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Like the reviewer below Iā€Ÿve tried websites and other local Denver matchmakers. At least thatā€Ÿs what they
claim to be. I donā€Ÿt know how I missed the listing for Bon Jour in my searches but now that Iā€Ÿve found it this is
the service Iā€Ÿve been searching for.
I donā€Ÿt know what to list first as the best parts of the service. Michele Fields spends an enormous amount of
time on the phone coaching and with feedback; the open-ended contract for every client is beyond invaluable as
you really donā€Ÿt know when the perfect person for you will show up; the investment in the service is extremely
fair as Michele is very honest whether she has many prospects for you or not and if not she charges you less
(makes sense); all the information she gathers on each client and supplies to you when matching (unlike any
other Denver matchmaking service Iā€Ÿve used) and the list goes on. It is really no wonder that she is celebrating
25 years in business.
Like someone wrote below, I am confidant that I will meet the person Iā€Ÿve been looking for through this very
old fashioned and personal structure with the assistance of Michele the Matchmaker. Obviously I recommend
Bon Jour Matchmaking Service highly.
Robert S., Physician, Age 42
Like many, I decided to join Bon Jour after countless attempts to find that elusive special someone on my own.
Meeting people has always been easy for me, but connecting with someone on THAT level, much less soā€¦ On-
line sources were, well, letā€Ÿs just say disappointing and leave it at that (ugh). Other so-called professional
matchmaking services made me feel like I was being scammed, or worse, like I was man-bait (they seemed to
cater to the male clients and not really care about what I was looking for). Bon Jour was/is refreshingly different
in all the right ways.
Michele told me that she created her service after many similar experiences in her own dating quests. This
personal experience really shows and Micheleā€Ÿs integrity when it comes to her business is unmatched. The
open-ended contract is a great example ā€“ you will not find such a contract anywhere else, but it makes so much
sense! Michele also has discerning taste, and will turn away clients that donā€Ÿt meet the high standards she sets
for her business. When I signed up, she was very honest with me and told me that she did not have very many
men in my age group. She didnā€Ÿt have to tell me that; she could have easily taken my money without such a
disclosure, as Iā€Ÿm sure all other matchmaking services would.
Since joining Bon Jour, I have been very pleased with my investment. When I joined, Michele told me, ā€œIt is
not a numbers game; you only need one.ā€ So true! Michele listened, really listened, to what I was looking for in
a man. In that regard, all of my matches have met my standards and have been good quality matches with real
potential. Michele doesnā€Ÿt waste my time with men I donā€Ÿt mesh with, and I greatly appreciate this. Michele just
introduced me to the most interesting man Iā€Ÿve ever met!
Moreover, there is a comforting sense of peace that comes with being part of Bon Jour ā€“ It is like Iā€Ÿm still
trying, still making the effort to find my mate, but Michele is doing all the work while I go about living my life
(and being grateful that I donā€Ÿt have to waste my time incessantly dating anymore).
Bon Jour is very reasonably priced and absolutely worth the investment.
Jen S., physician, Age 33
I contacted Michele about joining her service after unproductive years spent on various big name Internet dating
sites as well as a variety of dating events put on by local singles groups. I wanted the personal touch, and
Michele was everything I had been looking for. I further noticed that of all the matchmaking service reviews I
read on the Internet, Micheleā€Ÿs was the only service that consistently was the recipient of positive comments.
Following an initial telephone consultation we scheduled an appointment in her private office to go through her
rather rigorous interviewing process. This impressed me deeply, as you can tell sheā€Ÿs developed it over many
years to weed out game players, serial daters and others not looking for a serious relationship. Michele then
showed me the profiles of several current clients she selected based on my interview as possible matches and I
was immediately impressed with the high caliber of the women in her service as compared to what Iā€Ÿve found
I did have lunch with one woman I selected and though we didnā€Ÿt connect, the experience was so superior to
every first meeting Iā€Ÿve had with prospective matches from web sites that it confirmed Micheleā€Ÿs professional
Michele isnā€Ÿt like matchmakers you may have used locally who hold cattle calls and hope you click with one of
the random people they pull off the street; rather itā€Ÿs very much like having a best friend with great taste keep
their eyes open for coworkers, friends or friends of friends who would be the perfect match for you.
What I found especially useful is the amount of time Michele is willing to spend counseling you; she really
knows what sheā€Ÿs talking about and will spend as much time with you as you need to make sure you present
yourself to potential suitors as the person sheā€Ÿs come to know you to be and donā€Ÿt inadvertently raise red flags
that are unwarranted.
I havenā€Ÿt met that someone special yet, but Iā€Ÿm convinced that when I do it will be Michele that introduces us. I
highly recommend her.
William K., Engineer, Age 47
Dear Michele,
I contacted you for your service after reading through most of your website. I was very impressed by your
insight and experience as well as your writing abilities. Your philosophy was also what I am looking for. So as
you instructed I phoned you to discuss whether we would be a good match. I shared with you my total
frustration with using Internet Dating Services. I found you to be really honest and forthcoming when you
explained to me the challenges that I would have with your particular clientele. Unfortunately I am unable to
change any of those to fit in but it was so refreshing to have a business owner be so honest to the point of
suggesting other directions to go. As I told you on the phone I will not be calling any other Denver
matchmaking services because after my research I found them to be less than desirable for a variety of reasons
we discussed. You spent almost an hour advising, suggesting and listening to me and I really appreciated it. So
even though Iā€Ÿve not been accepted as a client, I would highly recommend you because of your honesty,
generosity and professionalism. Thank you.
