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Point of View

Prospering in a Pay-for-Performance World
By Paul Jones and Jan Malek, Cisco® IBSG Global Life Sciences Practice

Many medicines work for fewer than 50 percent                      companies that embrace the potential to gain new
of the patients who take them,1 but the phar-                      clinical insights and experiment with innovative
maceutical companies that manufacture them                         commercial models will reap rich rewards.
nevertheless get paid for every prescription filled.
This model is about to change dramatically. We                     A New Pricing Model
believe that in the future—driven by powerful                      Powerful demographic, sociological, and
demographic, sociological, and technology                          technological forces are driving the shift from pay
forces—many medicines will be reimbursed                           per script to pay for performance. Demand for
on the basis of the performance they deliver                       good medicines is rising: as the global population
to different patient populations.                                  ages, new medical needs emerge, and a growing
                                                                   number of people in developing countries fall prey
In this future world, large volumes of health-
                                                                   to diseases that plague the developed world. But
related data will be aggregated and analyzed to
                                                                   as healthcare costs everywhere soar, society will
determine differences in how individual patients
                                                                   find it difficult enough to pay for medicines when
respond to specific medicines, and to develop
                                                                   they work, let alone when they don’t.
patient segment profiles that enable doctors
to prescribe medicines more accurately. This                       Our expectations are also rising. We are less
data will also give the pharmaceutical industry                    tolerant of product defects than previous genera-
(pharma) fresh insights with which to develop                      tions and now expect the goods we buy to work
new treatments for previously unmet medical                        flawlessly every time. Medicines will soon be
needs. Furthermore, pharma will be able to price                   no exception. Indeed, as the focus of pharma’s
these new products based on the value they                         research changes to specialty therapies for ill-
deliver to patients—with different prices for                      nesses that were previously untreatable, our
different patient segments.                                        expectations will climb even higher.
Modern communications technologies and effec-                      These demographic and social pressures—
tive collaboration among key stakeholders in the                   and the ensuing economic challenges—have
healthcare system will be essential to facilitate this             already begun to shape the provision of healthcare.
transition. Remote patient monitoring, electronic                  Various countries have established agencies
medical records, and voice and video commu-                        specifically to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of
nications technologies will improve our ability to                 new therapies, one of the best-known examples
aggregate and analyze large amounts of data,                       being England’s National Institute for Health and
collaborate, and make better, faster decisions.                    Clinical Excellence (NICE).
The move to “pay for performance” will present                     The volume of outcome data such agencies can
pharma with significant challenges, but will also                  analyze is still small, but it already has had an
provide many opportunities. We firmly believe                      impact on the way new medicines are used and

