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Hugh Mungus
© 2019. Hugh Mungus
Kindle Direct Publishing
© 2019. Hugh Mungus
First Edition
All Rights Reserved
ISBN-13: 978-1986247252
ISBN-10: 1986247252
7290 Investment Drive, Suite B
North Charleston, SC 29418
Reality denied comes back to haunt.
— Philip K. Dick *
* Philip K. Dick
To Rene: another victim of this system, and
thus, your insouciance.
(Erwin Schrodinger) *
The only way to deal with an unfree
world is to become so absolutely free
that your very existence is an act of
— Albert Camus *
* Albert Camus
Bite down hard on the following, and gnaw:
You hop off the treadmill, because you aren't
going anywhere. Instead, you leave, and have
some adventures.
When you return, the other lab rats are still
running in circles — going nowhere. Their
pointless pursuit shows the scientists: "We
love these treadmills, and need them, in
order to exist!"
Hence, the treadmills remain, and the lab rats
continue running.
This begs the question: "Why return?"
The sign read: "Be Kind: Because everyone
you meet is fighting a battle you know
nothing about."
"Bullshit!" I declared, punching the
accelerator, sputtering me past the billboard.
If we live in the "land of the free," why are we
fighting these personal skirmishes in the first
place; struggling to stave off extermination?
How can we possibly be free, if we're
constantly battling to keep from being
We're obviously slaves to something here,
and slavery is the opposite of freedom.
It's beaten into our brains "that's just how
things are." There's never explanation as to
why they're that way.
It's akin to another bullshit proclamation —
which I saw next on a bumper sticker. "Life's
Hard," read the auto adhesive. We repeat
this rote constantly, without ratiocinating as
to whether it's valid.
Life isn't hard! Slavery's a turbo-charged
bitch, but life is awesome! Problem is, we've
been brainwashed to believe this non-stop
incarceration we incur is "life."
It isn't! Again, all we do is experience
What's more, because people consciously
choose to be slaves, our fucked-up
imprisonment is perpetuated. What you refer
to as "your government" has nuked you on
well over 1,000 occasions, hiding such under
the guise of "tests." Still, you pretend to
believe your enemy may be "China,"
"Russia," or whatever bullshit anathema
bureaucracy lies is the problem.
For so long, there was the encroaching fear
of the RFID microchip, and the populace
being marked by such. Although this is still a
legitimate concern, do you really need to be
"chipped," at this point? Almost everybody is
carrying a cell phone. These devices are your
Proof you don't own anything:
Do "homeowners" take their house with them,
when they're exterminated?
Eventually there will be no life. It was
once only the dust particles of space,
the hot hydrogen gases, nothing more.
And it will come again. […]
The cosmic process is hurrying on,
cursing life back into the granite and
methane. The wheel turns for all life. It is
all temporary.
And they — these madmen — respond
to the granite, the dust, the longing of
the inanimate. […] They want to be the
agents, not the victims, of history. They
identify with god's power, and believe
they are god-like. That is their basic
They are overcome by some archetype.
Their egos have expanded psychotically,
so that they cannot tell where they begin
and the godhead leads off.
It is not hubris; not pride. It is inflation
of the ego to its ultimate. Confusion
between him who worships, and that
which is worshiped. Man has not eaten
god; god has eaten man.
— The Man in the High Castle **
** The Man in the High Castle
If somebody you've never met told you to kill
another person you didn't know, would you
commit that act of murder?
Of course not! That would be lunacy, right?
You'd be crazy to bring such a demented
decree — from what sounds like a deranged
cult leader — to fruition!
Yet, that's what soldiers do constantly. In
response, we see nothing wrong in an action
we would otherwise find deplorable. What's
more, we praise soldiers for killing strangers,
because someone else they don't know told
them to do so.
We don't feel we're brainwashed — blindly
following a bunch of cult leaders. Just
because a cult has 330,000,000 members,
doesn't make it something else. There's no
"magical" number of devotees a cult reaches
at which it suddenly becomes something
different — like a "country." A cult is a cult,
and remains such whether it has two
members, or two trillion.
"They nuked you on over 1,000 occasions —
disguising such as 'tests' — and you
continued to support 'em?!"
A pause. A really fuckin' painful pause.
"I— I guess so…Looking back, I guess so."
The man leaned in, incredulous. "You were
obviously insane. You know that, right?"
Silence. Nervous, the prole began to sweat.
"Either that, or you didn't believe the lies,
but pretended to, so you could survive."
Listening, the commoner trembled.
"You pretended to, at the expense of others.
You knew what the problem was, but
remained silent, while people suffered. You
refused to speak out, and they died, as a
Visibly disturbed, the blue collar man
ingested each agonizing word.
The interrogator remained relentless. It was
the Nuremberg trials, all over again, only this
was the entire indifferent population
adjudicated here.
"So, which is it?" the merciless probing
continued. "Were you ignorant, or pretending
to be ignorant—?"
"I had to eat! We all have to eat! What did
you want me to do? Starve?!"
"But you could have said something. You
could have warned your kind—"
"What good would that have done? They're
"Of course they are. Why would you attempt
to awaken those who are awake? That would
make no sense."
"But they don't want to wake up."
"How can you know that? Have you shown the
truth to each and every one of them?"
"Of course not."
"Then you can't possibly know that, and
you're fabricating excuses to justify your
A strained silence.
What more need be said? The truth was
naked and exposed, displayed between the
two men.
It was the most excruciating reality to look at
— grotesque and barfing blood in front of
everyone. It was hideous. Reality was the
most horrifically deformed child — two
mouths, no eyes and stumps for limbs.
Nobody wanted to look at it. And so, they
turned away,…as the child grew.
It is a wise rule to resist the beginnings
of evil.
— Horace Scudder *
* Horace Scudder
Where are the contemporary monotheisms
with a goddess at the helm?
You hear it all the time. In fact, you probably
say it, without thinking twice: "Thank God."
Why isn't anybody — let alone everybody —
thanking Goddess?
"By the grace of God!"
"In God We Trust."
"God damn it!"
"I prayed to God."
"God bless you."
"God knows."
"I found God."
People utter the above regularly, and most
don't consider what they're saying.
How come we never hear: "Goddess works in
mysterious ways"?
Why isn't "In Goddess We Trust" on all forms
of our currency?
"Oh, my Goddess!"
"It's in Goddess' hands now."
Has anybody ever uttered the response,
"Goddess bless you," after someone
The above is proof positive whomever
created this horse shit — we laughingly refer
to as a "civilized society" — was a guy, or
group of guys. As long as we're blatantly
makin' shit up, why not attach a goddess to
these lies? At least we'd have some chick —
with delicious tits — to envision, as opposed
to a bunch of testicle-totin' douche bags!
Since the above is yet further validation all
these religions crammed down our gullets are
man-made, that means they have nothing to
do with legitimate deities. It's the diminutive
geriatric — behind the curtain, in The Wizard
of Oz — proclaiming to be a god.
And because this blatant bullshit has been
printed on the currency we use, and
government is in charge of such, we can
deduce the lie extends into bureaucracy.
Expanding to even more macrocosmic
degree, that means you'd be judicious to
question any of the other shit government
shovels your way. Such includes what you've
been brainwashed to believe in public
schools, since textbooks of these
indoctrination institutions are provided by
the hegemony.
You blindly send your kids to these places,
just assuming doing so is beneficial, right?
Great move, in the same fashion relocating
your house to an active earthquake zone,
beneath a lake of quicksand, in the heart of
hurricane alley, is a smart change of address.
I wonder how many such men in
America would know that Communism,
the New Deal, Fascism, Nazism, are
merely so-many-trade-names for
collectivist Statism, like the trade-names
for toothpastes, which are all exactly
alike except for the flavoring.
— Albert Jay Nock *
* Albert Jay Nock
You're so certain everything around you is
real. You've never stopped to consider you
may be existing in an illusion.
"This is reality," you tell yourself. "If anybody
doesn't believe so, they're crazy!" you
Yet, I can prove you are now, and have —
since your inception — resided in nothing but
an illusion. Consider the following:
Let's say you exist in what almost everybody
refers to as the "United States." Fly above
the planet in a commercial jet airliner, during
a clear day. Look down at the ground below.
Do you see any of these "United States?"
Of course not. You don't know where one
"state" ends, and "another" begins. There
are no definitive demarcations.
Even if there were, do you think weeds would
recognize those man-made boundaries —
only growing inside "Idaho," refusing to grow
outside the borders of that "state?"
No fucking way, and if you did, we both agree
you'd be delusional.
Akin to viewing no borders around "states,"
upon flying above the planet, you'll also find
no delineations between "nations."
So, if there are no "countries," that means
there's no "America." And if there's no
"America," how can there be "Americans?"
The obvious answer is, there can't.
Moreover, if "America" doesn't exist, than
neither does "American ingenuity,"
"American ideals," "the American Dream,"
American Idol, the "American League," or
"National League" — for that matter, since
there are no "nations" — "American" flags,
"American Pie," "America's" favorite this or
that, or anything at all labelled "American" or
with an "America."
"It's the news 'America' trusts most." The
"American Revolution." "American Airlines."
If there's no "America," none of it's real, is
It's just a sales pitch to coerce you into
supporting those who've created it, so they
can control as much of the population as
possible. You buy shit all the time, simply
because it's "American made," don't you?
"I don't care if I'll be gettin' 23 more miles to
the gallon in that thing! It's made in Taiwan,
goddamnit! I'm buyin' American!"
Since "America" is simply a marketing ploy,
and doesn't exist in tactile form, Donald
Trump's rallying cry — "Make America Great
Again" — takes on new meaning. If
"America" doesn't exist, then it's nothing
palpable. Hence, what Trump is
surreptitiously saying is: "Make Nothing Great
Again," which he's obviously doing.
Trump doesn't believe in "America." No
president has. The word "America" is a brand
name with which to sell the populace into
Again, you could've called this region
Teddansonville. Create a fuckload of flags
"representing" such, and beat it into people's
skulls this area stands for "Happiness,
Harmony and Hope." Folks would've bought
the product, the same way they bought
"America." Those selling this nothing would
end up controlling you under the dominion of
some other make-believe shit called
Feeling stupid for believing the obvious
marketing ploy you've had plunged up your
asshole, while forced down your throat?
Good, because this only gets worse.
Now that I've proven "countries" don't exist
— and you're delusional if you believe they do
— this also means there's no "Chinese food,"
nothing's "made in China," "made in India,"
nor "made in Japan."
Just as there's no "Captain American,"
there's no "Russian winter," nor "English
Breakfast tea."
And since "countries" aren't real, how can
"states" be, either?
The answer is, they can't. The only thing
tangible denoting one "state" from "another"
is a fuckin' sign!
People don't exist in "California," "Florida"
nor "Tennessee," because "California,"
"Florida" and "Tennessee" don't exist. That
said, you'll buy all kinds of crap — thereby
supporting a monetary system designed to
enslave you — because you're a "Titan fan."
Since the land area of the globe has
been parceled out among particular
States ["countries"], one of the basic
doctrines of the State was to identify
itself with the territory it governed.
Since most men tend to love their
homeland, the identification of that
land, and its people with the State, was a
means of making natural patriotism
work to the State's advantage.
If Ruritania was being attacked by
Waldavia, the first task of the State and
its intellectuals, was to convince the
people of Ruritania that the attack was
really upon them, and not simply upon
the ruling caste. In this way, a war
between rulers was converted into a war
between peoples, with each people
coming to the defense of its rulers, in
the erroneous belief that the rulers were
defending them.
— Anatomy of the State **
** Anatomy of the State
Superlative use of your brain, friend! You're
not only locking the shackles around your
wrists for your captors, you're segregating
yourself from your species. Thereby, you're
advocating the basic "divide and conquer"
tactic being used to incarcerate you, and
everyone else.
If somebody you've never met walked up to
you, asserting, "There's a 'state' around
both of us, extending to the street corner, to
the grocery store north of that, 53 feet to
the west, and back again to where we stand,"
you'd tell 'em to go fuck themselves!
Yet, you believe government-designated
"state" boundaries exist, even though
they're equally invisible.
Do you like being taken advantage of,
laughed at, and played for the fool?!
Evil triumphs only when good men do
— The Man in the High Castle *
* The Man in the High Castle
This holiday season, give your family the gift
of the truth:
"Yeah, dad?"
"Gather 'round! Dad's got somethin' special
for ya'!"
"What is it, dad?"
"Yeah, dad. What'd ya' get us?"
"Since we're all under one roof for the first
time in years, I thought I'd give you guys the
best gift ever!"
"Dad, c'mon. How're ya' gonna top the
corporate timeshares in Belize?"
"Yeah, old man! Which numbered account in
Switzerland are ya' gonna have to close, in
order to pull this one off?"
Heapin' helpins of hearty laughter rock the
sizable den.
"I know. I know. It's just that you've all grown
up to be such 'successes.' I've hesitated for
so long to, well— Let's just say this present
eclipses all the others."
Stares of wonder circulate the room.
The old man's ebullient face becomes
somber, as he drops his stare, obviously
contemplative. His eyes watering, he pulls a
handkerchief from his pocket, mitigating the
onset of tears.
"Dad, are you okay—?"
"Yeah. Yeah. It's just that— Well I wish I
would've told you sooner. Back then, I was so
busy raising you guys, I—"
Visibly shaken, the man lumbers over deep
breaths, wiping away a waterfall from his
"I'm ashamed to say it, but I— I didn't know."
"Didn't know what, dad?"
"Yeah, dad. Are you okay? What's got y'all
torn up?"
"I just don't want you to think any less of me,
but I really didn't know, okay?"
"Dad, this is gettin' weird. Are you alright?"
"What didn't you know, dad?"
A painful pause.
"That— That Santa Claus doesn't exist."
The substantial lair erupts in laughter.
"Nice, dad! Nice!"
"This is the worst Christmas ever! Nobody
told me!"
More jocularity.
Dad goes silent again, before continuing.
"Yeah, he, uh— he doesn't exist, and — Let's
see; how do I put this?"
Gazing up, his eyes blood red, the floodgates
release. "Fuck it. I'm just gonna say it."
Turning his stare upon his immediate clan, he
continues. "You're all slaves."
An uncomfortable interlude.
"Dad, what the hell are you talking about?"
"Yeah, dad. Betty Ford called. They want you
to come in for another 'consultation.' "
The spacious dwelling explodes in laughter.
"I'm not kidding!" It was the roar from the
eldest lion that still brought the pride to
As quickly as the room had become jovial, the
melancholic mood returned; all eyes focused
on their patriarch. Composing himself, clarity
emitted from his tongue the way it never had
"Now, I wish I had known this sooner, but I
didn't. I didn't."
Pacing, the old man bestows the ultimate
"You're all slaves. Born into slavery, you'll be
exterminated as such."
Save for dad's voice, the room is more eerie
than a cattle mutilation, witnessed real-time,
in the deserted woods.
"Since I chose to bring you guys into this
situation, that would make me a— a bad
parent. I fucked-up. I didn't research, before
hauling your innocent lives into this
"Dad, c'mon—"
"No, it's true! You're all slaves, and I chose to
bring you here because — I don't know — I'd
been brainwashed to believe that's what you
do when you hit a certain age!"
"Dad, have you honestly started drinking
"Yeah, dad. How can we all be slaves? Jeff
netted 130 mill' last year, and he's on course
to double that this quarter, alone—!"
"It doesn't matter. Don't you see? None of
that matters."
"You're tryin' to tell us it doesn't matter how
much we make—?!"
"We don't make anything! Government
makes the money; we just waste our
perfectly good lives attempting to collect it.
It's a pyramid scheme."
"Mom, is it me, or has dad become a
conspiracy theorist?"
More laughter, although this time it's rife
with fear.
"There's nothing theoretical about facts. I
can prove what I'm saying. You guys are the
most 'successful' businesspeople on the
planet. How can you not recognize a well-
orchestrated takeover like this?"
"Check dad's Twitter feed, mom! It's
probably full of messages from Alex Jones."
More guffaws.
"Tim, is America's Most Wanted still on TV?
Turn it on. I bet we'll find dad featured on the
next episode."
Laughter overrides any erudition the sane
man imparts to his insane children.
"There is no 'America!' The word — let alone
the concept — 'America' is a brand name!
Consumers see it, and automatically equate
it with honesty, integrity, quality—!"
The room is raucous, obliterating dad's
attempts to save his children. To quote Pat
Benatar: "It's a little too little, a little too
It doesn't matter, since dad is learning his
own lesson: You can't save anybody. Only
they can save themselves. You can, however,
provide people with the key to unlock their
shackles. Such stated, it's up to them to use
Two figures quietly convene at the back of
the den, unnoticed by the shouting throng.
The first is dad's eldest son; the second,
dad's "loving" wife.
They conclude their patriarch need be
silenced, or they risk losing all they've
worked so hard to steal from the populace.
Conversing, they agree something need be
The following day, dad is admitted to the
hospital for a "psychiatric break." In
response, he's prescribed a cocktail of
benzodiazepines and SSRIs — a chemical
lobotomy. A year later, he undergoes shock
treatments. Six months ensuing, he suffers a
massive coronary — due to the electrical
injections to his frail frame.
As a result, the "family fortune" remains
intact — both his "loving" wife and eldest son
receiving abundant portions of such in dad's
last will and testament.
"Every American wastes 290 pounds of food
a year."
I stared at the billboard, incredulous nobody
was standing beside me, gazing up in
disbelief. People bought this bullshit?!
Like Insurance they never used, or cell phone
apps they didn't need!
You hear it ubiquitously. Brainwashed
primogenitors admonishing their progeny:
"Clean your plate! There are starving kids in
Folks honestly believing because we dutifully
finish our dinners, human starvation across
the globe will be vanquished? Stand under
that sign with me, and easily conclude what a
ridiculous ideology such is! All pistons ain't
pumpin', if you deduce by eating every last
pea, some child on the other side of the globe
is now safe.
How can zealously ingesting your entire lunch
possibly benefit anybody in China who
doesn't have enough to eat?!
Again, let's all breathe, and stop listening to
authority — which your parents are, in this
scenario. Does it sound like mom and dad had
a fucking clue, when delivering this decree?!
Of course not. They just wanted to further
confirm, in your mind, they were in control. In
addition, they paid for the grub, so they
didn't want you wasting any of the cash they
enslaved themselves to acquire.
They didn't give a fuck if you were too full to
finish, and by capitulating to their demand,
became bloated and uncomfortable. They
simply wanted to reaffirm this was an
authoritative regime, in which they issued
the orders, and you acquiesced.
In addition, mom and dad actively referred to
"China" as the enemy, and the people within
that "nation" as "chinks." Why the hell would
they suddenly care if children in this region
were starving?!
Since they'd deduced the "Chinese" were
their adversaries, wouldn't it stand to reason
mom and dad — dripping in menticide —
would want the kids of "China" to die?!
So, let's reduce that bitch-ass sign to
fundamentals. "Every American wastes 290
pounds of food a year."
