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Question- Describe the character of Lencho in the light of his faith in God. Or
Which kind of man was the post master? What role did he play in the story? Or
Lencho called the post office employees ‘a bunch of crooks’. What does it show his attitude towards
God and man?
Lencho was an ox of a man because he worked hard like an animal in his fields. Seeing the rain
drops he compared them with new silver coins as and they were useful for good crop and they also
resembled the coins in shape and size. He compares the big rain drops with ten cent pieces and
small ones with five cent pieces. Further the hailstones destroyed his crop. They really resembled
new silver coins. The hailstones covered the field with snow like white sheet of salt.
Lencho had deep faith in God so he wrote a letter to God because he needed hundred pesos to sow
his fields and to live until the next crop came.
Seeing such faith of a man in God, the post master, an amiable fellow decided not to shake his faith.
He collected seventy pesos with the help of other post office employees in the name of charity. He
also gave a part of his own salary.
Lencho got angry on getting seventy pesos. He wrote another letter to send rest money (thirty pesos)
but not by mail as the post office employees were bunch of crooks (dishonest men). He thought that
the post office employees had stolen thirty pesos.
Dust of snow is flakes which are dropped by the crow on the poet. It changed the
poet’s gloomy mood and saved the rest of the day on being regretted.
Crow is the symbol of ominous and crooked bird. The dust of snow represents the
scandalous attitude of people who poisons other’s life by their wickedness. The
hemlock tree is poisonous tree. His day has not wasted in regret because of the
tree and the crow.
Rhyme Scheme- abab cdcd
Assonance -the prominence of a vowel sound throughout a line is called
assonance. In stanza 1, line 2 – “Shook down on me” – ‘o’ sound is
prominent.enjambment – when the same sentence continues to the next line
without the use of any punctuation marks, it is called enjambment. It has been
used thorughout the poem.
‘Fire’ is the symbol of growing desire for materialistic world and ‘ice’ is the
symbol of hatred. The poet wants to see its destruction with fire but on second
occasion he wishes to see its destruction with ice. The poet shows a
catastrophic end either as a result of fire or ice. Simultaneously, he portrays
these two essential components as features of destructive human emotions:
desire and hatred.
Rhyming words are; fire- desire, ice- suffice. The rhyme scheme of the poem is
“aba abc bcb”
Word meanings - Perish- die Suffice- be sufficient
Personification- Personification is to give human qualities to inanimate objects.
In this poem, “fire” and “ice” are capable of destruction.
Illustrate the following terms, phrases and quotations;
An extra-ordinary human disaster: - The white oppressed the black. They suffered a lot due to
discrimination, torture and exploitation because they had to face the policy of apartheid.
Twin obligations: - Mandela mentions the first obligation to his family, wife and children. The second
obligation is to his people, his society and his country.
Courage means to Mandela: - Courage does mean the absence of fear but triumph over it as Mandela
showed courage to gain freedom.
The depth of oppression creates the heights of character: - The more one is oppressed, the more one
becomes strong. The decades of oppression produced many patriots in his country like Oliver Tombos
and Yusuf Dadoos etc.
Hunger for freedom changed his life: - His hunger for freedom changed him from a frightened young
boy to bold one and from a life loving man to a monk. He preferred the freedom to a life of dignity and
self-respect rather than transitory freedom of swimming, running and staying out in the night.
Oppressor is not free: - The oppressor is the prisoner of hatred. He is locked behind the bars of
prejudice and narrow mindedness.
Asian Lion-Asian lion is a large and tawny beast. He roars loudly to frighten a
person to death.
Bengal Tiger- Bengal tiger has black stripes on yellow skin. He is very active.
Leopard- Leopard has black spots on his skin. He leaps on the prey actively.
Bear-Bear hugs from behind.
Hyena- A novice will be confused to see hyena because he comes with a smile
on his face.
Crocodile- A crocodile sheds falls tears to befool his prey.
Chameleon-It is like a lizard. It changes its colour to hide itself and to escape
Literary Devices
Rhyme: Rhyme scheme ababcc is followed (chance-advance, east-beast, dyin-
Question- Why was the young seagull afraid to fly?
Or Do you think that a human being also finds it a challenge to take its first step?
Or “The sight of food maddened the young seagull’’. What does this suggest?
What compelled the young seagull to fly?
A challenge to take first step is difficult for everyone whether man or animal. One
should trust one’s abilities because “the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering
itself”. On not being able to gather courage to fly and acting like a coward, the
young seagull’s family left him alone. The young seagull was afraid of flying because
he had no courage to fly. He thought his wings would not support him. When his
mother brought him the piece of fish, he dived because the sight of food maddened
him as he had been hungry for twenty-four hours. He started to fall outward and
downward. The wind rushed against his feathers and his wings spread outward. He
started to sour gradually and had no fear. He started to dive, soar and curve. When
his belly touched the green flooring of the sea, he learnt to float. Thus he made his
Question- “I’ll take risk.” What was the risk? Why does the narrator take it?
Describe the narrator’s experience as he flew the aeroplane.
What made the woman in the control center look strangely at the narrator?
The pilot saw the black storm clouds in front of his aeroplane. He did not have
enough fuel to fly over or around the clouds to the north or south. He took risk to fly
that old Dakota straight into the storm because he wanted to go home to have
breakfast. His plane began to twist and jump in the air. He lost his contact as all
instruments stopped working. Suddenly the black aeroplane asked him to follow and
guided him to the airport for landing on the runway. When the pilot went the control
room to inquire about the mysterious plane which had helped him out of the storm
and to thank the pilot of the black aeroplane, the woman of the control Centre told
that no other aeroplane was flying that night. Only his plane was seen on the radar
that night.
Question- What do ‘the world in the possession’ mean? What does the poet not
want to intrude the child?
The poet John Berryman through his poem, ‘The ball poem’ has describes the
reality of life which everyone has to face one day. He has touched the topic of how
to stand up against the miseries and sorrows of life
Literary devices:
Alliteration: use of sound ‘b’ at the start of two consecutive words (buys a ball back)
Assonance: use of vowel sound ‘e’ (He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes)
Repetition: ‘ball’ word is repeated . Rhyme scheme: There is no rhyme scheme followed in the
Questions about Kitty, Mr. Keesing and assignments given to Anne Frank.
Question- Why as Mr. Keesing annoyed with Anne? What did he ask her to do? Or
Question- How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay?
Or Question- What were the three assignments
given to Anne Frank? What did she write to justify? or
Question- Anne says “Teachers are the most unpredictable’’. Illustrate in context
with Mr. Keesing and Anne’s assignments.
Anne Frank was a thirteen years old girl. Writing a diary was a strange experience
because she had not written anything like that earlier. She also thought that
nobody would be interested in the musings of a thirteen years old girl. She did not
have any friend to confide her feelings. She decided to maintain a diary because
the paper has more patience then people as it does not disclose any secret like
impatient friend. She named her diary ‘Kitty’.
Questions about Kitty, Mr. Keesing and assignments given to Anne Frank.
Question- Why as Mr. Keesing annoyed with Anne? What did he ask her to do? Or
Question- How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay? Or
Question- What were the three assignments given to Anne Frank? What did she write to justify?
Question- Anne says “Teachers are the most unpredictable’’. Illustrate in context with Mr. Keesing
and Anne’s assignments.
