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This book is primarily designed for students and teachers. This book contains more than 8911 ques-
tions from the core areas of CHILD DEVELOPMENT  PEDAGOGY. The questions are grouped
chapter-wise. There are total 8911+ MCQ with answers. This reference book provides a sin-
gle source for multiple choice questions and answers in CHILD DEVELOPMENT  PEDAGOGY. It is
intended for students as well as for developers and researchers in the field. This book is highly
useful for faculties and students. One can use this book as a study guide, knowledge test questions
bank, practice test kit, quiz book, trivia questions ... etc.
The strategy used in this book is the same as that which mothers and grandmothers have been
using for ages to induce kids in the family to sip more soup (or some other nutritious drink). The
children are told that some cherries (their favourite noodles or cherries ) are hidden somewhere
in the bowl, and that serves as an incentive for drinking the soup. In joint families, by the time the
children are old enough to know the trick played by their grandma, there is usually another group
of kids ready to fall for it! They excite the kids, but the real nutrition lies not in the noodles but in
the soup. The problems given in this book are like those noodles/cherries while solving all these
problems are nutritious soup. Now it is your choice to drink the nutritious soups or not!!!.
The overwhelming response to the first edition of this book has inspired me to bring out this second
edition, which is a thoroughly revised and updated version of the first.
Every effort has been made to make this book error-free. I welcome all constructive criticism of
the book. I will upload more MCQ’s on CHILD DEVELOPMENT  PEDAGOGY in quiz format. Keep
visiting our website
It is my deepest gratitude and warmest
affection that I dedicate this Ebook.
who could not see this Ebook.
who has been a constant source of Knowledge and in-
spiration. Mom, Covid did not take you, it took our
many dreams. wherever you are we will meet again.
This E-book is dedicated to the loving memory of my mother:
my guiding light, my shining star,
The aim of this publication is to sup-
ply information taken from sources be-
lieved to be valid, reliable and authen-
ticate. The author bear no responsibil-
ity for any damage arising from inad-
verent omissions, negligence or inac-
curacies (typographical or factual) that
may have found their way into this PDF
Due care has been taken to ensure that
the information provided in this book
is correct. Author is not responsible
for any errors, omissions or damage
arising out of use of this information.
If not satisfied with the answers, search the inter-
net for correct answers. If you want to include
new questions in this booklet, please contact au-
thor. You can contact him on Facebook https:
1 CHILD DEVELOPMENT  PEDAGOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1. The ability to be sensitive of other peo-
ple’s thought and emotions
(A) Intrapersonal
(B) Naturalistic
(C) Visual-spatial
(D) Interpersonal
2. How much did Evelyn score in the Royal
Academy of Music?
(A) Highest marks in the history of
(B) Average marks
(C) Lowest marks
(D) none of above
3. process of giving up old values, beliefs,
and behaviors
(A) desocialization
(B) self-concept
(C) mass media
(D) peer group
4. Which is an example of temporal isola-
(A) flowers that bloom in different
(B) birds that have different mating calls
(C) fruit flies that mate in different loca-
(D) squirrels that have different fur col-
5. People tend to choose friends who are
similar to themselves in attractiveness be-
(A) of prejudice
(B) of discrimination
(C) they fear rejection
(D) of self-serving bias
6. The modern view of temperament asserts
that it
(A) is biologically based
(B) is a mixture of the four humors
(C) first emerges during adolescence
(D) changes radically at adolescence
7. When is it appropriate to use formative as-
(A) The beginning
(B) The end
(C) The middle
(D) All of the above
8. “Acquiring knowledge and skills and hav-
ing them readily available from memory
so you can make sense of future problems
and opportunities.”
1. D 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. A
(A) Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III,
Mark A. McDaniel
(B) R.M. Smith
(C) Susan Ambrose, et al.
(D) Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner
9. The second building block in Bruner’s the-
ory is
(A) Being tested
(B) Working alone
(C) Taking a break
(D) Instruction by the teacher
10. Behavior:Stanley gets straight AsCon-
sequence:Parents release him from his
(A) + reinforcement
(B) reinforcement
(C) + punishment
(D) punishment
11. Erik tries to remember a series of items
to buy at the shops. He is more likely to
remember the first and last items. This is
due to the ?
(A) Cereal opposition affect
(B) Chunking of items in the series
(C) He paid more attention
(D) Serial position effect
12. The ACT is best described as this type of
(A) Summative
(B) Formative
(C) Informal
(D) B  C
13. When you are in class, what should you
do with your phone?
(A) text your friends
(B) play games on it
(C) turn it on silent and put it away unless
the teacher tells you otherwise
(D) none of above
14. A memory of kindergarten that returns
when you are back in your kindergarten
classroom is an example of what type of
(A) iconic
(B) eidetic
(C) context-dependent
(D) state-dependent
15. Profound intellectual disability IQ level
(A) 90 to 109
(B) 80 to 89
(C) Below 25
(D) 70-79
16. At what stage post-conventional level is
(A) babyhood
(B) adolescence and adulthood
(C) adulthood
(D) adolescence
17. Receiving half credit for turning in a paper
(A) Positive reinforcement
(B) Negative reinforcement
(C) Positive punishment
(D) Negative punishment
18. Teacher focuses on essential information
or the development of a particular skill.
This is an example of
(A) Progressivism
(B) Existentialism
(C) Essentialism
(D) Social Reconstructionism
19. The following are factors that affect the
Stages of Language Acquisition for ELLs,
(A) Age
(B) Setting
(C) Immersion Level
(D) Technology
9. D 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. B
20. Passion is defined as
(A) the strong, negative feelings you ex-
perience while doing something
(B) the strong, positive feelings you expe-
rience while enjoying something
(C) the way you talk to someone you dis-
(D) your natural strengths and abilities
21. The feeling that we are worse off than
others, even when our lives are pretty
good, is called
(A) relative deprivation
(B) self-actualization
(C) cognitive dissonance
(D) the availability heuristic
22. An infant that alternates between want-
ing the mother and then pushes her away
on reunion is displaying signs of which
type of attachment?
(A) Insecure-avoidant
(B) Insecure-disorganised
(C) Insecure-resistant
(D) Secure
23. The hypothesis that one’s language deter-
mines the nature of one’s thought is the
(A) linguistic relativity hypothesis
(B) interactionist hypothesis
(C) nativist hypothesis
(D) metalinguistic awareness hypothesis
24. e?
(A) Presence, Participation, Learning
(B) Participation, Critical thinking, com-
(C) Learning, opportunities, inequality.
(D) none of above
25. According to Piaget, children are in
constructing their understanding of the
(A) Active
(B) Neutral
(C) Passive
(D) Bystanders
26. Which group of animals lays eggs in water
where they hatch, then the animals move
to land later in life after they go through
a metamorphosis?
(A) amphibians
(B) fish
(C) reptiles
(D) birds
27. parents attempting to control and evalu-
ate the behavior and attitudes of children
and adolescents in accordance with a set
code of conduct is an example of which of
the following parenting styles?
(A) Democratic/Authoritative
(B) Democratic
(C) Authoritarian
(D) Permissive/Laissez-Faire
28. What is NOT an example of a formative
(A) written quiz
(B) poster making
(C) classroom poll
(D) quarterly exam
29. Which type of sentence is this? Today is
my birthday.
(A) declarative
(B) interrogative
(C) imperative
(D) exclamatory
30. The Wave Model regards languages as:
(A) coming from ancestors and is directly
passed down from parent to child
(B) temporary clusters of features cre-
ated by overlapping circles of change.
(C) are definite and stable
(D) constant changes that are noticeable
as each ‘wave’ hits
21. A 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. A 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. C
31. Components of a good PBL lesson include
all of the following EXCEPT
(A) Collaboration
(B) Inquiry
(C) Standardization
(D) Public/ audience
32. Ronaldo has 4 pennies and 3 dimes in his
wallet.George has 3 times much money as
Ronaldo. How much money does George
have? Whatcoins could George have?
(A) $1.02
(B) $0.74
(C) $0.91
(D) $0.89
33. To Psychologists, learning is?
(A) A long term change in behavior that is
based on experience
(B) A constant set of individuals situated
in a controlled environment
(C) The typical desks, students, lecture,
text books scenario
(D) All of the above
34. The learning model that is made in groups
that can take turns doing an activity is
(A) Station teaching
(B) Parallel teaching
(C) One teach, one drift
(D) Alternative teaching
35. What example does Sean use to explain
Bruner’s Constructivism theory
(A) Birds
(B) Static electricity
(C) He doesn’t give an examples
(D) Building a robot
36. An unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is a stim-
ulus that triggers a response
(A) either automatically or as a reflex
(B) as a learned reaction to a signal
(C) despite extinction
(D) is something that once was neutral
37. Which conscience tells you to go beyond
what is required?
(A) erroneous conscience
(B) correct conscience
(C) delicate conscience
(D) scrupulous conscience
38. Which is a correct statement.
(A) Formative assessment is recorded
but not graded.
(B) Formative assessment is recorded
and graded.
(C) Summative assessment is recorded
but not graded.
(D) Summative assessment is done
through written works only.
39. Students who have high intelligence in in
this way can be taught with role playing
exercises, physical activity, and hands-on
(A) Visual Spatial
(B) Logical Mathematical
(C) Bodily Kinesthetic
(D) Musical
40. Which one of these is a characteristic of a
performer in the cognitive stage of learn-
(A) Can interpret knowledge of perfor-
mance easily
(B) Concentrates on fine details within
(C) Interprets kinaesthetic feedback eas-
(D) Uses trial and error in approach to a
41. What has occurred when you mistakenly
remember the details of a story a friend
told you and begin sharing it as something
you read?
32. A 33. A 34. C 35. D 36. A 37. C 38. A 39. C 40. D 41. A
(B) retroactive amnesia
(C) anterograde amnesia
(D) none of above
42. How many Phonemes are in the word
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
43. abilities required to control the large mus-
cles of the body for running, swinging,
dancing and other activities
(A) Gross Motor Skills
(B) Fine Motor Skills
(C) Developmental Delay
(D) Developmental Disability
44. Muscle cells and nerve cells in one species
of animal owe their differences in struc-
ture to
(A) having different genes
(B) having different chromosomes
(C) using different genetic codes
(D) differential gene expression
45. What are omnivores? (Sofi)
(A) Organisms that eat both plants and
(B) Organisms that eat only candy.
(C) Organisms that eat only sea animals.
(D) Organisms that eat only plants.
46. What is this sentence doing? Which teams
are playing at the stadium tonight?
(A) declarative
(B) interrogative
(C) imperative
(D) exclamatory
47. What is another name for an Operant
(A) Puzzle Box
(B) Skinner Box
(C) Operant Box
(D) Thorndike Box
48. Which of the following best aligns to ero-
(A) “Break It”
(B) “Take It”
(C) “Drop it”
(D) none of above
49. Who devised the Innatism theory?
(A) Bruner
(B) Piaget
(C) Skinner
(D) Chomsky
50. Stage of Cognitive development that be-
gins at birth. Children cannot think about
things that are not immediately in front of
them. They focus on what they are doing
and seeing at the moment.
(A) Preoperational
(B) Formal Operational
(C) Sensorimotor
(D) none of above
51. Dyslexia is due to
(A) the learning environment
(B) the defect in brain anatomy
(C) the trauma the child has experienced
(D) the mental disorder
52. What word is used to describe a seed that
is inactive?
(A) Sleeping
(B) Dormant
(C) Metabolism
(D) Radicle
42. D 43. A 44. D 45. A 46. B 47. B 48. B 49. D 50. C 51. B 52. B 53. B
53. are examples of formative assess-
(A) Mid-term exams, a final project, final
recital, unit tests, etc
(B) Speaking activities, exit tickets,
graphic, questions, writing assingments,
(C) Standardized exams like FCE, Michi-
gan, TKT, etc.
(D) none of above
54. Janet uses stem cuttings to propagate her
prize-winning azaleas. What is the best
time of day for Janet to take the cuttings
from her azaleas?
(A) early evening
(B) early morning
(C) late afternoon
(D) mid-day
55. In the words “helped” and “called, “ the
“ed” ending is a(n)
(A) prototype.
(B) morpheme.
(C) syntax.
(D) algorithm.
56. Allows students to physically move be-
tween teacher created stations to take
ownership of their own learning. Which
model does this fit under?
(A) Whole Group Rotation
(B) Station Rotation
(C) Flipped Classroom
(D) none of above
57. A child is given a cardboard box and she
explores it by opening and closing the
flaps. This sounds like a child in which
of Piaget’s stages of cognitive develop-
(A) sensorimotor
(B) preoperational
(C) concrete operations
(D) formal operations
58. Which type of sentence is the following?
Bring lemonade to the picnic.
(A) declarative
(B) interrogative
(C) imperative
(D) exclamatory
59. What does DNA stand for?
(A) deoxyribonucleic acid
(B) deribonucleus acid
(C) deoxynucleic acid
(D) deoxrinecleic acid
60. The three types of long term memory are:
(A) Episodic, visual, procedural
(B) Visual, semantic, procedural
(C) Recognition, acoustic, episodic
(D) Episodic, semantic, procedural
61. This is how we know the outer core is liq-
(A) P waves slow down and S waves stop
(B) S waves slow down and P waves stop
(C) Both P and S waves stop
(D) None of the above
62. The id, ego and superego can be seen as
part of which hierarchy of needs?
(A) Erikson’s
(B) Piaget’s
(C) Maslow’s
(D) Binet’s
63. The third and final building block in
Bruner’s theory is
(A) Prior knowledge
(B) Standardized testing
(C) Knowledge and level we want our stu-
dents to reach
(D) Showing them how things should be
done properly
54. B 55. B 56. B 57. A 58. C 59. A 60. D 61. A 62. C 63. C 64. B
64. Who created the theory of multiple intel-
ligences in which people learn and under-
(A) Erik Erikson
(B) Howard Gardner
(C) Jean Piaget
(D) Howard Piaget
65. Which method teaches language through
physical activity?
(B) Silent way
(C) Suggestopedia
(D) Community language teaching
66. Children eventually with the parents
and come to idealise them; they become
overly subservient to those in power
(A) identify
(B) objectify
(C) associate
(D) socialise
67. Improvement in behaviour due to presence
of other individuals is known as
(A) imitation
(B) social facilitation
(C) interaction
(D) none of the above
68. Linear Programming is based on
(A) Trial and Error Theory of Learning
(B) Classical Conditioning Theory of
(C) Operant Conditioning Theory of Learn-
(D) Insight Theory of Learning
69. Authority means?
(A) NO control
(B) Shared control
(C) Power/ In charge
(D) Weak
70. Slot machines at casinos payoff after a
random number of plays.
(A) Fixed Interval
(B) Fixed Ratio
(C) Variable Interval
(D) Variable Ratio
71. This method involves acting out language
rather than speaking. It can be through
mimicry or only responding to audiovisual
cues. Games like ‘Simon says ‘ or
the charades are classic examples of this
method of teaching.
(C) Grammar Translation Method
(D) none of above
72. What type of memory is a clear, sustained
memory of an emotionally significant mo-
ment or event?
(A) Working Memory
(B) Flashbulb Memory
(C) Implicit
(D) Sensory
73. To see the solution and be able to think it
through backwards to the starting point is
(A) Seriation
(B) Reversibility
(C) Decentration
(D) Egocentrism
74. Stage 4 in Kohlberg’s theory of moral de-
velopment is titled:
(A) Punishment and obedience.
(B) Mutual interpersonal expectations,
conformity and relationships.
(C) Rights and social contract.
(D) Social system and maintenance of
one’s conscience.
65. A 66. A 67. B 68. C 69. C 70. D 71. A 72. B 73. B 74. D 75. C
75. Which age group is not included in the con-
structivist theory?
(A) 7 and up
(B) 1-6
(C) 13-18
(D) 0-1
76. One reason for using creative strategies
for FA in elementary classrooms is
(A) it is informative
(B) it increases engagement
(C) teachers have to use their imagina-
(D) students must critically think about
the answers
77. Students with Specific Learning Disabili-
ties achieve ?
(A) at a level slightly lower than their
(B) at a level significantly lower than their
(C) at a level significantly higher than
their peers
(D) none of above
78. I think cities are small towns.
(A) more interesting than
(B) interesting than
(C) more interestinger than
(D) the most interesting
79. Knowledge  skills gained from experi-
(A) test-retest reliability
(B) achievement
(C) reliability
(D) intelligence quotient
80. Like Milgram, Adorno was
(A) Islamic
(B) Jewish
(C) Atheist
(D) Protestant
81. It is a psychomotor disorder in which the
child understands the relationship and the
graphic representation of sounds but has
difficulties in writing.
(A) specific dysgraphia
(B) motor dysgraphia
(D) none of above
82. Known for his “Bobo Doll” Experiment
(A) Ivan Pavlov
(B) BF Skinner
(C) Albert Bandura
(D) John Watson
83. Learning strategy in which the students
know about the target culture and the way
to interact.
(A) Metacognitive strategies
(B) Affective strategies
(C) Compensatory strategies
(D) Social strategies
84. Which of the following types of tests is
designed to measure an individual’s knowl-
edge of a subject?
(A) Achievement
(B) Attitude
(C) Aptitude
(D) Projective
85. It is the standard of behavior principle of
right and wrong.
(A) ethics
(B) morals
(C) values
(D) none of above
86. This word was introduced by Malcolm
Knowles and it focuses on the special
needs of adult learners.
(A) Pedagogy
(B) Adult Learning Principles
(C) Andragogy
(D) none of above
76. B 77. B 78. A 79. B 80. B 81. B 82. C 83. D 84. A 85. B 86. C 87. C
87. Which theory that concerns on students’
(A) Behaviorism
(B) Cognitivism
(C) Humanistic
(D) Constructivism
88. A child with has not yet adopted to
what society thinks is right or wrong.
(A) judgement
(B) external consequences
(C) preconventional morality
(D) none of above
89. An organism’s automatic (or natural) reac-
tion to a stimulus
(A) Unconditioned response
(B) Conditioned response
(C) Behavior modification
(D) Response chain
90. What is the complete subject in the sen-
tence? The music class attended the
(A) music
(B) The music class
(C) attended the opera
(D) attended
91. Which brain part is responsible for facili-
tating explicit memories?
(A) brain stem
(B) cerebellum
(C) amygdala
(D) hippocampus
92. What do people face during each psychoso-
cial stage that can serve as a turning point
in development?
(A) Challenge  crisis
(B) Turmoil  fatigue
(C) Upset  dispair
(D) Conflict  Rage
93. The way that Gus’s brain social
cues might be different than other teens’
brains, but the way he comprehends music
is a big upside.
(A) regress
(B) deliberates
(C) processes
(D) maintain
94. What number fills in the blank? 5 + (7 +
6) = (5 + ) + 6
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 5
(D) 7
95. Kolb’s experiential learning cycle has
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
96. Competition between brothers and/or sis-
ters for parents’ affection and attention.
(A) Domestic Violence
(B) Stranger Anxiety
(C) Separation Anxiety
(D) Sibling Rivalry
97. systematic plan to achieve a learning ob-
(A) approach
(B) strategy
(C) method
(D) technique
98. Ratno:Mom, this is Tio, my class-
mate. Rio, this is my Mother.Ratno’s
mother:Nice to meet you, RioRio:
(A) I am fine
(B) Thank you
(C) Good bye
(D) Nice to meet you, too
88. C 89. A 90. B 91. D 92. A 93. C 94. D 95. D 96. D 97. C 98. D 99. A
99. A teacher providing positive feedback to a
student who then continues to work hard
is an example of
(A) positive reinforcement
(B) negative reinforcement
(C) positive punishment
(D) negative punishment
100. Problem solving is one type of cognitive
activity in which we all engage. Which of
the following cognitive tendencies is seen
to be an obstacle to problem solving?
(A) availability heuristic
(B) insight
(C) prototype confusion
(D) confirmation bias
101. Which of the following is the least
closely related animal:Gray Wolf:Canis
lupusAardwolf:Proteles cristatusCoy-
ote:Canis latrans
(A) Coyote
(B) Aardwolf
(C) Gray Wolf
(D) Need more information on body char-
102. In order to ensure that mating and repro-
duction occurs, some animals perform
(A) migration
(B) courtship( mating) behavior
(C) hibernation
(D) have aggressive behavior
103. Which genetic factor can affect the
growth of an adult carrot plant?
(A) Abnormal temperatures
(B) Popularity with consumers
(C) Crop overcrowding
(D) Resistance to cold
104. (BLANK) is knowing something exists
even if it is out of sight
(A) Symbolic play
(B) Object permanence
(C) Egocentrism
(D) Animism
105. Which scenario illustrates cooperative
(A) Two-and-a-half-year Lauren is build-
ing a block a block while Melena assists
by selecting the blocks.
(B) Karlie pushed Maxie down on the play-
(C) Nick and Austin are playing with their
toy cars side by side.
(D) Kinsley played alone.
106. Dog looks for food and finds none in the
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Negative Reinforcement
(C) Positive Punishment
(D) Negative Punishment
107. A set of fact or principles analyzed in re-
lation to one another and used to explain
phenomena (a fact or behavior that can be
(A) Theory
(B) Fact
(C) Prediction
(D) none of above
108. Using an umbrella when it’s raining
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Negative Reinforcement
(C) Positive Punishment
(D) Negative Punishment
109. The 5 basic emotions include all of the
following EXCEPT:
(A) Joy
(B) Sadness
(C) Interest
(D) Suprise
100. D 101. B 102. B 103. D 104. B 105. A 106. D 107. A 108. B 109. D 110. C
110. The focus of Mathematics learning in pri-
mary classes is
(A) How much Mathematics can children
(B) Why children learn
(C) How children learn
(D) What children learn
111. What word describes the peo-
ple/behaviours of the same gender?
(A) Ingroup
(B) Outgroup
(C) Mid group
(D) none of above
112. Robert Sternberg’s three categories in
his theory of intelligence are
(A) analytic, practical, creative
(B) analytic, mathematical, emotional
(C) musical, verbal, spatial
(D) memory, reasoning, practical
113. A child who is 0-12 months old
(A) Infant
(B) A widdle smooshie babyyyyy
(C) Preschooler
(D) Toddler
114. How does technology support collabora-
(A) peers work together on a learning
(B) collaboration outside the classroom
(C) opportunity to explain their thinking in
multi faceted ways
(D) All of the above
115. The neutral stimulus always becomes
(A) Unconditioned stimulus
(B) Conditioned response
(C) Conditioned stimulus
(D) Unconditioned response
116. What does ASD stand for?
(A) Autism Spectrum Disorder
(B) Autism Spatial Disorder
(C) Asperger’s Syndrome Disorder
(D) Autism Syndrome Diagnosis
117. (xi) + (h+dhi)
(A) -2+shi
(B) 12+
(C) -35-16i2
(D) -35-16i
118. What type of sequence is this:Tn+1 =
3Tn + 5, T1 = 1
(A) Arithmetic
(B) Geometric
(C) Quadratic
(D) None of the above
119. Simplify the expression:8(5 + 2)
(A) 13 +10
(B) 40 + 16
(C) (8 + 5) 2
(D) 21
120. Which one is right in reference to Social
Science at elementary level?
