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Challenging the
“Highly Able” in MFL
Rachel Wellfair
Which of these could be
seen as “Highly Able”?
What are the challenges
of teaching this
Is a naturally gifted linguist (flair) and highly
Is a native-level speaker thanks to spending
significant time in TL country (but without the native-
level writing skills)
Has a very high target grade (but not the skills or
motivation to match)
Produces excellent pieces of writing, but is terrified of
speaking in class?
Is highly motivated and hard-working, but without
the skill-level to match
Think of a student you teach who….
 Which do you consider
“Highly Able” linguists?
 What are their
strengths/areas for
 What challenges does
each present to
planning and teaching?
Current Challenges…
• More and more “academic” students encouraged to take a language (the
Ebacc nudge) – motivation?
• New “tougher” GCSE specifications
• No more Controlled Assessments
• All 4 skills equally weighted
• Grammar expectations
• Spontaneity expectations
Expert pronunciation
ci ll que
zo za h
Reading aloud
Quiz, Quiz, Trade
Q. By how much
(%) did entries for
GCSE French fall
this summer?
A: 10%
Q. By how much
(%) did entries for
GCSE German fall
this summer?
A: 13%
Q. 770,000
students took
GCSE Maths this
summer. How many
took a GCSE in a
foreign language?
A. 300,000
Q. What is a
grade 5 in the
“old” (A*-C)
grading system?
A. C+  B-
Q. True or false:
you can mix the
tier you enter
students for
across the 4 skills.
A. False – they
must sit the same
tier for all 4.
Q. What does
Ebacc stand for?
A. English
Q. Scholarship
bursaries are now
available to
encourage “gifted”
individuals to train
to teach. How
much could they
get to start 2018-
A. £28,000
Q. What is
Progress 8?
A. A value added
progress measure,
tracking progress
across 8 key
subjects from
Q. Name 2
languages for
which entries at
GCSE rose this
A: Arabic, Chinese
Q. What does the
popular Facebook
MFL teacher
support group name
“GILT” stand for?
A. Global
Language Teachers
Q. Sir Craig
Tunstall, the
highest paid
Primary head in
England, has just
had a controversial
pay rise. How
much is his salary?
A: £398,214
Q. What
percentage of
teachers in a TES
survey thought
related pay was
A: 34%
Q. How do you say
hello in Polish?
A. Cześć
Q. What is a
grade 8 in the
“old” (A*-C)
grading system?
A. A*
Q. True or false:
students are
allowed access to
dictionaries in
preparation time
for speaking exam.
A. False
Q. What is a
grade 8 in the
“old” (A*-C)
grading system?
A. A* (*)
Q. So far in
English and Maths,
grade 9 has been
awarded to the
top percentage of
students. What
A. 3.5%
Q. What is a
grade 4 in the
“old” (A*-C)
grading system?
A. C-  C=
Q. Name 2
languages for
which entries at
GCSE rose this
A: Arabic, Chinese
Q. What hashtag
is commonly used
by MFL teachers
wanting to contact
each other?
A. #mfltwitterati
1. By how much (%) did entries for GCSE French fall this summer?
2. By how much (%) did entries for GCSE German fall this summer?
3. 770,000 students took GCSE Maths this summer. How many took a
GCSE in a foreign language?
4. What does the popular Facebook MFL teacher support group name
“GILT” stand for?
5. Scholarship bursaries are now available to encourage “gifted”
individuals to train to teach. How much could they get to start 2018-
es recomendable
it’s recommendable
to avoid
el estrés
to take drugs
to get drunk
es peligroso
it’s dangerous
es sano
it’s healthy
es malsano
it’s unhealthy
lleva a la adicción
It leads to addiction
(you can easily get
es perjudicial
it’s damaging
Lee las conversaciones en inglés. Cambia A/B.
A: ¿Qué haces para reutilizar cosas?
B: Uso pilas recargables.
A: ¿Qué haces para porteger el medio ambiente?
B: Pues, evito el uso de productos químicos, voy al
colegio a pie y uso bombillas de bajo consumo.
A: ¿Qué haces para reducir el consumo de recursos?
B: Uso el transporte público y ahorro agua.
A: ¿Qué haces para proteger el medio ambiente?
B: Reutilizo bolsas de plástico y reciclo papel y cartón.
Lee las conversaciones en español. Cambia A/B.
A: What do you do to reuse things?
B: I reuse plastic bags and I use low-energy
A: What do you do to reduce the consumption of
B: I avoid using the car – I walk to school.
A: What do you do to protect the environment?
B: Um, I save water because I normally use the
A: What do you do to protect the environment?
B: I use public transport and I avoid using chemical
A: What do you do to reduce the consumption of
B: Recycling is important to me. I recycle glass, I
recycle paper and cardboard… I love recycling!
A: What do you do to protect the environment?
B: I use rechargeable batteries and I reuse plastic
bags, but I don’t use public transport because it’s
Translate the following verbally into English.
A: Où vas-tu en vacances normalement?
B: Normalement je vais en vacances au Portugal. Je
trouve ça super.
A: Quelle sorte de logement préfères-tu?
B: Je préfère loger dans un hôtel parce que c’est plus
A: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire en vacances?
B: Bonne question! J’aime bronzer sur la plage parce
que c’est relaxant
A: Tu aimes mieux partir en vacances avec tes parents
ou avec tes ami?
B: J’aime mieux aller en vacances avec ma famille, car
ils paient tout!
Translate the following verbally into French.
A: Where do you normally go on holiday?
B: I normally go to the South of Spain with my family.
I find it very fun.
A: Where do you normally go on holiday?
B: I often go to France with my friends. I find it
A: What kind of accommodation do you prefer?
B: Good question! I prefer to stay in a hotel, because
it’s more luxurious and I like the food.
A: What do you like to do on holiday?
B: I love sunbathing by the pool because it’s relaxing.
A: Do you prefer going on holiday with your parents or
with friends?
B: I love going on holiday with my friends, because they
are more fun than my family!
A: What do you like to do on holiday?
B: Good question! I love going to the beach, because I
like sunbathing by the sea. I find it relaxing.
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
¿Qué hay en la
Podría ser…
Pienso que…
¿Qué hay en la foto?
- acaba de… (+ infinitive)
- creo que va a…
- Está contenta porque –
después de tanto tiempo- por
¿Qué hay en la foto?
- ¿Prefieres las vacaciones
culturales o en la playa? ¿Por
- ¿Adónde irías de vacaciones
si fueras rico/a?
¿Por qué?
¿Qué hay en la foto?
- Si yo fuera la chica a la
derecha, …. (conditional)
Tren de conversación
lo que cambiaría es…
debería haber más…
me preocupa que haya…
es triste que haya…
me molesta que haya…
Completa el “tren de conversación” para traducir estas frases al inglés:
1. Teeth hurt
2. Broken arm
3. Throat hurts
4. Fever
5. Head hurts
6. Cut finger
1. Once a week
2. Twice a week
3. Once per day
4. Twice a day
5. Three times a day
6. Every 2 hours
+ funny
+ sympathy!
Advice +
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
(17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23)
1 – My head hurts
2 – My back hurts
3 – My arm really hurts
4 – My ankle really hurts
5 – My shoulder hurt
6 – My throat really hurts
7 – I have a fever
8 – My knees really hurt
9- I cut my finger
10 – I fell over in the park
11 – I twisted my ankle
12- I have a broken arm
13 – I strained my back
14 – You poor thing!
15 – Get better soon!
16 – How horrible! Poor thing!
17 – His head hurts. Poor thing!
18 – Does your arm hurt?
19 – Do your teeth hurt?
20 –You have to take this medicine
21 – You have to take these tablets twice a day
22- You have to rest and spend the day at home.
23- You have to put this cream on three times a day.
24 – You have to take this medicine every 2 hours.
25 – You have to put a plaster on.
