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IBM Software Group

              Common Objections to TDD

                      (and their refutations)
Seb Rose
Twitter:   @sebrose
Phone:     01721 788178

                                                © 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Software Group | Rational software


 Motivation
 Education
 Inappropriate project
 Cultural
 Time pressures
 Unclear benefits

  Innovation for a smarter planet
IBM Software Group | Rational software

Refutations. Really?

    /rɪˈfyut Show Spelled
verb (used with object), re·fut·ed, re·fut·ing.

1. to prove to be false or erroneous, as an opinion or
2. to prove (a person) to be in error.

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IBM Software Group | Rational software

TDD – in one slide

 Test First predates XP and Agile
 TDD has been around for a while
 One of XP‟s core practices
 Widely referenced
 Still quite controversial
 I am not going to describe TDD in any detail
 Red/Green/Refactor (and variants)
 „T‟ for Test has unfortunate connotations
 First „D‟ definitely stands for Driven
 Second „D‟ may stand for Development or Design

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 Simple survey ran for 3 months
 Jan – Mar 2012
 260 unique respondents
 896 objections
 “What reasons are there not to practice TDD”
 “The question wreaks of elitism - it should instead be „what reasons are
  there to practice TDD‟”.
 Free text made for a wide range of responses
 Harder to analyse
 Split into 18 types, grouped into 5 categories

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 Education (223)
 Lack of Practice, Lack of Investment
 Project (194)
 Domain, Legacy, Environment, Tooling
 Cultural (179)
 Management, Team, Fanaticism, Demarcation, Egotism
 Time (174)
 Slowness of development, maintenance and execution
 Benefits (120)
 Lack of Proof & Experience, Alternatives

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Interconnectedness of all things

 Classification is subjective
 Many responses could be categorised several ways
 Respondents had different points of view
 Their own objections
 Objections they had heard others express
 Further analysis required
 Follow-up survey(s)

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Software Crisis!
    The required techniques of effective reasoning
    are pretty formal, but as long as programming is
    done by people that don't master them, the
    software crisis will remain with us and will be
    considered an incurable disease. And you know
    what incurable diseases do: they invite the
    quacks and charlatans in, who in this case take
    the form of Software Engineering gurus.

                   - Dijkstra (ACM Turing Award Lecture 1972)
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IBM Software Group | Rational software

Fanaticism and Fluff

The steps of FDD are simple:
1. Take a tiny piece of fluff from the plate and put it on your
   head, holding your head quite still to ensure that the fluff
   does not fall off your hair.
2. Write a line of code.
3. Say, “I am the Fluff Lord, within the Dominion Of The
4. Repeat.
That’s it.
Seriously, that’s all there is to it.
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 Motivation
 Education
 Inappropriate project
 Cultural
 Time pressures
 Unclear benefits
 Wrap up

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Hard to learn

 “TDD is hard.”

 Yes, it is
 Any technique is hard to master
  Fundamental changes are hard to adopt
 10,000 hours of practice
 Did you stop trying to ride a bicycle when you fell off?

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Where to start

 “Sheer lack of knowledge on how to approach it appropriately.
  There are too many bowling examples and not enough

 How do you usually learn something new?
 Unit Testing skills are foundational
 Coding Dojo to practice TDD
 Better used as a group, but still useful solo

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Tests before code

 “The compiler complains if I write tests before the code”

 First step to get to green is to make the test compile
 Only then can you move on to make the test pass

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Tests will be buggy

 “Your test code is just your production code, written from the
  other end (i.e. just as complex and likely to have bugs)”

 No process is infallible
 “To err is human …”
 Safety in numbers
 Pair programming
 Peer review

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Unfamiliar architectural style

 “How will we ever know what‟s going on if we can't see all of
  the code at once?”

 TDD tends to lead to small, concise implementations
 Low coupling
 High cohesion
 “Proliferation” of interfaces
 Literate-ish programming

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No design improvement

 “My observations of code from TDD-based projects show no
  significant improvement in architecture, security, code
  style, testability, etc. over other projects built with testing in

 TDD ensures testability
 Tendency for smaller decoupled composition
 Other design concerns (e.g. security, performance etc.) not
  addressed by TDD

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Learning several things at once

 “In a new technology, it's too difficult to learn how to TDD as
  well as how to master that technology.“

 Even if you are experienced with TDD, it changes your
  perspective on the new technology
 Kent Beck suggests reimplementing xUnit in the new

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 “TDD is a discipline and a work habit. It's very difficult to
  establish the habit.”

