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Now he was ruddy, with bright eyes, and good looking. And the Lord said,
“Arise, anoint him; for this is the one!” Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed
him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that
day forward. 1Samuel 16:12-13
Chapter 1
If there is a limit to the amount of dirt the body can handle in digestion, Mike was
sure he had reached his. The wind was blowing up the dirt, it whipped against his sweat-
ridden face sticking to it, going up his nose and if he wasn’t careful in his mouth. It was
a short walk to the office, thank God, but Mike was not at all prepared for what would
come next.
“No we can’t use your Ministry Mr. Deasy, there are several members who have
complained about the loud rock music in the past and we just as soon skip you this time.”
What could he say? Politely, he dismissed himself, and went back out the door
into the dusty drought plagued Florida heat. “So why did this guy ask me to come to the
church? Why didn’t he just tell me no when I called?” Innocently he glanced back at the
building, a face quickly closed itself behind a curtain. “Not the pastor, hmmm, I know
what’s goin on here!”
This type of rejection hadn’t touched Mike in several years. Everyone accepted
rock & roll these days. Besides he only went to churches that requested his ministry, this
church had called him. “I wonder what is gonna happen at the high school?” he thought
to himself as he wiped the dust off his face and climbed into the puke green rental car.
“Okay satan you want a battle, ‘Boo’, you lose!”
Back at the hotel room he shared what happened with his wife Kathie. “You
know, I could feel the opposition to this trip all along, bumped to coach, no car ready,
lost the reservation. Come on devil what are we stupid?” “Well I’m not shakin in my
boots,” Mike proclaimed. “Me either, I gotta shower before we leave.” Kathie went into
the tiny bathroom clothes in hand.
Mike sat down opened his lap top and logged on. Several minutes later Kathie
came out with a towel on her head and sat down on the couch of the one room suite.
“What do we got, a half hour before we need to go?” “Naw only about twenty minutes,
hey honey come look at this website. It’s called the Parents Television Council; you
gotta see this news release.
On March 5, 2001, 15-year-old Charles Andrew Williams opened fire on classmates from the
boys’ bathroom of a Santee, CA high school, killing two and wounding thirteen more. According to an
Associated Press report, “One student said the boy, a freshman, had a smile on his face as he fired away
with a pistol at Santana High School in this middle-class San Diego suburb.” It is, perhaps, a morbid
reflection, but we all knew there would be another school shooting, and we knew that sooner or later
someone would find a link between it and popular culture.
In the case of Andy Williams, the link has been found. During a Dateline NBC interview, one of
the boy’s friends said that a song by the band Linkin Park inspired Williams to commit the murders. Linkin
Park’s lyrics include, “Everything you say/Takes me one step closer to the edge/And I’m about to break,”
and, “But I know just what it feels like/To have a voice in the back of my head.”
“This part is about Movies linked to murders and suicides, here is Television, and
look down here where it lists the deaths and suicides related to songs.”
Morbid Angel’s music linked to murders
Albuquerque Journal, June 4, 2000
In 1995, 17-year-old Jamie Rouse listened to a CD by death-metal band Morbid Angel as he
drove to his high school in Lynnville, TN. He killed a teacher and a 14-year-old girl with a .
22-caliber rifle and wounded a second teacher. Rouse said that the music, with lyrics like,
“Hatework/And the Earth’s left burning/I call death/Death is answering me/And a world
betrayed is black forever,” was a factor in the shooting. Rouse also cited Natural Born
Killers as one of his favorite movies.
Slayer’s music linked to murders
Newsweek, December 4, 2000
Elyse Pahler received a phone call from three friends promising her marijuana if she met
them in a eucalyptus grove nearby. When Elyse arrived, and had a chance to smoke the
pot, one of the teenagers who had invited her strangled her with his belt. He then
stabbed her to death while she pleaded for her parents and God to help her. Once the
girl was dead the boys left, but then returned later to have sex with her corpse, as the
death-metal group Slayer had directed them to do in their song “Kill Again.” “I feel the
urge the growing need/To f--k this sinful corpse/My tasks complete the bitches (sic)
soul/Lies raped in demonic lust.”
All three boys, who admitted that they were so influenced by the music that they had
started to look at the world differently, were convicted of murder and sentenced to 25
years to life in prison. Pahler’s parents have brought suit against Slayer and the record
industry in general, with hopes to make these groups take responsibility for the violence-
inducing subject matter of their work.
