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MARQUE!                                                                                           6 OCTOBER 2011

Shock Marketing                                                                                   Shockvertising
How many shock volts can you handle?
                                                                                                   "Shockvertising" is a way
                                                                                              to jolt our senses, to cause
                                                                                              an immediate reaction.
                                                                                              Shock is sometimes used by
                                                                                              marketers to grab the
                                                                                              attention of consumers
                                                                                              before applying the sales
                                                                                              pitch. Shocking titles,
                                                                                              pictures or actions never fail
                                                                                              to get the attention of an
                                                                                              audience. Think about the
                                                                                              last time you heard
                                                                                              something about any
                                                                                              business that made you look
                                                                                              up their website. In the
                                                                                              overflow of information
                                                                                              these days; how does your
                                                                                              business stand out?

                                                                                              While it can be an
                                                                                              effective tactic it is
     Marketing is fun. Its making money         business and the world. Each edition of       important to
and everything else that matters while having   Canvas is based on a central theme from the   understand when to use
                                                                                              it and when not to.
a blast. Marketing is a way of life. And we     marketing world of today.
in Marque, the marketing club of IIM                 The first edition is all about Shock     -Matthew Bywater
Rohtak, know it fully well.                     Marketing. So, how many shock volts can
     Canvas is the Newsletter of Marque,        you handle?
bringing to words and life the various               - Bharadwaj Battaram
concepts put in practice and evolving in               Marque

                                                                 Sneak Peak
                                                                    • Social Issues - Tanuj Goyal
                                                                    • ROM Chocolate - Akshay Gupta
                                                                    • Barnardo’s - Ankur Shukla
                                                                    • United Colors of Benetton - Harsh Gupta

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MARQUE!                                                                         6 OCTOBER 2011


    All social awareness campaigns can broadly be        the commercial spheres and has been in use for long
divided into two categories –                            now.
   a) social malpractice                                     Shockvertising is widely used in lot of countries
   b) health problems caused due to negligent            for the promotion of anti-smoking initiatives. WHO
  behavior and/or bad habits                             also suggests pictures of rotting lungs, miscarried
    Any such campaign that aims at influencing a          foetuses and bleeding brains should be put on all
prevalent social belief or a persistent behavior of an   tobacco packages because they are effective in
individual must perform three important functions:       preventing tobacco use.
generate awareness about the consequences of these           Due to the anxiety these ads tend to create there
practices/behaviors, persuade people to avoid these      remains a higher probability that the person
behaviors and provide them support and guidance          watching them will discuss it with others. This is
for the same.                                            very important in the case of advertisements issued
    “How to draw the attention of the target             in the interest of general public where the success of
audiences so as to impart a long lasting impression      a campaign solely depends upon the number of
which in turn will lead to increased participation and   persons to which the message could be delivered.
higher success?” is the question that arises. This is
where shock advertising gains importance.
Controversial by the very nature of it, shock
advertising makes deliberate use of blunt slogans,
provocative images and bold statements that
challenge conventional understanding of social order
and generally accepted norms thereby causing instant
attention. It’s a much exploited marketing strategy in

                                                                Stop domestic violence

      - Tanuj Goyal
      IIM Rohtak

  !                                                                                                PAGE 2
MARQUE!                                                                          6 OCTOBER 2011

