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Evangelical Christian Credit Union
ECCU uses Pivotal CRM to get a 360-degree view and build
strong relationships.

    Customer Details
    Evangelical Christian Credit Union
    •	 Member-owned	financial	cooperative	for	growing	churches,	Christian	schools,	and	other		
       evangelical	ministries.

    •	 Financial	Services

    •	 Organization	grew	to	a	size	that	required	new	technology	support
    •	 CRM	solution	had	to	be	flexible	enough	to	model	complex	credit	union	business	workflows

    •	 Secured	100%	user	adoption
    •	 Improved	pipeline	management	and	forecasting
    •	 Mobile	users	have	access	to	rich	member	information	

    CDC	Pivotal	CRM

CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™                                              CRM Case Study | 1
Most	businesses	have	corporate	goals	and	mission	          build	its	customer	relationships.	Accordingly,	its	
              statements.	But	Brea,	California–based	Evangelical	        technology	team	began	to	evaluate	CRM	systems.
              Christian	Credit	Union	(ECCU)	has	a	mission	of	a	
              higher	order.                                              A	distinct	challenge	for	ECCU	in	finding	the	right	CRM	
                                                                         system	was	the	degree	of	relationship	complexity	
              ECCU	is	the	banking	resource	for	churches,	                with	which	the	credit	union	routinely	deals.	Due	to	its	
              Christian	schools,	and	other	evangelical	ministries	       ministry	banking	focus,	a	large	number	of	ECCU’s	
              nationwide.	It	also	serves	missionaries	in	more	than	      customers	are	organizations,	rather	than	individuals,	
              100	countries	around	the	world.	While	its	business	        but	many	of	its	individual	members	are	part	of	one	or	
              focus	is	providing	financial	services	to	evangelical	      more	of	these	organizations.	The	organizations	are	
              organizations,	the	credit	union	does	provide	personal	     also	often	linked,	such	as	a	church	with	an	associated	
              banking	services	such	as	savings	and	checking	             school	and	ties	to	one	or	more	mission	agencies.	
              accounts	to	individual	members	and	their	families.	        These	complex,	multi-layered	interconnections	made	
                                         For	more	than	40	years,	        seemingly	simple	tasks,	such	as	assembling	and	
                                         ECCU’s	members	and	
It’s a one-stop                          employees	have	shared	a	
                                                                         addressing	a	list	of	Christmas	cards,	a	formidable	
shop. Users don’t                        commitment	to	the	mission	
                                         of	making	evangelical	          This	tangled	web	of	relationships	was	more	than	
have to open                             Christian	ministries	more	      most	of	the	CRM	systems	the	ECCU	team	evaluated	
two or three                             effective.                      could	handle.	Pivotal	CRM’s	ability	to	manage	and	
                                                                         model	these	relationships	helped	put	it	ahead	of	
applications to                          Growing Business                other	systems	under	consideration.	Also,	many	of	
find what they                           Brings Growing                  the	other	systems	ECCU	considered	were	very	
                                         Needs                           consumer	focused;	Pivotal	CRM	better	supported	the	
want. It’s all there                     ECCU	began	operations	          commercial	orientation	of	the	credit	union,	along	with	
in Pivotal CRM.                          as	the	Conservative	Baptist	    the	complex	individual	member	relationships.
                                         Credit	Union	of	Southern	
Judy Dietz                               California,	merging	with	the	   Another	key	differentiator	for	Pivotal	CRM	was	its	
ECCU, Pivotal Application
Manager                                  Association	of	Christian	       flexibility.	The	team	saw	that	wherever	Pivotal	CRM	
                                         Schools	International	Credit	   didn’t	fit	all	of	the	credit	union’s	needs	out	of	the	box,	
              Union	in	1984	and	broadening	its	field	of	membership	      it	could	be	customized	to	do	so.	The	ECCU	team	
              to	become	ECCU.	Since	that	time,	it	has	continued	to	      selected	Pivotal	CRM	for	its	implementation	and	set	
              grow	at	a	rapid	pace,	today	employing	approximately	       about	making	these	customizations,	implementing	the	
              300	people	and	representing	nearly	$3	billion	in	total	    system	in	2003.
              assets	under	management.
                                                                         Customized—But Not Standardized
              Despite	this	growth,	ECCU	has	held	true	to	its	faith-	     Unfortunately,	ECCU	found	that	customization	in	and	
              and	community-based	roots,	delivering	a	relationship-      of	itself	was	not	necessarily	a	virtue.	The	initial	CRM	
              based	banking	experience	to	its	members.	Several	          implementation	focused	on	the	sales	force,	and	the	
              years	ago,	however,	the	credit	union	began	to	             project	team	was	eager	to	adapt	the	system	to	meet	
              recognize	that	maintaining	this	kind	of	personal	and	      the	salespeople’s	needs	and	processes,	building	in	
              valued	relationship	with	members	was	becoming	             customizations	to	meet	a	wide	variety	of	demands.	
              more	challenging	as	it	expanded.	No	longer	a	small	        Over	time,	however,	it	became	apparent	that	the	
              business	where	employees	and	customers	all	knew	           processes	being	customized	into	the	system	were	
              each	other	by	name,	ECCU	understood	that	it	needed	        not	truly	standardized	or	mature,	which	led	to	usage	
              centralized	technologies	in	place	to	help	track	and	       problems.

              CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™                                                   CRM Case Study | 2
By	2007,	ECCU	was	at	a	crossroads.	With	further	             commitment	to	the	project,	understanding	that	to	
            growth	and	increasing	competition,	the	credit	union	         derive	full	value	from	the	system,	they	would	need	
            needed	a	centralized	customer	view	and	technology-           more	significant	top-down	support	as	well	as	more	
            supported	sales	process	more	than	ever,	but	it	knew	         direct	management	usage	of	the	system.	Secondly,	
            that	further	customizing	its	heavily	customized	but	         they	took	a	different	approach	to	customization,	
            underused	system	was	not	going	to	fix	its	problems.	         requiring	strong	business	rationale	before	they	would	
            ECCU	also	needed	a	solution	that	would	better	               modify	the	system	to	accommodate	a	given	field,	
            support	its	mobile	sales	force	and	wanted	to	move	to	        form,	or	process.
            a	web-based	CRM	client.
                                                                         The	project	team	was	aided	in	this	by	internal	
            A Pivotal Move                                               developments	at	ECCU.	The	credit	union’s	sales	
                                         As	ECCU	evaluated	its	          force,	which	had	formerly	been	composed	of	separate	
                                         options,	it	found	that	         teams	for	depository	and	lending	sales,	was	in	the	
Many of the                              Pivotal	CRM	was	still	          process	of	merging	into	a	single	group.	Furthermore,	
customizations                           the	best	choice	on	the	         the	credit	union	had	made	major	advances	in	process	
                                         market	for	its	needs.	In	the	   standardization,	such	that	a	mature,	consistent,	and	
we made in our                           years	since	ECCU’s	initial	     proven	process	could	be	modeled	in	the	system	with	
initial deployment                       deployment,	CDC	Software	       confidence.
                                         had	launched	Pivotal	CRM	
were available out-                      for	Financial	Services,	an	     The	more	selective	use	of	customization	was	made	
                                                                         much	easier	by	the	industry-tailored	features	available	
of-the-box with                          industry-tailored	version	of	
                                                                         in	Pivotal	CRM	for	Commercial	Banking.	“We	were	
                                         Pivotal	CRM	with	specific	
Pivotal CRM for                          suites	for	a	range	of	lines	    able	to	significantly	leverage	simple	configuration	of	
                                                                         out-of-the-box	functionality,”	notes	Scott	Thomas,	
Financial Services.                      of	business	within	financial	
                                                                         ECCU’s	Manager	of	Systems	Development.	“Where	
                                         services.	ECCU	found	
Alan Weisenberger                        that	the	Pivotal	CRM	for	       we	did	customization,	we	were	customizing	the	
ECCU, VP, Technology                     Commercial	Banking	suite	       artifacts—the	documents	and	the	reports	that	already	
                                         closely	matched	its	needs	      existed	in	the	out-of-the-box	system.	We	were	really	
                                         right	out	of	the	box,	while	    letting	the	out-of-the-box	tailored	solution	work	the	
            still	providing	the	flexibility	to	easily	customize	the	     way	it	was	intended	to.”
            system	where	needed.	“Many	of	the	customizations	
                                                                         As	the	project	team	moved	toward	implementation,	
            we	made	in	our	initial	deployment	were	available	out	
                                                                         they	identified	user	adoption	as	the	most	important	
            of	the	box	with	Pivotal	CRM	for	Financial	Services,”	
                                                                         measurement	of	success.	“If	everyone	in	the	sales	
            notes	Alan	Weisenberger,	ECCU’s	VP	of	Technology	
                                                                         organization	is	using	the	system	to	manage	their	
            Services.	“It	was	already	a	close	fit	to	how	we	do	
                                                                         pipeline	and	sales	process,	if	there	are	no	other	
            business.”	Pivotal	CRM’s	Rich	Client	offering	also	
                                                                         ancillary	systems	in	use,	if	management	and	
            better	suited	the	credit	union’s	long-term	technology	
                                                                         salespeople	alike	look	to	the	system	as	their	source	of	
            plans	and	offered	web-based	access	to	CRM	data	for	
                                                                         information	about	our	relationship	with	the	customer,	
            mobile	employees.
                                                                         that’s	success,”	says	Weisenberger.
            In	July	2007,	ECCU	implemented	Pivotal	CRM	for	
                                                                         Increasing Member Insight
            Commercial	Banking.	This	time,	it	took	an	entirely	
                                                                         At	the	heart	of	it	all,	of	course,	is	the	comprehensive	
            different	approach	to	system	implementation.	First,	
                                                                         client-member	view	that	Pivotal	CRM	makes	possible.	
            before	beginning	the	project,	the	project	team	
                                                                         Users	now	have	a	single,	centralized	source	of	rich	
            secured	a	more	intense	executive	and	management	

            CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™                                                    CRM Case Study | 3
information	about	a	member	and	interactions	with	            “This	has	been	a	landmark	project.	To	have	a	
them	that	is	fast	and	easy	to	access.	“It’s	a	one-stop	      migration	project	of	this	magnitude	come	off	this	
shop,”	says	Dietz.	“They	don’t	have	to	open	two	or	          smoothly	sets	a	new	high-water	mark	in	my	25	years	
three	applications	to	find	what	they	want.	It’s	all	there	   of	technology	management,”	says	Weisenberger.	“It	
in	Pivotal	CRM.”                                             went	so	well;	the	team	just	connected	and	worked	
                                                             together	wonderfully.	The	Pivotal	CRM	team	brought	
Having	a	single,	reliable	system	of	record	for	member	       a	lot	to	the	table	in	terms	of	expertise,	and	they	
information	may	seem	simple,	but	its	value	should	not	       brought	a	lot	of	discipline	into	the	project	process—
be	overlooked.	Before	ECCU	implemented	Pivotal	              along	with	flexibility	where	it	needed	to	flex.	I	can’t	
CRM,	outdated	information	once	sent	the	credit	              think	of	a	project	team	I’d	rather	work	with	than	the	
union’s	CEO	to	the	wrong	address	when	visiting	an	           folks	that	we	worked	with	from	Pivotal	CRM.	My	
important	member—something	that	did	not	please	the	          team	and	I	commented	several	times	throughout	
member,	the	CEO,	or	ECCU	staff.	When	it	comes	to	            implementation	that	we	were	concerned	only	because	
member	information,	having	a	system	with	thorough,	          we	didn’t	seem	to	have	anything	to	be	concerned	
current,	reliable	information	is	essential	to	building	      about!”
                                                             Thomas	adds,	“Everyone	took	a	great	deal	of	effort	
Another	great	benefit	of	the	system	is	the	ability	to	       and	pride	in	understanding	the	business	we	do	and	
understand	a	member’s	sphere	of	influence.	“It’s	            why	the	things	we	wanted	to	see	in	the	system	were	
not	unusual	for	Pastor	Joe	to	be	on	the	board	of	a	          important	to	us.	It	was	extremely	valuable.	And	this	
Christian	school	or	teach	at	a	Christian	university	and	     went	all	the	way	up	to	CDC	Software’s	executive	
be	on	the	board	of	another	mission	agency,”	notes	           management,	who	were	very	receptive	and	very	
Weisenberger.	“Our	users	need	to	know	this,	so	that	         willing	to	work	with	us	to	make	the	system	more	
when	they’re	having	a	conversation	with	Pastor	Joe	          productive	for	us.”
in	one	context,	they	understand	the	broader	context	
                                                             Dietz	agrees:	“The	people	we	have	worked	with	have	
of	his	involvement.”	Pivotal	CRM’s	intuitive	visual	
                                                             provided	a	perfect	combination	of	understanding	what	
relationship	trees	make	this	sphere	of	influence	easy	
                                                             we	need	and	advising	us	when	there	are	better	ways	
to	understand	at	a	glance.
                                                             to	do	things.	CDC	Software	is	what	we’re	looking	for	
Daily	imports	of	account	data	from	ECCU’s	back-              in	a	vendor:	a	true	partner.”
end	financial	system	keep	account	information	
fresh	and	ensure	the	Pivotal	CRM	system	is	a	truly	          Looking to the Future
comprehensive	source	of	member	data.	In	addition,	           ECCU	has	projects	underway	to	provide	system	
the	system’s	ability	to	track	internal	and	external	         enhancements	for	its	users	and	expand	CRM	usage	
account	data	to	understand	share	of	wallet	holds	            to	its	member	services	group,	ensuring	users	across	
promise	for	ECCU	as	they	look	for	new	opportunities	         departments	and	functions	are	fully	aware	of	each	
to	expand	their	business	and	deepen	their	                   other’s	interactions	with	members	and	can	present	an	
relationships	with	existing	members.                         informed,	seamless	member	experience.	The	credit	
                                                             union	is	also	bringing	its	lead	nurturing	process	into	
A Winning Partnership                                        the	system	and	plans	to	roll	Pivotal	CRM	out	to	its	
ECCU	has	worked	with	the	Pivotal	CRM	Professional	           marketing	department,	which	can’t	wait	to	start	using	
Services	team	throughout	this	implementation,	and	           the	system.	ECCU	also	looks	forward	to	taking	full	
the	cooperation	between	the	two	companies’	teams	            advantage	of	the	360-degree	client	view	it	now	has,	
has	been	a	major	factor	in	the	project’s	success.            seeing	the	potential	to	better	analyze	and	segment	

CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™                                                     CRM Case Study | 4
its	member	base	to	provide	more	personalized	and	                       As	Weisenberger	sees	it,	it’s	retention	in	particular	
differentiated	member	experiences	and	deepen	                           that	is	the	true	test	for	the	credit	union.	“At	a	mom-
relationships	through	cross-selling.                                     and-pop	shop,	you	personally	know	everybody	by	
                                                                         name	and	you	can	keep	a	good,	tight	relationship	
While	steps	remain	in	ECCU’s	journey	to	realizing	its	
                                                                         with	them,”	he	says.	“But	when	you’re	bigger	and	
full	CRM	vision,	Weisenberger	ultimately	sees	Pivotal	
                                                                         your	customers	are	organizations,	you	don’t	just	
CRM	as	a	vital	part	of	the	credit	union’s	future	growth.	
                                                                         have	a	person-to-person	relationship—it’s	much	
“If	you’re	not	growing,	you’re	dying,”	he	says.	“Our	
                                                                         more	complex.	So	how	do	you	create	deep	loyalty,	
competition	is	growing	and	getting	more	competitive.	
                                                                         deep	roots,	a	deep	relationship	unless	there	is	some	
And	I	don’t	think	our	business	model	is	sustainable	
                                                                         consistency?	We’re	using	Pivotal	CRM	to	create	
at	the	level	we’re	operating	at	without	Pivotal	CRM.	
                                                                         that	consistency	and	to	go	beyond	person-to-person	
Without	Pivotal	CRM,	we’d	be	very	constrained	
                                                                         loyalty	to	achieve	organization-to-organization	loyalty.”	
in	our	ability	to	acquire	and	retain	our	customer	
                                                                         Creating	this	loyalty	helps	ECCU	pursue	their	mission	
                                                                         of	making	ministries	more	effective,	and	Pivotal	CRM	
                                                                         is	helping	them	achieve	it.

