SlideShare a Scribd company logo
2. Telecommunication
3. Written Communication
4. Communication styles &
5. Office Equipment
6. Records management
7. Meetings and Procedures
Unit Learning Outcomes
 Communicate ideas & information,
using business terminology in a
range of modes of communication
 Apply the knowledge & skills of
business management in practical
 Demonstrate an understanding of
knowledge & skills if different
aspects of communication styles &
strategies, operations
management & HR functions
Topic 1:
Learning Outcomes -
 What is communication?
 Internal and external communication
 Factors affecting the choice of
 Methods of communication
 Oral
 Written
 Visual
 Modern methods of communication
Ice Breaker Activity
 Telephone Game
Communication is
 The transfer of information(data) from one person/organisation to
Effective Communication
ransmitter /
Medium of
Effective Communication
1.Eye Contact
2. Active Listening
3. Responding / feedback
4. Clear Message
Internal Communication
 Communication within the organization
Internal Communication is
 With people inside the organisation.
 e.g. Notice Board.
 Memo/memorandum
 Report
 Telephone
 Face to face conversation
External Communication
 Communication to
another organization or
External Communication is
 Between the organisation and people outside of it.
 e.g. Letter
 Email
 Newsletters
 Posters
 Advertisement
consider when
choosing a
method of
1. Cost
Is the method cheap or dear?
2. Speed
 How long will it take to reach its destination?
3. Secrecy
 Is the method confidential?
4. Record
 Will a copy of the information exist?
5. Destination
 Is it internal or external?
 How far is it going?
Two types of
A. Verbal communication
B. Non verbal communication
types of Verbal Communication
 Sending a verbal message.
 Internal Eg. Intercom, face-to-face meeting.
 External Eg. Radio, telephone.
Verbal Communication
2. Written Communication
Verbal Communication
3. Visual Communication
Verbal / Oral
 Quick
 Efficient
 Immediate Feedback
 Reinforced
 Body Language
o Face-to-face
 Big Meetings
o Listening?
 Written Feedback
 Accurate / Permanent
Record Needed
Written Communication
 “hard” evidence
 Reduces
 Essential Information
 Legality
 Safety
 Displayed
 Easy to Copy &
 No Direct Feedback
 Time Consuming
 Understandability
 Language
 Too Long
 Confusing
 Non-interest
 No Body Language
Visual Communication
 Appealing
 Attractive
 More Interesting
 Clear
 Illustrations
 No Feedback
 No Checking if Message
 Interpretation
Activity: Which
Communication Method is
a. There should be no smoking in the canteen
b. The management wants to instruct all employees
on how the new computer system works
c. Details of the firms sales figures for the last four
years are being sent to shareholders
d. The Finance Manager wants to remind the
Production Manager that they have arranged a
meeting for next week
e. The Product Development Manager wants to
inform directors of the market research into three
new product ideas. He hopes that they will agree
to launch one of these products.
Which Communication
Method is Appropriate?
f. The Office Manager wants to obtain views
from the office workers on how paper
waste could be reduced
g. A supervisor plans to warn (for the last
time) a worker who is always late for work
h. Next years holiday dates need to be made
available to all workers
i. The Human Resource Manager wants to
invite an applicant for a job to an interview
j. The Production Manager wants to send the
plans for a new factory to the Managing
Director who is on a foreign trip
2. Non verbal
a. Gestures
b. Body language
c. Facial expression
Formal Communication
Channels of communication within an organization.
Informal Communication
Unrecognized meetings such as grapevines
Communication Nets
Chain Network
This is typically used in a
hierarchical structure, such
as police, army and civil
 Advantages
 Transmit Messages from
Top to Lower Levels
 Disadvantages
 One-way communication
 Confused messages
 Less accurate messages
Communication Nets
Wheel Network
The leader is at the centre.
These could be two way
communication between the
leader and others within the
 Advantages
Communicate to
discovered quickly
 Disadvantages
No direct
Communication Nets
Connected Network
This allows full two way
communication between
any one group member or
with all of them.
 Advantages
 Create Ideas
 Discuss Ideas
 Two-way Communication
 Disadvantages
 Time-consuming
 No clear leader
 No clear sender
Which network is best?
 Chain-network
 Communicate important
company policy
 Wheel Network
 Send different messages to
regional offices
 Connected Network
 Business ideas and
 Effective Groups
Direction of
Arrow A  Downward Communication
Arrow B  Upward Communication
Arrow C  Horizontal (Lateral) Communication
Barriers of Effective
Transmitter /
Language too
Speaks “too”
Feedback to
Barriers of Effective
Transmitter /
Too Long
Too Much
Barriers of Effective
Lost Message
Insist on
Medium of
Barriers of Effective
Long Chain of
No Feedback
Medium of
Barriers of Effective
of Medium
Medium of
Barriers of Effective
Not Listening
Not Paying
Sender not
Sender not
Unwilling to
Ask for
Barriers of Effective
No Feedback
Too Slow
Too Many
Ask for
Line of
Visual Communication
 Using charts, graphs, videos and television to give a messages
internally & externally.
Visual Communication
Easy to understand
Shows trends and
Some people may not
Takes time to prepare
Rules for preparing
 Give it a title.
 Label the Y axis (eg. year)
 Label the X axis (eg. quantity)
Bar Chart
 Is a series of bars.
 Used for comparing quantities.
Line/Trend Graph
 Is a chart that uses lines.
 Used for showing changes over time.
Pie Charts
 Is a circle divided into segments.
 Used to show percentages or proportions.
Government Agency
involved in
 Post PNG
 Provides a national & international postal service.
