, plants, or animals. Preserving open
    to the natural world of the local flora and fauna.       space could be a goal that the child develops.
    The child can develop independence and self-
    identity in this environment because he/she will     •   Learning social roles: Living in a rural neighborhood the
    be problem-solving and making decisions while            child socializes mostly with family and perhaps extended
    playing outdoors. There are many opportunities           family in the area. The child is often familiar with the
    for the child to experience independence while           local merchants which provides a sense of continuity in
    exploring and investigating the rural                    the child’s life. Gender roles in a rural setting are not so
    neighborhood.                                            stereotypical. Women drive tractors and milk cows. Boys
                                                             and girls have similar chores such as raking leaves and
                                                             bringing in firewood.
•   Learning self-control: The child must also learn
    the boundaries of the play space. Self-control       •   Developmental skills: Psychomotor skills are enhanced
    will keep him or her from straying too far or too        in wide open spaces. For example the child has ample
    close to a road.                                         opportunity to learn how to ride a bike in the rural
                                                             neighborhood, and he or she will have the added
•   Also, wide open spaces are good for taming               challenge of riding on uneven ground. But the ground is
    misbehaviors and strong emotions.                        also softer than asphalt or concrete if the child falls.
                                                             Emotions can be expressed by being in nature as well as
                                                             soothed. Cognitive skills are developed by constructing
                                                             things outdoors, solving problems and making decisions.
Methods of Socialization
•   Affective: The child’s attachments would
    be with the immediate family because           •   Cognitive: If a child is going to learn
    most of their time is spent together. They
    might also form a bond with the closest            the skills of a rural life, he or she
    neighbor for socialization purposes, or in         will receive instruction from some
    case the family has an emergency.                  of these models.

•   Operant: By interacting with his or her        •   Sociocultural: In the rural
    environment, the child learns about cause
    and effect. For example, if the family has a       neighborhood seasonal holidays
    garden, the child learns that it has to be         are often celebrated as a
    weeded and watered in order for the                community. Harvest festivals are
    family to harvest food.                            popular.
•   Observational: There will be different
    models in the rural environment for the        •   Apprenticeship: As a child ages he
    child to observe such as                           or she may find the opportunity to
    farmers, loggers, firefighters, and people         learn a craft or trade from an
    who fish and hunt.                                 experienced adult in the
• The Suburban Community is a residential area with the
  benefits of having the grocery and other businesses
  fairly nearby with still plenty of space for children to
  roam and play. It has all of the benefits of being near a
  city and the workplace, as well as the benefit of being
  in a more rural setting with less noise, pollution, and a
  slower pace of life. The majority of families living in a
  suburban community tend to be middle class.
• A community’s influence on children and families may
  vary. In a close-knit community families may have
  shared morals and values with a big support network
Purpose of Socialization
•    Development of self concept 
 - Children in a         •   Learn appropriate social roles - In a suburban
    suburban community generally come from middle              community, many families live in close proximity, in
    class parents who are typically known to push              a relatively safe environment giving children an
    independence for their children. Whether that be           opportunity to explore and learn appropriate social
    taking the bus to school or walking to a friends           skills. By being able to have free range and exposure
    house all alone. Children may also attend Child Care       to a multitude of adults and children a child will
    if both parents work and they’ll most definitely           learn how to behave appropriately. Other children
    attend school so then children must be able to tie         as peers are very influential in teaching gender roles
    their shoes, use the potty, etc. on their own at an        and reinforce observations of adults. A close knit
    earlier age.                                               suburban community provides plenty of
                                                               opportunities to explore, test out, and learn
•   Learn self control 
 - In a suburban community             appropriate social roles.
    there is generally one parent taking care of the
    children a majority of the time or they may be able    •   
Learn developmental skills - Children need to learn
    to attend child care, if both parents work, where          to properly manage their emotions, learn how to
    there is an adult to help guide unruly emotions and        interact correctly with a variety of people, and they
    behaviors. Being capable to tame emotions and              need to be capable of many basic skills such as
    behavior is a vital skill for children to conquer to       reading and writing. Public school provides training
    survive in society. Learning self control may also         and guidance in all of these areas. A suburban
    develop from being cautious or needing to be wary          community provides all around decent schools and
    of strangers and the dangers in a suburban                 higher parent support both of which promote
    community such as cars.                                    development and there are a lot of outside
                                                               resources nearby, still within the community, to
                                                               help strengthen these skills.
