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CLIF Application Report
ProjectTitle: Telling & Sharing Our Histories:A Gypsy Roma & Traveller
community project
Lead Org Westway Development Trust
Org type Third Sector Organisation
Other type description
SFA funded? (not a
condition, for info
Lead Org City London
Lead Org County
Lead Org Region London
About the grant...
SML grant? Small/Medium
Amount bid for £48,922.00 Matchfunding: cash £0.00
Match in Kind The Westway Development Trust provides an
ongoing £15,000 / year to engage a community
worker withthe Traveller community. this project
would benefit from the experience and links of that
Value for Money Gypsy Roma and Travellers are one of the hardest to
reach communities. The project is building on 10
years of work by the Westway Development Trust
and Kensington and Chelsea to enable the
community to have a voice in the decisions affecting
Turnover in last FY £7.43 million Largest grant in last FY £195,000 from NHS Kensington and Chlesea
Do current liabilities
exceed current
No If they do exceed, net
Have legal identity? No If no, details of org
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holding contract
Project Summary This intergenerational project brings together the Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities of Kensington and
Chelsea to produce and maintain a living archive through film, audio, exhibition, website and book. It will be central
to the borough’s Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month, annually held in June.
A residential programme of creativity and media literacy will bring the community together to actively shape the
project from the start and underpin other learning delivered in the borough.
Project aim This project seeks to strengthen the active citizenship and community participation of Gypsies Roma and Travellers
in Kensington and Chelsea and enable the skills to create a Traveller archive documenting a history stretching back
to the 1800s in the borough. The archive will be hosted by the Library Service and form the cornerstone of Gypsy
Roma and Traveller History Month activity and celebration, held in June each year.
The primary aims of this project are threefold:
• Adult members of the Gypsy Roma and Traveller community learning together with their children/young people to
have improved media literacy skills gained through a residential programme of creative learning and through
training in the Borough.
• Participants develop a Traveller archive through film, audio, exhibition and book
• Parents/Carers and young people to deliver a programme of activity for GRTHM 2013.
Project need Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities are among the UK‘s most marginalised groups (CRE, 2006) with
children/young people and adults experiencing the very worst in education, employment, health and
accommodation (Cemlyn et al, 2009). The progress report by the Ministerial group on tackling inequalities
experienced by Gypsies and Travellers expressed concern that “Gypsies and Travellers are being held back by
some of the worst outcomes of any group across a range of social indicators.” (DCLG, Apr 2012). The Gypsy Roma
and Traveller communities In Kensington & Chelsea suffer from ghettoisation – an issue which this project is
expressly designed to address.
CLIF theme Learning for community
Contribution to CLIF theme The project is designed to widen participation of one of the most disadvantaged and least likely communities to
participate in learning - the Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities of Kensington and Chelsea.
By providing an intensive residential programme of media training and creativity and drawing out and celebrating
personal and community experience and stories, the project will affirm self-respect and identities, grow participants’
confidence and self-expression and strengthen the Gypsy Roma and Traveller community voice.
Through developing an archive, through its presence on the web and in the Central Library and through the annually
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held Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month, the profile, awareness and engagement with the Traveller
community amongst the wider population will be positively raised and promoted.
Community involvement and
This project is building on the experiences of partners including Irish Travellers from the Stable Way Residents
Association and has taken on board the views of learners and communities in developing this project proposal.
A programme of residential activity is planned to help ensure that participants are able to reflect on activity and give
steer to how the project should move forward.
Members of the community will be trained in interviewing and will be employed to conduct interviews with
participants. Further participants will use the skills gained in film and audio to provide a living evaluation of the
Pedagogy Participants will be supported in their learning through volunteers, outreach workers, youth workers and tutors
through a programme of residentials and training delivered locally in the Borough.
The Westway Development Trust and the Boroughs’ Housing Commissioning Service currently have outreach
workers supporting the Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities in the Borough and these shall provide continuing
support to learners as part of this project.
Subject specialist tutors from the third sector are stakeholders in this project and would provide expertise and on-
going support to learners.