Other services
 Publicity post
 Delivers leaflets for a small fee.
 Swift post
 Letter will be delivered quicker for a fee.
 Freepost
 Special envelopes where customers can reply to
business & they pay the postage.
 Digicel
 Vodafone b mobile
 Telephones
 Freefone
 Texting
 Answering service
Modern methods of
 E-mail
 www
 Up to 20 people can
talk together.
 TV link up of sound & pictures for meetings without travel.
 What is communication?
 Internal and external communication
 Factors affecting the choice of
 Methods of communication
 Oral
 Written
 Visual
 Modern methods of communication
Lecture 2
Learning Outcomes
 Differentiate between the styles of
 Identify the different listening techniques
 Discuss verbal communication and types
 List the different types of non – verbal
 Explain the different types of body
 Differentiate between the body language
communication styles
Communication Styles
1. Aggressive
2. Submissive or Passive
3. Assertive
Characteristics of the speaker
 Sarcastic
 Overbearing
 Attacking
 Dominating
 Loud
 Self- centred
 Unhelpful
 Brutally frank
 Dismissive
 condescending
Feeling of speaker
 Importance
 Power
 Self – righteousness
 isolation
Feeling of Addressee
 Insecurity
 Hurt
 Fear
 Humiliation
 Embarrassment
 Intimidation
 inferiority
Typical words/expressions
 ‘always’
 ‘never’
 ‘should’
 ‘must’
 ‘you have to’
 ‘this is what we are doing’
 ‘I don’t care what you think’
Feeling of the speaker
 Inferior
 Abuse
 Useless
 worthlessness
 Anger
 helplessness
2. Submissive / Passive
Characteristic of the
 Lacking of self esteem
 Inhibited
 Quite
 Withdrawn
 Agreeable
 Non- committal
 consenting
Feeling of the Addressee
 Power
 superior
Typical words or
 ‘I am so stupid’
 ‘you are right’
 ‘uses people’ or ‘everyone’
instead of ‘I’
 ‘okay if that’s what you want’
3. Assertive
Characteristics of the
 Highly regarded
 Confident
 Honest
 Effective listener
 Respectful
 Expressive
Feeling of the speaker
 Confident
 respect
Feeling of addressee
 Security
 Value
 Respect
 worth
Typical words/expressions
 ‘I feel….
 ‘Would you’……..
 ‘When you…I feel’…….
1. Aggressive
 Here the communicators satisfy their
own needs and wants at the expense
of others
2. Submissive or Passive
 Communicators do what others want
even when it is in conflict with their
own beliefs and wishes and interest
3. Assertive
 Involves stating the point openly &
honestly while taking into account
the needs and wants of others
Verbal Communication
 Is the use and transmission of words,
spoken using a variety of media
a. Spoken Communication
 Conducted through various media
including telephones and face to face
 Requires effective listening &
questioning techniques
Points to consider when communicating
using spoken words
 Think before speaking
 Enunciate words correctly
 Choose suitable language
 Vary volume, pitch, tone & rhythm of the voice
 Be aware of mannerism
 Avoid clichés
 Engage the audience
 Know when to stop & let others have a say
 Observe non verbal signs such yawning & react
Non Verbal Communication
 Is communicating without the use of words
 Includes:
1. Body language
2. Pictorials
3. Personal appearance
4. Punctuality
5. Office presentation
6. Personal space
Often non verbal language contradicts the spoken word,
when this happens the non verbal message usually has
more impact
a. Written Communication
 Conveys intended and unintended
 To ensure customers feel valued and
important, documentation including
reports, business cards & email messages
need to be well presented – incorporating
correct grammar, spelling & unambiguous
 Poorly presented correspondence creates a
negative impression
1. Business Letters
 A common mode of written
 Many businesses will write letters
requesting information or agreement
or simply as a goodwill measure
Goals of a business letter
 To provoke physical action
 To acquire information
 To gain agreement
 To build up good feeling towards the
- A business letter is only successful
when the receiver performs the
action that the writer requested or at
least understands the message
2. Business report
 Another form of written communication
 Usually contain ideas, facts & expert
opinions based on investigations
 Will normally have a title, an
introduction, a body of information that
includes findings & results, a discussion
section, recommendations, a summary
and close
3. Annual Reports
 Contain information about the organisation
 May include
 vision & mission statements & objectives
 Information about the product or services
 Key developments or events that the
organisation is proud of
 Report from the CEO/Managing Director
 May also include organisation’s
financial performance: e.g.
- profit and loss statement
- Balance sheets
- Cash flow
- Auditor’s report
- Shareholder statistics
- Financial statements
4. Financial Reports
 Some organisations create separate
documents that contain information on
the financial aspect of the organisation
rather than including them in the
annual report.
May include
 Operating revenue
 Share capital
 Superannuation funds details
 Assets & risk management
 Dividends per share
 Auditor’s report
 Liabilities
 Etc…
5. Memos/Emails
 Memo is an abbreviation of the word
 It is a way of presenting brief written
messages with the least amount of
time & effort
 Emails are similar to memos but are
sent electronically
Example of Memo
1. Write a memo to send to a classmate.
The memo should outline one of the
following situations.
 Discussion about electing a new class
 Students punctuality to school
 Requesting Mid-term examination topics
 Requesting for a Business Studies test
6. Faxes
 Has arisen from the technological
 Provide a quick way to send and
receive written information
7. Submissions
 Written request for money for specific
project or cause
 Effective submissions clearly outline
the objectives, including the value of
the project, including what the end
product will be, how it will be
achieved & how the money will be
8. Receipts & Invoices
 Everyday monetary transactions
are recorded for accounting and
tax purposes in the receipts &
*Receipts – are records of the
*invoices – the agreement of the
transaction to come
9. Minutes & Agendas
 Meetings are an everyday part of
any organisation
 Effective meetings have a plan of
what is to be achieved. This is
known as the agenda.
