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 New advances in multiparametric Breast MRI
Cédric de Bazelaire, Sénopôle Saint-Louis, Université Paris 7
IFUPI – MILAN March 23-24
No disclosure
Saint-Louis Hôspital, Paris
Since 1607
Quantitative parameters in multiparametric breast MRI?
Non Gaussian diffusion (DKI) ➜ ADC0 + K
Peak Distribution Restricted diffusion in Vivo
Non Gaussian diffusion (DKI) ➜ ADC0 + K
Restricted diffusion in vivoFree diffusion in vivo
Diffusion + Perfusion
Free Diffusion + Perfusion Restricted diffusion + perfusion
Perfusion : F
Permeability : Ktrans
Blood volume : Vp
Interstitial volume fraction : Ve
}  Selection of 10 Radiomics features
within150-200 parameters
}  Morphology : size, volume, shape…
}  Texture : Entropy, Energy…
}  Rehaussement :Tumor, background…
Hui L, Radiology 2016
In practice
Characterization with diffusion
}  N=161 patients
}  175 MRI false positive
}  ADC threshold: 1.8
}  Se = 100%
}  VPP = 47%
}  ADC
}  Benign = 1.8
}  At risk=1.5
}  Malignant = 1.3
Partridge SC,AJR 2009;Parsian S, Radiology 2012
Mass characterization with diffusion
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the left breast
Mass characterization with diffusion
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the left breast
Mass characterization with diffusion
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the left breast
Se Sp
DCE 98% 76%
ADC < 0.9 92% 87%
DCE+ADC 96% 89%
Kul S.AJR 2011
Characterization with IVIM
}  N= 35 patients
}  21 IDC
}  5 non IDC
}  3 ILC
}  1 DCIS
}  Cancer
}  ADC0 î
}  Fp ì
TFG 2 1.9 1.5%
Benign 1.6 1.6 3%
Malignant 1.40 1.3 6%
vs Bénign
AUC 0.70 0.75 0.79
Se 0.65 0.85 0.73
Sp 0.85 0.64 0.86
Bokacheva L, JMRI 201419
Characterization with Kurtosis
Fibroadenoma Cancer
Wu D, PLOS 201420
Characterization with IVIM+ADC0+K
}  N=22 patients
}  Tumor > 8 mm
}  15 cancers
}  8 benign lesions
}  Cancer
}  ADC0 î
}  K ì
}  fIVIM ì
Lima M, Invest Radiol 2014
Characterisation with perfusion
}  N=124 patients (59 cancers)
Benign vs
Malignant vs
Malignant vs
Ktrans (min–1)  0.049  0.280  0.783 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Kep (min–1)  0.121  0.483  1.304 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Ve  0.523  0.633 0.620 0.020 0.008 0.760
Li L, Med Sci Monit 2015
Ktrans (min–1)  0.313 0.713  0.803 <0.001 <0.001
Kep (min–1)  0.449  1.282  1.338 <0.001 <0.001
Ve  0.729  0.601  0.617 0.292 0.329
ADC  1.221  1.008  0.947 <0.001 <0.001
MDD : mammary ductal dysplasia
Grade SBR prediction with perfusion
}  Grade SBR ì (N=50)
}  Ktrans ì (p=0.002)
}  kep ì (p=0.005)
}  Ve î (p=0.038)
Koo HR, Eur J Radiol 2012
Status RE prediction with perfusion
}  ER- vs ER+ (N=50)
}  Ktrans ì (p=0.056)
}  kep ì (p=0.043)
}  Ve î (p=0.015)
Koo HR, Eur J Radiol 2012
Whitney U-test was used for pairwise comparisons
with Bonferroni correction. Statistical analyses were
performed using commercially available software
(SPSS, v. 19.0; Chicago, IL). Statistical significance
was assigned if the P-value was less than 0.05.