Oxford Gardens Primary School will provide in school support to pupils involved in the project
Information, Advice and
The project is designed to enable learners to have a raised awareness of and engage with a number of local third
sector organisations – some of which have specialist information, advice and guidance provision relevant to their
personal circumstance (e.g. NOVA – new opportunities and Westway Development Trust).
Making these connections between the community and the third sector will in itself offer opportunities for
progression (i.e accessing NOVAs ICT training)
Further in getting to know the community and interviewing participants throughout the project, learners specific
needs will be gathered and opportunities identified to take these forward.
Equal opps, health and safety
and safeguarding
All current staff and any new staff engaged on the project are and will be: CRB checked; selected on their
experience of and ability to demonstrate their commitment to equal opportunities; and inducted on health and safety
issues and procedures. All Westway Development Trust staff are given copies of the organisation’s policies on
equal opportunities, health and safety and safeguarding.
The ethos of the project, promoted and overseen by the project manager engaged by Westway Development Trust,
is to ensure that all participants from Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities are treated with respect, that their
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contributions are welcomed and encouraged and that they have a full role in contributing to the direction of the
Partner Organisations
Organisation Name Role in this project Organisation Type
1 Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Library Service and Housing Commissioning
Engagement and learner support from Housing
Commissioning Services. Celebration venues for
GRTHM 2013 and part delivery of the e
Local Authority - Other Department
2 Video College Delivery of 1 week video editing course for learners Third Sector organisation
3 Westway Development Trust Learner support, engagement, and evaluation Third Sector organisation
4 Oxford Gardens Primary School Learner engagement and support, and part delivery
of the exhibition aspect of the project.
Third Sector organisation
5 Stable Way Residents Association Learner engagement Third Sector organisation
6 Eel Productions Delivery of film aspects of the project Third Sector organisation
7 NOVA – new opportunities Delivery of audio aspects of the project Third Sector organisation
8 HISTORYtalk Delivery of book aspect of the project exploring
history and experience of GRT communities
Third Sector organisation
More than 12
Partnership This project is built on partnership and a range of third sector and local authority partners have come together to present this
proposal. The programme is to be Project Managed by the Westway Development Trust who has 40 years experience of working
with communities in Kensington and Chelsea.
6- weekly update meetings for all partners will take place where activity can be planned, reviewed and reflected upon.
Further the project will appoint an administrator to ensure that information is collated and disseminated to all partners.
No. of learners 20 Approx average no of hours per learner 42.00
Who will your target learners be?
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All residents of a specific area No People with English as a second language No
Black and minority ethnic groups No People with learning disabilities No
Carers No People with long term illness / chronic conditions No
Digitally excluded No People with physical disabilities No
Family and intergenerational groups Yes Residents in care homes or sheltered housing No
Gender-specfic groups No Residents of deprived areas No
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered people No Travellers Yes
Migrant workers and refugees No Unemployed people No
Offenders, ex-offenders and those at risk of re-offending No Volunteers No
Older learners No Vulnerably housed / homeless people No
People experiencing mental health difficulties No Young adults No
People from low income families No Other No
If Other, please specify
Where will they
No No Yes No No Yes No No No
In what settings?
Care settings No Prisons No
Children's centres No Schools Yes
Colleges No Sheltered housing / Hostels No
Community venues Yes Sports or leisure facilities No
Libraries Yes Training centres No
Mobile units No Vacant premises No
Museums or Galleries No Workplaces No
Online No Other Yes
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Outdoor locations No If Other please specify Residential at High Ashurst (Surrey)
What will they learn? CLIF12972
Arts, crafts or culture No History and heritage Yes
Community development, community participation / action /
Yes IAG No
Digital learning, IT and computing No Languages No
Education for sustainable development / environmental
No Leadership / mentoring No
Employment, self-employment and social enterprise No Literacy and numeracy No
English language skills No Media Yes
Entrepreneurship / starting own business / social enterprise No Personal development confidence / self esteem No
Equality and diversity awareness No Reading / writing for pleasure No
Flexible and demand-led programme No Science or technology No
Family learning / parenting No Sports related No
Financial learning No Volunteering / CLCs / ULRs No
Food and cooking No Other No
Health and safety / first aid No If other, please specify
Health and well being No
Volunteers Capacities of volunteers in project
Does the project intend to use
How many? 5
How many hours of volunteer time? 200
Community Outreach Yes
Deliveryof learning programmes Yes
Development of learning
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Other No
If other, please specify
Objective What difference will it make? How will the difference be measured?
