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Canon - Journey
Brief Requirements
Canon has produced a new camera and they
want to launch it with a new campaign around
the theme of Journeys which will be their
new product line. They chose this theme to
emphasise how photography is a very creative
way to show your personality through your
eyes from a camera. Photography can be used
on its own or in combination with other art,
design and media. These are the
• Our client is Canon
• Create a front cover for a Canon
advertorial magazine which promotes the
new camera.
• Create a print advert or advertorial to be
included in the magazine
• Target audience is young people between
the age of 15 to 25
With this new campaign, we want to encourage
our audience to form an allegiance to Canon
equipment and services
Canon is a leading technology company that was founded in 1937. They are committed to
helping people push boundaries and reimagine what can be possible through images.
Throughout their 80-year history, their constant innovation has kept them at the cutting
edge of imaging excellence, allowing them to create market-leading technology that will
support future demand from photographers, videographers, office workers, professional
printers, medical imaging specialists and so much more.
They use imaging technologies to expand beyond the robust product line-up to their
current offerings and to cultivate new business sectors where their imaging technology
can extend the boundaries of what is possible. This encompasses developments in
satellite technology, medical research, expanding uses for print and industrial
equipment, and network video cameras, all of which help to create smart cities. The
optical and imaging technologies that Canon is best known for are also advancing
Existing Products
Magazine Cover Advertorial Print Advert
Audience Research
With this survey, we understand what
people believe a journey is, and with
this information we can understand how
to better design our products in the way
people think journeys are. For example,
we are doing witchcraft and one journey
we are doing is going from a person who
has little magic to a person who has a
huge amount of magic, this will be going
through a magic transformation.
Subject Research-Chakra
• Chakra are various focal points that are used in a variety of ancient meditation
practices. This type of practice is the inner tradition of Hinduism. Chakra arose
in the early traditions of Hinduism. In chakra there are different beliefs in the
Indian religions and the Hindu religions. In the Indian religion they only
mention there being five chakras and in the Hindu religions they mention there
being six or seven chakras.
• In the early Sanskrit texts say they are a combination of flowers and mantras as
well as physical entities in the body.
• In the modern Western chakra system, there are multiple sources dating back to
the 1880s that introduced the seven rainbow colours for the chakras.
Subject Research- Chakra History
It was The Upanishads who first mentioned chakras. Around about 7-800 BCE the first known
mention of chakras appeared in the early Upanishads. In Sanskrit, the word chakra means wheel
or lotus and is related to energy centers in the body. Later on in the Upanishad's ear (around
200 BCE - 200 CE) they referred to tantric concepts, which included things like chakras and
mantras. They also gave them locations and meaning. When it came to the 10th century, the Guru
Gorakhnath gave information on the powers of awaking and meditating on the chakras. So,
chakras were born in 7-800 BCE.
It has been suggested that the term chakra first appeared in the Hindu Vedas, though not
necessarily in the sense of psychic energy centers, but rather as chakravartin, a king who
"turns the wheel of his empire" in all directions from a center, symbolizing the power and
influence he wields.
Subject Research-The Different Chakras
• Root Chakra-
• The root chakra is located in the base of the spine, in
the tailbone area, this chakra is the colour red and the
meaning of the root chakra is physical identity,
stability and grounding. It is possible that a blocked
root chakra manifests as physical symptoms, such as
arthritis, constipation, bladder or colon problems, or it
can manifest as emotional symptoms, such as feelings of
insecurity regarding our finances or our basic
needs. Whenever it is aligned and open, we will feel
grounded and secure, both physically and emotionally, as
well as being able to take care of ourselves.
• Sacral Chakra-
• The sacral chakra is located just below the belly button,
just above the pubic bone, this chakra is the colour
orange and the meaning of the sacral chakra is sexuality,
pleasure and creativity. Problems with lower back pain,
impotency and urinary tract infection can be seen as
issues due to this chakra. In terms of emotions, this
chakra is related to our feelings of self-worth and more
importantly our self-worth around pleasure, sexuality and
Solar Plexus Chakra-
The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper abdomen, and in the
stomach area, this chakra is the colour yellow and the meaning of the
solar plexus chakra is self-esteem and confidence. If your solar
plexus chakra is blocked there are often experience digestive issues
like ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders and indigestion. The solar
plexus chakra is related to our personal power, in terms it is our
self-esteem and self-confidence.