ROM CHOCOLATE                     of national ego and pride in the       decided right from the start that
    Common sense would dictate Romanians.                                they would run the American
that a marketing campaign             The marketing campaign             ROM for just a week, regardless
challenging the nationalist pride became a point of discussion           of the response, and then switch
of your target market is not the  across the country, and the            back to the original packaging.
best way to promote your          Romanians felt like they had lost      Also, it might be safe to assume
product. The marketing team at    a national symbol. A wave of           that McCann would have done
ROM Chocolate surely didn’t       patriotism swept through the           the analysis of the market before
think so. And going by the        country, and citizens stood            launching a campaign of this
immediate response to the         united to defend the Romanian          sort, which might have resulted
campaign, they sure got that      culture and their own flag. Flash       in the brand name getting
right.                            mobs, Facebook groups, Youtube         destroyed. Such a campaign
                                  videos and debates on prime time       obviously might not have worked
    ROM Chocolate is a                                                   in most other countries, where
Romanian chocolate bar, with      television were organized to
                                  protest the change. Meanwhile, a       the changing of the national flag
the Romanian flag on its                                                  to the American flag might have
packaging since its launch in     dedicated McCann team
                                  responded to comments posted           been seen as a political agenda.
1964. This strategy had helped                                           So, it is essential that shock
them be the most popular          online, and did their part to feed
                                  the debates.                           marketing also be carried out in
chocolate in Romania till                                                an ethical, non-offensive and
recently, when it had started           ROM let this public outcry       professional manner.
losing its market share to          continue for a week, before
American brands such as             informing the public that the            Shock marketing is utilized
Snickers. Romania had been          American ROM was actually a          by a number of brands today, and
going through political and         hoax, and returning to the           ROM, along with McCann
economic crises, and the morale     market with the original ROM         Erickson, has certainly taken
within the country was low. The     packaging. Simultaneously, they      advantage of the Romanian pride
youth, especially, had started      also launched a ROM Anthem in        to reinvent their brand, and
looking up to everything            Romanian to tap into the newly       customer loyalty to it. At the
American, including their           rekindled patriotic passion. The     same time, they also managed to
chocolates, and the Romanian        campaign was a resounding            achieve a more substantial goal,
association of ROM was              success – within the first two        which no sales figures could
becoming quite meaningless in       weeks, the campaign reached          match up to. They managed to
this scenario.                      67% of Romanians. It managed         unite the people of Romania
                                    to generate 300,000 Euros worth      towards a common goal,
    Enter, McCann Erickson                                               something that is hardly heard of
Romania. Instead of trying to       of publicity without having to
                                    pay a cent for it, and the number    in today’s world. So, it is safe to
fight the growing apathy of the                                           say that this marketing strategy
youth, they decided to join them. of fans of the ROM Facebook            by ROM was one of shock and
                                    page increased by 300%. ROM
    ROM decided an overnight        went on the become Romania’s         awe, while containing a hidden
change in their packaging.          most popular chocolate bar with      social agenda as well.
Instead of the Romanian flag,        a 79% increase in sales, and             The icing on the cake for
their chocolate now had the         outperformed the market by           ROM and McCann Erickson
American flag on it. It was now      20% in the most relevant             Romania -.their campaign won
advertised with a number of         channels.                            two Grand Prix awards at the
taglines such as “The Taste of                                           2011 Cannes Lions Festival of
Coolness”, “Let’s Build America         Some would argue that ROM
                                    went a step too far by testing the   Creativity. Also, the American
Here”, “Patriotism Won’t Feed                                            ROM was sold out, as a
You”, and “The American Dream ego of a nation with their                 Collector’s Edition item.
now in the Romanian                 campaign. Indeed it was a huge
Chocolate”. The purpose of this     risk, and could have heavily
shock tactic was to instill a sense backfired. However, ROM went                     - Akshay Gupta
                                    ahead with it, and managed to                   IIM Rohtak
                                    come out unscathed. They had

!                                                                                                  PAGE 3
MARQUE!                                                                                                  6 OCTOBER 2011

    This campaign included seven press advertisements
which depicted children in adult situations, such as a
baby injecting heroin, a toddler clutching a bottle of
whisky and another preparing to commit suicide. The
advertisements aimed to show what potentially
disastrous adulthoods await many of the disadvantaged
and vulnerable young people Barnardo's works with.
According to the copy, John is a 23 year old drug addict;
however, in the image a baby is shown, complete
contrast to portray the gravity of the situation.
     In all the advertisements, there is a sharp contrast
between the child and the background. The child is
white in color and the background is dark and violent.
The objects like injections and bottle of whisky are used
to shock people and make them realize that these
children need their immediate help.

                                    years Barnardo's was relatively                              Almost 80 per cent of the
                                    quiet about its new areas of                             public in UK think it is
                                    work, which resulted in low                              justifiable for charities to use
                                    public awareness of Barnardo's                           shock tactics in their advertising,
                                    and what we did. This                                    according to a survey by pollsters
                                    encouraged Barnardo's to re-                             YouGov. Eighty-two per cent said
    Barnardo's is a British charity think its approach and so they                           shock tactics were acceptable if
founded by Thomas John              tasked the advertising agency                            they raised awareness of
Barnardo in 1866, to care for       Bartle, Bogle & Hegarty (BBH)                            domestic violence and 78 per
vulnerable children and young       in 1998, with raising awareness                          cent said the same was true of
people. Barnardo's used to be a     and repositioning Barnardo's as                          child poverty.
children’s charity famous for its   modern, relevant and deserving
orphanages, which in 1966 they      by bringing the public up-to-date
began to close. Over the next 30 with the vital work they do.

