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Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper
Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay PaperImplementationThe
proposed change intends to address the issue of compassion fatigue among nursing
personnel in the surgical units where gunshot and motor vehicle accidents patients are
transferred to after being stabilized in the trauma unit. In this case, compassion fatigue is
described as a situation whereby medical personnel who are expected to regularly care for
others end up immersing themselves in the unique caring role and its associated unit.
Owing to the immersion, they end up disregarding their personal health concerns. With this
disregard, medical personnel (especially nurses) developing new behaviors to cope with the
issues brought about by the immersion. While some medical personnel can engage in
constructive behavior to cope with the issue (such as engaging in sports or other leisurely
activities), others would develop destructive behaviors as a coping strategy to include
apathy, isolation, suppressed emotions and substance abuse. Although the destructive
behaviors could have little to not implications for the short term, they will become more
significant in the long term through negatively affecting the capacity to complete
professional tasks. For that matter, compassion fatigue is an issue of concern among nursing
personnel in the surgical unit since it adversely affects their professional performance,
length of service, and care outcomes for patients. It is clear that compassion fatigue is an
issue that must be addressed with urgency, to include developing a change plan that
educates nursing personnel operating in the surgical unit on the concept of compassion
fatigue as a problem while aiding them on how best to develop constructive strategies to
minimize its occurrence and reduce its negative effects. In response to the identified
problem, the proposed change intends to introduce a change action plan to be applied by
nursing personnel in the surgical unit. The change would entail educating nursing personnel
on how to identify compassion fatigue and address it as an immediate concern Change
Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper.ORDER YOUR PAPER
HERENursing inherently requires compassion to be effective. That is because during their
course of completing their professional tasks, nurses are forced to experience and witness
tragedies that they have little to no control over. Owing to the fact that nurses do not
anticipate these tragedies, they end up experiencing an emotional backlash that presents as
compassion fatigue (Ray et al., 2013). With repeated exposure to tragedies, the emotional
backlash becomes more severe and has a negative impact on their capacity to complete
professional duties. In a bid to cope with a backlash, nurses would typical develop coping
mechanisms that present as negative behaviors. Boyle (2011) explains this point by
mentioning that compassion fatigue causes nursing personnel to develop unfavorable
behavior that become increasingly difficult to reverse over time. It further adds that there is
a need to present appropriate interventions that include changing the work setting,
educating nursing personnel, and creating a good life-work balance as well as therapy,
support groups and counselling (Boyle, 2011)Change Implementation, Evaluation And
Sustainability Essay Paper. Potter et al. (2013) expresses similar sentiments by noting that
preemptive intervention reduced compassion fatigue incidence.The proposed change
project will be guided by the change model presented in the John Hopkins Nursing
Evidence-Based Practice Process. The model was developed by the Institute for John
Hopkins as a problem solving approach that is reliant in current evidence and is useful in
addressing clinical needs. It applies user-friendly tools to guide the target population on
how to apply the appropriate behavior and achieve the desired results. The model’s
framework has been tailored for the present problem and institution. This entails applying
the model to evaluate the present problem and offer an action plan that includes a strategic
implementation direction while educating the population on the proceeding steps and how
to move forward (John Hopkins Medicine, 2018). As such, the model presents the most
appropriate framework for applying evidence-based changes when addressing the problem
of compassion fatigue in surgical units. To be more precise, the model has been applied as
the contextual framework for directing evidence synthesis and translation using three tools
in the form of practice, education and research. The model will be applied to direct how
evidence is managed and used to direct decision-making so that both internal and internal
factors are incorporated into the change strategy (Fulton, Lyon & Goudreau, 2014) Change
Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper.The project intends to recruit
an interprofessional team to manage the change. The team is expected to apply
collaborative efforts to support the change while making constructive recommendations to
improve understanding of the change project. The team has been assigned four identities.