Linkin Park’s music linked to murders
Dateline NBC, March 6, 2001
On March 5, 2001, 15-year-old Andy Williams opened fire on classmates from inside a
school bathroom. During a Dateline interview, one of the boy’s friends said that a song
by the group Linkin Park inspired him to commit the murders. One lyric by the group:
“Everything you say takes me one step closer to the edge, and I’m about to break.”
Another, “But I know just what it feels like to have a voice in the back of my head.”
Marilyn Manson’s music linked to murders/suicide
The Associated Press, June 6, 1999
Josh Cain, 19, and his half brother Trevor Walraven, 15, both avid fans of Marilyn
Manson, murdered Bill Hull, a local lodge owner, execution-style after stealing his car.
Detectives found the following lyrics from Manson’s song “Portrait of an American
Family” copied in Cain’s handwriting: ”Dealing with insanity, smoking pot, hating this
(expletive) world, murder is the answer, I only kill to know I’m alive.”
New York Post, July 13, 1999
Twenty-four-year-old Christopher Rodriguez was driven by Marilyn Manson’s music to
murder his 84-year-old former neighbor, according to police. The woman died of
multiple stab wounds. Police said he blamed the elderly woman for getting him and his
parents evicted from their apartment two years earlier.
CBS This Morning, November 7, 1997
Fifteen-year-old Richard Kuntz committed suicide because he was obsessed with a
Marilyn Manson song about suicide called “The Reflecting God,” according to his
father. Lyrics from the song: “Shoot here and the world gets smaller/Scar scar can you
feel my power/One shot and the world gets smaller.”
Dr. Dre’s music linked to murder
The Palm Beach Post, January 10, 1999
Sixteen-year-old Victor Brancaccio brutally beat 81-year-old Mollie Mae Frazier after
she told him to quit shouting out the lyrics to the song “Stranded on Death Row” by Dr.
Dre. The next day he returned to the scene of the crime and attempted to disfigure the
body by setting her on fire with Vaseline and newspaper. Brancaccio next spray-painted
her face and neck in hopes that the paint would cover any of his fingerprints on her body.
Despite his efforts, Brancaccio was charged and convicted of murder.
Kurt Cobain’s music linked to suicide
The Ottawa Citizen, December 1, 1994
Eighteen-year-old Bobby Steele shot himself in imitation of his idol, Nirvana singer Kurt
Cobain. Steele became depressed after Cobain’s suicide, and “immersed himself [in]
the band’s lyrics about death and the hopelessness of life.”
Eminem’s music linked to attack/suicide
The Sun, February 15, 2001
An English court sentenced 20-year-old Tony Sleight to ten years in prison for torturing
his 17-year-old sister. He reportedly tied her to a chair and tortured her for four hours
while listening to Eminem’s music, inflicting blows to her head and cutting her neck with
a kitchen knife.
Daily Mail, January 24, 2001
David Hurcombe threw himself in front of a train after listening to Eminem’s music. In
his suicide note, he included a computer printout with lyrics from one of the rapper’s
songs, which included the line, “Cause when we die we know we’re all going the same
way. It’s cool to be a player, but it sucks to be a fan.” Hurcombe had written under the
lyrics: “Anyway, got to go, miss my train. See y’all in hell.” The coroner involved in the
case said that David “was obviously a bit affected by [Eminem’s lyrics]. It’s difficult to
say what effect it had on him but I think it is depressing for any youngster.”
Violent music linked to murders/attack
The Daily Telegraph, March 26, 1997
12-year-old Sharon Carr, obsessed with the violent music of heavy metal and gangster
rap, murdered Katie Rackliff using a knife, and then attempted to stab another classmate
in school restroom. Ann-Marie Clifford, the second victim, was rescued by a student
who found her before she bled to death. Carr, who was also found to have decapitated a
dog, was convicted of both attacks and is now considered to be one of Britain’s top 300
violent criminals.
The Guardian, April 30, 1999
A 14-year-old boy who was a fan of violent music and spent most of his time on the
Internet walked into his high school in Canada wearing a blue trench coat and shot and
killed one student, and injured another. The boy pled guilty to first-degree murder and
two counts of attempted murder.
Truth (Auckland), June 28,1996
A 16-year-old fan of violent music pulled a knife on his father and was found to have
been plotting to kill his family. CDs banned in New Zealand because of their offensive
content were later found in the boy’s possession. The boy was caught before any harm
was done, but told authorities that “he felt that he could kill his family legally.”
