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             Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels                                Summer 2011

   Camstent raises finance
   Following Camstent’s
   presentation at the YABA
   Investment Forum in November
   2010, the company has
   announced the close of its first
   funding round – and it includes
   six YABA members.

In total, the company has raised £350,000 to further
develop its novel medical device technology, with the YABA
members’ investment accounting for a third of this finance.
Other investors included members of the business angel
communities in Cambridge and London.

Based in Cambridge, Camstent develops patented
polymer coatings based on research from the University of
Sheffield. The coating resists the growth of bacteria,
known as biofilms, on medical implants and devices. The
first application of the technology will be to coat urinary
catheters for the prevention of urinary tract infections,
which account for 40 per cent of all hospital acquired

Business angel Neil MacDonald is one of the six YABA
investors. He says: “I’ve been really impressed with the
product, the company and the clarity of the business plan
both at the Investment Forum, where Camstent CFO Clare
Twemlow presented a very compelling pitch, and in my
subsequent dealings with the company. This platform
technology has huge potential because it could be applied
to any number of implants and devices where biofilm –
and infection – are a problem.”                               for regulatory approval and engaging with potential licence partners. Chief
                                                              Executive Dave Hampton says: “We are delighted to welcome our new
Over the next twelve months Camstent will focus on            shareholders and we’re looking forward to accelerating the growth of
optimising and refining its coating technology, preparing     Camstent through this first catheter application and other future applications.”

    In this issue:
    2     FrogTrade company update               4/5   Syndication: building portfolios & a   7     Angel mentoring pays off
    3     Entrepreneurs’ Relief                        new fund                               8     LinkedIn seminars
          Angel profile                          6     May and June investment forums
2              Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels                                  Summer 2011

            C O M PA N Y U P DAT E
      Leaping ahead
      Named in March as the fastest growing
      small business of the year in the
      Yorkshire Fastest 50, FrogTrade’s learning
      platform, known as Frog, is a flexible and
      engaging learning environment. It's also
      used by more than 600 schools in the UK
      and is rapidly expanding into the
      international market with schools in Hong
      Kong, Switzerland, Ireland and Bermuda
      to name a few.

      A recent deal signed with YTL Education – one of
      Malaysia’s largest listed companies – saw YTL pay
      £2 million for a 20 per cent shareholding in the
      business. The two companies are in the process
      of setting up a £5 million joint venture in Kuala
      Lumpur, with FrogTrade taking a 20 per cent stake.

      With a current turnover of over £5 million, the
      Halifax-based company is now aiming to increase
      this figure, using its flexible technology as a
                                                                           Gareth Davies, FrogTrade
      Managing Director, Gareth Davies, describes how Frog
      has become so popular with schools: “Rightly or wrongly,
      children as young as five are now joining the X-Box                     One person who has been instrumental in FrogTrade’s success
      generation. From Facebook pages and iPods to Playstations               is YABA member Mike Booth. A non-executive director of the
      and Nintendo Wiis, their attention is dragged into a seductive          company, Mike first met Gareth through connections at
      world of interactivity and creativity. Until recently this was          Eversheds. “Mike became an investor, but more than that, he
      confined to just the more technically minded, but it has now hit        also became our mentor,” says Gareth. “He’s a fantastic guy to
      the mainstream and schools are finding it increasingly difficult        have around when times are tough and he made sure we had
      to compete for their children’s attention.”                             all the essential business processes in place – something that
                                                                              we hadn’t implemented before he came along as we’d been too
      Gareth continues: “Frog provides schools and teachers with the          busy trying to sell our product. His insistence that we ‘build
      ability to ‘catch up’ with the children; creating learning              value’ into our business – with strong products and service –
      experiences that can compete on both fronts – interactivity and         has been key to our success.”
      creativity. Children, like all of us, have to be engaged in
      something before we allow ourselves to learn anything.”                 Mike added: “I have thoroughly enjoyed working with FrogTrade
                                                                              and seeing the company go from strength to strength. It has
      Frog has proven its ability to raise standards in schools and is        only taken five years for Frog to
      frequently mentioned in Ofsted reports as contributing to school        establish itself as the leading brand
      improvement.                                                            in UK schools and it is now rapidly
                                                                              gaining recognition in international
      Used in secondary schools across more than 100 local                    markets. It's an exciting time for the
      authorities, Frog is increasingly being sold to primary schools         company and I’m looking forward to
      across the UK – mainly by word of mouth recommendation.                 seeing what the future brings.”
      “The quality of our product and service is helping our overseas
      sales rise but we won’t be taking our eye off the ball in the UK,”
      says Gareth. “In fact, the investment from YTL allows us to
      accelerate our UK plans.”

    YABA information: 01423 810149                                                             Follow us on
Summer 2011                          Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels                                            3


   Chris Kay                                        company in 1983, New World Micro
                                                    Systems Ltd which blossomed into New
                                                    World Computer Systems Plc in 1992. The
   Chris Kay joined YABA earlier this
                                                    company was focused on making efficiency
   year. With a passion for technology,             improvements by the introduction of
   impressive non-executive director                technology to blue chip companies
   experience and a background in                   concerned with manufacturing and                             Chris Kay
   accountancy, he likes to roll up his             distribution industry. It grew throughout the
   sleeves and really get involved in               next twenty years, with Chris exiting in 2004.
                                                                                                       he says. “I’d like to have a portfolio of
   the companies he works in.                                                                          companies I work with and I’m particularly
                                                    “Our US partners took over the business at
   His interest in technology began back in the     that point, and I focused my efforts on            interested in new technologies.”
   1980s, when he worked as Financial               working with SMEs, mainly in a non-
   Director for a group of privately owned          executive director role,” says Chris. “I have      Since joining, Chris has participated in
   companies in a turnaround situation. “I was      an equity stake in one company at the              some of the workshops provided by YABA
   an accountant by profession and worked for       moment, Logicor Ltd, which creates                 and has found them to be particularly
   a group which included vehicle reselling,        intellectual property for commercial               useful. “They’ve been great learning
   fast food and haulage divisions,” he says. “It   exploitation.” This, he says, keeps him pretty     experiences,” he says. “But more than that,
   got into difficulties during a severe            busy. “But there’s always more I could be          I’ve had the chance to meet other business
   economic downturn and as part of the             doing,” he smiles.                                 angels. I’m interested in syndication if the
   turnaround process, we installed a new                                                              opportunity arises, so it’s good to have
   computer system and I saw an opportunity         Being semi-retired now, Chris is actively          made some contacts already.”
   to bridge the communication gap which I          seeking ways in which he can assist SMEs
                                                    in the region. “I’m always looking for             Chris manages his portfolio through his
   perceived existed between the accountants
                                                                                                       company Financetech Management
   and the IT people in the business.”              companies I could help – either in a
                                                                                                       Services Ltd. See
                                                    mentoring role, as a part-time financial
                                                                                                       for more information.
   This led to the formation of Chris’s own         director, as an angel investor or as an NED,”

