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Causal-Relational Studies
"An important difference between causal–comparative and correlational research is that causal–comparative studies involve two or more groups and
one independent variable, while correlational studies involve two or more variables and one group." (Gay & Airasian, 2000, 364).
Causal–comparative educational research identifies a relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable. This relationship suggests
that the researcher must prove more. When the research has true control over the independent variable the research will be considered as true research.
Causal–comparative research involves comparing (thus the "comparative" aspect) two groups in order to explain existing differences between them on
some variable or variables of interest. The only difference between causal–comparative and experimental research is that the groups being compared in
causal–comparative research have already been formed, and any treatment (if there was a treatment) has already been applied. My research is causal
–comparative because it involves comparing two groups homeschool children verse children who attend public school. In this type of research my
investigation attempt more content...
Many may argue that homeschooling is the best because it is on the raise. With several options for schooling in today's society, my topic best
summarizes causal comparative research. The educational of children today is immensely important in order fro them to have a successful bright
future. Students in school are taught the basic fundamentals but the concern of some parents is that the fundamentals taught are not beneficial to their
children. Among the parents that decide to homeschool, 45% percent of parents claim they can give their children a better education than the public
school system. Based on the surveys ad data collection, homeschooling is looking like it is a better alternative for
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Causal Cognition Analysis
In the article, Culture and Causal Cognition, the main psychological behavior that is being investigated are the behavior of humans in different
cultures and how they perceive and react to causal cognition. People from different cultures have different causal beliefs which would change the
way that they view the world and perceive different objects. For example, a person in the United States would view the world by the specific objects
that he or she says, on the other hand, a person from Asia would view the same scene but they would so many of the details and imagery that is
around the object instead of the object entirely by itself. In this article, the causal reasoning of the United States and Asia are compared just to show
how more content...
Viewing a certain object in an event and focusing only on its characteristics and details. The ancient Greek trait was transferred down to the American
culture. The Americans have not seen any flaws with their ancestor's perceptions, so there was no need to change the way that they view certain events.
Also, according to the article, the ancient Greeks were very individualistic. Which meant that they mostly relied on themselves and they were
independent. Those Greeks being individualistic would give them the idea that their views on other things should also show individualism. The object
is also independent, only it could determine the causes that lead to certain results. Similar situation with the eastern Asians. The ancient Chinese had
been visualizing their events in the holistic perspective. Viewing an object based on its surroundings and how the object's behavior is related to the
"field", basically the environment is the cause for the consequences of the object rather than the object itself. Also, The Chinese ancestors were very
cooperative with each other also made them perceive that the objects in an event must be influenced by some other environmental cause that is making
the object have a certain consequence. Any countries ancestry or culture will affect how the people of that country view the certain events that happens
around the world. Everyone will have different
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Causal Judgement Case Study
Humans frequently engage in making causal judgements. For example, if an individual suffers a headache after ingesting alcohol, then the individual
may deem that the alcohol caused the headache. The mechanism of this judgement has been characterised as being akin to the reflexive process of
classical conditioning (Mitchell, De Houwer, & Lovibond, 2009). Essentially, the process of forming a mental link between the alcohol (a cue) to the
headache (an outcome), is suggested to occur through classical associative learning (Mitchell, et al., 2009; Shanks, 2007). If a strong link between a
cue and outcome is forged then the presentation of the cue is supposed to elicit a mental representation, and ultimately the expectation of the outcome
(Shanks, 2007). The cue competition effects blocking and overshadowing are at the heart of the associative account of causal judgements (Shanks,
2007) more content...
In this task, participants pretend to be a Doctor and determine which food results in an allergic reaction in a fictional patient (e.g., Mr X; Mitchell
et al., 2006). In a blocking allergen task, participants receive instructions to consider the cause of Mr X allergies in a test on compound food cues
after receiving training on the allergenic effects of individual foods (Mitchell et al., 2006). For example, the trained allergen peanuts may be
presented in compound with watermelon, and the participant is asked to judge if Mr X will have an allergic reaction to watermelon (Mitchell et al.,
2006). This is where blocking effect emerges as participants reliably fail to rate watermelon as strong allergen (Mitchell et al., 2006). A variant of this
task is the overshadow allergen paradigm, which is identical except there is not a training phase (Shanks, 2007). Again, participants have been found to
fail to draw a strong association with the overshadowed food cue (Shanks,
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Academia Vs Causal Analysis
Although the two scholarly areas disagree on how to define CT there is some common ground relating to the attributes of a critical thinker namely,
specific abilities, the dispositions required to be a critical thinker and the use of metacognition. The first area of agreement relates to the attribute of
specific abilities of a critical thinker, including: 8–10
Analysing relationships, statements, part–whole connections;
Inferences, conclusions or consequences from data, evidence and judgements;
Evaluating the credibility of evidence or statements;
Exploration, reasoning or causal explanation;
Self–regulation, including metacognition.
