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CO2 Emissions,
 Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP            A Review of The United Kingdom’s
                                                                                 Domestic Target

                 CO2 Emissions,
         A Review of The United Kingdom’s
                 Domestic Target
Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP


This paper provides a review of CO2 emissions within the UK. A detailed account of all the
fundamental world conferences and steps taken to curtail CO2 emissions globally is provided.
The review considers the International, European and the United Kingdom’s (UK) specific
CO2 emission reduction targets established by the Kyoto Protocol (KP) and also analyses the
UK governments even more challenging 20% CO2 emission reduction target by 2010.
Government schemes, papers & legislation to achieve this domestic goal are reviewed
focussing upon the mechanisms in place working to achieve the target and mechanisms in
place working against the target. CO2 emissions predictions by the UK government are
analysed until 2010 and the review concludes a UK shortfall from the domestic target of
approximately 10.5MtC of which the Built Environment sector accounts for 5MtC.

A case study focuses upon the difference of CO2 emission between a sustainable and a non-
sustainable residential development. An analysis is presented providing the CO2 emission
from each building. Through a process of mathematics the sustain-ably constructed building
identifies a difference of CO2 emissions from the non-sustainable building. This difference is
then divided into the UK domestic target shortfall. The answer of 500,000 equates to the
required number of similar sized sustainable construction projects within the UK to bring the
Built Environment sector back on tract to meet the UK CO2 Emission, 20% Domestic Target
by 2010.

CO2 Emissions,
 Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP                     A Review of The United Kingdom’s
                                                                                          Domestic Target

INTRODUCTION                                               assessments & concludes with respective
                                                           CO2 emissions from each development.
Climate Change (CC) and Global Warming
(GW) are unequivocally the biggest and                     The UK domestic target is once more
most fundamental problems facing planet                    defined, in particular the anticipated CO2
earth and mankind today. CC and GW is                      emission shortfall. Through a process of
the greatest environmental challenge                       mathematics the sustainable construction
facing mankind today as they are                           case study identifies a difference of CO2
expected to have a cataclysmic effect                      emissions from the non-sustainable
across     the    globe.    Rising    global               building. This difference is then divided
temperatures will bring changes in                         into the domestic target shortfall. The
weather patterns, rising sea levels and                    answer generally equates to the required
increased frequency and intensity of                       number of sustainable construction
extreme weather events. The effects will                   projects required to place the UK on track
be felt globally and time scale is subject to              for an achievable domestic goal.
the sensitivity of our climate system. The
philosophy of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) [1]                  THE ROAD TO KYOTO
stipulates the worst effects of CC can be
avoided if greenhouse gases incorporating                  In 1896 Svante Arrhenius, suggested that
carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere                     changes in CO2 levels over 100,000 year
are stabilised instead of being allowed to                 time scales were a critical factor in the
increase on planet Earth.                                  natural cycles between ice ages [2].

A detailed account of all the fundamental                  Seuss and Revelle in 1957 were scientists
world conferences and steps taken to                       with the Scripps Institute of Oceanography
curtail CO2 emission globally is provided.                 (SIO) [3]. They reported CO2 emitted into
                                                           the atmosphere by industrial activities was
This paper considers the United                            not being absorbed by the oceans. They
Kingdom’s (UK) specific CO2 emission                       suggested the increase of CO2 in the
reduction target established by the KP.                    atmosphere is "a large-scale geophysical
The UK is striving to pioneer the way                      experiment" with the Earth’s climate.
forward for CO2 emission reduction and
has subsequently set an even more                          Keeling in 1958, was a scientist with the
challenging domestic goal. The target is                   Scripps Institute, he began the first reliable
analysed taking into account government                    and    continuous      measurements         of
schemes, papers & legislation put in place                 atmospheric CO2 [4].
to achieve this more stringent objective.
Mechanisms in place working to achieve                     Stockholm 1972 saw the first United
the target and mechanisms in place                         Nations (UN) Conference on the human
working against the target are evaluated.                  environment [5]. CC was identified as a
                                                           pressing issue. The UN initiated the
Projected CO2 emission reduction by the                    Environment Programme.
UK government is analysed until 2010 and
a shortfall is identified.                                 Geneva 1979 saw the first World Climate
                                                           Conference [6]. The World Climate
The construction industry is pivotal to a                  Program was formed to coordinate global
successful achievement of the domestic                     research on CC and collect scientific data.
goal.           Sustainable    construction
undoubtedly reduces CO2 emissions. In                      Villach (Austria) Conference in 1985
order for the review to provide and                        issued a warning that "Many important
authoritative   conclusion,    the   paper                 economic decisions are based on the
provides a residential case study.                         assumption that past climate is a reliable
                                                           guide to the future. This is no longer a
The case study concentrates on the                         good assumption." [7]
difference of CO2 emission between
sustainable       and     non-sustainable                  The Montreal Protocol was established in
construction.        An analysis of two                    1987. Twenty-four countries agreed to
residential   buildings  are     presented                 freeze consumption of CFCs and halons at
focussing upon building fabric, ‘U’ values,                1986 levels, and reduce consumption by
heat gains, heat losses, benchmark BRE                     50% by the year 1997 [8].