      Want to learn more?
      Resource Library                                                         Reach Out                                         Email:

      CDC Pivotal CRM                                                          Global Office Locations	                                       

      See How We Fit Your Industry                                             Stay Connected With CDC Software	                         

Copyright	©	CDC	Software	2011.		All	rights	reserved.	The	CDC	Software	logo	is	a	registered	trademark	of	CDC	Software.	

CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™                                                                      CRM Case Study | 5

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Pivotal CRM Case Study - Evangelical Christian Credit Union

  • 1. Evangelical Christian Credit Union ECCU uses Pivotal CRM to get a 360-degree view and build strong relationships. Customer Details Evangelical Christian Credit Union • Member-owned financial cooperative for growing churches, Christian schools, and other evangelical ministries. Industry • Financial Services Challenges • Organization grew to a size that required new technology support • CRM solution had to be flexible enough to model complex credit union business workflows Benefits • Secured 100% user adoption • Improved pipeline management and forecasting • Mobile users have access to rich member information Solution CDC Pivotal CRM CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™ CRM Case Study | 1
  • 2. Most businesses have corporate goals and mission build its customer relationships. Accordingly, its statements. But Brea, California–based Evangelical technology team began to evaluate CRM systems. Christian Credit Union (ECCU) has a mission of a higher order. A distinct challenge for ECCU in finding the right CRM system was the degree of relationship complexity ECCU is the banking resource for churches, with which the credit union routinely deals. Due to its Christian schools, and other evangelical ministries ministry banking focus, a large number of ECCU’s nationwide. It also serves missionaries in more than customers are organizations, rather than individuals, 100 countries around the world. While its business but many of its individual members are part of one or focus is providing financial services to evangelical more of these organizations. The organizations are organizations, the credit union does provide personal also often linked, such as a church with an associated banking services such as savings and checking school and ties to one or more mission agencies. accounts to individual members and their families. These complex, multi-layered interconnections made For more than 40 years, seemingly simple tasks, such as assembling and ECCU’s members and It’s a one-stop employees have shared a addressing a list of Christmas cards, a formidable challenge. shop. Users don’t commitment to the mission of making evangelical This tangled web of relationships was more than have to open Christian ministries more most of the CRM systems the ECCU team evaluated two or three effective. could handle. Pivotal CRM’s ability to manage and model these relationships helped put it ahead of applications to Growing Business other systems under consideration. Also, many of find what they Brings Growing the other systems ECCU considered were very Needs consumer focused; Pivotal CRM better supported the want. It’s all there ECCU began operations commercial orientation of the credit union, along with in Pivotal CRM. as the Conservative Baptist the complex individual member relationships. Credit Union of Southern Judy Dietz California, merging with the Another key differentiator for Pivotal CRM was its ECCU, Pivotal Application Manager Association of Christian flexibility. The team saw that wherever Pivotal CRM Schools International Credit didn’t fit all of the credit union’s needs out of the box, Union in 1984 and broadening its field of membership it could be customized to do so. The ECCU team to become ECCU. Since that time, it has continued to selected Pivotal CRM for its implementation and set grow at a rapid pace, today employing approximately about making these customizations, implementing the 300 people and representing nearly $3 billion in total system in 2003. assets under management. Customized—But Not Standardized Despite this growth, ECCU has held true to its faith- Unfortunately, ECCU found that customization in and and community-based roots, delivering a relationship- of itself was not necessarily a virtue. The initial CRM based banking experience to its members. Several implementation focused on the sales force, and the years ago, however, the credit union began to project team was eager to adapt the system to meet recognize that maintaining this kind of personal and the salespeople’s needs and processes, building in valued relationship with members was becoming customizations to meet a wide variety of demands. more challenging as it expanded. No longer a small Over time, however, it became apparent that the business where employees and customers all knew processes being customized into the system were each other by name, ECCU understood that it needed not truly standardized or mature, which led to usage centralized technologies in place to help track and problems. CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™ CRM Case Study | 2
