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Chronology of the Restoration
(Complied by Douglas Maughan Ed. D.)
The fingerprints of God on the parchment of history reveal a love story, fraught with
enough faith, sacrifice and divine intervention, to ignite an everlasting flame of gratitude,
and patriotism in the hearts of all who seek to understand the invisible hand of divine
providence. (Douglas Maughan , CES Utah North Area Inservice June 26, 2002)
“I have always thought it helpful to the student to have an overview of the entire course to
begin with. If he has an overview of the course or the subject, then the teacher can go back
and fill in the details and a lot more will be taught. (Teach Ye Diligently, Boyd K. Packer, {Salt
Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1975, p.119).
Date (Josephs Age) Significant Event Location Source Reference
Christ organized a church with a “foundation of the apostles and prophets”
(Ephesians 2:20, Article of Faith 6; JST Eph. 2:18-19; Eph. 4:11-14
Martyrdom of the Apostles
(The Great Apostasy, James Talmage; Foxe’s Book of Christian Martyrs)
33 AD Jerusalem
Judas committed suicide (Matt. 27:3-5)
54 AD Heliopolis in Phyrgia
Philip was scourged thrown into prison and afterwards crucified
60 AD Nadabah Ehtiopia
Matthew was slain with a Halberd (battle Axe)
James the Less was beat and stoned by the Jews and had his brains dashed out with a fullers
? Jerusalem
Matthias (chosen to replace Judas) was stoned then beheaded
? Edessa
Andrew (brother of Peter) was crucified
After 65 AD Alexandria
Mark was dragged to pieces in the streets
64-65 AD Rome
Peter crucified upside down
Spring 65AD Rome
Paul was beheaded by order of Nero
72 AD Edessa
Thaddeus Crucified
(Brother of James)
? India
Matthew was beaten and crucified
by impatient idolaters
? Parthia and India
Called Didimus preached and excited the rage of pagan priests, he was thrust through with
a spear.
? Greece
He is supposed to have been hanged on an olive tree by the idolatrous Priests.
74 AD Britain
Simon Zelotes was Crucified-
73 AD
Barnabas (we no details)
John Still Alive - (see D&C 7)
History tells us that the venerable Apostle John who wrote the Book of Revelation, was
sentenced by the Emperor Domitian of the Roman Empire, to be scalded to death in a
cauldron of boiling oil; that this cruel sentence was carried out as fully as it was in the
power of men to execute it. The cauldron of oil was heated to boiling heat, and the great
apostle was submerged in the scalding fluid, but through Divine interposition he was
delivered like Daniel from the “lion’s den,” and Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego from the
“fiery furnace,” by the power of that God, whom he served and obeyed; so that he suffered
no harm and simply looked like he had been anointed. The cruel Emperor was so enraged at
this wonderful deliverance, that he instantly sentenced the doomed Apostle to banishment
on the Isle of Patmos. (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 20, pg. 205, Elder C.W.Stayner)
100-1820 AD
Evidences of the Great Apostasy-
Rejection and Removal of Priesthood Keys
The Bible Ends and Manuscripts Corrupted
Absence of Spiritual Gifts
Primitive Church Organization lost
Evils of the Great and Abominable Church
Unenlightened kingdoms of the earth
Retrogression of Civilization and Science
175 AD China
History of Printing –
Chinese are credited with first carving wooden blocks and using them to print symbols and
images. (Keith J. Wilson; From Gutenberg to Grandin, p.271; From 33rd
Annual Sperry
Symposium- Prelude to the Restoration)
100-200 AD
History of the Bible Ends and Manuscripts Corrupted-
During this long period of confusion Christianity could only be taught from handwritten
manuscripts, which had been translated and laboriously copied from other languages than
those with which the translator was familiar. It is unreasonable to suppose that at a much
later period these manuscripts could be collected together, again translated and written by
hand into our own language without error, or deviation from the original. Anthony W. Ivins,
Relationship of "Mormonism" and Freemasonry, p.641 Nephi 13:24-27;Ehartman Misquoting
Jesus, Margret Barker- We have seen this pattern of uninspired purge before in the time of
Josiah…; see also 1 Ne.13:24-28; D&C 42:56)
150-300 AD
Baptism for the Dead Practiced than discontinued-
Whatever its source, the ancient church received it gladly, as it did another Jewish text
attributed to Jeremiah and quoted by Justin and (no less than five times) by Irenaeus: "The
Lord God hath remembered his dead among those of Israel who have been laid in the place
of burial, and has gone down to announce to them the tidings of his salvation." Justin,
Dialogue with Trypho 4, 6, in PG 6:645; Irenaeus, Against Heresies III, 20, 4, in PG 7:945; IV,
22, in PG 7:1046; IV, 33, 1, in PG 7:1208; it is also cited by Jerome, Commentarius in
Evangelium Mattheum (Commentary on Matthew) 4, 27, in PL 26: 213.
The Christians angrily accused the Jews of having expunged this passage from their
scripture in order to damage the Christian cause, from which it would appear that the
doctrine of salvation for the dead was a major issue in those early times, and a most
precious possession of the church. Justin, Dialogue with Trypho 4, 6, in PC 6:645; cf.
Jerome, Commentary on Matthew 4, 27, in PL 26:213.
150 AD
History of Astronomy – Ptolemy-
The earth is the center of the universe, and the sun and moon revolve around it. Such was
the authoritative pronouncement of Ptolemy about 150 AD. His declaration was universally
accepted. But there was one major problem: he was wrong absolutely wrong. Nonetheless,
this theory of an earth centered universe flourished for fourteen hundred years as “gospel
truth”. The Inevitable Apostasy and Promised Restoration, Tad Callister, 1, note p.404-05.
Pope Paul V declared, “That the earth moves daily is absurd, philosophically false and
theologically at least erroneous in faith. J. Rueben Clark added, “this decree of Paul V was
confirmed by Pope Urban VIII (1623-1644)” On the Way to Immortality and Eternal Life, 337).
Even Martin Luther a opposed Copernicus and supported the Catholic viewpoint: “people
give ear to an upstart astrologer who strove to show the earth revolves, not the heavens of
firmament, the sun and the moon… This fool wishes to reverse the entire scheme of
astrology; but sacred scripture tells us that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still not the
earth” (Manchester, a world lit only by fire, 117)
June , 325 AD
History of Christianity - Council of Nicaea
Emperor Constantine called the Nicaea Council, held way back in 325 A.D. when 318 bishops
spent four weeks in discussion and debate over the divinity and personality of Jesus Christ
and God. Think of that! Their minds were confused and corrupted or else they would have
followed the simple teachings of the scriptures and there would have been no need of their
spending four weeks in debate to decide that question. The Creed of Nicaea, the
"incomprehensible mystery" of which its originators seemed so proud precisely because it
could not be understood, substituted for the personal God of love and for Jesus of the New
Testament an immaterial abstraction.
The Roman emperor Constantine convened the Council of Nicaea to address—among
other things—the growing issue of God’s alleged “trinity in unity.” What emerged from the
heated contentions of churchmen, philosophers, and ecclesiastical dignitaries came to be
known (after another 125 years and three more major councils) as the Nicene Creed, with
later reformulations such as the Athanasius Creed. These various evolutions and iterations
of creeds—and others to come over the centuries—declared the Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost to be abstract, absolute, transcendent, immanent, consubstantial, coeternal, and
unknowable, without body, parts, or passions and dwelling outside space and time. In such
creeds all three members are separate persons, but they are a single being, the oft-noted
“mystery of the trinity.” They are three distinct persons, yet not three Gods but one. All
three persons are incomprehensible, yet it is one God who is incomprehensible.
We agree with our critics on at least that point—that such a formulation for divinity is truly
incomprehensible. With such a confusing definition of God being imposed upon the church,
little wonder that a fourth-century monk cried out, “Woe is me! They have taken my God
away from me, … and I know not whom to adore or to address.” (Jeffery R. Holland Oct.
2007; Quoted in Owen Chadwick, Western Asceticism (1958), 235)
400-800 AD
History of Dark ages – Retrocession of Civilization
It is a well known historical fact that from about 400 to 800 A. D., a period known as the
Dark Ages…there was a retrocession in the civilization of the Old World. Schools became
almost extinct, war was continuous, literature was forgotten, priceless records were
willfully destroyed, a chaotic condition pervaded the civilized world. Both the church and
state were drunk with debauchery, licentiousness and unbridled ambition. During these
centuries of confusion many different religious organizations, each professing to be the
Church of Christ, had their origin. This confused condition continued until the period of the
Renaissance, or Rebirth of Europe, under Henry I of Saxony, first of the Saxon kings.
Anthony W. Ivins, Relationship of "Mormonism" and Freemasonry, p.64
400 AD
Retrogression of Civilization-
European sewage and sanitation regressed back to primitivism during this era. Human
waste products were often thrown out the window and into the street or simply dumped in
local rivers. (By contrast, ancient Rome had been significantly more advanced: “major cities
of the Empire installed drainage systems to which latrines were connected”—and the
“wealthy enjoyed such luxuries as indoor plumbing . . . even the indigent had access to
public baths.”) With the streets strewn with garbage and running with urine and feces—
and with the same horrifying conditions permeating the rivers and streams from which
drinking water was drawn—vermin and germs multiplied, and disease of every kind,
untreatable by the primitive medical knowledge of the day, proliferated. A Florentine writer
of the era referred to it simply as “the exterminating of humanity.” Finally, the early Middle
Ages witnessed a stupefying decline in levels of education and literacy from the Roman
period. In the endemic warfare of the period, human beings lost the skill of writing and,
largely, of reading. “In the time of Augustine’s youth [4th century AD] . . . even a Christian
got a reasonably good classical education. A few generations later, literacy was a rarity even
among the ruling classes.” (William Berenstien, Birth of Plenty)
800 – 1500 AD
Evidence of Apostasy-
Charlemagne maintained that even the clergy knew insufficient Latin to understand the
Bible or to properly conduct Church services. The Tragedy of Theology: How Religion
Caused and Extended the Dark Ages A Critique of Rodney Stark’s The Victory of Reason
Andrew Bernstein."Beyond the city walls, lawlessness reigned absolute. . . Highwaymen
plied their trade . . . with near impunity. Soldiers, when not engaged in Crusades, dynastic
feuds, or papal ambitions, periodically swelled the ranks of highwaymen. Only walls
provided a town with effective protection against its lawless environs. Since walls were
expensive, town life crammed itself into as little space as possible. The streets, nothing
more than narrow, open sewers, teemed with townspeople and disease; the first
demographers documented death rates from infectious diseases that were twice as high
inside the walls as they were outside.
"Most people lived in tiny villages and worked small adjacent fields.
Not until 1500 did farmers clear the wolf-infested forests. Everyone, from toddlers to the
aged, performed backbreaking field work, usually unaided by the plow. Until A.D. 900, it
was the rare peasant who could afford to harness horses and oxen with collars for
fieldwork. "The squalor of medieval dwellings was unimaginable. According to the greatest
of all Renaissance humanists, Erasmus of Rotterdam, 'Almost all the floors are of clay and
rushes from the marshes, so carelessly renewed that the foundation sometimes remains for
twenty years, harboring, there below, spittle and vomit and wine of dogs and men, beer . . .
remnants of fishes, and other filth unnamable. Hence, with the change of weather, a vapor
exhales which in my judgment is far from wholesome.' "Families slept together in one foul
bed, and chimneys were almost unknown. Soot covered the walls of all but the newest
huts. Lack of proper exhaust resulted in house fires that brought roaring death to large
numbers of villagers, particularly women, who, clad in highly flammable dresses, tended
wood-fired pits and stoves. "The past few paragraphs describe the circumstances of
peasants who were relatively well-off. The less fortunate had little or no shelter at all. In
the subsistence-level premodern society, famine and pestilence knocked constantly at the
door. During times of extreme famine, cannibalism was not unknown; travelers were
occasionally killed for their flesh, and there were even reports of gallows being attacked for
sustenance. "Pestilence regularly engulfed the continent. The most famous episode
occurred in 1347 . . . Within a few decades it [bubonic plague] had killed nearly one in three
Europeans. (William Berenstien, Birth of Plenty)
The Reformation and Age of Discovery: A Candle lit in Darkness
(No Modern light)…
Prelude to the Restoration-Eph. 1:9-10; D&C 5:10; Dan. 2:44;Moses 7:58-62;1 Ne. 13:10, 13, 15-
16, 17, 18-20;1 Ne. 13:35-40; 1 Ne.14:25-26; D&C 107:56; Ether 3:25-26; Joel 2:28-29; Isa. 2:1-2;
Isa. 29; Isa. 49:1; Dan 7 Ezekiel 37:15-17; Gen. 49:26
1225-1274 Naples Italy
Reformation - Thomas Aquians
The supreme theologian of Catholicism, was born near Naples in 1225 to a noble family, he
was enrolled in the Benedictine monastery of Monte Cassino at the tender age of five, and
at seventeen became a Dominican novice. Soon after this he was kidnapped and detained
for nearly two years by his own brothers. At the instigation of his mother, they tried to turn
him away from his vocation, and even tempted him with a woman. He drove her from his
room with a brand snatched from the fire. After more than a year and a half of captivity, it
became apparent that he would not relent, and he was released back to the Dominicans.
After studies in Naples and Paris he was appointed as a master at the University of Paris in
1257. His period of writing was a brief sixteen years, but extraordinarily productive. On
December 6 1273, while celebrating mass in the chapel of St Nicholas in Naples, he had a
heavenly revelation: “I can do no more. Such things have been revealed to me that all that I
have written seems to me as so much straw.” From that day he wrote no more. He died
shortly afterwards, on March 7, 1274, at the age of 49.(consider also Galileo, Jon of Arc, see
Eph. 1:9-10; D&C 5:9-10)
1316-1334 Roman Empire
History of Christianity – Apostasy
The Sale of Indulgences under John XXII
"Bishops and cardinals amassed fabulous fortunes from the sale of tithes and
indulgences. . . . John XXII, who wore the papal tiara from 1316 to 1334, exhibited a
legendary appetite for gold cloth and fur. [that's right - cloth made of gold!] Noble families
purchased appointments to the priesthood for small children, and twenty-year-old
archbishops were not unknown. Of 624 papal dispensations of legitimacy granted in 1342-
43, 484 went to the offspring of clergy. In parts of sixteenth-century England, the clergy
were indicted for almost a quarter of all sex crimes, more than ten times their proportion of
the population. (William Berenstien, The Birth of Plenty p. 33-34)
1329-84 England
Reformation Bible History - John Wycliffe
English reformer who opposed the Catholic Church and the doctrine of transubstantiation;
Felt that priests were not needed to mediate with God for people. Through the influence of
the Holy Ghost, an interest in learning began to grow in the hearts of people. This
Renaissance or “rebirth” spread throughout Europe. In the late 1300s, a priest named John
Wycliffe initiated a translation of the Bible from Latin into English. Because English was then
an emerging, unrefined language, church leaders deemed it unsuitable to convey God’s
word. Some leaders were certain that if people could read and interpret the Bible for
themselves, its doctrine would be corrupted; others feared that people with independent
access to the scriptures would not need the church and would cease to support it
Consequently, Wycliffe was denounced as a heretic and treated accordingly. After he died
and was buried, his bones were dug up and burned. But God’s work could not be stopped.
“To Lutterworth they come, Sumner, Commissarie, Official, Chancellour, Proctors, Doctors,
and the Servants … take, what was left, out of the grave, and burnt them to ashes, and cast
them into Swift a Neighbouring Brook running hard by. Thus this Brook hath conveyed his
ashes into Avon; Avon into Severn; Severn into the narrow Seas; they, into the main Ocean.
And thus the Ashes of Wickliff are the Emblem of his Doctrine, which now, is dispersed all
the World over.”
In 1382, a synod of Bishops met at Blackfriars in London to discuss Wycliffe’s literary
achievements. It was theater and not very good theater at that. Their minds were made up
before the meeting began. Wycliffe’s translation was declared heretical… To make sure
the skull and bones were burned to ashes, the executioner broke them up with a mattock.
At last the ashes were carefully swept into a barrow and taken to the little bridge and cast
into the Swift, a tributary of the Avon.
The vexation was deep. And old The Catholic Church understood exactly what Wycliffe’s
presence meant, that there was something insidious and unstoppable about this trouble
making little man. (David Teems, Majestie: The King behind the King James Bible, P.220-222)
(Robert D. Hales, “Preparations for the Restoration and the Second Coming: ‘My Hand Shall
Be over Thee’,” Liahona, Nov 2005, 88–92)
Vernacular Bible
Some paid whatever they could for the scriptures in English, “to taste the sweetness of
God’s Holy Word…Some paid more, some paid less: some gave a load of hay for few
chapters of St. Paul or St. James. Thousands (perhaps tens of Thousands) read of went into
secret readings of them…(Wide as the Waters, The Story of the English Bible and the
Revolution it Inspired; Benson Bobrick. P.73)
1347-1350 Western Europe
Evidence of Dark ages - The Bubonic Plague-
The bubonic plague—the infamous “Black Death”—spread by the fleas that infest rats,
ravaged Western Europe, obliterating roughly 20 million people, fully one-third of the
human population. Norman Cantor, the leading contemporary historian of the Middle Ages,
states: “The Black Death of 1348–49 was the greatest biomedical disaster in European and
possibly in world history.” “Darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people”
(Isa. 60:2). For centuries, disease was rampant and poverty reigned. The Black Death killed
some 50 million people during the 14th century. Was not this a season of terrible peril? I
wonder how humanity survived. But somehow, in that long season of darkness, a candle
was lighted. The age of Renaissance brought with it a flowering of learning, art, and
science. There came a movement of bold and courageous men and women who looked
heavenward in acknowledgment of God and His divine Son. We speak of it as the
Reformation. President Gordon B. Hinckley, The Dawning of a Brighter Day, Ensign (CR),
May 2004, p.81
Reformation - Jan Hus
He was a Martyr for the cause of reformation and Czech Nationalism. Stressed the role of
scripture as authoritative for doctrine; defended the clergy but taught that only God can
forgive sin. He condemned the corruptness of the clergy and the sale of indulgences.
Renaissance - Joan of Arc France
It was around 1424, when she was 12, that Joan said she began to have visions.( Personal
Epiphanies; James E. Faust fireside address was given at Brigham Young University on 7
January 1996).
1450 Mainz, Germany
Renaissance -Moveable Type
Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press and independently developed a movable type
system in Europe, along with innovations in casting the type based on a matrix and hand mould.
The more limited number of characters needed for European languages were an important factor.
Gutenberg was the first to create his type pieces from an alloy of lead, tin, and antimony—the
same components still used today.( Encyclopaedia Britannica, November 27, 2006).
1456 Mainz, Germany
Renaissance - Gutenberg Bible
A Latin Bible produced at Mainz, Germany. First book produced in Moveable metal Type.
First bible that could be mass produced. Within just Fifty years of his first press, over twelve
Million books had been printed in more than one thousands print shops. Five years after his
invention , he was forced into bankruptcy. He died in relative obscurity about ten years
later. (From Gutenburg to Grandin, Keith Wilson; Prelude to the Restoration, p.269-285)
1483-1546 Wittenberg, Germany
Reformation - Martin Luther
Posted 95 thesis on the door at Wittenberg; Wrote out spoke out against the Papacy for the
sale of indulgences and the churches material preoccupations. He translated the New
Testament form Greek into German so that the Bible might be read by the common people.
Spoke against Holy Relics and worshipping saints. When Luther was ordered to give up his
work, he boldly declared: “Unless I be refuted by Scriptural testimonies, or by clear
arguments—for I believe neither the Pope nor the councils alone, since it is clear that they
have often erred and contradicted one another—I am convinced by the passages of
Scripture, which I have cited, and my conscience is bound in the word of God. I cannot and
will not recant anything; since it is insecure and dangerous to act against conscience.”
In fact, my son recently discovered that one of our family lines connects back to Martin
Luther himself. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Ensign May 2008)
History of Christianity - Martyrdom of Rank and file Christians (1 Ne. 13:4-7)
1481-1808 340,0000 Tortured
32,000 Burned at the stake
Nations captive to false doctrine and priestcrafts…(The Hand of Providence E. Ward p.121;
Foxes Book of Christian Martyr’s)
1484-1531 Switzerland
Reformation - Huldreich Zwingli
Swiss reformer; Died in battle against the Catholics; He rejected much of Catholicism and
Lutheranism; He believed that Christ was spiritually present at the Eucharist and that the
secular ruler had a right to act in church matters.
1492-1536 England
Reformation - William Tyndale
He was the first to complete a translation of the Bible in English. It’s his words we read in
James 1:5. He became very active in the promulgation of his ideas and the sale of his
publications. The Church forbade the publication of the scriptures, declaring both the
writings and doctrines taught by Tyndale to be heretic. His reply was: "I defy the Pope and
all his laws," and declared that if God would spare his life he would make the plow-boy to
know more of the scriptures than the Pope himself knew.
1492 Spain & the Americas
Renaissance age of discovery - Christopher Columbus
The spirit of God came down and wrought upon the man 1 Nephi 13; “The Lord was well
disposed to my desire, and he bestowed upon me courage and understanding. Knowledge
of… the Lord unlocked my mind, sent me upon the sea, and gave me fire for the deed.
Those who heard of my enterprise called it foolish, mocked me and laughed. But who can
doubt but that the Holy Ghost inspired me”? (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1930, pp.19-20;1
Ne.13) God will cause thy name to be wonderfully resounded throughout the earth; and will
give thee the keys to the ocean which are held with strong chains. (The Hand of Providence,
J.H. Ward 1883, p.80)
1522 Rome
History of Christianity - Commentary Pope Adrian VI to the Diet of Nuremburg
“At every level of church life…there were signs of grave disorganization and decay.”…
every thing could be obtained for money…however hurtful it might be to the general
welfare of the Church”.(Wide as the Waters, The Story of the English Bible and the
Revolution it Inspired; Benson Bobrick. P.31)
Francesco Petrarch (a devout Catholic) Rome
Described the Papal court as, “ a receptacle of all that is most wicked and abomnible. What
I tell you is not from hearsay, but from my own knowledge and experience. In this city there
is no piety, no reverance or fear of God, no faith, no charity, nothing that is holy, just,
equitable, or humane.”(1 Nephi 13:4 – 9; Wide as the Waters, The Story of the English Bible
and the Revolution it Inspired; Benson Bobrick. P.34)
Renaissance Astronomy - Nicolaus Copernicus
(German: Nikolaus Kopernikus; in his youth, Niclas Koppernigk; Polish: Mikołaj Kopernik;
Italian: Nicolò Copernico; 19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543) was a Renaissance astronomer
and the first to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology, which displaced the
Earth from the center of the universe.
