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Characteristics Of Modernism
PD4102 History of Design Report
Sam Van Dam
26th April 2016
Each period style, for instance, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Modernism, Post–modernism has certain defining characteristics. Describe a period of your
choice and define its traits.
Modernism is a period style which has many defining characterisitcs which will be talked about throughout the course of this essay. The birth of
Modernism ran between the 18th and 19th century around the time of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution caused very quick changes in
technology, manufacturing and transportation as well as other aspects.
These all had a massive affect on the social, economic and cultural conditions of life in Western Europe, North America and eventually the rest of the
world. (MoMa 2011) [Fig 1] The first railroad train in Temecula, more content...
Other arts such as literature and music had massively changed, shaping the music we listen to and the books we read to this day. The modernist period
saw many composers start to experiment with their music which was a change from the romantic period. The romantic period was very traditional but
in the early 20th century, composers had started to use new melodies and harmonies that were considered unusual at the time.
One of the most famous musicians to thrive in the modernist period was the American composer Aaron Copland. Some of his most famous work
would be his compositions for the films 'Of Mice and Men' and 'Our Town'. He very much went with the fast changing times that were happening
around him.
In his growth as a composer Copland mirrored the important trends of his time. After his return from Paris, he worked with jazz rhythms in Music for
the Theater (1925) and the Piano Concerto (1926). (Britannica 2016)
This is what led Copland to work on project such as film scores as during the early to mid 20th century, as the art of film had become very
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Essay on Modernism in Literature
The turn of the 20th century conveyed revolution in psychological, social, and philosophical thought. It was time for something neoteric. It was time to
break out of the mundane tradition. This time of revolution conceded men, such as Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud, to rise to fame
with their radical and cutting edge theories. Also, women were exasperated of their modeled roles in society. They sought to be independent, they
longed to have the ability to vote, and most of all, they wanted legal equality. This time period also brought the renewal of European expansion. With
new motivations, such as economic motivations, social imperialism, and the new theories of racial superiority, the British empire began concentrating on more content...
The space in between the front lines of the defenders and the attackers was known as "No Man's Land". ("Trench Warfare") Thousands of battle
hardened soldiers would put their lives on the line by running into this "no man's land", just to win a few feet in the battle of the frontline. This led to
hundreds of thousands of casualties just to gain two or three feet on the battlefield. There is no better picture of this theory of irrational creatures than in
Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, which was published in 1902. ("Heart of Darkness") This novella is the story of a man, Marlow, who gathers a
crew of sailors to journey down to the Congo, in British controlled Africa. As Marlow and his men begin the adventure down the river, they are
soon given a mission to capture Mr. Kurtz, the best ivory extractor in all of Africa. The problem is, Kurtz has gone crazy, and his methods have
gone tribal. The corporation believes he has gone insane. It's not until Marlow finally gets to Kurtz through a very trying journey, that he realizes
Kurtz's actions are like the rest of ours, except Kurtz was tired of hiding behind civilization. Marlow realizes that we are all evil and we are all
corrupt, but we attempt to hide it with civilization. "The horror, the horror" (Conrad) are Kurtz last words he utters to Marlow before he dies. Kurtz
realizes the life of evil he has lived, the
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Neoclassicism Vs. Modernism Essay
Igor Stravinsky makes for a first–class example of differences and similarities between neoclassicism and modernism. Modernism is defined as "A
term used in music to denote a multi–faceted but distinct and continuous tradition within 20th–century composition"1, while neoclassicism may be
defined as "A movement of style in the works of certain 20th–century composers, who, particularly during the period between the two world wars,
revived the balanced forms and clearly perceptible thematic processes of earlier styles to replace what were, to them, the increasingly exaggerated
gestures and formlessness of late Romanticism"2 By not only comparing his works to others but within his own body of work the two movements can
be more content...
In addition to asymmetrical rhythms the use of polytonality is vibrant throughout the piece especially in the introduction which begins with different
clarinets playing polytonal. Stravinsky structured The Rite very differently, melody was not the only dominant feature of the piece, other features such
as the fore mentioned polytonality and asymmetrical rhythms were also at the dominant features of the piece. By breaking from many common
practices of his own and of the time, Stravinsky created a piece slated in modernism's history. While The Rite was a piece of modernist material,
Stravinsky later moved on to neoclassicism, Pulcinella greatly represents a small portion of Stravinsky's neoclassical repertoire. Like Stravinsky his
contemporary in another art form was Pablo Picasso, interestingly enough he played a huge part in the design of the visuals in Pulcinella. Both
emphasize or accentuate certain features within their works. Where Stravinsky may accentuate his neoclassical works with features from his
predecessors, Picasso accentuates his art with his perceptions, such as his Stravinsky portrait that cast's Stravinsky with a very large body, a small
head but a rather large nose. Both emphasized certain themes within their works of art. Pulcinella, is also often compared to Schoenberg's Pierrot
lunaire, an earlier piece set to seven poems and performed in sprechstimme. While Pulcinella was a ballet performed in a
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Modernity And Modernism Essay
Traditionality And Modernity Younger generations in the 1920s wanted to be different than their parents. Traditionalists are people who have a deep
respect for long–held traditions and cultural and religious values while modernists are people who embrace new ideas, social trends, and styles. In
this case, they wanted to be more modern rather than stick with traditional values and ways of life, and they wanted to embrace new cultures too. The
John Scopes Trial is an example of how one man wanted to be more modern and teach something new to younger generations. A high school biology
teacher, John Scopes, was put on trial for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution in a Tennessee public school. It was a modernist idea, teaching more content...
The prohibition was made legal by the 18th amendment and was enforced in 1920. It prohibited the production and distribution of alcohol and
traditionalists believed that alcohol was the cause of all the violence and crime. On the other hand, modernists believed that the prohibition was a
way the government could control everything. People were still able to obtain alcohol during this time, though, and they gathered together in
speakeasies which were secret drinking establishments where they were free to drink without getting caught. Flapper dancers are an example of
modernism during this time too. People were opposed to women becoming more independent, but flapper dancers represented a change in society
for American women. They wore shorter skirts that showed more skin, they cut their hair short, wore makeup, they drank, smoke, curse, and
listened to jazz. They also participated in petting parties which were parties where couples would hug and kiss. Women who did these things were
considered unacceptable by society. They were considered a new breed because they did what they wanted when they wanted and didn't care what
other people thought of them. They rejected old traditions and ideas and instead were in favor of new ones. When you make rules that not everyone
approves of, they're going to protest against it and do things that contradict it. Charlie Chaplin was a popular figure of the 1920s. He was a big part of
the Silent Era, which is when he rose to fame.