                 “A good basic selling idea, involvement and relevancy, of course, are as important as ever, but in the advertising days of
                 today, unless you make yourself noticed and believed, you ain't got nothing”. Every day we come across hundreds of
                 advertisements which grab our attention. They have in them that one unexpected factor, that one difference, that
                 one little thing that sometimes takes us by surprise and is shocking to our senses.

!                                                                                                                              PAGE 4
MARQUE!                                                                       6 OCTOBER 2011

     The campaign is largely regarded as the charity's
most controversial print advertisement which was
banned by The Advertising Standards Authority. This
image of a newborn baby attracted a storm of
controversy, after another leading children's charity
claimed it was 'insulting to the very people they purport
to help'. However, Barnardo's stuck by its campaign to
raise awareness of how children born into poverty will
grow up to be living in squalor, addicted to alcohol or
drugs and be involved in crime.
     Image of the cockroach is synonymous with the
concept of squalor in which the baby will develop. The
idea of cockroach was to shock people and to make them think
about what they can do to help children like the one used in this
advert. In the other poster, they incorporated a well
known saying into the campaign, if you were born with a
silver spoon in your mouth it means that you're spoilt
and given everything you want whereas the saying is
turned on its head 'There are no silver spoons for children
born into poverty'. The other items used in the campaigns
were newspaper adverts, broadsheet press and
methylated spirit bottle. The strengths of the campaigns
are the images used because it rea$y demonstrates the
seriousness of the topic and communicates the message we$.

                                            seeking to make them unmissable.” The
                                            parodying the concept of birth can
                                            be offending for some. The advert of
                                            a girl growing up being abused is
                                            both visually shocking and
                                            stimulating. The images of a girl
                                            abused and looking at you with
                                            hope, stir emotions in you and it
                                            forces your senses to take some
                                            steps. The issue of prostitution and
      The concept behind the ‘new           abuse of teenage girls is an issue
life’ campaign is that Barnardo’s           which has a very negative
gives children a better start in life,      connotation and the negative
and therefore the chance of a better        emotions have been visually
future. Again in this campaign, they        captured and presented to shock the
have used visually stimulating              viewers. The images make you feel
images. Quoting, Andrew Nebel, the          responsible for their plight if you
charity's director of fundraising,          don’t take any steps to save them.
marketing and communications, “I            The step is to donate money to
can honestly say we were not trying to      Barnardo’s charity group
shock for theatrical purposes. We were

                          - Ankur Shukla
                          IIM Rohtak

!                                                                                          PAGE 5
MARQUE!                                                                                          6 OCTOBER 2011

     Shock Marketing is a type of marketing that                  becomes involved in a process of answering the
“deliberately, rather than inadvertently, startles and            questions: What does this image mean? Why does this
offends its audience by violating norms for social values          image appears with the Benetton logo? How do I feel
and personal ideals.”                                             about the subject of the image? What can I do? When
     This form of advertising is often controversial,             images have shock value, they attract many people’s
disturbing, explicit and may bring out provocative                attention. People are bound to think about the image in
political message; may not only offend but can frighten            the ad and thus know some of the world’s problems in
as well; uses scare tactics and elements of fear to sell a        the process.
product or deliver a public service message, making a                 Benetton’s shocking ads are designed to raise public
“high impact.” It is often considered to have been                awareness of social issues, issues that are global and
pioneered by Benetton, the Italian clothing retailers             universal. Using shocking images people are forced to
which created the line United Colors of Benetton, and             think about the topic.
its advertisements in the late 1980s.                                   The ads only have an image that grabs audience
     Today, Benetton Group is present in 120 countries            attention in just a glance and a logo. The company
around the world. Its retail network of 5,000                     carries out a single campaign that runs all over the
contemporary stores around the world, offers high                  world. These ads do not tell anyone to buy company’s
quality customer services and generates a total turnover          products and don’t even imply it. Because Benetton's
of over 1.9 billion euro. The group provides employment           clothes are sold around the world, the expenses incurred
to 7,987 people around the world.                                 to tailor campaigns to specific national markets would
    Benetton’s intuitional campaigns carry a big idea, a          have been enormous. To reduce these high costs, UCB
unique concept of showing shocking images to the                  brings the world's markets together by using a single
world. The idea behind using shocking images was an               advertisement that would appeal to many cultures, races,
effort by Benetton to breakthrough the complacency                 religions, and lifestyles. The attempt is only to promote
that exists in our society. Removing these images from            discussion about issues which people might ignore if
their familiar contexts and putting them in a new                 presented to them through some other channel. Hence,
context, makes them more likely noticed, as the viewer            it is an advertising that speaks across all cultural
                                                                  boundaries and raises social awareness by presenting
                                                                  powerful human and universal themes.