1509-64 Geneva
Reformation - John Calvin
Genevan reformer devoted much of his energy to settling differences with Protestantism;
Claimed that even before the Creation God chose some of his creations for salvation and
others for destruction.
1560 Switzerland
The Publication of the Geneva Bible
The Geneva Bible was the Bible of the Puritans and the Pilgrims, who fled to the religious
freedom of the New World in the early 17th century. The first edition of the Geneva Bible
was published in 1560 in Geneva, Switzerland, after many of the English reformationists fled
there because public reading of the Bible had been prohibited in England. Although never
officially adopted in England, for three generations the Geneva Bible was the most popular
of all English versions, 140 editions being published between 1560 and 1640. This version
was read by Shakespeare and Bunyan and was of cardinal importance for its influence on
the English language, literature, and thought.
1505-72 Scotland
Reformation - John Knox
Helped awaken Scotland to Lutheranism; studied under Calvin; attacked the Papacy ; the
Mass and the Catholic Idolatry; consolidated the Scotts reformation with his writings.
Founding of Jamestown (The Light and the Glory)
King James Version of the Bible
Age of Discovery - Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock
The Lord was writing the story of the restoration and the birth of this nation long before the
ink was dry on the parchment of the Mayflower compact. Hidden among those signatures
were men and women whose foreordained descendant’s would fulfill the prophecies of the
ancients, revolutionize religious and political thought, and change the course of history
forever. God had his eyes upon these families from before the foundations of the earth.
One of Gordon B. Hinckley’s ancestors Stephen Hopkins sailed on the Mayflower in 1620, he
was the forth signature on the Mayflower compact. (Note:Thomas Hinckley progenitor of
President Hinckley became governor of Plymouth colony)
Seven of Joseph Smiths progenitors sailed with the Pilgrims on the Mayflower; three of the
seven signed the Mayflower Compact which contained the words “in the Name of God”.
This would prove the beginning of American Religious Democracy. The Saints had
arrived at the Peninsula of Living Waters. The first Hinckley to arrive in America was Samuel
Hinckley, in 1635, fifteen years after the Mayflowers landing at Plymouth bay. Samuel’s son
Thomas would become the Governor of the Plymouth Colony from 1681-1692. He was
considered “a man of more than ordinary ability and influence” (see Governors of New
Plymouth, p.202; 1 Ne. 13).
Age of Discovery - John Howland
During their Atlantic voyage John, fifth great grandfather of the Prophet Joseph, narrowly
escaped drowning at sea. During a violent storm, the Mayflower was pitching and rolling
with the waves, young John was walking above the gratings on deck, and his youthful body
was hurled into the briny sea. “But it pleased God wrote the ‘Pilgrim Chronicler’ “that he
caught hold of the top sail Hilliard’s which hung overboard”. Holding with a vice like grip to
the rope, he was plunged into the water. In the fury of the storm he hung on until some of
his friends managed to rescue him by pulling him back into the boat. For days he suffered
after this harrowing experience. The ships finally arrived in Cape Cod on a Saturday.
However the did not disembark until Monday so they could worship God on Sunday. Him
whom they had come to trust and serve. As a youth John Howland was a servant of John
Carver first governor of Plymouth colony. John Howland died at Plymouth in February 1673,
in his words he described why he had come to America: “to keep a good conscience, and to
walk in such a way as God has prescribed in His words is the thing to which I prefer to life
itself.(Walter C. Erdman, Sources of Power in Famous lives, (Nashville Cokesbury Press, 1937)
Founding of Boston
Evidence of Errors in Biblical Translations-
The Wicked Bible, sometimes called The Adulterous Bible or The Sinners' Bible, is a term
referring to the Bible published in 1631 by Robert Barker and Martin Lucas, the royal printers in
London, which was meant to be a reprint of the King James Bible. The name is derived from the
compositors' mistake: in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:14) the word not in the sentence
"Thou shalt not commit adultery" was omitted, thus changing the sentence into "Thou shalt
commit adultery". This blunder was spread in a number of copies. About a year later, the
publishers of the Wicked Bible were fined £300 (roughly equivalent to 33,800 pounds today) and
were deprived of their printer's license.
1632 Egerton, England
Seekers - John Lathrup
He was arrested fettered and confined to the Newgate prison in Egerton England Reverend
Lathrup was a minister in the town of Egerton in the early 17th century. When he could no
longer assent to what was taught by the church of England he became the leader to a large
group of “Seekers”. So called because they were seeking for the a religion which taught
the faith of the ancients with apostles, prophets the Holy Ghost and a fulness of the truths
found in the scriptures. The seekers who followed Lathrup were called Independents. For
eight years they met in London until the persecution got so bad they could no longer meet
publicly. When the hiding place of the Independents was discovered by the Bishop of
London. During the beginning of the evening service of rev. Lathrup the officers of the state
church of London rushed in and arrested Rev. Lathrup and 42 members of the Independent
faith. They were fettered and taken to the old Clink Prison in Newgate. Two years later all
were released except Rev. Lathrup. While he languished in the filthy old prison his wife
succumbed to a terminal sickness. He was allowed to see her before her death and provide
tender comfort as she passed away. After his wife’s internment he returned to the
loathsome confinement of the Clink Prison. His children were now left without a father or
mother, orphaned, wretched and starving, and uncared for by the community, perhaps
because of the threat of state reprisal When their destitute circumstances were made
known to the Bishop of London, he had sympathy on John and released him.Rev. Lathrup
fled with his children to America where he could worship God according to the dictates of
his own conscience. In New England he became widely known as the “Beloved Pastor”.
(Archibald F. Bennett, Lathrup genealogy, The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, Salt
Lake City Utah: The Utah genealogical Society. April 1929 p. 49-51)
1633 Italy
Evidence of Apostasy – Suppression of Truth
In 1633 Galileo was formally interrogated for 18 days and on April 30 Galileo confesses that
he may have made the Copernican case in the Dialogue too strong and offers to refute it in
his next book. Unmoved, the Pope decides that Galileo should be imprisoned indefinitely.
Soon after, with a formal threat of torture, Galileo is examined by the Inquisition and
sentenced to prison and religious penances, the sentence is signed by 6 of the 10
inquisitors. In a formal ceremony at a the church of Santa Maria Sofia Minerva, Galileo
abjures his errors. He is then put in house arrest in Sienna. After these tribulations he begins
writing his Discourse on Two New Sciences. Galileo remained under house arrest, despite
many medical problems and a deteriorating state of health, until his death in 1642. The
Church finally accepted that Galileo might be right in 1983.
1638 Massachusetts
Joseph Smith’s Ancestors
Robert Smith Joseph Smith’s first paternal ancestor to leave England for America arrived in
Massachusetts (JS-R,p.15)
Seekers waiting for New Apostles-
In the tumultuous years of the first settlements in this nation, Roger Williams, my volatile
and determined 10th great-grandfather, fled—not entirely of his own volition—from the
Massachusetts Bay Colony and settled in what is now the state of Rhode Island. He called
his headquarters Providence, the very name itself revealing his lifelong quest for divine
interventions and heavenly manifestations. But he never found what he felt was the true
New Testament church of earlier times. Of this disappointed seeker the legendary Cotton
Mather said, “Mr. Williams [finally] told [his followers] ‘that being himself misled, he had
[misled them,’ and] he was now satisfied that there was none upon earth that could
administer baptism [or any of the ordinances of the gospel], … [so] he advised them
therefore to forego all … and wait for the coming of new apostles.”8
Roger Williams did not
live to see those longed-for new Apostles raised up, but in a future time I hope to be able to
tell him personally that his posterity did live to see such.( Magnalia Christi Americana (1853),
2:498; Jeffery R. Holland Oct. 2004)
Joseph Smith’s Ancestors
John Mack Joseph Smith’s first maternal ancestor to leave England for America arrived in
1681-1692 Plymouth Colony
Governor of Plymouth Colony is Thomas Hinckley
(Ancestor of Gordon B. Hinckley Who married Ruth Merrick great grand daughter of
Stephen Hopkins who sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 at age 35 he was the fourteenth
signer of the Mayflower compact)
1686 England
Political History - King James II revokes the Massachusetts Bay Colony’s Charter and installs
Sir Edmunds Andros as Governor.
1689 Boston
Political History - Bostonians force Gov. Andros to resign
First Awakening
1756-1763 America
Seven Years War (French and Indian War) Drains the British Treasury
1761 Boston
Colonial Protests
James Otis argues against the writs of assistance in a court trial at the Old State House.
1763 Boston
Faneuil Hall
Dedicated to the “Cause of Liberty” by Otis
1765 American Colonies
Stamp Act passed
The Stamp Act of 1765 (short title Duties in American Colonies Act 1765; 5 George III, c. 12)
was the fourth Stamp Act to be passed by the Parliament of Great Britain and required all
legal documents, permits, commercial contracts, newspapers wills, pamphlets, and playing
cards in the American colonies to carry a tax stamp. The Act was enacted in order to defray
the cost of maintaining the military presence protecting the colonies. Britain also needed
money to repay the suppliers from the War, which had been very costly, even though Great
Britain had been victorious in 1763 (see Treaty of Paris (1763)). Riots occur in Boston and
other cities. An effigy of the stamp agent, Andrew Oliver, was hanged and then burned. His
home was broken into, and his office, along with the stamps, was burned. The mob even
went on to vandalize the home of Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson, destroying
records and forcing him and his family to seek refuge at Fort William. (The elm tree used to
hang Oliver's effigy later became known as the "Liberty Tree" (Wikipedia) The Stamp Act
was Parliament's first serious attempt to assert governmental authority over the colonies.
Great Britain was faced with a massive national debt following the Seven Years War. That
debt had grown from £72,289,673 in 1755 to £129,586,789 in 1764*
1766 American Colonies
Stamp Act Repealed
Great celebrations
1767 American Colonies
Townsend Acts Passed
Taxes on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea were applied with the design of raising
£40,000 a year for the administration of the colonies. The result was the resurrection of
colonial hostilities created by the Stamp Act. Reaction assumed revolutionary proportions in
Boston, in the summer of 1768, when customs officials impounded a sloop owned by John
Hancock, for violations of the trade regulations. Crowds mobbed the customs office,
forcing the officials to retire to a British Warship in the Harbor. Troops from England and
Nova Scotia marched in to occupy Boston on October 1, 1768. Bostonians offered no
resistance. Rather they changed their tactics. They established non-importation agreements
that quickly spread throughout the colonies. British trade soon dried up and the powerful
merchants of Britain once again interceded on behalf of the colonies non importation
boycott begins
June 10, 1768 Boston
John Hancock’s ship Liberty is seized in a disagreement over payment of customs duties-Violent
Protests against unpopular British taxes. Oct. 1 The British arrive in Boston to maintain
1770 Boston
Boston Massacre
Royal troops fired on a belligerent crowd
1772 American Colonies
Committees of Correspondence
This was formed to oppose “despotism” of Gov. Hutchinson in a dispute over his salary.
December 16(Thursday), 1773 Boston
Tea Act &Boston Tea Party -
Master Rotche’s Ship Dartmouth Gould not get a permit from governor Hutchinson to
return to England with his cargo of tea. The Committee of Correspondence met with him
and Samuel Adams concluded “This meeting can do no more to save this country”. (Old
South Mtg. House) 40 or 50 Disguised as Indians repaired to Griffen’s Warf and in and
orderly fashion deposited the tea in the Harbor.
1774 England
Intolerable Acts
They were passed to punish Boston for the destroyed tea, closed the towns port and
abolished all elected popular government. Gen. Thomas Gage appointed Gov. by King
George III; Patriots practice military art and organize the Minute Men.
September, 1774
The First Continental Congress Meets in Philadelphia
April 19,1775 Lexington and Concord
The American Revolution begins
British Troops March to Concord to seize rebel supplies. Alarmed by Paul Revere and
William Dawes (Robert Newman) The minute men stand on Lexington Green. After
the Boston Tea Party, the confrontation on Lexington Green, on the morning after
Paul Reveres famous midnight ride, the “shot heard round the world”
unleashed in Lexington and Concord later that day sparked the American
Revolution (RNH, Old Palmyra p. 32) Siege of Boston Begins
June 17, 1776 Breeds Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill
Americans fortify Charlestown overlooking Boston from the North. The British suffer over
1054 casualties as they take the Americans fort. Dr. Joseph Warren and Salem Poor are
killed Israel Putnam leads the engagement. (David McCollough, 1776)
July 2, 1776 Cambridge
Gen. George Washington arrives to take command of the Continental Army
July 8, 1776
Birth of Lucy Mack
January , 1776
Common Sense was first published anonymously by Thomas Paine
It is regarded as the most influential piece of literature leading to the American Revolution.
Paine wrote that: “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”
March 4-5, 1776 Boston
Americans fortify Dorchester Heights
They build a prefabricated fort and raise it in one night using the Cannons taken be Gen.
Know from Ft. Ticonderoga carried at great risk through storm over lake George. This gives
them and overlook to Boston from the south. Severe weather prevents military
March 17, 1776 Boston
Evacuation Day
The British troops and government officials and loyalists sail out of Boston Harbor, never to
July 4, 1776
Declaration of Independence
Signed and adopted in Philadelphia
August 29, 1776 N.Y.
Battle of Long Island, Also Called The Battle of Brooklyn-
"It was like the parting of the seas," said David McCullough, the historian and familiar narrator of
television epics, as we looked out on Brooklyn below and Manhattan in the distance.
He was recalling the retreat of Washington's army across the East River on Aug. 29, 1776, a
daring escape from advancing British forces. The harbor was filled with a huge force of British
ships, but a strong wind kept them anchored, unable to sail upstream to engage the Americans.
The Americans gathered small boats for the river crossing, and a fog allowed this makeshift
armada to leave Long Island safely. "It was a miracle," Mr. McCullough said. "If the wind had
been blowing in a different direction that day, we'd all be sipping tea and singing 'God Save the
Queen.' " In the morning when they could have been seen fog covered their retreat.
Washington evacuated the entire army to Manhattan without the loss of materiel or a
single life. (McCullough, 1776)
Bible Published for Colonial Army Authorized by Congress-
The first complete English Bible printed in America was published in 1782 by Robert Aitken.
Up until the American Revolution, all Bibles in English had been imported to the Colonies
from England. But during the Revolution, Bibles were not available because of the embargo
on English imported goods. The printing of the New Testament started with preliminary
copies in 1777 and the final copies printed in 1781. The addition of the Old Testament
followed in 1782. Aitken's printing of the King James Version came to be called the "Bible of
the Revolution" because it was small enough to fit into the coat pocket of the soldiers of
the Continental Army. This Bible was the only one ever authorized by the United States
Congress, part of whose resolution said: "they recommend this edition of the Bible to the
inhabitants of the United States, and hereby authorize him [Mr. Aitken] to publish this
recommendation in the manner he shall think proper."
October 19, 1781 Virginia
Battle of Yorktown
French alliance at Chesapeake which was a draw… in the sea battle pushed Admiral grave
to Return to New York would open the way to the miraculous end to the American
American Revolution
May 18, 1783
Martin Harris is born
The Constitution of the United States
(See D&C 101)
The Bill of Rights
January 24, 1796
Joseph Smith Sr. Married Lucy Mack
Second Awakening
(1800 - 7% of American’s belong to an organized religion; The Prophet Joseph, Porter and
Black p.23)
December 23 (Monday), 1805 Sharon, Vermont
Birth of Joseph Smith-
The Smith Family lived in seven locations between Joseph’s birth and the first vision,
Sharon, Tunbridge and South Royalton Vermont; West Lebonon New Hampshire; Norwich
Vermont; the village of Palmyra and Palmyra Township, New York)
March 24, 1810 4
Personal Life –
Joseph’s brother, Ephraim, dies at the age of 11 days old (HofJS;p. 350)
Personal Life Humor-
The boys enjoyed homemade sports such as playing ball, wrestling, and pulling sticks. One
neighbor described Joseph as "a real clever, jovial boy"; another neighbor said that the
Smiths were "the best family in the neighborhood in case of sickness," and said that Young
Joe, as he called him, worked for him "and he was a good worker" (William H. and E. L.
Kelley interviews, Saints' Herald [1881], 161–68, quoted in Richard L. Anderson, "A Corrected
View of Joseph Smith's New York Reputation").
1811 Lebanon New Hampshire
Smith family move
Joseph Smith Sr. has a series of 7 inspired dreams (CHFT, p.22)
Personal Life Brigham Young- Vermont
Brigham Young, who was five years older than the Prophet, described how he was brought
up: When I was young [he said], I was kept within very strict bounds, and was not allowed to
walk more than half-an-hour on Sunday for exercise. [In fact, he said], the proper and
necessary gambols of youth [were] denied me. . . . I had not a chance to dance when I was
young, and never heard the enchanting tones of the violin, until I was eleven years of age; and
then I thought I was on the high way to hell, if I suffered myself to linger and listen to it. . . . The
Christian world of my youth considered it very wicked to listen to music and to dance. [Journal
of Discourses, 2:94]
1812 Washington
The War of 1812 –
Washington is Burned Including the White House; Martin Harris fights in 2 battles
1812-13 7
Personal Life-
Seven year old Joseph suffered from complications of typhoid. He was operated on by
Nathan Smith Dartmouth College (CHFT, p.23; HofJS p. 54)
Personal Life-
Joseph went to Salem Massachusetts to recover, he remained on crutches for three years
(CHFT, p.23; HofJS p. 54)
1816 Vermont to Palmyra NY
Personal Life-
Smith’s moved from Norwich Vermont to Palmyra NY; Joseph walked 40 miles a day in
snow with his bad leg because of Caleb Howard.
Joseph’s grandma, Lydia Mack, dies; age 83
1818 Palmyra
Vision & Revelations of Martin Harris-
Smith’s purchased a farm in Farmington township; Martin Harris has a Revelation he is told
that he is to join no organized church, the true Church did not yet exist he would fulfill the
prophecy of Isaiah 29 ( Joel Tiffany Interview)
Personal Life - Peddler of Palmyra-
In Palmyra, before they moved to the farm, Joseph’s father opened a cake and root beer
shop and sold gingerbread, pies, boiled eggs, and other items, sometimes peddling them
from door to door in a homemade handcart. Joseph probably assisted. Later he sold
firewood, as well as such homemade products as chairs, baskets, birch brooms, and maple
syrup. The Smiths peddled their cake and root beer at public occasions, including revivals
and holiday celebrations. As he grew older, Joseph found opportunities for employment
away from home, hoeing corn, digging wells, and removing rock. One neighbor who
employed him said of Joseph: “His noble deportment, his faithfulness, and his kind address
could not fail to win the esteem of those who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. In all his
boyish sports and amusements, I never knew anyone to gain advantage over him, and yet
he was always kind and kept the good will of others.” (James B. Allen, New Era Jan. 1971)
1819 Palmyra
Revivals intensified in Palmyra vicinity
Visions & Revelations of Joseph Smith Sr.-
Joseph Smith Sr. has his last visit from the messenger of his dreams and tells him he has one
thing in his life that is still needful for Salvation (CHFT, p.22)
Seeker- Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson wrote a Letter to a friend about the need for restoration…. “I hope that
the genuine and simple religion of Jesus Christ may be restored, for it hath become so
muffled up in mysteries that it is concealed from the vulgar eyes. (Ivan J. Barrett,
Joseph Smith and the Restoration ,p.5)
Personal Life - World in Joseph’s Day
Commentary William J. Berenstein: Beginning around 1820, the pace of economic advance
picked up noticeably, making the world a better place to live in. What happened? An
explosion in technological innovation the likes of which had never before been seen. The
lot of the average individual, measured as real per capita GDP, did not change at all during
the first millennium after the birth of Christ. Over the next 500 years, between A.D. 1000
and 1500, things did not get much better. Before 1820, there had been only minuscule
progress from decade to decade and century to century. After 1820, the world steadily
became a more prosperous place…[The] growth of the global economy took off, bringing
prosperity despite the repeated devastation of war, civil strife, and revolution. (William J.
Berenstein, The Birth of Plenty, pp 15, 18-19) We live in a period of history to which that
misunderstood and much overused word, “awesome,” truly applies. This is the season of
fulness and fulfillment. The world has been linked together as never before. Scientific
understanding has reached ever greater heights and most of the technical inventions of
mankind have occurred since 1820. Most of the per capita wealth of mankind has been
generated since 1820, as have 85% of all the people that have ever lived. It is hard for a
Latter-day Saint to think that this onrush of knowledge, invention, wealth, population, and
political-economic integration since 1820 is but coincidental. What an exciting time to live,
an age in which prophets and seers of ancient time wished to have lived! (see Isa. 29:13-
14)Note from the Hebrew-Joseph…)
The First Visitation –JSH
1820 Palmyra, N.Y.
Visions and Revelations- John Alger Account
Spring Joseph’s Theophony with the Father and the Son Manchester Township, Ontario
County, New York. [February 2, 1893] Brother John Alger said while speaking of the Prophet
Joseph Smith, that when he, John, was a small boy he heard the Prophet Joseph relate his
vision of seeing the Father and the Son, [and] that God touched his eyes with his finger and
said "Joseph, this is my Beloved Son, hear Him." As soon as the Lord had touched his eyes
with his finger he immediately saw the Savior. After meeting, a few of us questioned him
about the matter and he told us at the bottom of the meeting house steps that he was in
the house of Father Smith in Kirtland when Joseph made this declaration, and that Joseph
while speaking of it put his finger to his right eye, suiting the action with the words so as to
illustrate and at the same time impress the occurrence on the minds of those unto whom
was speaking. We enjoyed the conversation very much, as it was something that we had
never seen in church history or heard of before. Heard Joseph testify of the First Vision,
saying God the Father appeared first and touched his eye, enabling him to see the Son. (A.
Karl Larson and Katharine Miles Larson, Diary of Charles Lowell Walker, 2 vols. Logan, Utah:
Utah State University Press, 1980, 2:540; Doctrine and Covenants130:22)
Bruce R. McConkie Commentary:
Now and then in a peaceful grove, apart from the gaze of men, heaven and earth share a
moment of intimacy, and neither are ever the same. Such a moment occurred on that
beautiful clear morning, in the spring of 1820 in a grove of trees near Palmyra New York.
Man asked and God answered. Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son. (Bruce R.
McConkie, En. Nov. 1975, p.18)
1820 14
Joseph’s grandfather, Solomon Mack, (Aug 23)dies; age 87
Preparatory Period Summary-
These eight years may be termed the preparatory period preceding the restoration of the
Priesthood and the organization of the Church of Christ on the earth. The angel Moroni
appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith, jr., several times and finally delivered to him the
plates of the Book of Mormon. The translation of the sacred records was begun, and
Joseph commenced to receive revelations. (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret
News, 1914)
September 21-22, 1823 17 Palmyra, N.Y.
