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CMST 2220
Public Speaking Tips
1. Know your material. Pick a topic you are interested in. Use
humor appropriately, personal stories, and conversational
language – that way you won’t easily forget what to say.
2. Practice. Practice. Practice! Rehearse out loud in front of
someone with all equipment you plan on using. Revise as
necessary. Work to control filler words – “um, uh”. Practice
with a timer and remember to pause and breathe!
3. Relax. Beginby addressing the audience, this buys you time
and calms your nerves.Pause, smile, and count to three before
saying anything. ("One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three
one-thousand. Pause. Begin.) Transform nervous energy into
4. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself
speaking, your voice loud, clear and confident (self-fulfilling
prophecy). Visualize the audience clapping – it will boost your
5. Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want
you to be interesting, stimulating, informa tive, and entertaining.
They’re rooting for you!
6. Don’t apologize for any nervousness or problem – the
audience probably never noticed it.
7. Concentrate on the message – not the medium. Focus your
attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate on your
message and your audience.
8. Eye Contact. The best way to effectively use eye contact
during your speech is to make eye contact! Though that may be
difficult for some people, it's really important to connect with
your audience. Find friendly faces in the audience and connect
with them.
9. Gestures. Gestures should be natural and represent what you
are feeling and thinking at that moment. Remember to also vary
your gestures so that you do not bore the audience.
10. Posture and Movement. Your posture is also important. A
slouching posture may indicate that you lack self confidence, or
that you are uninterested in what you are talking about.
11. Your stance. A neutral stance is usually best. Movement
is dependent on your situation and is encouraged if you feel
12. Head nodding. Positive head nodding can be perceived
positively, showing your audience that you are interested in
them. Match your head nod to what you want your audience to
13. Facial expressions. It's important to be aware of your
facial expressions. Make sure you use your facial expressions
to reinforce what you are thinking or feeling.
14. Always remember to smile at the audience. This helps
relax you and helps the audience warm up to you. Plus it gives
positive vibes out to your audience members!
15. Paralanguage. Make sure to use variety in your tone,
pitch, and emphasis on words. Be sure to use a high volume
and a slow rate of speed.
Persuasive Speech Assignment
1. Begin by making an outline. You may use the same template
that you used for your Informative Speech.
2. Your general goal of this speech is to persuade. Specifically,
you are to persuade your audience to change their minds about
some significant and current social, political, or economic
problem facing the world today. Be sure to consider the
3. You must use the problem-solution organizational pattern for
this speech. Thesis statement should be clear and identifiable.
4. Your speech must show evidence of quality research. The
minimum number of published sources (books, magazine
articles, journal articles, etc.) is four (4). All sources must be
credible. You must cite sources orally, including the name,
source, and date. An example might be, “Prof. Bob Smith,
professor of medicine at Harvard University stated in the July 8,
2003 issue of the New York Times that.…” You must also turn
in a complete list of references following the American
Psychological Association (APA) documentation style.
5. You must use appropriate types of supporting arguments in
the speech. This is not a speech of opinion. You need to
provide more than a summary of your perspective. You need to
use the following: examples, analogies, statistics, and
6. The time limits for this speech are 7-10 minutes. You will
have a 30-second grace period on both ends of this time limit.
Not staying within time limits will adversely affect your
7. Be sure your introduction accomplishes all of the goals that it
should. In other words, use an attention-getter, reveal the thesis
statement, establish credibility, establish significance of the
topic, and preview the development of the speech.
8. Be sure the conclusion accomplishes all of its goals. Provide
a summary, refer to the introduction to provide closure, and
give impact. Do not begin the conclusion by saying, “In
conclusion….” You can be more creative than that.
9. Be sure to use transitions in the appropriate places in the
speech. This includes transition from the introduction to the
body, from the body to the conclusion, and internally within the
10. Deliver the speech extemporaneously. Speeches that are
read will receive a failing grade. Be sure to consider physical
delivery, vocal delivery, and language choice. You may use
minimal notes
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to the
“Sports Figure of the Year” annual induction ceremony. This
man’s name and achievements insprinting have earned him the
media nickname, "Lightning Bolt" – and for good reason! It is
both and honor and a privilege to be able to introduce you to a
role model of note, a man of distinction - Usain Bolt.