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Modernism And Its Impact On Society
After the events of WWII, to say that America had changed drastically was an understatement; with the entirety of the Cold War, the Korean and
Vietnam wars, and all the other political strife at home and abroad, America during this time could be considered an era of conflicting ideals. As a
result of this change of times, literature changed it's perspective; effectively, the transition from modernist ideals to postmodernist ideals. Much like
modernism, however, post–modernism offered to reject ideals presented by both prior literary trends and the popular ideas of their time; yet for
postmodernism, the rejection mostly dealt with homogeneity (a conformed universal standard defined by advancements in American quality of life)
and how literature deconstructs the ideas of homogeneity (Byam 2259–2260). Yet many of these deconstructions during this era ended up clashing due
to increased influences of psychological and sociological advancements, which gave better understanding of human nature; which then lead to a major
schism between literary writers and critics. As a result, many writers during that era flourished from that clash of ideals (albeit long after their works
were published); yet one, in particular, stands out: Flannery O'Connor. Specifically, O'Connor is a notable postmodernist American writer out of her
own take of the movement: a witty deconstruction of conventional regionalist tropes. Flannery O'Connor, to briefly summarize her life, was born in
Savannah, Georgia
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The modernist period in British and Irish literature was one of the most important and exciting times in literary history. The term modernist stemmed
from the beginning of the 20th century labelled the modern period. The modern period was a time of confusion and transitions, mostly due to the
result of people returning from World War I. The modern period was an era of massive unemployment and technological changes. Freud, Jung, and
Marx were redefining human identity, Assembly lines and factories were being introduced, and gender differences were starting to crumble. The
modern period was a time of change, and the field of Literature was no exception. Susan Gorsky, in her book titled Virginia Woolf, states that " Virginia
Woolf more content...
Poetry, Drama, and fiction were subjected to intensive scrutiny and extensive redefinition, producing some of the most unusual and often difficult
literary creations in English: Eliot's Wasteland, Yeat's Plays for Dancers, and the fiction of Joyce and Lawrence is some examples.Modernist literature
reflects in it's structure as well as in it's content the overturning of tradition; the instances upon new design produced plays and stories without plots or
recognizably human characters, poems without rhyme or meter"(16, 17). The Modernist author was able to identify with their audience by creating
stories that not only asked important questions, but also got under the reader's skin. In George Orwell's essay titled Inside the Whale, he addresses the
fact that James Joyce's Ulysses is remarkable due to the fact of its "commonplaceness of its material." (Inside The Whale and Other Essays, 11). The
reader is able to put themselves in the characters shoes, the characters are very three dimensional, and like modern life their stories are not so much
like a fairy tales, as they are of everyday life. The character Joyce creates in Ulysses enters many different states of consciousness, dream states,
drunkenness.... demonstrating the ability modern literature has in relating the ideas of consciousness, in a way that the reader would be able to
identify with. Orwell goes further to say that Ulysses was filled with a "Whole
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The Impact Of Modernism
Jonathan Glance , author of the book 20th Century Architecture ; The Structures That Shaped The Century describes modernism as " an attitude rather
than a style " an attempt to free the architect from the rules of convention. Form following function was an attribute adopted by architectural
modernists. As a result of this, modern architecture is no longer ornamentally focused but uses materials such as concrete, glass, steel and wood for
functional construction. With reference to Le Corbusier and his architectural masterpiece, Ville Savoye, this essay will discuss and analyze the impact
the industrial revolution had on modernism, the influence the Bauhaus had on architectural development, social and economical effects that influenced
social trends, how modernism was received and reviewed by society and why the modernist dream ultimately failed.
The Industrial Revolution was a period of time that gave birth to more content...
Decompartmentation is made up of three aspects: ascetics technics and society. Decompartmentation is when things that are normally categorized into
groups are now not distributed but used together in order to achieve a desired result. He believed that design could be used as a solution to solve the
alienation in modern, urban society and thus using decompartmentalization in linking social problems and design to create a solution. It was meant to
'improve the population who consumed it' states Greenhalgh when discussing his views on modernism. Due to this critic it reiterates that Le
Corbusier did initially solve many of the social issues such as creating more land space by building upwards, building houses out of cheaper materials
to help provide to those effected by the economic crisis and creating houses without ornamentation. However due to his neglect in focusing on the
comfort of people living in these houses his work was
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Effects Of Modernism
The Modernist era was a social and cultural movement characterised by rapid social and technological change in the 19th and 20th century. The art
movement revolved around a group of innovative artists and art critics who challenged preconceived ideas about what "good" art was, and redefined
expectations. Modernism affected the ideas and practices of artists, increasing the attitude of the Avant–Garde – to be original. Abstraction was explored
visually and artists moved away from pictorial realism, bringing into focus new techniques and acceptances. Abstract Expressionist was the final
sub–era of Modernism. Artists started to view painting as a performance or experience, rather than a reproduction of an object – real or imagined. It was more content...
He aimed to distil the core essence of each artwork through visual vocabulary; using non–genre based subject matter such as distorted shapes, squiggles
and motifs. For example, in his painting 'Composition IV, 1911, Kandinsky has partially disguised symbols of subject matter from the outside world,
such as boats, reclining figures, and a castle on a hilltop, beneath vibrant blocks of colour and harsh black lines. The notion of battle is conveyed in the
chaos of the composition particularly in the way Kandinsky has juxtaposed the clashing vibrant high key colours, with the calm of the flowing forms.
This alludes to the peace and redemption to
follow. Kandinsky's formalistic approach to the biomorphic painting – with a specific focus on colour, shape and arrangement – was challenging to the
deeply ingrained notion that subject matter was required to tell a narrative and realistically represent society. Kandinsky was criticised for devaluing
art in the Modernist era and promoting the notion of "art for art's sake" due to the abstract nature of his work. However he argued that such artwork
could create a corresponding thrill or contrast of emotion in the audience. He said "Such works of art at least preserve the soul from coarseness; they
"key it tuning–key the strings of a musical instrument." He aimed to reveal the inner life
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Modernism Essay
"An inclination to subjective distortion to point up the evanescence of the social world of the nineteenth century bourgeoisie."
–Barth, "Literature of Replenishment" (
Modernism was rebellion against not only the repressive principles of the Victorian era but also the emergence of the fast–changing, materialistic
corporate society. The period preceding modernism held up Victorian virtues, which accepted the worldview of everything being ordered, neat, stable,
and meaningful. While fundamentally optimistic, Victorian culture featured hypercritical moralism as it had a very narrow, more content...
Stream–of–consciousness writing employed by Joyce and Woolf and other expressions of inward consciousness in narration threw asunder the
safeguard of the reliability of the narrator and required active contemplation by the readers. Perspective assumed a far greater importance in literature as
writers offered more impressionistic work without omniscient narrators and clean resolutions.
The proliferation of the experimental spirit in modernist works of literature often alienated popular readership, and such exclusivity served as a mark of
quality to a certain extent as it went in hand with the modernist intellectuals' disdain towards the mass–consumption–driven popular culture. Modernist
intellectuals rejected popular culture, as they perceived that creating work that would be universally accepted often involved certain sacrifices of their
genius and ultimately degraded art. The movement was certainly not egalitarian in nature. Modernism in fact strayed away from the idea of thinking in
terms of groups, opting instead to focus on the individual. It strove for self–knowledge, and the almost narcissistic interest in the self led to the
"spiritual alienation, self–exile, and cultural criticism" that pervaded the period.
