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Mollie Foust
Proposal Draft II

1) One Page Cover Letter

    Flower City Soccer League (FCSL), a non-profit urban youth soccer league, provides over
five hundred Rochester youth the opportunity to participate in an alternative athletic activity
during the afterschool hours. With over forty teams in the league, FCSL attracts a wide spectrum
of youth from every Rochester neighborhood. As stated in its mission statement, FCSL stresses
not only the athletic development of its participants but equally the enhancement of life skills
and improvement of academic performance for all players.

   The league’s past efforts to improve academic achievement, including highest G.P.A. awards
and tutors by-request, have fallen short as evidenced by exceedingly low New York State Test
scores in the Rochester City School District.

    Despite the fact that the majority of FCSL teams reside in city recreational centers where
academic services may be offered, very few facilities follow curriculums with trained facilitators
and only a handful of FCSL players take advantage of these services. Additionally, some teams
are neighborhood or community-based and cannot offer any type of academic assistance to their
players. As such, FCSL proposes to institute the Flower City Academy™ as an enhancement of
the pre-existing programs offered by the recreational facilities.

    The Flower City Academy™ will provide high-level academic assistance through one-on-
one tutoring, peer-to-peer learning, and math and literacy games to athletes in the Under-12
division (ages 11-12). This age group was chosen because the Rochester City School District
identified seventh grade as the critical year in declining test scores. In establishing the Flower
City Academy™, FCSL will achieve the following goals:
    1. Develop and implement a twelve-week academic tutoring curriculum for youth ages
        11-12 who participate in the FCSL league.
    2. Pilot the program in two FCSL locations. The pilots will evaluate the design of the
        Flower City Academy™ and help aid in the refinement of the program.
    3. Facilitate the adoption of the Flower City Academy™ in recreational facilities that
        already provide academic assistance. This will include the training of current staff
        members as well as a restructuring of the existing programs to include an evidence-based
    4. The Flower City Academy™ will become a model for Rochester youth sports programs
        and will share its expertise with other local athletic leagues through community
        workshops, lectures, and youth-led seminars.

   FCSL requests a grant of $34,000 to hire a Youth Development Coordinator, train recreation
center staff as well as FCSL coaches, referees, and volunteers, integrate the Flower City
Academy™ into the current services of the recreation center, and enhance the facilities where the
Flower City Academy™ will take place, including but not limited to educational materials and
supplies and transportation for independent teams. The establishment of the Flower City
Academy™ is will tremendously enhance the experiences of athletes who participate in the
Flower City Soccer League and further improve the academic achievement of Rochester’s youth.
2) Organization Information

Basic Information:

Flower City Soccer League, Inc.
3240 Chili Avenue
Rochester, NY 14624

Phone: (585) 889-4840
Fax: (585) 889-4190


Project Contact:

Mollie Foust
Phone: (847) 271-5522

Board of Directors

   Jeff Reese, President
   Jason Perry, Executive Director
   Dennis Morihara, Vice President (M&T Bank)
   Allen Nisbeth, Treasurer
   Eleanor Coleman, Secretary (SWAN)
   Mollie Foust, Director of Youth Development
   Bernie Iacovangelo (Faber Homes)
   Anthony Jordan (Rochester Dept. of Recreation)
   Bob Hoey (Baden St. Settlement)
   Dave Gipner (Quad-A for Kids)
   Mike Lopez
   Bob Hoey
   Paul Chambers

2007 Annual Report

To be obtained from Allen Nisbeth

Signature of CEO and Board Representative

Jeff Reese, President _________________________________________________

Jason Perry, Executive Director ________________________________________
3) IRS Determination Letter

see attachment of .pdf file
4) Adherence to Basic Eligibility Criteria

    The overall objective of the FCSL is to contribute to the personal growth of its participants
through the enhancement of physical and life skills and improvement of academic performance.
Character traits such as a positive self-image, respect for self, ability to get along with others, fair
play, and the valuation of individual and team accomplishment are encouraged. FCSL also
strives to provide the best possible soccer environment and instruction for the children of
Rochester. Since its inception in 1994, FCSL has developed the strongest urban youth soccer
league in Rochester, providing opportunities for over five hundred youth annually. Although the
mission of FCSL always included an academic component, the limited resources and strong
focus on athletics created restricted avenues for FCSL to evaluate academic performance.

        Currently, FCSL helps players identify outside agencies where they can receive tutoring
if they or their parents request it. Also, at the conclusion of each season, coaches collect players’
report cards and FCSL awards prizes to students with the highest GPA. These practices begin to
address issues of academic achievement but remain shallow when trying to support students and
affect actual performance changes. The Flower City Academy™ is an afterschool program that
meets Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:30pm to 5:30pm. Through partnerships with the
Rochester Department of Parks, Recreation, and Human Services, the Flower City Academy™
will be offered at numerous city recreation center facilities as well as the Bulls Head Unity Gym.
Recreational Centers which have agreed to establish a branch of the Flower City Academy™
include North Street Recreation Center, Adams Street Recreation Center, Carter Street
Community Center, Campbell Street Recreation Center, Flint Street Community Center, #42
School Recreation Center, and Webster Avenue Community Center. Other facilities that are not
part of the Parks Department but have agreed to host Flower City Academy™ tutoring sessions
include Monroe YMCA, Maplewood YMCA, SWAN, and Baden Street Settlement. Teams that
wish to participate in the Flower City Academy™ but are not connected to a facility can attend
sessions at the FCSL home in Bulls Head Plaza. Each of these facilities operates on a different
schedule, but all are open during the times that the Flower City Academy would take place.
Please see the appendix for a detailed breakdown of locations and hours, as well as partnership
agreement contracts for each facility.

         All of the youth participating in the Flower City Academy™ must be registered players
in the league. Therefore, the Flower City Academy™ will have a continuous, recurring
population of youth participating in the program. Focus groups which took place in March and
April of 2008 allowed youth to participate in the framework and design of the Flower City
Academy™ from its inception. Youth involvement is a fundamental component of the program
and participants will be given several avenues in which to provide feedback on the program.
Each week, coaches will check in with athletes and ask them how the Flower City Academy™ is
going. Since coaches are not providing the tutoring services, it allows the coach to collect
feedback about the tutoring program without the youth feeling pressured to only provide positive
comments. Additionally, youth will be required to fill out evaluation forms after the sixth week
of the program and at the conclusion of the twelfth week. These forms will allow site directors to
modify the program during the season as well as provide feedback on how to better implement
the program for the following season.
5) Project Description

    The Flower City Academy™ is a community-based tutoring program specifically designed to
captivate and improve the academic success of Rochester’s youth athletes who participate in the
Flower City Soccer League. The Flower City Academy™ is purposely geared toward youth in
the U12 age-bracket (ages 10-12) because the years between fifth grade and seventh grade see
significant drops in standardized test scores. After the successful implementation of a program
for all U12 teams, Phase II of the program would consist of expanding the Flower City
Academy™ to additional age-groups.

      Goals of the Flower City Academy™ include:
              Increase youth literacy and math skills, academic achievement and test scores of
                 FCSL athletes
              Empower youth to gain self-esteem and the ability to set meaningful goals
              Establish positive adult relationships with the youth
              Provide a safe alternative during the afterschool hours for youth

Please refer to the “Project Objectives” section for a more detailed discussion of these goals.

     The Flower City Academy™ program model is based on a local summer camp program that
has had marked success in improving both the test scores and academic attitudes among young
athletes. ROC E6 was founded in 2004 by Arkee Allen, a math teacher at East High School.
Allen developed an intensive summer-camp program that used sports as the gateway to academic
achievement and moral development. During the first week of the six-week summer session, all
youth are given the NY State Regents Exam for the grade that they will be entering the following
fall. After six weeks of intensive instruction, students repeated the exam. In 2007, eleven out of
fourteen sixth graders who were enrolled in the program passed the ELA portion of the test, and
seven produced mastery of the material according to the State Rubric. Scores were equally
impressive on the math section, with nine out of fifteen youth passing and thirteen of fifteen
increasing their scores1. Using ROC E6 as a model, the Flower City Academy™ will take
aspects of the camp-model and form them into a comprehensive after-school program.

    Three days a week from November through March, the Flower City Academy™ will provide
intensive academic assistance for all U12 FCSL participants. Each session will be three hours in
length, from 2:30pm-5:30pm. Like the ROC E6 model, all participants will take a diagnostic
Math and ELA New York State Regents Exam appropriate to their grade level during the first
week. This data will provide the tutors a base-line for instruction and help them focus on each
child’s individual needs. Throughout the next twelve weeks, youth athletes will receive
concentrated tutoring that focuses on homework completion, concept understanding, and skill
building through individualized attention as well as group games and activities. Connections will
be made to the soccer program by focusing examples around sports-related topics, providing
enhanced communication between the tutors and the coaches, and through the P.A.S.S. points
incentive program. The Flower City Academy™ will commence with each student being re-
evaluated. The expectation is that half of youth athletes will pass the exam according to State
standards and all students will increase their scores.

     A vital aspect of the Flower City Academy™ is for youth athletes to acquire a positive
attitude regarding academics and achievement. According to Erikson’s eight stages of human
development, children begin to develop abstract and critical thinking skills during early
adolescence. These skills allow one to make connections across disciplines and understand how
    Taken from Roc E6 2007 Summer Grade Report,
actions and attitudes in one area of life are not isolated from other spheres. The Flower City
Academy™ tutoring curriculum not only enhances the understanding of course material but also
facilitates youth to connect their actions as an athlete with those as a student. For example,
through games and discussions, students will learn that being disciplined on the field and being
disciplined in the classroom are not mutually exclusive characteristic but rather the same attitude
applied to different scenarios. Understanding such connections will help youth maintain positive
attitudes surrounding academic achievement and behavior.

    To encourage attendance and participation in the Flower City Academy™, FCSL has
developed the P.A.S.S. program, which stands for Participation, Academics, Sportsmanship, and
Service. Through the P.A.S.S. program, athletes receive points for completing specific tasks and
modeling appropriate behavior. Participants in the Flower City Academy™ will receive points
for attending sessions, completing homework, and participating in activities, as well as several
additional behaviors and actions. Points are tabulated individually for each student and can be
viewed through a secure log-in on the FCSL website. Each youth will keep track of their points
and be able to redeem them in the FCSL Store for goods such as new soccer equipment (balls,
shoes, etc.), school supplies (backpacks, calculators, etc.), and popular products (mp3 players,
etc.). Coaches will also use the P.A.S.S. points program during practices and games, creating
additional connections between actions, behaviors, academics, and athletics.