(A) History-Geography-Political Science-
(B) History-Geography-Political Science-
(C) History-Geography-Civics-Sociology
(D) History-Geography-Economics-
121. Which of the following is NOT included
as part of today’s general definition of in-
(A) the ability to solve problems
(B) n the ability to use knowledge to
adapt to new situations
(C) the ability to understand people and
(D) the ability to learn from experience
111. A 112. A 113. A 114. D 115. C 116. A 117. A 118. D 119. B 120. C 121. C
122. C
122. Who constructed the theory of multiple
(A) Alfred Binet
(B) Charles Spearman
(C) Howard Gardner
(D) Stanford
123. Malay words such as ‘almari’ and ‘tu-
ala’ were originally adopted from lan-
(A) japanese
(B) dutch
(C) portuguese
(D) british
124. What modality? Discovery
(A) Constructivism
(B) Behaviorism
(C) Cognitivism
(D) Connectivism
125. is the unfamiliar treatment of individ-
uals because they are members of a partic-
ular group
(A) emotional appeals
(B) discrimination
(C) recency effect
(D) prejudice
126. We need peaceful somewhere
(A) misordering
(B) misanalysis
(C) substition
(D) underextension
127. How many stages of development occur
in Eriksons model?
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 8
128. When many people move from rural re-
gions to urban regions it is called
(A) Urbanization
(B) counterurbanization
(C) migration
(D) none of above
129. Student:I have came to school late yes-
terday.Teacher:not have came, with yes-
terday we need to say “came”Choose the
way the teacher uses to correct students
(A) recast
(B) metalinguistic feedback
(C) explicit correction
(D) clarification request
130. Each nucleotide consists of a
(A) nitrogen base, 5-carbon sugar, phos-
phate group
(B) nitrogen base, two 5-carbon sugar,
phosphate group
(C) nitrogen base, 5-carbon sugar, two
phosphate groups
(D) two nitrogen bases, 5-carbon sugar,
2 phosphate groups
131. Which is NOT a way that variation is cre-
ated in sexual reproduction/meiosis?
(A) crossing over
(B) independent assortment
(C) random fertilization
(D) alternations of generations
132. How many titles is the ADA divided
(A) 7
(B) 5
(C) 2
(D) 9
133. Which principle do these examples ad-
dress? (1) Placing text in close proximity
with the graphics it refers. (2) Presenting
123. C 124. A 125. B 126. A 127. D 128. A 129. C 130. A 131. D 132. B 133. A
directions on the same screen as an activ-
(A) Spatial Contiguiity Principle
(B) Temporal Contiguity Principle
(C) Coherence Principle
(D) none of above
134. The time period between childhood and
adulthood that includes physical, social,
emotional and mental changes is called:
(A) Puberty
(B) Maturity
(C) Adolescence
(D) Rebellion
135. Jean Piaget was a:
(A) Child psychologist
(B) Developmental Psychologist
(C) Biologist
(D) Genetic Epistemologist
136. A test which can be administered to sev-
eral people simultaneously is known as
(A) Power test
(B) Group test
(C) Individual test
(D) Culture Fair test
137. What stage of Moral reasoning is the
statement below indictative of? Universal
(A) 1
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 6
138. Refers to language data or corpuswhich
is external to the mind.
(A) Internal language
(B) external language
(C) Nativism
(D) Structuralism
139. Which car safety device should be used
for a child who is 8 years old and 4 feet
(A) Seat belt
(B) Booster seat
(C) Rear-facing convertible seat
(D) Front-facing convertible seat
140. Values are difficult to evaluate because
(A) They cannot be taught
(B) They are not easily quantified
(C) There is no available evaluation tool
(D) Very little is known about their nature
141. After the Big Bang, was there more mat-
ter or antimatter?
(A) Matter
(B) Antimatter
(C) Neither they were equal
(D) none of above
142. Which structure would be considered a
male part of the plant?
(A) anther
(B) stigma
(C) style
(D) egg
143. A house is a place where one can move
towards becoming his/her most capable
self. They are able to be most creative
in their own space and can develop future
potential. This is meeting mostly what
(A) Love  Belonging
(B) Esteem
(C) Self-Actualization
(D) Safety
144. You are advised to attend an orientation
session in Maples-Marshall Hall which is
the large building to your right as you en-
ter campus. These directions illustrate
134. C 135. D 136. B 137. D 138. B 139. B 140. B 141. A 142. A 143. C 144. B
145. C
(A) protypical
(B) relational
(C) disjunctive
(D) conjunctive
145. Taking vitamins to avoid getting sick
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Positive Punishment
(C) Negative Reinforcement
(D) Negative Punishment
146. raised without a cultural environment
(A) me
(B) Feral
(C) tabula rasa
(D) looking glass self
147. Who were the most believed goddesses
in Maya Civilization?
(A) God of moon
(B) God of sun
(C) God of wind
(D) God of water
148. Rewarding behavior that approximates
the desired behavior.
(A) aversive control
(B) shapinig
(C) chaining
(D) variable
149. A resistor’s first three color bands are
brown, green and red. What is its value?
(A) 2000 ohms
(B) 510 ohms
(C) 250 ohms
(D) 1500 ohms
150. The head of an Arab tribe.
(A) caravan
(B) oasis
(C) sheikh
(D) Bedouin
151. What happens when water freezes?
(A) It shrinks
(B) It expands
(C) It stays the same size
(D) The particles move closer together
152. Being able to understand that the “right
to bear arms” is not referring to an animal
shows you can understand what?
153. Which of the following is a difference be-
tween fungi and plants?
(A) Fungi are prokaryotes, but plants are
(B) Fungi perform photosynthesis, but
plants do not.
(C) Plants perform photosynthesis, but
fungi do not.
(D) Fungi are protists, but plants are not.
154. Individual differences are contributed by
“Nature” and which one of the following?
(A) Nurture
(B) Natural Things
(C) Numbers
(D) Notions
155. Carefully selected collection of students
products, and sometimes teacher observa-
tions, collected over time, that reflect a
student’s progress in a content area.
(A) Summative assessment
(B) Aptitude test
(C) Portfolio
(D) Analytical rubric
156. Asperger Syndrome on the spectrum
(A) Low
(B) Middle
(C) High
(D) none of above
146. B 147. A 148. B 149. D 150. C 151. B 152. A 153. C 154. A 155. C 156. B
157. A
157. What term refers to the retention of
facts and experiences that one can con-
sciously know and “declare? ”
(A) Explicit Memory
(B) Implicit Memory
(C) Automatic Processing
(D) Working Memory
158. Everyone has to deal with or
(A) negative people, experiences
(B) negative situations, emotions
(C) negative emotions, experiences
(D) none of the above
159. Plant development is the plants
(A) progress through its lifecycle
(B) ability to withstand heat
(C) progress through its germination
(D) ability to be diverse
160. What does SAMR stand for?
(A) Substitution, Augmentation, Modifica-
tion, Redefinition
(B) Substituting, Abstracting, Modifica-
tion, Reflection
(C) I’ve never heard of that before
(D) I’ve heard of it but have no clue what
those letters mean
161. They are designed to assess students’
work based on specified criteria and differ-
ent degrees of quality of the assignment
(A) Analytical Rubrics
(B) Holistic Rubrics
(C) Checklists
(D) Complete checklist
162. It is a test that measure real life tasks,
performance and products.
(B) Authentic evaluation
(C) Subjective test
(D) None of these
163. Which tool is used in assessing students
performance in scholastic area?
(A) Assignment
(B) Club activities
(C) Projects
(D) Anecdotal record
164. Which group of animals build nests to lay
their hard eggs in?
(A) reptiles
(B) amphibians
(C) fish
(D) birds
165. The capacity to learn from experience,
to think rationally, and to deal effectively
with the environment
(A) Creativity
(B) Achievement
(C) Intelligence
(D) Reliability
166. Libby gets $20 for every A she brings
home on her report card.
(A) positive reinforcement
(B) negative reinforcement
(C) positive punishment
(D) negative punishment
167. Eddie likes to drive fast, really fast. In
the last week he received two speeding
tickets and had to pay $250 of his own
money. Eddie now obeys all traffic laws.
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Positive Punishment
(C) Negative Reinforcement
(D) Negative Punishment
168. To mix fast, bringing the contents to the
top of the bowl and back down again.
(A) combine
(B) blend
(C) beat
(D) cream
158. C 159. A 160. A 161. A 162. B 163. D 164. D 165. C 166. A 167. C 168. C
169. C
169. What is NOT a step in planning summa-
tive assessments?
(A) Make a representative sampling.
(B) Prepare an assessment blueprint or
(C) The font on the paper the assessment
is written on.
(D) Decide how many different assess-
ments will be given and how long they are.
170. Mistakes are not seen as part of the
process but as something that should be
(A) The Silent Way
(B) Desuggestopedia
(C) The Grammar-Translation Method
(D) none of above
171. Fading away of memory
(A) Amnesia
(B) Decay
(C) Interference
(D) Repression
172. Incorrectly estimating that the odds of
two uncertain events happening together
are greater than the odds of either event
happening alone is known as the
(A) conjunction fallacy
(B) alternative outcome effect
(C) gambler’s fallacy
(D) base rate fallacy
173. This stage is associated with Moral rea-
soning being based on the notion of a fair
exchange for a fair deal. i.e If you scratch
my back I will scratch yours.
(A) Stage 1
(B) Stage 2
(C) Stage 3
(D) Stage 4
174. Why do we need meiosis?
(A) To double the number of chromo-
somes going into sex cells
(B) To halve the number of chromosomes
going into sex cells
(C) To triple the number of chromosomes
going into sex cells
(D) To not change the number of chromo-
somes going into sex cells
175. What device is a comparison of two
things WITHOUT using like or as.
(A) Hyperbole
(B) Alliteration
(C) Metaphor
(D) Simile
176. Robert Sternberg referred to people
with “school-learning” as having intel-
(A) practical
(B) analytical
(C) naturalistic
(D) visual-spatial
177. describes the 10% of the ASD pop-
ulation who exhibit unique “unlearned
(A) autistic savants
(B) mildly autistic
(C) moderately autistic
(D) severely autistic
178. Dyslexia is associated with disor-
(A) Listening
(B) Speaking
(C) Reading
(D) Writing
179. Fear of things like loud noises appear at
around what age?
(A) 12 months
(B) Before 1 month old
(C) 9 months
(D) 7 months
170. C 171. B 172. A 173. B 174. B 175. C 176. B 177. A 178. C 179. D 180. C
180. A test that is designed to show what you
have already learned like most of the tests
you take in school is termed:
(A) Self Report
(B) Aptitude
(C) Achievement
(D) Observational
181. Freud believed that all thoughts and ac-
tions are determined by
(A) the first year of life.
(B) forces in the personality that are of-
ten unconscious.
(C) needs for love and self-esteem.
(D) the drive for self-actualization
182. Maria is a talented architect. On which
type of intelligence will she most heavily
rely to complete her next building design?
(A) linguistic
(B) musical
(C) spatial
(D) interpersonal
183. About half of the people who take the
Wechsler tests score
(A) above 130
(B) below 70
(C) between 130 and 160
(D) between 90 and 110
184. A word a word that expresses a strong
feeling or command is
(A) Conjunction
(B) Interjection
(C) Preposition
(D) Adverb
185. An athlete signs a contract whereby her
salary increases are renegotiated every
three years. This is an example of a
schedule of reinforcement.
(A) fixed ratio
(B) fixed interval
(C) variable ratio
(D) variable interval
186. Leaf shape, type of fruit, and the flower
color are all examples of plant characteris-
tics that are
(A) a part of the plant’s life cycle.
(B) sources of food for animals.
(C) inherited from the parent plant.
(D) influenced by the environoment.
187. Which of the following may occur in Ex-
pressive Language Disorder?
(A) Limited amount of speech
(B) Difficulty learning new words
(C) Difficulty finding the right word
(D) All of the above
188. The part of Sternberg’s theory that re-
lates to problem-solving
(A) Creative
(B) Analytical
(C) General
(D) Practical
189. Schools should be
(A) exclusive for only normal students
(B) all students who can afford the school
(C) for all students
(D) as per the need and potential of the
190. This happens when the existing schema
(knowledge) does not work, and needs to
be changed to deal with a new object or
(A) Assimilation
(B) Equlibration
(C) Accomodation
(D) all of these
181. B 182. C 183. D 184. B 185. B 186. C 187. D 188. B 189. C 190. C 191. D
191. Which is an agent of socialization?
(A) talking to your Brother or sister
(B) Shopping at walmart with your
(C) Going to school
(D) All of the above
192. They can be taught by turning
lessons/concepts into lyrics or rhythms.
(A) Visual Spatial
(B) Logical Mathematical
(C) Bodily Kinesthetic
(D) Musical
193. Fading away of a memory over time
(A) Interference
(B) Decay
(C) Amnesia
(D) Storage
194. name the emotional states Leo men-
tioned in his talk
(A) despair, love, anger, sadness
(B) cant remember
(C) triumph, despair, pride, shame
(D) shame, pride, anger
195. What do you call the social position that
a person attains through personal effort or
assumes voluntarily?
(A) Achieved status
(B) Ascribed status
(C) Master status
(D) Status set
196. Being able to use the large muscles to roll
over, sit, crawl, stand, and walk.
(A) motor development
(B) fine-motor skills
(C) gross-motor skills
(D) large motor skills
197. For most young people, self-esteem
mid-to late adolescence.
(A) rises from
(B) fluctuates a great deal between
(C) remains stable between
(D) declines from
198. Which of the following is being acted on
by an unbalanced force?
(A) book at rest on a library shelf
(B) tennis ball traveling at a constant ve-
(C) toy car rolling to a stop at the bottom
of a ramp
(D) baseball sitting on the ground
199. A mental grouping of similar objects,
ideas, events, or people.
(A) Concepts
(B) Prototype
(C) Creativity
(D) Heuristics
200. Behavior:Maeve wears a cute outfit Con-
sequence:She gets lots of compliments
(A) + reinforcement
(B) reinforcement
(C) + punishment
(D) punishment
201. What are the three hypothetical sections
of the human mind according to Freud’s
theory of the personality?
(A) The Id, The Ego, and The Super Ego
(B) Walmart, Target, Kroger
(C) The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
(D) The me, myself, and I
202. Sara is speeding in her car on the high-
way because she is late for her morning
class. She gets pulled over by the police
and gets a $75 fine.
(A) positive reinforcement
(B) negative reinforcement
(C) positive punishment
(D) negative punishment
192. D 193. B 194. C 195. A 196. C 197. A 198. C 199. A 200. A 201. A 202. C
203. B
203. Which learning theory is hard to evalu-
(A) Behaviorist
(B) Constructivist
(C) Cognitivist
(D) none of above
204. What communicative style is used in
the following lines? A:The angel of the
Lord declared unto Mary.B. And she con-
ceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.A.
Hail Mary full of grace B. Holy Mary,
mother of God
(A) frozen
(B) conversational
(C) consultative
(D) none of above
205. A customer loyalty program in which you
receive a 40% off after accumulating 5,
000 points is an example of a rein-
forcement schedule.
(A) fixed variable
(B) fixed ratio
(C) variable ratio
(D) variable interval
206. Which famous psychologists research
demonstrated that most storage decay
happens immediately and matches that
of subjects memory years later. This is
demonstrated in his “forgetting curve.”
(A) Ebbinghaus
(B) Loftus
(C) Chomsky
(D) Broca
207. Grammar
(A) the system of rules for acceptable lan-
(B) the smallest units of sound that carry
(C) the system of rules for putting words
in order
(D) the system of using words to create
208. A person with lower than average intel-
ligence who has an amazing, unusual men-
tal skill is known as a
(A) genius
(B) savant
(C) prodigy
(D) freak
209. Jacob is using an existing schema to deal
with a new object or situation. Which
adaptation process is he using?
(A) Cognition
(B) Schema
(C) Assimilation
(D) Accommodation
210. Which subdomain listed below, best sup-
ports Cognitive Development (CD)?
(A) Construction of Knowledge:Thinking
and Reasoning
(B) Play and Imagination
(C) Motor Development
(D) Learning to Communicate
211. Person with Dyslexia
(A) Struggles with direction
(B) Struggle to make the connection be-
tween the sound and the letter
(C) A  B
(D) none of above
212. What may occur in classical conditioning
once an unconditioned stimulus no longer
follows a conditioned stimulus? It also
may occur in operant conditioning once a
response is no longer reinforced.
(A) Stimulus discrimination
(B) Stimulus generalization
(C) Extinction
(D) Acquisition
204. A 205. B 206. A 207. A 208. B 209. C 210. A 211. C 212. C 213. D
213. Putting the ball away when the dog
brings it back
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Negative Reinforcement
(C) Positive Punishment
(D) Negative Punishment
214. What is Preconventional Morality?
(A) Rewards
(B) Disobdience
(C) Expectations
(D) Obedience and Punishment
215. Achievement and intelligence are the
same thing.
(A) True
(B) False
(C) In certain situations
(D) none of above
216. Which part of personality represents our
conscience and moral sense of right and
wrong, as well as the ideal image we have
of ourselves?
(A) the id
(B) the ego
(C) the superego
(D) Eros
217. Once people reach adulthood, personal-
ity traits
(A) become extremely unpredictable and
(B) are more easily tested and measured.
(C) tend to change more slowly.
(D) become authoritarian and restrictive.
218. Plants often respond to light from one
direction by
(A) bending away from the light.
(B) bending toward the light.
(C) wilting.
(D) None of the above.
219. The principal method of human communi-
cation, consisting of words used in a struc-
tured and conventional way and conveyed
by speech, writing, or gesture.
(A) Language
(B) Language Acquisition
(C) First Language Acquisition
(D) Learning
220. What is the basis of the traditional idea
of intelligence, which is too limited?
(A) Intelligence Quotient testing
(B) Aptitude testing
(C) Adversity Quotient testing
(D) Emotional Quotient testing
221. The ability to control one’s own behav-
(A) Self-control
(B) Self-concept
(C) Self-esteem
(D) Self-discipline
222. What age does the child develop self-
confidence and self-esteem?
(A) 6
(B) 5
(C) 4
(D) 2
223. Drama, role-playing, songs and dia-
logues are techniques that are often used
in the classroom.
(A) Total Physical Response
(B) Desuggestopedia
(C) The Silent Way
(D) none of above
224. gave stages of cognitive develop-
ment in children.
(A) Kohlberg
(B) Erik Erikson
(C) Jean Piaget
(D) none of above
214. D 215. B 216. C 217. C 218. B 219. A 220. A 221. D 222. A 223. B 224. C
225. A
225. What is the function of the modal verb
“must” in this sentence? ”You must make
sure that you save all the documents in the
correct folder.”
(A) obligation
(B) certainty
(C) permission
(D) none of above
226. lots of x added to 2 lots of y
(A) 2x + 5y
(B) 5x + 2y
(C) 2y + 5x
(D) none of above
227. Which of the following economies make
use of export promotion?
(A) United States of America
(B) Philippines
(C) Saudi Arabia
(D) Singapore
228. What is the most influential level of the
ecological systems theory?
(A) Chronosystem
(B) Exosystem
(C) microsystem
(D) macrosystem
229. Which is true about dyslexia
(A) It is not caused by trauma
(B) It is not caused by brain damage
(C) It runs in families
(D) It does not run in families
230. What is another name for cold calling
(A) No hands up questioning
(B) Think pair share
(C) Mini whiteboard activities
(D) Blooms questioning
231. What did Mead call the part of the self
that is created by interacting with others;
the self they want others to see?
(A) role-taking self
(B) the “me”
(C) the “I”
(D) the generalized self
232. Ruben and Jeanine often write on our
white boards.
(A) write
(B) often
(C) boards
(D) none of above
233. The type of learning dependent upon con-
sequences of behavior
(A) Classical Conditioning
(B) Observational Learning
(C) Latent Learning
(D) Operant Conditioning
234. Reciprocal determinism
(A) Albert Bandura
(B) B.F. Skinner
(C) Sigmund Freud
(D) Carl Rogers
235. A learning procedure in which associa-
tions are made between a natural stimulus
and a learned, neutral stimulus
(A) Classical conditioning
(B) Operant Conditioning
(C) Escape conditioning
(D) Avoidance conditioning
236. Replacing socially unacceptable impulses
with socially acceptable behavior
(A) Sublimation
(B) projection
(C) rationalization
(D) reaction formation
226. C 227. D 228. C 229. C 230. A 231. B 232. B 233. D 234. A 235. A 236. A
237. C 238. C
237. I ran upstairs to my room.
(A) I
(B) ran
(C) upstairs
(D) room
238. Psychosocial stage theory of develop-
(A) Freud
(B) John Adams
(C) Erik Erikson
(D) Jean Piaget
239. Contingencies of reinforcement
(A) Behavior theory
(B) Humanistic theory
(C) Psychoanalytic theory
(D) Social Cognitive theory
240. The difficulty with the neurological pro-
cess that is needed to write letters, words
or numbers with ease corresponds to:
(A) Dyslexia
(B) disortography
(C) dysgraphia
(D) Aphasia
241. According to Erikson, the psychological
conflict of the preschool years is
(A) trust versus mistrust
(B) initiative versus guilt.
(C) industry versus inferiority.
(D) autonomy versus shame.
242. Define “Self-Control.”
(A) The ability to control your urges.
(B) The ability to tell yourself what to do
rather than someone else telling you.
(C) The ability to understand who you re-
ally are.
(D) The ability to stick to something.
243. This student has a good ability to notice
certain sounds. Which intelligence is this?
(A) Logical
(B) Lingustic
(C) Natural
(D) Musical
244. What is required for an assessment to be
considered a formative assessment?
(A) Data is reported
(B) Data is used to influence instruction
(C) Data changes curriculum mapping
(D) A  C
245. Forming attachments is an essential part
of an infant’s
(A) Social development
(B) Emotional Development
(C) Intellectual Development
(D) Cognitive Development
246. How many lines are in this poem?
(A) 14
(B) 39
(C) 45
(D) 67
247. Buying a child a video game after she
throws a tantrum
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Negative Reinforcement
(C) Punishment
(D) none of above
248. Children with autism often struggle with
(A) Feeding themselves.
(B) Going to school.
(C) Sudden changes to established rou-
(D) Working
239. A 240. C 241. B 242. A 243. D 244. B 245. B 246. B 247. B 248. C 249. B
249. An idea that represents a class, category,
object, event, or activity is
(A) Prototype
(B) Concept
(C) Logarithm
(D) Heuristic
250. Organisms reproduce when they reach
an adult stage. What indicates the adult
stage of an evergreen tree?
(A) height of 5 ft.
(B) Needles
(C) 3 years of growth
(D) cone
251. Which part of language acquisition in-
cludes a one-word response that ex-
presses an idea?