 Habits are hard to form, but also hard to break.
 Nothing works better than positive feedback
 There are many self-help guides available 
 Switch – Chip & Dan Heath
 Drive – Dan Pink

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 Motivation
 Education
 Inappropriate project
 Cultural
 Time pressures
 Unclear benefits
 Wrap up

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IBM Software Group | Rational software

Too simple

 "This code is too simple to need a test“

 Then the tests will be simple too
 What‟s simple to you may be opaque to others
 As the code evolves, tests can help keep it simple

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Just a spike

 “Because you're prototyping an idea and it's much faster to
  spike without tests. If you do end up using the code then you
  can write tests and refactor.”

 Use the right tool – TDD is not mandatory
 Discipline to ensure spike does not mutate
 “Write one to throw away”
 TDD the spike anyway!

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Not useful for all aspects of design

 “I don't think that deriving a design by writing tests is a useful
  practice. Tests by themselves cannot cover many aspects of
  a design (designing for concurrency and performance in
  particular by writing tests is something that I've never seen
  anyone do).”

 TDD is not the only tool in the toolbox
 Probably wrong tool for performance testing
 Can be applied to concurrency testing (but not recommended)

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Not useful for functional/declarative programming

 “Because it is largely adequate in imperative programming
  and not when you go functional and declarative - when code
  reads like specification.”

 Orthogonal.
 Absence of side effects makes testing MORE effective.

 Discuss!

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Legacy code

 “Difficulty starting with legacy code. A simple change done
  through TDD can take orders of magnitude longer due to a
  need to redesign toward testability. ”

 Working Effectively With Legacy Code – Feathers
 Small, conservative steps, eventually tame fear and doubt
 Consider less intrusive approaches initially
 e.g. TextTest –

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Insufficient tooling

 “There is no unit-test framework for the language I'm
  using, and I don't have time/inclination to develop one

 There probably is.
 You might not need one
 “TDD in C” – Olve Maudal

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 “I do a lot of UI code and don't really know how to properly do
  that with TDD.”

 “Subcutaneous” testing
 Presenter First pattern
 Based on MVC/MVP patterns
 Very shallow view, with no business logic
 Stateless presenter orchestrates interaction between view and model

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Excessive coupling to data

 “A test expresses a unit of change as data that fits the needed
  computation. Creating that data is harder than writing the
  program that accomplishes the change.”

 Unit tests preferably utilise „small‟ amounts of data
 For domains where this is not possible
 You will need large amounts of data irrespective of test approach
 Bootstrap process with constructed data
 Continue with captured data

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IBM Software Group | Rational software


 Motivation
 Education
 Inappropriate project
 Cultural
 Time pressures
 Unclear benefits
 Wrap up

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Management antipathy

 “Management want results NOW; very much willing to clean
  up small oversights later. 'Close is good enough' attitude.”

 Management are generally result focused
 Previous bad experiences affect appetite for change
 Both ways!
 Start small
 Need to demonstrate benefit to „bottom line‟

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Team resistance

 “Teammates are not prepared. They do not have enough
  knowledge or experience in unit testing.”
 “No one tells me how to program!”

 Changing behaviours is hard
 “Fearless Change” has many patterns for introducing change

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I never make mistakes

 “I already know what the code needs to do and it's low risk. I
  don't need a test for it.”
 “My first design idea is always perfectly good.”
 “My code always works the first time.”

 Do people really believe this?
 Even if they do, is everyone that ever touches the code going
  to be so talented?

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Testing is for testers

 “We don't need TDD, we've got a QA department. They'll find
  the bugs for us.”

 TDD is not just about testing
 Drives design
 Refactoring/regression safety net
     Write tests to explore EVERY defect you find
 Living documentation
     Helps future developers understand intended behaviours

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All TDD-ers are fanatics

 “It has become a cult. Its advocates have made it antithetical
  to „Individuals and interactions over processes and tools‟. It is
  evangelized through coercion and browbeating --
  necessarily, as it isn't compelling on it's own.”
 “Someone needs to tell unclebob that he might be right, but
  he's part of the problem - to non-modern coders (which felt
  like the majority last time I looked) he comes across like a
  raving loony.”

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IBM Software Group | Rational software

Fluff (continued)

If at any time you even THINK about writing a line of code
before putting fluff on your head, then you‟ve to delete all your
code, shake all the fluff from your head onto the plate and start
all over again.
I have been practicing FDD for 12 years now; sometimes in the
office, I have so much fluff on my head that my boss thinks I‟m
a hay-stack, only made of fluff. A sort-of fluff-stack, if you will.
But one thing is beyond doubt: the code I write, when I‟m in this
fluff-zone, is the most high-quality code that anyone has ever

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 Motivation
 Education
 Inappropriate project
 Cultural
 Time pressures
 Unclear benefits
 Wrap up

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IBM Software Group | Rational software

More code to write

 “Takes too much time to write test.”

