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1                                                          Censusbriefingpack
                                                                                        This briefing pack is produced by Leeds City Council in February 2011
                                                                                              For more information contact Jacky Pruckner on 0113 247 6394
The next census takes place                 communities, covering issues
                                                                                                   The number of people included in the census significantly
on 27 March.                                such as health, housing,
                                                                                                   affects the amount of funding given to each local area.
  The Office for National                   employment, skills levels and
                                            transport.                                               The Government allocates millions of pounds to local
Statistics (ONS) is responsible
                                                                                                   and health authorities on the basis of the census which is
for conducting the census .                   It provides the basis
                                                                                                   why we need to make sure that everyone is counted and
  In March they will be                     for central and local
                                                                                                   Leeds gets it’s fair share of funding.
sending out questionnaires                  government, health
                                            authorities and many other                               In 2001 only 91% of households in Leeds completed
for around 25 million
                                            organisations to target                                the Census. This is slightly below the national average. The
households in England and
                                            their resources and to                                 ONS has identified a number of groups and communities
Wales to complete.
                                            plan housing, education,                               that may be harder to reach.
                                            employment, health,
Why is the census important?
The census is completed
                                            transport and other services
                                            for years to come.
                                                                               The Census is       Non-English speakers
                                                                                                   Traveller, Gypsy and Roma /
                                                                                                                                  Black Caribbean

                                                                               on 27 March
every ten years and is the                                                                         Romani groups
largest piece of social research
                                                                                                                                  Adults aged 80+
undertaken in the country.                                                                         Long and Short Term            Indian community
                                                         HANDY                                     Migrants
   It tells us how many people                                                                                                    People with physical /
live where and provides                                   LINK                                     Asylum seekers
                                                                                                                                  sensory impairments
valuable information                              The website of the Office                        Bangladeshi community
                                                 for National Statistics has                                                      Pakistani community
on the make-up of local                                                                            Illegal immigrants
                                                  a huge amount of census                                                         Students
                                                        information                                Black African community
                                                                                                   Homeless people / rough        Chinese community
                                                                                                   sleepers                       Young people

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2                                                      Censusbriefingpack
Completing                                                                          ACCESSIBILITY

the census
                                                                           The census website is a great source

                                                                             hearing, language, literacy and
                                                                                    other difficulties
The 2011 Census will be                     in a box.
conducted differently from                    Help and support is
all previous censuses, when                 available from online help                                          There is a lot of material
ONS staff delivered and                     at and                                             available in a variety of
collected the forms.                        from 4 March there will be                                                 languages
  This time, 95% of                         a helpline for people to                                 
questionnaires will be                      call, and guides available                                             Publicity-materials
delivered by Royal Mail and                 in other languages, Braille,
households can then choose                  audio tape and other formats
to return their completed                   (telephone: 0300 02 01 101).
forms in a pre-paid envelope                  Completing the census is       Personal census information is never shared with any
or to complete the census                   a legal requirement: the few     other government department, nationally, regionally or
online.                                     people who don’t complete        locally.
  Completing the                            their census questionnaire         The information that is collected is kept confidential by
census questionnaire is                     may be prosecuted for            ONS and is protected by law. It is only used to provide
straightforward – most                      breaking the law, could face     aggregate statistics. The census is exempt from requests
questions can be answered                   a criminal record and may be     for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
simply by ticking, or clicking,             fined up to £1,000.
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3                                                Censusbriefingpack
Good contacts
There are two ONS Area Managers for Leeds.
  Chris Bennett: ONS Area Manager (Leeds North)
  07801 331320

  Elaine Thornton: ONS Area Manager (Leeds South)

The Council has nominated a liaison officer to work with them to raise awareness and to
ensure that the 2011 Census is as comprehensive and inclusive as possible.
  Jacky Pruckner: Council Assistant Census Liaison Manager
  0113 2476394
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4                                                                                                                 Censusbriefingpack

Get the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             GET YOUR POSTERS

word out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The census website has a great store of posters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to download and display
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Alternatively, click this item

Easy ways to good promotion
                                                  1                                      Staffnews

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Key legal points
                                                                                         February                                                        February

The following are just some

                                                                                         Monthly                                                         Monthly
                                                                                         Issue 24                                                        Issue 24