                                     Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.                          1
priced. In Britain, for example, reimbursement                   progress down the health superhighway.8
    for a new cancer drug, Velcade, is contingent                    Leading healthcare providers such as the Mayo
    on clinical proof of a reduction in the size of a                Clinic have also digitized the medical records
    patient’s tumor.2 Similarly, reimbursement of                    they hold and are starting to crunch significant
    Lucentis, for the treatment of age-related macular               amounts of outcome data.9
    degeneration (AMD), is subject to a dose-capping                 Collectively, these trends will transform the way in
    scheme under which the manufacturer bears the                    which medicines are reimbursed. The traditional,
    costs of treating any patient who requires more                  fixed-price model will be replaced by one in
    than 14 injections.3 In November 2008, the British               which medicines are reimbursed according to
    government took this approach a stage further,                   the outcomes they produce in individual patients.
    with the decision to adopt a flexible scheme                     But there is likely to be an intermediate stage in
    under which the prices of new medicines can                      which the prices of new medicines are based
    be raised—if they prove more effective than                      on how specific clusters of patients with shared
    anticipated.4                                                    characteristics respond to them, with different
    Several U.S. health insurers are also exploring                  reimbursement levels for different patient
    more flexible approaches to pricing.                             segments (see Figure 1).
    UnitedHealthcare has entered into a risk-sharing
                                                                     The Promise of Patient Segmentation
    arrangement with Genomic Health, which has
                                                                     At present, it is difficult to know in advance how
    developed a genetic test to identify which women
                                                                     specific patients will respond to therapy. The
    with early-stage breast cancer will benefit from
                                                                     accelerated development of biomarkers will help
    chemotherapy. Meanwhile, CIGNA is trying
                                                                     address this problem, but it will be a long time,
    to strike a deal with several manufacturers of
                                                                     if ever, before biomarkers are available for all
    statins, under which manufacturers would pay
    the medical expenses of any patients who suffer
    heart attacks despite taking their medicines on a                Clinical trials establish the safety and efficacy of a
    regular basis.5                                                  given therapy in a well-defined patient population
                                                                     under tightly controlled circumstances. It is not until
    Such experiments still are relatively rare. But the
                                                                     hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of patients
    development of sophisticated remote monitoring
                                                                     have used a drug for an extended period of time,
    devices, electronic medical record (EMR) systems,
                                                                     however, that its effects are fully understood.
    and collaborative technologies that facilitate the
                                                                     Pooling clinical trial data across pharma would
    safe transmission of confidential information over
                                                                     be a significant improvement on today’s practice.
    the Internet will make it much easier to monitor                 To that end, Merck recently proposed creating an
    patients in real time outside a clinical setting,                industry-wide database to track all cancer drugs in
    aggregate healthcare data from multiple sources,                 clinical trials, making the blinded data available to
    and share the resulting insights.                                doctors and researchers.10
    The United States is currently developing a                      But, given the fundamental differences between
    national health information network, although                    clinical trials and everyday practice, we still will
    it probably will not be completed by 2014,                       need to collect real-life outcome data. In the
    as initially planned.6 The European Union has                    future, it will be possible to do this on a large scale,
    likewise called for every member state to create                 thanks to pervasive monitoring, EMRs, and new
    an electronic health infrastructure,7 and some                   technologies to facilitate collaboration among
    countries have already made considerable                         different stakeholders in the healthcare universe.

2                                      Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Point of View

Figure 1. The Transition Path to Pay-for-performance Pricing
                                                                                           Pay-for-performance based on
Outcomes/ Pricing Relationship

                                                                                                     individual outcomes

                                                                                               outcomes for subgroups
                                                                                               of patients

                                               Traditional blockbuster model
                                        Past                                                                                           Future

Source: Cisco IBSG, 2009

Real-life surveillance of patients taking medicines                                                      services sector, for example, built a network of
that are already on the market will enable pharma                                                        interlinked automated teller machines that enables
to develop a much better understanding of                                                                customers to access their money across the
the factors that influence safety and efficacy                                                           globe, regardless of the institution with which
in different patient populations. This will help                                                         they bank. Similarly, in the airline industry, global
pharma determine areas of unmet need more                                                                distribution systems are used to book and sell
accurately, as well as provide vital clues about                                                         tickets on multiple airlines. The infrastructure
the characteristics new therapies should offer.                                                          required to improve healthcare is more advanced
                                                                                                         than either of these, but both examples point to
Transparency in Healthcare                                                                               what is possible. Technology alone will not be
So how might this work? The required capabilities                                                        enough; willingness to collaborate and change
include aggregation of electronic data from a vari-                                                      will be just as important.
ety of sources, advanced analytics, and remote
                                                                                                         Depending on political and cultural
collaboration. At the core is the virtual aggrega-
                                                                                                         considerations in different countries, this could
tion of real-life medical and outcome data from
                                                                                                         be either a private sector- or government-led
electronic medical records, remote monitoring
                                                                                                         effort. For instance, in the United Kingdom, a
devices, and other sources, along with the abil-
                                                                                                         government entity could assume this role, while
ity to correlate it with genetic, environmental, and
                                                                                                         in the United States, a private-sector initiative
behavioral factors. Preserving confidentiality and
                                                                                                         by stakeholders would probably be more
ensuring independence of analysis will be essen-
                                                                                                         palatable. Regardless of how governance and
tial to establishing credibility. Collaboration will
                                                                                                         funding issues are resolved, to be credible,
include web-based data access and sharing, as
                                                                                                         this effort should be fully transparent and
well as advanced, remote, person-to-person col-
                                                                                                         provide stakeholders (for example, physicians,
laboration capabilities through voice and video.
                                                                                                         payers, consumers, life science companies,
Establishing such an advanced infrastructure                                                             and government decision makers) unhampered
is not a simple task, but experience from other                                                          access to both underlying data and the analyses
industries shows that it is possible. The financial                                                      (see Figure 2).