26 – You have to put a bandage on – poor thing.
27- You have to spend the day at home and take these
tablets every 2 hours.
28 – Do your eyes hurt? You have to stay in bed and
1 – My head hurts
2 – My back hurts
3 – My arm really hurts
4 – My ankle hurts terribly
5 – My shoulder hurt
6 – My throat really hurts
7 – I have had a fever for a week
8 – My knees really hurt
9- I cut my finger in the kitchen
10 – I fell over in the park
11 – I twisted my ankle this morning
12- I have a broken left arm
13 – I strained my back earlier.
14 – You poor thing! Are you ok?
15 – Get better soon!
16 – Let’s see.. How horrible! Poor thing!
17 – His head hurts. Poor thing!
18 – Does your arm hurt? Let’s go to hospital.
19 – Do your teeth hurt? How horrible!
20 –You have to take this medicine
21 – You have to take these tablets twice a day
22- You have to rest and spend the day at home.
23- You have to put this cream on three times a day.
24 – You have to take this medicine every 2 hours.
25 – You have to put a plaster on.
26 – You have to put a bandage on – poor thing.
27- You have to spend the day at home and take these
tablets every 2 hours.
28 – Do your eyes hurt? You have to stay in bed and
Asked a classmate
his/her opinion on
something in
Used 2 ¡Que...!
Pronounced every j
as h and focussed
on expert-sounding
Used 3 different
expert connectives
to link and extend
Used 3 different
expert adjectives
to enrichen my
Completed every
expert / extension
task offered today
Used a “si…” clause Used the present
Used 4 tenses
Asked a classmate
his/her opinion on
something in
Used 2 ¡Que...!
expressions in
Used 4 tenses
Used 3 different
expert connectives
to link and extend
Used the present
Completed every
expert / extension
task offered today
Used a “si…” clause
Used 3 different
expert adjectives
to enrichen my
Pronounced every j
as h and focussed
on expert-sounding
Which of these could be
seen as “Highly Able”?
What are the challenges
of teaching this
Is a naturally gifted linguist (flair) and highly
Is a native-level speaker thanks to spending
significant time in TL country (but without the native-
level writing skills)
Has a very high target grade (but not the skills or
motivation to match)
Produces excellent pieces of writing, but is terrified of
speaking in class?
Is highly motivated and hard-working, but without
the skill-level to match
Think of a student you teach who….
Steal from transcripts
Prepare for success: predict weaknesses
Never under-rate good old dictation
Super-speedy recording  easy-access task
Easy-access recording  super-tricky task
Escucha & escribe el inglés.
1. Climate change worries me.
2. Cars pollute our world’s atmosphere. It’s dangerous.
3. Personally I don’t recycle because I am too lazy.
4. One must look after the world –reducing the consumption of
fossil fuels is important.
5. More and more people separate their rubbish instead of
throwing everything away, which is great.
TWEAK: “Highly Able” students given one of these English sentences at start
to translate. Then they each read out their sentence. Works their speaking,
translating and engages them in listening task.
1. My throat really hurts, and I also have a fever.
2. You poor thing! Take this medicine twice a day.
3. You have to take these pills every 4 hours.
5. I broke my foot when I fell over this morning, it really
6. You have to put a bandage on your arm, it’s broken.
7. Ouch! You have to put a plaster on your hand!
Escucha e identifica las diferencias entre
lo que la profesora dice y el texto.
Tricky Word Transcription:
Escucha y rellena los huecos
Escucha y rellena los huecos
TWEAK: “Highly Able” students given same transcript with “trickier” (in terms
of phonic recognition, not necessarily level of vocabulary) gaps.
Super-Speed, Easy Access
¿Esta mujer está más a favor o en contra
del uso del uniforme escolar?
¿Estás a favor o en contra del uniforme?
Lo bueno es que… Lo malo es que…
1 Es más económico
2 No está de moda (no es “guay”)
3 Te hace sentir parte de un grupo
4 No puedo expresar mi personalidad
5 Hay ventajas y desventajas
6 Todos son iguales
7 No tienes que pensar: “¿qué ropa me pongo mañana?”
8 Cuando hace calor, es poco cómodo llevar corbata y camisa
Escucha: escribe el inglés
1. At my school, you must wear uniform but in my opinion, it’s ugly.
2. The bad thing is that uniform holds back your personality.
3. I like wearing uniform because it’s cheaper for my parents.
4. There are advantages and disadvantages to uniform, but I
would prefer to wear comfortable clothes.
5. The good thing is that it’s practical, however it’s not
comfortable when it’s hot.
Es más económico
Puede anular la personalidad
Te hace sentir parte de un grupo
Hay ventajas y desventajas
Si todo el mundo lleva uniforme, es algo “normal” entre todos los niños
No está de moda (no es “guay”)
No tienes que pensar: “¿qué ropa me pongo mañana?”
Cuando hace calor, es poco cómodo llevar corbata y camisa
¿En qué orden van? Atención: hay dos ideas no mencionadas.
¿Esta mujer está más a favor o en contra
del uso del uniforme escolar?
Set Listening Homework… 
Which of these could be
seen as “Highly Able”?
What are the challenges
of teaching this
Is a naturally gifted linguist (flair) and highly
Is a native-level speaker thanks to spending
significant time in TL country (but without the native-
level writing skills)
Has a very high target grade (but not the skills or
motivation to match)
Produces excellent pieces of writing, but is terrified of
speaking in class?
Is highly motivated and hard-working, but without
the skill-level to match
Think of a student you teach who….
Writing, Grammar and Translation
EXT: back to the future!
Re-write the lyrics in the future tense
Vocabulary & Motivation
• Embedding and reviewing: ‘Bigger picture’
• Self-starter “take a vocabulary and challenge card”
• (Also great for independent work in cover lessons)
1) Test a partner on your set of 10 words
2) Self-assess: look, cover, write, check for your set of 10 words
3) Write a personal way of remembering each word on your list (acronym, sounds like … in
English, draw a picture, etc)
4) Write a word which begins with the same letter as each word on your list
5) Find a synonym for 5 of the words on your list
6) Write another Spanish word which rhymes with each word on your list
7) Write another word which has the same number of syllables for each word on your list
8) Create a sentence in the present tense using 3 of the words from your list
9) Create a sentence in the past or future using 3 of the words from your list
10) Create 3 questions in Spanish using 3 of the words from your list
Vocabulary Review Challenge
hallenge Grids Idea adapted from History resource by
@87History on twitter
Error Corrección Apuesto Gano / Pierdo
Me gusta el inglés porque
Me gusta el inglés porque es
Me encanta las ciencias. Me encantan las ciencias.
Las matemáticas es divertidos. Las matemáticas son divertidas.
Me odio el geografía porque son
Odio la geografía porque es difícil
En mi opinión, el dibujo no es
En mi opinión, el dibujo no es útil.
Quiero estudio el comercio en el
Quiero estudiar el comercio en el
La historia es más difícil que la
I like English because it is easy.
I like Art because it is easy and the teacher is
very amusing/fun.
EXT: Re-write
sentences 1-3 in a
different tense
I like History because it’s fun and also the teacher is quite
patient and hardworking.
I love science because, although the teacher is a bit crazy, it’s useful
and the classes are always interesting. I’m going to study science at
En grupos: pizzaras blancas
Hay que traducir las frases al español
• Check which verb you need:
are you describing personality or
a feeling?
• The red part of the sentence is
Higher. It is optional, but will
significantly raise the quality of
your sentence.
(girl) I am frustrated because there was a traffic jam.
 Estoy frustrada porque había un atasco.
(talking to a boy) You are very annoying/ a nuisance because you
are not cool. Sorry.
 Eres muy pesado porque no eres guay. Lo siento.
(boy) I am kind and intelligent but I am tired today.
 Soy simpatico y inteligente pero hoy estoy cansado.