The place that Hemingway and Fitzgerald occupied in literary modernism is difficult to pinpoint. They both dabbled with modernist writing styles
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Modernism was characterised by the deliberate departure from tradition. Modernism refers to the periods interest in processes, expressing feelings and
ideas in creating abstractions rather than reality. Modern used to mean either the European Modernism, The International style, the functionalist,
anti–ornament, and start from zero. The dominant metaphor for modernism in the 20th century was the machine, this stimulated the imaginations of
many designers and architects living in industrialised countries, they started to believe the machine could be a new way of living, creating easier
ways to commute and to mass produce products and designs. Modernism could be seen as one of the most influential movement of the twentieth
century. During the interwar years, Modernism continued to pursue its goals of changing the world through the use of design and machine. It was a
time of scientific and technological advances, with machines changing the way people lived. Life was beginning to change and become more
interesting and almost easier with the inventions being created such as the cars, planes and motion pictures. Modernism was not seen as a style but
as a large collection of ideas. The modernism movement rejected history and encouraged abstraction, and experimentation. Largely rejecting the
ideology of realism, a lot of designs however weren't successful. Modernism was widely world spread, it was largely seen in Germany and Holland,
Switzerland, as well as in Moscow, Paris,
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The Modernism Movement Essay
Modernism started as a movement around late 19th and 20th centuries. It rejected the conventional forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith,
social organisation and everyday life as they felt it was incompatible with the new economical, social and political conditions that was emerging at that
period of time. Many distinctive styles can be defined as modernist, but majority of them had very similar values and theories on different aspects of
society. It gave birth to a whole array of art, cultural and political movements. Often referred to as an avant–garde movement at that time, it was a loose
assembly of ideas. They believed in creating a better world. Mainly consisting of left–leaning political ideology followers, they more
The book cover illustration by John Heartfield for instance is another image that springs up as modernist illustration. The image simply is of a
human like figure but the elements of the body parts are made up of various mechanical accessories e.g. clock, levers, meters, etc. Modernist's were
convinced, technology was the way forward and the image in particular echoed that ethos. The poster designed by Adolphe Mouron Cassandre for the
"Nord Express" was one of the iconic image during the later part of modernist era. The image has certain identical mark–making traits with other
illustrators working around same period of time. The poster itself in some sense advocates industrialisation. The bold colours and figurative lines
demonstrates the strength of industrialised future. Equality, and the desire to create a utopian world was one of the underlying principles of the
modernists. George Grosz's images often attacked the class system that was occurring in Berlin. The caricature drawings of the elite capitalist bankers
and the disillusioned lower class people illustrated the critical problem in the society that made the movement ever progressive. "Arrangement" – New
York (1925) was a lithograph print of a heavily industrialised cityscape by Jan Matulka. Modernist architects were fascinated by the idea of simplicity in
design, functionality and rejection of ornament, decoration, etc. The image underlines those ethics they maintained.
'In the
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Modernism : Modernism And Modernism
1. Art has evolved over the last century moving from Modernism to Postmodernism. Modernism 's birth is somewhat controversial but our text puts it
at 1910. Paul Cezanne, who was closely tied with Cubism, has been credited as one of the fathers of Modernism. A lot was changing during this
period which produced a slew of new styles such as, Post Impressionism, Symbolism, and Surrealism to name a few. Modernism thrived from the early
20th century until the period denoted by World War II at which point it fell out of favor. Modernism was characterized by a trust in science
/rationalism, celebrating change brought on by the industrial revolution, and a move away from magic and religion. This began to change after World
War II when artists began to question how could such a terrible thing could have happened. A new style of art formed which was calledPostmodernism,
which is believed to have taken hold in the 1980s, where artists rejected science/rationalism, questioned authority, were critical of progress, examined
moral codes, and were skeptical. This new style is better thought of as strategy for making art since it appears in many forms using a wide variety of
materials and techniques. It has been described as, "creating visually interesting, messy, sometimes contrary, and often political images that mock the
rules of Modern art." (Stokstad & Cothren 2011) They are like modern day djs taking material from multiple sources and combining them in a unique
way to
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The Movement Of Modernism
Modernism was a movement in literature, art, and music that began with the thought that everything there was to be written had already been written.
Modernist writers believed that in order to create new works, they needed to create a completely new genre, using new styles of writing. These writers
wanted to differentiate themselves from past literary movements, especially those of the Victorian era, dated roughly from 1837 to 1901 (Kirschen).
Although Modernism was a collective movement, Modernists came from all different walks of life. Modernists also come together on one important
issue, the push to form something new. They felt that in the new time of industrialism, old ideas of traditionalism were becoming quickly outdated.
Modernists, in literature at least, were people who wanted to create a new relationship between reader and author. Generally, though, Modernists aimed
to create a new form of expression. To define Modernism as a "general movement in literature, more content...
In the time before the nineteenth century, most artists were commissioned by wealthy people, or large foundations such as the church. In turn, this
caused most of the art from the previous time period to depict religious scenes, intended to teach the viewer. In the Modern period, artists began
creating things that interested them, using people, places, and ideas that captivated them. Many artists were influenced by the publication of Sigmund
Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams and in turn began investigating their dreams and symbolism as ways to create new works of art. Many modern
artists challenged the thought pattern that art was meant to portray the world realistically. They tried out new uses of color and brand new materials.
Artists used many new techniques and mediums as a means of producing new art, especially with the invention of photography. Photography made it
possible to depict the world in new ways, and to reinterpret it
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Modernism Essay
Modernism is characterized by the rejection of tradition. Creatives of the Modernist era questioned what came before, looking for fresh ways to
interpret familiar subjects, rejecting historical themes while searching for a means to understand and communicate the present (Medina 1995).
Furthermore, Belting (2003, 17) states Modernism embraced "all the crises and schisms of the modern world". The key points of this paper will be
ascertained through the evaluation of four European Modernist artworks produced between 1860 and 1935. These artworks include La Montagne Saint
Victoire by Paul CГ©zanne displaying angular lines, color modulation, and geometricized forms; a classic example of Divisionism and Pointillism by
Georges Seurat – more content...
Modernism's quest for creative possibilities encouraged artists to produce visually–distorted depictions of standard subjects, whilst others began
exploring subject matter devoid of any relationship with observable surroundings, resulting in abstraction. (Nicholls 2009).
A discernible example of Modernism's rejection of earlier artistic tradition is La Montagne Saint Victoire (figure 2) by Paul CГ©zanne (1902–4).
CГ©zanne produced over thirty oil paintings and numerous watercolors on the topic of Mont Sainte–Victoire, portraying nature as geometrized shapes
and pronounced colour sequences (Courchia et al. 2011). In La Montagne Saint Victoire, CГ©zanne created a streamlined, structured landscape, using
angular territories of pigment and elementary shapes of "...cylinder, sphere and the cone" (De La Croix, Gardner, and Tansey 1975, 701). CГ©zanne's
unblended fields of color, and vibrant to cool modulation, created spatial dimension enhanced by prismatic and lustrous qualities. Rather than imitate
the visual experience of the physical world as observed in prior traditions such as Neoclassicism and Realism, CГ©zanne embraced the confines of the
two–dimensional surface, placing colorful fragments in harmonious arrangements to realize the essence of the motif (Miller 2017; Loran 1970),
consequently, CГ©zanne's new pictorial imagery inspired ground–breaking art trends such as Cubism and Symbolism (Lichtenstein 1964;
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Modernism In Modern Poetry
Modernism by definition is "a style or movement in the arts that aims to depart significantly from classical and traditional forms". A movement which
is undoubtedly a reflection of the fragmented and collapsing Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, Modernism was a reaction to the world in
which it existed. Subsequent to the overly imaginative and emotive era of Victorianism, Modernism was indeed a dramatic movement away from the
changing values and ideas of the Victorian world. What Modernist Literature essentially evoked in its audience was a sense of dissolution with the
world, a world which it believed held traditions in literature, art, science, religion, among countless others, which were seen as incompatible with the
current more content...