                                                                          Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.                             3
Figure 2. The Transition Path to Pay-for-performance Pricing

                     Connected                                                            Connected
                      Hospitals                                                           Policymakers

                                                               Video Experiences
                                     Video and
                                   Mobility Options

    Connected                                                            Virtual                               Connected
      Patients                                                        Collaboration                            Pharma
                                                Expert Gateways

                     Connected                                                            Connected
                     Prescribers                                                          Funders or Payers

    Source: Cisco IBSG, 2009

    Commercial Implications
    Armed with a much better grasp of the ailments,                              commercial potential of new medicines than it did
    treatment patterns, and drug responses of millions                           using the current blockbuster model. But it will be
    of patients, pharma will be in a much better                                 easier to sustain their market position and pricing.
    position to develop diagnostics and therapeutics
                                                                                 Implementation of such an approach will not be
    for specific patient segments. It will then be
                                                                                 without challenges. One obvious risk, when a
    able to test new medicines only in those patient
                                                                                 product is available at multiple price points, is that
    segments, thereby reducing the number, size, and
                                                                                 some people will try to get the cheapest version,
    cost of clinical trials required to prove their safety
    and efficacy.                                                                even if they fall within the segments that benefit
                                                                                 most. Genentech encountered this difficulty
    The industry will also be able to refine the way                             when ophthalmologists started using its cancer
    in which it prices and markets medicines, with                               drug Avastin for the off-label treatment of AMD
    different prices for different patient segments.                             because it cost significantly less than Lucentis,
    Where outcome data show that a medicine works
                                                                                 the drug Genentech had specifically designed for
    well in a given patient segment, the drug may be
                                                                                 the disease.11 Parallel trading of identical products
    able to command a premium price. Conversely,
                                                                                 between markets with low and high prices is also a
    for products shown to be less suited to a particular
                                                                                 major problem in some parts of the world.
    subpopulation, companies may come under
    pressure to reduce prices or even stop marketing                             Nevertheless, a number of companies in other
    them for use in such subpopulations altogether.                              industries already are exploring how best to
    Therefore, it may take longer to realize the full                            make pay for performance work. For instance,

4                                                 Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Point of View

