SlideShare a Scribd company logo
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

# define INPUT_FILE "inputf.txt"
# define DEAL_FILE "deal.txt"
# define DEALS_MONEY "deals_money.txt"
# define RIVER_CARDS "river_cards.txt"
# define CHECKPATTERN_FILE "checkpattern.txt"
# define PRE_FLOP 1
# define FLOP 2
# define FOURTH_STREET 3
# define FIFTH_STREET 4
# define SHOW_DOWN 5
# define SKIP_NEWLINE while(*ptr == 10 || *ptr==13){ptr++;}
# define FIRST (int)'A'
# define CALL (int)'C'
# define RISE (int)'R'
# define FOLD (int)'F'
# define FOLDED (int) '-'
# define BLUFF (int)'B'
# define VERY_GOOD 5
# define GOOD 4
# define AVG 3
# define BAD 2
# define VERY_BAD 1
# define HIGH 1
# define LOW 0
# define OFFENSIVE 1
# define DEFENSIVE 2

struct player {
         int handCard1;
         int handCard2;
         int team;
         int bet;
         int money_remaining;

short int players_data_move[7][5][500]={0};     /* [TEAM NUMBER][STAGE][ROUND] */
short int players_data_bet[7][5][500]={0};      /* [TEAM NUMBER][STAGE][ROUND] */
short int pot_money[7][5][500]={0};                        /* [TEAM
short int players_hand_card_1[7];                    /* [TEAM NUMBER] */
short int players_hand_card_2[7];                          /* [TEAM NUMBER] */
short int river_cards[5],r_count=0;                  /* [STAGE]    */
short int player_p_values[7][5];                   /* [TEAM NUMBER][STAGE] */
short int checkPattern[6][5][4][3][7] ={0};     /*
int round_number[5];                                              /* [STAGE] */
int p_ratio[6];                  /* [PVALUE] */
int reaction_ratio[5];                                            /* [REACTION] */
bool players_folded[7];                                           /* [TEAM NUMBER] */
short int number_of_folds;                                        /* Stores the Number of
Folds */
short int play_mode;                                              /* 1 :: OFFENSIVE | 2 ::
short int number_of_deals;                                        /* Stores the Number of
Deals */
player players[7];
int deal_number;                                                           /* Represents the
nth deal */
bool is_show_down;                                                         /* Tells if its Show
Down or not */
bool stagePlayed[6]={0};                                          /* Bool of Stages Played */
bool playersEliminated[7];                                        /* [TEAM NUMBER] */
short int num_players_eliminated = 0;

void printPlayerDetails(player p);
void read_file(char *name,char *data);
int getInt(char *data);
int decode_input_file(char *data);
int decode_dealsMoney(char *data);
void getString(char *str,char *data);
int decode_dealFile(char *data,int *stage,int *main_pot);
void read_showDown_handCards(char *data);
void get_current_state_players(char *data,int stage,int self_teamNumber,int dealer);
void set_play_mode(int self_team_number);
int defensive_play(int stage,int *all_cards,int n_total_cards,int self_team_number,int dealer);
bool is_bluffsMore(short int team_number);
int get_minimum_raise(short int stage,short int team_number,short int dealer);
short int get_rank(int self_team_number);
void set_p_ratio();
void set_reaction_ratio();
void set_player_folded();
bool is_FirstTurn(short int dealer, short int self_team_number);
short int checkPattern_p(int action,int reaction, int stage ,int team,int detail);
short int checkPattern_action(int p_value,int action,int reaction, int stage ,int team,int detail);
int catagorize_move(int p_move);
void analyze_data(int self_teamNumber,int dealer);
int offensive(int stage,int *cards,int total,int teamno,int dealer);
int getMove(int stage,int phand,int *team,int teamno,int dealer);
int bluff(int rise, int limit);
int lowraise(int bet);
int compare (const void * a, const void * b);
int pcounter(int *cards,int hand,int total);
int highcard(int *hole,int hand);
int pairs(int *cards,int *allpairs,int total);
int twoofakind(int *allpairs,int paircards,int *hole,int hand);
int twopair(int *allpairs,int paircards,int *hole,int hand);
int threeofakind(int *allpairs,int paircards,int *cards,int total,int *hole , int hand);
int straight(int *cards,int total,int *hole,int hand);
int flush(int *cards,int total,int *hole,int hand);
int fullhouse(int *allpairs,int paircards,int *cards,int total,int *hole , int hand );
int fourofakind(int *allpairs,int paircards,int *hole,int hand);
int striaghtflush(int *cards,int total,int *hole,int hand);
int priver(int*cards,int hand,int total);
int pgrader(int probab , int stage);
int ppreflop(int hand1,int hand2);
int pfuture(int *cards,int total);
int futurestraight(int *cards,int total);
int futureflush(int *cards, int total);
int overallp(int*cards,int total,int stage);
void start_deal(char *data,int self_teamNumber,int *players_left);
int anyoppraisehigh(int stage,int round,int firstplayer,int myteamno,int dealer);

void printPlayerDetails(player p)
        cout << "n Hand 1 = " << p.handCard1;
        cout << "n Hand 2 = " << p.handCard2;
        cout << "n Team Number = " <<;
        cout << "n Current Round Bet = " <<;

void read_file(char *name,char *data)
        FILE *file;
        file = fopen(name, "rb");

char *ptr;
char *ptr_startReading;

int getInt(char *data)
         int temp=0;
         while(*ptr < '0' || *ptr > '9' )
         while(*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9')
                 temp = temp*10 + (*ptr - '0');
       return temp;

int decode_input_file(char *data)
        ptr = data;
        int t1,t2,t3;
        t1 = getInt(data);
        t2 = getInt(data);
        t3 = getInt(data);
        players[t3].team = t3;
        players[t3].handCard1 = t1;
        //cout << "nHAND CARD 1 = " << t1;
        players[t3].handCard2 = t2;
        //cout << "nHAND CARD 2 = " << t2;
        players[t3].bet = getInt(data);
        //cout << "nTEAM NUMBER = " << t3;
        return t3;

int decode_dealsMoney(char *data)
        ptr = data;
        player *p;
        int temp,deal;
        p = players;
        //deal = getInt(data);
        string read_str;
        ifstream fin;,ios::in);
        fin >> read_str;
        fin >> read_str;
        deal = atoi(read_str.c_str());
                 //p->team = getInt(data);
                 //p->money_remaining = getInt(data);
                 fin >> read_str;
                 fin >> read_str;
                 players[temp].money_remaining= atoi(read_str.c_str());
                 if(players[temp].money_remaining == 0)
        return deal;

void getString(char *str,char *data)
        while(!(*ptr == '-' || *ptr == '_' || (*ptr >= 'a' && *ptr <= 'z') || (*ptr >= 'A' && *ptr <= 'Z')))
        while((*ptr >= 'a' && *ptr <= 'z') || (*ptr >= 'A' && *ptr <= 'Z') || *ptr=='_' || *ptr == '-')
                *str = *ptr;

int decode_dealFile(char *data,int *stage,int *main_pot)
        ptr = data;
        int dealer = getInt(data);
        char str[100];
        //cout << "n First Str = ";
        //cout << "n Second Str = ";
                  *stage = SHOW_DOWN;
        else if(!strcmp("Pre_Flop",str))
                  *stage = PRE_FLOP;
        else if(!strcmp("Flop",str))
                  *stage = FLOP;
        else if(!strcmp("Fourth_Street",str))
                  *stage = FOURTH_STREET;
        else if(!strcmp("Fifth_Street",str))
                  *stage = FIFTH_STREET;
        *main_pot = getInt(data);
        ptr_startReading = ptr;
        return dealer;


void read_showDown_handCards(char *data)
        ofstream fout;
        string file_name,temp_file;
        int card;
for(int xx=1;xx<=6;xx++)
                 file_name = "team";
                 string bet_name = "_bet.txt";
                 file_name = file_name + bet_name;
                 temp_file = (char)(xx + 48);
                 file_name = file_name+temp_file;
                 card = getInt(data);/* Temp storage for value we dont need */
                 fout << getInt(data) << "n" << getInt(data) << "n";

/* ptr continues from the previous point.Its a global variable */

void get_current_state_players(char *data,int stage,int self_teamNumber,int dealer)
        cout << "n Started Reading Rest of Deal File";
        ptr = ptr_startReading;
        string stage_name;
        int count_new_cards;
        int river[3];
        //int round_count;

        case 1:stage_name = "Pre_Flop";count_new_cards = 0;break;
        case 2:stage_name = "Flop";count_new_cards = 3;break;
        case 3:stage_name = "Fourth_Street";count_new_cards = 1;break;
        case 4:stage_name = "Fifth_Street";count_new_cards = 1;break;
        case 5:stage_name = "Show_Down";count_new_cards = 0;break;
        ofstream fout_river;
        string file_name;
        string temp_file;
        string move;
        int bet;
        int t_round = 1;
        int cur_stage = 1;

        ifstream fin;"deal.txt",ios::in);
        string t_str;
        while(t_str != "Pre_Flop")
                 fin >> t_str;

        bool end_round=false;
        bool end_stage=false;,ios::out);

fin >> t_str;
int prevv=0;

        int xx;

        if(cur_stage == 5)
                 //cout << "nxx = " << xx;
                 cout << "n Reading Hand Cards";
                 fin >> t_str;

                    fin >> t_str;
                             /*cout << "n";
                             for (int zz = 1;zz<=6;zz++)
                                       cout <<zz<<" - " << players_hand_card_1[zz];
                                       cout <<" " << players_hand_card_2[zz];
                                       cout << "n";
                    fin >> t_str;
                    if(xx == dealer)
                             end_round = true;
                    fin >> move;
                    if(move == "End" || t_str == "End")
                             cout << "nEnd Reached.Stage Should Change";
                             round_number[cur_stage] = t_round;
                             ofstream fout;
                             fout << t_round << "n";
case 1:stage_name = "Pre_Flop";count_new_cards = 0;break;
               case 2:stage_name = "Flop";count_new_cards = 3;break;
               case 3:stage_name = "Fourth_Street";count_new_cards = 1;break;
               case 4:stage_name = "Fifth_Street";count_new_cards = 1;break;
               case 5:stage_name = "Show_Down";count_new_cards = 0;break;
               while(move != stage_name && move != "Show_Down")
                        fin >> move;
               if(move == "Show_Down")
                                 cur_stage = 5;
                                 is_show_down = true;
               stagePlayed[cur_stage] = true;
               for(int xx=0;xx<count_new_cards;xx++)
                        fin >> t_str;
                        river[xx] = atoi(t_str.c_str());
                        fout_river << river [xx] << "n";
               fin >> t_str;
               if(move != "-")
                        fin >> t_str;
                        bet = atoi(t_str.c_str());
                        bet = 0;
               cout << "n Move = " << move << " " << bet;
               players_data_move[xx][cur_stage][t_round] = (int)move[0];
               players_data_bet[xx][cur_stage][t_round] = bet;
               pot_money[xx][cur_stage][t_round] = prevv;
               cout << "n Pot Money = " << prevv;
               if(players_data_move[xx][cur_stage][t_round] != FOLD)
                        prevv = bet;
               if(end_round == true)
               end_round = false;
               end_stage = false;
               fin >> t_str;
cout << "nStage = " <<stage << " t_round = " << t_round;
        return ;


void set_play_mode(int self_team_number)
        int money_total=0;
        for(int xx=1;xx<=6;xx++)
        int mean= money_total/(6-num_players_eliminated);
        cout << "nMean Money = " << mean << "n2/3rd of Mean = " <<(2*mean)/3 << "nRank = "
<< get_rank(self_team_number);

       if(players[self_team_number].money_remaining >=500 && ((get_rank(self_team_number)
<=(2*(6-num_players_eliminated))/3) || num_players_eliminated >=3))
                play_mode = OFFENSIVE;
                play_mode = DEFENSIVE;

       cout << "nPlay Mode = "<<play_mode;
       /* SET BRUTEFORE play_mode - Until Rank is Top 3 or until Money doesnt go below 500 or
800 deals */