High Modernist Art was essentially born out of a conflated sense of both apocalyptic hopelessness following The Great War, but also a desperate
sense of hopefulness for the future. What is created from this hope is this "panicky search for distraction or higher meaning" which we see quite
evidently in "The Waste Land". One such section of the poem which demonstrates this search for meaning is in the first section "The Burial of the
Dead". Switching between a number of different narrators, this first section addresses much of the aforementioned devastation and destruction caused
after World War One and the search for meaning which followed it. Beginning with an aristocratic voice, Eliot uses the first speaker to conjure up a set
of memories from a pre–war era, set perhaps in the Austro–Hungarian Empire with the speaker bearing some Royal patronage "And when we were
children, staying at the arch–duke's, My cousin's". Where this search for meaning is seen here is in the speakers overall disillusionment with a world
so far detached from what they had previously existed in. What was once a time which "kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding a
little life with dried tubers", now only bears bleakness and severity, made clear through the poem's opening line "April is the cruellest month". The
speaker is no doubt lost in a world
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A Thesis On Modernism
Brian Blair–Whitaker
Ms. Gladstone
Modern Thesis Paper
During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, changes in the dynamics of society caused intellectuals to question the traditions of everyday life. From
religious views to the arts of literature, traditional values and forms were rejected, thus defining a line between the two time periods, which can be
considered as the start of the Modern era. Also known as Modernism, the modern era used literature as an outlet for expressing the thoughts and
feelings of the time. Modern texts use city life, industrialization and globalization, and ironic and satirical themes to showcase their bleak outlook on
life post both world wars. The nature of these events are aspects of more content...
The mistrust of the world which is at the center of modernism can be attributed to the world wars and the psychological effect that it had on the
individual. The horrors and violence altered public perceptions of life, a change that is evident within writers of the time period. The focus of
writing shifted from the outward world to inner thoughts and feelings and overall representation of an individual's stream of consciousness which are
themes associated with modern text. In "Impact of Modernism", focuses on the idea that world needed new outlets for expression and in finding
them rejected the tradition that was already there with the quote, "Many modernists believed that by rejecting tradition they could discover radically
new ways of making art." (Impact) .The world no longer had the beauty it once did so a a discovery of new arts were needed. The mind of an
individual became that new found inspiration and beauty that modern writers needed and for that reason it was one of the main focuses of modern
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Modernism and Post Modernism
Have you ever wondered what the differences are between the modernism and post modernism? It seems like it would be easy to describe what they
are by the words and what they are usually associated with. Yet, it's actually a lot different then your thinking. Modernism is the movement invisual arts
, music, literature, and drama, which rejected the old Victorian standards of how art should be made, consumed, and what it should mean. Modernists
want the absolute truth in everything. While on the other hand, Post Modernism is relating to, or being any of several movements (as in art,
architecture, or literature) that are reactions against the philosophy and practices of modern movements and are marked by more content...
There seems to be no need for mistake in what they are doing and proceeding this way will fix any misconceptions they may have with the human body
and war combat.
A man once lived by the name of Wilfred Owen and he wrote of the waste of human life and resources in the events of war. He also felt that is was
overly barbaric to involve oneself with war. When you read through his poem reading 6.7, he explains to you the horror and reality of what is actually
going on in the battlefield. The first few lines give you the feeling of what the men are going through. Line five and six explain that, "Men marched
asleep. Many had lost their boots, but limped on, blood–shod. All went lame, all blind". Owen points out that there is no beauty in dying for your
country and that it is all a lie on what has been made a reality for many. What's ironic about it all is that the poet died in combat at only 25 years old.
Thus, making it that much more real in what he is trying to push across the minds of other people with this poem. It's not just another poem it's reality.
Postmodernism shows its face in many ways. One painting that I picked that you might find interesting is figure 36.2. Betye Saar portrays what looks to
be Aunt Jemima in a fashion that goes completely against what she was first introduced as being. When you think of this famous face you would
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Defining Modernism Essay
Defining Modernism
Modernism described as movement in arts would best be described as a movement that was used to unit America after a period of crisis, it did this
by it being centered on explorations into the spiritual nature of men and the value of his society and institutions. In a way it was like realism they too
focused on the changes on society. The modernistic writers always wrote in a very formal defined form.
Modernism also played a very important role as a movement in poetry. The way modernism did this was it brought so much more opportunity to the
poet as a way of writing. The poet is now able to express themselves in new ways. If it was not for modernism who knows if we would be talking about
the works of more content...
Modernists like realists both wanted to paint an unbiased, accurate picture of society by confronting the problems of the individual and of the society.
The only difference in the two is the difference in societies. These principles could be called the tenents of Modernism.
My working definition of modernism would be a movement in American Literature that allowed writers to be able to express themselves but at the
same time be able to celebrate the changes that are accruing around them. This movement also allowed poets to write about anything that they saw
which was thought to be modern. In short I guess it is somewhat safe to say that their writings reflect ongoing changes that are occurring in their society.
As far representative themes go my definition ties into that. In nineteen thirty Hart Crane made a visionary pilgrimage though America's geographical
and emotional space. Around this time Crane published his epic poem The Bridge, which celebrates the Brooklyn Bridge as both an architectural
achievement and a symbol of American modernity. Because of the type of descriptive writing that was being used the voice in the writings were in
deep detail and strong emphasis on words were also used to help get the point across.
This time in American Literature is a very important one. Without this strong movement we today would not have the please of being
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Modernism Essay examples
Modernism is defined in Merriam–Webster's Dictionary as "a self–conscious break with the past and a search for new forms of expression." While this
explanation does relate what modernism means, the intricacies of the term go much deeper. Modernism began around 1890 and waned around 1922.
Virginia Wolf once wrote, "In or about December, 1910, human character changed." (Hurt and Wilkie 1443). D.H. Lawrence wrote a similar
statement about 1915: "It was 1915 the old world ended." (Hurt and Wilkie 1444). The importance of the exact dates of the Modernist period are not
so relevant as the fact that new ideas were implemented in the era. Ideas that had never before been approached in the world of literature suddenly
began more content...