CBS Morning News, June 17, 1998
“Mitchell Johnson, one of two teen-agers accused of opening fire on their classmates in
Jonesboro, Arkansas, last March, may have been inspired by rap music. Debbie Pelley,
who was Johnson’s teacher, testified yesterday before a Senate panel investigating
violent music lyrics… Pelley said Johnson walked around school repeatedly listening to
such performers as Tupac Shakur and Bone Thugs-N-Harmony.”
Violent music video linked to accidental death
The Associated Press, July 27, 1999
A 16-year-old boy is accused of shooting a classmate during a Super Bowl party. The
boys were reportedly acting out a scene from a violent music video, when the boy
allegedly put a gun he didn’t know was loaded to his friend’s head and pulled the
“Well isn’t this interesting, someone is finally blowing the devils cover in the
newspapers, we have to get moving if we’re gonna make this program on time, but lets
pray first.” “Okay honey. We just may have an all out war in the spirit before this day is
over, do you have your armor on?”
“Let’s pray.”
“Father we are your servants. You have given us all things that pertain to life, help us
share life in this world so full of death. Help us rescue from the fire those hypnotized
children that satan has drawn in with his music. We will go only if you come with us,
rise up in our music and break the strongholds, open eyes, unstop ears, and bring healing
in your wings. Amen.”
“Amen. Lets go!”
The California sky was just beginning to reveal its first light; blue and green hues
lay across the horizon inviting the new day. Seventeen-year-old Mike Deasy sat on the
end of his twin bed, guitar in lap strumming a chord here, a chord there, then a little
melody; soon it was replaced with a familiar song. The light softly glowed on his shiny
new Fender Strato caster, he held her with delight. At last he felt he had a guitar worthy
of the public. As his fingers brushed across the strings, he tried a new rhythm, a new
melody, it sounded sweet to his ears, soothing his spirit, embracing him peacefully. Not
wanting to get sleepy again he threw in a heavier beat and picked up speed, the music
began to dance happily until another familiar song took over. Would he ever find his
own melody, the one every musician searches for, ‘a new song’? Alone in his room he
could play for himself, he took a deep breath and let the music carry him off. Feeling a
strange urge to pray, like God was calling to him the music became inspired, new, and
sacred. Immersed in the song he became whole. Unaware of the time, he was startled by
his dad’s voice, “Mike, are you getting ready?” Carefully he set the guitar back in the
case and closed it. Then he reached into his drawer and pulled out a white t-shirt and
some blue jeans, the uniform of the day. In the bathroom standing before the mirror he
stood, gooping on the pomade, he arranged his dirty blonde hair forming the perfect D.T.
Ducks Tail. Day after day he would take as much time as necessary to get each hair in
place, he would not leave the mirror until he accomplished the feat.
Mike was an average guy, average height and weight; nothing was particularly
special about him, except that he could really make instruments sing. Being a third
generation saxophone player, and having a great talent on the guitar was the one thing
Mike had that wasn’t average. Being raised in a musical home, young Mike would go
with his father Bill to the elder Deasy’s dance music gigs; sit in and play along. Soon, he
was playing for his sister’s dance recitals and on radio shows. In high school, Mike
assembled is own rock and roll band and they began to back up the new national hit
makers as they toured through L.A. including rock legends Ricky Nelson and The Everly
Dad sat quietly in the kitchen reading the newspaper. Mike poured himself a cup
of coffee from the beat up aluminum drip pot, and sat in the padded vinyl chair at the
yellow Formica-topped kitchen table next to him. “Let me see the sport section pop!”
As Muriel Deasy arrived in the cozy kitchen decorated with roosters that she had
collected through the years Mike said, “Good morning mother.” With a sleepy tone she
replied, “What were you up so early for? I heard you playing, it was wonderful!” “I
don’t know, just couldn’t sleep any more.” “What are we making for breakfast?”
“Oatmeal,” she teased, with a grin knowing full well no one would eat oatmeal.
Fourteen-year old Merry came down last, dressed and ready for school, wearing a pink
poodle skirt and white bobby sox with her saddle shoes. “Yum oatmeal!” she said
sarcastically, sitting down at the table.
They ate a breakfast of ham, eggs and toast that everyone pitched in to make, and
soon they were all off to work and school. Mother being the last one out, locking the
door with her key.
Torrance High School in 1958 had nearly 600 students. The dress code was
changing with the music. Society prospered after the war, and Kids had whatever they
wanted. Mom and dad were going to be sure their children had the stuff they were
deprived of during the depression. For the most part, teens had it made.