   Tutors will be comprised of specially trained volunteers from local colleges and universities,
high school students enrolled in IB, Honors, and AP courses, and the community at-large.
Trainings will take place at the University of Rochester and volunteers will learn about youth
development, effective teaching practices, and the structure of the program through workshops
and speakers such as Dena Swanson, Arkee Allen, and Anthony Jordan.

    The Flower City Academy™ tutoring curriculum was developed after doing extensive
research on effective tutoring programs. In 2007, the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and
Emotional Learning determined that the most successful tutoring programs followed a SAFE
model: sequenced, active, focused, and explicit2. Using the Understanding by Design program
created by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, the Flower City Academy™ tutoring curriculum
was developed to follow this research and as such unfolds in a structured and developmental
pattern. Research also found that gains in academic achievement are more likely to occur if staff
are well-trained and supervised, provide support and reinforcement to youth during learning
activities, conduct pre-assessments to ascertain learners’ strengths and academic needs, and
coordinate their teaching or tutoring with school curricula3. These elements are all prominently
featured in the Flower City Academy™ program.

    The underlying features of the curriculum are based on the Josephson Institute’s Character
Counts program, the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets, and data collected from parent,
coach, and youth focus-groups. Very few tutoring programs exist that specifically address youth
athletes and as such the Flower City Academy™ tutoring curriculum uses aspects from several
effective program-models to best-serve their demographic.

  Durlak, Joseph A. “The Impact of After-school programs that promote personal and social skills.” 2007.
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning.
  American youth policy forum, 2006; Birmingham, Pechman, Russell, and Mielke, 2005; Southwest Educational
Development Laboratory, 2006
6) Number of Young People it could affect

        In the 2008 Outdoor Season, FCSL registered five hundred and four players ages five to
seventeen. Of these, one hundred and seventeen participated in the U12 division for ages eleven
and twelve4. The Flower City Academy™ is targeted at this particular age group because the
Rochester City School District determined that state test scores drop significantly in the years
between elementary and middle/high school. In 2007, for example, the percentage of youth in
grades 3-6 performing at or above proficiency in ELA was forty-five percent. When looking at
grades 7-8, the number of youth performing at or above proficiency in ELA dropped to twenty-
nine percent. In math the disparities were even more alarming. The number of youth performing
at or above grade level in grades 3-6 in math were fifty-one percent. This number decreased to a
staggering twenty percent for grades 7-85. New supports are needed for children transitioning
into adolescence and the Flower City Academy™ will help more youth achieve greater academic

         The Children’s Agenda stated that in 2007, two hundred and thirty after school programs
served 8,000 children ages 3-17 in Monroe County6. That is just nine percent of those in that age
group. There is a need for more quality afterschool options, particularly ones that focus on
academic development. Over 88% of Rochester children live at or below the poverty line,
creating challenges for parents who cannot afford most expensive comprehensive afterschool
programs or private tutoring. Although schools are legally required to provide tutoring to
students who request it, many students are on the edge of those services or do not request help.
Nationally, more than 7 million children in the United States are without adult supervision for
some period of time after school7. These are the hours when violence juvenile crime peaks and
when youth are more likely to experiment with alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and sex8. Participation in
after school programs deters these negative behaviors by providing safe and engaging
alternatives for youth. An intensive study performed by the Collaborative for Academic, Social,
and Emotional Learning in 2007 showed that after-school programs had an overall positive and
statistically significant impact on participating youth, especially in three major areas: feeling and
attitudes (self-perceptions, bonding to school), behavioral adjustment (positive school behaviors,
problem behaviors, drug use), and school performance (performance on achievement tests,
grades, school attendance)9. By using an evidence-based approach, the one hundred and
seventeen athletes participating in the Flower City Academy™ will benefit in each of these four

        As part of FCSL’s seven-year strategic plan, the Flower City Academy™ will become an
active program for all participating 11-12 year-olds in the first two years. Each successive year
will add on an age-group to continue support for adolescents as they move through the soccer
program. As such, at the conclusion of seven years, the Flower City Academy™ will be
available to all youth in the FCSL program.

  Statistics taken from New York State West Youth Soccer Association.
  Superintendent Brizard Presentation at University of Rochester, March 28, 2008. Available at www.
  Lee-Davis, Carolyn, Kaczorowski, Jeff, and Yale, Michelle. “The After School Inventory.” 2007. The Children’s
  Durlak, Joseph A. “The Impact of After-school programs that promote personal and social skills.” 2007.
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning.
  Snyder, Howard and Sickmund, Melissa. “Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1999 National Report.” 1999. Juvenile
Justice Clearinghouse Publishers.
  Durlak, Joseph A. “The Impact of After-school programs that promote personal and social skills.” 2007.
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
7) Quality Standards Working to Meet/Program Models to Implement

FCSL has adopted the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets. Please refer to the appendix
for a listing and description of these assets. The Flower City Academy™ is working to meet the
following specific assets: adult role models, high expectations, achievement motivation, and
positive view of personal future.

Through intensive tutor training, volunteers will learn how to effectively become an appropriate
adult role-model, enforce high-expectations, and help youth realize their academic
accomplishments. Each tutor will receive six hours of training—two before they enter into the
program, two observational training sessions, and two hours of review training throughout the
program. During each of these sessions, guest speakers will discuss youth development,
strategies for success, and the layout of the curriculum. Additionally, tutors will actively
participate in group discussions and simulate games that they will be facilitating during the real

As stated in the project description, the Flower City Academy™ curriculum built upon research
done by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning and the Harvard
Family Research Project to implement a SAFE program based on best practices: sequenced,
active, focused, and explicit. The curriculum follows a sequenced pattern of topics, is focused
specifically on connecting academics to athletics, uses athletics and educational games to
actively involve participants in the program, and clearly explains each goal and topic to the

In addition to the 40 Developmental Assets, the Flower City Academy™ was developed to meet
almost all of the National AfterSchool Association (NAA) Standards for Quality School-Age
Care. These specifically include: Human Relationships, Indoor Environment, Outdoor
Environment, Activities, Safety, Health, and Nutrition, and Administration. Through tutor
training and program evaluation, each of the standards is addressed in some capacity. Please
refer to the appendix for a detailed breakdown of how each criterion is specifically adopted.
8) Qualifications and Experience of Key Staff/Consultants

Jason Perry, Executive Director, FCSL
Executive Director of FCSL since August 2007
Former Rochester Rhino defensive player

Mollie Foust, Community Outreach and Director of Youth Development, FCSL
Wilson Day Coordinator, 2006
President and Co-founder of UR Education Alliance
Wrote and received grants from MTV-U (for UR Tours Jr.) and United Way of Greater
Rochester (for Flower City Academy™ tutor transportation)
Developed UR Tours, Jr. Program for city youth grades 5-8, currently serves over 800 Rochester
youth annually
Barrel of Monkeys Camp Director, 2005
Award for “are you smarter than a fifth grader” event
Numerous awards for leadership, community service, and human resources

Jeffrey Reese, President, FCSL and North Street Rec Center Site Director
Coached in FCSL for 10 years
Took group of 30 youth FCSL players to San Francisco to participate in International Children’s
Games in July 2008

Melanie Davis, VOA Site Director

Nasheem King, SWAN Site Director

Kevin Holman, Flint St. Site Director

Dena Swanson, Assistant Professor, Warner School Department of Counseling and Human

Swanson's research focuses on adolescent identity processes, school experiences, and the impact
of adult relations on youth's adaptive behaviors. This work, supported by several funded projects
while teaching at Pennsylvania State University, is relevant in identifying appropriate strategies
and opportunities for adolescents' successful transition into adulthood. Swanson has co-authored
articles in such journals as Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, Journal of Negro
Education, Development and Psychopathology, and Journal of Comparative Family Studies.

Swanson, a Holmes Scholar, was a postdoctoral fellow and co-director of the Center for Health,
Achievement, Neighborhood Growth and Ethnic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania prior
to joining Pennsylvania State University as an Assistant Professor. She also has experience as a
rehabilitation counselor and a teen parent counselor.

Anthony Jordan, Area Manager for the City of Rochester’s Department of Parks, Recreation
and Human Services

Anthony “tony” is responsible for managing several recreational facilities and staff including the
creation of citywide sports programs, recreational/educational activities and various operational
duties. A Rochester native, Tony attended East High School where he excelled in sports and
academics. Named to “All Conference” honors in college, Tony pursued a career as a
professional athlete in the National Football League (NFL). He was nominated “Rookie” of the
Year” while playing for the Arizona Cardinals-and he also played for the Houston Oilers and the
Dallas Cowboys.

