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Let’s read the poem – Catrin.
            Let’s read the poem – Catrin.

 What are you first thoughts about the poem? What is
 What are you first thoughts about the poem? What is
       happening/has happened in the poem?
       happening/has happened in the poem?
       Discuss with the people on your table.
        Discuss with the people on your table.

Create a table, make a list of all the positive and negative
Create a table, make a list of all the positive and negative
    feelings a parent might have towards their child.
     feelings a parent might have towards their child.

            Positive feelings      Negative Feelings
The poet is at home with her daughter, Catrin.
The poet is at home with her daughter, Catrin.

Catrin has been pleading with her mother to be allowed to stay out
 Catrin has been pleading with her mother to be allowed to stay out
skating in the dark for one more hour.
 skating in the dark for one more hour.

The poet remembers when Catrin was born. She remembers standing
 The poet remembers when Catrin was born. She remembers standing
in her hospital room looking out of the window at the traffic and the
 in her hospital room looking out of the window at the traffic and the
people outside.
 people outside.

The poet says it was a struggle then – the struggle of the birth, then
 The poet says it was a struggle then – the struggle of the birth, then
struggle of the new baby to come into the world and be independent.
 struggle of the new baby to come into the world and be independent.

It is still a struggle, she says, as her growing daughter wants more and
 It is still a struggle, she says, as her growing daughter wants more and
more freedom.
 more freedom.
A couple ideas in the poem
                 A couple ideas in the poem

1.The poet mentions the ‘red rope of love’. She is thinking about
 1.The poet mentions the ‘red rope of love’. She is thinking about
the umbilical cord which joins the baby to the mother before birth.
 the umbilical cord which joins the baby to the mother before birth.
2.In the poem Gillian Clarke often refers to the struggle – the
 2.In the poem Gillian Clarke often refers to the struggle – the
struggle to become separate (to be born), the struggle to be an
 struggle to become separate (to be born), the struggle to be an
individual, the struggle to get greater freedom and independence.
 individual, the struggle to get greater freedom and independence.

Links R&J
Links R&J
    Even at this early stage of analysis, how can we draw
    Even at this early stage of analysis, how can we draw
  comparisons or contrasts with the relationship Juliet has
   comparisons or contrasts with the relationship Juliet has
                       with her mother?
                        with her mother?
LO: To understand the content of the poem through Clarke’s choice of language.
  LO: To understand the content of the poem through Clarke’s choice of language.


Highlight, underline or shade over the personal pronouns in the
Highlight, underline or shade over the personal pronouns in the

A personal pronoun is a word such as I, we, our, you...
A personal pronoun is a word such as I, we, our, you...
Now answer this question:
Now answer this question:

 What do you notice about the way the personal pronouns
 What do you notice about the way the personal pronouns
               are used during the poem?
               are used during the poem?
  How does this show the mother struggling to become an
  How does this show the mother struggling to become an
                     individual again?
                      individual again?
What does the word ‘Imagery’ mean?
             What does the word ‘Imagery’ mean?

                   Write down a definition.
                   Write down a definition.

Imagery is the name given to the elements in a poem that spark
Imagery is the name given to the elements in a poem that spark
                          off the senses.
                          off the senses.
 Despite "image" being a synonym for "picture", images need not
  Despite "image" being a synonym for "picture", images need not
                           be only visual.
                           be only visual.
Any of the five senses: sight; hearing; touch; taste and smell
 Any of the five senses: sight; hearing; touch; taste and smell
   can be used by the author to create an image or impact to
   can be used by the author to create an image or impact to
                    which the reader responds.
                    which the reader responds.
With the term ‘imagery’ in your mind, create a table of words
  With the term ‘imagery’ in your mind, create a table of words
   (see below) of words which stand out as either fighting or
    (see below) of words which stand out as either fighting or
                       caring language.
                       caring language.
           Fighting Language                Caring/Loving Language
                 Fierce                             Tender

       (you should have 11 words)          (you should have 5 words)

Gillian Clarke will have chosen these words carefully and to fit a
Gillian Clarke will have chosen these words carefully and to fit a
Choose 1 word from each column that creates an image in your
Choose 1 word from each column that creates an image in your
mind, explain why you think she decided to use these words to get
mind, explain why you think she decided to use these words to get
across her point or feelings. (USE P.E.E)
across her point or feelings. (USE P.E.E)

‘Clarke chose the word ‘confrontation’ to describe child-birth. IIthink
 ‘Clarke chose the word ‘confrontation’ to describe child-birth. think
she chose this word because.../In choosing this word she is trying to
 she chose this word because.../In choosing this word she is trying to
       G               F                E                D
You make a      You            You back up       You organise
statement or    pinpoint or    your statement    your points so
a remark.       spot a         with some         that they
                device.        evidence or       answer the
                               some detail.      question.