Entrepreneurs’ Relief: maximising
the return for business angels
Securing Entrepreneurs’               2011 budget geared towards             partnerships, and assets used in
Relief (ER) is a key priority         smaller businesses, the Chancellor     businesses, may also qualify.
                                      made the relief even more              As with many simple-sounding tax
for business angels looking
                                      desirable by increasing the lifetime   reliefs, the opportunities to
for a tax-efficient route to          allowance to £10 million per           maximise the relief are great but
unlock capital invested in            person, a potential tax saving of      pitfalls for the unwary abound.
new enterprise. Katherine             up to £1.8 million per individual.     With careful planning, it may be                  Katherine Bullock
Bullock, Private Client and                                                  possible to ensure that more than
Private Business Partner at           In order to qualify for relief on      one individual benefits from ER          likely to be in a form other than
                                      shares, for 12 months prior to sale,   increasing the total potential tax       cash, for example loan notes, ER
PwC in Leeds, explains                                                       saving even further – for example,
                                      the shareholder:                                                                may be lost. This can often be
how business angels can               • needs to hold at least 5 per cent    by involving a spouse or adult           resolved by planning in advance of
use it to their advantage.              of the ordinary share capital and    children in the business.                an exit. The key is therefore to plan
                                        voting rights                                                                 early and to retain flexibility.
With an increase in the headline      • must be an employee or director      Simple restructuring may ensure
rate of capital gains tax from 18       (executive or non executive).        that the 5 per cent requirement is       With upfront planning,
per cent to 28 per cent and                                                  met for a number of shareholders         entrepreneurs and investors can
speculation as to further tax         Additionally, throughout the period,   who otherwise would not qualify for      ensure that proceeds are
increases to come, a vital area of    the company must be a trading          ER. This can be particularly             maximised and that they are not
tax planning for those                company, or the holding company        attractive for key executives and        out of pocket when it comes to a
contemplating the future sale of      of a trading group. Insubstantial      investors alike, particularly as there   sale, avoiding aggressive and
their business is how to access the   non-trading activities are permitted   is no requirement for a 5 per cent       high-risk tax planning at a later
lower 10 per cent rate by securing    making it critical to monitor the      shareholding to equate to 5 per          date. ER is simply too valuable for
Entrepreneurs’ Relief (ER).           impact that any “investment            cent of the value of the company.        today’s entrepreneur to ignore.
                                      activity” may have on the relief.
Amidst a raft of measures in the      Sole trader businesses, interests in   Where proceeds on an exit are  

Join us on                                                                            YABA information: 01423 810149
4               Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels                                  Summer 2011

      Syndication: building an
      investment portfolio
      Is it easier to invest on your own            investments.” David
      or is it better to join forces with           agrees and adds: “As
      other investors? Two of YABA’s                well as the benefits of not
                                                    having to carry the full
      longest-standing angel members
                                                    weight of the investment,
      discuss the pros and cons of
                                                    it’s just more fun to be
      syndicate investment.                         part of a syndicate. The
                                                    investors involved are
      One of the most important factors in the      usually a different group
      success of a syndicate investment is the      each time and it’s a way
      relationship between the entrepreneur or      of meeting and working
      management of the investee company            with new people.”
      and the syndicate. Jennifer Ryan has
      made a number of syndicate investments        “There’s a possibility that
      during her years as a YABA member,            the group dynamic of a
                                                                                             David Thornton
      including surgical instrument                 syndicate could become
      manufacturer, Single Use Surgical. “In        unwieldy or difficult,
      this case I was the syndicate’s lead          especially if a number of                         David. “The leader is not necessarily the
      investor and my fellow investors were a       the investors want to get involved in             person who has made the largest
      mixture of the more and less                  running the business,” says David. “I             investment – although that’s usually the
      experienced. Having a competent MD            believe that an investor should be there          case – but it’s essential that they have
      like Matthew Tully on board made my           on the end of a telephone for advice and          the right qualities. Being part of a
      role much easier. Many investors like to      support, attend meetings when needed              syndicate can be very helpful when
      be ‘hands-off’ as they’re employed full-      and take a step back if that’s the best           investigating the prospective investment
      time elsewhere or don’t have the time to      approach.”                                        as angels come from various business
      get involved in the company. Those that                                                         backgrounds with differing expertise and
      prefer to be ‘hands-on’ often don’t want      Having an experienced leader is key to            knowledge. When it comes to due
      to join a syndicate as it’s easier for them   the success of syndicate investment, as           diligence, this can also be carried out
      to operate by themselves.”                    Jennifer says: “Without a leader the              collectively.”
                                                    investment becomes riskier as no-one
      YABA founder and experienced investor         takes overall responsibility or charge and        Summing up her syndicate experience,
      David Thornton has had similar                that’s true of all types of investment.”          Jennifer adds: “It’s essential that the
      experiences: “Chemistry between                                                                 leader of any syndicate has the
      entrepreneurs and investors is vital,         With both Jennifer and David having had           experience and capability to influence
      especially when times are tough and           experience as syndicate leaders, they’re          and guide the management of the
      things start to go wrong,” he says. “It       in agreement as to the best approach for          investee company. It’s a role I’m happy to
      also helps when the investee company is       a successful investment. “A syndicate             take on – especially if it’s crucial to the
      reasonably close geographically so that       needs someone to head it up,” says                success of the investment.”
      investors can be on hand to solve any
      problems that arise.”