(A) morpheme
(B) holophrase
(C) phoneme
(D) Whorf’s linguistics
252. learners may tap a pencil or foot
while studying.
(A) visual
(B) auditory
(C) kinesthetic
(D) none of above
253. Behavioral changes of individuals of a
species that allow for better survival. (Ac-
quired traits)
(A) Variation
(B) Adaptation
(C) Behavior
(D) Environment
254. “Learning is an active, constructive pro-
cess” Which approach does this assump-
tion belong to?
(A) Blended learning
(B) Collaborative Learning
(C) Differentiated Instruction
(D) Hybrid learning
255. What are the official colors of FCCLA?
(A) Red  yellow
(B) Red
(C) Red  White
(D) Red, White and yellow
256. The critical period for a person ranges
(A) 2 to 7 years old
(B) 5 to 18 years old
(C) 5 to 12 years old
(D) none of above
257. ‘Mental Block’ prevented comprehensi-
ble input from being used for acquisition
because of these factors EXCEPT
(A) low motivation
(B) high anxiety
(C) social activities
(D) lack of self-confidence
258. Which of the following is likely to occur
after sustained sleep loss?
(A) Decreased risk of obesity
(B) Immune system suppression
(C) Lowered blood pressure
(D) none of above
259. In this stage, the child is aware of wider
rules of society. At this point, a student is
good because of what society says.
(A) Preconventional/Premoral
(B) Conventional
(C) Post-Conventional
(D) none of above
260. TIBA (2, 3, 5-triiodobenzoic acid func-
tions as
(A) a phytohormone
(B) cytokinins
(C) synthetic auxin
(D) anti auxin
250. D 251. B 252. C 253. B 254. B 255. C 256. B 257. C 258. B 259. B 260. D
261. B
261. He believed children learn in social envi-
ronments by observing and imitating the
behavior of others.
(A) Piaget
(B) Bandura
(C) Lave
(D) Vygotsky
262. Which of the following is NOT a chemical
(A) Burning paper
(B) A rusting gate
(C) Breaking glass
(D) Baking a cake
263. What was Piaget’s first area of study?
(A) mollusks
(B) psychology
(C) children
(D) aviation
264. Matter is anything that has
(A) solid, liquid, or gas
(B) mass and volume
(C) plasma
(D) molecules
265. A test that is designed to show what you
have already learned (Like the AP Psych
Test, and most of your tests) is termed:
(A) Self Report
(B) Aptitude
(C) Achievement
(D) Observational
266. North Carolina Foundations for Early
Learning and Development contains how
many domains?
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 7
(D) 2
267. Getting a free smoothie after purchasing
10 on your reward card
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Negative Reinforcement
(C) Punishment
(D) none of above
268. (Blank)-Any Event or Stimulation that
Evokes a Response
(A) Response
(B) Conflict
(C) Reinforcement
(D) Stimulus
269. This psycologist created the Theory of
Multiple Intelligences
(A) Howard Grande
(B) Howard Grender
(C) Howard Garden
(D) Howard Gardner
270. What is the complete predicate? The chil-
dren went laughing down the tunnel.
(A) laughing
(B) went laughing down the tunnel
(C) children
(D) tunnel
271. Which intelligence focuses on others
above oneself?
(A) Interpersonal
(B) Intrapersonal
(C) Existential
(D) Naturalist
272. Complete the sentence with the coor-
dinating conjunction that make sense.Eric
got an A on the spelling test, he had
studied hard.
(A) or
(B) yet
(C) for
(D) but
262. C 263. A 264. B 265. C 266. B 267. A 268. D 269. D 270. B 271. A 272. C
273. B
273. Natural disasters such as flooding and
tornadoes are linked to
(A) primary
(B) secondary
(C) old field
(D) ecosystem
274. The surprising ease with which people
form false memories best illustrates that
the processes of encoding and retrieval in-
(A) implicit memory
(B) automatic processing
(C) long-term potentiation
(D) memory construction
275. These are the performace assessment
tools except one:
(A) Essay
(B) Checklist
(C) Rating scale
(D) Portfolio
276. In what life stage does hair begin to thin
and gray, wrinkles appear, and muscles
begin to lose tone?
(A) Adolescence
(B) Early Adulthood
(C) Middle Adulthood
(D) Late Adulthood
277. According to Gilligan, there is an em-
pirical association of reasoning with
that suggests discrepancies between
moral theory and the moral judgments.
(A) justice; men
(B) justice; women
(C) care; men
(D) care; women
278. Which of the following marks a con-
ducive environment?
(A) Excessive praise
(B) Individual competition
(C) Long assignments
(D) Cooperative learning
279. If, as a teacher, you set clear learning
objectives and design repetitive practices,
what theory of learning is evident?
(A) cognitivism
(B) behaviourism
(C) constructivism
(D) social constructivism
280. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development
is based in part on whose ideas?
(A) Arisotle
(B) Dewey
(C) Piaget
(D) Wright
281. The idea that language shapes our view
of the world is the Hypothesis
(A) Sapir-Whorf
(B) Sapir-Benjamin
(C) Edward-Whorf
(D) none of above
282. What was NOT. a category the subjects
in the study were divided into?
(A) Creative
(B) Practical
(C) Analytical
(D) Symmetrical
283. These are how digital tools help teacher,
(A) Teachers can curate the materials at
their space
(B) Teachers can help students be more
(C) Teachers can use technology to give
feedback and assessment
(D) Teachers can provide personalized
274. D 275. A 276. C 277. D 278. D 279. B 280. C 281. A 282. D 283. A 284. D
284. In this stage people develop the ability
to think about abstract concepts, and logi-
cally test hypotheses.
(A) Sensory-motor stage
(B) Preoperational stage
(C) Concrete operational
(D) Formal operational stage
285. When your friends were fighting, you
avoided them for a few days to let them
cool down. Lately, they’ve begun fighting
again so you decide to avoid them again.
What mental process is occurring?
(A) Mental Set
(B) Cognition
(C) Functional Fixedness
(D) Fixation
286. What is the best written dependent vari-
able for this hypothesis:”If I add salt to
the plant, then it will grow taller.”
(A) grow taller
(B) rate of growth
(C) amount of salt
(D) add salt
287. Old pattern of problem solving is applied
to a new problem. It predisposes how we
(A) mental set
(B) confirmation bias
(C) functional fixedness
(D) prototype
288. Receiving 15 minutes Youtube time after
finishing reading every two chapters of a
novel is an example of a schedule of
(A) fixed ratio
(B) fixed interval
(C) variable ratio
(D) variable interval
289. This multiple choice question is an exam-
ple of what kind of retrieval process?
(A) recall
(B) recognition
(C) reiteration
(D) relearning
290. Victor joins a new variety of pecan tree
to some rootstock he has grown from
seeds. Which propagation method does he
(A) grafting
(B) hardwood cuttings
(C) layering
(D) softwood cuttings
291. Gardner proposes that humans have mul-
tiple intelligences that are relatively inde-
pendent of one another. Which of the fol-
lowing is one of the intelligences?
(A) g factor
(B) common sense intelligence
(C) intrapersonal intelligence
(D) fluid intelligence
292. According to Sigmund Freud, what
causes repression?
(A) disturbing memories
(B) physical injuries
(C) interference
(D) decay
293. When a parent cell divides, the products
are called:
(A) cousin cells
(B) son cells
(C) daughter cells
(D) mother cells
294. I am currently in the conventional stage.I
am making this quizizz because
(A) I want you guys to learn the moral de-
velopment stages and think it is extremely
285. A 286. B 287. A 288. A 289. B 290. A 291. C 292. A 293. C 294. B
(B) I want to impress my teacher to get a
good grade.
(C) I want to not get punished by my
(D) I don’t care.
295. After just being introduced to another
guest in the party, Tom cannot remember
the name of the guest he was introduced
to. In what memory stage was the infor-
mation stored in?
(A) Episodic memory
(B) Semantic memory
(C) Sensory memory
(D) Working memory
296. A child in the pre-conventional level of
Kohlberg’s theory answers moral dilem-
mas by focusing on what?
(A) Reward and punishments
(B) Power of authority
(C) Personal ethics
(D) Right and wrong
297. Amount of salt found in water
(A) Photic Zone
(B) Gulf Stream
(C) Photosynthesis
(D) Salinity
298. encoding that requires attention and con-
scious effort.
(A) effortful processing
(B) relearning
(C) anterograde amnesia
(D) none of above
299. Bruner was similar to Vygotsky, he
(A) The world of education and isolation
(B) The world of math and science
(C) the world of images and isolation
(D) the world of language and interper-
sonal communication
300. Which of the following is INCORRECT
about formative assessment?
(A) Formative assessment is used for
grading learners.
(B) Formative assessment can be sponta-
(C) Formative assessments provide feed-
back for learners
(D) Formative assessments provide feed-
back for the teacher
301. Language learning for personal growth
and cultural enrichment is called:
(A) Positive motivation
(B) Instrumental motivation
(C) Integrative motivation
(D) none of above
302. An employee exhibits bad behavior at
work and the boss criticizes him
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Negative Reinforcement
(C) Positive Punishment
(D) Negative Punishment
303. Jimmy used and kept his eye on the
ball like coach told him to. This allowed
him to catch it.
(A) Development Delay
(B) Visual-motor coordination
(C) Conservation
(D) Hand-eye coordination
304. Which category does the age group 1-6
belong to?
(A) symbolic
(B) iconic
(C) tactile
(D) enactive
305. Which hormone that helps cell divisions
and elongation
(A) Auxin
(B) Gibberellin
(C) Cytokinin
(D) Ethylene
295. C 296. A 297. D 298. A 299. D 300. A 301. C 302. C 303. D 304. B 305. C
306. A
306. Which psychologist conducted attach-
ment studies with infant rhesus mon-
(A) Harry Harlow
(B) Jean Piaget
(C) Mary Ainsworth
(D) John Watson
307. Karen sees someone from her home
state win the lottery on TV. She starts to
believe she has a better chance of winning
than she actually does.
(A) Availability Heuristic
(B) Representativeness Heuristic
(C) Framing
(D) Belief Bias
308. Which of the following has a tendency
to be the hardest, least effective way to
learn something?
(A) Using spaced practice.
(B) Using shallow processing.
(C) Using elaborative rehearsal
(D) Using deep processing.
309. Charlie gets paid on the 15th of every
month. He is reinforced on a schedule
(A) fixed ratio
(B) fixed interval
(C) variable interval
(D) variable ratio
310. the process of learning the rules of be-
havior of the culture within which an indi-
vidual is born and will live is called
(A) Authoritarian
(B) Stranger Situation
(C) Socialization
(D) Imprinting
311. What are the treatments for dyslexia?
(A) Medicine only given by doctors
(B) Therapy
(C) Going to a special school
(D) There is not a treatment
312. Semantics
(A) the system of rules for putting words
in order
(B) the smallest units of sound that carry
(C) the smallest units of sound that make
up language
(D) the system of using words to create
313. Unlike operant conditioning, what does
classical conditioning involve?
(A) stimulus generalisation
(B) stimulus discrimination
(C) voluntary responses
(D) reflexive responses
314. Observations and questioning is under
what type of assessment?
(A) Formative Assessment
(B) Summative Assessment
(C) Authentic Assessment
(D) None of the Above
315. is when a toy is felt but not remem-
bered, pictured, or imagined.
(A) Schema
(B) Object Permanence
(C) Conservation
(D) Assimilation
316. Which of the following is a category of
savant syndrome?
(A) Splinter skill
(B) Talented
(C) Prodigious
(D) All of the above
317. Willingness to continue to grow and chal-
lenge yourself is an example of
(A) Self Actualization
(B) Safety
(C) Love and Belonging
(D) Self Esteem
307. A 308. B 309. B 310. C 311. D 312. D 313. D 314. A 315. B 316. D 317. A
318. C
318. Gas expands to fit
(A) the air
(B) the volume
(C) the shape and fill the volume of its
(D) the walls of the container
319. Getting a piece of candy after getting an
answer correct in class is an example of:
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Negative Reinforcement
(C) Positive Punishment
(D) Negative Punishment
320. How many levels do Maslow mentioned
in this theory
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 7
(D) 5
321. Which method of problem solving is fast
but not too accurate
(A) Algorithim
(B) Trial and error
(C) Schema
(D) Heuristic
322. The extent to which a test measures or
predicts what its supposed to do.
(A) Reliability
(B) Concept
(C) Prototype
(D) Validity
323. Simplify the expression11(9 + 1)
(A) 99 +11
(B) 21
(C) 20 +1
(D) None of these
324. What is Vicarious learning?
(A) Learned by observing others
(B) Observing others and following their
(C) Mimicking what others are doing
(D) Ability to control impulses and delay
short term gratification for long term re-
325. The computer analogy essentially de-
scribes the human mind as coding informa-
tion, storing information, using informa-
tion and
(A) modifying information
(B) adapting information
(C) producing output
(D) receiving information
326. Who would be the best norm group for
the ACT or SAT college-entrance tests?
(A) lawyers
(B) high school seniors
(C) college graduates
(D) college sophomores
327. To Piaget cognitive development was a
progressive reorganization of mental pro-
cess as a result of?
(A) Radioactive waste
(B) Biological maturation and environ-
mental maturation.
(C) Nurture as the child development.
(D) none of above
328. What is Kohlberg’s first name?
(A) Lawrence
(B) Paul
(C) Kevin
(D) Lev
329. Remembering how to perform actions is
an example of:
(A) Episodic memory
(B) Procedural memory
(C) Semantic memory
(D) Declarative memory
319. A 320. D 321. D 322. D 323. A 324. A 325. C 326. B 327. B 328. A 329. B
330. C
330. A child should be able to do certain things
before entering kindergarten and these
are known as kindergarten
(A) Dexterity Developments
(B) Seriation Skills
(C) Readiness Skills
(D) Standards for Success
331. With both colic and reflux, a baby
(A) has food rising in the throat
(B) has gas collecting in the stomach
(C) cries and can’t be comforted
(D) has the worst symptoms at six weeks
332. What instructional method does NOT
work for students with dyslexia?
(A) repeating directions
(B) using graphic organizers
(C) only using words for directions
(D) using verbal and visual information
333. What did Mead call the part of the self
that is internal; the secret self?
(A) the role-taking self
(B) the “me”
(C) the “I”
(D) the generalized self
334. relying too much on our past experiences
to interpret the wold around you
(A) Availability Heuristic
(B) Representativeness Heuristic
(C) Anchoring Heuristic
(D) Algorithmic heuristic
335. What is the purpose of a reinforcement?
(A) To strengthen a behavior.
(B) To decrease a behavior.
(C) To keep an equal amount of strength-
ening and decreasing.
(D) To stop a behavior entirely.
336. In which method the teacher uses non-
verbal language (a nod or head shake) to
show if something is right or wrong?
(B) The Silent Way
(C) The Direct Method
(D) Audio-Lingual method
337. Who is NOT one of Kohlberg’s Influ-
(A) Jean Piaget
(B) William C Crain
(C) James M. Baldwin
(D) John Dewy
338. Social-emotional development indicates
how preschool children acquire the social
skills, self-awareness, and personal qual-
ities that are with learning in a class-
(A) irrelevant
(B) inter-connected
(C) different
(D) none of above
339. Our schema is formed based on
(A) our life experiences
(B) what we learn in school
(C) our IQ score
(D) our personality
340. Psychological tests must have two char-
acteristics and they are:
(A) validity and reliability
(B) correlation and validity
(C) reliability and foundation
(D) reliability and correlation
341. Moses and the parting of the Red Sea is
a traditional Judeo-Christian story or an
inherited idea passed down from genera-
tions, this is known as a:
(A) Psychoanalysis
(B) Archetype
(C) Collective Unconscious
(D) Both A and C
331. C 332. C 333. C 334. B 335. A 336. B 337. B 338. B 339. A 340. A 341. B
342. C
342. A way to meet an infant’s safety needs
is to
(A) feed him
(B) show affection to him
(C) swaddle him
(D) ignore his cry
343. One of the last tests that was
done on Genie measured parts of her
brain.Scientists were shocked that:
(A) her brain activity was so unbalanced
(B) her brain was growing
(C) the size of her temporal lobe had ac-
tually grown 1/3 in size
(D) her frontal lobe had grown 1/3 in size
344. Naturalistic intelligence means you do
well with
(A) animals, plants, and nature
(B) singing and dancing
(C) numbers and calculations
(D) running and swimming
345. Which principle is exemplified by the use
of learning menus?
(A) Just-in-time direct instruction
(B) Choice and voice
(C) Co-planning learning
(D) Choice for demonstrating learning
346. When teachers call on students to raise
their hands and give an answer, they are
using a schedule of reinforcement.
(A) fixed-ratio
(B) fixed-interval
(C) variable-interval
(D) variable-ratio
347. Which one of these is not a benefit of
(A) Learning about new opportunities
(B) Getting advice from other profession-
(C) Surrounding yourself with unmoti-
vated people
(D) Receiving and sharing ideas
348. The most common cause of severe intel-
lectual and emotional impairment in older
individuals is
(A) poor attention
(B) Alzheimer’s disease
(C) loss of memory
(D) cancer
349. Three-year-old Anna’s parents consis-
tently praise her when she learns new
skills. According to Erik Erikson’s theory
of psychosocial development, this praise
will help Anna to learn
(A) doubt.
(B) timidness
(C) shame
(D) independence
350. It’s important to dress appropriately for
work and have good personal hygiene in-
cluding brushing teeth, wearing deodorant
(but not strong perfume or cologne) and
having neat hair.
(A) AppearanceAppearance
(B) Attendance
(C) Attitude
(D) Respect
351. It is an evaluation tool or set of guide-
lines used to promote the consistent ap-
plication of learning expectations, learn-
ing objectives, or learning standards in the
(A) Authentic Assessment
(B) Rubric
(C) Learning Competencies
(D) Checklist
352. What does Vygotsky focus on his the-
(A) families
343. A 344. A 345. B 346. D 347. C 348. B 349. D 350. A 351. B 352. D 353. B
(B) environment at school
(C) culture
(D) society
353. Excusing you from a homework assign-
ment for having perfect attendance
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Negative Reinforcement
(C) Punishment
(D) none of above
354. Founder of Emotional Intelligence The-
(A) Binet
(B) Goleman
(C) Gardner
(D) Spearman
355. Which of these is not one of Halliday’s
functions of language?
(A) Heuristic
(B) Interactional
(C) Imaginative
(D) Transactional
356. In an experiential classroom, the teacher
facilitates learning by providing a learning
environment that
(A) Is strict
(B) Promotes hands on learning
(C) Discourages participation
(D) Encourages traditional learning
357. Which statement accurately summarizes
Vygotsky’s thinking on cognitive develop-
(A) Learning occurs via watching others
(B) Learning occurs via self-isolation
(C) Much learning occurs via social inter-
(D) Learning occurs by playing
358. The concrete operational stage is
(A) birth to 2 years
(B) 2 to 7 years
(C) 7 to 12 years
(D) 12+ years
359. What affective assessment tool can be
used to diagnose emotional or intellectual
state after the instruction?
(A) Self-report Questionnaire or Inver-
(B) Semantic differential scale
(C) Students Journal
(D) Observation
360. Greta comes home over 2 hours late. She
is grounded by her parents and not al-
lowed to use the car for two weeks.
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Positive Punishment
(C) Negative Reinforcement
(D) Negative Punishment
361. wealthy entrepreneurs who risk their
own money by investing in small to
medium-sized businesses
(A) small business grants
(B) Crowdfunding
(C) Capital
(D) Business Angels
362. Which of the following terms means way
of life?
(A) society
(B) culture
(C) taboo
(D) sanction
363. When intelligence scores are graphed,
they should create
(A) an increasing slope
(B) a normal bell curve
(C) an equilateral figure
(D) a negative correlation
354. B 355. D 356. B 357. C 358. C 359. A 360. D 361. D 362. B 363. B 364. A
364. Fill in the blank. According to a NASA
study, between 2000 and 2009, plant
growth in the southern hemisphere be-
cause of climate change.
(A) fell
(B) increased
(C) stayed the same
(D) was not measured
365. Id Ego Superego
(A) Sigmund Freud
(B) Abraham Maslow
(C) Julian Rotter
(D) John Watson
366. What are the three examples given in
the video that need to be focused on by
the teacher in order to balance his class?
(A) humor, provide break, take it seri-
(B) jokes, recess, take it easy
(C) give breaks, humor, take it easy
(D) take it easy, break and be serious
367. Development of language, memory, and
imagination. Intelligence is both egocen-
tric and intuitive.
(A) Sensorimotor
(B) Preoperational
(C) Concrete operational
(D) Formal operational
368. What is the teacher’s main role in CLT?
(A) A negotiator (between himself, the
learning processes, and the object of
(B) A facilitator and monitor, rather than
leading the class
(C) A facilitator and negotiator who leads
the class
(D) A negotiator and a monitor of the
369. We had to put specific rocks into groups
in our science class yesterday.
(A) Classification
(B) Executive strategies
(C) Transitivity
(D) Seriation
370. Positive reinforcement is part of
(A) Piaget’s theory
(B) Krashen’s theory
(C) Skinner’s theory
(D) none of above
371. Which are solids?
(A) glue, milk, and juice
(B) air, helium, and steam
(C) a rubber ball, smoke, and soda
(D) a computer, a tree, and a chair
372. When a child reaches a vocabulary of
about 200-250 words they begin combin-
ing words into sentences composed of
two or three high content words
(A) Interactionistic
(B) Referential
(C) Telegraphic
(D) Expressive
373. How many years was Malaya Peninsula
being occupied with foreign powers?
(A) 500 years
(B) 446 years
(C) 510 years
(D) 430 years
374. Which of the following is another word
for reliability?
(A) Validity
(B) Consistency
(C) Standardized
(D) Relevance
365. A 366. C 367. B 368. B 369. A 370. C 371. D 372. C 373. B 374. B 375. D
375. A self-reliant child is most likely to have
been raised by
(A) authoritarian parents
(B) permissive parents
(C) indulgent parents
(D) authoritative parents
376. When does “pretend play” usually ap-
(A) By about age 6 months
(B) By about 9 months
(C) By 12 to 18 months of age
(D) Sometime early in the second year
377. According to the commutative property
of addition, 2 + 5 equals:
(A) 6 + 1
(B) 3 + 4
(C) 5 +2
(D) 4 + 3
378. When a cell is changing with age/going
from a single cell to multicellular, what is
it called?
(A) Interphase
(B) Mitosis
(C) Development
(D) Mutation
379. In this stage, individuals apply abstract
notions of justice, and consider the alter-
(A) Preconventional
(B) Conventional
(C) Post-Conventional
(D) none of above
380. Which word does not belong?
(A) cat
(B) dog
(C) pig
(D) lamb
381. Teachers need to provide guides and ex-
plicit instruction in the principles that are
to be learned. This approach is called
(A) Imperfect Metacognition
(B) Discovery Learning
(C) Self-Regulated Learning
(D) Goldilocks Principle
382. Attachment style when a child shows dis-
tress when the caregiver is gone and wel-
comes her back
(A) Avoidant
(B) Disorganized
(C) Resistant
(D) Secure
383. In what stage can children think about
more than two things at once and also
have the ability to think about how time
changes things?