Roy J., IT Management, Age 55
Michele the Matchmaker is an absolute gem in her field. Before I joined Bon Jour Matchmaking Service I
belonged to another local service and had an extremely poor experience that left me skeptical of wasting my
time and money only to be disappointed yet again. Michele provides all of the attention to detail, hands-on
involvement and caring towards her clients that I hoped to receive from the other service, as well as so much
more. Although I have not yet met Mr. Right yet, Michele has remained in contact with me to update me about
potential matches and just to check in on what is new in my life. Besides Micheleā€Ÿs caring for and honesty
towards her clients, the thing that impresses me the most about her service is that she provides expert guidance
and advice while still listening to and respecting the clientā€Ÿs wishes and preferences. I have always felt
respected as a partner in the matchmaking process.
During my initial interview, Michele showed me profiles of several men who were currently in her service to
give me a clear picture of the types of single men she accepts as clients. I was very impressed by the obvious
quality of the men in her service. The caliber of clientele clearly distinguishes Bon Jour from the local
matchmaking services in Denver and the internet dating sites. When Michele tells you that someone is a quality
match, you can take her at her word! In addition to all of this, I have found Micheleā€Ÿs fees to be very reasonable
for the quality of her service.
I look forward to continuing to work with Michele and I wish her all of the success and respect that she so very
much deserves.
Judith H., Accountant, Age 28
I had no idea what to expect from this Matchmaker and her well established service. But I could tell from the
first phone call that sheā€Ÿs been doing her thing for many, many years. She is anecdotal and very specific about
her philosophy and how she deals with her clients. Iā€Ÿve actually tried several local services in my quest for love
which have totally disappointed and downright been dishonest. They were extremely expensive, too much for
this marketplace, and I admit I fell for their polished pitches. Michele does not have a pitch. She merely
explains her service, asks good questions and exchanges information to decide whether you fit in and you both
want to work together.
I think to join a service and expect absolute results is ridiculous. She is not a miracle worker and cannot
overcome whatever relationship issues you bring to the table. What Iā€Ÿve seen that she can do is assist you in
correcting misconceptions, jumping to conclusions about someoneā€Ÿs behavior, pointing out if you have a trend
of attitude and or behavior that is sabotaging your success. Her coaching alone is priceless.
Yes, Iā€Ÿm a client and have met some outstanding women. That illusive ā€œoneā€ has yet to appear, however with
the open ended contract I will be here when she does. I have complete confidence that Michele has my best
interests in mind.
C. Davis, M.D.
I called Michele about two months ago. The call was one of the smartest or maybe luckiest calls I have made in
a long time. She is as advertised. She takes her work very seriously and you can expect a professional caring
person to help you find someone special. This is money well spent. I have met two wonderful gals since. And
if something does not work out currently I know Michele will continue to try her best. She has shared with me
the profiles of several additional attractive women that may also work out. You should give her a call.
Dan, Engineer, Age 57
ā€œMy experience in working with Michele the Matchmaker is very positive. Her willingness to learn my
personality has been very helpful in the matching process. The women Iā€Ÿve met through her services are all
very high caliber and lovely. I strongly recommend Michele.ā€
Greg Gerganoff, Environmental Health and Safety Expert and Attorney, Age 58
Weā€Ÿre engaged! He popped the question last night and good thing since weā€Ÿre able to celebrate all weekend
stuck inside in this snowstorm. So just like her other clients Iā€Ÿm marrying the second man I met. The
extremely personal approach as well as Michele getting to know each client is what makes Bon Jour
Matchmaking such a success in our opinions. Weā€Ÿve both used other local services (I wonā€Ÿt mention any
names) with poor results so we are really lucky that we both tried one more time and found Michele Fields. It is
obvious to both of us that the 24 years of matchmaking experience she has through Bon Jour Matchmaking pays
off if you are wise enough to work with her. We wish all you singles looking for love the best of luck and we
are so happy that weā€Ÿve found each other.
Angie L., Attorney
Michele Fields has been a matchmaker in Denver for 24 years. I have been in her service for a couple of years
and she does an excellent job. We are lucky to have such a great local matchmaker. I have tried Speed Dating
several times, Match, JDate, E Harmony, and a couple of others. These services donā€Ÿt compare to Bon Jour. I
have met way more quality people thru Micheleā€Ÿs service. You never know who and what you are meeting with
these other services. I have been scammed thru a couple of these national services. Bon Jourā€Ÿs fee is very
reasonable and well worth it. She has a great client base and you know you are going to meet a quality
individual. She is a pleasure to deal with and I highly recommend this service.