“Alright,” he said, “a substitute!” Mike sat down tossing his books with an air of
confidence and put his feet up on the chair in front of him. “Did you see Dalton’s new
car? What a ride! His papa must have big bucks.” He spoke to the boy across from him
who could barely hold his head on his hands. “Yeah man, candy apple red.” He
mumbled and sighed trying to revive himself.
The music played in Mike’s head as he sat staring off into space; he drummed on
the desk with his pencil and his thumb to “Rock around the clock.” It was September
1958. Rock n Roll was fun, and everyone was into it.
As the morning dragged on, Mike’s head reeled over ideas and plans to ‘make it
big’ like his friend Rick Nelson. He plotted and planned. He could see himself up on
stage locked into his music playing guitar riffs along with Bill Haley & The Comets, and
he could almost hear the applause.
His mind wandered off to the morning. Why did he think about praying? What
was it God wanted from him? He had been to church some but never really bought into
religion. Grandmother Nellie worked for the Salvation Army and she was pretty
religious. Maybe he needed to talk to her.
The voices murmured in the background and the music still played in his head
until the bell interrupted it. “Okay now,” Mike thought to himself,” I gotta find Billy and
tell him about tonight before he skips out.”
“Hey Billy!” he said loudly when he saw his black Afro from across the
courtyard. Billy was a big boy, with arms as wide as his legs and hair sticking up a foot.
He had on overalls and a ripped up t-shirt underneath. “Hey Mike, wanna go to the park
with me?” “No, I just wanted to tell you I’ll meet you at the garage at 6 instead of 5
cause I have to do something,” Mike replied.
“Alright, alright, I know you, you’re just trying to be Mr. Good guy like that
buddy of yours, Nelson! Well okay, Ozzie. I’ll meet you at 6. Bye.” He walked away
with a strut like an alley cat that just got snubbed.
“Two hundred dollars, and that’s my final offer,” Beatty puffed out of the side of
his mouth. Mike stared at his black, greased back hair pouffing out to the side,
wondering how he could talk with a cigar in his mouth. “Okay, is that the top amount
you can offer me Beatty?” “Yeah, kid that’s it. If you don’t want the job….” “No, no
I’ll do it thank-you. I just don’t want to, well never mind.” He had agreed to a contract
to play lead guitar on an album with the Eddie Cockran. He knew he had been taken
advantage of, but he wanted the job, so he took it.
“Okay Guitarman, you show up at 2:30 tomorrow, and we’ll make a record with
your name included on it.” Beatty chewed on the end of his cigar and grinned as he
opened the door for Mike.
Outside it was drizzling. The street was crowded with people heading home from
work. A lady held a newspaper over her hair so it wouldn’t get wet, another came
running past Mike, and almost knocked him over. He really didn’t feel like practicing
tonight, so he went over to Heplow’s garage to tell Billy and the guys he was going
home. Larry Knechtel was there too. “Where’s your car Mike?” “Hung up like yours
Larry.” “Hey guess what? I borrowed Bumps Blackwell’s Buick. Want a ride home?”
“Sure, it beats walkin.” Mike answered.
They got inside the large, midnight blue, ’53 Buick, and headed on their way.
“Thanks man, wanna go into Inglewood and do something before you take me home?”
“Okay, hey, turn on the radio.” Uncannily, a song by Little Richard came over the
airwaves. “Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, won’t you come along with me,” the radio screamed.
“Bumps must have this thing wired,” Mike commented. Blackwell was Little Richard’s
writer and record producer.
This great “hog” of a car went for about ten miles and began to smoke, not out of
the pipes, but out from under the hood. Copious amounts of smoke began to billow!
They were in downtown Inglewood, when they pulled the Buick over to the curb and got
out. A crowd began to gather. The paint began to bubble and peal on the hood giving
outer indication of the flames and heat barely concealed by the metal of the hood, “lift
that damn thing up,” a burley voice roared, a blunt finger pointed at the offending hood.
Mike looked at Knechtel, he looked at Mike, “not me,” “me neither”. “I’m a Sheriff,”
bellowed the voice, “open that damn hood”. Larry and Mike melted into the crowd. The
fat hand connected to the potbelly, and the big mouth above the grinning teeth of the
Buick grill. The hood flew open, flames leapt high in the air singeing the hair off the
screaming face. One fat hand grasped the other blistered fat hand connected to the
swearing mouth. “Who owns this blankety, blank piece of blankety blank?” Larry and
Mike turned and walked up the street.
