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Chuck Vs. The Anti-Chuck 
Written by 
Jason Mericle 
The SMALL ROOM is dark, two men are inside, AGENT ERICS(50s) 
and KEN NOMURA(20s). 
Erics is in a suit and Ken is in street clothes. 
Why can’t I just kidnap him? 
It has to look like he is doing it 
of his own free will. Just wait for 
an opportunity to present itself. 
I know. Patience. 
I need the intersect. Don’t fail me 
INT. CASTLE - Afternoon 
CASTLE is tidy, looks like a mix between a spy nest and a 
secret lab. 
Morgan enters Castle and turns on the computer monitor and 
GENERAL BECKMAN is in her normal uniform, and is turned 
around at her desk looking for something. Erics is in the 
room with her. 
Chuck walks into Castle and down to Morgan. Chuck is wearing 
his nerd herder outfit, but with a nice suit jacket over it. 
Looks like I made it just in time. 
Alright let’s do this. 
Morgan turns to the monitor. 
General, Sir, Ma’am. 
I can never figure out which. 
Beckman is still turned around. 
What is it Grimes I am clearly busy 
at the moment. 
Morgan tries to look over Beckman’s shoulder on the monitor. 
Chuck looks at Morgan. 
What are you doing? 
I was just trying to see... 
Ah Chuck, how is the everything 
Good General. We had this idea, 
well actually it was Morgan’s 
We want to throw a halloween party 
for the CIA! 
Chuck looks at Morgan and slightly shakes his head. 
We think that it would be a good 
chance to get to know agents we 
might work with later. 
And our team is proof that really 
knowing your allies is key to a 
great team. 
Beckman is now looking right at Chuck and Morgan. 
It would break so many protocols. 
But you do have a point. Your teams 
family dynamic might actually help 
The CIA. 
Erics walks into view. 
Well I for one think it’s a great 
I think everyone could learn a 
thing or two by speaking to other 
agents not in their own team. 
I suppose, if a top agent like 
Erics thinks so. Alright I will 
allow it, but at a CIA headquarters 
in LA so we can keep an eye on it. 
Don’t worry General this is going 
to go off without a hitch. Oh, and 
can we bring non CIA members. 
Beckman has already turned back around. 
Oh fine, let me finish here Grimes. 
I’ll be there the morning of. 
Beckman closes the communication. 
THE HALLOWEEN STORE is full of costumes and other typical 
halloween decorations. Morgan waves at some women looking at 
costumes as he walks by, they cringe. He gets to the men’s 
superhero costumes and begins to look very seriously. 
Well if Chuck is going to be 
Superman, I should be Batman! 
Morgan holds up the Batman. He goes into a batman pose, 
pretending to hold a batarang. 
No, no everyone’s doing that. 
He grabs a Green Arrow and Green Lantern costume; and stares 
at both. 
Bow or ring, that is the question. 
Morgan drops the Green Lantern costume and turns around. He 
goes into a generic bow holding pose. 
(Very seriously) 
THE CIA BASE has stairs going up to an elevator. It is 
covered in Halloween decorations and computer monitors. Most 
of the agents that are mingling are in their normal spy 
clothes, but a few of them have random accessories from 
costumes on. 
Chuck is wearing a Clark Kent/Superman costume and is 
standing in the pose where superman is pulling his dress 
shirt apart revealing the “S” symbol. 
Morgan is in his Green Arrow costume, with a toy bow and 
arrows strapped to his back. 
Nice, I see you went for a more 
Super Chuck look. 
I thought the cape might get in the 
way. I have to say buddy this place 
looks great. 
Sarah walks over to them dressed as Lois Lane. She kisses 
Hello Superman. 
Hello there Miss Lane. 
Morgan is doing more generic bow poses, even though the bow 
is still on his back. Casey walks over in his normal NSA 
suit, and pushes Morgan out of the way. Morgan stumbles to 
the ground. 
Casey it’s a party no need to be 
Casey. I see you went for the James 
Bond look. 
Shut it moron, why is my daughter 
Morgan stands there with his mouth shut looking at Casey. 
You can talk if it’s a good reason 
Oh well in that case, I thought it 
would be fun. Also, Beckman said 
Casey is starting to grind his teeth. 
Wait, wait Casey, it’s Morgan you 
know he didn’t mean anything by it. 
Yeah right, we are in a CIA base 
and you brought my daughter. If we 
were anywhere else I would... 
Casey clenches his fist and raises it in front of Morgan’s 
face, Morgan gulps and proceeds to sneak away towards ALEX, 
Casey’s daughter, she is wearing a Black Canary costume. 
Chuck puts his hand on Casey’s shoulder. 
It’s going to be alright buddy. 
These are all good agents, and 
Beckman is here. 
Casey throws Chuck’s hand off his shoulder. 
Casey calm down. 
Casey Grunts and stares at Sarah and Chuck. 
I need a drink. 
Casey walks over to the tiny bar area the CIA has set up. 
I’m going to talk to General 
Beckman for a bit, do you want to 
No thanks. I’m going to go mingle 
with my fellow agents. 
Okay just be careful, don’t do 
anything you’re going to regret. 
Chuck spots Agent Erics and walks towards him. 
Hey, Agent Erics... 
Sarah walks over to the Beckman. 
General Beckman how are you doing 
I’m good, how are you and Chuck? 
Good, Good. I think Chuck went with 
Agent Erics somewhere. 
Ah, a good agent and a good man. 
Chuck could learn a thing or two 
from him. 
Chuck is talking to Erics and another Agent, Agent JOHNSON, 
who is younger than Erics. Both are wearing suits. 
CHUCK like I was saying, he jumped 
into the water and just about near 
killed himself. 
Your friend seems like a crazy 
person, this agency needs more 
teams like yours. 
Chuck nods his head in agreement. 
Thanks, we may not be the most 
orthodox team, but we get the job 
Non orthodox is an understatement. 
I’ve read all your mission reports, 
your team is insane. 
Erics puts his arm over Chuck’s shoulder. 
Actually Chuck we wanted to talk to 
you in private about a mission. 
We could really use your help with 
Alright, I’m always willing to help 
a fellow spy in need. Let me go get 
No, no. We just need you for now 
you can fill them in later. 
Chuck thinks about his offer. 
Okay, let’s see how I can help. 
Chuck, Erics, and Johnson walk through a door and down a 
hallway. Morgan walks over to Sarah and Beckman. 
I saw Chuck talking to the agent in 
your office general. 
Yes I know Grimes. Sarah told me 
I’m glad Chuck is getting along so 
well with everyone. 
THE INTERROGATION ROOM is small and dark, it has a one way 
window. Chuck walks around a chair in the room. 
Why are we in here? 
I think you’re going to want to sit 
down for this Mr. Bartowski. 
Chuck sits down in the chair and looks around. 
I’m sorry my names Charles 
Carmichael, I don’t know who Mr. 
Bartowski is. 
Chuck, Chuck. I’m a spy just like 
you, and I’m one of the best. I 
know who you are, the Interesct. 
How do you know that. 
Erics throws a punch at chuck. Chuck uses the intersect, 
flashes kung fu and grabs it. 
I didn’t know for sure, but thanks 
for the demonstration. 
Chuck looks angry and concerned. 
What do you want? 
Johnson walks in front of chuck and crouches in front of him. 
We want you to join us, or we will 
kill everyone. Ellie, Awesome, 
Morgan, Sarah. Everyone. 
I already joined you I’m an agent. 
We don’t mean the CIA, Agent 
Carmichael, you are witnessing the 
birth of “The Cell”. 
Chuck chuckles. 
Really? The Cell? That’s almost as 
bad as The Ring. Why would I join 
you when I can just protect the 
people I love. 
Really? So you can protect Ellie, 
Awesome and their baby, when you 
are here, and they are home. 
Don’t you dare. 
Ellie and Awesome are in the living area of their apartment 
with their newborn baby. Ellie is reading a paper on the 
couch. Awesome is doing Squats while holding the baby, almost 
as a weight. 
Will you put the baby down, you 
can’t keep using her to work out. 
I’m not I just want to be close to 
her. If that means she has to help 
me work out then, Look at it this 
way I’m teaching her how to be fit. 
Awesome makes a serious face and nods his head. 
Erics holds up a cell phone and shows Chuck a live feed of a 
man with a sniper rifle a block away from Ellie and Awesome’s 
My friend there is a very good 
shot. Don’t be a hero. 
Please don’t hurt them. I’ll help 
you, just let me... 
Chuck uses the intersect and flashes Kung Fu. He stands up 
from the Chair and starts to fight Erics. Erics is keeping up 
dodging every attack, but never fighting back. 
Calm down! As long as you cooperate 
everything will be fine. The more 
you fight this the worse it will be 
for you. 
You’re already asking me to betray 
everyone, how could it get any 
Just trust me when I say we need 
the Intersect, and I will do 
anything to get it. 
Johnson grabs Chuck’s arm and throws him at a wall. 
Don’t forget, just because I’m not 
supposed to hurt you, doesn’t mean 
I can’t hurt anyone else. 
I will give you this, you guys are 
much better at threats than other 
bad guys. 
Chuck moves around to the chair and sits back down. 
If I go with you, my family and my 
friends stay out of it. 
Of course. If you go with us we 
won’t just leave them alone. We’ll 
make sure they stay safe. 
Chuck looks at a picture of Sarah on his phone. 
What do I have to do? 
Erics hands Chuck a Tranquilizer Pistol and shows him 
pictures of four agents. Chuck flashes and gets information 
on each one. 
All you have to do is shoot these 
agents once we have everyone’s 
But they didn’t do anything wrong. 
I saw their files. 
That is true, but they’re still 
part of The Cell. They know the 
So it’s a trick? 
Yes, if you shoot them, even with a 
tranquilizer, they will know you’re 
Alright let’s go Chuck. 
Chuck stands up and walks out with the agents. They walk 
through a door back to the party and up the stairs. Sarah, 
Morgan, and Casey see them walking. 
Chuck! Where have you been? 
Chuck ignores her and walks to the top of the stairs so 
everyone can see him. 
Some things wrong. 
Chuck raises his gun and points it at the crowd. He flashes 
on precision aiming. He shoots the four agents in the photos 
and they fall down. The group of agents panic and point their 
own guns at him. The Cell members he is with start to walk 
away towards the elevator. 
Don’t follow me, Don’t look for me, 
and don’t stop me or I will not 
Chuck turns around and walks towards the elevator. General 
Beckman, Sarah and Casey look shocked. Morgan pulls the bow 
off his back 
I got this! 
Morgan shoots an arrow, it goes about 5 feet before hitting 
the ground. 
What just happened? Why was Erics 
there? Someone stop that elevator 
I don’t understand! We have to 
follow him, now. 
Beckman motions to some agents to go with Sarah and find 
Chuck. Casey and Morgan go with Sarah they reach the elevator 
and it isn’t working. 
Ah! Bartowski! They must of cut 
power to the shaft. 
Why would he do this. What could he 
possibly be thinking. 
I’m sure he has a reason. He always 
has a reason. 
Beckman is now with them by the elevator. 
I sent someone to get the elevator 
back online. We need to get to 
castle and figure out what is going 
Chuck, Erics and Johnson get into a car. Chuck looks out the 
They aren’t coming, we disabled the 
elevator. They could take the 
stairs, but we’ll be gone by then. 
Chuck spins toward Erics and points the tranquilizer gun at 
his head. 
Where are we going? Why do you need 
the intersect? 