1 Improve media literacy for adults and their
children/young people through film and
audio documenting
Provide film and audio making and editing skills
to adults and their children/young people
We will produce 3 short films and 5 audio
documentaries detailing Gypsy Roma and
Traveller history and experience in Kensington
and Chelsea. We will interview participants at
the beginning and end of the project and
participants will be asked to keep a video or
audio diary of their learning journey.
2 Raise awareness of Gypsy Roma and
Traveller communities through exhibition
and book
Improve understanding and relations between
sedentary and Traveller communities in
Kensington and Chelsea.
We will produce an exhibition from existing local
archive materials and family’s personal
photographs and artefacts; and produce a book
reflecting Gypsy Roma and Traveller history and
experience in Kensington and Chelsea. A
survey of 250 Library Service users will be
undertaken at the beginning and end of project.
3 Celebrate Traveller culture and history
through a programme of activity for Gypsy
Roma and Traveller History Month, 2013
Strengthen the Traveller communities by putting
them at the heart of organising and delivering
the Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month,
We will produce a programme of activity
including film and audio screenings, exhibition
and book launch during GRTHM, 2013.
Registers of attendance at events will be kept
alongside audience comments.
4 Monitoring and Evaluation Ensure that project partners and participants
reflect as part of their practice.
We will train 4 members of the community to
interview participants throughout this project.
Participants will keep video and audio diaries of
their learning journey providing a living
evaluation. Further Prof. Andrew Ryder, a
leading academic in Gypsy Roma and Traveller
policy and practice, will undertake the monitoring
and evaluation.
Work plans
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Phase 1: Project Start-up until January 31st 2013
Main activities and date for achievement Target output Grant expenditure Proposed difference made as a
contribution to achieving objective
1 1) Deliver a 3-day media literacy and creativity
residential (October 2012)
1) 20 adult learners and
their children/young
people will attend
1) £9840 (incl.
Tutors, Venue hire,
Travel and food)
1) Raised awareness of and involvement in
media literacy and creativity sessions.
Learners will keep a video or audio diary
demonstrating their skill development.
2 1) As Objective 1.1 above
2) Conducta survey of public perception of the
Traveller community in Kensington and Chelsea
(NOV 2012)
1) As Objective 1.1 above
2) Public Perception
survey conducted with
250 Library Service users
1) As Objective 1.1
2) £200 (Researcher
time to produce
1) As Objective 1.1 above
2) An initial survey of 250 Library Service
users will be undertaken to identify
perceptions and raise awreness of the
Traveller community
4 1) Train 4 members of the Traveller community
in Interview Skills and conduct initial interviews
with adult and children/young people
participants (OCT 2012)
2) Attend and observe Residential programme of
media literacy and creativity training
1) 4 adults trained in
interview skills and 40
interviews conducted
2) 20 adults and their
children/young people
1) £1600 (incl.
preparation and
delivery of training
and employment of
2) £600
1) Place the community at the heart of the
research process
2) Ensure that project partners and
participants reflect as part of their practice.
Phase 2: February 1st 2013 to July 31st 2013
Main activities and date for achievement Target output Grant expenditure Proposed difference made as a
contribution to achieving objective
1 1) Deliver a 2 x 3-day media literacy and 1) 20 adult learners and 1) £19680 (incl. 1)Raised awareness of and involvement in
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creativity residential (Feb and May 2013)
2) Deliver 1-week film editing training at Video
3) Deliver 3-day audio editing training at NOVA
– new opportunities
their children/young
people will attend
2) 5 adult learners and
their children/young
3) 5 adult learners and
their children and young
Tutors, Venue hire,
Travel and food)
2) £3205 (incl.