 The record of the meeting is in
the minutes
B. Body Language
 Is expressed through posture,
gestures and facial expressions
1. Posture
 Examples: Standing upright,
hands on hips, crossed arms
2. Gestures
 Examples: movement of hands,
feet or other parts of the body to
support & reinforce a point
3. Facial expression
 The face can indicate many
positive & negative reactions to
 Example: rolling eyes, raising
eyebrows or smiling
C. Pictorials
 Signs and symbols such as traffic
and safety signs
D. Personal Appearance
 Appearances convey information
about how people feel about
themselves & how they wish to be
 E.g. untidy appearances could
convey a lack of care for self which
could be interpreted as a lack of care
for their job or customers
E. Punctuality
 Being punctual for appointments
can mutually affect peoples
perception of each others
F. Office Presentation
 The size, décor, atmosphere and
tidiness of an office creates an
impression, conveying to clients
the self image of a person or
G. Personal Space
 The distance between the
speaker & the receiver can
contribute to discomfort and
could promote negative feelings
1. What is communication?
Topic 3:
The Telephone and You
 Provide helpful hints and proven techniques
 Part of doing business means doing business over
the phone
 Phone is an important instrument in daily
Ways to Sound as Good as You Really
 Alertness
Show that you are wide-awake, ready to
engage in a conversation
 Pleasantness
Put a smile in your voice 
 Naturalness
Use, simple, straightforward lang.; avoid
technical terms/slang
 Distinctiveness
Speaks directly into the phone; Use a
normal tone of voice, the louder you are,
the louder everyone else becomes
 Expressiveness
Talk at a moderate rate and volume, but
vary your voice tone
 Frown 
 Mutter
 Sound Tired
 Speak in a Shrill Voice
 Speak Negatively
 Ramble
 Smile  (they really can hear it!)
 Speak Clearly and Concisely
 Be Enthusiastic
 Lower the Pitch of your Voice
 Talk in a Positive Mood
 Listen/Discuss
Mental P.I.C.T.U.R.E.
 P – itch
High or low? Low carries better and
is also more pleasant
 I – nflection
Use voice to express ideas or moods
Don’t talk in a monotone
The voice naturally rises on a
questions or inquiry
Voices fall at a “period,” decision or
Mental P.I.C.T.U.R.E.
 C – ourtesy
 Common, everyday applies the same as face-to-face conversation
 T – one
 Many times it is not what you say, but how you say it
 Voice should reflect sincerity, pleasantness, confidence, and interest
Mental P.I.C.T.U.R.E.
 U – nderstanding
 Avoid talking with anything in your mouth
(gum, pencil)
 R – ate
 Rate of speech should be adapted to
personality of contact
 “Fast talkers” can arouse suspicion
 “Slow talkers” can be irritating
 E – nunciate
 Clear enunciation will help avoid
misunderstanding and need to repeat
Keys to Good Listening
 Limit your talking
 Can’t talk and listen at the same time
 Don’t Interrupt
 A pause doesn’t always mean the individual is
finished speaking
 Concentrate
 Focus on the conversation. Practice shutting out
outside distractions and personal concerns
Keys to Good Listening
 Take Notes
 Helps you remember important points
 Listen for ideas….not just words
 Get the whole picture, not isolated bits and pieces
 Interjections
 An occasional, “Yes,” “I see,” etc. shows that your
listening. However, don’t overuse them
Create a Good First
 Try to answer the phone on the SECOND ring
 Answer with a friendly greeting
 Smile  - it shows, even through the phone
 Ask the caller their name, even if their name is
not necessary for the call, and use it!
 Keep the phone two-finger widths from your
Putting Callers on Hold
 Always ask for permission
 Examples
 “Would you hold while I get your file?”
 “Can you hold briefly while I see if Ms. Taga is
 Always thank the caller for holding
Transferring a Caller
 Always transfer the caller to the desired person’s
extension, not to the operator
 Limits number of transfers
 Saves the caller time from explaining issue again
 Tell the caller who you are transferring them to
 Announce the caller to the person you are
Taking Phone Messages
 Phone Message should always include:
 Caller’s name and company name (if applicable)
 Time and Date of call
 What the call is regarding (if possible)
 If a follow up or return call is needed
 Phone number (office or home)
Leaving a Voice/Phone
 Phone Message should always include:
 Your name and company name
 Time and Date of call
 What the call is regarding (brief)
 If a follow up or return call is needed
 Phone number (office or home) speak SLOWLY even
repeat the phone number – include area code
Last Impressions
 Before ending the call, always…
 Make sure you answered all the caller’s questions
 Always end with e pleasantry:
 Have a nice day
 It was nice speaking with you
 Let the caller hang up first
 Don’t give more than your first name
 Don’t get personal, even if they do
 Be prepared for rejection – just apologize for bothering them and
graciously get off the phone
 If you need help – get a supervisor
 Your Phone Message Greeting – make it professional
The End
Types of Meetings
 AGM: Annual General Meeting.
 EGM: Extra-ordinary General Meeting.
 Ad hoc: Informal meeting on the spur
of the moment.
 Calls meeting to order.
 Ensures that meetings
run smoothly.
 Sends out notices of meetings.
 Writes up the Agenda.
 Keeps minutes.
 Keeps a record of all finances.