(A) Sensorimotor stage
(B) Pre-operational stage
(C) Concrete operational stage
(D) Formal operational stage
384. “I answer the activities honestly even if
there’s no one looking.”
(A) Growth
(B) Integrity
(C) Ownership
(D) Mindfulness
385. Formative assessment happens
(A) at the beginning of the unit
(B) while learners are working in their
(C) at the end of the unit
(D) none of above
386. Single words  memorized phrases
(A) Novice Low
(B) Novice Mid
(C) Novice High
(D) Intermediate Low
376. D 377. C 378. C 379. C 380. D 381. B 382. D 383. D 384. B 385. B 386. A
387. B
387. a strength of vygotsky is that he ac-
knowledges the role of in learning
(A) observation
(B) language
(C) support
(D) adults
388. Experiential education encourages?
(A) Making many scientific experiments
(B) Trying out if school is for you!
(C) A teacher and student that infuses di-
rect experience with the learning environ-
ment and content
(D) none of above
389. He believed that parents are the primary
educators of their children and that chil-
dren learn through experiences.
(A) Freud
(B) Piaget
(C) Vygotsky
(D) Locke
390. What percentage of scores falls between
70 and 130 in a normal distribution?
(A) 50%
(B) 68%
(C) 95%
(D) 99%
391. Which type of force(s) will cause a
change in an object’s motion?
(A) equal forces
(B) zero net force
(C) balanced forces
(D) unbalanced forces
392. Founder of Islam.
(A) Abraham
(B) Buddha
(C) Muhammad
(D) Jesus
393. The element is found in all of the or-
ganic compounds.
(A) Iron
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Carbon
(D) Oxygen
394. George plays the guitar, piano and flute,
what multiple intelligence does George
(A) Logical-mathematical
(B) Naturalistic
(C) Musical
(D) Intrapersonal
395. The misinformation effect provides evi-
dence that memory
(A) is constructed during encoding
(B) is unchanging once established
(C) may be reconstructed during recall
according to how questions are framed
(D) is highly resistant to misleading infor-
396. If a person has a skill of understand-
ing the motives, feeling and behaviour of
other people, he/ she is said to have:
(A) intrapersonal intelligence
(B) Interpersonal intelligence
(C) linguistic intelligence
(D) Social intelligence
397. Receiving medial care for illness or injury
is under what level of Maslow’s Hierar-
(A) Love and affection
(B) Physiological
(C) Esteem
(D) Safety
398. I take my vitamins every day to avoid
getting sick
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Positive Punishment
(C) Negative Reinforcement
(D) Negative Punishment
388. C 389. D 390. C 391. D 392. C 393. C 394. C 395. C 396. B 397. B 398. C
399. B
399. After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms.
Borillo gave a short quiz to find out how
well students have understood the lesson.
What type of assessment was done?
(A) Summative Assessment
(B) Formative Assessment
(C) Diagnostic Assessment
(D) Placement Assessment
400. Hybrids
(A) are chocolate and cheese
(B) are always plants
(C) are always animals
(D) don’t always have to be animals
401. It is the teaching about language use and
its structure so that the student can speak
the target language.
(A) Language acquisition
(B) grammatical competence
(C) Language learning
(D) none of above
402. Define “self-motivation.”
(A) The ability to tell yourself what to do
rather than someone else telling you.
(B) The ability to stick to something.
(C) The ability to feel what others feel.
(D) Being positive in the face of adversity.
403. Schema theory is most clearly associated
with the work of
(A) Jean Piaget
(B) Lev Vygotsky
(C) William James
(D) none of above
404. Word Blindness or dyslexia was a term
first coined in which year?
(A) 1789
(B) 1910
(C) 1877
(D) 1752
405. Who developed a model of 4 stages of
cognitive development
(A) Donald Trump
(B) Mr. Testa
(C) Justin Beeber
(D) Jean Piajet
406. Which method places food on top of a
rack inside a pan that allows for air cir-
(A) Roasting
(B) Frying
(C) Sauteing
(D) Broiling
407. year olds generally cannot adjust a
weight balance by re-positioning
(A) true
(B) yeah dude that is probably irrelevant
(C) false
(D) none of above
408. Formal Operation Stage covers what
(A) 0-2 age
(B) 8-11 age
(C) 3-7 age
(D) none of above
409. Who is the psychologist known for Clas-
sical Conditioning
(A) Ivan Pavlov
(B) Sigmund Freud
(C) Skinner
(D) E.L Thorndike
410. Researchers taught the chimpanzee
Washoe and the gorilla Koko to commu-
nicate by using:
(A) Various sounds
(B) Plastic symbols of various shapes and
(C) Sign language
(D) All of the above
400. D 401. C 402. A 403. A 404. C 405. D 406. A 407. A 408. C 409. A 410. C
411. C
411. Which among the following is not a co-
teaching method?
(A) Interactive Teaching
(B) Alternative Teaching
(C) Horizontal Teaching
(D) Station Teaching
412. Connecting new information to old infor-
mation is known as
(A) retrieval
(B) maintenance rehearsal
(C) elaborative rehearsal
(D) information processing
413. Knowledge and manners are
(A) not important in research labs
(B) learned behaviors
(C) learned and inherited
(D) inherited traits
414. Which language skills develop first?
(A) There is no standard progression.
(B) Listening and Speaking
(C) Reading and Writing
(D) Listening must develop first
415. How do certain frogs increase their
chances of mating in the springtime?
(A) prepare for metamorphosis
(B) engage in binary fission
(C) make loud noises
(D) frighten potential predators
417. Teachers who teach children with ADHD
can provide material, but can also mon-
itor learning progress and provide rein-
forcement during learning with learning
(A) Station teaching
(B) Parallel teaching
(C) One teach, one drift
(D) Alternative teaching
418. Using the the acronym Roy G. Biv to
studying the colors of the rainbow. This
is a good example of
(A) Heuristic
(B) Algorithm
(C) Encoding
(D) Short Term Memory
419. The ability to understand that a simple
change in the shape of an object does not
change its amount.
(A) conservation
(B) transitivity
(C) dexterity
(D) seriation
420. An effective way to communicate with
children with autism is
(A) Using idioms, metaphors, and figures
of speech
(B) Using a series of questions
(C) Using simple sentences and pictures
(D) Using long, detailed sentences
421. When shaping a behavior, you would
couple a treat with, “good dog” to get
your pet to sit. The “good dog” is con-
(A) Negative Reinforcement
(B) Primary Reinforcer
(C) Secondary Reinforcer
(D) none of above
422. In a positively skewed distribution, the
students are?
(A) Very good
(B) Very poor
(C) Average
(D) Normally distributed
412. C 413. B 414. B 415. C 416. A 417. C 418. A 419. A 420. C 421. C 422. B
423. A
423. According to Vygotsky, language has
two functions during development: in-
terpsychic and intrapsychic. They are re-
lated respectively to the following as-
(A) social and cognitive
(B) cognitive and interactional
(C) interactive and communicative
(D) communicative and social
424. People high in analytical intelligence are
(A) Stronginusing, implementing, andap-
plying ideas and products
(B) Strong in discovering, creating and in-
venting ideas and products
(C) Strong in analyzing, evaluating and
critiquing ideas and products
(D) none of above
425. What hurricane occurred in Texas in
(A) the great galveston hurricane
(B) katrina hurricane
(C) alpha hurricane
(D) none of above
426. What does ZPD stand for?
(A) Zero Population Diversity
(B) Zone of Proximal Development
(C) Zone of Psychological Development
(D) none of above
427. The simple, single-celled organisms that
live in your intestines are classified in the
(A) Protista
(B) Bacteria
(C) Archaea
(D) Eukarya
(A) a paper
(B) checklist
(C) mid-term exams
(D) final project
429. Suppose x varies directly y3 as and in-
versely as Z2 . If y is halved and z is dou-
bled, what happens to x?
(A) 1
2 as large
(B) 1
8 as large
(C) 1
16 as large
(D) 1
32 as large
430. The cognitive ability gained during the
sensorimotor stage of Piaget’s theory is:
(A) Conservation
(B) Object Permanence
(C) Centration
(D) Irreversibility
431. Who created the Multiple Intelligence
(A) Albert Einstein
(B) Howard Gardner
(C) Abraham Maslow
(D) none of above
432. The belief that intelligence increases
with every generation
(A) Standardization of Intelligence
(B) Flynn Effect
(C) Phi-Phenomenon
(D) Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
433. Why might boys and girls show gender-
stereotyped toy and activity prefer-
(A) There are possible biological factors
(B) Parents may encourage this through
toy purchases and actions
(C) These differences are role-modeled
through television and other media
(D) All of the above
424. C 425. A 426. B 427. B 428. B 429. D 430. B 431. B 432. B 433. D 434. D
434. When using the muffin method, your fat
should be in what form?
(A) solid
(B) Crisco shortening
(C) cold butter
(D) liquid
435. Vertebrates that spend part of their lives
in water and part of their lives on land
(A) Mollusk
(B) Amphibians
(C) Mammals
(D) Fish
436. A disadvantage of using Alfred Binet’s
concept of mental age in assessing intelli-
gence is that
(A) it isinappropriate for adults
(B) itsnorms are no longer appropriate
(C) ithas a gender bias
(D) itproduces unreliable test results
among rural children
437. The reinforcer, such as food, that gets
the organism to continue a behavior is
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Primary Reinforcer
(C) Secondary Reinforcer
(D) Classical Conditioning
438. Which Kingdom is referring to “old” bac-
(A) Eubacteria
(B) Archeabacteria
(C) Fungi
(D) Plantae
439. Believed that both biological develop-
ment and cultural experience influenced
children’s ability to think and learn
(A) Abraham Maslow
(B) Lev Vygotsky
(C) Maria Montessori
(D) Erik Erikson
440. Which theorist used a rat in a box to
study their theory?
(A) Erik Erikson
(B) B. F. Skinner
(C) Albert Bandura
(D) Lev Vygotsky
441. A recipe for a chemical substance is called
(A) coefficent
(B) chemical formula
(C) Oxygen
(D) atom
442. When does Turiel born?
(A) 1998
(B) 1938
(C) 1994
(D) none of above
443. It refers to the stage of life that the per-
son is in regarding the situations they’re
going through.
(A) Exosystem
(B) Chronosystem
(C) Mesosystem
(D) Macrosystem
444. The concept of “conditioning” is best de-
scribed as the process of
(A) learning associations.
(B) discrimination.
(C) generalization.
(D) voluntary behavior.
445. Put the following stages of mitosis in or-
der:anaphase, prophase, metaphase, and
(A) prophase, metaphase, telophase,
(B) prophase, anaphase, metaphase,
(C) prophase, metaphase, anaphase,
(D) prophase, telophase, metaphase,
435. B 436. A 437. B 438. B 439. B 440. B 441. B 442. B 443. B 444. A 445. C
446. When 2-year old Matthew was told he
would get no dessert until he finished the
food on his plate, he threw his plate on the
floor in a temper tantrum. Freud would
have suggested that Matthew was unable
to resist the demands of his
(A) id.
(B) ego.
(C) superego.
(D) none of above
447. Which theoriest originally argued
against a g factor or general intelligence
but couldn’t find reliable evidence to shoot
the theory down?
(A) Spearman
(B) Thurstone
(C) Gardner
(D) Sternberg
448. Stage 4 1/2 people are
(A) fake
(B) both
(C) neither
(D) often marked by uncritical cynicism
(”All politicians are crooks nothing
really matters anyway”), disillusionment
and alienation.
449. Which one(s) is/are redifferentiated
(A) Cork
(B) Secondary cortex
(C) Both
(D) None
450. Which of the following is NOT a myth
about what causes ADHD?
(A) Improper parenting style
(B) Spending too much time with gadgets
(C) Too much sugar intake
(D) Meditate too much
451. According to the PowerPoint, sometimes
children use as a coping strategy, es-
pecially when they are uncomfortable.
(A) denial
(B) humor
(C) repression
(D) rationalization
452. A trait that is expressed over other
(A) Recessive
(B) Co-dominant
(C) Incomplete Dominant
(D) Dominant
453. A divide separates
(A) continents
(B) oceans
(C) tributaries
(D) watersheds
454. Employee is habitually late for work so
he loses the privilege to listen to music at
(A) Positive Reinforcement
(B) Negative Reinforcement
(C) Positive Punishment
(D) Negative Punishment
455. This is another name for the life lesson or
moral of a poem-what the poem is mostly
(A) rule
(B) theme
(C) idea
(D) consequence
456. What do critics say about Gardner’s nine
(A) there are too many of them
(B) some are not intelligences but in-
stead talents
(C) they can be combined into fewer
(D) they are the same as Thurstone’s
446. A 447. B 448. D 449. C 450. D 451. B 452. D 453. D 454. D 455. B 456. B
457. C
457. The main cause of ADHD is
(A) Consumption of alcohol during preg-
(B) The baby’s birth weight is low
(C) Genetics
(D) Premature birth
458. The “terrible twos” occur during this life
(A) Infancy
(B) Early Childhood
(C) Late Childhood (preadolescence)
(D) Adolescence
459. During this stage children do the right
thing to make themselves and others
(A) pre conventional
(B) conventional
(C) post conventional
(D) none of above
460. Which is not an example of psychological
skills training?
(A) Self-talk
(B) imagery/visualization
(C) relaxation/arousal regulation
(D) off season strength training
461. Response cost is also known as
(A) Negative punishment
(B) Positive punishment
(C) Positive reinforcement
(D) Negative reinforcement
462. Isotopes of a given element have
(A) a different atomic number and the
same mass number
(B) the same atomic number and a differ-
ent mass number
(C) the same atomic number and the
same mass number
(D) a different atomic number and a dif-
ferent mass number
463. Individuals differences in IQ help us pre-
(A) when someone will learn a new skill.
(B) how quickly someone will learn a new
(C) what kind of skill someone will learn.
(D) if someone will relearn a new skill.
464. Sam is 12 years old, what life stage is
he at?
(A) Infancy
(B) Adolecence
(C) Early Childhood
(D) Early Adulthood
465. What is the main organization and orien-
tation of science and social studies reading
(A) Expository
(B) Descriptive
(C) Narrative
(D) Argumentative
466. All of the following persons would use
intelligence test in practice except?
(A) Teachers
(B) Clinicians
(C) veterinarian
(D) psychologist
467. The characteristics of children with
ADHD who are included in the inattention
category are as follows, except
(A) It often appears as though they are
not listening
(B) Often difficult to follow instructions
(C) Often loses personal belongings
(D) Looks not easily tired
468. The id
(A) a developmental period that leaves its
mark on adult personality
(B) the moral component of personality
458. B 459. B 460. D 461. A 462. B 463. B 464. B 465. A 466. C 467. D 468. D
(C) the decision-making component of
(D) the primitive, animalistic component
of personality
469. Balance with the environment is known
(A) growth
(B) decline
(C) instability
(D) equilibrium
470. What is a process?
(A) A complex phenomenon
(B) A sequence of steps
(C) A sudden event
(D) none of above
471. What is the most important development
at the Preoperational stage?
(A) language
(B) shapes
(C) problem-solving skills
(D) reasoning
472. Recalling the fact the Abraham Lincoln
was the president of the United States dur-
ing the Civil War is an example of
(A) procedural memory
(B) implicit memory
(C) semantic memory
(D) episodic memory
473. Which stage of the human life cycle fol-
lows the foetus?
(A) Childhood.
(B) Baby.
(C) Old age.
(D) none of above
474. Which of the following is a characteris-
tic of a disadvantage of Sexual Reproduc-
(A) diverse offspring
(B) identical to parent
(C) time and energy
(D) adaptability
475. What is Ethics?
(A) Change in ones body size
(B) Relationships
(C) A set of moral principles
(D) none of above
476. What is the hypotenuse if two sides are
6 and 8?
(A) 10
(B) 12
(C) 13
(D) not enough information
477. Which evaluation procedure was dis-
carded in this theory?
(A) Finite state grammars
(B) Infinite state grammars
(C) Phrase structure grammars
(D) transformational grammars
478. Understanding that ice can melt and
change into water demonstrates
(A) Irreversability
(B) Transformation
(C) Abstract thinking
(D) Metamorphic thinking
479. Adolescense refers to
(A) ages 1-6
(B) ages 6-12
(C) ages 9-18
(D) ages 18-40
480. Which one of the following disorder is re-
lated to language comprehension?
(A) Apraxia
(B) Dyscalculia
(C) Dyslexia
(D) Aphasia
469. D 470. B 471. A 472. C 473. B 474. C 475. C 476. A 477. A 478. B 479. C
480. D 481. D
481. The ability to recall the last items in a
series is called
(A) sensory memory.
(B) visual codes.
(C) hypnosis.
(D) recency effect.
482. Humanistic principles have important im-
plications for education. According to this
approach, the focus of education is
(A) teaching
(B) learning
(C) training
(D) instruction
483. Robert was in an auto accident and now
has difficulty remembering anything new.
He can remember everything prior to his
accident, but nothing since it. His doctors
suspect that his has been damaged.
(A) hippocampus
(B) cerebral cortex
(C) thalamus
(D) amygdala
484. According to Freud, Which of the follow-
ing can help us understand the unconscious
mind, root out repressed feelings and gain
(A) Dreams
(B) conscious thoughts
(C) surroundings
(D) none of above
485. creates a link between voluntary
behavior and consequences (this is ac-
complished through punishments and re-
(A) classical conditioning
(B) operant/intsrumental conditioning
(C) sequential exposure
(D) cognitive behavioral therapy
486. When instances come readily to mind,
we often presume such events are com-
mon. What of the following is the term
for this phenomenon?
(A) Intuition insight
(B) Confirmation bias
(C) Belief perserverance
(D) Availability heurisitic
487. What stage of Piaget’s Theory of cog-
nitive development is the concrete opera-
tional stage?
(A) 1st
(B) 2nd
(C) 3rd
(D) 4th
488. What construct from Sternbergvs tri-
archic theory of intellingence include the
ability to find the best fit between the in-
dividual and the environment?
(A) creative
(B) practical
(C) linguistic
(D) incremental
489. It is the moral principle of the Freudian
personality structure.
(A) ID
490. The ways in which we perceive other
people are known as our
(A) attraction
(B) persuasion
(C) fundamental attribution
(D) social perceptions
491. The skillful use of the hands and fingers.
(A) dexterity
(B) classification
(C) visual-motor coordination
(D) hand-eye coordination
482. B 483. A 484. A 485. B 486. D 487. C 488. B 489. D 490. D 491. A 492. C
492. What is the definition of autism spectrum
disorder (ASD)?
(A) Global delayed development (GDD)
(B) Childhood schizophrenia
(C) Neuro developmental disorder
(D) Statement A and B are correct.
493. Which of the following is an example of
a Specific Learning Disability?
(A) Mental Retardation
(B) Dyslexia
(D) Autistic spectrum disorders
494. an organism’s physical appearance of the
traits it has
(A) genotype
(B) phenotype
(C) heredity
(D) genetics
495. Some examples of formative assess-
ments are:
(A) Kahoot
(B) Quizziz
(C) Quizalize
(D) All of the Above
496. How many levels are there on Maslow’s
original hierarchy?
(A) 3
(B) 1
(C) 5
(D) 4
497. There are 12 girls and 16 boys in a diving
class. One student is randomly selected to
dive first. What is the probability that the
student selected to dive first is a girl?
(A) 3/8
(B) 3/7
(C) 4/7
(D) 3/4
498. The majority of Freud’s findings were
based on which of the following meth-
(A) Case studies
(B) Controlled experiments
(C) Correlation
(D) None of the above
499. Studies suggest that there is a positive
correlation between intelligence and the
(A) neural processing speed in the brain.
(B) size of the brain’s synaptic gaps.
(C) brain’s rate of glucose consumption.
(D) brain’s production of endorphins.
500. Finish this sentence:An imperative sen-
(A) makes a statement.
(B) asks a question.
(C) shows excitement.
(D) gives a command.
501. Behaviorism refers to
(A) Behaviorist belief mind as a black box
(B) Behaviorist belief mind as computer
(C) behaviorist belief knowledge can be
constructed by learners
(D) Behaviorist belief learning is accom-
plished when a proper response is demon-
502. Which technology has a very similar
cousin, Kahoot, where you can develop
practice games?
(A) PollEv
(B) Todaysmeet
(C) Quizizz
(D) Plickers
503. Complete the sentence with the coordi-
nating conjunction that make sense.Paris
baked banana break, she gave some
to her neighbor.
493. B 494. B 495. D 496. C 497. B 498. A 499. A 500. D 501. D 502. C 503. D
(A) so
(B) for
(C) but
(D) and
504. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreteda-
gainst set mastery level. This means that
NSATand NEAT fall under
(A) Aptitude test
(B) Criterion-referenced test
(C) Intelligence test
(D) Norm-referenced test
505. What communicative style is used in this
line? ”What do you think we need to do,
will distance learning do us good? ”
(A) conversational
(B) frozen
(C) consultative
(D) intimate
506. What determines the type of volcano
that forms?
(A) The location of the volcano.
(B) The type of eruption.
(C) The amount of earthquake prior to the
(D) The weather at the time of eruption.
507. It is the deepest level in the mental ice-
berg wherein all tendencies are in prison.
508. Schedule or reinforcement in which an un-
predictable number of responses are re-
quired before reinforcement can be ob-
(A) Variable-ratio schedule
(B) Fixed-ratio schedule
(C) Fixed-interval schedule
(D) Variable-interval schedule
509. A period of time after birth in which
bonding with the caregivers will take
(A) Asocial period
(B) Sensitive period
(C) Imprinting period
(D) Secure period
510. According to Krashen, is a subcon-
scious process .
(A) Learning
(B) communication
(C) input
(D) acquisition
511. Which award did she bag in the year
(A) Grammy award
(B) Academy of Country Music Awards
(C) Royal Philharmonic Society’s presti-
gious Soloist of the Year Award
(D) none of above
512. If Jorge was 20 inches long at birth, he
will most likely be “ on his first birth-
(A) 25”
(B) 30”
(C) 35”
(D) none of above
513. How does the LO help students?
(A) Know what outcomes are expected of
them and at what what level of expected
(B) Plan the curriculum to support LO.
(C) Select assessment methods based on
same LO.
(D) It doesn’t help the students.