Tutors, equipment
and venue hire)
3) £810 (incl Tutor,
equipment and
media literacy sessions. Learners will keep
a video or audio diary demonstrating their
skill development.
2) Produce 3 short films documenting
Gypsy Roma and Traveller experience and
3) Produce 5 audio pieces documenting
Gypsy Roma and Traveller experience and
2 1) As Objective 1.1 above
2) Conducta survey of public perception of the
Traveller community in Kensington and Chelsea
(June 2012)
3) Create book documenting the Gypsy Roma
and Traveller history and experience
1) As Objective 1.1 above
2) Public Perception
survey conducted with
250 Library Service users
3) 100 Books produced
and ade avalable to
schools and libraries
1) As Objective 1.1
2) zero cost as
survey will be
conducted by Library
3) £1000
1) As Objective 1.1 above
2) An final survey of 250 Library Service
users will be undertaken to identify
perceptions and raise awreness of the
Traveller community
3)Improve understanding and relations
between sedentary and Traveller
communities in Kensington and Chelsea.
3 1) Produce Gypsy Roma and Traveller
Exhibition to tour Libraries in Kensington and
2) Deliver Film Festival at Cafe NOVA
1) 1000 members of the
public to view
2) 200 residents of
Kensington and Chelsea
to attend
1) zero expense as
the exhibition will be
produced as part of
the residential
2) Zero expense as
films will be produced
as part of the
1) Strengthen the Traveller communities by
putting them at the heart of organising and
delivering the Gypsy Roma and Traveller
History Month, 2013.
2) As 1 Above
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4 1) Observe 2 x 3 day residentials (FEB and
May 2013)
2) Conduct end of Project Interviews
2) 20 adult members of
the Gypsy Roma and
Traveller community and
their children/young
2) 4 members of the
community conducting 40
2) 900
1) Ensure that project partners and
participants reflect as part of their practice.
2) Place the community at the heart of the
research process
Risk and impact How likely? How
When? Proposed actions Whose responsibility
1 Late delivery of the project or aspects of
the project
Low Low Phase 1 and 2 The project plan will
provide guidance on
delivery dates and regular
update meetings of
partners will help limit the
risk of late delivery by
ensuring that these dates
are met.
Project Manager
Development Trust)
2 Participants do not engage in project/
high drop out rate
Low High Phase 1 and 2 Work closely with
representatives from
communities in lead up to
project and those
organisations working
with them, and maintain
relationship throughout
phase 1 and 2
Project Manager
Development Trust)
3 Participants do not develop media
literacy skills in the ways outlined in
Objective 1
Low Medium Phase 1 and 2 Ensure small group
working and offer support
and 1-1 additional help if
Project Manager
Development Trust)
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Exit and sustainability
The partnership will be sustained beyond the life of the project and the archive will be mainstreamed into the
boroughs Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month activity in future years.
There is already an ongoing commitment from the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and the Westway
Development Trust to fund, support and promote participation of the Gypsy Roma and Traveller community in
future years. We will use the experience of this project to develop further services to meet the needs of this hard to
reach community and seek to identify and secure other funding opportunities, including from other trusts, Lottery
sources and the Council.
The best people to encourage participation from members of hard to reach groups are individuals from within the
communities. By working together with community organisations that have already established a level of trust and
moving on together via a transparent process with a high degree of user-involvement and a positive learning
experience with genuinely useful outcomes, we know from experience that others from the communities will
become engaged through word of mouth.
The Westway Development Trust has 40 years’ experience of working with communities in Kensington and
Chelsea – enabling individuals and strengthening communities. This project will seek to build on that experience,
facilitating learners to progress from this activity with raised confidence and aspirations.