tire maker Bridgestone is experimenting with                       The transition to pay for performance will present
sensors that monitor tire usage, so that it can offer              challenges. But it will take place whether pharma
truck owners a service that is priced on usage,                    likes it or not, because healthcare payers—
rather than charging them an up-front fee for new                  be they governments, insurers, employers, or
tires.12 Similarly, ICICI Prudential launched a life               patients—have strong financial incentives to
insurance product in India that is priced according                ensure that it does.
to how customers comply with a recommended                         The companies that thrive in this new world will
health program. It uses remote devices to monitor                  be those that develop medicines for specific
how well customers are doing and adjusts their                     patient segments and price them in line with
insurance premiums biweekly.13                                     the value they deliver. This should help pharma
Pharmaceutical companies previously have been                      overcome the reluctance of payers to add new
concerned that diagnostic tests would “rule out”                   medications to their formularies while at the same
patient populations more often than “rule in” new                  time giving the industry incentives to innovate.
patients. But this is not necessarily the case. One                This transformation will be facilitated by new
instance in which the commercial advantage of                      technologies, including remote monitoring, EMRs,
more accurate patient segmentation has been                        and communication and collaboration tools,
demonstrated is with the drug Erbitux. Some                        which will also enable the industry to improve its
40 percent of patients suffering from colorectal                   relations with physicians by giving them ready
cancer have a mutated KRAS gene that prevents                      access to resources that facilitate their prescribing
them from responding to treatment with Erbitux.                    decisions.17
A test now has been developed to predict which
patients can benefit from using the drug. But far                  The age of the blockbuster may be over, but
from damaging Erbitux’s revenue-generating                         the era of the “progressive blockbuster”—as
potential, the new test has encouraged doctors—                    J.P. Garnier, former chief executive officer of
previously wary of recommending a therapy that                     GlaxoSmithKline, dubbed it—is only beginning.18
costs thousands of dollars—to prescribe it based                   Paul Jones and Jan Malek are directors and
on test results.14                                                 co-leaders of the Global Life Sciences Practice
Similarly, recent evidence shows that Crestor                      in Cisco’s Internet Business Solutions Group.
benefits two different patient segments. Crestor
has traditionally been prescribed as a long-term
therapy for patients with high cholesterol levels,                 Contacts
but clinical trials have established that it also
                                                                   Paul Jones
halves the incidence of major cardiovascular
                                                                   London, England, United Kingdom
events in people with elevated high-sensitivity
C-reactive protein levels who are not suffering
                                                                   +44 20 8824 4034
from hyperlipidemia.15 It is too soon to see
how this information will affect manufacturer
AstraZeneca’s marketing strategy or sales of the                   Jan Malek
drug, but the news was enough to increase the                      Boston, MA, United States
company’s share price by nearly 3 percent on the         
day it was announced—no mean feat in a time of                     +1 408 894 8876
huge economic turmoil.16                                 

                                     Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.                            5
     1. “Glaxo Chief: Our Drugs Do Not Work on Most Patients,” Steve Connor, The
        Independent, December 8, 2003. Available at
     2. “Pricing Pills by the Results”, Andrew Pollack, The New York Times, July 14, 2007.
        Available at
     3. “NICE Endorses Pioneering Lucentis Reimbursement Scheme, Rejects Macugen in
        Wet AMD,” Global Insight, April 3, 2008. Available at
     4. “New UK PPRS Includes 3.9% Price Cut, Flexible Pricing and Generic Substitution,”
        Lynne Taylor, Pharma Times, November 20, 2008. Available at http://www.
     5. Pollack, op. cit.
     6. “EMR Deadline Does Not Compute: Falling Short of 2014 Goals,” Dave Hansen,, May 19, 2008. Available at
     7. “EU Health Ministers Agree to Make e-Health a Reality within Five Years,” Times
        Higher Education, May 27, 2005. Available at http://www.timeshighereducation.
     8. “A Comparison of Information Technology in General Practice in Ten Countries,”
        Denis Protti, 9th Annual Privacy and Security Conference, Victoria, Australia,
        February 7, 2008. Available at
     9. “Electronic Medical Records: Charting Mayo Clinic’s Progress,” Anna Maria Virzi,
        Baseline, October 2, 2006. Available at
    10. “Merck’s Free Radical,” Matthew Herper,, October 11, 2008. Available at
    11. “Genentech Changes Tack over Access to Avastin for AMD,” PharmaTimes,
        December 21, 2007. Available at
    12. “The New Age of Innovation—Driving Co-created Value through Global Networks,”
        C.K. Prahalad and M.S. Krishnan, 2008, McGraw-Hill.
    13. Ibid.