“How are we gonna get home now?” “I’ll call my brother,” replied Larry. They
both laughed and felt worried at the same time. “They won’t know we were in it.”
“No, not the cops anyway, but Bumps is gonna be ticked off,” Larry added.

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CH 1 Refined

  • 1. Now he was ruddy, with bright eyes, and good looking. And the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is the one!” Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. 1Samuel 16:12-13 Chapter 1 If there is a limit to the amount of dirt the body can handle in digestion, Mike was sure he had reached his. The wind was blowing up the dirt, it whipped against his sweat- ridden face sticking to it, going up his nose and if he wasn’t careful in his mouth. It was a short walk to the office, thank God, but Mike was not at all prepared for what would come next. “No we can’t use your Ministry Mr. Deasy, there are several members who have complained about the loud rock music in the past and we just as soon skip you this time.” What could he say? Politely, he dismissed himself, and went back out the door into the dusty drought plagued Florida heat. “So why did this guy ask me to come to the church? Why didn’t he just tell me no when I called?” Innocently he glanced back at the building, a face quickly closed itself behind a curtain. “Not the pastor, hmmm, I know what’s goin on here!” This type of rejection hadn’t touched Mike in several years. Everyone accepted rock & roll these days. Besides he only went to churches that requested his ministry, this church had called him. “I wonder what is gonna happen at the high school?” he thought 1
  • 2. to himself as he wiped the dust off his face and climbed into the puke green rental car. “Okay satan you want a battle, ‘Boo’, you lose!” Back at the hotel room he shared what happened with his wife Kathie. “You know, I could feel the opposition to this trip all along, bumped to coach, no car ready, lost the reservation. Come on devil what are we stupid?” “Well I’m not shakin in my boots,” Mike proclaimed. “Me either, I gotta shower before we leave.” Kathie went into the tiny bathroom clothes in hand. Mike sat down opened his lap top and logged on. Several minutes later Kathie came out with a towel on her head and sat down on the couch of the one room suite. “What do we got, a half hour before we need to go?” “Naw only about twenty minutes, hey honey come look at this website. It’s called the Parents Television Council; you gotta see this news release. On March 5, 2001, 15-year-old Charles Andrew Williams opened fire on classmates from the boys’ bathroom of a Santee, CA high school, killing two and wounding thirteen more. According to an Associated Press report, “One student said the boy, a freshman, had a smile on his face as he fired away with a pistol at Santana High School in this middle-class San Diego suburb.” It is, perhaps, a morbid reflection, but we all knew there would be another school shooting, and we knew that sooner or later someone would find a link between it and popular culture. In the case of Andy Williams, the link has been found. During a Dateline NBC interview, one of the boy’s friends said that a song by the band Linkin Park inspired Williams to commit the murders. Linkin Park’s lyrics include, “Everything you say/Takes me one step closer to the edge/And I’m about to break,” and, “But I know just what it feels like/To have a voice in the back of my head.” “This part is about Movies linked to murders and suicides, here is Television, and look down here where it lists the deaths and suicides related to songs.” Music Morbid Angel’s music linked to murders Albuquerque Journal, June 4, 2000 In 1995, 17-year-old Jamie Rouse listened to a CD by death-metal band Morbid Angel as he drove to his high school in Lynnville, TN. He killed a teacher and a 14-year-old girl with a . 22-caliber rifle and wounded a second teacher. Rouse said that the music, with lyrics like, “Hatework/And the Earth’s left burning/I call death/Death is answering me/And a world betrayed is black forever,” was a factor in the shooting. Rouse also cited Natural Born Killers as one of his favorite movies. 2
  • 3. Slayer’s music linked to murders Newsweek, December 4, 2000 Elyse Pahler received a phone call from three friends promising her marijuana if she met them in a eucalyptus grove nearby. When Elyse arrived, and had a chance to smoke the pot, one of the teenagers who had invited her strangled her with his belt. He then stabbed her to death while she pleaded for her parents and God to help her. Once the girl was dead the boys left, but then returned later to have sex with her corpse, as the death-metal group Slayer had directed them to do in their song “Kill Again.” “I feel the urge the growing need/To f--k this sinful corpse/My tasks complete the bitches (sic) soul/Lies raped in demonic lust.” All three boys, who admitted that they were so influenced by the music that they had started to look at the world differently, were convicted of murder and sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. Pahler’s