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 Is a technique used to separate and identify the
   components of a mixture.

 Works by allowing the molecules present in the
   mixture to distribute themselves between a
   mobile and a stationary phase.

           mobile phase = solvent or gas
    stationary phase = column packing material

How separation occur?
 Chromatography is a powerful separation
  method that is used to separate and
  identify the components of complex
 Works by allowing the molecules present in
  the mixture to distribute themselves
  between a stationary and a mobile phase to
  varying degrees.
 Those components that are strongly
  retained by the stationary phase move
  slowly with the flow of mobile phase.
How separation occur?
 In contrast, components that are weakly
  held by the stationary phase travel rapidly
 As a consequence of these differences in
  mobility, sample components separate into
  discrete bands that can be analyzed
  qualitatively and/or quantitatively.

Classification of
        Chromatographic Methods
1. Based on physical means
    The way stationary and mobile phases are brought into

2. Based on the types of mobile phase
    Either gas, liquid or supercritical fluid.

1. Based on the kinds of equilibria involved in the in
   solute transfer between the phases
    Interaction of analyte between stationary and mobile

Chromatographic Methods
  based on physical means

       Column                      Planar
   chromatography              chromatography

stationary phase is       stationary phase is
held in narrow tube;      supported on a flat plate
mobile phase moves by     or in the interstices of a
pressure or gravity       paper; mobile phase moves
                          through capillary action
                          or gravity

Example:                  Example:
Gas chromatography (GC)   Thin-layer chromatography
Supercritical-fluid       (TLC)
chromatography (SFC)      Paper chromatography (PC)

Chromatography based on
    types of mobile phase

       Gas                        (Supercritical
Gas Chromatography                    fluid)
             Liquid Chromatography

Chromatography based on
   interaction of the analyte
      with stationary phase
1. Adsorption - of solute on surface of stationary
   phase; for polar non-ionic compounds.

2. Ion Exchange - attraction of ions of opposite
   charges; for ionic compounds.
   1. Anion - analyte is anion; bonded phase has
      positive charge.
   2. Cation – analyte is cation; bonded phase has
      negative charge.

Chromatography based on
   interaction of the analyte
      with stationary phase

3.Partition - based on the relative solubility of
analyte in mobile and stationary phases.
   a. Normal phase – stationary phase polar, the
      mobile phase nonpolar.
   b. Reverse phase– stationary phase nonpolar,
      the mobile phase polar.

3.Size Exclusion – separate molecules by size;
sieving- stationary phase is a porous matrix.

Classification of
           Chromatographic Methods


   Partition                 Adsorption           Ion-exchange     Size-exclusion

Liquid-   Gas-liquid   Liquid-solid   Gas-solid     Liquid-solid     Liquid-solid


 Components of the mixture selectively adsorb
  (stick) on the surface of a finely divided solid
  stationary phase.
 As mobile phase (gas/liquid) carries the
  mixture through the stationary phase, the
  components of the mixture stick to its surface
  with varying degrees of strength and thus
  Stationary phase:          solid
    Mobile phase:           gas or liquid            15

   Accomplished by selective and continuous
    transfer of the components of the mixture
    back and forth between a liquid stationary
    phase and a liquid mobile phase as the
    mobile phase liquid passes through the
    stationary phase liquid.

    Stationary phase:      liquid
    Mobile phase:          liquid or gas
 Partitioning is a distribution (by dissolving) of the
  components between 2 immiscible phases.
  Seperations of the components will be based on
  relative solubilities of the components in the mobile
  and stationary phase.

 Example of partitioning using polar stationary
   Polar components will retain longer than the non-polar
   Non-polar components will move quickly through
    stationary phase and will elute first before the polar
    components and vice-versa.                               19
 The stationary phase actually consists of a thin
  film adsorbed (stuck) on or chemically bonded to
  the surface of a finely divided solid particles.
 If the mobile phase is gas, the volatility (vapor
  pressure) and solubility in stationary phase plays
  an important role.


Ion exchange
 Method for separating mixture of ions.
 Sample is aqueous solution of inorganic ions or
  organic ions
 Stationary phase are small polymer resin “beads”
  usually packed in a glass tube.
  a. These beads have ionic bonding sites on their surfaces
     which selectively exchange ions with certain mobile
     phase compositions as the mobile phase penetrates
     through it.