Cliff B, Banker, Age 58
I am a member of Bon Jour Matchmaking and feel really well represented. Michele is honest and forthright,
earnest and interested, and works really hard for me as an individual. I think using her service is a great idea
because its so hard to find people that are serious about finding a lifelong partner ā€“ Michele has clients that on
ONLY serious about looking for a lifelong partner, and she knows each of us really well. She contacts me
regularly for updates about my life and interests and encourages me a lot. I am a fan, as you can see.
Camille B., Personal Assistant, Age 45
I joined Bon Jour Matchmaking service in December. I was hesitant at first because Iā€Ÿve always just done
internet dating. But, I decided to go ahead and contact Michele anyway. During our conversation she asked me
my age and I told her 41. At that time she said she didnā€Ÿt have as many clients in the age range of my
preference, but she said we could stay in touch in the future just in case she had someone come in asking for
someone my age. But a few days later, Michele called me to let me know after we spoke, she changed her mind
and decided to expand her age of clients and that I had persuaded her to do so. She was very up front over the
phone about expectations and policies and what I needed to do. She set an appointment for me to come down
and meet her to go over everything more in detail including the fee. She was very personable and took the time
to get to know me and it was then that I knew she would be looking out for my best interest. I was very satisfied
and comfortable with her and found the fee to be very reasonable. She has continued to touch base with me
through email and phone providing me with updates as to the pool of potential dates. I realize she doesnā€Ÿt have
a magic wand to make a match and make love happen, but I figured Iā€Ÿd have better chances with her than trying
to do it on my own via internet dating. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over
expecting a different resultā€¦well, Iā€Ÿm putting the end to insanity and going with Michele; so when I do meet
someone through Michele, itā€Ÿs not up to her whether it works or not, itā€Ÿs up to me. If you are single and looking
to meet a professional and educated potential matchā€¦.I highly recommend that you call Michele and set an
Jeff F., Business Owner, Age 41
Michele is professional, detail oriented, intuitive, focused on results and passionate about her service. Her
record speaks for itself!
Greg, Independent Financial Services Professional
Iā€Ÿve worked with Michele on many shows. Sheā€Ÿs always been the best at what she does. She lines ā€žem up, and
gets ā€žem together. A lot better than the on-line dating services. More like the old fashioned wayā€¦the ones that
actually worked. Ask you grandmother. She knows. So does Michele.
Rick Barber, Former KOA Radio Talk Show Host and Friend
Michele is great & bringing people together to find meaningful relationships. Just look at her results to see how
good she is. If you are looking for a meaningful relationship in your life, be sure to give Michele a callā€¦ You
wonā€Ÿt be sorryā€¦
Tim Loomis, Creative Business Consultants, Website Designer
Well itā€Ÿs been 17 years since my husband and I met through Bon Jour and weā€Ÿve been married for 15 of those.
As I said below when we originally met Michele had to prod my husband to meet me. He wasnā€Ÿt convinced by
my profile and honestly without Micheleā€Ÿs input and shove I doubt we would have met. I had always picked
the wrong guy for me and she knew that and she wanted desperately to make sure I started meeting the more
appropriate matches for my upbringing and educational level. Bob was the first and only man I met. I was his
first through Bon Jour Matchmaking Service and, as Michele told Bob, we are a perfect match. Happy 25th
coming up Anniversary to Michele Fields and Bon Jour Matchmaking.
Lucinda K., Esq. and Business Owner
My review of Bon Jour Matchmaking Service:
When making those major decisions in life one always hopes to find the best at what they do. This applies
equally to doctors, financial advisors, and now, matchmakers. As a recently enrolled client with Michele the
Matchmaker I have been guided (and justifiably prodded at times) to make the effort and to be delightfully
assisted by her experienced hand.
Working with Michele from Bon Jour is like having your own personal physician or banker in this sense. She
built the bank, and owns it. She quickly comes to understand your personal capital; who you are, what you
think you are seeking, and your schedule. Right away, she looks through her ā€œinvestment portfolioā€ of possible
matches and in that first visit you are shown extremely high value ā€žinvestment profilesā€Ÿ. From there, it is up to
you to determine through your personal contacts with your ā€žmatchā€Ÿ if a true joint venture is possible.
I thought I was ā€žtoo busyā€Ÿ to eke out enough time to meet someone and because the pre-selection process was
done for me (all I had to do was look at a few profiles which include photographs) and choose. Michele does
the rest. Then it is up to you to decide if the relationship is going to click.
As a believer in constructive discrimination, that is to get the aid of someone who has chosen the finest of the
fine to offer as introductions, I felt I was becoming successful at re-entering the dating experience from the
earliest days of becoming her client.
Add to all that, Micheleā€™s charges are infinitely less than the other local dating advisors. If you want to
conserve your time trying to do find for yourself a quality connection to someone of the highest standard ā€“ then
you must consider engaging Michele, as I did, as my personal matchmaker. Your lifeā€Ÿs future is your most
important asset. I trusted Michele the Matchmaker of Bon Jour with mine and if you want the potential of
rapid success, I strongly suggest you do the same.
Best Wishes,
Steve Bolt
To Whom It May Concern:
My experience as a client of Bon Jour Matchmaking Service has been most enjoyable and rewarding. Michele
Fields is very knowledgeable, understanding, helpful and delightful to work with. She finds the best of clients
and is very adept at collaborative matching.