Mr. Keesing, Anne’s mathematics teacher used to get angry at Anne Frank because she talked too
much in the class. He assigned an essay on ‘A Chatterbox which she justified as inherited
characteristic from her mother and a student’s trait.
When Anne Frank could not help herself being talkative, Mr. Keesing gave second assignment on
‘An incorrigible chatter box which she also justified.
On her repeated talkative behaviour she was assigned third essay on ‘Quack, quack, quack said
Mistress Chatterbox, which she wrote in a verse with the help of her friend Sanne about a father
swan and three baby ducklings. The father swan killed them because they quacked too much.
Question- Why does Amanda want to be an orphan, a mermaid or Rapunzel?
Literary devices: Allusion: use of famous fairy tale character Rapunzel
The narrator finds his elders are reminiscing nostalgically (thinking fondly of past)
about ‘those good old days’ when Portuguese ruled over Goa. The Portuguese
have left Goa but the bakers of bread still exist.
The baker of Goa is known as Pader. He wears a peculiar dress known as Kabai, a
single piece of frock reaching to the knees. During the narrator’s childhood, bakers
wore shirt trousers which were shorter than full length and longer than half pants.
He has jack fruit like appearance or plump physique. The monthly accounts of the
baker were recorded on some wall with a pencil.He sells many kinds of breads. He
comes twice a day with a jingling sound.
The sweet bread for marriage is called “Bol”. Bread is used on the occasion of a
party or feast. Sandwiches are popular a daughter’s engagement. Cakes and
bolinhas are used for Christmas. Children like bread bangles.
Coorg or Kodagu, the smallest district of Karnataka is situated midway between
Mysore and coastal town of Mangalore. It abounds in flora and fauna. The season of
joy commences from September and continuous to March. The weather is pleasant
with rain fall and smell of coffee.
Though they are Hindus by religion yet their customs differ from those of mainstream
Hindus. They marry within their community. Kodavus or Coorgis are possibly from
Greek or Arabic descent. A part of Alexander’s army settled in Coorg and married
among locals. Their culture is apparent in martial traditions, marriages and ritual rites.
Coorgis wear an embroidered black coat known as Kuppia that resembles with Kuffia
that is worn by Arbs.
The river Kaveri originates from hills of Coorg and large fresh water fish Mahaseer is
found in abundance. Coorg is the home of kingfishers. Squirrels, langurs, elephants,
slender loris, macaques and butterflies etc.The major tourist attractions are Brahmagiri
hills, Nisargdham island and Bylakuppe Tibetan settlements. Coorg gives visitors a
feel of India’s diverse cultures.
Pranjol and Rajveer were classmates studying in Delhi. Pranjol was brought up in
Assam and his father was a manager of a tea estate . On reaching Dhekiabari, Assam
was fascinated to see the largest concentration of tea plantation of the world. Rajvir
highlighted a few facts that stated that tea dates back to 2700 B.C. and was first
consumed in China. All such words such as ‘chai and ‘chini’ have originated from
Chinese language.
Rajvir told Pranjol two legends about discovery of tea;
A Chinese emperor always boiled water before drinking. One day a few twigs fell
into the water and gave delicious flavor.
Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist cut off his eye lids because he felt sleepy during
his meditation. Ten tea plants grew out of the eyelids.
Further Rajvir told that Tea wa sfirst drunk in China in 2700 BC . Tea came to Europe
in sixteenth century and drunk as more as medicine than beverage.
The poem has a symbolic meaning, the trees are an extended metaphor for women. The poet says
that the women have rested, healed and recovered and are ready for their primary purpose – to
renew the empty forest of mankind.As women have remained indoors, the forest has become empty,
the birds and insects rendered shelterless. The roots of the trees are working hard to separate from
the floor of the veranda where they have remained fixed. The leaves and branches are moving
towards the glass windows. They are desperate to move out just like a newly discharged patient who
has not recovered completely, moves to the exit door of the hospital in a hurry.
The poet is sitting in her house with the doors of the veranda open. She is writing letters but does
not mention this movement of the trees. It is night time, the sky is clear and a bright moon is visible.
She can smell the leaves and lichen which seem to be calling out desperately. She hears the glass
of the window pane breaking. The trees are moving out and the fast blowing wind embraces them.
As the trees have reached the forest, the tall and strong oak tree overshadows the moon and it
seems that the moon has been broken into several pieces.
Literary Devices: Enjambment: When a sentence continues to next line
Personification: Sun bury it’s feet. Sun has been personified. Simile: trees compared to patients
(like newly discharged patients)( Moon is broken like a mirror) Alliteration: ‘long letters’ forest from’
‘sky still’ ‘leaves and lichen’
When he was taking the ottar in plane and opened the box, Mij flashed out of it and disappeared.
Everyone in the flight panicked and a lady even climbed her chair. Finally when he saw Mij’s tail
disappearing beneath a turbaned man, he tried to catch hold of him and in the process, ended up
covering his face with curry. After having created such a chaos, the air hostess advised him to go to his
seat while she brought Mij back to him.
place their feet squarely on the centre of each paving block;
touch every seventh upright of the iron railings, or pass to the outside of every second lamp
Fog is a very small poem written by Carl Sandburg. He has described the process of arrival of the
fog into a city and the harbour. He has very beautifully compared it to a cat. is coming towards the
city and the harbour just like a cat. This means that it is approaching the city in a very silent
manner so that no one can notice its arrival.
He has compared its arrival to that of a cat because a cat always enters a place silently. Next he
says that the fog has covered the whole of the city and harbour and it appears as if it is sitting by
folding its legs and looking around just the way a cat does when it sits on the haunches and looks
around. At the end, he describes the departure of the fog which very silently and unpredictably,
again, similar to the departure of the cat, vanishes.
Literary devices:
Metaphor: Fog is compared to cat (On little cat feet)
Rhyme scheme: There is no rhyme scheme followed. Poem is in free verse
Enjambment: When a sentence continues to next line (It sits looking….. then moves on)
Personfication: fog has been personified – Fog comes, it sits
Valli’s favourite pastime was standing in front of door of her house what was
happening in the street outside. The sight of bus filled with new set of passenger,
was the source of unending joy for Valli. Her strongest desire was to ride on the
bus. She picked up the details about bus journey that the town was six miles away
and took forty five minutes. She managed to save sixty paise ( thirty paise for one
way journey) by resisting temptation for peppermint, toys, balloons as well as
leaving her desire to ride on merry-go-round.
On her way to the city she laughed at a cow running before the bus but she
became sad on her returning journey to see the dead cow. It was the same cow
full of happiness and joy a short while ago. Now the cow had lost her charm,
staring in one direction full of horror and legs spreading in all directions.
Question- Name all Belinda’s pet. “Belinda ticked him unmerciful’….Why?
Find out the poetic device in the poem. What happened with the pirate.
Belinda had four pets. Ink was the little black kitten. Blink was the little gray mouse. Ink
and Blink claimed to chase the lions down the stairs. Mustard was the little yellow dog as
brave as a tiger. Custard was a coward and cried for nice safe cage. Seeing the pirate Ink
ran to the house hole , Blink entered the mouse hole an d Mustard fled in terror.
The pirate attacked to kill all. He had a dagger between his teeth and pistols in both
hands. Custard the dragon killed the pirate. Yet he is called coward and cried for nice safe
cage as Belinda and other animals tickled him so much.