CO2 Emissions,
 Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP                    A Review of The United Kingdom’s
                                                                                         Domestic Target

The Intergovernmental Panel on CC [9]                      INTERNATIONAL, EUROPEAN UNION,
(IPCC) was established in 1988 and was                     THE UK’S COMMITMENT AND THE
headed up by Bert Bolin. The IPCC was                      DOMESTIC TARGET
composed mainly of people who
participated not only as science experts                   The     United    Nations    Framework
but also as official representatives of their              Convention     on    Climate     Change
government’s. The IPCC was collated by                     (UNFCCC), and the provisions of the KP
the UN Environment Programme and the                       to that Convention stipulates developed
World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)                    countries have agreed that they will cut
to assess the scientific research on CC                    their overall emissions of greenhouse
and its environmental impacts.                             gases by 5.2% below 1990 levels by 2008-
                                                           2012 [14].
Figure Number 1 – Bert Bolin
                                                           Since Russia ratified the KP on 16
                                                           February 2005, the KP is now international
                                                           law [15] and the targets are legally

                                                           The European Union (EU) and its Member
                                                           States have agreed to meet a joint target
                                                           of 8% reduction in greenhouse gas
                                                           emissions below 1990 levels between
                                                           2008-2012 [16].

                                                           This 'bubble' arrangement allows the EU's
                                                           target to be redistributed between member
                                                           states (MS) to reflect their national
                                                           circumstances, requirements for economic
                                                           growth, and the scope for further emission
The Conference on the Changing
Atmosphere in Toronto 1988 identified a
                                                           In June 1998, the UK agreed to reduce its
20% reduction in CO2 emissions
                                                           emissions by 12.5%, which is the UK’s
requirement [10].
                                                           legally binding target under the KP.
The first assessment report by the IPCC
                                                           The UK signed the UNFCCC on the 12th
was endorsed at Geneva 1990 [11] during
                                                           June at Rio de Janeiro 1992 and ratified it
the Second World Climate Conference.
                                                           on the 8th December 1993 [17]. The
The conference suggested an international
                                                           Government is now obligated to meet the
agreement to mitigate global warming.
                                                           commitments of the UNFCCC.
One of the outcomes of the UN
                                                           The UK Government has set a domestic
Conference     on    Environment     and
                                                           goal to go further than the KP commitment
Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro
                                                           and cut the UK’s emissions of CO2 by 20%
1992 [12] was that 154 nations signed the
                                                           below 1990 levels by 2010 [18]
UNFCCC, voluntarily agreeing to stabilize
greenhouse gas emissions at 1990 levels
                                                           The 2003 Energy White Paper (EWP)
by the year 2000.
                                                           announced that the government would put
                                                           the UK on a pathway to achieve CO2
The first assessment by the IPCC was
                                                           emission reductions of 60% by 2050 [19].
released in 1995 [13]. The conclusion
suggested “the balance of evidence
suggests that there is a discernible human
influence on global climate."

Kyoto Japan in 1997 saw the birth of the
KP when 159 nations negotiated a treaty
setting out legally binding reduction

CO2 Emissions,
 Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP                     A Review of The United Kingdom’s
                                                                                          Domestic Target

CURRENT UK EMISSIONS                                       that can be quantified, it was estimated the
                                                           programme could also deliver a cut of 19%
The graph below indicates CO2 emission                     in CO2 by 2010.
data for the top ten polluting countries in
2004. It can be seen from the graph, the                   The main projections of the UK's
UK     CO2     emissions      equate     to                emissions of CO2 are derived from the DTI
approximately 150MtC / year.                               energy model. This is basically a set of
                                                           interlocking models of final user energy
Figure Number 2 – Top Ten Countries                        sectors and the electricity supply sector. It
Carbon Emissions [20]                                      is predominantly a 'top down' model (see
                                                           Fig      3    below),      based     around
                                                           econometrically estimated relationships
                                                           between energy demand, economic
                                                           activity (income) and energy prices [22]
                                                           The DTI produce and publish energy
                                                           projections for the UK and anticipated CO2
                                                           emissions [21].