My sister is worried because she has lots of homework.
 Mi hermana está preocupada porque tiene muchos deberes.
We are very excited because we have Spanish today 
 Estamos muy ilusionados porque temenos el español hoy.
Spanish Literal Translation Expert Translation
Mis abuelos son generosos - me dan
dinero todos los sábados.
My grandparents are generouses – to
me they give money all the
Mi papa está contento porque tiene
un ordenador nuevo.
My Dad is happy because he has a
computer new.
Mis primos están aburridos porque
tienen muchos deberes.
My cousins are boreds because they
have many homeworks.
Mis amigos están ilusionados porque
van de vacaciones.
My friends are exciteds because
they go on holiday.
Esta foto tiene lugar en un colegio,
posiblemente en España.
This photo has place in a school,
possibly in Spain.
En la foto, hay un coche y un hombre. In the photo, there is a car and a
En mi opinión, el niño en la foto es
realmente divertido y simpático.
In my opinion, the child in the photo
is really fun and kind.
Spanish Literal Translation Expert Translation
My grandparents are generouses – to
me they give money all the
My Dad is happy because he has a
computer new.
My cousins are boreds because they
have many homeworks.
My friends are exciteds because
they go on holiday.
This photo has place in a school,
possibly in Spain.
In the photo, there is a car and a
In my opinion, the child in the photo
is really fun and kind.
Spanish Literal Translation Expert Translation
My sister falls me
badly, because to me
she annoys.
Are you pulling my
That exam was eaten
Spanish Literal Translation Expert Translation
Mi hermana me cae mal
porque me molesta.
My sister falls me
badly, because to me
she annoys.
Me estás tomando el
Are you pulling my
El exámen es pan
The exam is eaten
Spanish Literal Translation Expert Translation
Mi hermana me cae mal
porque me molesta.
My sister falls me
badly, because to me
she annoys.
I get on badly with my
sister because she
annoys me.
Me estás tomando el
Are you pulling my
Are you pulling my leg?
/ Kidding me?
El exámen es pan
The exam is eaten
The exam is a piece of
Highlighter marking
• Highlight impressive structures/
successful features in green
• Highlight areas for improvement in
• Do not write what is wrong with the
pink highlighting – students must
work it out for themselves
• Before handing books back, present
list of common class errors & trouble
shoot the issues
• Give work back – students self-
correct by working out which of the
errors they have made.
Cuadernos Cerrados
Magic formula…
1. When I was younger….. But now….
2. Present tense: more detail on the intro main idea (and a bit
of storytelling - anecdote).
3. It worries me that + subjunctive.
(Including I would like to do x, but I can’t because of y).
4. That’s why in the future I will…. (when I’m older…)
Escribir: ¿Qué haces para proteger el medio ambiente?
Escribe apróximadamente 60-90 palabras.
- lo que hacías de pequeño
- Proteger el planeta – qué haces
- Problemas medioambientales – tu opinión
- Planes futuras
3 tenses
“Expert” adjectives
“Expert” connectives
Specific topic vocab
Si… + simple future
Para + infintive
X: holidaysX = Cross-topic challenge
Escribir: Tu colegio
Escribe apróximadamente 60-90 palabras.
- tu escuela primaria
- tus asignaturas – opinions
- planes futuras
3 tenses
“Expert” adjectives
“Expert” connectives
Specific topic vocab
Si… + simple future
Para + infintive
X: familiaX = Cross-topic challenge
Other ideas?
How could it work for another language?
Which of these could be
seen as “Highly Able”?
What are the challenges
of teaching this
Is a naturally gifted linguist (flair) and highly
Is a native-level speaker thanks to spending
significant time in TL country (but without the native-
level writing skills)
Has a very high target grade (but not the skills or
motivation to match)
Produces excellent pieces of writing, but is terrified of
speaking in class?
Is highly motivated and hard-working, but without
the skill-level to match
Think of a student you teach who….
Reading (including
authentic texts)
Highlight every
word you know
La Liga de Futbol Profesional de España habría rechazado los 222 millones que el París Saint-Germain (PSG)
intentó pagar hoy al FC Barcelona por la liberación del brasileño Neymar da Silva, para pasar a la plantilla del club
Un equipo de abogados del delantero y del PSG acudió este jueves a la sede del organismo deportivo, entre ellos
el litigante Juan de Dios Crespo, especializado en derecho deportivo, acompañado de un notario público para
tratar de cerrar la operación, informó el diario deportivo Marca.
Según el medio especializado, la Liga española ha rechazado el pago de los 222 millones de la cláusula de
rescisión del contrato que Neymar tiene con el FC Barcelona, al considerar que la operación rompe con el “juego
limpio financiero” entre clubes europeos.
El presidente de la Liga de Futbol Profesional (LFP), Javier Tebas, había anunciado la víspera que se trata de una
operación de un “club-Estado”, debido a que el fondo soberano de inversiones de Qatar, es propietario del club
De acuerdo con el rotativo, el jugador podría solicitar un “transfer provisional” a la FIFA al comprobarse que se
dispuso del pago de la cláusula de rescisión al Barça y que está pendiente de resolverse el trámite administrativo.
En tanto, el FC Barcelona (al que aún pertenece Neymar) espera la confirmación oficial de la LFP para hacer
efectivo o no el traspaso del jugador.
“The A Team” parece ser una canción muy optimista por el
tipo de música que la acompaña. Sin embargo, la canción
trata un tema muy obscuro*. Se trata de una triste realidad
que miles de personas viven diariamente: la
drogadicción. Cuenta la historia de una chica pobre que
lucha día a día para conseguir el dinero necesario para
subsistir. La protagonista pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en
la calle buscando dinero.
“The A Team” fue escrita cuando Ed Sheeran tenía 18 años,
después de visitar un refugio para personas sin hogar. Fue
ahí donde conoció la historia de una mujer, de la cual la
canción está basada. La canción menciona que la joven
pertenece al equipo de la “Clase A”. Esto se refiere a una
clasificación de drogas en el Reino Unido. Las sustancias de
clase A (heroína, éxtasis, cocaína, crack y LSD) son
consideradas como las más peligrosas.
La canción ha recibido un gran número de críticas positivas.
El 5 de diciembre de 2012, “The A Team” fue nominada para
un premio Grammy en la categoría “Canción del año”.
“The A Team”
(1) Copia las frases subrayadas y
escríbelas el inglés.
(2) Haz un resumen (summary) del
artículo en inglés.
EX: Traduce el segundo párrafo.
1. Para ahorrar agua, lo más importante es no malgastar. Por eso, cierra el grifo mientras te cepillas los
dientes, o mientras te enjabonas en la ducha. Además, es mejor cambiar el baño por la ducha.
2. Separa los residuos en distintos cubos de basura. Puedes decorar cubos de distintos colores para que sea
más fácil identificar qué debes poner en cada bolsa.
3. Antes de reciclar el papel, recuerda usarlo por las dos caras. Además, puedes comprar papel reciclado, así
salvarás árboles.
4. Utiliza el transporte público en lugar del coche. Es un ahorro para toda la familia, y contribuirás a evitar la
contaminación y el derroche de energía.
5. Usa bombillas de bajo consumo. No sólo ayudarás a ahorrar electricidad, sino que también reducen el
gasto en la factura de la luz.
6. Apaga los aparatos eléctricos de casa cuando no se estén usando. El estado en standby consume energía,
así que es mejor desconectarlos del todo. También puedes esperar a que la lavadora o el lavavajillas estén
llenos antes de enchufarlos, así no desperdiciarás electricidad ni agua.
7. No abuses de la calefacción o el aire acondicionado. Es un gasto energético y un peligro para la salud
abusar de una temperatura demasiado fría o caliente en casa, lo recomendable son unos 20º en invierno.
8. Reutiliza las bolsas de plástico, y utiliza mejor las que sean biodegradables. Guárdalas cuando vayáis a
hacer la compra, o usa bolsas de tela.