        // Remove the Comments below to Activate Ultra Defensive modee //

        play_mode = ULTRA_DEFENSIVE;
        if(get_rank(self_team_number) <=3 || players[self_team_number].money_remaining <=
500 || deal_number >= 800)
        play_mode = OFFENSIVE;

stage = The current Stage
all_cards = All cards including hand card and river Card. (First two Cards as Hand Cards
n_total_cards = Total Number of Cards = River Cards + 2 Hand Cards
self_team_number = The team number who has to return a Reply
dealer = the dealer for the current deal
int defensive_play(int stage,int *all_cards,int n_total_cards,int self_team_number,int dealer)
         /* An array that stores all the Cards , including Hand Cards (as 1st 2 cards) & and River Cards
to call "overallp" function */
/*static int all_cards[7];                                                             */
        /*all_cards[0] = players_hand_card_1[self_team_number];                      */
        /*all_cards[1] = players_hand_card_2[self_team_number];                      */
        /*for(int xx = 2;xx < 2+n_river_cards;xx++)                                       */
        /*       all_cards[xx] = river_cards[xx-2];                                            */
        int p_hand = overallp(all_cards, n_total_cards, stage);

        if(!(p_hand == VERY_GOOD || p_hand == GOOD)) /* The Case of Fold */
                 return -10;/*fold*/
        return offensive(stage,all_cards,n_total_cards,self_team_number,dealer);

/* Returns true or 1 if the player bluffs atleast twice as more else false oe 0 */
bool is_bluffsMore(short int team_number)
        int rise_counter=1;
        int bluff_counter=1;
        for(int xx = 1;xx<=6;xx++)
                 for(int yy = 1;yy<5;yy++)
                          for(int zz=1;zz<=round_number[yy];zz++)
                                   if(players_data_move[xx][yy][zz] == RISE)
                                   if(players_data_move[xx][yy][zz] == BLUFF)
                          if(rise_counter*2 <= bluff_counter)
                                   return true;
                                   return false;

int get_minimum_raise(short int stage,short int team_number,short int dealer)
        if(stage == 5)
                 return 0;
        int cur_round=round_number[stage];
        int cur_player=team_number-1;
        int cur_stage = stage;
        cout << "nStart Round = " << cur_round;
        while(cur_round >= 0)
                 if(cur_player == 0)cur_player=6;
                 if(cur_player == dealer)cur_round--;
                 if(cur_round == 0)
cout << "nCur Player = " << cur_player << " cur_stage = " << cur_stage << "
cur_round = " <<cur_round;
                cout << "nPot Money = " << pot_money[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round];
                cout << "nRaise = " << (players_data_bet[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]-
                cout << "nRise Amounts = " <<
                if(players_data_move[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round] == RISE)
                         cout << "nFinally Rise = " <<
pot_money[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round] == 0 ||
== 5)
                                  return 10;
                         return (players_data_bet[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]-
        return 0;

/* Returns your rank on calling */
short int get_rank(int self_team_number)
        short int rank=6;
        for(int xx = 1;xx<=6;xx++)
                 if(xx == self_team_number)
                 if(players[xx].money_remaining <=players[self_team_number].money_remaining)
        return rank;

/* Sets the value of all elements in Array p_ratio as 0 */
void set_p_ratio()
         for (int xx=0;xx<6; xx++)

/* Sets the value of all elements in Array reaction_ratio as 0 */
void set_reaction_ratio()
        for (int xx=0;xx<=4; xx++)

/* Sets the value of all elements in Array players_folded as false */
void set_player_folded()
         for(int xx=1;xx<=6;xx++)
                  players_folded[xx] = false;

/* Returns 1 or "true" , if our first turn, else returns 0 or "false" */
bool is_FirstTurn(short int dealer, short int self_team_number)
        int s_pos = dealer+1;
        while(s_pos != self_team_number && !(s_pos == 7 && self_team_number == 1))
                 if(s_pos == 7)
                          s_pos = 1;
                 if(players_folded[s_pos] == false)
                          return false;
        return true;

/* Function Returns the p_value */
/* VERY_GOOD 5          */
/* GOOD 4 */
/* AVG      3 */
/* BAD      2 */
/* VERY_BAD 1 */
short int checkPattern_p(int action,int reaction, int stage ,int team,int detail = LOW)
        /* Action :: What the other opponent Do                */
        /* Reaction :: What this team does for the given action */
        /* Stage :: Stage for which data is required          */
        /* Team :: Team number for which the data is required */
        /* Detail :: How much deatil to check the Patter               */
        /*              HIGH - Check exact match                                     */
        /*              LOW - Ignore Stage                                              */

        /* Set p_ratio array as 0 */

        /* Declare the Array to store CheckPattern */

        short int max;
/* Read the CheckPattern File and save it in the Array */
        FILE *file;
        file = fopen(CHECKPATTERN_FILE,"rb");
        if(file != NULL)

       if (detail == LOW)
                 max = 0;
                 for(int xx = 1;xx<=5;xx++) /* For What P Value */
                          p_ratio[xx] = checkPattern[xx][action][reaction][stage][team];
                          if(checkPattern[max][action][reaction][stage][team] <=
                                   max = xx;
                 return max;
                 max = 0;
                 for(int xx=1; xx<=5; xx++) /* For What P-Value */
                          for(int zz = 0; zz < 4;zz++) /* For Any Stage */
                                   p_ratio[xx] = checkPattern[xx][action][reaction][zz][team];
                                   if(checkPattern[max][action][reaction][zz][team] <=
                                             max = xx;
                          return max;

/* Function Returns an Action */
/* RISE :: 3 */
/*       FOLD :: 2 */
/*       CALL :: 1 */
/*       BLUFF :: 4 */
/* It is based on priority */
short int checkPattern_action(int p_value,int action, int stage ,int team,int detail = LOW)
         /* p_value :: P_Value for which the reaction is reqd */
         /* Action :: What the other opponent Do             */
         /* Reaction :: What this team does for the given action */
         /* Stage :: Stage for which data is required       */
         /* Team :: Team number for which the data is required */
/* Detail :: How much deatil to check the Patter              */
        /*              HIGH - Check exact match                                  */
        /*              LOW - Ignore Stage                                              */

        /* Declare the Array to store CheckPattern */

        /* Set p_ratio array as 0 */

        short int max;

        /* Read the CheckPattern File and save it in the Array */
        FILE *file;
        file = fopen(CHECKPATTERN_FILE,"rb");

       if (detail == LOW)
                 max = 0;
                 for(int xx = 0;xx<4;xx++) /* For What Reaction */
                          reaction_ratio[xx] = checkPattern[p_value][action][xx][stage][team];
                          if(checkPattern[p_value][action][max][stage][team] <=
                                   max = xx;
                 return max;
                 max = 0;
                 for(int xx=1; xx<=5; xx++) /* For What Reaction */
                          for(int zz = 1; zz <= 5;zz++) /* For Any Value of P */
                                   reaction_ratio[xx] = checkPattern[p_value][action][xx][zz][team];
                                   if(checkPattern[zz][action][max][stage][team] <=
                                             max = xx;
                          return max;

int catagorize_move(int p_move)
        /* RISE :: 3 */
        /*      FOLD :: 2 */
        /*      CALL :: 1 */
        /*      BLUFF :: 4 */

        if(p_move == CALL)
                return 1;
        if(p_move == FOLD)
                return 2;
        if(p_move == BLUFF)
                return 4;
        if(p_move == RISE)
                return 3;
        return 0; /* For error */

void analyze_data(int self_team_number,int dealer)
        /*cout << "n";
        for (int xx = 1;xx<=6;xx++)
                  cout <<xx<<" - " << players_hand_card_1[xx];
                  cout <<" " << players_hand_card_2[xx];
                  cout << "n";
        string file_name = "team" ;
        string temp_file;
        string t_str;
        ifstream fin;
        ifstream file1;
        ifstream file2;

        /* Order for Check Pattern :: PValue - Action - Reaction - Stage -Team Number */
        //int cumulative_round_count=0;

        int stage =1,max_stage;
        int move;
        int counter;

        /* Get all the Data from the Help Files into the two arrays declared above */

        /* Read the CheckPattern File */
        cout << "nCheck Pattern Read Start";
        FILE *file;
        file = fopen(CHECKPATTERN_FILE,"rb");
        if(file != NULL)
//cout << "nCHECKPATTERN = " << checkPattern[2][2][2][2][2];
cout << "n Check Pattern read complete";
/* Read all the river Cards from the Help Files */,ios::in);
fin >> t_str;
cout << "nRiver Card Read Start";
         fin >>t_str;
cout << "nRiver Card read completenRIVER CARDS :: ";
for(int mm=0;mm<r_count;mm++)
         cout << river_cards[mm] << " ";
/* This File contains the number of rounds played at each stage in the current Deal */"Round_Counts.txt",ios::in);

/* Set player_folded array to False */


/* Read all the Round Counts to an Array */
fin >> t_str;
while (!fin.eof())
         fin >>t_str;
cout << "n Read Round Numbers complete, stage = " << stage << "n ROUND NUMBERS :: ";
for(int mm=1;mm<stage;mm++)
         cout << round_number[mm] << " ";
max_stage = stage;
//cout << "nSTAGE = " << stage;
/* Read all the opponent moves and Bets from Help Files */
/*for(int xx = 1,yy=0;xx<=6;xx++)
//cumulative_round_count = 0;
counter = round_number[stage];
temp_file = (char)(xx + 48); + "_move.txt"),ios::in); + "_bet.txt"),ios::in);
yy = 0;
        file1 >> players_data_move[xx][round_number[stage]-counter][yy];
        if(players_data_move[xx][round_number[stage]-counter][yy] == FOLD)
        players_folded[xx]= true;
        file2 >> players_data_bet[xx][round_number[stage]-counter][yy];
        if(counter == 0)
        //cumulative_round_count = cumulative_round_count + round_number[stage];
        counter = round_number[stage];
        file2 >> players_hand_card_1[xx];
        file2 >> players_hand_card_2[xx];
        for(int xx = 1;xx<=6;xx++)
        {for(int yy = 1;yy<5;yy++)
        {for(int zz=1;zz<=round_number[yy];zz++)
        {if(players_data_move[xx][yy][zz] == FOLD)
        cout << "nAnalyze Fold Data Complete";
        for(int xx=1;xx<=6;xx++)
                 cout << xx<<":"<<players_folded[xx] << " ";
        players_hand_card_1[self_team_number] = players[self_team_number].handCard1;
        players_hand_card_2[self_team_number] = players[self_team_number].handCard2;
        //cout << "nWILL IT GO THERE ? :O ";
        if(is_show_down == false)/* If the Stage is not ShowDown , we dont have to analyze the
Data. Just store them in Arrays */
                 return ;
        stage = 5;
        //cout << "nCOMES HERE!!!! :D ";

       /* Calculate the P-Values of each player at every round */
       // int preflop_river_cards[5];//Can use this array for sending to the p_value Function //
       int all_cards[7];
for(int yy = 2;yy < 2+r_count;yy++)
         all_cards[yy] = river_cards[yy-2];
cout << "nCalculating All P Values Started";
for(int xx = 1; xx<=6 ; xx++)
         all_cards[0] = players_hand_card_1[xx];
         all_cards[1] = players_hand_card_2[xx];