Tony’s natural leadership abilities opened up new opportunities beyond the world of sports. He
is a graduate from the Leadership Rochester ’06 Program, a national leadership program through
the University of Rochester. He has worked as a Program Coordinator for the Rochester Housing
Authority: a substitute teacher; athletic coach; and counselor for the Rochester City School
District, helping at-risk students with academic and social achievement levels.His personal
commitment to others has been recognized by several organizations for which Tony has given
his time and talent. Some of these achievements include: National Consultant for Mentors in
Violence Prevention program, Guest speaker for community functions and school graduation
ceremonies, 1995 nominee for “Friends of Children” award, Spokesman for Kansas State
University’s “Say No to Drugs” Program, Gannett News Youth Care Award, Diversity trainer
and motivator for the City of Rochester School District.
9) Project Outcomes
Goal 1                   Increase youth literacy and math skills, academic achievement
                         and test scores.
Objective 1              Hire certified teachers or train local University students to run the
                         tutoring sessions and workshops that are offered three days a week.
                         Develop a tutoring curriculum following “best practices” to increase
                         literacy and math skills for FCSL youth ages 10-12.
Status                   FCSL currently employs 0 certified teachers but has begun
                         advertising to teachers and local university and college Education
                         schools. Tutors will teach 3 hours a day, three days a week in age-
                         appropriate classrooms. The ratio of tutor to youth will be 1:4.
                         A tutoring curriculum and tutor training course have been developed
                         using “best practices” research and feedback from teachers, parents,
                         students, and coaches.
Activity/Task Projects   Students participating in Flower City Academy™ will take a
                         diagnostic exam at the beginning of the season which will determine
                         where the individual should be placed for tutoring. The diagnostic
                         will allow Flower City Academy™ to track each youth’s progress
                         throughout the season. At the conclusion of the 12th week, students
                         will be reevaluated and take the New York State age-appropriate
                         New books, activity workbooks, and tutoring materials will be
                         purchased in order to aid in the success of the tutoring sessions.
Implementation Plan      At each of the Flower City Academy™ sites, tutoring will occur in
                         age-appropriate sessions at least three days a week for three hour
                         Tutors will identify the struggling students and work with them
                         Youth who attend tutoring sessions will receive PASS points.
Outcome Measures         90% of students who have an attendance of at least 80% will
                         increase their math and ELA scores from the diagnostic test to the
                         final scores they receive. 50% of students who regularly attend
                         tutoring classes will pass the final exam for their age-group.
Goal 2                   Empower youth to gain self-esteem and the ability to set
                         meaningful goals.
Objective 2              Flower City Academy™ intends to hire/recruit the most competent
                         and effective coaches, tutors, and teachers to mentor the students
                         who participate in FCSL. Every volunteer/employee will share a
                         personal motivation story with their students at least once during the
Status                   Over 50 coaches, tutors, and ethics mentors have been screened and
                         identified as positive leaders for Flower City Academy™. Youth
                         development specialists have been contacted at area universities and
                         colleges, as well as various athletic teams.
Activity/Task projects   All Flower City Academy™ participants will participate in the UR
                         Tours, Jr. program at the University of Rochester, in which they will
                         explore a college campus and learn what skills and behaviors are
                         needed to reach the goal of attending college.
                         Youth will be given asked to identify their goals at the start and
                         conclusion of the season. Through the tutoring sessions, tutors will
                         help youth develop positive attitudes about school.
Implementation Plan      All Flower City Academy™ participants will participate in UR
                         Tours, Jr. at the University of Rochester.
                         All youth will participate in mock-interviews, either for jobs or for
                         college admission. Volunteers from local businesses and colleges
                         will come in to conduct these interviews.
Outcome Measures         At the end of the 12 week season, youth will be able to write down
10) Timeline for Achieving Project Outcomes

NOTE: I cannot fill out most of this information until after the pilot programs are complete.

The Flower City Academy™ will run from November through March, following FCSL’s indoor
soccer season schedule. The requested grant will cover FCSL indoor season 2009-2010.

Estimated Timeline:

August-October 2009                      Recruitment of tutors
Early November 2009                      Tutor training sessions held
November 16, 2009-March 12, 2010         Flower City Academy™ twelve-week program
Mid-January 2010                         Refresher tutor-training sessions
March 2010                               Project Outcomes met
March 2010-May 2010                      Program Evaluation and data analysis
June 2010                                Recommendations completed for Parks and Recreation
                                         Department and program enhancement
11) How You Will Monitor Your Progress

A number of steps are in place to monitor the progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the
Flower City Academy™.

       1) Site managers will provide weekly reports on the overall maintenance of the program
          to FCSL.
       2) Tutors will fill out evaluations at the conclusion of each session, providing enormous
          feedback on both the students and also the structure of the program and curriculum.
       3) Youth will conduct mid-season evaluations to allow for program modifications and to
          give youth the opportunity to alter and design a program that fits their specific needs.
       4) Final test results will indicate whether tutoring affected performance. Long-term,
          these will show increased performance over several years.
       5) PASS program points will be analyzed to see how many youth gained points through
          athletics versus Flower City Academy™

To achieve these measurements, data collection will include a combination of:

       •   Observations of the practices, tutoring sessions, and parent meetings by an outside
           evaluator (yet to be determined) who will take field notes.
       •   Content analysis of the students’ written work by the surveys that will be conducted
           at the beginning and conclusion of the 12-week season. (to capture evidence of
       •   Content analysis of tutor, coach, and volunteer evaluations of the overall program,
           daily sessions, and each youth.
       •   Semi-structured focus group interviews with tutors, youth, coaches and parents
       •   Data analysis of each youth’s PASS points records

The evaluation analyses will be able to inform FCSL the extent to which:

    When participating in the Flower City Academy™, tutors:
            o Developed a greater appreciation of youths’ abilities and potential
                contributions to the sessions and society
            o Obtained a greater understanding of the needs of Rochester youth, both in
                terms of education as well as social needs.
            o Were better able to connect with and teach their students
    When participating in RAYS, youth:
           o Demonstrated their learning and ability to teacher and other students more
                than usual
           o Increased literacy and math skills, academic achievement and test scores
           o Gained self-esteem and the ability to set meaningful goals
           o Establish more positive adult relationships
12) Area to be Served

The majority of athletes participating in FCSL reside in the 14611, 14621, 14605, and 14609 zip
codes. However, players from every Rochester city zip code participate in the league.

The Bulls Head Plaza is located on Genesee St. and Main St., servicing Sector 4 and the
Southwest area of the city. This provides the central location for the Flower City Academy™,
however sites are scattered throughout the city to ensure all FCSL youth are able to participate in
the program regardless of their residence.

Profile of 1460510: The 14621 neighborhood is located in the northeast quadrant of Rochester.
The average family income is $17,877. The population is comprised of 35% Hispanic, 57%
African American, and 18% Caucasian. In 2007, 7 out of 48 homicides in Rochester occurred in
this zip-code. 53% of the population holds high-school degrees and only 10% have any high-

Profile of 14621: The 14605 zip-code is located in the northeast quadrant of Rochester. The
average family income is $23,173. 61% of the population holds a high school diploma and 6%
received a 4-year degree. In 2007, 12 of 48 homicides occurred in this zip code. The
demographic is 46% African American, 29% Hispanic, and 28% Caucasian.

Profile of 14611: The 14611 zip-code is located in the southwest area of Rochester. The median
household income is $23,282. In 2007, 5 homicides occurred in this zip code. 66% of the
population has a high school diploma. The population is 72% African American, 20% Caucasian,
and 8% Hispanic.

Profile of 14609: The 14609 zip code is located in the northeast quadrant of Rochester. The
median family income is $37,622. In 2007, 4 homicides occurred in this area. The population is
58% Caucasian, 31% African American, and 12% Hispanic. 77% of the population are high-
school graduates and 12% hold a 4-year degree.

  All statistics taken from AOL Neighborhood Real Estate Index:
13) Other Partners to work with

   The Flower City Academy™ would not be able to run without the support of numerous

   Flower City Soccer League is the most significant partner of the program as it provides the
   participants for the program and acts as a fiduciary.

   The Rochester Department of Parks and Recreation allows the use of the buildings for the
   tutoring program, and facilitates several of the sites. SWAN, Baden St. Settlement, VOA,
   Monroe YMCA and Maplewood YMCA also donate the use of their building facilities for
   programs at those locations.

   Monroe Transportation, in conjunction with the Rochester Transportation Foundation,
   provides busses for athletes whose teams are not connected with a specific center.

   New York State West Youth Soccer Association provides background checks on each
   volunteer and grants insurance to each participant.

   The United Way of Greater Rochester awarded the Flower City Academy™ $1,200 for tutor
   transportation in 2008-2009 for the pilot programs.

   The University of Rochester is active in several capacities:
      • Rochester Center for Community Leadership promotes the program and helps obtain
         qualified tutor candidates.
      • The Warner School of Education was instrumental in helping to develop the
         curriculum used in the Flower City Academy™.
      • The Office of Residential Life provides snacks at each of the sessions and also helps
         in the acquiring of qualified tutors by advertising the program in their buildings.
      • The Center for Entrepreneurship is a partner in marketing the program to potential
         tutors on campus.
14) Project Budget

See attached excel spreadsheet
15) Recent Organization Budget and Audited Financial Statement

Get information from Allen Nisbeth.
Appendix A: Locations and Hours

Baden Street Settlement
485 N. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14605
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—4:30-6:00pm

Volunteers of America
214 Lake Ave. Rochester, NY 14608
Monday, Thursday, Friday—3:30-4:30pm

Flint Street Recreation Center
271 Flint St, Rochester, NY 14608
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday—3:30-5:00pm

275 Dr Samuel Mccree Way, Rochester, NY 14611
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday—4:30-6:00pm

Carter Street Recreation Center
500 Carter St, Rochester, NY 14621
Monday, Thursday, Saturday—4:00-5:30pm

North Street Recreation Center
700 North Street, Rochester, NY 14605
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday—4:00-5:30pm

Monroe YMCA
797 Monroe Ave, Rochester, NY 14607
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday—3:30-5:00pm

Maplewood YMCA
25 Driving Park Ave., Rochester, NY 14613
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday—3:30-5:00pm

Bulls Head Plaza
30 Genesee St., Rochester, NY 14611

Campbell Street Community Center
524 Campbell Street, Rochester, NY 14611
Monday, Thursday, Saturday—4:30-6:00pm

Webster Avenue Recreation Center
530 Webster Ave, Rochester, NY 14609
Monday, Wednesday, Friday—4:00-5:30pm

#42 School Recreation Center
3330 Lake Ave, Rochester, NY 14612
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday—3:30-5:00pm
Appendix B: Location Agreements

We, __________________________, agree to host the Flower City Academy™ in our location

at _________________________________________________________________, every

____________________, ___________________, and ____________________ between the

hours of ______________________ from the months of November through March for youth

ages 11-12 who are registered in the Flower City Soccer League.

We also agree to provide a site manager who will be present at each of the meeting times to

supervise the tutoring program.