Literary Devices: Rhyme scheme: aabb (house-mouse, wagon-dragon)Repetition: use of the word
‘little’Oxymoron: use of two words with opposite meanings ‘ “pet dragon” Anaphora: repeated use of word
at the start of two consecutive lines. (And a little ….And a realio) simile: dog compared to mustard “And the
little yellow dog was sharp as Mustard”
Question- Kisa Gotami was being “selfish” in her grief. / What did Buddha want her to understand?
What did Kisa Gotami understand second time?
The Sermon at Benares throws light upon the early life of Lord Buddha who was originally born as a
prince in the royal family. On being exposed to the sufferings of the world which he was earlier
shielded from, he left his priesthood and went in search of salvation thus leaving all the worldly
pleasures behind. Upon attaining spiritual awakening, he gave his first sermon in the city of Benares
hereby making a lady named Kisa Gotami realize that men are mortal and a wise person should not
grieve at what is bound to happen for it only enhances pain and suffering.
Kisa Gotami was too overwhelmed with sorrow and pain that her ability to think clearly got clouded.
Kisa Gotami wanted the medicine to make her dead son alive so she went door to door . she could not
get it because there is no medicine that can bring a dead man back to life.
Gautam Buddha asked her to bring mustard seeds from the house no one had died. Being failed to get
the seeds, she sat on down watching the lights flickering and extinguished at last. She realized that death
is common to all and she had been selfish in her grief.
If one keep on grieving , he will suffer mentally and physically. Everyone who is born, has to die one day.
William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) was an Irish nationalist. The poem is
basically a conversation between the poet, Yeats and a young girl named Anne
Gregory. The poet tells her that if a person is in love with her because of her
beautiful yellow hair and attractive looks. He says that a true lover will be the
one who will love her for her inner qualities and not her looks. To this, Anne
says that she will change her looks by dying her hair into some other colour
like brown, black or carrot, may be she will find a true love for herself. So, at
last, he explains to her that the previous night, he had heard some religious
man saying that only God loves us for what we are. This means that God never
loves us for our looks but for our inner beauty.
Question- Two quarrels between Lomov and Natalya.
Lomov was suffering from palpitation, weakness or depression. His limbs became
numb and his heart began to palpitate on being excited. Lomov had the papers of
the oxen meadows which were between the burnt mashes and the Birchwood. The
oxen meadows were given by the grandmother of Lomov’s aunt to the peasants of
Chubukhov’s grandfather. The peasant used to bake bricks for the grandmother of
Lomov’s aunt.
Second quarrel happened because of dogs. Lomov had a dog named guess worth of
125 roubles. Natalya considered Guess a cheap, lame and old dog. Chubukhov
called it purebred, firm on his feet and has well sprung ribs but old and short
muzzle. Lomov said that Squeezer belongs to Pedigree but he is a bad hunter
because of overshooting. His lower jaw is shorter than upper jaw.
Q1. What are Hari Singh’s reactions to the prospect of receiving an education? Do they change over time?
Q2. Why does not Anil hand the thief over to the police? Do you think most people would have done so?
In what ways is Anil different from such employers?
Hari Singh was a fifteen years old thief. He wanted to rob Anil. Anil was a twenty-
five years old. He wrote for magazines. Hari Singh changed his names occasionally
to dodge police and his previous employers.
One day Anil brought a bundle of notes six hundred rupees in fifties. Hari stole the
money and left for the station to catch Lucknow express. It was drizzling so the
notes became wet. When he thought of Anil’s trust on him, he resolved
(determined) to return the money. He remembered that Anil would teach him to
write new sentences. Being an educated man, he would be respectable and would
earn fame in the society. It takes a lot of courage to trust
someone who has broken the trust once. Anil feels that if a person realizes his
Q1. How does Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a balcony attached to his room?
Look back at his detailed description of it. What makes it a convincing story?
Q2. How is Ausable different from other secret agents?
Ausable is different from other secret agents because he was very fat, lived in a
room on the top floor of a gloomy French hotel. His accent was American but could
only speak French and German passibly .
Ausable outwitted (befooled) Max by knitting a false story of balcony. When Henry
knocked at the door, Ausable pretended him to be police as he needed extra
protection for the papers on missiles. Ausable had already told Max that there was
a balcony outside the window that used to be a part of the French hotel. When
Max jumped out of the window, he fell to the ground as there was no balcony to
the next apartment. So the way Ausable thinks calmly and quickly makes the story
Q 1- Horace Danby was a meticulous planner but still he faltered. Where did he go wrong and why?
Q 2- What are the subtle ways in which the lady manages to deceive Horace Danby into thinking she is the lady
of the house? Why does not Horace suspect that something is wrong?
Horace Danby was a good and respectable locksmith but not completely honest
because he robbed once in a year to collect rare and expensive books.
The real culprit in the story is the woman who pretended to be a family member of
the family living at the grange. Horace Danby was shocked to see a lady. She asked
him to open the safe as she had forgotten its number. Horace had become nervous
and frightened when he saw the woman in the doorway and due to that he could not
think properly and Horace Danby opened the safe without gloves. He was arrested
later on as his finger prints were everywhere in the house. His trust of honour
among the thieves was broken as the lady dodged/ befooled/ cheated him.
Griffin were a brilliant scientist but a lawless person;
Griffin was a brilliant scientist but a lawless person because he discovered certain rare drugs which
could make human body transparent like a sheet of glass. His landlord wanted to eject him and he
set fire to his landlord’s house in revenge. He removed all his cloths to escape without being seen.
Griffin on a big London store; Griffin entered a big London store for warmth as it was cold outside.
He ate food without caring for payment. Further he tried the stock of a theatrical company and found
bushy whiskers, a false nose , a big hat, gloves and bandages to cover the empty body.
He went to the village of Iping for solitude. Mrs. Hall wanted to friend with him but he refused
because he had come there to live in peace. He pretended for strange appearance that an accident
had occurred to him.
The extra-ordinary episode; When clergy man and his wife heard the chink of money being taken
from the desk, he flung open the door but found none. He kept on crying an extra ordinary episode
during the whole day.
Mrs. Hall and her furniture; When Mrs. Hall enquired about his absence, he attacked her with chair
and hat on the peg. When Mr. Jaffer , a police man tried to catch him, he got blows from nowhere.
The making of A scientist
Richard Ebright was started with a book “The travel of Monarch X’’ by Dr. Urquhart who
asked to tag the butterflies. Richard was very competitive and wining because he was
doing his best to be the best. He had scientific ingredients like driving curiousity along with
a bright mind , the will to win.
Richard’s mother played a major role in his success. His mother found learning work and
brought telescopes, microscope, cameras and mounting materials and other equipments.
In seventh grade he entered a county science fair with slides of frog tissues and lost but
learnt that the winners had done real experiments, not a neat display.
In eighth grade Richard raised caterpillars in the presence of beetles to find out the
cause of a viral disease that kills monarch caterpillars Next year his project was testing the
theory that viceroy butterflies copy monarchs and do not taste good to birds. This project
was placed first in zoology division and third in county science fair.
In the second year in high school he proved that twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa
are not just ornamental but produced hormone for butterfly’s development. Ebright got
the idea for his new theory about cell life.
The Necklace What is the twist at the end of the story the necklace?
Matilda was unhappy; Matilda Loisel was always unhappy because she was born in poverty and
married to a petty clerk. She always thought of exquisite dinner in marvelous dishes, costly frocks and
nice jewelry.