The second area of agreement between the two areas of academia is the attribute of dispositions
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Epidemiology: Casual Reasoning And Science
Epidemiology is a study that depends on working knowledge probability or statistics and other research methods. Then, it is a method of causal
reasoning for developing and testing of hypotheses in the fields of behavioral sciences, biology, ergonomics, physics and others. It is not just a
research activity that is related to public health but is a good tool for practical application and public health action bases on causal reasoning and
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College Admissions Essay-Cause And Effect
Cause and Effect It seemed as if every time I got two steps ahead, I was then pushed back ten. My life was a never ending roller coaster of ups and
downs. My over all happiness is the reason why I am single. After ending a toxic relationship and letting go of a few useless friendships I was left
alone. Not physically because I still had my son, but mentally in a sense because I wasn't use to such seclusion. Separating myself from everyone
gave me a chance to finally get to know myself and decide on what it was I wanted out of life. In the beginning I had separation anxiety, not knowing
what to do with myself and feeling as if I needed someone around. Over time that began to change and I started to feel something I hadn't felt in a while,
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Causal Completeness Research Paper
The point of this essay is to explain the concepts of Causal Completeness, Dualism, and Downward Causation. Also I will explain why these three
concepts cannot be true all at once. Lastly, I will indicate my position of those three concepts. Causal Completeness is the concept that a physical event
has a physical explanation. Every physical effect has an immediate and sufficient physical cause (Papineau 2008, p53–54). If you believe in this then
every movement and thought can be traced back to a physical event. For instance, you decided to open the door. The door is being opened by your
hand which is a physical event. The action of your hand moving is also a physical event. What causes your hand to move can be led back to another more content...
We all have thoughts and perceptions; according to Dualism those events are not part of our bodies. Our bodies mainly focus on our actions such as
movement. But your thoughts and beliefs are stored in your mind and movements are coming from your body. Lastly, Downward Causation is when
the mind can influence physical events to occur. Our thoughts, wills, and perceptions are all connected to our minds. Every one of those can affect
our bodies to produce an action. If you believe in Downward Causation every physical movement produced is because of a mental event. For example,
deciding to sit down rather than stand up Downward Causation says the mind produced that action. You see a chair; your mind has these thoughts
which are to either sit down or stand up. Once you decide the action it goes to your body which produces your action. The fundamental trilemma of the
mind creates a problem combining all concepts Causal Completeness, Dualism, and Downward Causation. Such as, believing in Causal Completeness
and Downward Causation would eliminate Dualism. Combining those two would simply mean that the mind is physical. If Dualism were to come into
the picture it would cause a contradiction. Dualism says that mind and body are separated from one another. Physicalism states that there is a mind but
it is just part of the body another physical
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Essay On Causal Argument
Argument #2 Causal Argument A causal argument is the regularity of a cause
–and–effect relationship. It applies to causation of trends or patterns
among populations. If A occurs, then B occurs. "A is sufficient for B" means that if A occurs the B occurs. "A is necessary for B" means that if B
occurs the A occurs. Most genetically engineered foods produce a more nutritious, grander looking, cost–effective, and improved tasting product. This
argument is strong stands strong if A happens, the B happens. If B happens then A could have happened. If genetically engineered foods are healthier,
viewed as cost effective and improved in taste consequently, they can also cause crippling effects, endorse disease–resistant pests, and speed up the
diseases across species fences. Reference Thompson, (1998, Nov). The introduction of genetically altered foods: why we should not tamper with
Mother Nature Retrieved from Argument #3 Appeals to Authority Means a common argument form which can be fallacious,
such as when an it is cited on a topic outside there are of expertise or when cited to be that of non–truth. –Approximately 11–20 out of 100 Veterans
who participated in (OIF) Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom (OEF) have PTSD in a set more content...
In 2014, President Obama launched the BRAIN Initiative as part of a large–scale effort to help researchers treat a wide variety of brain disorders like
PTSD, Alzheimer's, autism, and other traumatic brain injuries. These new tools and this deeper insight will ultimately catalyze new treatments and
cures for devastating brain disorders and diseases that are estimated by the World Health Organization to affect more than one billion people
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Causal Essay
Prohibition of drugs and alcohol causes crime.
Ostrowski a political analyst from the Cato institute, states that drug laws greatly increase the price of illegal drugs, often forcing users to steal to get
the money to obtain them. Although difficult to estimate the black market prices of heroin and cocaine, these drugs appear to be many times greater
than their pharmaceutical prices. For example, a hospital–dispensed dose of morphine (a drug from which heroin is relatively easily derived) costs only
pennies; cocaine costs about a dollar per ounce. It is frequently estimated that a good percentage of all property crime in the United States is committed
by drug users so that they can maintain their habits. That amounts to about four more content...
Every property crime committed by a drug user is potentially a violent crime. Many victims are beaten, severely injured, and murdered each year. A
New York City crack user murdered five people in an eight–day period to get the money to buy drugs. The user survived the crack, but his victims did
not. So in actuality, the act of prohibiting drugs is to blame for so called "drug–related violence." Legal drugs like morphine, alcohol, and a pack of
smokes are more detrimental to the user and those around the user than one joint smoked a week. Plus, if pot were to be legalized, it would be
regulated, and DUIs could be given to those who drive while high.
Legalization will not increase drug use. Ostrowski says that long–term trends in legal drug use suggest that there would be no substantial increase in
drug use under decriminalization. As a society, we are gradually moving away from the harmful use of alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol consumption and
death caused by alcohol have also been gradually declining as people switch from hard liquor to less potent formulations. Finally, use of marijuana has
declined according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). As our society grows increasingly
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Casual Comparative-Research
–Causal–comparative research is sometimes treated as a type of descriptive research since it describes conditions that already exist.