Facility Name:__________________________________________________

Facility Director: ____________________________ Signature: __________________________

Site Director: ____________________________ Signature: ____________________________

Site Director Contact Information: _______________________________________________

Date: _____________________
Appendix C: Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets

40 Developmental Assets for Middle Childhood (ages 8–12)


   •   Family Support | Family life provides high levels of love and support.
   •   Positive Family Communication | Parent(s) and child communicate positively. Child
       feels comfortable seeking advice and counsel from parent(s).
   •    Other Adult Relationships | Child receives support from adults other than her or his
   •   Caring Neighborhood | Child person experiences caring neighbors.
   •   Caring School Climate | Relationships with teachers and peers provide a caring,
       encouraging environment.
   •   Parent Involvement in Schooling | Parent(s) are actively involved in helping the child
       succeed in school.


   •   Community Values Youth | Child feels valued and appreciated by adults in the
   •   Children as Resources | Child is included in decisions at home and in the community.
   •   Service to Others | Child has opportunities to help others in the community.
   •   Safety | Child feels safe at home, school, and in the neighborhood.


   •   Family Boundaries | Family has clear rules and consequences and monitors the child ’s
   •   School Boundaries | School provides clear rules and consequences.
   •   Neighborhood Boundaries | Neighbors take responsibility for monitoring the child ’s
   •   Adult Role Models | Parent(s) and other adults in the child’s family, as well as
       nonfamily adults, model positive, responsible behavior.
   •   Positive Peer Influence | Child’s closest friends model positive, responsible behavior.
   •   High Expectations | Parent(s) and teachers expect the child to do her or his best at school
       and in other activities


   •   Creative Activities | Child participates in music, art, drama, or creative writing two or
       more times per week.
   •   Child Programs |Child participates two or more times per week in cocurricular school
       activities or structured community programs for children.
   •   Religious Community | Child attends religious programs or services one or more times
       per week.
•   Time at Home | Child spends some time most days both in high-quality interaction with
      parents and
      doing things at home other than watching TV or playing video games.


  •   Achievement Motivation | Child is motivated and strives to do well in school.
  •   Learning Engagement | Child is responsive, attentive, and actively engaged in learning
      at school and enjoys participating in learning activities outside of school.
  •   Homework | Child usually hands in homework on time.
  •   Bonding to School | Child cares about teachers and other adults at school.
  •   Reading for Pleasure | Child enjoys and engages in reading for fun most days of the


  •   Caring | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to help other people.
  •   Equality and Social Justice | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to speak up for equal
      rights for all people.
  •   Integrity | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to stand up for one’s beliefs.
  •   Honesty | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to tell the truth.
  •   Responsibility | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to accept personal responsibility
      for behavior.
  •   Healthy Lifestyle | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to have good health habits and
      an understanding of healthy sexuality.


  •   Planning and Decision Making | Child thinks about decisions and is usually happy with
      results of her or his decisions.
  •   Interpersonal Competence | Child cares about and is affected by other people’s feelings,
      enjoys making friends, and, when frustrated or angry, tries to calm her- or himself.
  •   Interpersonal Competence | Young person has empathy, sensitivity, and friendship
  •   Cultural Competence | Child knows and is comfortable with people of different racial,
      ethnic, and cultural backgrounds and with her or his own cultural identity.
  •   Resistance Skills | Child can stay away from people who are likely to get her or him in
      trouble and is able to say no to doing wrong or dangerous things.
  •   Peaceful Conflict Resolution | Child seeks to resolve conflict nonviolently.


  •   Personal Power | Child feels he or she has some influence over things that happen in her
      or his life.
  •   Self-Esteem | Child likes and is proud to be the person that he or she is.
  •   Sense of Purpose | Child sometimes thinks about what life means and whether there is a
      purpose for her or his life.
•   Positive View of Personal Future | Child is optimistic about her or his personal future.
Appendix D: NAA Standards for Quality School-Aged Care

   o   Human Relationships
          o Staff relate to all children and youth in positive ways.
          o Staff respond appropriately to the individual needs of children and youth.
          o Staff encourage children and youth to make choices and to become more
          o Staff interact with children and youth to help them learn.
          o Staff use positive techniques to guide the behavior of children and youth.
          o Children and youth generally interact with each other in positive ways.
          o Staff and families interact with each other in positive ways.
          o Staff work well together to meet the needs of children and youth.

   o   Indoor Environments
          o The program’s indoor space meets the needs of children and youth.
          o The indoor space allows children and youth to take initiative and explore their

   o   Outdoor Environments
          o The outdoor play area meets the needs of children and youth, and equipment

   o   Activities
          o The daily schedule is flexible, and it offers enough security, independence, and
            stimulation to meet the needs of all children and youth.
          o Children and youth can choose from a wide variety of activities.
          o Activities reflect the mission of the program and promote the development of all
            the children and youth in the programs.
          o There are sufficient materials to support program activities.

   o   Safety, Health & Nutrition
          o The safety and security of children and youth are protected.
          o The program provides an environment that protects and enhances the health of
            children and youth.
          o The program staff try to protect and enhance the health of children and youth.
          o Children and youth are carefully supervised to maintain safety.
          o The program serves foods and drinks that meet the needs of children and youth.

   o   Administration
          o Staff/child ratios and group sizes permit the staff to meet the needs of children
            and youth.
          o Children and youth are supervised at all times.
o Staff support families’ involvement in the program.
o Staff, families, and schools share important information to support the well being
  of children and youth.
o The program builds links to the community.
o The indoor space meets the needs of the staff.
o The outdoor space is large enough to meet the needs of children, youth, and staff.
o Staff, children, and youth work together to plan and implement suitable activates
  which are consistent with the program’s philosophy.
o Program policies and procedures are in place to protect the safety of the children
  and youth.
o Program policies exist to protect and enhance the health of all children and youth.
o All staff are professionally qualified to work with children and youth.
o Staff (paid, volunteer and substitute) are given orientation to the job before
  working with children and youth.
o The training needs of the staff are assessed, and training is relevant to the
  responsibilities of each job.
o Staff receive appropriate support to make their work experience positive.
o The administration provides sound management of the program.
o Program policies and procedures are responsive to the needs of the children,
  youth, and families in the community
Appendix E: Sample Lesson-Plan

    1                              Topic: Respect

                                                      Level: U12

                                The purpose of this unit is to introduce youth to the
                                course, identify the expectations and develop
                                ground rules for the season, and to help youth
                                understand three levels of respect: yourself, those
                                around you, and the world/environment.

Tutor Preparation:              Mural
Make sure you have              Time: 15 minutes
markers, paper,                 Question or phrase of day: Who Am I?
                                The mural will occur at the beginning of each
                                session and is an activity to get kids focused on
Overarching Points:             the topic of the day. They will read the phrase or
Respect, Rules                  question and answer it in any way they want:
                                words, pictures, sculpture, dance, skit, song, etc.

Materials Needed:
    Butcher paper
                                Circle Time
    Crayons                     Time: 5 minutes
    Copies of Diagnostic Test   Welcome youth and explain agenda of the day and
                                introduce the topic

                                    Time: 30 minutes
                                  o Make expectations/rules for session
                                        Explain that this is a special 12 week
                                          program they were
                                        chosen for. Ask what types of rules they
                                        thing should be abided by during the
                                        twelve weeks. Things that should
                                        definitely be included are: trust, respect,
                                        confidentiality, fun, no put-downs, etc.
                                        Have a volunteer write these on a large
                                          piece of paper.
At the end, have each youth trace their
                          hand and write their name on the inside,
                          showing that they will abide by these
                          rules. Post these on the wall for all to see.
  o Play a fun energizer game such as Electric Pulse
  o Trace each child on large pieces of butcher paper. Have them
               write or draw the things about themselves that they

Time: 15 minutes
Discuss their definition of respect. Do they feel they are respected
at home? At school? By teachers? By friends? What can they do to
show respect to others? How do they feel when they are
respected? Use the murals and bodies to illustrate that everyone
deserves respect. Reiterate the ideas of respecting the game (of
soccer), respecting property, respecting ideas, etc. This means no
lying, stealing, inappropriate behavior.

Time: 15 minutes
Have students begin their journals. Reassure them that you will not
be reading them and they can put anything they want in them:
words, pictures, stories, ideas. However, give them sample
questions to answer if they get stuck. These can include: What was
the best thing that happened to me today? What would I want to
change about today?

Spills and Thrills
Time: 10 minutes
Sit in a circle and have each student tell the lowest point of their
week or day (spills) and the highest point of their day or week
(thrills). You may need to limit these to one minute each if they get
to long.

Time: 5 minutes
Each session will end with an affirmation that students will repeat
after you. You can make them up and they should be relevant to the
things you discussed today. Have students stand up and close their
eyes. Say each of these statements loudly:

I am (I am)
An awesome person (an awesome person)
I will (I will)
Achieve great things (achieve great things)
I can (I can)
Be anything (be anything)
Do anything (do anything)
Accomplish everything (accomplish everything)

I will (I will)
Respect myself (respect myself)
Respect my body (respect my body)
This means (this means)
Not putting anything in my body (not putting anything in my body)
That can do harm to myself (that can do harm to myself)
That can do harm to my mind (that can do harm to my mind)
That can do harm to my friends (that can do harm to my friends)

I will (I will)
Respect my family (respect my family)
Respect my friends (respect my friends)
And I expect others (and I expect others)
To respect me (to respect me)

This is the beginning (this is the beginning)
Of a new change (of a new change)
And I vow right now (and I vow right now)
To be the best I can be (to be the best I can be)
And never settle for anything less (and never settle for anything
Budget Justification
                                      Flower City Academy

Director of Youth Development: Yearly salary of $18,000 to recruit and manage tutors, facilitate
training, establish and maintain partnerships, and institute curriculum. Post-program activities
will involve data analysis, writing, and planning for subsequent data collection and project

Tutors: 60- Tutors are necessary for the functioning of the program. The large number of sites
allows for a large quantity of tutors and we are averaging five tutors per site to allow for the 3:1
youth to tutor ration to be maintained. Although tutors are volunteers, a small thank-you
compensation of a $20 gift-certificate will allow tutors feel appreciated and help the retention
rate throughout the years.

Speakers for Tutor Training: 4—The Flower City Academy™ training sessions will occur twice
during the season—two hours before sessions begin and two hours of maintenance training mid-
season in January. At each of these sessions, professional speakers will be brought in to conduct
these trainings. Although no speakers have been confirmed, prominent scholars and community
members such as Dena Swanson, Anthony Jordan, and Chris Cubi have been identified as
possibilities. To obtain the most professional and effective trainers, compensation for their time
will be $200 each.