                                                  The census is on 27 March. For Leeds, like other cities, it can have an...
ideas of ways in which
you might be able to help
promote the census.
                                                 THE next census is on 27 March
                                                 – it will have a big impact on
                                                                                              This means decisions, like who
                                                                                           in Leeds needs facilities in the
                                                                                                                                                                   You can fill in the paper         Help is at hand for those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     For those involved in the            relevant declarations of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           confidentiality, etc
                                                                                                                                                                questionnaire and post

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Census, here are some legal
                                                 Leeds City Council.                       future, are made with accurate,                                                                              needing it. A home
                                                                                                                                                                it back with the pre-                       visit could also be
                                                   It is vital that any staff who live    relevant details provided by the
                                                                                                                                                                paid envelope.
                                                                                                                                                                                             MORE              arranged.

n Include articles about
                                                 in Leeds complete and return             census.
                                                                                                                             the city could lose an estimated      Alternatively,                                  Your     census
                                                 their census form.                          Money is also a factor. The £500,000
                                                                                          government allocates cash to local
                                                                                                                                        per year for the next   for the first            NEXT MONTH               a n s w e r s
                                                The census – done every
                                                                                          councils and health authorities
                                                                                                                             10 years.                          time, you can      All the news on the census are           always
                                              10 years throughout England                                                      So, not only do the census       do it online at      in the March edition         confidential.
                                                                                          based on the census findings.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     points to consider.                n all questionnaires will
                                              and Wales – tells us how many                                                                                     www.census.
                                                                                             The more local people who do yourselves... tell your family and from 4      If you can't wait visit        The     2011
                                              people live where in Leeds.

    the census in any
                                                                                          the census correctly, the more friends the importance to Leeds        March.               Census is run
                                                It also tells us what types of money Leeds gets to benefit the of doing the census too.                                                                      by the Office for
                                             people they are – for example, local population.                                                                     Either way, it                            National Statistics
                                                                                                                               It’s simple to complete your     should take each
                                             are they young, old, married or                 For every 1,000 people who census form. The questions are                                                   (ONS).     Leeds City
                                             single?                                                                                                            person about 10 minutes           Council is helping the ONS
                                                                                          do not complete the census, straightforward.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          be tracked using the
                                                                                                                                                                to do.                          with the census locally.
                                             Got a story? Email

    newsletters that you                                                                                                                                                                                                             n   only ONS can deliver
    produce                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and collect census               ONS system prescribed
                                                                     pack to any partner                                                                                                                                                                                  by law
n Display posters in your                                            organisations that you                                                                                                                                              questionnaires
    building                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            n anyone disclosing
                                                                     think will be able to help                                                                                                                                      n   only staff appointed
n Incorporate information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 any personal census
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         by ONS to undertake              information is liable to
    about the census in any                 n                        Consider hosting a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the census can do this           prosecution and up to
    meetings that you attend                                         completion event if this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     n   ONS staff will sign the          2 years in prison
n Distribute this briefing                                           is appropriate
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5                                                Censusbriefingpack
Frequently asked questions
1.What is the census?                                                            3. Who organises it?
The census provides a high quality estimate of the                               In England and Wales the census is planned and carried out
population.                                                                      by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
It is a count of all people and households in England and                        The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA)
Wales and is carried out by the Office for National Statistics                   takes the census in Northern Ireland and the General Register
(ONS).                                                                           Office for Scotland (GROS) takes the census in Scotland.
Everyone is asked the same questions on the same day in           HISTORY        All three take place on the same day to provide consistent
order to take a snapshot of the population at one point           LESSON         population statistics for the whole of the UK.
in time. The statistics describe the population at national,
regional and local levels.                                                       4. How often does it take place?
                                                                                 The first census took place in 1801 after demographer
2. Why do we have a census?                                      Censushistory   Thomas Malthus told how population growth would soon
The information collected on the questionnaires is used to                       outstrip supplies of food and other resources, leading Britain
help government and local authorities plan the services                          into famine, disease and other disasters.
and resources people need, such as transport, housing,                           People quickly began to see the need for a census, Parliament
healthcare and education.                                                        passed the Census Act in 1800 and the first official census of
The amount of money your council has to spend on these                           England and Wales was taken on 10 March 1801.
important services is based on population statistics from the                    Since then we have taken a census every ten years – except in
census. That is why it is so important that everyone takes                       1941 during World War II).