Catrin is the   Catrin is      Catrin is the     Catrin is the
speaker’s       the            speaker’s         speaker’s
daughter.       speaker’s      daughter.         daughter.
                daughter.      She uses a        She uses a
                She uses a     metaphor to       metaphor to
                metaphor.      illustrate that   illustrate
                               they are          that they are
                               joined            joined
                               together.         together.
                                                 This shows
                                                 that their
                                                 is still close.
EXPLAIN               EXPLORE                    ANALYSE                     EVALUATE IMAGINE
        C                     B                          A                              A*

You give details to   You investigate and     You delve deeper into the     You weigh up how
make your point       look at points in       poet’s methods. You           effective the method is.
clear.                detail.                 examine them as if under      You use your own
                      You see that there is   a microscope.                 judgements and invent
                      more to discover.                                     your own ways of
                                                                            looking at the poem.
Catrin is the         Catrin is the           Catrin is the speaker’s       Catrin is the speaker’s
speaker’s             speaker’s               daughter. She uses a          daughter. She uses a metaphor
daughter. She         daughter. She           metaphor to illustrate        to illustrate that they are
uses a metaphor       uses a metaphor to      that they are joined          joined together as the ‘red
to illustrate that    illustrate that they    together as the ‘red          rope’ is the umbilical cord.
they are joined       are joined              rope’ is the umbilical        This shows that their
together as the       together as the         cord. This shows that         relationship is still close, but
‘red rope’ is the     ‘red rope’ is the       their relationship is still   also that they are still
umbilical cord.       umbilical cord.         close, but also that they     connected even though she is
This shows that       This shows that         are still connected even      grown up. The red
their relationship    their relationship      though she is grown up.       symbolises both the love and
is still close.       is still close, but     The red symbolises both       the anger that the relationship
                      also that they are      the love and the anger        makes the speaker feel, but
                      still connected         that the relationship         may also symbolise a warning
                      even though she is      makes the speaker feel.       that the changes in the
                      grown up.                                             relationship are going to bring
                                                                            more trouble as her daughter
LO: To explore the literary techniques used and their effect in ‘Catrin’.
 LO: To explore the literary techniques used and their effect in ‘Catrin’.

                   Match the technique with the definition.
                   Match the technique with the definition.
                   Draw this table in your exercise book.
                    Draw this table in your exercise book.

                Technique                                    Definition
 Alliteration                                 Is a rhyme scheme created by two
                                              or more words in the same line of
                                              verse or a rhyme scheme created
                                              by words within two or more lines
                                              of a verse.
 Internal Rhyme                               Repetition of words or phrases for
 Repetition                                   Repetition of the same sound at the
                                              start of consecutive words.
Alliteration : :The repetition of the same letter or sound at the start of consecutive words
 Alliteration The repetition of the same letter or sound at the start of consecutive words
                                         in aaphrase.
                                          in phrase.

Look at lines 16 and 17. Highlight or underline the alliteration.
Look at lines 16 and 17. Highlight or underline the alliteration.

 What effect does this alliteration have? Why would Clarke
  What effect does this alliteration have? Why would Clarke
 have include this alliteration at this point? What effect does
 have include this alliteration at this point? What effect does
            the punctuation have in these lines?
             the punctuation have in these lines?
           Write an answer explaining your ideas.
           Write an answer explaining your ideas.