Methods of Socialization
•   Affective – Due to the freedom children may         •   Cognitive methods – Children in a suburban community
    experience in a suburban community with                 generally attend adequately funded public schools due
    playing and interactions they will effectively be       to higher property taxes and parent involvement. School
                                                            is a big socialization factor, where having developmental
    able to form healthy relationships with peers.          skills, self control, and knowing social roles are very
    And being that a majority of people who live in         important, and school can be a place where children
    suburban communities are middle class the               learn a majority of the skills needed to function within a
    parents have more time to spend and bond with           community effectively.
    their children therefore allowing children to
    learn how to form and keep safe and healthy         •   Soiocultural – In a suburban community holidays are
    relationships.                                          celebrated individually as a family, with everyone having
                                                            their own set of tradition and beliefs. Families teach
                                                            their beliefs through tradition. There is generally still a
•   Operant – children have a good amount of room           community share in celebration like at school or
    to explore and experiment with their                    neighborhood parties where beliefs and cultural
    environment, see the effect of their                    traditions are enforced.
    behaviors, and since there is generally an adult
    present whether at child care, a parent at          •   Apprenticeship – As a child growing up in a suburban
    home, or school they can enforce or extinguish          community they’ll have plenty of opportunities to learn
                                                            a new skill or craft from a mother, friend, neighbor, etc.
    that behavior whether it be desirable or not.           Many children learn how to cook from observing their
    This teaches children boundaries and what               parents, same with cleaning, sewing, and even
    behavior may be appropriate at certain times.           woodworking or how to change a tire. These are skills
                                                            that could lead to a possible future career, and children
                                                            in an urban community probably don’t have access to
•   Observational methods – Many children will              come of these types of skills.
    probably have at least one working parent and
    one at home parent. This could teach gender
    roles, if a father heads off to work and a mother
    remains home to care for the children.
Community Resources
• After School Activities

• Museums, Libraries, etc.

• Outdoor Sports and camps

• Health Community
After School Activities
• Clubs                     Helps Develop
• Sports                    • self-esteem
• Volunteer opportunities   • self-awareness
                            • self-concept
                            • role models
                            • cultural diversity
                            • comfort zone
                            • Gives them a new
                            • Sense of achievement
Public Facilities
•   There is a community of public facilities – parks, libraries, museums, recreational
    centers, etc. – that provides enriching experiences for local children and families.
    Parks and community/recreational centers support physical and social skills. Libraries
    and museums accommodate cognitive, emotional and social development. All of
    these places are good environments for play, the use of imagination, and learning.
•   These areas of the community – parks, libraries, museums, and recreational centers –
    are generally where children and families experience happy times together. They
    strengthen social and emotional bonds within the family, to other families, and make
    the whole community a
    better place to live.
Purpose of Socialization
                                                      •   Learning appropriate social roles
•   Development of self-concept                       •   Ex: Going to the park is often a social event
•   Example: Using psychomotor skills on a                where children and families interact with
    climbing wall in a park or recreational center        people they have just met. This provides an
    shows a child what he or she can do and               opportunity to learn about cultural
    strive for. Risk-taking is a boon for learning.       mannerisms.
    Developing self-awareness and confidence          •   Developmental skills
    result in a positive self-concept.                •   Ex: Recreational or community centers offer
                                                          all kinds of classes; many are about physical
•   Learning self-control                                 fitness. Developmental skills are cognitive
•   Ex: Being outdoors in a park is a good                and emotional as well as physical. The
    environment for children when they are                community center may offer activities such
    feeling strong emotions. Being in nature and          as gymnastics, swimming, exercise, yoga, and
    exercise have soothing effects on all people.         meditation.

•   Empowering achievement
•   Ex: The tools of learning are provided for by
    local libraries. Besides books and printed
    material, libraries offer movies, music, and
    computers with Internet. The library is an
    ideal environment for tutoring sessions.
Methods of Socialization
•   Affective                                        •   Cognitive
•   Two places in the community where children       •   At the library children and families can
    and families can get in touch with their             pursue their own academic interests or
    emotions are the natural and wild areas of           receive tutoring from other community
    parks, and art museums. Viewing art can              members.
    evoke feelings and build an appreciation for
    beauty and talent.                               •   Sociocultural
                                                     •   Many communities are a mix of cultures, and
•   Operant                                              they might share their traditions and rituals
•   In playgrounds and parks many operant                by having a street fair or some event that is
    methods are demonstrated. Children often             open to the public. This enriches the lives of
    socialize and interact with other children           all the members of the community and
    when they’re at the park. They also “learn by        benefits everyone.
    doing”, for example, on a play structure.