Stepping outside of the box, they wrote what they perceived in their own minds to be reality. The readers in turn were given a new form of literature
that was not written on the basis of beliefs that earlier had seemed indisputable. Not only were old belief systems disregarded, they were openly
opposed. Even more surprising, the new thoughts were acceptable, and in turn provided an alternative route for thinking that had not formerly been
Anti–Realism is another feature of Modernism. This element included the use of myth and allusion in writing. Description was a prominent feature in
literature before the Modernist period; writers had set the scene using an exactness that left little room for a reader's imagination. With Modernism
emerged the allusion, which meant that only certain aspects of the setting or scene were revealed. This provided freedom for the reader to think about
what the author was presenting through the text. The work was created through the inner feelings and workings of the characters and the symbols
hidden in the plot and setting. The way themes and points of view were selected went against the earlier convention also. Sigmund Freud's
Interpretation of Dreams in 1899 opened the door to previously undiscovered value in the human unconscious. This led to a whole new emphasis of
individualism in both the writer and the reader, who were given free reign to explore not only who a character was
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Characteristics Of Modernism

  • 1. Characteristics Of Modernism PD4102 History of Design Report Sam Van Dam 15172058 26th April 2016 Each period style, for instance, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Modernism, Post–modernism has certain defining characteristics. Describe a period of your choice and define its traits. Modernism is a period style which has many defining characterisitcs which will be talked about throughout the course of this essay. The birth of Modernism ran between the 18th and 19th century around the time of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution caused very quick changes in technology, manufacturing and transportation as well as other aspects. These all had a massive affect on the social, economic and cultural conditions of life in Western Europe, North America and eventually the rest of the world. (MoMa 2011) [Fig 1] The first railroad train in Temecula, more content... Other arts such as literature and music had massively changed, shaping the music we listen to and the books we read to this day. The modernist period saw many composers start to experiment with their music which was a change from the romantic period. The romantic period was very traditional but in the early 20th century, composers had started to use new melodies and harmonies that were considered unusual at the time. One of the most famous musicians to thrive in the modernist period was the American composer Aaron Copland. Some of his most famous work would be his compositions for the films 'Of Mice and Men' and 'Our Town'. He very much went with the fast changing times that were happening around him. In his growth as a composer Copland mirrored the important trends of his time. After his return from Paris, he worked with jazz rhythms in Music for the Theater (1925) and the Piano Concerto (1926). (Britannica 2016) This is what led Copland to work on project such as film scores as during the early to mid 20th century, as the art of film had become very Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Modernism in Literature The turn of the 20th century conveyed revolution in psychological, social, and philosophical thought. It was time for something neoteric. It was time to break out of the mundane tradition. This time of revolution conceded men, such as Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud, to rise to fame with their radical and cutting edge theories. Also, women were exasperated of their modeled roles in society. They sought to be independent, they longed to have the ability to vote, and most of all, they wanted legal equality. This time period also brought the renewal of European expansion. With new motivations, such as economic motivations, social imperialism, and the new theories of racial superiority, the British empire began concentrating on more content... The space in between the front lines of the defenders and the attackers was known as "No Man's Land". ("Trench Warfare") Thousands of battle hardened soldiers would put their lives on the line by running into this "no man's land", just to win a few feet in the battle of the frontline. This led to hundreds of thousands of casualties just to gain two or three feet on the battlefield. There is no better picture of this theory of irrational creatures than in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, which was published in 1902. ("Heart of Darkness") This novella is the story of a man, Marlow, who gathers a crew of sailors to journey down to the Congo, in British controlled Africa. As Marlow and his men begin the adventure down the river, they are soon given a mission to capture Mr. Kurtz, the best ivory extractor in all of Africa. The problem is, Kurtz has gone crazy, and his methods have gone tribal. The corporation believes he has gone insane. It's not until Marlow finally gets to Kurtz through a very trying journey, that he realizes Kurtz's actions are like the rest of ours, except Kurtz was tired of hiding behind civilization. Marlow realizes that we are all evil and we are all corrupt, but we attempt to hide it with civilization. "The horror, the horror" (Conrad) are Kurtz last words he utters to Marlow before he dies. Kurtz realizes the life of evil he has lived, the Get more content on
  • 3. Neoclassicism Vs. Modernism Essay Igor Stravinsky makes for a first–class example of differences and similarities between neoclassicism and modernism. Modernism is defined as "A term used in music to denote a multi–faceted but distinct and continuous tradition within 20th–century composition"1, while neoclassicism may be defined as "A movement of style in the works of certain 20th–century composers, who, particularly during the period between the two world wars, revived the balanced forms and clearly perceptible thematic processes of earlier styles to replace what were, to them, the increasingly exaggerated gestures and formlessness of late Romanticism"2 By not only comparing his works to others but within his own body of work the two movements can be more content... In addition to asymmetrical rhythms the use of polytonality is vibrant throughout the piece especially in the introduction which begins with different clarinets playing polytonal. Stravinsky structured The Rite very differently, melody was not the only dominant feature of the piece, other features such as the fore mentioned polytonality and asymmetrical rhythms were also at the dominant features of the piece. By breaking from many common practices of his own and of the time, Stravinsky created a piece slated in modernism's history. While The Rite was a piece of modernist material, Stravinsky later moved on to neoclassicism, Pulcinella greatly represents a small portion of Stravinsky's neoclassical repertoire. Like Stravinsky his contemporary in another art form was Pablo Picasso, interestingly enough he played a huge part in the design of the visuals in Pulcinella. Both emphasize or accentuate certain features within their works. Where Stravinsky may accentuate his neoclassical works with features from his predecessors, Picasso accentuates his art with his perceptions, such as his Stravinsky portrait that cast's Stravinsky with a very large body, a small head but a rather large nose. Both emphasized certain themes within their works of art. Pulcinella, is also often compared to Schoenberg's Pierrot lunaire, an earlier piece set to seven poems and performed in sprechstimme. While Pulcinella was a ballet performed in a Get more content on
  • 4. Modernity And Modernism Essay Traditionality And Modernity Younger generations in the 1920s wanted to be different than their parents. Traditionalists are people who have a deep respect for long–held traditions and cultural and religious values while modernists are people who embrace new ideas, social trends, and styles. In this case, they wanted to be more modern rather than stick with traditional values and ways of life, and they wanted to embrace new cultures too. The John Scopes Trial is an example of how one man wanted to be more modern and teach something new to younger generations. A high school biology teacher, John Scopes, was put on trial for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution in a Tennessee public school. It was a modernist idea, teaching more content... The prohibition was made legal by the 18th amendment and was enforced in 1920. It prohibited the production and distribution of alcohol and traditionalists believed that alcohol was the cause of all the violence and crime. On the other hand, modernists believed that the prohibition was a way the government could control everything. People were still able to obtain alcohol during this time, though, and they gathered together in speakeasies which were secret drinking establishments where they were free to drink without getting caught. Flapper dancers are an example of modernism during this time too. People were opposed to women becoming more independent, but flapper dancers represented a change in society for American women. They wore shorter skirts that showed more skin, they cut their hair short, wore makeup, they drank, smoke, curse, and listened to jazz. They also participated in petting parties which were parties where couples would hug and kiss. Women who did these things were considered unacceptable by society. They were considered a new breed because they did what they wanted when they wanted and didn't care what other people thought of them. They rejected old traditions and ideas and instead were in favor of new ones. When you make rules that not everyone approves of, they're going to protest against it and do things that contradict it. Charlie Chaplin was a popular figure of the 1920s. He was a big part of the Silent Era, which is when he rose to fame. Get more content on