Without reservation I can highly recommend her service to the discerning single.
Dr. Wayne M.
Dear Michele,
ā€œAs you know, seeking your assistance was scary for me, not only because I had to admit to myself that I
wanted and needed some help in my personal life, but also because I had to make myself vulnerable by
entrusting myself to your judgments and opinions while still retaining my own ā€“ but definitely being open to
your input. You continue to earn my confidence and respect, and to make me feel in good hands. Thank you so
Jackie S., Attorney
Dear Michele,
Thank you for introducing me to Chuck. He is a wonderful, wonderful man and I am really enjoying spending
time with him. It is too soon to know what the future will bring, but in the meantime the present is terrific and
we have you to thank for it. You went above and beyond my expectations both of you and your service! Had it
not been for your persistence with both of us we surely would not be together now. You had several great
choices, but he was the tops. Thanks again.
M. C., Attorney
ā€œI must admit I was just a little skeptical, and my expectations werenā€Ÿt as high as they had been in the past with
other dating services, but your assurance that you have quality people in your ā€œclubā€ convinced me to give it a
try. In just three weeks I met three quality ladies, and although things didnā€Ÿt ā€œclickā€ with the first two, I found
my soul mate in the third.
My first date with Lorrie was meant to be an hour or two for a drink on Sunday afternoon, but we easily turned
it into more than six hours, and we still didnā€Ÿt want the evening to end. Since then, we have fallen in love and
are making plans to marry.
Thank you very much for facilitating my introduction to Lorrie. She has proven to be more than I had hoped
David Acheson
Dear Michele,
ā€¦ā€Iā€Ÿm happy to say that weā€Ÿre very much in love, are now living together and marriage canā€Ÿt be far away.
Needless to say, my investment in your services was one of the best that Iā€Ÿve ever made!ā€
Wayne Johnson, Marketing Director
ā€œWe wanted to write to say thank you for helping us to find each other. Enclosed are a couple of pictures of our
wedding day.ā€
C & B
ā€œThe second man I met was the man of my dreams and now weā€Ÿre married. Thanks Michele! ā€¦You really care
about your clients.ā€
Gina Bertalucci, Human Resources Director
ā€œMy many thanks for the introduction to David. I am in love. And we are talking the ā€œMā€ word!! Thanks again,
Michele, I am grateful to you and Bon Jour, Inc. for helping me match up with this remarkable man.ā€
Lorrie Miller, Vice Principal
Michele, what can we say? Although we were both skeptical when we first joined your service, the fact that the
fee was so reasonable and the contract is open-ended were unique in this market. Now we are engaged in just 2
months to the second person I met through you and the first person my fiance met through you! Just like you
said when we first spoke, that is exactly what has happened. Our paths never would have crossed had it not
been for your introduction. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Ted and Barb
Dear Michele,
ā€¦I am very fortunate that my good friend referred me to you after meeting her husband through you. The first
person you introduced me to was a great match and things are headed towards marriage. Weā€Ÿve been on
vacations together and get along great with each otherā€Ÿs children. I am most impressed, not only with the high
quality of your clientele, but also of your own very personal service and interaction with each client. I would
not hesitate to recommend you and Bon Jour to anyone. Thank you for making this difficult transition in my
life so successful and happy.
S. Conrardy, R.N.
Dear Michelle,
I have now been single for 6 years after a lengthy marriage. Although I have not dated very much during that
time and have been concentrating on my relationship with my daughter, whom I have full custody of, I am glad
I joined your service. My recent match with Stephanie has proved to be worth waiting for. We are both very
content and happy in our relationship. As you said, she is a high quality, successful, well educated and
attractive woman who knows who she is and what she wants. Your constant encouragement and support to be
patient with this process was and is greatly appreciated. Also your ongoing interest in the development of our
relationship. You really take a personal interest in each and every couple and person in your service.
Compared to other services out there that charge enormous fees and give no personal attention, I consider
myself fortunate to have met you and put my trust in you. Thank you so much for this wonderful introduction
and accepting me in your service.
Scott Christianson, Pharmacist
Dear Michele,
Iā€Ÿm writing you this letter to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your encouragement and support as
well as your assistance in introducing me to Bob. We are currently making wedding plans for May.
I want to acknowledge the fact that you went beyond your responsibilities when you encouraged Bob to meet
me although he was hesitant. The way you promoted me to Bob is really the only reason we are making
wedding plans now.
We both want to thank you for putting us together and changing our lives. Iā€Ÿve been divorced for 17 years and
have always chosen beneath me and settled for relationships that went no where. Your encouragement and
constant pep talks telling me that I deserve more and should date people from a more similar background is the
other reason I am now engaged. This is the happiest Iā€Ÿve been in years.
I wish you many years in the business and all the success you so deserve.
Most sincerely,
Lucinda K., Esq.