9. No abuses de la luz eléctrica, aprovecha la luz natural. Es más saludable ajustar nuestro horario para
aprovechar al máximo las horas de luz solar.
10. Usa cajar, telas, bricks...para hacer manualidades de decoraciones o juguetes. Cualquier objeto se puede
reciclar y convertir en algo increíble, ¡usa tu imaginación!
¿A qué número corresponde cada consejo?
Atención: hay dos consejos que no necesitas.
a) Save energy… and you’ll cut down on your bills
b) Turn off the taps
c) Save the trees
d) Reuse plastic bags
e) Keep at the right temperature
f) Separate your rubbish
g) Use public transport
h) Avoid using plastic bags – use biodegradable ones
i) Be creative with recycling
j) Switch off the lights
k) Use solar panels
l) Only switch things on when you need them
EXT: What exactly is
said about…
- showering?
- bins?
- air conditioning and
heating your home?
- recycling paper?
“High 5” - Authentic Texts
1 Read the title(s) & images - predict
2 Read a paragraph at a time
3 Bullet point a few words
4 Underline difficult words
5 Summarise
1 Read the title(s) & images - predict
2 Read a paragraph at a time
+ Highlight words you know
3 Bullet point a few words
4 Underline difficult words which are vital
for understanding the whole sentence
5 Summarise in English
El País, Year 8
Conseils pour passer de bonnes vacances entre amis
1. Gérez votre argent
Si vous ne décidez pas d’un budget à l’avance, vous risquez les polémiques et les conflits. Avant de partir, choisissez un budget
raisonnable, histoire d’éviter d’arriver sur place en vous disant que vous allez siroter du champagne, alors que les autres
cherchent un café pas cher. Partir en vacances entre amis, c'est mettre carte sur table avant le départ et bien connaître la
situation de chacun.
3. Sachez faire des compromis
Même si vous êtes le seul à ne pas vouloir aller au parc aquatique, faire un caprice ne réglera pas le problème - et ne vous
rendra pas populaire auprès de vos amis. Parfois, il faut apprendre à suivre le mouvement, en sachant que l’on pourra faire ce
que l’on veut un autre jour. Partir en vacances entre amis nécessite de faire des compromis car il est bien difficile d'avoir
toujours les mêmes envies au même moment.
2. Partagez la note
Toujours sur le même sujet, l'argent. Evitez de devoir de l’argent - on qu’on vous doive de l’argent. Partagez les notes à parts
égales et tenez-vous en à votre budget. Cela vous évitera d’avoir à polémiquer, une fois rentrés, pour savoir qui doit 30 euros
à qui.
4. Faites des groupes
La moitié de votre groupe veut aller boire un coup et l’autre moitié veut aller se coucher? Vous n’êtes pas obligés de passer
toutes les vacances ensemble - mais il faut que personne ne soit mis de côté.
6. Evitez les sujets risqués
Il y a bien sûr les classiques (religion, politique, argent). Mais pendant que vous y êtes, évitez de profiter des vacances pour
annoncer à votre ami que vous déménagez de l’appartement que vous partagez, ou que c'est vous qui avez cassé son
ordinateur et accusé le chien... Même si vous avez envie de vider votre sac pendant que l'ambiance est bonne, elle ne le
restera peut-être pas, même après trois mojitos.
5. Isolez-vous
C'est fatigant d'être sociable 24 heures sur 24. Ne vous sentez pas coupable de vouloir faire la sieste quand tout le monde
part déjeuner, ou de faire bronzette quand tout le monde saute sur un bateau-banane gonflable. Vous serez même au
premier rang quand ils tomberont tous à l'eau ! Un voyage entre amis n'implique pas que vous soyez collés, chacun peut
s'octroyer un espace de liberté.
7. Buvez avec modération
L'alcool peut vous faire faire des choses stupides ! Surtout ces cocktails super forts qu'ils servent dans les stations
balnéaires et que l'on adore boire quand on part en vacances entre amis. Nous ne sommes pas en train de vous dire qu’il ne
faut rien boire du tout, mais faites attention de ne pas trop boire, ou vous risquez de vous fâcher avec tout le groupe, ou de
partir tout seul et vous perdre, ou de ne pas réussir à vous lever le lendemain pour cette excursion que vous aviez prévue…
La liste est sans fin.
8. Connaissez vos limites
Ce n'est pas parce que tout le monde veut faire du parachute, que vous devez en faire aussi. Vous n’êtes pas
obligé de toujours faire comme les autres, et encore moins de vous mettre dans une situation où vous n’êtes
pas à l’aise juste pour leur faire plaisir. Si vous n’avez pas envie de faire quelque chose, ne le faites pas car vous
risquez d’en vouloir à vos amis - ce qui n’est pas une bonne idée quand on part en vacances avec eux !
Which of these could be
seen as “Highly Able”?
What are the challenges
of teaching this
Is a naturally gifted linguist (flair) and highly
Is a native-level speaker thanks to spending
significant time in TL country (but without the native-
level writing skills)
Has a very high target grade (but not the skills or
motivation to match)
Produces excellent pieces of writing, but is terrified of
speaking in class?
Is highly motivated and hard-working, but without
the skill-level to match
Think of a student you teach who….

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Challenging "Highly Able" in MFL

  • 1. Challenging the “Highly Able” in MFL Rachel Wellfair @theSpanishist
  • 2. Which of these could be seen as “Highly Able”? What are the challenges of teaching this student? Is a naturally gifted linguist (flair) and highly motivated Is a native-level speaker thanks to spending significant time in TL country (but without the native- level writing skills) Has a very high target grade (but not the skills or motivation to match) Produces excellent pieces of writing, but is terrified of speaking in class? Is highly motivated and hard-working, but without the skill-level to match Think of a student you teach who….  Which do you consider “Highly Able” linguists?  What are their strengths/areas for improvement?  What challenges does each present to planning and teaching?
  • 3.
  • 4. Current Challenges… • More and more “academic” students encouraged to take a language (the Ebacc nudge) – motivation? • New “tougher” GCSE specifications • No more Controlled Assessments • All 4 skills equally weighted • Grammar expectations • Spontaneity expectations
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 10. ?
  • 12. Q. By how much (%) did entries for GCSE French fall this summer? A: 10% Q. By how much (%) did entries for GCSE German fall this summer? A: 13% Q. 770,000 students took GCSE Maths this summer. How many took a GCSE in a foreign language? A. 300,000 Q. What is a grade 5 in the “old” (A*-C) grading system? A. C+  B- Q. True or false: you can mix the tier you enter students for (foundation/higher) across the 4 skills. A. False – they must sit the same tier for all 4. Q. What does Ebacc stand for? A. English Baccalaureate Q. Scholarship bursaries are now available to encourage “gifted” individuals to train to teach. How much could they get to start 2018- 19? A. £28,000 Q. What is Progress 8? A. A value added progress measure, tracking progress across 8 key subjects from KS2-4. Q. Name 2 languages for which entries at GCSE rose this year. A: Arabic, Chinese Mandarin Q. What does the popular Facebook MFL teacher support group name “GILT” stand for? A. Global Innovative Language Teachers
  • 13. Q. Sir Craig Tunstall, the highest paid Primary head in England, has just had a controversial pay rise. How much is his salary? A: £398,214 Q. What percentage of teachers in a TES survey thought performance related pay was “fair”? A: 34% Q. How do you say hello in Polish? A. Cześć (“cheh-sh-ch”) Q. What is a grade 8 in the “old” (A*-C) grading system? A. A* Q. True or false: students are allowed access to dictionaries in preparation time for speaking exam. A. False Q. What is a grade 8 in the “old” (A*-C) grading system? A. A* (*) Q. So far in English and Maths, grade 9 has been awarded to the top percentage of students. What percentage? A. 3.5% Q. What is a grade 4 in the “old” (A*-C) grading system? A. C-  C= Q. Name 2 languages for which entries at GCSE rose this year. A: Arabic, Chinese Mandarin Q. What hashtag is commonly used by MFL teachers wanting to contact each other? A. #mfltwitterati
  • 14. 1. By how much (%) did entries for GCSE French fall this summer? 2. By how much (%) did entries for GCSE German fall this summer? 3. 770,000 students took GCSE Maths this summer. How many took a GCSE in a foreign language? 4. What does the popular Facebook MFL teacher support group name “GILT” stand for? 5. Scholarship bursaries are now available to encourage “gifted” individuals to train to teach. How much could they get to start 2018- 19?