      A major benefit of syndicate investment
      is the spreading of the financial risk.
      “When a larger investment is required,
      syndicate investment is ideal,” says
      Jennifer. “It’s possible that the risks are
      higher when a larger amount of money is
      required, but that’s mitigated by the
      number of investors joining forces. If a
      company, its management and its
      product are sound, the risk reduces
      anyway – that’s the case in all

    YABA information: 01423 810149                                                              Follow us on
Summer 2011                         Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels                           5

   Syndication: new fund
   to support syndicates
   A new angel co-investment fund, designed to                           application and also undertaking the monitoring and reporting
   support business angel syndicates, will provide                       to the Fund.
   funding of between £50,000 and £1 million for
   investment deals of £200,000 upwards.                                 The Co-Investment Fund has been designed to support new
                                                                         investments rather than existing ones, however once investments
   The Business Angel Co-Investment Fund for England, which has          have been agreed, follow-on funding may be available.
   made a total of £50 million available, is the result of a joint bid   Syndicates will need to agree to share all future investment
   by five private sector partners to the Government’s Regional          opportunities although the Fund is not obliged to invest.
   Growth Fund. It is planned that the new Fund will be fully
   operational by autumn 2011.                                           Further details will be advised to members in due course.

   “With syndication on the rise among
   business angels, this is really good
   news both for angels and SMEs in the
   region,” says Barbara Greaves, YABA’s
   General Manager. “It’ll obviously boost
   the amount that syndicates may be able
   to offer to businesses and it will also
   encourage more angels to get involved
   in syndicate investment.”

   Viking Fund Managers Limited (VFM)
   are registered as gatekeepers for
   syndicates looking to approach the
   Co-Investment Fund and will assist in
   facilitating bids through developing the
   necessary documentation for

   The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills                      • 67% of smaller investors were members of
   published its annual report on the business angel                      syndicates compared with 28% of the larger
   market in the UK, 2009/10 in June this year.                           (over £100,000) investors

   Key findings included:                                                In over half of the deals [reported by BBAA
   • Almost 60% of angels had invested with a                            networks] angels invested less than £100,000 and
     syndicate                                                           in three-quarters of deals angels invested less
                                                                         than £200,000. More than half of all investments
   • 40% had invested exclusively through angel                          involved at least two angels, while 18% involve
     syndicates                                                          more than five angels.
   • Smaller investors – those investing less than
     £50,000 in 2009/10 – were most likely to invest                     To see the full report, go to
     exclusively through a syndicate (48%).                    

Join us on                                                                      YABA information: 01423 810149
6                    Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels                                                                   Summer 2011

      I N V E S T M E N T F O RU M S : YO R K A N D L E E D S
    10 May 2011                                                         A second online proposition came from
                                                                        Howard Mould of B2E Ltd. His website
                                                                                                                                         rehabilitation and improved co-ordination
                                                                                                                                         skills. John is looking for £100k, and has
                                                               provides a comparison                         already received licensing enquiries from the
    Held at the beautiful and historic
                                                                        site for freight shippers, enabling them to                      US and Italy.
    Merchant Adventurers Hall in York,                                  source the best shipping option for their
    the May Investment Forum featured                                   business, comparing not only type of
    a mix of start-up and more                                          transport, but also cost and environmental
    established companies.                                              credentials.
    It was somewhat fitting that Sophie Jewett,                         The Forum was held in partnership with
    whose business Little Pretty Things was                             Garbutt & Elliott, long-time supporters of
    presenting at the event. The Hall is the very                       YABA. Chairman David Dickson, also a
    place where Mary Tuke had applied for                               member of the Company of Merchant
    permission to import chocolate, laying the                          Adventurers talked of the growth of
    foundations for what later became one of                            knowledge businesses in York. He said: “As
    York’s major employers, Rowntrees. Sophie’s                         an early member of YABA, it’s great to hold a
    business is a unique chocolate experience                           forum here, where so many deals have been
    centre and is also involved in retailing                            done over the last 650 years.”                                                       Skore Fitness
    specialist chocolate products. “Mary Tuke
    didn’t get a warm reception when she first
    came here,” she said. “So I hope you’ll receive                     14 June 2011                                                     Joanne Lowe’s Sheffield-based company,
    me better!”                                                                                                                          Cojolo, provides equality and diversity training
    Indeed the audience enjoyed all the
                                                                        The June                                                         for both managers and recruitment agencies
    presentations, of which there were five in total.
                                                                        investment                                                       with the aim of improving employment
    For horror fans, Shudder Films presented their
                                                                        forum took                                                       opportunities for disabled graduates. The
    sci-fi horror film, Further Instructions, for which
                                                                        place on a beautiful balmy evening                               company also sources work and provides
    match funding is sought. With an offer of
                                                                        at Grant Thornton’s city centre                                  mentors for disabled graduates. Joanne is
                                                                        offices in Leeds on the Waterfront.                              looking for £40k to expand the operation’s
    £100,000 already from Northstar Ventures, the
                                                                        Grant Thornton both hosted and                                   coverage from regional to national.
    company is seeking an additional £100,000.
                                                                        sponsored the evening and YABA
    Other presentations included one from                               members, guests and entrepreneurs                                Perry Uniform offers design, manufacture and
    Graham Whitby, who some of the audience                             were given a warm welcome by                                     retail distribution of uniforms to independent
    may have remembered from Dragon’s Den.                              Senior Business Development                                      schools. Bernard Bunting outlined the Leeds-
    Graham’s business, Natural Sleep                                    Manager, Sandra O’Neill.                                         based company’s
    Innovations Ltd (formerly Baby Dream                                                                                                 approach: online
    Machine), was on the lookout for investment to                      Kicking off the evening was Neil Seaton of                       intelligent sizing
    widen its product range.                                            Nationwide Caravan Buyer, based in Bedale.                       and first class
                                                                        The company generates essential used stock                       customer service.
                                                                        data for caravan retailers, offering immediate                   The company is
                                                                        valuations to sellers and forwarding collated                    looking for £150k
                                                                        enquiries to buying agents. The business has                     to aid expansion
                                                                        the potential for rapid growth and £45k is                       and is especially
                                                                        required to fully roll out its offer across the                  interested in
                                                                        country.                                                         investors with
                                                                        Stuart St Paul returned to YABA with another                     experience of the
                                                                        opportunity to invest in the making of a new                     textiles supply
                                                                        film through Leeds-based 102 Productions.                        chain.                            Perry Uniform
                                                                        The company has proven its ability to make
                                                                        profitable films on low budgets with its first                   Steve Roberts of Site Tools in Sheffield
                                                                        offer to YABA, the award- winning Freight. The                   rounded off the evening by presenting the Site
                Natural Sleep Innovations
                                                                        company is looking for £150k for its new film                    Vice which grips pipes and other objects
                                                                        and investors will be given priority repayment                   simply and securely, eliminating the hazards of
    Robin Hilton and Jonathan Clough may also                           plus interest and profit share.                                  using other cutting devices. Developed with
    have been familiar faces to some, having been                                                                                        the support of a national alliance of UK
                                                                        John Dike, of Skore Fitness in Sheffield,                        construction companies, Site Tools is looking
    involved with the incredibly successful Dubit
                                                                        presented a fitness ball with a unique shape                     for £150k and believe that the Site Vice could
    business. The proposition they presented,
                                                                        designed to allow the user a safer and more                      be adapted to be the “next Workmate”,
    Research Bods Ltd, has built on the success
                                                                        efficient workout. The ball’s not only aimed at                  offering opportunities to move into the DIY
    of Dubit, creating an online consumer
                                                                        athletes and fitness fanatics, it’s also highly                  market.
    research offer for businesses looking for new
                                                                        useful for disabled people requiring physical
    ways to conduct market research.