This statement appears on a massive
billboard above a highway. As a result, we
equate whomever placed it here with money.
Would you have enough cash to pay for an
advertising campaign of this magnitude, let
alone the advertising space?
Of course not. Hence, without even reading
the sign, we immediately deduce whomever
posted it has reached a level of "success" on
the sloping cliff of this pyramid scheme.
As such, we're more apt to believe whatever
message is delivered in this manner, since
most us equate this type of "achievement"
with something to aspire to. It's the "if you
see it on TV, it has more credibility than if
you hear it on the street" mentality.
It's Fox News versus "Fake News" — even
though Fox News is fuckin' fake. And if you
still don't believe mainstream media is a lie,
ask yourself how Fukushima — three melted
down nuclear reactors — can be raging out
of control, drowning us all in radioactive
fallout. Yet, the primary story from ABC to
NBC, and everywhere corporate in between,
is what some bloated pig — named Trump —
Should you fallaciously deduce dissemination
of lies by corporate news has only been
occurring the past few decades — read the
following quote. The subsequent citation was
published in 1908, via Jack London's novel
The Iron Heel:
The press in the United States? It is a
parasitic growth that battens on the
capitalist class. Its function is to serve
the established by moulding public
opinion […].
— The Iron Heel **
** The Iron Heel
Second, this statement is an obvious attempt
to make somebody feel guilty. You've just
informed an "American" they, themselves,
are wasting 290 pounds of food a year. You
didn't do this because you wanted that
person to feel elated nor proud. You did so
because you were desirous they feel culpable
of malfeasance.
If you were concerned about feeding
everybody on the planet, you'd simply end
the monetary system, and distribute
everything freely to everyone. There's an
overabundance of food — with which to
easily feed each person. The only reason
people are starving is because they don't
have the cash to pay for that sustenance.
Thus, the solution is more obvious than
Oprah's evil.
Now that we understand the directive of this
billboard, let's address fundamentals, and
see if they make sense.
All authority is self-appointed. If somebody,
or something, refers to him, her or itself as
dominion, they've given themselves that
position. There's no "magical," omniscient
entity distributing ranks of power, and never
has been.
If you don't believe me, you must produce a
palpable version of that organism, in order to
validate your assertion.
Because "authority" on this planet has
bequeathed themselves this status, that
means the president informed you he had the
"right" to tell you what to do. It was then your
decision to believe whether or not he actually
possessed that privilege.
That also means your parents gave
themselves the "right" to command you to
do "this," and demand you do "that." They
were informed such is "just the way things
work" by their parents, and their parents
before them. All those progenitors were
apprised "such is the case" by those who run
this system; i.e. "authority" — government,
religious "leaders," etc.
Again, a hierarchical system because
somebody gave themselves the "right" to
pretend to be an "authority." That domino
effect was perpetuated when others followed
suit, bestowing themselves the "right" to be
In this fucked-up paradigm, when you're able
to scream louder than the next guy, you're
viewed as a "success." That term — in this
irrational society — has nothing to do with
the betterment of our species. It's solely
determined by who the perceived "winner"
Arguments are waged. They aren't engaged
in so our kind will progress. All that matters,
to this race — that's allowed itself to be
turned ass-backwards — is who comes out
on top.
YouTube is replete with videos of "this guy"
debating "that girl." Read viewers' comments
of such. They're centered around who "won."
Nobody gives a shit if beneficial conclusions
were derived from these polemics. Nobody
cares if humanity advanced in this process.
You may have destroyed your species, but if
you collected billions of dollars doing so,
you're somehow a "success"? What obvious
psychopath wrote the manual on morals
determining that lunacy?! Moreover, why are
you such a dumb shit for perpetuating this
All the power [the State] has is what
society gives it, plus what it confiscates
from time to time on one pretext or
another; there is no other sources from
which State power can be drawn.
Therefore every assumption of State
power, whether by gift or seizure, leaves
society with so much less power.
— Our Enemy, the State *
* Our Enemy, the State
The caldron bubbled, burping steam. Green
and wrapped in warts, the frog floated
stoically amid the boiling water.
Was this an uber brute, able to withstand
being simmered in its own skin—?!
Without warning, Verde Fantastico flipped on
its back, more dead than freedom in
A blind porn actress at the center of a
bukkake, the terminated toad hadn't seen
anything comin'. One moment it was
luxuriating; the next, it was a carcass.
But that's the way it happens. Slowly.
Fuckers don't drop ya' into a vat of scalding
solution. You'd jump out if they did, right?
Instead, they present you with a relaxing
bath. Once immersed, they slowly increase
the heat over a protracted period. In this
way, the frog doesn't suspect a thing.
And neither do you.
One minute you're in some schoolyard
sandbox, forcin' Ken dolls to autofellate their
non-existent cocks; the next, you're takin' it
up the ass from bureaucracy. It went from
"safe at home with mom and dad," to a paper
tiger IRS eviscerating your scrotum.
The change was imperceptible, wasn't it?
And that was only the beginning. As a "grown
up," you'd maladroitly traverse a mine field
of mini strokes, while the dick inside your
anus mercilessly drilled deeper. All the while,
you'd pretend you were happy, fulfilled, and
actually doing something; anything at all!
You'd recall when "a man could say whatever
he wanted," but nowadays, they have laws
against that type of thing.
In actuality, government had never "allowed"
anyone freedom of speech. You'd just been
too busy playing frog to notice, as authority
increased the heat, half a degree, every few
months. One mandate "magically" forbade
you from doing "this," while a year later,
another banned you from doing "that."
It had transpired so gradually, hadn't it? A
threat here; a commination there. Never
simultaneously, of course. All over a lengthy
time frame, until one day the water around
you was scalding, and you were on the brim
of extinction.
It's hasn't been conclusively determined
whether one can boil a frog in this manner. If
that's what you're concerned about, though,
you've missed the point like a free throw
shooter with no eyes, no hands, and no
fucking basketball.
You're the boiling frog, chillin', as self-
appointed authority incrementally tightens
the shackles with which you allow it to
confine you. **
** Boiling frog
Pedro pressed the knife into the cured
salami. A hunk of meat product detached
from the phallic loaf, and that much less
remained of the encased pork.
Edacious, he engulfed the thin medallion of
animal flesh, repeating the process three
times, until he was satiated.
He then produced a sheaf of parchment, in
which he neatly wrapped the remainder of
the sausage, and stored it within the clanking
confines of his ratty icebox.
Mold thrived along a crack in the wall here in
Tucson. Summer in these parts was more
brutal than watching George Soros'
dehydrated penis enter anything.
Pedro would circumvent expensive trips to
the local beanery, by performing this
carnivorous ritual thrice daily. Methodically
adhering to this regimen, he'd devour his way
through one salami stick per week.
Doing so, he'd practice a sinister tactic
employed by governments the planet over, in
order to disenfranchise our entire species.
It's a stratagem known as salami slicing, and
its premise is as simple as it gets.
Detach diminutive portions of a salami stick
from their whole. Do so on a regular basis,
and soon enough you'll have dismantled the
entire loaf. ***
*** Salami slicing
Akin to salami slicing, we allow government
to steadily chop bits of us away, until there's
nothing left of who we are. This process is
perpetrated incrementally; a little freedom
here, a little there, until one day we realize,
none of it remains.
A similar version of this strategy is known as
sorites paradox, and it goes like this:
One at a time, you remove grains from a
sand pile. It takes a while, but eventually that
heap is no more. Since you disperse granules
without order, when you're through, there's
no sign the mound ever existed.
At what point does the pile cease to be such?
At what moment in this subtractive process
is the mound no longer a mound? After
removing how many parts does the edifice
fail to be what it once was, and become
something different? ****
**** Sorites paradox
Was our society ever free, or had it always
been incarcerated? Had it never been that
pile of sand we fallaciously believed it was?
When it comes to the present version of
"America" — "America 2.0," if you will — so
many people invoke sorites paradox:
"The current regime is corrupt! It's nothing
like what America used to be."
"America was sold to the corporations
decades ago. This is exactly what the
founding fathers were attempting to warn us
"This isn't America anymore! This is a
corporate coup d'etat. We have to restore
our freedom; our liberty!"
I'm gonna puke! Lemme off this fucked-up
ferris wheel!
So many curse present regimes, asserting
"America" has been hijacked by thieves. But
the "United States" was never what you were
brainwashed to believe it was. This fictional
region has never been a beacon of
democracy; a safe haven for freedom.
How could it have been?
The make-believe ideology of the "United
States" was created by money-hoarding
slave owners. How can you rationally
conclude whatever this group produced was
anything but something that served them?
You've docked a ship in a harbor. Since you
aren't sailing the vessel, but it still resides in
the water, it's exposed to the elements. Over
time, portions of the boat rot.
In response, you replace these individual
boards, planks and sails, until — after
decades — none of the original ship remains.
The entire boat is comprised of completely
different parts than it had originally been.
The question arises: Is this the same ship it
was in its nascent state?
Say the vessel is named the Grey Anus. Since
none of the original craft remains, can you
honestly refer to this new boat as the Grey
This mind fuck is known as the Ship of
Theseus, and it leads to yet another enigma:
As technology advances, you're able to
refurbish the rotted pieces of the original
ship — which you've kept in storage. As such,
you do so, and rebuild the authentic boat.
Now, you've got two vessels: the refurbished
version, and the one built from new pieces.
Which is the real Grey Anus? *****
***** Ship of Theseus
First off, people presuppose "America"
exists. It — akin to every other
"commonwealth" — doesn't. Fly above the
planet in a commercial airliner, and gaze
down. You'll find no borders around any
Ask yourself how a "nation" can exist one
minute, and cease to, the next. That doesn't
make sense. One "country" conquers
"another," and that second "nation" instantly
vanishes?! How is that possible?!
The land upon which the routed "country"
resided hasn't changed! The lakes and rivers
within that "nation" remain the same. The
only thing that has altered is belief. Now
people conclude there's something new
there…even though there isn't.
Second, if "America" doesn't exist, than
neither do copies of it.
You awaken to more snorting than an active
coke party in the Hollywood Hills.
The tent is as dark and frigid as a Michelle
Obama inspirational speech. If it's this cold
inside, you don't wanna contemplate how
soul-freezing it must be outside.
Around you, the shelter agitates, some
outside force acting upon it.
As your eyes acclimate to the scant
illumination, you're able to discern the
source of the sound. A gigantic nose is
entering your tent. In the pre-dawn, you've
discerned an enormous pair of nostrils;
beneath them, an upturned mouth, replete
with square, yellow teeth — each the size of
a Triscuit.
To some slippery-suited businessman —
traveling for the first time to this arid region
— such would seem the vestiges of a
nocturnal nightmare. Since you've been in
the desert for months, however, you quickly
deduce what's happening.
The nose pushes further into the confines,
exposing a camel's head, to which it's
attached. The head produces a neck
sprouting from a body.
Too groggy to care, you watch as the
dromedary — seeking warmth —
incrementally enters, until the entire beast is
sharing the hogan with you.
You'd rather not room with a creature that
reeks of piss and shit. Too lazy to do anything
about it, however, you gaze on as the camel
slowly takes advantage of your lassitude.
Had you been awake, things would've been
different. Had the camel attempted to enter
the tent in one overt act, you would've
stopped it.
However, this was a slow, deliberate attack.
As a result, the vertebrate achieved its goal.
Such is otherwise known as creeping
normality, or the camel's nose. If you want to
implement a mandate, to which you're
certain the populace will object, do so
incrementally. Introduce decrees that slowly,
stealthily, strip the population of their
"rights," and eventually you'll achieve your
directive. ******
****** Camel's nose
You hunger to cull the masses, and cripple
the population. If you attempt to do so in one
maneuver, you'll be met with opposition too
great to overcome.
Initiate death by a thousand cuts —
vanquishing not by one incursion, but
multitudinous, smaller onslaughts,
imperceptible to the masses. The proletariat
is conquered without recognition from
whence, nor how, such occurred.
A thousand small lacerations — each draining
blood — will just as readily kill as one,
massive lesion.
Mourn not the dead that in the cool
earth lie […]
But rather mourn the apathetic throng
The cowed and the meek
Who see the world's great anguish and
its wrong
And dare not speak!
— Ralph Chaplin *
* Ralph Chaplin
Even after overwhelming evidence —
provided via my publications — proving this
paradigm is an illusion, many remain
obstinate to admit our environment is a hoax.
For further confirmation, consider the plight
of the food server.
Epitomizing the blue collar demographic,
bussers, waiters and waitresses perpetually
struggle to keep a roof over their heads, and
sustenance on their tables.
Let's examine what a food server does,
exposing the hallucination they harbor.
A food server pretends the entire time
they're on the clock.
First off, they don't want to be present at
what they refer to as their "job," or "career."
In fact, they often assert to wishing they
were anywhere but their particular
"vocation." While in the dining room, kitchen
or bar, they constantly count down the
minutes, until they're allowed to depart.
Yet, they continue to perform tasks they
loathe, spuriously informing managers
they're enjoying themselves, and love being
in a position they obviously hate. Thus,
pretending, and perpetuating the illusion.
In order to accomplish these undertakings
they abhor, servers ask people they've never
met whether said folks prefer steak or
shrimp, burgers or tacos, salad or soup. Why
the hell would anyone care about the
sustenance proclivities of people they don't
know, and have no desire to meet?
If you wandered up to a stranger, and
continually barraged them with questions
about their comestible predilections, you'd
be arrested. Yet, doing so, in exchange for
scraps of fabric — i.e. cash — is cool?!?
You don't give two shits what strangers like
to eat. Nobody sane would. That said, you're
definitely feigning to care, and care deeply.
Again, the furthering of the illusion.
In turn, the diner bluffs you're engrossed by
what he or she ingests. Hence, he lies to him
or herself you want to be in their presence,
determining what their favorite food is at the
When a busser or waiter overtly doesn't care
what some random person wants to devour,
the client in question becomes offended the
server no longer wants pretend.
"The service here is terrible! Medium is pink
all the way through; which this clearly wasn't.
That steak was a piece of shoe leather! But
that son of a bitch acted like he didn't care!"
That's because the waiter didn't care, and
was being honest. And don't people bitch
perpetually about how dishonest others are?
Yet, when somebody exhibits honesty,
suddenly folks are aghast at this display.
The waiter was acting logically in this case;
not caring how some person he'd never met
wanted his steak prepared. The customer
was acting illogically, expecting the server to
In this scenario, the client desperately wants
the waiter to return to the illusion; re-enter
the matrix; come back to the system. It
scares the customer that:
A) there's something outside this system
he's come to erroneously believe is reality,
B) one of his fellow incarcerates is escaping.
That would mean he, too, would be forced
with a choice: stay inside the matrix, or
liberate. Of course, the latter would mean
abandoning all he'd worked so hard to create,
inside this system. The latter would mean
undermining everything he believed was real.
For many, that's too scary.
If you can't see the severe retardation in this
scenario, you're profoundly brainwashed, and
should return to the illusion, watching
whatever the fuck's on TV.
So, now you've got an entire dining room
playing make-believe. Not only are the
servers pretending, but so too are the
customers. If your venue has a seating
capacity of 500 folk, and you're full, that's
500 people — not including the food servers
— in one place, pretending.
That's a fuckload of hard drives — human
minds — in one area, working to generate an
illusion! That's an immense amount of
adverse energy.
Realize said clientele is turned over
constantly, so that 500 might equate to
thousands, throughout a 24 hour period!
Now consider how many restaurants and bars
there are across the planet. Countless
numbers of transmitters of negative
vibrations! A fuck ton of people — a
prodigious portion of them angry over their
situation — pretending.
Now that's an illusion!
We haven't even considered the chefs,
cooks, managers, etc. — who don't want to
be there — and are also playing make-
And how about all the drive-thru slaves, fast
food incarcerates, room service vassals,
etc.? Do you honestly think they give a flying
fuck whether you prefer Sprite or Sierra Mist,
Coke or Pepsi, rye toast or wheat?!
And since so many people dine in
restaurants, you're not only talkin' a
commodious portion of the population lying,
but lying to themselves.
I almost made it through this entire chapter
without vociferating, "It's a cookbook!"
Not only is the Universe stranger than
we think, it is stranger than we can
— Werner Heisenberg *
* Werner Heisenberg
Six blind men — who had never heard of, nor
experienced elephants — are placed in the
presence of a pachyderm, and asked to
describe it. Obviously, much of perception
for these dudes is based upon touch.
Hence, the first man grasps the elephant's
trunk, determining the animal is long and
cylindrical in shape.
The second runs his hand along the immense
creature's ear, deducing these mammals are
similar to giant fans.
The third comes in contact with the beast's
leg, concluding these vertebrates are
substantial pillars, similar to tree trunks.
When the fourth man slides his hand across
the beast's belly, he surmises the brute is
akin to a wall.
Gripping the elephant's tail, the fifth man
equates the animal to a rope.
The sixth, and final, man feels the creature's
tusk, and comes to the conclusion elephants
are similar to spears — long, polished-smooth
and hard.
The point of this parable — which originates
from Buddhist, Hindu and Jain texts — is that
everyone experiences things differently.
Although we're subject to the same
environment, we interpret it individually. **
** Blind men and an elephant
When reduced to fundamentals, nobody
actually experiences anything. Our sensory
receptors — ears, eyes, fingers, mouths, etc.
— collect data from the environment. We
spend our time deciphering what this
information means.
Such stated, although our perception of
things differs, reality remains the same. We
may perceive truth a variety of ways, but
that truth appears to be a constant.
Once we erroneously believe each person has
his or her own reality, you've got seven billion
versions of such on the planet. That opens an
ingress to duplicity. You can prove to people
the U.S. government has nuked its own
populace on over 1,000 occasions, to which
they can refute, "Well, that's your
interpretation of things."
No, a nuclear detonation is a nuclear
detonation. And when you've perpetrated
such on someone else, you've nuked them.
In addition, I can provide you with a list of
each and every atomic and thermonuclear
"test" the government conducted upon you.
In conjunction, I can bestow photographic
proof of those "trials," as well as filmed
evidence, witness and written testimony.
Again, truth is truth. It's constant. A person's
perception of truth, on the other hand, will
What we observe is not nature in itself,
but nature exposed to our method of
— Werner Heisenberg ***
*** Werner Heisenberg
Moreover, the ideology of consensus gentium
— otherwise known as argumentum ad
populum — is bullshit. Consensus gentium is
the spurious idea that if enough people
believe in something, it becomes truth; it
becomes reality.
This theory can be refuted via multitudinous,
ubiquitous examples:
Almost everybody on Earth believes in
"America." Again, though, you can fly above
the planet in a commercial jet, look down, not
see any borders, and thereby prove the
damned thing doesn't exist. Just because a
fuckload of indoctrinated idiots believe it's
there, doesn't make it "magically" appear.