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CLIF12972_Application (1)

  • 1. Page 1 of 2 CLIF Application Report MS138BatchIDCLIF ID CLIF12972 ProjectTitle: Telling & Sharing Our Histories:A Gypsy Roma & Traveller community project Lead Org Westway Development Trust Org type Third Sector Organisation Other type description SFA funded? (not a condition, for info only) Yes Lead Org City London Lead Org County Lead Org Region London About the grant... SML grant? Small/Medium Amount bid for £48,922.00 Matchfunding: cash £0.00 Match in Kind The Westway Development Trust provides an ongoing £15,000 / year to engage a community worker withthe Traveller community. this project would benefit from the experience and links of that worker. Value for Money Gypsy Roma and Travellers are one of the hardest to reach communities. The project is building on 10 years of work by the Westway Development Trust and Kensington and Chelsea to enable the community to have a voice in the decisions affecting them. Turnover in last FY £7.43 million Largest grant in last FY £195,000 from NHS Kensington and Chlesea Do current liabilities exceed current assets? No If they do exceed, net amount: Have legal identity? No If no, details of org
  • 2. Page 1 of 2 holding contract Project Summary This intergenerational project brings together the Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities of Kensington and Chelsea to produce and maintain a living archive through film, audio, exhibition, website and book. It will be central to the borough’s Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month, annually held in June. A residential programme of creativity and media literacy will bring the community together to actively shape the project from the start and underpin other learning delivered in the borough. Project aim This project seeks to strengthen the active citizenship and community participation of Gypsies Roma and Travellers in Kensington and Chelsea and enable the skills to create a Traveller archive documenting a history stretching back to the 1800s in the borough. The archive will be hosted by the Library Service and form the cornerstone of Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month activity and celebration, held in June each year. The primary aims of this project are threefold: • Adult members of the Gypsy Roma and Traveller community learning together with their children/young people to have improved media literacy skills gained through a residential programme of creative learning and through training in the Borough. • Participants develop a Traveller archive through film, audio, exhibition and book • Parents/Carers and young people to deliver a programme of activity for GRTHM 2013. Project need Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities are among the UK‘s most marginalised groups (CRE, 2006) with children/young people and adults experiencing the very worst in education, employment, health and accommodation (Cemlyn et al, 2009). The progress report by the Ministerial group on tackling inequalities experienced by Gypsies and Travellers expressed concern that “Gypsies and Travellers are being held back by some of the worst outcomes of any group across a range of social indicators.” (DCLG, Apr 2012). The Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities In Kensington & Chelsea suffer from ghettoisation – an issue which this project is expressly designed to address. CLIF theme Learning for community Contribution to CLIF theme The project is designed to widen participation of one of the most disadvantaged and least likely communities to participate in learning - the Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities of Kensington and Chelsea. By providing an intensive residential programme of media training and creativity and drawing out and celebrating personal and community experience and stories, the project will affirm self-respect and identities, grow participants’ confidence and self-expression and strengthen the Gypsy Roma and Traveller community voice. Through developing an archive, through its presence on the web and in the Central Library and through the annually
  • 3. Page 1 of 2 held Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month, the profile, awareness and engagement with the Traveller community amongst the wider population will be positively raised and promoted. Community involvement and accountability This project is building on the experiences of partners including Irish Travellers from the Stable Way Residents Association and has taken on board the views of learners and communities in developing this project proposal. A programme of residential activity is planned to help ensure that participants are able to reflect on activity and give steer to how the project should move forward. Members of the community will be trained in interviewing and will be employed to conduct interviews with participants. Further participants will use the skills gained in film and audio to provide a living evaluation of the project. Pedagogy Participants will be supported in their learning through volunteers, outreach