grade (0.585 6 0.243, P ¼ 0.038), and was lower in
tumors with ER negativity (0.455 6 0.201) than with
ER positivity (0.912 6 0.651, P ¼ 0.015). Other
prognostic factors did not show any differences in
quantitative parameters (Ktrans
, kep, and ve) (Table 1,
Figure 1. A 58-year-old
woman with a favorable his-
tology and lower mean Ktrans
value. The tumor was con-
firmed as a 2.5-cm invasive
ductal carcinoma of histologic
grade 2, nuclear grade 2, ER-
positive, PR-positive, and
HER2-negative. a: An axial 3D
fast SPGR subtraction MR
image demonstrates an irregu-
lar enhancing mass in the left
breast. b: The pixels contrib-
uting to the AIF are selected
within the ipsilateral internal
mammary artery (arrow). c,d:
Permeability map in a breast
tumor and the fitting result of
dynamic MR data by the
pharmacokinetic model based
on the Tofts model. Three
lines denote AIF, dynamic MR,
and its fitted data.
148 Koo et al.
Whitney U-test was used for pairwise comparisons
with Bonferroni correction. Statistical analyses were
performed using commercially available software
(SPSS, v. 19.0; Chicago, IL). Statistical significance
was assigned if the P-value was less than 0.05.
Correlation Between Perfusion Parameters and
Prognostic Factors
Mean Ktrans
was higher in tumors with a high histo-
logic grade (0.567 6 0.334) than tumors with a low
histologic grade (0.371 6 0.234, P ¼ 0.007), higher in
tumors with a high nuclear grade (0.581 6 0.323)
than with a low nuclear grade (0.353 6 0.226, P ¼
0.002), and higher in tumors with ER negativity
(0.576 6 0.346) than with ER positivity (0.420 6
0.263) with borderline significance (P ¼ 0.056). Mean
kep was higher in tumors with a high histologic grade
(1.294 6 0.736) than tumors with a low histologic
grade (0.822 6 0.652, P ¼ 0.005), higher in tumors
grade (0.585 6 0.
tumors with ER n
ER positivity (0.9
prognostic factors
quantitative param
Figs. 1, 2).
Correlation Betw
The Kruskal–Walli
ferent across the t
nificance (P ¼ 0.0
cancers showed a
than luminal bre
0.015) when comp
with Bonferroni co
tumors were iden
group than in the
vs. 31% [13/41],
perfusion parame
tochemical subtyp
Figure 2. A 66-year-old
woman with a poorer histol-
ogy, triple negativity, and higher
mean Ktrans
value. The tumor
was confirmed as a 1.8-cm
invasive ductal carcinoma that
was histologic grade 3, nuclear
grade 3, ER-negative, PR-nega-
tive, and HER2-negative. a: An
axial 3D fast SPGR subtraction
MR image demonstrates an
irregular enhancing mass in the
Perfusion MRI of Breast Cancers 149
with bilateral full breast coverage using parallel imag-
ing and through-plane zero-fill interpolation (ZIP).
MRI include bilateral image acquisition with a
positioning bilateral breast coil, temporal resolu
Figure 2. A 66-year-old
woman with a poorer histol-
ogy, triple negativity, and higher
mean Ktrans
value. The tumor
was confirmed as a 1.8-cm
invasive ductal carcinoma that
was histologic grade 3, nuclear
grade 3, ER-negative, PR-nega-
tive, and HER2-negative. a: An
axial 3D fast SPGR subtraction
MR image demonstrates an
irregular enhancing mass in the
right breast. b: The pixels con-
tributing to the AIF are selected
within the ipsilateral internal
mammary artery (arrow). c,d:
Permeability map in a breast tu-
mor and the fitting result of
dynamic MR data by the phar-
macokinetic model based on the
Tofts model. Three lines denote
AIF, dynamic MR, and its fitted
data. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue,
which is available at]
Perfusion MRI of Breast Cancers