 Prepare final accounts.
 Prepares financial reports.
A Memo is
 A short note used within a business.
To: All students
From: Class representative.
Date: 10/10/16
Subject: Recycling paper.
Message: Please place used paper in recycle bins.
Signed: G.I Jones
A Notice of a Meeting is
 Information about a meeting.
 Sent by the secretary.
 Name: 1st year PTM
 Date: 20/10/08
 Place: Library
 Time: 3 – 4pm
 Signed: Alice Wonderland
An Agenda is
 A list of topics that will be discussed
at a meeting.
Sample Agenda
1. Minutes Summary of last meeting.
2. Matters Arising Issues that need further
3. Correspondence Letters of apology etc.
4. Chairpersons Report Recap of the years events.
5. Treasurers Report Summary of finances.
6. Election of Officers Appointing new officers.
7. AOB Any Other Business
Move a motion: this means to make a
proposal. A proposal is called a motion.
Quorum: is the minimum number of voting
member required to start a meeting.
Resolved: to reach a decision by means of
a formal vote.
Point of order: is used when any member
notices a violation of the rules.
Call to order: to formally signed to start.
Second the motion: indicate that at least
one person beside the mover is interested in
seeing the motion.
Business correspondence must
contain the following:
 Date
 Subject of the correspondence
 Receiver name
 Receiver address
 Sender address
 Complimentary closure
 Signature of the writer
 List of names to be copied
Types of office communication…
(a) Downward Communication
It means the flow of communication from the top
management downward to the operating level. It
follows the line of authority from the top to the
bottom of the organisation and consists of plans,
instructions orders and rules.
(b) Upward Communication
Means the flow of information from the lower level
of the operations to the higher levels of authority.
It passes from subordinates to superiors and
includes ideas, suggestions, complains and
reports. On the basis of upward communication,
management revises its plans and policies.
Types of office communication…
 External Communication
-Communication with outsiders such as
customers, suppliers, government departments,.
financial institutions and the general public.
-is vital to the existence of businesses, both large
and small.
-two broad categories - oral and written same as
internal communication.
 Oral Communication
(i) face to face meet (personal visit)
(ii) Telephones
Types of office communication…
 Written External Communication
Major part of communication is done through postal
department. All firms are taking advantages of services
rendered by the post office. The following services may be
utilised by businesses;
i. Letters
ii. Inland letter card
iii. Post Card
iv. Printed Post Cards
v. Certificate of posting
vi. Value Payable Post
vii. Money Order
viii. Telegraphic Money Order
ix Registration
x Insured Post
Modern communication
 E-mail (Electronic Mail)
E-mail involves sending messages via
telecommunication links. If two computers however
distant from one another and are connected to the
network then it is possible to send messages. The
message is typed on a computer screen at one end
and is conveyed to the other end through electric
impulses. The person operation the terminal at the
receiving end is alerted by a signal that a message or
mail for him is in the electronic mail box. The
message/mail can be read straight away or stored and
attend to at leisure.
If the computers have fax, telephone facilities
attached to them, E-mail can be used even to transmit
a telephone message or to fax important documents.
Modern communication devices…
 Internet
The internet is defined as a global connection of
people computers linked together by telephone lines,
radio links or satellite links.
 Internet is a network of computers worldwide which
allow its users to share information. Apart of the e-
mail service of the internet, with which most people
are familiar, the World Wide Web (www) is the latest
vehicle of business now available on the internet. It
is a medium where one can represent his his
business, products and services to the huge and
quickly increasing base internet users.
 Over millions of companies have turned to the
internet as powerful yet inexpensive way to promote
their companies products and services. You can
reach the internet at any time, day or night.
Modern communication devices…
 Pager
Pager is the quickest way to communicate
today. Paging is a one way wireless
communication facility by which one can stay
in touch with anyone, clients, family when one
is on the move. If any one wants to contact a
subscriber urgently, all that he has to do is pick
up the phone and dial the pager number of the
subscriber to leave a message. The message is
instantly transmitted to the subscriber on his
pager, wherever he is. Giving the subscriber
instant access to the information he needs,
Types of teleconferencing
 Audio teleconference: this form link people through telephone.
 Audio graphic teleconference
 Computer teleconference: this form uses telephones line to
connect two or more computers and modem.
 Video teleconfering:this form combines audio and video to
provide voice communication and video images.
 E-commerce: is the buying and selling of goods online.
 E-marketing: it created publicity for a product sold by a business online.
 Management information system: refers to the systematic recording and
using of information for management purpose.
 Advertorial: to make a company known to the public through the media.
 Circular: used in large organisation to send message from the head office to
 Empire building: is trying to get more people and section of the organization
under their personal control.
 Cross cultural means communication with someone who had different culture
and grown up in different place.
 Distortion:
 Noise: this is when message is spoilt by interference from either inside or
outside the person.
 Reflective listening: understand, ask for clarification and relate the message
to your own experience.
 Empathy: relate to the speaker and understand their position or background

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  • 2. TOPICS 1.Communication 2. Telecommunication 3. Written Communication 4. Communication styles & strategies 5. Office Equipment 6. Records management 7. Meetings and Procedures
  • 3. Unit Learning Outcomes  Communicate ideas & information, using business terminology in a range of modes of communication  Apply the knowledge & skills of business management in practical settings  Demonstrate an understanding of knowledge & skills if different aspects of communication styles & strategies, operations management & HR functions
  • 5. Learning Outcomes - overview  What is communication?  Internal and external communication  Factors affecting the choice of communication  Methods of communication  Oral  Written  Visual  Modern methods of communication
  • 6. Ice Breaker Activity  Telephone Game
  • 7. Communication is  The transfer of information(data) from one person/organisation to another.