                                                           Figure Number 4 – Top Down Model

The UK currently contributes 2.3%
towards the overall production of CO2
emission on earth. The production of CO2
within the UK is divided into various

Figure Number 3 – Sectors Within The
UK Producing CO2 Emissions [20]                            Current projections indicate and by
                                                           Governments own admission; the UK is
                                                           currently not on target to achieve the
                                                           domestic goal [23]. The projection of CO2
            Buildings        Industrial &                  emissions by 2010 is currently 141.3MtC
              20%           Manufacturing                  [24]. The UK domestic goal is 130.8MtC
                                 20%                       by 2010. This equates to a shortfall of
                                                           10.5MtC and an overall CO2 reduction of
                                                           14%. Although the KP and subsequently
       Domestic                                            the EU targets are being achieved, this is
         28%                                               considerably lower than the UK (20%
                                                           reduction) domestic target.
                                                           MECHANISMS IN PLACE WORKING TO
                                                           ACHIEVE THE UK DOMESTIC TARGET

                                                           There are various mechanisms in place
                                                           working to achieve the UK CO2 emission
                                                           reduction target.    The governments
PREDICTED UK EMISSIONS BY 2010                             Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
                                                           whose main driving force is to ensure the
There have been various updates of CO2                     UK domestic target is achievable through
emission predictions over time. The CC                     the EWP.          The Department for
programme set out a wide-ranging                           Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
package of policies and measures. It                       (DEFRA) are continually analysing the
estimated that the policies could reduce                   situation associated with CO2 emission
the UK greenhouse gas emissions to 23%                     reduction and bring emissions to the
below 1990 levels by 2010 [21].                            forefront of speeches and debates.
Furthermore, on the basis of the policies
CO2 Emissions,
 Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP                   A Review of The United Kingdom’s
                                                                                        Domestic Target

Grants are often available through                         CASE STUDY
government to offset high pay-back
periods for sustainable equipment thus                     Two similar sized residential buildings
ensuring financial feasibility. Professional               have been selected for a case study. The
bodies are also following the sustainability               Green Building is Sustainable and Heaton
theme and often promote sustainable                        Park Development is not sustainable. In
development during conferences.                            order to correctly establish the CO2
                                                           emissions from each development the
The most important mechanism in place                      following case study model has been
working towards delivering a low carbon                    utilised for each building
built environment is Building Regulations
Part ‘L’ which specify levels of CO2                       Figure Number 5 – Case Study Model
emission from construction projects must
not be compromised during design.


There are various mechanisms in place
working against the UK CO2 emission
reduction target. The construction industry
is cost orientated and sustainable
technologies are often discarded early in
the design process due to anticipated
increased Cap Ex. Grants which are often
available to offset high Cap Ex and pay-
back periods are difficult to obtain. The
application process can be long winded
and onerous. The current low cost of
utilities is another problem as clients are
not focussed on energy costs and only a
minimal number of clients consider the life
cycle cost of their buildings. Although the
Building Regulations Part ‘L’ are in place
to ensure energy conservation, building
control knowledge of the complicated
calculation process is limited. Scores of
inefficient projects slip through the net
because of inadequate building control

MECHANISMS COMPARISON                                      CO2 Calculation Process

Considering the mechanisms working                         The CO2 calculation process is complex
toward the target, the mechanisms                          and identifies the anticipated CO2
working against the target and the actual                  emission from the each development. The
target prediction for 2010, it is clear much               calculation method utilised to determine
more work is required to successfully meet                 emissions from each development is
the UK domestic goal.                                      defined within Schools Environmental
                                                           Assessment Method (SEAM) by the
Generally, the mechanisms in place                         department        for    Education    and
working to achieve the target are vast and                 Employment. The calculation is defined on
with the correct implication could bring the               page 29 [25]. The calculation process
UK back on track to meet the UK domestic                   considers     construction   and   energy
goal.    However, it appears the same                      consumption principles and is therefore
mechanisms        are    working     against               not limited to schools.
themselves. Good measures have been
put in place, generally by government, but                 The calculation procedure is undertaken
the processes to implement the measures                    by the following steps:
are obstructive.

CO2 Emissions,
    Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP                    A Review of The United Kingdom’s
                                                                                            Domestic Target

•      The floor areas, walls, windows and                    The Green Building provides a mixed-used
       ‘U’ values for each apartment is                       complex, created for comfortable, modern
       measured,                                              and sustainable use. In addition to 32
                                                              apartments, there is a 120-place pre-
•      The total heat losses             for   each           school nursery.
       apartment are calculated:
                                                              A number of sustainable design elements
•      Q=UA(T1-T0) Watts,                                     are incorporated in the Green Building,
                                                              including a ten-storey cylindrical ‘drum’
•      The natural ventilation losses (Taken                  housing the apartments which utilise both
       as an average considering toilets) for                 natural ventilation and underfloor heating
       each apartment are calculated:                         supplied via condensing boilers. The
                                                              building is complete with roof mounted
•      Q=0.33NV(T1-T0) Watts,                                 solar collectors and a wind turbine
                                                              providing power for the communal lighting.
•      All gains, power, lighting, solar &
       occupancy are calculated,                              The Green Building is clad in a recyclable
                                                              insulating material in cool green with
•      The     total   heating        requirement             contrasting wood panels.           Brightly
       established in kWh                                     coloured sections are interspersed with
                                                              floor-to-ceiling glazed panels and timber-
                                                              framed windows. This encourages natural
•      The anticipated electrical consumption
                                                              light in to the open environment.
       is estimated in kWh
                                                              HEATON PARK DEVELOPMENT
•      The calculated gas and electricity
       consumption is converted to CO2
                                                              Figure Number 7 – Heaton Park
       emissions utilising conversion factors
       identified in Building Regulations Part
       ‘L’ (Gas @ 0.192 and Grid Supplied
       Electricity @ 0.422).