       Disclaimer: Investment in new business carries high risks as well as the possibility of high    investments of this kind. Yorkshire Association of Business Angels (“YABA”) cannot advise on
       rewards and potential investors should be aware that no established market exists for the       the merits or risks of investment and is not authorised to arrange transactions or circulate
       trading of shares in private companies. Before investing in a project about which information   offer documents under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. YABA is an exempt
       is given, potential investors are strongly advised to take advice from a person, authorised     body for the purposes of arranging deals in investments under statutory instrument 1201 of
       under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”), who specialises in advising on      2001 as a non-profit making organisation.

    YABA information: 01423 810149                                                                                                     Follow us on
Summer 2011                         Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels                                           7

Angel mentoring pays off
Mentoring from YABA angel member                    with Jennifer’s business plan. She had a
Steve Naylor has helped University                  good idea, had done her market research
of Sheffield student, Jennifer Ashton,              and had some great plans to scale up the
                                                    business,” says Steve. “During our mentoring
move a step closer to opening her                   time, I helped to distil Jennifer’s elevator pitch
business, Kolours.                                  and to focus and define the core strengths of
                                                    her business plan.”
Kolours is a hair and beauty salon concept
which will specialise in Afro-Caribbean hair        The help paid off and Jennifer went on to
and skin treatments. The idea for Kolours was       beat almost 200 entrants at the University of
born when Jennifer moved to Sheffield and           Sheffield Enterprise Award 2011. The prize
couldn’t find a suitable salon. She has just        money of £2,000 will go towards an NVQ
completed a BA in Accountancy, Financial            Level 3 at Sheffield College to formalise                      Jennifer Ashton
Management and Business Management at               Jennifer’s own hair and beauty skills. At the
the University.                                     same time, she will be looking for premises for        because it helps get them off on the right foot,
                                                    the first Kolours salon. “My plan is to have self-     and it can help in the avoidance of costly
Jennifer and Steve met when she pitched her         employed consultants in the salon,” she says.          mistakes in the future.”
business plan at a panel event organised by         “I’d like to also have my own clients and I
YABA Ambassador Catherine Kennedy, along            need a professional qualification to do this.”         If you’re a YABA member interested in
with the University of Sheffield and Sheffield                                                             mentoring and you’re not already on our
Hallam University, earlier this year.               Says Steve: “It’s great to see ideas at such an        register of mentors please do get in touch.
                                                    early stage. This is when businesses can               Call 01423 810149 or email
The prize for winning was some mentoring            really benefit from some intense mentoring,  
time with Steve. “We were really impressed

YABA – connecting business angels
YABA may be best known for                         made were instrumental in the formation
matching entrepreneurs with                        of this new venture.” With a common goal
                                                   of creating a market-leading business
investors, but what's less common
                                                   intelligence solution and with their wealth
knowledge is its power to bring                    of commercial expertise, Roger and Tony
together angel members in new                      decided to start a business together,
business ventures.                                 launching their Intuitive Dashboards
                                                   product in January this year.
Intuitive Business Intelligence Ltd is a prime
example of this. The company was started           Knowing that most company directors
by YABA members Tony Bray and Roger                spend too much time sifting through
Stocker and evolved from an initial                reports looking for quality business
discussion at an investment forum in 2009.         information and not enough time focused
                                                   on growing their businesses, Tony and                      l-r Tony Bray and Roger Stocker
Tony and Roger had previously been in              Roger’s software solution helps to address
competition, owning highly successful              this issue. Intuitive Dashboards links to the
document management software companies.            existing data within a business, providing a          other business
They met regularly at awards ceremonies            consolidated viewpoint of key business                analysis software.”
and sold their respective companies within a       information, depicted in a graphical                  Both Tony and
few weeks of one another in 2007.                  dashboard format. Business owners and                 Roger are now
                                                   managers can easily view potential                    employed full-time
Roger joined YABA in 2009 to take                  performance issues and spot trends and                promoting their
advantage of the networking opportunities          opportunities they might normally miss.               product, but plan
and reconnect with the business community.                                                               to continue
It was at his first investment forum that he       “We consulted a number of investors to find           attending YABA events because, as Tony
bumped into some familiar faces, one of            out what information they needed,” says               says, “The networking opportunities are a
which was Tony.                                    Roger. “There is a huge market for our                valuable part of being a YABA member and
                                                   product and we’ve made sure that the                  networking remains an important aspect of
“YABA was invaluable to me for its                 software is cost-effective and can be                 the way that we intend to build awareness of
                                                   implemented quickly, so that businesses can           our products.”
networking opportunities,” says Roger. “I was
                                                   reap the benefits of our dashboard within a
interested in the propositions on offer, but the
                                                   matter of hours as opposed to months for    
connections I re-kindled and the new ones I

Join us on                                                                               YABA information: 01423 810149
8                Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels                            Summer 2011

       Diary dates                                                      New faces
       YABA runs a full and varied events
                                                                        The YABA associate membership continues to
       calendar each year – if you’re interested
       in attending any of these events, please
                                                                        grow – our most recent new recruits are:
       contact us on 01423 810149, or email
       our Communications and Events
       Manager, Charlotte Atkinson at                                                           Lintonwood Consulting                                                          