                                                     •   Apprenticeship
•   Observational                                    •   Children learn many things from their elders.
•   At community/recreational centers there are          Quite often mentors are people outside the
    many extracurricular activities for children         family. For example, a nature center might
    and families. Offers include                         offer day camps during school vacations.
    music, dance, health-related classes, and art.       Children can learn about nature through
    The teachers who lead these classes are              “guided participation”.
    good role models for children.
                                 • Helps children to build up
                                    –   self-esteem
• Provides basic Healthcare         –   Self-awareness
  services such as                  –   Self-concept
  . Check-ups                       –   Role models
  .dental visits                    –   Trust
  . Immunizations                   –   Respect
                                    –   Development of cultural
  .Etc.                                 diversity
• Counseling                        –   Development skills
                                    –   Achievements
• Many opportunities for the        –   New experience
  development of social skills      –   Comfort Zone
  and socialization
Outdoor sports & camps
•   There is a community of outdoor sports
    and camps for kids that families can
    participate in. Sharing recreation outdoors
    with other families can enhance the
    experience for everyone. There are golf
    courses and tennis courts at local parks.
    Families may share similar interests in
    biking and hiking.
    Fishing, boating, swimming and surfing
    are also popular. Camps for children are
    offered during the summer and other
    school vacations. Achievement in sports
    and physical fitness serve all the purposes
    of socialization.

•   There are many communities within the
    physical community in which a family
    lives. Children and families interact with
    each other forming a network of support
    and learning opportunities. Most
    importantly, belonging to a community
    provides the social/emotional
    relationships that people need to succeed
    in the process of socialization.
Outdoor Sports and Camps Cont.
•   For example, at a local swimming pool, you would see...
•   Development of self-concept: a child becoming a
•   Learning self-control: a child learning how to stay afloat
•   Empowering achievement: a child swimming
•   Learning appropriate social roles: a child as swimming
•   Developmental skills: gross motor skills used during

•   In the process of learning how to swim, the methods of
    socialization can also be seen...
•   Affective: the child develops an affinity for the water
•   Operant: the child learns to swim by doing it
•   Observational: the child's teacher and other swimmers
    are models
•   Cognitive: the child receives instructions and
    demonstrations from the teacher
•   Sociocultural: the child's family believes in the
    importance of learning how to swim
•   Apprenticeship: the child engages in guided participation
    when learning how to swim

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  • 1. Community Shayla Wilson Alma Escorcia Jane capers Kira Diner
  • 2. Definition • Community is a coming together of people based on shared interests for the purpose of interacting with community members and strengthening relationships. Communities support and protect life, provide interesting experience, enhance learning, and bind people together. Communities form a network of resources for families at home, at work, and at play.
  • 3. Rural • The rural neighborhood consists of families and open space where physical boundaries are not well defined. The wildness of nature gently merges with the yards and play spaces of children. One major benefit of the rural neighborhood is the opportunity for unlimited outdoor play. • Most children love being outdoors and as adults some of our fondest memories are of playing outside with friends and neighbors. What do we learn by living in this type of community – the rural neighborhood? • In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Level 1 is the broadest. Some of the elements of Level 1 are food, air, water, activity, exploration, and manipulation. The rural neighborhood provides quantities of these elements in a clean and safe environment.
  • 4.
  • 5. Purpose of Socialization • Development of self-concept: A child growing • Empowering achievement: Living in a rural up in a rural neighborhood lives separately from neighborhood exposes the child to the wonders of the mainstream population. He or she spends nature and might inspire him or her to further study of different elements such as air and time alone or with family members and relates water, ecology, plants, or animals. Preserving open to the natural world of the local flora and fauna. space could be a goal that the child develops. The child can develop independence and self- identity in this environment because he/she will • Learning social roles: Living in a rural neighborhood the be problem-solving and making decisions while child socializes mostly with family and perhaps extended playing outdoors. There are many opportunities family in the area. The child is often familiar with the for the child to experience independence while local merchants which provides a sense of continuity in exploring and investigating the rural the child’s life. Gender roles in a rural setting are not so neighborhood. stereotypical. Women drive tractors and milk cows. Boys and girls have similar chores such as raking leaves and bringing in firewood. • Learning self-control: The child must also learn the boundaries of the play space. Self-control • Developmental skills: Psychomotor skills are enhanced will keep him or her from straying too far or too in wide open spaces. For example the child has ample close to a road. opportunity to learn how to ride a bike in the rural neighborhood, and he or she will have the added • Also, wide open spaces are good for taming challenge of riding on uneven ground. But the ground is misbehaviors and strong emotions. also softer than asphalt or concrete if the child falls. Emotions can be expressed by being in nature as well as soothed. Cognitive skills are developed by constructing things outdoors, solving problems and making decisions.