The loss of necklace;
Matilda forced Mr. Loisel to buy a dress worth of four hundred francs which he saved to buy a gun to
shoot larks with his friends. They borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend Mme Forestier. At
the Ball Matilda danced with enthusiasm, intoxicated with pleasure and got the admiration which she
ever desired.
The loss of the necklace caused Matlilda’s ruin. She had to arrange another necklace same as the lost
one . They had to pay thirty six thousand francs including eighteen thousand francs left by Loisel’s
father. Mme loisel passed through a life of necessities, haggling, misery and suffering to pay the debt.
They sent the maid and changed their lodging. She started to lead life of a common woman.
One Sunday as Matilda was taking a walk in the Champs-Elysees to rid herself of the cares
of the week, she suddenly perceived a woman walking with a child. It was Mme Forestier, still
young, still pretty, still attractive. Jeanne Forestier could not recognize Matilda in poverty stricken
look. Ultimately she came to the truth that the diamond necklace was artificial one.
Bholi as a simpleton; Bholi
Bholi or Sulekha was the fourth daughter of Ramlal the Numberdar. She was a simpleton
because she had fallen from the cot when she was ten months old and some part of her
brain damaged. She also suffered from small pox at the age of two. She was not able to
speak till she was five.
Tehsildar at village for the opening ceremony of school;
On the opening ceremony of a primary school for girls, theTahsildar asked Ramlel to send
her daughter to the school to set an example to the villagers. Bholi was bathed, oiled and
dressed in new cloths to send school, a place better than her house. She remembered her
cow Laxmi taken to be sold.
Bholi refused to marry; Bholi refused to marry to Bishamber, a greedy grocer from the
neighboring village because he demanded a dowry of five thousand rupees to see the pock
marks on Bholi’s face. Bholi decided to serve her parents at their old age and to teach in her
village school. Seeing Bholi’s determination and straightforwardness, Bholi’s teacher felt
light of a deep satisfaction that an artist feels at contemplating the completion of her
Ques.1- Noodle avoids offending Think-Tank but at the same time he corrects his
mistakes. How does he manage to do that? Ques.2- What guesses are made by Think-
Tank about the books found on Earth?
Noodle avoids offending Think-Tank while correcting his mistakes by presenting his own
thoughts, but referring to them as being of no particular importance. Whenever he had to
say something contrary to what Think-Tank said, he would do this. In this way he would
correct Think-Tank’s errors without making Think-Tank feel that he was being corrected.
After listening to the first rhyme “ mistress Mary” he concluded that earthling had
discovered how to combine agriculture and mining. The second rhyme’ hey diddle diddle’
seemed to suggest to him that the Earthlings might be launching an interplanetary attack
of millions of cow. The third rhyme ‘Humpty Dumpty’ wherein Humpty had a great fall and
its picture that resembled him, threatened him and his Planet Mars. He got so scared
that he dropped the idea of invading Earth and escaped to Alpha century. Thus a book of
nursery rhymes save the Earth from Martian invasion
29-A, Kabir Nagar
Kalam Road
Mainpuri ( U P )
April 27, 2022
The Director / The Manager
M B M Cookware
Mainpuri ( U P )
Subject: - Inquiry about … / Placement of order for …… / Replacement of ……………..
Respected Sir
I came to know about ……………........................../ I am writing this letter to order ………………………..
It is therefore requested to kindly send me details to my address or at my Gmail address so that I can take decision for the same well in time.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Name given in question paper
Letter for placement
of Order
Letter for Inquiry
Vayusena School,
Sant colony
20 August, 2022
Modern store,
New Market,
Subject: Supply of stationery items for the school office.
Dear Sir
I am writing this letter to order some stationary items and wish for ten percent discount as per quotation. List of items is given below.
List of articles No. of items
White Paper 10 reams
Blue Pens 10 boxes
White Chalk Stick 12 gross
It is therefore requested to kindly send me details to my address or at my Gmail address so that I can take
decision for the same well in time.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Name given in question paper
Formal letter / letter to higher authorities and the officers
29-A, Radha Raman Road
Govt. Hospital Colony
Agra( UP)
March 05, 2013
The Editor
Hindustan Times
Agra ( Uttar Pradesh)
Subject: - Complaint letter regarding ……………../ To create awareness about......
Respected Sir
It is to draw your kind attention to/ I would like to draw to point out/ I would like to let you know/ I would like
to bring into your notice………..through the column of your esteemed news paper
It is therefore requested to look into matter and step ahead for awareness and action.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
Name given in question paper
Letter To The
Subject- Inquiry about Yoga Classes.
I came to know about Yoga classes from an advertisement in
a news paper. I am studying in class tenth. I wish to pursue
Yoga classes in the evening.
It is therefore requested to kindly send me the details,
duration and fee structure of the course to my address.-
Subject- Placement of order for sports items.
It is to inform you that our school has decided to order your
company for the supply of sports items. The quotation
offered by you has been approved and the discount of 10
percent has also been accepted.
--------------to kindly make it convenient to send the delivery
within 10 days.
Common lines for all letters:-The nuisance of this problem is increasing day by
day. People have to suffer much owing to the problem. It affects the other
phases of life too. People’s concern is growing for its solution immediately lest
the situation should grow from bad to worse.
Insanitary conditions:- the insanitary conditions of the locality of Jawahar
Nager. Rubbish and garbage are heaped everywhere. Foul smell continues all
the time and the stagnant water I the pits can cause severe diseases.
Theft/ burglary/ chain snatching/ crime:- People are much concerned about
safety measures. They are much worried about going out and being a victim
of such incidents.
Fashion among youth: - They are concerned about their exterior not
interior. They think of modern hair styles and latest fashion. They are
keen interested how to decorate themselves. They always like their
physical admiration.
Junk Food/ Fast food:- Junk food is cooked easily and eaten easily. People love the
food due to its spicy taste and to save time. It’s addiction damages our liver and
gives ailments like obesity, ulcer and cancer etc.
Drug addiction:- Drug addiction is compulsion to drugs like cigarette , tobacco,
smack , wine and other intoxicants. They are attracted towards it when they are
being neglected or for the sake of fashion. They are also caught because of
depression, personal and social problems.
Subject- Unpleasant condition of parks.
desolate status of the parks. The park is unkempt and has no security at
the gate. It is home of stray dogs, cats, and other animals. The vagrants of
the society indulge in drinking and smoking. The civic authorities need to
make an effort to restore the public park its beauty and its use to the public.
Point To start
you want to see
Pie Chart / Graph presentation / Table Presentation .
If you can't fly, then RUN.
If you can't run, then WALK.
If you can't walk, then CRAWL.
But whatever you do,
Here starts your analytical Paragraph………………….
Here starts your analytical Paragraph………………….
Here , They are……
The bar graph / pie chart depicts ……….
The survey or picture conveys various analysis
regarding ……
The proportionate varies as per given pie chart /
graph / table and represents comparative study of …….
The major as well minor changes are seen through
these details …
Overall conclusion can be drawn that the presentation
is increased by / is decreased by, starts to rise / starts to fall, fluctuates, is lower
than, is higher than , is compared to / is contrast to , is one third of / is half of ,
mean while, on the other hand, approximately, roughly, in a nutshell,
Surely analytical paragraph is so easy that seems
more than a dream.
Sometimes dreams
. are wiser than waking.