  • 15. es recomendable it’s recommendable (to) evitar to avoid el estrés stress drogarse to take drugs emborracharse to get drunk es peligroso it’s dangerous es sano it’s healthy es malsano it’s unhealthy lleva a la adicción It leads to addiction (you can easily get addicted) es perjudicial it’s damaging
  • 16. Lee las conversaciones en inglés. Cambia A/B. A: ¿Qué haces para reutilizar cosas? B: Uso pilas recargables. A: ¿Qué haces para porteger el medio ambiente? B: Pues, evito el uso de productos químicos, voy al colegio a pie y uso bombillas de bajo consumo. A: ¿Qué haces para reducir el consumo de recursos? B: Uso el transporte público y ahorro agua. A: ¿Qué haces para proteger el medio ambiente? B: Reutilizo bolsas de plástico y reciclo papel y cartón. Lee las conversaciones en español. Cambia A/B. A: What do you do to reuse things? B: I reuse plastic bags and I use low-energy lightbulbs. A: What do you do to reduce the consumption of resources? B: I avoid using the car – I walk to school. A: What do you do to protect the environment? B: Um, I save water because I normally use the shower. A: What do you do to protect the environment? B: I use public transport and I avoid using chemical products. A: What do you do to reduce the consumption of resources? B: Recycling is important to me. I recycle glass, I recycle paper and cardboard… I love recycling! A: What do you do to protect the environment? B: I use rechargeable batteries and I reuse plastic bags, but I don’t use public transport because it’s uncomfortable.
  • 17. Translate the following verbally into English. A: Où vas-tu en vacances normalement? B: Normalement je vais en vacances au Portugal. Je trouve ça super. A: Quelle sorte de logement préfères-tu? B: Je préfère loger dans un hôtel parce que c’est plus confortable A: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire en vacances? B: Bonne question! J’aime bronzer sur la plage parce que c’est relaxant A: Tu aimes mieux partir en vacances avec tes parents ou avec tes ami? B: J’aime mieux aller en vacances avec ma famille, car ils paient tout! Translate the following verbally into French. A: Where do you normally go on holiday? B: I normally go to the South of Spain with my family. I find it very fun. A: Where do you normally go on holiday? B: I often go to France with my friends. I find it super! A: What kind of accommodation do you prefer? B: Good question! I prefer to stay in a hotel, because it’s more luxurious and I like the food. A: What do you like to do on holiday? B: I love sunbathing by the pool because it’s relaxing. A: Do you prefer going on holiday with your parents or with friends? B: I love going on holiday with my friends, because they are more fun than my family! A: What do you like to do on holiday? B: Good question! I love going to the beach, because I like sunbathing by the sea. I find it relaxing.
  • 18. 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 ¿Qué hay en la foto? “Conjecture” Podría ser… Posiblemente… Pienso que…
  • 19.
  • 20. ¿Qué hay en la foto? - acaba de… (+ infinitive) - creo que va a… - Está contenta porque – después de tanto tiempo- por fin…
  • 21. ¿Qué hay en la foto? - ¿Prefieres las vacaciones culturales o en la playa? ¿Por qué? - ¿Adónde irías de vacaciones si fueras rico/a? ¿Por qué?
  • 22. ¿Qué hay en la foto? - Si yo fuera la chica a la derecha, …. (conditional)
  • 23. Tren de conversación lo que cambiaría es… debería haber más… me preocupa que haya… es triste que haya… me molesta que haya… Completa el “tren de conversación” para traducir estas frases al inglés:
  • 24. 1. Teeth hurt 2. Broken arm 3. Throat hurts 4. Fever 5. Head hurts 6. Cut finger 1. Once a week 2. Twice a week 3. Once per day 4. Twice a day 5. Three times a day 6. Every 2 hours + funny reason A B + sympathy! Advice +
  • 25. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)(26)(27)(28)FIN
  • 26. 1 – My head hurts 2 – My back hurts 3 – My arm really hurts 4 – My ankle really hurts 5 – My shoulder hurt 6 – My throat really hurts 7 – I have a fever 8 – My knees really hurt 9- I cut my finger 10 – I fell over in the park 11 – I twisted my ankle 12- I have a broken arm 13 – I strained my back 14 – You poor thing! 15 – Get better soon! 16 – How horrible! Poor thing! 17 – His head hurts. Poor thing! 18 – Does your arm hurt? 19 – Do your teeth hurt? 20 –You have to take this medicine 21 – You have to take these tablets twice a day 22- You have to rest and spend the day at home. 23- You have to put this cream on three times a day. 24 – You have to take this medicine every 2 hours. 25 – You have to put a plaster on. 26 – You have to put a bandage on – poor thing. 27- You have to spend the day at home and take these tablets every 2 hours. 28 – Do your eyes hurt? You have to stay in bed and rest.
  • 27. 1 – My head hurts 2 – My back hurts 3 – My arm really hurts 4 – My ankle hurts terribly 5 – My shoulder hurt 6 – My throat really hurts 7 – I have had a fever for a week 8 – My knees really hurt 9- I cut my finger in the kitchen 10 – I fell over in the park 11 – I twisted my ankle this morning 12- I have a broken left arm 13 – I strained my back earlier. 14 – You poor thing! Are you ok? 15 – Get better soon! 16 – Let’s see.. How horrible! Poor thing! 17 – His head hurts. Poor thing! 18 – Does your arm hurt? Let’s go to hospital. 19 – Do your teeth hurt? How horrible! 20 –You have to take this medicine 21 – You have to take these tablets twice a day 22- You have to rest and spend the day at home. 23- You have to put this cream on three times a day. 24 – You have to take this medicine every 2 hours. 25 – You have to put a plaster on. 26 – You have to put a bandage on – poor thing. 27- You have to spend the day at home and take these tablets every 2 hours. 28 – Do your eyes hurt? You have to stay in bed and rest.
  • 28. Asked a classmate his/her opinion on something in Spanish Used 2 ¡Que...! expressions Pronounced every j as h and focussed on expert-sounding vowels Used 3 different expert connectives to link and extend Used 3 different expert adjectives to enrichen my vocabulary Completed every expert / extension task offered today Used a “si…” clause Used the present subjunctive Used 4 tenses Speaking Vocab Writing: Grammar
  • 29. Asked a classmate his/her opinion on something in Spanish Used 2 ¡Que...! expressions in speaking Used 4 tenses Used 3 different expert connectives to link and extend Used the present subjunctive Completed every expert / extension task offered today Used a “si…” clause Used 3 different expert adjectives to enrichen my vocabulary Pronounced every j as h and focussed on expert-sounding vowels
  • 31. Which of these could be seen as “Highly Able”? What are the challenges of teaching this student? Is a naturally gifted linguist (flair) and highly motivated Is a native-level speaker thanks to spending significant time in TL country (but without the native- level writing skills) Has a very high target grade (but not the skills or motivation to match) Produces excellent pieces of writing, but is terrified of speaking in class? Is highly motivated and hard-working, but without the skill-level to match Think of a student you teach who….