Ion exchange
 Ions that bond to the charged site on the
   resin bead are separated from organic or
   inorganic ions aqueous solution.
 The process is repeated several times by
   changing of the mobile phase composition.

Ion exchange
 The process begin with initially running the
  analysis using a mobile phase with all the ions in
  the mixture.
 The mobile phase is then change for several
  times in a stepwise fashion so that one kind of
  ion at a time is removed.
 The process is repeated until complete
  separation achieved.


Size exclusion
Also called gel permeation chromatography.
Separation technique of dissolved species is
 based on the size of the components.
Stationary phase: porous polymer resin
 particles (molecular sieves).
The components to be separated enter the
 pores of these particles and are slowed down
 from progressing through this stationary

Size exclusion
 Separation depends on the sizes of the pores
  relative to the sizes of the molecules to be
 Small particles are retarded to a greater extent
  than large particles (some of which may not
  enter the pores at all) and separation occurs.
 Particles with size bigger than the pore size will
  be eluted first from the column.

Terminologies in

 Elution
  A process in which species are washed through a
  chromatographic column by addition of fresh solvent.
 Mobile phase
   Is one that moves over or through an immobilized phase
 that      is fixed in place in a column or on the surface of flat
 Stationary phase
  A solid or liquid that is fixed in place. A mobile phase
  then passes over or through the stationary phase.
 Retention time
  Time required for the sample to travel from the injection port
    through the column to the detector.
Migration Rates of
   Distribution constant, K

 Retention time, tR

 Capacity factor, k’

 Selectivity factor, α

Distribution Constant
 In chromatography, the distribution equilibrium of
  analytes between the mobile and stationary phases
  can often be described quite simple.
 Let say, we have analyte A. The distribution
  equilibrium is written as:

 Therefore, the equilibrium constant K is called
  distribution constant and is defined as:

Retention Time
Time required for the sample to travel from the
injection port through the column to the detector.


A typical chromatogram for a two-component mixture.
The small peak on the left represents a species that is not retained on the
column & so reaches the detector almost immediately after elution is
Dead Time, tM
   Defined as time taken for the unretained
    species to reach the detector.
   Rate of migration of the unretained species is
    SIMILAR as the average rate of motion of
    mobile phase molecules.
   So, tM also can be expressed as the time
    required for an average molecule of the
    mobile phase to pass through the

Capacity factor, k’
 Term used to measure the migration rates of
  analytes in columns.
 Also known as Retention Factor.

Selectivity factor
is defined as:
                           distribution constants

A measure of the relative migration rates of species A and B
with a stationary phase material in chromatography.



Column Efficiency
Two related terms widely used as quantitative
measures of chromatographic column efficiency are

    A.Plate height, H
    B.Number of theoretical plates, N

Column Efficiency
 The relationship between H and N is given by the
  formula                       Column length
   Number of

                                Plate height
 The efficiency of chromatographic
  columns increases as the number of plates
  becomes greater and plate height become

Experimentally, H and N can be approximated
  from the width of the base of the chromatographic

                                        The equation:

 N can be calculated using tR and W.
 To obtain H, the length of the column must be
  known.                                                42
 Another method for approximating N is to
 determine W1/2, the width of the peak at
 half its maximum height.

   N = 5.54 tR

Resolution, Rs
 a measure of the separation of two
  chromatographic peaks.

 Baseline resolution is achieved when Rs = 1.5

Rs values of less than 1.0 are considered unresolved

Effect of Selectivity and
Capacity Factor on Resolution
Relationship btw the resolution of a column and
the capacity factor k’, selectivity factor α and the
number of plates N is given by this equation:

                Rs = √N    α–1        k’
                      4     α       1 + k’

              Simplified: Rs = √ N
Effect of Resolution on
        Retention Time
Relationship btw the resolution of a column and
retention time:
                              2            3
          tR = 16Rs H
                         α        1 + k’
                 u      α–1       (k’)2

            Simplified: tR = Rs2

                             17.63 min
                                         Length of column:
                 16.40 min               30 cm
                                         Peak widths for
      1.30 min
                                         A = 1.11 min
                                         B = 1.21 min.

      i) column resolution, Rs
      ii) the average number of plates, N
      iii) the average plate height, H
      iv) length of column to achieve Rs 1.5