Visions & Revelations-
Moroni Appears Joseph Smith History September 21, 1823 (Sunday)he appears to Joseph
Smith in his room and in the fields and at the hill Cumorah. (JSH 1:27-54; D&C 2-
Promise of Elijah)
Nov. 19 17 Alvin Smith died at 25 of gangrene of the intestines (HofJS p. 86-89)
1824 Martin Harris Built a new farm house and hired the Smith’s to hoe
corn at .50 cents a day
Sept. 22 Moroni Tutors Joseph
1825 Martin Harris hires Joseph Sr. and Hyrum to dig a well he learns of
Joseph’s First Vision
Sept.22 Moroni Tutors Joseph
Oct. Joseph Worked for Josiah Stowell, Boards with the Issac Hale in
Harmony and met Emma Smith. Joseph is accused of using magic and
being a money digger.
Dec. 23 Personal Life - Current world events:
On December 23, 1825, a handsome, six-foot, young American, with
blue eyes and light brown hair, celebrated his twentieth birthday. His
name was Joseph Smith, Jr. For a young man of twenty, it was a
fascinating time to be alive. In the United States, General Andrew
Jackson, whom Joseph later admired as one of America’s greatest
leaders, lost his first bid for the presidency. The Erie Canal was
opened, ready to become the most important economic development
in America since the invention of the cotton gin. In South America, the
last republics to win separation from Spain were celebrating their first
year of independence. In Russia, Nicholas I became czar, and in Japan,
the government, alarmed at the unwanted influence of outsiders, was
trying to expel nearly all foreigners.
(James B. Allen, New Era Jan. 19710
1826 Mar.20th;
Joseph is tried and acquitted on the fanciful charge of being
a “disorderly person” , South Bainbridge, Chenango County, New
York. The law defined a disorderly person as a vagrant, or a
seeker of “lost goods”. The prophet had been accused
of both; the first charge was false and was made simply to cause
trouble; Joseph’s use of the Seer Stone to see things others could
not see with the naked eye brought the second charge. Josiah
Stowell, Joseph’s employer, testified that Joseph could be
trusted. (Its believed that Joseph found a seer stone digging a well
for Willard Chase)
Sept. 22 Moroni Tutors Joseph
1827 Marriage - Gold Plates
Jan. 18 21 Marriage of Joseph and Emma Hale South Bainbridge, NY
Sept.27 21 Joseph entrusted with the Golden Plates (HofJS p. 102-3)
Dec. Joseph Moves to Harmony Pennsylvania
1828 Isaiah Fulfilled-Harmony Penn.
Feb. Martin Harris visited Charles Anthon in New York City
12 April Joseph Smith commences translation of the Book of Mormon with
Martin Harris as his scribe, Harmony Sequehanna County,
Pennsylvannia (Story of Martin making it dark as Egypt)
Feb.-June 116 pages translated and Lost Manuscript
14 June Martin Harris leaves Harmony with 116 pages (the Book of Lehi) Pages
are stolen altered and it is suggested that they were burned.
15 June 22 Joseph and Emma lost their first born son Alvin or Alva dies on date of
birth. ( HofJS p. 125)
July D&C - 3 - Lost 116- Joseph First recorded Revelation
July Interpreters and plates are taken from the prophet by the angel
Summer D&C 10 - Wicked Designs -Foreknowledge of God (see Words of
Mormon 1:7); Joseph learns that the manuscripts arelost—loses
power to translate (HofJS p. 129)
Sept. 22 Joseph regained the gift to translate and the Urim and Thummim from
Moroni ; Emma Served as scribe (HofJS p. 135)
During this year the translation of the Book of Mormon was
completed by Joseph Smith, jun., who was assisted by Oliver
Cowdery as scribe; the plates were shown to the Three Witnesses
and the Eight Witnesses; the Aaronic Priesthood was
restored to the earth by John the Baptist, and, later, the
Melchizedek Priesthood by Peter, James and John; Joseph Smith,
jun., and Oliver Cowdery also
commenced to preach and baptize
1829 Harmony, Pennsylvania
Vision Revelation: Oliver Cowdery The Prophet's first history states
the "Lord appeared unto…Oliver Cowdery and shewed unto him the
plates in a vision and…what the Lord was about to do through me, his
unworthy servant. Therefore he was desirous to come and write for
me to translate" (PJS 1:10).
Feb. D&C - 4 - To Joseph Smith Sr.
March D&C - 5 -Three Witnesses-
April 5, (Sunday) Joseph Smith, jr., and Oliver Cowdery met for the first time.
April 7, (Tuesday) Joseph Smith, jr., resumed the translation of the Book of Mormon,
assisted by Oliver Cowdery as scribe, at Harmony.
April D&C 6 -Oliver to serve as Scribe; 7 -John the Beloved is a Translated
being; Sec. 8 The Gift to Translate; Sec. 9 Oliver Admonished to
be Patient.
May 15 (Friday) John the Baptist restores the Aaronic Priesthood; D&C - 13
May D&C 11- To Hyrum; 12 Joseph Knight
May-June 23 Adam-Peter, James and John restore the Melchezedek Priesthood and
the Holy Apostleship (HofC Vol 1:41)
June D&C 14, 15 ,16 -To David John and Peter Whitmer; 17 -Three Witnesses;
18 the Three to Choose the Twelve; the first apostles in 1800 years
Move From Harmony to Fayette
June 1 23 Joseph, Oliver and Emma move to Fayette to complete the translation
Miracle of the sowing of Plaster at the Whitmers; Moroni
appeared along the way and later to sister Whitmer (HofJS p. 151)
June 23 Three witnesses view the plates, see the angel Moroni, and hear the
Voice of God in the Chamber of Old father Whitmer (DC 128:19-21;
Testimony of the three Witnesses; HofJS p. 151-3)
June 23 The eight witnesses view the plates (Testimony of the Eight
11 June Copyright of the Book of Mormon obtained
June - July Joseph returned home to be with Emma
August Martin Harris Mortgages his farm to EB Grandin -$3,000 for
5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon
In the beginning of this year the Book of Mormon was printed and
published in the English language. This first edition of
the book, consisting of 5,000 copies, was printed by Egbert
Grandin, at Palmyra, N. Y. Soon afterwards the Church was organized;
the first conferences were held, the first missionaries sent out
to preach the fulness of the gospel, and several revelations given for
the government of the Church; a large branch was
established at Kirtland, Ohio, etc.
(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology: A Record of Important Events
Pertaining to the History of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints [Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1914],)
early The Reflector (Palmyra) prints extracts from the unpublished Book of
Mormon, in Jan. The prophet travels to Palmyra from Harmony
to stop the unauthorized publishing. Squire Cole
March 26 First publication of The Book of Mormon (EB Grandin Press)
Organization of the Church
6 April (Tuesday)
D&C 20; 21
11 Apr. First public discourse
1830 24
Apr. 18 (Sunday) First miracle - JS cast a devil out of Newel Knight (CHFT, p.69-70)
26-28 June Baptisms and persecution (CHFT, p.71)
28 June Joseph Smith was arrested twice (CHFT, p.72-73)
28 Emma was Baptized (CHFT, p.71)
June 24 Joseph receives Moses 1 . The translation of the Bible (JST) is an
ongoing project (RofP p. 4)
9 June First Conference of the Church
Newell Knight saw the Savior seated on the right hand of the Father
(CHFT, p.70-71)
30 June-1830
Mar. 1831 Moses 2-8 (CHFT, p.72)-
Last week of August Emma moves to Fayette from Harmony
June Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible was begun
Moses 1 (JS-R,p.96)
July D&C 24 -Because of Persecution
July D&C 25 -Emma an Elect Lady
July D&C 26 - Law of Common Consent
Aug. D&C 27 -Sacrament
Late Aug. With Emma Joseph Smith left Harmony for Fayette for the last time
1830 Manchester Area
March D&C 19 -Martin Harris -Christ’s Atonement
April D&C 22 on Rebaptism; 23 Oliver Hyrum and Joseph Knight
April, June Samuel Smith labored as a missionary
July Joseph Smith, Sr., and Don Carlos Smith left to do missionary work
(CHFT, p.67, 75)
1 Sept. Parley P. Pratt Conversion and baptized (CHFT,p.67, 75)
26 Sept. Second conference
Oct. Oliver Cowdery and others leave on Mission to the Indians
Oct 31 24 Joseph’s grandpa, Asael Smith, dies at the age of 86 (HofJS p. 348)
Fayette, New York
Sept. D&C 28 - Hiram Page Peep Stone; 29 to six elder’s before Conference
30, 32 - Mission Call to the Lamanites; 31 Thomas B. Marsh Mission Call
Oct. D&C 33
Nov. 4 D&C -34 - Orson Pratt
Dec. 24 D&C 35 - Sidney Rigdon Scribe for New Testament Translation; 36
Edward Partridge
Dec. D&C 37 saints are to Gather at Ohio
2 Jan. D&C 38 (After Moses 8) The Lord promises his Law and His
5 Jan. D&C 39, 40 - James Covill
The first Elders arrived in Jackson County, Mo., and the Saints from the
State of New York and other places commenced to build up
Kirtland, O., where the Prophet Joseph also located with his family.
Jackson County, Mo., was named by the Lord a land of Zion where
the New Jerusalem should be built, and where the Saints were to
gather. The land was dedicated for that purpose, a
Temple site selected and dedicated, and the building of a
settlement commenced. The Elders also began to preach the gospel
with great zeal.
Gathering to Ohio
2 Jan. Third General Conference of the Church was held in Fayette
Early Feb. 25 Joseph Smith arrived in Ohio By sleigh with Emma “Thou art the
Man”(CHFT, p. 90)
4, 9 Feb. D & C 41, 42 : Law of consecration revealed
Feb. D&C 43 False Revelations (D&C Institute Manuel, p.87); 44
Conference set for June
7 March D&C 45- Promise of Peace Safety and Refuge During the Judgements
8 March D&C 46 -Gifts of the Spirit; 47 John Whitmer Appointed Historian
March D&C 48 -Mode of Land Purchase
March D&C 49-Leman Copley and shakers
30 April 25 Louisa and Thaddeus the Twins of Joseph and Emma die
Spring Earthquake in Peking China predicted By young Mormon girl this
convinced Symonds Ryder to join the church (CHFT, p. 93)
9 May Joseph and Emma Adopt the Murdock twins (CHFT, p .100)
Thompson Ohio
May D&C 51 - Edward Partridge
May-June New York immigrants arrived in Ohio, Lucy Mack’s Miracle of opening
the ice.(Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith, p. 199-205)
May Revelation on false spirits given
1831 Kirtland
June D&C 53 Sidney Gilbert Land Agent
3 June Fourth general conference of the Church was held in Kirtland, Ohio;
Isaac Morely Farm in the little school house the Man of sin is revealed
and the First High Priests ordained.
7 June D&C 52 Commandment was given to go to Missouri
June D&C 54 Be patient in Tribulation
June D&C 55 To a Non member W. W. Phelps; He is Chosen to write
Children’s books and go to Missouri; 56 Ezra Thayre
19 June 25 Joseph Starts for Missouri to designate the land of Zion
9 Aug. Leaves Independence; Arrives in Kirtland 27 Aug.
late Aug. D&C 63 Gathering Saints and land Purchase
11 Sept. D&C 64 Forgiveness and Tithing
12 Sept. 25 Joseph moves to Hiram, Ohio John Johnson farm
4 Dec. D&C 72 Newell K. Whitney called as Bishop, his duties
Oct. D&C 65 A Prayer
25 Oct. 25 D&C 66 (Orange, Ohio) First Day of an important Conference
Oct.–Dec. 1831 Ezra Booth attacked the Church in the press (CHFT, p. 113-114)
Nov. D&C 67 Book of Commandments to be Published
Nov. D&C 68 Speak as Moved by the spirit and Presiding Bishopric
Nov. D&C 69 John Whitmer to Accompany Oliver to Missouri and to record
the History as they travel.
12 Nov. D&C 70 4 Conferneces were held to consider the Revelations in the Book
of Commandments; “the foundation of the Church in these latter-
days...showing that the keys of the mysteries of the
kingdom of our Savior are again entrusted to man”.
1 Nov. D&C 1
3 Nov. D&C 133 Appendix Second Coming
1 Dec. D&C 71 Joseph and Sidney are to stop translating and reach to allay the
bad feelings caused by the Newspaper articles by Ezra Booth
who apostatized.
1832 Hiram
10 Jan. D&C 73 Joseph and Sidney are to return to the Translation of the Bible.
Jan. D&C 74 (1 Cor. 7:14)
Amherst, Ohio
25 Jan. D&C 75 Joseph had been ordained President of the High Priesthood
and the Elders wanted to know their duties
16 Feb. D&C 76 The Vision
Mar. D&C 77 Explanation of the Revelation of John
Mar. D&C 78 The Saints should Organize a storehouse for the poor
Mar. D&C 79 Jared Carter
Mar. D&C 80 Stephen Burnett and Eden Smith
Mar. D&C 81 Frederick G. Williams is to Replace Jesse Gause in the First
24 Mar. 26 Joseph and Sidney Rigdon, tarred and feathered at Hiram. His
adopted son of John Murdock dies on 29 March 1832 in
consequence of exposure at the time (CHFT, p.115; JS-R, p.140-141; HC 1:265)
25 Mar. Emma faints at the sight of Joseph; they spent the night scraping off
the tar. The next day Joseph preaches a sermon on brotherly love
and kindness, mobbers are in the congregation. The Prophet
baptized three people that day. Tar and
Feathering (DHC 1:261)
1 April Travels back to Jackson County Missouri (CHFT, p.115)
Aug. D&C 99 To John Murdock Mission Call
Apr 14, 1832 26 Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball baptized (CHFT, p.75)
Gathering to Zion
July Colesville Saints arrived in Missouri, (JS-R, p.100, 128)
20 July D&C 57 Independence Missouri - Zion
1 Aug. D&C 58 To Colesville Branch
2 Aug. Sidney Rigdon dedicated the land for a place of gathering (CHFT, p. 102, 107)
3 Aug. 27 Joseph Smith dedicated the temple site in Independence (CHFT, p. 102, 107)
7 Aug. D&C 59 Sabbath Return to the garden of Eden Reinstating the
8 Aug. D&C 60 Travel Routes
Mcllwaines Bend, Missouri River
12 Aug. D&C 61 WW Phelps saw the destroyer
13 Aug. D&C 62 Revelation to a passing group of Elders
1832 Jackson, County
26 April D&C 82 Much Given- Joseph Sustained as President of High Priesthood
30 April 26 D&C 83 Women have claim on their Husbands
May 6, 1832 (Sunday)
Joseph Smith, jun., Sidney Rigdon and Newel K. Whitney left
Independence, Mo., for Ohio. On the journey Bro. Whitney
broke his leg and was miraculously healed. Joseph was
poisoned by his enemies, but was restored in an
instant. Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret
News, 1914.)Joseph Smith was poisoned. He vomited so profusely
that he dislocated his jaw. He replaced it himself and
then made his way to the bedside of Newel K. Whitney where Newel
administered to him and he was healed instantly. The Prophet Joseph
Smith indicated that the effect of the poison was so powerful it
caused much of the hair of his head to be loosened. He was
grateful to be alive, however, and said, “thanks be to my
Heavenly Father for his interference.” (DHC 1:271-2 for the instance
of writing An Impressive Letter from the Pen of Joseph Smith
by Lamar C. Berrett Fn, BYU Studies, vol. 11 (1970- 1971),
Number 4 - Summer 1971 .)
June First edition of the Evening and Morning Star (CHFT, p.109)
Kirtland, Ohio
22, 23 Sept. D&C 84 Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood (Unlocks Malachi 2)
Oct. - Nov. Joseph serves a mission to Albany, New York City, and Boston with
Newel K. Whitney (See D&C 84:114)
November 6, 1832 (Tuesday)
Joseph Smith returned home from a rapid journey to Albany, New
York and Boston. On the day of his return his son Joseph 3rd
was born.(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News,
1914], .)
Nov 8, 1832 26 Joseph meets Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball for the first time
Joseph prophecies that Brigham will one day lead the church
after hearing Brigham pray in the Adamic language(JS-R, p.144;JSC p.
27 Nov. D&C 85 To W. W. Phelps in Zion: Land Inheritances
6 Dec. D&C 86 While translating the Bible Joseph received this revelation
which unlocks the Parable of the wheat and the tares
Dec 18, 1832 26 Joseph gives Oliver Cowdery a patriarchal blessing. The first one given
in the church (KofGR p.180)
25 Dec. D&C 87 Civil War Prophecy was given s the brethren were pondering
slavery of the children of men on Christmas Day
27 Dec. D&C 88 The Olive Leaf
During this year the First Presidency of the Church was organized and
the translation of the Bible finished by the Prophet Joseph; the
corner stones of the Kirtland Temple were laid, and the Saints
driven by a mob from their homes in Jackson County, Mo. The
Church printing office having been destroyed by the mob in
Missouri, a new press and type were secured, and the
publication of the Evening and Morning Star was
recommenced at Kirtland, O.(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret
News, 1914], .)
1833 Kirtland
22-23 Jan School of the prophets is organized (D&C 88:70-80, 117-141)
January 22, 1833 (Tuesday)
Joseph Smith, jun., Sidney Rigdon, Frederick G. Williams, Newel K.
Whitney, Hyrum Smith, Zebedee Coltrin, Joseph Smith, sen.,
Samuel H. Smith, John Murdock, Lyman E. Johnson, Orson Hyde,
Ezra Thayer, Levi W. Hancock and William Smith
assembled in conference at Kirtland, O. On this
occasion the Prophet Joseph, Zebedee Coltrin and Wm.
Smith spoke in tongues, “after which the Lord
poured out his spirit in a miraculous manner, until all the Elders and
several members, both male and female, spoke in tongues.” (Andrew
Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914], .)
Jan 1833 27 J.S. writes to Bp. Partridge that he feels more like weeping over Zion
than rejoicing over her (KofGR p. 172)
January 23, 1833 (Wednesday)
The conference was continued at Kirtland. “After much speaking,
singing, praying and praising God, all in tongues,” the brethren
“proceeded to the washing of feet, as commanded of the
Lord,” according to the practice recorded in John 13:4-15.
(See History of Joseph Smith.)
February 2, 1833 (Saturday)
Joseph Smith, jun., completed the translation of the New Testament.
JST(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914], .)
27 Feb. D&C 89 The Word of Wisdom
8 Mar. D&C 90 Revelation on the First Presidency
9 Mar. D&C 91 The Lords feelings about the Apocrypha
15 Mar. D&C 92 To Frederick G. Williams recently called member of the First
March 18, 1833 (Monday)
Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams were appointed and set apart
by President Joseph Smith to be his Counselors in the Presidency
of the Church, according to the revelation given March 8th
. On
the same occasion “many of the brethren saw a
heavenly vision of the Savior and concourses of angels.” John
Murdock and Zebedee Coltrin see the Father and the Son (See
History of Joseph Smith.)
(Andrew Jenson, Church ChronologyDeseret News, 1914], .)
6 May D&C 93 Those who are begotten through Christ are the Church of the
6 May D&C 94 Church Building Committee Appointed
1 June D&C 95 Saints Chastised for not building the temple
4 June D&C 96 Disposition of the French Farm
July 2, 1833 (Tuesday)
Joseph the Prophet finished the translation of the Bible. JST-
O.T. (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News,
1914], .)
23 July Cornerstones of the Kirtland temple laid
2 Aug. D&C 97 Revelation given in response to the Persecutions in
6 Aug. D&C 98 The Law of War and Retaliation
3 Oct.-4 Nov. Joseph’s mission to Canada
Perrysburg, New York
12 Oct. D&C 100 Your Families are well
Kirtland, Ohio
22 Nov. Joseph learns of Saints expulsion from Jackson County
16 Dec. D&C 101 The Lord promise that he will own the righteous saints Who are
persecuted for his name. Saints have been driven from
Jackson County to Clay County and some to Van Buren. Threats
and Destruction of personal property were prevalent
18 Dec. Office of evangelist or patriarch announced, first patriarchal
blessings given
Expulsion from Jackson County
Apr 1833 27 300 meet at Independence Courthouse to (KofGR p. 173)
Expel Mormons; get drunk—fight instead
Summer School of the Elders was held
July “Secret constitution” distributed by Jackson County citizens
(CHFT, p. 130-134)
20 July 27 First edition of Book of Commandments printed. Mob of 500 demands
Mormon evacuation of Jackson. Destroy press burn most Books of
Commandments. Tar and feather Bp. Partridge and Charles Allen
(CHFT, p.133; KofGR p. 175)
23 July Six elders offered their lives for the safety of the Saints
Personal Life of Samuel Gifford Humor Clay County, Missouri
He was twelve years old during the harassment in Clay county,
Missouri , when Mormon families seemed at the mercy of the
unchecked hostility. He and his friends were hiding in a corral when a
crowd passed by on their way home from organizing a raid against
Samuels family and neighbors…He apologized for his thoughts—to
wish harm to anyone even an enemy, was shameful, he wrote later
“but nevertheless I said I hope they will get drowned before they get
across the river. The first news of the morning, sure enough, was that
the ferry had sprung a leak in midstream and sank. Among those lost
were two of the ringleaders. The other survived by stripping and
swimming to the shore several miles downstream. His fate however
was almost as satisfying: He was naked and far from home and had to
pass through a large bottom of nettles that were dense and thick. TThe
Lord, or some accident, knocked a hole in the bottom of the boat.
When they discovered it, says Commander Owen to the company on
the ferry boat, "We must strip to the bone, or we shall all perish." Mr.
Campbell replied, "I will go to hell before I will land naked." He had his
choice, and went to the bottom. Owen stripped himself of every
article of clothing, and commenced floating down the river. After
making several attempts he finally landed on the Jackson side of the
river, after a swim of about fourteen miles. He rested some time,
being perfectly exhausted, and then started into the nettles, which
grow very thick and to a great height, in the Missouri bottoms, and
which was his only possible chance in making from the river to the
settlements. He had to walk four miles through the nettles, which took
him the remainder of the night, and when he got through the nettles,
he came to a road, and saw a young lady approaching on horseback,
who was the belle of Jackson County. In this miserable condition he
laid himself behind a log, so that she could not see him. When she
arrived opposite the log, he says, "Madam, I am Samuel C. Owen, the
Commander-in-Chief of the mob against the Mormons; I wish you to
send some men from the next house with clothing, for I am naked."
The lady in her philanthropy dismounted, and left him a light shawl and
a certain unmentionable under garment, and passed on. So His
Excellency Samuel C. Owen, took up his line of march for the town, in
the shawl and petticoat uniform, after his expedition against the
"Mormons." My young friends, have the goodness to use every man
so, who comes into your country to mob and oppress the innocent;
Samuel Owen-as told by George A. Smith Journal of Discourses, 26
vols., 2:24)
October 26, 1833 (Saturday)
Joseph Smith, jr., preached and baptized twelve persons at Mount
Pleasant, Upper Canada.