                        Model answer
                        Model answer
  The alliteration, ‘We want, we shouted, To be two, to be
   The alliteration, ‘We want, we shouted, To be two, to be
ourselves’, emphasises the moment where mother and baby
ourselves’, emphasises the moment where mother and baby
 separate and become individuals. The use of commas also
 separate and become individuals. The use of commas also
   may illustrate the ‘confrontation’ of Clarke giving birth,
    may illustrate the ‘confrontation’ of Clarke giving birth,
               breathing between contractions.
                breathing between contractions.
                                                                    Give me aagrade using
                                                                    Give me grade using
                                                                        the blue grid!
                                                                         the blue grid!
A-A* style response to alliteration:
When a woman goes into labour she has contractions, which increase
in frequency as she gets closer to giving birth.
It could be argued that the alliteration is used to show how Clarke was
experiencing these contractions throughout the first stanza, until at
lines sixteen and seventeen, the contractions are so intense that she
gives birth to Catrin; “We want, we shouted, To be two, to be
The phrases are shorter which may suggest that the time between
contractions is shorter meaning she is extremely close to giving birth.
Whereas earlier in the stanza the alliterative phrases are longer, more
wordy if you like, for example : “cars taking turn at the traffic lights”
which may suggest that although in labour she wasn’t yet ready to give
The alliteration at lines sixteen and seventeen also has a sense of pace
and through the punctuation we get the impression that the ‘fight’ and
‘struggle’ was nearly over and it is clear that this is the moment where
they become two separate individuals.
Look carefully at the words used in the description of the young
Look carefully at the words used in the description of the young

                      “Still II am fighting
                       “Still am fighting
                 You off as you stand there
                  You off as you stand there
                With your straight, strong, long
                With your straight, strong, long
                 Brown hair and your rosy,
                  Brown hair and your rosy,
                        Defiant glare”
                         Defiant glare”

a)How do you think the mother feels about her daughter now?
a)How do you think the mother feels about her daughter now?
  b)Pick one adjective and explain why you think it has been
   b)Pick one adjective and explain why you think it has been
 used to describe the girl. For example, why do you think the
  used to describe the girl. For example, why do you think the
      mother describes her daughters hair in such detail?
      mother describes her daughters hair in such detail?
 c)Find the internal rhyme in this section – what is its effect?
  c)Find the internal rhyme in this section – what is its effect?
Task: Cut out one student response at a time, stick it into your book. Think about the poem
as a whole. Decide whether you agree or disagree with these statements, write it down
and find evidence in the poem to support your thinking.

Student A
‘This poem shows a huge amount of pain and unhappiness. There do not seem to be any
benefits in having a child.’

Student B
‘This poem is really realistic. Clarke shows that parent/child relationships are often

Student C
‘Clarke may dislike her daughter at times, but the poem shows she really loves her.’

Student D
‘The setting in the hospital makes for a really depressing mood.’

Student E
‘This poem shows that a parent/child relationship has to be about compromise and
meeting each other half way.’
We are now going to develop your ideas further by filling out this table below.
Work in pairs, the first one has been done for you.

    Feature of the poem                      Its Effect               Why it has been chosen
 The poem has been divided           This divides the poem into         It emphasises that the
   into two very different         the past (giving birth) and the   conflict with her daughter is
          stanzas.                 present (the on-going conflict     continuing; it happened in
                                        with her daughter).            the past but is still taking
  The poet uses violent words         These words make the
such as ‘Fierce confrontation’,          narrator seem…
 ‘wild’, ‘shouted’ and ‘fighting
             you off’.
    Sometimes words are                  This emphasises…
   repeated, ‘we want, we
 The narrator addresses the           This has the effect of…
 daughter directly. She calls
 her ‘you’ rather than using
 the third person to refer to
Developing your response to this poem…

1) How successful do you think Clarke has been in capturing
 1) How successful do you think Clarke has been in capturing
the conflict between parents and children?
 the conflict between parents and children?

2) If Catrin were to write a reply to her mother, what aspects of
 2) If Catrin were to write a reply to her mother, what aspects of
her mother’s behaviour do you think she might comment on?
 her mother’s behaviour do you think she might comment on?
Find evidence from the poem. Write a few lines showing how
 Find evidence from the poem. Write a few lines showing how
the daughter might present her view of the incident.
 the daughter might present her view of the incident.
Discuss the question below, on your table, then construct an
 Discuss the question below, on your table, then construct an
answer – using the grid to help you structure your response.
answer – using the grid to help you structure your response.
        Include quotes to support your point – in P.E.E style.
         Include quotes to support your point – in P.E.E style.
This is a clear opportunity to add your own experiences or opinions
This is a clear opportunity to add your own experiences or opinions
                           in this answer.
                            in this answer.

      ‘Do you identify with the mother or the daughter?’
       ‘Do you identify with the mother or the daughter?’
          In response to this question, II think that....
           In response to this question, think that....
LO: To learn how to structure a response to an assessment question.

   Using the table you have been given fill out the boxes with the
   Using the table you have been given fill out the boxes with the
                       relevant information.
                        relevant information.

Keep the assessment theme in mind: parent and child relationships.
Keep the assessment theme in mind: parent and child relationships.