parents have brought suit against Slayer and the record industry in general, with hopes to make these groups take responsibility for the violence- inducing subject matter of their work. Linkin Park’s music linked to murders Dateline NBC, March 6, 2001 On March 5, 2001, 15-year-old Andy Williams opened fire on classmates from inside a school bathroom. During a Dateline interview, one of the boy’s friends said that a song by the group Linkin Park inspired him to commit the murders. One lyric by the group: “Everything you say takes me one step closer to the edge, and I’m about to break.” Another, “But I know just what it feels like to have a voice in the back of my head.” Marilyn Manson’s music linked to murders/suicide The Associated Press, June 6, 1999 Josh Cain, 19, and his half brother Trevor Walraven, 15, both avid fans of Marilyn Manson, murdered Bill Hull, a local lodge owner, execution-style after stealing his car. Detectives found the following lyrics from Manson’s song “Portrait of an American Family” copied in Cain’s handwriting: ”Dealing with insanity, smoking pot, hating this (expletive) world, murder is the answer, I only kill to know I’m alive.” New York Post, July 13, 1999 Twenty-four-year-old Christopher Rodriguez was driven by Marilyn Manson’s music to murder his 84-year-old former neighbor, according to police. The woman died of multiple stab wounds. Police said he blamed the elderly woman for getting him and his parents evicted from their apartment two years earlier. CBS This Morning, November 7, 1997 Fifteen-year-old Richard Kuntz committed suicide because he was obsessed with a Marilyn Manson song about suicide called “The Reflecting God,” according to his father. Lyrics from the song: “Shoot here and the world gets smaller/Scar scar can you feel my power/One shot and the world gets smaller.” Dr. Dre’s music linked to murder The Palm Beach Post, January 10, 1999 Sixteen-year-old Victor Brancaccio brutally beat 81-year-old Mollie Mae Frazier after she told him to quit shouting out the lyrics to the song “Stranded on Death Row” by Dr. Dre. The next day he returned to the scene of the crime and attempted to disfigure the body by setting her on fire with Vaseline and newspaper. Brancaccio next spray-painted her face and neck in hopes that the paint would cover any of his fingerprints on her body. Despite his efforts, Brancaccio was charged and convicted of murder. Kurt Cobain’s music linked to suicide The Ottawa Citizen, December 1, 1994 3
  • 4. Eighteen-year-old Bobby Steele shot himself in imitation of his idol, Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain. Steele became depressed after Cobain’s suicide, and “immersed himself [in] the band’s lyrics about death and the hopelessness of life.” Eminem’s music linked to attack/suicide The Sun, February 15, 2001 An English court sentenced 20-year-old Tony Sleight to ten years in prison for torturing his 17-year-old sister. He reportedly tied her to a chair and tortured her for four hours while listening to Eminem’s music, inflicting blows to her head and cutting her neck with a kitchen knife. Daily Mail, January 24, 2001 David Hurcombe threw himself in front of a train after listening to Eminem’s music. In his suicide note, he included a computer printout with lyrics from one of the rapper’s songs, which included the line, “Cause when we die we know we’re all going the same way. It’s cool to be a player, but it sucks to be a fan.” Hurcombe had written under the lyrics: “Anyway, got to go, miss my train. See y’all in hell.” The coroner involved in the case said that David “was obviously a bit affected by [Eminem’s lyrics]. It’s difficult to say what effect it had on him but I think it is depressing for any youngster.” Violent music linked to murders/attack The Daily Telegraph, March 26, 1997 12-year-old Sharon Carr, obsessed with the violent music of heavy metal and gangster rap, murdered Katie Rackliff using a knife, and then attempted to stab another classmate in school restroom. Ann-Marie Clifford, the second victim, was rescued by a student who found her before she bled to death. Carr, who was also found to have decapitated a dog, was convicted of both attacks and is now considered to be one of Britain’s top 300 violent criminals. The Guardian, April 30, 1999 A 14-year-old boy who was a fan of violent music and spent most of his time on the Internet walked into his high school in Canada wearing a blue trench coat and shot and killed one student, and injured another. The boy pled guilty to first-degree murder and two counts of attempted murder. Truth (Auckland), June 28,1996 A 16-year-old fan of violent music pulled a knife on his father and was found to have been plotting to kill his family. CDs banned in New Zealand because of their offensive content were later found in the boy’s possession. The boy was caught before any harm was done, but told authorities that “he felt that he could kill his family legally.” CBS Morning News, June 17, 1998 “Mitchell Johnson, one of two teen-agers accused of opening fire on their classmates in Jonesboro, Arkansas, last March, may have been inspired by rap music. Debbie Pelley, who was Johnson’s teacher, testified yesterday before a Senate panel investigating violent music lyrics… Pelley said Johnson walked around school repeatedly listening to such performers as Tupac Shakur and Bone Thugs-N-Harmony.” Violent music video linked to accidental death The Associated Press, July 27, 1999 A 16-year-old boy is accused of shooting a classmate during a Super Bowl party. The boys were reportedly acting out a scene from a violent music video, when the boy allegedly put a gun he didn’t know was loaded to his friend’s head and pulled the trigger. 4