                  Because the guidelines for acceptable advertisements vary throughout the world, Benetton's campaigns were
                  praised in some countries and damned in others. For example, a photograph of a priest and a nun kissing did not
                  produce the extreme outcry in the United States as it did in Vatican City.
                                                                                              - Harsh Gupta
                                                                                              IIM Rohtak

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MARQUE!                                                               6 OCTOBER 2011

Marque - IIM Rohtak
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Canvas edition 1

  • 1. MARQUE! 6 OCTOBER 2011 CANVAS Shock Marketing Shockvertising How many shock volts can you handle? "Shockvertising" is a way to jolt our senses, to cause an immediate reaction. Shock is sometimes used by marketers to grab the attention of consumers before applying the sales pitch. Shocking titles, pictures or actions never fail to get the attention of an audience. Think about the last time you heard something about any business that made you look up their website. In the overflow of information these days; how does your business stand out? While it can be an effective tactic it is Marketing is fun. Its making money business and the world. Each edition of important to and everything else that matters while having Canvas is based on a central theme from the understand when to use it and when not to. a blast. Marketing is a way of life. And we marketing world of today. in Marque, the marketing club of IIM The first edition is all about Shock -Matthew Bywater Rohtak, know it fully well. Marketing. So, how many shock volts can Canvas is the Newsletter of Marque, you handle? bringing to words and life the various - Bharadwaj Battaram concepts put in practice and evolving in Marque Sneak Peak • Social Issues - Tanuj Goyal • ROM Chocolate - Akshay Gupta • Barnardo’s - Ankur Shukla • United Colors of Benetton - Harsh Gupta ! PAGE 1
  • 2. MARQUE! 6 OCTOBER 2011 SHOCK ADVERTISING – SOCIAL ISSUES All social awareness campaigns can broadly be the commercial spheres and has been in use for long divided into two categories – now. a) social malpractice Shockvertising is widely used in lot of countries b) health problems caused due to negligent for the promotion of anti-smoking initiatives. WHO behavior and/or bad habits also suggests pictures of rotting lungs, miscarried Any such campaign that aims at influencing a foetuses and bleeding brains should be put on all prevalent social belief or a persistent behavior of an tobacco packages because they are effective in individual must perform three important functions: preventing tobacco use. generate awareness about the consequences of these Due to the anxiety these ads tend to create there practices/behaviors, persuade people to avoid these remains a higher probability that the person behaviors and provide them support and guidance watching them will discuss it with others. This is for the same. very important in the case of advertisements issued “How to draw the attention of the target in the interest of general public where the success of audiences so as to impart a long lasting impression a campaign solely depends upon the number of which in turn will lead to increased participation and persons to which the message could be delivered. higher success?” is the question that arises. This is where shock advertising gains importance. Controversial by the very nature of it, shock advertising makes deliberate use of blunt slogans, provocative images and bold statements that challenge conventional understanding of social order and generally accepted norms thereby causing instant attention. It’s a much exploited marketing strategy in Stop domestic violence - Tanuj Goyal IIM Rohtak ! PAGE 2
  • 3. MARQUE! 6 OCTOBER 2011 ROM CHOCOLATE of national ego and pride in the decided right from the start that Common sense would dictate Romanians. they would run the American that a marketing campaign The marketing campaign ROM for just a week, regardless challenging the nationalist pride became a point of discussion of the response, and then switch of your target market is not the across the country, and the back to the original packaging. best way to promote your Romanians felt like they had lost Also, it might be safe to assume product. The marketing team at a national symbol. A wave of that McCann would have done ROM Chocolate surely didn’t patriotism swept through the the analysis of the market before think so. And going by the country, and citizens stood launching a campaign of this immediate response to the united to defend the Romanian sort, which might have resulted campaign, they sure got that culture and their own flag. Flash in the brand name getting right. mobs, Facebook groups, Youtube destroyed. Such a campaign videos and debates on prime time obviously might not have worked ROM Chocolate is a in most other countries, where Romanian chocolate bar, with television were organized to protest the change. Meanwhile, a the changing of the national flag the Romanian flag on its to the American flag might have packaging since its launch in dedicated McCann team responded to comments posted been seen as a political agenda. 