  • 11. 3. Responding / feedback
  • 13. Internal Communication  Communication within the organization
  • 14. Internal Communication is  With people inside the organisation.  e.g. Notice Board.  Memo/memorandum  Report  Telephone  Face to face conversation
  • 15. External Communication  Communication to another organization or individual.
  • 16. External Communication is  Between the organisation and people outside of it.  e.g. Letter  Email  Newsletters  Posters  Advertisement
  • 17. consider when choosing a method of communication s.
  • 18. 1. Cost Is the method cheap or dear?
  • 19. 2. Speed  How long will it take to reach its destination?
  • 20. 3. Secrecy  Is the method confidential?
  • 21. 4. Record  Will a copy of the information exist?
  • 22. 5. Destination  Is it internal or external?  How far is it going?
  • 23. Two types of communication A. Verbal communication B. Non verbal communication
  • 24. types of Verbal Communication
  • 25.  Sending a verbal message.  Internal Eg. Intercom, face-to-face meeting.  External Eg. Radio, telephone.
  • 28. Verbal / Oral Communication Advantages  Quick  Efficient  Immediate Feedback  Reinforced  Body Language o Face-to-face Disadvantages  Big Meetings o Listening? Understood  Written Feedback  Accurate / Permanent Record Needed
  • 29. Written Communication Advantages  “hard” evidence  Reduces Disagreements  Essential Information  Legality  Safety  Displayed  Easy to Copy & Distribute Disadvantages  No Direct Feedback  Time Consuming  Understandability  Language  Too Long  Confusing  Non-interest  No Body Language
  • 30. Visual Communication Advantages  Appealing  Attractive  More Interesting  Clear  Illustrations Disadvantages  No Feedback  No Checking if Message Understood  Interpretation
  • 31. Activity: Which Communication Method is Appropriate? a. There should be no smoking in the canteen b. The management wants to instruct all employees on how the new computer system works c. Details of the firms sales figures for the last four years are being sent to shareholders d. The Finance Manager wants to remind the Production Manager that they have arranged a meeting for next week e. The Product Development Manager wants to inform directors of the market research into three new product ideas. He hopes that they will agree to launch one of these products.
  • 32. Which Communication Method is Appropriate? f. The Office Manager wants to obtain views from the office workers on how paper waste could be reduced g. A supervisor plans to warn (for the last time) a worker who is always late for work h. Next years holiday dates need to be made available to all workers i. The Human Resource Manager wants to invite an applicant for a job to an interview j. The Production Manager wants to send the plans for a new factory to the Managing Director who is on a foreign trip
  • 33. 2. Non verbal communication a. Gestures b. Body language c. Facial expression
  • 34. Formal Communication Channels of communication within an organization.
  • 36. Communication Nets Chain Network This is typically used in a hierarchical structure, such as police, army and civil service.  Advantages  Transmit Messages from Top to Lower Levels  Disadvantages  One-way communication  Confused messages  Less accurate messages
  • 37. Communication Nets Wheel Network The leader is at the centre. These could be two way communication between the leader and others within the wheel.  Advantages Communicate to different departments Solutions discovered quickly  Disadvantages No direct communication between themselves
  • 38. Communication Nets Connected Network This allows full two way communication between any one group member or with all of them.  Advantages  Create Ideas  Discuss Ideas  Two-way Communication  Disadvantages  Time-consuming  No clear leader  No clear sender
  • 39. Which network is best?  Chain-network  Communicate important company policy  Wheel Network  Send different messages to regional offices  Connected Network  Business ideas and solutions  Effective Groups
  • 40. Direction of Communication Arrow A  Downward Communication Arrow B  Upward Communication Arrow C  Horizontal (Lateral) Communication
  • 41. Barriers of Effective Communication Transmitter / Sender Language too Difficult “Technical Jargon” Unclear Message Speaks “too” Quickly Use Appropriate & Understand able Language Clear Message Feedback to check understandi ng DESCRIPTION OVERCOM E BARRIER
  • 42. Barriers of Effective Communication Transmitter / Sender Wrong Message Wrong Receiver Too Long Too Much Detail Right Message Correct Receiver Brief Message Main Points DESCRIPTION OVERCO ME BARRIER
  • 43. Barriers of Effective Communication Lost Message Wrong Channel Insist on Feedbac k Appropri ate Channel Used DESCRIPTION OVERCO ME BARRIER Medium of Communication
  • 44. Barriers of Effective Communication Long Chain of Command Message “less accurate” No Feedback Received Shortest Channel Use “most useful” medium DESRIPTION OVERCO ME BARRIER Medium of Communication
  • 45. Barriers of Effective Communication Break-Down of Medium Use alternati ve medium DESRIPTION OVERCO ME BARRIER Medium of Communication
  • 46. Barriers of Effective Communication Not Listening Not Paying Attention Sender not liked Sender not trusted Unwilling to Message Emphasi zed Ask for Feedbac k Build Trust Use another sender DESRIPTION OVERCO ME BARRIER Recei ver
  • 47. Barriers of Effective Communication No Feedback Too Slow Distorted Message Too Many People Ask for Feedbac k Choose appropri ate medium for feedbac k Direct Line of Commun ication DESRIPTION OVERCOM E BARRIER Feedb ack
  • 48. Visual Communication  Using charts, graphs, videos and television to give a messages internally & externally.