         Rs = 2 (17.63 min – 16.40 min)
                   (1.11 min + 1.21 min)
      = 1.06


N = 16   16.40 min            = 3.49 x 103   Therefore, calculate
                                             the N average
         1.11 min
                                              Nave = 3.44 x 103
N = 16    17.63 min           = 3.40 x 103
          1.21 min
Variables Affecting
   Column Efficiency
1.   Mobile phase flow rate
2.   Particle size
3.   Diameter of column
4.   Film thickness

Effect of mobile phase

 (a) refer to liquid chromatography   (b) refer to gas chromatography

From both the plots for LC and GC, we can see that
both show a minimum in H at low linear flow rates.
H increases as the mobile phase flow rate
Effect of particle size

  Effect of particle size on plate height for a packed GC column.

 The numbers to the right is the particle diameters.
 The smaller the particle size, the more uniform the
   column packing, then the more tolerant to the
   change in mobile-phase velocity.
 H increases as the particle size increases.
Effect of diameter of
         the column
 For packed column, the most important variable
  that affect column efficiency is the diameter of the
  particles that making up the packing.
 While for open tubular column, the diameter of the
  column itself is an important variable.
 The mobile-phase mass-transfer coefficient is
  known to be inversely proportional to the diffusion
  coefficient of the analyte in the mobile phase.

Effect of diameter of
          the column
 Mass transfer coefficient is proportional to the
  square of the particle diameter of the packing
  material, d2p (packed column).
 Mass transfer coefficient is proportional to the
  square of the column diameter, d2c (open tubular
 As a conclusion, the bigger the column diameter,
  the smaller the diffusion coefficient. Therefore, we
  can say that increase in column diameter will
   increase the plate height.
Effect of film thickness
 When stationary phase is an immobilized liquid,
   the mass-transfer coefficient is directly
   proportional to the square of the thickness of the
   film on the support particles d2f and inversely
   proportional to the diffusion coefficient of the
   solute in the film.
 With thick films and smaller diffusion
   coefficient, analyte molecule travel slower.
   As a result, thick films will reduce the mass
   transfer rate and increase in plate height.

Applications of

 Qualitative analysis
 Quantitative analysis

Qualitative and
quantitative analysis
25.6 min
           Retention time tell as about
           compound identity = qualitative

           Peak Area or height tell us how
           much of compound is there =

Qualitative analysis

 Based on retention time
  Provided the sample produce the peak at the
   same retention time as a standard under
   identical conditions.

Quantitative analysis
1. Analysis based on Peak Height
     The height of chromatographic peak is
      obtained by connecting the base lines on
      either side of the peak by a straight line and
      measuring the perpendicular distance from
      this line to the peak.
2. Analysis based on Peak Area
     Peak areas are usually the preferred method
      of quantitation since peak areas are
      independent of broadening effects.
     Most modern chromatographic instruments
      are equipped with computer or digital
      electronic integrator that permit precise
      estimation of peak areas.
3. Calibration method (also known as external
   Involve preparation of series of standard
    solutions that approximate the composition of
    the unknown.
   The peak heights or areas are plotted as a
    function of concentration.
   The concentration of the component(s) to be
    analysed is determined by comparing the
    response(s) (peak(s)) obtained with the
    standard solutions.

4. Internal Standard Method
   Equal   amounts of an internal standard
    substance is introduced into each standard and
   The internal standard should not react with the
    substance to be examined; it must be stable and
    must not contain impurities. The retention time
    must be similar to that of the substance to be
   The concentration of the substance to be
    examined is determined by comparing the ratio
    of the peak areas (or heights) due to the
    substance to be examined and the internal
    standard in the test solution with the ratio of the
    peak areas (or heights) due to the substance to
    be examined and the internal standard in the
    standard solution.
5. Area Normalization Method
   In the normalization method, the areas of all
    eluted peaks is normalized.
   The percentage content of one or more
    components of the substance to be examined
    is calculated by determining the area of the
    peak(s) as a percentage of the total area of all
    the peaks, excluding those due to solvents or
    any added reagents and those below the
    disregard limit.

Tailing and fronting

 A common cause of tailing and fronting is a
  distribution constant that varies with
 Fronting also arises when the amount of sample
  introduced onto a column is too large.