  • 33. Steal from transcripts Prepare for success: predict weaknesses Never under-rate good old dictation Super-speedy recording  easy-access task Easy-access recording  super-tricky task
  • 34. Escucha & escribe el inglés. 1. Climate change worries me. 2. Cars pollute our world’s atmosphere. It’s dangerous. 3. Personally I don’t recycle because I am too lazy. 4. One must look after the world –reducing the consumption of fossil fuels is important. 5. More and more people separate their rubbish instead of throwing everything away, which is great. TWEAK: “Highly Able” students given one of these English sentences at start to translate. Then they each read out their sentence. Works their speaking, translating and engages them in listening task.
  • 35. 1. My throat really hurts, and I also have a fever. 2. You poor thing! Take this medicine twice a day. 3. You have to take these pills every 4 hours. 5. I broke my foot when I fell over this morning, it really hurts. 6. You have to put a bandage on your arm, it’s broken. 7. Ouch! You have to put a plaster on your hand! Escucha e identifica las diferencias entre lo que la profesora dice y el texto.
  • 37. Escucha y rellena los huecos
  • 38. Escucha y rellena los huecos TWEAK: “Highly Able” students given same transcript with “trickier” (in terms of phonic recognition, not necessarily level of vocabulary) gaps.
  • 40. ¿Esta mujer está más a favor o en contra del uso del uniforme escolar? Video
  • 41. ¿Estás a favor o en contra del uniforme? Lo bueno es que… Lo malo es que…
  • 42. 1 Es más económico = 2 No está de moda (no es “guay”) = 3 Te hace sentir parte de un grupo = 4 No puedo expresar mi personalidad = 5 Hay ventajas y desventajas = 6 Todos son iguales = 7 No tienes que pensar: “¿qué ropa me pongo mañana?” = 8 Cuando hace calor, es poco cómodo llevar corbata y camisa =
  • 43. Escucha: escribe el inglés 1. At my school, you must wear uniform but in my opinion, it’s ugly. 2. The bad thing is that uniform holds back your personality. 3. I like wearing uniform because it’s cheaper for my parents. 4. There are advantages and disadvantages to uniform, but I would prefer to wear comfortable clothes. 5. The good thing is that it’s practical, however it’s not comfortable when it’s hot.
  • 44. Video Es más económico Puede anular la personalidad Te hace sentir parte de un grupo Hay ventajas y desventajas Si todo el mundo lleva uniforme, es algo “normal” entre todos los niños No está de moda (no es “guay”) No tienes que pensar: “¿qué ropa me pongo mañana?” Cuando hace calor, es poco cómodo llevar corbata y camisa ¿En qué orden van? Atención: hay dos ideas no mencionadas.
  • 45. ¿Esta mujer está más a favor o en contra del uso del uniforme escolar?
  • 46. Set Listening Homework…  o o
  • 47. Which of these could be seen as “Highly Able”? What are the challenges of teaching this student? Is a naturally gifted linguist (flair) and highly motivated Is a native-level speaker thanks to spending significant time in TL country (but without the native- level writing skills) Has a very high target grade (but not the skills or motivation to match) Produces excellent pieces of writing, but is terrified of speaking in class? Is highly motivated and hard-working, but without the skill-level to match Think of a student you teach who….
  • 48. Writing, Grammar and Translation
  • 49. https://www.youtub GzcxfWzY EXT: back to the future! Re-write the lyrics in the future tense
  • 50. Vocabulary & Motivation • Embedding and reviewing: ‘Bigger picture’ • Self-starter “take a vocabulary and challenge card” • (Also great for independent work in cover lessons)
  • 51. 1) Test a partner on your set of 10 words 2) Self-assess: look, cover, write, check for your set of 10 words 3) Write a personal way of remembering each word on your list (acronym, sounds like … in English, draw a picture, etc) 4) Write a word which begins with the same letter as each word on your list 5) Find a synonym for 5 of the words on your list 6) Write another Spanish word which rhymes with each word on your list 7) Write another word which has the same number of syllables for each word on your list 8) Create a sentence in the present tense using 3 of the words from your list 9) Create a sentence in the past or future using 3 of the words from your list 10) Create 3 questions in Spanish using 3 of the words from your list Vocabulary Review Challenge C H A L L E N G E
  • 52. hallenge Grids Idea adapted from History resource by @87History on twitter
  • 53. Error Corrección Apuesto Gano / Pierdo Me gusta el inglés porque divertido. Me gusta el inglés porque es divertido Me encanta las ciencias. Me encantan las ciencias. Las matemáticas es divertidos. Las matemáticas son divertidas. Me odio el geografía porque son fácil. Odio la geografía porque es difícil En mi opinión, el dibujo no es útiles. En mi opinión, el dibujo no es útil. Quiero estudio el comercio en el futuro. Quiero estudiar el comercio en el futuro. La historia es más difícil que la geografía. TRAMPA 
  • 54. I like English because it is easy. I like Art because it is easy and the teacher is very amusing/fun. EXT: Re-write sentences 1-3 in a different tense I like History because it’s fun and also the teacher is quite patient and hardworking. I love science because, although the teacher is a bit crazy, it’s useful and the classes are always interesting. I’m going to study science at university.
  • 55. En grupos: pizzaras blancas Hay que traducir las frases al español Think… • Check which verb you need: are you describing personality or a feeling? • The red part of the sentence is Higher. It is optional, but will significantly raise the quality of your sentence.
  • 56. (girl) I am frustrated because there was a traffic jam.  Estoy frustrada porque había un atasco.
  • 57. (talking to a boy) You are very annoying/ a nuisance because you are not cool. Sorry.  Eres muy pesado porque no eres guay. Lo siento.
  • 58. (boy) I am kind and intelligent but I am tired today.  Soy simpatico y inteligente pero hoy estoy cansado.
  • 59. My sister is worried because she has lots of homework.  Mi hermana está preocupada porque tiene muchos deberes.
  • 60. We are very excited because we have Spanish today   Estamos muy ilusionados porque temenos el español hoy.
  • 61.
  • 62. Spanish Literal Translation Expert Translation Mis abuelos son generosos - me dan dinero todos los sábados. My grandparents are generouses – to me they give money all the Saturdays. Mi papa está contento porque tiene un ordenador nuevo. My Dad is happy because he has a computer new. Mis primos están aburridos porque tienen muchos deberes. My cousins are boreds because they have many homeworks. Mis amigos están ilusionados porque van de vacaciones. My friends are exciteds because they go on holiday. Esta foto tiene lugar en un colegio, posiblemente en España. This photo has place in a school, possibly in Spain. En la foto, hay un coche y un hombre. In the photo, there is a car and a man. En mi opinión, el niño en la foto es realmente divertido y simpático. In my opinion, the child in the photo is really fun and kind.
  • 63. Spanish Literal Translation Expert Translation My grandparents are generouses – to me they give money all the Saturdays. My Dad is happy because he has a computer new. My cousins are boreds because they have many homeworks. My friends are exciteds because they go on holiday. This photo has place in a school, possibly in Spain. In the photo, there is a car and a man. In my opinion, the child in the photo is really fun and kind.
  • 64. Spanish Literal Translation Expert Translation My sister falls me badly, because to me she annoys. Are you pulling my hair?! That exam was eaten bread.
  • 65. Spanish Literal Translation Expert Translation Mi hermana me cae mal porque me molesta. My sister falls me badly, because to me she annoys. Me estás tomando el pelo? Are you pulling my hair?! El exámen es pan comido. The exam is eaten bread.
  • 66. Spanish Literal Translation Expert Translation Mi hermana me cae mal porque me molesta. My sister falls me badly, because to me she annoys. I get on badly with my sister because she annoys me. Me estás tomando el pelo? Are you pulling my hair?! Are you pulling my leg? / Kidding me? El exámen es pan comido. The exam is eaten bread. The exam is a piece of cake.