Perfusion for prediction breast cancer subtypes
}  Triple Negatif vs Luminal A (N=37)
}  kep ì
}  Ve î
Li S, Eur Radiol 2011
Texture for prediction breast cancer subtypes
}  N=144 breast cancers
}  92 IDC, 45 ILC et 7 DCIS
}  Luminaux A et B, HER2,TN
}  Entropy in T1 Gd
}  IDC > ILC p<.001
}  Lum < HER2 p=.005
}  Lum < TN p=.014
Waugh. Eur Radiol 2016
T1 Gd T2
Entropy = irregularity degree
Radiomics for prediction of molecular subtypes
}  N=60 patients
Ming F, Plos One 2017
n AUC Se (%) Sp (%)
Luminal A 34 0.867 88 77
Luminal B 8 0.786 87 63
HER2 7 0.888 81 100
Basal Like 11 0.923 81 100
Total 0.869
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NACT) Monitoring
In practice
Response prediction to NACT at baseline using ADC
1.04 Progression
1.07 Partial Response
1.06 Complete Response
Richard R. Eur Radiol 2013
Response prediction to NACT at baseline using ADC
RO + 0.99
RO - 1.16
Grade ADC
I 0.95
II 0.96
III 1.11
Ki67 ADC
≧14 1.08
< 14 1.03
Mutation 1.10
No Mutation 1.02
Richard R. Eur Radiol 2013
Response prediction to NACT at baseline using ADC
Luminal	A	 Luminal	B	 HER2	 Basal	like	
Anova, P=0.0001
RC	 Non-RC	
Richard R. Eur Radiol 2013
}  N=61 patientes, CCI RE+
}  ADC ➘
}  Fibrosis➚
}  Collagène & fibroblastes ➚
}  Stroma➘
}  Lymphocytes ➘
Tumeur/Stroma 80%
Tumeur/Stroma 80%
Tumeur/Stroma 20%
Ko ES, Radiology 201432
Radiomics for prediction of response to NACT at baseline
}  N=57 patients (Main Cohort)
}  1.5T scan system
}  47 Responders (RECIST 1.1)
}  10 Non-Responders (RECIST 1.1)
Ming F, Eur J Radiol 2017
AUC = 0.910
Se = 87%
Sp = 90%
Radiomics for prediction of response to NACT at baseline
}  N=57 patients (Main Cohort)
}  1.5T scan system
}  47 Responders (RECIST 1.1)
}  10 Non-Responders (RECIST 1.1)
}  N=46 patients (Reproducibility)
}  3T scan system
}  37 Responders (RECIST 1.1)
}  9 Non-Responders (RECIST 1.1)
Ming F, Eur J Radiol 2017
AUC Main cohort Reproducibility
Main cohort
0.910 0.713
0.683 0.874
0.717 0.781
Intra- and peritumoral radiomics
for pretreatment prediction of pCR
N=117 Patients
Training set = 0.78
Independent testing = 0.74
Top radiomics features
Co-occurrence of Local Anisotropic Gradient
Orientations (homogénéhity-entropy)
Peak Laws level-ripple
CoLlAGe : Co-occurrence of Local Anisotropic Gradient Orientations
PLLR : Peak Laws level-ripple
➚ CoLlAGe
➚ CoLlAGe
Braman NM, Breast Cancer Res 2017
ADC for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT
36 Pickles. Magn Reson Imaging 2006. Cohen. Can Assoc Radiol J 1996
Park SH. Eur Radiol 2012
Baseline 2nd Cycle
Prediction pCR (Se 100%, Sp 70%)
Cycle de CTNA ì ADC
C1 +15%
C2 +25%
C6 +55%IDC, RH-,HER-
ADC for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT
Baseline 2nd cycle
ADC = 1.2 x10- 3mm2/s ADC = 1.2 x10- 3mm2/s
Perfusion for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT
de Bazelaire C, Diagn Interv Imaging 2013
Perfusion for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT
de Bazelaire C, Diagn Interv Imaging 2013
Perfusion for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT
de Bazelaire C, Diagn Interv Imaging 2013
Perfusion for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT
de Bazelaire C, Diagn Interv Imaging 2013
Perfusion for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT
}  î Ktrans 50% for responder
}  Sensitivity 94%
}  Specificity 82%
}  î Ktrans de 40% pour détecter les
}  Sensitivity 75%
}  Specificity 63%
1.Ah-See ML.Clin Cancer Res. 2008; 2.Wu LM. BCRT 2012
Texture for prediction of response to NACT at baseline
}  N= 36 breast cancers treated by NACT