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5. Is the UK the only country that has a census?
                                                                                                   9. How long will it take?
No. Some 200 countries worldwide carry out regular                                                 You will be able to answer most of the questions simply by
censuses.                                                                                          clicking or ticking a box.
The United Nations and European Union encourage all                                                It should take around 10 minutes for each person (less for
countries to collect census-type information.                                                      children), plus an extra few minutes to answer the questions
                                                                                                   about the household.
6. When is the next census?
                                                                                                   10. By when should I return my completed questionnaire?
Census day will be on 27 March 2011.
                                                                                                   You will be able to complete your 2011 Census questionnaire
                                                                             ANY                   before, on or just after census day and submit or return it as
7. When will I get my 2011 Census questionnaire?                          CONCERNS?                soon as you have finished.
Questionnaires will go out by post to all householders during              What? When?             Any delay could mean the organiser's* system will show you as
March 2011 ready for completion before, on or as soon as                    Why? How?              a non-returning household, indicating the need for a visit from
possible after census day, 27 March.                                  The My Census website        one of the Office for National Statistics census representatives.
If you don’t receive one in the post, you will be able to call the   section is a great store of   *The organiser is the Office for National Statistics
census helpline and ask for one to be sent to you.                         information
                                                                        http://2011.census.        11. What will happen if I’m not at home on 27 March
8. What will I have to do?                                               2011?
You will need to complete the online version of your                                               You should complete your questionnaire as soon as possible
questionnaire or fill in the paper questionnaire and return it                                     after 27 March 2011.
by post in the pre-paid envelope provided.                                                         Or do it before you go away if you’ve already received your
                                                                                                   questionnaire. If everyone in the household is away on
You should complete and return your questionnaire before,
                                                                                                   census day you should complete your questionnaire as soon
on or as soon as possible after 27 March 2011: just make sure
                                                                                                   as possible after your return. If the household is absent for
your answers refer to that date.
                                                                                                   more than six months after census day, you do not need to
                                                                                                   complete the questionnaire. Anyone away from home for up
                                                                                                   to 12 months should still be included on your questionnaire.
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12. Will I have to complete my questionnaire?
                                                                                               15. How will you protect the information I provide online?
Yes. Every householder must, by law, complete and return a                                     The security of the 2011 Census website has been tested by
2011 Census questionnaire.                                                                     independent experts.
A householder is the person who owns or rents the property                                     They have checked that the site complies with industry
and is wholly or partly responsible for paying household bills.                                and government standards, protected from accidental or
                                                                                               deliberate interference or misuse, and that we have effective
13. What happens if I don’t complete my questionnaire?                                         measures in place to protect the confidentiality of personal
You could face prosecution, a hefty fine (up to £1000) and a
                                                                                               You will not be able to complete your online questionnaire
criminal record.                                                        NATIONAL               until you enter the unique internet access code from your
                                                                        CONTACTS               paper questionnaire.
14. Will I be able to do it online?                                 Don't forget as well as    This will act as a password (key) to make sure the right
Yes. The 2011 Census will be the first time that you can          Leeds's very own contacts,
                                                                   you can also get in touch   questionnaire is loaded. You will need to use your code every
complete your census questionnaire online.
                                                                   with national organisers    time you need to access your online questionnaire.
Your paper questionnaire will include an internet access code
to enable you to do this securely.                                      uk/Contact-us          16. What should I do with my paper questionnaire after
This service will be available from 4 March 2011.
                                                                                               I’ve submitted my online questionnaire?
You may find online completion faster and more convenient.
                                                                                               You will be able to safely dispose of your paper questionnaire
For example, the online questionnaire will automatically skip                                  once you’ve submitted it.
any questions that don’t apply to you and give you hints and
                                                                                               You should destroy and/or remove your name, address and
tips along the way. You won’t have to complete everything in
                                                                                               internet access code on the front page, and then dispose of
one go. You’ll be able to just save the answers you’ve given so