Tailing and fronting


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Chromatography Techniques Explained

  • 2. Chromatography  Is a technique used to separate and identify the components of a mixture.  Works by allowing the molecules present in the mixture to distribute themselves between a mobile and a stationary phase. mobile phase = solvent or gas stationary phase = column packing material 2
  • 3. 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. How separation occur?  Chromatography is a powerful separation method that is used to separate and identify the components of complex mixtures.  Works by allowing the molecules present in the mixture to distribute themselves between a stationary and a mobile phase to varying degrees.  Those components that are strongly retained by the stationary phase move slowly with the flow of mobile phase. 5
  • 6. How separation occur?  In contrast, components that are weakly held by the stationary phase travel rapidly (fast).  As a consequence of these differences in mobility, sample components separate into discrete bands that can be analyzed qualitatively and/or quantitatively. 6
  • 7. Classification of Chromatographic Methods 1. Based on physical means The way stationary and mobile phases are brought into contact. 2. Based on the types of mobile phase Either gas, liquid or supercritical fluid. 1. Based on the kinds of equilibria involved in the in solute transfer between the phases Interaction of analyte between stationary and mobile phases. 7
  • 8. Chromatographic Methods based on physical means Column Planar chromatography chromatography stationary phase is stationary phase is held in narrow tube; supported on a flat plate mobile phase moves by or in the interstices of a pressure or gravity paper; mobile phase moves through capillary action or gravity Example: Example: Gas chromatography (GC) Thin-layer chromatography Supercritical-fluid (TLC) chromatography (SFC) Paper chromatography (PC) 8
  • 9. Chromatography based on types of mobile phase Mobile Phase Gas (Supercritical Gas Chromatography fluid) Supercritical-fluid Chromatography (Liquid) Liquid Chromatography 9
  • 10. Chromatography based on interaction of the analyte with stationary phase 1. Adsorption - of solute on surface of stationary phase; for polar non-ionic compounds. 2. Ion Exchange - attraction of ions of opposite charges; for ionic compounds. 1. Anion - analyte is anion; bonded phase has positive charge. 2. Cation – analyte is cation; bonded phase has negative charge. 10
  • 11. Chromatography based on interaction of the analyte with stationary phase 3.Partition - based on the relative solubility of analyte in mobile and stationary phases. a. Normal phase – stationary phase polar, the mobile phase nonpolar. b. Reverse phase– stationary phase nonpolar, the mobile phase polar. 3.Size Exclusion – separate molecules by size; sieving- stationary phase is a porous matrix. 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. Classification of Chromatographic Methods Chromatography Partition Adsorption Ion-exchange Size-exclusion Liquid- Gas-liquid Liquid-solid Gas-solid Liquid-solid Liquid-solid liquid 13
  • 15. Adsorption Chromatography  Components of the mixture selectively adsorb (stick) on the surface of a finely divided solid stationary phase.  As mobile phase (gas/liquid) carries the mixture through the stationary phase, the components of the mixture stick to its surface with varying degrees of strength and thus separate. Stationary phase: solid Mobile phase: gas or liquid 15
  • 16. 16
  • 18. Partition Chromatography  Accomplished by selective and continuous transfer of the components of the mixture back and forth between a liquid stationary phase and a liquid mobile phase as the mobile phase liquid passes through the stationary phase liquid. Stationary phase: liquid Mobile phase: liquid or gas 18
  • 19. Partition Chromatography  Partitioning is a distribution (by dissolving) of the components between 2 immiscible phases. Seperations of the components will be based on relative solubilities of the components in the mobile and stationary phase.  Example of partitioning using polar stationary phase.  Polar components will retain longer than the non-polar components.  Non-polar components will move quickly through stationary phase and will elute first before the polar components and vice-versa. 19
  • 20. Partition Chromatography  The stationary phase actually consists of a thin film adsorbed (stuck) on or chemically bonded to the surface of a finely divided solid particles.  If the mobile phase is gas, the volatility (vapor pressure) and solubility in stationary phase plays an important role. 20
  • 21. 21
  • 23. Ion exchange Chromatography  Method for separating mixture of ions.  Sample is aqueous solution of inorganic ions or organic ions  Stationary phase are small polymer resin “beads” usually packed in a glass tube. a. These beads have ionic bonding sites on their surfaces which selectively exchange ions with certain mobile phase compositions as the mobile phase penetrates through it. 23