Dec. 1833 27 Joseph and Emma receive patriarchal blessings from Joseph Smith Sr.
Dec 10, 1833 27 Joseph first learn about the Missouri persecutions (KofGR p.
December 18, 1833 (Wednesday)
Joseph Smith, sr., was ordained Patriarch to the whole Church.
(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914)
December 31, 1833 (Tuesday)
Wilford Woodruff was baptized at Richland, N. Y., by Zera Pulsipher.
(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914], .)
October 31, 1833 (Thursday)
Personal Life - Parley P. Pratt, Persecution in Jackson County
A mob attacked a branch of the Church, west of the Big Blue, in
Jackson County, Mo., destroyed ten houses, and beat several of the
brethren in a most brutal manner. Parley P. Pratt said: It was evening.
I was out in the act of posting guards a short distance from the
dwellings, when two men [Robert Johnson and one Harris] assailed us,
armed with guns and pistols; and supposing it against our principles to
make any defence, they attacked the guards. I was without arms, but
stepped forward to interfere between them, when one of them drew
his gun backwards, and, with both hands, struck the barrel of it across
the top of my head. I staggared back, but did not fall; the blood came
streaming down my face, and I was for an instant stunned by the
blow; But, recovering myself, I called help from the house and
disarmed them, and put them under guard till morning. Their arms
were then restored, and they let go in peace. (PPP, p.97)
Oct. 31 Personal Life - Sister Whitmer: The Mob
Came to the house of David Whitmer and drew his wife out of the
house by the hair of the head and proceeded to throw down the
house they then went to other houses throwing them down until they
had demolished ten dwelling houses amidst the shrieks and screams
of women and children (Clark V. Johnson, ed., The Mormon Redress
Petitions: Documents of the 1833-1838 Missouri Conflict, p.525 – 527)
` Personal Life- Partridge Allens and Rockwell’s
A few days later the Rockwells were told that unless they renounced
their "doctrine and religious faith as Mormons," they would share
the same fate as Partridge and Allen. Rockwell, too, related
how the wife of David Whitmer was dragged from her home by
the hair of her head and watched helplessly as her domicile was
demolished. (Arnold K. Garr and Clark V. Johnson, eds., Regional
Studies in Latter-day Saint History: Missouri , p.211)
November 1, 1833 (Friday)
The Saints at Independence were attacked by a mob, and Gilbert &
Whitney’s store was partly destroyed, besides many
private dwellings.
November 2, 1833 (Saturday)
The mob attacked the Saints on the Big Blue, Jackson County, and
beat David Bennett severely.
4 Nov. Became known as “bloody day” of conflict (CHFT, p. 136)
Nov.-Dec. Saints expelled from Jackson County
November 4, 1833 (Monday)
A skirmish took place between a company of Saints and a mob, several
miles west of the Big Blue, in Jackson County. Andrew Barber,
one of the Saints, was mortally wounded, two of the mobs
were killed, and several others wounded on both sides.(CHFT, p.
November 4, 1833 (Monday)
Joseph Smith, jun., returned to Kirtland, O., from his mission to
(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914)
Nov 1-14, 27 Boggs orders weapons taken away from Mormons 1200 Mormons driven
out. 203 homes burned. Trail of blood left by 190 exiled across
30 miles of frosted ground. Meteor storm in the sky. Leonids(PPP,
p. ; KofGR p. 177)
The first High Council of the Church was organized at Kirtland, O.
Zion’s Camp made its famous march to Missouri, and a High Council
was organized in Clay County, Mo., where most of the Saints, who
had been expelled from Jackson County, had located (Andrew
Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914.)
Zions Camp
1834 Kirtland, Ohio
17 Feb. D&C 102 High council Procedures- Sanctioned plan to organize army to
help Missouri Saints
24 Feb. D&C 103 After Parley and Lyman Arrived in Kirtland the Lord revealed
about the redemption of Zion
Mar.-May Members recruited for Zion’s Camp
1834 Kirtland
March 27
Personal Life -
"Remained at home and had great joy with my family." Indeed, according to a cousin,
George A. Smith, one convert family apostatized because, when they arrived in Kirtland
from the East, Joseph came downstairs from the room "where he had been translating by
the gift and power of God" and began to romp and play with his children (Journal of
Discourses, 2:214). In their view, this was not proper behavior for a prophet! The Prophet's
journal mentions going with his family to musical concerts, the theater, and circus
performances, and taking excursions on Mississippi riverboats. Leonard J. Arrington was
Church Historian for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when this devotional
address was given at Brigham Young University on 19 November 1974
April 29
Personal Life - Wilford Woodruff first met the Prophet at Kirtland
He wrote: I saw him out in the field with his brother Hyrum: he had on a very old hat. . . .
I was introduced to him, and he invited me home with him. I accepted the invitation, and I
watched him pretty closely, to see what I could learn. He remarked, while passing to his house,
that this was the first hour he had spent in recreation for a long time. Shortly after we arrived
at his house, he went into an adjoining room, and brought out a wolf-skin, and said, "Brother
Woodruff, I want you to help me to tan this." So I pulled off my coat, went to work and helped
him, and felt honoured in so doing. He was about going up with the brethren to redeem Zion,
and he wanted this wolf-skin to put upon his waggon seat, as he had no buffalo robe. . . . Well,
we tanned it, and used it. . . . This was my first introduction to the Prophet Joseph Smith. . . . I
rejoiced to behold his face and to hear his voice. I was fully satisfied that Joseph was a Prophet.
[Journal of Discourses, 7:101; also Millennial Star 53 (1891): 627–28]).
April 10, 1834 (Thursday)
The United Order at Kirtland was dissolved
(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914)
23 April D&C 104 United Order to be temporarily dissolved
May Zion’s Camp began March (CHFT, p.143-151)
8 June Zion’s Camp obtained maximum numerical strength of 207
9-15 June Governor Dunklin refused to cooperate with Zion’s Camp
June 16, 1834 (Monday)
A large meeting of the citizens of Clay County, Mo., held at the Liberty
court house, failed to adjust the difficulties between the Saints
and the Jackson County people. From the meeting Samuel C.
Owens, James Campbell and about thirteen other mob-leaders
started for Jackson County to raise a mob, in which, however,
they failed, as Mr. Campbell and six others were drowned in
attempting to cross the Missouri River. (Andrew Jensen,
Fishing River, Missouri
19 June Violent storm protected Zion’s Camp from enemies
22 June D&C 105 The Lord set forth conditions for future redemption of Zion
21-29 June Cholera attacked Zion’s Camp (CHFT, p. 149)
3 July Presidency and stake high council were created in Clay County
July David Whitmer named as successor: While the conference was in
session, Joseph Smith presiding, he arose and said that
the time had come when he must appoint his
successor in office. Some have supposed that it would
be Oliver Cowdery; but, said he, Oliver has lost that privilege in
consequence of transgression. The Lord has made it known to me that
David Whitmer is the man. David was then called
forward, and Joseph and his counsellors laid hands upon
him, and ordained him to his station, to succeed him.
Joseph then gave David a charge, in the hearing of the whole
assembly. Joseph then seemed to rejoice that that work was done, and said,
now brethren, if anything should befall me, the work of God
will roll on with more power than it has hitherto done. Then
brethren, you will have a man who can lead you as well as I
can. He will be Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and
Translator before God. (Ensign of Liberty 1, no. 3
[December 1847]: 43-44; see also History of the Church, 3:32.)
Hoyt W. Brewster, Jr., Prophets, Priesthood Keys, and Succession,
Evidently Joseph had not discussed this with his newly designated
successor, for David was later to say, "I did not know
what he was going to do until he laid his hands upon me and
ordained me." (An Address to all Believers in Christ [Richmond, Virginia:
David Whitmer, 1887], p. 55.)
Glorious days in Kirtland 1834-36
Aug. 28 Zion’s Camp returned (CHFT, p. 151)
Oct. Joseph visits saints in Pontiac Michigan
Nov. School of the Elders opened in Kirtland (CHFT, p.153)
22 Nov. D&C 106 The Second Coming shall not overtake the Children of Light as
a Thief in the night (To Warren Cowdery)
5 Dec. Oliver Cowdery was set apart as Assistant President of the Church
The Council of Twelve Apostles and the First Quorum of Seventy were
organized at Kirtland, O. The Book of Doctrine and Covenants
was accepted by the Church, and Joseph Smith, jun., obtained some
Egyptian rolls of papyrus containing the writings of Abraham, etc.
(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914)
1835 Kirtland
14, 28 Feb. 29 Quorum of the Twelve and Quorum of the Seventy were called
(CHFT, p.154)
(Saturday) 29
At a special meeting held in Kirtland twelve Apostles were chosen by
the Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon according to
revelation (Doc. And Cov., Sec. 18:37), namely: Thos. B. Marsh,
David W. Patten, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde,
Wm. E. McLellin, Parley P. Pratt, Luke S. Johnson, Wm. Smith, Orson
Pratt, John F. Boynton and Lyman E.Johnson. Brigham Young and Heber
C. Kimball were ordained and blessed the same day. First apostles
called in1800 years.
28 Mar. D&C 107 Revelation on priesthood was received
July Mummies and scrolls purchased from Michael Chandler
(HC 2:235; CHFT, p.159)
17 Aug. D&C 134 Special conference approved Doctrine and Covenants
Nov. Plastering on temple began (CHFT, p.164)
Nov. Emma Smith’s hymnal was published (CHFT, p. 74, 153, 161)
10 Dec. Healing-Joseph Said: “This afternoon I was called, in company with
President David Whitmer, to visit Angeline Works. We found her very
sick, and so much deranged that she did not recognize her friends and
intimate acquaintances. We prayed for her and laid hands on her in the
name of Jesus Christ, and commanded her in His name to receive her
senses, which were immediately restored. We also prayed that she might
be restored to health; and she said she was better. (Joseph Smith, History
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 vols. 2:328)
26 Dec. 30 D&C 108 Lyman Sherman - Strengthen Your Brethren
The Kirtland Temple was dedicated, and the Savior, Moses, Elias and
Elijah the Prophet appeared to the Elders in that building and
committed the keys of their respective dispensations to the
Prophet Joseph Smith. The Saints who had resided temporarily in Clay
County, Mo., removed to another location on Shoal Creek, which
was organized into Caldwell County.(Andrew Jenson, Church
Chronology Deseret News, 1914)
1836 Kirtland
21 Jan. 30 Spiritual manifestations received in Kirtland Temple, including vision of
celestial kingdom. (D&C 137; The Heavens Resound, Milton Bachman,
p. )
Feb 16, 1836 30 Joseph enjoys the day sleighing (JSC p.87)
Mar 3, 1836 30 Joseph gives a black man the priesthood (JSC p.87)
27 Mar. D&C 109 Kirtland Temple dedicated and spiritual outpourings received
29-30 Joseph Presides in the Kirtland Temple as an Endowment of power
falls upon a large group of priesthood leaders (CHFT, p. 164-
3 Apr. 30 Easter Sunday D&C 110 Jesus Christ, Moses, Elias, and Elijah
appeared to accept the temple and restore priesthood keys(HC 2:435-
May 27, 1836 30 Joseph’s grandma, Mary Smith, dies
(HofJS p. 34)
May-Jun 1836 30 John Taylor and Lorenzo Snow baptized (CHFT p. 153)
due to PPP mission to Canada
Jun 16, 1836 30 First Missionary tract published by Orson Hyde (JSC p.91)
1836 Salem, Massachusetts
6 April D&C 111 Treasure in the city-Nathaniel Felt
May-June Two future Church presidents—John Taylor and Lorenzo Snow—were
20 June Joseph’s Son, Frederick Granger Williams smith is born at Kirtland
25 July-Sept. Joseph Mission to Salem Massachusetts
The Church in Northern Missouri 1836-38
1836 Far West
Summer Saints began settling Far West (CHFT, p. 181-187)
September 22, 1836 (Thursday)
Peter Whitmer, jun., one of the Eight Witnesses to the Book of
Mormon, died near Liberty, Clay County, Mo.
(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914)
26 Dec. Caldwell County was created (CHFT, p. 187-192)
December 31, 1836 (Saturday)
Dr. Willard Richards was baptized at Kirtland, by Brigham Young.
Far West, Caldwell Co. Mo., was surveyed, and the first foreign mission
of the Church called and sent to England, where a successful
opening was made. A great apostasy took place in the Church, both in
Kirtland, O., and in Missouri.
Far West
Nov. Joseph Smith briefly visited Far West
Apostasy In Kirtland 1836-38
July-Aug. Mission to New York and Salem, Massachusetts, in search of funds
2 Jan. Kirtland Safety Society opened for business (CHFT, p. 169-180)
Jan 2, 1837 31 Kirtland Safety Society opens (CHFT
p. 169)
Feb 1837 31 Leaders meet in temple to usurp Joseph
Brigham valiantly defends him. Brigham Young was invited by some of
these men who were trying to depose the Prophet Joseph from
his position as President of the Church; but they made a mistake by
inviting President Brigham Young into their circle. Brigham Young
said, “You cannot destroy the appointment of a prophet of God,
but you can cut the thread that binds you to the prophet of God, and
sink yourselves to hell” (in Conference Report, May 1963, p. 81). Elder
John A. Widtsoe said: “The most important prophet in any age is the
living prophet. … To follow the living prophet, the interpreter of
the past, is the essence of wisdom. The very strength of the Church
lies in the doctrine of continuous revelation through a living
prophet” (Evidences and Reconciliations, 3 vols. in 1, arr. G. Homer
Durham, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1960, p. 352).
6 April Solemn assembly in the Kirtland Temple
May Panic of 1837 hit Ohio Banks fail, Mass apostacy (CHFT, p. 169)
June First Missionaries sent to England Orson Hyde, Heber C. Kimball, Isaac
Russell; Conversion of Peter Maughan(CHFT, p. 225-239)
Jul [7] 1837 31 J.S. drops Fredrick G. Williams from the First Presidency, he was
excommunicated shortly thereafter
19 July First missionaries arrived to preach the gospel in Great Britain
23 July D&C 112 To Thomas B. Marsh on the day the 12 Began preaching in
27 July Joseph Leaves to visit saints in Toronto Canada
July 30, 1837 31 England Elders have incident w/Satan (CHFT p. 175)
J.S. “if you would have held on for another ½ hour, you would have seen
Christ” convert members of John Feildings bro’s church.
John Watt wins foot race to be first person baptized in England
(KofGR p. 211)
Heber C. feels tingling in streets of England. J.S. “some of the old
Prophets travelled and dedicated that land, and their blessing fell upon
Aug. “Old Standard” apostates broke up a meeting in the Kirtland Temple
27 Sept. -10 Dec. Joseph travels to Conference in Missouri and Returns
Dec 10, 1837 31 J.S. and company return from Missouri. Hyrum’s wife had died.
(KofGR p. 214)
Dec 1837 31 Martin Harris, John Boynton excommunicated Nearly 50 leaders
excommunicated. B.Y. flees Kirtland to save his life for
defending Joseph (RofP p.9)
Dec 22, 1837 32 B.Y. flees to Missouri (KofGR p. 215)
Joseph Smith, jun., and most of the faithful Saints left Kirtland, O., on
account of apostasy and persecution, and removed to Missouri.
Adam- ondi-Ahman, in Daviess County, Mo., was surveyed, and
organized into a Stake of Zion; the revelation on tithing was given;
persecutions were renewed against the Saints in Missouri, and
DeWitt, Adam-ondi-Ahman and Far West were taken and sacked by
the mob; nearly a score of Saints were massacred at Haun’s Mill,
Joseph the Prophet and other Elders imprisoned, and all the
Saints ordered out of Missouri, under pain of death by the
exterminating order of Gov. Lilburn W. Boggs.
1838 Far West & Adam-Ondi - Ahman
14 Mar. 32 Prophet arrived to settle in Far West (CHFT, p.181-192)
May Adam-ondi-Ahman was founded
June Town of DeWitt was settled
19 June Sidney Rigdon gave his “Salt Sermon”
4 July Sidney Rigdon gave his Independence Day speech
8 July Four new Apostles were called, and the law of tithing was revealed
in a period of poverty
12 Jan. Joseph Smith fled from his enemies hiding in a box in an oxcart
Jan 12, 1838 32 Joseph, family and Sidney R. flees to Missouri. Emma 4 mo’s pregnant.
Mob follows for 200 miles (CHFT p. 169)
Feb 10, 1838 32 W.W.Phelps and John Whitmer excommunicated by
leaders in Missouri (CHFT p. 185)
March D&C 113 (Isaiah 11) Lineage of Joseph Smith
Mar 10, 1838 32 John Whitmer ex’ed, possibly W.W. Phelps also
(HC 3:8,248)
Mar 14, 1838 32 Joseph hailed as he enters Far West
Apr 12, 1838 32 Oliver Cowdery ex’d at his own request (CHFT p. 186)
Apr 13, 1838 32 David Whitmer, Hyram Page, Lyman and
Luke Johnson ex’ed (KofGR p.224)
Apr 27, 1838 32 J.S. starts writing the History of Church (CHFT p.
July-Oct. Kirtland Camp 500 journeyed to Missouri (CHFT, p.179)
Apostacy rampent. 50 leading members exed. 3 witnesses, F.G.W., 4
Apostles, several 70’s, 2-300 members left church (CHFT p. 177)
Jul 1838 32 Fredrick G. Willaims re-baptized
Missouri Persecutions and Expulsion
14 Mar. Joseph Arrives with his Family in Far West (Emma moves to a new home
again, she is 5 months pregnant)
17 April D&C 114 (Far West, Missouri) Unfaithful shall be replaced
26 April D&C 115 (Far West, Missouri) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints...Commanded to Build a Temple
May 11, 1838 32 William Mclellin excommunicated, at Far West
Wight’s Ferry, Davies County Missouri
19 May D&C 116 Adam Ondi Ahman Revealed
Far West, Missouri
1838 Massachusetts
Emerson at Harvard Divinity School-
“It is my Duty to say to you that the need was never greater for new revelation than now.”
“The Doctrine of inspiration is lost…Miracles prophecy the Holy life, exist as ancient history
only…men have come to speak of revelation as somewhat long ago given and done, as if
God were dead… It is the office of the true teacher”, he warned “to show us that God is ,
not was; that he speaketh not spake, If you persist in handing out stones when people ask
for bread they will eventually stop coming to the bakery. (Elder Jeffery R. Holland CR
November 2004 p. 8)
2 June Emma gives birth to Alexander Hale Smith (son)
Jun 1838 32 Sidney Rigdon’s Delivers Salt Sermon. Apostate Mormons threatened
and leave Far West. (CHFT p. 191)
Jun 1838 32 DeWitt founded (CHFT, p. 181)
July 4, 1838 32 Foundation layed for Far West Temple. Rigdon
Threatens the Mobbers. (CHFT p. 192)
8 July D&C 117 Forsake Littleness of Soul
8 July D&C 118 Lord’s Will concerning the Twelve
8 July D&C 119 One tenth Annual Interest
8 July D&C 120 Disposition of Properties
6 Aug. 32 Election day battle at Gallatin
Aug 8, 1838 32 J.S. and others ask Missouri leaders to sign proclamation
of peace (CHFT p. 194)
Aug 10, 1838 32 Missouri leaders swear an affidavid that J.S. and army of 500
threatened them (CHFT p.
7 Sept. Joseph Smith and Lyman Wight were tried before Judge Austin King
Oct 1838 32 Kirtland Camp arrives in Far West (CHFT p. 179)
Oct 11, 1838 32 Seventy wagons of saints abandon DeWitt Some Mormons dieing of
deprivation (CHFT p. 197)
Oct 17-18 1838 32 Saints being driven and whipped in Davies County. Bad snow
storm three petitions for help sent and ignored by Boggs
(CHFT p. 198)
1-7 Oct. Battle of DeWitt
9 Oct. The prophet records that in answer to Latter day saint pleas for
protection from increasing mob violence, Missouri Gov. Lilburn Boggs
replied “the quarrel was between the Mormons and the mob and that we
might fight it out”.
11 Oct. Joseph Leads saints from Dewitt, Carroll County to Far West
Oct 18, 1838 32 Thomas Marsh and Orson Hyde apostatize swear out affidavits against
J.S. that he plans to tread down his enemies. No church
action taken against them until 17 Mar 1839 (CHFT p. 199)
18-19 Oct. Guerrilla warfare in Daviess County
25 Oct. Battle of Crooked River- David W. Patten
27 Oct. Governor Boggs’s “extermination order”
Oct 27, 1838 32 Ignoring the truths of what was happening the Mormons, Boggs
orders the
EXTERMINATION ORDER 300-400 Mormons murdered in all.
(CHFT p. 201; HofJS p. 287)
Oct 30, 1838 32 About 240 mobbers attack HAUN’S MILL 17 people killed, 13 wounded
(CHFT p. 203)
Far West
30 Oct-6 Nov. Siege of Far West
31 Oct. The Prophet and other Church leaders are taken prisoners at
What they are told will be a peace talk with leaders of the Missouri
State militia besieging Far West Over 2000 mobbers surround Far West
Mormons outnumbered 5-1 (CHFT
p. 201)
Oct 31, 1838 32 J.S., S.R., L.W., P.P.P., G.R. arrested (CHFT p. 205)
Hyrum and Amasa Lyman arrested shortlyafter.
1 Nov. Arbitrarily and without any foundation, the prophet is sentenced to
death “as a warning to the Mormons” after an irregular court
martial; the Prophets life is spared through the courage of general
Alexander W. Doniphan. Members of the state militia plunder the
town. (CHFT, p.205)
Nov 1, 1838 32 Mobs ransack Far West, women violated (CHFT p. 206)
Nov 2, 1838 32 Soldiers try to Murder Joseph, but guns misfire. (HofJS p. 275)
Personal Life Humor: Support of Lyman White
“Lyman resided in Jackson County, Missouri, until mobs forced him to
flee to Clay County. He volunteered to go and inform the Prophet in
Kirtland of the suffering of the Missouri Saints, although he had only
three days' provisions for the journey; and he went with Parley P.
Pratt. The answer to the problems of the Saints in Missouri was to
raise a potential military force, Zion's Camp, to march from Kirtland in
the redemption of Zion (see D&C 103:30). Lyman journeyed to
Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan mustering
volunteers for Zion's Camp. He marched as second only to Joseph
Smith in the camp, walking from Michigan to Clay County, Missouri,
without stockings on his feet.