 How will your code get tested?
 Test team?
 Customers & Stack Trace Driven Development?
 How much time will be spent figuring out how to make
  changes later?
 What proportion of your time do you actually spend coding?

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IBM Software Group | Rational software

More code to maintain

 “If I change something it will break a whole bunch of tests that
  I will have to fix and it will be more work for me in the end
  than just verifying my changes manually.”

 It is USEFUL to know when behaviour changes
 Foundational Unit Testing skills reduce brittleness
 next 6 slides

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 Testability needs to be designed in
  TDD ensures code is testable
 Code with hidden dependencies is hard to test
  Dependency Injection/Inversion
      Pass dependencies into code under test
      Write factories that permit injection of test doubles
  Interfaces should be cohesive
      Wide interfaces encourage unnecessary coupling
  Avoid globals, singletons etc.
 Retro-fitting unit tests is hard
  Take small steps
  Introduce a „seam‟ – c.f. Working Effectively with Legacy Code

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 Test observable behaviour
  Don‟t modify encapsulation to aid testing
  If a behaviour isn‟t observable through the public interface what is it for?
 Don‟t slavishly write one test per method
  Test behaviours
  Some methods may not need any dedicated tests
  Methods that implement useful behaviours may need many tests
 Choose test variants carefully
  Edge conditions
  Invalid inputs
  Multiple invocations
  Error signalling

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 Test a SINGLE observable behaviour
    It is tempting to combine related behaviours in a single test – DON‟T
     … even if EXACTLY the same steps are needed
public void shouldSortTwoStringsAndReportCorrectSize() {
    SortedSet<String> animals = new TreeSet<String>();

    assertEquals(2, animals.size());
    assertEquals(“Anteater”, animals.first());
    assertEquals(“Zebra”, animals.last());

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 Name tests to describe the behaviour under test
  Describe nature of the test
      Is it checking that preconditions are enforced?
      Is a dependency going to signal an error?
  Long names are fine – you only type them once
  Be precise
      shouldReturnCorrectValue is not a good name for a test
      shouldReturnCorrectSumOfTwoIntegersWithoutOverflow
      should_return_correct_sum_of_two_integers_without_overflow
 When a test fails you want to know WHAT WENT WRONG
  You don‟t want to reverse engineer the test
  You don‟t want to run smaller tests to isolate the failure

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 Unit Tests should be written to same quality as Production code
  Tests will be maintained and read just as often as production code
  Code is communication to other developers not just a compiler
 Organise tests into cohesive suites
 Refactor tests to avoid duplication
  Use suites to perform common set up/tear down operations
  Extract common code into methods
  Extract common functionality into classes
 Remove redundant tests

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Reiteration: 5 -ities

 Testability
 Necessity
 Granularity
 Understandability
 Maintainability


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Mock-based tests rot

 “Unit-test mock/stub assumptions rots”

 Use collaboration and contract tests – J.B. Rainsberger
 Collaboration tests make assumptions about the contract; contract tests
  try to justify those assumptions
 A stub in a collaboration test must correspond to an expected result in a
  contract test
 An expectation in a collaboration test must correspond to an action in a
  contract test

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That library is third party

 “API layers above and below you don't provide adequate
  mocks. Testing against the „real thing‟ is hard/impossible.”

 “Don't mock types you don't own” – Joe Walnes
 Write adapters that provide a domain specific API
 Write acceptance tests that verify the library‟s behaviour
 Run whenever adopting a new version

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Slow execution

 “Running the tests takes too long.”

 For TDD to work tests need to (build and) execute in seconds
 Some environments need careful configuration
 Are they really Unit Tests? (See next slide)

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A test is not a unit test if:

 It talks to the database
 It communicates across the network
 It touches the file system
 It can‟t run at the same time as other unit tests
 You have to do special things to your environment (such as
  editing config files) to run it
                                               (Michael Feathers‟ blog, 2005)

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 Motivation
 Education
 Inappropriate project
 Cultural
 Time pressures
 Unclear benefits
 Wrap up

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IBM Software Group | Rational software

Absence of research

 “No scientific proof of it actually having any benefit (compared
  to just code reviews, pair programming or etc.) for the same
  amount of time”
 “It's not practical for the kind of work I do. By which I mean, it
  cannot be conclusively shown to provide tangible benefits that
  outweigh the perceived costs.”
 “In an industry where todays must have offering is tomorrows
  dustbin liner, it's often prudent to wait before trying the latest
  snake oil!”