  • 5. Modernism And Its Impact On Society After the events of WWII, to say that America had changed drastically was an understatement; with the entirety of the Cold War, the Korean and Vietnam wars, and all the other political strife at home and abroad, America during this time could be considered an era of conflicting ideals. As a result of this change of times, literature changed it's perspective; effectively, the transition from modernist ideals to postmodernist ideals. Much like modernism, however, post–modernism offered to reject ideals presented by both prior literary trends and the popular ideas of their time; yet for postmodernism, the rejection mostly dealt with homogeneity (a conformed universal standard defined by advancements in American quality of life) and how literature deconstructs the ideas of homogeneity (Byam 2259–2260). Yet many of these deconstructions during this era ended up clashing due to increased influences of psychological and sociological advancements, which gave better understanding of human nature; which then lead to a major schism between literary writers and critics. As a result, many writers during that era flourished from that clash of ideals (albeit long after their works were published); yet one, in particular, stands out: Flannery O'Connor. Specifically, O'Connor is a notable postmodernist American writer out of her own take of the movement: a witty deconstruction of conventional regionalist tropes. Flannery O'Connor, to briefly summarize her life, was born in Savannah, Georgia Get more content on
  • 6. The modernist period in British and Irish literature was one of the most important and exciting times in literary history. The term modernist stemmed from the beginning of the 20th century labelled the modern period. The modern period was a time of confusion and transitions, mostly due to the result of people returning from World War I. The modern period was an era of massive unemployment and technological changes. Freud, Jung, and Marx were redefining human identity, Assembly lines and factories were being introduced, and gender differences were starting to crumble. The modern period was a time of change, and the field of Literature was no exception. Susan Gorsky, in her book titled Virginia Woolf, states that " Virginia Woolf more content... Poetry, Drama, and fiction were subjected to intensive scrutiny and extensive redefinition, producing some of the most unusual and often difficult literary creations in English: Eliot's Wasteland, Yeat's Plays for Dancers, and the fiction of Joyce and Lawrence is some examples.Modernist literature reflects in it's structure as well as in it's content the overturning of tradition; the instances upon new design produced plays and stories without plots or recognizably human characters, poems without rhyme or meter"(16, 17). The Modernist author was able to identify with their audience by creating stories that not only asked important questions, but also got under the reader's skin. In George Orwell's essay titled Inside the Whale, he addresses the fact that James Joyce's Ulysses is remarkable due to the fact of its "commonplaceness of its material." (Inside The Whale and Other Essays, 11). The reader is able to put themselves in the characters shoes, the characters are very three dimensional, and like modern life their stories are not so much like a fairy tales, as they are of everyday life. The character Joyce creates in Ulysses enters many different states of consciousness, dream states, drunkenness.... demonstrating the ability modern literature has in relating the ideas of consciousness, in a way that the reader would be able to identify with. Orwell goes further to say that Ulysses was filled with a "Whole Get more content on
  • 7. The Impact Of Modernism Jonathan Glance , author of the book 20th Century Architecture ; The Structures That Shaped The Century describes modernism as " an attitude rather than a style " an attempt to free the architect from the rules of convention. Form following function was an attribute adopted by architectural modernists. As a result of this, modern architecture is no longer ornamentally focused but uses materials such as concrete, glass, steel and wood for functional construction. With reference to Le Corbusier and his architectural masterpiece, Ville Savoye, this essay will discuss and analyze the impact the industrial revolution had on modernism, the influence the Bauhaus had on architectural development, social and economical effects that influenced social trends, how modernism was received and reviewed by society and why the modernist dream ultimately failed. The Industrial Revolution was a period of time that gave birth to more content... Decompartmentation is made up of three aspects: ascetics technics and society. Decompartmentation is when things that are normally categorized into groups are now not distributed but used together in order to achieve a desired result. He believed that design could be used as a solution to solve the alienation in modern, urban society and thus using decompartmentalization in linking social problems and design to create a solution. It was meant to 'improve the population who consumed it' states Greenhalgh when discussing his views on modernism. Due to this critic it reiterates that Le Corbusier did initially solve many of the social issues such as creating more land space by building upwards, building houses out of cheaper materials to help provide to those effected by the economic crisis and creating houses without ornamentation. However due to his neglect in focusing on the comfort of people living in these houses his work was Get more content on
  • 8. Effects Of Modernism The Modernist era was a social and cultural movement characterised by rapid social and technological change in the 19th and 20th century. The art movement revolved around a group of innovative artists and art critics who challenged preconceived ideas about what "good" art was, and redefined expectations. Modernism affected the ideas and practices of artists, increasing the attitude of the Avant–Garde – to be original. Abstraction was explored visually and artists moved away from pictorial realism, bringing into focus new techniques and acceptances. Abstract Expressionist was the final sub–era of Modernism. Artists started to view painting as a performance or experience, rather than a reproduction of an object – real or imagined. It was more content... He aimed to distil the core essence of each artwork through visual vocabulary; using non–genre based subject matter such as distorted shapes, squiggles and motifs. For example, in his painting 'Composition IV, 1911, Kandinsky has partially disguised symbols of subject matter from the outside world, such as boats, reclining figures, and a castle on a hilltop, beneath vibrant blocks of colour and harsh black lines. The notion of battle is conveyed in the chaos of the composition particularly in the way Kandinsky has juxtaposed the clashing vibrant high key colours, with the calm of the flowing forms. This alludes to the peace and redemption to follow. Kandinsky's formalistic approach to the biomorphic painting – with a specific focus on colour, shape and arrangement – was challenging to the deeply ingrained notion that subject matter was required to tell a narrative and realistically represent society. Kandinsky was criticised for devaluing art in the Modernist era and promoting the notion of "art for art's sake" due to the abstract nature of his work. However he argued that such artwork could create a corresponding thrill or contrast of emotion in the audience. He said "Such works of art at least preserve the soul from coarseness; they "key it tuning–key the strings of a musical instrument." He aimed to reveal the inner life Get more content on
  • 9. Modernism Essay Modernism "An inclination to subjective distortion to point up the evanescence of the social world of the nineteenth century bourgeoisie." –Barth, "Literature of Replenishment" ( Modernism was rebellion against not only the repressive principles of the Victorian era but also the emergence of the fast–changing, materialistic corporate society. The period preceding modernism held up Victorian virtues, which accepted the worldview of everything being ordered, neat, stable, and meaningful. While fundamentally optimistic, Victorian culture featured hypercritical moralism as it had a very narrow, more content... Stream–of–consciousness writing employed by Joyce and Woolf and other expressions of inward consciousness in narration threw asunder the safeguard of the reliability of the narrator and required active contemplation by the readers. Perspective assumed a far greater importance in literature as writers offered more impressionistic work without omniscient narrators and clean resolutions. The proliferation of the experimental spirit in modernist works of literature often alienated popular readership, and such exclusivity served as a mark of quality to a certain extent as it went in hand with the modernist intellectuals' disdain towards the mass–consumption–driven popular culture. Modernist intellectuals rejected popular culture, as they perceived that creating work that would be universally accepted often involved certain sacrifices of their genius and ultimately degraded art. The movement was certainly not egalitarian in nature. Modernism in fact strayed away from the idea of thinking in terms of groups, opting instead to focus on the individual. It strove for self–knowledge, and the almost narcissistic interest in the self led to the "spiritual alienation, self–exile, and cultural criticism" that pervaded the period. The place that Hemingway and Fitzgerald occupied in literary modernism is difficult to pinpoint. They both dabbled with modernist writing styles earlier Get more content on