A New Story Next day
Sweet Dreams………

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Class 10 English notes 23-24.pptx

  • 1.
  • 2. Question- Describe the character of Lencho in the light of his faith in God. Or Which kind of man was the post master? What role did he play in the story? Or Lencho called the post office employees ‘a bunch of crooks’. What does it show his attitude towards God and man? Lencho was an ox of a man because he worked hard like an animal in his fields. Seeing the rain drops he compared them with new silver coins as and they were useful for good crop and they also resembled the coins in shape and size. He compares the big rain drops with ten cent pieces and small ones with five cent pieces. Further the hailstones destroyed his crop. They really resembled new silver coins. The hailstones covered the field with snow like white sheet of salt. Lencho had deep faith in God so he wrote a letter to God because he needed hundred pesos to sow his fields and to live until the next crop came. Seeing such faith of a man in God, the post master, an amiable fellow decided not to shake his faith. He collected seventy pesos with the help of other post office employees in the name of charity. He also gave a part of his own salary. Lencho got angry on getting seventy pesos. He wrote another letter to send rest money (thirty pesos) but not by mail as the post office employees were bunch of crooks (dishonest men). He thought that the post office employees had stolen thirty pesos.
  • 3. Dust of snow is flakes which are dropped by the crow on the poet. It changed the poet’s gloomy mood and saved the rest of the day on being regretted. Crow is the symbol of ominous and crooked bird. The dust of snow represents the scandalous attitude of people who poisons other’s life by their wickedness. The hemlock tree is poisonous tree. His day has not wasted in regret because of the tree and the crow. Rhyme Scheme- abab cdcd Assonance -the prominence of a vowel sound throughout a line is called assonance. In stanza 1, line 2 – “Shook down on me” – ‘o’ sound is prominent.enjambment – when the same sentence continues to the next line without the use of any punctuation marks, it is called enjambment. It has been used thorughout the poem.
  • 4. ‘Fire’ is the symbol of growing desire for materialistic world and ‘ice’ is the symbol of hatred. The poet wants to see its destruction with fire but on second occasion he wishes to see its destruction with ice. The poet shows a catastrophic end either as a result of fire or ice. Simultaneously, he portrays these two essential components as features of destructive human emotions: desire and hatred. Rhyming words are; fire- desire, ice- suffice. The rhyme scheme of the poem is “aba abc bcb” Word meanings - Perish- die Suffice- be sufficient Personification- Personification is to give human qualities to inanimate objects. In this poem, “fire” and “ice” are capable of destruction.
  • 5. Illustrate the following terms, phrases and quotations; An extra-ordinary human disaster: - The white oppressed the black. They suffered a lot due to discrimination, torture and exploitation because they had to face the policy of apartheid. Twin obligations: - Mandela mentions the first obligation to his family, wife and children. The second obligation is to his people, his society and his country. Courage means to Mandela: - Courage does mean the absence of fear but triumph over it as Mandela showed courage to gain freedom. The depth of oppression creates the heights of character: - The more one is oppressed, the more one becomes strong. The decades of oppression produced many patriots in his country like Oliver Tombos and Yusuf Dadoos etc. Hunger for freedom changed his life: - His hunger for freedom changed him from a frightened young boy to bold one and from a life loving man to a monk. He preferred the freedom to a life of dignity and self-respect rather than transitory freedom of swimming, running and staying out in the night. Oppressor is not free: - The oppressor is the prisoner of hatred. He is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow mindedness.
  • 6.
  • 7. Asian Lion-Asian lion is a large and tawny beast. He roars loudly to frighten a person to death. Bengal Tiger- Bengal tiger has black stripes on yellow skin. He is very active. Leopard- Leopard has black spots on his skin. He leaps on the prey actively. Bear-Bear hugs from behind. Hyena- A novice will be confused to see hyena because he comes with a smile on his face. Crocodile- A crocodile sheds falls tears to befool his prey. Chameleon-It is like a lizard. It changes its colour to hide itself and to escape prey. Literary Devices Rhyme: Rhyme scheme ababcc is followed (chance-advance, east-beast, dyin- lion)
  • 8. Question- Why was the young seagull afraid to fly? Or Do you think that a human being also finds it a challenge to take its first step? Or “The sight of food maddened the young seagull’’. What does this suggest? What compelled the young seagull to fly? A challenge to take first step is difficult for everyone whether man or animal. One should trust one’s abilities because “the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself”. On not being able to gather courage to fly and acting like a coward, the young seagull’s family left him alone. The young seagull was afraid of flying because he had no courage to fly. He thought his wings would not support him. When his mother brought him the piece of fish, he dived because the sight of food maddened him as he had been hungry for twenty-four hours. He started to fall outward and downward. The wind rushed against his feathers and his wings spread outward. He started to sour gradually and had no fear. He started to dive, soar and curve. When his belly touched the green flooring of the sea, he learnt to float. Thus he made his
  • 9. Question- “I’ll take risk.” What was the risk? Why does the narrator take it? Describe the narrator’s experience as he flew the aeroplane. What made the woman in the control center look strangely at the narrator? The pilot saw the black storm clouds in front of his aeroplane. He did not have enough fuel to fly over or around the clouds to the north or south. He took risk to fly that old Dakota straight into the storm because he wanted to go home to have breakfast. His plane began to twist and jump in the air. He lost his contact as all instruments stopped working. Suddenly the black aeroplane asked him to follow and guided him to the airport for landing on the runway. When the pilot went the control room to inquire about the mysterious plane which had helped him out of the storm and to thank the pilot of the black aeroplane, the woman of the control Centre told that no other aeroplane was flying that night. Only his plane was seen on the radar that night.
  • 10. Question- What do ‘the world in the possession’ mean? What does the poet not want to intrude the child? The poet John Berryman through his poem, ‘The ball poem’ has describes the reality of life which everyone has to face one day. He has touched the topic of how to stand up against the miseries and sorrows of life Literary devices: Alliteration: use of sound ‘b’ at the start of two consecutive words (buys a ball back) Assonance: use of vowel sound ‘e’ (He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes) Repetition: ‘ball’ word is repeated . Rhyme scheme: There is no rhyme scheme followed in the poem.
  • 11. Questions about Kitty, Mr. Keesing and assignments given to Anne Frank. Question- Why as Mr. Keesing annoyed with Anne? What did he ask her to do? Or Question- How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay? Or Question- What were the three assignments given to Anne Frank? What did she write to justify? or Question- Anne says “Teachers are the most unpredictable’’. Illustrate in context with Mr. Keesing and Anne’s assignments. Anne Frank was a thirteen years old girl. Writing a diary was a strange experience because she had not written anything like that earlier. She also thought that nobody would be interested in the musings of a thirteen years old girl. She did not have any friend to confide her feelings. She decided to maintain a diary because the paper has more patience then people as it does not disclose any secret like impatient friend. She named her diary ‘Kitty’.
  • 12. Questions about Kitty, Mr. Keesing and assignments given to Anne Frank. Question- Why as Mr. Keesing annoyed with Anne? What did he ask her to do? Or Question- How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay? Or Question- What were the three assignments given to Anne Frank? What did she write to justify? or Question- Anne says “Teachers are the most unpredictable’’. Illustrate in context with Mr. Keesing and Anne’s assignments. Mr. Keesing, Anne’s mathematics teacher used to get angry at Anne Frank because she talked too much in the class. He assigned an essay on ‘A Chatterbox which she justified as inherited characteristic from her mother and a student’s trait. When Anne Frank could not help herself being talkative, Mr. Keesing gave second assignment on ‘An incorrigible chatter box which she also justified. On her repeated talkative behaviour she was assigned third essay on ‘Quack, quack, quack said Mistress Chatterbox, which she wrote in a verse with the help of her friend Sanne about a father swan and three baby ducklings. The father swan killed them because they quacked too much.