Website Developer: 1—Shawn Cummings has been contracted to develop an interactive website
for tutors to view available times and sign-up for sessions directly on the website. The cost of
this is $500.

Educational Materials- Each location will receive a Flower City Academy™ toolkit that
includes: marbles, books, stickers, journals, markers, dice, flashcards, construction paper,
playdough, the Twin Sister’s Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction CDs, a ream of butcher
paper, and a Tutor Manual that contains feedback forms, attendance sheets, the curriculum guide,
and a team-building manual. The total estimated cost of educational materials is $500 per site, or
$5,000 total for ten sites.

Tutor Transportation: The United Way of Greater Rochester has agreed to cover the cost of tutor
transportation up to $1,200. The majority of the tutors are college students and as such have
limited access to reliable transportation.

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Community Foundation Grant Proposal Final Draft

  • 1. Mollie Foust Proposal Draft II 1) One Page Cover Letter Flower City Soccer League (FCSL), a non-profit urban youth soccer league, provides over five hundred Rochester youth the opportunity to participate in an alternative athletic activity during the afterschool hours. With over forty teams in the league, FCSL attracts a wide spectrum of youth from every Rochester neighborhood. As stated in its mission statement, FCSL stresses not only the athletic development of its participants but equally the enhancement of life skills and improvement of academic performance for all players. The league’s past efforts to improve academic achievement, including highest G.P.A. awards and tutors by-request, have fallen short as evidenced by exceedingly low New York State Test scores in the Rochester City School District. Despite the fact that the majority of FCSL teams reside in city recreational centers where academic services may be offered, very few facilities follow curriculums with trained facilitators and only a handful of FCSL players take advantage of these services. Additionally, some teams are neighborhood or community-based and cannot offer any type of academic assistance to their players. As such, FCSL proposes to institute the Flower City Academy™ as an enhancement of the pre-existing programs offered by the recreational facilities. The Flower City Academy™ will provide high-level academic assistance through one-on- one tutoring, peer-to-peer learning, and math and literacy games to athletes in the Under-12 division (ages 11-12). This age group was chosen because the Rochester City School District identified seventh grade as the critical year in declining test scores. In establishing the Flower City Academy™, FCSL will achieve the following goals: 1. Develop and implement a twelve-week academic tutoring curriculum for youth ages 11-12 who participate in the FCSL league. 2. Pilot the program in two FCSL locations. The pilots will evaluate the design of the Flower City Academy™ and help aid in the refinement of the program. 3. Facilitate the adoption of the Flower City Academy™ in recreational facilities that already provide academic assistance. This will include the training of current staff members as well as a restructuring of the existing programs to include an evidence-based curriculum. 4. The Flower City Academy™ will become a model for Rochester youth sports programs and will share its expertise with other local athletic leagues through community workshops, lectures, and youth-led seminars. FCSL requests a grant of $34,000 to hire a Youth Development Coordinator, train recreation center staff as well as FCSL coaches, referees, and volunteers, integrate the Flower City Academy™ into the current services of the recreation center, and enhance the facilities where the Flower City Academy™ will take place, including but not limited to educational materials and supplies and transportation for independent teams. The establishment of the Flower City Academy™ is will tremendously enhance the experiences of athletes who participate in the Flower City Soccer League and further improve the academic achievement of Rochester’s youth.
  • 2. 2) Organization Information Basic Information: Flower City Soccer League, Inc. 3240 Chili Avenue Rochester, NY 14624 Phone: (585) 889-4840 Fax: (585) 889-4190 Email: Website: Project Contact: Mollie Foust Email: Phone: (847) 271-5522 Board of Directors  Jeff Reese, President  Jason Perry, Executive Director  Dennis Morihara, Vice President (M&T Bank)  Allen Nisbeth, Treasurer  Eleanor Coleman, Secretary (SWAN)  Mollie Foust, Director of Youth Development  Bernie Iacovangelo (Faber Homes)  Anthony Jordan (Rochester Dept. of Recreation)  Bob Hoey (Baden St. Settlement)  Dave Gipner (Quad-A for Kids)  Mike Lopez  Bob Hoey  Paul Chambers 2007 Annual Report To be obtained from Allen Nisbeth Signature of CEO and Board Representative Jeff Reese, President _________________________________________________ Jason Perry, Executive Director ________________________________________
  • 3. 3) IRS Determination Letter see attachment of .pdf file
  • 4. 4) Adherence to Basic Eligibility Criteria The overall objective of the FCSL is to contribute to the personal growth of its participants through the enhancement of physical and life skills and improvement of academic performance. Character traits such as a positive self-image, respect for self, ability to get along with others, fair play, and the valuation of individual and team accomplishment are encouraged. FCSL also strives to provide the best possible soccer environment and instruction for the children of Rochester. Since its inception in 1994, FCSL has developed the strongest urban youth soccer league in Rochester, providing opportunities for over five hundred youth annually. Although the mission of FCSL always included an academic component, the limited resources and strong focus on athletics created restricted avenues for FCSL to evaluate academic performance. Currently, FCSL helps players identify outside agencies where they can receive tutoring if they or their parents request it. Also, at the conclusion of each season, coaches collect players’ report cards and FCSL awards prizes to students with the highest GPA. These practices begin to address issues of academic achievement but remain shallow when trying to support students and affect actual performance changes. The Flower City Academy™ is an afterschool program that meets Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:30pm to 5:30pm. Through partnerships with the Rochester Department of Parks, Recreation, and Human Services, the Flower City Academy™ will be offered at numerous city recreation center facilities as well as the Bulls Head Unity Gym. Recreational Centers which have agreed to establish a branch of the Flower City Academy™ include North Street Recreation Center, Adams Street Recreation Center, Carter Street Community Center, Campbell Street Recreation Center, Flint Street Community Center, #42 School Recreation Center, and Webster Avenue Community Center. Other facilities that are not part of the Parks Department but have agreed to host Flower City Academy™ tutoring sessions include Monroe YMCA, Maplewood YMCA, SWAN, and Baden Street Settlement. Teams that wish to participate in the Flower City Academy™ but are not connected to a facility can attend sessions at the FCSL home in Bulls Head Plaza. Each of these facilities operates on a different schedule, but all are open during the times that the Flower City Academy would take place. Please see the appendix for a detailed breakdown of locations and hours, as well as partnership agreement contracts for each facility. All of the youth participating in the Flower City Academy™ must be registered players in the league. Therefore, the Flower City Academy™ will have a continuous, recurring population of youth participating in the program. Focus groups which took place in March and April of 2008 allowed youth to participate in the framework and design of the Flower City Academy™ from its inception. Youth involvement is a fundamental component of the program and participants will be given several avenues in which to provide feedback on the program. Each week, coaches will check in with athletes and ask them how the Flower City Academy™ is going. Since coaches are not providing the tutoring services, it allows the coach to collect feedback about the tutoring program without the youth feeling pressured to only provide positive comments. Additionally, youth will be required to fill out evaluation forms after the sixth week of the program and at the conclusion of the twelfth week. These forms will allow site directors to modify the program during the season as well as provide feedback on how to better implement the program for the following season.
  • 5. 5) Project Description The Flower City Academy™ is a community-based tutoring program specifically designed to captivate and improve the academic success of Rochester’s youth athletes who participate in the Flower City Soccer League. The Flower City Academy™ is purposely geared toward youth in the U12 age-bracket (ages 10-12) because the years between fifth grade and seventh grade see significant drops in standardized test scores. After the successful implementation of a program for all U12 teams, Phase II of the program would consist of expanding the Flower City Academy™ to additional age-groups. Goals of the Flower City Academy™ include:  Increase youth literacy and math skills, academic achievement and test scores of FCSL athletes  Empower youth to gain self-esteem and the ability to set meaningful goals  Establish positive adult relationships with the youth  Provide a safe alternative during the afterschool hours for youth Please refer to the “Project Objectives” section for a more detailed discussion of these goals. The Flower City Academy™ program model is based on a local summer camp program that has had marked success in improving both the test scores and academic attitudes among young athletes. ROC E6 was founded in 2004 by Arkee Allen, a math teacher at East High School. Allen developed an intensive summer-camp program that used sports as the gateway to academic achievement and moral development. During the first week of the six-week summer session, all youth are given the NY State Regents Exam for the grade that they will be entering the following fall. After six weeks of intensive instruction, students repeated the exam. In 2007, eleven out of fourteen sixth graders who were enrolled in the program passed the ELA portion of the test, and seven produced mastery of the material according to the State Rubric. Scores were equally impressive on the math section, with nine out of fifteen youth passing and thirteen of fifteen increasing their scores1. Using ROC E6 as a model, the Flower City Academy™ will take aspects of the camp-model and form them into a comprehensive after-school program. Three days a week from November through March, the Flower City Academy™ will provide intensive academic assistance for all U12 FCSL participants. Each session will be three hours in length, from 2:30pm-5:30pm. Like the ROC E6 model, all participants will take a diagnostic Math and ELA New York State Regents Exam appropriate to their grade level during the first week. This data will provide the tutors a base-line for instruction and help them focus on each child’s individual needs. Throughout the next twelve weeks, youth athletes will receive concentrated tutoring that focuses on homework completion, concept understanding, and skill building through individualized attention as well as group games and activities. Connections will be made to the soccer program by focusing examples around sports-related topics, providing enhanced communication between the tutors and the coaches, and through the P.A.S.S. points incentive program. The Flower City Academy™ will commence with each student being re- evaluated. The expectation is that half of youth athletes will pass the exam according to State standards and all students will increase their scores. A vital aspect of the Flower City Academy™ is for youth athletes to acquire a positive attitude regarding academics and achievement. According to Erikson’s eight stages of human development, children begin to develop abstract and critical thinking skills during early adolescence. These skills allow one to make connections across disciplines and understand how 1 Taken from Roc E6 2007 Summer Grade Report,