       27 July                    20 September                                                  This Little Piggy
       Angel members’             Investment forum                                    
       seminar                    Location: Rotherham
       Introduction to LinkedIn   Time: 5.45pm
       Location: Leeds
       Time: 9.30am                                                                             Godloves
                                  11 October
                                  Angel members’ social
       18 August                  lunch
       Angel members’                                                                           Financial Leeds
       seminar                    12 October                                          
       Making the most of
       LinkedIn                   Master class
       Location: Leeds            Intellectual property –
       Time: 9.30am               traps in due diligence
                                  Location: Sheffield

       14 September
       Master class
                                  We regularly update
                                  our events online.
                                                                   Coming                              seminar will concentrate on a
       Selecting and
       evaluating an equity
                                  Go to            soon for                            beginner’s guide to LinkedIn:
                                                                                                       how to create an effective
       investment deal
                                  to find out more.
                                                                   YABA angel                          profile, connect to others and
       Location: Sheffield
       Time: 9.30am                                                members –                           understand the power of this
                                                                                                       social network. This will be
                                                                   LinkedIn                            followed by a second LinkedIn
                                                                                                       seminar on 18 August which
                                                                   seminars                            will help you build upon your
                                                                                                       existing profile by utilising key
                                                                    We plan to hold two interactive    features, finding valuable
                                                                    LinkedIn seminars for our angel    connections, promoting you as
                                                                    investor members. Beginning        an individual and as a business
                                                                    on Wed 27 July at Brookfield       along with becoming a
                                                                    Court in Leeds, YABA’s first       reputable online networker.


                                                                                                               Copy: Campus PR
      Contact us              Yorkshire Association   Barbara Greaves,                       Members of:
      If you want to know     of Business Angels      Charlotte Atkinson                                       Tel: 0113 357 2100
      more about YABA         1 Hornbeam House        or Jordana Beattie                                       Design: Spiral
      or come to an           Hornbeam Park           T: 01423 810149                                          Tel: 0113 205 1400
      investment forum,       Hookstone Road          E:                                     Photos: Simon x2 Photography
      please get in touch.    Harrogate HG2 8QT       W:                             
                                                                                                               Tel: 01937 844442

    YABA information: 01423 810149

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Catalyst Newletter Summer 2011