        /* Preflop */
        //if(max_stage >= 1)

        player_p_values[xx][1] = overallp(all_cards,2,1);

        //cout << "n Calculated First pValue";
        /* Flop */
        //if(max_stage >= 2)
        if(stagePlayed[2] == true)
                 player_p_values[xx][2] = overallp(all_cards,5,2);

        //cout << "n Calculated Second pValue";
        /* Fourth Street */
        //if(max_stage >= 3)
        if(stagePlayed[3] == true)
                 player_p_values[xx][3] = overallp(all_cards,6,3);
        //cout << "n Calculated Third pValue";
        /* Fifth Street */
        //if(max_stage >= 4)
        if(stagePlayed[4] == true)
                 player_p_values[xx][4] = overallp(all_cards,7,4);
        //cout << "n Calculated Fourth pValue";
/* All data has now been stored in the required arrays */
cout << "nAll PValues Calculated";
for(int xx=1;xx<=6;xx++)
         cout << "nPlayer - " << xx << "n";
         for(int yy=1;yy<=4;yy++)
                  cout << player_p_values[xx][yy] << " ";

/* Start analyzing from the Dealer */
int current_round = 0;
int number_of_rise = 0;
int number_of_call = 0;
int number_of_fold = 0;

/* Loop to Analyze the Data Stored in all Array */
int loop_counter = 0;   /* Counter for position in current Round */
int loop_stage = 0;       /* Counter for Current Stage */
       int loop_start = dealer+3; /* Counter for Player Number */
       int loop_pot_money = 10; /* Stores the Money in Pot for the Current Stage */
       int player_bet;
       int player_move;
       bool isBluff;                /* 1-Bluff 0-Not Bluff */
       int player_action = (int)'A';      /* What other player did, based on priority */
       while(loop_stage != 5)
                if(loop_start >= 7)
                         loop_start = loop_start-6;
                if(loop_start == dealer+1)
                if(loop_counter == round_number[loop_stage]) /* Stage Over */
                         loop_pot_money = 0;
                         player_action = (int)'A';
                player_bet = players_data_bet[loop_start][loop_stage][loop_counter] -
                pot_money[loop_start][loop_stage][loop_counter] = loop_pot_money;
                if(player_bet <=0)
                         player_bet = 0;
                loop_pot_money = loop_pot_money + player_bet;
                player_move = players_data_move[loop_start][loop_stage][loop_counter];
                if(player_move > player_action && player_action != FOLDED)
                         player_action = player_move;
                if(player_bet != 0 && (player_p_values[loop_start][loop_stage] == BAD ||
player_p_values[loop_start][loop_stage] == VERY_BAD || player_p_values[loop_start][loop_stage]
== AVG))
                         isBluff = true;
                         player_move = BLUFF;
                         isBluff = false;

               if(player_move == BLUFF)


       /* Write The CheckPattern back to File */
       file = fopen(CHECKPATTERN_FILE,"wb");
        cout << "nWRITE COMPLETE";


/* this fnctn shud be called when need to play offensive and it will return the amount of bet */
int offensive(int stage,int *cards,int total,int teamno,int dealer)
         /* initialize random seed: */
         /* initialization for rand function */
         srand ( time(NULL) );
         int phand,rise = get_minimum_raise(stage,teamno,dealer);/* rise = minimum available raise

       phand = overallp(cards,total,stage);
       cout << "nP Hand = " << phand;
       int temp = is_FirstTurn(dealer,teamno);/* checking for first turn */
       //cout << "n First Turn True/False = " << temp;
       if(temp == 0)/* opponent raised or called */
               /* is p vgud */
               if(phand == 5)
                        int check = anyoppraisehigh(stage,round_number[stage],dealer +
1,teamno,dealer);/* check if opp raised high */
                        if(check == 1)
                                /* check stage */
                                if(stage == 1)
                                         int choice = rand() % 4 + 1;
                                         if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)||(choice == 3))
                                                  return 0;/* call */
                                                  /* high raise fnctn */
                                                  int bet = bluff(rise,4);/* 4 for high raise fnctn */
                                                  return bet;

                                  else if(stage == 2)
                                            int choice = rand() % 4 + 1;
                                            if((choice == 1)||(choice ==2))
/* high raise fnctn */
                           int bet = bluff(rise,4);
                           return bet;
                            return 0;
         else if(stage == 3)
                   int choice = rand() % 4 + 1;
                   if(choice ==1)
                            return 0;
                            int bet = bluff(rise,4);/*high raise fnctn*/
                            return bet;
         else/*last stage */
                   /* high raise fntn */
                   int bet = bluff(rise,4);
                   return bet;
else/* low raise or call */
         /* stage check */
         if(stage == 4)
                  /* high raise fnctn */
                  int bet = bluff(rise,4);
                  return bet;

         else if(round_number[stage] == 1)/*new card opened */
                  int choice = rand() % 2 + 1;
                  if(choice == 1)
                           return 0;/* call */
                           int bet = bluff(rise,4);
                           return bet;
                  /* high raise fntn */
         else/*no new card */
                  FILE *pt;
                  int bluffcounter = 4;
pt = fopen("bluff.txt","rb");
                                      if(pt != NULL)/* prev raise */
                                               if(bluffcounter <4)
                                                        int bet = bluff(rise,4);
                                                        return bet;
                                               int choice = rand() % 2 +1;
                                               if(choice == 1)
                                                        return 0;/* call */
                                                        /* high raise fntn */
                                                        int bet = bluff(rise,4);
                                                        return bet;

              /* p is gud */
              if(phand == 4)
                       //cout << "n Case of Pgood";
                       int value=1;
                       int check = anyoppraisehigh(stage,round_number[stage],dealer +
1,teamno,dealer);/* check if opp raised high */
                       //cout << "nDid Any opponent Raise High? " << check;
                       if(check == 1)

                              int temp = teamno-1;
                              int cur_round = round_number[stage];

                                      if(temp == 0)
                                               temp = 6;
                                      if(temp == dealer)
                                      if(cur_round <=0)
                                      {value = 0;break;}
                                      if(players_data_move[temp][stage][cur_round] == RISE)
int rise = players_data_bet[temp][stage][cur_round]
- pot_money[temp][stage][cur_round];
                                               if(rise > 50)
                                                         int faltu;
                                                         faltu = is_bluffsMore(temp);
                                                                   value = faltu;
                              }while(temp != teamno);
                              if(value == 0)
                                       int pla = 6 - number_of_folds;/* gets no of players playing
on the table */

                                       if(pla <= 3)/* check pattern fntn */
                                                int zz=dealer+1;
                                                int ppos=0;
                                                int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                                          if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                                                }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));


                                               int count = 0;
                                               int temp=teamno-1;
                                               int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                               int zz=0;
                                               int cur_round = round_number[stage];

                                                       int value;
                                                                temp = 6;
                                                       if(temp == dealer)
                                                        if(cur_round <=0)

        if((players_data_move[temp][stage][cur_round] ==
CALL)&&(players_data_bet[temp][stage][cur_round] - pot_money[temp][stage][cur_round] > 50))
                                                                   value = is_bluffsMore(temp);
                                                          if(value == 0)
                                                pla = count; /* no of players who raises high and
doesn;t bluff */
                                                if(pla <= 2)
                                                else /* check pattern */
                                                          int choice = rand() % 2 + 1;
                                                          if(choice == 1)
                                                                   return 0;
                                                                   return -10;/* fold */
                               else/* means opponent bluffs a lot */
                                       int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing at
the table */
                                       if(players <= 3)

                                                int zz=dealer+1;
                                                int ppos=0;
                                                int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                                          if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                                                }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                                                  /* check pattern */
                                                  return 0;/*call*/
                      else /* low call or call*/
                               int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players laying at the table
                               //cout << "nReached the case of chek = 0, players = "<<players;
                               if(players <= 3)                       /*-----------editing left-----------*/
                                        int zz=dealer+1;
                                        int ppos=0;
                                        int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                                  if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                                        }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                                        return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);
                                        /* check pattern */

                                           cout << "nPlayers Greater than 3";
                                           int lowcheck=0,count=0;
                                           int temp = teamno-1;
                                           if(temp == 0 )
                                                     temp = 6;
                                           int still_in_play[7]={0};
                                           int zz =0;
                                           int cur_round = round_number[stage];
                                           cout << "ncur_round = " << cur_round;

                                                    if(temp == 0)
temp = 6;
                                                  if(temp == dealer)
                                                  if(cur_round == 0)
                                                  cout << "ntemp = " << temp << " cur_round = " <<
cur_round << " stage = " << stage;
                                                  if(players_data_move[temp][stage][cur_round] ==
                                                          still_in_play[zz++] = temp;
                                                          lowcheck = 1;
                                      }while(temp != teamno);
                                      //cout << "nNumber of Rise = " << count;
                                      //cout << "nlow check = " << lowcheck;
                                      still_in_play[zz++] = teamno;
                                      if(lowcheck == 1)
                                                //cout <<"nEnter Low Check";
                                                int pla = count;/*no of players who raised low */
                                                if(pla <= 2)
                                                         //cout << "n Here ????";
                                                         int choice = rand() % 2 + 1;
                                                         if(choice == 1)
                                                                  return 0;/* call */
                                                                  //cout << "nLow Raise ? ";
                                                                  int bet = lowraise(rise);/* low raise
call */
                                                                  return bet;
                                      else/*opponent called */
                                                int choice = rand()%2 + 1;
                                                if(choice == 1)
                                                         return 0;/* call */
else/* low raise */
                                                         int bet = lowraise(rise);
                                                         return bet;
              if(phand == 3)
                       int bet,value;
                       int check = anyoppraisehigh(stage,round_number[stage],dealer +
1,teamno,dealer);/* check if opp raised high */
                       if(check == 1)/* raises high */
                                if((stage == 1)||(stage == 2))
                                         int temp=teamno-1;/*checking bluffs a lot*/
                                         int cur_round = round_number[stage];

                                                if(temp == 0)
                                                         temp = 6;
                                                if(temp == dealer)
                                                if(cur_round <= 0)
                                                if(players_data_move[temp][stage][cur_round] ==
                                                       int rise =
players_data_bet[temp][stage][cur_round] - pot_money[temp][stage][cur_round];
                                                       if(rise <= 50)
                                                                 int faltu;
                                                                 faltu = is_bluffsMore(temp);
                                                                           value = faltu;
                                     }while(temp != teamno);
                                     if(value == 1)
                                              int choice = rand()%3 +1;
                                              if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2))
                                                       return 0;/* call */
                                                       return -10;/*fold*/
                                                   int choice = rand()%3 +1;
                                                   if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2))
                                                            return -10;/* fold */
                                                            return 0;/*call*/
                                  else/*stage 3rd or 4 */
                                          if(round_number[stage]==1)/*new cards opened */
                                                  int choice = rand()%2 +1;
                                                  if(choice == 1)/* bluff */
                                                           int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                                           cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet;
                                                           return bet;
                                                           return -10;/*fold*/

                                           else/* no new card opened */

                                                                   int bet = bluff(rise,2);/* bluff if
allowed */
                                                  if(bet != 0)
                                                           {cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet;
                                                           return bet;}
                                                           return -10; /* fold */
                       else /* low raise or call */
                                         if(round_number[stage]==1)/*new card opened */
                                                  int choice = rand()%2 +1;
                                                  if(choice == 1)
                                              int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                              cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet;
                                              return bet;
                                              return 0;/*call*/