514. An individual whose person and self co-
incide leaving the person free to develop
all of his or her potentialities
(A) fully functioning
504. B 505. A 506. B 507. B 508. A 509. B 510. D 511. C 512. B 513. A 514. A
515. A
(B) trait
(C) cardinal trait
(D) surface trait
515. ‘Cat’ being the name for the family pet,
but not for other cats is known as:
(A) semantic underextension
(B) morphological undergeneralisation
(C) semantic overgeneralisation
(D) morphological overextension
516. dyslexia is a disability
(A) no
(B) could be
(C) and
(D) a and b are true
517. The ability to understand that relation-
ship between two objects can extent to a
third object
(A) classification
(B) conservation
(C) seriation
(D) transitivity
518. This is a series of steps that are already
estabished by a researcher
(A) Approach
(B) Method
(C) Technique
(D) Activity
519. According to Erikson, If a child struggles
to do well in school, what problem might
(A) Struggle with feelings of inferiority
(B) Develop a poor self-identity
(C) Begin to mistrust the people around
(D) Acting inappropriately
520. During which stage is a child Not yet able
to take another point of view
(A) sensorimotor
(B) pre-operational
(C) concrete operational
(D) formal operational
521. Unlike mitosis, meiosis in male mammals
results in the formation of
(A) one haploid gamete
(B) three diploid gametes
(C) four diploid gametes
(D) four haploid gametes
522. Which of Vygotsky’s techniques included
gradual transference of responsibility for
learning to the student?
(A) reciprocal teaching
(B) zone of proximal development
(C) scaffolding
(D) peer collaboration
523. Which theorist believes that children’s
language progresses due to successful ut-
terances being praised and reinforced?
(A) Skinner
(B) Chomsky
(C) Piaget
(D) none of above
524. There is heavy emphasis on written
work to the virtual exclusion of oral pro-
(A) Grammar-Translation
(B) Communicative language teaching
(C) Audio-lingual
525. The route to persuasion is taken
when the receiver is not really motivated
to think about the arguments made in a
communication message.
(A) central
(B) peripheral
(C) dual
(D) subconscious
516. C 517. D 518. B 519. A 520. B 521. D 522. C 523. A 524. A 525. B 526. B

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  • 2. NARAYAN CHANGDER Preface: This book is primarily designed for students and teachers. This book contains more than 8911 ques- tions from the core areas of CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY. The questions are grouped chapter-wise. There are total 8911+ MCQ with answers. This reference book provides a sin- gle source for multiple choice questions and answers in CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY. It is intended for students as well as for developers and researchers in the field. This book is highly useful for faculties and students. One can use this book as a study guide, knowledge test questions bank, practice test kit, quiz book, trivia questions ... etc. The strategy used in this book is the same as that which mothers and grandmothers have been using for ages to induce kids in the family to sip more soup (or some other nutritious drink). The children are told that some cherries (their favourite noodles or cherries ) are hidden somewhere in the bowl, and that serves as an incentive for drinking the soup. In joint families, by the time the children are old enough to know the trick played by their grandma, there is usually another group of kids ready to fall for it! They excite the kids, but the real nutrition lies not in the noodles but in the soup. The problems given in this book are like those noodles/cherries while solving all these problems are nutritious soup. Now it is your choice to drink the nutritious soups or not!!!. The overwhelming response to the first edition of this book has inspired me to bring out this second edition, which is a thoroughly revised and updated version of the first. Every effort has been made to make this book error-free. I welcome all constructive criticism of the book. I will upload more MCQ’s on CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY in quiz format. Keep visiting our website
  • 3. It is my deepest gratitude and warmest affection that I dedicate this Ebook. To my mother JOYTSNA CHANGDER who could not see this Ebook. who has been a constant source of Knowledge and in- spiration. Mom, Covid did not take you, it took our many dreams. wherever you are we will meet again. This E-book is dedicated to the loving memory of my mother: my guiding light, my shining star, forever
  • 4. NARAYAN CHANGDER The aim of this publication is to sup- ply information taken from sources be- lieved to be valid, reliable and authen- ticate. The author bear no responsibil- ity for any damage arising from inad- verent omissions, negligence or inac- curacies (typographical or factual) that may have found their way into this PDF booklet. Due care has been taken to ensure that the information provided in this book is correct. Author is not responsible for any errors, omissions or damage arising out of use of this information. Disclaimer ♣ If not satisfied with the answers, search the inter- net for correct answers. If you want to include new questions in this booklet, please contact au- thor. You can contact him on Facebook https: // Important
  • 5. Contents 1 CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
  • 7. 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 1. The ability to be sensitive of other peo- ple’s thought and emotions (A) Intrapersonal (B) Naturalistic (C) Visual-spatial (D) Interpersonal 2. How much did Evelyn score in the Royal Academy of Music? (A) Highest marks in the history of academy (B) Average marks (C) Lowest marks (D) none of above 3. process of giving up old values, beliefs, and behaviors (A) desocialization (B) self-concept (C) mass media (D) peer group 4. Which is an example of temporal isola- tion? (A) flowers that bloom in different months (B) birds that have different mating calls (C) fruit flies that mate in different loca- tions (D) squirrels that have different fur col- ors 5. People tend to choose friends who are similar to themselves in attractiveness be- cause (A) of prejudice (B) of discrimination (C) they fear rejection (D) of self-serving bias 6. The modern view of temperament asserts that it (A) is biologically based (B) is a mixture of the four humors (C) first emerges during adolescence (D) changes radically at adolescence 7. When is it appropriate to use formative as- sessments? (A) The beginning (B) The end (C) The middle (D) All of the above 8. “Acquiring knowledge and skills and hav- ing them readily available from memory so you can make sense of future problems and opportunities.” 1. D 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. A
  • 8. NARAYAN CHANGDER 4 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY (A) Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, Mark A. McDaniel (B) R.M. Smith (C) Susan Ambrose, et al. (D) Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner 9. The second building block in Bruner’s the- ory is (A) Being tested (B) Working alone (C) Taking a break (D) Instruction by the teacher 10. Behavior:Stanley gets straight AsCon- sequence:Parents release him from his grounding (A) + reinforcement (B) reinforcement (C) + punishment (D) punishment 11. Erik tries to remember a series of items to buy at the shops. He is more likely to remember the first and last items. This is due to the ? (A) Cereal opposition affect (B) Chunking of items in the series (C) He paid more attention (D) Serial position effect 12. The ACT is best described as this type of assessment. (A) Summative (B) Formative (C) Informal (D) B C 13. When you are in class, what should you do with your phone? (A) text your friends (B) play games on it (C) turn it on silent and put it away unless the teacher tells you otherwise (D) none of above 14. A memory of kindergarten that returns when you are back in your kindergarten classroom is an example of what type of memory? (A) iconic (B) eidetic (C) context-dependent (D) state-dependent 15. Profound intellectual disability IQ level (A) 90 to 109 (B) 80 to 89 (C) Below 25 (D) 70-79 16. At what stage post-conventional level is expected? (A) babyhood (B) adolescence and adulthood (C) adulthood (D) adolescence 17. Receiving half credit for turning in a paper late. (A) Positive reinforcement (B) Negative reinforcement (C) Positive punishment (D) Negative punishment 18. Teacher focuses on essential information or the development of a particular skill. This is an example of (A) Progressivism (B) Existentialism (C) Essentialism (D) Social Reconstructionism 19. The following are factors that affect the Stages of Language Acquisition for ELLs, except (A) Age (B) Setting (C) Immersion Level (D) Technology 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. B
  • 9. 5 20. Passion is defined as (A) the strong, negative feelings you ex- perience while doing something (B) the strong, positive feelings you expe- rience while enjoying something (C) the way you talk to someone you dis- like (D) your natural strengths and abilities 21. The feeling that we are worse off than others, even when our lives are pretty good, is called (A) relative deprivation (B) self-actualization (C) cognitive dissonance (D) the availability heuristic 22. An infant that alternates between want- ing the mother and then pushes her away on reunion is displaying signs of which type of attachment? (A) Insecure-avoidant (B) Insecure-disorganised (C) Insecure-resistant (D) Secure 23. The hypothesis that one’s language deter- mines the nature of one’s thought is the (A) linguistic relativity hypothesis (B) interactionist hypothesis (C) nativist hypothesis (D) metalinguistic awareness hypothesis 24. e? (A) Presence, Participation, Learning (B) Participation, Critical thinking, com- munication (C) Learning, opportunities, inequality. (D) none of above 25. According to Piaget, children are in constructing their understanding of the world. (A) Active (B) Neutral (C) Passive (D) Bystanders 26. Which group of animals lays eggs in water where they hatch, then the animals move to land later in life after they go through a metamorphosis? (A) amphibians (B) fish (C) reptiles (D) birds 27. parents attempting to control and evalu- ate the behavior and attitudes of children and adolescents in accordance with a set code of conduct is an example of which of the following parenting styles? (A) Democratic/Authoritative (B) Democratic (C) Authoritarian (D) Permissive/Laissez-Faire 28. What is NOT an example of a formative assessment? (A) written quiz (B) poster making (C) classroom poll (D) quarterly exam 29. Which type of sentence is this? Today is my birthday. (A) declarative (B) interrogative (C) imperative (D) exclamatory 30. The Wave Model regards languages as: (A) coming from ancestors and is directly passed down from parent to child (B) temporary clusters of features cre- ated by overlapping circles of change. (C) are definite and stable (D) constant changes that are noticeable as each ‘wave’ hits 21. A 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. A 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. C
  • 10. NARAYAN CHANGDER 6 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 31. Components of a good PBL lesson include all of the following EXCEPT (A) Collaboration (B) Inquiry (C) Standardization (D) Public/ audience 32. Ronaldo has 4 pennies and 3 dimes in his wallet.George has 3 times much money as Ronaldo. How much money does George have? Whatcoins could George have? (A) $1.02 (B) $0.74 (C) $0.91 (D) $0.89 33. To Psychologists, learning is? (A) A long term change in behavior that is based on experience (B) A constant set of individuals situated in a controlled environment (C) The typical desks, students, lecture, text books scenario (D) All of the above 34. The learning model that is made in groups that can take turns doing an activity is the (A) Station teaching (B) Parallel teaching (C) One teach, one drift (D) Alternative teaching 35. What example does Sean use to explain Bruner’s Constructivism theory (A) Birds (B) Static electricity (C) He doesn’t give an examples (D) Building a robot 36. An unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is a stim- ulus that triggers a response (A) either automatically or as a reflex (B) as a learned reaction to a signal (C) despite extinction (D) is something that once was neutral 37. Which conscience tells you to go beyond what is required? (A) erroneous conscience (B) correct conscience (C) delicate conscience (D) scrupulous conscience 38. Which is a correct statement. (A) Formative assessment is recorded but not graded. (B) Formative assessment is recorded and graded. (C) Summative assessment is recorded but not graded. (D) Summative assessment is done through written works only. 39. Students who have high intelligence in in this way can be taught with role playing exercises, physical activity, and hands-on practice. (A) Visual Spatial (B) Logical Mathematical (C) Bodily Kinesthetic (D) Musical 40. Which one of these is a characteristic of a performer in the cognitive stage of learn- ing? (A) Can interpret knowledge of perfor- mance easily (B) Concentrates on fine details within performance (C) Interprets kinaesthetic feedback eas- ily (D) Uses trial and error in approach to a task 41. What has occurred when you mistakenly remember the details of a story a friend told you and begin sharing it as something you read? 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. D 36. A 37. C 38. A 39. C 40. D 41. A
  • 11. 7 (A) SOURCE AMNESIA (B) retroactive amnesia (C) anterograde amnesia (D) none of above 42. How many Phonemes are in the word cuts? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 43. abilities required to control the large mus- cles of the body for running, swinging, dancing and other activities (A) Gross Motor Skills (B) Fine Motor Skills (C) Developmental Delay (D) Developmental Disability 44. Muscle cells and nerve cells in one species of animal owe their differences in struc- ture to (A) having different genes (B) having different chromosomes (C) using different genetic codes (D) differential gene expression 45. What are omnivores? (Sofi) (A) Organisms that eat both plants and animals. (B) Organisms that eat only candy. (C) Organisms that eat only sea animals. (D) Organisms that eat only plants. 46. What is this sentence doing? Which teams are playing at the stadium tonight? (A) declarative (B) interrogative (C) imperative (D) exclamatory 47. What is another name for an Operant Chamber? (A) Puzzle Box (B) Skinner Box (C) Operant Box (D) Thorndike Box 48. Which of the following best aligns to ero- sion? (A) “Break It” (B) “Take It” (C) “Drop it” (D) none of above 49. Who devised the Innatism theory? (A) Bruner (B) Piaget (C) Skinner (D) Chomsky 50. Stage of Cognitive development that be- gins at birth. Children cannot think about things that are not immediately in front of them. They focus on what they are doing and seeing at the moment. (A) Preoperational (B) Formal Operational (C) Sensorimotor (D) none of above 51. Dyslexia is due to (A) the learning environment (B) the defect in brain anatomy (C) the trauma the child has experienced (D) the mental disorder 52. What word is used to describe a seed that is inactive? (A) Sleeping (B) Dormant (C) Metabolism (D) Radicle 42. D 43. A 44. D 45. A 46. B 47. B 48. B 49. D 50. C 51. B 52. B 53. B
  • 12. NARAYAN CHANGDER 8 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 53. are examples of formative assess- ment. (A) Mid-term exams, a final project, final recital, unit tests, etc (B) Speaking activities, exit tickets, graphic, questions, writing assingments, etc. (C) Standardized exams like FCE, Michi- gan, TKT, etc. (D) none of above 54. Janet uses stem cuttings to propagate her prize-winning azaleas. What is the best time of day for Janet to take the cuttings from her azaleas? (A) early evening (B) early morning (C) late afternoon (D) mid-day 55. In the words “helped” and “called, “ the “ed” ending is a(n) (A) prototype. (B) morpheme. (C) syntax. (D) algorithm. 56. Allows students to physically move be- tween teacher created stations to take ownership of their own learning. Which model does this fit under? (A) Whole Group Rotation (B) Station Rotation (C) Flipped Classroom (D) none of above 57. A child is given a cardboard box and she explores it by opening and closing the flaps. This sounds like a child in which of Piaget’s stages of cognitive develop- ment? (A) sensorimotor (B) preoperational (C) concrete operations (D) formal operations 58. Which type of sentence is the following? Bring lemonade to the picnic. (A) declarative (B) interrogative (C) imperative (D) exclamatory 59. What does DNA stand for? (A) deoxyribonucleic acid (B) deribonucleus acid (C) deoxynucleic acid (D) deoxrinecleic acid 60. The three types of long term memory are: (A) Episodic, visual, procedural (B) Visual, semantic, procedural (C) Recognition, acoustic, episodic (D) Episodic, semantic, procedural 61. This is how we know the outer core is liq- uid. (A) P waves slow down and S waves stop (B) S waves slow down and P waves stop (C) Both P and S waves stop (D) None of the above 62. The id, ego and superego can be seen as part of which hierarchy of needs? (A) Erikson’s (B) Piaget’s (C) Maslow’s (D) Binet’s 63. The third and final building block in Bruner’s theory is (A) Prior knowledge (B) Standardized testing (C) Knowledge and level we want our stu- dents to reach (D) Showing them how things should be done properly 54. B 55. B 56. B 57. A 58. C 59. A 60. D 61. A 62. C 63. C 64. B
  • 13. 9 64. Who created the theory of multiple intel- ligences in which people learn and under- stand? (A) Erik Erikson (B) Howard Gardner (C) Jean Piaget (D) Howard Piaget 65. Which method teaches language through physical activity? (A) TPR (B) Silent way (C) Suggestopedia (D) Community language teaching 66. Children eventually with the parents and come to idealise them; they become overly subservient to those in power (A) identify (B) objectify (C) associate (D) socialise 67. Improvement in behaviour due to presence of other individuals is known as (A) imitation (B) social facilitation (C) interaction (D) none of the above 68. Linear Programming is based on (A) Trial and Error Theory of Learning (B) Classical Conditioning Theory of Learning (C) Operant Conditioning Theory of Learn- ing (D) Insight Theory of Learning 69. Authority means? (A) NO control (B) Shared control (C) Power/ In charge (D) Weak 70. Slot machines at casinos payoff after a random number of plays. (A) Fixed Interval (B) Fixed Ratio (C) Variable Interval (D) Variable Ratio 71. This method involves acting out language rather than speaking. It can be through mimicry or only responding to audiovisual cues. Games like ‘Simon says ‘ or the charades are classic examples of this method of teaching. (A) TPR (B) CLT (C) Grammar Translation Method (D) none of above 72. What type of memory is a clear, sustained memory of an emotionally significant mo- ment or event? (A) Working Memory (B) Flashbulb Memory (C) Implicit (D) Sensory 73. To see the solution and be able to think it through backwards to the starting point is called (A) Seriation (B) Reversibility (C) Decentration (D) Egocentrism 74. Stage 4 in Kohlberg’s theory of moral de- velopment is titled: (A) Punishment and obedience. (B) Mutual interpersonal expectations, conformity and relationships. (C) Rights and social contract. (D) Social system and maintenance of one’s conscience. 65. A 66. A 67. B 68. C 69. C 70. D 71. A 72. B 73. B 74. D 75. C
  • 14. NARAYAN CHANGDER 10 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 75. Which age group is not included in the con- structivist theory? (A) 7 and up (B) 1-6 (C) 13-18 (D) 0-1 76. One reason for using creative strategies for FA in elementary classrooms is (A) it is informative (B) it increases engagement (C) teachers have to use their imagina- tion (D) students must critically think about the answers 77. Students with Specific Learning Disabili- ties achieve ? (A) at a level slightly lower than their peers (B) at a level significantly lower than their peers (C) at a level significantly higher than their peers (D) none of above 78. I think cities are small towns. (A) more interesting than (B) interesting than (C) more interestinger than (D) the most interesting 79. Knowledge skills gained from experi- ence (A) test-retest reliability (B) achievement (C) reliability (D) intelligence quotient 80. Like Milgram, Adorno was (A) Islamic (B) Jewish (C) Atheist (D) Protestant 81. It is a psychomotor disorder in which the child understands the relationship and the graphic representation of sounds but has difficulties in writing. (A) specific dysgraphia (B) motor dysgraphia (C) ADHD (D) none of above 82. Known for his “Bobo Doll” Experiment (A) Ivan Pavlov (B) BF Skinner (C) Albert Bandura (D) John Watson 83. Learning strategy in which the students know about the target culture and the way to interact. (A) Metacognitive strategies (B) Affective strategies (C) Compensatory strategies (D) Social strategies 84. Which of the following types of tests is designed to measure an individual’s knowl- edge of a subject? (A) Achievement (B) Attitude (C) Aptitude (D) Projective 85. It is the standard of behavior principle of right and wrong. (A) ethics (B) morals (C) values (D) none of above 86. This word was introduced by Malcolm Knowles and it focuses on the special needs of adult learners. (A) Pedagogy (B) Adult Learning Principles (C) Andragogy (D) none of above 76. B 77. B 78. A 79. B 80. B 81. B 82. C 83. D 84. A 85. B 86. C 87. C
  • 15. 11 87. Which theory that concerns on students’ affective? (A) Behaviorism (B) Cognitivism (C) Humanistic (D) Constructivism 88. A child with has not yet adopted to what society thinks is right or wrong. (A) judgement (B) external consequences (C) preconventional morality (D) none of above 89. An organism’s automatic (or natural) reac- tion to a stimulus (A) Unconditioned response (B) Conditioned response (C) Behavior modification (D) Response chain 90. What is the complete subject in the sen- tence? The music class attended the opera. (A) music (B) The music class (C) attended the opera (D) attended 91. Which brain part is responsible for facili- tating explicit memories? (A) brain stem (B) cerebellum (C) amygdala (D) hippocampus 92. What do people face during each psychoso- cial stage that can serve as a turning point in development? (A) Challenge crisis (B) Turmoil fatigue (C) Upset dispair (D) Conflict Rage 93. The way that Gus’s brain social cues might be different than other teens’ brains, but the way he comprehends music is a big upside. (A) regress (B) deliberates (C) processes (D) maintain 94. What number fills in the blank? 5 + (7 + 6) = (5 + ) + 6 (A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 7 95. Kolb’s experiential learning cycle has stages. (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 96. Competition between brothers and/or sis- ters for parents’ affection and attention. (A) Domestic Violence (B) Stranger Anxiety (C) Separation Anxiety (D) Sibling Rivalry 97. systematic plan to achieve a learning ob- jective (A) approach (B) strategy (C) method (D) technique 98. Ratno:Mom, this is Tio, my class- mate. Rio, this is my Mother.Ratno’s mother:Nice to meet you, RioRio: (A) I am fine (B) Thank you (C) Good bye (D) Nice to meet you, too 88. C 89. A 90. B 91. D 92. A 93. C 94. D 95. D 96. D 97. C 98. D 99. A
  • 16. NARAYAN CHANGDER 12 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 99. A teacher providing positive feedback to a student who then continues to work hard is an example of (A) positive reinforcement (B) negative reinforcement (C) positive punishment (D) negative punishment 100. Problem solving is one type of cognitive activity in which we all engage. Which of the following cognitive tendencies is seen to be an obstacle to problem solving? (A) availability heuristic (B) insight (C) prototype confusion (D) confirmation bias 101. Which of the following is the least closely related animal:Gray Wolf:Canis lupusAardwolf:Proteles cristatusCoy- ote:Canis latrans (A) Coyote (B) Aardwolf (C) Gray Wolf (D) Need more information on body char- acteristics 102. In order to ensure that mating and repro- duction occurs, some animals perform (A) migration (B) courtship( mating) behavior (C) hibernation (D) have aggressive behavior 103. Which genetic factor can affect the growth of an adult carrot plant? (A) Abnormal temperatures (B) Popularity with consumers (C) Crop overcrowding (D) Resistance to cold 104. (BLANK) is knowing something exists even if it is out of sight (A) Symbolic play (B) Object permanence (C) Egocentrism (D) Animism 105. Which scenario illustrates cooperative (A) Two-and-a-half-year Lauren is build- ing a block a block while Melena assists by selecting the blocks. (B) Karlie pushed Maxie down on the play- ground. (C) Nick and Austin are playing with their toy cars side by side. (D) Kinsley played alone. 106. Dog looks for food and finds none in the outhouse (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Negative Reinforcement (C) Positive Punishment (D) Negative Punishment 107. A set of fact or principles analyzed in re- lation to one another and used to explain phenomena (a fact or behavior that can be observed)? (A) Theory (B) Fact (C) Prediction (D) none of above 108. Using an umbrella when it’s raining (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Negative Reinforcement (C) Positive Punishment (D) Negative Punishment 109. The 5 basic emotions include all of the following EXCEPT: (A) Joy (B) Sadness (C) Interest (D) Suprise 100. D 101. B 102. B 103. D 104. B 105. A 106. D 107. A 108. B 109. D 110. C