•      Once the anticipated CO2 emission
       has been calculated for each
       apartment the figures (KgCO2) are
       collated for the entire building on an
       annual basis i.e. kgCO2/year.


Figure Number 6 – The Green Building

                                                              The Heaton Park Development is a non-
                                                              sustainable  building   located    in

                                                              The building comprises 23 apartments
                                                              spread over 2 buildings (existing church
                                                              and a new building).      The converted
                                                              church has 5 levels and the new building
                                                              has 3 levels with a community centre.

                                                              The Heaton Park development is not
                                                              sustainable. The church refurbishment
                                                              was exempt from building regulations and
                                                              subsequently it was not necessary to
The Green Building is a sustainable                           increase the building performance with
development located in Macintosh Village,                     respect to energy efficiency.
Manchester City Centre.

CO2 Emissions,
 Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP                     A Review of The United Kingdom’s
                                                                                          Domestic Target

The new building was subject to Building                   Sustainable development at the residential
Regulations. The developer wanted to                       case study can save 10 Tonnes Carbon
maximise the profitability of the scheme                   annually. This divided into the UK built
and therefore discarded recommendations                    environment shortfall equates to a
for the installation of sustainable                        requirement of 500,000 similar sized
technologies.                                              sustainable projects within the UK.

CASE STUDY RESULTS                                         CONCLUSION

CO2 emissions from each development                        The paper has provided an account of the
were calculated with the following results                 main driving forces to successfully achieve
utilising the case study model.                            the UK CO2 reduction targets namely,
                                                           EWP, DEFRA, DTI, & various other
Table Number 1 – CO2 Emissions from                        government funded companies / trusts.
The Green Building and Heaton Park
Development                                                The UK target under the KP to reduce a
                                                           basket of six greenhouse gases to 12.5%
                                                           below 1990 levels by 2008 - 2012 is
 Development                        KgCO2/Yr               currently on schedule. However, the
                                                           domestic goal of a 20% reduction in CO2
 The Green Building                   53,000               emissions below 1990 levels by 2010 is
                                                           currently not on target.        The review
                                                           identifies there will be a shortfall of
 Heaton Park                                               approximately      10.5MtC      for   which
 Development                                               approximately 47% is attributed to the built
                                                           environment. The overall reduction of CO2
                                                           emission      is   currently   running   at
                                                           approximately 14% below 1990 levels.
                                                           This equates to a 6% CO2 emission
Information provided in the case study
                                                           shortfall from the domestic target.
shows the sustainable building can
potentially save 37,000 KgCO2 / year ie:
                                                           The mechanisms working to achieve the
                                                           UK CO2 reduction target are mainly
90,000 – 53,000 = 37,000 KgCO2 / year
                                                           government initiated and can be very
                                                           successful, in particular the building
It is important to note the potential savings
                                                           regulations as they are law. However,
through sustainable construction between
                                                           almost all the government initiated drivers
two      residential     developments       in
                                                           in one way or another are working against
Manchester is measured in CO2. The UK
                                                           themselves        effectively    becoming
domestic target is measured in CO2 but
                                                           mechanisms working against the UK CO2
the target shortfall is defined in carbon.
                                                           reduction targets.
The current projected shortfall of the UK
                                                           The case study analyses two residential
domestic target is 10.5MtC. Buildings
                                                           developments. Consideration is given for a
account for 47% emissions therefore 47%
                                                           sustainable development against a non-
of the shortfall is attributed to the built
                                                           sustainable development. The results
                                                           conclude the sustainable development
                                                           produces much less CO2 emission and
The Built environment should therefore
                                                           can potentially save 10 Tonnes Carbon
consider saving approximately 5MtC/year
                                                           annually. Through calculation 500,000
to assist the UK to get back on track to
                                                           similar sized projects would be required to
meet the domestic target.
                                                           bring the built environment sector back on
                                                           track for the successful achievement of the
Potential Savings in CO2 converted to
                                                           UK domestic target.
Carbon, Calculation:
                                                           By Edward Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP
(37000 x 12 ) / 44          = 10000KgC

10,000 / 1000               = 10 tC

CO2 Emissions,
 Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP                     A Review of The United Kingdom’s
                                                                                          Domestic Target

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Co2 Emissions, A Review Of The Uk Domestic Target