                              else/* no new card opened */

                                            int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                            cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet;
                                            return bet;
                                            return 0;/*call*/

                       else /* stage 3 or 4 */
                                if(round_number[stage]==1)/* new card opened */
                                        int choice = rand()%3 +1;
                                        if(choice == 1)
                                                 return 0;/* call */
                                        else if(choice == 2)
                                                 return -10;/*fold*/
                                                 int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                                 cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet;
                                                 return bet;

                              else/* no new card opened */

                                            int bet = bluff(rise,2);
cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet;
                                                      return bet;
                                                      int choice = rand()%2 +1;
                                                      if(choice == 1)
                                                               return 0;/* call */
                                                               return -10;/*fold*/

              if(phand == 2)/* p bad */
              { int check = anyoppraisehigh(stage,round_number[stage],dealer +
1,teamno,dealer);/* check if opp raised high */
              if(check == 1)/*opponent raised high*/
                       if(stage == 1)
                                 int choice = rand()%4 +1;
                                 if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)||(choice == 3))
                                          return 0;/* call */
                                          return -10;/*fold*/
                       else if(stage == 2)
                                 int choice = rand()%3 +1;
                                 if(choice == 1)
                                          return 0;/* call */
                                          return -10;/*fold*/
                       else if(stage == 3)
                                 int choice = rand()%4 +1;
                                 if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)||(choice == 3))
                                          return -10;/* fold */
                                          return 0;/*call*/

                       else/*stage 4*/
                               return -10;/*fold*/
               else/*low raise or call */

                       if(round_number[stage]==1)/*new card opened */
                               int choice = rand()%2 +1;
                               if(choice == 1)
                                        int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                        cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet;
                                        return bet;

                                     return 0;/*call*/

                      else/* no new card opened */

                                      int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                      cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet;
                                      return bet;
                                      return 0;/*call*/

              else /* stage 3 or 4 */
                       if(round_number[stage]==1)/* new card opened */
                               int choice = rand()%4 +1;
                               if(choice == 1)
                                        return 0;/* call */
                               else if(choice == 2 || choice == 3)
                                        return -10;/*fold*/
                                        int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                        cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet;
                                        return bet;

                              else/* no new card opened */

                                             int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                             return bet;
                                             int choice = rand()%2 +1;
                                             if(choice == 1)
                                                      return 0;/* call */
                                                      return -10;/*fold*/

              else/* phand == 1 *//* p is vbad */
                       int check = anyoppraisehigh(stage,round_number[stage],dealer +
1,teamno,dealer);/* check if opp raised high */
                       if(check == 1)

                              cout << "nYes Some player Rises";
                              if(stage == 1)
                                        int choice = rand() % 4 + 1;
                                        if ((choice==1)||(choice==2)||(choice==3))
                                                 return 0;/*call*/
                                                 return -10;/*fold */
                              else if(stage == 2)
                                        int choice = rand()%4 +1;
                                        cout<<"nchoice "<<choice<<"n";
                                        if(choice == 2)
                                                 return 0;/* call */
                                                 return -10;/* fold */
                      else if(stage == 3)
                                int choice = rand() % 5 +1;
                                if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)||(choice == 3)||(choice == 4))
                                         return -10;/* fold */
                                         return 0;/* call */
                      else/* stage == 4 */
                                return -10;/* fold */
               else/*opponent raised low or called */
                      cout << "n Opponent Raised Low";
                      if(round_number[stage]==1)/* new card opened */
                              if(stage == 4)
                                       int choice = rand()%2 +1;
                                       if(choice == 1)
                                                /* bluff fnctn */
                                                int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                                return bet;
                                                return -10;/* fold */
                                       int choice = rand() % 2 + 1;
                                       if (choice == 1)
                                                /*bluff fnctn */
                                                int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                                return bet;
                                                return 0;/* call */
                      else/* no new cards opened */

if(players_data_move[teamno][stage][round_number[stage]-1] == RISE)/*previous bluff*/
                                      int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                      return bet;
                                                 int choice = rand() % 2 + 1;
                                                 if(choice == 1)
                                                          return 0;/*call*/
                                                          return -10;/*fold*/

/*--------------------------- checked till here ----------------------*/

else/* first turn is ours */
         if(phand == 5)/* p hand is very gud */
                  if(stage == 1)
                            int choice = rand() % 4 +1;
                            if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2))
                                     return 0;/* call */
                                     /* high raise */
                                     int bet = bluff(rise,4);
                                     return bet;
                  else if((stage == 2)||(stage == 3))
                            int choice = rand() % 3 + 1;
                            if(choice == 1)
                                     /* raise fnctn */
                                     int bet = bluff(rise,4);
                                     return bet;
                                     return 0;/* call */
                  else/* stage 4 */
                            int choice = rand() % 2 + 1;
                            if(choice == 1)
                                     return 0;/* call */
                                     /* bluff fnctn */
int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                        return bet;
               else if(phand == 4)
                        if(stage == 1)
                                 int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing at the
table atm */
                               if(players <= 3)
                                        int zz=dealer+1;
                                        int ppos=0;
                                        int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                                  if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                                        }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                                        return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

                                       /* check pattern */
                               else/* players > 3 */
                                       int choice = rand() % 4 + 1;
                                       if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2))
                                                return 0;/* call */
                                       else if(choice == 3)
                                                /* bluff fnctn */
                                                int bet = bluff(rise,4);
                                                return bet;
                                                /* raise fnctn */
                                                int bet = lowraise(rise);
                                                return bet;
                       else if((stage == 3)||(stage == 2))
int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the
current bet */
                         if(players <= 3)
                                  int zz=dealer+1;
                                  int ppos=0;
                                  int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                            if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                                  }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                                  return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

                                 /* check pattern */
                         else/* players > 3 */
                                 int choice = rand() % 3 + 1;
                                 if(choice == 1)
                                          /* bluff fnctn */
                                          int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                          return bet;
                                          return 0;/* call */
                 else/* stage == 4 */
                         int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the deal
                         if(players <=3)
                                  int zz=dealer+1;
                                  int ppos=0;
                                  int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                            if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                                  }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                                           return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

                                          /*check pattern */
                                  else/* players > 3 */
                                          int choice = rand() % 3 + 1;
                                          if (choice == 1)
                                                   /* bluff fnctn */
                                                   int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                                   return bet;
                                                   return 0;/* call */
                  else if(phand = 3)/* phand == avg */
                           if(stage == 1)
                                    int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the
current deal */
                                  if(players <= 3)
                                           int zz=dealer+1;
                                           int ppos=0;
                                           int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                                     if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                                           }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                                           return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

                                           /* check pattern */
                                  else/* players > 3 */
                                          int choice = rand() %3 + 1;
                                          if(choice == 1)
                                                   /* bluff fnctn */
int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                           return bet;
                                           return 0;/* call */
                  else if((stage == 2)||(stage == 3))
                            int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the
current deal */
                          if(players <= 3)
                                   int zz=dealer+1;
                                   int ppos=0;
                                   int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                             if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                                   }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                                   return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

                                  /* check pattern */
                          else/* players > 3 */
                                  int choice = rand() %3 + 1;
                                  if(choice == 1)
                                           /*bluff fnctn */
                                           int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                           return bet;
                                           return 0;
                  else/* stage = 4 */
                          if(players_data_move[teamno][stage][round_number[stage]-1] ==
                                  int zz=dealer+1;
                                  int ppos=0;
                                  int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                                 if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                                       }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                                       return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

                                       /* check pattern */
                                       /* can call or bluff */
                                       /* never fold here */
                               else/* previous wasn;t a bluff*/

                                       int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing
the current deal */
                                      if(players <= 3)
                                               int zz=dealer+1;
                                               int ppos=0;
                                               int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                                         if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                                               }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));

                                               /* check pattern */
                                       else/* players > 3 */
                                               int choice = rand() %3 + 1;
                                               if(choice == 1)
                                                        /*bluff fnctn */
                                                        int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                                        return bet;
return 0;/*call*/
if(phand == 2)/* phand = bad */
        int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the current deal */
        if(stage == 1)
                 if(players <= 3)
                          int zz=dealer+1;
                          int ppos=0;
                          int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                    if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                          }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                          return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

                          /* check pattern */
                          int choice = rand() % 2 + 1;
                          if(choice == 1)
                                   return 0;/* call */
                                   /* bluff fnctn */
                                   int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                   return bet;
        else if((stage == 2)||(stage == 3))
                  if (players <=3)
                           int zz=dealer+1;
                           int ppos=0;
                           int still_in_play[3]={0};
                         if(players_folded[zz] == false)
               }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
               return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

               /*check pattern */
               int choice = rand() % 3 + 1;
               if(choice == 1)
                        /* bluff fnctn */
                        int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                        return bet;
                        return 0; /* call */
else/*stage = 4 */
        if (players <= 3)
                 int zz=dealer+1;
                 int ppos=0;
                 int still_in_play[3]={0};
                           if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                 }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                 return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

               /* check pattern */
               int choice = rand()%4 + 1;
               if(choice == 1)
/* bluff fnctn */
                                 int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                 return bet;
                                 return 0;
else/* phand = 1 and vbad */
        int pla = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the current deal */
        if(stage == 1)
                 if(pla <= 3)
                          int zz=dealer+1;
                          int ppos=0;
                          int still_in_play[3]={0};
                                    if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                          }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                          return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

                         /* check pattern */
                         int choice = rand() % 3 + 1;
                         if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2))
                                  return 0;/* call */
                                  /* bluff fnctn */
                                  int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                  return bet;
        else if((stage == 2)||(stage == 3))
                  if (pla <=3)
                           int zz=dealer+1;
int ppos=0;
               int still_in_play[3]={0};
                         if(players_folded[zz] == false)
               }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
               return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

               /*check pattern */
               int choice = rand() % 4 + 1;
               if(choice == 1)
                        /* bluff fnctn */
                        int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                        return bet;
                        return 0; /* call */
else/*stage = 4 */
        if (pla <= 3)
                 int zz=dealer+1;
                 int ppos=0;
                 int still_in_play[3]={0};
                           if(players_folded[zz] == false)
                 }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
                 return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer);

               /* check pattern */
                                       int choice = rand()%5 + 1;
                                       if(choice == 1)
                                                /* bluff fnctn */
                                                int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                                return bet;
                                                return 0;

int getMove(int stage,int phand,int *team,int teamno,int dealer)
        int final;
        int rise;
        int *ptr,flag;
        int xx1res,xx2res;
        cout << "nTeam 1 = " << *team << " Team 2 = " << *(team +1) << " Team 3 = " << *(team+2)
        if(*team == 0 || *(team + 1)==0||*(team + 2)==0)
                  //cout << "nIs it HERE ? ";
                  flag = 0;
                  for(int temp=1;temp <= 3 ;temp++)
                            ptr = team;
                            if(*ptr == teamno)
                                     flag = 1;
                            else if(*ptr == 0)
                                     if(flag == 0)
                                               int pop =
                                               if(phand == VERY_BAD||phand == BAD || phand == AVG)
                                                       int cal,rez,foiled;
/* RISE :: 3 */
                                              /*       FOLD :: 2 */
                                              /*       CALL :: 1 */
                                              /*       BLUFF :: 4 */
                                              cal = reaction_ratio[1];
                                              foiled = reaction_ratio[2];
                                              rez = reaction_ratio[3];
                                              if(foiled<=cal || foiled<=rez)
                                                       return -10;/* fold */
                                                       rise =
                                                      cout << "n Minimum Raise 1= " << rise;
                                                      int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                                      cout << "n Final Return 1= " << bet;
                                                      return bet;
                                     else/* phand is very gud */
                                             int calfold,rezfold;
                                             /* RISE :: 3 */
                                             /*       FOLD :: 2 */
                                             /*       CALL :: 1 */
                                             /*       BLUFF :: 4 */
                                             calfold = reaction_ratio[2];
                                             /* RISE :: 3 */
                                             /*       FOLD :: 2 */
                                             /*       CALL :: 1 */
                                             /*       BLUFF :: 4 */
                                             rezfold = reaction_ratio[2];
                                             if(calfold < rezfold)
                                                      return 0;/* call */
                                                      rise =
                                                      cout << "n Minimum Raise2 = " << rise;
                                                      int bet = bluff(rise,2);
                                                      cout << "n Final Return 2= " << bet;
                                                      return bet;/*raise bluff */
                            else/* flag == 1 */
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Code em Poker
Code em Poker
Code em Poker
Code em Poker
Code em Poker
Code em Poker
Code em Poker
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Code em Poker
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Code em Poker
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Accelerate your Kubernetes clusters with Varnish Caching