}  8pCR et 28 non responders
}  IRM (T1,T2 and T1 Gd sub)
}  Good response predicted by
}  Uniformity ➚ T2 et T1
}  Entropy ➘ T2 et T1
Parikh J. Radiology 2014
after 3cycles Se Sp
Entropy 88% 82%
Uniformity 88% 79%
Tumor size changes 50% 82%
Prognostic prediction
Texture for prognosis prediction
}  N=203 patients with breast cancer
}  4 death
}  22 relapse
}  Relapse risk factors
}  Stade N3 : Hazard Ratio (HR) = 11
}  Triple Negative : HR=17
}  Low entropy T1 Gd sub : HR=5
}  High entropy T2 : HR=10
Kim J. Radiology 2017
T1 Gd T2
Entropy = irregularity degree
Radiomics for prognosis prediction
}  84 patients, 84 ans
}  88% CCI, 10% CLI, 2% mixtes
}  Lum A, Lum B, HER2, Basal like, Normal like
}  IRM
}  Computer-Extracted Image Phenotype
}  Correlation
}  Radiomics and MammaPrint®, Oncotype
DX®, PAM50® (r=.5, p<.0001)
}  Prognosis prediction
}  AUC = 0,80
Hui L, Radiology 2016
CEIP algorithme
Radiomics for prognosis prediction
}  N=261 patients
}  Machine learning : Semiquantitative parameters
}  Washout of tumor volume
}  Washin of maximum intensity
}  Proportion of tumor voxels that reach maximum intensity in the 1st post contast
}  Proportion of tumor voxels that reach a treathold when FGT reached a value of the mean tumor
}  To discriminate
}  High vs intermediate and low Oncotype DX scores
}  AUC = 0.77
}  High and intermediate vs low Oncotype DX scores
}  AUC = 0.51
Saha A, J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2018
IRMf en sénologie
Take Home Messages
}  Multiparametric MRI
}  Diffusion, perfusion, radiomics
}  All technics are usefull for
}  Characterization: benign/malignant,Ttumor subtype
}  Treatment monitoring
}  Prognosis
}  Perspectives
}  To organize large studies+++
}  To optimize MRI sequences
}  To diffuse technics (software)
}  To combine radiomics with diffusion and perfusion

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Cedric De Bazelaire new advance in multiparametric breast mri jfim ifupi milan 2018

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  • 5. Non Gaussian diffusion (DKI) ➜ ADC0 + K Peak Distribution Restricted diffusion in Vivo 5 K=0 K=2 }  }  } 
  • 6. Non Gaussian diffusion (DKI) ➜ ADC0 + K 6 Restricted diffusion in vivoFree diffusion in vivo }  }  }  }  }  } 
  • 7. Diffusion + Perfusion Free Diffusion + Perfusion Restricted diffusion + perfusion 7 }  }  }  }  }  } 
  • 11. Blood volume : Vp 11 }  }  }  }  }  } 
  • 12. Interstitial volume fraction : Ve 12 }  }  }  }  }  } 
  • 13. Radiomics 13 }  Selection of 10 Radiomics features within150-200 parameters }  Morphology : size, volume, shape… }  Texture : Entropy, Energy… }  Rehaussement :Tumor, background… Hui L, Radiology 2016
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  • 18. Mass characterization with diffusion Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the left breast 18 Se Sp DCE 98% 76% ADC < 0.9 92% 87% DCE+ADC 96% 89% Kul S.AJR 2011
  • 19. Characterization with IVIM }  N= 35 patients }  21 IDC }  5 non IDC }  3 ILC }  1 DCIS }  Cancer }  ADC0 î }  Fp ì ADC ADC0 Fp TFG 2 1.9 1.5% Benign 1.6 1.6 3% Malignant 1.40 1.3 6% Malignant vs Bénign ADC ADC0 Fp AUC 0.70 0.75 0.79 Se 0.65 0.85 0.73 Sp 0.85 0.64 0.86 Bokacheva L, JMRI 201419
  • 21. Characterization with IVIM+ADC0+K 21 }  N=22 patients }  Tumor > 8 mm }  15 cancers }  8 benign lesions }  Cancer }  ADC0 î }  K ì }  fIVIM ì Lima M, Invest Radiol 2014