  • 1. CO2 Emissions, Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP A Review of The United Kingdom’s Domestic Target CO2 Emissions, A Review of The United Kingdom’s Domestic Target Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP ABSTRACT This paper provides a review of CO2 emissions within the UK. A detailed account of all the fundamental world conferences and steps taken to curtail CO2 emissions globally is provided. The review considers the International, European and the United Kingdom’s (UK) specific CO2 emission reduction targets established by the Kyoto Protocol (KP) and also analyses the UK governments even more challenging 20% CO2 emission reduction target by 2010. Government schemes, papers & legislation to achieve this domestic goal are reviewed focussing upon the mechanisms in place working to achieve the target and mechanisms in place working against the target. CO2 emissions predictions by the UK government are analysed until 2010 and the review concludes a UK shortfall from the domestic target of approximately 10.5MtC of which the Built Environment sector accounts for 5MtC. A case study focuses upon the difference of CO2 emission between a sustainable and a non- sustainable residential development. An analysis is presented providing the CO2 emission from each building. Through a process of mathematics the sustain-ably constructed building identifies a difference of CO2 emissions from the non-sustainable building. This difference is then divided into the UK domestic target shortfall. The answer of 500,000 equates to the required number of similar sized sustainable construction projects within the UK to bring the Built Environment sector back on tract to meet the UK CO2 Emission, 20% Domestic Target by 2010. 1
  • 2. CO2 Emissions, Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP A Review of The United Kingdom’s Domestic Target INTRODUCTION assessments & concludes with respective CO2 emissions from each development. Climate Change (CC) and Global Warming (GW) are unequivocally the biggest and The UK domestic target is once more most fundamental problems facing planet defined, in particular the anticipated CO2 earth and mankind today. CC and GW is emission shortfall. Through a process of the greatest environmental challenge mathematics the sustainable construction facing mankind today as they are case study identifies a difference of CO2 expected to have a cataclysmic effect emissions from the non-sustainable across the globe. Rising global building. This difference is then divided temperatures will bring changes in into the domestic target shortfall. The weather patterns, rising sea levels and answer generally equates to the required increased frequency and intensity of number of sustainable construction extreme weather events. The effects will projects required to place the UK on track be felt globally and time scale is subject to for an achievable domestic goal. the sensitivity of our climate system. The philosophy of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) [1] THE ROAD TO KYOTO stipulates the worst effects of CC can be avoided if greenhouse gases incorporating In 1896 Svante Arrhenius, suggested that carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere changes in CO2 levels over 100,000 year are stabilised instead of being allowed to time scales were a critical factor in the increase on planet Earth. natural cycles between ice ages [2]. A detailed account of all the fundamental Seuss and Revelle in 1957 were scientists world conferences and steps taken to with the Scripps Institute of Oceanography curtail CO2 emission globally is provided. (SIO) [3]. They reported CO2 emitted into the atmosphere by industrial activities was This paper considers the United not being absorbed by the oceans. They Kingdom’s (UK) specific CO2 emission suggested the increase of CO2 in the reduction target established by the KP. atmosphere is "a large-scale geophysical The UK is striving to pioneer the way experiment" with the Earth’s climate. forward for CO2 emission reduction and has subsequently set an even more Keeling in 1958, was a scientist with the challenging domestic goal. The target is Scripps Institute, he began the first reliable analysed taking into account government and continuous measurements of schemes, papers & legislation put in place atmospheric CO2 [4]. to achieve this more stringent objective. Mechanisms in place working to achieve Stockholm 1972 saw the first United the target and mechanisms in place Nations (UN) Conference on the human working against the target are evaluated. environment [5]. CC was identified as a pressing issue. The UN initiated the Projected CO2 emission reduction by the Environment Programme. UK government is analysed until 2010 and a shortfall is identified. Geneva 1979 saw the first World Climate Conference [6]. The World Climate The construction industry is pivotal to a Program was formed to coordinate global successful achievement of the domestic research on CC and collect scientific data. goal. Sustainable construction undoubtedly reduces CO2 emissions. In Villach (Austria) Conference in 1985 order for the review to provide and issued a warning that "Many important authoritative conclusion, the paper economic decisions are based on the provides a residential case study. assumption that past climate is a reliable guide to the future. This is no longer a The case study concentrates on the good assumption." [7] difference of CO2 emission between sustainable and non-sustainable The Montreal Protocol was established in construction. An analysis of two 1987. Twenty-four countries agreed to residential buildings are presented freeze consumption of CFCs and halons at focussing upon building fabric, ‘U’ values, 1986 levels, and reduce consumption by heat gains, heat losses, benchmark BRE 50% by the year 1997 [8]. 2