1964. This strategy had helped So, it is essential that shock them be the most popular online, and did their part to feed the debates. marketing also be carried out in chocolate in Romania till an ethical, non-offensive and recently, when it had started ROM let this public outcry professional manner. losing its market share to continue for a week, before American brands such as informing the public that the Shock marketing is utilized Snickers. Romania had been American ROM was actually a by a number of brands today, and going through political and hoax, and returning to the ROM, along with McCann economic crises, and the morale market with the original ROM Erickson, has certainly taken within the country was low. The packaging. Simultaneously, they advantage of the Romanian pride youth, especially, had started also launched a ROM Anthem in to reinvent their brand, and looking up to everything Romanian to tap into the newly customer loyalty to it. At the American, including their rekindled patriotic passion. The same time, they also managed to chocolates, and the Romanian campaign was a resounding achieve a more substantial goal, association of ROM was success – within the first two which no sales figures could becoming quite meaningless in weeks, the campaign reached match up to. They managed to this scenario. 67% of Romanians. It managed unite the people of Romania to generate 300,000 Euros worth towards a common goal, Enter, McCann Erickson something that is hardly heard of Romania. Instead of trying to of publicity without having to pay a cent for it, and the number in today’s world. So, it is safe to fight the growing apathy of the say that this marketing strategy youth, they decided to join them. of fans of the ROM Facebook by ROM was one of shock and page increased by 300%. ROM ROM decided an overnight went on the become Romania’s awe, while containing a hidden change in their packaging. most popular chocolate bar with social agenda as well. Instead of the Romanian flag, a 79% increase in sales, and The icing on the cake for their chocolate now had the outperformed the market by ROM and McCann Erickson American flag on it. It was now 20% in the most relevant Romania -.their campaign won advertised with a number of channels. two Grand Prix awards at the taglines such as “The Taste of 2011 Cannes Lions Festival of Coolness”, “Let’s Build America Some would argue that ROM went a step too far by testing the Creativity. Also, the American Here”, “Patriotism Won’t Feed ROM was sold out, as a You”, and “The American Dream ego of a nation with their Collector’s Edition item. now in the Romanian campaign. Indeed it was a huge Chocolate”. The purpose of this risk, and could have heavily shock tactic was to instill a sense backfired. However, ROM went - Akshay Gupta ahead with it, and managed to IIM Rohtak come out unscathed. They had ! PAGE 3
  • 4. MARQUE! 6 OCTOBER 2011 GIVING CHILDREN BACK THEIR FUTURE (1999 - 2000) This campaign included seven press advertisements which depicted children in adult situations, such as a baby injecting heroin, a toddler clutching a bottle of whisky and another preparing to commit suicide. The advertisements aimed to show what potentially disastrous adulthoods await many of the disadvantaged and vulnerable young people Barnardo's works with. According to the copy, John is a 23 year old drug addict; however, in the image a baby is shown, complete contrast to portray the gravity of the situation. In all the advertisements, there is a sharp contrast between the child and the background. The child is white in color and the background is dark and violent. The objects like injections and bottle of whisky are used to shock people and make them realize that these children need their immediate help. BARNARDO’S, UK years Barnardo's was relatively Almost 80 per cent of the quiet about its new areas of public in UK think it is work, which resulted in low justifiable for charities to use public awareness of Barnardo's shock tactics in their advertising, and what we did. This according to a survey by pollsters encouraged Barnardo's to re- YouGov. Eighty-two per cent said Barnardo's is a British charity think its approach and so they shock tactics were acceptable if founded by Thomas John tasked the advertising agency they raised awareness of Barnardo in 1866, to care for Bartle, Bogle & Hegarty (BBH) domestic violence and 78 per vulnerable children and young in 1998, with raising awareness cent said the same was true of people. Barnardo's used to be a and repositioning Barnardo's as child poverty. children’s charity famous for its modern, relevant and deserving orphanages, which in 1966 they by bringing the public up-to-date began to close. Over the next 30 with the vital work they do. BARNARDOS’ SHOCK ADVERTISING “A good basic selling idea, involvement and relevancy, of course, are as important as ever, but in the advertising days of today, unless you make yourself noticed and believed, you ain't got nothing”. Every day we come across hundreds of advertisements which grab our attention. They have in them that one unexpected factor, that one difference, that one little thing that sometimes takes us by surprise and is shocking to our senses. ! PAGE 4