  • 22. Characterisation with perfusion 22 }  N=124 patients (59 cancers) DCE-MRI Parameters Normal n=59 Benign n=65 Malignant n=59 Benign vs normal Malignant vs normal Malignant vs benign Ktrans (min–1)  0.049  0.280  0.783 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Kep (min–1)  0.121  0.483  1.304 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Ve  0.523  0.633 0.620 0.020 0.008 0.760 Li L, Med Sci Monit 2015 DCE-MRI Parameters MDD n=9 DCIS n=14 IDC n=41 DCIS vs MDD IDC vs MDD Ktrans (min–1)  0.313 0.713  0.803 <0.001 <0.001 Kep (min–1)  0.449  1.282  1.338 <0.001 <0.001 Ve  0.729  0.601  0.617 0.292 0.329 ADC  1.221  1.008  0.947 <0.001 <0.001 MDD : mammary ductal dysplasia
  • 23. Grade SBR prediction with perfusion 23 }  Grade SBR ì (N=50) }  Ktrans ì (p=0.002) }  kep ì (p=0.005) }  Ve î (p=0.038) Koo HR, Eur J Radiol 2012
  • 24. Status RE prediction with perfusion 24 }  ER- vs ER+ (N=50) }  Ktrans ì (p=0.056) }  kep ì (p=0.043) }  Ve î (p=0.015) Koo HR, Eur J Radiol 2012 Whitney U-test was used for pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni correction. Statistical analyses were performed using commercially available software (SPSS, v. 19.0; Chicago, IL). Statistical significance was assigned if the P-value was less than 0.05. grade (0.585 6 0.243, P ¼ 0.038), and was lower in tumors with ER negativity (0.455 6 0.201) than with ER positivity (0.912 6 0.651, P ¼ 0.015). Other prognostic factors did not show any differences in quantitative parameters (Ktrans , kep, and ve) (Table 1, Figure 1. A 58-year-old woman with a favorable his- tology and lower mean Ktrans value. The tumor was con- firmed as a 2.5-cm invasive ductal carcinoma of histologic grade 2, nuclear grade 2, ER- positive, PR-positive, and HER2-negative. a: An axial 3D fast SPGR subtraction MR image demonstrates an irregu- lar enhancing mass in the left breast. b: The pixels contrib- uting to the AIF are selected within the ipsilateral internal mammary artery (arrow). c,d: Permeability map in a breast tumor and the fitting result of dynamic MR data by the pharmacokinetic model based on the Tofts model. Three lines denote AIF, dynamic MR, and its fitted data. 148 Koo et al. Whitney U-test was used for pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni correction. Statistical analyses were performed using commercially available software (SPSS, v. 19.0; Chicago, IL). Statistical significance was assigned if the P-value was less than 0.05. RESULTS Correlation Between Perfusion Parameters and Prognostic Factors Mean Ktrans was higher in tumors with a high histo- logic grade (0.567 6 0.334) than tumors with a low histologic grade (0.371 6 0.234, P ¼ 0.007), higher in tumors with a high nuclear grade (0.581 6 0.323) than with a low nuclear grade (0.353 6 0.226, P ¼ 0.002), and higher in tumors with ER negativity (0.576 6 0.346) than with ER positivity (0.420 6 0.263) with borderline significance (P ¼ 0.056). Mean kep was higher in tumors with a high histologic grade (1.294 6 0.736) than tumors with a low histologic grade (0.822 6 0.652, P ¼ 0.005), higher in tumors grade (0.585 6 0. tumors with ER n ER positivity (0.9 prognostic factors quantitative param Figs. 1, 2). Correlation Betw Immunohistochem The Kruskal–Walli ferent across the t nificance (P ¼ 0.0 cancers showed a than luminal bre 0.015) when comp with Bonferroni co tumors were iden group than in the vs. 31% [13/41], perfusion parame tochemical subtyp Figure 2. A 66-year-old woman with a poorer histol- ogy, triple negativity, and higher mean Ktrans value. The tumor was confirmed as a 1.8-cm invasive ductal carcinoma that was histologic grade 3, nuclear