There are even things I don’t know. 
I made a promise I wouldn’t hurt 
the people you love, and I won’t. 
Wait, you aren’t the leader? This 
wasn’t your idea? 
Of course not. Now put the gun 
down, we’re just going to go pick 
something up. Then you’ll meet him. 
And who is he? 
Chuck has put the gun down, Erics is looking right at him. 
He’s like you Chuck. He’s just like 
Chuck looks straight ahead distraught. 
Erics is standing behind Chuck in front of the door to the 
container. Johnson is standing waiting to open the door. 
So, Erics. What’s in there? My 
prize for playing along. 
Tell him to open it and find out. 
Chuck looks at Erics confused. 
Why would I need to? Okay, open it. 
Johnson opens the container. It is the room we saw at the 
start of the episode. Ken Nomura(20s) is sitting handcuffed 
to a chair. He is dazed, battered and bruised. He is wearing 
the same street clothes from earlier.
You said no one would get hurt! 
No. I said no one you care about 
would. You don’t know this man. 
It doesn’t matter! What did he do 
to deserve this? 
He killed his family. 
Chuck looks shocked. He looks into the container and sees Ken 
sitting there half dead. 
That’s right Chuck, the one thing 
you couldn’t do in a hundred years, 
he did. 
Why? Why did he do it? 
We don’t know. All we know is, he 
worked for the CIA. And he does not 
deserve your respect. 
Chuck stares at Ken as Erics walks into the container. He 
tries to use the Intersect and Flash on him. 
Then why can’t I flash on him. If 
he’s in the database there should 
be something there. 
If you were going to kill your 
family wouldn’t you make sure you 
didn’t exist? 
I wouldn’t do it. 
Which is why we need you Chuck. We 
aren’t trying to destroy the World 
or the CIA. 
Really? You’re doing a wonderful 
job convincing me otherwise. 
You need to understand. You can’t 
save everyone, you can’t be every 
ones hero. We only want to set the 
world on the right path. 
And if a little blood get’s spilled 
along the way, well. 
Now help us get him into the trunk 
or are you going to make me go back 
on my promise. 
Chuck grabs Kens feet and they carry him over to the trunk 
and put him in. 
The BUY MORE is a disaster. The non CIA employees threw their 
own halloween party last night. LESTER and BIG MIKE are 
asleep on the floor, surrounded by candy wrappers. 
Lester is wearing a rock star outfit. 
Big Mike is dressed as a Mafia Boss. 
They wake up and are disgruntled. 
That was some night, but I have to 
get back to Morgan’s mother before 
she starts worrying. 
Lester looks around the store. 
You really expect me to clean this 
up by myself? 
Fine, let’s just grab what we can 
and go out to the dumpster. 
Lester and Big Mike stand and wipe off crumbs and trash off 
themselves. They grab as much trash as they can carry and 
walk to the back door. 
Do you remember any of last night. 
I swear something happened. 
After a night like that of course 
we can’t remember. As long as the 
store get’s cleaned up before 
Morgan gets here. 
Right, right. I wonder where Jeff 
is most of this mess was probably 
They are now outside at the dumpster. They open the dumpster 
and Jeff is inside lying there, looking dead. 
Oh my God! Jeff! 
Calm down boy. He’s probably 
Big Mike slaps Jeff in the face. He doesn’t react. 
Oh Lord he’s dead! What are we 
going to do? 
No! What about Jeffster? 
Big Mike looks over at Lester and grabs him. 
Forget Jeffster. The man is dead! 
Lester paces throwing his arms out. 
Okay, let’s just put him in the van 
no one will know. 
Lester and Big Mike pull Jeff out of the dumpster and carry 
him around to the parking lot. 
Do you have the key? 
No Jeff had it. Oh no, no please 
don’t make me. 
You have to do it boy. 
Lester puts his hand into Jeff’s pocket. He makes disgusted 
faces because he thinks he is dead. He pulls out a key. 
Got it! 
Big Mike and Lester shove Jeff into the drivers seat and shut 
the door. They walk back into the Buy More. Seconds later 
Jeff wakes up confused. He drives off. 
The Buy More is still dirty. Big Mike is cleaning but Lester 
gave up a while ago. 
Morgan in his manager clothes walks into the Buy More. He 
looks around shocked at the destruction he is witnessing. 
Oh my! What happened! 
Lester jumps up and Big Mike turns his head towards him. Big 
Mike walks over and gives him a hug. 
Son, the truth is that we... 
Don’t remember. Yeah we don’t 
remember what happened at all. 
Morgan looks at them and then around the store. 
You know what? I don’t have time 
for this, just clean the store. 
Yes, sir. 
Morgan is walking away and then turns around. 
Lester how did you even get here I 
didn’t see Jeff’s Van. 
Lester grabs Big Mike and Turns towards him. 
(whisper and freaking out) 
Someone stole a dead man and his 
van. What are we going to do now? 
Big Mike grabs Lester’s Shoulders. Morgan turns back towards 
them confused. Then he proceeds to walk towards the back of 
the store. 
We’re gonna go home and pretend 
this never happened. Because we 
don’t know what happened. 
Lester points at the entrance to the Buy More. They both 
hurry outside. 
Castle is a little messy, paper and equipment is thrown 
everywhere. Sarah and Casey are both there standing around 
the table. 
Sarah looks like a mess. 
Casey is angry wearing casual clothes. 
Morgan is standing at the top of the stairs. 
We’ve been looking all night why 
can’t we find anything. We haven’t 
even found evidence they we’re at 
the party. How do you do that? 
Sarah calm down. We have agents 
looking everywhere for them. 
Morgan walks down the stairs. 
So what have we got? 
Sarah is walking around the table moving papers around. 
Nothing. There is no indication 
anywhere of Erics being a traitor. 
Casey is sitting in a chair. 
He’s been a spy for a very long 
time, I doubt we’re gonna find a 
paper trail. 
Sarah sits down. 
Why would Chuck do this. I thought 
he was happy. 
Morgan puts his hand on Sarah’s shoulder. 
Hey, come on now. You know Chuck, 
he wouldn’t do anything this crazy 
unless he was in trouble. 
Sarah turns to Morgan and Casey. 
So why hasn’t he turned on his 
watches tracking device? 
There is nothing in the Basement at all. 
Chuck, Erics, and Johnson are all wearing the same thing as 
halloween night. 
Chuck stands in the empty basement and walks around. Erics 
and Johnson stand right in front of the door they walked in. 
So why are we here now? If this is 
your base I have to say-- 
Chuck motions to the empty space. 
--I really like what you’ve done to 
the place. 
Erics walks to the side of Chuck. 
We didn’t come here to talk Chuck. 
Take off your watch. 
Chuck looks at his watch, the governor his father made for 
him to help control the Intersect. 
This isn’t just a watch. It means 
more to me than you could ever 
Chuck wraps a hand around the watch, protecting it. 
I know, I don’t want the watch. 
Just the tracking chip the CIA put 
in it. It will only take a second. 
Chuck hands him the watch and feels the weight of the 
intersect on his mind. Erics pops off the back of the watch 
and removes a small black chip and then admires the watch 
before handing it back to Chuck. 
Thanks. What now? How much longer 
till you stop threatening the 
people I care about? 
Erics activates the tracking chip and puts it on the ground. 
Don’t worry Chuck. If you help us 
everything will be fine. Now let’s 
That’s it? We came here to put a 
tracking chip on the ground? 
Erics and Johnson are walking out of the empty basement. 
Of course. 
Chuck follows them out of the basement. 
The car Chuck, Erics, and Johnson are outside of the 
building. They walk to it and hear muffled screaming coming 
from the trunk. Johnson opens the trunk and shoots Ken with a 
Shut it! 
They all get in the car and drive away. 
Sarah, Morgan and Casey are still in Castle. They see Chuck’s 
tracking signal come up on the monitor. 
Look the tracking was activated. It 
says it’s at a building downtown. 
Morgan walks over to the computer. 
It says the building is set for 
Why would Chuck wait so long to 
activate it? 
Casey walks over and starts gearing up. 
I don’t know, but this doesn’t feel 
right, so be ready Walker. 
Morgan and Sarah walk over to Casey to gear up as well. 
Not you Morgan. Alex would never 
forgive me if something happened to 
Yeah, and what about you? 
Don’t worry Morgan I’ll be there 
and I will save Chuck. 
Alright, I’ll stay here and make 
sure nothing else happens. 
Sarah and Casey walk out of Castle, leaving Morgan alone.
In a more furnished building far away from the pervious one. 
Erics and Johnson are dragging Ken through a hallway to a 
small office room. Chuck is walking a good distance behind 
Come on Chuck, hurry up! 
What are we doing here now? What 
was wrong with the other building? 
Chuck is now standing outside a small room with Erics and 
Johnson. Johnson throws Ken into the room still tied up. 
No air conditioning. 
Erics laughs at his own joke. 
Now get in there. 
Why? I thought I was a part of your 
team now. 
Chuck looks at Ken trying to sit up on the floor. 
Oh no, not quite yet. First you 
need to see what you can find out 
about Ken. 
So I’m a prisoner until further 
notice? Got it. 
Johnson pushes Chuck into the room and slams the door. 
Oh great. Way to go Chuck this 
problem couldn’t get any worse. 
Chuck looks at Ken and throws his hands up in the air. 
Oh wait! I forgot all about you. I 
have to hang out with the family 
killer now. 
Ken squirms to his knees, gasping. 
I didn’t, at least not on purpose. 
But you still did it. How can you 
possibly live with yourself? 
Ken’s heavy breathing has subsided. 
You don’t understand Chuck. You’re 
the Intersect, right? 
Chuck sits down across the room from Ken. 
I don’t know what that is. 
Don’t worry I heard them talking 
about it and they’ll kill me before 
I can tell your secret. 
Ken tries to look out the door from where he is sitting. 
I’m similar Chuck. You’re the 
Intersect. I’m the Nervasect. 
Chuck flashes on Ken, but he doesn’t see anything. 
Why can’t I flash on you? 
You did, according to every 
database in the world I don’t 
So, what is the Nervasect? 
Ken moves slowly to another position. 
The Intersect works on the brain, 
correct? It has information and 
skills stored. 
Chuck shakes his head. 
And it tells me that information or 
teaches me those skills, for a 
certain time. 
Right, well the nervasect was 
developed to cut the persons mind 
out of the equation. 
Ken stands up and begins walking along the wall. 
It sends impulses to my nervous 
system. Teaching my body skills but 
not my mind. 
So your body uses the skill. While 
your mind gets left out. 
Correct. It’s mostly for combat 
purposes. Have you ever heard of 
the idea of No Mind? 
Chuck now stands. 
Not that I remember. 
It’s the idea that if you train 
long enough your body will learn a 
martial art. Without needing your 
So the nervasect makes your body 
act on its own, but you still had 
to use it. So you still killed your 
Ken turns abruptly to Chuck. 
I didn’t mean to. It was when they 
implanted the nervasect into me. 
They wanted to see how many 
different fighting styles I could 
use at once. 
You lost control. 
Right. My family was there watching 
the demonstration. They were just 
caught in the mayhem. 
Erics swings open the door and peeks inside. 
You two look like you’ve become 
friends, come out here. We’re going 
to test your strengths. 
Chuck looks over at Erics. 
A fight of course. 
Erics begins walking away. 
How else would we do it. 
Ken walks past Chuck. 
I know you don’t trust me Chuck. 