workers, youth workers and tutors through a programme of residentials and training delivered locally in the Borough. The Westway Development Trust and the Boroughs’ Housing Commissioning Service currently have outreach workers supporting the Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities in the Borough and these shall provide continuing support to learners as part of this project. Subject specialist tutors from the third sector are stakeholders in this project and would provide expertise and on- going support to learners. Oxford Gardens Primary School will provide in school support to pupils involved in the project Information, Advice and Guidance The project is designed to enable learners to have a raised awareness of and engage with a number of local third sector organisations – some of which have specialist information, advice and guidance provision relevant to their personal circumstance (e.g. NOVA – new opportunities and Westway Development Trust). Making these connections between the community and the third sector will in itself offer opportunities for progression (i.e accessing NOVAs ICT training) Further in getting to know the community and interviewing participants throughout the project, learners specific needs will be gathered and opportunities identified to take these forward. Equal opps, health and safety and safeguarding All current staff and any new staff engaged on the project are and will be: CRB checked; selected on their experience of and ability to demonstrate their commitment to equal opportunities; and inducted on health and safety issues and procedures. All Westway Development Trust staff are given copies of the organisation’s policies on equal opportunities, health and safety and safeguarding. The ethos of the project, promoted and overseen by the project manager engaged by Westway Development Trust, is to ensure that all participants from Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities are treated with respect, that their
  • 4. Page 1 of 2 contributions are welcomed and encouraged and that they have a full role in contributing to the direction of the project. Partner Organisations Organisation Name Role in this project Organisation Type 1 Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Library Service and Housing Commissioning Services Engagement and learner support from Housing Commissioning Services. Celebration venues for GRTHM 2013 and part delivery of the e Local Authority - Other Department 2 Video College Delivery of 1 week video editing course for learners Third Sector organisation 3 Westway Development Trust Learner support, engagement, and evaluation Third Sector organisation 4 Oxford Gardens Primary School Learner engagement and support, and part delivery of the exhibition aspect of the project. Third Sector organisation 5 Stable Way Residents Association Learner engagement Third Sector organisation 6 Eel Productions Delivery of film aspects of the project Third Sector organisation 7 NOVA – new opportunities Delivery of audio aspects of the project Third Sector organisation 8 HISTORYtalk Delivery of book aspect of the project exploring history and experience of GRT communities Third Sector organisation More than 12 partners? Partnership This project is built on partnership and a range of third sector and local authority partners have come together to present this proposal. The programme is to be Project Managed by the Westway Development Trust who has 40 years experience of working with communities in Kensington and Chelsea. 6- weekly update meetings for all partners will take place where activity can be planned, reviewed and reflected upon. Further the project will appoint an administrator to ensure that information is collated and disseminated to all partners. No. of learners 20 Approx average no of hours per learner 42.00 Who will your target learners be?
  • 5. Page 1 of 2 All residents of a specific area No People with English as a second language No Black and minority ethnic groups No People with learning disabilities No Carers No People with long term illness / chronic conditions No Digitally excluded No People with physical disabilities No Family and intergenerational groups Yes Residents in care homes or sheltered housing No Gender-specfic groups No Residents of deprived areas No Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered people No Travellers Yes Migrant workers and refugees No Unemployed people No Offenders, ex-offenders and those at risk of re-offending No Volunteers No Older learners No Vulnerably housed / homeless people No People experiencing mental health difficulties No Young adults No People from low income families No Other No If Other, please specify Where will they learn? EM EA LN NE NW SE SW WM YH No No Yes No No Yes No No No In what settings? Care settings No Prisons No Children's centres No Schools Yes Colleges No Sheltered housing / Hostels No Community venues Yes Sports or leisure facilities No Libraries Yes Training centres No Mobile units No Vacant premises No Museums or Galleries No Workplaces No Online No Other Yes