                          You have 20 minutes.
                          You have 20 minutes.

 You are now going to write at least the first three paragraphs of a
 You are now going to write at least the first three paragraphs of a
                   response to this question:
                    response to this question:

‘How is the relationship between a mother and a daughter
 ‘How is the relationship between a mother and a daughter
                   presented in, Catrin?’
                    presented in, Catrin?’

 You have 25 minutes. Remember to P.E.E – it’s the explanation
  You have 25 minutes. Remember to P.E.E – it’s the explanation
where you’ll pull in the marks! Remember to justify your thoughts.
where you’ll pull in the marks! Remember to justify your thoughts.

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  • 1. Let’s read the poem – Catrin. Let’s read the poem – Catrin. What are you first thoughts about the poem? What is What are you first thoughts about the poem? What is happening/has happened in the poem? happening/has happened in the poem? Discuss with the people on your table. Discuss with the people on your table. Create a table, make a list of all the positive and negative Create a table, make a list of all the positive and negative feelings a parent might have towards their child. feelings a parent might have towards their child. Positive feelings Negative Feelings
  • 2. The poet is at home with her daughter, Catrin. The poet is at home with her daughter, Catrin. Catrin has been pleading with her mother to be allowed to stay out Catrin has been pleading with her mother to be allowed to stay out skating in the dark for one more hour. skating in the dark for one more hour. The poet remembers when Catrin was born. She remembers standing The poet remembers when Catrin was born. She remembers standing in her hospital room looking out of the window at the traffic and the in her hospital room looking out of the window at the traffic and the people outside. people outside. The poet says it was a struggle then – the struggle of the birth, then The poet says it was a struggle then – the struggle of the birth, then struggle of the new baby to come into the world and be independent. struggle of the new baby to come into the world and be independent. It is still a struggle, she says, as her growing daughter wants more and It is still a struggle, she says, as her growing daughter wants more and more freedom. more freedom.
  • 3. A couple ideas in the poem A couple ideas in the poem 1.The poet mentions the ‘red rope of love’. She is thinking about 1.The poet mentions the ‘red rope of love’. She is thinking about the umbilical cord which joins the baby to the mother before birth. the umbilical cord which joins the baby to the mother before birth. 2.In the poem Gillian Clarke often refers to the struggle – the 2.In the poem Gillian Clarke often refers to the struggle – the struggle to become separate (to be born), the struggle to be an struggle to become separate (to be born), the struggle to be an individual, the struggle to get greater freedom and independence. individual, the struggle to get greater freedom and independence. Links R&J Links R&J Even at this early stage of analysis, how can we draw Even at this early stage of analysis, how can we draw comparisons or contrasts with the relationship Juliet has comparisons or contrasts with the relationship Juliet has with her mother? with her mother?
  • 4. LO: To understand the content of the poem through Clarke’s choice of language. LO: To understand the content of the poem through Clarke’s choice of language. Starter Starter Highlight, underline or shade over the personal pronouns in the Highlight, underline or shade over the personal pronouns in the poem. poem. A personal pronoun is a word such as I, we, our, you... A personal pronoun is a word such as I, we, our, you... Now answer this question: Now answer this question: What do you notice about the way the personal pronouns What do you notice about the way the personal pronouns are used during the poem? are used during the poem? How does this show the mother struggling to become an How does this show the mother struggling to become an individual again? individual again?
  • 5. What does the word ‘Imagery’ mean? What does the word ‘Imagery’ mean? Write down a definition. Write down a definition. Definition: Definition: Imagery is the name given to the elements in a poem that spark Imagery is the name given to the elements in a poem that spark off the senses. off the senses. Despite "image" being a synonym for "picture", images need not Despite "image" being a synonym for "picture", images need not be only visual. be only visual. Any of the five senses: sight; hearing; touch; taste and smell Any of the five senses: sight; hearing; touch; taste and smell can be used by the author to create an image or impact to can be used by the author to create an image or impact to which the reader responds. which the reader responds.