  • 1. catalyst Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels Summer 2011 Camstent raises finance Following Camstent’s presentation at the YABA Investment Forum in November 2010, the company has announced the close of its first funding round – and it includes six YABA members. In total, the company has raised £350,000 to further develop its novel medical device technology, with the YABA members’ investment accounting for a third of this finance. Other investors included members of the business angel communities in Cambridge and London. Based in Cambridge, Camstent develops patented polymer coatings based on research from the University of Sheffield. The coating resists the growth of bacteria, known as biofilms, on medical implants and devices. The first application of the technology will be to coat urinary catheters for the prevention of urinary tract infections, which account for 40 per cent of all hospital acquired infections. Business angel Neil MacDonald is one of the six YABA investors. He says: “I’ve been really impressed with the product, the company and the clarity of the business plan both at the Investment Forum, where Camstent CFO Clare Twemlow presented a very compelling pitch, and in my subsequent dealings with the company. This platform technology has huge potential because it could be applied to any number of implants and devices where biofilm – and infection – are a problem.” for regulatory approval and engaging with potential licence partners. Chief Executive Dave Hampton says: “We are delighted to welcome our new Over the next twelve months Camstent will focus on shareholders and we’re looking forward to accelerating the growth of optimising and refining its coating technology, preparing Camstent through this first catheter application and other future applications.” In this issue: 2 FrogTrade company update 4/5 Syndication: building portfolios & a 7 Angel mentoring pays off 3 Entrepreneurs’ Relief new fund 8 LinkedIn seminars Angel profile 6 May and June investment forums
  • 2. 2 Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels Summer 2011 C O M PA N Y U P DAT E FrogTrade Leaping ahead Named in March as the fastest growing small business of the year in the Yorkshire Fastest 50, FrogTrade’s learning platform, known as Frog, is a flexible and engaging learning environment. It's also used by more than 600 schools in the UK and is rapidly expanding into the international market with schools in Hong Kong, Switzerland, Ireland and Bermuda to name a few. A recent deal signed with YTL Education – one of Malaysia’s largest listed companies – saw YTL pay £2 million for a 20 per cent shareholding in the business. The two companies are in the process of setting up a £5 million joint venture in Kuala Lumpur, with FrogTrade taking a 20 per cent stake. With a current turnover of over £5 million, the Halifax-based company is now aiming to increase this figure, using its flexible technology as a springboard. Gareth Davies, FrogTrade Managing Director, Gareth Davies, describes how Frog has become so popular with schools: “Rightly or wrongly, children as young as five are now joining the X-Box One person who has been instrumental in FrogTrade’s success generation. From Facebook pages and iPods to Playstations is YABA member Mike Booth. A non-executive director of the and Nintendo Wiis, their attention is dragged into a seductive company, Mike first met Gareth through connections at world of interactivity and creativity. Until recently this was Eversheds. “Mike became an investor, but more than that, he confined to just the more technically minded, but it has now hit also became our mentor,” says Gareth. “He’s a fantastic guy to the mainstream and schools are finding it increasingly difficult have around when times are tough and he made sure we had to compete for their children’s attention.” all the essential business processes in place – something that we hadn’t implemented before he came along as we’d been too Gareth continues: “Frog provides schools and teachers with the busy trying to sell our product. His insistence that we ‘build ability to ‘catch up’ with the children; creating learning value’ into our business – with strong products and service – experiences that can compete on both fronts – interactivity and has been key to our success.” creativity. Children, like all of us, have to be engaged in something before we allow ourselves to learn anything.” Mike added: “I have thoroughly enjoyed working with FrogTrade and seeing the company go from strength to strength. It has Frog has proven its ability to raise standards in schools and is only taken five years for Frog to frequently mentioned in Ofsted reports as contributing to school establish itself as the leading brand improvement. in UK schools and it is now rapidly gaining recognition in international Used in secondary schools across more than 100 local markets. It's an exciting time for the authorities, Frog is increasingly being sold to primary schools company and I’m looking forward to across the UK – mainly by word of mouth recommendation. seeing what the future brings.” “The quality of our product and service is helping our overseas sales rise but we won’t be taking our eye off the ball in the UK,” says Gareth. “In fact, the investment from YTL allows us to accelerate our UK plans.” YABA information: 01423 810149 Follow us on
  • 3. Summer 2011 Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels 3 ANGEL MEMBER PROFILE Chris Kay company in 1983, New World Micro Systems Ltd which blossomed into New World Computer Systems Plc in 1992. The Chris Kay joined YABA earlier this company was focused on making efficiency year. With a passion for technology, improvements by the introduction of impressive non-executive director technology to blue chip companies experience and a background in concerned with manufacturing and Chris Kay accountancy, he likes to roll up his distribution industry. It grew throughout the sleeves and really get involved in next twenty years, with Chris exiting in 2004. he says. “I’d like to have a portfolio of the companies he works in. companies I work with and I’m particularly “Our US partners took over the business at His interest in technology began back in the that point, and I focused my efforts on interested in new technologies.” 1980s, when he worked as Financial working with SMEs, mainly in a non- Director for a group of privately owned executive director role,” says Chris. “I have Since joining, Chris has participated in companies in a turnaround situation. “I was an equity stake in one company at the some of the workshops provided by YABA an accountant by profession and worked for moment, Logicor Ltd, which creates and has found them to be particularly a group which included vehicle reselling, intellectual property for commercial useful. “They’ve been great learning fast food and haulage divisions,” he says. “It exploitation.” This, he says, keeps him pretty experiences,” he says. “But more than that, got into difficulties during a severe busy. “But there’s always more I could be I’ve had the chance to meet other business economic downturn and as part of the doing,” he smiles. angels. I’m interested in syndication if the turnaround process, we installed a new opportunity arises, so it’s good to have computer system and I saw an opportunity Being semi-retired now, Chris is actively made some contacts already.” to bridge the communication gap which I seeking ways in which he can assist SMEs in the region. “I’m always looking for Chris manages his portfolio through his perceived existed between the accountants company Financetech Management and the IT people in the business.” companies I could help – either in a Services Ltd. See mentoring role, as a part-time financial for more information. This led to the formation of Chris’s own director, as an angel investor or as an NED,” Entrepreneurs’ Relief: maximising the return for business angels Securing Entrepreneurs’ 2011 budget geared towards partnerships, and assets used in Relief (ER) is a key priority smaller businesses, the Chancellor businesses, may also qualify. made the relief even more As with many simple-sounding tax for business angels looking desirable by increasing the lifetime reliefs, the opportunities to for a tax-efficient route to allowance to £10 million per maximise the relief are great but unlock capital invested in person, a potential tax saving of pitfalls for the unwary abound. new enterprise. Katherine up to £1.8 million per individual. With careful planning, it may be Katherine Bullock Bullock, Private Client and possible to ensure that more than Private Business Partner at In order to qualify for relief on one individual benefits from ER likely to be in a form other than shares, for 12 months prior to sale, increasing the total potential tax cash, for example loan notes, ER PwC in Leeds, explains saving even further – for example, the shareholder: may be lost. This can often be how business angels can • needs to hold at least 5 per cent by involving a spouse or adult resolved by planning in advance of use it to their advantage. of the ordinary share capital and children in the business. an exit. The key is therefore to plan voting rights early and to retain flexibility. With an increase in the headline • must be an employee or director Simple restructuring may ensure rate of capital gains tax from 18 (executive or non executive). that the 5 per cent requirement is With upfront planning, per cent to 28 per cent and met for a number of shareholders entrepreneurs and investors can speculation as to further tax Additionally, throughout the period, who otherwise would not qualify for ensure that proceeds are increases to come, a vital area of the company must be a trading ER. This can be particularly maximised and that they are not tax planning for those company, or the holding company attractive for key executives and out of pocket when it comes to a contemplating the future sale of of a trading group. Insubstantial investors alike, particularly as there sale, avoiding aggressive and their business is how to access the non-trading activities are permitted is no requirement for a 5 per cent high-risk tax planning at a later lower 10 per cent rate by securing making it critical to monitor the shareholding to equate to 5 per date. ER is simply too valuable for Entrepreneurs’ Relief (ER). impact that any “investment cent of the value of the company. today’s entrepreneur to ignore. activity” may have on the relief. Amidst a raft of measures in the Sole trader businesses, interests in Where proceeds on an exit are Join us on YABA information: 01423 810149