–Causal comparative research attempts to determine reasons, or causes, for the existing condition –In causal–comparative or ,ex–post facto, research
the researcher attempts to determine the cause, or reason, for preexisting differences in groups of individuals o –Such research is referred to as ex post
facto (Latin for "after the fact") since both the effect and the alleged cause have already occurred and must be studied in retrospect –The basic
causal–comparative more content...
–This conclusion would not be warranted because it is not possible to establish whether self–concept precedes achievement or vice versa. –Both the
independent and dependent variables would have already occurred, it would not be possible to determine which came first.
–It would be possible that some third variable, such as parental attitude might be the main influence on self–concept and achievement. –Caution must be
exercised in attributing cause–effect relationships based on causal–comparative research. –Only in experimental research is the degree of control
sufficient to establish cause–effect relationships.
–Only in experimental research does the researcher randomly assign participants to treatment groups.
–In causal–comparative research the researcher cannot assign participants to treatment groups because they are already in those groups.
–Causal–comparative studies do permit investigation of variables that cannot or should not be investigated experimentally, facilitate decision making,
provide guidance for experimental studies, and are less costly on all dimensions.
–Although the independent variable is not manipulated, there are control procedures that can be exercised to improve
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Three Components To Determine Causal Relationship
1. There are three components required to determine a causal relationship. The three components are temporal precedence, covariation of the cause and
effect and no plausible alternative explanations, these are the three things you need to determine a causal relationship. Temporal precedence is showing
the cause before the effect happen. Covariation of the cause and effect, prove that they have some type of relationship. Between the two things they
share a relationship somehow. The last one is no plausible alternative explanations that mean because they have a relationship it does not mean it is
causal relationship, but it could be a factor or something that cause the outcome. Example the ice cream sales go up in the summer, and also been
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Jeremy Rifkin Enemies Of Promise
Science has helped improve many people's lifestyle from eating a healthy diet to stopping different form of disease that are attacking the human
body. Science also provides intolerable lifestyle to people such as the elders as when the elderly have an incurable disease and the elderly are
suffering for this incurable disease and wants to die, but cannot due to science advancement in technology making impossible to die at that moment.
The possible future of science is uncontrollable. The power of science provides possibility and with this possibility doesn't always generate a good
possibility. Jeremy Rifkin in "Biotech Century" and Michael Bishop in "Enemies of Promise" talks about the science as their argument in a casual
sense more content...
The creation with all the religions belief or attachment will suddenly shatter as people relied or set their whole life around that belief. There are
people whom committed suicide because of a belief that was stated "It was the end of the world in May 21, 2011, Judgment day" and also went into
financial shambles as those people who believed in their belief sold everything they own and left with nothing. Rifkin quoted, "Genesis could lead to a
far different future–a biological Tower of Babel and the spread of chaos throughout the biological world, drowning out the ancient language of
creation" (312).This states that with biological creation creates more nonsense as the idea of the beginning creation of life seem invalid; in doing so,
creates the idea of an ordinary human creating the whole world itself, due to time as time fades away the ancient language of creation. If creationism
became true then many people would changes their ways as they thrives to find a religious purpose where sins or deeds that they acquired previously
won't have any effects against them such as killing a person previously and hoping that the person that he or she killed won't affected by the idea of
eternal darkness after death. The fear of unknowing and suddenly becomes the
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Causal Attribution Error
Psychologists inside the perceptive science have for a long time believed that casual reasoning procedures such as fundamental labels are the same in
every culture. Although identifying that the content of causal beliefs can differ widely across cultures, psychologists have assumed that the ways in
which people come to make their causal judgments are essentially the same, and therefore that they tend to make the same sorts of inferential errors. A
case in point is the fundamental attribution error, or FAE, a phenomenon that is of central importance to socialpsychology and until recently was held
to be invariable across cultures. The FAE refers to people's inclination to seebehavior as the result of dispositions corresponding to the
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If Westerners are more inclined to believe that causality inheres in the object, they might be expected to pay relatively more attention to the object
than to the field. There is substantial evidence that this is the case. Attention to the field as a whole on the part of East Asians suggests that they might
find it relatively difficult to separate the object from the field. This notion rests on the concept of field dependence. Field dependence refers to a
relative difficulty in separating objects from the context in which they are located. One way of measuring field dependence is by means of the
rod–and–frame test. In this test, participants look into a long rectangular box at the end of which is a rod. The rod and the box frame can be rotated
independently of one another, and participants are asked to state when the rod is vertical. Field dependence is indicated by the extent to which the
orientation of the frame influences judgments of the vertically of the rod. The judgments of East Asian (mostly Chinese) participants have been shown
to be more field dependent than those of American participant. In a direct test of whether East Asians pay more attention to the field than Westerners
do, Japanese and American participants saw underwater scenes that included one or more focal fish (i.e., fish that were larger and faster moving than
other objects in the scene) among many other objects, including smaller fish, small animals, plants, rocks, and coral. When asked to recall what they
had just viewed, the Japanese and American participants reported equivalent amounts of detail about the focal fish, but the Japanese reported far more
detail about almost everything else in the background and made many more references to interactions between focal fish and background objects. After
watching the scenes, the participants were shown a focal fish either on the
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Causal Relationships
In a cause and effect essay causal relationships decipher the factors that caused an effect to occur. The first step in determining causal relationships is
by identifying the causal chain of events (Kennedy et al. 422). For example, a historian writing a paper on the collapse of colonial rule in Latin
America could infer that the American Revolution inspired the revolutions that swept through the Americas. When a writer locates several causes, he
or she should determine which are major causes or minor causes (Kennedy et al. 422). For instance, in a cause and effect essay about the Syrian civil
war, the Arab spring movement that was sweeping through the middle east is the major cause, while the extensive drought within Syria would be the
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Causal Theories And Social Construction
Causal Theories and Social Construction
Stone (1989) explained that situations are created by human action and influence human intervention. The author argued the idea that problems are tied
to image making, where the images have to do fundamentally with attributing cause, blame, and responsibility. More importantly, the idea that political
parties portray situations as harmful in society, which they then tie issues to organizations and individuals. This allows the political actors to gain
support, and thereby claim the right to invoke government power to stop the harm (Stone, 1989). The author also claimed that often time political
actors can describe characteristics of issues through causal stories, so it can be shown to the public as facts. Thus, in the political arena images and
symbols are linked to issues by political actors to sway the public and other political official thoughts about an issue. Stone (1989) further noted that
political actors create causal stories about issues so they are interpreted as mechanical causes, accidental causes, intentional causes or inadvertent
causes. Additionally, the author noted that the idea of causal theories al–lows individuals to come together to either challenge or protect an existing
social order.