  • 3. By 2007, ECCU was at a crossroads. With further commitment to the project, understanding that to growth and increasing competition, the credit union derive full value from the system, they would need needed a centralized customer view and technology- more significant top-down support as well as more supported sales process more than ever, but it knew direct management usage of the system. Secondly, that further customizing its heavily customized but they took a different approach to customization, underused system was not going to fix its problems. requiring strong business rationale before they would ECCU also needed a solution that would better modify the system to accommodate a given field, support its mobile sales force and wanted to move to form, or process. a web-based CRM client. The project team was aided in this by internal A Pivotal Move developments at ECCU. The credit union’s sales As ECCU evaluated its force, which had formerly been composed of separate options, it found that teams for depository and lending sales, was in the Many of the Pivotal CRM was still process of merging into a single group. Furthermore, customizations the best choice on the the credit union had made major advances in process market for its needs. In the standardization, such that a mature, consistent, and we made in our years since ECCU’s initial proven process could be modeled in the system with initial deployment deployment, CDC Software confidence. had launched Pivotal CRM were available out- for Financial Services, an The more selective use of customization was made much easier by the industry-tailored features available of-the-box with industry-tailored version of in Pivotal CRM for Commercial Banking. “We were Pivotal CRM with specific Pivotal CRM for suites for a range of lines able to significantly leverage simple configuration of out-of-the-box functionality,” notes Scott Thomas, Financial Services. of business within financial ECCU’s Manager of Systems Development. “Where services. ECCU found Alan Weisenberger that the Pivotal CRM for we did customization, we were customizing the ECCU, VP, Technology Commercial Banking suite artifacts—the documents and the reports that already Services closely matched its needs existed in the out-of-the-box system. We were really right out of the box, while letting the out-of-the-box tailored solution work the still providing the flexibility to easily customize the way it was intended to.” system where needed. “Many of the customizations As the project team moved toward implementation, we made in our initial deployment were available out they identified user adoption as the most important of the box with Pivotal CRM for Financial Services,” measurement of success. “If everyone in the sales notes Alan Weisenberger, ECCU’s VP of Technology organization is using the system to manage their Services. “It was already a close fit to how we do pipeline and sales process, if there are no other business.” Pivotal CRM’s Rich Client offering also ancillary systems in use, if management and better suited the credit union’s long-term technology salespeople alike look to the system as their source of plans and offered web-based access to CRM data for information about our relationship with the customer, mobile employees. that’s success,” says Weisenberger. In July 2007, ECCU implemented Pivotal CRM for Increasing Member Insight Commercial Banking. This time, it took an entirely At the heart of it all, of course, is the comprehensive different approach to system implementation. First, client-member view that Pivotal CRM makes possible. before beginning the project, the project team Users now have a single, centralized source of rich secured a more intense executive and management CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™ CRM Case Study | 3