The first identity is the team manager who is responsible for coordinating all activities and
ensuring that the results march the intentions while considering resource aspects that
include personnel and time. The second identity is nurse mentor who function in an
advisory and consultancy capacity for the project. Three nurse mentors will be recruited in
the project and charged with the responsibility of educating the participating nursing
personnel on how to avoid compassion fatigue by managing their professional
responsibilities. The third identity is professional counsellors. Two counsellors will be
recruited in the project and charged with the responsibility of offering counseling services
to nursing personnel to either address incidences of compassion fatigue or preempt its
occurrence. The final identity is nursing personnel. Their role in the change program will be
the primary source of information. In this case, they will be divided into two groups as the
study and control group. The study group will continue with their practice as normal while
the study group will be subjected to the intervention program. Even as the program
continues, they will be asked to complete pre-structured questionnaires on a monthly basis.
As such, the nurses’ role and responsibility in the pilot program will be to act as the primary
source of information.EvaluationThe change project intends to achieve reduced incidence of
compassion fatigue among nursing personnel, as well as application of constructive coping
mechanisms in the case of occurrence. The study outcomes will be measured using a
modified ProQOL (Professional Quality of Life) questionnaire. It will collect information on
compassion satisfaction, burnout and secondary trauma scores. The use of the
questionnaire as the evaluation tool is considered appropriate since it is an easy to apply
and cheap data collection tool when compared to interviews or other data collection tools.
The questionnaire will administer sequentially ordered questions that are articulated to
collect information on compassion fatigue. Through using the questionnaire, the data
compilation and results analysis would also be eased since the collected data would be
subjected to software-mediated statistical analysis (Hinderer et al., 2014) Change
Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper. The questions presented in the
questionnaire will be both mutually exclusive and exhaustive to meet the project’s
objective.The questionnaire will be presented in three parts. The first part collects general
demographic information that includes information on age, gender, level of education,
number of children, marital status and ethnicity since these are factors that could influence
the participants’ perception of compassion fatigue. For instance, the better educated
participants are expected to have a greater appreciation of compassion fatigue since they
would have more experiences with the issue through personnel accounts or observing their
peers. The second part collects information on compassion fatigue experiences to include
the past number of incidences, how they responded and how they coped. The third part will
collect information on how the participants’ perceive the change project in terms of
effectiveness as either a standalone project or in comparison to other interventions
(Hinderer et al., 2014) Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay
Paper.The participants will be expected to complete the questionnaire at the beginning and
end of the change project. This implies that each participant will complete two copies of the
questionnaire. This is intended to evaluate the effects of the change project since any
differences noted in the participants’ responses will be attributed to the change as the
influencing variable. In addition, differences will be noted for the study and control groups
to verify if the intervention had an effect on compassion fatigue incidences. The
participating nurses are considered as the major source of information because they exhibit
more than average knowledge concerning the project’s objectives. The collected data would
then be subjected to statistical analysis to determine the significance of the relationship
between the variables. The results will be coalesced and thematically structured before
being reported to the stakeholders (who include nursing personnel, policy makers and
medical facility managers) using figures and charts that quantitatively and comparatively
illustrate the effects of the intervention as applied (Mackey & Gass, 2015).SustainabilityAt
the conclusion of the change project, the decision on how to proceed will be dependent on
the project outcomes. Achieving the desired outcome will act as an indication that the
change project is effective and can be recommended for scale-up. On the other hand, should
the project fail to achieve the desired aim then it would be abandoned and considered an
ineffective intervention. For the results that indicate the desired outcome, the stakeholders
will be informed and convinced that the project should be scaled-up to involve other units
and medical facilities. The specific modalities will entail recruiting a larger management
team who will be engaged for the long term (unlike the change project management team
that is only engaged for the duration of the project). To ensure that the project becomes a
permanent endeavor, the stakeholders will be convinced to buy into the change for all the
three phases of planning, implementation and reporting with consistent oversight at every
phase (Mackey & Gass, 2015) Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay
Paper.ReferencesBoyle, D. (2011). Countering compassion fatigue: a requisite nursing
agenda. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 16(1), Manuscript 2. DOI:
10.3912/OJIN.Vol16no01Man0Fulton, J., Lyon, B. & Goudreau, K. (2014). Foundations of
clinical nurse specialist practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company,
LLC.Hinderer, K., vonRueden, K., Friedman, E., McQuillan, K., Gilmore, R., Kramer, B. &
Murray, M. (2014). Burnout, compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and secondary
traumatic stress in trauma nurses. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 21(4), 159-169 Change
Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay PaperJohn Hopkins Medicine (2018).