  • 10. Modernism was characterised by the deliberate departure from tradition. Modernism refers to the periods interest in processes, expressing feelings and ideas in creating abstractions rather than reality. Modern used to mean either the European Modernism, The International style, the functionalist, anti–ornament, and start from zero. The dominant metaphor for modernism in the 20th century was the machine, this stimulated the imaginations of many designers and architects living in industrialised countries, they started to believe the machine could be a new way of living, creating easier ways to commute and to mass produce products and designs. Modernism could be seen as one of the most influential movement of the twentieth century. During the interwar years, Modernism continued to pursue its goals of changing the world through the use of design and machine. It was a time of scientific and technological advances, with machines changing the way people lived. Life was beginning to change and become more interesting and almost easier with the inventions being created such as the cars, planes and motion pictures. Modernism was not seen as a style but as a large collection of ideas. The modernism movement rejected history and encouraged abstraction, and experimentation. Largely rejecting the ideology of realism, a lot of designs however weren't successful. Modernism was widely world spread, it was largely seen in Germany and Holland, Switzerland, as well as in Moscow, Paris, Get more content on
  • 11. The Modernism Movement Essay Modernism started as a movement around late 19th and 20th centuries. It rejected the conventional forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, social organisation and everyday life as they felt it was incompatible with the new economical, social and political conditions that was emerging at that period of time. Many distinctive styles can be defined as modernist, but majority of them had very similar values and theories on different aspects of society. It gave birth to a whole array of art, cultural and political movements. Often referred to as an avant–garde movement at that time, it was a loose assembly of ideas. They believed in creating a better world. Mainly consisting of left–leaning political ideology followers, they more content... The book cover illustration by John Heartfield for instance is another image that springs up as modernist illustration. The image simply is of a human like figure but the elements of the body parts are made up of various mechanical accessories e.g. clock, levers, meters, etc. Modernist's were convinced, technology was the way forward and the image in particular echoed that ethos. The poster designed by Adolphe Mouron Cassandre for the "Nord Express" was one of the iconic image during the later part of modernist era. The image has certain identical mark–making traits with other illustrators working around same period of time. The poster itself in some sense advocates industrialisation. The bold colours and figurative lines demonstrates the strength of industrialised future. Equality, and the desire to create a utopian world was one of the underlying principles of the modernists. George Grosz's images often attacked the class system that was occurring in Berlin. The caricature drawings of the elite capitalist bankers and the disillusioned lower class people illustrated the critical problem in the society that made the movement ever progressive. "Arrangement" – New York (1925) was a lithograph print of a heavily industrialised cityscape by Jan Matulka. Modernist architects were fascinated by the idea of simplicity in design, functionality and rejection of ornament, decoration, etc. The image underlines those ethics they maintained. 'In the Get more content on
  • 12. Modernism : Modernism And Modernism 1. Art has evolved over the last century moving from Modernism to Postmodernism. Modernism 's birth is somewhat controversial but our text puts it at 1910. Paul Cezanne, who was closely tied with Cubism, has been credited as one of the fathers of Modernism. A lot was changing during this period which produced a slew of new styles such as, Post Impressionism, Symbolism, and Surrealism to name a few. Modernism thrived from the early 20th century until the period denoted by World War II at which point it fell out of favor. Modernism was characterized by a trust in science /rationalism, celebrating change brought on by the industrial revolution, and a move away from magic and religion. This began to change after World War II when artists began to question how could such a terrible thing could have happened. A new style of art formed which was calledPostmodernism, which is believed to have taken hold in the 1980s, where artists rejected science/rationalism, questioned authority, were critical of progress, examined moral codes, and were skeptical. This new style is better thought of as strategy for making art since it appears in many forms using a wide variety of materials and techniques. It has been described as, "creating visually interesting, messy, sometimes contrary, and often political images that mock the rules of Modern art." (Stokstad & Cothren 2011) They are like modern day djs taking material from multiple sources and combining them in a unique way to Get more content on
  • 13. The Movement Of Modernism Modernism was a movement in literature, art, and music that began with the thought that everything there was to be written had already been written. Modernist writers believed that in order to create new works, they needed to create a completely new genre, using new styles of writing. These writers wanted to differentiate themselves from past literary movements, especially those of the Victorian era, dated roughly from 1837 to 1901 (Kirschen). Although Modernism was a collective movement, Modernists came from all different walks of life. Modernists also come together on one important issue, the push to form something new. They felt that in the new time of industrialism, old ideas of traditionalism were becoming quickly outdated. Modernists, in literature at least, were people who wanted to create a new relationship between reader and author. Generally, though, Modernists aimed to create a new form of expression. To define Modernism as a "general movement in literature, more content... In the time before the nineteenth century, most artists were commissioned by wealthy people, or large foundations such as the church. In turn, this caused most of the art from the previous time period to depict religious scenes, intended to teach the viewer. In the Modern period, artists began creating things that interested them, using people, places, and ideas that captivated them. Many artists were influenced by the publication of Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams and in turn began investigating their dreams and symbolism as ways to create new works of art. Many modern artists challenged the thought pattern that art was meant to portray the world realistically. They tried out new uses of color and brand new materials. Artists used many new techniques and mediums as a means of producing new art, especially with the invention of photography. Photography made it possible to depict the world in new ways, and to reinterpret it Get more content on
  • 14. Modernism Essay Modernism is characterized by the rejection of tradition. Creatives of the Modernist era questioned what came before, looking for fresh ways to interpret familiar subjects, rejecting historical themes while searching for a means to understand and communicate the present (Medina 1995). Furthermore, Belting (2003, 17) states Modernism embraced "all the crises and schisms of the modern world". The key points of this paper will be ascertained through the evaluation of four European Modernist artworks produced between 1860 and 1935. These artworks include La Montagne Saint Victoire by Paul CГ©zanne displaying angular lines, color modulation, and geometricized forms; a classic example of Divisionism and Pointillism by Georges Seurat – more content... Modernism's quest for creative possibilities encouraged artists to produce visually–distorted depictions of standard subjects, whilst others began exploring subject matter devoid of any relationship with observable surroundings, resulting in abstraction. (Nicholls 2009). A discernible example of Modernism's rejection of earlier artistic tradition is La Montagne Saint Victoire (figure 2) by Paul CГ©zanne (1902–4). CГ©zanne produced over thirty oil paintings and numerous watercolors on the topic of Mont Sainte–Victoire, portraying nature as geometrized shapes and pronounced colour sequences (Courchia et al. 2011). In La Montagne Saint Victoire, CГ©zanne created a streamlined, structured landscape, using angular territories of pigment and elementary shapes of "...cylinder, sphere and the cone" (De La Croix, Gardner, and Tansey 1975, 701). CГ©zanne's unblended fields of color, and vibrant to cool modulation, created spatial dimension enhanced by prismatic and lustrous qualities. Rather than imitate the visual experience of the physical world as observed in prior traditions such as Neoclassicism and Realism, CГ©zanne embraced the confines of the two–dimensional surface, placing colorful fragments in harmonious arrangements to realize the essence of the motif (Miller 2017; Loran 1970), consequently, CГ©zanne's new pictorial imagery inspired ground–breaking art trends such as Cubism and Symbolism (Lichtenstein 1964; Get more content on