Schneider & Ingram (1993) provided an explanation on social construction of target populations, which refer to the cultural characterizations or popular
images of the persons or groups whose behavior and well–being are affected
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An Example Of A Cause And Effect Claim
1.An example of a fact claim would be that World War I was one of the most devastating wars of all times. 2.An example of a cause and effect
claim would be because factories put of fumes and fumes pollute our ozone layer, factories are to blame for the damage to our ozone layers. 3.An
example of a value claim would be it is inhumane to take part in euthanasia because murder is wrong no matter in what form. 4.An example of a
procedure claim would be to should I turn in my unfinished homework or finish it tonight and turn it in tomorrow? You should tell the teacher and ask
if you could turn it in tomorrow and just have a little late paper deduction instead of a 0 in the gradebook. If she says yes, finish the paper and thank
your teacher for
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Cause Effect Essay: Cause And Effect
cause & effect essay topics
Many essay topics revolve around the cause and effect Umbrella. When one is applying for a college application then these essay writers often prefer
the cause and effect essay topics as they are impactful and structured. Before we jump into the topics and how to write an impressive essay let us first
delve deep into what are cause and effect. In layman's term– Cause and effect are examining the occurrence of something. Speculating the reasons what
lead to the situation and examining the results.
How to choose the right topic for cause and effect essay?
The college application help suggests that the topic for the essay selection should be done carefully. You should find a trend or an event that clearly
has a cause more content...
What are the main causes of divorce?
What are the effect of divorce on children and does age of the child matter in such cases?
What are the effects of long term relationship?
Does parents' divorce affects the relationship of the child when they grow up?
What are the reasons for commitment issues?
Does living together before marriage affect a relationship?
What is the effect of social media on relationships?
What are the main causes of sibling rivalry?
What are the main reasons why children rebel against their parents?
What are the effects on child growing up in a single parent house?
What are the effects of family vacation or family relationships?
Problems Health and medical care
What are the effects of climate change on different diseases?
What is the effect of stress on mental health?
What is the cause of increasing number of cancer patients?
What are the effects of not finishing the full prescription of any drug?
What are the effects of birth control on women's health?
What are the effects of the over use of technology in health sector?
What are the effects of exercise on mental health?
What are the cause that motivates people to opt for healthy life
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Causal Academic Critique And Argument Research
This semester, I learnt many writing skills and tried different type of essays. I wrote three type of essay, Formal Academic Critique, Causal Analysis
and Argument Research. We started with practicing the technique to summarize and paraphrase the article. Then we did research practice based on
"Stand on your Ground". Through this practice, I learnt how to narrow down my topic, by combing the main topic, viewpoint and focus aera. This
skill is very useful, as it is easier to structure essay in this way.
I did not know any critique analyze skills before I finish this critique essay. I criticized "The Sexual Misery of the Arab World" written by Kamel
Daoud. Through the critique essay writing process, I learnt many new knowledge that helped me to complete my essay. First, I learnt the difference
between summary and critique. Such as a successful summary restated resources in my own words; present only the main, or important details;
maintain a neutral and objective stance. A successful critique moves beyond summary; assess or analyze what author want to present; should offer
interpretations and judgments about what I read; give evidence to support my evaluation. Second, summary and critique do have something in
common, such as both of them should be written in present tense, stated title, author's full name and formatted in MLA more content...