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Absence of research (cont.)

 “We found that test-first students on average wrote more tests
  and, in turn, students who wrote more tests tended to be
  more productive. We also observed that the minimum quality
  increased linearly with the number of programmer
  tests, independent of the development strategy employed.”

 On the Effectiveness of Test-first Approach to Programming
 Proceedings of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 2005
 Lots of other papers are referenced from:

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Our process is good enough already
 “My team doesn't practice it. It is difficult to change existing
  practices if they seem to work reasonably well.”
 “I've personally been a part of four 'large' software projects
  where active pursuit of a test suite was in play. None of the
  four projects ever launched into production. The people I
  worked with were smart and highly ambitious, yet they (we)
  failed to launch.
 “I've personally been a part of dozens of software projects
  where active pursuit of a test suite was NOT in play. Most
  every one of those projects launched into production in a
  timely manner.”

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IBM Software Group | Rational software

Test after

 “It's easier to write the code first and the test after.”
 “Writing tests after code is just as good.”
 “Writing tests before code doesn't make sense.”

 Testability
 Rework needed if code not testable
 Discipline
 Will you really write the tests later?

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 “Why practice TDD when you can practice BDD?”

 BDD extends TDD
 Involves stakeholders, not just developers
 Even harder to implement.

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 Many shades of outside-in, test-first development

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IBM Software Group | Rational software

None of these are enough either
 Given the account is in credit
 And the card is valid
 And the dispenser contains cash
 When the customer requests cash
 Then check that the account is debited
 And check that cash is dispensed
 And check that the card is returned

 “And check that nothing happens that shouldn’t happen and
 everything else happens that should happen for all variations
 of this scenario and all possible states of the ATM and all
 possible states of the customer’s account and all possible
 states of the rest of the database and all possible states of the
 system as a whole, and anything happening in the cloud that
 should not matter but might matter.”

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IBM Software Group | Rational software

Manual testing

 “It is much faster to just think about the proper
  implementation, write the code and manually test it.”

 Until you need to do it again
 … and again
 Manual scripts
 Error prone
 Time consuming

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 Motivation
 Education
 Inappropriate project
 Cultural
 Time pressures
 Unclear benefits
 Wrap up

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IBM Software Group | Rational software

Not sufficient, but necessary?

 TDD is not enough. Consider:
 Performance / Stress
 Systems have been, and continue to be, successfully
  delivered without TDD.
 But they have also been delivered without designs, documentation, or
 …. testing of any kind.

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 There are many impediments to adopting TDD
 Benefits are not universally accepted
 TDD is not a “Silver Bullet”

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Essential Reading

 Test Driven Development by Example – Kent Beck
 Growing Object Oriented Software Guided By Tests – Steve
  Freeman/Nat Pryce
 Working With Legacy Code – Michael Feathers
 Fearless Change – Mary Lynn Manns/Linda Rising
 JUnit Recipes – J.B. Rainsberger

 Innovation for a smarter planet
IBM Software Group | Rational software

Other references

Fluff Driven Development:
Presenter First:
TDD in C:
On the effectiveness of Test-first approach to Programming:
 Innovation for a smarter planet

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Common Objections to TDD (and their refutations)