  • 17. 13 110. The focus of Mathematics learning in pri- mary classes is (A) How much Mathematics can children memorize (B) Why children learn (C) How children learn (D) What children learn 111. What word describes the peo- ple/behaviours of the same gender? (A) Ingroup (B) Outgroup (C) Mid group (D) none of above 112. Robert Sternberg’s three categories in his theory of intelligence are (A) analytic, practical, creative (B) analytic, mathematical, emotional awareness (C) musical, verbal, spatial (D) memory, reasoning, practical 113. A child who is 0-12 months old (A) Infant (B) A widdle smooshie babyyyyy (C) Preschooler (D) Toddler 114. How does technology support collabora- tion? (A) peers work together on a learning task (B) collaboration outside the classroom time (C) opportunity to explain their thinking in multi faceted ways (D) All of the above 115. The neutral stimulus always becomes what? (A) Unconditioned stimulus (B) Conditioned response (C) Conditioned stimulus (D) Unconditioned response 116. What does ASD stand for? (A) Autism Spectrum Disorder (B) Autism Spatial Disorder (C) Asperger’s Syndrome Disorder (D) Autism Syndrome Diagnosis 117. (xi) + (h+dhi) (A) -2+shi (B) 12+ (C) -35-16i2 (D) -35-16i 118. What type of sequence is this:Tn+1 = 3Tn + 5, T1 = 1 (A) Arithmetic (B) Geometric (C) Quadratic (D) None of the above 119. Simplify the expression:8(5 + 2) (A) 13 +10 (B) 40 + 16 (C) (8 + 5) 2 (D) 21 120. Which one is right in reference to Social Science at elementary level? (A) History-Geography-Political Science- Economics (B) History-Geography-Political Science- Sociology (C) History-Geography-Civics-Sociology (D) History-Geography-Economics- Sociology 121. Which of the following is NOT included as part of today’s general definition of in- telligence? (A) the ability to solve problems (B) n the ability to use knowledge to adapt to new situations (C) the ability to understand people and emotions (D) the ability to learn from experience 111. A 112. A 113. A 114. D 115. C 116. A 117. A 118. D 119. B 120. C 121. C 122. C
  • 18. NARAYAN CHANGDER 14 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 122. Who constructed the theory of multiple intelligence? (A) Alfred Binet (B) Charles Spearman (C) Howard Gardner (D) Stanford 123. Malay words such as ‘almari’ and ‘tu- ala’ were originally adopted from lan- guage. (A) japanese (B) dutch (C) portuguese (D) british 124. What modality? Discovery (A) Constructivism (B) Behaviorism (C) Cognitivism (D) Connectivism 125. is the unfamiliar treatment of individ- uals because they are members of a partic- ular group (A) emotional appeals (B) discrimination (C) recency effect (D) prejudice 126. We need peaceful somewhere (A) misordering (B) misanalysis (C) substition (D) underextension 127. How many stages of development occur in Eriksons model? (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8 128. When many people move from rural re- gions to urban regions it is called (A) Urbanization (B) counterurbanization (C) migration (D) none of above 129. Student:I have came to school late yes- terday.Teacher:not have came, with yes- terday we need to say “came”Choose the way the teacher uses to correct students mistake. (A) recast (B) metalinguistic feedback (C) explicit correction (D) clarification request 130. Each nucleotide consists of a (A) nitrogen base, 5-carbon sugar, phos- phate group (B) nitrogen base, two 5-carbon sugar, phosphate group (C) nitrogen base, 5-carbon sugar, two phosphate groups (D) two nitrogen bases, 5-carbon sugar, 2 phosphate groups 131. Which is NOT a way that variation is cre- ated in sexual reproduction/meiosis? (A) crossing over (B) independent assortment (C) random fertilization (D) alternations of generations 132. How many titles is the ADA divided into? (A) 7 (B) 5 (C) 2 (D) 9 133. Which principle do these examples ad- dress? (1) Placing text in close proximity with the graphics it refers. (2) Presenting 123. C 124. A 125. B 126. A 127. D 128. A 129. C 130. A 131. D 132. B 133. A
  • 19. 15 directions on the same screen as an activ- ity. (A) Spatial Contiguiity Principle (B) Temporal Contiguity Principle (C) Coherence Principle (D) none of above 134. The time period between childhood and adulthood that includes physical, social, emotional and mental changes is called: (A) Puberty (B) Maturity (C) Adolescence (D) Rebellion 135. Jean Piaget was a: (A) Child psychologist (B) Developmental Psychologist (C) Biologist (D) Genetic Epistemologist 136. A test which can be administered to sev- eral people simultaneously is known as (A) Power test (B) Group test (C) Individual test (D) Culture Fair test 137. What stage of Moral reasoning is the statement below indictative of? Universal Principals (A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 6 138. Refers to language data or corpuswhich is external to the mind. (A) Internal language (B) external language (C) Nativism (D) Structuralism 139. Which car safety device should be used for a child who is 8 years old and 4 feet tall? (A) Seat belt (B) Booster seat (C) Rear-facing convertible seat (D) Front-facing convertible seat 140. Values are difficult to evaluate because (A) They cannot be taught (B) They are not easily quantified (C) There is no available evaluation tool (D) Very little is known about their nature 141. After the Big Bang, was there more mat- ter or antimatter? (A) Matter (B) Antimatter (C) Neither they were equal (D) none of above 142. Which structure would be considered a male part of the plant? (A) anther (B) stigma (C) style (D) egg 143. A house is a place where one can move towards becoming his/her most capable self. They are able to be most creative in their own space and can develop future potential. This is meeting mostly what need? (A) Love Belonging (B) Esteem (C) Self-Actualization (D) Safety 144. You are advised to attend an orientation session in Maples-Marshall Hall which is the large building to your right as you en- ter campus. These directions illustrate concepts. 134. C 135. D 136. B 137. D 138. B 139. B 140. B 141. A 142. A 143. C 144. B 145. C
  • 20. NARAYAN CHANGDER 16 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY (A) protypical (B) relational (C) disjunctive (D) conjunctive 145. Taking vitamins to avoid getting sick (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Positive Punishment (C) Negative Reinforcement (D) Negative Punishment 146. raised without a cultural environment (A) me (B) Feral (C) tabula rasa (D) looking glass self 147. Who were the most believed goddesses in Maya Civilization? (A) God of moon (B) God of sun (C) God of wind (D) God of water 148. Rewarding behavior that approximates the desired behavior. (A) aversive control (B) shapinig (C) chaining (D) variable 149. A resistor’s first three color bands are brown, green and red. What is its value? (A) 2000 ohms (B) 510 ohms (C) 250 ohms (D) 1500 ohms 150. The head of an Arab tribe. (A) caravan (B) oasis (C) sheikh (D) Bedouin 151. What happens when water freezes? (A) It shrinks (B) It expands (C) It stays the same size (D) The particles move closer together 152. Being able to understand that the “right to bear arms” is not referring to an animal shows you can understand what? (A) SEMANTICS (B) SYNTAX (C) PHONEME (D) MORPHEME 153. Which of the following is a difference be- tween fungi and plants? (A) Fungi are prokaryotes, but plants are not. (B) Fungi perform photosynthesis, but plants do not. (C) Plants perform photosynthesis, but fungi do not. (D) Fungi are protists, but plants are not. 154. Individual differences are contributed by “Nature” and which one of the following? (A) Nurture (B) Natural Things (C) Numbers (D) Notions 155. Carefully selected collection of students products, and sometimes teacher observa- tions, collected over time, that reflect a student’s progress in a content area. (A) Summative assessment (B) Aptitude test (C) Portfolio (D) Analytical rubric 156. Asperger Syndrome on the spectrum (A) Low (B) Middle (C) High (D) none of above 146. B 147. A 148. B 149. D 150. C 151. B 152. A 153. C 154. A 155. C 156. B 157. A
  • 21. 17 157. What term refers to the retention of facts and experiences that one can con- sciously know and “declare? ” (A) Explicit Memory (B) Implicit Memory (C) Automatic Processing (D) Working Memory 158. Everyone has to deal with or (A) negative people, experiences (B) negative situations, emotions (C) negative emotions, experiences (D) none of the above 159. Plant development is the plants (A) progress through its lifecycle (B) ability to withstand heat (C) progress through its germination (D) ability to be diverse 160. What does SAMR stand for? (A) Substitution, Augmentation, Modifica- tion, Redefinition (B) Substituting, Abstracting, Modifica- tion, Reflection (C) I’ve never heard of that before (D) I’ve heard of it but have no clue what those letters mean 161. They are designed to assess students’ work based on specified criteria and differ- ent degrees of quality of the assignment (A) Analytical Rubrics (B) Holistic Rubrics (C) Checklists (D) Complete checklist 162. It is a test that measure real life tasks, performance and products. (A) AQRF (B) Authentic evaluation (C) Subjective test (D) None of these 163. Which tool is used in assessing students performance in scholastic area? (A) Assignment (B) Club activities (C) Projects (D) Anecdotal record 164. Which group of animals build nests to lay their hard eggs in? (A) reptiles (B) amphibians (C) fish (D) birds 165. The capacity to learn from experience, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with the environment (A) Creativity (B) Achievement (C) Intelligence (D) Reliability 166. Libby gets $20 for every A she brings home on her report card. (A) positive reinforcement (B) negative reinforcement (C) positive punishment (D) negative punishment 167. Eddie likes to drive fast, really fast. In the last week he received two speeding tickets and had to pay $250 of his own money. Eddie now obeys all traffic laws. (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Positive Punishment (C) Negative Reinforcement (D) Negative Punishment 168. To mix fast, bringing the contents to the top of the bowl and back down again. (A) combine (B) blend (C) beat (D) cream 158. C 159. A 160. A 161. A 162. B 163. D 164. D 165. C 166. A 167. C 168. C 169. C
  • 22. NARAYAN CHANGDER 18 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 169. What is NOT a step in planning summa- tive assessments? (A) Make a representative sampling. (B) Prepare an assessment blueprint or outline. (C) The font on the paper the assessment is written on. (D) Decide how many different assess- ments will be given and how long they are. 170. Mistakes are not seen as part of the process but as something that should be avoided. (A) The Silent Way (B) Desuggestopedia (C) The Grammar-Translation Method (D) none of above 171. Fading away of memory (A) Amnesia (B) Decay (C) Interference (D) Repression 172. Incorrectly estimating that the odds of two uncertain events happening together are greater than the odds of either event happening alone is known as the (A) conjunction fallacy (B) alternative outcome effect (C) gambler’s fallacy (D) base rate fallacy 173. This stage is associated with Moral rea- soning being based on the notion of a fair exchange for a fair deal. i.e If you scratch my back I will scratch yours. (A) Stage 1 (B) Stage 2 (C) Stage 3 (D) Stage 4 174. Why do we need meiosis? (A) To double the number of chromo- somes going into sex cells (B) To halve the number of chromosomes going into sex cells (C) To triple the number of chromosomes going into sex cells (D) To not change the number of chromo- somes going into sex cells 175. What device is a comparison of two things WITHOUT using like or as. (A) Hyperbole (B) Alliteration (C) Metaphor (D) Simile 176. Robert Sternberg referred to people with “school-learning” as having intel- ligence. (A) practical (B) analytical (C) naturalistic (D) visual-spatial 177. describes the 10% of the ASD pop- ulation who exhibit unique “unlearned skills”. (A) autistic savants (B) mildly autistic (C) moderately autistic (D) severely autistic 178. Dyslexia is associated with disor- der? (A) Listening (B) Speaking (C) Reading (D) Writing 179. Fear of things like loud noises appear at around what age? (A) 12 months (B) Before 1 month old (C) 9 months (D) 7 months 170. C 171. B 172. A 173. B 174. B 175. C 176. B 177. A 178. C 179. D 180. C
  • 23. 19 180. A test that is designed to show what you have already learned like most of the tests you take in school is termed: (A) Self Report (B) Aptitude (C) Achievement (D) Observational 181. Freud believed that all thoughts and ac- tions are determined by (A) the first year of life. (B) forces in the personality that are of- ten unconscious. (C) needs for love and self-esteem. (D) the drive for self-actualization 182. Maria is a talented architect. On which type of intelligence will she most heavily rely to complete her next building design? (A) linguistic (B) musical (C) spatial (D) interpersonal 183. About half of the people who take the Wechsler tests score (A) above 130 (B) below 70 (C) between 130 and 160 (D) between 90 and 110 184. A word a word that expresses a strong feeling or command is (A) Conjunction (B) Interjection (C) Preposition (D) Adverb 185. An athlete signs a contract whereby her salary increases are renegotiated every three years. This is an example of a schedule of reinforcement. (A) fixed ratio (B) fixed interval (C) variable ratio (D) variable interval 186. Leaf shape, type of fruit, and the flower color are all examples of plant characteris- tics that are (A) a part of the plant’s life cycle. (B) sources of food for animals. (C) inherited from the parent plant. (D) influenced by the environoment. 187. Which of the following may occur in Ex- pressive Language Disorder? (A) Limited amount of speech (B) Difficulty learning new words (C) Difficulty finding the right word (D) All of the above 188. The part of Sternberg’s theory that re- lates to problem-solving (A) Creative (B) Analytical (C) General (D) Practical 189. Schools should be (A) exclusive for only normal students (B) all students who can afford the school (C) for all students (D) as per the need and potential of the students 190. This happens when the existing schema (knowledge) does not work, and needs to be changed to deal with a new object or situation. (A) Assimilation (B) Equlibration (C) Accomodation (D) all of these 181. B 182. C 183. D 184. B 185. B 186. C 187. D 188. B 189. C 190. C 191. D
  • 24. NARAYAN CHANGDER 20 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 191. Which is an agent of socialization? (A) talking to your Brother or sister (B) Shopping at walmart with your friends (C) Going to school (D) All of the above 192. They can be taught by turning lessons/concepts into lyrics or rhythms. (A) Visual Spatial (B) Logical Mathematical (C) Bodily Kinesthetic (D) Musical 193. Fading away of a memory over time (A) Interference (B) Decay (C) Amnesia (D) Storage 194. name the emotional states Leo men- tioned in his talk (A) despair, love, anger, sadness (B) cant remember (C) triumph, despair, pride, shame (D) shame, pride, anger 195. What do you call the social position that a person attains through personal effort or assumes voluntarily? (A) Achieved status (B) Ascribed status (C) Master status (D) Status set 196. Being able to use the large muscles to roll over, sit, crawl, stand, and walk. (A) motor development (B) fine-motor skills (C) gross-motor skills (D) large motor skills 197. For most young people, self-esteem mid-to late adolescence. (A) rises from (B) fluctuates a great deal between (C) remains stable between (D) declines from 198. Which of the following is being acted on by an unbalanced force? (A) book at rest on a library shelf (B) tennis ball traveling at a constant ve- locity (C) toy car rolling to a stop at the bottom of a ramp (D) baseball sitting on the ground 199. A mental grouping of similar objects, ideas, events, or people. (A) Concepts (B) Prototype (C) Creativity (D) Heuristics 200. Behavior:Maeve wears a cute outfit Con- sequence:She gets lots of compliments (A) + reinforcement (B) reinforcement (C) + punishment (D) punishment 201. What are the three hypothetical sections of the human mind according to Freud’s theory of the personality? (A) The Id, The Ego, and The Super Ego (B) Walmart, Target, Kroger (C) The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit (D) The me, myself, and I 202. Sara is speeding in her car on the high- way because she is late for her morning class. She gets pulled over by the police and gets a $75 fine. (A) positive reinforcement (B) negative reinforcement (C) positive punishment (D) negative punishment 192. D 193. B 194. C 195. A 196. C 197. A 198. C 199. A 200. A 201. A 202. C 203. B
  • 25. 21 203. Which learning theory is hard to evalu- ate? (A) Behaviorist (B) Constructivist (C) Cognitivist (D) none of above 204. What communicative style is used in the following lines? A:The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.B. And she con- ceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.A. Hail Mary full of grace B. Holy Mary, mother of God (A) frozen (B) conversational (C) consultative (D) none of above 205. A customer loyalty program in which you receive a 40% off after accumulating 5, 000 points is an example of a rein- forcement schedule. (A) fixed variable (B) fixed ratio (C) variable ratio (D) variable interval 206. Which famous psychologists research demonstrated that most storage decay happens immediately and matches that of subjects memory years later. This is demonstrated in his “forgetting curve.” (A) Ebbinghaus (B) Loftus (C) Chomsky (D) Broca 207. Grammar (A) the system of rules for acceptable lan- guage (B) the smallest units of sound that carry meaning (C) the system of rules for putting words in order (D) the system of using words to create meaning 208. A person with lower than average intel- ligence who has an amazing, unusual men- tal skill is known as a (A) genius (B) savant (C) prodigy (D) freak 209. Jacob is using an existing schema to deal with a new object or situation. Which adaptation process is he using? (A) Cognition (B) Schema (C) Assimilation (D) Accommodation 210. Which subdomain listed below, best sup- ports Cognitive Development (CD)? (A) Construction of Knowledge:Thinking and Reasoning (B) Play and Imagination (C) Motor Development (D) Learning to Communicate 211. Person with Dyslexia (A) Struggles with direction (B) Struggle to make the connection be- tween the sound and the letter (C) A B (D) none of above 212. What may occur in classical conditioning once an unconditioned stimulus no longer follows a conditioned stimulus? It also may occur in operant conditioning once a response is no longer reinforced. (A) Stimulus discrimination (B) Stimulus generalization (C) Extinction (D) Acquisition 204. A 205. B 206. A 207. A 208. B 209. C 210. A 211. C 212. C 213. D
  • 26. NARAYAN CHANGDER 22 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 213. Putting the ball away when the dog brings it back (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Negative Reinforcement (C) Positive Punishment (D) Negative Punishment 214. What is Preconventional Morality? (A) Rewards (B) Disobdience (C) Expectations (D) Obedience and Punishment 215. Achievement and intelligence are the same thing. (A) True (B) False (C) In certain situations (D) none of above 216. Which part of personality represents our conscience and moral sense of right and wrong, as well as the ideal image we have of ourselves? (A) the id (B) the ego (C) the superego (D) Eros 217. Once people reach adulthood, personal- ity traits (A) become extremely unpredictable and erratic. (B) are more easily tested and measured. (C) tend to change more slowly. (D) become authoritarian and restrictive. 218. Plants often respond to light from one direction by (A) bending away from the light. (B) bending toward the light. (C) wilting. (D) None of the above. 219. The principal method of human communi- cation, consisting of words used in a struc- tured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture. (A) Language (B) Language Acquisition (C) First Language Acquisition (D) Learning 220. What is the basis of the traditional idea of intelligence, which is too limited? (A) Intelligence Quotient testing (B) Aptitude testing (C) Adversity Quotient testing (D) Emotional Quotient testing 221. The ability to control one’s own behav- ior. (A) Self-control (B) Self-concept (C) Self-esteem (D) Self-discipline 222. What age does the child develop self- confidence and self-esteem? (A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 2 223. Drama, role-playing, songs and dia- logues are techniques that are often used in the classroom. (A) Total Physical Response (B) Desuggestopedia (C) The Silent Way (D) none of above 224. gave stages of cognitive develop- ment in children. (A) Kohlberg (B) Erik Erikson (C) Jean Piaget (D) none of above 214. D 215. B 216. C 217. C 218. B 219. A 220. A 221. D 222. A 223. B 224. C 225. A
  • 27. 23 225. What is the function of the modal verb “must” in this sentence? ”You must make sure that you save all the documents in the correct folder.” (A) obligation (B) certainty (C) permission (D) none of above 226. lots of x added to 2 lots of y (A) 2x + 5y (B) 5x + 2y (C) 2y + 5x (D) none of above 227. Which of the following economies make use of export promotion? (A) United States of America (B) Philippines (C) Saudi Arabia (D) Singapore 228. What is the most influential level of the ecological systems theory? (A) Chronosystem (B) Exosystem (C) microsystem (D) macrosystem 229. Which is true about dyslexia (A) It is not caused by trauma (B) It is not caused by brain damage (C) It runs in families (D) It does not run in families 230. What is another name for cold calling (A) No hands up questioning (B) Think pair share (C) Mini whiteboard activities (D) Blooms questioning 231. What did Mead call the part of the self that is created by interacting with others; the self they want others to see? (A) role-taking self (B) the “me” (C) the “I” (D) the generalized self 232. Ruben and Jeanine often write on our white boards. (A) write (B) often (C) boards (D) none of above 233. The type of learning dependent upon con- sequences of behavior (A) Classical Conditioning (B) Observational Learning (C) Latent Learning (D) Operant Conditioning 234. Reciprocal determinism (A) Albert Bandura (B) B.F. Skinner (C) Sigmund Freud (D) Carl Rogers 235. A learning procedure in which associa- tions are made between a natural stimulus and a learned, neutral stimulus (A) Classical conditioning (B) Operant Conditioning (C) Escape conditioning (D) Avoidance conditioning 236. Replacing socially unacceptable impulses with socially acceptable behavior (A) Sublimation (B) projection (C) rationalization (D) reaction formation 226. C 227. D 228. C 229. C 230. A 231. B 232. B 233. D 234. A 235. A 236. A 237. C 238. C
  • 28. NARAYAN CHANGDER 24 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 237. I ran upstairs to my room. (A) I (B) ran (C) upstairs (D) room 238. Psychosocial stage theory of develop- ment (A) Freud (B) John Adams (C) Erik Erikson (D) Jean Piaget 239. Contingencies of reinforcement (A) Behavior theory (B) Humanistic theory (C) Psychoanalytic theory (D) Social Cognitive theory 240. The difficulty with the neurological pro- cess that is needed to write letters, words or numbers with ease corresponds to: (A) Dyslexia (B) disortography (C) dysgraphia (D) Aphasia 241. According to Erikson, the psychological conflict of the preschool years is (A) trust versus mistrust (B) initiative versus guilt. (C) industry versus inferiority. (D) autonomy versus shame. 242. Define “Self-Control.” (A) The ability to control your urges. (B) The ability to tell yourself what to do rather than someone else telling you. (C) The ability to understand who you re- ally are. (D) The ability to stick to something. 243. This student has a good ability to notice certain sounds. Which intelligence is this? (A) Logical (B) Lingustic (C) Natural (D) Musical 244. What is required for an assessment to be considered a formative assessment? (A) Data is reported (B) Data is used to influence instruction (C) Data changes curriculum mapping (D) A C 245. Forming attachments is an essential part of an infant’s (A) Social development (B) Emotional Development (C) Intellectual Development (D) Cognitive Development 246. How many lines are in this poem? (A) 14 (B) 39 (C) 45 (D) 67 247. Buying a child a video game after she throws a tantrum (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Negative Reinforcement (C) Punishment (D) none of above 248. Children with autism often struggle with (A) Feeding themselves. (B) Going to school. (C) Sudden changes to established rou- tines. (D) Working 239. A 240. C 241. B 242. A 243. D 244. B 245. B 246. B 247. B 248. C 249. B