I analyzed the effects of music downloading on the music industry. I learnt how to cite sources in APA styles. Before this, MLA styles is the only
citation I know. I learnt that I should indicates the cause and effect pattern and the clear topic in this type essay's thesis statement. I learnt that I can
structure a cause and effect essay in two ways: Chronological order and emphatic order. Chronological order discusses the causes and effects in the
order that they occur. Emphatic order reserves the strongest or most significant cause and/or effect until the
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Causal Fallacies For The Last 10 Year
For the last ten years, unemployment has increased in January and retail sales have gone down in February. Clearly, the decrease in retail sales is
caused by the increase in unemployment. Is this argument subject to any of the following causal fallacies: post hoc ergo propter hoc, reverse causation,
ignoring an underlying cause? Explain your
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Causal-Relational Studies

  • 1. Causal-Relational Studies "An important difference between causal–comparative and correlational research is that causal–comparative studies involve two or more groups and one independent variable, while correlational studies involve two or more variables and one group." (Gay & Airasian, 2000, 364). Causal–comparative educational research identifies a relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable. This relationship suggests that the researcher must prove more. When the research has true control over the independent variable the research will be considered as true research. Causal–comparative research involves comparing (thus the "comparative" aspect) two groups in order to explain existing differences between them on some variable or variables of interest. The only difference between causal–comparative and experimental research is that the groups being compared in causal–comparative research have already been formed, and any treatment (if there was a treatment) has already been applied. My research is causal –comparative because it involves comparing two groups homeschool children verse children who attend public school. In this type of research my investigation attempt more content... Many may argue that homeschooling is the best because it is on the raise. With several options for schooling in today's society, my topic best summarizes causal comparative research. The educational of children today is immensely important in order fro them to have a successful bright future. Students in school are taught the basic fundamentals but the concern of some parents is that the fundamentals taught are not beneficial to their children. Among the parents that decide to homeschool, 45% percent of parents claim they can give their children a better education than the public school system. Based on the surveys ad data collection, homeschooling is looking like it is a better alternative for Get more content on
  • 2. Causal Cognition Analysis In the article, Culture and Causal Cognition, the main psychological behavior that is being investigated are the behavior of humans in different cultures and how they perceive and react to causal cognition. People from different cultures have different causal beliefs which would change the way that they view the world and perceive different objects. For example, a person in the United States would view the world by the specific objects that he or she says, on the other hand, a person from Asia would view the same scene but they would so many of the details and imagery that is around the object instead of the object entirely by itself. In this article, the causal reasoning of the United States and Asia are compared just to show how more content... Viewing a certain object in an event and focusing only on its characteristics and details. The ancient Greek trait was transferred down to the American culture. The Americans have not seen any flaws with their ancestor's perceptions, so there was no need to change the way that they view certain events. Also, according to the article, the ancient Greeks were very individualistic. Which meant that they mostly relied on themselves and they were independent. Those Greeks being individualistic would give them the idea that their views on other things should also show individualism. The object is also independent, only it could determine the causes that lead to certain results. Similar situation with the eastern Asians. The ancient Chinese had been visualizing their events in the holistic perspective. Viewing an object based on its surroundings and how the object's behavior is related to the "field", basically the environment is the cause for the consequences of the object rather than the object itself. Also, The Chinese ancestors were very cooperative with each other also made them perceive that the objects in an event must be influenced by some other environmental cause that is making the object have a certain consequence. Any countries ancestry or culture will affect how the people of that country view the certain events that happens around the world. Everyone will have different Get more content on
  • 3. Causal Judgement Case Study Humans frequently engage in making causal judgements. For example, if an individual suffers a headache after ingesting alcohol, then the individual may deem that the alcohol caused the headache. The mechanism of this judgement has been characterised as being akin to the reflexive process of classical conditioning (Mitchell, De Houwer, & Lovibond, 2009). Essentially, the process of forming a mental link between the alcohol (a cue) to the headache (an outcome), is suggested to occur through classical associative learning (Mitchell, et al., 2009; Shanks, 2007). If a strong link between a cue and outcome is forged then the presentation of the cue is supposed to elicit a mental representation, and ultimately the expectation of the outcome (Shanks, 2007). The cue competition effects blocking and overshadowing are at the heart of the associative account of causal judgements (Shanks, 2007) more content... In this task, participants pretend to be a Doctor and determine which food results in an allergic reaction in a fictional patient (e.g., Mr X; Mitchell et al., 2006). In a blocking allergen task, participants receive instructions to consider the cause of Mr X allergies in a test on compound food cues after receiving training on the allergenic effects of individual foods (Mitchell et al., 2006). For example, the trained allergen peanuts may be presented in compound with watermelon, and the participant is asked to judge if Mr X will have an allergic reaction to watermelon (Mitchell et al., 2006). This is where blocking effect emerges as participants reliably fail to rate watermelon as strong allergen (Mitchell et al., 2006). A variant of this task is the overshadow allergen paradigm, which is identical except there is not a training phase (Shanks, 2007). Again, participants have been found to fail to draw a strong association with the overshadowed food cue (Shanks, Get more content on
  • 4. Academia Vs Causal Analysis Although the two scholarly areas disagree on how to define CT there is some common ground relating to the attributes of a critical thinker namely, specific abilities, the dispositions required to be a critical thinker and the use of metacognition. The first area of agreement relates to the attribute of specific abilities of a critical thinker, including: 8–10 Analysing relationships, statements, part–whole connections; Inferences, conclusions or consequences from data, evidence and judgements; Evaluating the credibility of evidence or statements; Exploration, reasoning or causal explanation; Self–regulation, including metacognition. The second area of agreement between the two areas of academia is the attribute of dispositions Get more content on