  • 6. actions and attitudes in one area of life are not isolated from other spheres. The Flower City Academy™ tutoring curriculum not only enhances the understanding of course material but also facilitates youth to connect their actions as an athlete with those as a student. For example, through games and discussions, students will learn that being disciplined on the field and being disciplined in the classroom are not mutually exclusive characteristic but rather the same attitude applied to different scenarios. Understanding such connections will help youth maintain positive attitudes surrounding academic achievement and behavior. To encourage attendance and participation in the Flower City Academy™, FCSL has developed the P.A.S.S. program, which stands for Participation, Academics, Sportsmanship, and Service. Through the P.A.S.S. program, athletes receive points for completing specific tasks and modeling appropriate behavior. Participants in the Flower City Academy™ will receive points for attending sessions, completing homework, and participating in activities, as well as several additional behaviors and actions. Points are tabulated individually for each student and can be viewed through a secure log-in on the FCSL website. Each youth will keep track of their points and be able to redeem them in the FCSL Store for goods such as new soccer equipment (balls, shoes, etc.), school supplies (backpacks, calculators, etc.), and popular products (mp3 players, etc.). Coaches will also use the P.A.S.S. points program during practices and games, creating additional connections between actions, behaviors, academics, and athletics. Tutors will be comprised of specially trained volunteers from local colleges and universities, high school students enrolled in IB, Honors, and AP courses, and the community at-large. Trainings will take place at the University of Rochester and volunteers will learn about youth development, effective teaching practices, and the structure of the program through workshops and speakers such as Dena Swanson, Arkee Allen, and Anthony Jordan. The Flower City Academy™ tutoring curriculum was developed after doing extensive research on effective tutoring programs. In 2007, the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning determined that the most successful tutoring programs followed a SAFE model: sequenced, active, focused, and explicit2. Using the Understanding by Design program created by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, the Flower City Academy™ tutoring curriculum was developed to follow this research and as such unfolds in a structured and developmental pattern. Research also found that gains in academic achievement are more likely to occur if staff are well-trained and supervised, provide support and reinforcement to youth during learning activities, conduct pre-assessments to ascertain learners’ strengths and academic needs, and coordinate their teaching or tutoring with school curricula3. These elements are all prominently featured in the Flower City Academy™ program. The underlying features of the curriculum are based on the Josephson Institute’s Character Counts program, the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets, and data collected from parent, coach, and youth focus-groups. Very few tutoring programs exist that specifically address youth athletes and as such the Flower City Academy™ tutoring curriculum uses aspects from several effective program-models to best-serve their demographic. 2 Durlak, Joseph A. “The Impact of After-school programs that promote personal and social skills.” 2007. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. 3 American youth policy forum, 2006; Birmingham, Pechman, Russell, and Mielke, 2005; Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 2006
  • 7. 6) Number of Young People it could affect In the 2008 Outdoor Season, FCSL registered five hundred and four players ages five to seventeen. Of these, one hundred and seventeen participated in the U12 division for ages eleven and twelve4. The Flower City Academy™ is targeted at this particular age group because the Rochester City School District determined that state test scores drop significantly in the years between elementary and middle/high school. In 2007, for example, the percentage of youth in grades 3-6 performing at or above proficiency in ELA was forty-five percent. When looking at grades 7-8, the number of youth performing at or above proficiency in ELA dropped to twenty- nine percent. In math the disparities were even more alarming. The number of youth performing at or above grade level in grades 3-6 in math were fifty-one percent. This number decreased to a staggering twenty percent for grades 7-85. New supports are needed for children transitioning into adolescence and the Flower City Academy™ will help more youth achieve greater academic success. The Children’s Agenda stated that in 2007, two hundred and thirty after school programs served 8,000 children ages 3-17 in Monroe County6. That is just nine percent of those in that age group. There is a need for more quality afterschool options, particularly ones that focus on academic development. Over 88% of Rochester children live at or below the poverty line, creating challenges for parents who cannot afford most expensive comprehensive afterschool programs or private tutoring. Although schools are legally required to provide tutoring to students who request it, many students are on the edge of those services or do not request help. Nationally, more than 7 million children in the United States are without adult supervision for some period of time after school7. These are the hours when violence juvenile crime peaks and when youth are more likely to experiment with alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and sex8. Participation in after school programs deters these negative behaviors by providing safe and engaging alternatives for youth. An intensive study performed by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning in 2007 showed that after-school programs had an overall positive and statistically significant impact on participating youth, especially in three major areas: feeling and attitudes (self-perceptions, bonding to school), behavioral adjustment (positive school behaviors, problem behaviors, drug use), and school performance (performance on achievement tests, grades, school attendance)9. By using an evidence-based approach, the one hundred and seventeen athletes participating in the Flower City Academy™ will benefit in each of these four categories. As part of FCSL’s seven-year strategic plan, the Flower City Academy™ will become an active program for all participating 11-12 year-olds in the first two years. Each successive year will add on an age-group to continue support for adolescents as they move through the soccer program. As such, at the conclusion of seven years, the Flower City Academy™ will be available to all youth in the FCSL program. 4 Statistics taken from New York State West Youth Soccer Association. 5 Superintendent Brizard Presentation at University of Rochester, March 28, 2008. Available at www. 6 Lee-Davis, Carolyn, Kaczorowski, Jeff, and Yale, Michelle. “The After School Inventory.” 2007. The Children’s Agenda. 7 Durlak, Joseph A. “The Impact of After-school programs that promote personal and social skills.” 2007. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. 8 Snyder, Howard and Sickmund, Melissa. “Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1999 National Report.” 1999. Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse Publishers. 9 Durlak, Joseph A. “The Impact of After-school programs that promote personal and social skills.” 2007. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
  • 8. 7) Quality Standards Working to Meet/Program Models to Implement FCSL has adopted the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets. Please refer to the appendix for a listing and description of these assets. The Flower City Academy™ is working to meet the following specific assets: adult role models, high expectations, achievement motivation, and positive view of personal future. Through intensive tutor training, volunteers will learn how to effectively become an appropriate adult role-model, enforce high-expectations, and help youth realize their academic accomplishments. Each tutor will receive six hours of training—two before they enter into the program, two observational training sessions, and two hours of review training throughout the program. During each of these sessions, guest speakers will discuss youth development, strategies for success, and the layout of the curriculum. Additionally, tutors will actively participate in group discussions and simulate games that they will be facilitating during the real program. As stated in the project description, the Flower City Academy™ curriculum built upon research done by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning and the Harvard Family Research Project to implement a SAFE program based on best practices: sequenced, active, focused, and explicit. The curriculum follows a sequenced pattern of topics, is focused specifically on connecting academics to athletics, uses athletics and educational games to actively involve participants in the program, and clearly explains each goal and topic to the participants. In addition to the 40 Developmental Assets, the Flower City Academy™ was developed to meet almost all of the National AfterSchool Association (NAA) Standards for Quality School-Age Care. These specifically include: Human Relationships, Indoor Environment, Outdoor Environment, Activities, Safety, Health, and Nutrition, and Administration. Through tutor training and program evaluation, each of the standards is addressed in some capacity. Please refer to the appendix for a detailed breakdown of how each criterion is specifically adopted.
  • 9. 8) Qualifications and Experience of Key Staff/Consultants Jason Perry, Executive Director, FCSL Executive Director of FCSL since August 2007 Former Rochester Rhino defensive player Mollie Foust, Community Outreach and Director of Youth Development, FCSL Wilson Day Coordinator, 2006 President and Co-founder of UR Education Alliance Wrote and received grants from MTV-U (for UR Tours Jr.) and United Way of Greater Rochester (for Flower City Academy™ tutor transportation) Developed UR Tours, Jr. Program for city youth grades 5-8, currently serves over 800 Rochester youth annually Barrel of Monkeys Camp Director, 2005 Award for “are you smarter than a fifth grader” event Numerous awards for leadership, community service, and human resources Jeffrey Reese, President, FCSL and North Street Rec Center Site Director Coached in FCSL for 10 years Took group of 30 youth FCSL players to San Francisco to participate in International Children’s Games in July 2008 Melanie Davis, VOA Site Director Nasheem King, SWAN Site Director Kevin Holman, Flint St. Site Director Dena Swanson, Assistant Professor, Warner School Department of Counseling and Human Development Swanson's research focuses on adolescent identity processes, school experiences, and the impact of adult relations on youth's adaptive behaviors. This work, supported by several funded projects while teaching at Pennsylvania State University, is relevant in identifying appropriate strategies and opportunities for adolescents' successful transition into adulthood. Swanson has co-authored articles in such journals as Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, Journal of Negro Education, Development and Psychopathology, and Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Swanson, a Holmes Scholar, was a postdoctoral fellow and co-director of the Center for Health, Achievement, Neighborhood Growth and Ethnic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania prior to joining Pennsylvania State University as an Assistant Professor. She also has experience as a rehabilitation counselor and a teen parent counselor. Anthony Jordan, Area Manager for the City of Rochester’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Human Services Anthony “tony” is responsible for managing several recreational facilities and staff including the creation of citywide sports programs, recreational/educational activities and various operational duties. A Rochester native, Tony attended East High School where he excelled in sports and academics. Named to “All Conference” honors in college, Tony pursued a career as a
  • 10. professional athlete in the National Football League (NFL). He was nominated “Rookie” of the Year” while playing for the Arizona Cardinals-and he also played for the Houston Oilers and the Dallas Cowboys. Tony’s natural leadership abilities opened up new opportunities beyond the world of sports. He is a graduate from the Leadership Rochester ’06 Program, a national leadership program through the University of Rochester. He has worked as a Program Coordinator for the Rochester Housing Authority: a substitute teacher; athletic coach; and counselor for the Rochester City School District, helping at-risk students with academic and social achievement levels.His personal commitment to others has been recognized by several organizations for which Tony has given his time and talent. Some of these achievements include: National Consultant for Mentors in Violence Prevention program, Guest speaker for community functions and school graduation ceremonies, 1995 nominee for “Friends of Children” award, Spokesman for Kansas State University’s “Say No to Drugs” Program, Gannett News Youth Care Award, Diversity trainer and motivator for the City of Rochester School District.