Please understand, I never wanted 
But I will kill you. 
Chuck walks out of the room. 
Sarah and Casey are in the empty basement where Chuck left 
the tracker.
Well this was obviously a waste of 
time. There’s nothing here. 
Just find the tracker, maybe he 
left a clue. 
Sarah and Casey walk around the basement before finding the 
tracking chip. Casey looks around the area. 
I don’t see anything that could be 
a clue. 
Sarah picks up the tracking chip and holds it in her hand. 
Where are you Chuck? 
Morgan is still inside Castle after Casey and Sarah left him. 
He is pacing around. General Beckman appears on the monitor. 
Grimes? Where is Agent Walker and 
Colonel Casey? 
The tracking device in Chuck’s 
watch went off. So they went to 
check it out. 
Beckman flips through some papers. 
I found something. There are 
records of Agent Erics talking to 
someone named Ken Nomura. 
General I don’t really see how 
that’s rela-- 
Beckman glares at Morgan. 
I’m getting to that. I thought the 
name sounded familiar, so I looked 
into it. Ken is the Nervasect. 
Morgan sits down. 
The Nerva what now? 
Nervasect, it was developed 
alongside the Intersect very early 
on. It was for military combat uses 
only and deemed too dangerous. 
So Chuck is involved how? 
I believe Ken has taken Chuck 
hostage. I’m afraid that he may see 
Chuck as his opposite. The person 
who gained everything Ken wanted 
but could never have. 
Beckman sits up. 
And I’m sorry to say that the 
experiments conducted by the 
military may be to blame. Chuck is 
in real danger Morgan. 
Come on it’s Chuck, how bad could 
it be? 
Ken was and hopefully is still a 
good person. But more than anything 
he enjoys being the Nervasect. He 
enjoys combat. 
Morgan scratches his head. 
Alright I’ll handle it. 
Beckman panics. 
No! Call walker and Casey tell them 
to go to this building. Out of all 
the buildings they have met, it’s 
been the least used. 
Monitor flashes a dot over a building. 
I think this is the most likely 
spot they would be. 
Yes, Ma’am. 
Morgan salutes. General Beckman shakes her head, the 
communication ends. 
Morgan grabs his phone and begins to leave. He then turns 
around and sees the toy bow from the party. He grabs the bow 
and the quiver of suction cup arrows. 
Morgan leaves castle. 
Morgan steps out into the parking lot. 
I forgot! I drove here with Casey. 
Morgan looks around parking lot and sees the nerd herders. He 
runs up to one. 
Chuck would never let me drive his, 
but now I’m Manager. 
Morgan grabs the managerial keys from his pocket and puts the 
nerd herder key into the door. 
Morgan throws the bow and quiver into the passenger seat and 
gets into the driver seat. He pulls out his cell phone while 
adjusting the mirrors and putting on his seat belt. 
Safety first. 
Morgan hits Casey’s name on his phone and it begins to ring 
and Morgan drives away from the parking lot. 
I’m coming Chuck old buddy. 
Chuck is standing across from Ken. Erics and Johnson are 
standing behind Ken. 
I still don’t understand what the 
point of this is. 
Think of it as a test or training 
whichever you like. 
Erics and Johnson walk to the side of the room to watch. 
Wait aren’t you going to take off 
his handcuffs? 
You don’t want us to, trust me. 
Erics pulls out his gun. 
Oh and Chuck if you don’t fight-- 
Erics waves gun. 
Then we have no use for you. 
No choice huh? 
Chuck flashes Kung fu and get’s into a fighting stance. 
Ken’s body twitches as he breathes deeply. His body learned a 
mix of muay thai and northern shaolin. 
I’m ready. Come at me Chuck. 
No, you come at me. Why is there 
always a stand off? 
Do you want to just go at the same 
time then? 
Chuck adjusts his stance. 
That seems fair. 
Ken get’s ready to jump forward. 
Ken jumps doing a spinning kick right at Chuck’s head. Chuck 
blocks with his hands and pushes himself away. 
God that hurt! 
Ken continues to press Chuck towards a wall only using his 
legs. Chuck is up against a wall. Ken kicks at his face. 
Chuck rolls out of the way as Ken’s foot hits the wall. 
Lucky. I think it’s time you got 
serious Ken. 
Wait, serious? He almost took my 
head off! 
Warm up. 
Chuck readies himself. Ken does two quick kicks to the head, 
which Chuck blocks. As Ken goes back to his stance Chuck 
takes advantage and begins to attack. Ken dodges every move 
with ease and finesse. 
This is ridiculous! 
I know! 
Ken does a flying knee into Chuck’s chest. Chuck falls back 
gasping for air. 
You better start getting serious or 
their going to kill you before my 
body gets the chance. 
Ken grins. 
Your body is supposed to be acting 
on its own. So what are you so 
happy for. 
You’re on the ground so it doesn’t 
see you as a threat. And I figure I 
might as well have fun with it. 
Chuck jumps back up and flashes again this time learning Kung 
Fu and Grappling. 
Really hope this works. 
Chuck lunges at Ken but stops halfway. Ken kicks and Chuck 
grabs it with both hands. As Chuck is holding Ken’s leg up he 
kicks him in the ribs. Ken stumbles back holding his ribs. 
Smart. Maybe I should start using 
my hands. 
Ken looks over at Erics. 
Do whatever you think is best. 
Ken’s body twitches again, it’s learned a few more fighting 
styles. Ken get’s into a different stance than before and 
taunts Chuck over. Chuck begins to go on the offensive. Ken 
reverses a punch and begins plummeting Chuck with blows 
before throwing him over his shoulder onto the concrete. 
Ahh, man does anyone else think it 
would be stupid for me to continue? 
Erics walks away from the wall. 
Yes, we do. 
Ken kneels on the floor. 
How are you feeling? 
Ken is gasping. 
Fine, just numb. Help me get to the 
Johnson helps Ken walk over to the wall and sits him down. 
Why do I feel like you three are 
way more friendly than you should 
Isn’t it obvious? I’m the leader of 
the cell and I’m going to destroy 
everyone responsible for me. 
Chuck sits up slowly on the floor. 
Oh the old revenge thing. Man, 
can’t you villains ever think of 
anything new. You’re responsible, 
you killed you’re family. 
No! They did! They could have done 
more tests before the demo. They 
could have put it in someone with 
no family. 
You seem like you got it all 
figured out so why do you need me? 
Chuck, you are an endless fountain 
of knowledge that the government 
doesn’t want me to know. 
Ken seeming much better stands up and walks over to Chuck. 
Knowledge that if you won’t give 
me, I will take. 
Ken kicks Chuck in the head very fast. Chuck falls over 
Morgan is inside the NERD HERDER looking out the window 
towards a building. 
I guess this is it. 
Morgan looks at the GPS in the car and then grabs the bow and 
Please be here Chuck. 
Morgan gets out of the car and crouches down. He looks around 
before taking out his cell phone. He calls Casey. 
Come on, pick up. 
What Morgan? We’re on the way. 
Morgan begins slowly walking crouched to the building, he 
looks around as he does this and sees a car. 
I’m here and I’m going in for 
Are you crazy, just wait we’re 
fifteen minutes away. 
Morgan turns to his phone as if he was yelling at a person. 
You think I’m gonna wait, Chuck is 
my best friend I’m saving him now! 
Morgan looks around realizing he talked too loud. 
Morgan it’s Sarah, if you go in 
there and get hurt Chuck will never 
forgive me, so just wait. 
Morgan hangs up the phone. 
I can save him, I will. 
Morgan enters the building and enters a hall way. He walks 
down the hall way with the bow in hand. Every corner he comes 
to he stops and peaks around and then spins out aiming his 
bow forward. 
Phew, maybe General Beckman was 
Morgan continues down the hallway until he turns left and 
then turns back around when he realizes it’s an exit. He 
comes to another corner and hears talking. 
So we got you the intersect, how 
are you going to get the 
KEN (O.S.) 
His brains basically a hard drive 
now, right? 
I suppose. 
KEN (O.S.) 
Then we just transfer it to a 
computer, his father built the 
intersect didn’t he? 
Yes, he lived in a cabin until he 
was killed. He might have what we 
KEN (O.S.) 
Good, once we have his equipment we 
will transfer Chuck’s brain to a 
more obedient machine. 
Morgan’s face is shocked. He keeps walking until he sees Ken 
and Erics, they begin to walk away. He hides behind a corner 
clenching the toy bow. He turns the corner and sees a heavy 
duty door with a tiny window. 
This has to be it. 
Morgan gets to the door he is too short so he jumps up and 
sees chuck lying on the floor. 
Morgan covers his mouth quickly and looks at the door handle. 
It can’t be. 
Morgan turns the door handle. 
That’s embarrassing. 
Morgan slowly opens the door trying to sneak in. Chuck starts 
to slide away from the door slowly. 
Stop, please. 
Morgan closes the door and runs over to Chuck. 
Chuck! It’s me your buddy I’m here 
to save you. 
Chuck smiles wide and hugs Morgan. 
Oh thank god, so good to see you. 
Where’s Casey and Sarah? 
On the way. 
Morgan turns around kneeling. 
What!? You came here alone, what 
were you thinking? 
I was thinking my best friend 
needed saving. 
Chuck kneels slowly. 
So what’s the plan? 
Go out the way I came in, I guess. 
You guess? Okay Morgan lead the 
Morgan opens the door and peaks around. 
Coast is clear. 
Morgan and Chuck slowly walk out crouching along the wall. 
Morgan points in the direction they need to turn before 
peaking around the corner. He stops at an intersection. 
What is it? 
I can’t remember. 
Morgan looks both ways very seriously, then points. 
This way! 
Morgan and Chuck turn and walk down the hallway. Chuck sees a 
camera and pulls Morgan into a door way. 
Ow, what? 
Camera Morgan, camera! 
Morgan tries to peek around. 
I didn’t see any though. 
Then obviously we went the wrong 
Chuck looks at Morgan’s bow. 
Let me see that. 
Morgan hands Chuck the bow and an arrow. 
What are you gonna-- 
Chuck flashes and learns how to use a bow and marksmanship. 
He turns quickly and shoots the arrow at the camera, the 
suction cup sticks over the lens. 
Chuck hands the bow back. 
Okay, now let’s go the right way. 
Morgan and Chuck turn back around continuing to sneak out 
until they reach the door. 
Are you sure this is right? 
Morgan looks at Chuck upset. 
Yes, I am sure. The Nerd Herder is 
gonna be right outside. 
Morgan opens the door and they see Sarah and Casey walking 
towards the building. 
Sarah runs over hugs and kisses Chuck. 
Are you okay? 
Yeah I’m fine. 
Casey grabs Morgan’s arm. 
I told you to wait! 
It’s fine Casey, he did good. He 
saved my life. 
Morgan grins. 
Okay, let’s get in there and finish 
No, we need to go protect Ellie. 
They threatened her life. 
Morgan stands in front of Chuck. 
I heard them saying they were going 
to transfer your brain to a 
computer to get information. 
Sarah turns to Morgan. 
What? How? 
I don’t know, they were talking 
about your dad’s cabin Chuck. 
Chuck pushes Morgan aside. 
No! My sister is the priority now. 
Chuck walks over to Morgan’s car. 
Let’s go. 
Chuck pulls Casey aside. 
Laudanol, find me another one. I 
can’t beat him like this. 
You can’t be serious? 
Please Casey, just do it. 
Morgan run’s over to the Nerd Herder. 