Evidence-based practice. Retrieved from
_practice.htmlMackey, A. & Gass, S. (2015). Second language research: methodology and
design. London: Routledge.Potter, P., Deshields, T., Berger, J., Clarke, M., Olsen, S. & Chen, L.
(2013). Evaluation of a compassion fatigue resiliency program for oncology nurses.
Oncology Nursing Forum, 40(2), 180-187.Ray, S. L., Wong, C., White, D. & Heaslip, K. (2013).
Compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, work life conditions, and burnout among
frontline mental health care professionals. Traumatology, 19(4), 255-267. DOI:
10.1177/1534765612471144You will utilize your change model for this assignment.
Evaluate the performance of your surgical department. The procedure adopted for the
program will be conducted in over three steps. Firstly, the projected management team will
be appointed. Secondly, the tools to be applied in the program will be collected to include
the questionnaire, training material, counseling and mentorship strategies. Thirdly, the
nurses will be recruited into the study and control groups. The study group will involve
targeted training, counseling and mentor ship. Finally, the nurses will be subjected to the
questionnaires with the results coalesced and presented in tables and figures for easy
comparison. This is the change model from the previous paper order #202801 that needs to
be continued AS; Implementation, Evaluation & Sustainability. Please I would choose our
surgical units where the gunshot / motor vehicle accidents patients are transferred to after
being stabilized at the trauma unit. THE IDENTIFIED AREA IS THE SURGICAL UNIT / HAVE
Sustainability of Compassion Fatigue and not pain management. Identify an area that would
significantly benefit from initiating a change. Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which
you describe the particular area you propose to address through a change initiative. Include
the following for your company: Discuss the issues in this area and the current outcomes as
a result of the issues. Describe the external and/or internal driving forces, contributing
issues, and the people affected. Evaluate the stakeholders involved and discuss how they
will be affected by your change initiative. Clarify your role and responsibility as a change
leader. Discuss the leadership theory (or theories) you will use to guide the change process.
Discuss the change agents you need to recruit in order to successfully Implement your
change. Describe the roles of these change agents. Utilize your change model to develop
strategies: (a) Explain the relevance of this model to your organization; and (b) Present the
strategic aspects using your model. Be sure to clearly define the purpose of each aspect, the
people involved, and the actions that need to be taken. Identify, or predict, the potential
barriers to change. Discuss possible ways to overcome these obstacles, including methods
for dealing with emerging or unforeseen circumstances that could impede implementation.
Describe the evaluation methods you will use to determine the level of success of your
change initiative. Discuss what metrics or measurable determinates you will use. Propose
strategies to anchor change or support continuous change. Establish how your change plan
supports the organizational mission/goal, genuinely addresses stakeholder concerns, and
will serve as an equitable contribution for the community or society overall.AT LEAST Five
REFERENCES needed Description of the Change Model used (This is from the graded paper)
2 change models (JHNH / ADKAR) John Hopkins Nursing (JHNM) was used as a foundation
to create a change model that was designed to reduce compassion fatigue for nurses. For
the current targeted nursing population JHNM was deemed appropriate because it was
adopted by nursing facilities (John Hopkins Medicine, 2015). The ADKAR model was simple
to learn and focused on actions and outcomes required for change (Connally, 2018). These
two models were modified as follows: • Procedure changed to align with problem and
population. • Timeline changed to facilitate timely solution. • Added estimated effectiveness
and achievement ratio Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay
Paper.ORDER YOUR PAPER HERE1,500–1750 words Implementation, Evaluation, and
Sustainability You will utilize your change model for this assignment. Evaluate the
performance of your surgical department.The procedure adopted for the program will be
conducted in over three steps. Firstly, the projected management team will be appointed.