  • 12. Goal 1 Increase youth literacy and math skills, academic achievement and test scores. Objective 1 Hire certified teachers or train local University students to run the tutoring sessions and workshops that are offered three days a week. Develop a tutoring curriculum following “best practices” to increase literacy and math skills for FCSL youth ages 10-12. Status FCSL currently employs 0 certified teachers but has begun advertising to teachers and local university and college Education schools. Tutors will teach 3 hours a day, three days a week in age- appropriate classrooms. The ratio of tutor to youth will be 1:4. A tutoring curriculum and tutor training course have been developed using “best practices” research and feedback from teachers, parents, students, and coaches. Activity/Task Projects Students participating in Flower City Academy™ will take a diagnostic exam at the beginning of the season which will determine where the individual should be placed for tutoring. The diagnostic will allow Flower City Academy™ to track each youth’s progress throughout the season. At the conclusion of the 12th week, students will be reevaluated and take the New York State age-appropriate Exam. New books, activity workbooks, and tutoring materials will be purchased in order to aid in the success of the tutoring sessions. Implementation Plan At each of the Flower City Academy™ sites, tutoring will occur in age-appropriate sessions at least three days a week for three hour sessions. Tutors will identify the struggling students and work with them individually. Youth who attend tutoring sessions will receive PASS points. Outcome Measures 90% of students who have an attendance of at least 80% will increase their math and ELA scores from the diagnostic test to the final scores they receive. 50% of students who regularly attend tutoring classes will pass the final exam for their age-group. Goal 2 Empower youth to gain self-esteem and the ability to set meaningful goals. Objective 2 Flower City Academy™ intends to hire/recruit the most competent and effective coaches, tutors, and teachers to mentor the students who participate in FCSL. Every volunteer/employee will share a personal motivation story with their students at least once during the season. Status Over 50 coaches, tutors, and ethics mentors have been screened and identified as positive leaders for Flower City Academy™. Youth development specialists have been contacted at area universities and colleges, as well as various athletic teams. Activity/Task projects All Flower City Academy™ participants will participate in the UR Tours, Jr. program at the University of Rochester, in which they will explore a college campus and learn what skills and behaviors are needed to reach the goal of attending college. Youth will be given asked to identify their goals at the start and conclusion of the season. Through the tutoring sessions, tutors will help youth develop positive attitudes about school. Implementation Plan All Flower City Academy™ participants will participate in UR Tours, Jr. at the University of Rochester. All youth will participate in mock-interviews, either for jobs or for college admission. Volunteers from local businesses and colleges will come in to conduct these interviews. Outcome Measures At the end of the 12 week season, youth will be able to write down
  • 13. 10) Timeline for Achieving Project Outcomes NOTE: I cannot fill out most of this information until after the pilot programs are complete. The Flower City Academy™ will run from November through March, following FCSL’s indoor soccer season schedule. The requested grant will cover FCSL indoor season 2009-2010. Estimated Timeline: August-October 2009 Recruitment of tutors Early November 2009 Tutor training sessions held November 16, 2009-March 12, 2010 Flower City Academy™ twelve-week program Mid-January 2010 Refresher tutor-training sessions March 2010 Project Outcomes met March 2010-May 2010 Program Evaluation and data analysis June 2010 Recommendations completed for Parks and Recreation Department and program enhancement
  • 14. 11) How You Will Monitor Your Progress A number of steps are in place to monitor the progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the Flower City Academy™. 1) Site managers will provide weekly reports on the overall maintenance of the program to FCSL. 2) Tutors will fill out evaluations at the conclusion of each session, providing enormous feedback on both the students and also the structure of the program and curriculum. 3) Youth will conduct mid-season evaluations to allow for program modifications and to give youth the opportunity to alter and design a program that fits their specific needs. 4) Final test results will indicate whether tutoring affected performance. Long-term, these will show increased performance over several years. 5) PASS program points will be analyzed to see how many youth gained points through athletics versus Flower City Academy™ To achieve these measurements, data collection will include a combination of: • Observations of the practices, tutoring sessions, and parent meetings by an outside evaluator (yet to be determined) who will take field notes. • Content analysis of the students’ written work by the surveys that will be conducted at the beginning and conclusion of the 12-week season. (to capture evidence of learning) • Content analysis of tutor, coach, and volunteer evaluations of the overall program, daily sessions, and each youth. • Semi-structured focus group interviews with tutors, youth, coaches and parents • Data analysis of each youth’s PASS points records The evaluation analyses will be able to inform FCSL the extent to which:  When participating in the Flower City Academy™, tutors: o Developed a greater appreciation of youths’ abilities and potential contributions to the sessions and society o Obtained a greater understanding of the needs of Rochester youth, both in terms of education as well as social needs. o Were better able to connect with and teach their students  When participating in RAYS, youth: o Demonstrated their learning and ability to teacher and other students more than usual o Increased literacy and math skills, academic achievement and test scores o Gained self-esteem and the ability to set meaningful goals o Establish more positive adult relationships
  • 15. 12) Area to be Served The majority of athletes participating in FCSL reside in the 14611, 14621, 14605, and 14609 zip codes. However, players from every Rochester city zip code participate in the league. The Bulls Head Plaza is located on Genesee St. and Main St., servicing Sector 4 and the Southwest area of the city. This provides the central location for the Flower City Academy™, however sites are scattered throughout the city to ensure all FCSL youth are able to participate in the program regardless of their residence. Profile of 1460510: The 14621 neighborhood is located in the northeast quadrant of Rochester. The average family income is $17,877. The population is comprised of 35% Hispanic, 57% African American, and 18% Caucasian. In 2007, 7 out of 48 homicides in Rochester occurred in this zip-code. 53% of the population holds high-school degrees and only 10% have any high- education. Profile of 14621: The 14605 zip-code is located in the northeast quadrant of Rochester. The average family income is $23,173. 61% of the population holds a high school diploma and 6% received a 4-year degree. In 2007, 12 of 48 homicides occurred in this zip code. The demographic is 46% African American, 29% Hispanic, and 28% Caucasian. Profile of 14611: The 14611 zip-code is located in the southwest area of Rochester. The median household income is $23,282. In 2007, 5 homicides occurred in this zip code. 66% of the population has a high school diploma. The population is 72% African American, 20% Caucasian, and 8% Hispanic. Profile of 14609: The 14609 zip code is located in the northeast quadrant of Rochester. The median family income is $37,622. In 2007, 4 homicides occurred in this area. The population is 58% Caucasian, 31% African American, and 12% Hispanic. 77% of the population are high- school graduates and 12% hold a 4-year degree. 10 All statistics taken from AOL Neighborhood Real Estate Index: neighborhood
  • 16. 13) Other Partners to work with The Flower City Academy™ would not be able to run without the support of numerous partnerships. Flower City Soccer League is the most significant partner of the program as it provides the participants for the program and acts as a fiduciary. The Rochester Department of Parks and Recreation allows the use of the buildings for the tutoring program, and facilitates several of the sites. SWAN, Baden St. Settlement, VOA, Monroe YMCA and Maplewood YMCA also donate the use of their building facilities for programs at those locations. Monroe Transportation, in conjunction with the Rochester Transportation Foundation, provides busses for athletes whose teams are not connected with a specific center. New York State West Youth Soccer Association provides background checks on each volunteer and grants insurance to each participant. The United Way of Greater Rochester awarded the Flower City Academy™ $1,200 for tutor transportation in 2008-2009 for the pilot programs. The University of Rochester is active in several capacities: • Rochester Center for Community Leadership promotes the program and helps obtain qualified tutor candidates. • The Warner School of Education was instrumental in helping to develop the curriculum used in the Flower City Academy™. • The Office of Residential Life provides snacks at each of the sessions and also helps in the acquiring of qualified tutors by advertising the program in their buildings. • The Center for Entrepreneurship is a partner in marketing the program to potential tutors on campus.
  • 17. 14) Project Budget See attached excel spreadsheet
  • 18. 15) Recent Organization Budget and Audited Financial Statement Get information from Allen Nisbeth.
  • 19. Appendix A: Locations and Hours Baden Street Settlement 485 N. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14605 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—4:30-6:00pm Volunteers of America 214 Lake Ave. Rochester, NY 14608 Monday, Thursday, Friday—3:30-4:30pm Flint Street Recreation Center 271 Flint St, Rochester, NY 14608 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday—3:30-5:00pm SWAN 275 Dr Samuel Mccree Way, Rochester, NY 14611 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday—4:30-6:00pm Carter Street Recreation Center 500 Carter St, Rochester, NY 14621 Monday, Thursday, Saturday—4:00-5:30pm North Street Recreation Center 700 North Street, Rochester, NY 14605 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday—4:00-5:30pm Monroe YMCA 797 Monroe Ave, Rochester, NY 14607 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday—3:30-5:00pm Maplewood YMCA 25 Driving Park Ave., Rochester, NY 14613 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday—3:30-5:00pm Bulls Head Plaza 30 Genesee St., Rochester, NY 14611 Saturdays—9:30am-12:30pm Campbell Street Community Center 524 Campbell Street, Rochester, NY 14611 Monday, Thursday, Saturday—4:30-6:00pm Webster Avenue Recreation Center 530 Webster Ave, Rochester, NY 14609 Monday, Wednesday, Friday—4:00-5:30pm #42 School Recreation Center 3330 Lake Ave, Rochester, NY 14612 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday—3:30-5:00pm
  • 20. Appendix B: Location Agreements We, __________________________, agree to host the Flower City Academy™ in our location at _________________________________________________________________, every ____________________, ___________________, and ____________________ between the hours of ______________________ from the months of November through March for youth ages 11-12 who are registered in the Flower City Soccer League. We also agree to provide a site manager who will be present at each of the meeting times to supervise the tutoring program. Facility Name:__________________________________________________ Facility Director: ____________________________ Signature: __________________________ Site Director: ____________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Site Director Contact Information: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________