grade 3, ER-negative, PR-nega- tive, and HER2-negative. a: An axial 3D fast SPGR subtraction MR image demonstrates an irregular enhancing mass in the Perfusion MRI of Breast Cancers 149 with bilateral full breast coverage using parallel imag- ing and through-plane zero-fill interpolation (ZIP). MRI include bilateral image acquisition with a positioning bilateral breast coil, temporal resolu Figure 2. A 66-year-old woman with a poorer histol- ogy, triple negativity, and higher mean Ktrans value. The tumor was confirmed as a 1.8-cm invasive ductal carcinoma that was histologic grade 3, nuclear grade 3, ER-negative, PR-nega- tive, and HER2-negative. a: An axial 3D fast SPGR subtraction MR image demonstrates an irregular enhancing mass in the right breast. b: The pixels con- tributing to the AIF are selected within the ipsilateral internal mammary artery (arrow). c,d: Permeability map in a breast tu- mor and the fitting result of dynamic MR data by the phar- macokinetic model based on the Tofts model. Three lines denote AIF, dynamic MR, and its fitted data. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at] Perfusion MRI of Breast Cancers
  • 25. Perfusion for prediction breast cancer subtypes 25 }  Triple Negatif vs Luminal A (N=37) }  kep ì }  Ve î Li S, Eur Radiol 2011
  • 26. Texture for prediction breast cancer subtypes 26 }  N=144 breast cancers }  92 IDC, 45 ILC et 7 DCIS }  Luminaux A et B, HER2,TN }  Entropy in T1 Gd }  IDC > ILC p<.001 }  Lum < HER2 p=.005 }  Lum < TN p=.014 Waugh. Eur Radiol 2016 T1 Gd T2 Entropy = irregularity degree
  • 27. Radiomics for prediction of molecular subtypes 27 }  N=60 patients Ming F, Plos One 2017 n AUC Se (%) Sp (%) Luminal A 34 0.867 88 77 Luminal B 8 0.786 87 63 HER2 7 0.888 81 100 Basal Like 11 0.923 81 100 Total 0.869
  • 28. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NACT) Monitoring In practice 28
  • 29. Response prediction to NACT at baseline using ADC 29 ADC (N=118) Response 1.04 Progression 1.07 Partial Response 1.06 Complete Response Richard R. Eur Radiol 2013 Baseline
  • 30. Response prediction to NACT at baseline using ADC 30 RO. ADC RO + 0.99 RO - 1.16 Grade ADC I 0.95 II 0.96 III 1.11 Ki67 ADC ≧14 1.08 < 14 1.03 P53 ADC Mutation 1.10 No Mutation 1.02 Richard R. Eur Radiol 2013
  • 31. Response prediction to NACT at baseline using ADC 31 Luminal A Luminal B HER2 Basal like 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 ADC Anova, P=0.0001 RC Non-RC 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 ADC P=0.047 Richard R. Eur Radiol 2013
  • 32. ADC }  N=61 patientes, CCI RE+ }  ADC ➘ }  Fibrosis➚ }  Collagène & fibroblastes ➚ }  Stroma➘ }  Lymphocytes ➘ Tumeur/Stroma 80% Collagène Tumeur/Stroma 80% Fibroblaste Tumeur/Stroma 20% Lymphocytes Ko ES, Radiology 201432
  • 33. Radiomics for prediction of response to NACT at baseline 33 }  N=57 patients (Main Cohort) }  1.5T scan system }  47 Responders (RECIST 1.1) }  10 Non-Responders (RECIST 1.1) Ming F, Eur J Radiol 2017 AUC = 0.910 Se = 87% Sp = 90%
  • 34. Radiomics for prediction of response to NACT at baseline 34 }  N=57 patients (Main Cohort) }  1.5T scan system }  47 Responders (RECIST 1.1) }  10 Non-Responders (RECIST 1.1) }  N=46 patients (Reproducibility) }  3T scan system }  37 Responders (RECIST 1.1) }  9 Non-Responders (RECIST 1.1) Ming F, Eur J Radiol 2017 AUC Main cohort Reproducibility Main cohort features 0.910 0.713 Reproducibility features 0.683 0.874 Common parameters 0.717 0.781