  • 49. Visual Communication Advantages Easy to understand Shows trends and comparisons Disadvantages Some people may not understand Takes time to prepare
  • 50. Rules for preparing charts/graphs  Give it a title.  Label the Y axis (eg. year)  Label the X axis (eg. quantity)
  • 51. Bar Chart  Is a series of bars.  Used for comparing quantities.
  • 52. Line/Trend Graph  Is a chart that uses lines.  Used for showing changes over time.
  • 53. Pie Charts  Is a circle divided into segments.  Used to show percentages or proportions.
  • 54. Government Agency involved in communication  Post PNG  Provides a national & international postal service.
  • 55. Other services  Publicity post  Delivers leaflets for a small fee.
  • 56.  Swift post  Letter will be delivered quicker for a fee.
  • 57.  Freepost  Special envelopes where customers can reply to business & they pay the postage.
  • 62. Teleconferencing  Up to 20 people can talk together.
  • 63. Video-conferencing  TV link up of sound & pictures for meetings without travel.
  • 64. Recap  What is communication?  Internal and external communication  Factors affecting the choice of communication  Methods of communication  Oral  Written  Visual  Modern methods of communication
  • 66. Learning Outcomes  Differentiate between the styles of communication  Identify the different listening techniques  Discuss verbal communication and types  List the different types of non – verbal communication  Explain the different types of body language  Differentiate between the body language communication styles
  • 67. Communication Styles 1. Aggressive 2. Submissive or Passive 3. Assertive
  • 69. Characteristics of the speaker  Sarcastic  Overbearing  Attacking  Dominating  Loud  Self- centred  Unhelpful  Brutally frank  Dismissive  condescending
  • 70. Feeling of speaker  Importance  Power  Self – righteousness  isolation
  • 71. Feeling of Addressee  Insecurity  Hurt  Fear  Humiliation  Embarrassment  Intimidation  inferiority
  • 72. Typical words/expressions  ‘always’  ‘never’  ‘should’  ‘must’  ‘you have to’  ‘this is what we are doing’  ‘I don’t care what you think’
  • 73. Feeling of the speaker  Inferior  Abuse  Useless  worthlessness  Anger  helplessness
  • 74. 2. Submissive / Passive Characteristic of the speaker  Lacking of self esteem  Inhibited  Quite  Withdrawn  Agreeable  Non- committal  consenting
  • 75. Feeling of the Addressee  Power  superior
  • 76. Typical words or expression  ‘I am so stupid’  ‘you are right’  ‘uses people’ or ‘everyone’ instead of ‘I’  ‘okay if that’s what you want’
  • 77. 3. Assertive Characteristics of the speaker  Highly regarded  Confident  Honest  Effective listener  Respectful  Expressive
  • 78. Feeling of the speaker  Confident  respect
  • 79. Feeling of addressee  Security  Value  Respect  worth
  • 80. Typical words/expressions  ‘I feel….  ‘Would you’……..  ‘When you…I feel’…….
  • 81. 1. Aggressive Communicators  Here the communicators satisfy their own needs and wants at the expense of others
  • 82. 2. Submissive or Passive Communicators  Communicators do what others want even when it is in conflict with their own beliefs and wishes and interest
  • 83. 3. Assertive Communicators  Involves stating the point openly & honestly while taking into account the needs and wants of others
  • 84. Verbal Communication  Is the use and transmission of words, spoken using a variety of media
  • 85. a. Spoken Communication  Conducted through various media including telephones and face to face  Requires effective listening & questioning techniques
  • 86. Points to consider when communicating using spoken words  Think before speaking  Enunciate words correctly  Choose suitable language  Vary volume, pitch, tone & rhythm of the voice  Be aware of mannerism  Avoid clichés  Engage the audience  Know when to stop & let others have a say  Observe non verbal signs such yawning & react accordingly.
  • 87. Non Verbal Communication  Is communicating without the use of words  Includes: 1. Body language 2. Pictorials 3. Personal appearance 4. Punctuality 5. Office presentation 6. Personal space Often non verbal language contradicts the spoken word, when this happens the non verbal message usually has more impact
  • 88. a. Written Communication  Conveys intended and unintended messages  To ensure customers feel valued and important, documentation including reports, business cards & email messages need to be well presented – incorporating correct grammar, spelling & unambiguous language  Poorly presented correspondence creates a negative impression
  • 89. 1. Business Letters  A common mode of written communication  Many businesses will write letters requesting information or agreement or simply as a goodwill measure
  • 90. Goals of a business letter  To provoke physical action  To acquire information  To gain agreement  To build up good feeling towards the business - A business letter is only successful when the receiver performs the action that the writer requested or at least understands the message
  • 91. 2. Business report  Another form of written communication  Usually contain ideas, facts & expert opinions based on investigations undertaken  Will normally have a title, an introduction, a body of information that includes findings & results, a discussion section, recommendations, a summary and close
  • 92. 3. Annual Reports  Contain information about the organisation  May include  vision & mission statements & objectives  Information about the product or services offered  Key developments or events that the organisation is proud of  Report from the CEO/Managing Director
  • 93.  May also include organisation’s financial performance: e.g. - profit and loss statement - Balance sheets - Cash flow - Auditor’s report - Shareholder statistics - Financial statements
  • 94.
  • 95. 4. Financial Reports  Some organisations create separate documents that contain information on the financial aspect of the organisation rather than including them in the annual report.
  • 96. May include  Operating revenue  Share capital  Superannuation funds details  Assets & risk management  Dividends per share  Auditor’s report  Liabilities  Etc…
  • 97. 5. Memos/Emails  Memo is an abbreviation of the word memorandum.  It is a way of presenting brief written messages with the least amount of time & effort  Emails are similar to memos but are sent electronically
  • 99. Activity 1. Write a memo to send to a classmate. The memo should outline one of the following situations.  Discussion about electing a new class captain.  Students punctuality to school  Requesting Mid-term examination topics  Requesting for a Business Studies test Supplement.