6                           Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Point of View

14. “Merck’s Free Radical,” Matthew Herper,, October 11, 2008. Available
15. “Rosuvastatin to Prevent Vascular Events in Men and Women with Elevated
    C-Reactive Protein,” Paul M. Ridker, Eleanor Danielson, et al., The New England
    Journal of Medicine, Vol. 359, No. 21, November 20, 2008: 2,195-2,207.
16. AstraZeneca share price available at
17. “Unifying the Prescriber Influence Network,” Paul Jones, Jan Malek, et al., Cisco
    Systems and Exploria SPS, 2008.
18. “Rebuilding the R&D Engine in Big Pharma,” Jean-Pierre Garnier, Harvard Business
    Review, May 2008. Available at

                    Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.                   7
More Information
            The Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG), the global strategic consulting arm of Cisco, helps CXOs and public
            sector leaders transform their organizations—first by designing innovative business processes, and then by integrating
            advanced technologies into visionary roadmaps that address key CXO concerns.

            For further information about IBSG, visit

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Cisco pay for performance

  • 1. Point of View Prospering in a Pay-for-Performance World By Paul Jones and Jan Malek, Cisco® IBSG Global Life Sciences Practice Introduction Many medicines work for fewer than 50 percent companies that embrace the potential to gain new of the patients who take them,1 but the phar- clinical insights and experiment with innovative maceutical companies that manufacture them commercial models will reap rich rewards. nevertheless get paid for every prescription filled. This model is about to change dramatically. We A New Pricing Model believe that in the future—driven by powerful Powerful demographic, sociological, and demographic, sociological, and technology technological forces are driving the shift from pay forces—many medicines will be reimbursed per script to pay for performance. Demand for on the basis of the performance they deliver good medicines is rising: as the global population to different patient populations. ages, new medical needs emerge, and a growing number of people in developing countries fall prey In this future world, large volumes of health- to diseases that plague the developed world. But related data will be aggregated and analyzed to as healthcare costs everywhere soar, society will determine differences in how individual patients find it difficult enough to pay for medicines when respond to specific medicines, and to develop they work, let alone when they don’t. patient segment profiles that enable doctors to prescribe medicines more accurately. This Our expectations are also rising. We are less data will also give the pharmaceutical industry tolerant of product defects than previous genera- (pharma) fresh insights with which to develop tions and now expect the goods we buy to work new treatments for previously unmet medical flawlessly every time. Medicines will soon be needs. Furthermore, pharma will be able to price no exception. Indeed, as the focus of pharma’s these new products based on the value they research changes to specialty therapies for ill- deliver to patients—with different prices for nesses that were previously untreatable, our different patient segments. expectations will climb even higher. Modern communications technologies and effec- These demographic and social pressures— tive collaboration among key stakeholders in the and the ensuing economic challenges—have healthcare system will be essential to facilitate this already begun to shape the provision of healthcare. transition. Remote patient monitoring, electronic Various countries have established agencies medical records, and voice and video commu- specifically to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of nications technologies will improve our ability to new therapies, one of the best-known examples aggregate and analyze large amounts of data, being England’s National Institute for Health and collaborate, and make better, faster decisions. Clinical Excellence (NICE). The move to “pay for performance” will present The volume of outcome data such agencies can pharma with significant challenges, but will also analyze is still small, but it already has had an provide many opportunities. We firmly believe impact on the way new medicines are used and Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 1