  • 6. Page 1 of 2 Outdoor locations No If Other please specify Residential at High Ashurst (Surrey) What will they learn? CLIF12972 Arts, crafts or culture No History and heritage Yes Community development, community participation / action / citizenship Yes IAG No Digital learning, IT and computing No Languages No Education for sustainable development / environmental awareness No Leadership / mentoring No Employment, self-employment and social enterprise No Literacy and numeracy No English language skills No Media Yes Entrepreneurship / starting own business / social enterprise No Personal development confidence / self esteem No Equality and diversity awareness No Reading / writing for pleasure No Flexible and demand-led programme No Science or technology No Family learning / parenting No Sports related No Financial learning No Volunteering / CLCs / ULRs No Food and cooking No Other No Health and safety / first aid No If other, please specify Health and well being No Volunteers Capacities of volunteers in project Does the project intend to use volunteers? Yes How many? 5 How many hours of volunteer time? 200 Community Outreach Yes Deliveryof learning programmes Yes Development of learning programmes Yes
  • 7. Page 1 of 2 Other No If other, please specify Objectives Objective What difference will it make? How will the difference be measured? 1 Improve media literacy for adults and their children/young people through film and audio documenting Provide film and audio making and editing skills to adults and their children/young people We will produce 3 short films and 5 audio documentaries detailing Gypsy Roma and Traveller history and experience in Kensington and Chelsea. We will interview participants at the beginning and end of the project and participants will be asked to keep a video or audio diary of their learning journey. 2 Raise awareness of Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities through exhibition and book Improve understanding and relations between sedentary and Traveller communities in Kensington and Chelsea. We will produce an exhibition from existing local archive materials and family’s personal photographs and artefacts; and produce a book reflecting Gypsy Roma and Traveller history and experience in Kensington and Chelsea. A survey of 250 Library Service users will be undertaken at the beginning and end of project. 3 Celebrate Traveller culture and history through a programme of activity for Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month, 2013 Strengthen the Traveller communities by putting them at the heart of organising and delivering the Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month, 2013. We will produce a programme of activity including film and audio screenings, exhibition and book launch during GRTHM, 2013. Registers of attendance at events will be kept alongside audience comments. 4 Monitoring and Evaluation Ensure that project partners and participants reflect as part of their practice. We will train 4 members of the community to interview participants throughout this project. Participants will keep video and audio diaries of their learning journey providing a living evaluation. Further Prof. Andrew Ryder, a leading academic in Gypsy Roma and Traveller policy and practice, will undertake the monitoring and evaluation. Work plans
  • 8. Page 1 of 2 Phase 1: Project Start-up until January 31st 2013 Main activities and date for achievement Target output Grant expenditure Proposed difference made as a contribution to achieving objective 1 1) Deliver a 3-day media literacy and creativity residential (October 2012) 1) 20 adult learners and their children/young people will attend 1) £9840 (incl. Tutors, Venue hire, Travel and food) 1) Raised awareness of and involvement in media literacy and creativity sessions. Learners will keep a video or audio diary demonstrating their skill development. 2 1) As Objective 1.1 above 2) Conducta survey of public perception of the Traveller community in Kensington and Chelsea (NOV 2012) 1) As Objective 1.1 above 2) Public Perception survey conducted with 250 Library Service users 1) As Objective 1.1 above 2) £200 (Researcher time to produce survey) 1) As Objective 1.1 above 2) An initial survey of 250 Library Service users will be undertaken to identify perceptions and raise awreness of the Traveller community 3 NO ACTIVITY FOR THIS OBJECTIVE DURING THIS PHASE NO ACTIVITY FOR THIS OBJECTIVE DURING THIS PHASE NO ACTIVITY FOR THIS OBJECTIVE DURING THIS PHASE NO ACTIVITY FOR THIS OBJECTIVE DURING THIS PHASE 4 1) Train 4 members of the Traveller community in Interview Skills and conduct initial interviews with adult and children/young people participants (OCT 2012) 2) Attend and observe Residential programme of media literacy and creativity training 1) 4 adults trained in interview skills and 40 interviews conducted 2) 20 adults and their children/young people observed 1) £1600 (incl. preparation and delivery of training and employment of interviewers) 2) £600 1) Place the community at the heart of the research process 2) Ensure that project partners and participants reflect as part of their practice. Phase 2: February 1st 2013 to July 31st 2013 Main activities and date for achievement Target output Grant expenditure Proposed difference made as a contribution to achieving objective 1 1) Deliver a 2 x 3-day media literacy and 1) 20 adult learners and 1) £19680 (incl. 1)Raised awareness of and involvement in