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Clients' Testimonials and Reviews

  • 1. CLIENTSā€™ TESTIMONIALS and REVIEWS OF BON JOUR MATCHMAKING SERVICE Like the reviewer below Iā€Ÿve tried websites and other local Denver matchmakers. At least thatā€Ÿs what they claim to be. I donā€Ÿt know how I missed the listing for Bon Jour in my searches but now that Iā€Ÿve found it this is the service Iā€Ÿve been searching for. I donā€Ÿt know what to list first as the best parts of the service. Michele Fields spends an enormous amount of time on the phone coaching and with feedback; the open-ended contract for every client is beyond invaluable as you really donā€Ÿt know when the perfect person for you will show up; the investment in the service is extremely fair as Michele is very honest whether she has many prospects for you or not and if not she charges you less (makes sense); all the information she gathers on each client and supplies to you when matching (unlike any other Denver matchmaking service Iā€Ÿve used) and the list goes on. It is really no wonder that she is celebrating 25 years in business. Like someone wrote below, I am confidant that I will meet the person Iā€Ÿve been looking for through this very old fashioned and personal structure with the assistance of Michele the Matchmaker. Obviously I recommend Bon Jour Matchmaking Service highly. Robert S., Physician, Age 42 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Like many, I decided to join Bon Jour after countless attempts to find that elusive special someone on my own. Meeting people has always been easy for me, but connecting with someone on THAT level, much less soā€¦ On- line sources were, well, letā€Ÿs just say disappointing and leave it at that (ugh). Other so-called professional matchmaking services made me feel like I was being scammed, or worse, like I was man-bait (they seemed to cater to the male clients and not really care about what I was looking for). Bon Jour was/is refreshingly different in all the right ways. Michele told me that she created her service after many similar experiences in her own dating quests. This personal experience really shows and Micheleā€Ÿs integrity when it comes to her business is unmatched. The open-ended contract is a great example ā€“ you will not find such a contract anywhere else, but it makes so much sense! Michele also has discerning taste, and will turn away clients that donā€Ÿt meet the high standards she sets for her business. When I signed up, she was very honest with me and told me that she did not have very many men in my age group. She didnā€Ÿt have to tell me that; she could have easily taken my money without such a disclosure, as Iā€Ÿm sure all other matchmaking services would. Since joining Bon Jour, I have been very pleased with my investment. When I joined, Michele told me, ā€œIt is not a numbers game; you only need one.ā€ So true! Michele listened, really listened, to what I was looking for in a man. In that regard, all of my matches have met my standards and have been good quality matches with real potential. Michele doesnā€Ÿt waste my time with men I donā€Ÿt mesh with, and I greatly appreciate this. Michele just introduced me to the most interesting man Iā€Ÿve ever met! Moreover, there is a comforting sense of peace that comes with being part of Bon Jour ā€“ It is like Iā€Ÿm still trying, still making the effort to find my mate, but Michele is doing all the work while I go about living my life (and being grateful that I donā€Ÿt have to waste my time incessantly dating anymore). Bon Jour is very reasonably priced and absolutely worth the investment.
  • 2. Jen S., physician, Age 33 _____________________________________________________________________ I contacted Michele about joining her service after unproductive years spent on various big name Internet dating sites as well as a variety of dating events put on by local singles groups. I wanted the personal touch, and Michele was everything I had been looking for. I further noticed that of all the matchmaking service reviews I read on the Internet, Micheleā€Ÿs was the only service that consistently was the recipient of positive comments. Following an initial telephone consultation we scheduled an appointment in her private office to go through her rather rigorous interviewing process. This impressed me deeply, as you can tell sheā€Ÿs developed it over many years to weed out game players, serial daters and others not looking for a serious relationship. Michele then showed me the profiles of several current clients she selected based on my interview as possible matches and I was immediately impressed with the high caliber of the women in her service as compared to what Iā€Ÿve found online. I did have lunch with one woman I selected and though we didnā€Ÿt connect, the experience was so superior to every first meeting Iā€Ÿve had with prospective matches from web sites that it confirmed Micheleā€Ÿs professional skills. Michele isnā€Ÿt like matchmakers you may have used locally who hold cattle calls and hope you click with one of the random people they pull off the street; rather itā€Ÿs very much like having a best friend with great taste keep their eyes open for coworkers, friends or friends of friends who would be the perfect match for you. What I found especially useful is the amount of time Michele is willing to spend counseling you; she really knows what sheā€Ÿs talking about and will spend as much time with you as you need to make sure you present yourself to potential suitors as the person sheā€Ÿs come to know you to be and donā€Ÿt inadvertently raise red flags that are unwarranted. I havenā€Ÿt met that someone special yet, but Iā€Ÿm convinced that when I do it will be Michele that introduces us. I highly recommend her. William K., Engineer, Age 47 _________________________________________________________________________ Dear Michele, I contacted you for your service after reading through most of your website. I was very impressed by your insight and experience as well as your writing abilities. Your philosophy was also what I am looking for. So as you instructed I phoned you to discuss whether we would be a good match. I shared with you my total frustration with using Internet Dating Services. I found you to be really honest and forthcoming when you explained to me the challenges that I would have with your particular clientele. Unfortunately I am unable to change any of those to fit in but it was so refreshing to have a business owner be so honest to the point of suggesting other directions to go. As I told you on the phone I will not be calling any other Denver matchmaking services because after my research I found them to be less than desirable for a variety of reasons we discussed. You spent almost an hour advising, suggesting and listening to me and I really appreciated it. So