  • 4. 4 Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels Summer 2011 Syndication: building an investment portfolio Is it easier to invest on your own investments.” David or is it better to join forces with agrees and adds: “As other investors? Two of YABA’s well as the benefits of not having to carry the full longest-standing angel members weight of the investment, discuss the pros and cons of it’s just more fun to be syndicate investment. part of a syndicate. The investors involved are One of the most important factors in the usually a different group success of a syndicate investment is the each time and it’s a way relationship between the entrepreneur or of meeting and working management of the investee company with new people.” and the syndicate. Jennifer Ryan has made a number of syndicate investments “There’s a possibility that during her years as a YABA member, the group dynamic of a David Thornton including surgical instrument syndicate could become manufacturer, Single Use Surgical. “In unwieldy or difficult, this case I was the syndicate’s lead especially if a number of David. “The leader is not necessarily the investor and my fellow investors were a the investors want to get involved in person who has made the largest mixture of the more and less running the business,” says David. “I investment – although that’s usually the experienced. Having a competent MD believe that an investor should be there case – but it’s essential that they have like Matthew Tully on board made my on the end of a telephone for advice and the right qualities. Being part of a role much easier. Many investors like to support, attend meetings when needed syndicate can be very helpful when be ‘hands-off’ as they’re employed full- and take a step back if that’s the best investigating the prospective investment time elsewhere or don’t have the time to approach.” as angels come from various business get involved in the company. Those that backgrounds with differing expertise and prefer to be ‘hands-on’ often don’t want Having an experienced leader is key to knowledge. When it comes to due to join a syndicate as it’s easier for them the success of syndicate investment, as diligence, this can also be carried out to operate by themselves.” Jennifer says: “Without a leader the collectively.” investment becomes riskier as no-one YABA founder and experienced investor takes overall responsibility or charge and Summing up her syndicate experience, David Thornton has had similar that’s true of all types of investment.” Jennifer adds: “It’s essential that the experiences: “Chemistry between leader of any syndicate has the entrepreneurs and investors is vital, With both Jennifer and David having had experience and capability to influence especially when times are tough and experience as syndicate leaders, they’re and guide the management of the things start to go wrong,” he says. “It in agreement as to the best approach for investee company. It’s a role I’m happy to also helps when the investee company is a successful investment. “A syndicate take on – especially if it’s crucial to the reasonably close geographically so that needs someone to head it up,” says success of the investment.” investors can be on hand to solve any problems that arise.” A major benefit of syndicate investment is the spreading of the financial risk. “When a larger investment is required, syndicate investment is ideal,” says Jennifer. “It’s possible that the risks are higher when a larger amount of money is required, but that’s mitigated by the number of investors joining forces. If a company, its management and its product are sound, the risk reduces anyway – that’s the case in all YABA information: 01423 810149 Follow us on
  • 5. Summer 2011 Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels 5 Syndication: new fund to support syndicates A new angel co-investment fund, designed to application and also undertaking the monitoring and reporting support business angel syndicates, will provide to the Fund. funding of between £50,000 and £1 million for investment deals of £200,000 upwards. The Co-Investment Fund has been designed to support new investments rather than existing ones, however once investments The Business Angel Co-Investment Fund for England, which has have been agreed, follow-on funding may be available. made a total of £50 million available, is the result of a joint bid Syndicates will need to agree to share all future investment by five private sector partners to the Government’s Regional opportunities although the Fund is not obliged to invest. Growth Fund. It is planned that the new Fund will be fully operational by autumn 2011. Further details will be advised to members in due course. “With syndication on the rise among business angels, this is really good news both for angels and SMEs in the region,” says Barbara Greaves, YABA’s General Manager. “It’ll obviously boost the amount that syndicates may be able to offer to businesses and it will also encourage more angels to get involved in syndicate investment.” Viking Fund Managers Limited (VFM) are registered as gatekeepers for syndicates looking to approach the Co-Investment Fund and will assist in facilitating bids through developing the necessary documentation for FACTS & FIGURES The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills • 67% of smaller investors were members of published its annual report on the business angel syndicates compared with 28% of the larger market in the UK, 2009/10 in June this year. (over £100,000) investors Key findings included: In over half of the deals [reported by BBAA • Almost 60% of angels had invested with a networks] angels invested less than £100,000 and syndicate in three-quarters of deals angels invested less than £200,000. More than half of all investments • 40% had invested exclusively through angel involved at least two angels, while 18% involve syndicates more than five angels. • Smaller investors – those investing less than £50,000 in 2009/10 – were most likely to invest To see the full report, go to exclusively through a syndicate (48%). Join us on YABA information: 01423 810149
  • 6. 6 Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels Summer 2011 I N V E S T M E N T F O RU M S : YO R K A N D L E E D S 10 May 2011 A second online proposition came from Howard Mould of B2E Ltd. His website rehabilitation and improved co-ordination skills. John is looking for £100k, and has provides a comparison already received licensing enquiries from the Held at the beautiful and historic site for freight shippers, enabling them to US and Italy. Merchant Adventurers Hall in York, source the best shipping option for their the May Investment Forum featured business, comparing not only type of a mix of start-up and more transport, but also cost and environmental established companies. credentials. It was somewhat fitting that Sophie Jewett, The Forum was held in partnership with whose business Little Pretty Things was Garbutt & Elliott, long-time supporters of presenting at the event. The Hall is the very YABA. Chairman David Dickson, also a place where Mary Tuke had applied for member of the Company of Merchant permission to import chocolate, laying the Adventurers talked of the growth of foundations for what later became one of knowledge businesses in York. He said: “As York’s major employers, Rowntrees. Sophie’s an early member of YABA, it’s great to hold a business is a unique chocolate experience forum here, where so many deals have been centre and is also involved in retailing done over the last 650 years.” Skore Fitness specialist chocolate products. “Mary Tuke didn’t get a warm reception when she first came here,” she said. “So I hope you’ll receive 14 June 2011 Joanne Lowe’s Sheffield-based company, me better!” Cojolo, provides equality and diversity training Indeed the audience enjoyed all the The June for both managers and recruitment agencies presentations, of which there were five in total. investment with the aim of improving employment For horror fans, Shudder Films presented their forum took opportunities for disabled graduates. The sci-fi horror film, Further Instructions, for which place on a beautiful balmy evening company also sources work and provides match funding is sought. With an offer of at Grant Thornton’s city centre mentors for disabled graduates. Joanne is offices in Leeds on the Waterfront. looking for £40k to expand the operation’s £100,000 already from Northstar Ventures, the Grant Thornton both hosted and coverage from regional to national. company is seeking an additional £100,000. sponsored the evening and YABA Other presentations included one from members, guests and entrepreneurs Perry Uniform offers design, manufacture and Graham Whitby, who some of the audience were given a warm welcome by retail distribution of uniforms to independent may have remembered from Dragon’s Den. Senior Business Development schools. Bernard Bunting outlined the Leeds- Graham’s business, Natural Sleep Manager, Sandra O’Neill. based