                                                                                               the rest of the questionnaire as you would any other personal
far and come back to it later.
You will need your internet access code each time you log
into your online questionnaire, so don’t dispose of your
paper copy until you have finished and submitted your
questionnaire online.
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17.What questions will I have to answer?
                                                                                            20.Who should I include?
The Office for National Statistics ask about work, health,                                  Everyone living or staying in the household on census day
national identity, citizenship, ethnic background, education,                               must be included on your household questionnaire – even
second homes, language, religion, marital status and so on.                                 babies.
All these things are important in capturing a true snapshot of                              You should also include any visitors staying with you
the population as it stands on census day.                                                  overnight on census day.
You must answer all the questions. Only the religion question
is voluntary.                                                                               21.What if I’m in halls, a residential home, a hotel or some
                                                                       STUDENTS             other communal establishment on census day?
18.What if I make a mistake?                                                                If you have lived, or intend to live, for more than six months
The Office for National Statistics will be providing many                                   in a communal establishment, you will be given an individual
ways for you to get help if you have difficulty with any of the                             questionnaire to complete by a manager or another member
questions.                                                 of staff.
The 2011 Census online questionnaire will make it easy to          uk/The-2011-Census-      The 2011 Census is making special arrangements for
correct mistakes, and the paper questionnaire will explain
                                                                    student-campaign        universities and some types of communal establishments
how you should correct handwritten answers.                                                 such as prisons and military camps.
If you have any problems, you can check online help or
contact the census helpline.                                                                22. What if I or someone else in the household has a
                                                                                            disability that will make it difficult to complete the
19.Will everyone in the household have to complete the                                      questionnaire?
questionnaire?                                                                              Ask a family member, friend or carer to help.
It will be the householder’s or joint householder’s                                         The Office for National Statistics will be providing plenty of
responsibility to complete the questionnaire.                                               help to enable as many people as possible to complete their
The householder is the person who owns or rents the                                         questionnaire independently. These include a British Sign
accommodation and/or is responsible for paying household                                    Language (BSL) video, audio, Braille guidance booklet guides
bills and expenses.                                                                         and large print questionnaires.
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9                                                Censusbriefingpack
23. Would I be able to get someone from the census to                                           26. How can I get help to complete my questionnaire?
come round and help me complete my questionnaire?                                               Plenty of help will be available if you have any questions or
Yes. But before you do that, you should check the accessibility        ACCESSIBLE               difficulty completing the questionnaire.
guides, online completion and online help options first.                 CENSUS                 n Online help at
If none of these is suitable, you should call the helpline to                                   n Census helpline in over 50 languages
arrange a convenient time to visit.
                                                                                                n Text Relay (for people with hearing impairment)
                                                                                                n Wide range of tools and other materials to assist
24. What if a relative who usually lives with me is in                                                completion available online or via the census helpline
hospital on census day? Could a nurse or carer do the
                                                                                                n Video and audio guides at
questionnaire for them?
                                                                     uk/The-accessible-         With the exception of accessible formats (available from
If your relative has been in hospital for six months or more,             census                December 2010), all help services will be available from 4
they will be given an individual questionnaire to complete by
                                                                                                March 2011.
someone in the hospital, such as a manager. If they are only
temporarily in hospital (and will have been there for less than
six months) you should include them on your household                                           27. What will happen to my information?
questionnaire. If needed, another member of the family,                                         Your answers will be turned into statistics about the
a friend, or member of hospital staff could complete the                                        community and groups within it.
questionnaire on their behalf.                                                                  Personal census information is kept confidential for 100
                                                                                                years and is not shared with anyone else, including any other
25. What if I don’t speak English?
                                                                         Accuracy               government bodies or departments.
If English is not your main language you will be able to:
                                                                   Quality and accuracy is of
                                                                  paramount importance to
n Download or request a translation booklet containing              the organisers, the ONS
     guidance and a sample questionnaire in any of more
     than 50 languages through online help at
                                                         Online help is available from 4 March
n Request a translation booklet or seek further help and
     advice through the census helpline, which opens 4 March.
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Census 2011 briefing pack final