  • 24. Ion exchange Chromatography  Ions that bond to the charged site on the resin bead are separated from organic or inorganic ions aqueous solution.  The process is repeated several times by changing of the mobile phase composition. 24
  • 25. Ion exchange Chromatography  The process begin with initially running the analysis using a mobile phase with all the ions in the mixture.  The mobile phase is then change for several times in a stepwise fashion so that one kind of ion at a time is removed.  The process is repeated until complete separation achieved. 25
  • 26. 26
  • 28. Size exclusion Chromatography Also called gel permeation chromatography. Separation technique of dissolved species is based on the size of the components. Stationary phase: porous polymer resin particles (molecular sieves). The components to be separated enter the pores of these particles and are slowed down from progressing through this stationary phase. 28
  • 29. Size exclusion Chromatography  Separation depends on the sizes of the pores relative to the sizes of the molecules to be separated.  Small particles are retarded to a greater extent than large particles (some of which may not enter the pores at all) and separation occurs.  Particles with size bigger than the pore size will be eluted first from the column. 29
  • 30. 30
  • 32.  Elution A process in which species are washed through a chromatographic column by addition of fresh solvent.  Mobile phase Is one that moves over or through an immobilized phase that is fixed in place in a column or on the surface of flat plate.  Stationary phase A solid or liquid that is fixed in place. A mobile phase then passes over or through the stationary phase.  Retention time Time required for the sample to travel from the injection port through the column to the detector. 32
  • 33. Migration Rates of Solutes  Distribution constant, K  Retention time, tR  Capacity factor, k’  Selectivity factor, α 33
  • 34. Distribution Constant  In chromatography, the distribution equilibrium of analytes between the mobile and stationary phases can often be described quite simple.  Let say, we have analyte A. The distribution equilibrium is written as:  Therefore, the equilibrium constant K is called distribution constant and is defined as: 34
  • 35. Retention Time Time required for the sample to travel from the injection port through the column to the detector. A A typical chromatogram for a two-component mixture. The small peak on the left represents a species that is not retained on the column & so reaches the detector almost immediately after elution is started. 35
  • 36. Dead Time, tM  Defined as time taken for the unretained species to reach the detector.  Rate of migration of the unretained species is SIMILAR as the average rate of motion of mobile phase molecules.  So, tM also can be expressed as the time required for an average molecule of the mobile phase to pass through the column. 36
  • 37. Capacity factor, k’  Term used to measure the migration rates of analytes in columns.  Also known as Retention Factor. 37
  • 38. Selectivity factor is defined as: distribution constants A measure of the relative migration rates of species A and B with a stationary phase material in chromatography. 38
  • 39. B A M 39
  • 40. Column Efficiency Two related terms widely used as quantitative measures of chromatographic column efficiency are A.Plate height, H B.Number of theoretical plates, N 40
  • 41. Column Efficiency  The relationship between H and N is given by the formula Column length Number of theoretical plates Plate height  The efficiency of chromatographic columns increases as the number of plates becomes greater and plate height become smaller. 41
  • 42. Experimentally, H and N can be approximated from the width of the base of the chromatographic peak. The equation:  N can be calculated using tR and W.  To obtain H, the length of the column must be known. 42
  • 43.  Another method for approximating N is to determine W1/2, the width of the peak at half its maximum height. 2 N = 5.54 tR W1/2 43
  • 44. Resolution, Rs  a measure of the separation of two chromatographic peaks.  Baseline resolution is achieved when Rs = 1.5 44
  • 45. 45
  • 46. Rs values of less than 1.0 are considered unresolved peaks. 46
  • 47. Effect of Selectivity and Capacity Factor on Resolution Relationship btw the resolution of a column and the capacity factor k’, selectivity factor α and the number of plates N is given by this equation: Rs = √N α–1 k’ 4 α 1 + k’ Simplified: Rs = √ N 47
  • 48. Effect of Resolution on Retention Time Relationship btw the resolution of a column and retention time: 2 3 tR = 16Rs H 2 α 1 + k’ u α–1 (k’)2 Simplified: tR = Rs2 48
  • 49. Example 17.63 min Length of column: 16.40 min 30 cm Peak widths for 1.30 min A = 1.11 min B = 1.21 min. Calculate: i) column resolution, Rs ii) the average number of plates, N iii) the average plate height, H iv) length of column to achieve Rs 1.5 49