  • 3. even though Iā€Ÿve not been accepted as a client, I would highly recommend you because of your honesty, generosity and professionalism. Thank you. Roy J., IT Management, Age 55 __________________________________________________________________________ Michele the Matchmaker is an absolute gem in her field. Before I joined Bon Jour Matchmaking Service I belonged to another local service and had an extremely poor experience that left me skeptical of wasting my time and money only to be disappointed yet again. Michele provides all of the attention to detail, hands-on involvement and caring towards her clients that I hoped to receive from the other service, as well as so much more. Although I have not yet met Mr. Right yet, Michele has remained in contact with me to update me about potential matches and just to check in on what is new in my life. Besides Micheleā€Ÿs caring for and honesty towards her clients, the thing that impresses me the most about her service is that she provides expert guidance and advice while still listening to and respecting the clientā€Ÿs wishes and preferences. I have always felt respected as a partner in the matchmaking process. During my initial interview, Michele showed me profiles of several men who were currently in her service to give me a clear picture of the types of single men she accepts as clients. I was very impressed by the obvious quality of the men in her service. The caliber of clientele clearly distinguishes Bon Jour from the local matchmaking services in Denver and the internet dating sites. When Michele tells you that someone is a quality match, you can take her at her word! In addition to all of this, I have found Micheleā€Ÿs fees to be very reasonable for the quality of her service. I look forward to continuing to work with Michele and I wish her all of the success and respect that she so very much deserves. Judith H., Accountant, Age 28 ___________________________________________________________________________ I had no idea what to expect from this Matchmaker and her well established service. But I could tell from the first phone call that sheā€Ÿs been doing her thing for many, many years. She is anecdotal and very specific about her philosophy and how she deals with her clients. Iā€Ÿve actually tried several local services in my quest for love which have totally disappointed and downright been dishonest. They were extremely expensive, too much for this marketplace, and I admit I fell for their polished pitches. Michele does not have a pitch. She merely explains her service, asks good questions and exchanges information to decide whether you fit in and you both want to work together. I think to join a service and expect absolute results is ridiculous. She is not a miracle worker and cannot overcome whatever relationship issues you bring to the table. What Iā€Ÿve seen that she can do is assist you in correcting misconceptions, jumping to conclusions about someoneā€Ÿs behavior, pointing out if you have a trend of attitude and or behavior that is sabotaging your success. Her coaching alone is priceless. Yes, Iā€Ÿm a client and have met some outstanding women. That illusive ā€œoneā€ has yet to appear, however with the open ended contract I will be here when she does. I have complete confidence that Michele has my best interests in mind. C. Davis, M.D.
  • 4. ____________________________________________________________________________ I called Michele about two months ago. The call was one of the smartest or maybe luckiest calls I have made in a long time. She is as advertised. She takes her work very seriously and you can expect a professional caring person to help you find someone special. This is money well spent. I have met two wonderful gals since. And if something does not work out currently I know Michele will continue to try her best. She has shared with me the profiles of several additional attractive women that may also work out. You should give her a call. Dan, Engineer, Age 57 _____________________________________________________________________________ ā€œMy experience in working with Michele the Matchmaker is very positive. Her willingness to learn my personality has been very helpful in the matching process. The women Iā€Ÿve met through her services are all very high caliber and lovely. I strongly recommend Michele.ā€ Greg Gerganoff, Environmental Health and Safety Expert and Attorney, Age 58 _____________________________________________________________________________ Weā€Ÿre engaged! He popped the question last night and good thing since weā€Ÿre able to celebrate all weekend stuck inside in this snowstorm. So just like her other clients Iā€Ÿm marrying the second man I met. The extremely personal approach as well as Michele getting to know each client is what makes Bon Jour Matchmaking such a success in our opinions. Weā€Ÿve both used other local services (I wonā€Ÿt mention any names) with poor results so we are really lucky that we both tried one more time and found Michele Fields. It is obvious to both of us that the 24 years of matchmaking experience she has through Bon Jour Matchmaking pays off if you are wise enough to work with her. We wish all you singles looking for love the best of luck and we are so happy that weā€Ÿve found each other. Angie L., Attorney _____________________________________________________________________________ Michele Fields has been a matchmaker in Denver for 24 years. I have been in her service for a couple of years and she does an excellent job. We are lucky to have such a great local matchmaker. I have tried Speed Dating several times, Match, JDate, E Harmony, and a couple of others. These services donā€Ÿt compare to Bon Jour. I have met way more quality people thru Micheleā€Ÿs service. You never know who and what you are meeting with these other services. I have been scammed thru a couple of these national services. Bon Jourā€Ÿs fee is very reasonable and well worth it. She has a great client base and you know you are going to meet a quality individual. She is a pleasure to deal with and I highly recommend this service. Cliff B, Banker, Age 58 ______________________________________________________________________________