  • 6. Methods of Socialization • Affective: The child’s attachments would be with the immediate family because • Cognitive: If a child is going to learn most of their time is spent together. They might also form a bond with the closest the skills of a rural life, he or she neighbor for socialization purposes, or in will receive instruction from some case the family has an emergency. of these models. • Operant: By interacting with his or her • Sociocultural: In the rural environment, the child learns about cause and effect. For example, if the family has a neighborhood seasonal holidays garden, the child learns that it has to be are often celebrated as a weeded and watered in order for the community. Harvest festivals are family to harvest food. popular. • Observational: There will be different models in the rural environment for the • Apprenticeship: As a child ages he child to observe such as or she may find the opportunity to farmers, loggers, firefighters, and people learn a craft or trade from an who fish and hunt. experienced adult in the community
  • 7. Suburban • The Suburban Community is a residential area with the benefits of having the grocery and other businesses fairly nearby with still plenty of space for children to roam and play. It has all of the benefits of being near a city and the workplace, as well as the benefit of being in a more rural setting with less noise, pollution, and a slower pace of life. The majority of families living in a suburban community tend to be middle class. • A community’s influence on children and families may vary. In a close-knit community families may have shared morals and values with a big support network
  • 8.
  • 9. Purpose of Socialization • Development of self concept 
 - Children in a • Learn appropriate social roles - In a suburban suburban community generally come from middle community, many families live in close proximity, in class parents who are typically known to push a relatively safe environment giving children an independence for their children. Whether that be opportunity to explore and learn appropriate social taking the bus to school or walking to a friends skills. By being able to have free range and exposure house all alone. Children may also attend Child Care to a multitude of adults and children a child will if both parents work and they’ll most definitely learn how to behave appropriately. Other children attend school so then children must be able to tie as peers are very influential in teaching gender roles their shoes, use the potty, etc. on their own at an and reinforce observations of adults. A close knit earlier age. suburban community provides plenty of opportunities to explore, test out, and learn • Learn self control 
 - In a suburban community appropriate social roles. there is generally one parent taking care of the children a majority of the time or they may be able • 
Learn developmental skills - Children need to learn to attend child care, if both parents work, where to properly manage their emotions, learn how to there is an adult to help guide unruly emotions and interact correctly with a variety of people, and they behaviors. Being capable to tame emotions and need to be capable of many basic skills such as behavior is a vital skill for children to conquer to reading and writing. Public school provides training survive in society. Learning self control may also and guidance in all of these areas. A suburban develop from being cautious or needing to be wary community provides all around decent schools and of strangers and the dangers in a suburban higher parent support both of which promote community such as cars. development and there are a lot of outside resources nearby, still within the community, to help strengthen these skills.
  • 10. Methods of Socialization • Affective – Due to the freedom children may • Cognitive methods – Children in a suburban community experience in a suburban community with generally attend adequately funded public schools due playing and interactions they will effectively be to higher property taxes and parent involvement. School is a big socialization factor, where having developmental able to form healthy relationships with peers. skills, self control, and knowing social roles are very And being that a majority of people who live in important, and school can be a place where children suburban communities are middle class the learn a majority of the skills needed to function within a parents have more time to spend and bond with community effectively. their children therefore allowing children to learn how to form and keep safe and healthy • Soiocultural – In a suburban community holidays are relationships. celebrated individually as a family, with everyone having their own set of tradition and beliefs. Families teach their beliefs through tradition. There is generally still a • Operant – children have a good amount of room community share in celebration like at school or to explore and experiment with their neighborhood parties where beliefs and cultural environment, see the effect of their traditions are enforced. behaviors, and since there is generally an adult present whether at child care, a parent at • Apprenticeship – As a child growing up in a suburban home, or school they can enforce or extinguish community they’ll have plenty of opportunities to learn a new skill or craft from a mother, friend, neighbor, etc. that behavior whether it be desirable or not. Many children learn how to cook from observing their This teaches children boundaries and what parents, same with cleaning, sewing, and even behavior may be appropriate at certain times. woodworking or how to change a tire. These are skills that could lead to a possible future career, and children in an urban community probably don’t have access to • Observational methods – Many children will come of these types of skills. probably have at least one working parent and one at home parent. This could teach gender roles, if a father heads off to work and a mother remains home to care for the children.