Chuck and Sarah with me? So does 
that mean I can speed? 
Fine, just don’t get arrested! 
Morgan looks at Casey. 
Is that a yes. 
The two cars drive away from the building. As they leave the 
car Chuck came in is no longer there. 
Chuck, Sarah and Morgan swing open the door to the APARTMENT. 
They rush inside, Sarah pulls out her gun. They stop 
Ken is holding a knife to Ellie’s neck. He is pulling her 
further into the kitchen. 
Oh Chuck, we’ve been expecting you 
and you brought guests. 
Sarah starts to move closer as she does Ken moves the blade 
closer to Ellie’s neck. Chuck begins to walk forward with his 
hands out. 
What are you doing Ken? Why aren’t 
you at my father’s cabin? We heard 
I left Erics to deal with that. 
Thought I would see to this 
Ken moves the knife, he is by the kitchen counters he looks 
over and sees skewers. Chuck stops, Sarah is aiming her gun 
and Morgan is in a fighting stance shuffling forward 
Let her go or I will shoot you and 
believe me I won’t miss. 
I know, but you won’t get the 
Ken uses the nervasect, his body learns knife throwing. He 
grabs one of the skewers and throws it very fast. It goes 
straight into the barrel of Sarah’s gun. Morgan freaks out.
Holy shit! 
Sarah throws the gun down. 
I don’t need a gun. 
Chuck puts his arm in front of Sarah. 
No! Wait for Casey. 
Ken pushes Ellie away and hits her very lightly and fast 
knocking her out, she falls on the ground. 
What did you!? 
We need to take him now. 
Ken walks forward. 
You really should listen to Chuck, 
he’s a pretty smart guy. 
Sarah starts to fight Ken, he is taking it very easy. 
I said wait! 
Sarah and Ken continue fighting, Ken is grinning. Morgan 
ducks down and sneaks behind the couch. 
Come on Casey hurry up. 
Casey and General Beckman are in Castle. 
Thank you for meeting me here on 
such short notice General. 
It’s fine, what did you need. 
Casey relaxes. 
The Laudanol, Chuck says it might 
be the only way for him to beat 
Beckman leans on the table. 
We said we stopped development, but 
we really restarted it. The new 
pill is more manageable. 
Where is it? 
I don’t like this, it’s still too 
General, we need to stop him. 
The General walks over to the wall and opens a storage unit. 
She pulls out one small capsule with a pill inside. 
If I give you this you acknowledge 
all the risks correct? 
Of course, Chuck thinks this will 
work, so we have to try. 
I want Ken alive if possible. 
Of course, let’s just hope I make 
it to them in time. 
Ken is still fighting Sarah. Morgan behind the couch climbs 
on top of it and jumps at Ken. 
Ken swings backward and kicks Morgan out of the air while 
defending himself from Sarah, Morgan is knocked out. 
You really don’t have the smartest 
friends in the world do you? 
Sarah punches Ken while he is talking to Chuck. 
See Chuck, it’s not impossible, we 
can take him. 
Ken steps back and his body begins to twitch, the nervasect 
has taught his body more martial arts. 
No, please stop. 
Quickly Ken pulls Sarah up and hits her in different pressure 
points. Right before the final blow to her throat Casey 
swings open the door. 
Casey sees Ken about to strike Sarah, runs and tackles him 
into a table and glass. Morgan is gaining consciousness. 
Holy! Go Casey! 
Casey stands back up and turns to Chuck and Sarah. Chuck is 
helping Sarah up. Morgan stumbles over. 
That wasn’t that hard. I guess we 
don’t need this anymore. 
Casey pulls out the Laudanol. 
Is that a Laudanol? Why do you have 
Chuck told me to get it. 
Wait, what’s it do? 
Ken starts to stand up glass shards all over him, he looks 
completely calm. Chuck is the only one who can see him and he 
begins panicking. 
Guys! Guys! 
Chuck points passed them and at Ken who is now standing, 
That was fun. 
Give me that! 
Chuck grabs the Laudanol out of Casey’s hand and pops it into 
his mouth. He walks passed Sarah, Casey and Morgan to stand 
in front of Ken. 
I’m okay, it’s not so bad the 
second time. 
Chuck becomes extremely calm and emotionless. 
You think a pill is going to help? 
I hope so. 
Chuck get’s into a fighting stance and flashes, he learns 
parkour, grappling, kung fu and bo staff all at once. He 
grabs a tall lamp and begins to attack Ken. 
This is new. 
Ken dodges the first couple of strikes and is then hit in the 
stomach. Chuck just keeps on attacking, Ken jumps out of the 
What you can’t speak now? It’s not 
fun if you aren’t going to be 
Ken begins to go on the offensive hitting around the lamp. He 
grabs the lamp and takes it from Chuck. He hits Chuck in the 
face and Chuck falls to the ground. He immediately gets up. 
This is interesting. 
Ken throws the lamp into the kitchen, it almost hits Ellie. 
Oh, Casey get Ellie out of here. 
What? Now I’m doing what you say 
Just do it! 
Ken and Chuck are fighting again, they are very even with 
each other. Morgan begins shouting. 
Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! 
Chuck is beginning to lose his emotionless state with 
Morgan’s chanting. 
Will you be quiet! 
Ken hits Chuck a few times while he is turned around. The 
Laudanol has worn off, but Chuck still knows all the skills. 
Not knowing what to do Chuck starts to jumps over everything 
while Ken is attacking. 
Wait! Time out! 
Ken keeps attacking and Chuck grabs pillows to block every 
Morgan give me your shirt! 
What? Use your own. 
Chuck is jumping back from Ken towards Morgan. 
Morgan pulls off his shirt and throws it at Chuck, it gets 
half way and falls to the ground. 
Chuck does a backwards roll and grabs the shirt. He begins 
using it as a weapon, blocking Ken. He wraps it around Ken’s 
arm as he punches and twists his arm back. Ken’s arm 
Sorry, Sorry. 
Ken steps back holding his arm. He starts to stumble, his 
body is starting to paralyze. 
You need to stop this! 
Ken uses the nervasect again and learns even more martial 
arts. His face goes completely blank, like he just isn’t 
there. He jumps at Chuck and begins fighting like a wild 
Stop Ken! You’re going to die! 
Just finish him Chuck! 
Casey is back inside the living room. 
At this rate he’ll finish himself. 
Morgan sees Ken running at Chuck and dives in front of him. 
Ken trips and smashes into the ground. Chuck takes the shirt 
and ties up Ken’s arms. 
I got him! 
Ken is screaming like a rabid animal. Chuck flashes and 
learns pressure points and hits him in the exact spots. Ken’s 
body calms down. 
Morgan go call General Beckman at 
Castle. Tell her to get down here 
right now. 
I can’t believe that worked. 
Sarah looks surprised at Chuck. 
You mean that was planned? 
Well, yeah. I guess. I remembered 
Ken telling me about the first time 
he went crazy. 
Chuck ties up Ken’s arms and legs. 
He said he was surrounded by people 
and his body thought they were 
going to do him harm. So it 
So you made his body over react by 
having us all attack him. That is 
pretty good Chuck, but stupid. 
Chuck and Sarah stand up and kiss. 
Hey, it worked. 
Chuck, Sarah and Morgan walk out of the apartment. General 
Beckman, Casey and Ellie are outside. Ellie is being helped 
by paramedics.
Chuck walks over to Ellie. 
You’re okay right? 
I’m fine Chuck. I knew the risk 
when you told me you were a spy 
Chuck looks at Morgan. 
Morgan watch her until Awesome gets 
Aye, Aye Captain. 
Chuck pats Morgan on the shoulder and walks back to General 
General Erics was going to my 
father’s cabin. 
I know Chuck, we already sent 
people over. 
Chuck smiles. 
Great, did we catch him? 
There was no one there, and nothing 
missing. Are you sure that’s where 
he went? 
I’m sure. 
Chuck looks at other agents dragging Ken out of the 
What will you do with him? 
Beckman looks over at Ken then back at Chuck. 
What do you think we should do? 
I think we should try to help him. 
I agree, but for now he will go to 
one of our prisons. 
Beckman shakes Chuck’s hand. 
Good work Chuck, now get some rest. 
Beckman walks away and Sarah walks over to Chuck. 
Is everything alright? 
Yeah, they’re taking him to a 
You seem upset. 
I wish I could have helped him. I 
know what it’s like to have 
something inside your head. 
It will be okay, who knows maybe 
one day you will. Come on, let’s go 
to bed. 
Sarah and Chuck walk across the courtyard to their apartment. 
Morgan and Chuck are talking inside the Buy More. Big Mike 
and Lester walk up. 
You guys missed the craziest party. 
I don’t know about that. 
Chuck elbows Morgan. 
Morgan, shut up. 
Morgan covers his mouth. 
Oh right, yeah we just chilled at 
Chuck’s place. You know, a real 
quiet night. 
They hear the store doors slide open and all turn their heads 
to see Jeff walk in. Big Mike and Lester panic and hide 
behind Chuck and Morgan. 
Yeah! You were dead! 
Jeff looks at himself and panics. 
What!? I’m dead!? 
Chuck pushes Lester from behind him. 
Clearly he’s not dead. 
Lester walks up and pokes Jeff. 
Do you want to eat brains? 
Good. Alright lets go boys. 
Jeff, Lester and Big Mike walk off. 
Chuck looks at Morgan and Morgan shrugs. 
I don’t know. 
Morgan walks to his office. 
Pitch black in a prison cell. Ken is standing at the small 
slit on the door with his eyes shut. He opens his eyes and 
they are very blood shot. He looks dazed. 

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Chuckvs anti chuck

  • 1. Chuck Vs. The Anti-Chuck Written by Jason Mericle (832)797-3161
  • 2. THIS STORY TAKES PLACE IN THE SECOND HALF OF SEASON THREE (CONT’D) TEASER INT. SMALL ROOM - NIGHT The SMALL ROOM is dark, two men are inside, AGENT ERICS(50s) and KEN NOMURA(20s). Erics is in a suit and Ken is in street clothes. ERICS Why can’t I just kidnap him? KEN It has to look like he is doing it of his own free will. Just wait for an opportunity to present itself. ERICS I know. Patience. KEN I need the intersect. Don’t fail me Erics. INT. CASTLE - Afternoon CASTLE is tidy, looks like a mix between a spy nest and a secret lab. Morgan enters Castle and turns on the computer monitor and GENERAL BECKMAN is in her normal uniform, and is turned around at her desk looking for something. Erics is in the room with her. Chuck walks into Castle and down to Morgan. Chuck is wearing his nerd herder outfit, but with a nice suit jacket over it. CHUCK Looks like I made it just in time. Alright let’s do this. Morgan turns to the monitor. MORGAN General, Sir, Ma’am. (Quietly) I can never figure out which. 2.