  • 1. IBM Software Group Common Objections to TDD (and their refutations) Seb Rose Twitter: @sebrose Blog: E-mail: Phone: 01721 788178 © 2009 IBM Corporation
  • 2. IBM Software Group | Rational software Agenda  Motivation  Education  Inappropriate project  Cultural  Time pressures  Unclear benefits 2 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 3. IBM Software Group | Rational software Refutations. Really? re·fute /rɪˈfyut Show Spelled / verb (used with object), re·fut·ed, re·fut·ing. 1. to prove to be false or erroneous, as an opinion or charge. 2. to prove (a person) to be in error. 3 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 4. IBM Software Group | Rational software TDD – in one slide  Test First predates XP and Agile  TDD has been around for a while One of XP‟s core practices Widely referenced Still quite controversial  I am not going to describe TDD in any detail Red/Green/Refactor (and variants) „T‟ for Test has unfortunate connotations First „D‟ definitely stands for Driven Second „D‟ may stand for Development or Design 4 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 5. IBM Software Group | Rational software 5 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 6. IBM Software Group | Rational software Survey  Simple survey ran for 3 months Jan – Mar 2012 260 unique respondents 896 objections  “What reasons are there not to practice TDD” “The question wreaks of elitism - it should instead be „what reasons are there to practice TDD‟”.  Free text made for a wide range of responses Harder to analyse Split into 18 types, grouped into 5 categories 6 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 7. IBM Software Group | Rational software Results Education Time Benefits Project Cultural 7 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 8. IBM Software Group | Rational software Breakdown  Education (223) Lack of Practice, Lack of Investment  Project (194) Domain, Legacy, Environment, Tooling  Cultural (179) Management, Team, Fanaticism, Demarcation, Egotism  Time (174) Slowness of development, maintenance and execution  Benefits (120) Lack of Proof & Experience, Alternatives 8 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 9. IBM Software Group | Rational software Interconnectedness of all things  Classification is subjective Many responses could be categorised several ways  Respondents had different points of view Their own objections Objections they had heard others express  Further analysis required  Follow-up survey(s) 9 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 10. IBM Software Group | Rational software 10 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 11. IBM Software Group | Rational software Software Crisis! The required techniques of effective reasoning are pretty formal, but as long as programming is done by people that don't master them, the software crisis will remain with us and will be considered an incurable disease. And you know what incurable diseases do: they invite the quacks and charlatans in, who in this case take the form of Software Engineering gurus. - Dijkstra (ACM Turing Award Lecture 1972) 11 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 12. IBM Software Group | Rational software Fanaticism and Fluff The steps of FDD are simple: 1. Take a tiny piece of fluff from the plate and put it on your head, holding your head quite still to ensure that the fluff does not fall off your hair. 2. Write a line of code. 3. Say, “I am the Fluff Lord, within the Dominion Of The Fluffists.” 4. Repeat. That’s it. Seriously, that’s all there is to it. 12 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 13. IBM Software Group | Rational software Agenda  Motivation  Education  Inappropriate project  Cultural  Time pressures  Unclear benefits  Wrap up 13 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 14. IBM Software Group | Rational software Hard to learn  “TDD is hard.”  Yes, it is  Any technique is hard to master Fundamental changes are hard to adopt  10,000 hours of practice  Did you stop trying to ride a bicycle when you fell off? 14 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 15. IBM Software Group | Rational software Where to start  “Sheer lack of knowledge on how to approach it appropriately. There are too many bowling examples and not enough practicality.”  How do you usually learn something new?  Unit Testing skills are foundational  Coding Dojo to practice TDD  Better used as a group, but still useful solo 15 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 16. IBM Software Group | Rational software Tests before code  “The compiler complains if I write tests before the code”  First step to get to green is to make the test compile Only then can you move on to make the test pass 16 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 17. IBM Software Group | Rational software Tests will be buggy  “Your test code is just your production code, written from the other end (i.e. just as complex and likely to have bugs)”  No process is infallible “To err is human …”  Safety in numbers Pair programming Peer review 17 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 18. IBM Software Group | Rational software Unfamiliar architectural style  “How will we ever know what‟s going on if we can't see all of the code at once?”  TDD tends to lead to small, concise implementations Low coupling High cohesion  “Proliferation” of interfaces  Literate-ish programming 18 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 19. IBM Software Group | Rational software No design improvement  “My observations of code from TDD-based projects show no significant improvement in architecture, security, code style, testability, etc. over other projects built with testing in mind.”  TDD ensures testability Tendency for smaller decoupled composition  Other design concerns (e.g. security, performance etc.) not addressed by TDD 19 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 20. IBM Software Group | Rational software Learning several things at once  “In a new technology, it's too difficult to learn how to TDD as well as how to master that technology.“  Even if you are experienced with TDD, it changes your perspective on the new technology Idioms Tooling  Kent Beck suggests reimplementing xUnit in the new language 20 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 21. IBM Software Group | Rational software Discipline  “TDD is a discipline and a work habit. It's very difficult to establish the habit.”  Habits are hard to form, but also hard to break.  Nothing works better than positive feedback  There are many self-help guides available  Switch – Chip & Dan Heath Drive – Dan Pink 21 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 22. IBM Software Group | Rational software Agenda  Motivation  Education  Inappropriate project  Cultural  Time pressures  Unclear benefits  Wrap up 22 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 23. IBM Software Group | Rational software Too simple  "This code is too simple to need a test“  Then the tests will be simple too  What‟s simple to you may be opaque to others  As the code evolves, tests can help keep it simple 23 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 24. IBM Software Group | Rational software Just a spike  “Because you're prototyping an idea and it's much faster to spike without tests. If you do end up using the code then you can write tests and refactor.”  Use the right tool – TDD is not mandatory  Discipline to ensure spike does not mutate “Write one to throw away” TDD the spike anyway! 24 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 25. IBM Software Group | Rational software Not useful for all aspects of design  “I don't think that deriving a design by writing tests is a useful practice. Tests by themselves cannot cover many aspects of a design (designing for concurrency and performance in particular by writing tests is something that I've never seen anyone do).”  