  • 1. Censusbriefingpack 1 Censusbriefingpack This briefing pack is produced by Leeds City Council in February 2011 For more information contact Jacky Pruckner on 0113 247 6394 The next census takes place communities, covering issues The number of people included in the census significantly on 27 March. such as health, housing, affects the amount of funding given to each local area. The Office for National employment, skills levels and transport. The Government allocates millions of pounds to local Statistics (ONS) is responsible and health authorities on the basis of the census which is for conducting the census . It provides the basis why we need to make sure that everyone is counted and In March they will be for central and local Leeds gets it’s fair share of funding. sending out questionnaires government, health authorities and many other In 2001 only 91% of households in Leeds completed for around 25 million organisations to target the Census. This is slightly below the national average. The households in England and their resources and to ONS has identified a number of groups and communities Wales to complete. plan housing, education, that may be harder to reach. employment, health, Why is the census important? The census is completed transport and other services for years to come. The Census is Non-English speakers Traveller, Gypsy and Roma / Black Caribbean community on 27 March every ten years and is the Romani groups largest piece of social research Adults aged 80+ undertaken in the country. Long and Short Term Indian community HANDY Migrants It tells us how many people People with physical / live where and provides LINK Asylum seekers sensory impairments valuable information The website of the Office Bangladeshi community for National Statistics has Pakistani community on the make-up of local Illegal immigrants a huge amount of census Students information Black African community Homeless people / rough Chinese community sleepers Young people Got a story? Email
  • 2. 2 Censusbriefingpack Completing ACCESSIBILITY the census The census website is a great source hearing, language, literacy and other difficulties The 2011 Census will be in a box. OTHER conducted differently from Help and support is LANGUAGES all previous censuses, when available from online help There is a lot of material ONS staff delivered and at and available in a variety of collected the forms. from 4 March there will be languages This time, 95% of a helpline for people to questionnaires will be call, and guides available Publicity-materials delivered by Royal Mail and in other languages, Braille, households can then choose audio tape and other formats to return their completed (telephone: 0300 02 01 101). forms in a pre-paid envelope Completing the census is Personal census information is never shared with any or to complete the census a legal requirement: the few other government department, nationally, regionally or online. people who don’t complete locally. Completing the their census questionnaire The information that is collected is kept confidential by census questionnaire is may be prosecuted for ONS and is protected by law. It is only used to provide straightforward – most breaking the law, could face aggregate statistics. The census is exempt from requests questions can be answered a criminal record and may be for information under the Freedom of Information Act. simply by ticking, or clicking, fined up to £1,000. Got a story? Email
  • 3. 3 Censusbriefingpack Good contacts There are two ONS Area Managers for Leeds. Chris Bennett: ONS Area Manager (Leeds North) 07801 331320 Elaine Thornton: ONS Area Manager (Leeds South) 07801331322 The Council has nominated a liaison officer to work with them to raise awareness and to ensure that the 2011 Census is as comprehensive and inclusive as possible. Jacky Pruckner: Council Assistant Census Liaison Manager 0113 2476394 Got a story? Email
  • 4. 4 Censusbriefingpack Get the GET YOUR POSTERS HERE word out The census website has a great store of posters to download and display Communications-toolkit/The-tools/Advertising-materials Alternatively, click this item Easy ways to good promotion Staffnews 1 Staffnews Key legal points February February 2011 The following are just some 2011 News Monthly Monthly Issue 24 Issue 24 The census is on 27 March. For Leeds, like other cities, it can have an... ideas of ways in which INCREDIBLE you might be able to help promote the census. IMPACT THE next census is on 27 March – it will have a big impact on This means decisions, like who in Leeds needs facilities in the You can fill in the paper Help is at hand for those For those involved in the relevant declarations of confidentiality, etc questionnaire and post Census, here are some legal Leeds City Council. future, are made with accurate, needing it. A home it back with the pre- visit could also be It is vital that any staff who live relevant details provided by the paid envelope. MORE arranged. n Include articles about in Leeds complete and return census. the city could lose an estimated Alternatively, Your census their census form. Money is also a factor. The £500,000 government allocates cash to local per year for the next for the first NEXT MONTH a n s w e r s The census – done every councils and health authorities 10 years. time, you can All the news on the census are always 10 years throughout England So, not only do the census do it online at in the March edition confidential. based on the census findings. points to consider. n all questionnaires will and Wales – tells us how many www.census. The more local people who do yourselves... tell your family and from 4 If you can't wait visit The 2011 people live where in Leeds. the census in any the census correctly, the more friends the importance to Leeds March. Census is run It also tells us what types of money Leeds gets to benefit the of doing the census too. by the Office for people they are – for example, local population. Either way, it National Statistics It’s simple to complete your should take each are they young, old, married or For every 1,000 people who census form. The questions are (ONS). Leeds City single? person about 10 minutes Council is helping the ONS do not complete the census, straightforward. be tracked using the to do. with the census locally. Got a story? Email newsletters that you n only ONS can deliver produce and collect census ONS system prescribed pack to any partner by law n Display posters in your organisations that you questionnaires building n anyone disclosing think will be able to help n only staff appointed n Incorporate information any personal census by ONS to undertake information is liable to about the census in any n Consider hosting a the census can do this prosecution and up to meetings that you attend completion event if this n ONS staff will sign the 2 years in prison n Distribute this briefing is appropriate Got a story? Email