  • 67. Highlighter marking • Highlight impressive structures/ successful features in green • Highlight areas for improvement in pink • Do not write what is wrong with the pink highlighting – students must work it out for themselves • Before handing books back, present list of common class errors & trouble shoot the issues • Give work back – students self- correct by working out which of the errors they have made.
  • 68.
  • 70. Magic formula… 1. When I was younger….. But now…. 2. Present tense: more detail on the intro main idea (and a bit of storytelling - anecdote). 3. It worries me that + subjunctive. (Including I would like to do x, but I can’t because of y). 4. That’s why in the future I will…. (when I’m older…)
  • 71.
  • 72.
  • 73. Escribir: ¿Qué haces para proteger el medio ambiente? Escribe apróximadamente 60-90 palabras. Incluye… - lo que hacías de pequeño - Proteger el planeta – qué haces - Problemas medioambientales – tu opinión - Planes futuras 3 tenses “Expert” adjectives “Expert” connectives Specific topic vocab Si… + simple future clause Subjunctive Para + infintive X: holidaysX = Cross-topic challenge
  • 74. Escribir: Tu colegio Escribe apróximadamente 60-90 palabras. Incluye… - tu escuela primaria - tus asignaturas – opinions - planes futuras 3 tenses “Expert” adjectives “Expert” connectives Specific topic vocab Si… + simple future clause Subjunctive Para + infintive X: familiaX = Cross-topic challenge
  • 75. Other ideas? How could it work for another language?
  • 76. Which of these could be seen as “Highly Able”? What are the challenges of teaching this student? Is a naturally gifted linguist (flair) and highly motivated Is a native-level speaker thanks to spending significant time in TL country (but without the native- level writing skills) Has a very high target grade (but not the skills or motivation to match) Produces excellent pieces of writing, but is terrified of speaking in class? Is highly motivated and hard-working, but without the skill-level to match Think of a student you teach who….
  • 79. La Liga de Futbol Profesional de España habría rechazado los 222 millones que el París Saint-Germain (PSG) intentó pagar hoy al FC Barcelona por la liberación del brasileño Neymar da Silva, para pasar a la plantilla del club parisino. Un equipo de abogados del delantero y del PSG acudió este jueves a la sede del organismo deportivo, entre ellos el litigante Juan de Dios Crespo, especializado en derecho deportivo, acompañado de un notario público para tratar de cerrar la operación, informó el diario deportivo Marca. Según el medio especializado, la Liga española ha rechazado el pago de los 222 millones de la cláusula de rescisión del contrato que Neymar tiene con el FC Barcelona, al considerar que la operación rompe con el “juego limpio financiero” entre clubes europeos. El presidente de la Liga de Futbol Profesional (LFP), Javier Tebas, había anunciado la víspera que se trata de una operación de un “club-Estado”, debido a que el fondo soberano de inversiones de Qatar, es propietario del club parisino. De acuerdo con el rotativo, el jugador podría solicitar un “transfer provisional” a la FIFA al comprobarse que se dispuso del pago de la cláusula de rescisión al Barça y que está pendiente de resolverse el trámite administrativo. En tanto, el FC Barcelona (al que aún pertenece Neymar) espera la confirmación oficial de la LFP para hacer efectivo o no el traspaso del jugador.
  • 80. “The A Team” parece ser una canción muy optimista por el tipo de música que la acompaña. Sin embargo, la canción trata un tema muy obscuro*. Se trata de una triste realidad que miles de personas viven diariamente: la drogadicción. Cuenta la historia de una chica pobre que lucha día a día para conseguir el dinero necesario para subsistir. La protagonista pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en la calle buscando dinero. “The A Team” fue escrita cuando Ed Sheeran tenía 18 años, después de visitar un refugio para personas sin hogar. Fue ahí donde conoció la historia de una mujer, de la cual la canción está basada. La canción menciona que la joven pertenece al equipo de la “Clase A”. Esto se refiere a una clasificación de drogas en el Reino Unido. Las sustancias de clase A (heroína, éxtasis, cocaína, crack y LSD) son consideradas como las más peligrosas. La canción ha recibido un gran número de críticas positivas. El 5 de diciembre de 2012, “The A Team” fue nominada para un premio Grammy en la categoría “Canción del año”. “The A Team” (1) Copia las frases subrayadas y escríbelas el inglés. (2) Haz un resumen (summary) del artículo en inglés. EX: Traduce el segundo párrafo.
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83. 1. Para ahorrar agua, lo más importante es no malgastar. Por eso, cierra el grifo mientras te cepillas los dientes, o mientras te enjabonas en la ducha. Además, es mejor cambiar el baño por la ducha. 2. Separa los residuos en distintos cubos de basura. Puedes decorar cubos de distintos colores para que sea más fácil identificar qué debes poner en cada bolsa. 3. Antes de reciclar el papel, recuerda usarlo por las dos caras. Además, puedes comprar papel reciclado, así salvarás árboles. 4. Utiliza el transporte público en lugar del coche. Es un ahorro para toda la familia, y contribuirás a evitar la contaminación y el derroche de energía. 5. Usa bombillas de bajo consumo. No sólo ayudarás a ahorrar electricidad, sino que también reducen el gasto en la factura de la luz. 6. Apaga los aparatos eléctricos de casa cuando no se estén usando. El estado en standby consume energía, así que es mejor desconectarlos del todo. También puedes esperar a que la lavadora o el lavavajillas estén llenos antes de enchufarlos, así no desperdiciarás electricidad ni agua. 7. No abuses de la calefacción o el aire acondicionado. Es un gasto energético y un peligro para la salud abusar de una temperatura demasiado fría o caliente en casa, lo recomendable son unos 20º en invierno. 8. Reutiliza las bolsas de plástico, y utiliza mejor las que sean biodegradables. Guárdalas cuando vayáis a hacer la compra, o usa bolsas de tela. 9. No abuses de la luz eléctrica, aprovecha la luz natural. Es más saludable ajustar nuestro horario para aprovechar al máximo las horas de luz solar. 10. Usa cajar, telas, bricks...para hacer manualidades de decoraciones o juguetes. Cualquier objeto se puede reciclar y convertir en algo increíble, ¡usa tu imaginación!
  • 84. ¿A qué número corresponde cada consejo? Atención: hay dos consejos que no necesitas. a) Save energy… and you’ll cut down on your bills b) Turn off the taps c) Save the trees d) Reuse plastic bags e) Keep at the right temperature f) Separate your rubbish g) Use public transport h) Avoid using plastic bags – use biodegradable ones i) Be creative with recycling j) Switch off the lights k) Use solar panels l) Only switch things on when you need them EXT: What exactly is said about… - showering? - bins? - air conditioning and heating your home? - recycling paper?
  • 85. “High 5” - Authentic Texts 1 Read the title(s) & images - predict 2 Read a paragraph at a time 3 Bullet point a few words 4 Underline difficult words 5 Summarise 1 Read the title(s) & images - predict 2 Read a paragraph at a time + Highlight words you know 3 Bullet point a few words 4 Underline difficult words which are vital for understanding the whole sentence 5 Summarise in English
  • 87. Conseils pour passer de bonnes vacances entre amis
  • 88. 1. Gérez votre argent Si vous ne décidez pas d’un budget à l’avance, vous risquez les polémiques et les conflits. Avant de partir, choisissez un budget raisonnable, histoire d’éviter d’arriver sur place en vous disant que vous allez siroter du champagne, alors que les autres cherchent un café pas cher. Partir en vacances entre amis, c'est mettre carte sur table avant le départ et bien connaître la situation de chacun. 3. Sachez faire des compromis Même si vous êtes le seul à ne pas vouloir aller au parc aquatique, faire un caprice ne réglera pas le problème - et ne vous rendra pas populaire auprès de vos amis. Parfois, il faut apprendre à suivre le mouvement, en sachant que l’on pourra faire ce que l’on veut un autre jour. Partir en vacances entre amis nécessite de faire des compromis car il est bien difficile d'avoir toujours les mêmes envies au même moment. 2. Partagez la note Toujours sur le même sujet, l'argent. Evitez de devoir de l’argent - on qu’on vous doive de l’argent. Partagez les notes à parts égales et tenez-vous en à votre budget. Cela vous évitera d’avoir à polémiquer, une fois rentrés, pour savoir qui doit 30 euros à qui. 4. Faites des groupes La moitié de votre groupe veut aller boire un coup et l’autre moitié veut aller se coucher? Vous n’êtes pas obligés de passer toutes les vacances ensemble - mais il faut que personne ne soit mis de côté.