  • 5. Epidemiology: Casual Reasoning And Science Epidemiology is a study that depends on working knowledge probability or statistics and other research methods. Then, it is a method of causal reasoning for developing and testing of hypotheses in the fields of behavioral sciences, biology, ergonomics, physics and others. It is not just a research activity that is related to public health but is a good tool for practical application and public health action bases on causal reasoning and Get more content on
  • 6. College Admissions Essay-Cause And Effect Cause and Effect It seemed as if every time I got two steps ahead, I was then pushed back ten. My life was a never ending roller coaster of ups and downs. My over all happiness is the reason why I am single. After ending a toxic relationship and letting go of a few useless friendships I was left alone. Not physically because I still had my son, but mentally in a sense because I wasn't use to such seclusion. Separating myself from everyone gave me a chance to finally get to know myself and decide on what it was I wanted out of life. In the beginning I had separation anxiety, not knowing what to do with myself and feeling as if I needed someone around. Over time that began to change and I started to feel something I hadn't felt in a while, Get more content on
  • 7. Causal Completeness Research Paper The point of this essay is to explain the concepts of Causal Completeness, Dualism, and Downward Causation. Also I will explain why these three concepts cannot be true all at once. Lastly, I will indicate my position of those three concepts. Causal Completeness is the concept that a physical event has a physical explanation. Every physical effect has an immediate and sufficient physical cause (Papineau 2008, p53–54). If you believe in this then every movement and thought can be traced back to a physical event. For instance, you decided to open the door. The door is being opened by your hand which is a physical event. The action of your hand moving is also a physical event. What causes your hand to move can be led back to another more content... We all have thoughts and perceptions; according to Dualism those events are not part of our bodies. Our bodies mainly focus on our actions such as movement. But your thoughts and beliefs are stored in your mind and movements are coming from your body. Lastly, Downward Causation is when the mind can influence physical events to occur. Our thoughts, wills, and perceptions are all connected to our minds. Every one of those can affect our bodies to produce an action. If you believe in Downward Causation every physical movement produced is because of a mental event. For example, deciding to sit down rather than stand up Downward Causation says the mind produced that action. You see a chair; your mind has these thoughts which are to either sit down or stand up. Once you decide the action it goes to your body which produces your action. The fundamental trilemma of the mind creates a problem combining all concepts Causal Completeness, Dualism, and Downward Causation. Such as, believing in Causal Completeness and Downward Causation would eliminate Dualism. Combining those two would simply mean that the mind is physical. If Dualism were to come into the picture it would cause a contradiction. Dualism says that mind and body are separated from one another. Physicalism states that there is a mind but it is just part of the body another physical Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Causal Argument Argument #2 Causal Argument A causal argument is the regularity of a cause –and–effect relationship. It applies to causation of trends or patterns among populations. If A occurs, then B occurs. "A is sufficient for B" means that if A occurs the B occurs. "A is necessary for B" means that if B occurs the A occurs. Most genetically engineered foods produce a more nutritious, grander looking, cost–effective, and improved tasting product. This argument is strong stands strong if A happens, the B happens. If B happens then A could have happened. If genetically engineered foods are healthier, viewed as cost effective and improved in taste consequently, they can also cause crippling effects, endorse disease–resistant pests, and speed up the diseases across species fences. Reference Thompson, (1998, Nov). The introduction of genetically altered foods: why we should not tamper with Mother Nature Retrieved from Argument #3 Appeals to Authority Means a common argument form which can be fallacious, such as when an it is cited on a topic outside there are of expertise or when cited to be that of non–truth. –Approximately 11–20 out of 100 Veterans who participated in (OIF) Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom (OEF) have PTSD in a set more content... In 2014, President Obama launched the BRAIN Initiative as part of a large–scale effort to help researchers treat a wide variety of brain disorders like PTSD, Alzheimer's, autism, and other traumatic brain injuries. These new tools and this deeper insight will ultimately catalyze new treatments and cures for devastating brain disorders and diseases that are estimated by the World Health Organization to affect more than one billion people Get more content on
  • 9. Causal Essay Prohibition of drugs and alcohol causes crime. Ostrowski a political analyst from the Cato institute, states that drug laws greatly increase the price of illegal drugs, often forcing users to steal to get the money to obtain them. Although difficult to estimate the black market prices of heroin and cocaine, these drugs appear to be many times greater than their pharmaceutical prices. For example, a hospital–dispensed dose of morphine (a drug from which heroin is relatively easily derived) costs only pennies; cocaine costs about a dollar per ounce. It is frequently estimated that a good percentage of all property crime in the United States is committed by drug users so that they can maintain their habits. That amounts to about four more content... Every property crime committed by a drug user is potentially a violent crime. Many victims are beaten, severely injured, and murdered each year. A New York City crack user murdered five people in an eight–day period to get the money to buy drugs. The user survived the crack, but his victims did not. So in actuality, the act of prohibiting drugs is to blame for so called "drug–related violence." Legal drugs like morphine, alcohol, and a pack of smokes are more detrimental to the user and those around the user than one joint smoked a week. Plus, if pot were to be legalized, it would be regulated, and DUIs could be given to those who drive while high. Legalization will not increase drug use. Ostrowski says that long–term trends in legal drug use suggest that there would be no substantial increase in drug use under decriminalization. As a society, we are gradually moving away from the harmful use of alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol consumption and death caused by alcohol have also been gradually declining as people switch from hard liquor to less potent formulations. Finally, use of marijuana has declined according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). As our society grows increasingly Get more content on