  • 100. 6. Faxes  Has arisen from the technological revolution  Provide a quick way to send and receive written information
  • 101. 7. Submissions  Written request for money for specific project or cause  Effective submissions clearly outline the objectives, including the value of the project, including what the end product will be, how it will be achieved & how the money will be allocated
  • 102. 8. Receipts & Invoices  Everyday monetary transactions are recorded for accounting and tax purposes in the receipts & invoices *Receipts – are records of the transaction *invoices – the agreement of the transaction to come
  • 103. 9. Minutes & Agendas  Meetings are an everyday part of any organisation  Effective meetings have a plan of what is to be achieved. This is known as the agenda.  The record of the meeting is in the minutes
  • 104. B. Body Language  Is expressed through posture, gestures and facial expressions
  • 105. 1. Posture  Examples: Standing upright, hands on hips, crossed arms
  • 106. 2. Gestures  Examples: movement of hands, feet or other parts of the body to support & reinforce a point
  • 107. 3. Facial expression  The face can indicate many positive & negative reactions to communication  Example: rolling eyes, raising eyebrows or smiling
  • 108. C. Pictorials  Signs and symbols such as traffic and safety signs
  • 109. D. Personal Appearance  Appearances convey information about how people feel about themselves & how they wish to be perceived.  E.g. untidy appearances could convey a lack of care for self which could be interpreted as a lack of care for their job or customers
  • 110. E. Punctuality  Being punctual for appointments can mutually affect peoples perception of each others importance
  • 111. F. Office Presentation  The size, décor, atmosphere and tidiness of an office creates an impression, conveying to clients the self image of a person or organisation.
  • 112. G. Personal Space  The distance between the speaker & the receiver can contribute to discomfort and could promote negative feelings
  • 114. H/work 1. What is communication?
  • 116.
  • 117. The Telephone and You  Provide helpful hints and proven techniques  Part of doing business means doing business over the phone  Phone is an important instrument in daily business
  • 118. Ways to Sound as Good as You Really Are!  Alertness Show that you are wide-awake, ready to engage in a conversation  Pleasantness Put a smile in your voice   Naturalness Use, simple, straightforward lang.; avoid technical terms/slang  Distinctiveness Speaks directly into the phone; Use a normal tone of voice, the louder you are, the louder everyone else becomes  Expressiveness Talk at a moderate rate and volume, but vary your voice tone
  • 119. Don’ts  Frown   Mutter  Sound Tired  Speak in a Shrill Voice  Speak Negatively  Ramble
  • 120. Do’s  Smile  (they really can hear it!)  Speak Clearly and Concisely  Be Enthusiastic  Lower the Pitch of your Voice  Talk in a Positive Mood  Listen/Discuss
  • 121. Mental P.I.C.T.U.R.E.  P – itch High or low? Low carries better and is also more pleasant  I – nflection Use voice to express ideas or moods Don’t talk in a monotone The voice naturally rises on a questions or inquiry Voices fall at a “period,” decision or completion
  • 122. Mental P.I.C.T.U.R.E.  C – ourtesy  Common, everyday applies the same as face-to-face conversation  T – one  Many times it is not what you say, but how you say it  Voice should reflect sincerity, pleasantness, confidence, and interest
  • 123. Mental P.I.C.T.U.R.E.  U – nderstanding  Avoid talking with anything in your mouth (gum, pencil)  R – ate  Rate of speech should be adapted to personality of contact  “Fast talkers” can arouse suspicion  “Slow talkers” can be irritating  E – nunciate  Clear enunciation will help avoid misunderstanding and need to repeat yourself
  • 124. Keys to Good Listening  Limit your talking  Can’t talk and listen at the same time  Don’t Interrupt  A pause doesn’t always mean the individual is finished speaking  Concentrate  Focus on the conversation. Practice shutting out outside distractions and personal concerns
  • 125. Keys to Good Listening  Take Notes  Helps you remember important points  Listen for ideas….not just words  Get the whole picture, not isolated bits and pieces  Interjections  An occasional, “Yes,” “I see,” etc. shows that your listening. However, don’t overuse them
  • 126. Create a Good First Impression  Try to answer the phone on the SECOND ring  Answer with a friendly greeting  Smile  - it shows, even through the phone  Ask the caller their name, even if their name is not necessary for the call, and use it!  Keep the phone two-finger widths from your mouth
  • 127. Putting Callers on Hold  Always ask for permission  Examples  “Would you hold while I get your file?”  “Can you hold briefly while I see if Ms. Taga is available?”  Always thank the caller for holding
  • 128. Transferring a Caller  Always transfer the caller to the desired person’s extension, not to the operator  Limits number of transfers  Saves the caller time from explaining issue again  Tell the caller who you are transferring them to  Announce the caller to the person you are transferring
  • 129. Taking Phone Messages  Phone Message should always include:  Caller’s name and company name (if applicable)  Time and Date of call  What the call is regarding (if possible)  If a follow up or return call is needed  Phone number (office or home)
  • 130. Leaving a Voice/Phone Message  Phone Message should always include:  Your name and company name  Time and Date of call  What the call is regarding (brief)  If a follow up or return call is needed  Phone number (office or home) speak SLOWLY even repeat the phone number – include area code
  • 131. Last Impressions  Before ending the call, always…  Make sure you answered all the caller’s questions  Always end with e pleasantry:  Have a nice day  It was nice speaking with you  Let the caller hang up first
  • 132.  Don’t give more than your first name  Don’t get personal, even if they do  Be prepared for rejection – just apologize for bothering them and graciously get off the phone  If you need help – get a supervisor  Your Phone Message Greeting – make it professional
  • 135. Types of Meetings  AGM: Annual General Meeting.  EGM: Extra-ordinary General Meeting.  Ad hoc: Informal meeting on the spur of the moment.