Usain Bolt is a Jamaican sprinter and he was born on 21st of
August, 1986. Usain has distinguished himself as aworld class
sprinter and he holds the Olympic and World Records for the
100 meters in 9.69 seconds and the 200 meters in 19.30 seconds.
Usain has taken his level of excellence one step further- and
together with his teammates - he also won the 4X100 meters
relay in the amazing time of 37.10 seconds. What makes
Usain's achievements all the more remarkable is the fact that
they wereall set at the 2008 Summer Olympics. Usain became
the first man to win all three events at a single Olympics since
Carl Lewis in1984, and the fist man in history to set world
records in all three events at a single Olympics. His name and
his achievements insprinting have earned him the media
nickname, "Lightning Bolt".
I am sure that you all know a great deal about his public
sprinting life, but there is more to Usain than just running.
Usain enjoys dancing and he is often described as a laid-back
and relaxed character. The first sport to interest himwas cricket
and he said that if he was not a sprinter, he would be a fast
bowler instead. He is a fan of Sachin Tendulkar, Chris Gayl,e
and Matthew Hayden.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sure you will agree that the world
ofcricket has lost out - but the world of sprinting has gained a
legendary role-model. Please join me in welcoming Usain Bolt
to address you this morning with his words of wisdom.
CMST 2220
MLA Style Citation Examples
· Book
Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. Star Trek Chronology: The
Historyof the Future. New York: Pocket, 1993.
· Journal Article
Wilcox, Rhonda V. "Shifting Roles and Synthetic
Women in Star Trek: The
Next Generation." Studies in Popular Culture 13.2
(1991): 53-65.
· Newspaper or Magazine Article
Di Rado, Alicia. "Trekking through College: Classes Explore
Modern Society
Using the World of Star Trek." Los Angeles Times 15 Mar.
1995: A3.
· Book Article or Chapter
James, Nancy E. "Two Sides of Paradise: The Eden Myth
According to Kirk and Spock." Spectrum of the Fantastic. Ed.
Donald Palumbo. Westport: Greenwood, 1988. 219-223.
· Encyclopedia Article (well known reference books)
Sturgeon, Theodore. "Science Fiction." The
Encyclopedia Americana.
International ed. 1995.
· Encyclopedia Article (less familiar reference books)
Horn, Maurice. "Flash Gordon." The World Encyclopedia of
Comics. Ed. Maurice Horn. 2 vols. New York: Chelsea, 1976.
· Gale Reference Book (and other books featuring reprinted
Shayon, Robert Lewis. "The Interplanetary Spock." Saturday
Review 17 June 1967: 46. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary
Criticism. Ed. Sharon R. Gunton. Vol. 17. Detroit: Gale
Research, 1981. 403.
· ERIC Document
Fuss-Reineck, Marilyn. Sibling Communication in Star
Trek: The Next
Generation: Conflicts between Brothers. Miami: Speech
Assn., 1993. ERIC Document Reproduction Service
· Website
Lynch, Tim. "DSN Trials and Tribble-ations
Review." Psi Phi: Bradley's
Science Fiction Club. 1996. Bradley University. 8 Oct. 1997
· Journal, Newspaper, or Magazine Article on the Internet
Andreadis, Athena. "The Enterprise Finds Twin Earths
Everywhere It Goes, But Future Colonizers of Distant Planets
Won't Be So Lucky." Astronomy Jan. 1999: 64- . Academic
Universe. Lexis-Nexis. B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Lib.,
Brookville, NY. 7 Feb. 1999 <http:// web.lexis->.
· Gale Literature Criticism Online
Shayon, Robert Lewis. "The Interplanetary Spock." Saturday
Review 17 June 1967: 46. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary
Criticism. Ed. Sharon R. Gunton and Gerald J. Senick. Vol. 17.
Detroit: Gale Research, 1981. 403. Literature Criticism Online.
Thomson Gale. B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Lib., Brookville,
NY. 15 Nov. 2007 <http://>.
· Arrange the items on your reference list alphabetically by
author, interfiling books, articles, etc.
· Double space all lines.
· Indent the second and following lines 5 spaces (or one half
· If no author is given, start with the title.
· Abbreviate the names of all months except May, June, and
· If the paging of a magazine or newspaper article is continued
elsewhere in the issue, include only the first page followed by a
plus sign (ex. 25+.).