  • 3. Beckman is still turned around. BECKMAN What is it Grimes I am clearly busy at the moment. Morgan tries to look over Beckman’s shoulder on the monitor. Chuck looks at Morgan. CHUCK What are you doing? MORGAN I was just trying to see... BECKMAN Ah Chuck, how is the everything going? CHUCK Good General. We had this idea, well actually it was Morgan’s idea... MORGAN We want to throw a halloween party for the CIA! Chuck looks at Morgan and slightly shakes his head. CHUCK We think that it would be a good chance to get to know agents we might work with later. MORGAN And our team is proof that really knowing your allies is key to a great team. Beckman is now looking right at Chuck and Morgan. BECKMAN It would break so many protocols. But you do have a point. Your teams family dynamic might actually help The CIA. Erics walks into view. ERICS Well I for one think it’s a great idea. 3. (MORE)
  • 4. I think everyone could learn a thing or two by speaking to other agents not in their own team. BECKMAN I suppose, if a top agent like Erics thinks so. Alright I will allow it, but at a CIA headquarters in LA so we can keep an eye on it. MORGAN Don’t worry General this is going to go off without a hitch. Oh, and can we bring non CIA members. Beckman has already turned back around. BECKMAN Oh fine, let me finish here Grimes. I’ll be there the morning of. Beckman closes the communication. INT. HALLOWEEN STORE - EVENING THE HALLOWEEN STORE is full of costumes and other typical halloween decorations. Morgan waves at some women looking at costumes as he walks by, they cringe. He gets to the men’s superhero costumes and begins to look very seriously. MORGAN Well if Chuck is going to be Superman, I should be Batman! Morgan holds up the Batman. He goes into a batman pose, pretending to hold a batarang. MORGAN (CONT’D) No, no everyone’s doing that. He grabs a Green Arrow and Green Lantern costume; and stares at both. MORGAN (CONT’D) Bow or ring, that is the question. Morgan drops the Green Lantern costume and turns around. He goes into a generic bow holding pose. MORGAN (CONT’D) (Very seriously) Bow..... 4. ERICS (CONT'D)
  • 5. INT. CIA BASE LOS ANGELAS - NIGHT THE CIA BASE has stairs going up to an elevator. It is covered in Halloween decorations and computer monitors. Most of the agents that are mingling are in their normal spy clothes, but a few of them have random accessories from costumes on. Chuck is wearing a Clark Kent/Superman costume and is standing in the pose where superman is pulling his dress shirt apart revealing the “S” symbol. Morgan is in his Green Arrow costume, with a toy bow and arrows strapped to his back. MORGAN Nice, I see you went for a more Super Chuck look. CHUCK I thought the cape might get in the way. I have to say buddy this place looks great. Sarah walks over to them dressed as Lois Lane. She kisses Chuck. SARAH Hello Superman. CHUCK Hello there Miss Lane. Morgan is doing more generic bow poses, even though the bow is still on his back. Casey walks over in his normal NSA suit, and pushes Morgan out of the way. Morgan stumbles to the ground. MORGAN Casey it’s a party no need to be Casey. I see you went for the James Bond look. CASEY Shut it moron, why is my daughter here. Morgan stands there with his mouth shut looking at Casey. CASEY (CONT’D) You can talk if it’s a good reason moron. 5.
  • 6. MORGAN Oh well in that case, I thought it would be fun. Also, Beckman said yes. Casey is starting to grind his teeth. CHUCK Wait, wait Casey, it’s Morgan you know he didn’t mean anything by it. CASEY Yeah right, we are in a CIA base and you brought my daughter. If we were anywhere else I would... Casey clenches his fist and raises it in front of Morgan’s face, Morgan gulps and proceeds to sneak away towards ALEX, Casey’s daughter, she is wearing a Black Canary costume. Chuck puts his hand on Casey’s shoulder. CHUCK It’s going to be alright buddy. These are all good agents, and Beckman is here. Casey throws Chuck’s hand off his shoulder. SARAH Casey calm down. Casey Grunts and stares at Sarah and Chuck. CASEY I need a drink. Casey walks over to the tiny bar area the CIA has set up. SARAH I’m going to talk to General Beckman for a bit, do you want to come. CHUCK No thanks. I’m going to go mingle with my fellow agents. SARAH Okay just be careful, don’t do anything you’re going to regret. Chuck spots Agent Erics and walks towards him. 6.
  • 7. CHUCK (friendly) Hey, Agent Erics... Sarah walks over to the Beckman. SARAH General Beckman how are you doing tonight. BECKMAN I’m good, how are you and Chuck? SARAH Good, Good. I think Chuck went with Agent Erics somewhere. BECKMAN Ah, a good agent and a good man. Chuck could learn a thing or two from him. Chuck is talking to Erics and another Agent, Agent JOHNSON, who is younger than Erics. Both are wearing suits. CHUCK like I was saying, he jumped into the water and just about near killed himself. ERICS (Laughing) Your friend seems like a crazy person, this agency needs more teams like yours. Chuck nods his head in agreement. CHUCK Thanks, we may not be the most orthodox team, but we get the job done. JOHNSON Non orthodox is an understatement. I’ve read all your mission reports, your team is insane. Erics puts his arm over Chuck’s shoulder. ERICS Actually Chuck we wanted to talk to you in private about a mission. 7. (MORE)
  • 8. We could really use your help with this. CHUCK Alright, I’m always willing to help a fellow spy in need. Let me go get Sarah... ERICS No, no. We just need you for now you can fill them in later. Chuck thinks about his offer. CHUCK Okay, let’s see how I can help. Chuck, Erics, and Johnson walk through a door and down a hallway. Morgan walks over to Sarah and Beckman. MORGAN I saw Chuck talking to the agent in your office general. BECKMAN Yes I know Grimes. Sarah told me already. SARAH I’m glad Chuck is getting along so well with everyone. END TEASER 8. ERICS (CONT'D)
  • 9. ACT I INT. INTERROGATION ROOM IN CIA BASE - CONTINUOUS THE INTERROGATION ROOM is small and dark, it has a one way window. Chuck walks around a chair in the room. CHUCK Why are we in here? ERICS I think you’re going to want to sit down for this Mr. Bartowski. Chuck sits down in the chair and looks around. CHUCK I’m sorry my names Charles Carmichael, I don’t know who Mr. Bartowski is. ERICS Chuck, Chuck. I’m a spy just like you, and I’m one of the best. I know who you are, the Interesct. CHUCK How do you know that. Erics throws a punch at chuck. Chuck uses the intersect, flashes kung fu and grabs it. ERICS I didn’t know for sure, but thanks for the demonstration. Chuck looks angry and concerned. CHUCK What do you want? Johnson walks in front of chuck and crouches in front of him. JOHNSON We want you to join us, or we will kill everyone. Ellie, Awesome, Morgan, Sarah. Everyone. CHUCK I already joined you I’m an agent. 9.
  • 10. JOHNSON We don’t mean the CIA, Agent Carmichael, you are witnessing the birth of “The Cell”. Chuck chuckles. CHUCK Really? The Cell? That’s almost as bad as The Ring. Why would I join you when I can just protect the people I love. JOHNSON Really? So you can protect Ellie, Awesome and their baby, when you are here, and they are home. CHUCK Don’t you dare. INT. ELLIE AND AWESOMES APARTMENT. - CONTINUOUS Ellie and Awesome are in the living area of their apartment with their newborn baby. Ellie is reading a paper on the couch. Awesome is doing Squats while holding the baby, almost as a weight. ELLIE Will you put the baby down, you can’t keep using her to work out. AWESOME I’m not I just want to be close to her. If that means she has to help me work out then, Look at it this way I’m teaching her how to be fit. Awesome makes a serious face and nods his head. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM IN CIA BASE - CONTINUOUS Erics holds up a cell phone and shows Chuck a live feed of a man with a sniper rifle a block away from Ellie and Awesome’s Apartment. ERICS My friend there is a very good shot. Don’t be a hero. 10.
  • 11. CHUCK Please don’t hurt them. I’ll help you, just let me... Chuck uses the intersect and flashes Kung Fu. He stands up from the Chair and starts to fight Erics. Erics is keeping up dodging every attack, but never fighting back. ERICS Calm down! As long as you cooperate everything will be fine. The more you fight this the worse it will be for you. CHUCK (angry) You’re already asking me to betray everyone, how could it get any worse? ERICS Just trust me when I say we need the Intersect, and I will do anything to get it. Johnson grabs Chuck’s arm and throws him at a wall. JOHNSON Don’t forget, just because I’m not supposed to hurt you, doesn’t mean I can’t hurt anyone else. CHUCK I will give you this, you guys are much better at threats than other bad guys. Chuck moves around to the chair and sits back down. CHUCK (CONT’D) If I go with you, my family and my friends stay out of it. ERICS Of course. If you go with us we won’t just leave them alone. We’ll make sure they stay safe. Chuck looks at a picture of Sarah on his phone. CHUCK What do I have to do? 11.
  • 12. Erics hands Chuck a Tranquilizer Pistol and shows him pictures of four agents. Chuck flashes and gets information on each one. ERICS All you have to do is shoot these agents once we have everyone’s attention. CHUCK But they didn’t do anything wrong. I saw their files. ERICS That is true, but they’re still part of The Cell. They know the plan. CHUCK So it’s a trick? JOHNSON Yes, if you shoot them, even with a tranquilizer, they will know you’re serious. ERICS Alright let’s go Chuck. Chuck stands up and walks out with the agents. They walk through a door back to the party and up the stairs. Sarah, Morgan, and Casey see them walking. SARAH Chuck! Where have you been? Chuck ignores her and walks to the top of the stairs so everyone can see him. CASEY Some things wrong. Chuck raises his gun and points it at the crowd. He flashes on precision aiming. He shoots the four agents in the photos and they fall down. The group of agents panic and point their own guns at him. The Cell members he is with start to walk away towards the elevator. CHUCK Don’t follow me, Don’t look for me, and don’t stop me or I will not hesitate. 12.
  • 13. Chuck turns around and walks towards the elevator. General Beckman, Sarah and Casey look shocked. Morgan pulls the bow off his back MORGAN I got this! Morgan shoots an arrow, it goes about 5 feet before hitting the ground. BECKMAN What just happened? Why was Erics there? Someone stop that elevator now! SARAH I don’t understand! We have to follow him, now. Beckman motions to some agents to go with Sarah and find Chuck. Casey and Morgan go with Sarah they reach the elevator and it isn’t working. CASEY Ah! Bartowski! They must of cut power to the shaft. SARAH Why would he do this. What could he possibly be thinking. MORGAN I’m sure he has a reason. He always has a reason. Beckman is now with them by the elevator. BECKMAN I sent someone to get the elevator back online. We need to get to castle and figure out what is going on. EXT. CIA BASE LOS ANGELAS - CONTINUOUS Chuck, Erics and Johnson get into a car. Chuck looks out the window. ERICS They aren’t coming, we disabled the elevator. They could take the stairs, but we’ll be gone by then. 13.
  • 14. 14. Chuck spins toward Erics and points the tranquilizer gun at his head. CHUCK Where are we going? Why do you need the intersect? ERICS There are even things I don’t know. I made a promise I wouldn’t hurt the people you love, and I won’t. CHUCK Wait, you aren’t the leader? This wasn’t your idea? ERICS Of course not. Now put the gun down, we’re just going to go pick something up. Then you’ll meet him. CHUCK And who is he? Chuck has put the gun down, Erics is looking right at him. ERICS He’s like you Chuck. He’s just like you. Chuck looks straight ahead distraught. EXT. OUTSIDE SHIPPING CONTAINER - NIGHT Erics is standing behind Chuck in front of the door to the container. Johnson is standing waiting to open the door. CHUCK So, Erics. What’s in there? My prize for playing along. ERICS Tell him to open it and find out. Chuck looks at Erics confused. CHUCK Why would I need to? Okay, open it. Johnson opens the container. It is the room we saw at the start of the episode. Ken Nomura(20s) is sitting handcuffed to a chair. He is dazed, battered and bruised. He is wearing the same street clothes from earlier.