“According to Benjamin F. Johnson, ‘By Apostle Lyman Wight we were
taught to `pray for our enemies,' that God would damn them, and
`give us power to kill them.’ Lyman's bold statements such as ‘Boys,
eat, drink and be merry for to-morrow we-fight’ caused him to be
greatly feared by the Missourians. His explosive expressions of
retaliation brought difficulties to the Saints as tempers flared…
“…on 28 June 1838 he was appointed second counselor to John
Smith, president of the Adam-ondi-Ahman Stake. Four months later he
was a captive of the mob militia and was charged with treason and
murder. Missourian General Wilson confided: ‘Col. Wight, we have
nothing against you, only that you are associated with Joe Smith. He is
our enemy and a damned rascal.… If you will come out and swear
against him, we will spare your life.’
“Lyman defiantly replied: ‘Joseph Smith is not an enemy to mankind,
he is not your enemy, and is as good a friend as you have got. Had it
not been for him, you would have been in hell long ago, for I should
have sent you there, by cutting your throat, and no other man but
Joseph Smith could have prevented me, and you may thank him for
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
Chronology of the restoration (2)
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Chronology of the restoration (2)

  • 1. Chronology of the Restoration (Complied by Douglas Maughan Ed. D.) The fingerprints of God on the parchment of history reveal a love story, fraught with enough faith, sacrifice and divine intervention, to ignite an everlasting flame of gratitude, and patriotism in the hearts of all who seek to understand the invisible hand of divine providence. (Douglas Maughan , CES Utah North Area Inservice June 26, 2002) “I have always thought it helpful to the student to have an overview of the entire course to begin with. If he has an overview of the course or the subject, then the teacher can go back and fill in the details and a lot more will be taught. (Teach Ye Diligently, Boyd K. Packer, {Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1975, p.119). Date (Josephs Age) Significant Event Location Source Reference 0-33AD Christ organized a church with a “foundation of the apostles and prophets” (Ephesians 2:20, Article of Faith 6; JST Eph. 2:18-19; Eph. 4:11-14 Martyrdom of the Apostles (The Great Apostasy, James Talmage; Foxe’s Book of Christian Martyrs) 33 AD Jerusalem Judas committed suicide (Matt. 27:3-5) 54 AD Heliopolis in Phyrgia Philip was scourged thrown into prison and afterwards crucified 60 AD Nadabah Ehtiopia Matthew was slain with a Halberd (battle Axe) ? James the Less was beat and stoned by the Jews and had his brains dashed out with a fullers club ? Jerusalem Matthias (chosen to replace Judas) was stoned then beheaded 1
  • 2. ? Edessa Andrew (brother of Peter) was crucified After 65 AD Alexandria Mark was dragged to pieces in the streets 64-65 AD Rome Peter crucified upside down Spring 65AD Rome Paul was beheaded by order of Nero 72 AD Edessa Thaddeus Crucified (Brother of James) ? India Matthew was beaten and crucified by impatient idolaters ? Parthia and India Thomas Called Didimus preached and excited the rage of pagan priests, he was thrust through with a spear. ? Greece Luke He is supposed to have been hanged on an olive tree by the idolatrous Priests. 74 AD Britain Simon Zelotes was Crucified- 73 AD Barnabas (we no details) John Still Alive - (see D&C 7) History tells us that the venerable Apostle John who wrote the Book of Revelation, was sentenced by the Emperor Domitian of the Roman Empire, to be scalded to death in a 2
  • 3. cauldron of boiling oil; that this cruel sentence was carried out as fully as it was in the power of men to execute it. The cauldron of oil was heated to boiling heat, and the great apostle was submerged in the scalding fluid, but through Divine interposition he was delivered like Daniel from the “lion’s den,” and Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego from the “fiery furnace,” by the power of that God, whom he served and obeyed; so that he suffered no harm and simply looked like he had been anointed. The cruel Emperor was so enraged at this wonderful deliverance, that he instantly sentenced the doomed Apostle to banishment on the Isle of Patmos. (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 20, pg. 205, Elder C.W.Stayner) 100-1820 AD Evidences of the Great Apostasy- Rejection and Removal of Priesthood Keys The Bible Ends and Manuscripts Corrupted Absence of Spiritual Gifts Primitive Church Organization lost Evils of the Great and Abominable Church Unenlightened kingdoms of the earth Retrogression of Civilization and Science 175 AD China History of Printing – Chinese are credited with first carving wooden blocks and using them to print symbols and images. (Keith J. Wilson; From Gutenberg to Grandin, p.271; From 33rd Annual Sperry Symposium- Prelude to the Restoration) 100-200 AD History of the Bible Ends and Manuscripts Corrupted- During this long period of confusion Christianity could only be taught from handwritten manuscripts, which had been translated and laboriously copied from other languages than those with which the translator was familiar. It is unreasonable to suppose that at a much later period these manuscripts could be collected together, again translated and written by hand into our own language without error, or deviation from the original. Anthony W. Ivins, Relationship of "Mormonism" and Freemasonry, p.641 Nephi 13:24-27;Ehartman Misquoting Jesus, Margret Barker- We have seen this pattern of uninspired purge before in the time of Josiah…; see also 1 Ne.13:24-28; D&C 42:56) 150-300 AD Baptism for the Dead Practiced than discontinued- Whatever its source, the ancient church received it gladly, as it did another Jewish text attributed to Jeremiah and quoted by Justin and (no less than five times) by Irenaeus: "The 3
  • 4. Lord God hath remembered his dead among those of Israel who have been laid in the place of burial, and has gone down to announce to them the tidings of his salvation." Justin, Dialogue with Trypho 4, 6, in PG 6:645; Irenaeus, Against Heresies III, 20, 4, in PG 7:945; IV, 22, in PG 7:1046; IV, 33, 1, in PG 7:1208; it is also cited by Jerome, Commentarius in Evangelium Mattheum (Commentary on Matthew) 4, 27, in PL 26: 213. The Christians angrily accused the Jews of having expunged this passage from their scripture in order to damage the Christian cause, from which it would appear that the doctrine of salvation for the dead was a major issue in those early times, and a most precious possession of the church. Justin, Dialogue with Trypho 4, 6, in PC 6:645; cf. Jerome, Commentary on Matthew 4, 27, in PL 26:213. 150 AD History of Astronomy – Ptolemy- The earth is the center of the universe, and the sun and moon revolve around it. Such was the authoritative pronouncement of Ptolemy about 150 AD. His declaration was universally accepted. But there was one major problem: he was wrong absolutely wrong. Nonetheless, this theory of an earth centered universe flourished for fourteen hundred years as “gospel truth”. The Inevitable Apostasy and Promised Restoration, Tad Callister, 1, note p.404-05. Pope Paul V declared, “That the earth moves daily is absurd, philosophically false and theologically at least erroneous in faith. J. Rueben Clark added, “this decree of Paul V was confirmed by Pope Urban VIII (1623-1644)” On the Way to Immortality and Eternal Life, 337). Even Martin Luther a opposed Copernicus and supported the Catholic viewpoint: “people give ear to an upstart astrologer who strove to show the earth revolves, not the heavens of firmament, the sun and the moon… This fool wishes to reverse the entire scheme of astrology; but sacred scripture tells us that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still not the earth” (Manchester, a world lit only by fire, 117) June , 325 AD History of Christianity - Council of Nicaea Emperor Constantine called the Nicaea Council, held way back in 325 A.D. when 318 bishops spent four weeks in discussion and debate over the divinity and personality of Jesus Christ and God. Think of that! Their minds were confused and corrupted or else they would have followed the simple teachings of the scriptures and there would have been no need of their spending four weeks in debate to decide that question. The Creed of Nicaea, the "incomprehensible mystery" of which its originators seemed so proud precisely because it could not be understood, substituted for the personal God of love and for Jesus of the New Testament an immaterial abstraction. The Roman emperor Constantine convened the Council of Nicaea to address—among other things—the growing issue of God’s alleged “trinity in unity.” What emerged from the heated contentions of churchmen, philosophers, and ecclesiastical dignitaries came to be 4
  • 5. known (after another 125 years and three more major councils) as the Nicene Creed, with later reformulations such as the Athanasius Creed. These various evolutions and iterations of creeds—and others to come over the centuries—declared the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost to be abstract, absolute, transcendent, immanent, consubstantial, coeternal, and unknowable, without body, parts, or passions and dwelling outside space and time. In such creeds all three members are separate persons, but they are a single being, the oft-noted “mystery of the trinity.” They are three distinct persons, yet not three Gods but one. All three persons are incomprehensible, yet it is one God who is incomprehensible. We agree with our critics on at least that point—that such a formulation for divinity is truly incomprehensible. With such a confusing definition of God being imposed upon the church, little wonder that a fourth-century monk cried out, “Woe is me! They have taken my God away from me, … and I know not whom to adore or to address.” (Jeffery R. Holland Oct. 2007; Quoted in Owen Chadwick, Western Asceticism (1958), 235) 400-800 AD History of Dark ages – Retrocession of Civilization It is a well known historical fact that from about 400 to 800 A. D., a period known as the Dark Ages…there was a retrocession in the civilization of the Old World. Schools became almost extinct, war was continuous, literature was forgotten, priceless records were willfully destroyed, a chaotic condition pervaded the civilized world. Both the church and state were drunk with debauchery, licentiousness and unbridled ambition. During these centuries of confusion many different religious organizations, each professing to be the Church of Christ, had their origin. This confused condition continued until the period of the Renaissance, or Rebirth of Europe, under Henry I of Saxony, first of the Saxon kings. Anthony W. Ivins, Relationship of "Mormonism" and Freemasonry, p.64 400 AD Retrogression of Civilization- European sewage and sanitation regressed back to primitivism during this era. Human waste products were often thrown out the window and into the street or simply dumped in local rivers. (By contrast, ancient Rome had been significantly more advanced: “major cities of the Empire installed drainage systems to which latrines were connected”—and the “wealthy enjoyed such luxuries as indoor plumbing . . . even the indigent had access to public baths.”) With the streets strewn with garbage and running with urine and feces— and with the same horrifying conditions permeating the rivers and streams from which drinking water was drawn—vermin and germs multiplied, and disease of every kind, untreatable by the primitive medical knowledge of the day, proliferated. A Florentine writer of the era referred to it simply as “the exterminating of humanity.” Finally, the early Middle Ages witnessed a stupefying decline in levels of education and literacy from the Roman period. In the endemic warfare of the period, human beings lost the skill of writing and, largely, of reading. “In the time of Augustine’s youth [4th century AD] . . . even a Christian 5
  • 6. got a reasonably good classical education. A few generations later, literacy was a rarity even among the ruling classes.” (William Berenstien, Birth of Plenty) 800 – 1500 AD Evidence of Apostasy- Charlemagne maintained that even the clergy knew insufficient Latin to understand the Bible or to properly conduct Church services. The Tragedy of Theology: How Religion Caused and Extended the Dark Ages A Critique of Rodney Stark’s The Victory of Reason Andrew Bernstein."Beyond the city walls, lawlessness reigned absolute. . . Highwaymen plied their trade . . . with near impunity. Soldiers, when not engaged in Crusades, dynastic feuds, or papal ambitions, periodically swelled the ranks of highwaymen. Only walls provided a town with effective protection against its lawless environs. Since walls were expensive, town life crammed itself into as little space as possible. The streets, nothing more than narrow, open sewers, teemed with townspeople and disease; the first demographers documented death rates from infectious diseases that were twice as high inside the walls as they were outside. "Most people lived in tiny villages and worked small adjacent fields. Not until 1500 did farmers clear the wolf-infested forests. Everyone, from toddlers to the aged, performed backbreaking field work, usually unaided by the plow. Until A.D. 900, it was the rare peasant who could afford to harness horses and oxen with collars for fieldwork. "The squalor of medieval dwellings was unimaginable. According to the greatest of all Renaissance humanists, Erasmus of Rotterdam, 'Almost all the floors are of clay and rushes from the marshes, so carelessly renewed that the foundation sometimes remains for twenty years, harboring, there below, spittle and vomit and wine of dogs and men, beer . . . remnants of fishes, and other filth unnamable. Hence, with the change of weather, a vapor exhales which in my judgment is far from wholesome.' "Families slept together in one foul bed, and chimneys were almost unknown. Soot covered the walls of all but the newest huts. Lack of proper exhaust resulted in house fires that brought roaring death to large numbers of villagers, particularly women, who, clad in highly flammable dresses, tended wood-fired pits and stoves. "The past few paragraphs describe the circumstances of peasants who were relatively well-off. The less fortunate had little or no shelter at all. In the subsistence-level premodern society, famine and pestilence knocked constantly at the door. During times of extreme famine, cannibalism was not unknown; travelers were occasionally killed for their flesh, and there were even reports of gallows being attacked for sustenance. "Pestilence regularly engulfed the continent. The most famous episode occurred in 1347 . . . Within a few decades it [bubonic plague] had killed nearly one in three Europeans. (William Berenstien, Birth of Plenty) The Reformation and Age of Discovery: A Candle lit in Darkness 6
  • 7. (No Modern light)… Prelude to the Restoration-Eph. 1:9-10; D&C 5:10; Dan. 2:44;Moses 7:58-62;1 Ne. 13:10, 13, 15- 16, 17, 18-20;1 Ne. 13:35-40; 1 Ne.14:25-26; D&C 107:56; Ether 3:25-26; Joel 2:28-29; Isa. 2:1-2; Isa. 29; Isa. 49:1; Dan 7 Ezekiel 37:15-17; Gen. 49:26 1225-1274 Naples Italy Reformation - Thomas Aquians The supreme theologian of Catholicism, was born near Naples in 1225 to a noble family, he was enrolled in the Benedictine monastery of Monte Cassino at the tender age of five, and at seventeen became a Dominican novice. Soon after this he was kidnapped and detained for nearly two years by his own brothers. At the instigation of his mother, they tried to turn him away from his vocation, and even tempted him with a woman. He drove her from his room with a brand snatched from the fire. After more than a year and a half of captivity, it became apparent that he would not relent, and he was released back to the Dominicans. After studies in Naples and Paris he was appointed as a master at the University of Paris in 1257. His period of writing was a brief sixteen years, but extraordinarily productive. On December 6 1273, while celebrating mass in the chapel of St Nicholas in Naples, he had a heavenly revelation: “I can do no more. Such things have been revealed to me that all that I have written seems to me as so much straw.” From that day he wrote no more. He died shortly afterwards, on March 7, 1274, at the age of 49.(consider also Galileo, Jon of Arc, see Eph. 1:9-10; D&C 5:9-10) 1316-1334 Roman Empire History of Christianity – Apostasy The Sale of Indulgences under John XXII "Bishops and cardinals amassed fabulous fortunes from the sale of tithes and indulgences. . . . John XXII, who wore the papal tiara from 1316 to 1334, exhibited a legendary appetite for gold cloth and fur. [that's right - cloth made of gold!] Noble families purchased appointments to the priesthood for small children, and twenty-year-old archbishops were not unknown. Of 624 papal dispensations of legitimacy granted in 1342- 43, 484 went to the offspring of clergy. In parts of sixteenth-century England, the clergy were indicted for almost a quarter of all sex crimes, more than ten times their proportion of the population. (William Berenstien, The Birth of Plenty p. 33-34) 1329-84 England Reformation Bible History - John Wycliffe English reformer who opposed the Catholic Church and the doctrine of transubstantiation; Felt that priests were not needed to mediate with God for people. Through the influence of the Holy Ghost, an interest in learning began to grow in the hearts of people. This Renaissance or “rebirth” spread throughout Europe. In the late 1300s, a priest named John Wycliffe initiated a translation of the Bible from Latin into English. Because English was then 7
  • 8. an emerging, unrefined language, church leaders deemed it unsuitable to convey God’s word. Some leaders were certain that if people could read and interpret the Bible for themselves, its doctrine would be corrupted; others feared that people with independent access to the scriptures would not need the church and would cease to support it financially. Consequently, Wycliffe was denounced as a heretic and treated accordingly. After he died and was buried, his bones were dug up and burned. But God’s work could not be stopped. “To Lutterworth they come, Sumner, Commissarie, Official, Chancellour, Proctors, Doctors, and the Servants … take, what was left, out of the grave, and burnt them to ashes, and cast them into Swift a Neighbouring Brook running hard by. Thus this Brook hath conveyed his ashes into Avon; Avon into Severn; Severn into the narrow Seas; they, into the main Ocean. And thus the Ashes of Wickliff are the Emblem of his Doctrine, which now, is dispersed all the World over.” In 1382, a synod of Bishops met at Blackfriars in London to discuss Wycliffe’s literary achievements. It was theater and not very good theater at that. Their minds were made up before the meeting began. Wycliffe’s translation was declared heretical… To make sure the skull and bones were burned to ashes, the executioner broke them up with a mattock. At last the ashes were carefully swept into a barrow and taken to the little bridge and cast into the Swift, a tributary of the Avon. The vexation was deep. And old The Catholic Church understood exactly what Wycliffe’s presence meant, that there was something insidious and unstoppable about this trouble making little man. (David Teems, Majestie: The King behind the King James Bible, P.220-222) (Robert D. Hales, “Preparations for the Restoration and the Second Coming: ‘My Hand Shall Be over Thee’,” Liahona, Nov 2005, 88–92) Vernacular Bible Some paid whatever they could for the scriptures in English, “to taste the sweetness of God’s Holy Word…Some paid more, some paid less: some gave a load of hay for few chapters of St. Paul or St. James. Thousands (perhaps tens of Thousands) read of went into secret readings of them…(Wide as the Waters, The Story of the English Bible and the Revolution it Inspired; Benson Bobrick. P.73) 1347-1350 Western Europe Evidence of Dark ages - The Bubonic Plague- The bubonic plague—the infamous “Black Death”—spread by the fleas that infest rats, ravaged Western Europe, obliterating roughly 20 million people, fully one-third of the human population. Norman Cantor, the leading contemporary historian of the Middle Ages, states: “The Black Death of 1348–49 was the greatest biomedical disaster in European and 8
  • 9. possibly in world history.” “Darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people” (Isa. 60:2). For centuries, disease was rampant and poverty reigned. The Black Death killed some 50 million people during the 14th century. Was not this a season of terrible peril? I wonder how humanity survived. But somehow, in that long season of darkness, a candle was lighted. The age of Renaissance brought with it a flowering of learning, art, and science. There came a movement of bold and courageous men and women who looked heavenward in acknowledgment of God and His divine Son. We speak of it as the Reformation. President Gordon B. Hinckley, The Dawning of a Brighter Day, Ensign (CR), May 2004, p.81 1374-1415 Reformation - Jan Hus He was a Martyr for the cause of reformation and Czech Nationalism. Stressed the role of scripture as authoritative for doctrine; defended the clergy but taught that only God can forgive sin. He condemned the corruptness of the clergy and the sale of indulgences. 1412 Renaissance - Joan of Arc France It was around 1424, when she was 12, that Joan said she began to have visions.( Personal Epiphanies; James E. Faust fireside address was given at Brigham Young University on 7 January 1996). 1450 Mainz, Germany Renaissance -Moveable Type Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press and independently developed a movable type system in Europe, along with innovations in casting the type based on a matrix and hand mould. The more limited number of characters needed for European languages were an important factor. Gutenberg was the first to create his type pieces from an alloy of lead, tin, and antimony—the same components still used today.( Encyclopaedia Britannica, November 27, 2006). 1456 Mainz, Germany Renaissance - Gutenberg Bible A Latin Bible produced at Mainz, Germany. First book produced in Moveable metal Type. First bible that could be mass produced. Within just Fifty years of his first press, over twelve Million books had been printed in more than one thousands print shops. Five years after his invention , he was forced into bankruptcy. He died in relative obscurity about ten years later. (From Gutenburg to Grandin, Keith Wilson; Prelude to the Restoration, p.269-285) 1483-1546 Wittenberg, Germany Reformation - Martin Luther Posted 95 thesis on the door at Wittenberg; Wrote out spoke out against the Papacy for the 9
  • 10. sale of indulgences and the churches material preoccupations. He translated the New Testament form Greek into German so that the Bible might be read by the common people. Spoke against Holy Relics and worshipping saints. When Luther was ordered to give up his work, he boldly declared: “Unless I be refuted by Scriptural testimonies, or by clear arguments—for I believe neither the Pope nor the councils alone, since it is clear that they have often erred and contradicted one another—I am convinced by the passages of Scripture, which I have cited, and my conscience is bound in the word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything; since it is insecure and dangerous to act against conscience.” In fact, my son recently discovered that one of our family lines connects back to Martin Luther himself. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Ensign May 2008) 1481-1808 History of Christianity - Martyrdom of Rank and file Christians (1 Ne. 13:4-7) 1481-1808 340,0000 Tortured 32,000 Burned at the stake Nations captive to false doctrine and priestcrafts…(The Hand of Providence E. Ward p.121; Foxes Book of Christian Martyr’s) 1484-1531 Switzerland Reformation - Huldreich Zwingli Swiss reformer; Died in battle against the Catholics; He rejected much of Catholicism and Lutheranism; He believed that Christ was spiritually present at the Eucharist and that the secular ruler had a right to act in church matters. 1492-1536 England Reformation - William Tyndale He was the first to complete a translation of the Bible in English. It’s his words we read in James 1:5. He became very active in the promulgation of his ideas and the sale of his publications. The Church forbade the publication of the scriptures, declaring both the writings and doctrines taught by Tyndale to be heretic. His reply was: "I defy the Pope and all his laws," and declared that if God would spare his life he would make the plow-boy to know more of the scriptures than the Pope himself knew. 1492 Spain & the Americas Renaissance age of discovery - Christopher Columbus The spirit of God came down and wrought upon the man 1 Nephi 13; “The Lord was well disposed to my desire, and he bestowed upon me courage and understanding. Knowledge of… the Lord unlocked my mind, sent me upon the sea, and gave me fire for the deed. Those who heard of my enterprise called it foolish, mocked me and laughed. But who can 10