Heart Chakra-
This chakra is located in the center of the chest, just above the heart
the colour of this chakra is green and the meaning of the heart chakra
is love and compassion. There are many ways in which blockages in our
heart chakra can manifest in our physical health, such as heart
problems, asthma and weight problems. It is often the actions of
people that reveal blocks even more clearly than words on a page.
Throat Chakra-
This chakra is in the throat, and its colour is blue, the meaning of the
throat chakra is communication. This chakra is connected to our
ability to communicate verbally. It is possible, because of a
blockage, to experience problems with voice and throat, as well as
issues with everything surrounding that area, including the teeth,
gums and mouth. Dominating conversations, gossiping, speaking
without thinking and having trouble speaking your mind can be seen as
blockages or misalignment of the throat chakra. However, if the throat
chakra is aligned you can speak and listen with compassion as well as
feel confident when you speak because you know you are being true to
yourself with your words.
Subject Research-The Different Chakras
Third Eye Chakra-
This chakra is located between the eyes on the forehead which is why it's also known as the brow chakra. The
colour of this chakra is indigo and the meaning is intuition and imagination. Due to this chakra being
located on the head, blockages can be manifested as headaches, issues with sight or concentration and
hearing problems. Other issues of having a blockage in the third eye chakra are trouble listening to
reality or those who are not in touch with their intuition. When this chakra is open it is known that
people will follow their intuition and be able to see the big picture.
Crown Chakra-
• This chakra is located at the very top of the head and its colours are violet or white. This chakra means
awareness and intelligence. The crown chakra is linked to all the other chakras so it affects the whole of
the body including the brain and nervous system. This chakra is connected to enlightenment and represents
our connection to our life's purpose and spirituality. Anyone with a blocked crown chakra will seem narrow-
minded, skeptical, or stubborn. If this chakra is open it is said that all other chakras are open and will
lead to the person's bliss and enlightenment.
Subject Research-History of Crystals
1546- Georg Bauer wrote De Natura Fossilium, the first scientific text on mineralogy,
describing the physical characteristics of stones.
1659- Thomas Nicols published Gemmarius Fidelius (The Faithful Lapidary). In it he argues that
gems do not possess special healing properties. As a result, the use of precious stones for
healing and protection fell out of favour in Europe.
c. 19th century- Advances in science and medicine as well as investigations into mediums,
crystals and faith healers began to increase skepticism around crystal healing as people
converted to new medicines. However, in 1880, the Curie brothers discovered piezoelectricity
the process of using crystals to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
1970s- Sidelined for some time against growing skepticism, the advent of New Age culture
brought a revival of crystals for healing practices. Books started to re-popularize the use
of crystals for spiritual well-being. Much of the information was derived from old
traditions, experimentation and channeling.
21st century- Crystal therapy is now accepted as a mainstream and complementary therapy,
crossing the boundaries of religious and spiritual beliefs.
Subject Research-Different Crystals
Rose Quartz- This crystal is the number one for self-care, it is the stone of
unconditional love. It will reveal the true essence of love, open your heart to
all levels and heal heartache. If you are single this is the stone for you as it
attracts love and relationships and for those who have partners this stone will
promote unconditional love and restore trust and harmony. In terms of self-care
this stone soothes and reassures situations of trauma, crisis or grief. It will
support self-forgiveness and invites you to trust and value yourself.
Aventurine- This stone is excellent for compassion and perseverance and will help
with neutralizing negative situations and dissipates anger and irritation. This
stone is commonly known to be in the colour green and is known as the heart
healer. It will sooth well-being and emotion calm through its colour. This stone
will guard the heart against psychic vampirism, assist it to heal and help bring
harmony between the mind and the heart. Green aventurine teaches us to trust our
intuition, connect with our inner joy and synchronize ourselves with nature.
Subject Research-Tarot
• Introduction-
One of the most cherished objects among mystics, psychics and intuitive is the tarot. In
actuality it is the divination tool that we observe being used the most. It has
surpassed the likes of scrying, tea leaf reading, crystals ball gazing and palmistry.
Tarot cards are said to tell a story- a story about ourselves. Our greatest assets and
our darkest secret are revealed by the stator. It exposes out flaws and our deepest
aspirations. The tarot functions as a mirror to our soul, reflecting back to us just
what we need to keep evolving into our finest selves. Just by comprehending the tarot's
narratives, we can obtain divine wisdom about ourselves and our life.