  • 6. With the term ‘imagery’ in your mind, create a table of words With the term ‘imagery’ in your mind, create a table of words (see below) of words which stand out as either fighting or (see below) of words which stand out as either fighting or caring language. caring language. Fighting Language Caring/Loving Language Fierce Tender Shouted (you should have 11 words) (you should have 5 words) Gillian Clarke will have chosen these words carefully and to fit a Gillian Clarke will have chosen these words carefully and to fit a purpose. purpose. Choose 1 word from each column that creates an image in your Choose 1 word from each column that creates an image in your mind, explain why you think she decided to use these words to get mind, explain why you think she decided to use these words to get across her point or feelings. (USE P.E.E) across her point or feelings. (USE P.E.E) ‘Clarke chose the word ‘confrontation’ to describe child-birth. IIthink ‘Clarke chose the word ‘confrontation’ to describe child-birth. think she chose this word because.../In choosing this word she is trying to she chose this word because.../In choosing this word she is trying to show... show...
  • 7. COMMENT IDENTIFY SUPPORT STRUCTURE G F E D You make a You You back up You organise statement or pinpoint or your statement your points so a remark. spot a with some that they device. evidence or answer the some detail. question. Catrin is the Catrin is Catrin is the Catrin is the speaker’s the speaker’s speaker’s daughter. speaker’s daughter. daughter. daughter. She uses a She uses a She uses a metaphor to metaphor to metaphor. illustrate that illustrate they are that they are joined joined together. together. This shows that their relationship is still close.
  • 8. EXPLAIN EXPLORE ANALYSE EVALUATE IMAGINE C B A A* You give details to You investigate and You delve deeper into the You weigh up how make your point look at points in poet’s methods. You effective the method is. clear. detail. examine them as if under You use your own You see that there is a microscope. judgements and invent more to discover. your own ways of looking at the poem. Catrin is the Catrin is the Catrin is the speaker’s Catrin is the speaker’s speaker’s speaker’s daughter. She uses a daughter. She uses a metaphor daughter. She daughter. She metaphor to illustrate to illustrate that they are uses a metaphor uses a metaphor to that they are joined joined together as the ‘red to illustrate that illustrate that they together as the ‘red rope’ is the umbilical cord. they are joined are joined rope’ is the umbilical This shows that their together as the together as the cord. This shows that relationship is still close, but ‘red rope’ is the ‘red rope’ is the their relationship is still also that they are still umbilical cord. umbilical cord. close, but also that they connected even though she is This shows that This shows that are still connected even grown up. The red their relationship their relationship though she is grown up. symbolises both the love and is still close. is still close, but The red symbolises both the anger that the relationship also that they are the love and the anger makes the speaker feel, but still connected that the relationship may also symbolise a warning even though she is makes the speaker feel. that the changes in the grown up. relationship are going to bring more trouble as her daughter grows.
  • 9. LO: To explore the literary techniques used and their effect in ‘Catrin’. LO: To explore the literary techniques used and their effect in ‘Catrin’. Starter: Starter: Match the technique with the definition. Match the technique with the definition. Draw this table in your exercise book. Draw this table in your exercise book. Technique Definition Alliteration Is a rhyme scheme created by two or more words in the same line of verse or a rhyme scheme created by words within two or more lines of a verse. Internal Rhyme Repetition of words or phrases for impact/effect. Repetition Repetition of the same sound at the start of consecutive words.
  • 10. Alliteration : :The repetition of the same letter or sound at the start of consecutive words Alliteration The repetition of the same letter or sound at the start of consecutive words in aaphrase. in phrase. Look at lines 16 and 17. Highlight or underline the alliteration. Look at lines 16 and 17. Highlight or underline the alliteration. What effect does this alliteration have? Why would Clarke What effect does this alliteration have? Why would Clarke have include this alliteration at this point? What effect does have include this alliteration at this point? What effect does the punctuation have in these lines? the punctuation have in these lines? Write an answer explaining your ideas. Write an answer explaining your ideas. Model answer Model answer The alliteration, ‘We want, we shouted, To be two, to be The alliteration, ‘We want, we shouted, To be two, to be ourselves’, emphasises the moment where mother and baby ourselves’, emphasises the moment where mother and baby separate and become individuals. The use of commas also separate and become individuals. The use of commas also may illustrate the ‘confrontation’ of Clarke giving birth, may illustrate the ‘confrontation’ of Clarke giving birth, breathing between contractions. breathing between contractions. Give me aagrade using Give me grade using the blue grid! the blue grid!
  • 11. A-A* style response to alliteration: When a woman goes into labour she has contractions, which increase in frequency as she gets closer to giving birth. It could be argued that the alliteration is used to show how Clarke was experiencing these contractions throughout the first stanza, until at lines sixteen and seventeen, the contractions are so intense that she gives birth to Catrin; “We want, we shouted, To be two, to be ourselves.” The phrases are shorter which may suggest that the time between contractions is shorter meaning she is extremely close to giving birth. Whereas earlier in the stanza the alliterative phrases are longer, more wordy if you like, for example : “cars taking turn at the traffic lights” which may suggest that although in labour she wasn’t yet ready to give birth. The alliteration at lines sixteen and seventeen also has a sense of pace and through the punctuation we get the impression that the ‘fight’ and ‘struggle’ was nearly over and it is clear that this is the moment where they become two separate individuals.