Code em Poker

  • 1. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; # define INPUT_FILE "inputf.txt" # define DEAL_FILE "deal.txt" # define DEALS_MONEY "deals_money.txt" # define RIVER_CARDS "river_cards.txt" # define CHECKPATTERN_FILE "checkpattern.txt" # define PRE_FLOP 1 # define FLOP 2 # define FOURTH_STREET 3 # define FIFTH_STREET 4 # define SHOW_DOWN 5 # define SKIP_NEWLINE while(*ptr == 10 || *ptr==13){ptr++;} # define FIRST (int)'A' # define CALL (int)'C' # define RISE (int)'R' # define FOLD (int)'F' # define FOLDED (int) '-' # define BLUFF (int)'B' # define VERY_GOOD 5 # define GOOD 4 # define AVG 3 # define BAD 2 # define VERY_BAD 1 # define HIGH 1 # define LOW 0 # define OFFENSIVE 1 # define DEFENSIVE 2 # define ULTRA_DEFENSIVE 3 struct player { int handCard1; int handCard2; int team; int bet; int money_remaining; }; short int players_data_move[7][5][500]={0}; /* [TEAM NUMBER][STAGE][ROUND] */ short int players_data_bet[7][5][500]={0}; /* [TEAM NUMBER][STAGE][ROUND] */
  • 2. short int pot_money[7][5][500]={0}; /* [TEAM NUMBER][STAGE][ROUND] */ short int players_hand_card_1[7]; /* [TEAM NUMBER] */ short int players_hand_card_2[7]; /* [TEAM NUMBER] */ short int river_cards[5],r_count=0; /* [STAGE] */ short int player_p_values[7][5]; /* [TEAM NUMBER][STAGE] */ short int checkPattern[6][5][4][3][7] ={0}; /* [PVALUE][ACTION][REACTION][STAGE][TEAMNUMBER] */ int round_number[5]; /* [STAGE] */ int p_ratio[6]; /* [PVALUE] */ int reaction_ratio[5]; /* [REACTION] */ bool players_folded[7]; /* [TEAM NUMBER] */ short int number_of_folds; /* Stores the Number of Folds */ short int play_mode; /* 1 :: OFFENSIVE | 2 :: DEFENSIVE | 3 :: ULTRA DEFENSIVE */ short int number_of_deals; /* Stores the Number of Deals */ player players[7]; int deal_number; /* Represents the nth deal */ bool is_show_down; /* Tells if its Show Down or not */ bool stagePlayed[6]={0}; /* Bool of Stages Played */ bool playersEliminated[7]; /* [TEAM NUMBER] */ short int num_players_eliminated = 0; void printPlayerDetails(player p); void read_file(char *name,char *data); int getInt(char *data); int decode_input_file(char *data); int decode_dealsMoney(char *data); void getString(char *str,char *data); int decode_dealFile(char *data,int *stage,int *main_pot); void read_showDown_handCards(char *data); void get_current_state_players(char *data,int stage,int self_teamNumber,int dealer); void set_play_mode(int self_team_number); int defensive_play(int stage,int *all_cards,int n_total_cards,int self_team_number,int dealer); bool is_bluffsMore(short int team_number); int get_minimum_raise(short int stage,short int team_number,short int dealer); short int get_rank(int self_team_number); void set_p_ratio(); void set_reaction_ratio(); void set_player_folded(); bool is_FirstTurn(short int dealer, short int self_team_number); short int checkPattern_p(int action,int reaction, int stage ,int team,int detail); short int checkPattern_action(int p_value,int action,int reaction, int stage ,int team,int detail); int catagorize_move(int p_move); void analyze_data(int self_teamNumber,int dealer); int offensive(int stage,int *cards,int total,int teamno,int dealer); int getMove(int stage,int phand,int *team,int teamno,int dealer);
  • 3. int bluff(int rise, int limit); int lowraise(int bet); int compare (const void * a, const void * b); int pcounter(int *cards,int hand,int total); int highcard(int *hole,int hand); int pairs(int *cards,int *allpairs,int total); int twoofakind(int *allpairs,int paircards,int *hole,int hand); int twopair(int *allpairs,int paircards,int *hole,int hand); int threeofakind(int *allpairs,int paircards,int *cards,int total,int *hole , int hand); int straight(int *cards,int total,int *hole,int hand); int flush(int *cards,int total,int *hole,int hand); int fullhouse(int *allpairs,int paircards,int *cards,int total,int *hole , int hand ); int fourofakind(int *allpairs,int paircards,int *hole,int hand); int striaghtflush(int *cards,int total,int *hole,int hand); int priver(int*cards,int hand,int total); int pgrader(int probab , int stage); int ppreflop(int hand1,int hand2); int pfuture(int *cards,int total); int futurestraight(int *cards,int total); int futureflush(int *cards, int total); int overallp(int*cards,int total,int stage); void start_deal(char *data,int self_teamNumber,int *players_left); int anyoppraisehigh(int stage,int round,int firstplayer,int myteamno,int dealer); void printPlayerDetails(player p) { cout << "n Hand 1 = " << p.handCard1; cout << "n Hand 2 = " << p.handCard2; cout << "n Team Number = " <<; cout << "n Current Round Bet = " <<; } void read_file(char *name,char *data) { FILE *file; file = fopen(name, "rb"); fread(data,1000,1,file); fclose(file); } char *ptr; char *ptr_startReading; int getInt(char *data) { int temp=0; while(*ptr < '0' || *ptr > '9' ) ptr++; while(*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9') { temp = temp*10 + (*ptr - '0');
  • 4. ptr++; } return temp; } int decode_input_file(char *data) { ptr = data; int t1,t2,t3; t1 = getInt(data); t2 = getInt(data); t3 = getInt(data); players[t3].team = t3; players[t3].handCard1 = t1; //cout << "nHAND CARD 1 = " << t1; players[t3].handCard2 = t2; //cout << "nHAND CARD 2 = " << t2; players[t3].bet = getInt(data); //cout << "nTEAM NUMBER = " << t3; return t3; } int decode_dealsMoney(char *data) { ptr = data; player *p; int temp,deal; p = players; //deal = getInt(data); string read_str; ifstream fin;,ios::in); fin >> read_str; fin >> read_str; deal = atoi(read_str.c_str()); for(temp=1;temp<=6;temp++) { //p->team = getInt(data); //p->money_remaining = getInt(data); //p++; fin >> read_str; fin >> read_str; players[temp].money_remaining= atoi(read_str.c_str()); if(players[temp].money_remaining == 0) { playersEliminated[temp]=true; num_players_eliminated++; } }
  • 5. fin.close(); return deal; } void getString(char *str,char *data) { while(!(*ptr == '-' || *ptr == '_' || (*ptr >= 'a' && *ptr <= 'z') || (*ptr >= 'A' && *ptr <= 'Z'))) ptr++; while((*ptr >= 'a' && *ptr <= 'z') || (*ptr >= 'A' && *ptr <= 'Z') || *ptr=='_' || *ptr == '-') { *str = *ptr; str++; ptr++; } *str='0'; } int decode_dealFile(char *data,int *stage,int *main_pot) { ptr = data; int dealer = getInt(data); char str[100]; getString(str,data); //cout << "n First Str = "; puts(str); getString(str,data); //cout << "n Second Str = "; puts(str); if(!strcmp("Show_Down",str)) *stage = SHOW_DOWN; else if(!strcmp("Pre_Flop",str)) *stage = PRE_FLOP; else if(!strcmp("Flop",str)) *stage = FLOP; else if(!strcmp("Fourth_Street",str)) *stage = FOURTH_STREET; else if(!strcmp("Fifth_Street",str)) *stage = FIFTH_STREET; *main_pot = getInt(data); ptr_startReading = ptr; return dealer; } void read_showDown_handCards(char *data) { ofstream fout; string file_name,temp_file; int card;
  • 6. for(int xx=1;xx<=6;xx++) { file_name = "team"; string bet_name = "_bet.txt"; file_name = file_name + bet_name; temp_file = (char)(xx + 48); file_name = file_name+temp_file;,ios::app); //"test.txt",ios::app); card = getInt(data);/* Temp storage for value we dont need */ fout << getInt(data) << "n" << getInt(data) << "n"; fout.close(); } } /* ptr continues from the previous point.Its a global variable */ void get_current_state_players(char *data,int stage,int self_teamNumber,int dealer) { cout << "n Started Reading Rest of Deal File"; ptr = ptr_startReading; string stage_name; int count_new_cards; int river[3]; //int round_count; switch(stage) { case 1:stage_name = "Pre_Flop";count_new_cards = 0;break; case 2:stage_name = "Flop";count_new_cards = 3;break; case 3:stage_name = "Fourth_Street";count_new_cards = 1;break; case 4:stage_name = "Fifth_Street";count_new_cards = 1;break; case 5:stage_name = "Show_Down";count_new_cards = 0;break; } ofstream fout_river; string file_name; string temp_file; string move; int bet; int t_round = 1; int cur_stage = 1; ifstream fin;"deal.txt",ios::in); string t_str; while(t_str != "Pre_Flop") fin >> t_str; bool end_round=false; bool end_stage=false;
  • 7.,ios::out); fin >> t_str; int prevv=0; while(!fin.eof()) { int xx; xx=atoi(t_str.c_str()); if(cur_stage == 5) { //cout << "nxx = " << xx; cout << "n Reading Hand Cards"; fin >> t_str; players_hand_card_1[xx]=atoi(t_str.c_str()); fin >> t_str; players_hand_card_2[xx]=atoi(t_str.c_str()); if(xx==6) { /*cout << "n"; for (int zz = 1;zz<=6;zz++) { cout <<zz<<" - " << players_hand_card_1[zz]; cout <<" " << players_hand_card_2[zz]; cout << "n"; } getch();*/ fout_river.close(); return; } fin >> t_str; } else { if(xx == dealer) end_round = true; fin >> move; if(move == "End" || t_str == "End") { cout << "nEnd Reached.Stage Should Change"; round_number[cur_stage] = t_round; cur_stage++; ofstream fout;"Round_Counts.txt",ios::app); fout << t_round << "n"; fout.close(); t_round=1; switch(cur_stage) {
  • 8. case 1:stage_name = "Pre_Flop";count_new_cards = 0;break; case 2:stage_name = "Flop";count_new_cards = 3;break; case 3:stage_name = "Fourth_Street";count_new_cards = 1;break; case 4:stage_name = "Fifth_Street";count_new_cards = 1;break; case 5:stage_name = "Show_Down";count_new_cards = 0;break; } while(move != stage_name && move != "Show_Down") fin >> move; if(move == "Show_Down") { cur_stage = 5; count_new_cards=0; is_show_down = true; } stagePlayed[cur_stage] = true; for(int xx=0;xx<count_new_cards;xx++) { fin >> t_str; river[xx] = atoi(t_str.c_str()); fout_river << river [xx] << "n"; } fin >> t_str; } else { if(move != "-") { fin >> t_str; bet = atoi(t_str.c_str()); } else bet = 0; cout << "n Move = " << move << " " << bet; players_data_move[xx][cur_stage][t_round] = (int)move[0]; players_data_bet[xx][cur_stage][t_round] = bet; pot_money[xx][cur_stage][t_round] = prevv; cout << "n Pot Money = " << prevv; //getch(); if(players_data_move[xx][cur_stage][t_round] != FOLD) prevv = bet; if(end_round == true) t_round++; /* } */ end_round = false; end_stage = false; fin >> t_str; } } }
  • 9. cout << "nStage = " <<stage << " t_round = " << t_round; round_number[stage]=t_round; fout_river.close(); //getch(); return ; } void set_play_mode(int self_team_number) { int money_total=0; for(int xx=1;xx<=6;xx++) money_total=money_total+players[xx].money_remaining; int mean= money_total/(6-num_players_eliminated); cout << "nMean Money = " << mean << "n2/3rd of Mean = " <<(2*mean)/3 << "nRank = " << get_rank(self_team_number); if(players[self_team_number].money_remaining >=500 && ((get_rank(self_team_number) <=(2*(6-num_players_eliminated))/3) || num_players_eliminated >=3)) play_mode = OFFENSIVE; else play_mode = DEFENSIVE; cout << "nPlay Mode = "<<play_mode; //getch(); /* SET BRUTEFORE play_mode - Until Rank is Top 3 or until Money doesnt go below 500 or 800 deals */ // Remove the Comments below to Activate Ultra Defensive modee // /* play_mode = ULTRA_DEFENSIVE; if(get_rank(self_team_number) <=3 || players[self_team_number].money_remaining <= 500 || deal_number >= 800) play_mode = OFFENSIVE; */ } /* stage = The current Stage all_cards = All cards including hand card and river Card. (First two Cards as Hand Cards n_total_cards = Total Number of Cards = River Cards + 2 Hand Cards self_team_number = The team number who has to return a Reply dealer = the dealer for the current deal */ int defensive_play(int stage,int *all_cards,int n_total_cards,int self_team_number,int dealer) { /* An array that stores all the Cards , including Hand Cards (as 1st 2 cards) & and River Cards to call "overallp" function */