  • 5. I am a member of Bon Jour Matchmaking and feel really well represented. Michele is honest and forthright, earnest and interested, and works really hard for me as an individual. I think using her service is a great idea because its so hard to find people that are serious about finding a lifelong partner ā€“ Michele has clients that on ONLY serious about looking for a lifelong partner, and she knows each of us really well. She contacts me regularly for updates about my life and interests and encourages me a lot. I am a fan, as you can see. Camille B., Personal Assistant, Age 45 ______________________________________________________________________________ I joined Bon Jour Matchmaking service in December. I was hesitant at first because Iā€Ÿve always just done internet dating. But, I decided to go ahead and contact Michele anyway. During our conversation she asked me my age and I told her 41. At that time she said she didnā€Ÿt have as many clients in the age range of my preference, but she said we could stay in touch in the future just in case she had someone come in asking for someone my age. But a few days later, Michele called me to let me know after we spoke, she changed her mind and decided to expand her age of clients and that I had persuaded her to do so. She was very up front over the phone about expectations and policies and what I needed to do. She set an appointment for me to come down and meet her to go over everything more in detail including the fee. She was very personable and took the time to get to know me and it was then that I knew she would be looking out for my best interest. I was very satisfied and comfortable with her and found the fee to be very reasonable. She has continued to touch base with me through email and phone providing me with updates as to the pool of potential dates. I realize she doesnā€Ÿt have a magic wand to make a match and make love happen, but I figured Iā€Ÿd have better chances with her than trying to do it on my own via internet dating. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different resultā€¦well, Iā€Ÿm putting the end to insanity and going with Michele; so when I do meet someone through Michele, itā€Ÿs not up to her whether it works or not, itā€Ÿs up to me. If you are single and looking to meet a professional and educated potential matchā€¦.I highly recommend that you call Michele and set an appointment. Jeff F., Business Owner, Age 41 _____________________________________________________________________________ Michele is professional, detail oriented, intuitive, focused on results and passionate about her service. Her record speaks for itself! Greg, Independent Financial Services Professional _____________________________________________________________________________ Iā€Ÿve worked with Michele on many shows. Sheā€Ÿs always been the best at what she does. She lines ā€žem up, and gets ā€žem together. A lot better than the on-line dating services. More like the old fashioned wayā€¦the ones that actually worked. Ask you grandmother. She knows. So does Michele. Rick Barber, Former KOA Radio Talk Show Host and Friend _____________________________________________________________________________ Michele is great & bringing people together to find meaningful relationships. Just look at her results to see how good she is. If you are looking for a meaningful relationship in your life, be sure to give Michele a callā€¦ You wonā€Ÿt be sorryā€¦
  • 6. Tim Loomis, Creative Business Consultants, Website Designer _____________________________________________________________________________ Well itā€Ÿs been 17 years since my husband and I met through Bon Jour and weā€Ÿve been married for 15 of those. As I said below when we originally met Michele had to prod my husband to meet me. He wasnā€Ÿt convinced by my profile and honestly without Micheleā€Ÿs input and shove I doubt we would have met. I had always picked the wrong guy for me and she knew that and she wanted desperately to make sure I started meeting the more appropriate matches for my upbringing and educational level. Bob was the first and only man I met. I was his first through Bon Jour Matchmaking Service and, as Michele told Bob, we are a perfect match. Happy 25th coming up Anniversary to Michele Fields and Bon Jour Matchmaking. Lucinda K., Esq. and Business Owner _____________________________________________________________________________ My review of Bon Jour Matchmaking Service: When making those major decisions in life one always hopes to find the best at what they do. This applies equally to doctors, financial advisors, and now, matchmakers. As a recently enrolled client with Michele the Matchmaker I have been guided (and justifiably prodded at times) to make the effort and to be delightfully assisted by her experienced hand. Working with Michele from Bon Jour is like having your own personal physician or banker in this sense. She built the bank, and owns it. She quickly comes to understand your personal capital; who you are, what you think you are seeking, and your schedule. Right away, she looks through her ā€œinvestment portfolioā€ of possible matches and in that first visit you are shown extremely high value ā€žinvestment profilesā€Ÿ. From there, it is up to you to determine through your personal contacts with your ā€žmatchā€Ÿ if a true joint venture is possible. I thought I was ā€žtoo busyā€Ÿ to eke out enough time to meet someone and because the pre-selection process was done for me (all I had to do was look at a few profiles which include photographs) and choose. Michele does the rest. Then it is up to you to decide if the relationship is going to click. As a believer in constructive discrimination, that is to get the aid of someone who has chosen the finest of the fine to offer as introductions, I felt I was becoming successful at re-entering the dating experience from the earliest days of becoming her client. Add to all that, Micheleā€™s charges are infinitely less than the other local dating advisors. If you want to conserve your time trying to do find for yourself a quality connection to someone of the highest standard ā€“ then you must consider engaging Michele, as I did, as my personal matchmaker. Your lifeā€Ÿs future is your most important asset. I trusted Michele the Matchmaker of Bon Jour with mine and if you want the potential of rapid success, I strongly suggest you do the same. Best Wishes, Steve Bolt _________________________________________________________________________ 8/5/09