· If the encyclopedia does not arrange its articles alphabetically,
treat the encyclopedia article as if it were a book article.
Specific volume and page numbers are cited in the text, not in
the list of references.
· Gale Reference Book: cite the original source being reprinted
as shown under Book, Journal Article, Newspaper or Magazine
Article, etc. The example shows a Magazine Article. Then
include the citation information for the reference book.
· Websites: include the title of the web page, the name of the
entire web site, the organization that posted it (this may be the
same as the name of the website). Also include the full date the
page was created or last updated (day, month, year if available)
and the date you looked at it.
· Internet Magazine Articles: Include:
· The full date of the article (day, month, year if available) and
the date you looked at it;
· If you are citing a journal instead of a magazine, include the
volume (and issue number) and date as shown under the Journal
Style above.
· As for page numbers, different databases will provide
different information. Include the range of pages (ex. 25-28.);
or the starting page followed by a hyphen, a blank space, and a
period (ex. 64- .); or the total number of pages or paragraphs
(ex. 12 pp. or 33 pars.). If no page information is given, then
leave it out.
· The name of the database (underlined) and the company that
created it.
· The library or other organization (and its location) that
provided you with access to the database.
· If the web address (URL) of the article is very long, you only
need to include the URL of the database's home page.
· The rules concerning a title within a title are not displayed
here for purposes of clarity. See the printed version of the
manual for details.
· For documents and situations not listed here, see the printed
version of the manual.
CMST 2220
Grading Criteria for Introductory Speech
1.) Introduction – Attention getting information; draws the
audience in.You need to choose 1 approach from the following
for your attention getter: quote, question, rhetorical question,
audience involvement, statistical evidence, humor, strong
statement, narrative, auditory or visual aid, poem, lyrics, etc.,
as your opening material.
2.) Body – Main points with supporting evidence. Usually 3-5
main points.
3.) Conclusion – Clincher statement (ends with a bang!). Once
again, you need to choose 1 approach from the following for
your clincher: quote, question, rhetorical question, audience
involvement, statistical evidence, humor, strong statement,
narrative, auditory or visual aid, poem, lyrics, etc., as your
closing material.
4.) Nonverbal Communication – Eye contact, Gestures, Body
movement, Posture
5.) Voice – Volume, Slow rate of speed, Word pronunciation,
Focus on tone, pitch and emphasis on words. No filler words,
such as: “um, uh, like, or you know” (you will have your word-
for-word typed manuscript speech in front of you as a script for
you to speak from, so you should be good here).
6.) Use Supporting Material, Organizational Components, and
Literary Devices – Examples, Evidence, Testimony,
Alliteration, Repetition, Similes, Metaphors, Analogies,
Hyperboles, Imagery/Descriptive Language, Personification,
Previewing, Internal Summaries, Signposts, Transitional
Language, etc., or any other approach that give a boost to your
CMST 2220
Introductory Speech Assignment
Since this will be your first time speaking individually, the idea
for this assignment is to get you familiar with public speaking
and to work on your basic speaking skills. You can choose your
own person to introduce for this speech; this can be a prominent
figure, business mogul, celebrity, or someone extraordinary
from your own personal life – IF they have contributed in some
way to their community through business, volunteering,
entrepreneurship, invention, etc. You will be introducing this
person (or group of persons) as if they are winning an award or
being honored in some way, and it is your job to present their
biography to the class. This person or group of persons can be
fictional or non-fictional, alive or dead. You will need to invent
a speaking occasion, such as, “Hello everyone, and welcome to
Anoka-Ramsey Community College’s annual United Way
fundraiser event……”
Your Introductory Speech should be between 3-5 minutes long
and you will need to turn in a typed and printed hard copy to
me. You will write your speech out word-for-word (manuscript
style) and then present it. You do not need to orally cite your
sources, however, you must cite your sources using MLA style
format on a works cited page and include it, as well as a hard
copy of your speech to the Dropbox titled “Informative Speech
Paper Copy” (12pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced).
Next, record yourself presenting your speech and submit the
speech to the appropriate D2L Dropbox. You can use a
recording file from your phone (as long as the quality is good)
or upload the video to YouTube (suggested) and post the link in
the Dropbox titled “Informative Speech Video Recording”.