  • 10. Casual Comparative-Research CHAPTER 12: CAUSAL–COMPARATIVE RESEARCH CAUSAL AND COMPARATIVE RESEARCH: DEFINITION AND PURPOSE –Causal–comparative research is sometimes treated as a type of descriptive research since it describes conditions that already exist. –Causal comparative research attempts to determine reasons, or causes, for the existing condition –In causal–comparative or ,ex–post facto, research the researcher attempts to determine the cause, or reason, for preexisting differences in groups of individuals o –Such research is referred to as ex post facto (Latin for "after the fact") since both the effect and the alleged cause have already occurred and must be studied in retrospect –The basic causal–comparative more content... –This conclusion would not be warranted because it is not possible to establish whether self–concept precedes achievement or vice versa. –Both the independent and dependent variables would have already occurred, it would not be possible to determine which came first. –It would be possible that some third variable, such as parental attitude might be the main influence on self–concept and achievement. –Caution must be exercised in attributing cause–effect relationships based on causal–comparative research. –Only in experimental research is the degree of control sufficient to establish cause–effect relationships. –Only in experimental research does the researcher randomly assign participants to treatment groups. –In causal–comparative research the researcher cannot assign participants to treatment groups because they are already in those groups. –Causal–comparative studies do permit investigation of variables that cannot or should not be investigated experimentally, facilitate decision making, provide guidance for experimental studies, and are less costly on all dimensions. CONDUCTING A CAUSAL–COMPARATIVE STUDY –Although the independent variable is not manipulated, there are control procedures that can be exercised to improve
  • 11. Get more content on
  • 12. Three Components To Determine Causal Relationship 1. There are three components required to determine a causal relationship. The three components are temporal precedence, covariation of the cause and effect and no plausible alternative explanations, these are the three things you need to determine a causal relationship. Temporal precedence is showing the cause before the effect happen. Covariation of the cause and effect, prove that they have some type of relationship. Between the two things they share a relationship somehow. The last one is no plausible alternative explanations that mean because they have a relationship it does not mean it is causal relationship, but it could be a factor or something that cause the outcome. Example the ice cream sales go up in the summer, and also been reported Get more content on
  • 13. Jeremy Rifkin Enemies Of Promise Causal Science has helped improve many people's lifestyle from eating a healthy diet to stopping different form of disease that are attacking the human body. Science also provides intolerable lifestyle to people such as the elders as when the elderly have an incurable disease and the elderly are suffering for this incurable disease and wants to die, but cannot due to science advancement in technology making impossible to die at that moment. The possible future of science is uncontrollable. The power of science provides possibility and with this possibility doesn't always generate a good possibility. Jeremy Rifkin in "Biotech Century" and Michael Bishop in "Enemies of Promise" talks about the science as their argument in a casual sense more content... The creation with all the religions belief or attachment will suddenly shatter as people relied or set their whole life around that belief. There are people whom committed suicide because of a belief that was stated "It was the end of the world in May 21, 2011, Judgment day" and also went into financial shambles as those people who believed in their belief sold everything they own and left with nothing. Rifkin quoted, "Genesis could lead to a far different future–a biological Tower of Babel and the spread of chaos throughout the biological world, drowning out the ancient language of creation" (312).This states that with biological creation creates more nonsense as the idea of the beginning creation of life seem invalid; in doing so, creates the idea of an ordinary human creating the whole world itself, due to time as time fades away the ancient language of creation. If creationism became true then many people would changes their ways as they thrives to find a religious purpose where sins or deeds that they acquired previously won't have any effects against them such as killing a person previously and hoping that the person that he or she killed won't affected by the idea of eternal darkness after death. The fear of unknowing and suddenly becomes the Get more content on
  • 14. Causal Attribution Error Psychologists inside the perceptive science have for a long time believed that casual reasoning procedures such as fundamental labels are the same in every culture. Although identifying that the content of causal beliefs can differ widely across cultures, psychologists have assumed that the ways in which people come to make their causal judgments are essentially the same, and therefore that they tend to make the same sorts of inferential errors. A case in point is the fundamental attribution error, or FAE, a phenomenon that is of central importance to socialpsychology and until recently was held to be invariable across cultures. The FAE refers to people's inclination to seebehavior as the result of dispositions corresponding to the more content... If Westerners are more inclined to believe that causality inheres in the object, they might be expected to pay relatively more attention to the object than to the field. There is substantial evidence that this is the case. Attention to the field as a whole on the part of East Asians suggests that they might find it relatively difficult to separate the object from the field. This notion rests on the concept of field dependence. Field dependence refers to a relative difficulty in separating objects from the context in which they are located. One way of measuring field dependence is by means of the rod–and–frame test. In this test, participants look into a long rectangular box at the end of which is a rod. The rod and the box frame can be rotated independently of one another, and participants are asked to state when the rod is vertical. Field dependence is indicated by the extent to which the orientation of the frame influences judgments of the vertically of the rod. The judgments of East Asian (mostly Chinese) participants have been shown to be more field dependent than those of American participant. In a direct test of whether East Asians pay more attention to the field than Westerners do, Japanese and American participants saw underwater scenes that included one or more focal fish (i.e., fish that were larger and faster moving than other objects in the scene) among many other objects, including smaller fish, small animals, plants, rocks, and coral. When asked to recall what they had just viewed, the Japanese and American participants reported equivalent amounts of detail about the focal fish, but the Japanese reported far more detail about almost everything else in the background and made many more references to interactions between focal fish and background objects. After watching the scenes, the participants were shown a focal fish either on the Get more content on