  • 5. MARQUE! 6 OCTOBER 2011 CHILD POVERTY CAMPAIGN (2003) The campaign is largely regarded as the charity's most controversial print advertisement which was banned by The Advertising Standards Authority. This image of a newborn baby attracted a storm of controversy, after another leading children's charity claimed it was 'insulting to the very people they purport to help'. However, Barnardo's stuck by its campaign to raise awareness of how children born into poverty will grow up to be living in squalor, addicted to alcohol or drugs and be involved in crime. Image of the cockroach is synonymous with the concept of squalor in which the baby will develop. The idea of cockroach was to shock people and to make them think about what they can do to help children like the one used in this advert. In the other poster, they incorporated a well known saying into the campaign, if you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth it means that you're spoilt and given everything you want whereas the saying is turned on its head 'There are no silver spoons for children born into poverty'. The other items used in the campaigns were newspaper adverts, broadsheet press and methylated spirit bottle. The strengths of the campaigns are the images used because it rea$y demonstrates the seriousness of the topic and communicates the message we$. NEW LIFE CAMPAIGN (2005) seeking to make them unmissable.” The parodying the concept of birth can be offending for some. The advert of a girl growing up being abused is both visually shocking and stimulating. The images of a girl abused and looking at you with hope, stir emotions in you and it forces your senses to take some steps. The issue of prostitution and The concept behind the ‘new abuse of teenage girls is an issue life’ campaign is that Barnardo’s which has a very negative gives children a better start in life, connotation and the negative and therefore the chance of a better emotions have been visually future. Again in this campaign, they captured and presented to shock the have used visually stimulating viewers. The images make you feel images. Quoting, Andrew Nebel, the responsible for their plight if you charity's director of fundraising, don’t take any steps to save them. marketing and communications, “I The step is to donate money to can honestly say we were not trying to Barnardo’s charity group shock for theatrical purposes. We were - Ankur Shukla IIM Rohtak ! PAGE 5
  • 6. MARQUE! 6 OCTOBER 2011 WHAT THE HELL IS THAT AD ABOUT? Shock Marketing is a type of marketing that becomes involved in a process of answering the “deliberately, rather than inadvertently, startles and questions: What does this image mean? Why does this offends its audience by violating norms for social values image appears with the Benetton logo? How do I feel and personal ideals.” about the subject of the image? What can I do? When This form of advertising is often controversial, images have shock value, they attract many people’s disturbing, explicit and may bring out provocative attention. People are bound to think about the image in political message; may not only offend but can frighten the ad and thus know some of the world’s problems in as well; uses scare tactics and elements of fear to sell a the process. product or deliver a public service message, making a Benetton’s shocking ads are designed to raise public “high impact.” It is often considered to have been awareness of social issues, issues that are global and pioneered by Benetton, the Italian clothing retailers universal. Using shocking images people are forced to which created the line United Colors of Benetton, and think about the topic. its advertisements in the late 1980s. The ads only have an image that grabs audience Today, Benetton Group is present in 120 countries attention in just a glance and a logo. The company around the world. Its retail network of 5,000 carries out a single campaign that runs all over the contemporary stores around the world, offers high world. These ads do not tell anyone to buy company’s quality customer services and generates a total turnover products and don’t even imply it. Because Benetton's of over 1.9 billion euro. The group provides employment clothes are sold around the world, the expenses incurred to 7,987 people around the world. to tailor campaigns to specific national markets would Benetton’s intuitional campaigns carry a big idea, a have been enormous. To reduce these high costs, UCB unique concept of showing shocking images to the brings the world's markets together by using a single world. The idea behind using shocking images was an advertisement that would appeal to many cultures, races, effort by Benetton to breakthrough the complacency religions, and lifestyles. The attempt is only to promote that exists in our society. Removing these images from discussion about issues which people might ignore if their familiar contexts and putting them in a new presented to them through some other channel. Hence, context, makes them more likely noticed, as the viewer it is an advertising that speaks across all cultural boundaries and raises social awareness by presenting powerful human and universal themes. UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON Because the guidelines for acceptable advertisements vary throughout the world, Benetton's campaigns were praised in some countries and damned in others. For example, a photograph of a priest and a nun kissing did not produce the extreme outcry in the United States as it did in Vatican City. - Harsh Gupta IIM Rohtak ! PAGE 6
  • 7. MARQUE! 6 OCTOBER 2011 Marque - IIM Rohtak Official Website: Visit Marque: Join us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!/marqueiimrohtak Connect with us on LinkedIn