TDD is not the only tool in the toolbox Probably wrong tool for performance testing Can be applied to concurrency testing (but not recommended) 25 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 26. IBM Software Group | Rational software Not useful for functional/declarative programming  “Because it is largely adequate in imperative programming and not when you go functional and declarative - when code reads like specification.”  Orthogonal.  Absence of side effects makes testing MORE effective.  Discuss! 26 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 27. IBM Software Group | Rational software Legacy code  “Difficulty starting with legacy code. A simple change done through TDD can take orders of magnitude longer due to a need to redesign toward testability. ”  Working Effectively With Legacy Code – Feathers  Small, conservative steps, eventually tame fear and doubt  Consider less intrusive approaches initially e.g. TextTest – 27 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 28. IBM Software Group | Rational software Insufficient tooling  “There is no unit-test framework for the language I'm using, and I don't have time/inclination to develop one myself.”  There probably is.  You might not need one “TDD in C” – Olve Maudal 28 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 29. IBM Software Group | Rational software GUI  “I do a lot of UI code and don't really know how to properly do that with TDD.”  “Subcutaneous” testing  Presenter First pattern Based on MVC/MVP patterns Very shallow view, with no business logic Stateless presenter orchestrates interaction between view and model 29 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 30. IBM Software Group | Rational software Excessive coupling to data  “A test expresses a unit of change as data that fits the needed computation. Creating that data is harder than writing the program that accomplishes the change.”  Unit tests preferably utilise „small‟ amounts of data  For domains where this is not possible You will need large amounts of data irrespective of test approach Bootstrap process with constructed data Continue with captured data 30 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 31. IBM Software Group | Rational software Agenda  Motivation  Education  Inappropriate project  Cultural  Time pressures  Unclear benefits  Wrap up 31 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 32. IBM Software Group | Rational software Management antipathy  “Management want results NOW; very much willing to clean up small oversights later. 'Close is good enough' attitude.”  Management are generally result focused  Previous bad experiences affect appetite for change Both ways!  Start small Need to demonstrate benefit to „bottom line‟ 32 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 33. IBM Software Group | Rational software Team resistance  “Teammates are not prepared. They do not have enough knowledge or experience in unit testing.”  “No one tells me how to program!”  Changing behaviours is hard “Fearless Change” has many patterns for introducing change 33 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 34. IBM Software Group | Rational software I never make mistakes  “I already know what the code needs to do and it's low risk. I don't need a test for it.”  “My first design idea is always perfectly good.”  “My code always works the first time.”  Do people really believe this?  Even if they do, is everyone that ever touches the code going to be so talented? 34 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 35. IBM Software Group | Rational software Testing is for testers  “We don't need TDD, we've got a QA department. They'll find the bugs for us.”  TDD is not just about testing Drives design Refactoring/regression safety net  Write tests to explore EVERY defect you find Living documentation  Helps future developers understand intended behaviours 35 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 36. IBM Software Group | Rational software All TDD-ers are fanatics  “It has become a cult. Its advocates have made it antithetical to „Individuals and interactions over processes and tools‟. It is evangelized through coercion and browbeating -- necessarily, as it isn't compelling on it's own.”  “Someone needs to tell unclebob that he might be right, but he's part of the problem - to non-modern coders (which felt like the majority last time I looked) he comes across like a raving loony.” 36 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 37. IBM Software Group | Rational software Fluff (continued) If at any time you even THINK about writing a line of code before putting fluff on your head, then you‟ve to delete all your code, shake all the fluff from your head onto the plate and start all over again. I have been practicing FDD for 12 years now; sometimes in the office, I have so much fluff on my head that my boss thinks I‟m a hay-stack, only made of fluff. A sort-of fluff-stack, if you will. But one thing is beyond doubt: the code I write, when I‟m in this fluff-zone, is the most high-quality code that anyone has ever seen. 37 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 38. IBM Software Group | Rational software Agenda  Motivation  Education  Inappropriate project  Cultural  Time pressures  Unclear benefits  Wrap up 38 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 39. IBM Software Group | Rational software More code to write  “Takes too much time to write test.”  How will your code get tested? Test team? Customers & Stack Trace Driven Development?  How much time will be spent figuring out how to make changes later?  What proportion of your time do you actually spend coding? 39 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 40. IBM Software Group | Rational software More code to maintain  “If I change something it will break a whole bunch of tests that I will have to fix and it will be more work for me in the end than just verifying my changes manually.”  It is USEFUL to know when behaviour changes  Foundational Unit Testing skills reduce brittleness next 6 slides 40 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 41. IBM Software Group | Rational software Testability  Testability needs to be designed in TDD ensures code is testable  Code with hidden dependencies is hard to test Dependency Injection/Inversion  Pass dependencies into code under test  Write factories that permit injection of test doubles Interfaces should be cohesive  Wide interfaces encourage unnecessary coupling Avoid globals, singletons etc.  Retro-fitting unit tests is hard Take small steps Introduce a „seam‟ – c.f. Working Effectively with Legacy Code 41 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 42. IBM Software Group | Rational software Necessity  Test observable behaviour Don‟t modify encapsulation to aid testing If a behaviour isn‟t observable through the public interface what is it for?  Don‟t slavishly write one test per method Test behaviours Some methods may not need any dedicated tests Methods that implement useful behaviours may need many tests  Choose test variants carefully Edge conditions Invalid inputs Multiple invocations Error signalling 42 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 43. IBM Software Group | Rational software Granularity  Test a SINGLE observable behaviour It is tempting to combine related behaviours in a single test – DON‟T  … even if EXACTLY the same steps are needed public void shouldSortTwoStringsAndReportCorrectSize() { SortedSet<String> animals = new TreeSet<String>(); animals.add(“Zebra”); animals.add(“Anteater”); assertEquals(2, animals.size()); assertEquals(“Anteater”, animals.first()); assertEquals(“Zebra”, animals.last()); } 43 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 44. IBM Software Group | Rational software Understandability  Name tests to describe the behaviour under test Describe nature of the test  Is it checking that preconditions are enforced?  