Secondly, the tools to be applied in the program will be collected to include the
questionnaire, training material, counseling and mentorship strategies. Thirdly, the nurses
will be recruited into the study and control groups. The study group will involve targeted
training, counseling and mentorship. Finally, the nurses will be subjected to the
questionnaires with the results coalesced and presented in tables and figures for easy
comparison. This is the change model from the previous paper order #202801 that needs
to be continued AS; Implementation, Evaluation & Sustainability. Please I would choose our
surgical units where the gunshot / motor vehicle accidents patients are transferred to after
being stabilized at the trauma unit. THE IDENTIFIED AREA IS THE SURGICAL UNIT / HAVE
Sustainability of Compassion Fatigue and not pain management. Identify an area that would
significantly benefit from initiating a change. Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which
you describe the particular area you propose to address through a change initiative. Include
the following for your company: Discuss the issues in this area and the current outcomes as
a result of the issues. Describe the external and/or internal driving forces, contributing
issues, and the people affected. Evaluate the stakeholders involved and discuss how they
will be affected by your change initiative. Clarify your role and responsibility as a change
leader. Discuss the leadership theory (or theories) you will use to guide the change process.
Discuss the change agents you need to recruit in order to successfully Implement your
change. Describe the roles of these change agents. Utilize your change model to develop
strategies: Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper (a) Explain
the relevance of this model to your organization; and (b) Present the strategic aspects using
your model. Be sure to clearly define the purpose of each aspect, the people involved, and
the actions that need to be taken. Identify, or predict, the potential barriers to change.
Discuss possible ways to overcome these obstacles, including methods for dealing with
emerging or unforeseen circumstances that could impede implementation. Describe the
evaluation methods you will use to determine the level of success of your change initiative.
Discuss what metrics or measurable determinates you will use. Propose strategies to
anchor change or support continuous change. Establish how your change plan supports the
organizational mission/goal, genuinely addresses stakeholder concerns, and will serve as
an equitable contribution for the community or society overall.AT LEAST Five REFERENCES
neededDescription of the Change Model used (This is from the graded paper) 2 change
models (JHNH / ADKAR)John Hopkins Nursing (JHNM) was used as a foundation to create a
change model that was designed to reduce compassion fatigue for nurses. For the current
targeted nursing population JHNM was deemed appropriate because it was adopted by
nursing facilities (John Hopkins Medicine, 2015). The ADKAR model was simple to learn and
focused on actions and outcomes required for change (Connally, 2018). These two models
were modified as follows:Procedure changed to align with problem and
population.Timeline changed to facilitate timely solution.Added estimated effectiveness and
achievement ratio.Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper

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Change Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper.docx

  • 1. Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay PaperImplementationThe proposed change intends to address the issue of compassion fatigue among nursing personnel in the surgical units where gunshot and motor vehicle accidents patients are transferred to after being stabilized in the trauma unit. In this case, compassion fatigue is described as a situation whereby medical personnel who are expected to regularly care for others end up immersing themselves in the unique caring role and its associated unit. Owing to the immersion, they end up disregarding their personal health concerns. With this disregard, medical personnel (especially nurses) developing new behaviors to cope with the issues brought about by the immersion. While some medical personnel can engage in constructive behavior to cope with the issue (such as engaging in sports or other leisurely activities), others would develop destructive behaviors as a coping strategy to include apathy, isolation, suppressed emotions and substance abuse. Although the destructive behaviors could have little to not implications for the short term, they will become more significant in the long term through negatively affecting the capacity to complete professional tasks. For that matter, compassion fatigue is an issue of concern among nursing personnel in the surgical unit since it adversely affects their professional performance, length of service, and care outcomes for patients. It is clear that compassion fatigue is an issue that must be addressed with urgency, to include developing a change plan that educates nursing personnel operating in the surgical unit on the concept of compassion fatigue as a problem while aiding them on how best to develop constructive strategies to minimize its occurrence and reduce its negative effects. In response to the identified problem, the proposed change intends to introduce a change action plan to be applied by nursing personnel in the surgical unit. The change would entail educating nursing personnel on how to identify compassion fatigue and address it as an immediate concern Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper.ORDER YOUR PAPER HERENursing inherently requires compassion to be effective. That is because during their course of completing their professional tasks, nurses are forced to experience and witness tragedies that they have little to no control over. Owing to the fact that nurses do not anticipate these tragedies, they end up experiencing an emotional backlash that presents as compassion fatigue (Ray et al., 2013). With repeated exposure to tragedies, the emotional backlash becomes more severe and has a negative impact on their capacity to complete professional duties. In a bid to cope with a backlash, nurses would typical develop coping mechanisms that present as negative behaviors. Boyle (2011) explains this point by