  • 3. CO2 Emissions, Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP A Review of The United Kingdom’s Domestic Target The Intergovernmental Panel on CC [9] INTERNATIONAL, EUROPEAN UNION, (IPCC) was established in 1988 and was THE UK’S COMMITMENT AND THE headed up by Bert Bolin. The IPCC was DOMESTIC TARGET composed mainly of people who participated not only as science experts The United Nations Framework but also as official representatives of their Convention on Climate Change government’s. The IPCC was collated by (UNFCCC), and the provisions of the KP the UN Environment Programme and the to that Convention stipulates developed World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) countries have agreed that they will cut to assess the scientific research on CC their overall emissions of greenhouse and its environmental impacts. gases by 5.2% below 1990 levels by 2008- 2012 [14]. Figure Number 1 – Bert Bolin th Since Russia ratified the KP on 16 February 2005, the KP is now international law [15] and the targets are legally binding. The European Union (EU) and its Member States have agreed to meet a joint target of 8% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 levels between 2008-2012 [16]. This 'bubble' arrangement allows the EU's target to be redistributed between member states (MS) to reflect their national circumstances, requirements for economic growth, and the scope for further emission reductions. The Conference on the Changing Atmosphere in Toronto 1988 identified a In June 1998, the UK agreed to reduce its 20% reduction in CO2 emissions emissions by 12.5%, which is the UK’s requirement [10]. legally binding target under the KP. The first assessment report by the IPCC The UK signed the UNFCCC on the 12th was endorsed at Geneva 1990 [11] during June at Rio de Janeiro 1992 and ratified it the Second World Climate Conference. on the 8th December 1993 [17]. The The conference suggested an international Government is now obligated to meet the agreement to mitigate global warming. commitments of the UNFCCC. One of the outcomes of the UN The UK Government has set a domestic Conference on Environment and goal to go further than the KP commitment Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro and cut the UK’s emissions of CO2 by 20% 1992 [12] was that 154 nations signed the below 1990 levels by 2010 [18] UNFCCC, voluntarily agreeing to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at 1990 levels The 2003 Energy White Paper (EWP) by the year 2000. announced that the government would put the UK on a pathway to achieve CO2 The first assessment by the IPCC was emission reductions of 60% by 2050 [19]. released in 1995 [13]. The conclusion suggested “the balance of evidence suggests that there is a discernible human influence on global climate." Kyoto Japan in 1997 saw the birth of the KP when 159 nations negotiated a treaty setting out legally binding reduction targets. 3
  • 4. CO2 Emissions, Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP A Review of The United Kingdom’s Domestic Target CURRENT UK EMISSIONS that can be quantified, it was estimated the programme could also deliver a cut of 19% The graph below indicates CO2 emission in CO2 by 2010. data for the top ten polluting countries in 2004. It can be seen from the graph, the The main projections of the UK's UK CO2 emissions equate to emissions of CO2 are derived from the DTI approximately 150MtC / year. energy model. This is basically a set of interlocking models of final user energy Figure Number 2 – Top Ten Countries sectors and the electricity supply sector. It Carbon Emissions [20] is predominantly a 'top down' model (see Fig 3 below), based around econometrically estimated relationships between energy demand, economic activity (income) and energy prices [22] The DTI produce and publish energy projections for the UK and anticipated CO2 emissions [21]. Figure Number 4 – Top Down Model [21] The UK currently contributes 2.3% towards the overall production of CO2 emission on earth. The production of CO2 within the UK is divided into various sectors: Figure Number 3 – Sectors Within The UK Producing CO2 Emissions [20] Current projections indicate and by Governments own admission; the UK is currently not on target to achieve the domestic goal [23]. The projection of CO2 Buildings Industrial & emissions by 2010 is currently 141.3MtC 20% Manufacturing [24]. The UK domestic goal is 130.8MtC Process 20% by 2010. This equates to a shortfall of 10.5MtC and an overall CO2 reduction of 14%. Although the KP and subsequently Domestic the EU targets are being achieved, this is 28% considerably lower than the UK (20% reduction) domestic target. Transport 32% MECHANISMS IN PLACE WORKING TO ACHIEVE THE UK DOMESTIC TARGET There are various mechanisms in place working to achieve the UK CO2 emission reduction target. The governments PREDICTED UK EMISSIONS BY 2010 Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) whose main driving force is to ensure the There have been various updates of CO2 UK domestic target is achievable through emission predictions over time. The CC the EWP. The Department for programme set out a wide-ranging Environment, Food and Rural Affairs package of policies and measures. It (DEFRA) are continually analysing the estimated that the policies could reduce situation associated with CO2 emission the UK greenhouse gas emissions to 23% reduction and bring emissions to the below 1990 levels by 2010 [21]. forefront of speeches and debates. Furthermore, on the basis of the policies 4