  • 9. Page 1 of 2 creativity residential (Feb and May 2013) 2) Deliver 1-week film editing training at Video College 3) Deliver 3-day audio editing training at NOVA – new opportunities their children/young people will attend 2) 5 adult learners and their children/young people 3) 5 adult learners and their children and young people Tutors, Venue hire, Travel and food) 2) £3205 (incl. Tutors, equipment and venue hire) 3) £810 (incl Tutor, equipment and venue) media literacy sessions. Learners will keep a video or audio diary demonstrating their skill development. 2) Produce 3 short films documenting Gypsy Roma and Traveller experience and history 3) Produce 5 audio pieces documenting Gypsy Roma and Traveller experience and history 2 1) As Objective 1.1 above 2) Conducta survey of public perception of the Traveller community in Kensington and Chelsea (June 2012) 3) Create book documenting the Gypsy Roma and Traveller history and experience 1) As Objective 1.1 above 2) Public Perception survey conducted with 250 Library Service users 3) 100 Books produced and ade avalable to schools and libraries 1) As Objective 1.1 above 2) zero cost as survey will be conducted by Library staff 3) £1000 1) As Objective 1.1 above 2) An final survey of 250 Library Service users will be undertaken to identify perceptions and raise awreness of the Traveller community 3)Improve understanding and relations between sedentary and Traveller communities in Kensington and Chelsea. 3 1) Produce Gypsy Roma and Traveller Exhibition to tour Libraries in Kensington and Chelsea 2) Deliver Film Festival at Cafe NOVA 1) 1000 members of the public to view 2) 200 residents of Kensington and Chelsea to attend 1) zero expense as the exhibition will be produced as part of the residential programme 2) Zero expense as films will be produced as part of the residential programme 1) Strengthen the Traveller communities by putting them at the heart of organising and delivering the Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month, 2013. 2) As 1 Above
  • 10. Page 1 of 2 4 1) Observe 2 x 3 day residentials (FEB and May 2013) 2) Conduct end of Project Interviews 2) 20 adult members of the Gypsy Roma and Traveller community and their children/young people 2) 4 members of the community conducting 40 interviews £1200 2) 900 1) Ensure that project partners and participants reflect as part of their practice. 2) Place the community at the heart of the research process Risks Risk and impact How likely? How serious? When? Proposed actions Whose responsibility 1 Late delivery of the project or aspects of the project Low Low Phase 1 and 2 The project plan will provide guidance on delivery dates and regular update meetings of partners will help limit the risk of late delivery by ensuring that these dates are met. Project Manager (Westway Development Trust) 2 Participants do not engage in project/ high drop out rate Low High Phase 1 and 2 Work closely with representatives from communities in lead up to project and those organisations working with them, and maintain relationship throughout phase 1 and 2 Project Manager (Westway Development Trust) 3 Participants do not develop media literacy skills in the ways outlined in Objective 1 Low Medium Phase 1 and 2 Ensure small group working and offer support and 1-1 additional help if Project Manager (Westway Development Trust)
  • 11. Page 1 of 2 needed Exit and sustainability strategy The partnership will be sustained beyond the life of the project and the archive will be mainstreamed into the boroughs Gypsy Roma and Traveller History Month activity in future years. There is already an ongoing commitment from the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and the Westway Development Trust to fund, support and promote participation of the Gypsy Roma and Traveller community in future years. We will use the experience of this project to develop further services to meet the needs of this hard to reach community and seek to identify and secure other funding opportunities, including from other trusts, Lottery sources and the Council. The best people to encourage participation from members of hard to reach groups are individuals from within the communities. By working together with community organisations that have already established a level of trust and moving on together via a transparent process with a high degree of user-involvement and a positive learning experience with genuinely useful outcomes, we know from experience that others from the communities will become engaged through word of mouth. The Westway Development Trust has 40 years’ experience of working with communities in Kensington and Chelsea – enabling individuals and strengthening communities. This project will seek to build on that experience, facilitating learners to progress from this activity with raised confidence and aspirations.