  • 2. priced. In Britain, for example, reimbursement progress down the health superhighway.8 for a new cancer drug, Velcade, is contingent Leading healthcare providers such as the Mayo on clinical proof of a reduction in the size of a Clinic have also digitized the medical records patient’s tumor.2 Similarly, reimbursement of they hold and are starting to crunch significant Lucentis, for the treatment of age-related macular amounts of outcome data.9 degeneration (AMD), is subject to a dose-capping Collectively, these trends will transform the way in scheme under which the manufacturer bears the which medicines are reimbursed. The traditional, costs of treating any patient who requires more fixed-price model will be replaced by one in than 14 injections.3 In November 2008, the British which medicines are reimbursed according to government took this approach a stage further, the outcomes they produce in individual patients. with the decision to adopt a flexible scheme But there is likely to be an intermediate stage in under which the prices of new medicines can which the prices of new medicines are based be raised—if they prove more effective than on how specific clusters of patients with shared anticipated.4 characteristics respond to them, with different Several U.S. health insurers are also exploring reimbursement levels for different patient more flexible approaches to pricing. segments (see Figure 1). UnitedHealthcare has entered into a risk-sharing The Promise of Patient Segmentation arrangement with Genomic Health, which has At present, it is difficult to know in advance how developed a genetic test to identify which women specific patients will respond to therapy. The with early-stage breast cancer will benefit from accelerated development of biomarkers will help chemotherapy. Meanwhile, CIGNA is trying address this problem, but it will be a long time, to strike a deal with several manufacturers of if ever, before biomarkers are available for all statins, under which manufacturers would pay medicines. the medical expenses of any patients who suffer heart attacks despite taking their medicines on a Clinical trials establish the safety and efficacy of a regular basis.5 given therapy in a well-defined patient population under tightly controlled circumstances. It is not until Such experiments still are relatively rare. But the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of patients development of sophisticated remote monitoring have used a drug for an extended period of time, devices, electronic medical record (EMR) systems, however, that its effects are fully understood. and collaborative technologies that facilitate the Pooling clinical trial data across pharma would safe transmission of confidential information over be a significant improvement on today’s practice. the Internet will make it much easier to monitor To that end, Merck recently proposed creating an patients in real time outside a clinical setting, industry-wide database to track all cancer drugs in aggregate healthcare data from multiple sources, clinical trials, making the blinded data available to and share the resulting insights. doctors and researchers.10 The United States is currently developing a But, given the fundamental differences between national health information network, although clinical trials and everyday practice, we still will it probably will not be completed by 2014, need to collect real-life outcome data. In the as initially planned.6 The European Union has future, it will be possible to do this on a large scale, likewise called for every member state to create thanks to pervasive monitoring, EMRs, and new an electronic health infrastructure,7 and some technologies to facilitate collaboration among countries have already made considerable different stakeholders in the healthcare universe. 2 Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 3. Point of View Figure 1. The Transition Path to Pay-for-performance Pricing High Pay-for-performance based on Outcomes/ Pricing Relationship individual outcomes Price-differentiation-based outcomes for subgroups of patients Traditional blockbuster model Low Past Future Source: Cisco IBSG, 2009 Real-life surveillance of patients taking medicines services sector, for example, built a network of that are already on the market will enable pharma interlinked automated teller machines that enables to develop a much better understanding of customers to access their money across the the factors that influence safety and efficacy globe, regardless of the institution with which in different patient populations. This will help they bank. Similarly, in the airline industry, global pharma determine areas of unmet need more distribution systems are used to book and sell accurately, as well as provide vital clues about tickets on multiple airlines. The infrastructure the characteristics new therapies should offer. required to improve healthcare is more advanced than either of these, but both examples point to Transparency in Healthcare what is possible. Technology alone will not be So how might this work? The required capabilities enough; willingness to collaborate and change include aggregation of electronic data from a vari- will be just as important. ety of sources, advanced analytics, and remote Depending on political and cultural collaboration. At the core is the virtual aggrega- considerations in different countries, this could tion of real-life medical and outcome data from be either a private sector- or government-led electronic medical records, remote monitoring effort. For instance, in the United Kingdom, a devices, and other sources, along with the