  • 5. CO2 Emissions, Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP A Review of The United Kingdom’s Domestic Target Grants are often available through CASE STUDY government to offset high pay-back periods for sustainable equipment thus Two similar sized residential buildings ensuring financial feasibility. Professional have been selected for a case study. The bodies are also following the sustainability Green Building is Sustainable and Heaton theme and often promote sustainable Park Development is not sustainable. In development during conferences. order to correctly establish the CO2 emissions from each development the The most important mechanism in place following case study model has been working towards delivering a low carbon utilised for each building built environment is Building Regulations Part ‘L’ which specify levels of CO2 Figure Number 5 – Case Study Model emission from construction projects must not be compromised during design. MECHANISMS IN PLACE WORKING AGAINST THE UK TARGET There are various mechanisms in place working against the UK CO2 emission reduction target. The construction industry is cost orientated and sustainable technologies are often discarded early in the design process due to anticipated increased Cap Ex. Grants which are often available to offset high Cap Ex and pay- back periods are difficult to obtain. The application process can be long winded and onerous. The current low cost of utilities is another problem as clients are not focussed on energy costs and only a minimal number of clients consider the life cycle cost of their buildings. Although the Building Regulations Part ‘L’ are in place to ensure energy conservation, building control knowledge of the complicated calculation process is limited. Scores of inefficient projects slip through the net because of inadequate building control understanding. MECHANISMS COMPARISON CO2 Calculation Process Considering the mechanisms working The CO2 calculation process is complex toward the target, the mechanisms and identifies the anticipated CO2 working against the target and the actual emission from the each development. The target prediction for 2010, it is clear much calculation method utilised to determine more work is required to successfully meet emissions from each development is the UK domestic goal. defined within Schools Environmental Assessment Method (SEAM) by the Generally, the mechanisms in place department for Education and working to achieve the target are vast and Employment. The calculation is defined on with the correct implication could bring the page 29 [25]. The calculation process UK back on track to meet the UK domestic considers construction and energy goal. However, it appears the same consumption principles and is therefore mechanisms are working against not limited to schools. themselves. Good measures have been put in place, generally by government, but The calculation procedure is undertaken the processes to implement the measures by the following steps: are obstructive. 5
  • 6. CO2 Emissions, Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP A Review of The United Kingdom’s Domestic Target • The floor areas, walls, windows and The Green Building provides a mixed-used ‘U’ values for each apartment is complex, created for comfortable, modern measured, and sustainable use. In addition to 32 apartments, there is a 120-place pre- • The total heat losses for each school nursery. apartment are calculated: A number of sustainable design elements • Q=UA(T1-T0) Watts, are incorporated in the Green Building, including a ten-storey cylindrical ‘drum’ • The natural ventilation losses (Taken housing the apartments which utilise both as an average considering toilets) for natural ventilation and underfloor heating each apartment are calculated: supplied via condensing boilers. The building is complete with roof mounted • Q=0.33NV(T1-T0) Watts, solar collectors and a wind turbine providing power for the communal lighting. • All gains, power, lighting, solar & occupancy are calculated, The Green Building is clad in a recyclable insulating material in cool green with • The total heating requirement contrasting wood panels. Brightly established in kWh coloured sections are interspersed with floor-to-ceiling glazed panels and timber- framed windows. This encourages natural • The anticipated electrical consumption light in to the open environment. is estimated in kWh HEATON PARK DEVELOPMENT • The calculated gas and electricity consumption is converted to CO2 Figure Number 7 – Heaton Park emissions utilising conversion factors identified in Building Regulations Part ‘L’ (Gas @ 0.192 and Grid Supplied Electricity @ 0.422). • Once the anticipated CO2 emission has been calculated for each apartment the figures (KgCO2) are collated for the entire building on an annual basis i.e. kgCO2/year. THE GREEN BUILDING Figure Number 6 – The Green Building The Heaton Park Development is a non- sustainable building located in Manchester. The building comprises 23 apartments spread over 2 buildings (existing church and a new building). The converted church has 5 levels and the new building has 3 levels with a community centre. The Heaton Park development is not sustainable. The church refurbishment was exempt from building regulations and subsequently it was not necessary to The Green Building is a sustainable increase the building performance with development located in Macintosh Village, respect to energy efficiency. Manchester City Centre. 6
  • 7. CO2 Emissions, Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP A Review of The United Kingdom’s Domestic Target The new building was subject to Building Sustainable development at the residential Regulations. The developer wanted to case study can save 10 Tonnes Carbon maximise the profitability of the scheme annually. This divided into the UK built and therefore discarded recommendations environment shortfall equates to a for the installation of sustainable requirement of 500,000 similar sized technologies. sustainable projects within the UK. CASE STUDY RESULTS CONCLUSION CO2 emissions from each development The paper has provided an account of the were calculated with the following results main driving forces to successfully achieve utilising the case study model. the UK CO2 reduction targets namely, EWP, DEFRA, DTI, & various other Table Number 1 – CO2 Emissions from government funded companies / trusts. The Green Building and Heaton Park Development The UK target under the KP to reduce a basket of six greenhouse gases to 12.5% below 1990 levels by 2008 - 2012 is Development