  • 11. Community Resources • After School Activities • Museums, Libraries, etc. • Outdoor Sports and camps • Health Community
  • 12. After School Activities • Clubs Helps Develop • Sports • self-esteem • Volunteer opportunities • self-awareness • self-concept • role models • cultural diversity • comfort zone • Gives them a new experience • Sense of achievement
  • 13. Public Facilities • There is a community of public facilities – parks, libraries, museums, recreational centers, etc. – that provides enriching experiences for local children and families. Parks and community/recreational centers support physical and social skills. Libraries and museums accommodate cognitive, emotional and social development. All of these places are good environments for play, the use of imagination, and learning. • These areas of the community – parks, libraries, museums, and recreational centers – are generally where children and families experience happy times together. They strengthen social and emotional bonds within the family, to other families, and make the whole community a better place to live.
  • 14. Purpose of Socialization • Learning appropriate social roles • Development of self-concept • Ex: Going to the park is often a social event • Example: Using psychomotor skills on a where children and families interact with climbing wall in a park or recreational center people they have just met. This provides an shows a child what he or she can do and opportunity to learn about cultural strive for. Risk-taking is a boon for learning. mannerisms. Developing self-awareness and confidence • Developmental skills result in a positive self-concept. • Ex: Recreational or community centers offer all kinds of classes; many are about physical • Learning self-control fitness. Developmental skills are cognitive • Ex: Being outdoors in a park is a good and emotional as well as physical. The environment for children when they are community center may offer activities such feeling strong emotions. Being in nature and as gymnastics, swimming, exercise, yoga, and exercise have soothing effects on all people. meditation. • Empowering achievement • Ex: The tools of learning are provided for by local libraries. Besides books and printed material, libraries offer movies, music, and computers with Internet. The library is an ideal environment for tutoring sessions.
  • 15. Methods of Socialization • Affective • Cognitive • Two places in the community where children • At the library children and families can and families can get in touch with their pursue their own academic interests or emotions are the natural and wild areas of receive tutoring from other community parks, and art museums. Viewing art can members. evoke feelings and build an appreciation for beauty and talent. • Sociocultural • Many communities are a mix of cultures, and • Operant they might share their traditions and rituals • In playgrounds and parks many operant by having a street fair or some event that is methods are demonstrated. Children often open to the public. This enriches the lives of socialize and interact with other children all the members of the community and when they’re at the park. They also “learn by benefits everyone. doing”, for example, on a play structure. • Apprenticeship • Observational • Children learn many things from their elders. • At community/recreational centers there are Quite often mentors are people outside the many extracurricular activities for children family. For example, a nature center might and families. Offers include offer day camps during school vacations. music, dance, health-related classes, and art. Children can learn about nature through The teachers who lead these classes are “guided participation”. good role models for children.
  • 16. Healthcare • Helps children to build up their – self-esteem • Provides basic Healthcare – Self-awareness services such as – Self-concept . Check-ups – Role models .dental visits – Trust . Immunizations – Respect – Development of cultural .Etc. diversity • Counseling – Development skills – Achievements • Many opportunities for the – New experience development of social skills – Comfort Zone and socialization
  • 17. Outdoor sports & camps • There is a community of outdoor sports and camps for kids that families can participate in. Sharing recreation outdoors with other families can enhance the experience for everyone. There are golf courses and tennis courts at local parks. Families may share similar interests in biking and hiking. Fishing, boating, swimming and surfing are also popular. Camps for children are offered during the summer and other school vacations. Achievement in sports and physical fitness serve all the purposes of socialization. • There are many communities within the physical community in which a family lives. Children and families interact with each other forming a network of support and learning opportunities. Most importantly, belonging to a community provides the social/emotional relationships that people need to succeed in the process of socialization.
  • 18. Outdoor Sports and Camps Cont. • For example, at a local swimming pool, you would see... • Development of self-concept: a child becoming a swimmer • Learning self-control: a child learning how to stay afloat • Empowering achievement: a child swimming independently • Learning appropriate social roles: a child as swimming student • Developmental skills: gross motor skills used during swimming • In the process of learning how to swim, the methods of socialization can also be seen... • Affective: the child develops an affinity for the water • Operant: the child learns to swim by doing it • Observational: the child's teacher and other swimmers are models • Cognitive: the child receives instructions and demonstrations from the teacher • Sociocultural: the child's family believes in the importance of learning how to swim • Apprenticeship: the child engages in guided participation when learning how to swim