  • 2. mentioning that compassion fatigue causes nursing personnel to develop unfavorable behavior that become increasingly difficult to reverse over time. It further adds that there is a need to present appropriate interventions that include changing the work setting, educating nursing personnel, and creating a good life-work balance as well as therapy, support groups and counselling (Boyle, 2011)Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper. Potter et al. (2013) expresses similar sentiments by noting that preemptive intervention reduced compassion fatigue incidence.The proposed change project will be guided by the change model presented in the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Process. The model was developed by the Institute for John Hopkins as a problem solving approach that is reliant in current evidence and is useful in addressing clinical needs. It applies user-friendly tools to guide the target population on how to apply the appropriate behavior and achieve the desired results. The model’s framework has been tailored for the present problem and institution. This entails applying the model to evaluate the present problem and offer an action plan that includes a strategic implementation direction while educating the population on the proceeding steps and how to move forward (John Hopkins Medicine, 2018). As such, the model presents the most appropriate framework for applying evidence-based changes when addressing the problem of compassion fatigue in surgical units. To be more precise, the model has been applied as the contextual framework for directing evidence synthesis and translation using three tools in the form of practice, education and research. The model will be applied to direct how evidence is managed and used to direct decision-making so that both internal and internal factors are incorporated into the change strategy (Fulton, Lyon & Goudreau, 2014) Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper.The project intends to recruit an interprofessional team to manage the change. The team is expected to apply collaborative efforts to support the change while making constructive recommendations to improve understanding of the change project. The team has been assigned four identities. The first identity is the team manager who is responsible for coordinating all activities and ensuring that the results march the intentions while considering resource aspects that include personnel and time. The second identity is nurse mentor who function in an advisory and consultancy capacity for the project. Three nurse mentors will be recruited in the project and charged with the responsibility of educating the participating nursing personnel on how to avoid compassion fatigue by managing their professional responsibilities. The third identity is professional counsellors. Two counsellors will be recruited in the project and charged with the responsibility of offering counseling services to nursing personnel to either address incidences of compassion fatigue or preempt its occurrence. The final identity is nursing personnel. Their role in the change program will be the primary source of information. In this case, they will be divided into two groups as the study and control group. The study group will continue with their practice as normal while the study group will be subjected to the intervention program. Even as the program continues, they will be asked to complete pre-structured questionnaires on a monthly basis. As such, the nurses’ role and responsibility in the pilot program will be to act as the primary source of information.EvaluationThe change project intends to achieve reduced incidence of compassion fatigue among nursing personnel, as well as application of constructive coping
  • 3. mechanisms in the case of occurrence. The study outcomes will be measured using a modified ProQOL (Professional Quality of Life) questionnaire. It will collect information on compassion satisfaction, burnout and secondary trauma scores. The use of the questionnaire as the evaluation tool is considered appropriate since it is an easy to apply and cheap data collection tool when compared to interviews or other data collection tools. The questionnaire will administer sequentially ordered questions that are articulated to collect information on compassion fatigue. Through using the questionnaire, the data compilation and results analysis would also be eased since the collected data would be subjected to software-mediated statistical analysis (Hinderer et al., 2014) Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper. The questions presented in the questionnaire will be both mutually exclusive and exhaustive to meet the project’s objective.The questionnaire will be presented in three parts. The first part collects general demographic information that includes information on age, gender, level of education, number of children, marital status and ethnicity since these are factors that could influence the participants’ perception of compassion fatigue. For instance, the better educated participants are expected to have a greater appreciation of compassion fatigue since they would have more