  • 15. CHUCK (CONT’D) You said no one would get hurt! ERICS No. I said no one you care about would. You don’t know this man. CHUCK It doesn’t matter! What did he do to deserve this? ERICS He killed his family. Chuck looks shocked. He looks into the container and sees Ken sitting there half dead. ERICS (CONT’D) That’s right Chuck, the one thing you couldn’t do in a hundred years, he did. CHUCK Why? Why did he do it? ERICS We don’t know. All we know is, he worked for the CIA. And he does not deserve your respect. Chuck stares at Ken as Erics walks into the container. He tries to use the Intersect and Flash on him. CHUCK Then why can’t I flash on him. If he’s in the database there should be something there. JOHNSON If you were going to kill your family wouldn’t you make sure you didn’t exist? CHUCK I wouldn’t do it. ERICS Which is why we need you Chuck. We aren’t trying to destroy the World or the CIA. CHUCK Really? You’re doing a wonderful job convincing me otherwise. 15.
  • 16. ERICS You need to understand. You can’t save everyone, you can’t be every ones hero. We only want to set the world on the right path. JOHNSON And if a little blood get’s spilled along the way, well. ERICS Now help us get him into the trunk or are you going to make me go back on my promise. Chuck grabs Kens feet and they carry him over to the trunk and put him in. INT. BUY MORE - MORNING The BUY MORE is a disaster. The non CIA employees threw their own halloween party last night. LESTER and BIG MIKE are asleep on the floor, surrounded by candy wrappers. Lester is wearing a rock star outfit. Big Mike is dressed as a Mafia Boss. They wake up and are disgruntled. BIG MIKE That was some night, but I have to get back to Morgan’s mother before she starts worrying. Lester looks around the store. LESTER You really expect me to clean this up by myself? BIG MIKE Fine, let’s just grab what we can and go out to the dumpster. Lester and Big Mike stand and wipe off crumbs and trash off themselves. They grab as much trash as they can carry and walk to the back door. LESTER Do you remember any of last night. I swear something happened. 16.
  • 17. BIG MIKE After a night like that of course we can’t remember. As long as the store get’s cleaned up before Morgan gets here. LESTER Right, right. I wonder where Jeff is most of this mess was probably him. They are now outside at the dumpster. They open the dumpster and Jeff is inside lying there, looking dead. LESTER (CONT’D) Oh my God! Jeff! BIG MIKE Calm down boy. He’s probably asleep. Big Mike slaps Jeff in the face. He doesn’t react. BIG MIKE (CONT’D) Oh Lord he’s dead! What are we going to do? LESTER No! What about Jeffster? Big Mike looks over at Lester and grabs him. BIG MIKE Forget Jeffster. The man is dead! Lester paces throwing his arms out. LESTER Okay, let’s just put him in the van no one will know. Lester and Big Mike pull Jeff out of the dumpster and carry him around to the parking lot. BIG MIKE Do you have the key? LESTER No Jeff had it. Oh no, no please don’t make me. BIG MIKE You have to do it boy. 17.
  • 18. Lester puts his hand into Jeff’s pocket. He makes disgusted faces because he thinks he is dead. He pulls out a key. LESTER Got it! Big Mike and Lester shove Jeff into the drivers seat and shut the door. They walk back into the Buy More. Seconds later Jeff wakes up confused. He drives off. INT. BUY MORE - LATER The Buy More is still dirty. Big Mike is cleaning but Lester gave up a while ago. Morgan in his manager clothes walks into the Buy More. He looks around shocked at the destruction he is witnessing. MORGAN Oh my! What happened! Lester jumps up and Big Mike turns his head towards him. Big Mike walks over and gives him a hug. BIG MIKE Son, the truth is that we... LESTER Don’t remember. Yeah we don’t remember what happened at all. Morgan looks at them and then around the store. MORGAN You know what? I don’t have time for this, just clean the store. BIG MIKE Yes, sir. Morgan is walking away and then turns around. MORGAN Lester how did you even get here I didn’t see Jeff’s Van. LESTER What!? Lester grabs Big Mike and Turns towards him. 18.
  • 19. LESTER (CONT’D) (whisper and freaking out) Someone stole a dead man and his van. What are we going to do now? Big Mike grabs Lester’s Shoulders. Morgan turns back towards them confused. Then he proceeds to walk towards the back of the store. BIG MIKE We’re gonna go home and pretend this never happened. Because we don’t know what happened. LESTER Right! Lester points at the entrance to the Buy More. They both hurry outside. INT. CASTLE - CONTINUOUS Castle is a little messy, paper and equipment is thrown everywhere. Sarah and Casey are both there standing around the table. Sarah looks like a mess. Casey is angry wearing casual clothes. Morgan is standing at the top of the stairs. SARAH We’ve been looking all night why can’t we find anything. We haven’t even found evidence they we’re at the party. How do you do that? CASEY Sarah calm down. We have agents looking everywhere for them. Morgan walks down the stairs. MORGAN So what have we got? Sarah is walking around the table moving papers around. SARAH (flustered) Nothing. There is no indication anywhere of Erics being a traitor. 19.
  • 20. Casey is sitting in a chair. CASEY He’s been a spy for a very long time, I doubt we’re gonna find a paper trail. Sarah sits down. SARAH Why would Chuck do this. I thought he was happy. Morgan puts his hand on Sarah’s shoulder. MORGAN Hey, come on now. You know Chuck, he wouldn’t do anything this crazy unless he was in trouble. Sarah turns to Morgan and Casey. SARAH So why hasn’t he turned on his watches tracking device? INT. BASEMENT OF BUILDING - CONTINUOUS There is nothing in the Basement at all. Chuck, Erics, and Johnson are all wearing the same thing as halloween night. Chuck stands in the empty basement and walks around. Erics and Johnson stand right in front of the door they walked in. CHUCK So why are we here now? If this is your base I have to say-- Chuck motions to the empty space. CHUCK (CONT’D) --I really like what you’ve done to the place. Erics walks to the side of Chuck. ERICS We didn’t come here to talk Chuck. Take off your watch. 20.
  • 21. Chuck looks at his watch, the governor his father made for him to help control the Intersect. CHUCK This isn’t just a watch. It means more to me than you could ever know. Chuck wraps a hand around the watch, protecting it. ERICS I know, I don’t want the watch. Just the tracking chip the CIA put in it. It will only take a second. Chuck hands him the watch and feels the weight of the intersect on his mind. Erics pops off the back of the watch and removes a small black chip and then admires the watch before handing it back to Chuck. CHUCK Thanks. What now? How much longer till you stop threatening the people I care about? Erics activates the tracking chip and puts it on the ground. ERICS Don’t worry Chuck. If you help us everything will be fine. Now let’s go. CHUCK That’s it? We came here to put a tracking chip on the ground? Erics and Johnson are walking out of the empty basement. ERICS Of course. Chuck follows them out of the basement. EXT. OUTSIDE BUILDING - CONTINUOUS The car Chuck, Erics, and Johnson are outside of the building. They walk to it and hear muffled screaming coming from the trunk. Johnson opens the trunk and shoots Ken with a tranquilizer. JOHNSON Shut it! 21.
  • 22. They all get in the car and drive away. 22. INT. CASTLE - CONTINUOUS Sarah, Morgan and Casey are still in Castle. They see Chuck’s tracking signal come up on the monitor. CASEY Look the tracking was activated. It says it’s at a building downtown. Morgan walks over to the computer. MORGAN It says the building is set for demolition. SARAH Why would Chuck wait so long to activate it? Casey walks over and starts gearing up. CASEY I don’t know, but this doesn’t feel right, so be ready Walker. Morgan and Sarah walk over to Casey to gear up as well. CASEY (CONT’D) Not you Morgan. Alex would never forgive me if something happened to you. MORGAN Yeah, and what about you? SARAH Don’t worry Morgan I’ll be there and I will save Chuck. MORGAN Alright, I’ll stay here and make sure nothing else happens. Sarah and Casey walk out of Castle, leaving Morgan alone.
  • 23. INT. BUILDING - LATER In a more furnished building far away from the pervious one. Erics and Johnson are dragging Ken through a hallway to a small office room. Chuck is walking a good distance behind them. JOHNSON Come on Chuck, hurry up! CHUCK What are we doing here now? What was wrong with the other building? Chuck is now standing outside a small room with Erics and Johnson. Johnson throws Ken into the room still tied up. ERICS No air conditioning. Erics laughs at his own joke. ERICS (CONT’D) Now get in there. CHUCK Why? I thought I was a part of your team now. Chuck looks at Ken trying to sit up on the floor. ERICS Oh no, not quite yet. First you need to see what you can find out about Ken. CHUCK So I’m a prisoner until further notice? Got it. Johnson pushes Chuck into the room and slams the door. CHUCK (CONT’D) (sarcastically) Oh great. Way to go Chuck this problem couldn’t get any worse. END ACT I 23.
  • 24. ACT II Chuck looks at Ken and throws his hands up in the air. CHUCK Oh wait! I forgot all about you. I have to hang out with the family killer now. Ken squirms to his knees, gasping. KEN I didn’t, at least not on purpose. CHUCK But you still did it. How can you possibly live with yourself? Ken’s heavy breathing has subsided. KEN You don’t understand Chuck. You’re the Intersect, right? Chuck sits down across the room from Ken. CHUCK I don’t know what that is. KEN Don’t worry I heard them talking about it and they’ll kill me before I can tell your secret. Ken tries to look out the door from where he is sitting. KEN (CONT’D) I’m similar Chuck. You’re the Intersect. I’m the Nervasect. Chuck flashes on Ken, but he doesn’t see anything. CHUCK Why can’t I flash on you? KEN You did, according to every database in the world I don’t exist. CHUCK So, what is the Nervasect? Ken moves slowly to another position. 24.
  • 25. KEN The Intersect works on the brain, correct? It has information and skills stored. Chuck shakes his head. CHUCK And it tells me that information or teaches me those skills, for a certain time. KEN Right, well the nervasect was developed to cut the persons mind out of the equation. Ken stands up and begins walking along the wall. KEN (CONT’D) It sends impulses to my nervous system. Teaching my body skills but not my mind. CHUCK So your body uses the skill. While your mind gets left out. KEN Correct. It’s mostly for combat purposes. Have you ever heard of the idea of No Mind? Chuck now stands. CHUCK Not that I remember. KEN It’s the idea that if you train long enough your body will learn a martial art. Without needing your mind. CHUCK So the nervasect makes your body act on its own, but you still had to use it. So you still killed your family. Ken turns abruptly to Chuck. 25.
  • 26. KEN (angry) I didn’t mean to. It was when they implanted the nervasect into me. They wanted to see how many different fighting styles I could use at once. CHUCK You lost control. KEN Right. My family was there watching the demonstration. They were just caught in the mayhem. Erics swings open the door and peeks inside. ERICS You two look like you’ve become friends, come out here. We’re going to test your strengths. Chuck looks over at Erics. CHUCK How? ERICS A fight of course. Erics begins walking away. ERICS (CONT’D) How else would we do it. Ken walks past Chuck. KEN I know you don’t trust me Chuck. Please understand, I never wanted this. (beat) But I will kill you. Chuck walks out of the room. 26. INT. BASEMENT OF BUILDING - CONTINUOUS Sarah and Casey are in the empty basement where Chuck left the tracker.