  • 13. Question- Why does Amanda want to be an orphan, a mermaid or Rapunzel? Literary devices: Allusion: use of famous fairy tale character Rapunzel
  • 14. The narrator finds his elders are reminiscing nostalgically (thinking fondly of past) about ‘those good old days’ when Portuguese ruled over Goa. The Portuguese have left Goa but the bakers of bread still exist. The baker of Goa is known as Pader. He wears a peculiar dress known as Kabai, a single piece of frock reaching to the knees. During the narrator’s childhood, bakers wore shirt trousers which were shorter than full length and longer than half pants. He has jack fruit like appearance or plump physique. The monthly accounts of the baker were recorded on some wall with a pencil.He sells many kinds of breads. He comes twice a day with a jingling sound. The sweet bread for marriage is called “Bol”. Bread is used on the occasion of a party or feast. Sandwiches are popular a daughter’s engagement. Cakes and bolinhas are used for Christmas. Children like bread bangles.
  • 15. Coorg or Kodagu, the smallest district of Karnataka is situated midway between Mysore and coastal town of Mangalore. It abounds in flora and fauna. The season of joy commences from September and continuous to March. The weather is pleasant with rain fall and smell of coffee. Though they are Hindus by religion yet their customs differ from those of mainstream Hindus. They marry within their community. Kodavus or Coorgis are possibly from Greek or Arabic descent. A part of Alexander’s army settled in Coorg and married among locals. Their culture is apparent in martial traditions, marriages and ritual rites. Coorgis wear an embroidered black coat known as Kuppia that resembles with Kuffia that is worn by Arbs. The river Kaveri originates from hills of Coorg and large fresh water fish Mahaseer is found in abundance. Coorg is the home of kingfishers. Squirrels, langurs, elephants, slender loris, macaques and butterflies etc.The major tourist attractions are Brahmagiri hills, Nisargdham island and Bylakuppe Tibetan settlements. Coorg gives visitors a feel of India’s diverse cultures.
  • 16. Pranjol and Rajveer were classmates studying in Delhi. Pranjol was brought up in Assam and his father was a manager of a tea estate . On reaching Dhekiabari, Assam was fascinated to see the largest concentration of tea plantation of the world. Rajvir highlighted a few facts that stated that tea dates back to 2700 B.C. and was first consumed in China. All such words such as ‘chai and ‘chini’ have originated from Chinese language. Rajvir told Pranjol two legends about discovery of tea; A Chinese emperor always boiled water before drinking. One day a few twigs fell into the water and gave delicious flavor. Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist cut off his eye lids because he felt sleepy during his meditation. Ten tea plants grew out of the eyelids. Further Rajvir told that Tea wa sfirst drunk in China in 2700 BC . Tea came to Europe in sixteenth century and drunk as more as medicine than beverage.
  • 17. The poem has a symbolic meaning, the trees are an extended metaphor for women. The poet says that the women have rested, healed and recovered and are ready for their primary purpose – to renew the empty forest of mankind.As women have remained indoors, the forest has become empty, the birds and insects rendered shelterless. The roots of the trees are working hard to separate from the floor of the veranda where they have remained fixed. The leaves and branches are moving towards the glass windows. They are desperate to move out just like a newly discharged patient who has not recovered completely, moves to the exit door of the hospital in a hurry. The poet is sitting in her house with the doors of the veranda open. She is writing letters but does not mention this movement of the trees. It is night time, the sky is clear and a bright moon is visible. She can smell the leaves and lichen which seem to be calling out desperately. She hears the glass of the window pane breaking. The trees are moving out and the fast blowing wind embraces them. As the trees have reached the forest, the tall and strong oak tree overshadows the moon and it seems that the moon has been broken into several pieces. Literary Devices: Enjambment: When a sentence continues to next line Personification: Sun bury it’s feet. Sun has been personified. Simile: trees compared to patients (like newly discharged patients)( Moon is broken like a mirror) Alliteration: ‘long letters’ forest from’ ‘sky still’ ‘leaves and lichen’
  • 18. When he was taking the ottar in plane and opened the box, Mij flashed out of it and disappeared. Everyone in the flight panicked and a lady even climbed her chair. Finally when he saw Mij’s tail disappearing beneath a turbaned man, he tried to catch hold of him and in the process, ended up covering his face with curry. After having created such a chaos, the air hostess advised him to go to his seat while she brought Mij back to him. place their feet squarely on the centre of each paving block; touch every seventh upright of the iron railings, or pass to the outside of every second lamp post
  • 19. Fog is a very small poem written by Carl Sandburg. He has described the process of arrival of the fog into a city and the harbour. He has very beautifully compared it to a cat. is coming towards the city and the harbour just like a cat. This means that it is approaching the city in a very silent manner so that no one can notice its arrival. He has compared its arrival to that of a cat because a cat always enters a place silently. Next he says that the fog has covered the whole of the city and harbour and it appears as if it is sitting by folding its legs and looking around just the way a cat does when it sits on the haunches and looks around. At the end, he describes the departure of the fog which very silently and unpredictably, again, similar to the departure of the cat, vanishes. Literary devices: Metaphor: Fog is compared to cat (On little cat feet) Rhyme scheme: There is no rhyme scheme followed. Poem is in free verse Enjambment: When a sentence continues to next line (It sits looking….. then moves on) Personfication: fog has been personified – Fog comes, it sits
  • 20. Valli’s favourite pastime was standing in front of door of her house what was happening in the street outside. The sight of bus filled with new set of passenger, was the source of unending joy for Valli. Her strongest desire was to ride on the bus. She picked up the details about bus journey that the town was six miles away and took forty five minutes. She managed to save sixty paise ( thirty paise for one way journey) by resisting temptation for peppermint, toys, balloons as well as leaving her desire to ride on merry-go-round. On her way to the city she laughed at a cow running before the bus but she became sad on her returning journey to see the dead cow. It was the same cow full of happiness and joy a short while ago. Now the cow had lost her charm, staring in one direction full of horror and legs spreading in all directions.