Is a dependency going to signal an error? Long names are fine – you only type them once Be precise  shouldReturnCorrectValue is not a good name for a test  shouldReturnCorrectSumOfTwoIntegersWithoutOverflow  should_return_correct_sum_of_two_integers_without_overflow  When a test fails you want to know WHAT WENT WRONG You don‟t want to reverse engineer the test You don‟t want to run smaller tests to isolate the failure 44 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 45. IBM Software Group | Rational software Maintainability  Unit Tests should be written to same quality as Production code Tests will be maintained and read just as often as production code Code is communication to other developers not just a compiler  Organise tests into cohesive suites  Refactor tests to avoid duplication Use suites to perform common set up/tear down operations Extract common code into methods Extract common functionality into classes  Remove redundant tests 45 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 46. IBM Software Group | Rational software Reiteration: 5 -ities  Testability  Necessity  Granularity  Understandability  Maintainability  MUNGT ?  TeNGUM? 46 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 47. IBM Software Group | Rational software Mock-based tests rot  “Unit-test mock/stub assumptions rots”  Use collaboration and contract tests – J.B. Rainsberger Collaboration tests make assumptions about the contract; contract tests try to justify those assumptions A stub in a collaboration test must correspond to an expected result in a contract test An expectation in a collaboration test must correspond to an action in a contract test 47 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 48. IBM Software Group | Rational software That library is third party  “API layers above and below you don't provide adequate mocks. Testing against the „real thing‟ is hard/impossible.”  “Don't mock types you don't own” – Joe Walnes  Write adapters that provide a domain specific API  Write acceptance tests that verify the library‟s behaviour Run whenever adopting a new version 48 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 49. IBM Software Group | Rational software Slow execution  “Running the tests takes too long.”  For TDD to work tests need to (build and) execute in seconds  Some environments need careful configuration C/C++ Rails  Are they really Unit Tests? (See next slide) 49 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 50. IBM Software Group | Rational software A test is not a unit test if:  It talks to the database  It communicates across the network  It touches the file system  It can‟t run at the same time as other unit tests  You have to do special things to your environment (such as editing config files) to run it (Michael Feathers‟ blog, 2005) 50 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 51. IBM Software Group | Rational software Agenda  Motivation  Education  Inappropriate project  Cultural  Time pressures  Unclear benefits  Wrap up 51 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 52. IBM Software Group | Rational software Absence of research  “No scientific proof of it actually having any benefit (compared to just code reviews, pair programming or etc.) for the same amount of time”  “It's not practical for the kind of work I do. By which I mean, it cannot be conclusively shown to provide tangible benefits that outweigh the perceived costs.”  “In an industry where todays must have offering is tomorrows dustbin liner, it's often prudent to wait before trying the latest snake oil!” 52 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 53. IBM Software Group | Rational software Absence of research (cont.)  “We found that test-first students on average wrote more tests and, in turn, students who wrote more tests tended to be more productive. We also observed that the minimum quality increased linearly with the number of programmer tests, independent of the development strategy employed.” On the Effectiveness of Test-first Approach to Programming Proceedings of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 2005  Lots of other papers are referenced from: 53 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 54. IBM Software Group | Rational software Our process is good enough already  “My team doesn't practice it. It is difficult to change existing practices if they seem to work reasonably well.”  “I've personally been a part of four 'large' software projects where active pursuit of a test suite was in play. None of the four projects ever launched into production. The people I worked with were smart and highly ambitious, yet they (we) failed to launch.  “I've personally been a part of dozens of software projects where active pursuit of a test suite was NOT in play. Most every one of those projects launched into production in a timely manner.” 54 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 55. IBM Software Group | Rational software Test after  “It's easier to write the code first and the test after.”  “Writing tests after code is just as good.”  “Writing tests before code doesn't make sense.”  Testability Rework needed if code not testable  Discipline Will you really write the tests later? 55 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 56. IBM Software Group | Rational software BDD  “Why practice TDD when you can practice BDD?”  BDD extends TDD  Involves stakeholders, not just developers Even harder to implement. 56 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 57. IBM Software Group | Rational software ATDD, BDD, GOOS  Many shades of outside-in, test-first development 57 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 58. IBM Software Group | Rational software None of these are enough either Given the account is in credit And the card is valid And the dispenser contains cash When the customer requests cash Then check that the account is debited And check that cash is dispensed And check that the card is returned “And check that nothing happens that shouldn’t happen and everything else happens that should happen for all variations of this scenario and all possible states of the ATM and all possible states of the customer’s account and all possible states of the rest of the database and all possible states of the system as a whole, and anything happening in the cloud that should not matter but might matter.” 58 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 59. IBM Software Group | Rational software Manual testing  “It is much faster to just think about the proper implementation, write the code and manually test it.”  Until you need to do it again  … and again  Manual scripts Error prone Time consuming Expensive 59 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 60. IBM Software Group | Rational software Agenda  Motivation  Education  Inappropriate project  Cultural  Time pressures  Unclear benefits  Wrap up 60 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 61. IBM Software Group | Rational software Not sufficient, but necessary?  TDD is not enough. Consider: Acceptance Usability Performance / Stress Exploratory  Systems have been, and continue to be, successfully delivered without TDD. But they have also been delivered without designs, documentation, or …. testing of any kind. 61 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 62. IBM Software Group | Rational software Conclusions  There are many impediments to adopting TDD  Benefits are not universally accepted  TDD is not a “Silver Bullet” 62 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 63. IBM Software Group | Rational software Essential Reading  Test Driven Development by Example – Kent Beck  Growing Object Oriented Software Guided By Tests – Steve Freeman/Nat Pryce  Working With Legacy Code – Michael Feathers  Fearless Change – Mary Lynn Manns/Linda Rising  JUnit Recipes – J.B. Rainsberger 63 Innovation for a smarter planet
  • 64. IBM Software Group | Rational software Other references Fluff Driven Development: Presenter First: TDD in C: On the effectiveness of Test-first approach to Programming: http://nparc.cisti-icist.nrc- en&ext=pdf 64 Innovation for a smarter planet