  • 35. Intra- and peritumoral radiomics for pretreatment prediction of pCR in NACT N=117 Patients AUC Training set = 0.78 Independent testing = 0.74 Top radiomics features Co-occurrence of Local Anisotropic Gradient Orientations (homogénéhity-entropy) Peak Laws level-ripple 35 CoLlAGe : Co-occurrence of Local Anisotropic Gradient Orientations PLLR : Peak Laws level-ripple TIL TIL TIL ➚ CoLlAGe ➚ CoLlAGe ➚PLLR Braman NM, Breast Cancer Res 2017
  • 36. ADC for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT 36 Pickles. Magn Reson Imaging 2006. Cohen. Can Assoc Radiol J 1996 Park SH. Eur Radiol 2012 Baseline 2nd Cycle Prediction pCR (Se 100%, Sp 70%) Cycle de CTNA ì ADC C1 +15% C2 +25% C6 +55%IDC, RH-,HER-
  • 37. ADC for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT 37 Baseline 2nd cycle ADC = 1.2 x10- 3mm2/s ADC = 1.2 x10- 3mm2/s
  • 38. Perfusion for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT 38 de Bazelaire C, Diagn Interv Imaging 2013
  • 39. Perfusion for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT 39 de Bazelaire C, Diagn Interv Imaging 2013
  • 40. Perfusion for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT 40 de Bazelaire C, Diagn Interv Imaging 2013
  • 41. Perfusion for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT 41 de Bazelaire C, Diagn Interv Imaging 2013
  • 42. Perfusion for prediction of response after 2 cycles to NACT 42 }  î Ktrans 50% for responder detection1 }  Sensitivity 94% }  Specificity 82% }  î Ktrans de 40% pour détecter les répondeurs2 }  Sensitivity 75% }  Specificity 63% 1.Ah-See ML.Clin Cancer Res. 2008; 2.Wu LM. BCRT 2012
  • 43. Texture for prediction of response to NACT at baseline 43 }  N= 36 breast cancers treated by NACT }  8pCR et 28 non responders }  IRM (T1,T2 and T1 Gd sub) }  Good response predicted by }  Uniformity ➚ T2 et T1 }  Entropy ➘ T2 et T1 Parikh J. Radiology 2014 after 3cycles Se Sp Entropy 88% 82% Uniformity 88% 79% Tumor size changes 50% 82%
  • 45. Texture for prognosis prediction 45 }  N=203 patients with breast cancer }  4 death }  22 relapse }  Relapse risk factors }  Stade N3 : Hazard Ratio (HR) = 11 }  Triple Negative : HR=17 }  Low entropy T1 Gd sub : HR=5 }  High entropy T2 : HR=10 Kim J. Radiology 2017 T1 Gd T2 Entropy = irregularity degree
  • 46. Radiomics for prognosis prediction 46 }  84 patients, 84 ans }  88% CCI, 10% CLI, 2% mixtes }  Lum A, Lum B, HER2, Basal like, Normal like }  IRM }  Computer-Extracted Image Phenotype }  Correlation }  Radiomics and MammaPrint®, Oncotype DX®, PAM50® (r=.5, p<.0001) }  Prognosis prediction }  AUC = 0,80 Hui L, Radiology 2016 CEIP algorithme
  • 47. Radiomics for prognosis prediction 47 }  N=261 patients }  Machine learning : Semiquantitative parameters }  Washout of tumor volume }  Washin of maximum intensity }  Proportion of tumor voxels that reach maximum intensity in the 1st post contast }  Proportion of tumor voxels that reach a treathold when FGT reached a value of the mean tumor enhancement }  To discriminate }  High vs intermediate and low Oncotype DX scores }  AUC = 0.77 }  High and intermediate vs low Oncotype DX scores }  AUC = 0.51 Saha A, J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2018
  • 49. Take Home Messages 49 }  Multiparametric MRI }  Diffusion, perfusion, radiomics }  All technics are usefull for }  Characterization: benign/malignant,Ttumor subtype }  Treatment monitoring }  Prognosis }  Perspectives }  To organize large studies+++ }  To optimize MRI sequences }  To diffuse technics (software) }  To combine radiomics with diffusion and perfusion