  • 29. 25 249. An idea that represents a class, category, object, event, or activity is (A) Prototype (B) Concept (C) Logarithm (D) Heuristic 250. Organisms reproduce when they reach an adult stage. What indicates the adult stage of an evergreen tree? (A) height of 5 ft. (B) Needles (C) 3 years of growth (D) cone 251. Which part of language acquisition in- cludes a one-word response that ex- presses an idea? (A) morpheme (B) holophrase (C) phoneme (D) Whorf’s linguistics 252. learners may tap a pencil or foot while studying. (A) visual (B) auditory (C) kinesthetic (D) none of above 253. Behavioral changes of individuals of a species that allow for better survival. (Ac- quired traits) (A) Variation (B) Adaptation (C) Behavior (D) Environment 254. “Learning is an active, constructive pro- cess” Which approach does this assump- tion belong to? (A) Blended learning (B) Collaborative Learning (C) Differentiated Instruction (D) Hybrid learning 255. What are the official colors of FCCLA? (A) Red yellow (B) Red (C) Red White (D) Red, White and yellow 256. The critical period for a person ranges from (A) 2 to 7 years old (B) 5 to 18 years old (C) 5 to 12 years old (D) none of above 257. ‘Mental Block’ prevented comprehensi- ble input from being used for acquisition because of these factors EXCEPT (A) low motivation (B) high anxiety (C) social activities (D) lack of self-confidence 258. Which of the following is likely to occur after sustained sleep loss? (A) Decreased risk of obesity (B) Immune system suppression (C) Lowered blood pressure (D) none of above 259. In this stage, the child is aware of wider rules of society. At this point, a student is good because of what society says. (A) Preconventional/Premoral (B) Conventional (C) Post-Conventional (D) none of above 260. TIBA (2, 3, 5-triiodobenzoic acid func- tions as (A) a phytohormone (B) cytokinins (C) synthetic auxin (D) anti auxin 250. D 251. B 252. C 253. B 254. B 255. C 256. B 257. C 258. B 259. B 260. D 261. B
  • 30. NARAYAN CHANGDER 26 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 261. He believed children learn in social envi- ronments by observing and imitating the behavior of others. (A) Piaget (B) Bandura (C) Lave (D) Vygotsky 262. Which of the following is NOT a chemical change? (A) Burning paper (B) A rusting gate (C) Breaking glass (D) Baking a cake 263. What was Piaget’s first area of study? (A) mollusks (B) psychology (C) children (D) aviation 264. Matter is anything that has (A) solid, liquid, or gas (B) mass and volume (C) plasma (D) molecules 265. A test that is designed to show what you have already learned (Like the AP Psych Test, and most of your tests) is termed: (A) Self Report (B) Aptitude (C) Achievement (D) Observational 266. North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development contains how many domains? (A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 2 267. Getting a free smoothie after purchasing 10 on your reward card (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Negative Reinforcement (C) Punishment (D) none of above 268. (Blank)-Any Event or Stimulation that Evokes a Response (A) Response (B) Conflict (C) Reinforcement (D) Stimulus 269. This psycologist created the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (A) Howard Grande (B) Howard Grender (C) Howard Garden (D) Howard Gardner 270. What is the complete predicate? The chil- dren went laughing down the tunnel. (A) laughing (B) went laughing down the tunnel (C) children (D) tunnel 271. Which intelligence focuses on others above oneself? (A) Interpersonal (B) Intrapersonal (C) Existential (D) Naturalist 272. Complete the sentence with the coor- dinating conjunction that make sense.Eric got an A on the spelling test, he had studied hard. (A) or (B) yet (C) for (D) but 262. C 263. A 264. B 265. C 266. B 267. A 268. D 269. D 270. B 271. A 272. C 273. B
  • 31. 27 273. Natural disasters such as flooding and tornadoes are linked to (A) primary (B) secondary (C) old field (D) ecosystem 274. The surprising ease with which people form false memories best illustrates that the processes of encoding and retrieval in- volve: (A) implicit memory (B) automatic processing (C) long-term potentiation (D) memory construction 275. These are the performace assessment tools except one: (A) Essay (B) Checklist (C) Rating scale (D) Portfolio 276. In what life stage does hair begin to thin and gray, wrinkles appear, and muscles begin to lose tone? (A) Adolescence (B) Early Adulthood (C) Middle Adulthood (D) Late Adulthood 277. According to Gilligan, there is an em- pirical association of reasoning with that suggests discrepancies between moral theory and the moral judgments. (A) justice; men (B) justice; women (C) care; men (D) care; women 278. Which of the following marks a con- ducive environment? (A) Excessive praise (B) Individual competition (C) Long assignments (D) Cooperative learning 279. If, as a teacher, you set clear learning objectives and design repetitive practices, what theory of learning is evident? (A) cognitivism (B) behaviourism (C) constructivism (D) social constructivism 280. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development is based in part on whose ideas? (A) Arisotle (B) Dewey (C) Piaget (D) Wright 281. The idea that language shapes our view of the world is the Hypothesis (A) Sapir-Whorf (B) Sapir-Benjamin (C) Edward-Whorf (D) none of above 282. What was NOT. a category the subjects in the study were divided into? (A) Creative (B) Practical (C) Analytical (D) Symmetrical 283. These are how digital tools help teacher, except (A) Teachers can curate the materials at their space (B) Teachers can help students be more independent (C) Teachers can use technology to give feedback and assessment (D) Teachers can provide personalized feedback 274. D 275. A 276. C 277. D 278. D 279. B 280. C 281. A 282. D 283. A 284. D
  • 32. NARAYAN CHANGDER 28 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 284. In this stage people develop the ability to think about abstract concepts, and logi- cally test hypotheses. (A) Sensory-motor stage (B) Preoperational stage (C) Concrete operational (D) Formal operational stage 285. When your friends were fighting, you avoided them for a few days to let them cool down. Lately, they’ve begun fighting again so you decide to avoid them again. What mental process is occurring? (A) Mental Set (B) Cognition (C) Functional Fixedness (D) Fixation 286. What is the best written dependent vari- able for this hypothesis:”If I add salt to the plant, then it will grow taller.” (A) grow taller (B) rate of growth (C) amount of salt (D) add salt 287. Old pattern of problem solving is applied to a new problem. It predisposes how we think (A) mental set (B) confirmation bias (C) functional fixedness (D) prototype 288. Receiving 15 minutes Youtube time after finishing reading every two chapters of a novel is an example of a schedule of reinforcement. (A) fixed ratio (B) fixed interval (C) variable ratio (D) variable interval 289. This multiple choice question is an exam- ple of what kind of retrieval process? (A) recall (B) recognition (C) reiteration (D) relearning 290. Victor joins a new variety of pecan tree to some rootstock he has grown from seeds. Which propagation method does he use? (A) grafting (B) hardwood cuttings (C) layering (D) softwood cuttings 291. Gardner proposes that humans have mul- tiple intelligences that are relatively inde- pendent of one another. Which of the fol- lowing is one of the intelligences? (A) g factor (B) common sense intelligence (C) intrapersonal intelligence (D) fluid intelligence 292. According to Sigmund Freud, what causes repression? (A) disturbing memories (B) physical injuries (C) interference (D) decay 293. When a parent cell divides, the products are called: (A) cousin cells (B) son cells (C) daughter cells (D) mother cells 294. I am currently in the conventional stage.I am making this quizizz because (A) I want you guys to learn the moral de- velopment stages and think it is extremely important. 285. A 286. B 287. A 288. A 289. B 290. A 291. C 292. A 293. C 294. B
  • 33. 29 (B) I want to impress my teacher to get a good grade. (C) I want to not get punished by my teacher. (D) I don’t care. 295. After just being introduced to another guest in the party, Tom cannot remember the name of the guest he was introduced to. In what memory stage was the infor- mation stored in? (A) Episodic memory (B) Semantic memory (C) Sensory memory (D) Working memory 296. A child in the pre-conventional level of Kohlberg’s theory answers moral dilem- mas by focusing on what? (A) Reward and punishments (B) Power of authority (C) Personal ethics (D) Right and wrong 297. Amount of salt found in water (A) Photic Zone (B) Gulf Stream (C) Photosynthesis (D) Salinity 298. encoding that requires attention and con- scious effort. (A) effortful processing (B) relearning (C) anterograde amnesia (D) none of above 299. Bruner was similar to Vygotsky, he stressed (A) The world of education and isolation (B) The world of math and science (C) the world of images and isolation (D) the world of language and interper- sonal communication 300. Which of the following is INCORRECT about formative assessment? (A) Formative assessment is used for grading learners. (B) Formative assessment can be sponta- neous. (C) Formative assessments provide feed- back for learners (D) Formative assessments provide feed- back for the teacher 301. Language learning for personal growth and cultural enrichment is called: (A) Positive motivation (B) Instrumental motivation (C) Integrative motivation (D) none of above 302. An employee exhibits bad behavior at work and the boss criticizes him (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Negative Reinforcement (C) Positive Punishment (D) Negative Punishment 303. Jimmy used and kept his eye on the ball like coach told him to. This allowed him to catch it. (A) Development Delay (B) Visual-motor coordination (C) Conservation (D) Hand-eye coordination 304. Which category does the age group 1-6 belong to? (A) symbolic (B) iconic (C) tactile (D) enactive 305. Which hormone that helps cell divisions and elongation (A) Auxin (B) Gibberellin (C) Cytokinin (D) Ethylene 295. C 296. A 297. D 298. A 299. D 300. A 301. C 302. C 303. D 304. B 305. C 306. A
  • 34. NARAYAN CHANGDER 30 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 306. Which psychologist conducted attach- ment studies with infant rhesus mon- keys? (A) Harry Harlow (B) Jean Piaget (C) Mary Ainsworth (D) John Watson 307. Karen sees someone from her home state win the lottery on TV. She starts to believe she has a better chance of winning than she actually does. (A) Availability Heuristic (B) Representativeness Heuristic (C) Framing (D) Belief Bias 308. Which of the following has a tendency to be the hardest, least effective way to learn something? (A) Using spaced practice. (B) Using shallow processing. (C) Using elaborative rehearsal (D) Using deep processing. 309. Charlie gets paid on the 15th of every month. He is reinforced on a schedule (A) fixed ratio (B) fixed interval (C) variable interval (D) variable ratio 310. the process of learning the rules of be- havior of the culture within which an indi- vidual is born and will live is called (A) Authoritarian (B) Stranger Situation (C) Socialization (D) Imprinting 311. What are the treatments for dyslexia? (A) Medicine only given by doctors (B) Therapy (C) Going to a special school (D) There is not a treatment 312. Semantics (A) the system of rules for putting words in order (B) the smallest units of sound that carry meaning (C) the smallest units of sound that make up language (D) the system of using words to create meaning 313. Unlike operant conditioning, what does classical conditioning involve? (A) stimulus generalisation (B) stimulus discrimination (C) voluntary responses (D) reflexive responses 314. Observations and questioning is under what type of assessment? (A) Formative Assessment (B) Summative Assessment (C) Authentic Assessment (D) None of the Above 315. is when a toy is felt but not remem- bered, pictured, or imagined. (A) Schema (B) Object Permanence (C) Conservation (D) Assimilation 316. Which of the following is a category of savant syndrome? (A) Splinter skill (B) Talented (C) Prodigious (D) All of the above 317. Willingness to continue to grow and chal- lenge yourself is an example of (A) Self Actualization (B) Safety (C) Love and Belonging (D) Self Esteem 307. A 308. B 309. B 310. C 311. D 312. D 313. D 314. A 315. B 316. D 317. A 318. C
  • 35. 31 318. Gas expands to fit (A) the air (B) the volume (C) the shape and fill the volume of its container (D) the walls of the container 319. Getting a piece of candy after getting an answer correct in class is an example of: (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Negative Reinforcement (C) Positive Punishment (D) Negative Punishment 320. How many levels do Maslow mentioned in this theory (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 7 (D) 5 321. Which method of problem solving is fast but not too accurate (A) Algorithim (B) Trial and error (C) Schema (D) Heuristic 322. The extent to which a test measures or predicts what its supposed to do. (A) Reliability (B) Concept (C) Prototype (D) Validity 323. Simplify the expression11(9 + 1) (A) 99 +11 (B) 21 (C) 20 +1 (D) None of these 324. What is Vicarious learning? (A) Learned by observing others (B) Observing others and following their behaviors (C) Mimicking what others are doing (D) Ability to control impulses and delay short term gratification for long term re- ward 325. The computer analogy essentially de- scribes the human mind as coding informa- tion, storing information, using informa- tion and (A) modifying information (B) adapting information (C) producing output (D) receiving information 326. Who would be the best norm group for the ACT or SAT college-entrance tests? (A) lawyers (B) high school seniors (C) college graduates (D) college sophomores 327. To Piaget cognitive development was a progressive reorganization of mental pro- cess as a result of? (A) Radioactive waste (B) Biological maturation and environ- mental maturation. (C) Nurture as the child development. (D) none of above 328. What is Kohlberg’s first name? (A) Lawrence (B) Paul (C) Kevin (D) Lev 329. Remembering how to perform actions is an example of: (A) Episodic memory (B) Procedural memory (C) Semantic memory (D) Declarative memory 319. A 320. D 321. D 322. D 323. A 324. A 325. C 326. B 327. B 328. A 329. B 330. C
  • 36. NARAYAN CHANGDER 32 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 330. A child should be able to do certain things before entering kindergarten and these are known as kindergarten (A) Dexterity Developments (B) Seriation Skills (C) Readiness Skills (D) Standards for Success 331. With both colic and reflux, a baby (A) has food rising in the throat (B) has gas collecting in the stomach (C) cries and can’t be comforted (D) has the worst symptoms at six weeks old 332. What instructional method does NOT work for students with dyslexia? (A) repeating directions (B) using graphic organizers (C) only using words for directions (D) using verbal and visual information 333. What did Mead call the part of the self that is internal; the secret self? (A) the role-taking self (B) the “me” (C) the “I” (D) the generalized self 334. relying too much on our past experiences to interpret the wold around you (A) Availability Heuristic (B) Representativeness Heuristic (C) Anchoring Heuristic (D) Algorithmic heuristic 335. What is the purpose of a reinforcement? (A) To strengthen a behavior. (B) To decrease a behavior. (C) To keep an equal amount of strength- ening and decreasing. (D) To stop a behavior entirely. 336. In which method the teacher uses non- verbal language (a nod or head shake) to show if something is right or wrong? (A) TPR (B) The Silent Way (C) The Direct Method (D) Audio-Lingual method 337. Who is NOT one of Kohlberg’s Influ- ences? (A) Jean Piaget (B) William C Crain (C) James M. Baldwin (D) John Dewy 338. Social-emotional development indicates how preschool children acquire the social skills, self-awareness, and personal qual- ities that are with learning in a class- room. (A) irrelevant (B) inter-connected (C) different (D) none of above 339. Our schema is formed based on (A) our life experiences (B) what we learn in school (C) our IQ score (D) our personality 340. Psychological tests must have two char- acteristics and they are: (A) validity and reliability (B) correlation and validity (C) reliability and foundation (D) reliability and correlation 341. Moses and the parting of the Red Sea is a traditional Judeo-Christian story or an inherited idea passed down from genera- tions, this is known as a: (A) Psychoanalysis (B) Archetype (C) Collective Unconscious (D) Both A and C 331. C 332. C 333. C 334. B 335. A 336. B 337. B 338. B 339. A 340. A 341. B 342. C
  • 37. 33 342. A way to meet an infant’s safety needs is to (A) feed him (B) show affection to him (C) swaddle him (D) ignore his cry 343. One of the last tests that was done on Genie measured parts of her brain.Scientists were shocked that: (A) her brain activity was so unbalanced (B) her brain was growing (C) the size of her temporal lobe had ac- tually grown 1/3 in size (D) her frontal lobe had grown 1/3 in size 344. Naturalistic intelligence means you do well with (A) animals, plants, and nature (B) singing and dancing (C) numbers and calculations (D) running and swimming 345. Which principle is exemplified by the use of learning menus? (A) Just-in-time direct instruction (B) Choice and voice (C) Co-planning learning (D) Choice for demonstrating learning 346. When teachers call on students to raise their hands and give an answer, they are using a schedule of reinforcement. (A) fixed-ratio (B) fixed-interval (C) variable-interval (D) variable-ratio 347. Which one of these is not a benefit of networking? (A) Learning about new opportunities (B) Getting advice from other profession- als (C) Surrounding yourself with unmoti- vated people (D) Receiving and sharing ideas 348. The most common cause of severe intel- lectual and emotional impairment in older individuals is (A) poor attention (B) Alzheimer’s disease (C) loss of memory (D) cancer 349. Three-year-old Anna’s parents consis- tently praise her when she learns new skills. According to Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, this praise will help Anna to learn (A) doubt. (B) timidness (C) shame (D) independence 350. It’s important to dress appropriately for work and have good personal hygiene in- cluding brushing teeth, wearing deodorant (but not strong perfume or cologne) and having neat hair. (A) AppearanceAppearance (B) Attendance (C) Attitude (D) Respect 351. It is an evaluation tool or set of guide- lines used to promote the consistent ap- plication of learning expectations, learn- ing objectives, or learning standards in the classroom. (A) Authentic Assessment (B) Rubric (C) Learning Competencies (D) Checklist 352. What does Vygotsky focus on his the- ory? (A) families 343. A 344. A 345. B 346. D 347. C 348. B 349. D 350. A 351. B 352. D 353. B
  • 38. NARAYAN CHANGDER 34 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY (B) environment at school (C) culture (D) society 353. Excusing you from a homework assign- ment for having perfect attendance (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Negative Reinforcement (C) Punishment (D) none of above 354. Founder of Emotional Intelligence The- ory (A) Binet (B) Goleman (C) Gardner (D) Spearman 355. Which of these is not one of Halliday’s functions of language? (A) Heuristic (B) Interactional (C) Imaginative (D) Transactional 356. In an experiential classroom, the teacher facilitates learning by providing a learning environment that (A) Is strict (B) Promotes hands on learning (C) Discourages participation (D) Encourages traditional learning 357. Which statement accurately summarizes Vygotsky’s thinking on cognitive develop- ment? (A) Learning occurs via watching others (B) Learning occurs via self-isolation (C) Much learning occurs via social inter- action (D) Learning occurs by playing 358. The concrete operational stage is (A) birth to 2 years (B) 2 to 7 years (C) 7 to 12 years (D) 12+ years 359. What affective assessment tool can be used to diagnose emotional or intellectual state after the instruction? (A) Self-report Questionnaire or Inver- tory (B) Semantic differential scale (C) Students Journal (D) Observation 360. Greta comes home over 2 hours late. She is grounded by her parents and not al- lowed to use the car for two weeks. (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Positive Punishment (C) Negative Reinforcement (D) Negative Punishment 361. wealthy entrepreneurs who risk their own money by investing in small to medium-sized businesses (A) small business grants (B) Crowdfunding (C) Capital (D) Business Angels 362. Which of the following terms means way of life? (A) society (B) culture (C) taboo (D) sanction 363. When intelligence scores are graphed, they should create (A) an increasing slope (B) a normal bell curve (C) an equilateral figure (D) a negative correlation 354. B 355. D 356. B 357. C 358. C 359. A 360. D 361. D 362. B 363. B 364. A
  • 39. 35 364. Fill in the blank. According to a NASA study, between 2000 and 2009, plant growth in the southern hemisphere be- cause of climate change. (A) fell (B) increased (C) stayed the same (D) was not measured 365. Id Ego Superego (A) Sigmund Freud (B) Abraham Maslow (C) Julian Rotter (D) John Watson 366. What are the three examples given in the video that need to be focused on by the teacher in order to balance his class? (A) humor, provide break, take it seri- ously (B) jokes, recess, take it easy (C) give breaks, humor, take it easy (D) take it easy, break and be serious 367. Development of language, memory, and imagination. Intelligence is both egocen- tric and intuitive. (A) Sensorimotor (B) Preoperational (C) Concrete operational (D) Formal operational 368. What is the teacher’s main role in CLT? (A) A negotiator (between himself, the learning processes, and the object of learning) (B) A facilitator and monitor, rather than leading the class (C) A facilitator and negotiator who leads the class (D) A negotiator and a monitor of the class 369. We had to put specific rocks into groups in our science class yesterday. (A) Classification (B) Executive strategies (C) Transitivity (D) Seriation 370. Positive reinforcement is part of (A) Piaget’s theory (B) Krashen’s theory (C) Skinner’s theory (D) none of above 371. Which are solids? (A) glue, milk, and juice (B) air, helium, and steam (C) a rubber ball, smoke, and soda (D) a computer, a tree, and a chair 372. When a child reaches a vocabulary of about 200-250 words they begin combin- ing words into sentences composed of two or three high content words (A) Interactionistic (B) Referential (C) Telegraphic (D) Expressive 373. How many years was Malaya Peninsula being occupied with foreign powers? (A) 500 years (B) 446 years (C) 510 years (D) 430 years 374. Which of the following is another word for reliability? (A) Validity (B) Consistency (C) Standardized (D) Relevance 365. A 366. C 367. B 368. B 369. A 370. C 371. D 372. C 373. B 374. B 375. D
  • 40. NARAYAN CHANGDER 36 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 375. A self-reliant child is most likely to have been raised by (A) authoritarian parents (B) permissive parents (C) indulgent parents (D) authoritative parents 376. When does “pretend play” usually ap- pear? (A) By about age 6 months (B) By about 9 months (C) By 12 to 18 months of age (D) Sometime early in the second year 377. According to the commutative property of addition, 2 + 5 equals: (A) 6 + 1 (B) 3 + 4 (C) 5 +2 (D) 4 + 3 378. When a cell is changing with age/going from a single cell to multicellular, what is it called? (A) Interphase (B) Mitosis (C) Development (D) Mutation 379. In this stage, individuals apply abstract notions of justice, and consider the alter- natives. (A) Preconventional (B) Conventional (C) Post-Conventional (D) none of above 380. Which word does not belong? (A) cat (B) dog (C) pig (D) lamb 381. Teachers need to provide guides and ex- plicit instruction in the principles that are to be learned. This approach is called (A) Imperfect Metacognition (B) Discovery Learning (C) Self-Regulated Learning (D) Goldilocks Principle 382. Attachment style when a child shows dis- tress when the caregiver is gone and wel- comes her back (A) Avoidant (B) Disorganized (C) Resistant (D) Secure 383. In what stage can children think about more than two things at once and also have the ability to think about how time changes things? (A) Sensorimotor stage (B) Pre-operational stage (C) Concrete operational stage (D) Formal operational stage 384. “I answer the activities honestly even if there’s no one looking.” (A) Growth (B) Integrity (C) Ownership (D) Mindfulness 385. Formative assessment happens (A) at the beginning of the unit (B) while learners are working in their unit (C) at the end of the unit (D) none of above 386. Single words memorized phrases (A) Novice Low (B) Novice Mid (C) Novice High (D) Intermediate Low 376. D 377. C 378. C 379. C 380. D 381. B 382. D 383. D 384. B 385. B 386. A 387. B