  • 89. 6. Evitez les sujets risqués Il y a bien sûr les classiques (religion, politique, argent). Mais pendant que vous y êtes, évitez de profiter des vacances pour annoncer à votre ami que vous déménagez de l’appartement que vous partagez, ou que c'est vous qui avez cassé son ordinateur et accusé le chien... Même si vous avez envie de vider votre sac pendant que l'ambiance est bonne, elle ne le restera peut-être pas, même après trois mojitos. 5. Isolez-vous C'est fatigant d'être sociable 24 heures sur 24. Ne vous sentez pas coupable de vouloir faire la sieste quand tout le monde part déjeuner, ou de faire bronzette quand tout le monde saute sur un bateau-banane gonflable. Vous serez même au premier rang quand ils tomberont tous à l'eau ! Un voyage entre amis n'implique pas que vous soyez collés, chacun peut s'octroyer un espace de liberté. 7. Buvez avec modération L'alcool peut vous faire faire des choses stupides ! Surtout ces cocktails super forts qu'ils servent dans les stations balnéaires et que l'on adore boire quand on part en vacances entre amis. Nous ne sommes pas en train de vous dire qu’il ne faut rien boire du tout, mais faites attention de ne pas trop boire, ou vous risquez de vous fâcher avec tout le groupe, ou de partir tout seul et vous perdre, ou de ne pas réussir à vous lever le lendemain pour cette excursion que vous aviez prévue… La liste est sans fin. 8. Connaissez vos limites Ce n'est pas parce que tout le monde veut faire du parachute, que vous devez en faire aussi. Vous n’êtes pas obligé de toujours faire comme les autres, et encore moins de vous mettre dans une situation où vous n’êtes pas à l’aise juste pour leur faire plaisir. Si vous n’avez pas envie de faire quelque chose, ne le faites pas car vous risquez d’en vouloir à vos amis - ce qui n’est pas une bonne idée quand on part en vacances avec eux !
  • 90. Which of these could be seen as “Highly Able”? What are the challenges of teaching this student? Is a naturally gifted linguist (flair) and highly motivated Is a native-level speaker thanks to spending significant time in TL country (but without the native- level writing skills) Has a very high target grade (but not the skills or motivation to match) Produces excellent pieces of writing, but is terrified of speaking in class? Is highly motivated and hard-working, but without the skill-level to match Think of a student you teach who….

Editor's Notes

  1. From “Engaging Learners”
  2. Phonics grid image from
  3. Reading aloud - this is for those highly able students who believe they “can’t pronounce” things properly. In 3s (A and B are one). Take it in turns to read their section aloud, focussing simply on pronunciation of the underlined phonics, which the teacher explicitly goes through with the class before the activity. The others peer assess that student’s pronunciation only of the red phonics and gives an easy WWW/EBI i.e. WWW all zo sounds correct EBI you always remembered to pronounce 2 lls as a y. An obvious challenge is to take away the red marks but have the same key phonics as the objective. An obvious next step is to then use the text as a reading activity, and so on.
  4. Verbal translation activity is adapted from Gianfranco Conti’s Language Gym blog. My adaptation is that for an extra challenge, students have to change the words in red for something different whilst making sure it still makes sense. This is a kind of “closed” spontaneity for reluctant speakers.
  5. Verbal translation activity is adapted from Gianfranco Conti’s Language Gym blog. My adaptation is that for an extra challenge, students have to change the words in red for something different whilst making sure it still makes sense. This is a kind of “closed” spontaneity for reluctant speakers.
  6. Students take turns to be A and B. A is patient, B is doctor. A rolls dice to choose a problem, B has to give appropriate advice and say how often (by rolling their dice). Orange arrows are for highly able – encouraging “closed” spontaneity”, variety of tenses, creativity and exclamations *I.e. pobrecito, etc. Storytelling etc.
  7. Board game – only have to print and laminate these once! Students work in 3s or 5s. One person is the answer master (with all translations written down). The other 2 or 4 work in teams or alone against each other. They roll a dice and have to translate the sentence attached to the number they land on - he next slide shows statements to be translated. They are given 10 seconds thinking time. If they can produce it on the spot and it’s correct, they get another go. If it’s wrong, the answer master reads them the correct answer and they are “frozen” – it’s the other team’s go. When possession comes back to them, they can reproduce the phrase (which they hopefully memorised) and carry on. If they are right first time, they carry on until they get one wrong. Lots of Highly Able possibilities: Highly Able as answer master (so that they can explain WHY it was wrong and advise on pronunciation, intonation and grammar) or Highly Able with a separate set of statements to be translated, with “weakest” students given answers to boost confidence and be given exposure to reading and hearing answers.
  8. Challenge bingo – tasks for students to self check within a lesson (criteria to be changed depending on unit/ content being learnt)
  9. Alternative for reluctant speakers – forces them to do at least one speaking objective to get a row.
  10. Blank grid for students to self complete – what do they think they need to improve? Self-management.
  11. Teacher reads sentences out in Spanish that have some details different to the translation on the board. Students have to write on WBs what the differences were.
  12. Phonics grid image from
  13. Transcript actually given to class, but with gaps in (for tricky topics and particular sounds students struggle with – break down the phonics and work on transcribing).
  14. Transcript actually given to class, but with gaps in (for tricky topics and particular sounds students struggle with – break down the phonics and work on transcribing).
  15. Pre-learning
  16. Pre-learning
  17. Pre-learning
  19. 5 mins
  20. Mini WB 5 mins
  21. Explain that the red is higher (and optional)
  22. Red bit = higher (extra challenge)
  23. Red bit = higher (extra challenge)
  24. Red bit = higher (extra challenge)
  25. Red bit = higher (extra challenge)
  26. Idea adapted from Michaela Academy blog – they use just the first two columns as a “Knowledge organiser” for each unit.
  27. Idea adapted from Michaela Academy blog – they use just the first two columns as a “Knowledge organiser” for each unit.
  28. Idea adapted from Michaela Academy blog – they use just the first two columns as a “Knowledge organiser” for each unit.
  29. Idea adapted from Michaela Academy blog – they use just the first two columns as a “Knowledge organiser” for each unit.
  30. Idea adapted from Michaela Academy blog – they use just the first two columns as a “Knowledge organiser” for each unit.
  31. Closed book writing – cross topic challenge – a topic students should aim to seamlessly mention to show off cross-topic vocab without it sticking out like a sore thumb. This encourages flair and linking/flow of the piece, and storytelling (i.e. When I went to Germany on holiday last year, I saw lots of cycle paths which is good for air pollution. There should be more cycle paths in the UK… etc)
  32. Closed book writing – cross topic challenge – a topic students should aim to seamlessly mention to show off cross-topic vocab without it sticking out like a sore thumb. This encourages flair and linking/flow of the piece, and storytelling (i.e. I think Maths is really difficult, so my older sister sometimes helps with my Maths homework. She is very caring and helpful... And intelligent too, thank goodness! She is studying Maths at college now and really likes it. I wish I were good at Maths!)
  34. 10 consejos para proteger el medio ambiente Trucos sencillos para educar a los niños en el respeto al medio ambiente Cut up and put around room – get students moving and finding info
  35. Cut up advice from authentic article on next slide and read around the room in pairs. 