  • 4. information about a member and interactions with “This has been a landmark project. To have a them that is fast and easy to access. “It’s a one-stop migration project of this magnitude come off this shop,” says Dietz. “They don’t have to open two or smoothly sets a new high-water mark in my 25 years three applications to find what they want. It’s all there of technology management,” says Weisenberger. “It in Pivotal CRM.” went so well; the team just connected and worked together wonderfully. The Pivotal CRM team brought Having a single, reliable system of record for member a lot to the table in terms of expertise, and they information may seem simple, but its value should not brought a lot of discipline into the project process— be overlooked. Before ECCU implemented Pivotal along with flexibility where it needed to flex. I can’t CRM, outdated information once sent the credit think of a project team I’d rather work with than the union’s CEO to the wrong address when visiting an folks that we worked with from Pivotal CRM. My important member—something that did not please the team and I commented several times throughout member, the CEO, or ECCU staff. When it comes to implementation that we were concerned only because member information, having a system with thorough, we didn’t seem to have anything to be concerned current, reliable information is essential to building about!” trust. Thomas adds, “Everyone took a great deal of effort Another great benefit of the system is the ability to and pride in understanding the business we do and understand a member’s sphere of influence. “It’s why the things we wanted to see in the system were not unusual for Pastor Joe to be on the board of a important to us. It was extremely valuable. And this Christian school or teach at a Christian university and went all the way up to CDC Software’s executive be on the board of another mission agency,” notes management, who were very receptive and very Weisenberger. “Our users need to know this, so that willing to work with us to make the system more when they’re having a conversation with Pastor Joe productive for us.” in one context, they understand the broader context Dietz agrees: “The people we have worked with have of his involvement.” Pivotal CRM’s intuitive visual provided a perfect combination of understanding what relationship trees make this sphere of influence easy we need and advising us when there are better ways to understand at a glance. to do things. CDC Software is what we’re looking for Daily imports of account data from ECCU’s back- in a vendor: a true partner.” end financial system keep account information fresh and ensure the Pivotal CRM system is a truly Looking to the Future comprehensive source of member data. In addition, ECCU has projects underway to provide system the system’s ability to track internal and external enhancements for its users and expand CRM usage account data to understand share of wallet holds to its member services group, ensuring users across promise for ECCU as they look for new opportunities departments and functions are fully aware of each to expand their business and deepen their other’s interactions with members and can present an relationships with existing members. informed, seamless member experience. The credit union is also bringing its lead nurturing process into A Winning Partnership the system and plans to roll Pivotal CRM out to its ECCU has worked with the Pivotal CRM Professional marketing department, which can’t wait to start using Services team throughout this implementation, and the system. ECCU also looks forward to taking full the cooperation between the two companies’ teams advantage of the 360-degree client view it now has, has been a major factor in the project’s success. seeing the potential to better analyze and segment CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™ CRM Case Study | 4
  • 5. its member base to provide more personalized and As Weisenberger sees it, it’s retention in particular differentiated member experiences and deepen that is the true test for the credit union. “At a mom- relationships through cross-selling. and-pop shop, you personally know everybody by name and you can keep a good, tight relationship While steps remain in ECCU’s journey to realizing its with them,” he says. “But when you’re bigger and full CRM vision, Weisenberger ultimately sees Pivotal your customers are organizations, you don’t just CRM as a vital part of the credit union’s future growth. have a person-to-person relationship—it’s much “If you’re not growing, you’re dying,” he says. “Our more complex. So how do you create deep loyalty, competition is growing and getting more competitive. deep roots, a deep relationship unless there is some And I don’t think our business model is sustainable consistency? We’re using Pivotal CRM to create at the level we’re operating at without Pivotal CRM. that consistency and to go beyond person-to-person Without Pivotal CRM, we’d be very constrained loyalty to achieve organization-to-organization loyalty.” in our ability to acquire and retain our customer Creating this loyalty helps ECCU pursue their mission relationships.” of making ministries more effective, and Pivotal CRM is helping them achieve it. Want to learn more? Resource Library Reach Out Email: CDC Pivotal CRM Global Office Locations See How We Fit Your Industry Stay Connected With CDC Software Copyright © CDC Software 2011. All rights reserved. The CDC Software logo is a registered trademark of CDC Software. CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™ CRM Case Study | 5