You may not use Wikipedia for this speech (try the person’s
website, if applicable, to retrieve information). The basic
principle for this speech is:
· Cover some interesting points about the guest speaker, such as
their background and history, interesting stories, quotes, and
some of their past achievements, awards and credentials.

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CMST 2220Public Speaking Tips1. Know your material. Pick a

  • 1. CMST 2220 Public Speaking Tips 1. Know your material. Pick a topic you are interested in. Use humor appropriately, personal stories, and conversational language – that way you won’t easily forget what to say. 2. Practice. Practice. Practice! Rehearse out loud in front of someone with all equipment you plan on using. Revise as necessary. Work to control filler words – “um, uh”. Practice with a timer and remember to pause and breathe! 3. Relax. Beginby addressing the audience, this buys you time and calms your nerves.Pause, smile, and count to three before saying anything. ("One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand. Pause. Begin.) Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm. 4. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and confident (self-fulfilling prophecy). Visualize the audience clapping – it will boost your confidence! 5. Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informa tive, and entertaining. They’re rooting for you! 6. Don’t apologize for any nervousness or problem – the audience probably never noticed it. 7. Concentrate on the message – not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate on your message and your audience. 8. Eye Contact. The best way to effectively use eye contact during your speech is to make eye contact! Though that may be difficult for some people, it's really important to connect with
  • 2. your audience. Find friendly faces in the audience and connect with them. 9. Gestures. Gestures should be natural and represent what you are feeling and thinking at that moment. Remember to also vary your gestures so that you do not bore the audience. 10. Posture and Movement. Your posture is also important. A slouching posture may indicate that you lack self confidence, or that you are uninterested in what you are talking about. 11. Your stance. A neutral stance is usually best. Movement is dependent on your situation and is encouraged if you feel comfortable. 12. Head nodding. Positive head nodding can be perceived positively, showing your audience that you are interested in them. Match your head nod to what you want your audience to feel. 13. Facial expressions. It's important to be aware of your facial expressions. Make sure you use your facial expressions to reinforce what you are thinking or feeling. 14. Always remember to smile at the audience. This helps relax you and helps the audience warm up to you. Plus it gives positive vibes out to your audience members! 15. Paralanguage. Make sure to use variety in your tone, pitch, and emphasis on words. Be sure to use a high volume and a slow rate of speed. Persuasive Speech Assignment 1. Begin by making an outline. You may use the same template that you used for your Informative Speech. 2. Your general goal of this speech is to persuade. Specifically, you are to persuade your audience to change their minds about some significant and current social, political, or economic problem facing the world today. Be sure to consider the audience. 3. You must use the problem-solution organizational pattern for this speech. Thesis statement should be clear and identifiable.
  • 3. 4. Your speech must show evidence of quality research. The minimum number of published sources (books, magazine articles, journal articles, etc.) is four (4). All sources must be credible. You must cite sources orally, including the name, source, and date. An example might be, “Prof. Bob Smith, professor of medicine at Harvard University stated in the July 8, 2003 issue of the New York Times that.…” You must also turn in a complete list of references following the American Psychological Association (APA) documentation style. 5. You must use appropriate types of supporting arguments in the speech. This is not a speech of opinion. You need to provide more than a summary of your perspective. You need to use the following: examples, analogies, statistics, and testimony. 6. The time limits for this speech are 7-10 minutes. You will have a 30-second grace period on both ends of this time limit. Not staying within time limits will adversely affect your grade. 7. Be sure your introduction accomplishes all of the goals that it should. In other words, use an attention-getter, reveal the thesis statement, establish credibility, establish significance of the topic, and preview the development of the speech. 8. Be sure the conclusion accomplishes all of its goals. Provide a summary, refer to the introduction to provide closure, and give impact. Do not begin the conclusion by saying, “In conclusion….” You can be more creative than that. 9. Be sure to use transitions in the appropriate places in the speech. This includes transition from the introduction to the body, from the body to the conclusion, and internally within the speech 10. Deliver the speech extemporaneously. Speeches that are read will receive a failing grade. Be sure to consider physical delivery, vocal delivery, and language choice. You may use minimal notes