Editor's Notes

  1. 1987 – “Test, then code” – 4th Int. Conf. Software Testing, Washington, DC
  2. Not enough personnelCancelled projectsOverrunsLarge projects more likely to overrun¾ all large systems have operational failures
  3. Gladwell - outliers
  4. Literate programming is an approach to programming introduced by Donald Knuth as an alternative to the structured programming paradigm of the 1970s
  5. Emergent Design is a consistent topic in Agile Software Development, as a result of the methodology&apos;s focus on delivering small pieces of working code with business value. With Emergent Design, a development organization starts delivering functionality and lets the design emerge. Development will take a piece of functionality A and implement it using best practices and proper test coverage and then move on to delivering functionality B. Once B is built, or while it is being built, the organization will look at what A and B have in common and refactor out the commonality, allowing the design to emerge. This process continues as the organization continually delivers functionality. At the end of an agile or scrum release cycle, Development is left with the smallest set of the design needed, as opposed to the design that could have been anticipated in advance. The end result is a smaller code base, which naturally has less room for defects and a lower cost of maintenance[1].As Emergent Design is heavily dependent upon Refactoring, practicing Emergent Design without a comfortable set of unit tests is considered an irresponsible practice.
  6. See answer by Cellfish -
  8. And here it is expanded by James Bach