Most of the moronic masses are religiously
certain money is exceptionally valuable. That
said, when you're stranded — with no
communication to the rest of your species —
perishing of thirst, you still can't drink that
duffel bag on your back filled with 50 dollar
bills. It doesn't matter how many folks
ardently assert cash has value. Their belief in
such obviously doesn't make it so.
Even though at least 2.2 billion brainwashed
boneheads believe Jesus Christ existed, this
doesn't change the fact there is zero
historical evidence to substantiate such.
Solely because a group of greasy gonads are
scared shitless about not havin' a fun place
to go after they're exterminated, doesn't
make the mascot of that asinine amusement
park any more real.
Get it?
Look around. The effects of a belief in
consensus gentium smother you. Everywhere
you gaze, folks gaggin' down the most
ludicrous horse shit, simply because the
douche bag next to them thinks it's so.
Because the guy beside him assumes the
same, their ignorant parents supposed such,
and the giant-headed assholes on TV
wrapped this shit package in a pretty box, it's
just gotta' be fuckin' real!
"Shut him up! We have a lot invested in
this ride! Shut him up! Look at my
furrows of worry! Look at my big bank
account, and my family. This just has to
be real."
— Bill Hicks ****
**** Bill Hicks
What's more, it's never defined how many
people are necessary for consensus gentium
to be valid.
If a population consists of one million, how
many of those have to believe in something,
before it becomes real?
If you've a group of 10, how many of those
need to conclude something is truth, before
it becomes such?
Are we talkin' a percentage here, or a set-in-
stone figure? If you've asserted the latter,
than the answer needs to be 10 or fewer, in
response to a pair of populations — one 10 in
number, the other one million. So, 10 out of a
million? One out of a million?
And what if Earth is literally a mental
institution of this cosmos — which seems
more likely every day — and everybody on
the planet is insane? Most within our society
just assume our populace is rational; the
basic bricks upon which we're built, logical.
Thus, the preponderance of people simply
believe — without questioning — the path
were taking is judicious.
But what if they're wrong? What if we're
literally lunatics? What if a handful of us have
rewritten our hard drives, and hence, gone
sane? And what if that minute portion
exhibiting logic are screaming at the other
asylum inmates to awaken to reality?
If all those who are crazy continue believing
in things that aren't real, will it still make
those things so? Will that somehow override
the immutable facts the scant minority is
showing everyone else?
If you absurdly believe so, renew your
subscription to O magazine, and continue
deep-throating Ellen's flaccid, hair-entangled
mule cock!
When it comes to gathering information, and
interpreting such, humans are extremely
limited in their abilities. How can they not be?
They aren't even seasoning in an
unfathomable cosmogonic soup. They reside
on a grain of salt — Earth — within a vat of
goupy goulash — this Universe. They've
barely been off that infinitesimal island. How
could they comprehend anything, except that
within their limited scope?
Moreover, with the distinct probability of
alternate dimensions — which we've yet to
understand, much less see — our receptors
appear inadequate.
I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than
answers I can't question.
In a paradigm in which we're imprisoned,
understanding what everything is about
becomes remarkably difficult. Mired in
menticide, drowning in the drudgery of 9-
to-5, sandblasted with subterfuge, we're left
to struggle, in order to comprehend.
Just an author's interjection here, in hopes of
elucidating what a sick society we've
become. We all require genitals, in order to
manifest into our corporeal forms. Without a
pair of balls, a cunt and a dick, I wouldn't be
viewable in this flesh suit, and neither would
anybody else on what folks are callin' Earth.
Even so, we've been brainwashed to believe
our genitalia are taboo — the stuff of
demonic thoughts. I drove past a massive
billboard the other day, which read: "Lust
Kills. Jesus Saves."
Any person having reached the age of
understanding mom and dad had to fuck, in
order for them to be around, can shred that
sign to subatomic particles. If the parents of
those who produced that billboard didn't feel
lust, the creators of that sign wouldn't have
existed in flesh form, and that admonishment
wouldn't have been created.
So, back to the six blind men and the
elephant. How come none of these "sight-
impaired" dudes reached up and grabbed
those massive huevos the pachyderm was
sportin' — given the beast was male, of
course? Why didn't any of these characters
double-fist elephant cock?
Because we exist in a fake society — an
illusion — where we need the truth to not
only be watered down, but washed away.
After all, if you water something down long
enough, it dissipates, until it appears to be
gone, doesn't it? In reality, it still exists; it's
simply dispersed into separate particles.
"Six blind elephants were discussing what
men were like. After arguing, they decided to
find one, and determine [such, based upon]
direct experience. The first blind elephant
felt the man and declared, 'Men are flat.'
After the other blind elephants felt the man,
they agreed." *****
***** Blind men and an elephant
Self-awareness can be tampered with by
brainwashing, psychoactive drugs,
electrical stimulation, political or
religious propaganda, even advertising.
A lifetime in front of a TV set may be the
equivalent of a self-transplant.
— Chet Raymo *
* Chet Raymo
If you're of the mindset gold is extraordinarily
valuable, watch episode 24, season two of
the original Twilight Zone series. The
segment in question — The Rip Van Winkle
Caper — goes a little somethin' like this:
Introducing four experts in the
questionable art of crime: Mr. Farwell,
expert on noxious gases, former
professor, with a doctorate in both
chemistry and physics; Mr. Erbie, expert
in mechanical engineering; Mr. Brooks,
expert in the use of firearms and other
weaponry; and Mr. DeCruz, expert in
demolition and various forms of
The time is now, and the place is a
mountain cave in Death Valley, U.S.A. In
just a moment, these four men will
utilize the services of a truck placed in
cosmoline, loaded with a hot heist
cooled off by a century of sleep, and
then take a drive into The Twilight Zone.
— Rod Serling **
** Rod Serling
Brainwashed into believing gold is priceless,
four criminals steal $1,000,000 of it from a
train headed to Fort Knox. This band of
thieves then hide out within a cave in Death
Valley, California.
It's here Mr. Farwell — one of the defalcators
— has placed pods in which the men can
sleep indefinitely, remain alive, and not age a
day. After a century, their crime will have
been forgotten. At that point, the felons can
awaken, sell the gold, and amass a fortune.
Following 100 years of slumber, the men
arise, only to discover a skeleton in Mr.
Erbie's chamber — a rock having dislodged
from the ceiling of the cave, shattering the
housing of his particular pod.
Awash with avarice, DeCruz runs Brooks
down with the moving truck the team are
employing as a getaway vehicle. Immediately
afterward, the maniacal motorist drives the
car into a gully, rendering the truck
DeCruz and Farwell — the two remaining
criminals — are thus forced to walk through
the desert, in searing heat, lugging as much
gold as they can carry in backpacks.
After the latter misplaces his canteen, the
former sells him water, at one sip per gold
bar. As the liquid dwindles, DeCruz demands
two bars per sip. In response, Farwell
pummels his rapacious cohort with one of the
bullion, thereby killing his sole remaining
Farwell is then left to wander alone, burdened
by the excessive weight of the metal
attached to his back. Exhausted, but driven
by cupidity, he reluctantly abandons bars of
the commodity, incrementally. Eventually,
the man passes out, too debilitated to
The felon regains consciousness, only to
discover a futuristic figure standing above
him. In desperation, Farwell bestows the one
remaining bar he possesses, for water.
Before this newcomer can reply, Farwell
Returning to his car, the man informs his wife
the person they've discovered on the road
has died. The unnamed character notes how
bizarre it was the convict had offered him
bullion, since gold is now manufactured in this
futuristic society. Thus, this metal hasn't
been viewed as valuable — let alone priceless
— for eons.
In closing, Rod Serling imparts the following:
The last of four Van Winkles, who all
died precisely the way they lived,
chasing an idol across the sand to wind
up bleached dry in the hot Sun as so
much desert flotsam, worthless as the
gold bullion they built a shrine to.
Tonight's lesson — in the Twilight Zone.
— Rod Serling ***
*** Rod Serling
Known as the paradox of value — often
termed the diamond-water paradox — it's
premise is simple. Even though water is
imperative to survival, and diamonds aren't,
the latter is exceedingly more expensive.
**** Diamond-water paradox
This lapse in common sense was presented
not only by philosopher Adam Smith, but also
Nicolaus Copernicus and John Locke.
Such an inconsistency in logic exemplifies the
deranged nature of the current human
psyche, and how brainwashed we've allowed
ourselves to become.
Muster up a sizable breeze. Toss 100 dollar
bills into the wind, and watch people risk their
lives, chasing these useless pieces of paper
into speeding traffic. This is lunacy, and if
you can't see such, you're brainwashed, as
Conversely, toss gallons of water — vital to
all our survival — into a busy motorway, and
people won't look twice.
In An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of
the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith stated:
The word VALUE, it is to be observed,
has two different meanings, and
sometimes expresses the utility of some
particular object, and sometimes the
power of purchasing other goods which
the possession of that object conveys.
The one may be called "value in use;" the
other, "value in exchange." The things
which have the greatest value in use
have frequently little or no value in
exchange; on the contrary, those which
have the greatest value in exchange
have frequently little or no value in use.
Nothing is more useful than water; but it
will purchase scarcely anything; scarcely
anything can be had in exchange for it.
A diamond, on the contrary, has scarcely
any use-value; but a very great quantity
of other goods may frequently be had in
exchange for it.
— Adam Smith *****
***** Adam Smith
"I'd never kill anybody over inanimate
objects," you proclaim.
Yet you hasten your own demise every time
you "work" in exchange for natively useless
pieces of paper called cash. Thanks to your
blind pursuit of money, you perpetuate this
system that's been enslaving and executing
us all, since its inception.
There are causes worth dying for, but
none worth killing for.
— Albert Camus *
* Albert Camus
Your dad talked politics. His dad rambled
about the political. You, in turn, do the same.
Not only did things fail to get better during
grandpa's era, they became far worse.
Dad's epoch? A steady decline.
When it comes to your generation, we're
talkin' a perpetual spiral into the perfidious.
Then why would you:
A) continue to discuss politics, and
B) irrationally believe when those in the
future — your kids, their kids, etc. — talk
about the political, we should expect
anything but more of the same?
Barack Obama promised change,…and he
delivered. Things changed, all right. They got
All these politicians guarantee change, and —
akin to Barry O — they all produce, when the
nightmare in which we reside becomes more
"But things have gotten better?" you meekly
declare, pointing to how the average person
now exists in the splendor kings would've
enjoyed 1,000 years ago.
Prove it!
Given over 50 percent of the human
population on this planet survives on $2.50
per day or less, the "average" person is
laboring simply to breathe.
Due to the fact 40 percent of any
demographic currently existing will contract
cancer during their lifetimes, and cancer was
unheard of 1,000 years ago…
Were we all moments from nuclear
annihilation, every breath we took, 500
years in the past?
No, things haven't gotten better, have they?
In fact, they've become so detrimental,
we're now on the verge — and have been for
decades — of exterminating ourselves. This
means complete eradication of our species
from this planet.
That was a claim one could not validly make
— much less comprehend — 1,000 years
Hence, if you obtusely believe the ability to
play video games with people on the other
side of the globe denotes "improvement,"
keep repeating the rhetoric of the architects
of this dystopia. Pretend Fukushima isn't
continuously drowning us in radioactive
fallout, with no sign of mitigation —
something that definitely couldn't be claimed
500 years ago.
Make believe "your own government" hasn't
nuked you on over 1,000 occasions, and
disguised such as "tests." Again, another
assertion that wasn't made a millennia prior.
Lie to yourself we don't have hundreds of
thousands of tons of radioactive waste —
that will be lethal for billions of years — for
which we've no method of disposal.
"What's the matter, Chinaski?" she asked.
"I've given up," I said.
"You mean politics?" she asked.
"I mean politics," I said. […]
I walked out.
— South of No North: Stories of the
Buried Life **
** South of No North: Stories of the Buried Life
Politics is nothing. Look up the word. The definition of "politics" is: "the
practice or profession of conducting political
affairs." ***
*** definition of the word politics
Great! That explains so much!
So, "politics" is defined as "political"…which
tells us absolutely fuckin' nothing.
Guess I'll have to look up the word "political"
to get clarity here. Only problem is, when I
do, I find that "political" means:
"of, or relating to, or concerned with
politics." ****
**** definition of the word political
Fuck! We're right back where we started.
Would you expect anything less from a word
delineating what politicians do? Politicians:
the epitome of what we all refer to as
corrupt; duplicitous disseminators of
That's why when the ignorant refer to my
writing as "political," it's because they have
no other term with which to define truth.
They've been brainwashed their entire
time on this planet to believe that politics is
real, necessary, and encompasses any
discourse in regard to human endeavors.
Politics is none of those three things, since
politics is the big fuckin' nothing.
I refuse to speak about politics, since I refuse
to waste my time with something that
doesn't exist, and was solely created to
obfuscate the populace.
Those who refer to my work as "political" are
being influenced by linguistic relativity — an
inability to understand ideas, because there
are no terms for them in their language.
George Orwell broached this subject in 1984,
when The Inner Party toiled assiduously to
create Newspeak — a new language with as
few words as possible. Hence, if the populace
didn't have a term for an ideology, they
would be far less likely to ever think of that
The state claims and exercises the
monopoly of crime. It forbids private
murder, but itself organizes murder on a
colossal scale. It punishes private theft,
but itself lays unscrupulous hands on
anything it wants — whether the
property of citizen, or of alien.
— Albert Jay Nock *****
***** Albert Jay Nock
We take it for granted it's imperative we have
an economy, and never ask why. Our parents
rambled on about "the poor state of the
economy," as their progenitors did before
them, and so on. None of the generations
ever stopped to ask:
A) what an economy is, and
B) why we need one.
As stated in my earlier works, the term
"economizing" means "frugality," ****** and
there's nothing frugal about a system based
in debt; i.e. the monetary system.
****** synonyms of the word frugality
Money is simply an IOU. You give me
something of value — a refrigerator, perhaps
— and in return, I bequeath you useless strips
of cloth, known as money. One can't eat,
drink, nor inhale cash. It's valueless to
I now have the means to store food for an
extended period of time, and you have an IOU
that won't get you anything, should the
monetary system end tomorrow.
The economy that's fake, anyway?
— Bill Hicks *******
******* The Economy That's Fake Anyway
But let's pretend an economy actually means
something. It's never explained to us what
that something is. "I'm fucked! The
economy's in the toilet!"
In response, one races into the bathroom,
only to discover, you guessed it, no
Well, then where is this alleged economy
that's causing so much misery? When I look
out my window, I can't see it anywhere. No
matter how far I drive, I'm unable to find the
economy. Nobody can produce the economy,
because it's a fictional ideology.
Yet, we allow this made-up nothing to
determine whether we're exterminated.
That's fuckin' stupid, and we're idiots for
bequeathing such power to anything, let
alone something nobody can prove exists!
Why would something that isn't keep us from
preventing errant asteroids from destroying
our species? Could we enact a more insane
ideology, since we have the technical ability
to stop from being erased by eventualities
this Universe will throw our way?
All the great governments of the World
— those now existing, as well as those
that have passed away — have been […]
mere bands of robbers who have
associated for purposes of plunder,
conquest and the enslavement of their
fellow men.
And their laws, as they have called them,
have been only such agreements as they
have found it necessary to enter into, in
order to maintain their organizations,
and act together in plundering and
enslaving others, and in securing to
each his agreed share of the spoils.
All these laws have had no more real
obligation than had the agreements in
which brigands, bandits and pirates find
it necessary to enter into with each other
for the more successful accomplishment
of their crimes […].
Thus, substantially, all the legislation of
the World has had its origin in the
desires of one class of persons to
plunder and enslave others, and hold
them as property.
— Natural Law ********
******** Natural Law
So, none of us can produce a physical
economy, but we're all gonna worship it, and
forfeit our lives for it...
Sounds like a god, doesn't it?
Could that be why every denomination of
"U.S" currency has the phrase "In God We
Trust" printed on it?
In a logical society, wouldn't citizens work
together, in order to ensure natural forces
don't destroy their species? Why would
anybody need an economy — of which
nobody can produce a tactile example — in
order to do such? Doesn't that seem an
unnecessary step, that would become
disastrous, if we allowed it to keep us from
protecting our kind?
Of course it does, but we're not talkin' a
logical society, here. We're talkin' a bunch of
entities eager to sacrifice their lives for
useless pieces of paper called cash.
Fun fuckin' times, huh?
So, in the end, we're still left with the
economy: Something that doesn't exist, but
we all idolize. Something we pretend has kept
us from protecting ourselves against the
natural forces of this Universe.
"We just don't have the money to create a
second power grid."
"Mitigation of the disaster at Fukushima
would cost somewhere on the order of 20
trillion dollars. Where are we gonna find that
type of money?"
"We'd have to allocate funding we don't
have, in order to create a deflection system
to prevent errant asteroids from striking the
Excellent job, guys! Belief in this economy
thing is par for the course for you stupid
When you hear somebody talking about an
economy, they're either:
A) ignorant of reality, or
B) attempting to implement a system by
which they can control everyone.
Imagine a paradigm without "countries."
Although you currently reside in such a
scenario — since "nations" only exist within
our minds — envision an epoch in which
everyone on the planet experienced clarity,
and didn't believe in "countries," anymore.
How would "leaders" coerce us to wage war?
Who would they declare as the enemy?
These psychopaths we've been brainwashed
to believe are our "commanders" need us to
believe in "countries." If we don't, they no
longer have anyone to declare our enemies.
And without enemies, how do you wage war?
Without enemies, there's nobody to fight.
And without altercation and strife, there's
peace. With peace comes no need for
government. Without that turmoil, those
within bureaucracy wouldn't be able to
explain why they're paid so much for
"protecting" us.
Ratiocinate rationally about this: You meet
people from "China" and "Russia" all the
time. You never inherently hunger to kill
them. People get along just fine, when
interacting with each other.
Only when you add government to the mix do
tensions mount. It's only on TV you hear the
war cry trumpeted against people you're
perfectly happy interacting with on your own.
Does the proletariat declare war?
Only government declares war.
Every time I hear a political speech or I
read those of our leaders, I am horrified
at having, for years, heard nothing which
sounded human. It is always the same
words telling the same lies. And the fact
that men accept this, that the people's
anger has not destroyed these hollow
clowns, strikes me as proof that men
attribute no importance to the way they
are governed; that they gamble — yes,
gamble — with a whole part of their life
and their so called "vital interests."
— Albert Camus º
º Albert Camus
Monsters exist, but they are too few in
number to be truly dangerous. More
dangerous are the common men, the
functionaries ready to believe and to act
without asking questions.
— Primo Levi *
* Primo Levi
The corroded machete cleaved the man's
frontal lobe. Half the bastard's skull detached
with his exploding brain. His face dripped into
a heap around his chin.
The platitudinous Jerry Cheevers goalie mask
emerged from the thicket. Even though the
fucker had been vigorously slaughtered
numerous times prior, Jason Voorhees was
back, and slaying anything with a pulse.