Since ancient times, tarot cards have been used to help individuals navigate their lives
and comprehend the emotional concerns affecting them. Tarot cards can be used to add
clarity and knowledge to both private and professional settings. Regular Tarot use can
help you become more conscious of life changes and exploits possibilities for the
better. It is possible to foretell the future or make predications using Tarot. The
proper word for this is divination.
Subject Research-Tarot History
The history of tarot is quite enthralling. With tarot there are many different perspectives
about the origins of them. It is thought that the earliest deck of cards that resemble the
number cards found in the tarot is the Mamluk deck, which dates back to the third century of
the common era in Egypt. There is no doubt that the Mamluk deck was inspired by the paper
card games from China. Early Mamluk decks contained four types of cards, Polo sticks,
swords, cups and coins which had a lot of similarities to the wands, cups, swords and
pentacles of today's modern tarot decks. Unlike the trump cards of the Major Arcana, You
don't see the detailed stories in the early cards as you do in the trump cards of the Major
Arcana. The earliest origins of tarot cards appeared in the North of Italy in the earliest
fifteenth century, these cards only hade 21 trump cards in them. The earliest versions of
the tarot cards were initially created as nothing more than a game. The mystical history of
the tarot takes a lot of twists and turns. Court de Gebelin, Eteila, Eliphas Levi, the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Coleman are big players of
the development of the mystical and divinatory version of the tarot. These people started to
draw connection between the story of the tarot cards and all sorts of deeper meaning, occult
symbolism and ancient wisdom.
Subject Research-Tarot History
0) The Fool- Means good friends, happiness and that you need to take a great leap forward.
1) The Magician- Mean an element of surprise and something good or bad.
2) The High Priestess- This is the highest card in the tarot deck. Means very powerful and that good or bad secrets will be
3) The Empress- Means that there will be delays in your life these can be good or bad delays.
4) The Emperor- Means stability or stabilizing influence coming into your life.
5) The Hierophant- Means that there could be marriage coming in your life. That you could do well in a government or public
company, you will have better body corporate.
6)The Lovers- Love affairs. Romance building again within marriage. Relationship. Relatives. Loving relationship you could share
with a friend.
7) The Chariot- Movement of residence. Journey. Victory over a situation or problem. Balancing opposite polarities.
8) Strength- Inner strength. Confrontation with yourself or other people.
9) The Hermit- Loneliness. Unattached. Soul0searching time needed or time alone.
10) Wheel of Fortune- Elevation of money. Overseas trip. Completion phases.
11) Justice- Legal situation or document. Police. Finding out the truth in the matter affecting the balance.
12) The Hanged Man- Getting stronger in oneself after a lot of deliberating and delaying in your life.
13) Death- Death of situation or endings. New beginning.
Our Idea For Print Advert
From looking at the previous adverts that Canon has produced, our idea for the
print advert is to show the journey of transformation. To show this, we are going
to it based on witchcraft as it is a journey of learning and lot of research and
practice goes into it. It's also a journey of learning how to work nature like
controlling your emotions every moon phase and retrograde, incorporating herbs and
stones to help balance everything, as well as your spiritual journey. We are
planning on shooting a scenic photo in a woodland looking area where there will be
a high angled, over-the-shoulder photo of someone doing some witchcraft. The print
advert will have a slogan saying, 'Show Your Journey of Transformation'. The print
advert will also show a product that Canon is trying to promote along with the
Canon logo.
Idea For Magazine Front Cover
From looking at previous magazines that Canon have produced. Our idea for the front
cover is show off what the camera can do in terms of taking photos. To show this,
we are going to take lots of different images and compose a collage with all these
images and then take one final photo of the camera and the lens, this will be a big
close-up. We will be taking photos in these different locations: Winter Gardens,
Riverside (River Wear), and Barnes Park. We are using these locations because we
thought we could have scenery images, images of history which will be taken in the
Winter Gardens as it is a museum and images of the woodlands when we will be taking
the images of our journey of transformation. All of these images will be taken in
different camera angles and sizes.