  • 15. Causal Relationships In a cause and effect essay causal relationships decipher the factors that caused an effect to occur. The first step in determining causal relationships is by identifying the causal chain of events (Kennedy et al. 422). For example, a historian writing a paper on the collapse of colonial rule in Latin America could infer that the American Revolution inspired the revolutions that swept through the Americas. When a writer locates several causes, he or she should determine which are major causes or minor causes (Kennedy et al. 422). For instance, in a cause and effect essay about the Syrian civil war, the Arab spring movement that was sweeping through the middle east is the major cause, while the extensive drought within Syria would be the minor Get more content on
  • 16. Causal Theories And Social Construction Causal Theories and Social Construction Stone (1989) explained that situations are created by human action and influence human intervention. The author argued the idea that problems are tied to image making, where the images have to do fundamentally with attributing cause, blame, and responsibility. More importantly, the idea that political parties portray situations as harmful in society, which they then tie issues to organizations and individuals. This allows the political actors to gain support, and thereby claim the right to invoke government power to stop the harm (Stone, 1989). The author also claimed that often time political actors can describe characteristics of issues through causal stories, so it can be shown to the public as facts. Thus, in the political arena images and symbols are linked to issues by political actors to sway the public and other political official thoughts about an issue. Stone (1989) further noted that political actors create causal stories about issues so they are interpreted as mechanical causes, accidental causes, intentional causes or inadvertent causes. Additionally, the author noted that the idea of causal theories al–lows individuals to come together to either challenge or protect an existing social order. Schneider & Ingram (1993) provided an explanation on social construction of target populations, which refer to the cultural characterizations or popular images of the persons or groups whose behavior and well–being are affected Get more content on
  • 17. An Example Of A Cause And Effect Claim 1.An example of a fact claim would be that World War I was one of the most devastating wars of all times. 2.An example of a cause and effect claim would be because factories put of fumes and fumes pollute our ozone layer, factories are to blame for the damage to our ozone layers. 3.An example of a value claim would be it is inhumane to take part in euthanasia because murder is wrong no matter in what form. 4.An example of a procedure claim would be to should I turn in my unfinished homework or finish it tonight and turn it in tomorrow? You should tell the teacher and ask if you could turn it in tomorrow and just have a little late paper deduction instead of a 0 in the gradebook. If she says yes, finish the paper and thank your teacher for Get more content on
  • 18. Cause Effect Essay: Cause And Effect cause & effect essay topics Many essay topics revolve around the cause and effect Umbrella. When one is applying for a college application then these essay writers often prefer the cause and effect essay topics as they are impactful and structured. Before we jump into the topics and how to write an impressive essay let us first delve deep into what are cause and effect. In layman's term– Cause and effect are examining the occurrence of something. Speculating the reasons what lead to the situation and examining the results. How to choose the right topic for cause and effect essay? The college application help suggests that the topic for the essay selection should be done carefully. You should find a trend or an event that clearly has a cause more content... What are the main causes of divorce? What are the effect of divorce on children and does age of the child matter in such cases? What are the effects of long term relationship? Does parents' divorce affects the relationship of the child when they grow up? What are the reasons for commitment issues? Does living together before marriage affect a relationship? What is the effect of social media on relationships? What are the main causes of sibling rivalry? What are the main reasons why children rebel against their parents? What are the effects on child growing up in a single parent house? What are the effects of family vacation or family relationships? Problems Health and medical care What are the effects of climate change on different diseases? What is the effect of stress on mental health? What is the cause of increasing number of cancer patients? What are the effects of not finishing the full prescription of any drug? What are the effects of birth control on women's health? What are the effects of the over use of technology in health sector?
  • 19. What are the effects of exercise on mental health? What are the cause that motivates people to opt for healthy life Get more content on
  • 20. Causal Academic Critique And Argument Research This semester, I learnt many writing skills and tried different type of essays. I wrote three type of essay, Formal Academic Critique, Causal Analysis and Argument Research. We started with practicing the technique to summarize and paraphrase the article. Then we did research practice based on "Stand on your Ground". Through this practice, I learnt how to narrow down my topic, by combing the main topic, viewpoint and focus aera. This skill is very useful, as it is easier to structure essay in this way. I did not know any critique analyze skills before I finish this critique essay. I criticized "The Sexual Misery of the Arab World" written by Kamel Daoud. Through the critique essay writing process, I learnt many new knowledge that helped me to complete my essay. First, I learnt the difference between summary and critique. Such as a successful summary restated resources in my own words; present only the main, or important details; maintain a neutral and objective stance. A successful critique moves beyond summary; assess or analyze what author want to present; should offer interpretations and judgments about what I read; give evidence to support my evaluation. Second, summary and critique do have something in common, such as both of them should be written in present tense, stated title, author's full name and formatted in MLA more content... I analyzed the effects of music downloading on the music industry. I learnt how to cite sources in APA styles. Before this, MLA styles is the only citation I know. I learnt that I should indicates the cause and effect pattern and the clear topic in this type essay's thesis statement. I learnt that I can structure a cause and effect essay in two ways: Chronological order and emphatic order. Chronological order discusses the causes and effects in the order that they occur. Emphatic order reserves the strongest or most significant cause and/or effect until the Get more content on
  • 21. Causal Fallacies For The Last 10 Year For the last ten years, unemployment has increased in January and retail sales have gone down in February. Clearly, the decrease in retail sales is caused by the increase in unemployment. Is this argument subject to any of the following causal fallacies: post hoc ergo propter hoc, reverse causation, ignoring an underlying cause? Explain your Get more content on