  • 10. /*static int all_cards[7]; */ /*all_cards[0] = players_hand_card_1[self_team_number]; */ /*all_cards[1] = players_hand_card_2[self_team_number]; */ /*for(int xx = 2;xx < 2+n_river_cards;xx++) */ /* all_cards[xx] = river_cards[xx-2]; */ int p_hand = overallp(all_cards, n_total_cards, stage); if(!(p_hand == VERY_GOOD || p_hand == GOOD)) /* The Case of Fold */ return -10;/*fold*/ return offensive(stage,all_cards,n_total_cards,self_team_number,dealer); } /* Returns true or 1 if the player bluffs atleast twice as more else false oe 0 */ bool is_bluffsMore(short int team_number) { int rise_counter=1; int bluff_counter=1; for(int xx = 1;xx<=6;xx++) for(int yy = 1;yy<5;yy++) for(int zz=1;zz<=round_number[yy];zz++) { if(players_data_move[xx][yy][zz] == RISE) rise_counter++; if(players_data_move[xx][yy][zz] == BLUFF) bluff_counter++; } if(rise_counter*2 <= bluff_counter) return true; else return false; } int get_minimum_raise(short int stage,short int team_number,short int dealer) { if(stage == 5) return 0; int cur_round=round_number[stage]; int cur_player=team_number-1; int cur_stage = stage; cout << "nStart Round = " << cur_round; while(cur_round >= 0) { if(cur_player == 0)cur_player=6; if(cur_player == dealer)cur_round--; if(cur_round == 0) { cur_stage--; cur_round=round_number[cur_stage]; }
  • 11. cout << "nCur Player = " << cur_player << " cur_stage = " << cur_stage << " cur_round = " <<cur_round; cout << "nPot Money = " << pot_money[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]; cout << "nRaise = " << (players_data_bet[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]- pot_money[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]); cout << "nRise Amounts = " << players_data_bet[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]; if(players_data_move[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round] == RISE) { cout << "nFinally Rise = " << players_data_bet[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]- pot_money[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]; if(players_data_bet[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]- pot_money[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round] == 0 || players_data_bet[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]-pot_money[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round] == 5) return 10; //getch(); return (players_data_bet[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]- pot_money[cur_player][cur_stage][cur_round]); } cur_player--; } return 0; } /* Returns your rank on calling */ short int get_rank(int self_team_number) { short int rank=6; for(int xx = 1;xx<=6;xx++) { if(xx == self_team_number) continue; if(players[xx].money_remaining <=players[self_team_number].money_remaining) rank--; } return rank; } /* Sets the value of all elements in Array p_ratio as 0 */ void set_p_ratio() { for (int xx=0;xx<6; xx++) p_ratio[xx]=0; } /* Sets the value of all elements in Array reaction_ratio as 0 */ void set_reaction_ratio()
  • 12. { for (int xx=0;xx<=4; xx++) reaction_ratio[xx]=0; } /* Sets the value of all elements in Array players_folded as false */ void set_player_folded() { for(int xx=1;xx<=6;xx++) players_folded[xx] = false; } /* Returns 1 or "true" , if our first turn, else returns 0 or "false" */ bool is_FirstTurn(short int dealer, short int self_team_number) { int s_pos = dealer+1; while(s_pos != self_team_number && !(s_pos == 7 && self_team_number == 1)) { if(s_pos == 7) s_pos = 1; if(players_folded[s_pos] == false) return false; s_pos++; } return true; } /* Function Returns the p_value */ /* VERY_GOOD 5 */ /* GOOD 4 */ /* AVG 3 */ /* BAD 2 */ /* VERY_BAD 1 */ short int checkPattern_p(int action,int reaction, int stage ,int team,int detail = LOW) { /* Action :: What the other opponent Do */ /* Reaction :: What this team does for the given action */ /* Stage :: Stage for which data is required */ /* Team :: Team number for which the data is required */ /* Detail :: How much deatil to check the Patter */ /* HIGH - Check exact match */ /* LOW - Ignore Stage */ /* Set p_ratio array as 0 */ set_p_ratio(); /* Declare the Array to store CheckPattern */ short int max;
  • 13. /* Read the CheckPattern File and save it in the Array */ FILE *file; file = fopen(CHECKPATTERN_FILE,"rb"); if(file != NULL) { fread(checkPattern,sizeof(int)*6*5*4*3*7,1,file); fclose(file); } if (detail == LOW) { max = 0; for(int xx = 1;xx<=5;xx++) /* For What P Value */ { p_ratio[xx] = checkPattern[xx][action][reaction][stage][team]; if(checkPattern[max][action][reaction][stage][team] <= checkPattern[xx][action][reaction][stage][team]) max = xx; } return max; } else { max = 0; for(int xx=1; xx<=5; xx++) /* For What P-Value */ for(int zz = 0; zz < 4;zz++) /* For Any Stage */ { p_ratio[xx] = checkPattern[xx][action][reaction][zz][team]; if(checkPattern[max][action][reaction][zz][team] <= checkPattern[xx][action][reaction][zz][team]) max = xx; } return max; } } /* Function Returns an Action */ /* RISE :: 3 */ /* FOLD :: 2 */ /* CALL :: 1 */ /* BLUFF :: 4 */ /* It is based on priority */ short int checkPattern_action(int p_value,int action, int stage ,int team,int detail = LOW) { /* p_value :: P_Value for which the reaction is reqd */ /* Action :: What the other opponent Do */ /* Reaction :: What this team does for the given action */ /* Stage :: Stage for which data is required */ /* Team :: Team number for which the data is required */
  • 14. /* Detail :: How much deatil to check the Patter */ /* HIGH - Check exact match */ /* LOW - Ignore Stage */ /* Declare the Array to store CheckPattern */ /* Set p_ratio array as 0 */ set_reaction_ratio(); short int max; /* Read the CheckPattern File and save it in the Array */ FILE *file; file = fopen(CHECKPATTERN_FILE,"rb"); if(file!=NULL) { fread(checkPattern,sizeof(int)*6*5*4*3*7,1,file); fclose(file); } if (detail == LOW) { max = 0; for(int xx = 0;xx<4;xx++) /* For What Reaction */ { reaction_ratio[xx] = checkPattern[p_value][action][xx][stage][team]; if(checkPattern[p_value][action][max][stage][team] <= checkPattern[p_value][action][xx][stage][team]) max = xx; } return max; } else { max = 0; for(int xx=1; xx<=5; xx++) /* For What Reaction */ for(int zz = 1; zz <= 5;zz++) /* For Any Value of P */ { reaction_ratio[xx] = checkPattern[p_value][action][xx][zz][team]; if(checkPattern[zz][action][max][stage][team] <= checkPattern[p_value][action][xx][zz][team]) max = xx; } return max; } } int catagorize_move(int p_move) {
  • 15. /* KEY INDEX */ /* RISE :: 3 */ /* FOLD :: 2 */ /* CALL :: 1 */ /* BLUFF :: 4 */ if(p_move == CALL) return 1; if(p_move == FOLD) return 2; if(p_move == BLUFF) return 4; if(p_move == RISE) return 3; return 0; /* For error */ } void analyze_data(int self_team_number,int dealer) { /*cout << "n"; for (int xx = 1;xx<=6;xx++) { cout <<xx<<" - " << players_hand_card_1[xx]; cout <<" " << players_hand_card_2[xx]; cout << "n"; }*/ r_count=0; string file_name = "team" ; string temp_file; string t_str; ifstream fin; ifstream file1; ifstream file2; /* Order for Check Pattern :: PValue - Action - Reaction - Stage -Team Number */ //int cumulative_round_count=0; int stage =1,max_stage; int move; int counter; number_of_folds=0; /* Get all the Data from the Help Files into the two arrays declared above */ /* Read the CheckPattern File */ cout << "nCheck Pattern Read Start"; FILE *file; file = fopen(CHECKPATTERN_FILE,"rb"); if(file != NULL)
  • 16. { fread(checkPattern,sizeof(int)*6*5*4*3*7,1,file); fclose(file); } //cout << "nCHECKPATTERN = " << checkPattern[2][2][2][2][2]; cout << "n Check Pattern read complete"; /* Read all the river Cards from the Help Files */,ios::in); fin >> t_str; cout << "nRiver Card Read Start"; while(!fin.eof()) { river_cards[r_count++]=atoi(t_str.c_str()); fin >>t_str; } fin.close(); cout << "nRiver Card read completenRIVER CARDS :: "; for(int mm=0;mm<r_count;mm++) cout << river_cards[mm] << " "; /* This File contains the number of rounds played at each stage in the current Deal */"Round_Counts.txt",ios::in); /* Set player_folded array to False */ set_player_folded(); number_of_folds=0; /* Read all the Round Counts to an Array */ fin >> t_str; //round_number[stage++]=atoi(t_str.c_str()); while (!fin.eof()) { round_number[stage++]=atoi(t_str.c_str()); fin >>t_str; } fin.close(); cout << "n Read Round Numbers complete, stage = " << stage << "n ROUND NUMBERS :: "; for(int mm=1;mm<stage;mm++) cout << round_number[mm] << " "; max_stage = stage; //cout << "nSTAGE = " << stage; /* Read all the opponent moves and Bets from Help Files */ /*for(int xx = 1,yy=0;xx<=6;xx++) { stage=0; //cumulative_round_count = 0; counter = round_number[stage]; temp_file = (char)(xx + 48); + "_move.txt"),ios::in); + "_bet.txt"),ios::in);
  • 17. yy = 0; while(!file1.eof()) { file1 >> players_data_move[xx][round_number[stage]-counter][yy]; if(players_data_move[xx][round_number[stage]-counter][yy] == FOLD) { players_folded[xx]= true; number_of_folds++; } file2 >> players_data_bet[xx][round_number[stage]-counter][yy]; counter--; if(counter == 0) { yy=0; //cumulative_round_count = cumulative_round_count + round_number[stage]; stage++; counter = round_number[stage]; } yy++; } file1.close(); file2 >> players_hand_card_1[xx]; file2 >> players_hand_card_2[xx]; file2.close(); stage++; } */ for(int xx = 1;xx<=6;xx++) {for(int yy = 1;yy<5;yy++) {for(int zz=1;zz<=round_number[yy];zz++) {if(players_data_move[xx][yy][zz] == FOLD) { players_folded[xx]=true; number_of_folds++; }}}} cout << "nAnalyze Fold Data Complete"; for(int xx=1;xx<=6;xx++) cout << xx<<":"<<players_folded[xx] << " "; players_hand_card_1[self_team_number] = players[self_team_number].handCard1; players_hand_card_2[self_team_number] = players[self_team_number].handCard2; //getch(); //cout << "nWILL IT GO THERE ? :O "; if(is_show_down == false)/* If the Stage is not ShowDown , we dont have to analyze the Data. Just store them in Arrays */ return ; stage = 5; //cout << "nCOMES HERE!!!! :D "; /* Calculate the P-Values of each player at every round */ // int preflop_river_cards[5];//Can use this array for sending to the p_value Function // int all_cards[7];