Eviscerated bowels — including their
contents — caked beneath his rotting, urine-
hued fingernails. As the slasher exterminated
more souls than Fat Man did in the flash of a
fuse, his heart rate never rose above what
sleeping citizens would display, while in REM.
Locks of lacerated intestines slung over both
broken shoulders, he plowed through the
populace like terrorist U.S. forces did
downtown Baghdad.
An audience chasing the adrenaline dragon,
and rollin' on high fructose corn syrup,
watched intently from the safety of their
Syufy seats. The onlookers were comfortable
at this distance. They felt secure, knowing
the lurid carnage was:
A) in two dimensions, while they themselves
existed in three, and
B) as gory as it appeared, nonetheless fake.
You're a kid, and of course you thrill at the
prospect of being terrified by monsters on
screen. You're observing such as a third
party, knowing what you're experiencing will
On the drive home, your dad commandeers a
diatribe about "real monsters" walking among
The concept seems foreign. If such is the
case, how come you've never laid eyes on an
H.R. Giger, metallic mammoth binging on the
bully next door?
Dad seems pretty fuckin' certain about this,
and you trust his proclamations, because
you've been brainwashed to believe in
"authority." That said, could he have
somehow gotten this one wrong? Is it possible
all he asserted prior hit the bullseye, but this
dart flew astray — not even headed toward
the board?
Could dad have been more full of shit than
Dick Cheney on an Imodium overdose? Is it
possible everything he predicated was as
wrong as the government's version of 9/11?
Could you have failed to realize this, until
now? Could you simply have been blinded by
the fact this was "dad"?
No, that wasn't the case. Dad had been right
about a number of things, hadn't he?
Reviewing what you'd assumed was a laundry
list, you couldn't recall a salient subject dad
had pontificated about that proved true.
That wasn't to say he'd been wrong. You just
couldn't remember him being right.
A blazing arrow piercing the murky muck of
your myopic mental musings, dad spun in the
driver's seat of the green Mazda — replete
with rotary engine.
"People will tell ya' you're crazy, Hugh. They
tell your dad that all the time!" Stopped at
the traffic light, he was raging in third
person. He did that, when he was ranting.
"You just stick to your guns, kiddo! Once
you're able to see those demons, no matter
what anybody says, you just stick to your
" 'Demons?!' " you quietly contemplated,
gazing out the backseat window at a crowd
milling in front of a strip mall. You'd never
seen any demons, but you thought it would
be cool if you did! It would be a real
adventure, like in the movies, or on
afternoon Creature Features.
"I know you can't see 'em yet, little man, but
real life monsters are out there, and out
there all the time."
But these weren't the kind of monsters
that had tentacles and rotting skin, the
kind a seven-year-old might be able to
wrap his mind around — they were
monsters with human faces, in crisp
uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal
you don't recognize them for what they
are until it's too late.
— Ransom Riggs **
** Ransom Riggs
"Dad's gotta be out of his mind," you
concluded. There was no other explanation.
As badly as you wanted to see moving
mutants, they didn't appear to be there.
And then, one day, you saw one.
Fucker looked just like you, me, or anyone
else, yet it was far more hideous than Alien,
the Predator, and high definition photos of
Jeff Sessions performing auto-analingus.
This monster wore a suit five sizes too small,
outlining his underdeveloped testicles at the
podium where reporters snapped his photo. It
was here he hollered a few words that
resulted in millions annihilated with mortars,
missiles and depleted uranium.
Without raisin' a blade, this dude laid to
waste two and a half million! By comparison,
Voorhees wasn't even minor league! What'd
he do? A hundred and fifty? Tops?!
Remember John Carpenter's The Thing? The
monster in that 1982 flick was creepier than
awakening beside Oprah, as she sported a
strap-on rolling pin — a trail of blood from the
handle to your prolapsed anus. Carpenter's
corpuscle-crunching creature was able to
assimilate an infinite number of entities,
duplicating whomever it devoured.
Not only did this demon replicate physical
form, it also assumed the characteristics,
memory and personality of those it ingested.
Hence, it was able to perfectly hide among
the populace.
Although the beast morphed into hideously
gruesome combinations of inside-out
intestines, the terror was paramount when
the demon was nowhere to be seen. It was
then neither the characters, nor the viewers,
knew which person was The Thing, and which
was human. Fear of one's fellow Homo sapien
was palpable, and the real horror came in not
knowing who was the demon. ***
*** The Thing 1982 trailer
There are monsters, and then there are
monsters disguised as you, me or any person
on the street. The latter is far more lethal,
since you're never certain who your enemy
is, until it's too late. Hence, it's that much
more difficult to determine who will be
attacking, and when.
With a 10 foot tall row of walking incisors,
you know who to defend yourself against.
When your sister or your best friend sinks
razor-sharp fangs into your eyeball, you've
almost no way of knowing the onslaught is
Your neighbor mows your lawn for you, when
you've broken your leg. A week later, he signs
up for the Marines. A month subsequent, he
mortars to death innocent families in
downtown Baghdad, because "authorities"
told him to do so.
Spending her Golden Years in assisted living,
she's sweet as finally determining whether or
not Michelle Obama is a "grower," or a
"shower." Because she's been skull scrubbed
by "authority," she continues voting, and
thereby keeping this kakistocracy in place,
which is destroying us all.
He's your "loving" family physician,
prescribing lethal street drugs — euphemized
with innocuous-sounding names — solely
because he's become a money-hungry cunt.
Thus, the most effective monster — in the
context of killing — is the one disguised as
Consider the similarities between The Thing,
and our current situation.
Characters in the aforementioned flick were
trapped in Antarctica — an isolated region.
Our species is trapped on Earth — an island,
from which we've currently no escape.
The monsters in The Thing took human form,
hiding amidst a crew stationed in the arctic.
The monsters among us disguise themselves
as "authority" — doctors, "leaders,"
religious guides, teachers, etc.
The characters in The Thing were constantly
fearful of each other, perpetually suspecting
one another of being blood-parched demons.
We perennially believe others mean us harm.
In the 1938 novella Who Goes There? —
upon which the '82 version of The Thing is
based — a scientific expedition finds an alien
spacecraft embedded in glacial ice. It's
determined the vessel is millions of years old.
Adjacent the craft is a creature — also
frozen. The crew of the patrol deduce this
organism was the pilot of the ship in question.
Thanks to a desire for money — in a quest to
receive further grants to fund their research
— the men decide to thaw the being out. It's
their belief they've discovered the find of the
millennia. ****
**** Who Goes There?
Hence, once again, the hunger for cash is the
catalyst for unleashing a nightmare upon
In Who Goes There?, as well as its 1982
incarnation, the crew devise a test to
determine who is human, and who is the
alien. They draw a sample of everyone's
blood, storing each in individual petri dishes
— which they've marked with the correlating
person's name.
Knowing the beast's catalyst is survival, they
deduce it — or any portion of it — will react
combatively, if threatened. Hence, using a
blowtorch, they heat up a metal wire, and dip
it into each receptacle. Whichever dish
contains cells of the creature should defend
itself; i.e. attack whatever is assaulting it.
In the 2011 prequel to The Thing — also
entitled The Thing — an entirely separate
crew of explorers in Antarctica also
encounter the monster. They, too, devise a
modality for determining who's human, and
who's the beast.
Knowing this more-advanced entity is only
capable of duplicating animate cells, the
laymen and scientists gather in a room,
checking to see who has metal fillings, and
who doesn't. Thus, those without fillings in
their teeth become suspect. Obviously, this
was not a conclusive acid test, as people can
possess porcelain fillings, or no fillings, at all.
***** The Thing 2011 trailer
Such stated, wouldn't it be salubrious, if we
had methodology, via which we could
determine who was an evil cunt, and who was
good? Who had no conscience, and who did?
Like a Voight-Kampff test in Blade Runner,
to conclude who was human, and who was
So much of the population simply assume
people are inherently evil, and thus
"authority" is necessary. Of course,
"authority" has orchestrated this. It's what
they've always wanted. If people constantly
murder, rape and steal, "authority" can
justify its existence. Hence, government has
a vested interest in keeping the chaos.
"Y'all are a bunch of bloodthirsty savages,
and without us, you'd kill one another. Luckily
for you, we [government] are here to help."
If everything was quixotic — amicable and
peaceful — the populace would quickly ask:
"What do we need government for?" Shortly,
thereafter, bureaucracy would be
eradicated, and that's obviously what those
in hegemony don't want.
If you could just employ some sort of trial, to
show the public the evil lies in those they
refer to as their "leaders," it would be helpful,
wouldn't it?
Well, perhaps this test already exists.
Perhaps we just aren't gazing critically
enough at the tools we've been provided.
Again, one doesn't have to look closely to
realize all presidents have existed lavishly,
while the preponderance of the population
strains solely to stave off extermination.
I'd say the fact the U.S. government has
nuked us on over 1,000 occasions is pretty
fuckin' telling, as well!
Since none of us have ever seen a monetarily
poor politician, that might be a clue. Do you
think Barack Obama has holes in his socks,
can't afford health care, non-GMO food, or
worries about paying rent?
Politicians order wars they never fight in.
Moreover, they're currently "waging a war on
terror." And what reaction does war cause?
Well, that would be terror!
Say No to Drugs, but addict everybody to
Effexor, Invega Trinza and Zyprexa!
"Authority" constantly demands we keep kids
off narcotics, and then they prescribe these
little fuckers Paxil, Prozac, Ritalin, and an
endless supply of psychotropic drugs. All of
which equate to killing a person.
I'm freaked out about drugs, in the
sense that we still can't take them.
Except for these fuckin' evil ones that
they give to children. […]
We can't smoke pot, but we should give
children Ritalin. This is a fuckin' crime
against humanity of the highest fuckin'
degree, giving children pharmaceutical
psychotropic fuckin' drugs.
Are you fucking kidding me?! Are you
fucking kidding me?!? […]
They haven't got diseases; nothing
fuckin' wrong with 'em. Leave 'em alone.
You're fuckin' full of shit; givin' kids
pharmaceutical, psychotropic drugs. Are
you fuckin' insane?!?
And if anyone suggests you give your
children these fuckin' drugs — a social
worker, a cop, a teacher; some kind of
fuck-up. Never! […] What you do is you
turn to them, you go, "Fuck off, you
— Steve Hughes ******
****** Steve Hughes
We obviously have modalities for determining
who the "big" monsters are, but how 'bout
those "little" ones attempting to emulate
their parents?
Y'know? Those teachers brainwashing your
kids 9/11 happened the way government
textbooks promulgate. Pedagogues
indoctrinating your children into believing
those nuclear "tests" perpetrated upon them
were done for their own benefit. Professors
molding your little one into a debt slave who
will be used and exterminated, imprisoned
their entire time on the planet.
That's where educating yourself comes in.
That's where taking the time to learn what's
real — rising from the dung heap of
ignorance, and obtaining profundity —
becomes imperative.
Rewrite your hard drive. Replace that
malware "authority" has implanted in your
brain, with the truth. It's only then will you be
able to view each and every monster around
you. It's only then your eyes will be wide
open, and you can see the demons for who
they are.
So much is still to be learned. So long a
road lies before us. And what care we if
we must travel it alone?
— Anthem *
* Anthem
Before Neo from The Matrix, there was
Equality 7-2521 from Anthem.
A novella by Ayn Rand, Anthem portrays a
dystopian society, in which a totalitarian
regime suppresses knowledge. The
government in question brainwashes the
populace to believe they are far less than
what they actually are.
Well, fuck! That doesn't sound at all like what
we're currently experiencing.
Equality 7-2521 — a man in his early 20s —
resides in an arcane, creepy, futuristic city.
Referring to himself as "we" — third person
plural — he relates his tale.
In this primitive culture, children are seized
from their parents, and reared in communal
houses, far from their nurturing progenitors.
EQUALITY 7-2521 141
Our narrator is no exception, and has been
led to conclude he suffers from an affliction
causing him to constantly question, and learn
at an accelerated rate.
Adept in science, Equality aspires to become
a Scholar — a coalition of tacitly "wise"
citizens making decisions for the populace.
Instead, the Council of Vocations — an
authoritative conglomerate — decrees our
protagonist be a Street Sweeper.
Equality accepts his assignment, as a
Transgression of Penance for clandestinely
seeking profundity.
While keeping the streets pristine, the story's
lead discovers a tunnel within the Earth,
complete with a pair of mysterious, metal
tracks. Against the admonishment of his
friend — International 4-8818 — Equality
ventures into the subterranean chamber.
Upon investigation, our hero deduces the
portal was built during what authority refers
to as the Unmentionable Times — a previous
era shrouded in mystery.
Within the tunnel, the main character creates
a makeshift laboratory, where he conducts
his own scientific experiments. On purloined
paper, he journals his observations.
Performing his street sweeping duties,
Equality meets another member of the
proletariat — a 17 year old girl named Liberty
5-3000. Thanks to Liberty's intense beauty,
Equality finds himself unable to rid her from
his mind.
Known as the Time of Mating, it's a period
relegated for procreation. During this
duration, plebeians are assigned members of
EQUALITY 7-2521 143
the opposite sex, with whom they're
instructed to mate.
Due to Equality's desire for Liberty, he's
unable to capitulate to this decree, and
informs the young girl of his yearning. He
explains how he secretly thinks of her, and
has bequeathed her the sobriquet "The
Golden One" — due to her golden locks.
Liberty confesses she, too, can't stop
thinking of him, and has given him the
nickname "The Unconquered" — thanks to
his indomitable spirit.
Throughout, Equality continues his
subterranean experiments. As a result, he
discovers electricity — long forgotten by the
community in which he resides.
Unearthing bizarre glass containers, housing
numerous wires, our hero is surprised, when
one of the boxes emits a glow, after he
passes charges through its conduits.
Concluding this discovery will be of
monumental benefit to his species, he
decides to bring his findings to the World
Council of Scholars — a renowned think tank.
It's Equality's belief this breakthrough will be
of such magnitude, it will afford him not only
a pardon for his infractions, but the
opportunity to become a Scholar.
Unfortunately, he goes missing from the
Home of the Street Sweepers one evening,
and his absence is detected. As a result, he's
flogged, and incarcerated in the Palace of
Corrective Detention. It's here Equality
escapes, due to the fact there are no guards,
since nobody had ever attempted liberation
EQUALITY 7-2521 145
The following day, our protagonist brings his
discovery to the World Council of Scholars.
Fearful Equality has conducted research
outside the scope of the authoritative body,
the organization impugns him a "wretch" and
a "gutter cleaner."
Those in power seek to demolish his findings,
so they can continue, unimpeded, with their
plans for what is known as the World Council
and the Department of Candles. During this
era, candles are the sole artificial light
source known to humans, and introduction of
a better modality would disturb the status
Before the Scholars have a chance to seize
him, Equality grabs his discovery and
escapes into the forest encircling the city.
Although Equality is now alone — outside the
confines of the municipality — he relishes his
freedom. Here, he seems far more safe than
inside the metropolis. In addition, he enjoys
solitude, since those within government
refuse to venture into this forbidden zone.
Secretly following him, the Golden One
appears to Equality on his second day in the
woods. The two attempt to express their
adoration for one another, but having never
referred to themselves in the singular, are
unable to verbally convey love.
Venturing further into the woods, the pair
uncover a house that was built during the
Unmentionable Times. Taking up residence in
this home, Equality begins reading from the
domicile's expansive library. It's here he
discovers the word "I". Immediately, he
informs the Golden One of his find.
EQUALITY 7-2521 147
It's the couples' first experience with
individuality. Prior, they'd been led to believe
those under government rule toiled for
whatever common goal bureaucracy
asserted was important. Neither Equality, nor
Liberty, had even comprehended there was
such a concept as autonomy. Neither
realized they were anything except part of a
larger body designed to serve the state.
Learning they are both individuals, the
protagonists change their names. Equality
becomes Prometheus — a defender of
humankind, from Greek mythology.
Liberty refers to herself as Gaea — the
mythological goddess of Mother Earth.
Gaea becomes pregnant with Prometheus'
child, and the two set out to create a society
in which all people can regain their identity.
If you sympathize with, or even feel like,
Equality 7-2521, you're on the right path.
You're doing what we all should be doing.
Only a fool, or a slave owner, wouldn't find
slavery intolerable. Subjugation isn't solely
physically agonizing, it's mentally
excruciating. Watching one's life — quite
possibly the only you'll ever have — being
stolen, is cerebral suicide.
Attempting to determine how to end one's
incarceration — amidst a society of slaves,
blind to their plight — causes those who've
awakened to reality, immense anguish.
To ignorant incarcerates, interment is still
mentally murderous, as you struggle to pay
this bill, that tax, and keep a roof over your
EQUALITY 7-2521 149
And since slavery won't end itself, the only
logical response to realizing you're a vassal is
to eradicate your servitude. Anything else
results in perpetuated serfdom, and your
willful support of such is insane.
Hence, Equality 7-2521's reaction to his
discovery of his own subjugation is common
sense. Comprehending you're a captive, and
not doing everything within your power to end
your imprisonment is brain-scrambled crazy!
Yet, such is a typical reaction — exhibited by
a substantial portion of the population —
once their slavery is shown to them. Most will
choose to do nothing, and thus remain
slaves. This is obviously the response of
somebody suffering from an acute neurosis.
Since a preponderance of the populace react
in this fashion, that would make the majority
of our species on this planet mentally ill.
When dubious, regarding your own actions,
ask yourself what Equality 7-2521 would do
in that situation. This character questioned
everything around him, and thus, conducted
his own research, in order to determine what
was real.
Thanks to his exploration, he uncovered the
truth, and refused to waver from it.
Steadfast in his resolve, Equality unearthed
reality, and pursued it fervently, even in the
face of tremendous opposition.
It seems the most logical thing in the
world to believe that the natural
resources of the Earth, upon which the
race depends for food, clothing and
shelter, should be owned collectively by
the race, instead of being the private
property of a few social parasites.
— Ralph Chaplin *
* Ralph Chaplin
It's a trite phrase, but its fundamental tenet
is true: What's here today can be gone,
tomorrow. This includes the human race
aboard Spaceship Earth, your corporeal form,
or my writing — 28 books, 62 screenplays,
19 blogs and 80 "audiochapters." All of it can
be swept away instantly by the forces of this
I'd find it agonizing if the decades of work I've
produced, in an effort to help humanity save
itself, was destroyed in less time than it takes
to inhale hot particles from Fukushima. I'd
conclude you'd be crushed, if you knew you'd
be six feet under in 24 hours. Should our
species detect an asteroid of substantial
size, destined to hit Earth in less than a week,
folks would be pretty fuckin' bummed.
That said, what do we expect? Have we
invested time developing defense systems to
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Cat, Minus the Bag
Cat, Minus the Bag
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Cat, Minus the Bag

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. CAT, MINUS THE BAG by Hugh Mungus © 2019. Hugh Mungus Kindle Direct Publishing
  • 4.