experiences with the issue through personnel accounts or observing their peers. The second part collects information on compassion fatigue experiences to include the past number of incidences, how they responded and how they coped. The third part will collect information on how the participants’ perceive the change project in terms of effectiveness as either a standalone project or in comparison to other interventions (Hinderer et al., 2014) Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper.The participants will be expected to complete the questionnaire at the beginning and end of the change project. This implies that each participant will complete two copies of the questionnaire. This is intended to evaluate the effects of the change project since any differences noted in the participants’ responses will be attributed to the change as the influencing variable. In addition, differences will be noted for the study and control groups to verify if the intervention had an effect on compassion fatigue incidences. The participating nurses are considered as the major source of information because they exhibit more than average knowledge concerning the project’s objectives. The collected data would then be subjected to statistical analysis to determine the significance of the relationship between the variables. The results will be coalesced and thematically structured before being reported to the stakeholders (who include nursing personnel, policy makers and medical facility managers) using figures and charts that quantitatively and comparatively illustrate the effects of the intervention as applied (Mackey & Gass, 2015).SustainabilityAt the conclusion of the change project, the decision on how to proceed will be dependent on the project outcomes. Achieving the desired outcome will act as an indication that the change project is effective and can be recommended for scale-up. On the other hand, should the project fail to achieve the desired aim then it would be abandoned and considered an ineffective intervention. For the results that indicate the desired outcome, the stakeholders will be informed and convinced that the project should be scaled-up to involve other units and medical facilities. The specific modalities will entail recruiting a larger management team who will be engaged for the long term (unlike the change project management team
  • 4. that is only engaged for the duration of the project). To ensure that the project becomes a permanent endeavor, the stakeholders will be convinced to buy into the change for all the three phases of planning, implementation and reporting with consistent oversight at every phase (Mackey & Gass, 2015) Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper.ReferencesBoyle, D. (2011). Countering compassion fatigue: a requisite nursing agenda. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 16(1), Manuscript 2. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol16no01Man0Fulton, J., Lyon, B. & Goudreau, K. (2014). Foundations of clinical nurse specialist practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.Hinderer, K., vonRueden, K., Friedman, E., McQuillan, K., Gilmore, R., Kramer, B. & Murray, M. (2014). Burnout, compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and secondary traumatic stress in trauma nurses. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 21(4), 159-169 Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay PaperJohn Hopkins Medicine (2018). Evidence-based practice. Retrieved from _practice.htmlMackey, A. & Gass, S. (2015). Second language research: methodology and design. London: Routledge.Potter, P., Deshields, T., Berger, J., Clarke, M., Olsen, S. & Chen, L. (2013). Evaluation of a compassion fatigue resiliency program for oncology nurses. Oncology Nursing Forum, 40(2), 180-187.Ray, S. L., Wong, C., White, D. & Heaslip, K. (2013). Compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, work life conditions, and burnout among frontline mental health care professionals. Traumatology, 19(4), 255-267. DOI: 10.1177/1534765612471144You will utilize your change model for this assignment. Evaluate the performance of your surgical department. The procedure adopted for the program will be conducted in over three steps. Firstly, the projected management team will be appointed. Secondly, the tools to be applied in the program will be collected to include the questionnaire, training material, counseling and mentorship strategies. Thirdly, the nurses will be recruited into the study and control groups. The study group will involve targeted training, counseling and mentor ship. Finally, the nurses will be subjected to the questionnaires with the results coalesced and presented in tables and figures for easy comparison. This is the change model from the previous paper order #202801 that needs to be continued AS; Implementation, Evaluation & Sustainability. Please I would choose our surgical units where the gunshot / motor vehicle accidents patients are transferred to after being stabilized at the trauma unit. THE IDENTIFIED AREA IS THE SURGICAL UNIT / HAVE TO CONTINUE WITH THE COMPASSION FATIGUE on IMPLEMENTATION Evaluation & Sustainability of Compassion Fatigue and not pain management. Identify an area that would significantly benefit from initiating a change. Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which you describe the particular area you propose to address through a change initiative. Include the following for your company: Discuss the issues in this area and the current outcomes as a result of the issues. Describe the external and/or internal driving forces, contributing issues, and the people affected. Evaluate the stakeholders involved and discuss how they will be affected by your change initiative. Clarify your role and responsibility as a change leader. Discuss the leadership theory (or theories) you will use to guide the change process. Discuss the change agents you need to recruit in order to successfully Implement your change. Describe the roles of these change agents. Utilize your change model to develop