  • 18. for(int yy = 2;yy < 2+r_count;yy++) all_cards[yy] = river_cards[yy-2]; cout << "nCalculating All P Values Started"; for(int xx = 1; xx<=6 ; xx++) { all_cards[0] = players_hand_card_1[xx]; all_cards[1] = players_hand_card_2[xx]; /* Preflop */ //if(max_stage >= 1) player_p_values[xx][1] = overallp(all_cards,2,1); //cout << "n Calculated First pValue"; /* Flop */ //if(max_stage >= 2) if(stagePlayed[2] == true) player_p_values[xx][2] = overallp(all_cards,5,2); //cout << "n Calculated Second pValue"; /* Fourth Street */ //if(max_stage >= 3) if(stagePlayed[3] == true) player_p_values[xx][3] = overallp(all_cards,6,3); //cout << "n Calculated Third pValue"; /* Fifth Street */ //if(max_stage >= 4) if(stagePlayed[4] == true) player_p_values[xx][4] = overallp(all_cards,7,4); //cout << "n Calculated Fourth pValue"; } /* All data has now been stored in the required arrays */ cout << "nAll PValues Calculated"; for(int xx=1;xx<=6;xx++) { cout << "nPlayer - " << xx << "n"; for(int yy=1;yy<=4;yy++) cout << player_p_values[xx][yy] << " "; } //getch(); /* Start analyzing from the Dealer */ int current_round = 0; int number_of_rise = 0; int number_of_call = 0; int number_of_fold = 0; /* Loop to Analyze the Data Stored in all Array */ int loop_counter = 0; /* Counter for position in current Round */
  • 19. int loop_stage = 0; /* Counter for Current Stage */ int loop_start = dealer+3; /* Counter for Player Number */ int loop_pot_money = 10; /* Stores the Money in Pot for the Current Stage */ int player_bet; int player_move; bool isBluff; /* 1-Bluff 0-Not Bluff */ int player_action = (int)'A'; /* What other player did, based on priority */ while(loop_stage != 5) { if(loop_start >= 7) loop_start = loop_start-6; if(loop_start == dealer+1) loop_counter++; if(loop_counter == round_number[loop_stage]) /* Stage Over */ { loop_stage++; loop_counter=0; loop_pot_money = 0; player_action = (int)'A'; } player_bet = players_data_bet[loop_start][loop_stage][loop_counter] - loop_pot_money; pot_money[loop_start][loop_stage][loop_counter] = loop_pot_money; if(player_bet <=0) player_bet = 0; loop_pot_money = loop_pot_money + player_bet; player_move = players_data_move[loop_start][loop_stage][loop_counter]; if(player_move > player_action && player_action != FOLDED) player_action = player_move; if(player_bet != 0 && (player_p_values[loop_start][loop_stage] == BAD || player_p_values[loop_start][loop_stage] == VERY_BAD || player_p_values[loop_start][loop_stage] == AVG)) { isBluff = true; player_move = BLUFF; } else isBluff = false; checkPattern[player_p_values[loop_start][loop_stage]][catagorize_move(player_action)][ca tagorize_move(player_move)][loop_stage][loop_start]++; if(player_move == BLUFF) checkPattern[player_p_values[loop_start][loop_stage]][catagorize_move(player_action)][RI SE][loop_stage][loop_start]++; loop_start++; } /* Write The CheckPattern back to File */ cout << "nWRITE CHECKPATTERN FILE STARTED!"; file = fopen(CHECKPATTERN_FILE,"wb");
  • 20. fwrite(checkPattern,sizeof(int)*6*5*4*3*7,1,file); fclose(file); cout << "nWRITE COMPLETE"; remove("bluff.txt"); //getch(); } /* this fnctn shud be called when need to play offensive and it will return the amount of bet */ int offensive(int stage,int *cards,int total,int teamno,int dealer) { /* initialize random seed: */ /* initialization for rand function */ srand ( time(NULL) ); int phand,rise = get_minimum_raise(stage,teamno,dealer);/* rise = minimum available raise */ phand = overallp(cards,total,stage); cout << "nP Hand = " << phand; //getch(); int temp = is_FirstTurn(dealer,teamno);/* checking for first turn */ //cout << "n First Turn True/False = " << temp; if(temp == 0)/* opponent raised or called */ { /* is p vgud */ if(phand == 5) { int check = anyoppraisehigh(stage,round_number[stage],dealer + 1,teamno,dealer);/* check if opp raised high */ if(check == 1) { /* check stage */ if(stage == 1) { int choice = rand() % 4 + 1; if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)||(choice == 3)) return 0;/* call */ else { /* high raise fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,4);/* 4 for high raise fnctn */ return bet; } } else if(stage == 2) { int choice = rand() % 4 + 1; if((choice == 1)||(choice ==2)) {
  • 21. /* high raise fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,4); return bet; } else return 0; } else if(stage == 3) { int choice = rand() % 4 + 1; if(choice ==1) return 0; else { int bet = bluff(rise,4);/*high raise fnctn*/ return bet; } } else/*last stage */ { /* high raise fntn */ int bet = bluff(rise,4); return bet; } } else/* low raise or call */ { /* stage check */ if(stage == 4) { /* high raise fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,4); return bet; } else if(round_number[stage] == 1)/*new card opened */ { int choice = rand() % 2 + 1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/* call */ else { int bet = bluff(rise,4); return bet; } /* high raise fntn */ } else/*no new card */ { FILE *pt; int bluffcounter = 4;
  • 22. pt = fopen("bluff.txt","rb"); if(pt != NULL)/* prev raise */ { fscanf(pt,"%d",&bluffcounter); fclose(pt); if(bluffcounter <4) { int bet = bluff(rise,4); return bet; } } else { int choice = rand() % 2 +1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/* call */ else { /* high raise fntn */ int bet = bluff(rise,4); return bet; } } } } } /* p is gud */ if(phand == 4) { //cout << "n Case of Pgood"; int value=1; int check = anyoppraisehigh(stage,round_number[stage],dealer + 1,teamno,dealer);/* check if opp raised high */ //cout << "nDid Any opponent Raise High? " << check; if(check == 1) { int temp = teamno-1; int cur_round = round_number[stage]; do { if(temp == 0) temp = 6; if(temp == dealer) cur_round--; if(cur_round <=0) {value = 0;break;} if(players_data_move[temp][stage][cur_round] == RISE) {
  • 23. int rise = players_data_bet[temp][stage][cur_round] - pot_money[temp][stage][cur_round]; if(rise > 50) { int faltu; faltu = is_bluffsMore(temp); if(faltu==0) value = faltu; } } temp--; }while(temp != teamno); if(value == 0) { int pla = 6 - number_of_folds;/* gets no of players playing on the table */ if(pla <= 3)/* check pattern fntn */ { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); } else { int count = 0; int temp=teamno-1; int still_in_play[3]={0}; int zz=0; int cur_round = round_number[stage]; do { int value; if(temp==0) temp = 6; if(temp == dealer)
  • 24. cur_round--; if(cur_round <=0) break; if((players_data_move[temp][stage][cur_round] == CALL)&&(players_data_bet[temp][stage][cur_round] - pot_money[temp][stage][cur_round] > 50)) value = is_bluffsMore(temp); if(value == 0) { count++; still_in_play[zz++]=temp; } temp--; }while(temp!=teamno); still_in_play[zz++]=teamno; if(zz==3) {still_in_play[zz++]=0;} pla = count; /* no of players who raises high and doesn;t bluff */ if(pla <= 2) return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); else /* check pattern */ { int choice = rand() % 2 + 1; if(choice == 1) return 0; else return -10;/* fold */ } } } else/* means opponent bluffs a lot */ { int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing at the table */ if(players <= 3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2)
  • 25. {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ } else { return 0;/*call*/ } } } else /* low call or call*/ { int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players laying at the table */ //cout << "nReached the case of chek = 0, players = "<<players; if(players <= 3) /*-----------editing left-----------*/ { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ } else { cout << "nPlayers Greater than 3"; int lowcheck=0,count=0; int temp = teamno-1; if(temp == 0 ) temp = 6; int still_in_play[7]={0}; int zz =0; int cur_round = round_number[stage]; cout << "ncur_round = " << cur_round; do { if(temp == 0)
  • 26. temp = 6; if(temp == dealer) cur_round--; if(cur_round == 0) break; cout << "ntemp = " << temp << " cur_round = " << cur_round << " stage = " << stage; if(players_data_move[temp][stage][cur_round] == RISE) { count++; still_in_play[zz++] = temp; lowcheck = 1; } temp--; }while(temp != teamno); //cout << "nNumber of Rise = " << count; //cout << "nlow check = " << lowcheck; //getch(); still_in_play[zz++] = teamno; if(zz==3) {still_in_play[zz]=0;zz++;} if(lowcheck == 1) { //cout <<"nEnter Low Check"; int pla = count;/*no of players who raised low */ if(pla <= 2) { //cout << "n Here ????"; return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); } else { int choice = rand() % 2 + 1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/* call */ else { //cout << "nLow Raise ? "; int bet = lowraise(rise);/* low raise call */ return bet; } } } else/*opponent called */ { int choice = rand()%2 + 1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/* call */
  • 27. else/* low raise */ { int bet = lowraise(rise); return bet; } } } } } if(phand == 3) { int bet,value; int check = anyoppraisehigh(stage,round_number[stage],dealer + 1,teamno,dealer);/* check if opp raised high */ if(check == 1)/* raises high */ { if((stage == 1)||(stage == 2)) { int temp=teamno-1;/*checking bluffs a lot*/ int cur_round = round_number[stage]; do { if(temp == 0) temp = 6; if(temp == dealer) cur_round--; if(cur_round <= 0) break; if(players_data_move[temp][stage][cur_round] == RISE) { int rise = players_data_bet[temp][stage][cur_round] - pot_money[temp][stage][cur_round]; if(rise <= 50) { int faltu; faltu = is_bluffsMore(temp); if(faltu==0) value = faltu; } } temp--; }while(temp != teamno); if(value == 1) { int choice = rand()%3 +1; if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)) return 0;/* call */ else return -10;/*fold*/
  • 28. } else { int choice = rand()%3 +1; if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)) return -10;/* fold */ else return 0;/*call*/ } } else/*stage 3rd or 4 */ { if(round_number[stage]==1)/*new cards opened */ { int choice = rand()%2 +1; if(choice == 1)/* bluff */ { int bet = bluff(rise,2); cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet; //getch(); return bet; } else return -10;/*fold*/ } else/* no new card opened */ { if(players_data_move[teamno][stage][round_number[stage]-1]==RISE) { int bet = bluff(rise,2);/* bluff if allowed */ if(bet != 0) {cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet; //getch(); return bet;} } else return -10; /* fold */ } } } else /* low raise or call */ { if((stage==1)||(stage==2)) { if(round_number[stage]==1)/*new card opened */ { int choice = rand()%2 +1; if(choice == 1)
  • 29. { int bet = bluff(rise,2); cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet; //getch(); return bet; } else return 0;/*call*/ } else/* no new card opened */ { if(players_data_move[teamno][stage][round_number[stage]-1]==RISE) { int bet = bluff(rise,2); cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet; //getch(); return bet; } else { return 0;/*call*/ } } } else /* stage 3 or 4 */ { if(round_number[stage]==1)/* new card opened */ { int choice = rand()%3 +1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/* call */ else if(choice == 2) return -10;/*fold*/ else { int bet = bluff(rise,2); cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet; //getch(); return bet; } } else/* no new card opened */ { if(players_data_move[teamno][stage][round_number[stage]-1]==RISE) { int bet = bluff(rise,2);