  • 27. CASEY Well this was obviously a waste of time. There’s nothing here. SARAH Just find the tracker, maybe he left a clue. Sarah and Casey walk around the basement before finding the tracking chip. Casey looks around the area. CASEY I don’t see anything that could be a clue. Sarah picks up the tracking chip and holds it in her hand. SARAH Where are you Chuck? INT. CASTLE - CONTINUOUS Morgan is still inside Castle after Casey and Sarah left him. He is pacing around. General Beckman appears on the monitor. BECKMAN Grimes? Where is Agent Walker and Colonel Casey? MORGAN The tracking device in Chuck’s watch went off. So they went to check it out. Beckman flips through some papers. BECKMAN I found something. There are records of Agent Erics talking to someone named Ken Nomura. MORGAN General I don’t really see how that’s rela-- Beckman glares at Morgan. BECKMAN I’m getting to that. I thought the name sounded familiar, so I looked into it. Ken is the Nervasect. Morgan sits down. 27.
  • 28. MORGAN The Nerva what now? BECKMAN Nervasect, it was developed alongside the Intersect very early on. It was for military combat uses only and deemed too dangerous. MORGAN So Chuck is involved how? BECKMAN I believe Ken has taken Chuck hostage. I’m afraid that he may see Chuck as his opposite. The person who gained everything Ken wanted but could never have. Beckman sits up. BECKMAN (CONT’D) And I’m sorry to say that the experiments conducted by the military may be to blame. Chuck is in real danger Morgan. MORGAN Come on it’s Chuck, how bad could it be? BECKMAN Ken was and hopefully is still a good person. But more than anything he enjoys being the Nervasect. He enjoys combat. Morgan scratches his head. MORGAN Alright I’ll handle it. Beckman panics. BECKMAN No! Call walker and Casey tell them to go to this building. Out of all the buildings they have met, it’s been the least used. Monitor flashes a dot over a building. 28.
  • 29. BECKMAN (CONT’D) I think this is the most likely spot they would be. MORGAN Yes, Ma’am. Morgan salutes. General Beckman shakes her head, the communication ends. Morgan grabs his phone and begins to leave. He then turns around and sees the toy bow from the party. He grabs the bow and the quiver of suction cup arrows. Morgan leaves castle. EXT. BUY MORE PARKING LOT Morgan steps out into the parking lot. MORGAN I forgot! I drove here with Casey. Morgan looks around parking lot and sees the nerd herders. He runs up to one. MORGAN (CONT’D) Chuck would never let me drive his, but now I’m Manager. Morgan grabs the managerial keys from his pocket and puts the nerd herder key into the door. MORGAN (CONT’D) Sweet! Morgan throws the bow and quiver into the passenger seat and gets into the driver seat. He pulls out his cell phone while adjusting the mirrors and putting on his seat belt. MORGAN (CONT’D) Safety first. Morgan hits Casey’s name on his phone and it begins to ring and Morgan drives away from the parking lot. MORGAN (CONT’D) I’m coming Chuck old buddy. 29.
  • 30. INT. BUILDING - CONTINUOUS Chuck is standing across from Ken. Erics and Johnson are standing behind Ken. CHUCK I still don’t understand what the point of this is. ERICS Think of it as a test or training whichever you like. Erics and Johnson walk to the side of the room to watch. CHUCK Wait aren’t you going to take off his handcuffs? JOHNSON You don’t want us to, trust me. Erics pulls out his gun. ERICS Oh and Chuck if you don’t fight-- Erics waves gun. ERICS (CONT’D) Then we have no use for you. CHUCK No choice huh? Chuck flashes Kung fu and get’s into a fighting stance. Ken’s body twitches as he breathes deeply. His body learned a mix of muay thai and northern shaolin. KEN I’m ready. Come at me Chuck. CHUCK No, you come at me. Why is there always a stand off? KEN Do you want to just go at the same time then? Chuck adjusts his stance. 30.
  • 31. CHUCK That seems fair. Ken get’s ready to jump forward. KEN Fine. Ken jumps doing a spinning kick right at Chuck’s head. Chuck blocks with his hands and pushes himself away. CHUCK God that hurt! Ken continues to press Chuck towards a wall only using his legs. Chuck is up against a wall. Ken kicks at his face. CHUCK (CONT’D) Now! Chuck rolls out of the way as Ken’s foot hits the wall. ERICS Lucky. I think it’s time you got serious Ken. CHUCK Wait, serious? He almost took my head off! KEN Warm up. Chuck readies himself. Ken does two quick kicks to the head, which Chuck blocks. As Ken goes back to his stance Chuck takes advantage and begins to attack. Ken dodges every move with ease and finesse. CHUCK This is ridiculous! KEN I know! Ken does a flying knee into Chuck’s chest. Chuck falls back gasping for air. KEN (CONT’D) You better start getting serious or their going to kill you before my body gets the chance. Ken grins. 31.
  • 32. CHUCK Your body is supposed to be acting on its own. So what are you so happy for. KEN You’re on the ground so it doesn’t see you as a threat. And I figure I might as well have fun with it. Chuck jumps back up and flashes again this time learning Kung Fu and Grappling. CHUCK Really hope this works. Chuck lunges at Ken but stops halfway. Ken kicks and Chuck grabs it with both hands. As Chuck is holding Ken’s leg up he kicks him in the ribs. Ken stumbles back holding his ribs. KEN Smart. Maybe I should start using my hands. Ken looks over at Erics. ERICS Do whatever you think is best. Ken’s body twitches again, it’s learned a few more fighting styles. Ken get’s into a different stance than before and taunts Chuck over. Chuck begins to go on the offensive. Ken reverses a punch and begins plummeting Chuck with blows before throwing him over his shoulder onto the concrete. CHUCK Ahh, man does anyone else think it would be stupid for me to continue? Erics walks away from the wall. ERICS Yes, we do. Ken kneels on the floor. JOHNSON How are you feeling? Ken is gasping. KEN Fine, just numb. Help me get to the wall. 32.
  • 33. Johnson helps Ken walk over to the wall and sits him down. CHUCK Why do I feel like you three are way more friendly than you should be. KEN Isn’t it obvious? I’m the leader of the cell and I’m going to destroy everyone responsible for me. Chuck sits up slowly on the floor. CHUCK Oh the old revenge thing. Man, can’t you villains ever think of anything new. You’re responsible, you killed you’re family. KEN No! They did! They could have done more tests before the demo. They could have put it in someone with no family. CHUCK You seem like you got it all figured out so why do you need me? KEN Chuck, you are an endless fountain of knowledge that the government doesn’t want me to know. Ken seeming much better stands up and walks over to Chuck. KEN (CONT’D) Knowledge that if you won’t give me, I will take. Ken kicks Chuck in the head very fast. Chuck falls over unconscious. INT. NERD HERDER - CONTINUOUS Morgan is inside the NERD HERDER looking out the window towards a building. MORGAN I guess this is it. 33.
  • 34. Morgan looks at the GPS in the car and then grabs the bow and arrows. MORGAN (CONT’D) Please be here Chuck. Morgan gets out of the car and crouches down. He looks around before taking out his cell phone. He calls Casey. MORGAN (CONT’D) Come on, pick up. CASEY (ON CELL) What Morgan? We’re on the way. Morgan begins slowly walking crouched to the building, he looks around as he does this and sees a car. MORGAN I’m here and I’m going in for Chuck. CASEY Are you crazy, just wait we’re fifteen minutes away. Morgan turns to his phone as if he was yelling at a person. MORGAN You think I’m gonna wait, Chuck is my best friend I’m saving him now! Morgan looks around realizing he talked too loud. SARAH Morgan it’s Sarah, if you go in there and get hurt Chuck will never forgive me, so just wait. Morgan hangs up the phone. MORGAN I can save him, I will. END ACT II 34.
  • 35. ACT III INT. BUILDING - CONTINUOUS Morgan enters the building and enters a hall way. He walks down the hall way with the bow in hand. Every corner he comes to he stops and peaks around and then spins out aiming his bow forward. MORGAN Phew, maybe General Beckman was wrong. Morgan continues down the hallway until he turns left and then turns back around when he realizes it’s an exit. He comes to another corner and hears talking. ERICS (O.S.) So we got you the intersect, how are you going to get the information? KEN (O.S.) His brains basically a hard drive now, right? ERICS (O.S.) I suppose. KEN (O.S.) Then we just transfer it to a computer, his father built the intersect didn’t he? ERICS (O.S.) Yes, he lived in a cabin until he was killed. He might have what we need. KEN (O.S.) Good, once we have his equipment we will transfer Chuck’s brain to a more obedient machine. Morgan’s face is shocked. He keeps walking until he sees Ken and Erics, they begin to walk away. He hides behind a corner clenching the toy bow. He turns the corner and sees a heavy duty door with a tiny window. MORGAN This has to be it. 35.
  • 36. Morgan gets to the door he is too short so he jumps up and sees chuck lying on the floor. MORGAN (CONT’D) Chuck! Morgan covers his mouth quickly and looks at the door handle. MORGAN (CONT’D) It can’t be. Morgan turns the door handle. MORGAN (CONT’D) That’s embarrassing. Morgan slowly opens the door trying to sneak in. Chuck starts to slide away from the door slowly. CHUCK Stop, please. Morgan closes the door and runs over to Chuck. MORGAN Chuck! It’s me your buddy I’m here to save you. Chuck smiles wide and hugs Morgan. CHUCK Oh thank god, so good to see you. Where’s Casey and Sarah? MORGAN On the way. Morgan turns around kneeling. CHUCK What!? You came here alone, what were you thinking? MORGAN I was thinking my best friend needed saving. Chuck kneels slowly. CHUCK So what’s the plan? MORGAN Go out the way I came in, I guess. 36.
  • 37. CHUCK You guess? Okay Morgan lead the way. Morgan opens the door and peaks around. MORGAN Coast is clear. Morgan and Chuck slowly walk out crouching along the wall. Morgan points in the direction they need to turn before peaking around the corner. He stops at an intersection. CHUCK What is it? MORGAN I can’t remember. CHUCK Seriously?! Morgan looks both ways very seriously, then points. MORGAN This way! Morgan and Chuck turn and walk down the hallway. Chuck sees a camera and pulls Morgan into a door way. MORGAN (CONT’D) Ow, what? CHUCK Camera Morgan, camera! Morgan tries to peek around. MORGAN I didn’t see any though. CHUCK Then obviously we went the wrong way. Chuck looks at Morgan’s bow. CHUCK (CONT’D) Let me see that. Morgan hands Chuck the bow and an arrow. MORGAN What are you gonna-- 37.
  • 38. Chuck flashes and learns how to use a bow and marksmanship. He turns quickly and shoots the arrow at the camera, the suction cup sticks over the lens. MORGAN (CONT’D) Damn. Chuck hands the bow back. CHUCK Okay, now let’s go the right way. Morgan and Chuck turn back around continuing to sneak out until they reach the door. CHUCK (CONT’D) Are you sure this is right? Morgan looks at Chuck upset. MORGAN Yes, I am sure. The Nerd Herder is gonna be right outside. Morgan opens the door and they see Sarah and Casey walking towards the building. EXT. OUTSIDE BUILDING - CONTINUOUS Sarah runs over hugs and kisses Chuck. SARAH Are you okay? CHUCK Yeah I’m fine. Casey grabs Morgan’s arm. CASEY I told you to wait! CHUCK It’s fine Casey, he did good. He saved my life. Morgan grins. CASEY Okay, let’s get in there and finish this. 38.