  • 5. 5 Censusbriefingpack Frequently asked questions 1.What is the census? 3. Who organises it? The census provides a high quality estimate of the In England and Wales the census is planned and carried out population. by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It is a count of all people and households in England and The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) Wales and is carried out by the Office for National Statistics takes the census in Northern Ireland and the General Register (ONS). Office for Scotland (GROS) takes the census in Scotland. Everyone is asked the same questions on the same day in HISTORY All three take place on the same day to provide consistent order to take a snapshot of the population at one point LESSON population statistics for the whole of the UK. in time. The statistics describe the population at national, regional and local levels. 4. How often does it take place? The first census took place in 1801 after demographer 2. Why do we have a census? Censushistory Thomas Malthus told how population growth would soon The information collected on the questionnaires is used to outstrip supplies of food and other resources, leading Britain help government and local authorities plan the services into famine, disease and other disasters. and resources people need, such as transport, housing, People quickly began to see the need for a census, Parliament healthcare and education. passed the Census Act in 1800 and the first official census of The amount of money your council has to spend on these England and Wales was taken on 10 March 1801. important services is based on population statistics from the Since then we have taken a census every ten years – except in census. That is why it is so important that everyone takes 1941 during World War II). part. Got a story? Email
  • 6. 6 5. Is the UK the only country that has a census? Censusbriefingpack 9. How long will it take? No. Some 200 countries worldwide carry out regular You will be able to answer most of the questions simply by censuses. clicking or ticking a box. The United Nations and European Union encourage all It should take around 10 minutes for each person (less for countries to collect census-type information. children), plus an extra few minutes to answer the questions about the household. 6. When is the next census? 10. By when should I return my completed questionnaire? Census day will be on 27 March 2011. You will be able to complete your 2011 Census questionnaire ANY before, on or just after census day and submit or return it as 7. When will I get my 2011 Census questionnaire? CONCERNS? soon as you have finished. Questionnaires will go out by post to all householders during What? When? Any delay could mean the organiser's* system will show you as March 2011 ready for completion before, on or as soon as Why? How? a non-returning household, indicating the need for a visit from possible after census day, 27 March. The My Census website one of the Office for National Statistics census representatives. If you don’t receive one in the post, you will be able to call the section is a great store of *The organiser is the Office for National Statistics census helpline and ask for one to be sent to you. information http://2011.census. 11. What will happen if I’m not at home on 27 March 8. What will I have to do? 2011? You will need to complete the online version of your You should complete your questionnaire as soon as possible questionnaire or fill in the paper questionnaire and return it after 27 March 2011. by post in the pre-paid envelope provided. Or do it before you go away if you’ve already received your questionnaire. If everyone in the household is away on You should complete and return your questionnaire before, census day you should complete your questionnaire as soon on or as soon as possible after 27 March 2011: just make sure as possible after your return. If the household is absent for your answers refer to that date. more than six months after census day, you do not need to complete the questionnaire. Anyone away from home for up to 12 months should still be included on your questionnaire. Got a story? Email
  • 7. 7 12. Will I have to complete my questionnaire? Censusbriefingpack 15. How will you protect the information I provide online? Yes. Every householder must, by law, complete and return a The security of the 2011 Census website has been tested by 2011 Census questionnaire. independent experts. A householder is the person who owns or rents the property They have checked that the site complies with industry and is wholly or partly responsible for paying household bills. and government standards, protected from accidental or deliberate interference or misuse, and that we have effective 13. What happens if I don’t complete my questionnaire? measures in place to protect the confidentiality of personal data. You could face prosecution, a hefty fine (up to £1000) and a You will not be able to complete your online questionnaire criminal record. NATIONAL until you enter the unique internet access code from your CONTACTS paper questionnaire. 