  • 12. Look carefully at the words used in the description of the young Look carefully at the words used in the description of the young girl: girl: “Still II am fighting “Still am fighting You off as you stand there You off as you stand there With your straight, strong, long With your straight, strong, long Brown hair and your rosy, Brown hair and your rosy, Defiant glare” Defiant glare” a)How do you think the mother feels about her daughter now? a)How do you think the mother feels about her daughter now? b)Pick one adjective and explain why you think it has been b)Pick one adjective and explain why you think it has been used to describe the girl. For example, why do you think the used to describe the girl. For example, why do you think the mother describes her daughters hair in such detail? mother describes her daughters hair in such detail? c)Find the internal rhyme in this section – what is its effect? c)Find the internal rhyme in this section – what is its effect?
  • 13. Task: Cut out one student response at a time, stick it into your book. Think about the poem as a whole. Decide whether you agree or disagree with these statements, write it down and find evidence in the poem to support your thinking. Student A ‘This poem shows a huge amount of pain and unhappiness. There do not seem to be any benefits in having a child.’ Student B ‘This poem is really realistic. Clarke shows that parent/child relationships are often hostile.’ Student C ‘Clarke may dislike her daughter at times, but the poem shows she really loves her.’ Student D ‘The setting in the hospital makes for a really depressing mood.’ Student E ‘This poem shows that a parent/child relationship has to be about compromise and meeting each other half way.’
  • 14. We are now going to develop your ideas further by filling out this table below. Work in pairs, the first one has been done for you. Feature of the poem Its Effect Why it has been chosen The poem has been divided This divides the poem into It emphasises that the into two very different the past (giving birth) and the conflict with her daughter is stanzas. present (the on-going conflict continuing; it happened in with her daughter). the past but is still taking place. The poet uses violent words These words make the such as ‘Fierce confrontation’, narrator seem… ‘wild’, ‘shouted’ and ‘fighting you off’. Sometimes words are This emphasises… repeated, ‘we want, we shouted’. The narrator addresses the This has the effect of… daughter directly. She calls her ‘you’ rather than using the third person to refer to her.
  • 15. Developing your response to this poem… 1) How successful do you think Clarke has been in capturing 1) How successful do you think Clarke has been in capturing the conflict between parents and children? the conflict between parents and children? 2) If Catrin were to write a reply to her mother, what aspects of 2) If Catrin were to write a reply to her mother, what aspects of her mother’s behaviour do you think she might comment on? her mother’s behaviour do you think she might comment on? Find evidence from the poem. Write a few lines showing how Find evidence from the poem. Write a few lines showing how the daughter might present her view of the incident. the daughter might present her view of the incident.
  • 16. Plenary Plenary Discuss the question below, on your table, then construct an Discuss the question below, on your table, then construct an answer – using the grid to help you structure your response. answer – using the grid to help you structure your response. Include quotes to support your point – in P.E.E style. Include quotes to support your point – in P.E.E style. This is a clear opportunity to add your own experiences or opinions This is a clear opportunity to add your own experiences or opinions in this answer. in this answer. ‘Do you identify with the mother or the daughter?’ ‘Do you identify with the mother or the daughter?’ In response to this question, II think that.... In response to this question, think that....
  • 17. LO: To learn how to structure a response to an assessment question. Using the table you have been given fill out the boxes with the Using the table you have been given fill out the boxes with the relevant information. relevant information. Keep the assessment theme in mind: parent and child relationships. Keep the assessment theme in mind: parent and child relationships. You have 20 minutes. You have 20 minutes. You are now going to write at least the first three paragraphs of a You are now going to write at least the first three paragraphs of a response to this question: response to this question: ‘How is the relationship between a mother and a daughter ‘How is the relationship between a mother and a daughter presented in, Catrin?’ presented in, Catrin?’ You have 25 minutes. Remember to P.E.E – it’s the explanation You have 25 minutes. Remember to P.E.E – it’s the explanation where you’ll pull in the marks! Remember to justify your thoughts. where you’ll pull in the marks! Remember to justify your thoughts.