  • 41. 37 387. a strength of vygotsky is that he ac- knowledges the role of in learning (A) observation (B) language (C) support (D) adults 388. Experiential education encourages? (A) Making many scientific experiments (B) Trying out if school is for you! (C) A teacher and student that infuses di- rect experience with the learning environ- ment and content (D) none of above 389. He believed that parents are the primary educators of their children and that chil- dren learn through experiences. (A) Freud (B) Piaget (C) Vygotsky (D) Locke 390. What percentage of scores falls between 70 and 130 in a normal distribution? (A) 50% (B) 68% (C) 95% (D) 99% 391. Which type of force(s) will cause a change in an object’s motion? (A) equal forces (B) zero net force (C) balanced forces (D) unbalanced forces 392. Founder of Islam. (A) Abraham (B) Buddha (C) Muhammad (D) Jesus 393. The element is found in all of the or- ganic compounds. (A) Iron (B) Nitrogen (C) Carbon (D) Oxygen 394. George plays the guitar, piano and flute, what multiple intelligence does George have? (A) Logical-mathematical (B) Naturalistic (C) Musical (D) Intrapersonal 395. The misinformation effect provides evi- dence that memory (A) is constructed during encoding (B) is unchanging once established (C) may be reconstructed during recall according to how questions are framed (D) is highly resistant to misleading infor- mation 396. If a person has a skill of understand- ing the motives, feeling and behaviour of other people, he/ she is said to have: (A) intrapersonal intelligence (B) Interpersonal intelligence (C) linguistic intelligence (D) Social intelligence 397. Receiving medial care for illness or injury is under what level of Maslow’s Hierar- chy? (A) Love and affection (B) Physiological (C) Esteem (D) Safety 398. I take my vitamins every day to avoid getting sick (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Positive Punishment (C) Negative Reinforcement (D) Negative Punishment 388. C 389. D 390. C 391. D 392. C 393. C 394. C 395. C 396. B 397. B 398. C 399. B
  • 42. NARAYAN CHANGDER 38 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 399. After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Borillo gave a short quiz to find out how well students have understood the lesson. What type of assessment was done? (A) Summative Assessment (B) Formative Assessment (C) Diagnostic Assessment (D) Placement Assessment 400. Hybrids (A) are chocolate and cheese (B) are always plants (C) are always animals (D) don’t always have to be animals 401. It is the teaching about language use and its structure so that the student can speak the target language. (A) Language acquisition (B) grammatical competence (C) Language learning (D) none of above 402. Define “self-motivation.” (A) The ability to tell yourself what to do rather than someone else telling you. (B) The ability to stick to something. (C) The ability to feel what others feel. (D) Being positive in the face of adversity. 403. Schema theory is most clearly associated with the work of (A) Jean Piaget (B) Lev Vygotsky (C) William James (D) none of above 404. Word Blindness or dyslexia was a term first coined in which year? (A) 1789 (B) 1910 (C) 1877 (D) 1752 405. Who developed a model of 4 stages of cognitive development (A) Donald Trump (B) Mr. Testa (C) Justin Beeber (D) Jean Piajet 406. Which method places food on top of a rack inside a pan that allows for air cir- culation? (A) Roasting (B) Frying (C) Sauteing (D) Broiling 407. year olds generally cannot adjust a weight balance by re-positioning (A) true (B) yeah dude that is probably irrelevant (C) false (D) none of above 408. Formal Operation Stage covers what age? (A) 0-2 age (B) 8-11 age (C) 3-7 age (D) none of above 409. Who is the psychologist known for Clas- sical Conditioning (A) Ivan Pavlov (B) Sigmund Freud (C) Skinner (D) E.L Thorndike 410. Researchers taught the chimpanzee Washoe and the gorilla Koko to commu- nicate by using: (A) Various sounds (B) Plastic symbols of various shapes and colors (C) Sign language (D) All of the above 400. D 401. C 402. A 403. A 404. C 405. D 406. A 407. A 408. C 409. A 410. C 411. C
  • 43. 39 411. Which among the following is not a co- teaching method? (A) Interactive Teaching (B) Alternative Teaching (C) Horizontal Teaching (D) Station Teaching 412. Connecting new information to old infor- mation is known as (A) retrieval (B) maintenance rehearsal (C) elaborative rehearsal (D) information processing 413. Knowledge and manners are (A) not important in research labs (B) learned behaviors (C) learned and inherited (D) inherited traits 414. Which language skills develop first? (A) There is no standard progression. (B) Listening and Speaking (C) Reading and Writing (D) Listening must develop first 415. How do certain frogs increase their chances of mating in the springtime? (A) prepare for metamorphosis (B) engage in binary fission (C) make loud noises (D) frighten potential predators 416. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS SHOULD HAVE INSTRUCTIONS. (A) CLEAR (B) FLEXIBLE (C) VAGUE (D) DIFFICULT 417. Teachers who teach children with ADHD can provide material, but can also mon- itor learning progress and provide rein- forcement during learning with learning models (A) Station teaching (B) Parallel teaching (C) One teach, one drift (D) Alternative teaching 418. Using the the acronym Roy G. Biv to studying the colors of the rainbow. This is a good example of (A) Heuristic (B) Algorithm (C) Encoding (D) Short Term Memory 419. The ability to understand that a simple change in the shape of an object does not change its amount. (A) conservation (B) transitivity (C) dexterity (D) seriation 420. An effective way to communicate with children with autism is (A) Using idioms, metaphors, and figures of speech (B) Using a series of questions (C) Using simple sentences and pictures (D) Using long, detailed sentences 421. When shaping a behavior, you would couple a treat with, “good dog” to get your pet to sit. The “good dog” is con- sidered (A) Negative Reinforcement (B) Primary Reinforcer (C) Secondary Reinforcer (D) none of above 422. In a positively skewed distribution, the students are? (A) Very good (B) Very poor (C) Average (D) Normally distributed 412. C 413. B 414. B 415. C 416. A 417. C 418. A 419. A 420. C 421. C 422. B 423. A
  • 44. NARAYAN CHANGDER 40 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 423. According to Vygotsky, language has two functions during development: in- terpsychic and intrapsychic. They are re- lated respectively to the following as- pects: (A) social and cognitive (B) cognitive and interactional (C) interactive and communicative (D) communicative and social 424. People high in analytical intelligence are (A) Stronginusing, implementing, andap- plying ideas and products (B) Strong in discovering, creating and in- venting ideas and products (C) Strong in analyzing, evaluating and critiquing ideas and products (D) none of above 425. What hurricane occurred in Texas in 1900? (A) the great galveston hurricane (B) katrina hurricane (C) alpha hurricane (D) none of above 426. What does ZPD stand for? (A) Zero Population Diversity (B) Zone of Proximal Development (C) Zone of Psychological Development (D) none of above 427. The simple, single-celled organisms that live in your intestines are classified in the domain (A) Protista (B) Bacteria (C) Archaea (D) Eukarya 428. WHAT IS THE BEST FORMATIVE ASSESS- MENT TOOL IN READING? (A) a paper (B) checklist (C) mid-term exams (D) final project 429. Suppose x varies directly y3 as and in- versely as Z2 . If y is halved and z is dou- bled, what happens to x? (A) 1 2 as large (B) 1 8 as large (C) 1 16 as large (D) 1 32 as large 430. The cognitive ability gained during the sensorimotor stage of Piaget’s theory is: (A) Conservation (B) Object Permanence (C) Centration (D) Irreversibility 431. Who created the Multiple Intelligence Theory? (A) Albert Einstein (B) Howard Gardner (C) Abraham Maslow (D) none of above 432. The belief that intelligence increases with every generation (A) Standardization of Intelligence (B) Flynn Effect (C) Phi-Phenomenon (D) Triarchic Theory of Intelligence 433. Why might boys and girls show gender- stereotyped toy and activity prefer- ences? (A) There are possible biological factors (B) Parents may encourage this through toy purchases and actions (C) These differences are role-modeled through television and other media (D) All of the above 424. C 425. A 426. B 427. B 428. B 429. D 430. B 431. B 432. B 433. D 434. D
  • 45. 41 434. When using the muffin method, your fat should be in what form? (A) solid (B) Crisco shortening (C) cold butter (D) liquid 435. Vertebrates that spend part of their lives in water and part of their lives on land (A) Mollusk (B) Amphibians (C) Mammals (D) Fish 436. A disadvantage of using Alfred Binet’s concept of mental age in assessing intelli- gence is that (A) it isinappropriate for adults (B) itsnorms are no longer appropriate (C) ithas a gender bias (D) itproduces unreliable test results among rural children 437. The reinforcer, such as food, that gets the organism to continue a behavior is called (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Primary Reinforcer (C) Secondary Reinforcer (D) Classical Conditioning 438. Which Kingdom is referring to “old” bac- teria? (A) Eubacteria (B) Archeabacteria (C) Fungi (D) Plantae 439. Believed that both biological develop- ment and cultural experience influenced children’s ability to think and learn (A) Abraham Maslow (B) Lev Vygotsky (C) Maria Montessori (D) Erik Erikson 440. Which theorist used a rat in a box to study their theory? (A) Erik Erikson (B) B. F. Skinner (C) Albert Bandura (D) Lev Vygotsky 441. A recipe for a chemical substance is called a (A) coefficent (B) chemical formula (C) Oxygen (D) atom 442. When does Turiel born? (A) 1998 (B) 1938 (C) 1994 (D) none of above 443. It refers to the stage of life that the per- son is in regarding the situations they’re going through. (A) Exosystem (B) Chronosystem (C) Mesosystem (D) Macrosystem 444. The concept of “conditioning” is best de- scribed as the process of (A) learning associations. (B) discrimination. (C) generalization. (D) voluntary behavior. 445. Put the following stages of mitosis in or- der:anaphase, prophase, metaphase, and telophase. (A) prophase, metaphase, telophase, anaphase (B) prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase (C) prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase (D) prophase, telophase, metaphase, anaphase 435. B 436. A 437. B 438. B 439. B 440. B 441. B 442. B 443. B 444. A 445. C
  • 46. NARAYAN CHANGDER 42 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 446. When 2-year old Matthew was told he would get no dessert until he finished the food on his plate, he threw his plate on the floor in a temper tantrum. Freud would have suggested that Matthew was unable to resist the demands of his (A) id. (B) ego. (C) superego. (D) none of above 447. Which theoriest originally argued against a g factor or general intelligence but couldn’t find reliable evidence to shoot the theory down? (A) Spearman (B) Thurstone (C) Gardner (D) Sternberg 448. Stage 4 1/2 people are (A) fake (B) both (C) neither (D) often marked by uncritical cynicism (”All politicians are crooks nothing really matters anyway”), disillusionment and alienation. 449. Which one(s) is/are redifferentiated cell(s)? (A) Cork (B) Secondary cortex (C) Both (D) None 450. Which of the following is NOT a myth about what causes ADHD? (A) Improper parenting style (B) Spending too much time with gadgets (C) Too much sugar intake (D) Meditate too much 451. According to the PowerPoint, sometimes children use as a coping strategy, es- pecially when they are uncomfortable. (A) denial (B) humor (C) repression (D) rationalization 452. A trait that is expressed over other traits. (A) Recessive (B) Co-dominant (C) Incomplete Dominant (D) Dominant 453. A divide separates (A) continents (B) oceans (C) tributaries (D) watersheds 454. Employee is habitually late for work so he loses the privilege to listen to music at work (A) Positive Reinforcement (B) Negative Reinforcement (C) Positive Punishment (D) Negative Punishment 455. This is another name for the life lesson or moral of a poem-what the poem is mostly about. (A) rule (B) theme (C) idea (D) consequence 456. What do critics say about Gardner’s nine intelligences? (A) there are too many of them (B) some are not intelligences but in- stead talents (C) they can be combined into fewer (D) they are the same as Thurstone’s 446. A 447. B 448. D 449. C 450. D 451. B 452. D 453. D 454. D 455. B 456. B 457. C
  • 47. 43 457. The main cause of ADHD is (A) Consumption of alcohol during preg- nancy (B) The baby’s birth weight is low (C) Genetics (D) Premature birth 458. The “terrible twos” occur during this life stage. (A) Infancy (B) Early Childhood (C) Late Childhood (preadolescence) (D) Adolescence 459. During this stage children do the right thing to make themselves and others happy. (A) pre conventional (B) conventional (C) post conventional (D) none of above 460. Which is not an example of psychological skills training? (A) Self-talk (B) imagery/visualization (C) relaxation/arousal regulation (D) off season strength training 461. Response cost is also known as (A) Negative punishment (B) Positive punishment (C) Positive reinforcement (D) Negative reinforcement 462. Isotopes of a given element have (A) a different atomic number and the same mass number (B) the same atomic number and a differ- ent mass number (C) the same atomic number and the same mass number (D) a different atomic number and a dif- ferent mass number 463. Individuals differences in IQ help us pre- dict (A) when someone will learn a new skill. (B) how quickly someone will learn a new skill. (C) what kind of skill someone will learn. (D) if someone will relearn a new skill. 464. Sam is 12 years old, what life stage is he at? (A) Infancy (B) Adolecence (C) Early Childhood (D) Early Adulthood 465. What is the main organization and orien- tation of science and social studies reading materials? (A) Expository (B) Descriptive (C) Narrative (D) Argumentative 466. All of the following persons would use intelligence test in practice except? (A) Teachers (B) Clinicians (C) veterinarian (D) psychologist 467. The characteristics of children with ADHD who are included in the inattention category are as follows, except (A) It often appears as though they are not listening (B) Often difficult to follow instructions (C) Often loses personal belongings (D) Looks not easily tired 468. The id (A) a developmental period that leaves its mark on adult personality (B) the moral component of personality 458. B 459. B 460. D 461. A 462. B 463. B 464. B 465. A 466. C 467. D 468. D
  • 48. NARAYAN CHANGDER 44 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY (C) the decision-making component of personality (D) the primitive, animalistic component of personality 469. Balance with the environment is known as (A) growth (B) decline (C) instability (D) equilibrium 470. What is a process? (A) A complex phenomenon (B) A sequence of steps (C) A sudden event (D) none of above 471. What is the most important development at the Preoperational stage? (A) language (B) shapes (C) problem-solving skills (D) reasoning 472. Recalling the fact the Abraham Lincoln was the president of the United States dur- ing the Civil War is an example of (A) procedural memory (B) implicit memory (C) semantic memory (D) episodic memory 473. Which stage of the human life cycle fol- lows the foetus? (A) Childhood. (B) Baby. (C) Old age. (D) none of above 474. Which of the following is a characteris- tic of a disadvantage of Sexual Reproduc- tion? (A) diverse offspring (B) identical to parent (C) time and energy (D) adaptability 475. What is Ethics? (A) Change in ones body size (B) Relationships (C) A set of moral principles (D) none of above 476. What is the hypotenuse if two sides are 6 and 8? (A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) not enough information 477. Which evaluation procedure was dis- carded in this theory? (A) Finite state grammars (B) Infinite state grammars (C) Phrase structure grammars (D) transformational grammars 478. Understanding that ice can melt and change into water demonstrates (A) Irreversability (B) Transformation (C) Abstract thinking (D) Metamorphic thinking 479. Adolescense refers to (A) ages 1-6 (B) ages 6-12 (C) ages 9-18 (D) ages 18-40 480. Which one of the following disorder is re- lated to language comprehension? (A) Apraxia (B) Dyscalculia (C) Dyslexia (D) Aphasia 469. D 470. B 471. A 472. C 473. B 474. C 475. C 476. A 477. A 478. B 479. C 480. D 481. D
  • 49. 45 481. The ability to recall the last items in a series is called (A) sensory memory. (B) visual codes. (C) hypnosis. (D) recency effect. 482. Humanistic principles have important im- plications for education. According to this approach, the focus of education is (A) teaching (B) learning (C) training (D) instruction 483. Robert was in an auto accident and now has difficulty remembering anything new. He can remember everything prior to his accident, but nothing since it. His doctors suspect that his has been damaged. (A) hippocampus (B) cerebral cortex (C) thalamus (D) amygdala 484. According to Freud, Which of the follow- ing can help us understand the unconscious mind, root out repressed feelings and gain self-insight? (A) Dreams (B) conscious thoughts (C) surroundings (D) none of above 485. creates a link between voluntary behavior and consequences (this is ac- complished through punishments and re- wards). (A) classical conditioning (B) operant/intsrumental conditioning (C) sequential exposure (D) cognitive behavioral therapy 486. When instances come readily to mind, we often presume such events are com- mon. What of the following is the term for this phenomenon? (A) Intuition insight (B) Confirmation bias (C) Belief perserverance (D) Availability heurisitic 487. What stage of Piaget’s Theory of cog- nitive development is the concrete opera- tional stage? (A) 1st (B) 2nd (C) 3rd (D) 4th 488. What construct from Sternbergvs tri- archic theory of intellingence include the ability to find the best fit between the in- dividual and the environment? (A) creative (B) practical (C) linguistic (D) incremental 489. It is the moral principle of the Freudian personality structure. (A) ID (B) EGO IDEAL (C) CONSCIOUS (D) SUPEREGO 490. The ways in which we perceive other people are known as our (A) attraction (B) persuasion (C) fundamental attribution (D) social perceptions 491. The skillful use of the hands and fingers. (A) dexterity (B) classification (C) visual-motor coordination (D) hand-eye coordination 482. B 483. A 484. A 485. B 486. D 487. C 488. B 489. D 490. D 491. A 492. C
  • 50. NARAYAN CHANGDER 46 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY 492. What is the definition of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? (A) Global delayed development (GDD) (B) Childhood schizophrenia (C) Neuro developmental disorder (D) Statement A and B are correct. 493. Which of the following is an example of a Specific Learning Disability? (A) Mental Retardation (B) Dyslexia (C) ADHD (D) Autistic spectrum disorders 494. an organism’s physical appearance of the traits it has (A) genotype (B) phenotype (C) heredity (D) genetics 495. Some examples of formative assess- ments are: (A) Kahoot (B) Quizziz (C) Quizalize (D) All of the Above 496. How many levels are there on Maslow’s original hierarchy? (A) 3 (B) 1 (C) 5 (D) 4 497. There are 12 girls and 16 boys in a diving class. One student is randomly selected to dive first. What is the probability that the student selected to dive first is a girl? (A) 3/8 (B) 3/7 (C) 4/7 (D) 3/4 498. The majority of Freud’s findings were based on which of the following meth- ods? (A) Case studies (B) Controlled experiments (C) Correlation (D) None of the above 499. Studies suggest that there is a positive correlation between intelligence and the (A) neural processing speed in the brain. (B) size of the brain’s synaptic gaps. (C) brain’s rate of glucose consumption. (D) brain’s production of endorphins. 500. Finish this sentence:An imperative sen- tence (A) makes a statement. (B) asks a question. (C) shows excitement. (D) gives a command. 501. Behaviorism refers to (A) Behaviorist belief mind as a black box (B) Behaviorist belief mind as computer (C) behaviorist belief knowledge can be constructed by learners (D) Behaviorist belief learning is accom- plished when a proper response is demon- strated 502. Which technology has a very similar cousin, Kahoot, where you can develop practice games? (A) PollEv (B) Todaysmeet (C) Quizizz (D) Plickers 503. Complete the sentence with the coordi- nating conjunction that make sense.Paris baked banana break, she gave some to her neighbor. 493. B 494. B 495. D 496. C 497. B 498. A 499. A 500. D 501. D 502. C 503. D
  • 51. 47 (A) so (B) for (C) but (D) and 504. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreteda- gainst set mastery level. This means that NSATand NEAT fall under (A) Aptitude test (B) Criterion-referenced test (C) Intelligence test (D) Norm-referenced test 505. What communicative style is used in this line? ”What do you think we need to do, will distance learning do us good? ” (A) conversational (B) frozen (C) consultative (D) intimate 506. What determines the type of volcano that forms? (A) The location of the volcano. (B) The type of eruption. (C) The amount of earthquake prior to the eruption. (D) The weather at the time of eruption. 507. It is the deepest level in the mental ice- berg wherein all tendencies are in prison. (A) EGO IDEAL (B) UNCONSCIOUS (C) SUPEREGO (D) SUBCONSCIOUS 508. Schedule or reinforcement in which an un- predictable number of responses are re- quired before reinforcement can be ob- tained (A) Variable-ratio schedule (B) Fixed-ratio schedule (C) Fixed-interval schedule (D) Variable-interval schedule 509. A period of time after birth in which bonding with the caregivers will take place. (A) Asocial period (B) Sensitive period (C) Imprinting period (D) Secure period 510. According to Krashen, is a subcon- scious process . (A) Learning (B) communication (C) input (D) acquisition 511. Which award did she bag in the year 1991? (A) Grammy award (B) Academy of Country Music Awards (C) Royal Philharmonic Society’s presti- gious Soloist of the Year Award (D) none of above 512. If Jorge was 20 inches long at birth, he will most likely be “ on his first birth- day. (A) 25” (B) 30” (C) 35” (D) none of above 513. How does the LO help students? (A) Know what outcomes are expected of them and at what what level of expected mastery. (B) Plan the curriculum to support LO. (C) Select assessment methods based on same LO. (D) It doesn’t help the students. 514. An individual whose person and self co- incide leaving the person free to develop all of his or her potentialities (A) fully functioning 504. B 505. A 506. B 507. B 508. A 509. B 510. D 511. C 512. B 513. A 514. A 515. A
  • 52. NARAYAN CHANGDER 48 Chapter 1. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PEDAGOGY (B) trait (C) cardinal trait (D) surface trait 515. ‘Cat’ being the name for the family pet, but not for other cats is known as: (A) semantic underextension (B) morphological undergeneralisation (C) semantic overgeneralisation (D) morphological overextension 516. dyslexia is a disability (A) no (B) could be (C) and (D) a and b are true 517. The ability to understand that relation- ship between two objects can extent to a third object (A) classification (B) conservation (C) seriation (D) transitivity 518. This is a series of steps that are already estabished by a researcher (A) Approach (B) Method (C) Technique (D) Activity 519. According to Erikson, If a child struggles to do well in school, what problem might emerge? (A) Struggle with feelings of inferiority (B) Develop a poor self-identity (C) Begin to mistrust the people around him (D) Acting inappropriately 520. During which stage is a child Not yet able to take another point of view (A) sensorimotor (B) pre-operational (C) concrete operational (D) formal operational 521. Unlike mitosis, meiosis in male mammals results in the formation of (A) one haploid gamete (B) three diploid gametes (C) four diploid gametes (D) four haploid gametes 522. Which of Vygotsky’s techniques included gradual transference of responsibility for learning to the student? (A) reciprocal teaching (B) zone of proximal development (C) scaffolding (D) peer collaboration 523. Which theorist believes that children’s language progresses due to successful ut- terances being praised and reinforced? (A) Skinner (B) Chomsky (C) Piaget (D) none of above 524. There is heavy emphasis on written work to the virtual exclusion of oral pro- ductions (A) Grammar-Translation (B) Communicative language teaching (C) Audio-lingual (D) TPR 525. The route to persuasion is taken when the receiver is not really motivated to think about the arguments made in a communication message. (A) central (B) peripheral (C) dual (D) subconscious 516. C 517. D 518. B 519. A 520. B 521. D 522. C 523. A 524. A 525. B 526. B