  • 5. “Well isn’t this interesting, someone is finally blowing the devils cover in the newspapers, we have to get moving if we’re gonna make this program on time, but lets pray first.” “Okay honey. We just may have an all out war in the spirit before this day is over, do you have your armor on?” “Let’s pray.” “Father we are your servants. You have given us all things that pertain to life, help us share life in this world so full of death. Help us rescue from the fire those hypnotized children that satan has drawn in with his music. We will go only if you come with us, rise up in our music and break the strongholds, open eyes, unstop ears, and bring healing in your wings. Amen.” “Amen. Lets go!” ************************************************************** The California sky was just beginning to reveal its first light; blue and green hues lay across the horizon inviting the new day. Seventeen-year-old Mike Deasy sat on the end of his twin bed, guitar in lap strumming a chord here, a chord there, then a little melody; soon it was replaced with a familiar song. The light softly glowed on his shiny new Fender Strato caster, he held her with delight. At last he felt he had a guitar worthy of the public. As his fingers brushed across the strings, he tried a new rhythm, a new melody, it sounded sweet to his ears, soothing his spirit, embracing him peacefully. Not wanting to get sleepy again he threw in a heavier beat and picked up speed, the music began to dance happily until another familiar song took over. Would he ever find his 5
  • 6. own melody, the one every musician searches for, ‘a new song’? Alone in his room he could play for himself, he took a deep breath and let the music carry him off. Feeling a strange urge to pray, like God was calling to him the music became inspired, new, and sacred. Immersed in the song he became whole. Unaware of the time, he was startled by his dad’s voice, “Mike, are you getting ready?” Carefully he set the guitar back in the case and closed it. Then he reached into his drawer and pulled out a white t-shirt and some blue jeans, the uniform of the day. In the bathroom standing before the mirror he stood, gooping on the pomade, he arranged his dirty blonde hair forming the perfect D.T. Ducks Tail. Day after day he would take as much time as necessary to get each hair in place, he would not leave the mirror until he accomplished the feat. Mike was an average guy, average height and weight; nothing was particularly special about him, except that he could really make instruments sing. Being a third generation saxophone player, and having a great talent on the guitar was the one thing Mike had that wasn’t average. Being raised in a musical home, young Mike would go with his father Bill to the elder Deasy’s dance music gigs; sit in and play along. Soon, he was playing for his sister’s dance recitals and on radio shows. In high school, Mike assembled is own rock and roll band and they began to back up the new national hit makers as they toured through L.A. including rock legends Ricky Nelson and The Everly Brothers. Dad sat quietly in the kitchen reading the newspaper. Mike poured himself a cup of coffee from the beat up aluminum drip pot, and sat in the padded vinyl chair at the yellow Formica-topped kitchen table next to him. “Let me see the sport section pop!” 6
  • 7. As Muriel Deasy arrived in the cozy kitchen decorated with roosters that she had collected through the years Mike said, “Good morning mother.” With a sleepy tone she replied, “What were you up so early for? I heard you playing, it was wonderful!” “I don’t know, just couldn’t sleep any more.” “What are we making for breakfast?” “Oatmeal,” she teased, with a grin knowing full well no one would eat oatmeal. Fourteen-year old Merry came down last, dressed and ready for school, wearing a pink poodle skirt and white bobby sox with her saddle shoes. “Yum oatmeal!” she said sarcastically, sitting down at the table. They ate a breakfast of ham, eggs and toast that everyone pitched in to make, and soon they were all off to work and school. Mother being the last one out, locking the door with her key. ************************************** Torrance High School in 1958 had nearly 600 students. The dress code was changing with the music. Society prospered after the war, and Kids had whatever they wanted. Mom and dad were going to be sure their children had the stuff they were deprived of during the depression. For the most part, teens had it made. “Alright,” he said, “a substitute!” Mike sat down tossing his books with an air of confidence and put his feet up on the chair in front of him. “Did you see Dalton’s new car? What a ride! His papa must have big bucks.” He spoke to the boy across from him who could barely hold his head on his hands. “Yeah man, candy apple red.” He mumbled and sighed trying to revive himself. 7