KgCO2/Yr currently on schedule. However, the domestic goal of a 20% reduction in CO2 The Green Building 53,000 emissions below 1990 levels by 2010 is currently not on target. The review identifies there will be a shortfall of Heaton Park approximately 10.5MtC for which 90,000 Development approximately 47% is attributed to the built environment. The overall reduction of CO2 emission is currently running at DISCUSSION approximately 14% below 1990 levels. This equates to a 6% CO2 emission Information provided in the case study shortfall from the domestic target. shows the sustainable building can potentially save 37,000 KgCO2 / year ie: The mechanisms working to achieve the UK CO2 reduction target are mainly 90,000 – 53,000 = 37,000 KgCO2 / year government initiated and can be very successful, in particular the building It is important to note the potential savings regulations as they are law. However, through sustainable construction between almost all the government initiated drivers two residential developments in in one way or another are working against Manchester is measured in CO2. The UK themselves effectively becoming domestic target is measured in CO2 but mechanisms working against the UK CO2 the target shortfall is defined in carbon. reduction targets. The current projected shortfall of the UK The case study analyses two residential domestic target is 10.5MtC. Buildings developments. Consideration is given for a account for 47% emissions therefore 47% sustainable development against a non- of the shortfall is attributed to the built sustainable development. The results environment. conclude the sustainable development produces much less CO2 emission and The Built environment should therefore can potentially save 10 Tonnes Carbon consider saving approximately 5MtC/year annually. Through calculation 500,000 to assist the UK to get back on track to similar sized projects would be required to meet the domestic target. bring the built environment sector back on track for the successful achievement of the Potential Savings in CO2 converted to UK domestic target. Carbon, Calculation: By Edward Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP (37000 x 12 ) / 44 = 10000KgC 10,000 / 1000 = 10 tC 7
  • 8. CO2 Emissions, Edward William Jolly MSc BEng (Hons) MCIBSE LEED AP A Review of The United Kingdom’s Domestic Target REFERENCES 13. American Institute of Physics. The Discovery of Global Warming on the internet. 1. United Nations Framework Convention on AIP Organisation available at: Climate Change. Documents of the conference of the parties at the third session COP-3 on the internet. Available at: 14. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Climate change UK 2. Earth Observatory, Electronic Library programme on the internet. Available at Resources, On the Shoulders of Giants on the internet. Available at: cm4913/summary/01.htm Arrhenius/ 15. Asia news network. Asia and the world: on the internet. Kyoto Protocol takes effect, 3. Climate Change and Sustainable Russian president Vladimir Putin. Available at: Development. Anil Markandya, Publisher James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd. sec=4&news_id=36142 ISBN 1853839108 16. The Review of Energy Sources for Power 4. Kenyon College Biology Department. Generation and Government response to fourth Global Change: On The Internet. Available At: and fifth Reports of the Department of Trade www.Biology.Kenyon.Edu/Courses/Biol112/Biol and Industry Committee, Cmd 4071, TSO, 112webpage/Syllabus/Topics/Week%209/Wee October 1998. k%209.Htm 17. United Nations Framework Convention on 5. Environmental Law (4th Edition). Neil Climate Change. Documents of the conference Stanley & Susan Wolf, Publisher Cavendish of the parties at the fourth session COP-4 on Publishing Ltd (Uk). ISBN 1859418325 the internet. Available at: 6. Dictionary of Global Climate Change W.J. Maunder, publisher Taylor & Francis Ltd 18. Our Common Future. C. Tomlinson, ISBN: 1857282841 Publisher Oxford Paperbacks, ISBN 019282080X 7. Journal: Climate Change. Article: The Carbon War, Global Warming and the End of 19. Department of Trade and Industry. Energy the Oil Era. By Jeremy Leggett. Publisher White Paper. Our Common Future. Springer Netherlands. Volume 54, Number 4 / September, 2002 20. Energy Projections for the UK. Energy Use and Energy-Related Emissions of Carbon 8. Environmental Effects of Ozone Depletion: Dioxide in the UK,. 1995-2020, Energy Paper Pursuant to Article 6 of the Montreal Protocol Number 65, HMSO, March 1995 on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer by United Nations Environment Programme. 21. The report, the Global Atmosphere Publisher United Nations. ISBN 9211270219 Research Programme 2000-2002, is published by the Department for Environment, Food and 9. Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage: Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change by Intergovernmental Panel 22. Conclusions of The Review of Energy on Climate Change. Publisher Cambridge Sources for Power Generation and University Press. ISBN 0521685516 Government response to fourth and fifth Reports of the Department of Trade and 10. Friedns of the Earth. The International Industry Committee, Cmd 4071, TSO, October Politics of Climate Change, From scientific 1998. knowledge to effective action, A selection of key dates and events on the internet. Available 23. BBC News. Environment Secretary Margaret Beckett statement, Not on Target on alpolitics.html the internet. Available at: 11. United Nations. Earth Summit+5. Combating Global Warming: The Climate 24. The Department of Trade and Industry - Change Convention on the internet. Available DTI, Updated Emissions Projections Final Projections To Inform The National Allocation ate.htm Plan (NAP). 12. United Nations. Earth Summit. United 25. Schools' environmental assessment Nations Organisation on the internet. Available method (SEAM). Published by Department for at: Education and Employment. Building Bulletin 83 8