  • 4. SAMPLE INTRODUCTORY SPEECH - USAIN BOLT Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to the “Sports Figure of the Year” annual induction ceremony. This man’s name and achievements insprinting have earned him the media nickname, "Lightning Bolt" – and for good reason! It is both and honor and a privilege to be able to introduce you to a role model of note, a man of distinction - Usain Bolt. Usain Bolt is a Jamaican sprinter and he was born on 21st of August, 1986. Usain has distinguished himself as aworld class sprinter and he holds the Olympic and World Records for the 100 meters in 9.69 seconds and the 200 meters in 19.30 seconds. Usain has taken his level of excellence one step further- and together with his teammates - he also won the 4X100 meters relay in the amazing time of 37.10 seconds. What makes Usain's achievements all the more remarkable is the fact that they wereall set at the 2008 Summer Olympics. Usain became the first man to win all three events at a single Olympics since Carl Lewis in1984, and the fist man in history to set world records in all three events at a single Olympics. His name and his achievements insprinting have earned him the media nickname, "Lightning Bolt". I am sure that you all know a great deal about his public sprinting life, but there is more to Usain than just running. Usain enjoys dancing and he is often described as a laid-back and relaxed character. The first sport to interest himwas cricket and he said that if he was not a sprinter, he would be a fast bowler instead. He is a fan of Sachin Tendulkar, Chris Gayl,e and Matthew Hayden. Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sure you will agree that the world ofcricket has lost out - but the world of sprinting has gained a legendary role-model. Please join me in welcoming Usain Bolt to address you this morning with his words of wisdom.
  • 5. CMST 2220 MLA Style Citation Examples · Book Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. Star Trek Chronology: The Historyof the Future. New York: Pocket, 1993. · Journal Article Wilcox, Rhonda V. "Shifting Roles and Synthetic Women in Star Trek: The Next Generation." Studies in Popular Culture 13.2 (1991): 53-65. · Newspaper or Magazine Article Di Rado, Alicia. "Trekking through College: Classes Explore Modern Society Using the World of Star Trek." Los Angeles Times 15 Mar. 1995: A3. · Book Article or Chapter James, Nancy E. "Two Sides of Paradise: The Eden Myth According to Kirk and Spock." Spectrum of the Fantastic. Ed. Donald Palumbo. Westport: Greenwood, 1988. 219-223. · Encyclopedia Article (well known reference books) Sturgeon, Theodore. "Science Fiction." The Encyclopedia Americana. International ed. 1995. · Encyclopedia Article (less familiar reference books) Horn, Maurice. "Flash Gordon." The World Encyclopedia of Comics. Ed. Maurice Horn. 2 vols. New York: Chelsea, 1976.
  • 6. · Gale Reference Book (and other books featuring reprinted articles) Shayon, Robert Lewis. "The Interplanetary Spock." Saturday Review 17 June 1967: 46. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Sharon R. Gunton. Vol. 17. Detroit: Gale Research, 1981. 403. · ERIC Document Fuss-Reineck, Marilyn. Sibling Communication in Star Trek: The Next Generation: Conflicts between Brothers. Miami: Speech Communication Assn., 1993. ERIC Document Reproduction Service ED364932. · Website Lynch, Tim. "DSN Trials and Tribble-ations Review." Psi Phi: Bradley's Science Fiction Club. 1996. Bradley University. 8 Oct. 1997 <>. · Journal, Newspaper, or Magazine Article on the Internet Andreadis, Athena. "The Enterprise Finds Twin Earths Everywhere It Goes, But Future Colonizers of Distant Planets Won't Be So Lucky." Astronomy Jan. 1999: 64- . Academic Universe. Lexis-Nexis. B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Lib., Brookville, NY. 7 Feb. 1999 <http:// web.lexis->. · Gale Literature Criticism Online Shayon, Robert Lewis. "The Interplanetary Spock." Saturday Review 17 June 1967: 46. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Sharon R. Gunton and Gerald J. Senick. Vol. 17.