  • 21. Question- Name all Belinda’s pet. “Belinda ticked him unmerciful’….Why? Find out the poetic device in the poem. What happened with the pirate. Belinda had four pets. Ink was the little black kitten. Blink was the little gray mouse. Ink and Blink claimed to chase the lions down the stairs. Mustard was the little yellow dog as brave as a tiger. Custard was a coward and cried for nice safe cage. Seeing the pirate Ink ran to the house hole , Blink entered the mouse hole an d Mustard fled in terror. The pirate attacked to kill all. He had a dagger between his teeth and pistols in both hands. Custard the dragon killed the pirate. Yet he is called coward and cried for nice safe cage as Belinda and other animals tickled him so much. Literary Devices: Rhyme scheme: aabb (house-mouse, wagon-dragon)Repetition: use of the word ‘little’Oxymoron: use of two words with opposite meanings ‘ “pet dragon” Anaphora: repeated use of word at the start of two consecutive lines. (And a little ….And a realio) simile: dog compared to mustard “And the little yellow dog was sharp as Mustard”
  • 22. Question- Kisa Gotami was being “selfish” in her grief. / What did Buddha want her to understand? What did Kisa Gotami understand second time? The Sermon at Benares throws light upon the early life of Lord Buddha who was originally born as a prince in the royal family. On being exposed to the sufferings of the world which he was earlier shielded from, he left his priesthood and went in search of salvation thus leaving all the worldly pleasures behind. Upon attaining spiritual awakening, he gave his first sermon in the city of Benares hereby making a lady named Kisa Gotami realize that men are mortal and a wise person should not grieve at what is bound to happen for it only enhances pain and suffering. Kisa Gotami was too overwhelmed with sorrow and pain that her ability to think clearly got clouded. Kisa Gotami wanted the medicine to make her dead son alive so she went door to door . she could not get it because there is no medicine that can bring a dead man back to life. Gautam Buddha asked her to bring mustard seeds from the house no one had died. Being failed to get the seeds, she sat on down watching the lights flickering and extinguished at last. She realized that death is common to all and she had been selfish in her grief. If one keep on grieving , he will suffer mentally and physically. Everyone who is born, has to die one day.
  • 23. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) was an Irish nationalist. The poem is basically a conversation between the poet, Yeats and a young girl named Anne Gregory. The poet tells her that if a person is in love with her because of her beautiful yellow hair and attractive looks. He says that a true lover will be the one who will love her for her inner qualities and not her looks. To this, Anne says that she will change her looks by dying her hair into some other colour like brown, black or carrot, may be she will find a true love for herself. So, at last, he explains to her that the previous night, he had heard some religious man saying that only God loves us for what we are. This means that God never loves us for our looks but for our inner beauty.
  • 24. Question- Two quarrels between Lomov and Natalya. Lomov was suffering from palpitation, weakness or depression. His limbs became numb and his heart began to palpitate on being excited. Lomov had the papers of the oxen meadows which were between the burnt mashes and the Birchwood. The oxen meadows were given by the grandmother of Lomov’s aunt to the peasants of Chubukhov’s grandfather. The peasant used to bake bricks for the grandmother of Lomov’s aunt. Second quarrel happened because of dogs. Lomov had a dog named guess worth of 125 roubles. Natalya considered Guess a cheap, lame and old dog. Chubukhov called it purebred, firm on his feet and has well sprung ribs but old and short muzzle. Lomov said that Squeezer belongs to Pedigree but he is a bad hunter because of overshooting. His lower jaw is shorter than upper jaw.
  • 25. Q1. What are Hari Singh’s reactions to the prospect of receiving an education? Do they change over time? Q2. Why does not Anil hand the thief over to the police? Do you think most people would have done so? In what ways is Anil different from such employers? Hari Singh was a fifteen years old thief. He wanted to rob Anil. Anil was a twenty- five years old. He wrote for magazines. Hari Singh changed his names occasionally to dodge police and his previous employers. One day Anil brought a bundle of notes six hundred rupees in fifties. Hari stole the money and left for the station to catch Lucknow express. It was drizzling so the notes became wet. When he thought of Anil’s trust on him, he resolved (determined) to return the money. He remembered that Anil would teach him to write new sentences. Being an educated man, he would be respectable and would earn fame in the society. It takes a lot of courage to trust someone who has broken the trust once. Anil feels that if a person realizes his
  • 26. Q1. How does Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a balcony attached to his room? Look back at his detailed description of it. What makes it a convincing story? Q2. How is Ausable different from other secret agents? Ausable is different from other secret agents because he was very fat, lived in a room on the top floor of a gloomy French hotel. His accent was American but could only speak French and German passibly . Ausable outwitted (befooled) Max by knitting a false story of balcony. When Henry knocked at the door, Ausable pretended him to be police as he needed extra protection for the papers on missiles. Ausable had already told Max that there was a balcony outside the window that used to be a part of the French hotel. When Max jumped out of the window, he fell to the ground as there was no balcony to the next apartment. So the way Ausable thinks calmly and quickly makes the story
  • 27. Q 1- Horace Danby was a meticulous planner but still he faltered. Where did he go wrong and why? Q 2- What are the subtle ways in which the lady manages to deceive Horace Danby into thinking she is the lady of the house? Why does not Horace suspect that something is wrong? Horace Danby was a good and respectable locksmith but not completely honest because he robbed once in a year to collect rare and expensive books. The real culprit in the story is the woman who pretended to be a family member of the family living at the grange. Horace Danby was shocked to see a lady. She asked him to open the safe as she had forgotten its number. Horace had become nervous and frightened when he saw the woman in the doorway and due to that he could not think properly and Horace Danby opened the safe without gloves. He was arrested later on as his finger prints were everywhere in the house. His trust of honour among the thieves was broken as the lady dodged/ befooled/ cheated him.
  • 28. Griffin were a brilliant scientist but a lawless person; Griffin was a brilliant scientist but a lawless person because he discovered certain rare drugs which could make human body transparent like a sheet of glass. His landlord wanted to eject him and he set fire to his landlord’s house in revenge. He removed all his cloths to escape without being seen. Griffin on a big London store; Griffin entered a big London store for warmth as it was cold outside. He ate food without caring for payment. Further he tried the stock of a theatrical company and found bushy whiskers, a false nose , a big hat, gloves and bandages to cover the empty body. He went to the village of Iping for solitude. Mrs. Hall wanted to friend with him but he refused because he had come there to live in peace. He pretended for strange appearance that an accident had occurred to him. The extra-ordinary episode; When clergy man and his wife heard the chink of money being taken from the desk, he flung open the door but found none. He kept on crying an extra ordinary episode during the whole day. Mrs. Hall and her furniture; When Mrs. Hall enquired about his absence, he attacked her with chair and hat on the peg. When Mr. Jaffer , a police man tried to catch him, he got blows from nowhere.
  • 29. The making of A scientist Richard Ebright was started with a book “The travel of Monarch X’’ by Dr. Urquhart who asked to tag the butterflies. Richard was very competitive and wining because he was doing his best to be the best. He had scientific ingredients like driving curiousity along with a bright mind , the will to win. Richard’s mother played a major role in his success. His mother found learning work and brought telescopes, microscope, cameras and mounting materials and other equipments. In seventh grade he entered a county science fair with slides of frog tissues and lost but learnt that the winners had done real experiments, not a neat display. In eighth grade Richard raised caterpillars in the presence of beetles to find out the cause of a viral disease that kills monarch caterpillars Next year his project was testing the theory that viceroy butterflies copy monarchs and do not taste good to birds. This project was placed first in zoology division and third in county science fair. In the second year in high school he proved that twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa are not just ornamental but produced hormone for butterfly’s development. Ebright got the idea for his new theory about cell life.