14. Will I be able to do it online? Don't forget as well as This will act as a password (key) to make sure the right Yes. The 2011 Census will be the first time that you can Leeds's very own contacts, you can also get in touch questionnaire is loaded. You will need to use your code every complete your census questionnaire online. with national organisers time you need to access your online questionnaire. Your paper questionnaire will include an internet access code to enable you to do this securely. uk/Contact-us 16. What should I do with my paper questionnaire after This service will be available from 4 March 2011. I’ve submitted my online questionnaire? You may find online completion faster and more convenient. You will be able to safely dispose of your paper questionnaire For example, the online questionnaire will automatically skip once you’ve submitted it. any questions that don’t apply to you and give you hints and You should destroy and/or remove your name, address and tips along the way. You won’t have to complete everything in internet access code on the front page, and then dispose of one go. You’ll be able to just save the answers you’ve given so the rest of the questionnaire as you would any other personal far and come back to it later. document. You will need your internet access code each time you log into your online questionnaire, so don’t dispose of your paper copy until you have finished and submitted your questionnaire online. Got a story? Email
  • 8. 8 17.What questions will I have to answer? Censusbriefingpack 20.Who should I include? The Office for National Statistics ask about work, health, Everyone living or staying in the household on census day national identity, citizenship, ethnic background, education, must be included on your household questionnaire – even second homes, language, religion, marital status and so on. babies. All these things are important in capturing a true snapshot of You should also include any visitors staying with you the population as it stands on census day. overnight on census day. You must answer all the questions. Only the religion question is voluntary. 21.What if I’m in halls, a residential home, a hotel or some STUDENTS other communal establishment on census day? 18.What if I make a mistake? If you have lived, or intend to live, for more than six months The Office for National Statistics will be providing many in a communal establishment, you will be given an individual ways for you to get help if you have difficulty with any of the questionnaire to complete by a manager or another member questions. of staff. The 2011 Census online questionnaire will make it easy to uk/The-2011-Census- The 2011 Census is making special arrangements for correct mistakes, and the paper questionnaire will explain student-campaign universities and some types of communal establishments how you should correct handwritten answers. such as prisons and military camps. If you have any problems, you can check online help or contact the census helpline. 22. What if I or someone else in the household has a disability that will make it difficult to complete the 19.Will everyone in the household have to complete the questionnaire? questionnaire? Ask a family member, friend or carer to help. It will be the householder’s or joint householder’s The Office for National Statistics will be providing plenty of responsibility to complete the questionnaire. help to enable as many people as possible to complete their The householder is the person who owns or rents the questionnaire independently. These include a British Sign accommodation and/or is responsible for paying household Language (BSL) video, audio, Braille guidance booklet guides bills and expenses. and large print questionnaires. Got a story? Email
  • 9. 9 Censusbriefingpack 23. Would I be able to get someone from the census to 26. How can I get help to complete my questionnaire? come round and help me complete my questionnaire? Plenty of help will be available if you have any questions or Yes. But before you do that, you should check the accessibility ACCESSIBLE difficulty completing the questionnaire. guides, online completion and online help options first. CENSUS n Online help at If none of these is suitable, you should call the helpline to n Census helpline in over 50 languages arrange a convenient time to visit. n Text Relay (for people with hearing impairment) n Wide range of tools and other materials to assist 24. What if a relative who usually lives with me is in completion available online or via the census helpline hospital on census day? Could a nurse or carer do the n Video and audio guides at questionnaire for them? uk/The-accessible- With the exception of accessible formats (available from If your relative has been in hospital for six months or more, census December 2010), all help services will be available from 4 they will be given an individual questionnaire to complete by March 2011. someone in the hospital, such as a manager. If they are only temporarily in hospital (and will have been there for less than six months) you should include them on your household 27. What will happen to my information? questionnaire. If needed, another member of the family, Your answers will be turned into statistics about the a friend, or member of hospital staff could complete the community and groups within it. questionnaire on their behalf. Personal census information is kept confidential for 100 years and is not shared with anyone else, including any other 25. What if I don’t speak English? Accuracy government bodies or departments. If English is not your main language you will be able to: Quality and accuracy is of paramount importance to n Download or request a translation booklet containing the organisers, the ONS guidance and a sample questionnaire in any of more than 50 languages through online help at Online help is available from 4 March Quality-and-coverage- surveys n Request a translation booklet or seek further help and advice through the census helpline, which opens 4 March. Got a story? Email