  • 11. doubt but that the Holy Ghost inspired me”? (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1930, pp.19-20;1 Ne.13) God will cause thy name to be wonderfully resounded throughout the earth; and will give thee the keys to the ocean which are held with strong chains. (The Hand of Providence, J.H. Ward 1883, p.80) 1522 Rome History of Christianity - Commentary Pope Adrian VI to the Diet of Nuremburg “At every level of church life…there were signs of grave disorganization and decay.”… every thing could be obtained for money…however hurtful it might be to the general welfare of the Church”.(Wide as the Waters, The Story of the English Bible and the Revolution it Inspired; Benson Bobrick. P.31) Francesco Petrarch (a devout Catholic) Rome Described the Papal court as, “ a receptacle of all that is most wicked and abomnible. What I tell you is not from hearsay, but from my own knowledge and experience. In this city there is no piety, no reverance or fear of God, no faith, no charity, nothing that is holy, just, equitable, or humane.”(1 Nephi 13:4 – 9; Wide as the Waters, The Story of the English Bible and the Revolution it Inspired; Benson Bobrick. P.34) 1543 Renaissance Astronomy - Nicolaus Copernicus (German: Nikolaus Kopernikus; in his youth, Niclas Koppernigk; Polish: Mikołaj Kopernik; Italian: Nicolò Copernico; 19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543) was a Renaissance astronomer and the first to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology, which displaced the Earth from the center of the universe. 1509-64 Geneva Reformation - John Calvin Genevan reformer devoted much of his energy to settling differences with Protestantism; Claimed that even before the Creation God chose some of his creations for salvation and others for destruction. 1560 Switzerland The Publication of the Geneva Bible The Geneva Bible was the Bible of the Puritans and the Pilgrims, who fled to the religious freedom of the New World in the early 17th century. The first edition of the Geneva Bible was published in 1560 in Geneva, Switzerland, after many of the English reformationists fled there because public reading of the Bible had been prohibited in England. Although never officially adopted in England, for three generations the Geneva Bible was the most popular of all English versions, 140 editions being published between 1560 and 1640. This version was read by Shakespeare and Bunyan and was of cardinal importance for its influence on 11
  • 12. the English language, literature, and thought. 1505-72 Scotland Reformation - John Knox Helped awaken Scotland to Lutheranism; studied under Calvin; attacked the Papacy ; the Mass and the Catholic Idolatry; consolidated the Scotts reformation with his writings. 1607 Founding of Jamestown (The Light and the Glory) 1611 King James Version of the Bible 1620 Age of Discovery - Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock The Lord was writing the story of the restoration and the birth of this nation long before the ink was dry on the parchment of the Mayflower compact. Hidden among those signatures were men and women whose foreordained descendant’s would fulfill the prophecies of the ancients, revolutionize religious and political thought, and change the course of history forever. God had his eyes upon these families from before the foundations of the earth. One of Gordon B. Hinckley’s ancestors Stephen Hopkins sailed on the Mayflower in 1620, he was the forth signature on the Mayflower compact. (Note:Thomas Hinckley progenitor of President Hinckley became governor of Plymouth colony) Seven of Joseph Smiths progenitors sailed with the Pilgrims on the Mayflower; three of the seven signed the Mayflower Compact which contained the words “in the Name of God”. This would prove the beginning of American Religious Democracy. The Saints had arrived at the Peninsula of Living Waters. The first Hinckley to arrive in America was Samuel Hinckley, in 1635, fifteen years after the Mayflowers landing at Plymouth bay. Samuel’s son Thomas would become the Governor of the Plymouth Colony from 1681-1692. He was considered “a man of more than ordinary ability and influence” (see Governors of New Plymouth, p.202; 1 Ne. 13). 1620 Age of Discovery - John Howland During their Atlantic voyage John, fifth great grandfather of the Prophet Joseph, narrowly escaped drowning at sea. During a violent storm, the Mayflower was pitching and rolling with the waves, young John was walking above the gratings on deck, and his youthful body was hurled into the briny sea. “But it pleased God wrote the ‘Pilgrim Chronicler’ “that he 12
  • 13. caught hold of the top sail Hilliard’s which hung overboard”. Holding with a vice like grip to the rope, he was plunged into the water. In the fury of the storm he hung on until some of his friends managed to rescue him by pulling him back into the boat. For days he suffered after this harrowing experience. The ships finally arrived in Cape Cod on a Saturday. However the did not disembark until Monday so they could worship God on Sunday. Him whom they had come to trust and serve. As a youth John Howland was a servant of John Carver first governor of Plymouth colony. John Howland died at Plymouth in February 1673, in his words he described why he had come to America: “to keep a good conscience, and to walk in such a way as God has prescribed in His words is the thing to which I prefer to life itself.(Walter C. Erdman, Sources of Power in Famous lives, (Nashville Cokesbury Press, 1937) 1630 Founding of Boston 1631 Evidence of Errors in Biblical Translations- The Wicked Bible, sometimes called The Adulterous Bible or The Sinners' Bible, is a term referring to the Bible published in 1631 by Robert Barker and Martin Lucas, the royal printers in London, which was meant to be a reprint of the King James Bible. The name is derived from the compositors' mistake: in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:14) the word not in the sentence "Thou shalt not commit adultery" was omitted, thus changing the sentence into "Thou shalt commit adultery". This blunder was spread in a number of copies. About a year later, the publishers of the Wicked Bible were fined £300 (roughly equivalent to 33,800 pounds today) and were deprived of their printer's license. 1632 Egerton, England Seekers - John Lathrup He was arrested fettered and confined to the Newgate prison in Egerton England Reverend Lathrup was a minister in the town of Egerton in the early 17th century. When he could no longer assent to what was taught by the church of England he became the leader to a large group of “Seekers”. So called because they were seeking for the a religion which taught the faith of the ancients with apostles, prophets the Holy Ghost and a fulness of the truths found in the scriptures. The seekers who followed Lathrup were called Independents. For eight years they met in London until the persecution got so bad they could no longer meet publicly. When the hiding place of the Independents was discovered by the Bishop of London. During the beginning of the evening service of rev. Lathrup the officers of the state church of London rushed in and arrested Rev. Lathrup and 42 members of the Independent faith. They were fettered and taken to the old Clink Prison in Newgate. Two years later all were released except Rev. Lathrup. While he languished in the filthy old prison his wife 13
  • 14. succumbed to a terminal sickness. He was allowed to see her before her death and provide tender comfort as she passed away. After his wife’s internment he returned to the loathsome confinement of the Clink Prison. His children were now left without a father or mother, orphaned, wretched and starving, and uncared for by the community, perhaps because of the threat of state reprisal When their destitute circumstances were made known to the Bishop of London, he had sympathy on John and released him.Rev. Lathrup fled with his children to America where he could worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. In New England he became widely known as the “Beloved Pastor”. (Archibald F. Bennett, Lathrup genealogy, The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, Salt Lake City Utah: The Utah genealogical Society. April 1929 p. 49-51) 1633 Italy Evidence of Apostasy – Suppression of Truth In 1633 Galileo was formally interrogated for 18 days and on April 30 Galileo confesses that he may have made the Copernican case in the Dialogue too strong and offers to refute it in his next book. Unmoved, the Pope decides that Galileo should be imprisoned indefinitely. Soon after, with a formal threat of torture, Galileo is examined by the Inquisition and sentenced to prison and religious penances, the sentence is signed by 6 of the 10 inquisitors. In a formal ceremony at a the church of Santa Maria Sofia Minerva, Galileo abjures his errors. He is then put in house arrest in Sienna. After these tribulations he begins writing his Discourse on Two New Sciences. Galileo remained under house arrest, despite many medical problems and a deteriorating state of health, until his death in 1642. The Church finally accepted that Galileo might be right in 1983. 1638 Massachusetts Joseph Smith’s Ancestors Robert Smith Joseph Smith’s first paternal ancestor to leave England for America arrived in Massachusetts (JS-R,p.15) 1639 Seekers waiting for New Apostles- In the tumultuous years of the first settlements in this nation, Roger Williams, my volatile and determined 10th great-grandfather, fled—not entirely of his own volition—from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and settled in what is now the state of Rhode Island. He called his headquarters Providence, the very name itself revealing his lifelong quest for divine interventions and heavenly manifestations. But he never found what he felt was the true New Testament church of earlier times. Of this disappointed seeker the legendary Cotton Mather said, “Mr. Williams [finally] told [his followers] ‘that being himself misled, he had [misled them,’ and] he was now satisfied that there was none upon earth that could administer baptism [or any of the ordinances of the gospel], … [so] he advised them 14
  • 15. therefore to forego all … and wait for the coming of new apostles.”8 Roger Williams did not live to see those longed-for new Apostles raised up, but in a future time I hope to be able to tell him personally that his posterity did live to see such.( Magnalia Christi Americana (1853), 2:498; Jeffery R. Holland Oct. 2004) 1669 Joseph Smith’s Ancestors John Mack Joseph Smith’s first maternal ancestor to leave England for America arrived in Massachusetts. 1681-1692 Plymouth Colony Governor of Plymouth Colony is Thomas Hinckley (Ancestor of Gordon B. Hinckley Who married Ruth Merrick great grand daughter of Stephen Hopkins who sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 at age 35 he was the fourteenth signer of the Mayflower compact) 1686 England Political History - King James II revokes the Massachusetts Bay Colony’s Charter and installs Sir Edmunds Andros as Governor. 1689 Boston Political History - Bostonians force Gov. Andros to resign 1734 First Awakening 1756-1763 America Seven Years War (French and Indian War) Drains the British Treasury 1761 Boston Colonial Protests James Otis argues against the writs of assistance in a court trial at the Old State House. 1763 Boston Faneuil Hall Dedicated to the “Cause of Liberty” by Otis 1765 American Colonies 15
  • 16. Stamp Act passed The Stamp Act of 1765 (short title Duties in American Colonies Act 1765; 5 George III, c. 12) was the fourth Stamp Act to be passed by the Parliament of Great Britain and required all legal documents, permits, commercial contracts, newspapers wills, pamphlets, and playing cards in the American colonies to carry a tax stamp. The Act was enacted in order to defray the cost of maintaining the military presence protecting the colonies. Britain also needed money to repay the suppliers from the War, which had been very costly, even though Great Britain had been victorious in 1763 (see Treaty of Paris (1763)). Riots occur in Boston and other cities. An effigy of the stamp agent, Andrew Oliver, was hanged and then burned. His home was broken into, and his office, along with the stamps, was burned. The mob even went on to vandalize the home of Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson, destroying records and forcing him and his family to seek refuge at Fort William. (The elm tree used to hang Oliver's effigy later became known as the "Liberty Tree" (Wikipedia) The Stamp Act was Parliament's first serious attempt to assert governmental authority over the colonies. Great Britain was faced with a massive national debt following the Seven Years War. That debt had grown from £72,289,673 in 1755 to £129,586,789 in 1764* 1766 American Colonies Stamp Act Repealed Great celebrations 1767 American Colonies Townsend Acts Passed Taxes on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea were applied with the design of raising £40,000 a year for the administration of the colonies. The result was the resurrection of colonial hostilities created by the Stamp Act. Reaction assumed revolutionary proportions in Boston, in the summer of 1768, when customs officials impounded a sloop owned by John Hancock, for violations of the trade regulations. Crowds mobbed the customs office, forcing the officials to retire to a British Warship in the Harbor. Troops from England and Nova Scotia marched in to occupy Boston on October 1, 1768. Bostonians offered no resistance. Rather they changed their tactics. They established non-importation agreements that quickly spread throughout the colonies. British trade soon dried up and the powerful merchants of Britain once again interceded on behalf of the colonies non importation boycott begins June 10, 1768 Boston John Hancock’s ship Liberty is seized in a disagreement over payment of customs duties-Violent Protests against unpopular British taxes. Oct. 1 The British arrive in Boston to maintain order. 16
  • 17. 1770 Boston Boston Massacre Royal troops fired on a belligerent crowd 1772 American Colonies Committees of Correspondence This was formed to oppose “despotism” of Gov. Hutchinson in a dispute over his salary. December 16(Thursday), 1773 Boston Tea Act &Boston Tea Party - Master Rotche’s Ship Dartmouth Gould not get a permit from governor Hutchinson to return to England with his cargo of tea. The Committee of Correspondence met with him and Samuel Adams concluded “This meeting can do no more to save this country”. (Old South Mtg. House) 40 or 50 Disguised as Indians repaired to Griffen’s Warf and in and orderly fashion deposited the tea in the Harbor. 1774 England Intolerable Acts They were passed to punish Boston for the destroyed tea, closed the towns port and abolished all elected popular government. Gen. Thomas Gage appointed Gov. by King George III; Patriots practice military art and organize the Minute Men. September, 1774 The First Continental Congress Meets in Philadelphia April 19,1775 Lexington and Concord The American Revolution begins British Troops March to Concord to seize rebel supplies. Alarmed by Paul Revere and William Dawes (Robert Newman) The minute men stand on Lexington Green. After the Boston Tea Party, the confrontation on Lexington Green, on the morning after Paul Reveres famous midnight ride, the “shot heard round the world” unleashed in Lexington and Concord later that day sparked the American Revolution (RNH, Old Palmyra p. 32) Siege of Boston Begins June 17, 1776 Breeds Hill The Battle of Bunker Hill Americans fortify Charlestown overlooking Boston from the North. The British suffer over 1054 casualties as they take the Americans fort. Dr. Joseph Warren and Salem Poor are 17
  • 18. killed Israel Putnam leads the engagement. (David McCollough, 1776) July 2, 1776 Cambridge Gen. George Washington arrives to take command of the Continental Army July 8, 1776 Birth of Lucy Mack January , 1776 Common Sense was first published anonymously by Thomas Paine It is regarded as the most influential piece of literature leading to the American Revolution. Paine wrote that: “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” March 4-5, 1776 Boston Americans fortify Dorchester Heights They build a prefabricated fort and raise it in one night using the Cannons taken be Gen. Know from Ft. Ticonderoga carried at great risk through storm over lake George. This gives them and overlook to Boston from the south. Severe weather prevents military engagements. March 17, 1776 Boston Evacuation Day The British troops and government officials and loyalists sail out of Boston Harbor, never to return. July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence Signed and adopted in Philadelphia August 29, 1776 N.Y. Battle of Long Island, Also Called The Battle of Brooklyn- "It was like the parting of the seas," said David McCullough, the historian and familiar narrator of television epics, as we looked out on Brooklyn below and Manhattan in the distance. 18
  • 19. He was recalling the retreat of Washington's army across the East River on Aug. 29, 1776, a daring escape from advancing British forces. The harbor was filled with a huge force of British ships, but a strong wind kept them anchored, unable to sail upstream to engage the Americans. The Americans gathered small boats for the river crossing, and a fog allowed this makeshift armada to leave Long Island safely. "It was a miracle," Mr. McCullough said. "If the wind had been blowing in a different direction that day, we'd all be sipping tea and singing 'God Save the Queen.' " In the morning when they could have been seen fog covered their retreat. Washington evacuated the entire army to Manhattan without the loss of materiel or a single life. (McCullough, 1776) 1777-1782 Bible Published for Colonial Army Authorized by Congress- The first complete English Bible printed in America was published in 1782 by Robert Aitken. Up until the American Revolution, all Bibles in English had been imported to the Colonies from England. But during the Revolution, Bibles were not available because of the embargo on English imported goods. The printing of the New Testament started with preliminary copies in 1777 and the final copies printed in 1781. The addition of the Old Testament followed in 1782. Aitken's printing of the King James Version came to be called the "Bible of the Revolution" because it was small enough to fit into the coat pocket of the soldiers of the Continental Army. This Bible was the only one ever authorized by the United States Congress, part of whose resolution said: "they recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States, and hereby authorize him [Mr. Aitken] to publish this recommendation in the manner he shall think proper." October 19, 1781 Virginia Battle of Yorktown French alliance at Chesapeake which was a draw… in the sea battle pushed Admiral grave to Return to New York would open the way to the miraculous end to the American Revolution. 1776-83 American Revolution May 18, 1783 Martin Harris is born 1787 The Constitution of the United States (See D&C 101) 19
  • 20. 1791 The Bill of Rights January 24, 1796 Joseph Smith Sr. Married Lucy Mack 1797 Second Awakening (1800 - 7% of American’s belong to an organized religion; The Prophet Joseph, Porter and Black p.23) December 23 (Monday), 1805 Sharon, Vermont Birth of Joseph Smith- The Smith Family lived in seven locations between Joseph’s birth and the first vision, Sharon, Tunbridge and South Royalton Vermont; West Lebonon New Hampshire; Norwich Vermont; the village of Palmyra and Palmyra Township, New York) March 24, 1810 4 Personal Life – Joseph’s brother, Ephraim, dies at the age of 11 days old (HofJS;p. 350) Personal Life Humor- The boys enjoyed homemade sports such as playing ball, wrestling, and pulling sticks. One neighbor described Joseph as "a real clever, jovial boy"; another neighbor said that the Smiths were "the best family in the neighborhood in case of sickness," and said that Young Joe, as he called him, worked for him "and he was a good worker" (William H. and E. L. Kelley interviews, Saints' Herald [1881], 161–68, quoted in Richard L. Anderson, "A Corrected View of Joseph Smith's New York Reputation"). 1811 Lebanon New Hampshire Smith family move Joseph Smith Sr. has a series of 7 inspired dreams (CHFT, p.22) Personal Life Brigham Young- Vermont Brigham Young, who was five years older than the Prophet, described how he was brought up: When I was young [he said], I was kept within very strict bounds, and was not allowed to walk more than half-an-hour on Sunday for exercise. [In fact, he said], the proper and necessary gambols of youth [were] denied me. . . . I had not a chance to dance when I was 20
  • 21. young, and never heard the enchanting tones of the violin, until I was eleven years of age; and then I thought I was on the high way to hell, if I suffered myself to linger and listen to it. . . . The Christian world of my youth considered it very wicked to listen to music and to dance. [Journal of Discourses, 2:94] 1812 Washington The War of 1812 – Washington is Burned Including the White House; Martin Harris fights in 2 battles 1812-13 7 Personal Life- Seven year old Joseph suffered from complications of typhoid. He was operated on by Nathan Smith Dartmouth College (CHFT, p.23; HofJS p. 54) 1813 Personal Life- Joseph went to Salem Massachusetts to recover, he remained on crutches for three years (CHFT, p.23; HofJS p. 54) 1816 Vermont to Palmyra NY Personal Life- Smith’s moved from Norwich Vermont to Palmyra NY; Joseph walked 40 miles a day in snow with his bad leg because of Caleb Howard. 1817 Joseph’s grandma, Lydia Mack, dies; age 83 1818 Palmyra Vision & Revelations of Martin Harris- Smith’s purchased a farm in Farmington township; Martin Harris has a Revelation he is told that he is to join no organized church, the true Church did not yet exist he would fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 29 ( Joel Tiffany Interview) Personal Life - Peddler of Palmyra- In Palmyra, before they moved to the farm, Joseph’s father opened a cake and root beer shop and sold gingerbread, pies, boiled eggs, and other items, sometimes peddling them from door to door in a homemade handcart. Joseph probably assisted. Later he sold firewood, as well as such homemade products as chairs, baskets, birch brooms, and maple syrup. The Smiths peddled their cake and root beer at public occasions, including revivals and holiday celebrations. As he grew older, Joseph found opportunities for employment 21
  • 22. away from home, hoeing corn, digging wells, and removing rock. One neighbor who employed him said of Joseph: “His noble deportment, his faithfulness, and his kind address could not fail to win the esteem of those who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. In all his boyish sports and amusements, I never knew anyone to gain advantage over him, and yet he was always kind and kept the good will of others.” (James B. Allen, New Era Jan. 1971) 1819 Palmyra Revivals intensified in Palmyra vicinity 1819 Visions & Revelations of Joseph Smith Sr.- Joseph Smith Sr. has his last visit from the messenger of his dreams and tells him he has one thing in his life that is still needful for Salvation (CHFT, p.22) 1820 Seeker- Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson wrote a Letter to a friend about the need for restoration…. “I hope that the genuine and simple religion of Jesus Christ may be restored, for it hath become so muffled up in mysteries that it is concealed from the vulgar eyes. (Ivan J. Barrett, Joseph Smith and the Restoration ,p.5) Personal Life - World in Joseph’s Day Commentary William J. Berenstein: Beginning around 1820, the pace of economic advance picked up noticeably, making the world a better place to live in. What happened? An explosion in technological innovation the likes of which had never before been seen. The lot of the average individual, measured as real per capita GDP, did not change at all during the first millennium after the birth of Christ. Over the next 500 years, between A.D. 1000 and 1500, things did not get much better. Before 1820, there had been only minuscule progress from decade to decade and century to century. After 1820, the world steadily became a more prosperous place…[The] growth of the global economy took off, bringing prosperity despite the repeated devastation of war, civil strife, and revolution. (William J. Berenstein, The Birth of Plenty, pp 15, 18-19) We live in a period of history to which that misunderstood and much overused word, “awesome,” truly applies. This is the season of fulness and fulfillment. The world has been linked together as never before. Scientific understanding has reached ever greater heights and most of the technical inventions of mankind have occurred since 1820. Most of the per capita wealth of mankind has been generated since 1820, as have 85% of all the people that have ever lived. It is hard for a Latter-day Saint to think that this onrush of knowledge, invention, wealth, population, and political-economic integration since 1820 is but coincidental. What an exciting time to live, an age in which prophets and seers of ancient time wished to have lived! (see Isa. 29:13- 14)Note from the Hebrew-Joseph…) 22