company’s Innovations Ltd (formerly Baby Dream approach: online Machine), was on the lookout for investment to Kicking off the evening was Neil Seaton of intelligent sizing widen its product range. Nationwide Caravan Buyer, based in Bedale. and first class The company generates essential used stock customer service. data for caravan retailers, offering immediate The company is valuations to sellers and forwarding collated looking for £150k enquiries to buying agents. The business has to aid expansion the potential for rapid growth and £45k is and is especially required to fully roll out its offer across the interested in country. investors with Stuart St Paul returned to YABA with another experience of the opportunity to invest in the making of a new textiles supply film through Leeds-based 102 Productions. chain. Perry Uniform The company has proven its ability to make profitable films on low budgets with its first Steve Roberts of Site Tools in Sheffield offer to YABA, the award- winning Freight. The rounded off the evening by presenting the Site Natural Sleep Innovations company is looking for £150k for its new film Vice which grips pipes and other objects and investors will be given priority repayment simply and securely, eliminating the hazards of Robin Hilton and Jonathan Clough may also plus interest and profit share. using other cutting devices. Developed with have been familiar faces to some, having been the support of a national alliance of UK John Dike, of Skore Fitness in Sheffield, construction companies, Site Tools is looking involved with the incredibly successful Dubit presented a fitness ball with a unique shape for £150k and believe that the Site Vice could business. The proposition they presented, designed to allow the user a safer and more be adapted to be the “next Workmate”, Research Bods Ltd, has built on the success efficient workout. The ball’s not only aimed at offering opportunities to move into the DIY of Dubit, creating an online consumer athletes and fitness fanatics, it’s also highly market. research offer for businesses looking for new useful for disabled people requiring physical ways to conduct market research. Disclaimer: Investment in new business carries high risks as well as the possibility of high investments of this kind. Yorkshire Association of Business Angels (“YABA”) cannot advise on rewards and potential investors should be aware that no established market exists for the the merits or risks of investment and is not authorised to arrange transactions or circulate trading of shares in private companies. Before investing in a project about which information offer documents under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. YABA is an exempt is given, potential investors are strongly advised to take advice from a person, authorised body for the purposes of arranging deals in investments under statutory instrument 1201 of under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”), who specialises in advising on 2001 as a non-profit making organisation. YABA information: 01423 810149 Follow us on
  • 7. Summer 2011 Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels 7 Angel mentoring pays off Mentoring from YABA angel member with Jennifer’s business plan. She had a Steve Naylor has helped University good idea, had done her market research of Sheffield student, Jennifer Ashton, and had some great plans to scale up the business,” says Steve. “During our mentoring move a step closer to opening her time, I helped to distil Jennifer’s elevator pitch business, Kolours. and to focus and define the core strengths of her business plan.” Kolours is a hair and beauty salon concept which will specialise in Afro-Caribbean hair The help paid off and Jennifer went on to and skin treatments. The idea for Kolours was beat almost 200 entrants at the University of born when Jennifer moved to Sheffield and Sheffield Enterprise Award 2011. The prize couldn’t find a suitable salon. She has just money of £2,000 will go towards an NVQ completed a BA in Accountancy, Financial Level 3 at Sheffield College to formalise Jennifer Ashton Management and Business Management at Jennifer’s own hair and beauty skills. At the the University. same time, she will be looking for premises for because it helps get them off on the right foot, the first Kolours salon. “My plan is to have self- and it can help in the avoidance of costly Jennifer and Steve met when she pitched her employed consultants in the salon,” she says. mistakes in the future.” business plan at a panel event organised by “I’d like to also have my own clients and I YABA Ambassador Catherine Kennedy, along need a professional qualification to do this.” If you’re a YABA member interested in with the University of Sheffield and Sheffield mentoring and you’re not already on our Hallam University, earlier this year. Says Steve: “It’s great to see ideas at such an register of mentors please do get in touch. early stage. This is when businesses can Call 01423 810149 or email The prize for winning was some mentoring really benefit from some intense mentoring, time with Steve. “We were really impressed YABA – connecting business angels YABA may be best known for made were instrumental in the formation matching entrepreneurs with of this new venture.” With a common goal of creating a market-leading business investors, but what's less common intelligence solution and with their wealth knowledge is its power to bring of commercial expertise, Roger and Tony together angel members in new decided to start a business together, business ventures. launching their Intuitive Dashboards product in January this year. Intuitive Business Intelligence Ltd is a prime example of this. The company was started Knowing that most company directors by YABA members Tony Bray and Roger spend too much time sifting through Stocker and evolved from an initial reports looking for quality business discussion at an investment forum in 2009. information and not enough time focused on growing their businesses, Tony and l-r Tony Bray and Roger Stocker Tony and Roger had previously been in Roger’s software solution helps to address competition, owning highly successful this issue. Intuitive Dashboards links to the document management software companies. existing data within a business, providing a other business They met regularly at awards ceremonies consolidated viewpoint of key business analysis software.” and sold their respective companies within a information, depicted in a graphical Both Tony and few weeks of one another in 2007. dashboard format. Business owners and Roger are now managers can easily view potential employed full-time Roger joined YABA in 2009 to take performance issues and spot trends and promoting their advantage of the networking opportunities opportunities they might normally miss. product, but plan and reconnect with the business community. to continue It was at his first investment forum that he “We consulted a number of investors to find attending YABA events because, as Tony bumped into some familiar faces, one of out what information they needed,” says says, “The networking opportunities are a which was Tony. Roger. “There is a huge market for our valuable part of being a YABA member and product and we’ve made sure that the networking remains an important aspect of “YABA was invaluable to me for its software is cost-effective and can be the way that we intend to build awareness of implemented quickly, so that businesses can our products.” networking opportunities,” says Roger. “I was reap the benefits of our dashboard within a interested in the propositions on offer, but the matter of hours as opposed to months for connections I re-kindled and the new ones I Join us on YABA information: 01423 810149
  • 8. 8 Newsletter of the Yorkshire Association of Business Angels Summer 2011 Diary dates New faces YABA runs a full and varied events The YABA associate membership continues to calendar each year – if you’re interested in attending any of these events, please grow – our most recent new recruits are: contact us on 01423 810149, or email our Communications and Events Manager, Charlotte Atkinson at Lintonwood Consulting 27 July 20 September This Little Piggy Angel members’ Investment forum seminar Location: Rotherham Introduction to LinkedIn Time: 5.45pm Location: Leeds Time: 9.30am Godloves 11 October Angel members’ social 18 August lunch Angel members’ Financial Leeds seminar 12 October Making the most of LinkedIn Master class Location: Leeds Intellectual property – Time: 9.30am traps in due diligence Location: Sheffield 14 September Master class We regularly update our events online. Coming seminar will concentrate on a Selecting and evaluating an equity Go to soon for beginner’s guide to LinkedIn: how to create an effective investment deal to find out more. YABA angel profile, connect to others and Location: Sheffield Time: 9.30am members – understand the power of this social network. This will be LinkedIn followed by a second LinkedIn seminar on 18 August which seminars will help you build upon your existing profile by utilising key We plan to hold two interactive features, finding valuable LinkedIn seminars for our angel connections, promoting you as investor members. Beginning an individual and as a business on Wed 27 July at Brookfield along with becoming a Court in Leeds, YABA’s first reputable online networker. Copy: Campus PR Contact us Yorkshire Association Barbara Greaves, Members of: If you want to know of Business Angels Charlotte Atkinson Tel: 0113 357 2100 more about YABA 1 Hornbeam House or Jordana Beattie Design: Spiral or come to an Hornbeam Park T: 01423 810149 Tel: 0113 205 1400 investment forum, Hookstone Road E: Photos: Simon x2 Photography please get in touch. Harrogate HG2 8QT W: Tel: 01937 844442 YABA information: 01423 810149