  • 30. 30 The Necklace What is the twist at the end of the story the necklace? Matilda was unhappy; Matilda Loisel was always unhappy because she was born in poverty and married to a petty clerk. She always thought of exquisite dinner in marvelous dishes, costly frocks and nice jewelry. The loss of necklace; Matilda forced Mr. Loisel to buy a dress worth of four hundred francs which he saved to buy a gun to shoot larks with his friends. They borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend Mme Forestier. At the Ball Matilda danced with enthusiasm, intoxicated with pleasure and got the admiration which she ever desired. The loss of the necklace caused Matlilda’s ruin. She had to arrange another necklace same as the lost one . They had to pay thirty six thousand francs including eighteen thousand francs left by Loisel’s father. Mme loisel passed through a life of necessities, haggling, misery and suffering to pay the debt. They sent the maid and changed their lodging. She started to lead life of a common woman. One Sunday as Matilda was taking a walk in the Champs-Elysees to rid herself of the cares of the week, she suddenly perceived a woman walking with a child. It was Mme Forestier, still young, still pretty, still attractive. Jeanne Forestier could not recognize Matilda in poverty stricken look. Ultimately she came to the truth that the diamond necklace was artificial one.
  • 31. Bholi as a simpleton; Bholi Bholi or Sulekha was the fourth daughter of Ramlal the Numberdar. She was a simpleton because she had fallen from the cot when she was ten months old and some part of her brain damaged. She also suffered from small pox at the age of two. She was not able to speak till she was five. Tehsildar at village for the opening ceremony of school; On the opening ceremony of a primary school for girls, theTahsildar asked Ramlel to send her daughter to the school to set an example to the villagers. Bholi was bathed, oiled and dressed in new cloths to send school, a place better than her house. She remembered her cow Laxmi taken to be sold. Bholi refused to marry; Bholi refused to marry to Bishamber, a greedy grocer from the neighboring village because he demanded a dowry of five thousand rupees to see the pock marks on Bholi’s face. Bholi decided to serve her parents at their old age and to teach in her village school. Seeing Bholi’s determination and straightforwardness, Bholi’s teacher felt light of a deep satisfaction that an artist feels at contemplating the completion of her masterpiece.
  • 32. Ques.1- Noodle avoids offending Think-Tank but at the same time he corrects his mistakes. How does he manage to do that? Ques.2- What guesses are made by Think- Tank about the books found on Earth? Noodle avoids offending Think-Tank while correcting his mistakes by presenting his own thoughts, but referring to them as being of no particular importance. Whenever he had to say something contrary to what Think-Tank said, he would do this. In this way he would correct Think-Tank’s errors without making Think-Tank feel that he was being corrected. After listening to the first rhyme “ mistress Mary” he concluded that earthling had discovered how to combine agriculture and mining. The second rhyme’ hey diddle diddle’ seemed to suggest to him that the Earthlings might be launching an interplanetary attack of millions of cow. The third rhyme ‘Humpty Dumpty’ wherein Humpty had a great fall and its picture that resembled him, threatened him and his Planet Mars. He got so scared that he dropped the idea of invading Earth and escaped to Alpha century. Thus a book of nursery rhymes save the Earth from Martian invasion
  • 33.
  • 34. 29-A, Kabir Nagar Kalam Road Mainpuri ( U P ) April 27, 2022 The Director / The Manager M B M Cookware Mainpuri ( U P ) Subject: - Inquiry about … / Placement of order for …… / Replacement of …………….. Respected Sir I came to know about ……………........................../ I am writing this letter to order ……………………….. ........................................................................................................………………………………………………………………… ……………………..……………………………………………………………… It is therefore requested to kindly send me details to my address or at my Gmail address so that I can take decision for the same well in time. Thanking you. Yours sincerely Name given in question paper Letter for placement of Order Letter for Inquiry
  • 35. 35 Vayusena School, Sant colony Vishakhapatnam. 20 August, 2022 Modern store, New Market, Vishakhapatnam Subject: Supply of stationery items for the school office. Dear Sir I am writing this letter to order some stationary items and wish for ten percent discount as per quotation. List of items is given below. List of articles No. of items White Paper 10 reams Blue Pens 10 boxes White Chalk Stick 12 gross It is therefore requested to kindly send me details to my address or at my Gmail address so that I can take decision for the same well in time. Thanking you. Yours sincerely Name given in question paper
  • 36. 36 Formal letter / letter to higher authorities and the officers 29-A, Radha Raman Road Govt. Hospital Colony Agra( UP) March 05, 2013 The Editor Hindustan Times Agra ( Uttar Pradesh) Subject: - Complaint letter regarding ……………../ To create awareness about...... Respected Sir It is to draw your kind attention to/ I would like to draw to point out/ I would like to let you know/ I would like to bring into your notice………..through the column of your esteemed news paper ............................................. ................................................................................. It is therefore requested to look into matter and step ahead for awareness and action. Thanking you. Yours sincerely Name given in question paper Letter To The Editor
  • 37. 37 Subject- Inquiry about Yoga Classes. I came to know about Yoga classes from an advertisement in a news paper. I am studying in class tenth. I wish to pursue Yoga classes in the evening. It is therefore requested to kindly send me the details, duration and fee structure of the course to my address.- Subject- Placement of order for sports items. It is to inform you that our school has decided to order your company for the supply of sports items. The quotation offered by you has been approved and the discount of 10 percent has also been accepted. --------------to kindly make it convenient to send the delivery within 10 days.
  • 38. Common lines for all letters:-The nuisance of this problem is increasing day by day. People have to suffer much owing to the problem. It affects the other phases of life too. People’s concern is growing for its solution immediately lest the situation should grow from bad to worse. Insanitary conditions:- the insanitary conditions of the locality of Jawahar Nager. Rubbish and garbage are heaped everywhere. Foul smell continues all the time and the stagnant water I the pits can cause severe diseases. Theft/ burglary/ chain snatching/ crime:- People are much concerned about safety measures. They are much worried about going out and being a victim of such incidents. Fashion among youth: - They are concerned about their exterior not interior. They think of modern hair styles and latest fashion. They are keen interested how to decorate themselves. They always like their physical admiration.
  • 39. Junk Food/ Fast food:- Junk food is cooked easily and eaten easily. People love the food due to its spicy taste and to save time. It’s addiction damages our liver and gives ailments like obesity, ulcer and cancer etc. Drug addiction:- Drug addiction is compulsion to drugs like cigarette , tobacco, smack , wine and other intoxicants. They are attracted towards it when they are being neglected or for the sake of fashion. They are also caught because of depression, personal and social problems. Subject- Unpleasant condition of parks. desolate status of the parks. The park is unkempt and has no security at the gate. It is home of stray dogs, cats, and other animals. The vagrants of the society indulge in drinking and smoking. The civic authorities need to make an effort to restore the public park its beauty and its use to the public.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. Point To start analytical Paragraph FEEL THE CHANGE you want to see Pie Chart / Graph presentation / Table Presentation .
  • 43. If you can't fly, then RUN. If you can't run, then WALK. If you can't walk, then CRAWL. But whatever you do, YOU HAVE TO KEEP MOVING. Here starts your analytical Paragraph………………….
  • 44. Here starts your analytical Paragraph………………….
  • 45. Here , They are……
  • 46. 46 The bar graph / pie chart depicts ………. The survey or picture conveys various analysis regarding …… The proportionate varies as per given pie chart / graph / table and represents comparative study of ……. The major as well minor changes are seen through these details … Overall conclusion can be drawn that the presentation is increased by / is decreased by, starts to rise / starts to fall, fluctuates, is lower than, is higher than , is compared to / is contrast to , is one third of / is half of , mean while, on the other hand, approximately, roughly, in a nutshell,
  • 47. Surely analytical paragraph is so easy that seems more than a dream.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52. Sometimes dreams . are wiser than waking.
  • 53. A New Story Next day Sweet Dreams………