  • 5. © 2019. Hugh Mungus First Edition All Rights Reserved ISBN-13: 978-1986247252 ISBN-10: 1986247252 CreateSpace 7290 Investment Drive, Suite B North Charleston, SC 29418
  • 6.
  • 7. Reality denied comes back to haunt. — Philip K. Dick * * Philip K. Dick
  • 8.
  • 9. To Rene: another victim of this system, and thus, your insouciance.
  • 10.
  • 13. 1 GRISTLE The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. — Albert Camus * * Albert Camus
  • 14. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 2 Bite down hard on the following, and gnaw: You hop off the treadmill, because you aren't going anywhere. Instead, you leave, and have some adventures. When you return, the other lab rats are still running in circles — going nowhere. Their pointless pursuit shows the scientists: "We love these treadmills, and need them, in order to exist!" Hence, the treadmills remain, and the lab rats continue running. This begs the question: "Why return?" The sign read: "Be Kind: Because everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about."
  • 15. GRISTLE 3 "Bullshit!" I declared, punching the accelerator, sputtering me past the billboard. If we live in the "land of the free," why are we fighting these personal skirmishes in the first place; struggling to stave off extermination? How can we possibly be free, if we're constantly battling to keep from being vaporized?! We're obviously slaves to something here, and slavery is the opposite of freedom. It's beaten into our brains "that's just how things are." There's never explanation as to why they're that way. It's akin to another bullshit proclamation — which I saw next on a bumper sticker. "Life's Hard," read the auto adhesive. We repeat this rote constantly, without ratiocinating as
  • 16. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 4 to whether it's valid. Life isn't hard! Slavery's a turbo-charged bitch, but life is awesome! Problem is, we've been brainwashed to believe this non-stop incarceration we incur is "life." It isn't! Again, all we do is experience enslavement. What's more, because people consciously choose to be slaves, our fucked-up imprisonment is perpetuated. What you refer to as "your government" has nuked you on well over 1,000 occasions, hiding such under the guise of "tests." Still, you pretend to believe your enemy may be "China," "Russia," or whatever bullshit anathema bureaucracy lies is the problem. For so long, there was the encroaching fear
  • 17. GRISTLE 5 of the RFID microchip, and the populace being marked by such. Although this is still a legitimate concern, do you really need to be "chipped," at this point? Almost everybody is carrying a cell phone. These devices are your microchips. Proof you don't own anything: Do "homeowners" take their house with them, when they're exterminated? Eventually there will be no life. It was once only the dust particles of space, the hot hydrogen gases, nothing more. And it will come again. […] The cosmic process is hurrying on, cursing life back into the granite and methane. The wheel turns for all life. It is all temporary. And they — these madmen — respond to the granite, the dust, the longing of the inanimate. […] They want to be the agents, not the victims, of history. They identify with god's power, and believe they are god-like. That is their basic madness.
  • 18. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 6 They are overcome by some archetype. Their egos have expanded psychotically, so that they cannot tell where they begin and the godhead leads off. It is not hubris; not pride. It is inflation of the ego to its ultimate. Confusion between him who worships, and that which is worshiped. Man has not eaten god; god has eaten man. — The Man in the High Castle ** ** The Man in the High Castle If somebody you've never met told you to kill another person you didn't know, would you commit that act of murder? Of course not! That would be lunacy, right? You'd be crazy to bring such a demented decree — from what sounds like a deranged cult leader — to fruition! Yet, that's what soldiers do constantly. In
  • 19. GRISTLE 7 response, we see nothing wrong in an action we would otherwise find deplorable. What's more, we praise soldiers for killing strangers, because someone else they don't know told them to do so. We don't feel we're brainwashed — blindly following a bunch of cult leaders. Just because a cult has 330,000,000 members, doesn't make it something else. There's no "magical" number of devotees a cult reaches at which it suddenly becomes something different — like a "country." A cult is a cult, and remains such whether it has two members, or two trillion. "They nuked you on over 1,000 occasions — disguising such as 'tests' — and you continued to support 'em?!" A pause. A really fuckin' painful pause.
  • 20. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 8 "I— I guess so…Looking back, I guess so." The man leaned in, incredulous. "You were obviously insane. You know that, right?" Silence. Nervous, the prole began to sweat. "Either that, or you didn't believe the lies, but pretended to, so you could survive." Listening, the commoner trembled. "You pretended to, at the expense of others. You knew what the problem was, but remained silent, while people suffered. You refused to speak out, and they died, as a result." Visibly disturbed, the blue collar man ingested each agonizing word.
  • 21. GRISTLE 9 The interrogator remained relentless. It was the Nuremberg trials, all over again, only this was the entire indifferent population adjudicated here. "So, which is it?" the merciless probing continued. "Were you ignorant, or pretending to be ignorant—?" "I had to eat! We all have to eat! What did you want me to do? Starve?!" "But you could have said something. You could have warned your kind—" "What good would that have done? They're asleep." "Of course they are. Why would you attempt to awaken those who are awake? That would make no sense."
  • 22. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 10 "But they don't want to wake up." "How can you know that? Have you shown the truth to each and every one of them?" "Of course not." "Then you can't possibly know that, and you're fabricating excuses to justify your inaction." A strained silence. What more need be said? The truth was naked and exposed, displayed between the two men. It was the most excruciating reality to look at — grotesque and barfing blood in front of everyone. It was hideous. Reality was the most horrifically deformed child — two
  • 23. GRISTLE 11 mouths, no eyes and stumps for limbs. Nobody wanted to look at it. And so, they turned away,…as the child grew.
  • 24.
  • 25. 13 IN GODDESS WE TRUST It is a wise rule to resist the beginnings of evil. — Horace Scudder * * Horace Scudder
  • 26. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 14 Where are the contemporary monotheisms with a goddess at the helm? You hear it all the time. In fact, you probably say it, without thinking twice: "Thank God." Why isn't anybody — let alone everybody — thanking Goddess? "By the grace of God!" "In God We Trust." "God damn it!" "I prayed to God." "God bless you." "God knows."
  • 27. IN GODDESS WE TRUST 15 "I found God." People utter the above regularly, and most don't consider what they're saying. How come we never hear: "Goddess works in mysterious ways"? Why isn't "In Goddess We Trust" on all forms of our currency? "Oh, my Goddess!" "It's in Goddess' hands now." Has anybody ever uttered the response, "Goddess bless you," after someone sneezed? The above is proof positive whomever created this horse shit — we laughingly refer
  • 28. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 16 to as a "civilized society" — was a guy, or group of guys. As long as we're blatantly makin' shit up, why not attach a goddess to these lies? At least we'd have some chick — with delicious tits — to envision, as opposed to a bunch of testicle-totin' douche bags! Since the above is yet further validation all these religions crammed down our gullets are man-made, that means they have nothing to do with legitimate deities. It's the diminutive geriatric — behind the curtain, in The Wizard of Oz — proclaiming to be a god. And because this blatant bullshit has been printed on the currency we use, and government is in charge of such, we can deduce the lie extends into bureaucracy. Expanding to even more macrocosmic degree, that means you'd be judicious to
  • 29. IN GODDESS WE TRUST 17 question any of the other shit government shovels your way. Such includes what you've been brainwashed to believe in public schools, since textbooks of these indoctrination institutions are provided by the hegemony. You blindly send your kids to these places, just assuming doing so is beneficial, right? Great move, in the same fashion relocating your house to an active earthquake zone, beneath a lake of quicksand, in the heart of hurricane alley, is a smart change of address.
  • 30.
  • 31. 19 AMERICA: THE BRAND NAME I wonder how many such men in America would know that Communism, the New Deal, Fascism, Nazism, are merely so-many-trade-names for collectivist Statism, like the trade-names for toothpastes, which are all exactly alike except for the flavoring. — Albert Jay Nock * * Albert Jay Nock
  • 32. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 20 You're so certain everything around you is real. You've never stopped to consider you may be existing in an illusion. "This is reality," you tell yourself. "If anybody doesn't believe so, they're crazy!" you assert. Yet, I can prove you are now, and have — since your inception — resided in nothing but an illusion. Consider the following: Let's say you exist in what almost everybody refers to as the "United States." Fly above the planet in a commercial jet airliner, during a clear day. Look down at the ground below. Do you see any of these "United States?" Of course not. You don't know where one "state" ends, and "another" begins. There are no definitive demarcations.
  • 33. AMERICA: THE BRAND NAME 21 Even if there were, do you think weeds would recognize those man-made boundaries — only growing inside "Idaho," refusing to grow outside the borders of that "state?" No fucking way, and if you did, we both agree you'd be delusional. Akin to viewing no borders around "states," upon flying above the planet, you'll also find no delineations between "nations." So, if there are no "countries," that means there's no "America." And if there's no "America," how can there be "Americans?" The obvious answer is, there can't. Moreover, if "America" doesn't exist, than neither does "American ingenuity," "American ideals," "the American Dream," American Idol, the "American League," or
  • 34. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 22 "National League" — for that matter, since there are no "nations" — "American" flags, "American Pie," "America's" favorite this or that, or anything at all labelled "American" or with an "America." "It's the news 'America' trusts most." The "American Revolution." "American Airlines." If there's no "America," none of it's real, is it? It's just a sales pitch to coerce you into supporting those who've created it, so they can control as much of the population as possible. You buy shit all the time, simply because it's "American made," don't you? "I don't care if I'll be gettin' 23 more miles to the gallon in that thing! It's made in Taiwan, goddamnit! I'm buyin' American!"
  • 35. AMERICA: THE BRAND NAME 23 Since "America" is simply a marketing ploy, and doesn't exist in tactile form, Donald Trump's rallying cry — "Make America Great Again" — takes on new meaning. If "America" doesn't exist, then it's nothing palpable. Hence, what Trump is surreptitiously saying is: "Make Nothing Great Again," which he's obviously doing. Trump doesn't believe in "America." No president has. The word "America" is a brand name with which to sell the populace into enslavement. Again, you could've called this region Teddansonville. Create a fuckload of flags "representing" such, and beat it into people's skulls this area stands for "Happiness, Harmony and Hope." Folks would've bought the product, the same way they bought "America." Those selling this nothing would
  • 36. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 24 end up controlling you under the dominion of some other make-believe shit called Teddansonville. Feeling stupid for believing the obvious marketing ploy you've had plunged up your asshole, while forced down your throat? Good, because this only gets worse. Now that I've proven "countries" don't exist — and you're delusional if you believe they do — this also means there's no "Chinese food," nothing's "made in China," "made in India," nor "made in Japan." Just as there's no "Captain American," there's no "Russian winter," nor "English Breakfast tea." And since "countries" aren't real, how can
  • 37. AMERICA: THE BRAND NAME 25 "states" be, either? The answer is, they can't. The only thing tangible denoting one "state" from "another" is a fuckin' sign! People don't exist in "California," "Florida" nor "Tennessee," because "California," "Florida" and "Tennessee" don't exist. That said, you'll buy all kinds of crap — thereby supporting a monetary system designed to enslave you — because you're a "Titan fan." Since the land area of the globe has been parceled out among particular States ["countries"], one of the basic doctrines of the State was to identify itself with the territory it governed. Since most men tend to love their homeland, the identification of that land, and its people with the State, was a means of making natural patriotism work to the State's advantage. If Ruritania was being attacked by Waldavia, the first task of the State and its intellectuals, was to convince the
  • 38. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 26 people of Ruritania that the attack was really upon them, and not simply upon the ruling caste. In this way, a war between rulers was converted into a war between peoples, with each people coming to the defense of its rulers, in the erroneous belief that the rulers were defending them. — Anatomy of the State ** ** Anatomy of the State Superlative use of your brain, friend! You're not only locking the shackles around your wrists for your captors, you're segregating yourself from your species. Thereby, you're advocating the basic "divide and conquer" tactic being used to incarcerate you, and everyone else. If somebody you've never met walked up to you, asserting, "There's a 'state' around both of us, extending to the street corner, to
  • 39. AMERICA: THE BRAND NAME 27 the grocery store north of that, 53 feet to the west, and back again to where we stand," you'd tell 'em to go fuck themselves! Yet, you believe government-designated "state" boundaries exist, even though they're equally invisible. Do you like being taken advantage of, laughed at, and played for the fool?!
  • 40.
  • 41. 29 "SUCCESS" Evil triumphs only when good men do nothing. — The Man in the High Castle * * The Man in the High Castle
  • 42. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 30 This holiday season, give your family the gift of the truth: "Kids?" "Yeah, dad?" "Gather 'round! Dad's got somethin' special for ya'!" "What is it, dad?" "Yeah, dad. What'd ya' get us?" "Since we're all under one roof for the first time in years, I thought I'd give you guys the best gift ever!" "What?!" "Dad, c'mon. How're ya' gonna top the
  • 43. "SUCCESS" 31 corporate timeshares in Belize?" "Yeah, old man! Which numbered account in Switzerland are ya' gonna have to close, in order to pull this one off?" Heapin' helpins of hearty laughter rock the sizable den. "I know. I know. It's just that you've all grown up to be such 'successes.' I've hesitated for so long to, well— Let's just say this present eclipses all the others." Stares of wonder circulate the room. The old man's ebullient face becomes somber, as he drops his stare, obviously contemplative. His eyes watering, he pulls a handkerchief from his pocket, mitigating the onset of tears.
  • 44. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 32 "Dad, are you okay—?" "Yeah. Yeah. It's just that— Well I wish I would've told you sooner. Back then, I was so busy raising you guys, I—" Visibly shaken, the man lumbers over deep breaths, wiping away a waterfall from his sockets. "I'm ashamed to say it, but I— I didn't know." "Didn't know what, dad?" "Yeah, dad. Are you okay? What's got y'all torn up?" "I just don't want you to think any less of me, but I really didn't know, okay?" "Dad, this is gettin' weird. Are you alright?"
  • 45. "SUCCESS" 33 "What didn't you know, dad?" A painful pause. "That— That Santa Claus doesn't exist." The substantial lair erupts in laughter. "Nice, dad! Nice!" "This is the worst Christmas ever! Nobody told me!" More jocularity. Dad goes silent again, before continuing. "Yeah, he, uh— he doesn't exist, and — Let's see; how do I put this?" Gazing up, his eyes blood red, the floodgates release. "Fuck it. I'm just gonna say it."
  • 46. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 34 Turning his stare upon his immediate clan, he continues. "You're all slaves." An uncomfortable interlude. "Dad, what the hell are you talking about?" "Yeah, dad. Betty Ford called. They want you to come in for another 'consultation.' " The spacious dwelling explodes in laughter. "I'm not kidding!" It was the roar from the eldest lion that still brought the pride to attention. As quickly as the room had become jovial, the melancholic mood returned; all eyes focused on their patriarch. Composing himself, clarity emitted from his tongue the way it never had before.
  • 47. "SUCCESS" 35 "Now, I wish I had known this sooner, but I didn't. I didn't." Pacing, the old man bestows the ultimate present. "You're all slaves. Born into slavery, you'll be exterminated as such." Save for dad's voice, the room is more eerie than a cattle mutilation, witnessed real-time, in the deserted woods. "Since I chose to bring you guys into this situation, that would make me a— a bad parent. I fucked-up. I didn't research, before hauling your innocent lives into this scenario—" "Dad, c'mon—"
  • 48. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 36 "No, it's true! You're all slaves, and I chose to bring you here because — I don't know — I'd been brainwashed to believe that's what you do when you hit a certain age!" "Dad, have you honestly started drinking again?" "Yeah, dad. How can we all be slaves? Jeff netted 130 mill' last year, and he's on course to double that this quarter, alone—!" "It doesn't matter. Don't you see? None of that matters." "You're tryin' to tell us it doesn't matter how much we make—?!" "We don't make anything! Government makes the money; we just waste our perfectly good lives attempting to collect it.
  • 49. "SUCCESS" 37 It's a pyramid scheme." "Mom, is it me, or has dad become a conspiracy theorist?" More laughter, although this time it's rife with fear. "There's nothing theoretical about facts. I can prove what I'm saying. You guys are the most 'successful' businesspeople on the planet. How can you not recognize a well- orchestrated takeover like this?" "Check dad's Twitter feed, mom! It's probably full of messages from Alex Jones." More guffaws. "Tim, is America's Most Wanted still on TV? Turn it on. I bet we'll find dad featured on the
  • 50. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 38 next episode." Laughter overrides any erudition the sane man imparts to his insane children. "There is no 'America!' The word — let alone the concept — 'America' is a brand name! Consumers see it, and automatically equate it with honesty, integrity, quality—!" The room is raucous, obliterating dad's attempts to save his children. To quote Pat Benatar: "It's a little too little, a little too late." It doesn't matter, since dad is learning his own lesson: You can't save anybody. Only they can save themselves. You can, however, provide people with the key to unlock their shackles. Such stated, it's up to them to use it.
  • 51. "SUCCESS" 39 Two figures quietly convene at the back of the den, unnoticed by the shouting throng. The first is dad's eldest son; the second, dad's "loving" wife. They conclude their patriarch need be silenced, or they risk losing all they've worked so hard to steal from the populace. Conversing, they agree something need be done. The following day, dad is admitted to the hospital for a "psychiatric break." In response, he's prescribed a cocktail of benzodiazepines and SSRIs — a chemical lobotomy. A year later, he undergoes shock treatments. Six months ensuing, he suffers a massive coronary — due to the electrical injections to his frail frame. As a result, the "family fortune" remains
  • 52. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 40 intact — both his "loving" wife and eldest son receiving abundant portions of such in dad's last will and testament. "Every American wastes 290 pounds of food a year." I stared at the billboard, incredulous nobody was standing beside me, gazing up in disbelief. People bought this bullshit?! Like Insurance they never used, or cell phone apps they didn't need! You hear it ubiquitously. Brainwashed primogenitors admonishing their progeny: "Clean your plate! There are starving kids in China!" Folks honestly believing because we dutifully finish our dinners, human starvation across
  • 53. "SUCCESS" 41 the globe will be vanquished? Stand under that sign with me, and easily conclude what a ridiculous ideology such is! All pistons ain't pumpin', if you deduce by eating every last pea, some child on the other side of the globe is now safe. How can zealously ingesting your entire lunch possibly benefit anybody in China who doesn't have enough to eat?! Again, let's all breathe, and stop listening to authority — which your parents are, in this scenario. Does it sound like mom and dad had a fucking clue, when delivering this decree?! Of course not. They just wanted to further confirm, in your mind, they were in control. In addition, they paid for the grub, so they didn't want you wasting any of the cash they enslaved themselves to acquire.
  • 54. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 42 They didn't give a fuck if you were too full to finish, and by capitulating to their demand, became bloated and uncomfortable. They simply wanted to reaffirm this was an authoritative regime, in which they issued the orders, and you acquiesced. In addition, mom and dad actively referred to "China" as the enemy, and the people within that "nation" as "chinks." Why the hell would they suddenly care if children in this region were starving?! Since they'd deduced the "Chinese" were their adversaries, wouldn't it stand to reason mom and dad — dripping in menticide — would want the kids of "China" to die?! So, let's reduce that bitch-ass sign to fundamentals. "Every American wastes 290 pounds of food a year."