abil- government entity could assume this role, while ity to correlate it with genetic, environmental, and in the United States, a private-sector initiative behavioral factors. Preserving confidentiality and by stakeholders would probably be more ensuring independence of analysis will be essen- palatable. Regardless of how governance and tial to establishing credibility. Collaboration will funding issues are resolved, to be credible, include web-based data access and sharing, as this effort should be fully transparent and well as advanced, remote, person-to-person col- provide stakeholders (for example, physicians, laboration capabilities through voice and video. payers, consumers, life science companies, Establishing such an advanced infrastructure and government decision makers) unhampered is not a simple task, but experience from other access to both underlying data and the analyses industries shows that it is possible. The financial (see Figure 2). Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 3
  • 4. Figure 2. The Transition Path to Pay-for-performance Pricing Connected Connected Hospitals Policymakers Immersive Video Experiences Video and Mobility Options IP Connected Virtual Connected Patients Collaboration Pharma Spaces Intelligent Communications Network Expert Gateways Connected Connected Prescribers Funders or Payers Source: Cisco IBSG, 2009 Commercial Implications Armed with a much better grasp of the ailments, commercial potential of new medicines than it did treatment patterns, and drug responses of millions using the current blockbuster model. But it will be of patients, pharma will be in a much better easier to sustain their market position and pricing. position to develop diagnostics and therapeutics Implementation of such an approach will not be for specific patient segments. It will then be without challenges. One obvious risk, when a able to test new medicines only in those patient product is available at multiple price points, is that segments, thereby reducing the number, size, and some people will try to get the cheapest version, cost of clinical trials required to prove their safety and efficacy. even if they fall within the segments that benefit most. Genentech encountered this difficulty The industry will also be able to refine the way when ophthalmologists started using its cancer in which it prices and markets medicines, with drug Avastin for the off-label treatment of AMD different prices for different patient segments. because it cost significantly less than Lucentis, Where outcome data show that a medicine works the drug Genentech had specifically designed for well in a given patient segment, the drug may be the disease.11 Parallel trading of identical products able to command a premium price. Conversely, between markets with low and high prices is also a for products shown to be less suited to a particular major problem in some parts of the world. subpopulation, companies may come under pressure to reduce prices or even stop marketing Nevertheless, a number of companies in other them for use in such subpopulations altogether. industries already are exploring how best to Therefore, it may take longer to realize the full make pay for performance work. For instance, 4 Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 5. Point of View Conclusion tire maker Bridgestone is experimenting with The transition to pay for performance will present sensors that monitor tire usage, so that it can offer challenges. But it will take place whether pharma truck owners a service that is priced on usage, likes it or not, because healthcare payers— rather than charging them an up-front fee for new be they governments, insurers, employers, or tires.12 Similarly, ICICI Prudential launched a life patients—have strong financial incentives to insurance product in India that is priced according ensure that it does. to how customers comply with a recommended The companies that thrive in this new world will health program. It uses remote devices to monitor be those that develop medicines for specific how well customers are doing and adjusts their patient segments and price them in line with insurance premiums biweekly.13 the value they deliver. This should help pharma Pharmaceutical companies previously have been overcome the reluctance of payers to add new concerned that diagnostic tests would “rule out” medications to their formularies while at the same patient populations more often than “rule in” new time giving the industry incentives to innovate. patients. But this is not necessarily the case. One This transformation will be facilitated by new instance in which the commercial advantage of technologies, including remote monitoring, EMRs, more accurate patient segmentation has been and communication and collaboration tools, demonstrated is with the drug Erbitux. Some which will also enable the industry to improve its 40 percent of patients suffering from colorectal relations with physicians by giving them ready cancer have a mutated KRAS gene that prevents access to resources that facilitate their prescribing them from