  • 7. Detroit: Gale Research, 1981. 403. Literature Criticism Online. Thomson Gale. B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Lib., Brookville, NY. 15 Nov. 2007 <http://>. Notes · Arrange the items on your reference list alphabetically by author, interfiling books, articles, etc. · Double space all lines. · Indent the second and following lines 5 spaces (or one half inch). · If no author is given, start with the title. · Abbreviate the names of all months except May, June, and July. · If the paging of a magazine or newspaper article is continued elsewhere in the issue, include only the first page followed by a plus sign (ex. 25+.). · If the encyclopedia does not arrange its articles alphabetically, treat the encyclopedia article as if it were a book article. Specific volume and page numbers are cited in the text, not in the list of references. · Gale Reference Book: cite the original source being reprinted as shown under Book, Journal Article, Newspaper or Magazine Article, etc. The example shows a Magazine Article. Then include the citation information for the reference book. · Websites: include the title of the web page, the name of the entire web site, the organization that posted it (this may be the same as the name of the website). Also include the full date the page was created or last updated (day, month, year if available) and the date you looked at it. · Internet Magazine Articles: Include: · The full date of the article (day, month, year if available) and the date you looked at it; · If you are citing a journal instead of a magazine, include the volume (and issue number) and date as shown under the Journal Style above. · As for page numbers, different databases will provide
  • 8. different information. Include the range of pages (ex. 25-28.); or the starting page followed by a hyphen, a blank space, and a period (ex. 64- .); or the total number of pages or paragraphs (ex. 12 pp. or 33 pars.). If no page information is given, then leave it out. · The name of the database (underlined) and the company that created it. · The library or other organization (and its location) that provided you with access to the database. · If the web address (URL) of the article is very long, you only need to include the URL of the database's home page. · The rules concerning a title within a title are not displayed here for purposes of clarity. See the printed version of the manual for details. · For documents and situations not listed here, see the printed version of the manual. CMST 2220 Grading Criteria for Introductory Speech 1.) Introduction – Attention getting information; draws the audience in.You need to choose 1 approach from the following for your attention getter: quote, question, rhetorical question, audience involvement, statistical evidence, humor, strong statement, narrative, auditory or visual aid, poem, lyrics, etc., as your opening material. 2.) Body – Main points with supporting evidence. Usually 3-5 main points. 3.) Conclusion – Clincher statement (ends with a bang!). Once again, you need to choose 1 approach from the following for your clincher: quote, question, rhetorical question, audience
  • 9. involvement, statistical evidence, humor, strong statement, narrative, auditory or visual aid, poem, lyrics, etc., as your closing material. 4.) Nonverbal Communication – Eye contact, Gestures, Body movement, Posture 5.) Voice – Volume, Slow rate of speed, Word pronunciation, Focus on tone, pitch and emphasis on words. No filler words, such as: “um, uh, like, or you know” (you will have your word- for-word typed manuscript speech in front of you as a script for you to speak from, so you should be good here). 6.) Use Supporting Material, Organizational Components, and Literary Devices – Examples, Evidence, Testimony, Alliteration, Repetition, Similes, Metaphors, Analogies, Hyperboles, Imagery/Descriptive Language, Personification, Previewing, Internal Summaries, Signposts, Transitional Language, etc., or any other approach that give a boost to your content. CMST 2220 Introductory Speech Assignment Since this will be your first time speaking individually, the idea for this assignment is to get you familiar with public speaking and to work on your basic speaking skills. You can choose your own person to introduce for this speech; this can be a prominent figure, business mogul, celebrity, or someone extraordinary from your own personal life – IF they have contributed in some way to their community through business, volunteering, entrepreneurship, invention, etc. You will be introducing this person (or group of persons) as if they are winning an award or being honored in some way, and it is your job to present their biography to the class. This person or group of persons can be fictional or non-fictional, alive or dead. You will need to invent a speaking occasion, such as, “Hello everyone, and welcome to Anoka-Ramsey Community College’s annual United Way fundraiser event……”
  • 10. Your Introductory Speech should be between 3-5 minutes long and you will need to turn in a typed and printed hard copy to me. You will write your speech out word-for-word (manuscript style) and then present it. You do not need to orally cite your sources, however, you must cite your sources using MLA style format on a works cited page and include it, as well as a hard copy of your speech to the Dropbox titled “Informative Speech Paper Copy” (12pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced). Next, record yourself presenting your speech and submit the speech to the appropriate D2L Dropbox. You can use a recording file from your phone (as long as the quality is good) or upload the video to YouTube (suggested) and post the link in the Dropbox titled “Informative Speech Video Recording”. You may not use Wikipedia for this speech (try the person’s website, if applicable, to retrieve information). The basic principle for this speech is: · Cover some interesting points about the guest speaker, such as their background and history, interesting stories, quotes, and some of their past achievements, awards and credentials.