  • 55. "SUCCESS" 43 This statement appears on a massive billboard above a highway. As a result, we equate whomever placed it here with money. Would you have enough cash to pay for an advertising campaign of this magnitude, let alone the advertising space? Of course not. Hence, without even reading the sign, we immediately deduce whomever posted it has reached a level of "success" on the sloping cliff of this pyramid scheme. As such, we're more apt to believe whatever message is delivered in this manner, since most us equate this type of "achievement" with something to aspire to. It's the "if you see it on TV, it has more credibility than if you hear it on the street" mentality. It's Fox News versus "Fake News" — even
  • 56. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 44 though Fox News is fuckin' fake. And if you still don't believe mainstream media is a lie, ask yourself how Fukushima — three melted down nuclear reactors — can be raging out of control, drowning us all in radioactive fallout. Yet, the primary story from ABC to NBC, and everywhere corporate in between, is what some bloated pig — named Trump — Twittered! Should you fallaciously deduce dissemination of lies by corporate news has only been occurring the past few decades — read the following quote. The subsequent citation was published in 1908, via Jack London's novel The Iron Heel: The press in the United States? It is a parasitic growth that battens on the capitalist class. Its function is to serve the established by moulding public opinion […]. — The Iron Heel **
  • 57. "SUCCESS" 45 ** The Iron Heel Second, this statement is an obvious attempt to make somebody feel guilty. You've just informed an "American" they, themselves, are wasting 290 pounds of food a year. You didn't do this because you wanted that person to feel elated nor proud. You did so because you were desirous they feel culpable of malfeasance. If you were concerned about feeding everybody on the planet, you'd simply end the monetary system, and distribute everything freely to everyone. There's an overabundance of food — with which to easily feed each person. The only reason people are starving is because they don't have the cash to pay for that sustenance. Thus, the solution is more obvious than
  • 58. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 46 Oprah's evil. Now that we understand the directive of this billboard, let's address fundamentals, and see if they make sense. All authority is self-appointed. If somebody, or something, refers to him, her or itself as dominion, they've given themselves that position. There's no "magical," omniscient entity distributing ranks of power, and never has been. If you don't believe me, you must produce a palpable version of that organism, in order to validate your assertion. Because "authority" on this planet has bequeathed themselves this status, that means the president informed you he had the "right" to tell you what to do. It was then your
  • 59. "SUCCESS" 47 decision to believe whether or not he actually possessed that privilege. That also means your parents gave themselves the "right" to command you to do "this," and demand you do "that." They were informed such is "just the way things work" by their parents, and their parents before them. All those progenitors were apprised "such is the case" by those who run this system; i.e. "authority" — government, religious "leaders," etc. Again, a hierarchical system because somebody gave themselves the "right" to pretend to be an "authority." That domino effect was perpetuated when others followed suit, bestowing themselves the "right" to be such. In this fucked-up paradigm, when you're able
  • 60. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 48 to scream louder than the next guy, you're viewed as a "success." That term — in this irrational society — has nothing to do with the betterment of our species. It's solely determined by who the perceived "winner" is. Arguments are waged. They aren't engaged in so our kind will progress. All that matters, to this race — that's allowed itself to be turned ass-backwards — is who comes out on top. YouTube is replete with videos of "this guy" debating "that girl." Read viewers' comments of such. They're centered around who "won." Nobody gives a shit if beneficial conclusions were derived from these polemics. Nobody cares if humanity advanced in this process. You may have destroyed your species, but if
  • 61. "SUCCESS" 49 you collected billions of dollars doing so, you're somehow a "success"? What obvious psychopath wrote the manual on morals determining that lunacy?! Moreover, why are you such a dumb shit for perpetuating this madness?!?
  • 62.
  • 63. 51 BOILING FROGS AND SALAMI SLICING All the power [the State] has is what society gives it, plus what it confiscates from time to time on one pretext or another; there is no other sources from which State power can be drawn. Therefore every assumption of State power, whether by gift or seizure, leaves society with so much less power. — Our Enemy, the State * * Our Enemy, the State
  • 64. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 52 The caldron bubbled, burping steam. Green and wrapped in warts, the frog floated stoically amid the boiling water. Was this an uber brute, able to withstand being simmered in its own skin—?! Without warning, Verde Fantastico flipped on its back, more dead than freedom in "America." A blind porn actress at the center of a bukkake, the terminated toad hadn't seen anything comin'. One moment it was luxuriating; the next, it was a carcass. But that's the way it happens. Slowly. Fuckers don't drop ya' into a vat of scalding solution. You'd jump out if they did, right? Right?!
  • 65. BOILING FROGS AND SALAMI SLICING 53 Instead, they present you with a relaxing bath. Once immersed, they slowly increase the heat over a protracted period. In this way, the frog doesn't suspect a thing. And neither do you. One minute you're in some schoolyard sandbox, forcin' Ken dolls to autofellate their non-existent cocks; the next, you're takin' it up the ass from bureaucracy. It went from "safe at home with mom and dad," to a paper tiger IRS eviscerating your scrotum. The change was imperceptible, wasn't it? And that was only the beginning. As a "grown up," you'd maladroitly traverse a mine field of mini strokes, while the dick inside your anus mercilessly drilled deeper. All the while, you'd pretend you were happy, fulfilled, and
  • 66. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 54 actually doing something; anything at all! You'd recall when "a man could say whatever he wanted," but nowadays, they have laws against that type of thing. In actuality, government had never "allowed" anyone freedom of speech. You'd just been too busy playing frog to notice, as authority increased the heat, half a degree, every few months. One mandate "magically" forbade you from doing "this," while a year later, another banned you from doing "that." It had transpired so gradually, hadn't it? A threat here; a commination there. Never simultaneously, of course. All over a lengthy time frame, until one day the water around you was scalding, and you were on the brim of extinction.
  • 67. BOILING FROGS AND SALAMI SLICING 55 It's hasn't been conclusively determined whether one can boil a frog in this manner. If that's what you're concerned about, though, you've missed the point like a free throw shooter with no eyes, no hands, and no fucking basketball. You're the boiling frog, chillin', as self- appointed authority incrementally tightens the shackles with which you allow it to confine you. ** ** Boiling frog Pedro pressed the knife into the cured salami. A hunk of meat product detached from the phallic loaf, and that much less remained of the encased pork. Edacious, he engulfed the thin medallion of
  • 68. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 56 animal flesh, repeating the process three times, until he was satiated. He then produced a sheaf of parchment, in which he neatly wrapped the remainder of the sausage, and stored it within the clanking confines of his ratty icebox. Mold thrived along a crack in the wall here in Tucson. Summer in these parts was more brutal than watching George Soros' dehydrated penis enter anything. Pedro would circumvent expensive trips to the local beanery, by performing this carnivorous ritual thrice daily. Methodically adhering to this regimen, he'd devour his way through one salami stick per week. Doing so, he'd practice a sinister tactic employed by governments the planet over, in
  • 69. BOILING FROGS AND SALAMI SLICING 57 order to disenfranchise our entire species. It's a stratagem known as salami slicing, and its premise is as simple as it gets. Detach diminutive portions of a salami stick from their whole. Do so on a regular basis, and soon enough you'll have dismantled the entire loaf. *** *** Salami slicing Akin to salami slicing, we allow government to steadily chop bits of us away, until there's nothing left of who we are. This process is perpetrated incrementally; a little freedom here, a little there, until one day we realize, none of it remains. A similar version of this strategy is known as sorites paradox, and it goes like this:
  • 70. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 58 One at a time, you remove grains from a sand pile. It takes a while, but eventually that heap is no more. Since you disperse granules without order, when you're through, there's no sign the mound ever existed. At what point does the pile cease to be such? At what moment in this subtractive process is the mound no longer a mound? After removing how many parts does the edifice fail to be what it once was, and become something different? **** **** Sorites paradox Was our society ever free, or had it always been incarcerated? Had it never been that pile of sand we fallaciously believed it was? When it comes to the present version of "America" — "America 2.0," if you will — so
  • 71. BOILING FROGS AND SALAMI SLICING 59 many people invoke sorites paradox: "The current regime is corrupt! It's nothing like what America used to be." "America was sold to the corporations decades ago. This is exactly what the founding fathers were attempting to warn us against." "This isn't America anymore! This is a corporate coup d'etat. We have to restore our freedom; our liberty!" I'm gonna puke! Lemme off this fucked-up ferris wheel! So many curse present regimes, asserting "America" has been hijacked by thieves. But the "United States" was never what you were brainwashed to believe it was. This fictional
  • 72. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 60 region has never been a beacon of democracy; a safe haven for freedom. How could it have been? The make-believe ideology of the "United States" was created by money-hoarding slave owners. How can you rationally conclude whatever this group produced was anything but something that served them? You've docked a ship in a harbor. Since you aren't sailing the vessel, but it still resides in the water, it's exposed to the elements. Over time, portions of the boat rot. In response, you replace these individual boards, planks and sails, until — after decades — none of the original ship remains. The entire boat is comprised of completely different parts than it had originally been.
  • 73. BOILING FROGS AND SALAMI SLICING 61 The question arises: Is this the same ship it was in its nascent state? Say the vessel is named the Grey Anus. Since none of the original craft remains, can you honestly refer to this new boat as the Grey Anus? This mind fuck is known as the Ship of Theseus, and it leads to yet another enigma: As technology advances, you're able to refurbish the rotted pieces of the original ship — which you've kept in storage. As such, you do so, and rebuild the authentic boat. Now, you've got two vessels: the refurbished version, and the one built from new pieces. Which is the real Grey Anus? *****
  • 74. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 62 ***** Ship of Theseus First off, people presuppose "America" exists. It — akin to every other "commonwealth" — doesn't. Fly above the planet in a commercial airliner, and gaze down. You'll find no borders around any "country." Ask yourself how a "nation" can exist one minute, and cease to, the next. That doesn't make sense. One "country" conquers "another," and that second "nation" instantly vanishes?! How is that possible?! The land upon which the routed "country" resided hasn't changed! The lakes and rivers within that "nation" remain the same. The only thing that has altered is belief. Now people conclude there's something new
  • 75. BOILING FROGS AND SALAMI SLICING 63 there…even though there isn't. Second, if "America" doesn't exist, than neither do copies of it. You awaken to more snorting than an active coke party in the Hollywood Hills. The tent is as dark and frigid as a Michelle Obama inspirational speech. If it's this cold inside, you don't wanna contemplate how soul-freezing it must be outside. Around you, the shelter agitates, some outside force acting upon it. As your eyes acclimate to the scant illumination, you're able to discern the source of the sound. A gigantic nose is entering your tent. In the pre-dawn, you've discerned an enormous pair of nostrils;
  • 76. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 64 beneath them, an upturned mouth, replete with square, yellow teeth — each the size of a Triscuit. To some slippery-suited businessman — traveling for the first time to this arid region — such would seem the vestiges of a nocturnal nightmare. Since you've been in the desert for months, however, you quickly deduce what's happening. The nose pushes further into the confines, exposing a camel's head, to which it's attached. The head produces a neck sprouting from a body. Too groggy to care, you watch as the dromedary — seeking warmth — incrementally enters, until the entire beast is sharing the hogan with you.
  • 77. BOILING FROGS AND SALAMI SLICING 65 You'd rather not room with a creature that reeks of piss and shit. Too lazy to do anything about it, however, you gaze on as the camel slowly takes advantage of your lassitude. Had you been awake, things would've been different. Had the camel attempted to enter the tent in one overt act, you would've stopped it. However, this was a slow, deliberate attack. As a result, the vertebrate achieved its goal. Such is otherwise known as creeping normality, or the camel's nose. If you want to implement a mandate, to which you're certain the populace will object, do so incrementally. Introduce decrees that slowly, stealthily, strip the population of their "rights," and eventually you'll achieve your directive. ******
  • 78. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 66 ****** Camel's nose You hunger to cull the masses, and cripple the population. If you attempt to do so in one maneuver, you'll be met with opposition too great to overcome. Initiate death by a thousand cuts — vanquishing not by one incursion, but multitudinous, smaller onslaughts, imperceptible to the masses. The proletariat is conquered without recognition from whence, nor how, such occurred. A thousand small lacerations — each draining blood — will just as readily kill as one, massive lesion.
  • 79. 67 TO SERVE MAN Mourn not the dead that in the cool earth lie […] But rather mourn the apathetic throng The cowed and the meek Who see the world's great anguish and its wrong And dare not speak! — Ralph Chaplin * * Ralph Chaplin
  • 80. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 68 Even after overwhelming evidence — provided via my publications — proving this paradigm is an illusion, many remain obstinate to admit our environment is a hoax. For further confirmation, consider the plight of the food server. Epitomizing the blue collar demographic, bussers, waiters and waitresses perpetually struggle to keep a roof over their heads, and sustenance on their tables. Let's examine what a food server does, exposing the hallucination they harbor. A food server pretends the entire time they're on the clock. First off, they don't want to be present at what they refer to as their "job," or "career."
  • 81. TO SERVE MAN 69 In fact, they often assert to wishing they were anywhere but their particular "vocation." While in the dining room, kitchen or bar, they constantly count down the minutes, until they're allowed to depart. Yet, they continue to perform tasks they loathe, spuriously informing managers they're enjoying themselves, and love being in a position they obviously hate. Thus, pretending, and perpetuating the illusion. In order to accomplish these undertakings they abhor, servers ask people they've never met whether said folks prefer steak or shrimp, burgers or tacos, salad or soup. Why the hell would anyone care about the sustenance proclivities of people they don't know, and have no desire to meet? If you wandered up to a stranger, and
  • 82. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 70 continually barraged them with questions about their comestible predilections, you'd be arrested. Yet, doing so, in exchange for scraps of fabric — i.e. cash — is cool?!? You don't give two shits what strangers like to eat. Nobody sane would. That said, you're definitely feigning to care, and care deeply. Again, the furthering of the illusion. In turn, the diner bluffs you're engrossed by what he or she ingests. Hence, he lies to him or herself you want to be in their presence, determining what their favorite food is at the moment. When a busser or waiter overtly doesn't care what some random person wants to devour, the client in question becomes offended the server no longer wants pretend.
  • 83. TO SERVE MAN 71 "The service here is terrible! Medium is pink all the way through; which this clearly wasn't. That steak was a piece of shoe leather! But that son of a bitch acted like he didn't care!" That's because the waiter didn't care, and was being honest. And don't people bitch perpetually about how dishonest others are? Yet, when somebody exhibits honesty, suddenly folks are aghast at this display. The waiter was acting logically in this case; not caring how some person he'd never met wanted his steak prepared. The customer was acting illogically, expecting the server to pretend. In this scenario, the client desperately wants the waiter to return to the illusion; re-enter the matrix; come back to the system. It scares the customer that:
  • 84. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 72 A) there's something outside this system he's come to erroneously believe is reality, and B) one of his fellow incarcerates is escaping. That would mean he, too, would be forced with a choice: stay inside the matrix, or liberate. Of course, the latter would mean abandoning all he'd worked so hard to create, inside this system. The latter would mean undermining everything he believed was real. For many, that's too scary. If you can't see the severe retardation in this scenario, you're profoundly brainwashed, and should return to the illusion, watching whatever the fuck's on TV. So, now you've got an entire dining room playing make-believe. Not only are the servers pretending, but so too are the
  • 85. TO SERVE MAN 73 customers. If your venue has a seating capacity of 500 folk, and you're full, that's 500 people — not including the food servers — in one place, pretending. That's a fuckload of hard drives — human minds — in one area, working to generate an illusion! That's an immense amount of adverse energy. Realize said clientele is turned over constantly, so that 500 might equate to thousands, throughout a 24 hour period! Now consider how many restaurants and bars there are across the planet. Countless numbers of transmitters of negative vibrations! A fuck ton of people — a prodigious portion of them angry over their situation — pretending.
  • 86. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 74 Now that's an illusion! We haven't even considered the chefs, cooks, managers, etc. — who don't want to be there — and are also playing make- believe. And how about all the drive-thru slaves, fast food incarcerates, room service vassals, etc.? Do you honestly think they give a flying fuck whether you prefer Sprite or Sierra Mist, Coke or Pepsi, rye toast or wheat?! And since so many people dine in restaurants, you're not only talkin' a commodious portion of the population lying, but lying to themselves. I almost made it through this entire chapter without vociferating, "It's a cookbook!"
  • 87. 75 BLIND MEN AND AN ELEPHANT Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think. — Werner Heisenberg * * Werner Heisenberg
  • 88. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 76 Six blind men — who had never heard of, nor experienced elephants — are placed in the presence of a pachyderm, and asked to describe it. Obviously, much of perception for these dudes is based upon touch. Hence, the first man grasps the elephant's trunk, determining the animal is long and cylindrical in shape. The second runs his hand along the immense creature's ear, deducing these mammals are similar to giant fans. The third comes in contact with the beast's leg, concluding these vertebrates are substantial pillars, similar to tree trunks. When the fourth man slides his hand across the beast's belly, he surmises the brute is akin to a wall.
  • 89. BLIND MEN AND AN ELEPHANT 77 Gripping the elephant's tail, the fifth man equates the animal to a rope. The sixth, and final, man feels the creature's tusk, and comes to the conclusion elephants are similar to spears — long, polished-smooth and hard. The point of this parable — which originates from Buddhist, Hindu and Jain texts — is that everyone experiences things differently. Although we're subject to the same environment, we interpret it individually. ** ** Blind men and an elephant When reduced to fundamentals, nobody actually experiences anything. Our sensory receptors — ears, eyes, fingers, mouths, etc. — collect data from the environment. We
  • 90. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 78 spend our time deciphering what this information means. Such stated, although our perception of things differs, reality remains the same. We may perceive truth a variety of ways, but that truth appears to be a constant. Once we erroneously believe each person has his or her own reality, you've got seven billion versions of such on the planet. That opens an ingress to duplicity. You can prove to people the U.S. government has nuked its own populace on over 1,000 occasions, to which they can refute, "Well, that's your interpretation of things." No, a nuclear detonation is a nuclear detonation. And when you've perpetrated such on someone else, you've nuked them.