  • 30. cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet; //getch(); return bet; } else { int choice = rand()%2 +1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/* call */ else return -10;/*fold*/ } } } } } if(phand == 2)/* p bad */ { int check = anyoppraisehigh(stage,round_number[stage],dealer + 1,teamno,dealer);/* check if opp raised high */ if(check == 1)/*opponent raised high*/ { if(stage == 1) { int choice = rand()%4 +1; if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)||(choice == 3)) return 0;/* call */ else return -10;/*fold*/ } else if(stage == 2) { int choice = rand()%3 +1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/* call */ else return -10;/*fold*/ } else if(stage == 3) { int choice = rand()%4 +1; if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)||(choice == 3)) return -10;/* fold */ else return 0;/*call*/ } else/*stage 4*/ return -10;/*fold*/ } else/*low raise or call */
  • 31. { if((stage==1)||(stage==2)) { if(round_number[stage]==1)/*new card opened */ { int choice = rand()%2 +1; if(choice == 1) { int bet = bluff(rise,2); cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet; //getch(); return bet; } else return 0;/*call*/ } else/* no new card opened */ { if(players_data_move[teamno][stage][round_number[stage]-1]==RISE) { int bet = bluff(rise,2); cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet; //getch(); return bet; } else { return 0;/*call*/ } } } else /* stage 3 or 4 */ { if(round_number[stage]==1)/* new card opened */ { int choice = rand()%4 +1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/* call */ else if(choice == 2 || choice == 3) return -10;/*fold*/ else { int bet = bluff(rise,2); cout <<"n1 Bet = " << bet; //getch(); return bet;
  • 32. } } else/* no new card opened */ { if(players_data_move[teamno][stage][round_number[stage]-1]==RISE) { int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else { int choice = rand()%2 +1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/* call */ else return -10;/*fold*/ } } } } } else/* phand == 1 *//* p is vbad */ { int check = anyoppraisehigh(stage,round_number[stage],dealer + 1,teamno,dealer);/* check if opp raised high */ if(check == 1) { cout << "nYes Some player Rises"; //getch(); if(stage == 1) { int choice = rand() % 4 + 1; if ((choice==1)||(choice==2)||(choice==3)) return 0;/*call*/ else return -10;/*fold */ } else if(stage == 2) { int choice = rand()%4 +1; cout<<"nchoice "<<choice<<"n"; //getch(); if(choice == 2) return 0;/* call */ else return -10;/* fold */
  • 33. } else if(stage == 3) { int choice = rand() % 5 +1; if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)||(choice == 3)||(choice == 4)) return -10;/* fold */ else return 0;/* call */ } else/* stage == 4 */ return -10;/* fold */ } else/*opponent raised low or called */ { cout << "n Opponent Raised Low"; if(round_number[stage]==1)/* new card opened */ { if(stage == 4) { int choice = rand()%2 +1; if(choice == 1) { /* bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else return -10;/* fold */ } else { int choice = rand() % 2 + 1; if (choice == 1) { /*bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else return 0;/* call */ } } else/* no new cards opened */ { if(players_data_move[teamno][stage][round_number[stage]-1] == RISE)/*previous bluff*/ { int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else
  • 34. { int choice = rand() % 2 + 1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/*call*/ else return -10;/*fold*/ } } } } } /*--------------------------- checked till here ----------------------*/ else/* first turn is ours */ { if(phand == 5)/* p hand is very gud */ { if(stage == 1) { int choice = rand() % 4 +1; if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)) return 0;/* call */ else { /* high raise */ int bet = bluff(rise,4); return bet; } } else if((stage == 2)||(stage == 3)) { int choice = rand() % 3 + 1; if(choice == 1) { /* raise fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,4); return bet; } else return 0;/* call */ } else/* stage 4 */ { int choice = rand() % 2 + 1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/* call */ else { /* bluff fnctn */
  • 35. int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } } } else if(phand == 4) { if(stage == 1) { int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing at the table atm */ if(players <= 3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ } else/* players > 3 */ { int choice = rand() % 4 + 1; if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)) return 0;/* call */ else if(choice == 3) { /* bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,4); return bet; } else { /* raise fnctn */ int bet = lowraise(rise); return bet; } } } else if((stage == 3)||(stage == 2)) {
  • 36. int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the current bet */ if(players <= 3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ } else/* players > 3 */ { int choice = rand() % 3 + 1; if(choice == 1) { /* bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else return 0;/* call */ } } else/* stage == 4 */ { int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the deal */ if(players <=3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1));
  • 37. if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /*check pattern */ } else/* players > 3 */ { int choice = rand() % 3 + 1; if (choice == 1) { /* bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else return 0;/* call */ } } } else if(phand = 3)/* phand == avg */ { if(stage == 1) { int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the current deal */ if(players <= 3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ } else/* players > 3 */ { int choice = rand() %3 + 1; if(choice == 1) { /* bluff fnctn */
  • 38. int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else return 0;/* call */ } } else if((stage == 2)||(stage == 3)) { int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the current deal */ if(players <= 3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ } else/* players > 3 */ { int choice = rand() %3 + 1; if(choice == 1) { /*bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else return 0; } } else/* stage = 4 */ { if(players_data_move[teamno][stage][round_number[stage]-1] == RISE) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0};
  • 39. do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ /* can call or bluff */ /* never fold here */ } else/* previous wasn;t a bluff*/ { int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the current deal */ if(players <= 3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ } else/* players > 3 */ { int choice = rand() %3 + 1; if(choice == 1) { /*bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else
  • 40. return 0;/*call*/ } } } } if(phand == 2)/* phand = bad */ { int players = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the current deal */ if(stage == 1) { if(players <= 3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ } else { int choice = rand() % 2 + 1; if(choice == 1) return 0;/* call */ else { /* bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } } } else if((stage == 2)||(stage == 3)) { if (players <=3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do {
  • 41. if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /*check pattern */ } else { int choice = rand() % 3 + 1; if(choice == 1) { /* bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else return 0; /* call */ } } else/*stage = 4 */ { if (players <= 3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ } else { int choice = rand()%4 + 1; if(choice == 1) {
  • 42. /* bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else return 0; } } } else/* phand = 1 and vbad */ { int pla = 6 - number_of_folds;/* no of players playing the current deal */ if(stage == 1) { if(pla <= 3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ } else { int choice = rand() % 3 + 1; if((choice == 1)||(choice == 2)) return 0;/* call */ else { /* bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } } } else if((stage == 2)||(stage == 3)) { if (pla <=3) { int zz=dealer+1;
  • 43. int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /*check pattern */ } else { int choice = rand() % 4 + 1; if(choice == 1) { /* bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else return 0; /* call */ } } else/*stage = 4 */ { if (pla <= 3) { int zz=dealer+1; int ppos=0; int still_in_play[3]={0}; do { if(zz==7) zz=1; if(players_folded[zz] == false) still_in_play[ppos++]=zz; zz++; }while(zz != dealer && !(zz==7 && dealer==1)); if(ppos==2) {still_in_play[ppos++]=0;} return getMove(stage,phand,still_in_play,teamno,dealer); /* check pattern */ } else
  • 44. { int choice = rand()%5 + 1; if(choice == 1) { /* bluff fnctn */ int bet = bluff(rise,2); return bet; } else return 0; } } } } } int getMove(int stage,int phand,int *team,int teamno,int dealer) { int final; int rise; int *ptr,flag; int xx1res,xx2res; cout << "nTeam 1 = " << *team << " Team 2 = " << *(team +1) << " Team 3 = " << *(team+2) ; if(*team == 0 || *(team + 1)==0||*(team + 2)==0) { //cout << "nIs it HERE ? "; //getch(); flag = 0; for(int temp=1;temp <= 3 ;temp++) { ptr = team; if(*ptr == teamno) { continue; flag = 1; } else if(*ptr == 0) { continue; } else { if(flag == 0) { int pop = checkPattern_p(FIRST,players_data_move[*ptr][stage][round_number[stage]],stage,*ptr); if(phand == VERY_BAD||phand == BAD || phand == AVG) { int cal,rez,foiled; checkPattern_action(pop,RISE,stage,*ptr);
  • 45. /* RISE :: 3 */ /* FOLD :: 2 */ /* CALL :: 1 */ /* BLUFF :: 4 */ cal = reaction_ratio[1]; foiled = reaction_ratio[2]; rez = reaction_ratio[3]; if(foiled<=cal || foiled<=rez) return -10;/* fold */ else { rise = get_minimum_raise(stage,teamno,dealer); cout << "n Minimum Raise 1= " << rise; int bet = bluff(rise,2); cout << "n Final Return 1= " << bet; //getch(); return bet; } } else/* phand is very gud */ { int calfold,rezfold; checkPattern_action(pop,CALL,stage,temp); /* RISE :: 3 */ /* FOLD :: 2 */ /* CALL :: 1 */ /* BLUFF :: 4 */ calfold = reaction_ratio[2]; checkPattern_action(pop,RISE,stage,temp); /* RISE :: 3 */ /* FOLD :: 2 */ /* CALL :: 1 */ /* BLUFF :: 4 */ rezfold = reaction_ratio[2]; if(calfold < rezfold) return 0;/* call */ else { rise = get_minimum_raise(stage,teamno,dealer); cout << "n Minimum Raise2 = " << rise; int bet = bluff(rise,2); cout << "n Final Return 2= " << bet; //getch(); return bet;/*raise bluff */ } } } else/* flag == 1 */ {