  • 23. The First Visitation –JSH 1820 Palmyra, N.Y. Visions and Revelations- John Alger Account Spring Joseph’s Theophony with the Father and the Son Manchester Township, Ontario County, New York. [February 2, 1893] Brother John Alger said while speaking of the Prophet Joseph Smith, that when he, John, was a small boy he heard the Prophet Joseph relate his vision of seeing the Father and the Son, [and] that God touched his eyes with his finger and said "Joseph, this is my Beloved Son, hear Him." As soon as the Lord had touched his eyes with his finger he immediately saw the Savior. After meeting, a few of us questioned him about the matter and he told us at the bottom of the meeting house steps that he was in the house of Father Smith in Kirtland when Joseph made this declaration, and that Joseph while speaking of it put his finger to his right eye, suiting the action with the words so as to illustrate and at the same time impress the occurrence on the minds of those unto whom he was speaking. We enjoyed the conversation very much, as it was something that we had never seen in church history or heard of before. Heard Joseph testify of the First Vision, saying God the Father appeared first and touched his eye, enabling him to see the Son. (A. Karl Larson and Katharine Miles Larson, Diary of Charles Lowell Walker, 2 vols. Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press, 1980, 2:540; Doctrine and Covenants130:22) Bruce R. McConkie Commentary: Now and then in a peaceful grove, apart from the gaze of men, heaven and earth share a moment of intimacy, and neither are ever the same. Such a moment occurred on that beautiful clear morning, in the spring of 1820 in a grove of trees near Palmyra New York. Man asked and God answered. Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son. (Bruce R. McConkie, En. Nov. 1975, p.18) 1820 14 Joseph’s grandfather, Solomon Mack, (Aug 23)dies; age 87 1821-1828 Preparatory Period Summary- These eight years may be termed the preparatory period preceding the restoration of the Priesthood and the organization of the Church of Christ on the earth. The angel Moroni appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith, jr., several times and finally delivered to him the plates of the Book of Mormon. The translation of the sacred records was begun, and Joseph commenced to receive revelations. (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914) 23
  • 24. September 21-22, 1823 17 Palmyra, N.Y. Visions & Revelations- Moroni Appears Joseph Smith History September 21, 1823 (Sunday)he appears to Joseph Smith in his room and in the fields and at the hill Cumorah. (JSH 1:27-54; D&C 2- Promise of Elijah) Nov. 19 17 Alvin Smith died at 25 of gangrene of the intestines (HofJS p. 86-89) 1824 Martin Harris Built a new farm house and hired the Smith’s to hoe corn at .50 cents a day Sept. 22 Moroni Tutors Joseph 1825 Martin Harris hires Joseph Sr. and Hyrum to dig a well he learns of Joseph’s First Vision Sept.22 Moroni Tutors Joseph Oct. Joseph Worked for Josiah Stowell, Boards with the Issac Hale in Harmony and met Emma Smith. Joseph is accused of using magic and being a money digger. Dec. 23 Personal Life - Current world events: On December 23, 1825, a handsome, six-foot, young American, with blue eyes and light brown hair, celebrated his twentieth birthday. His name was Joseph Smith, Jr. For a young man of twenty, it was a fascinating time to be alive. In the United States, General Andrew Jackson, whom Joseph later admired as one of America’s greatest leaders, lost his first bid for the presidency. The Erie Canal was opened, ready to become the most important economic development in America since the invention of the cotton gin. In South America, the last republics to win separation from Spain were celebrating their first year of independence. In Russia, Nicholas I became czar, and in Japan, the government, alarmed at the unwanted influence of outsiders, was trying to expel nearly all foreigners. (James B. Allen, New Era Jan. 19710 1826 Mar.20th; Joseph is tried and acquitted on the fanciful charge of being a “disorderly person” , South Bainbridge, Chenango County, New York. The law defined a disorderly person as a vagrant, or a seeker of “lost goods”. The prophet had been accused of both; the first charge was false and was made simply to cause trouble; Joseph’s use of the Seer Stone to see things others could not see with the naked eye brought the second charge. Josiah 24
  • 25. Stowell, Joseph’s employer, testified that Joseph could be trusted. (Its believed that Joseph found a seer stone digging a well for Willard Chase) Sept. 22 Moroni Tutors Joseph 1827 Marriage - Gold Plates Jan. 18 21 Marriage of Joseph and Emma Hale South Bainbridge, NY Sept.27 21 Joseph entrusted with the Golden Plates (HofJS p. 102-3) Dec. Joseph Moves to Harmony Pennsylvania 1828 Isaiah Fulfilled-Harmony Penn. Feb. Martin Harris visited Charles Anthon in New York City 12 April Joseph Smith commences translation of the Book of Mormon with Martin Harris as his scribe, Harmony Sequehanna County, Pennsylvannia (Story of Martin making it dark as Egypt) Feb.-June 116 pages translated and Lost Manuscript 14 June Martin Harris leaves Harmony with 116 pages (the Book of Lehi) Pages are stolen altered and it is suggested that they were burned. 15 June 22 Joseph and Emma lost their first born son Alvin or Alva dies on date of birth. ( HofJS p. 125) July D&C - 3 - Lost 116- Joseph First recorded Revelation July Interpreters and plates are taken from the prophet by the angel Moroni Summer D&C 10 - Wicked Designs -Foreknowledge of God (see Words of Mormon 1:7); Joseph learns that the manuscripts arelost—loses power to translate (HofJS p. 129) 25
  • 26. Sept. 22 Joseph regained the gift to translate and the Urim and Thummim from Moroni ; Emma Served as scribe (HofJS p. 135) 1829 During this year the translation of the Book of Mormon was completed by Joseph Smith, jun., who was assisted by Oliver Cowdery as scribe; the plates were shown to the Three Witnesses and the Eight Witnesses; the Aaronic Priesthood was restored to the earth by John the Baptist, and, later, the Melchizedek Priesthood by Peter, James and John; Joseph Smith, jun., and Oliver Cowdery also commenced to preach and baptize 1829 Harmony, Pennsylvania Vision Revelation: Oliver Cowdery The Prophet's first history states the "Lord appeared unto…Oliver Cowdery and shewed unto him the plates in a vision and…what the Lord was about to do through me, his unworthy servant. Therefore he was desirous to come and write for me to translate" (PJS 1:10). Feb. D&C - 4 - To Joseph Smith Sr. March D&C - 5 -Three Witnesses- April 5, (Sunday) Joseph Smith, jr., and Oliver Cowdery met for the first time. April 7, (Tuesday) Joseph Smith, jr., resumed the translation of the Book of Mormon, assisted by Oliver Cowdery as scribe, at Harmony. April D&C 6 -Oliver to serve as Scribe; 7 -John the Beloved is a Translated being; Sec. 8 The Gift to Translate; Sec. 9 Oliver Admonished to be Patient. May 15 (Friday) John the Baptist restores the Aaronic Priesthood; D&C - 13 May D&C 11- To Hyrum; 12 Joseph Knight May-June 23 Adam-Peter, James and John restore the Melchezedek Priesthood and the Holy Apostleship (HofC Vol 1:41) 26
  • 27. June D&C 14, 15 ,16 -To David John and Peter Whitmer; 17 -Three Witnesses; 18 the Three to Choose the Twelve; the first apostles in 1800 years Move From Harmony to Fayette June 1 23 Joseph, Oliver and Emma move to Fayette to complete the translation Miracle of the sowing of Plaster at the Whitmers; Moroni appeared along the way and later to sister Whitmer (HofJS p. 151) June 23 Three witnesses view the plates, see the angel Moroni, and hear the Voice of God in the Chamber of Old father Whitmer (DC 128:19-21; Testimony of the three Witnesses; HofJS p. 151-3) June 23 The eight witnesses view the plates (Testimony of the Eight Witnesses) 11 June Copyright of the Book of Mormon obtained June - July Joseph returned home to be with Emma August Martin Harris Mortgages his farm to EB Grandin -$3,000 for 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon 1830 In the beginning of this year the Book of Mormon was printed and published in the English language. This first edition of the book, consisting of 5,000 copies, was printed by Egbert Grandin, at Palmyra, N. Y. Soon afterwards the Church was organized; the first conferences were held, the first missionaries sent out to preach the fulness of the gospel, and several revelations given for the government of the Church; a large branch was established at Kirtland, Ohio, etc. (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology: A Record of Important Events Pertaining to the History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1914],) 1830 early The Reflector (Palmyra) prints extracts from the unpublished Book of Mormon, in Jan. The prophet travels to Palmyra from Harmony to stop the unauthorized publishing. Squire Cole 27
  • 28. March 26 First publication of The Book of Mormon (EB Grandin Press) Organization of the Church 6 April (Tuesday) D&C 20; 21 11 Apr. First public discourse Colesville 1830 24 Apr. 18 (Sunday) First miracle - JS cast a devil out of Newel Knight (CHFT, p.69-70) 26-28 June Baptisms and persecution (CHFT, p.71) 28 June Joseph Smith was arrested twice (CHFT, p.72-73) 28 Emma was Baptized (CHFT, p.71) June 24 Joseph receives Moses 1 . The translation of the Bible (JST) is an ongoing project (RofP p. 4) 9 June First Conference of the Church Newell Knight saw the Savior seated on the right hand of the Father (CHFT, p.70-71) 30 June-1830 Mar. 1831 Moses 2-8 (CHFT, p.72)- Last week of August Emma moves to Fayette from Harmony Harmony 1830 June Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible was begun Moses 1 (JS-R,p.96) July D&C 24 -Because of Persecution July D&C 25 -Emma an Elect Lady 28
  • 29. July D&C 26 - Law of Common Consent Aug. D&C 27 -Sacrament Late Aug. With Emma Joseph Smith left Harmony for Fayette for the last time 1830 Manchester Area March D&C 19 -Martin Harris -Christ’s Atonement April D&C 22 on Rebaptism; 23 Oliver Hyrum and Joseph Knight April, June Samuel Smith labored as a missionary July Joseph Smith, Sr., and Don Carlos Smith left to do missionary work (CHFT, p.67, 75) 1 Sept. Parley P. Pratt Conversion and baptized (CHFT,p.67, 75) 26 Sept. Second conference Oct. Oliver Cowdery and others leave on Mission to the Indians Oct 31 24 Joseph’s grandpa, Asael Smith, dies at the age of 86 (HofJS p. 348) Fayette, New York 1830 Sept. D&C 28 - Hiram Page Peep Stone; 29 to six elder’s before Conference 30, 32 - Mission Call to the Lamanites; 31 Thomas B. Marsh Mission Call Oct. D&C 33 Nov. 4 D&C -34 - Orson Pratt Dec. 24 D&C 35 - Sidney Rigdon Scribe for New Testament Translation; 36 Edward Partridge Dec. D&C 37 saints are to Gather at Ohio 1831 29
  • 30. 2 Jan. D&C 38 (After Moses 8) The Lord promises his Law and His endowment 5 Jan. D&C 39, 40 - James Covill 1831 The first Elders arrived in Jackson County, Mo., and the Saints from the State of New York and other places commenced to build up Kirtland, O., where the Prophet Joseph also located with his family. Jackson County, Mo., was named by the Lord a land of Zion where the New Jerusalem should be built, and where the Saints were to gather. The land was dedicated for that purpose, a Temple site selected and dedicated, and the building of a settlement commenced. The Elders also began to preach the gospel with great zeal. Gathering to Ohio 1831 2 Jan. Third General Conference of the Church was held in Fayette Early Feb. 25 Joseph Smith arrived in Ohio By sleigh with Emma “Thou art the Man”(CHFT, p. 90) 4, 9 Feb. D & C 41, 42 : Law of consecration revealed Feb. D&C 43 False Revelations (D&C Institute Manuel, p.87); 44 Conference set for June 7 March D&C 45- Promise of Peace Safety and Refuge During the Judgements 8 March D&C 46 -Gifts of the Spirit; 47 John Whitmer Appointed Historian March D&C 48 -Mode of Land Purchase March D&C 49-Leman Copley and shakers 30 April 25 Louisa and Thaddeus the Twins of Joseph and Emma die Spring Earthquake in Peking China predicted By young Mormon girl this convinced Symonds Ryder to join the church (CHFT, p. 93) 9 May Joseph and Emma Adopt the Murdock twins (CHFT, p .100) 30
  • 31. Thompson Ohio May D&C 51 - Edward Partridge May-June New York immigrants arrived in Ohio, Lucy Mack’s Miracle of opening the ice.(Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith, p. 199-205) May Revelation on false spirits given 1831 Kirtland June D&C 53 Sidney Gilbert Land Agent 3 June Fourth general conference of the Church was held in Kirtland, Ohio; Isaac Morely Farm in the little school house the Man of sin is revealed and the First High Priests ordained. 7 June D&C 52 Commandment was given to go to Missouri June D&C 54 Be patient in Tribulation June D&C 55 To a Non member W. W. Phelps; He is Chosen to write Children’s books and go to Missouri; 56 Ezra Thayre 19 June 25 Joseph Starts for Missouri to designate the land of Zion 9 Aug. Leaves Independence; Arrives in Kirtland 27 Aug. late Aug. D&C 63 Gathering Saints and land Purchase 11 Sept. D&C 64 Forgiveness and Tithing 12 Sept. 25 Joseph moves to Hiram, Ohio John Johnson farm 4 Dec. D&C 72 Newell K. Whitney called as Bishop, his duties Hiram 31
  • 32. 1831 Oct. D&C 65 A Prayer 25 Oct. 25 D&C 66 (Orange, Ohio) First Day of an important Conference Oct.–Dec. 1831 Ezra Booth attacked the Church in the press (CHFT, p. 113-114) Nov. D&C 67 Book of Commandments to be Published Nov. D&C 68 Speak as Moved by the spirit and Presiding Bishopric Nov. D&C 69 John Whitmer to Accompany Oliver to Missouri and to record the History as they travel. 12 Nov. D&C 70 4 Conferneces were held to consider the Revelations in the Book of Commandments; “the foundation of the Church in these latter- days...showing that the keys of the mysteries of the kingdom of our Savior are again entrusted to man”. 1 Nov. D&C 1 3 Nov. D&C 133 Appendix Second Coming 1 Dec. D&C 71 Joseph and Sidney are to stop translating and reach to allay the bad feelings caused by the Newspaper articles by Ezra Booth who apostatized. 1832 Hiram 10 Jan. D&C 73 Joseph and Sidney are to return to the Translation of the Bible. Jan. D&C 74 (1 Cor. 7:14) Amherst, Ohio 1832 25 Jan. D&C 75 Joseph had been ordained President of the High Priesthood and the Elders wanted to know their duties Hiram 32
  • 33. 1832 16 Feb. D&C 76 The Vision Mar. D&C 77 Explanation of the Revelation of John Mar. D&C 78 The Saints should Organize a storehouse for the poor Mar. D&C 79 Jared Carter Mar. D&C 80 Stephen Burnett and Eden Smith Mar. D&C 81 Frederick G. Williams is to Replace Jesse Gause in the First Presidency 24 Mar. 26 Joseph and Sidney Rigdon, tarred and feathered at Hiram. His adopted son of John Murdock dies on 29 March 1832 in consequence of exposure at the time (CHFT, p.115; JS-R, p.140-141; HC 1:265) 25 Mar. Emma faints at the sight of Joseph; they spent the night scraping off the tar. The next day Joseph preaches a sermon on brotherly love and kindness, mobbers are in the congregation. The Prophet baptized three people that day. Tar and Feathering (DHC 1:261) 1 April Travels back to Jackson County Missouri (CHFT, p.115) Aug. D&C 99 To John Murdock Mission Call Apr 14, 1832 26 Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball baptized (CHFT, p.75) Gathering to Zion 1831 July Colesville Saints arrived in Missouri, (JS-R, p.100, 128) 20 July D&C 57 Independence Missouri - Zion 1 Aug. D&C 58 To Colesville Branch 33
  • 34. 2 Aug. Sidney Rigdon dedicated the land for a place of gathering (CHFT, p. 102, 107) 3 Aug. 27 Joseph Smith dedicated the temple site in Independence (CHFT, p. 102, 107) 7 Aug. D&C 59 Sabbath Return to the garden of Eden Reinstating the Commandments 8 Aug. D&C 60 Travel Routes Mcllwaines Bend, Missouri River 12 Aug. D&C 61 WW Phelps saw the destroyer 13 Aug. D&C 62 Revelation to a passing group of Elders 1832 Jackson, County 26 April D&C 82 Much Given- Joseph Sustained as President of High Priesthood 30 April 26 D&C 83 Women have claim on their Husbands May 6, 1832 (Sunday) Joseph Smith, jun., Sidney Rigdon and Newel K. Whitney left Independence, Mo., for Ohio. On the journey Bro. Whitney broke his leg and was miraculously healed. Joseph was poisoned by his enemies, but was restored in an instant. Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914.)Joseph Smith was poisoned. He vomited so profusely that he dislocated his jaw. He replaced it himself and then made his way to the bedside of Newel K. Whitney where Newel administered to him and he was healed instantly. The Prophet Joseph Smith indicated that the effect of the poison was so powerful it caused much of the hair of his head to be loosened. He was grateful to be alive, however, and said, “thanks be to my Heavenly Father for his interference.” (DHC 1:271-2 for the instance of writing An Impressive Letter from the Pen of Joseph Smith by Lamar C. Berrett Fn, BYU Studies, vol. 11 (1970- 1971), Number 4 - Summer 1971 .) June First edition of the Evening and Morning Star (CHFT, p.109) 34
  • 35. Kirtland, Ohio 22, 23 Sept. D&C 84 Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood (Unlocks Malachi 2) Oct. - Nov. Joseph serves a mission to Albany, New York City, and Boston with Newel K. Whitney (See D&C 84:114) November 6, 1832 (Tuesday) Joseph Smith returned home from a rapid journey to Albany, New York and Boston. On the day of his return his son Joseph 3rd was born.(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914], .) Nov 8, 1832 26 Joseph meets Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball for the first time Joseph prophecies that Brigham will one day lead the church after hearing Brigham pray in the Adamic language(JS-R, p.144;JSC p. 36) 27 Nov. D&C 85 To W. W. Phelps in Zion: Land Inheritances 6 Dec. D&C 86 While translating the Bible Joseph received this revelation which unlocks the Parable of the wheat and the tares Dec 18, 1832 26 Joseph gives Oliver Cowdery a patriarchal blessing. The first one given in the church (KofGR p.180) 25 Dec. D&C 87 Civil War Prophecy was given s the brethren were pondering slavery of the children of men on Christmas Day 27 Dec. D&C 88 The Olive Leaf 1833 During this year the First Presidency of the Church was organized and the translation of the Bible finished by the Prophet Joseph; the corner stones of the Kirtland Temple were laid, and the Saints driven by a mob from their homes in Jackson County, Mo. The Church printing office having been destroyed by the mob in Missouri, a new press and type were secured, and the publication of the Evening and Morning Star was recommenced at Kirtland, O.(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914], .) 35
  • 36. 1833 Kirtland 22-23 Jan School of the prophets is organized (D&C 88:70-80, 117-141) January 22, 1833 (Tuesday) Joseph Smith, jun., Sidney Rigdon, Frederick G. Williams, Newel K. Whitney, Hyrum Smith, Zebedee Coltrin, Joseph Smith, sen., Samuel H. Smith, John Murdock, Lyman E. Johnson, Orson Hyde, Ezra Thayer, Levi W. Hancock and William Smith assembled in conference at Kirtland, O. On this occasion the Prophet Joseph, Zebedee Coltrin and Wm. Smith spoke in tongues, “after which the Lord poured out his spirit in a miraculous manner, until all the Elders and several members, both male and female, spoke in tongues.” (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914], .) Jan 1833 27 J.S. writes to Bp. Partridge that he feels more like weeping over Zion than rejoicing over her (KofGR p. 172) January 23, 1833 (Wednesday) The conference was continued at Kirtland. “After much speaking, singing, praying and praising God, all in tongues,” the brethren “proceeded to the washing of feet, as commanded of the Lord,” according to the practice recorded in John 13:4-15. (See History of Joseph Smith.) February 2, 1833 (Saturday) Joseph Smith, jun., completed the translation of the New Testament. JST(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914], .) 27 Feb. D&C 89 The Word of Wisdom 8 Mar. D&C 90 Revelation on the First Presidency 9 Mar. D&C 91 The Lords feelings about the Apocrypha 15 Mar. D&C 92 To Frederick G. Williams recently called member of the First Presidency March 18, 1833 (Monday) 36
  • 37. Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams were appointed and set apart by President Joseph Smith to be his Counselors in the Presidency of the Church, according to the revelation given March 8th . On the same occasion “many of the brethren saw a heavenly vision of the Savior and concourses of angels.” John Murdock and Zebedee Coltrin see the Father and the Son (See History of Joseph Smith.) (Andrew Jenson, Church ChronologyDeseret News, 1914], .) 6 May D&C 93 Those who are begotten through Christ are the Church of the Firstborn 6 May D&C 94 Church Building Committee Appointed 1 June D&C 95 Saints Chastised for not building the temple 4 June D&C 96 Disposition of the French Farm July 2, 1833 (Tuesday) Joseph the Prophet finished the translation of the Bible. JST- O.T. (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914], .) 23 July Cornerstones of the Kirtland temple laid 1833 2 Aug. D&C 97 Revelation given in response to the Persecutions in Missouri 6 Aug. D&C 98 The Law of War and Retaliation 3 Oct.-4 Nov. Joseph’s mission to Canada Perrysburg, New York 1833 12 Oct. D&C 100 Your Families are well 37
  • 38. Kirtland, Ohio 1833 22 Nov. Joseph learns of Saints expulsion from Jackson County 16 Dec. D&C 101 The Lord promise that he will own the righteous saints Who are persecuted for his name. Saints have been driven from Jackson County to Clay County and some to Van Buren. Threats and Destruction of personal property were prevalent 18 Dec. Office of evangelist or patriarch announced, first patriarchal blessings given Expulsion from Jackson County 1833 Apr 1833 27 300 meet at Independence Courthouse to (KofGR p. 173) Expel Mormons; get drunk—fight instead Summer School of the Elders was held July “Secret constitution” distributed by Jackson County citizens (CHFT, p. 130-134) 20 July 27 First edition of Book of Commandments printed. Mob of 500 demands Mormon evacuation of Jackson. Destroy press burn most Books of Commandments. Tar and feather Bp. Partridge and Charles Allen (CHFT, p.133; KofGR p. 175) 23 July Six elders offered their lives for the safety of the Saints Personal Life of Samuel Gifford Humor Clay County, Missouri He was twelve years old during the harassment in Clay county, Missouri , when Mormon families seemed at the mercy of the unchecked hostility. He and his friends were hiding in a corral when a crowd passed by on their way home from organizing a raid against Samuels family and neighbors…He apologized for his thoughts—to wish harm to anyone even an enemy, was shameful, he wrote later “but nevertheless I said I hope they will get drowned before they get across the river. The first news of the morning, sure enough, was that the ferry had sprung a leak in midstream and sank. Among those lost were two of the ringleaders. The other survived by stripping and swimming to the shore several miles downstream. His fate however was almost as satisfying: He was naked and far from home and had to 38