  • 136. Chairperson  Calls meeting to order.  Ensures that meetings run smoothly.
  • 137. Secretary  Sends out notices of meetings.  Writes up the Agenda.  Keeps minutes.
  • 138. Treasurer  Keeps a record of all finances.  Prepare final accounts.  Prepares financial reports.
  • 139. A Memo is  A short note used within a business. To: All students From: Class representative. Date: 10/10/16 Subject: Recycling paper. Message: Please place used paper in recycle bins. Signed: G.I Jones
  • 140. A Notice of a Meeting is  Information about a meeting.  Sent by the secretary.  Name: 1st year PTM  Date: 20/10/08  Place: Library  Time: 3 – 4pm  Signed: Alice Wonderland
  • 141. An Agenda is  A list of topics that will be discussed at a meeting.
  • 142. Sample Agenda 1. Minutes Summary of last meeting. 2. Matters Arising Issues that need further discussion. 3. Correspondence Letters of apology etc. 4. Chairpersons Report Recap of the years events. 5. Treasurers Report Summary of finances. 6. Election of Officers Appointing new officers. 7. AOB Any Other Business
  • 143. Definition Move a motion: this means to make a proposal. A proposal is called a motion. Quorum: is the minimum number of voting member required to start a meeting. Resolved: to reach a decision by means of a formal vote. Point of order: is used when any member notices a violation of the rules. Call to order: to formally signed to start. Second the motion: indicate that at least one person beside the mover is interested in seeing the motion.
  • 144. Business correspondence must contain the following:  Date  Subject of the correspondence  Receiver name  Receiver address  Sender address  Complimentary closure  Signature of the writer  List of names to be copied
  • 145. Types of office communication… con’t (a) Downward Communication It means the flow of communication from the top management downward to the operating level. It follows the line of authority from the top to the bottom of the organisation and consists of plans, instructions orders and rules. (b) Upward Communication Means the flow of information from the lower level of the operations to the higher levels of authority. It passes from subordinates to superiors and includes ideas, suggestions, complains and reports. On the basis of upward communication, management revises its plans and policies.
  • 146. Types of office communication… con’t  External Communication -Communication with outsiders such as customers, suppliers, government departments,. financial institutions and the general public. -is vital to the existence of businesses, both large and small. -two broad categories - oral and written same as internal communication.  Oral Communication (i) face to face meet (personal visit) (ii) Telephones
  • 147. Types of office communication… con’t  Written External Communication Major part of communication is done through postal department. All firms are taking advantages of services rendered by the post office. The following services may be utilised by businesses; i. Letters ii. Inland letter card iii. Post Card iv. Printed Post Cards v. Certificate of posting vi. Value Payable Post vii. Money Order viii. Telegraphic Money Order ix Registration x Insured Post
  • 148. Modern communication devices  E-mail (Electronic Mail) E-mail involves sending messages via telecommunication links. If two computers however distant from one another and are connected to the network then it is possible to send messages. The message is typed on a computer screen at one end and is conveyed to the other end through electric impulses. The person operation the terminal at the receiving end is alerted by a signal that a message or mail for him is in the electronic mail box. The message/mail can be read straight away or stored and attend to at leisure. If the computers have fax, telephone facilities attached to them, E-mail can be used even to transmit a telephone message or to fax important documents.
  • 149. Modern communication devices… con’t  Internet The internet is defined as a global connection of people computers linked together by telephone lines, radio links or satellite links.  Internet is a network of computers worldwide which allow its users to share information. Apart of the e- mail service of the internet, with which most people are familiar, the World Wide Web (www) is the latest vehicle of business now available on the internet. It is a medium where one can represent his his business, products and services to the huge and quickly increasing base internet users.  Over millions of companies have turned to the internet as powerful yet inexpensive way to promote their companies products and services. You can reach the internet at any time, day or night.
  • 150. Modern communication devices… con’t  Pager Pager is the quickest way to communicate today. Paging is a one way wireless communication facility by which one can stay in touch with anyone, clients, family when one is on the move. If any one wants to contact a subscriber urgently, all that he has to do is pick up the phone and dial the pager number of the subscriber to leave a message. The message is instantly transmitted to the subscriber on his pager, wherever he is. Giving the subscriber instant access to the information he needs,
  • 151. Types of teleconferencing  Audio teleconference: this form link people through telephone.  Audio graphic teleconference  Computer teleconference: this form uses telephones line to connect two or more computers and modem.  Video teleconfering:this form combines audio and video to provide voice communication and video images.
  • 152. Definition  E-commerce: is the buying and selling of goods online.  E-marketing: it created publicity for a product sold by a business online.  Management information system: refers to the systematic recording and using of information for management purpose.  Advertorial: to make a company known to the public through the media.  Circular: used in large organisation to send message from the head office to branches.  Empire building: is trying to get more people and section of the organization under their personal control.  Cross cultural means communication with someone who had different culture and grown up in different place.  Distortion:  Noise: this is when message is spoilt by interference from either inside or outside the person.  Reflective listening: understand, ask for clarification and relate the message to your own experience.  Empathy: relate to the speaker and understand their position or background