  • 8. The music played in Mike’s head as he sat staring off into space; he drummed on the desk with his pencil and his thumb to “Rock around the clock.” It was September 1958. Rock n Roll was fun, and everyone was into it. As the morning dragged on, Mike’s head reeled over ideas and plans to ‘make it big’ like his friend Rick Nelson. He plotted and planned. He could see himself up on stage locked into his music playing guitar riffs along with Bill Haley & The Comets, and he could almost hear the applause. His mind wandered off to the morning. Why did he think about praying? What was it God wanted from him? He had been to church some but never really bought into religion. Grandmother Nellie worked for the Salvation Army and she was pretty religious. Maybe he needed to talk to her. The voices murmured in the background and the music still played in his head until the bell interrupted it. “Okay now,” Mike thought to himself,” I gotta find Billy and tell him about tonight before he skips out.” “Hey Billy!” he said loudly when he saw his black Afro from across the courtyard. Billy was a big boy, with arms as wide as his legs and hair sticking up a foot. He had on overalls and a ripped up t-shirt underneath. “Hey Mike, wanna go to the park with me?” “No, I just wanted to tell you I’ll meet you at the garage at 6 instead of 5 cause I have to do something,” Mike replied. “Alright, alright, I know you, you’re just trying to be Mr. Good guy like that buddy of yours, Nelson! Well okay, Ozzie. I’ll meet you at 6. Bye.” He walked away with a strut like an alley cat that just got snubbed. ************************** 8
  • 9. “Two hundred dollars, and that’s my final offer,” Beatty puffed out of the side of his mouth. Mike stared at his black, greased back hair pouffing out to the side, wondering how he could talk with a cigar in his mouth. “Okay, is that the top amount you can offer me Beatty?” “Yeah, kid that’s it. If you don’t want the job….” “No, no I’ll do it thank-you. I just don’t want to, well never mind.” He had agreed to a contract to play lead guitar on an album with the Eddie Cockran. He knew he had been taken advantage of, but he wanted the job, so he took it. “Okay Guitarman, you show up at 2:30 tomorrow, and we’ll make a record with your name included on it.” Beatty chewed on the end of his cigar and grinned as he opened the door for Mike. Outside it was drizzling. The street was crowded with people heading home from work. A lady held a newspaper over her hair so it wouldn’t get wet, another came running past Mike, and almost knocked him over. He really didn’t feel like practicing tonight, so he went over to Heplow’s garage to tell Billy and the guys he was going home. Larry Knechtel was there too. “Where’s your car Mike?” “Hung up like yours Larry.” “Hey guess what? I borrowed Bumps Blackwell’s Buick. Want a ride home?” “Sure, it beats walkin.” Mike answered. They got inside the large, midnight blue, ’53 Buick, and headed on their way. “Thanks man, wanna go into Inglewood and do something before you take me home?” “Okay, hey, turn on the radio.” Uncannily, a song by Little Richard came over the airwaves. “Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, won’t you come along with me,” the radio screamed. 9
  • 10. “Bumps must have this thing wired,” Mike commented. Blackwell was Little Richard’s writer and record producer. This great “hog” of a car went for about ten miles and began to smoke, not out of the pipes, but out from under the hood. Copious amounts of smoke began to billow! They were in downtown Inglewood, when they pulled the Buick over to the curb and got out. A crowd began to gather. The paint began to bubble and peal on the hood giving outer indication of the flames and heat barely concealed by the metal of the hood, “lift that damn thing up,” a burley voice roared, a blunt finger pointed at the offending hood. Mike looked at Knechtel, he looked at Mike, “not me,” “me neither”. “I’m a Sheriff,” bellowed the voice, “open that damn hood”. Larry and Mike melted into the crowd. The fat hand connected to the potbelly, and the big mouth above the grinning teeth of the Buick grill. The hood flew open, flames leapt high in the air singeing the hair off the screaming face. One fat hand grasped the other blistered fat hand connected to the swearing mouth. “Who owns this blankety, blank piece of blankety blank?” Larry and Mike turned and walked up the street. “How are we gonna get home now?” “I’ll call my brother,” replied Larry. They both laughed and felt worried at the same time. “They won’t know we were in it.” “No, not the cops anyway, but Bumps is gonna be ticked off,” Larry added. ************************************************ 10