  • 39. CHUCK No, we need to go protect Ellie. They threatened her life. Morgan stands in front of Chuck. MORGAN I heard them saying they were going to transfer your brain to a computer to get information. Sarah turns to Morgan. SARAH What? How? MORGAN I don’t know, they were talking about your dad’s cabin Chuck. Chuck pushes Morgan aside. CHUCK No! My sister is the priority now. Chuck walks over to Morgan’s car. CHUCK (CONT’D) Let’s go. Chuck pulls Casey aside. CHUCK (CONT’D) (whispering) Laudanol, find me another one. I can’t beat him like this. CASEY You can’t be serious? CHUCK Please Casey, just do it. Morgan run’s over to the Nerd Herder. MORGAN Chuck and Sarah with me? So does that mean I can speed? CASEY Fine, just don’t get arrested! Morgan looks at Casey. 39.
  • 40. MORGAN Is that a yes. 40. The two cars drive away from the building. As they leave the car Chuck came in is no longer there. INT. ELLIE AND AWESOMES APARTMENT. - LATER Chuck, Sarah and Morgan swing open the door to the APARTMENT. They rush inside, Sarah pulls out her gun. They stop suddenly. CHUCK Ellie! Ken is holding a knife to Ellie’s neck. He is pulling her further into the kitchen. KEN Oh Chuck, we’ve been expecting you and you brought guests. Sarah starts to move closer as she does Ken moves the blade closer to Ellie’s neck. Chuck begins to walk forward with his hands out. CHUCK What are you doing Ken? Why aren’t you at my father’s cabin? We heard you. KEN I left Erics to deal with that. Thought I would see to this personally. Ken moves the knife, he is by the kitchen counters he looks over and sees skewers. Chuck stops, Sarah is aiming her gun and Morgan is in a fighting stance shuffling forward cautiously. SARAH Let her go or I will shoot you and believe me I won’t miss. KEN I know, but you won’t get the chance. Ken uses the nervasect, his body learns knife throwing. He grabs one of the skewers and throws it very fast. It goes straight into the barrel of Sarah’s gun. Morgan freaks out.
  • 41. MORGAN Holy shit! Sarah throws the gun down. SARAH I don’t need a gun. Chuck puts his arm in front of Sarah. CHUCK No! Wait for Casey. Ken pushes Ellie away and hits her very lightly and fast knocking her out, she falls on the ground. CHUCK (CONT’D) What did you!? SARAH We need to take him now. Ken walks forward. KEN You really should listen to Chuck, he’s a pretty smart guy. Sarah starts to fight Ken, he is taking it very easy. CHUCK I said wait! Sarah and Ken continue fighting, Ken is grinning. Morgan ducks down and sneaks behind the couch. CHUCK (CONT’D) Come on Casey hurry up. INT. CASTLE - CONTINUOUS Casey and General Beckman are in Castle. CASEY Thank you for meeting me here on such short notice General. BECKMAN It’s fine, what did you need. Casey relaxes. 41.
  • 42. CASEY The Laudanol, Chuck says it might be the only way for him to beat Ken. Beckman leans on the table. BECKMAN We said we stopped development, but we really restarted it. The new pill is more manageable. CASEY Where is it? BECKMAN I don’t like this, it’s still too risky. CASEY General, we need to stop him. The General walks over to the wall and opens a storage unit. She pulls out one small capsule with a pill inside. BECKMAN If I give you this you acknowledge all the risks correct? CASEY Of course, Chuck thinks this will work, so we have to try. BECKMAN I want Ken alive if possible. CASEY Of course, let’s just hope I make it to them in time. END ACT III 42.
  • 43. ACT IV INT. ELLIE AND AWESOMES APARTMENT. - MOMENTS LATER Ken is still fighting Sarah. Morgan behind the couch climbs on top of it and jumps at Ken. CHUCK No! Ken swings backward and kicks Morgan out of the air while defending himself from Sarah, Morgan is knocked out. KEN You really don’t have the smartest friends in the world do you? Sarah punches Ken while he is talking to Chuck. SARAH See Chuck, it’s not impossible, we can take him. Ken steps back and his body begins to twitch, the nervasect has taught his body more martial arts. CHUCK No, please stop. Quickly Ken pulls Sarah up and hits her in different pressure points. Right before the final blow to her throat Casey swings open the door. CASEY Chuck! Casey sees Ken about to strike Sarah, runs and tackles him into a table and glass. Morgan is gaining consciousness. MORGAN Holy! Go Casey! Casey stands back up and turns to Chuck and Sarah. Chuck is helping Sarah up. Morgan stumbles over. CASEY That wasn’t that hard. I guess we don’t need this anymore. Casey pulls out the Laudanol. 43.
  • 44. SARAH Is that a Laudanol? Why do you have that? CASEY Chuck told me to get it. SARAH Chuck! MORGAN Wait, what’s it do? Ken starts to stand up glass shards all over him, he looks completely calm. Chuck is the only one who can see him and he begins panicking. CHUCK Guys! Guys! Chuck points passed them and at Ken who is now standing, grinning. KEN That was fun. CHUCK Give me that! Chuck grabs the Laudanol out of Casey’s hand and pops it into his mouth. He walks passed Sarah, Casey and Morgan to stand in front of Ken. SARAH Chuck? CHUCK I’m okay, it’s not so bad the second time. Chuck becomes extremely calm and emotionless. KEN You think a pill is going to help? CHUCK I hope so. Chuck get’s into a fighting stance and flashes, he learns parkour, grappling, kung fu and bo staff all at once. He grabs a tall lamp and begins to attack Ken. KEN This is new. 44.
  • 45. Ken dodges the first couple of strikes and is then hit in the stomach. Chuck just keeps on attacking, Ken jumps out of the way. KEN (CONT’D) What you can’t speak now? It’s not fun if you aren’t going to be scared. Ken begins to go on the offensive hitting around the lamp. He grabs the lamp and takes it from Chuck. He hits Chuck in the face and Chuck falls to the ground. He immediately gets up. KEN (CONT’D) This is interesting. Ken throws the lamp into the kitchen, it almost hits Ellie. MORGAN Oh, Casey get Ellie out of here. CASEY What? Now I’m doing what you say too? SARAH Just do it! Ken and Chuck are fighting again, they are very even with each other. Morgan begins shouting. MORGAN Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! Chuck is beginning to lose his emotionless state with Morgan’s chanting. CHUCK Will you be quiet! Ken hits Chuck a few times while he is turned around. The Laudanol has worn off, but Chuck still knows all the skills. Not knowing what to do Chuck starts to jumps over everything while Ken is attacking. CHUCK (CONT’D) Wait! Time out! Ken keeps attacking and Chuck grabs pillows to block every attack. CHUCK (CONT’D) Morgan give me your shirt! 45.
  • 46. MORGAN What? Use your own. CHUCK Busy! Chuck is jumping back from Ken towards Morgan. MORGAN Fine. Morgan pulls off his shirt and throws it at Chuck, it gets half way and falls to the ground. CHUCK Seriously? Chuck does a backwards roll and grabs the shirt. He begins using it as a weapon, blocking Ken. He wraps it around Ken’s arm as he punches and twists his arm back. Ken’s arm dislocates. Ken SCREAMS CHUCK (CONT’D) Sorry, Sorry. Ken steps back holding his arm. He starts to stumble, his body is starting to paralyze. CHUCK (CONT’D) You need to stop this! KEN No. Ken uses the nervasect again and learns even more martial arts. His face goes completely blank, like he just isn’t there. He jumps at Chuck and begins fighting like a wild animal. CHUCK Stop Ken! You’re going to die! SARAH Just finish him Chuck! Casey is back inside the living room. CASEY At this rate he’ll finish himself. 46.
  • 47. 47. Morgan sees Ken running at Chuck and dives in front of him. Ken trips and smashes into the ground. Chuck takes the shirt and ties up Ken’s arms. CHUCK I got him! Ken is screaming like a rabid animal. Chuck flashes and learns pressure points and hits him in the exact spots. Ken’s body calms down. SARAH Morgan go call General Beckman at Castle. Tell her to get down here right now. CHUCK I can’t believe that worked. Sarah looks surprised at Chuck. SARAH You mean that was planned? CHUCK Well, yeah. I guess. I remembered Ken telling me about the first time he went crazy. Chuck ties up Ken’s arms and legs. CHUCK (CONT’D) He said he was surrounded by people and his body thought they were going to do him harm. So it reacted. SARAH So you made his body over react by having us all attack him. That is pretty good Chuck, but stupid. Chuck and Sarah stand up and kiss. CHUCK Hey, it worked. EXT. ELLIE AND AWESOMES APARTMENT. - CONTINUOUS Chuck, Sarah and Morgan walk out of the apartment. General Beckman, Casey and Ellie are outside. Ellie is being helped by paramedics.
  • 48. Chuck walks over to Ellie. CHUCK You’re okay right? ELLIE I’m fine Chuck. I knew the risk when you told me you were a spy again. CHUCK Okay. Chuck looks at Morgan. CHUCK (CONT’D) Morgan watch her until Awesome gets here. MORGAN Aye, Aye Captain. Chuck pats Morgan on the shoulder and walks back to General Beckman. CHUCK General Erics was going to my father’s cabin. BECKMAN I know Chuck, we already sent people over. Chuck smiles. CHUCK Great, did we catch him? BECKMAN There was no one there, and nothing missing. Are you sure that’s where he went? CHUCK I’m sure. Chuck looks at other agents dragging Ken out of the apartment. CHUCK (CONT’D) What will you do with him? Beckman looks over at Ken then back at Chuck. 48.
  • 49. BECKMAN What do you think we should do? CHUCK I think we should try to help him. BECKMAN I agree, but for now he will go to one of our prisons. Beckman shakes Chuck’s hand. BECKMAN (CONT’D) Good work Chuck, now get some rest. Beckman walks away and Sarah walks over to Chuck. SARAH Is everything alright? CHUCK Yeah, they’re taking him to a prison. SARAH You seem upset. CHUCK I wish I could have helped him. I know what it’s like to have something inside your head. SARAH It will be okay, who knows maybe one day you will. Come on, let’s go to bed. Sarah and Chuck walk across the courtyard to their apartment. INT. BUY MORE - MORNING Morgan and Chuck are talking inside the Buy More. Big Mike and Lester walk up. LESTER You guys missed the craziest party. MORGAN I don’t know about that. Chuck elbows Morgan. 49.
  • 50. CHUCK Morgan, shut up. Morgan covers his mouth. MORGAN Oh right, yeah we just chilled at Chuck’s place. You know, a real quiet night. They hear the store doors slide open and all turn their heads to see Jeff walk in. Big Mike and Lester panic and hide behind Chuck and Morgan. LESTER Zombie! BIG MIKE Yeah! You were dead! Jeff looks at himself and panics. JEFF What!? I’m dead!? Chuck pushes Lester from behind him. CHUCK Clearly he’s not dead. Lester walks up and pokes Jeff. LESTER Do you want to eat brains? JEFF No. LESTER (sighs) Good. Alright lets go boys. Jeff, Lester and Big Mike walk off. Chuck looks at Morgan and Morgan shrugs. MORGAN I don’t know. Morgan walks to his office. 50.
  • 51. INT. CIA PRISON - NIGHT Pitch black in a prison cell. Ken is standing at the small slit on the door with his eyes shut. He opens his eyes and they are very blood shot. He looks dazed. END ACT IV 51.
  • 52. 52.