  • 15. Modernism In Modern Poetry Modernism by definition is "a style or movement in the arts that aims to depart significantly from classical and traditional forms". A movement which is undoubtedly a reflection of the fragmented and collapsing Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, Modernism was a reaction to the world in which it existed. Subsequent to the overly imaginative and emotive era of Victorianism, Modernism was indeed a dramatic movement away from the changing values and ideas of the Victorian world. What Modernist Literature essentially evoked in its audience was a sense of dissolution with the world, a world which it believed held traditions in literature, art, science, religion, among countless others, which were seen as incompatible with the current more content... High Modernist Art was essentially born out of a conflated sense of both apocalyptic hopelessness following The Great War, but also a desperate sense of hopefulness for the future. What is created from this hope is this "panicky search for distraction or higher meaning" which we see quite evidently in "The Waste Land". One such section of the poem which demonstrates this search for meaning is in the first section "The Burial of the Dead". Switching between a number of different narrators, this first section addresses much of the aforementioned devastation and destruction caused after World War One and the search for meaning which followed it. Beginning with an aristocratic voice, Eliot uses the first speaker to conjure up a set of memories from a pre–war era, set perhaps in the Austro–Hungarian Empire with the speaker bearing some Royal patronage "And when we were children, staying at the arch–duke's, My cousin's". Where this search for meaning is seen here is in the speakers overall disillusionment with a world so far detached from what they had previously existed in. What was once a time which "kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding a little life with dried tubers", now only bears bleakness and severity, made clear through the poem's opening line "April is the cruellest month". The speaker is no doubt lost in a world Get more content on
  • 16. A Thesis On Modernism Brian Blair–Whitaker LA LIT 4 H B1 Ms. Gladstone 2/16/18 Modern Thesis Paper During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, changes in the dynamics of society caused intellectuals to question the traditions of everyday life. From religious views to the arts of literature, traditional values and forms were rejected, thus defining a line between the two time periods, which can be considered as the start of the Modern era. Also known as Modernism, the modern era used literature as an outlet for expressing the thoughts and feelings of the time. Modern texts use city life, industrialization and globalization, and ironic and satirical themes to showcase their bleak outlook on life post both world wars. The nature of these events are aspects of more content... The mistrust of the world which is at the center of modernism can be attributed to the world wars and the psychological effect that it had on the individual. The horrors and violence altered public perceptions of life, a change that is evident within writers of the time period. The focus of writing shifted from the outward world to inner thoughts and feelings and overall representation of an individual's stream of consciousness which are themes associated with modern text. In "Impact of Modernism", focuses on the idea that world needed new outlets for expression and in finding them rejected the tradition that was already there with the quote, "Many modernists believed that by rejecting tradition they could discover radically new ways of making art." (Impact) .The world no longer had the beauty it once did so a a discovery of new arts were needed. The mind of an individual became that new found inspiration and beauty that modern writers needed and for that reason it was one of the main focuses of modern Get more content on
  • 17. Modernism and Post Modernism Have you ever wondered what the differences are between the modernism and post modernism? It seems like it would be easy to describe what they are by the words and what they are usually associated with. Yet, it's actually a lot different then your thinking. Modernism is the movement invisual arts , music, literature, and drama, which rejected the old Victorian standards of how art should be made, consumed, and what it should mean. Modernists want the absolute truth in everything. While on the other hand, Post Modernism is relating to, or being any of several movements (as in art, architecture, or literature) that are reactions against the philosophy and practices of modern movements and are marked by more content... There seems to be no need for mistake in what they are doing and proceeding this way will fix any misconceptions they may have with the human body and war combat. A man once lived by the name of Wilfred Owen and he wrote of the waste of human life and resources in the events of war. He also felt that is was overly barbaric to involve oneself with war. When you read through his poem reading 6.7, he explains to you the horror and reality of what is actually going on in the battlefield. The first few lines give you the feeling of what the men are going through. Line five and six explain that, "Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots, but limped on, blood–shod. All went lame, all blind". Owen points out that there is no beauty in dying for your country and that it is all a lie on what has been made a reality for many. What's ironic about it all is that the poet died in combat at only 25 years old. Thus, making it that much more real in what he is trying to push across the minds of other people with this poem. It's not just another poem it's reality. Postmodernism shows its face in many ways. One painting that I picked that you might find interesting is figure 36.2. Betye Saar portrays what looks to be Aunt Jemima in a fashion that goes completely against what she was first introduced as being. When you think of this famous face you would Get more content on
  • 18. Defining Modernism Essay Defining Modernism Modernism described as movement in arts would best be described as a movement that was used to unit America after a period of crisis, it did this by it being centered on explorations into the spiritual nature of men and the value of his society and institutions. In a way it was like realism they too focused on the changes on society. The modernistic writers always wrote in a very formal defined form. Modernism also played a very important role as a movement in poetry. The way modernism did this was it brought so much more opportunity to the poet as a way of writing. The poet is now able to express themselves in new ways. If it was not for modernism who knows if we would be talking about the works of more content... Modernists like realists both wanted to paint an unbiased, accurate picture of society by confronting the problems of the individual and of the society. The only difference in the two is the difference in societies. These principles could be called the tenents of Modernism. My working definition of modernism would be a movement in American Literature that allowed writers to be able to express themselves but at the same time be able to celebrate the changes that are accruing around them. This movement also allowed poets to write about anything that they saw which was thought to be modern. In short I guess it is somewhat safe to say that their writings reflect ongoing changes that are occurring in their society. As far representative themes go my definition ties into that. In nineteen thirty Hart Crane made a visionary pilgrimage though America's geographical and emotional space. Around this time Crane published his epic poem The Bridge, which celebrates the Brooklyn Bridge as both an architectural achievement and a symbol of American modernity. Because of the type of descriptive writing that was being used the voice in the writings were in deep detail and strong emphasis on words were also used to help get the point across. This time in American Literature is a very important one. Without this strong movement we today would not have the please of being Get more content on
  • 19. Modernism Essay examples Modernism Modernism is defined in Merriam–Webster's Dictionary as "a self–conscious break with the past and a search for new forms of expression." While this explanation does relate what modernism means, the intricacies of the term go much deeper. Modernism began around 1890 and waned around 1922. Virginia Wolf once wrote, "In or about December, 1910, human character changed." (Hurt and Wilkie 1443). D.H. Lawrence wrote a similar statement about 1915: "It was 1915 the old world ended." (Hurt and Wilkie 1444). The importance of the exact dates of the Modernist period are not so relevant as the fact that new ideas were implemented in the era. Ideas that had never before been approached in the world of literature suddenly began more content... Stepping outside of the box, they wrote what they perceived in their own minds to be reality. The readers in turn were given a new form of literature that was not written on the basis of beliefs that earlier had seemed indisputable. Not only were old belief systems disregarded, they were openly opposed. Even more surprising, the new thoughts were acceptable, and in turn provided an alternative route for thinking that had not formerly been considered. Anti–Realism is another feature of Modernism. This element included the use of myth and allusion in writing. Description was a prominent feature in literature before the Modernist period; writers had set the scene using an exactness that left little room for a reader's imagination. With Modernism emerged the allusion, which meant that only certain aspects of the setting or scene were revealed. This provided freedom for the reader to think about what the author was presenting through the text. The work was created through the inner feelings and workings of the characters and the symbols hidden in the plot and setting. The way themes and points of view were selected went against the earlier convention also. Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams in 1899 opened the door to previously undiscovered value in the human unconscious. This led to a whole new emphasis of individualism in both the writer and the reader, who were given free reign to explore not only who a character was Get more content on