responding to treatment with Erbitux. decisions.17 A test now has been developed to predict which patients can benefit from using the drug. But far The age of the blockbuster may be over, but from damaging Erbitux’s revenue-generating the era of the “progressive blockbuster”—as potential, the new test has encouraged doctors— J.P. Garnier, former chief executive officer of previously wary of recommending a therapy that GlaxoSmithKline, dubbed it—is only beginning.18 costs thousands of dollars—to prescribe it based Paul Jones and Jan Malek are directors and on test results.14 co-leaders of the Global Life Sciences Practice Similarly, recent evidence shows that Crestor in Cisco’s Internet Business Solutions Group. benefits two different patient segments. Crestor has traditionally been prescribed as a long-term therapy for patients with high cholesterol levels, Contacts but clinical trials have established that it also Paul Jones halves the incidence of major cardiovascular London, England, United Kingdom events in people with elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels who are not suffering +44 20 8824 4034 from hyperlipidemia.15 It is too soon to see how this information will affect manufacturer AstraZeneca’s marketing strategy or sales of the Jan Malek drug, but the news was enough to increase the Boston, MA, United States company’s share price by nearly 3 percent on the day it was announced—no mean feat in a time of +1 408 894 8876 huge economic turmoil.16 Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 5
  • 6. References 1. “Glaxo Chief: Our Drugs Do Not Work on Most Patients,” Steve Connor, The Independent, December 8, 2003. Available at science/glaxo-chief-our-drugs-do-not-work-on-most-patients-575942.html 2. “Pricing Pills by the Results”, Andrew Pollack, The New York Times, July 14, 2007. Available at r=1&oref=slogin 3. “NICE Endorses Pioneering Lucentis Reimbursement Scheme, Rejects Macugen in Wet AMD,” Global Insight, April 3, 2008. Available at SDA/SDADetail12103.htm 4. “New UK PPRS Includes 3.9% Price Cut, Flexible Pricing and Generic Substitution,” Lynne Taylor, Pharma Times, November 20, 2008. Available at http://www. 5. Pollack, op. cit. 6. “EMR Deadline Does Not Compute: Falling Short of 2014 Goals,” Dave Hansen,, May 19, 2008. Available at documentView.asp?docID=1186 7. “EU Health Ministers Agree to Make e-Health a Reality within Five Years,” Times Higher Education, May 27, 2005. Available at http://www.timeshighereducation. 8. “A Comparison of Information Technology in General Practice in Ten Countries,” Denis Protti, 9th Annual Privacy and Security Conference, Victoria, Australia, February 7, 2008. Available at Conferences/Feb2008/ConfPresentations/Protti-Denis.pdfof 9. “Electronic Medical Records: Charting Mayo Clinic’s Progress,” Anna Maria Virzi, Baseline, October 2, 2006. Available at Processes/Electronic-Medical-Records-Charting-Mayo-Clinics-Progress/3/ 10. “Merck’s Free Radical,” Matthew Herper,, October 11, 2008. Available at 11. “Genentech Changes Tack over Access to Avastin for AMD,” PharmaTimes, December 21, 2007. Available at aspx?id=12527 12. “The New Age of Innovation—Driving Co-created Value through Global Networks,” C.K. Prahalad and M.S. Krishnan, 2008, McGraw-Hill. 13. Ibid. 6 Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 7. Point of View 14. “Merck’s Free Radical,” Matthew Herper,, October 11, 2008. Available at 15. “Rosuvastatin to Prevent Vascular Events in Men and Women with Elevated C-Reactive Protein,” Paul M. Ridker, Eleanor Danielson, et al., The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 359, No. 21, November 20, 2008: 2,195-2,207. 16. AstraZeneca share price available at art1:symbol=azn;range=5d;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalue s=0;logscale=on;source=undefined 17. “Unifying the Prescriber Influence Network,” Paul Jones, Jan Malek, et al., Cisco Systems and Exploria SPS, 2008. 18. “Rebuilding the R&D Engine in Big Pharma,” Jean-Pierre Garnier, Harvard Business Review, May 2008. Available at b01/en/common/item_detail.jhtml?id=R0805D&referral=2341 Cisco IBSG © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 7
  • 8. More Information The Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG), the global strategic consulting arm of Cisco, helps CXOs and public sector leaders transform their organizations—first by designing innovative business processes, and then by integrating advanced technologies into visionary roadmaps that address key CXO concerns. For further information about IBSG, visit Americas Headquarters Asia Pacific Headquarters Europe Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems (USA) Pte. Ltd. Cisco Systems International BV San Jose, CA Singapore Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the Cisco website at ©2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco, the Cisco logo, and Cisco Systems are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries. All other trademarks mentioned in this document or website are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (0812R) MA/LW15468 0209