  • 21. Appendix C: Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets 40 Developmental Assets for Middle Childhood (ages 8–12) EXTERNAL ASSETS SUPPORT • Family Support | Family life provides high levels of love and support. • Positive Family Communication | Parent(s) and child communicate positively. Child feels comfortable seeking advice and counsel from parent(s). • Other Adult Relationships | Child receives support from adults other than her or his parent(s). • Caring Neighborhood | Child person experiences caring neighbors. • Caring School Climate | Relationships with teachers and peers provide a caring, encouraging environment. • Parent Involvement in Schooling | Parent(s) are actively involved in helping the child succeed in school. EMPOWERMENT • Community Values Youth | Child feels valued and appreciated by adults in the community. • Children as Resources | Child is included in decisions at home and in the community. • Service to Others | Child has opportunities to help others in the community. • Safety | Child feels safe at home, school, and in the neighborhood. BOUNDARIES AND EXPECTATIONS • Family Boundaries | Family has clear rules and consequences and monitors the child ’s whereabouts. • School Boundaries | School provides clear rules and consequences. • Neighborhood Boundaries | Neighbors take responsibility for monitoring the child ’s behavior. • Adult Role Models | Parent(s) and other adults in the child’s family, as well as nonfamily adults, model positive, responsible behavior. • Positive Peer Influence | Child’s closest friends model positive, responsible behavior. • High Expectations | Parent(s) and teachers expect the child to do her or his best at school and in other activities CONSTRUCTIVE USE OF TIME • Creative Activities | Child participates in music, art, drama, or creative writing two or more times per week. • Child Programs |Child participates two or more times per week in cocurricular school activities or structured community programs for children. • Religious Community | Child attends religious programs or services one or more times per week.
  • 22. Time at Home | Child spends some time most days both in high-quality interaction with parents and doing things at home other than watching TV or playing video games. INTERNAL ASSETS COMMITMENT TO LEARNING • Achievement Motivation | Child is motivated and strives to do well in school. • Learning Engagement | Child is responsive, attentive, and actively engaged in learning at school and enjoys participating in learning activities outside of school. • Homework | Child usually hands in homework on time. • Bonding to School | Child cares about teachers and other adults at school. • Reading for Pleasure | Child enjoys and engages in reading for fun most days of the week POSITIVE VALUES • Caring | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to help other people. • Equality and Social Justice | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to speak up for equal rights for all people. • Integrity | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to stand up for one’s beliefs. • Honesty | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to tell the truth. • Responsibility | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to accept personal responsibility for behavior. • Healthy Lifestyle | Parent(s) tell the child it is important to have good health habits and an understanding of healthy sexuality. SOCIAL COMPETENCIES • Planning and Decision Making | Child thinks about decisions and is usually happy with results of her or his decisions. • Interpersonal Competence | Child cares about and is affected by other people’s feelings, enjoys making friends, and, when frustrated or angry, tries to calm her- or himself. • Interpersonal Competence | Young person has empathy, sensitivity, and friendship skills. • Cultural Competence | Child knows and is comfortable with people of different racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds and with her or his own cultural identity. • Resistance Skills | Child can stay away from people who are likely to get her or him in trouble and is able to say no to doing wrong or dangerous things. • Peaceful Conflict Resolution | Child seeks to resolve conflict nonviolently. POSITIVE IDENTITY • Personal Power | Child feels he or she has some influence over things that happen in her or his life. • Self-Esteem | Child likes and is proud to be the person that he or she is. • Sense of Purpose | Child sometimes thinks about what life means and whether there is a purpose for her or his life.
  • 23. Positive View of Personal Future | Child is optimistic about her or his personal future.
  • 24. Appendix D: NAA Standards for Quality School-Aged Care o Human Relationships o Staff relate to all children and youth in positive ways. o Staff respond appropriately to the individual needs of children and youth. o Staff encourage children and youth to make choices and to become more responsible. o Staff interact with children and youth to help them learn. o Staff use positive techniques to guide the behavior of children and youth. o Children and youth generally interact with each other in positive ways. o Staff and families interact with each other in positive ways. o Staff work well together to meet the needs of children and youth. o Indoor Environments o The program’s indoor space meets the needs of children and youth. o The indoor space allows children and youth to take initiative and explore their interests. o Outdoor Environments o The outdoor play area meets the needs of children and youth, and equipment allows o Activities o The daily schedule is flexible, and it offers enough security, independence, and stimulation to meet the needs of all children and youth. o Children and youth can choose from a wide variety of activities. o Activities reflect the mission of the program and promote the development of all the children and youth in the programs. o There are sufficient materials to support program activities. o Safety, Health & Nutrition o The safety and security of children and youth are protected. o The program provides an environment that protects and enhances the health of children and youth. o The program staff try to protect and enhance the health of children and youth. o Children and youth are carefully supervised to maintain safety. o The program serves foods and drinks that meet the needs of children and youth. o Administration o Staff/child ratios and group sizes permit the staff to meet the needs of children and youth. o Children and youth are supervised at all times.
  • 25. o Staff support families’ involvement in the program. o Staff, families, and schools share important information to support the well being of children and youth. o The program builds links to the community. o The indoor space meets the needs of the staff. o The outdoor space is large enough to meet the needs of children, youth, and staff. o Staff, children, and youth work together to plan and implement suitable activates which are consistent with the program’s philosophy. o Program policies and procedures are in place to protect the safety of the children and youth. o Program policies exist to protect and enhance the health of all children and youth. o All staff are professionally qualified to work with children and youth. o Staff (paid, volunteer and substitute) are given orientation to the job before working with children and youth. o The training needs of the staff are assessed, and training is relevant to the responsibilities of each job. o Staff receive appropriate support to make their work experience positive. o The administration provides sound management of the program. o Program policies and procedures are responsive to the needs of the children, youth, and families in the community
  • 26. Appendix E: Sample Lesson-Plan 1 Topic: Respect Level: U12 Lesson Introduction The purpose of this unit is to introduce youth to the course, identify the expectations and develop ground rules for the season, and to help youth understand three levels of respect: yourself, those around you, and the world/environment. Tutor Preparation: Mural Make sure you have Time: 15 minutes markers, paper, Question or phrase of day: Who Am I? confidence The mural will occur at the beginning of each session and is an activity to get kids focused on Overarching Points: the topic of the day. They will read the phrase or Respect, Rules question and answer it in any way they want: words, pictures, sculpture, dance, skit, song, etc. Materials Needed: Butcher paper Circle Time Crayons Time: 5 minutes Copies of Diagnostic Test Welcome youth and explain agenda of the day and introduce the topic Activity Time: 30 minutes o Make expectations/rules for session  Explain that this is a special 12 week program they were chosen for. Ask what types of rules they thing should be abided by during the twelve weeks. Things that should definitely be included are: trust, respect, confidentiality, fun, no put-downs, etc.  Have a volunteer write these on a large piece of paper.
  • 27. At the end, have each youth trace their hand and write their name on the inside, showing that they will abide by these rules. Post these on the wall for all to see. o Play a fun energizer game such as Electric Pulse o Trace each child on large pieces of butcher paper. Have them write or draw the things about themselves that they respect. Discussion/Reflection Time: 15 minutes Discuss their definition of respect. Do they feel they are respected at home? At school? By teachers? By friends? What can they do to show respect to others? How do they feel when they are respected? Use the murals and bodies to illustrate that everyone deserves respect. Reiterate the ideas of respecting the game (of soccer), respecting property, respecting ideas, etc. This means no lying, stealing, inappropriate behavior. Journal Time: 15 minutes Have students begin their journals. Reassure them that you will not be reading them and they can put anything they want in them: words, pictures, stories, ideas. However, give them sample questions to answer if they get stuck. These can include: What was the best thing that happened to me today? What would I want to change about today? Spills and Thrills Time: 10 minutes Sit in a circle and have each student tell the lowest point of their week or day (spills) and the highest point of their day or week (thrills). You may need to limit these to one minute each if they get to long. Affirmation Time: 5 minutes Each session will end with an affirmation that students will repeat after you. You can make them up and they should be relevant to the things you discussed today. Have students stand up and close their eyes. Say each of these statements loudly: I am (I am) An awesome person (an awesome person) I will (I will) Achieve great things (achieve great things)
  • 28. I can (I can) Be anything (be anything) Do anything (do anything) Accomplish everything (accomplish everything) I will (I will) Respect myself (respect myself) Respect my body (respect my body) This means (this means) Not putting anything in my body (not putting anything in my body) That can do harm to myself (that can do harm to myself) That can do harm to my mind (that can do harm to my mind) That can do harm to my friends (that can do harm to my friends) I will (I will) Respect my family (respect my family) Respect my friends (respect my friends) And I expect others (and I expect others) To respect me (to respect me) This is the beginning (this is the beginning) Of a new change (of a new change) And I vow right now (and I vow right now) To be the best I can be (to be the best I can be) And never settle for anything less (and never settle for anything less)
  • 29. Budget Justification Flower City Academy SENIOR PERSONNEL Director of Youth Development: Yearly salary of $18,000 to recruit and manage tutors, facilitate training, establish and maintain partnerships, and institute curriculum. Post-program activities will involve data analysis, writing, and planning for subsequent data collection and project activities. OTHER PERSONNEL Tutors: 60- Tutors are necessary for the functioning of the program. The large number of sites allows for a large quantity of tutors and we are averaging five tutors per site to allow for the 3:1 youth to tutor ration to be maintained. Although tutors are volunteers, a small thank-you compensation of a $20 gift-certificate will allow tutors feel appreciated and help the retention rate throughout the years. Speakers for Tutor Training: 4—The Flower City Academy™ training sessions will occur twice during the season—two hours before sessions begin and two hours of maintenance training mid- season in January. At each of these sessions, professional speakers will be brought in to conduct these trainings. Although no speakers have been confirmed, prominent scholars and community members such as Dena Swanson, Anthony Jordan, and Chris Cubi have been identified as possibilities. To obtain the most professional and effective trainers, compensation for their time will be $200 each. Website Developer: 1—Shawn Cummings has been contracted to develop an interactive website for tutors to view available times and sign-up for sessions directly on the website. The cost of this is $500. EQUIPMENT Educational Materials- Each location will receive a Flower City Academy™ toolkit that includes: marbles, books, stickers, journals, markers, dice, flashcards, construction paper, playdough, the Twin Sister’s Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction CDs, a ream of butcher paper, and a Tutor Manual that contains feedback forms, attendance sheets, the curriculum guide, and a team-building manual. The total estimated cost of educational materials is $500 per site, or $5,000 total for ten sites. TRAVEL Tutor Transportation: The United Way of Greater Rochester has agreed to cover the cost of tutor transportation up to $1,200. The majority of the tutors are college students and as such have limited access to reliable transportation.