  • 5. strategies: (a) Explain the relevance of this model to your organization; and (b) Present the strategic aspects using your model. Be sure to clearly define the purpose of each aspect, the people involved, and the actions that need to be taken. Identify, or predict, the potential barriers to change. Discuss possible ways to overcome these obstacles, including methods for dealing with emerging or unforeseen circumstances that could impede implementation. Describe the evaluation methods you will use to determine the level of success of your change initiative. Discuss what metrics or measurable determinates you will use. Propose strategies to anchor change or support continuous change. Establish how your change plan supports the organizational mission/goal, genuinely addresses stakeholder concerns, and will serve as an equitable contribution for the community or society overall.AT LEAST Five REFERENCES needed Description of the Change Model used (This is from the graded paper) 2 change models (JHNH / ADKAR) John Hopkins Nursing (JHNM) was used as a foundation to create a change model that was designed to reduce compassion fatigue for nurses. For the current targeted nursing population JHNM was deemed appropriate because it was adopted by nursing facilities (John Hopkins Medicine, 2015). The ADKAR model was simple to learn and focused on actions and outcomes required for change (Connally, 2018). These two models were modified as follows: • Procedure changed to align with problem and population. • Timeline changed to facilitate timely solution. • Added estimated effectiveness and achievement ratio Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper.ORDER YOUR PAPER HERE1,500–1750 words Implementation, Evaluation, and Sustainability You will utilize your change model for this assignment. Evaluate the performance of your surgical department.The procedure adopted for the program will be conducted in over three steps. Firstly, the projected management team will be appointed. Secondly, the tools to be applied in the program will be collected to include the questionnaire, training material, counseling and mentorship strategies. Thirdly, the nurses will be recruited into the study and control groups. The study group will involve targeted training, counseling and mentorship. Finally, the nurses will be subjected to the questionnaires with the results coalesced and presented in tables and figures for easy comparison. This is the change model from the previous paper order #202801 that needs to be continued AS; Implementation, Evaluation & Sustainability. Please I would choose our surgical units where the gunshot / motor vehicle accidents patients are transferred to after being stabilized at the trauma unit. THE IDENTIFIED AREA IS THE SURGICAL UNIT / HAVE TO CONTINUE WITH THE COMPASSION FATIGUE on IMPLEMENTAION Evaluation & Sustainability of Compassion Fatigue and not pain management. Identify an area that would significantly benefit from initiating a change. Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which you describe the particular area you propose to address through a change initiative. Include the following for your company: Discuss the issues in this area and the current outcomes as a result of the issues. Describe the external and/or internal driving forces, contributing issues, and the people affected. Evaluate the stakeholders involved and discuss how they will be affected by your change initiative. Clarify your role and responsibility as a change leader. Discuss the leadership theory (or theories) you will use to guide the change process. Discuss the change agents you need to recruit in order to successfully Implement your change. Describe the roles of these change agents. Utilize your change model to develop
  • 6. strategies: Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper (a) Explain the relevance of this model to your organization; and (b) Present the strategic aspects using your model. Be sure to clearly define the purpose of each aspect, the people involved, and the actions that need to be taken. Identify, or predict, the potential barriers to change. Discuss possible ways to overcome these obstacles, including methods for dealing with emerging or unforeseen circumstances that could impede implementation. Describe the evaluation methods you will use to determine the level of success of your change initiative. Discuss what metrics or measurable determinates you will use. Propose strategies to anchor change or support continuous change. Establish how your change plan supports the organizational mission/goal, genuinely addresses stakeholder concerns, and will serve as an equitable contribution for the community or society overall.AT LEAST Five REFERENCES neededDescription of the Change Model used (This is from the graded paper) 2 change models (JHNH / ADKAR)John Hopkins Nursing (JHNM) was used as a foundation to create a change model that was designed to reduce compassion fatigue for nurses. For the current targeted nursing population JHNM was deemed appropriate because it was adopted by nursing facilities (John Hopkins Medicine, 2015). The ADKAR model was simple to learn and focused on actions and outcomes required for change (Connally, 2018). These two models were modified as follows:Procedure changed to align with problem and population.Timeline changed to facilitate timely solution.Added estimated effectiveness and achievement ratio.Change Implementation, Evaluation And Sustainability Essay Paper