  • 50. i) Rs = 2 (17.63 min – 16.40 min) (1.11 min + 1.21 min) = 1.06 ii) 2 N = 16 16.40 min = 3.49 x 103 Therefore, calculate the N average 1.11 min Nave = 3.44 x 103 2 N = 16 17.63 min = 3.40 x 103 1.21 min 50
  • 51. Variables Affecting Column Efficiency 1. Mobile phase flow rate 2. Particle size 3. Diameter of column 4. Film thickness 51
  • 52. Effect of mobile phase flow (a) refer to liquid chromatography (b) refer to gas chromatography From both the plots for LC and GC, we can see that both show a minimum in H at low linear flow rates. H increases as the mobile phase flow rate increases. 52
  • 53. Effect of particle size Effect of particle size on plate height for a packed GC column.  The numbers to the right is the particle diameters.  The smaller the particle size, the more uniform the column packing, then the more tolerant to the change in mobile-phase velocity.  H increases as the particle size increases. 53
  • 54. Effect of diameter of the column  For packed column, the most important variable that affect column efficiency is the diameter of the particles that making up the packing.  While for open tubular column, the diameter of the column itself is an important variable.  The mobile-phase mass-transfer coefficient is known to be inversely proportional to the diffusion coefficient of the analyte in the mobile phase. 54
  • 55. Effect of diameter of the column  Mass transfer coefficient is proportional to the square of the particle diameter of the packing material, d2p (packed column).  Mass transfer coefficient is proportional to the square of the column diameter, d2c (open tubular column).  As a conclusion, the bigger the column diameter, the smaller the diffusion coefficient. Therefore, we can say that increase in column diameter will increase the plate height. 55
  • 56. Effect of film thickness  When stationary phase is an immobilized liquid, the mass-transfer coefficient is directly proportional to the square of the thickness of the film on the support particles d2f and inversely proportional to the diffusion coefficient of the solute in the film.  With thick films and smaller diffusion coefficient, analyte molecule travel slower. As a result, thick films will reduce the mass transfer rate and increase in plate height. 56
  • 57. Applications of Chromatography  Qualitative analysis  Quantitative analysis 57
  • 58. Qualitative and quantitative analysis 25.6 min Retention time tell as about compound identity = qualitative Peak Area or height tell us how much of compound is there = quantitative 58
  • 59. Qualitative analysis  Based on retention time  Provided the sample produce the peak at the same retention time as a standard under identical conditions. 59
  • 60. Quantitative analysis 1. Analysis based on Peak Height  The height of chromatographic peak is obtained by connecting the base lines on either side of the peak by a straight line and measuring the perpendicular distance from this line to the peak. 2. Analysis based on Peak Area  Peak areas are usually the preferred method of quantitation since peak areas are independent of broadening effects.  Most modern chromatographic instruments are equipped with computer or digital electronic integrator that permit precise estimation of peak areas. 60
  • 61. 3. Calibration method (also known as external method)  Involve preparation of series of standard solutions that approximate the composition of the unknown.  The peak heights or areas are plotted as a function of concentration.  The concentration of the component(s) to be analysed is determined by comparing the response(s) (peak(s)) obtained with the standard solutions. 61
  • 62. 4. Internal Standard Method  Equal amounts of an internal standard substance is introduced into each standard and sample.  The internal standard should not react with the substance to be examined; it must be stable and must not contain impurities. The retention time must be similar to that of the substance to be examined.  The concentration of the substance to be examined is determined by comparing the ratio of the peak areas (or heights) due to the substance to be examined and the internal standard in the test solution with the ratio of the peak areas (or heights) due to the substance to be examined and the internal standard in the standard solution. 62
  • 63. 5. Area Normalization Method  In the normalization method, the areas of all eluted peaks is normalized.  The percentage content of one or more components of the substance to be examined is calculated by determining the area of the peak(s) as a percentage of the total area of all the peaks, excluding those due to solvents or any added reagents and those below the disregard limit. 63
  • 64. Tailing and fronting  A common cause of tailing and fronting is a distribution constant that varies with concentration.  Fronting also arises when the amount of sample introduced onto a column is too large. 64