  • 7. To Whom It May Concern: My experience as a client of Bon Jour Matchmaking Service has been most enjoyable and rewarding. Michele Fields is very knowledgeable, understanding, helpful and delightful to work with. She finds the best of clients and is very adept at collaborative matching. Without reservation I can highly recommend her service to the discerning single. Dr. Wayne M. _________________________________________________________________________ Dear Michele, ā€œAs you know, seeking your assistance was scary for me, not only because I had to admit to myself that I wanted and needed some help in my personal life, but also because I had to make myself vulnerable by entrusting myself to your judgments and opinions while still retaining my own ā€“ but definitely being open to your input. You continue to earn my confidence and respect, and to make me feel in good hands. Thank you so much.ā€ Jackie S., Attorney _______________________________________________________ Dear Michele, Thank you for introducing me to Chuck. He is a wonderful, wonderful man and I am really enjoying spending time with him. It is too soon to know what the future will bring, but in the meantime the present is terrific and we have you to thank for it. You went above and beyond my expectations both of you and your service! Had it not been for your persistence with both of us we surely would not be together now. You had several great choices, but he was the tops. Thanks again. M. C., Attorney _______________________________________________________ Michele, ā€œI must admit I was just a little skeptical, and my expectations werenā€Ÿt as high as they had been in the past with other dating services, but your assurance that you have quality people in your ā€œclubā€ convinced me to give it a try. In just three weeks I met three quality ladies, and although things didnā€Ÿt ā€œclickā€ with the first two, I found my soul mate in the third. My first date with Lorrie was meant to be an hour or two for a drink on Sunday afternoon, but we easily turned it into more than six hours, and we still didnā€Ÿt want the evening to end. Since then, we have fallen in love and are making plans to marry. Thank you very much for facilitating my introduction to Lorrie. She has proven to be more than I had hoped for.ā€ David Acheson _______________________________________________________ Dear Michele,
  • 8. ā€¦ā€Iā€Ÿm happy to say that weā€Ÿre very much in love, are now living together and marriage canā€Ÿt be far away. Needless to say, my investment in your services was one of the best that Iā€Ÿve ever made!ā€ Wayne Johnson, Marketing Director _______________________________________________________ ā€œWe wanted to write to say thank you for helping us to find each other. Enclosed are a couple of pictures of our wedding day.ā€ C & B _______________________________________________________ ā€œThe second man I met was the man of my dreams and now weā€Ÿre married. Thanks Michele! ā€¦You really care about your clients.ā€ Gina Bertalucci, Human Resources Director _______________________________________________________ ā€œMy many thanks for the introduction to David. I am in love. And we are talking the ā€œMā€ word!! Thanks again, Michele, I am grateful to you and Bon Jour, Inc. for helping me match up with this remarkable man.ā€ Lorrie Miller, Vice Principal _______________________________________________________ Michele, what can we say? Although we were both skeptical when we first joined your service, the fact that the fee was so reasonable and the contract is open-ended were unique in this market. Now we are engaged in just 2 months to the second person I met through you and the first person my fiance met through you! Just like you said when we first spoke, that is exactly what has happened. Our paths never would have crossed had it not been for your introduction. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Ted and Barb ________________________________________________________ Dear Michele, ā€¦I am very fortunate that my good friend referred me to you after meeting her husband through you. The first person you introduced me to was a great match and things are headed towards marriage. Weā€Ÿve been on vacations together and get along great with each otherā€Ÿs children. I am most impressed, not only with the high quality of your clientele, but also of your own very personal service and interaction with each client. I would not hesitate to recommend you and Bon Jour to anyone. Thank you for making this difficult transition in my life so successful and happy. S. Conrardy, R.N. ________________________________________________________ Dear Michelle, I have now been single for 6 years after a lengthy marriage. Although I have not dated very much during that time and have been concentrating on my relationship with my daughter, whom I have full custody of, I am glad
  • 9. I joined your service. My recent match with Stephanie has proved to be worth waiting for. We are both very content and happy in our relationship. As you said, she is a high quality, successful, well educated and attractive woman who knows who she is and what she wants. Your constant encouragement and support to be patient with this process was and is greatly appreciated. Also your ongoing interest in the development of our relationship. You really take a personal interest in each and every couple and person in your service. Compared to other services out there that charge enormous fees and give no personal attention, I consider myself fortunate to have met you and put my trust in you. Thank you so much for this wonderful introduction and accepting me in your service. Scott Christianson, Pharmacist _______________________________________________________ Dear Michele, Iā€Ÿm writing you this letter to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your encouragement and support as well as your assistance in introducing me to Bob. We are currently making wedding plans for May. I want to acknowledge the fact that you went beyond your responsibilities when you encouraged Bob to meet me although he was hesitant. The way you promoted me to Bob is really the only reason we are making wedding plans now. We both want to thank you for putting us together and changing our lives. Iā€Ÿve been divorced for 17 years and have always chosen beneath me and settled for relationships that went no where. Your encouragement and constant pep talks telling me that I deserve more and should date people from a more similar background is the other reason I am now engaged. This is the happiest Iā€Ÿve been in years. I wish you many years in the business and all the success you so deserve. Most sincerely, Lucinda K., Esq.