  • 91. BLIND MEN AND AN ELEPHANT 79 In addition, I can provide you with a list of each and every atomic and thermonuclear "test" the government conducted upon you. In conjunction, I can bestow photographic proof of those "trials," as well as filmed evidence, witness and written testimony. Again, truth is truth. It's constant. A person's perception of truth, on the other hand, will vary. What we observe is not nature in itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning. — Werner Heisenberg *** *** Werner Heisenberg Moreover, the ideology of consensus gentium — otherwise known as argumentum ad populum — is bullshit. Consensus gentium is
  • 92. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 80 the spurious idea that if enough people believe in something, it becomes truth; it becomes reality. This theory can be refuted via multitudinous, ubiquitous examples: Almost everybody on Earth believes in "America." Again, though, you can fly above the planet in a commercial jet, look down, not see any borders, and thereby prove the damned thing doesn't exist. Just because a fuckload of indoctrinated idiots believe it's there, doesn't make it "magically" appear. Most of the moronic masses are religiously certain money is exceptionally valuable. That said, when you're stranded — with no communication to the rest of your species — perishing of thirst, you still can't drink that duffel bag on your back filled with 50 dollar
  • 93. BLIND MEN AND AN ELEPHANT 81 bills. It doesn't matter how many folks ardently assert cash has value. Their belief in such obviously doesn't make it so. Even though at least 2.2 billion brainwashed boneheads believe Jesus Christ existed, this doesn't change the fact there is zero historical evidence to substantiate such. Solely because a group of greasy gonads are scared shitless about not havin' a fun place to go after they're exterminated, doesn't make the mascot of that asinine amusement park any more real. Get it? Look around. The effects of a belief in consensus gentium smother you. Everywhere you gaze, folks gaggin' down the most ludicrous horse shit, simply because the douche bag next to them thinks it's so.
  • 94. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 82 Because the guy beside him assumes the same, their ignorant parents supposed such, and the giant-headed assholes on TV wrapped this shit package in a pretty box, it's just gotta' be fuckin' real! "Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride! Shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry! Look at my big bank account, and my family. This just has to be real." — Bill Hicks **** **** Bill Hicks What's more, it's never defined how many people are necessary for consensus gentium to be valid. If a population consists of one million, how many of those have to believe in something, before it becomes real?
  • 95. BLIND MEN AND AN ELEPHANT 83 If you've a group of 10, how many of those need to conclude something is truth, before it becomes such? Are we talkin' a percentage here, or a set-in- stone figure? If you've asserted the latter, than the answer needs to be 10 or fewer, in response to a pair of populations — one 10 in number, the other one million. So, 10 out of a million? One out of a million? And what if Earth is literally a mental institution of this cosmos — which seems more likely every day — and everybody on the planet is insane? Most within our society just assume our populace is rational; the basic bricks upon which we're built, logical. Thus, the preponderance of people simply believe — without questioning — the path were taking is judicious.
  • 96. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 84 But what if they're wrong? What if we're literally lunatics? What if a handful of us have rewritten our hard drives, and hence, gone sane? And what if that minute portion exhibiting logic are screaming at the other asylum inmates to awaken to reality? If all those who are crazy continue believing in things that aren't real, will it still make those things so? Will that somehow override the immutable facts the scant minority is showing everyone else? If you absurdly believe so, renew your subscription to O magazine, and continue deep-throating Ellen's flaccid, hair-entangled mule cock! When it comes to gathering information, and interpreting such, humans are extremely limited in their abilities. How can they not be?
  • 97. BLIND MEN AND AN ELEPHANT 85 They aren't even seasoning in an unfathomable cosmogonic soup. They reside on a grain of salt — Earth — within a vat of goupy goulash — this Universe. They've barely been off that infinitesimal island. How could they comprehend anything, except that within their limited scope? Moreover, with the distinct probability of alternate dimensions — which we've yet to understand, much less see — our receptors appear inadequate. I'd rather have questions I can't answer, than answers I can't question. In a paradigm in which we're imprisoned, understanding what everything is about becomes remarkably difficult. Mired in menticide, drowning in the drudgery of 9- to-5, sandblasted with subterfuge, we're left
  • 98. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 86 to struggle, in order to comprehend. Just an author's interjection here, in hopes of elucidating what a sick society we've become. We all require genitals, in order to manifest into our corporeal forms. Without a pair of balls, a cunt and a dick, I wouldn't be viewable in this flesh suit, and neither would anybody else on what folks are callin' Earth. Even so, we've been brainwashed to believe our genitalia are taboo — the stuff of demonic thoughts. I drove past a massive billboard the other day, which read: "Lust Kills. Jesus Saves." Any person having reached the age of understanding mom and dad had to fuck, in order for them to be around, can shred that sign to subatomic particles. If the parents of those who produced that billboard didn't feel
  • 99. BLIND MEN AND AN ELEPHANT 87 lust, the creators of that sign wouldn't have existed in flesh form, and that admonishment wouldn't have been created. So, back to the six blind men and the elephant. How come none of these "sight- impaired" dudes reached up and grabbed those massive huevos the pachyderm was sportin' — given the beast was male, of course? Why didn't any of these characters double-fist elephant cock? Because we exist in a fake society — an illusion — where we need the truth to not only be watered down, but washed away. After all, if you water something down long enough, it dissipates, until it appears to be gone, doesn't it? In reality, it still exists; it's simply dispersed into separate particles. "Six blind elephants were discussing what
  • 100. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 88 men were like. After arguing, they decided to find one, and determine [such, based upon] direct experience. The first blind elephant felt the man and declared, 'Men are flat.' After the other blind elephants felt the man, they agreed." ***** ***** Blind men and an elephant
  • 101. 89 THE RIP VAN WINKLE CAPER Self-awareness can be tampered with by brainwashing, psychoactive drugs, electrical stimulation, political or religious propaganda, even advertising. A lifetime in front of a TV set may be the equivalent of a self-transplant. — Chet Raymo * * Chet Raymo
  • 102. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 90 If you're of the mindset gold is extraordinarily valuable, watch episode 24, season two of the original Twilight Zone series. The segment in question — The Rip Van Winkle Caper — goes a little somethin' like this: Introducing four experts in the questionable art of crime: Mr. Farwell, expert on noxious gases, former professor, with a doctorate in both chemistry and physics; Mr. Erbie, expert in mechanical engineering; Mr. Brooks, expert in the use of firearms and other weaponry; and Mr. DeCruz, expert in demolition and various forms of destruction. The time is now, and the place is a mountain cave in Death Valley, U.S.A. In just a moment, these four men will utilize the services of a truck placed in cosmoline, loaded with a hot heist cooled off by a century of sleep, and then take a drive into The Twilight Zone. — Rod Serling ** ** Rod Serling
  • 103. THE RIP VAN WINKLE CAPER 91 Brainwashed into believing gold is priceless, four criminals steal $1,000,000 of it from a train headed to Fort Knox. This band of thieves then hide out within a cave in Death Valley, California. It's here Mr. Farwell — one of the defalcators — has placed pods in which the men can sleep indefinitely, remain alive, and not age a day. After a century, their crime will have been forgotten. At that point, the felons can awaken, sell the gold, and amass a fortune. Following 100 years of slumber, the men arise, only to discover a skeleton in Mr. Erbie's chamber — a rock having dislodged from the ceiling of the cave, shattering the housing of his particular pod. Awash with avarice, DeCruz runs Brooks down with the moving truck the team are
  • 104. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 92 employing as a getaway vehicle. Immediately afterward, the maniacal motorist drives the car into a gully, rendering the truck inoperable. DeCruz and Farwell — the two remaining criminals — are thus forced to walk through the desert, in searing heat, lugging as much gold as they can carry in backpacks. After the latter misplaces his canteen, the former sells him water, at one sip per gold bar. As the liquid dwindles, DeCruz demands two bars per sip. In response, Farwell pummels his rapacious cohort with one of the bullion, thereby killing his sole remaining partner. Farwell is then left to wander alone, burdened by the excessive weight of the metal attached to his back. Exhausted, but driven
  • 105. THE RIP VAN WINKLE CAPER 93 by cupidity, he reluctantly abandons bars of the commodity, incrementally. Eventually, the man passes out, too debilitated to continue. The felon regains consciousness, only to discover a futuristic figure standing above him. In desperation, Farwell bestows the one remaining bar he possesses, for water. Before this newcomer can reply, Farwell expires. Returning to his car, the man informs his wife the person they've discovered on the road has died. The unnamed character notes how bizarre it was the convict had offered him bullion, since gold is now manufactured in this futuristic society. Thus, this metal hasn't been viewed as valuable — let alone priceless — for eons.
  • 106. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 94 In closing, Rod Serling imparts the following: The last of four Van Winkles, who all died precisely the way they lived, chasing an idol across the sand to wind up bleached dry in the hot Sun as so much desert flotsam, worthless as the gold bullion they built a shrine to. Tonight's lesson — in the Twilight Zone. — Rod Serling *** *** Rod Serling Ibid. Known as the paradox of value — often termed the diamond-water paradox — it's premise is simple. Even though water is imperative to survival, and diamonds aren't, the latter is exceedingly more expensive. **** **** Diamond-water paradox
  • 107. THE RIP VAN WINKLE CAPER 95 This lapse in common sense was presented not only by philosopher Adam Smith, but also Nicolaus Copernicus and John Locke. Such an inconsistency in logic exemplifies the deranged nature of the current human psyche, and how brainwashed we've allowed ourselves to become. Muster up a sizable breeze. Toss 100 dollar bills into the wind, and watch people risk their lives, chasing these useless pieces of paper into speeding traffic. This is lunacy, and if you can't see such, you're brainwashed, as well. Conversely, toss gallons of water — vital to all our survival — into a busy motorway, and people won't look twice. In An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of
  • 108. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 96 the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith stated: The word VALUE, it is to be observed, has two different meanings, and sometimes expresses the utility of some particular object, and sometimes the power of purchasing other goods which the possession of that object conveys. The one may be called "value in use;" the other, "value in exchange." The things which have the greatest value in use have frequently little or no value in exchange; on the contrary, those which have the greatest value in exchange have frequently little or no value in use. Nothing is more useful than water; but it will purchase scarcely anything; scarcely anything can be had in exchange for it. A diamond, on the contrary, has scarcely any use-value; but a very great quantity of other goods may frequently be had in exchange for it. — Adam Smith ***** ***** Adam Smith Ibid. "I'd never kill anybody over inanimate objects," you proclaim.
  • 109. THE RIP VAN WINKLE CAPER 97 Yet you hasten your own demise every time you "work" in exchange for natively useless pieces of paper called cash. Thanks to your blind pursuit of money, you perpetuate this system that's been enslaving and executing us all, since its inception.
  • 110.
  • 111. 99 THE BIG FUCKIN' NOTHING There are causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for. — Albert Camus * * Albert Camus
  • 112. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 100 Your dad talked politics. His dad rambled about the political. You, in turn, do the same. Not only did things fail to get better during grandpa's era, they became far worse. Dad's epoch? A steady decline. When it comes to your generation, we're talkin' a perpetual spiral into the perfidious. Then why would you: A) continue to discuss politics, and B) irrationally believe when those in the future — your kids, their kids, etc. — talk about the political, we should expect anything but more of the same? Barack Obama promised change,…and he
  • 113. THE BIG FUCKIN' NOTHING 101 delivered. Things changed, all right. They got worse. All these politicians guarantee change, and — akin to Barry O — they all produce, when the nightmare in which we reside becomes more egregious. "But things have gotten better?" you meekly declare, pointing to how the average person now exists in the splendor kings would've enjoyed 1,000 years ago. Prove it! Given over 50 percent of the human population on this planet survives on $2.50 per day or less, the "average" person is laboring simply to breathe. Due to the fact 40 percent of any
  • 114. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 102 demographic currently existing will contract cancer during their lifetimes, and cancer was unheard of 1,000 years ago… Were we all moments from nuclear annihilation, every breath we took, 500 years in the past? No, things haven't gotten better, have they? In fact, they've become so detrimental, we're now on the verge — and have been for decades — of exterminating ourselves. This means complete eradication of our species from this planet. That was a claim one could not validly make — much less comprehend — 1,000 years ago. Hence, if you obtusely believe the ability to play video games with people on the other
  • 115. THE BIG FUCKIN' NOTHING 103 side of the globe denotes "improvement," keep repeating the rhetoric of the architects of this dystopia. Pretend Fukushima isn't continuously drowning us in radioactive fallout, with no sign of mitigation — something that definitely couldn't be claimed 500 years ago. Make believe "your own government" hasn't nuked you on over 1,000 occasions, and disguised such as "tests." Again, another assertion that wasn't made a millennia prior. Lie to yourself we don't have hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive waste — that will be lethal for billions of years — for which we've no method of disposal. "What's the matter, Chinaski?" she asked. "I've given up," I said. "You mean politics?" she asked.
  • 116. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 104 "I mean politics," I said. […] I walked out. — South of No North: Stories of the Buried Life ** ** South of No North: Stories of the Buried Life Politics is nothing. Look up the word. The definition of "politics" is: "the practice or profession of conducting political affairs." *** *** definition of the word politics Great! That explains so much! So, "politics" is defined as "political"…which tells us absolutely fuckin' nothing.
  • 117. THE BIG FUCKIN' NOTHING 105 Guess I'll have to look up the word "political" to get clarity here. Only problem is, when I do, I find that "political" means: "of, or relating to, or concerned with politics." **** **** definition of the word political Fuck! We're right back where we started. Would you expect anything less from a word delineating what politicians do? Politicians: the epitome of what we all refer to as corrupt; duplicitous disseminators of subterfuge. That's why when the ignorant refer to my writing as "political," it's because they have no other term with which to define truth. They've been brainwashed their entire
  • 118. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 106 time on this planet to believe that politics is real, necessary, and encompasses any discourse in regard to human endeavors. Politics is none of those three things, since politics is the big fuckin' nothing. I refuse to speak about politics, since I refuse to waste my time with something that doesn't exist, and was solely created to obfuscate the populace. Those who refer to my work as "political" are being influenced by linguistic relativity — an inability to understand ideas, because there are no terms for them in their language. George Orwell broached this subject in 1984, when The Inner Party toiled assiduously to create Newspeak — a new language with as few words as possible. Hence, if the populace didn't have a term for an ideology, they
  • 119. THE BIG FUCKIN' NOTHING 107 would be far less likely to ever think of that idea. The state claims and exercises the monopoly of crime. It forbids private murder, but itself organizes murder on a colossal scale. It punishes private theft, but itself lays unscrupulous hands on anything it wants — whether the property of citizen, or of alien. — Albert Jay Nock ***** ***** Albert Jay Nock We take it for granted it's imperative we have an economy, and never ask why. Our parents rambled on about "the poor state of the economy," as their progenitors did before them, and so on. None of the generations ever stopped to ask: A) what an economy is, and
  • 120. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 108 B) why we need one. As stated in my earlier works, the term "economizing" means "frugality," ****** and there's nothing frugal about a system based in debt; i.e. the monetary system. ****** synonyms of the word frugality Money is simply an IOU. You give me something of value — a refrigerator, perhaps — and in return, I bequeath you useless strips of cloth, known as money. One can't eat, drink, nor inhale cash. It's valueless to humans. I now have the means to store food for an extended period of time, and you have an IOU that won't get you anything, should the monetary system end tomorrow.
  • 121. THE BIG FUCKIN' NOTHING 109 The economy that's fake, anyway? — Bill Hicks ******* ******* The Economy That's Fake Anyway But let's pretend an economy actually means something. It's never explained to us what that something is. "I'm fucked! The economy's in the toilet!" In response, one races into the bathroom, only to discover, you guessed it, no economy. Well, then where is this alleged economy that's causing so much misery? When I look out my window, I can't see it anywhere. No matter how far I drive, I'm unable to find the economy. Nobody can produce the economy, because it's a fictional ideology.
  • 122. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 110 Yet, we allow this made-up nothing to determine whether we're exterminated. That's fuckin' stupid, and we're idiots for bequeathing such power to anything, let alone something nobody can prove exists! Why would something that isn't keep us from preventing errant asteroids from destroying our species? Could we enact a more insane ideology, since we have the technical ability to stop from being erased by eventualities this Universe will throw our way? All the great governments of the World — those now existing, as well as those that have passed away — have been […] mere bands of robbers who have associated for purposes of plunder, conquest and the enslavement of their fellow men. And their laws, as they have called them, have been only such agreements as they have found it necessary to enter into, in order to maintain their organizations, and act together in plundering and enslaving others, and in securing to each his agreed share of the spoils.
  • 123. THE BIG FUCKIN' NOTHING 111 All these laws have had no more real obligation than had the agreements in which brigands, bandits and pirates find it necessary to enter into with each other for the more successful accomplishment of their crimes […]. Thus, substantially, all the legislation of the World has had its origin in the desires of one class of persons to plunder and enslave others, and hold them as property. — Natural Law ******** ******** Natural Law So, none of us can produce a physical economy, but we're all gonna worship it, and forfeit our lives for it... Sounds like a god, doesn't it? Hmmm… Could that be why every denomination of
  • 124. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 112 "U.S" currency has the phrase "In God We Trust" printed on it? In a logical society, wouldn't citizens work together, in order to ensure natural forces don't destroy their species? Why would anybody need an economy — of which nobody can produce a tactile example — in order to do such? Doesn't that seem an unnecessary step, that would become disastrous, if we allowed it to keep us from protecting our kind? Of course it does, but we're not talkin' a logical society, here. We're talkin' a bunch of entities eager to sacrifice their lives for useless pieces of paper called cash. Fun fuckin' times, huh? So, in the end, we're still left with the
  • 125. THE BIG FUCKIN' NOTHING 113 economy: Something that doesn't exist, but we all idolize. Something we pretend has kept us from protecting ourselves against the natural forces of this Universe. "We just don't have the money to create a second power grid." "Mitigation of the disaster at Fukushima would cost somewhere on the order of 20 trillion dollars. Where are we gonna find that type of money?" "We'd have to allocate funding we don't have, in order to create a deflection system to prevent errant asteroids from striking the Earth." Excellent job, guys! Belief in this economy thing is par for the course for you stupid fuckers!
  • 126. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 114 When you hear somebody talking about an economy, they're either: A) ignorant of reality, or B) attempting to implement a system by which they can control everyone. Imagine a paradigm without "countries." Although you currently reside in such a scenario — since "nations" only exist within our minds — envision an epoch in which everyone on the planet experienced clarity, and didn't believe in "countries," anymore. How would "leaders" coerce us to wage war? Who would they declare as the enemy? Deer? Corn?
  • 127. THE BIG FUCKIN' NOTHING 115 Whiskers? These psychopaths we've been brainwashed to believe are our "commanders" need us to believe in "countries." If we don't, they no longer have anyone to declare our enemies. And without enemies, how do you wage war? Without enemies, there's nobody to fight. And without altercation and strife, there's peace. With peace comes no need for government. Without that turmoil, those within bureaucracy wouldn't be able to explain why they're paid so much for "protecting" us. Ratiocinate rationally about this: You meet people from "China" and "Russia" all the time. You never inherently hunger to kill them. People get along just fine, when
  • 128. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 116 interacting with each other. Only when you add government to the mix do tensions mount. It's only on TV you hear the war cry trumpeted against people you're perfectly happy interacting with on your own. Does the proletariat declare war? Never. Only government declares war. Every time I hear a political speech or I read those of our leaders, I am horrified at having, for years, heard nothing which sounded human. It is always the same words telling the same lies. And the fact that men accept this, that the people's anger has not destroyed these hollow clowns, strikes me as proof that men attribute no importance to the way they are governed; that they gamble — yes, gamble — with a whole part of their life and their so called "vital interests." — Albert Camus º
  • 129. THE BIG FUCKIN' NOTHING 117 º Albert Camus
  • 130.