  • 39. pass through a large bottom of nettles that were dense and thick. TThe Lord, or some accident, knocked a hole in the bottom of the boat. When they discovered it, says Commander Owen to the company on the ferry boat, "We must strip to the bone, or we shall all perish." Mr. Campbell replied, "I will go to hell before I will land naked." He had his choice, and went to the bottom. Owen stripped himself of every article of clothing, and commenced floating down the river. After making several attempts he finally landed on the Jackson side of the river, after a swim of about fourteen miles. He rested some time, being perfectly exhausted, and then started into the nettles, which grow very thick and to a great height, in the Missouri bottoms, and which was his only possible chance in making from the river to the settlements. He had to walk four miles through the nettles, which took him the remainder of the night, and when he got through the nettles, he came to a road, and saw a young lady approaching on horseback, who was the belle of Jackson County. In this miserable condition he laid himself behind a log, so that she could not see him. When she arrived opposite the log, he says, "Madam, I am Samuel C. Owen, the Commander-in-Chief of the mob against the Mormons; I wish you to send some men from the next house with clothing, for I am naked." The lady in her philanthropy dismounted, and left him a light shawl and a certain unmentionable under garment, and passed on. So His Excellency Samuel C. Owen, took up his line of march for the town, in the shawl and petticoat uniform, after his expedition against the "Mormons." My young friends, have the goodness to use every man so, who comes into your country to mob and oppress the innocent; and LADIES, DON'T LEND HIM ANY CLOTHING. ((Gods Justice and Samuel Owen-as told by George A. Smith Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 2:24) Canada October 26, 1833 (Saturday) Joseph Smith, jr., preached and baptized twelve persons at Mount Pleasant, Upper Canada. Dec. 1833 27 Joseph and Emma receive patriarchal blessings from Joseph Smith Sr. Dec 10, 1833 27 Joseph first learn about the Missouri persecutions (KofGR p. 179) December 18, 1833 (Wednesday) Joseph Smith, sr., was ordained Patriarch to the whole Church. (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914) 39
  • 40. December 31, 1833 (Tuesday) Wilford Woodruff was baptized at Richland, N. Y., by Zera Pulsipher. (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914], .) Missouri October 31, 1833 (Thursday) Personal Life - Parley P. Pratt, Persecution in Jackson County A mob attacked a branch of the Church, west of the Big Blue, in Jackson County, Mo., destroyed ten houses, and beat several of the brethren in a most brutal manner. Parley P. Pratt said: It was evening. I was out in the act of posting guards a short distance from the dwellings, when two men [Robert Johnson and one Harris] assailed us, armed with guns and pistols; and supposing it against our principles to make any defence, they attacked the guards. I was without arms, but stepped forward to interfere between them, when one of them drew his gun backwards, and, with both hands, struck the barrel of it across the top of my head. I staggared back, but did not fall; the blood came streaming down my face, and I was for an instant stunned by the blow; But, recovering myself, I called help from the house and disarmed them, and put them under guard till morning. Their arms were then restored, and they let go in peace. (PPP, p.97) Oct. 31 Personal Life - Sister Whitmer: The Mob Came to the house of David Whitmer and drew his wife out of the house by the hair of the head and proceeded to throw down the house they then went to other houses throwing them down until they had demolished ten dwelling houses amidst the shrieks and screams of women and children (Clark V. Johnson, ed., The Mormon Redress Petitions: Documents of the 1833-1838 Missouri Conflict, p.525 – 527) ` Personal Life- Partridge Allens and Rockwell’s A few days later the Rockwells were told that unless they renounced their "doctrine and religious faith as Mormons," they would share the same fate as Partridge and Allen. Rockwell, too, related how the wife of David Whitmer was dragged from her home by the hair of her head and watched helplessly as her domicile was demolished. (Arnold K. Garr and Clark V. Johnson, eds., Regional Studies in Latter-day Saint History: Missouri , p.211) November 1, 1833 (Friday) 40
  • 41. The Saints at Independence were attacked by a mob, and Gilbert & Whitney’s store was partly destroyed, besides many private dwellings. November 2, 1833 (Saturday) The mob attacked the Saints on the Big Blue, Jackson County, and beat David Bennett severely. 4 Nov. Became known as “bloody day” of conflict (CHFT, p. 136) Nov.-Dec. Saints expelled from Jackson County November 4, 1833 (Monday) A skirmish took place between a company of Saints and a mob, several miles west of the Big Blue, in Jackson County. Andrew Barber, one of the Saints, was mortally wounded, two of the mobs were killed, and several others wounded on both sides.(CHFT, p. 136) November 4, 1833 (Monday) Joseph Smith, jun., returned to Kirtland, O., from his mission to Canada. (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914) Nov 1-14, 27 Boggs orders weapons taken away from Mormons 1200 Mormons driven out. 203 homes burned. Trail of blood left by 190 exiled across 30 miles of frosted ground. Meteor storm in the sky. Leonids(PPP, p. ; KofGR p. 177) 1834 The first High Council of the Church was organized at Kirtland, O. Zion’s Camp made its famous march to Missouri, and a High Council was organized in Clay County, Mo., where most of the Saints, who had been expelled from Jackson County, had located (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914.) Zions Camp 1834 Kirtland, Ohio 17 Feb. D&C 102 High council Procedures- Sanctioned plan to organize army to help Missouri Saints 24 Feb. D&C 103 After Parley and Lyman Arrived in Kirtland the Lord revealed about the redemption of Zion Mar.-May Members recruited for Zion’s Camp 41
  • 42. 1834 Kirtland March 27 Personal Life - "Remained at home and had great joy with my family." Indeed, according to a cousin, George A. Smith, one convert family apostatized because, when they arrived in Kirtland from the East, Joseph came downstairs from the room "where he had been translating by the gift and power of God" and began to romp and play with his children (Journal of Discourses, 2:214). In their view, this was not proper behavior for a prophet! The Prophet's journal mentions going with his family to musical concerts, the theater, and circus performances, and taking excursions on Mississippi riverboats. Leonard J. Arrington was Church Historian for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when this devotional address was given at Brigham Young University on 19 November 1974 April 29 Personal Life - Wilford Woodruff first met the Prophet at Kirtland He wrote: I saw him out in the field with his brother Hyrum: he had on a very old hat. . . . I was introduced to him, and he invited me home with him. I accepted the invitation, and I watched him pretty closely, to see what I could learn. He remarked, while passing to his house, that this was the first hour he had spent in recreation for a long time. Shortly after we arrived at his house, he went into an adjoining room, and brought out a wolf-skin, and said, "Brother Woodruff, I want you to help me to tan this." So I pulled off my coat, went to work and helped him, and felt honoured in so doing. He was about going up with the brethren to redeem Zion, and he wanted this wolf-skin to put upon his waggon seat, as he had no buffalo robe. . . . Well, we tanned it, and used it. . . . This was my first introduction to the Prophet Joseph Smith. . . . I rejoiced to behold his face and to hear his voice. I was fully satisfied that Joseph was a Prophet. [Journal of Discourses, 7:101; also Millennial Star 53 (1891): 627–28]). April 10, 1834 (Thursday) The United Order at Kirtland was dissolved (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914) 23 April D&C 104 United Order to be temporarily dissolved May Zion’s Camp began March (CHFT, p.143-151) 8 June Zion’s Camp obtained maximum numerical strength of 207 people 9-15 June Governor Dunklin refused to cooperate with Zion’s Camp June 16, 1834 (Monday) 42
  • 43. A large meeting of the citizens of Clay County, Mo., held at the Liberty court house, failed to adjust the difficulties between the Saints and the Jackson County people. From the meeting Samuel C. Owens, James Campbell and about thirteen other mob-leaders started for Jackson County to raise a mob, in which, however, they failed, as Mr. Campbell and six others were drowned in attempting to cross the Missouri River. (Andrew Jensen, Chronology) Fishing River, Missouri 1834 19 June Violent storm protected Zion’s Camp from enemies 22 June D&C 105 The Lord set forth conditions for future redemption of Zion 21-29 June Cholera attacked Zion’s Camp (CHFT, p. 149) 3 July Presidency and stake high council were created in Clay County 43
  • 44. July David Whitmer named as successor: While the conference was in session, Joseph Smith presiding, he arose and said that the time had come when he must appoint his successor in office. Some have supposed that it would be Oliver Cowdery; but, said he, Oliver has lost that privilege in consequence of transgression. The Lord has made it known to me that David Whitmer is the man. David was then called forward, and Joseph and his counsellors laid hands upon him, and ordained him to his station, to succeed him. Joseph then gave David a charge, in the hearing of the whole assembly. Joseph then seemed to rejoice that that work was done, and said, now brethren, if anything should befall me, the work of God will roll on with more power than it has hitherto done. Then brethren, you will have a man who can lead you as well as I can. He will be Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and Translator before God. (Ensign of Liberty 1, no. 3 [December 1847]: 43-44; see also History of the Church, 3:32.) Hoyt W. Brewster, Jr., Prophets, Priesthood Keys, and Succession, p.36 Evidently Joseph had not discussed this with his newly designated successor, for David was later to say, "I did not know what he was going to do until he laid his hands upon me and ordained me." (An Address to all Believers in Christ [Richmond, Virginia: David Whitmer, 1887], p. 55.) Glorious days in Kirtland 1834-36 1834 Aug. 28 Zion’s Camp returned (CHFT, p. 151) Oct. Joseph visits saints in Pontiac Michigan Nov. School of the Elders opened in Kirtland (CHFT, p.153) 22 Nov. D&C 106 The Second Coming shall not overtake the Children of Light as a Thief in the night (To Warren Cowdery) 5 Dec. Oliver Cowdery was set apart as Assistant President of the Church 1835 The Council of Twelve Apostles and the First Quorum of Seventy were 44
  • 45. organized at Kirtland, O. The Book of Doctrine and Covenants was accepted by the Church, and Joseph Smith, jun., obtained some Egyptian rolls of papyrus containing the writings of Abraham, etc. (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914) 1835 Kirtland 14, 28 Feb. 29 Quorum of the Twelve and Quorum of the Seventy were called (CHFT, p.154) (Saturday) 29 At a special meeting held in Kirtland twelve Apostles were chosen by the Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon according to revelation (Doc. And Cov., Sec. 18:37), namely: Thos. B. Marsh, David W. Patten, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, Wm. E. McLellin, Parley P. Pratt, Luke S. Johnson, Wm. Smith, Orson Pratt, John F. Boynton and Lyman E.Johnson. Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball were ordained and blessed the same day. First apostles called in1800 years. 28 Mar. D&C 107 Revelation on priesthood was received July Mummies and scrolls purchased from Michael Chandler (HC 2:235; CHFT, p.159) 17 Aug. D&C 134 Special conference approved Doctrine and Covenants Nov. Plastering on temple began (CHFT, p.164) Nov. Emma Smith’s hymnal was published (CHFT, p. 74, 153, 161) 10 Dec. Healing-Joseph Said: “This afternoon I was called, in company with President David Whitmer, to visit Angeline Works. We found her very sick, and so much deranged that she did not recognize her friends and intimate acquaintances. We prayed for her and laid hands on her in the name of Jesus Christ, and commanded her in His name to receive her senses, which were immediately restored. We also prayed that she might be restored to health; and she said she was better. (Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 vols. 2:328) 26 Dec. 30 D&C 108 Lyman Sherman - Strengthen Your Brethren 1836 The Kirtland Temple was dedicated, and the Savior, Moses, Elias and 45
  • 46. Elijah the Prophet appeared to the Elders in that building and committed the keys of their respective dispensations to the Prophet Joseph Smith. The Saints who had resided temporarily in Clay County, Mo., removed to another location on Shoal Creek, which was organized into Caldwell County.(Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914) 1836 Kirtland 21 Jan. 30 Spiritual manifestations received in Kirtland Temple, including vision of celestial kingdom. (D&C 137; The Heavens Resound, Milton Bachman, p. ) Feb 16, 1836 30 Joseph enjoys the day sleighing (JSC p.87) Mar 3, 1836 30 Joseph gives a black man the priesthood (JSC p.87) 27 Mar. D&C 109 Kirtland Temple dedicated and spiritual outpourings received 29-30 Joseph Presides in the Kirtland Temple as an Endowment of power falls upon a large group of priesthood leaders (CHFT, p. 164- 165) 3 Apr. 30 Easter Sunday D&C 110 Jesus Christ, Moses, Elias, and Elijah appeared to accept the temple and restore priesthood keys(HC 2:435- 436) May 27, 1836 30 Joseph’s grandma, Mary Smith, dies (HofJS p. 34) May-Jun 1836 30 John Taylor and Lorenzo Snow baptized (CHFT p. 153) due to PPP mission to Canada Jun 16, 1836 30 First Missionary tract published by Orson Hyde (JSC p.91) 1836 Salem, Massachusetts 6 April D&C 111 Treasure in the city-Nathaniel Felt May-June Two future Church presidents—John Taylor and Lorenzo Snow—were baptized 20 June Joseph’s Son, Frederick Granger Williams smith is born at Kirtland 46
  • 47. 25 July-Sept. Joseph Mission to Salem Massachusetts The Church in Northern Missouri 1836-38 1836 Far West Summer Saints began settling Far West (CHFT, p. 181-187) September 22, 1836 (Thursday) Peter Whitmer, jun., one of the Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, died near Liberty, Clay County, Mo. (Andrew Jenson, Church Chronology Deseret News, 1914) 26 Dec. Caldwell County was created (CHFT, p. 187-192) December 31, 1836 (Saturday) Dr. Willard Richards was baptized at Kirtland, by Brigham Young. 1837 Far West, Caldwell Co. Mo., was surveyed, and the first foreign mission of the Church called and sent to England, where a successful opening was made. A great apostasy took place in the Church, both in Kirtland, O., and in Missouri. 1837 Far West Nov. Joseph Smith briefly visited Far West Apostasy In Kirtland 1836-38 1836 July-Aug. Mission to New York and Salem, Massachusetts, in search of funds Kirtland 1837 2 Jan. Kirtland Safety Society opened for business (CHFT, p. 169-180) Jan 2, 1837 31 Kirtland Safety Society opens (CHFT p. 169) Feb 1837 31 Leaders meet in temple to usurp Joseph Brigham valiantly defends him. Brigham Young was invited by some of these men who were trying to depose the Prophet Joseph from his position as President of the Church; but they made a mistake by inviting President Brigham Young into their circle. Brigham Young 47
  • 48. said, “You cannot destroy the appointment of a prophet of God, but you can cut the thread that binds you to the prophet of God, and sink yourselves to hell” (in Conference Report, May 1963, p. 81). Elder John A. Widtsoe said: “The most important prophet in any age is the living prophet. … To follow the living prophet, the interpreter of the past, is the essence of wisdom. The very strength of the Church lies in the doctrine of continuous revelation through a living prophet” (Evidences and Reconciliations, 3 vols. in 1, arr. G. Homer Durham, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1960, p. 352). 6 April Solemn assembly in the Kirtland Temple May Panic of 1837 hit Ohio Banks fail, Mass apostacy (CHFT, p. 169) June First Missionaries sent to England Orson Hyde, Heber C. Kimball, Isaac Russell; Conversion of Peter Maughan(CHFT, p. 225-239) Jul [7] 1837 31 J.S. drops Fredrick G. Williams from the First Presidency, he was excommunicated shortly thereafter 19 July First missionaries arrived to preach the gospel in Great Britain 23 July D&C 112 To Thomas B. Marsh on the day the 12 Began preaching in England 27 July Joseph Leaves to visit saints in Toronto Canada July 30, 1837 31 England Elders have incident w/Satan (CHFT p. 175) J.S. “if you would have held on for another ½ hour, you would have seen Christ” convert members of John Feildings bro’s church. John Watt wins foot race to be first person baptized in England (KofGR p. 211) Heber C. feels tingling in streets of England. J.S. “some of the old Prophets travelled and dedicated that land, and their blessing fell upon you. Aug. “Old Standard” apostates broke up a meeting in the Kirtland Temple 27 Sept. -10 Dec. Joseph travels to Conference in Missouri and Returns Dec 10, 1837 31 J.S. and company return from Missouri. Hyrum’s wife had died. (KofGR p. 214) Dec 1837 31 Martin Harris, John Boynton excommunicated Nearly 50 leaders excommunicated. B.Y. flees Kirtland to save his life for defending Joseph (RofP p.9) 48
  • 49. Dec 22, 1837 32 B.Y. flees to Missouri (KofGR p. 215) 1838 Joseph Smith, jun., and most of the faithful Saints left Kirtland, O., on account of apostasy and persecution, and removed to Missouri. Adam- ondi-Ahman, in Daviess County, Mo., was surveyed, and organized into a Stake of Zion; the revelation on tithing was given; persecutions were renewed against the Saints in Missouri, and DeWitt, Adam-ondi-Ahman and Far West were taken and sacked by the mob; nearly a score of Saints were massacred at Haun’s Mill, Joseph the Prophet and other Elders imprisoned, and all the Saints ordered out of Missouri, under pain of death by the exterminating order of Gov. Lilburn W. Boggs. 1838 Far West & Adam-Ondi - Ahman 14 Mar. 32 Prophet arrived to settle in Far West (CHFT, p.181-192) May Adam-ondi-Ahman was founded June Town of DeWitt was settled 19 June Sidney Rigdon gave his “Salt Sermon” 4 July Sidney Rigdon gave his Independence Day speech 8 July Four new Apostles were called, and the law of tithing was revealed in a period of poverty Kirtland 1838 12 Jan. Joseph Smith fled from his enemies hiding in a box in an oxcart Jan 12, 1838 32 Joseph, family and Sidney R. flees to Missouri. Emma 4 mo’s pregnant. Mob follows for 200 miles (CHFT p. 169) Feb 10, 1838 32 W.W.Phelps and John Whitmer excommunicated by leaders in Missouri (CHFT p. 185) 49
  • 50. March D&C 113 (Isaiah 11) Lineage of Joseph Smith Mar 10, 1838 32 John Whitmer ex’ed, possibly W.W. Phelps also (HC 3:8,248) Mar 14, 1838 32 Joseph hailed as he enters Far West Apr 12, 1838 32 Oliver Cowdery ex’d at his own request (CHFT p. 186) Apr 13, 1838 32 David Whitmer, Hyram Page, Lyman and Luke Johnson ex’ed (KofGR p.224) Apr 27, 1838 32 J.S. starts writing the History of Church (CHFT p. 187) July-Oct. Kirtland Camp 500 journeyed to Missouri (CHFT, p.179) Apostacy rampent. 50 leading members exed. 3 witnesses, F.G.W., 4 Apostles, several 70’s, 2-300 members left church (CHFT p. 177) Jul 1838 32 Fredrick G. Willaims re-baptized Missouri Persecutions and Expulsion 1838 14 Mar. Joseph Arrives with his Family in Far West (Emma moves to a new home again, she is 5 months pregnant) 17 April D&C 114 (Far West, Missouri) Unfaithful shall be replaced 26 April D&C 115 (Far West, Missouri) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...Commanded to Build a Temple May 11, 1838 32 William Mclellin excommunicated, at Far West Wight’s Ferry, Davies County Missouri 1838 19 May D&C 116 Adam Ondi Ahman Revealed Far West, Missouri 1838 Massachusetts Emerson at Harvard Divinity School- “It is my Duty to say to you that the need was never greater for new revelation than now.” 50
  • 51. “The Doctrine of inspiration is lost…Miracles prophecy the Holy life, exist as ancient history only…men have come to speak of revelation as somewhat long ago given and done, as if God were dead… It is the office of the true teacher”, he warned “to show us that God is , not was; that he speaketh not spake, If you persist in handing out stones when people ask for bread they will eventually stop coming to the bakery. (Elder Jeffery R. Holland CR November 2004 p. 8) 2 June Emma gives birth to Alexander Hale Smith (son) Jun 1838 32 Sidney Rigdon’s Delivers Salt Sermon. Apostate Mormons threatened and leave Far West. (CHFT p. 191) Jun 1838 32 DeWitt founded (CHFT, p. 181) July 4, 1838 32 Foundation layed for Far West Temple. Rigdon Threatens the Mobbers. (CHFT p. 192) 8 July D&C 117 Forsake Littleness of Soul 8 July D&C 118 Lord’s Will concerning the Twelve 8 July D&C 119 One tenth Annual Interest 8 July D&C 120 Disposition of Properties Gallatin 6 Aug. 32 Election day battle at Gallatin Aug 8, 1838 32 J.S. and others ask Missouri leaders to sign proclamation of peace (CHFT p. 194) Aug 10, 1838 32 Missouri leaders swear an affidavid that J.S. and army of 500 threatened them (CHFT p. 195) 7 Sept. Joseph Smith and Lyman Wight were tried before Judge Austin King Oct 1838 32 Kirtland Camp arrives in Far West (CHFT p. 179) Oct 11, 1838 32 Seventy wagons of saints abandon DeWitt Some Mormons dieing of deprivation (CHFT p. 197) Oct 17-18 1838 32 Saints being driven and whipped in Davies County. Bad snow 51
  • 52. storm three petitions for help sent and ignored by Boggs (CHFT p. 198) Dewitt 1-7 Oct. Battle of DeWitt 9 Oct. The prophet records that in answer to Latter day saint pleas for protection from increasing mob violence, Missouri Gov. Lilburn Boggs replied “the quarrel was between the Mormons and the mob and that we might fight it out”. 11 Oct. Joseph Leads saints from Dewitt, Carroll County to Far West Oct 18, 1838 32 Thomas Marsh and Orson Hyde apostatize swear out affidavits against J.S. that he plans to tread down his enemies. No church action taken against them until 17 Mar 1839 (CHFT p. 199) 18-19 Oct. Guerrilla warfare in Daviess County 25 Oct. Battle of Crooked River- David W. Patten 27 Oct. Governor Boggs’s “extermination order” Oct 27, 1838 32 Ignoring the truths of what was happening the Mormons, Boggs orders the EXTERMINATION ORDER 300-400 Mormons murdered in all. (CHFT p. 201; HofJS p. 287) Oct 30, 1838 32 About 240 mobbers attack HAUN’S MILL 17 people killed, 13 wounded (CHFT p. 203) Far West 1838 30 Oct-6 Nov. Siege of Far West 31 Oct. The Prophet and other Church leaders are taken prisoners at What they are told will be a peace talk with leaders of the Missouri State militia besieging Far West Over 2000 mobbers surround Far West Mormons outnumbered 5-1 (CHFT p. 201) Oct 31, 1838 32 J.S., S.R., L.W., P.P.P., G.R. arrested (CHFT p. 205) Hyrum and Amasa Lyman arrested shortlyafter. 52
  • 53. 1 Nov. Arbitrarily and without any foundation, the prophet is sentenced to death “as a warning to the Mormons” after an irregular court martial; the Prophets life is spared through the courage of general Alexander W. Doniphan. Members of the state militia plunder the town. (CHFT, p.205) Nov 1, 1838 32 Mobs ransack Far West, women violated (CHFT p. 206) Nov 2, 1838 32 Soldiers try to Murder Joseph, but guns misfire. (HofJS p. 275) Personal Life Humor: Support of Lyman White “Lyman resided in Jackson County, Missouri, until mobs forced him to flee to Clay County. He volunteered to go and inform the Prophet in Kirtland of the suffering of the Missouri Saints, although he had only three days' provisions for the journey; and he went with Parley P. Pratt. The answer to the problems of the Saints in Missouri was to raise a potential military force, Zion's Camp, to march from Kirtland in the redemption of Zion (see D&C 103:30). Lyman journeyed to Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan mustering volunteers for Zion's Camp. He marched as second only to Joseph Smith in the camp, walking from Michigan to Clay County, Missouri, without stockings on his feet. “According to Benjamin F. Johnson, ‘By Apostle Lyman Wight we were taught to `pray for our enemies,' that God would damn them, and `give us power to kill them.’ Lyman's bold statements such as ‘Boys, eat, drink and be merry for to-morrow we-fight’ caused him to be greatly feared by the Missourians. His explosive expressions of retaliation brought difficulties to the Saints as tempers flared… “…on 28 June 1838 he was appointed second counselor to John Smith, president of the Adam-ondi-Ahman Stake. Four months later he was a captive of the mob militia and was charged with treason and murder. Missourian General Wilson confided: ‘Col. Wight, we have nothing against you, only that you are associated with Joe Smith. He is our enemy and a damned rascal.… If you will come out and swear against him, we will spare your life.’ “Lyman defiantly replied: ‘Joseph Smith is not an enemy to mankind, he is not your enemy, and is as good a friend as you have got. Had it not been for him, you would have been in hell long ago, for I should have sent you there, by cutting your throat, and no other man but Joseph Smith could have prevented me, and you may thank him for 53