  • 131. 119 REAL MONSTERS Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions. — Primo Levi * * Primo Levi
  • 132. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 120 The corroded machete cleaved the man's frontal lobe. Half the bastard's skull detached with his exploding brain. His face dripped into a heap around his chin. The platitudinous Jerry Cheevers goalie mask emerged from the thicket. Even though the fucker had been vigorously slaughtered numerous times prior, Jason Voorhees was back, and slaying anything with a pulse. Eviscerated bowels — including their contents — caked beneath his rotting, urine- hued fingernails. As the slasher exterminated more souls than Fat Man did in the flash of a fuse, his heart rate never rose above what sleeping citizens would display, while in REM. Locks of lacerated intestines slung over both broken shoulders, he plowed through the populace like terrorist U.S. forces did
  • 133. REAL MONSTERS 121 downtown Baghdad. An audience chasing the adrenaline dragon, and rollin' on high fructose corn syrup, watched intently from the safety of their Syufy seats. The onlookers were comfortable at this distance. They felt secure, knowing the lurid carnage was: A) in two dimensions, while they themselves existed in three, and B) as gory as it appeared, nonetheless fake. You're a kid, and of course you thrill at the prospect of being terrified by monsters on screen. You're observing such as a third party, knowing what you're experiencing will end. On the drive home, your dad commandeers a
  • 134. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 122 diatribe about "real monsters" walking among us. The concept seems foreign. If such is the case, how come you've never laid eyes on an H.R. Giger, metallic mammoth binging on the bully next door? Dad seems pretty fuckin' certain about this, and you trust his proclamations, because you've been brainwashed to believe in "authority." That said, could he have somehow gotten this one wrong? Is it possible all he asserted prior hit the bullseye, but this dart flew astray — not even headed toward the board? Could dad have been more full of shit than Dick Cheney on an Imodium overdose? Is it possible everything he predicated was as wrong as the government's version of 9/11?
  • 135. REAL MONSTERS 123 Could you have failed to realize this, until now? Could you simply have been blinded by the fact this was "dad"? No, that wasn't the case. Dad had been right about a number of things, hadn't he? Reviewing what you'd assumed was a laundry list, you couldn't recall a salient subject dad had pontificated about that proved true. That wasn't to say he'd been wrong. You just couldn't remember him being right. A blazing arrow piercing the murky muck of your myopic mental musings, dad spun in the driver's seat of the green Mazda — replete with rotary engine. "People will tell ya' you're crazy, Hugh. They tell your dad that all the time!" Stopped at the traffic light, he was raging in third
  • 136. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 124 person. He did that, when he was ranting. "You just stick to your guns, kiddo! Once you're able to see those demons, no matter what anybody says, you just stick to your guns!" " 'Demons?!' " you quietly contemplated, gazing out the backseat window at a crowd milling in front of a strip mall. You'd never seen any demons, but you thought it would be cool if you did! It would be a real adventure, like in the movies, or on afternoon Creature Features. "I know you can't see 'em yet, little man, but real life monsters are out there, and out there all the time." But these weren't the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around — they were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal
  • 137. REAL MONSTERS 125 you don't recognize them for what they are until it's too late. — Ransom Riggs ** ** Ransom Riggs "Dad's gotta be out of his mind," you concluded. There was no other explanation. As badly as you wanted to see moving mutants, they didn't appear to be there. And then, one day, you saw one. Fucker looked just like you, me, or anyone else, yet it was far more hideous than Alien, the Predator, and high definition photos of Jeff Sessions performing auto-analingus. This monster wore a suit five sizes too small, outlining his underdeveloped testicles at the podium where reporters snapped his photo. It
  • 138. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 126 was here he hollered a few words that resulted in millions annihilated with mortars, missiles and depleted uranium. Without raisin' a blade, this dude laid to waste two and a half million! By comparison, Voorhees wasn't even minor league! What'd he do? A hundred and fifty? Tops?! Remember John Carpenter's The Thing? The monster in that 1982 flick was creepier than awakening beside Oprah, as she sported a strap-on rolling pin — a trail of blood from the handle to your prolapsed anus. Carpenter's corpuscle-crunching creature was able to assimilate an infinite number of entities, duplicating whomever it devoured. Not only did this demon replicate physical form, it also assumed the characteristics, memory and personality of those it ingested.
  • 139. REAL MONSTERS 127 Hence, it was able to perfectly hide among the populace. Although the beast morphed into hideously gruesome combinations of inside-out intestines, the terror was paramount when the demon was nowhere to be seen. It was then neither the characters, nor the viewers, knew which person was The Thing, and which was human. Fear of one's fellow Homo sapien was palpable, and the real horror came in not knowing who was the demon. *** *** The Thing 1982 trailer There are monsters, and then there are monsters disguised as you, me or any person on the street. The latter is far more lethal, since you're never certain who your enemy is, until it's too late. Hence, it's that much
  • 140. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 128 more difficult to determine who will be attacking, and when. With a 10 foot tall row of walking incisors, you know who to defend yourself against. When your sister or your best friend sinks razor-sharp fangs into your eyeball, you've almost no way of knowing the onslaught is coming. Your neighbor mows your lawn for you, when you've broken your leg. A week later, he signs up for the Marines. A month subsequent, he mortars to death innocent families in downtown Baghdad, because "authorities" told him to do so. Spending her Golden Years in assisted living, she's sweet as finally determining whether or not Michelle Obama is a "grower," or a "shower." Because she's been skull scrubbed
  • 141. REAL MONSTERS 129 by "authority," she continues voting, and thereby keeping this kakistocracy in place, which is destroying us all. He's your "loving" family physician, prescribing lethal street drugs — euphemized with innocuous-sounding names — solely because he's become a money-hungry cunt. Thus, the most effective monster — in the context of killing — is the one disguised as you. Consider the similarities between The Thing, and our current situation. Characters in the aforementioned flick were trapped in Antarctica — an isolated region. Our species is trapped on Earth — an island, from which we've currently no escape.
  • 142. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 130 The monsters in The Thing took human form, hiding amidst a crew stationed in the arctic. The monsters among us disguise themselves as "authority" — doctors, "leaders," religious guides, teachers, etc. The characters in The Thing were constantly fearful of each other, perpetually suspecting one another of being blood-parched demons. We perennially believe others mean us harm. In the 1938 novella Who Goes There? — upon which the '82 version of The Thing is based — a scientific expedition finds an alien spacecraft embedded in glacial ice. It's determined the vessel is millions of years old. Adjacent the craft is a creature — also frozen. The crew of the patrol deduce this organism was the pilot of the ship in question.
  • 143. REAL MONSTERS 131 Thanks to a desire for money — in a quest to receive further grants to fund their research — the men decide to thaw the being out. It's their belief they've discovered the find of the millennia. **** **** Who Goes There? Hence, once again, the hunger for cash is the catalyst for unleashing a nightmare upon humanity. In Who Goes There?, as well as its 1982 incarnation, the crew devise a test to determine who is human, and who is the alien. They draw a sample of everyone's blood, storing each in individual petri dishes — which they've marked with the correlating person's name.
  • 144. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 132 Knowing the beast's catalyst is survival, they deduce it — or any portion of it — will react combatively, if threatened. Hence, using a blowtorch, they heat up a metal wire, and dip it into each receptacle. Whichever dish contains cells of the creature should defend itself; i.e. attack whatever is assaulting it. In the 2011 prequel to The Thing — also entitled The Thing — an entirely separate crew of explorers in Antarctica also encounter the monster. They, too, devise a modality for determining who's human, and who's the beast. Knowing this more-advanced entity is only capable of duplicating animate cells, the laymen and scientists gather in a room, checking to see who has metal fillings, and who doesn't. Thus, those without fillings in their teeth become suspect. Obviously, this
  • 145. REAL MONSTERS 133 was not a conclusive acid test, as people can possess porcelain fillings, or no fillings, at all. ***** ***** The Thing 2011 trailer Such stated, wouldn't it be salubrious, if we had methodology, via which we could determine who was an evil cunt, and who was good? Who had no conscience, and who did? Like a Voight-Kampff test in Blade Runner, to conclude who was human, and who was replicant. So much of the population simply assume people are inherently evil, and thus "authority" is necessary. Of course, "authority" has orchestrated this. It's what they've always wanted. If people constantly murder, rape and steal, "authority" can
  • 146. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 134 justify its existence. Hence, government has a vested interest in keeping the chaos. "Y'all are a bunch of bloodthirsty savages, and without us, you'd kill one another. Luckily for you, we [government] are here to help." If everything was quixotic — amicable and peaceful — the populace would quickly ask: "What do we need government for?" Shortly, thereafter, bureaucracy would be eradicated, and that's obviously what those in hegemony don't want. If you could just employ some sort of trial, to show the public the evil lies in those they refer to as their "leaders," it would be helpful, wouldn't it? Well, perhaps this test already exists. Perhaps we just aren't gazing critically
  • 147. REAL MONSTERS 135 enough at the tools we've been provided. Again, one doesn't have to look closely to realize all presidents have existed lavishly, while the preponderance of the population strains solely to stave off extermination. I'd say the fact the U.S. government has nuked us on over 1,000 occasions is pretty fuckin' telling, as well! Since none of us have ever seen a monetarily poor politician, that might be a clue. Do you think Barack Obama has holes in his socks, can't afford health care, non-GMO food, or worries about paying rent? Politicians order wars they never fight in. Moreover, they're currently "waging a war on terror." And what reaction does war cause?
  • 148. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 136 Well, that would be terror! Say No to Drugs, but addict everybody to Effexor, Invega Trinza and Zyprexa! "Authority" constantly demands we keep kids off narcotics, and then they prescribe these little fuckers Paxil, Prozac, Ritalin, and an endless supply of psychotropic drugs. All of which equate to killing a person. I'm freaked out about drugs, in the sense that we still can't take them. Except for these fuckin' evil ones that they give to children. […] We can't smoke pot, but we should give children Ritalin. This is a fuckin' crime against humanity of the highest fuckin' degree, giving children pharmaceutical psychotropic fuckin' drugs. Are you fucking kidding me?! Are you fucking kidding me?!? […] They haven't got diseases; nothing fuckin' wrong with 'em. Leave 'em alone. […] You're fuckin' full of shit; givin' kids
  • 149. REAL MONSTERS 137 pharmaceutical, psychotropic drugs. Are you fuckin' insane?!? And if anyone suggests you give your children these fuckin' drugs — a social worker, a cop, a teacher; some kind of fuck-up. Never! […] What you do is you turn to them, you go, "Fuck off, you cunt!" — Steve Hughes ****** ****** Steve Hughes We obviously have modalities for determining who the "big" monsters are, but how 'bout those "little" ones attempting to emulate their parents? Y'know? Those teachers brainwashing your kids 9/11 happened the way government textbooks promulgate. Pedagogues indoctrinating your children into believing those nuclear "tests" perpetrated upon them were done for their own benefit. Professors
  • 150. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 138 molding your little one into a debt slave who will be used and exterminated, imprisoned their entire time on the planet. That's where educating yourself comes in. That's where taking the time to learn what's real — rising from the dung heap of ignorance, and obtaining profundity — becomes imperative. Rewrite your hard drive. Replace that malware "authority" has implanted in your brain, with the truth. It's only then will you be able to view each and every monster around you. It's only then your eyes will be wide open, and you can see the demons for who they are.
  • 151. 139 EQUALITY 7-2521 So much is still to be learned. So long a road lies before us. And what care we if we must travel it alone? — Anthem * * Anthem
  • 152. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 140 Before Neo from The Matrix, there was Equality 7-2521 from Anthem. A novella by Ayn Rand, Anthem portrays a dystopian society, in which a totalitarian regime suppresses knowledge. The government in question brainwashes the populace to believe they are far less than what they actually are. Well, fuck! That doesn't sound at all like what we're currently experiencing. Equality 7-2521 — a man in his early 20s — resides in an arcane, creepy, futuristic city. Referring to himself as "we" — third person plural — he relates his tale. In this primitive culture, children are seized from their parents, and reared in communal houses, far from their nurturing progenitors.
  • 153. EQUALITY 7-2521 141 Our narrator is no exception, and has been led to conclude he suffers from an affliction causing him to constantly question, and learn at an accelerated rate. Adept in science, Equality aspires to become a Scholar — a coalition of tacitly "wise" citizens making decisions for the populace. Instead, the Council of Vocations — an authoritative conglomerate — decrees our protagonist be a Street Sweeper. Equality accepts his assignment, as a Transgression of Penance for clandestinely seeking profundity. While keeping the streets pristine, the story's lead discovers a tunnel within the Earth, complete with a pair of mysterious, metal tracks. Against the admonishment of his friend — International 4-8818 — Equality
  • 154. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 142 ventures into the subterranean chamber. Upon investigation, our hero deduces the portal was built during what authority refers to as the Unmentionable Times — a previous era shrouded in mystery. Within the tunnel, the main character creates a makeshift laboratory, where he conducts his own scientific experiments. On purloined paper, he journals his observations. Performing his street sweeping duties, Equality meets another member of the proletariat — a 17 year old girl named Liberty 5-3000. Thanks to Liberty's intense beauty, Equality finds himself unable to rid her from his mind. Known as the Time of Mating, it's a period relegated for procreation. During this duration, plebeians are assigned members of
  • 155. EQUALITY 7-2521 143 the opposite sex, with whom they're instructed to mate. Due to Equality's desire for Liberty, he's unable to capitulate to this decree, and informs the young girl of his yearning. He explains how he secretly thinks of her, and has bequeathed her the sobriquet "The Golden One" — due to her golden locks. Liberty confesses she, too, can't stop thinking of him, and has given him the nickname "The Unconquered" — thanks to his indomitable spirit. Throughout, Equality continues his subterranean experiments. As a result, he discovers electricity — long forgotten by the community in which he resides. Unearthing bizarre glass containers, housing
  • 156. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 144 numerous wires, our hero is surprised, when one of the boxes emits a glow, after he passes charges through its conduits. Concluding this discovery will be of monumental benefit to his species, he decides to bring his findings to the World Council of Scholars — a renowned think tank. It's Equality's belief this breakthrough will be of such magnitude, it will afford him not only a pardon for his infractions, but the opportunity to become a Scholar. Unfortunately, he goes missing from the Home of the Street Sweepers one evening, and his absence is detected. As a result, he's flogged, and incarcerated in the Palace of Corrective Detention. It's here Equality escapes, due to the fact there are no guards, since nobody had ever attempted liberation prior.
  • 157. EQUALITY 7-2521 145 The following day, our protagonist brings his discovery to the World Council of Scholars. Fearful Equality has conducted research outside the scope of the authoritative body, the organization impugns him a "wretch" and a "gutter cleaner." Those in power seek to demolish his findings, so they can continue, unimpeded, with their plans for what is known as the World Council and the Department of Candles. During this era, candles are the sole artificial light source known to humans, and introduction of a better modality would disturb the status quo. Before the Scholars have a chance to seize him, Equality grabs his discovery and escapes into the forest encircling the city. Although Equality is now alone — outside the
  • 158. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 146 confines of the municipality — he relishes his freedom. Here, he seems far more safe than inside the metropolis. In addition, he enjoys solitude, since those within government refuse to venture into this forbidden zone. Secretly following him, the Golden One appears to Equality on his second day in the woods. The two attempt to express their adoration for one another, but having never referred to themselves in the singular, are unable to verbally convey love. Venturing further into the woods, the pair uncover a house that was built during the Unmentionable Times. Taking up residence in this home, Equality begins reading from the domicile's expansive library. It's here he discovers the word "I". Immediately, he informs the Golden One of his find.
  • 159. EQUALITY 7-2521 147 It's the couples' first experience with individuality. Prior, they'd been led to believe those under government rule toiled for whatever common goal bureaucracy asserted was important. Neither Equality, nor Liberty, had even comprehended there was such a concept as autonomy. Neither realized they were anything except part of a larger body designed to serve the state. Learning they are both individuals, the protagonists change their names. Equality becomes Prometheus — a defender of humankind, from Greek mythology. Liberty refers to herself as Gaea — the mythological goddess of Mother Earth. Gaea becomes pregnant with Prometheus' child, and the two set out to create a society in which all people can regain their identity.
  • 160. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 148 If you sympathize with, or even feel like, Equality 7-2521, you're on the right path. You're doing what we all should be doing. Only a fool, or a slave owner, wouldn't find slavery intolerable. Subjugation isn't solely physically agonizing, it's mentally excruciating. Watching one's life — quite possibly the only you'll ever have — being stolen, is cerebral suicide. Attempting to determine how to end one's incarceration — amidst a society of slaves, blind to their plight — causes those who've awakened to reality, immense anguish. To ignorant incarcerates, interment is still mentally murderous, as you struggle to pay this bill, that tax, and keep a roof over your head.
  • 161. EQUALITY 7-2521 149 And since slavery won't end itself, the only logical response to realizing you're a vassal is to eradicate your servitude. Anything else results in perpetuated serfdom, and your willful support of such is insane. Hence, Equality 7-2521's reaction to his discovery of his own subjugation is common sense. Comprehending you're a captive, and not doing everything within your power to end your imprisonment is brain-scrambled crazy! Yet, such is a typical reaction — exhibited by a substantial portion of the population — once their slavery is shown to them. Most will choose to do nothing, and thus remain slaves. This is obviously the response of somebody suffering from an acute neurosis. Since a preponderance of the populace react in this fashion, that would make the majority of our species on this planet mentally ill.
  • 162. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 150 When dubious, regarding your own actions, ask yourself what Equality 7-2521 would do in that situation. This character questioned everything around him, and thus, conducted his own research, in order to determine what was real. Thanks to his exploration, he uncovered the truth, and refused to waver from it. Steadfast in his resolve, Equality unearthed reality, and pursued it fervently, even in the face of tremendous opposition.
  • 163. 151 HERE TODAY, GONE TOMORROW It seems the most logical thing in the world to believe that the natural resources of the Earth, upon which the race depends for food, clothing and shelter, should be owned collectively by the race, instead of being the private property of a few social parasites. — Ralph Chaplin * * Ralph Chaplin
  • 164. CAT, MINUS THE BAG 152 It's a trite phrase, but its fundamental tenet is true: What's here today can be gone, tomorrow. This includes the human race aboard Spaceship Earth, your corporeal form, or my writing — 28 books, 62 screenplays, 19 blogs and 80 "audiochapters." All of it can be swept away instantly by the forces of this Universe. I'd find it agonizing if the decades of work I've produced, in an effort to help humanity save itself, was destroyed in less time than it takes to inhale hot particles from Fukushima. I'd conclude you'd be crushed, if you knew you'd be six feet under in 24 hours. Should our species detect an asteroid of substantial size, destined to hit Earth in less than a week, folks would be pretty fuckin' bummed. That said, what do we expect? Have we invested time developing defense systems to