Shooting Schedule
• Monday- production/post-production
• Tuesday- production/post-production
• Wednesday- production/post-production
• Thursday- blogger (at home)
• Friday- blogger

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Canon - Journey.pptx

  • 2. Brief Requirements Canon has produced a new camera and they want to launch it with a new campaign around the theme of Journeys which will be their new product line. They chose this theme to emphasise how photography is a very creative way to show your personality through your eyes from a camera. Photography can be used on its own or in combination with other art, design and media. These are the requirements: • Our client is Canon • Create a front cover for a Canon advertorial magazine which promotes the new camera. • Create a print advert or advertorial to be included in the magazine • Target audience is young people between the age of 15 to 25 With this new campaign, we want to encourage our audience to form an allegiance to Canon equipment and services
  • 3. Canon Canon is a leading technology company that was founded in 1937. They are committed to helping people push boundaries and reimagine what can be possible through images. Throughout their 80-year history, their constant innovation has kept them at the cutting edge of imaging excellence, allowing them to create market-leading technology that will support future demand from photographers, videographers, office workers, professional printers, medical imaging specialists and so much more. They use imaging technologies to expand beyond the robust product line-up to their current offerings and to cultivate new business sectors where their imaging technology can extend the boundaries of what is possible. This encompasses developments in satellite technology, medical research, expanding uses for print and industrial equipment, and network video cameras, all of which help to create smart cities. The optical and imaging technologies that Canon is best known for are also advancing astronomy.
  • 4. Existing Products Magazine Cover Advertorial Print Advert
  • 5. Audience Research With this survey, we understand what people believe a journey is, and with this information we can understand how to better design our products in the way people think journeys are. For example, we are doing witchcraft and one journey we are doing is going from a person who has little magic to a person who has a huge amount of magic, this will be going through a magic transformation.
  • 6. Subject Research-Chakra • Chakra are various focal points that are used in a variety of ancient meditation practices. This type of practice is the inner tradition of Hinduism. Chakra arose in the early traditions of Hinduism. In chakra there are different beliefs in the Indian religions and the Hindu religions. In the Indian religion they only mention there being five chakras and in the Hindu religions they mention there being six or seven chakras. • In the early Sanskrit texts say they are a combination of flowers and mantras as well as physical entities in the body. • In the modern Western chakra system, there are multiple sources dating back to the 1880s that introduced the seven rainbow colours for the chakras.
  • 7. Subject Research- Chakra History It was The Upanishads who first mentioned chakras. Around about 7-800 BCE the first known mention of chakras appeared in the early Upanishads. In Sanskrit, the word chakra means wheel or lotus and is related to energy centers in the body. Later on in the Upanishad's ear (around 200 BCE - 200 CE) they referred to tantric concepts, which included things like chakras and mantras. They also gave them locations and meaning. When it came to the 10th century, the Guru Gorakhnath gave information on the powers of awaking and meditating on the chakras. So, chakras were born in 7-800 BCE. It has been suggested that the term chakra first appeared in the Hindu Vedas, though not necessarily in the sense of psychic energy centers, but rather as chakravartin, a king who "turns the wheel of his empire" in all directions from a center, symbolizing the power and influence he wields.
  • 8. Subject Research-The Different Chakras • Root Chakra- • The root chakra is located in the base of the spine, in the tailbone area, this chakra is the colour red and the meaning of the root chakra is physical identity, stability and grounding. It is possible that a blocked root chakra manifests as physical symptoms, such as arthritis, constipation, bladder or colon problems, or it can manifest as emotional symptoms, such as feelings of insecurity regarding our finances or our basic needs. Whenever it is aligned and open, we will feel grounded and secure, both physically and emotionally, as well as being able to take care of ourselves. • Sacral Chakra- • The sacral chakra is located just below the belly button, just above the pubic bone, this chakra is the colour orange and the meaning of the sacral chakra is sexuality, pleasure and creativity. Problems with lower back pain, impotency and urinary tract infection can be seen as issues due to this chakra. In terms of emotions, this chakra is related to our feelings of self-worth and more importantly our self-worth around pleasure, sexuality and creativity. Solar Plexus Chakra- The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper abdomen, and in the stomach area, this chakra is the colour yellow and the meaning of the solar plexus chakra is self-esteem and confidence. If your solar plexus chakra is blocked there are often experience digestive issues like ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders and indigestion. The solar plexus chakra is related to our personal power, in terms it is our self-esteem and self-confidence. Heart Chakra- This chakra is located in the center of the chest, just above the heart the colour of this chakra is green and the meaning of the heart chakra is love and compassion. There are many ways in which blockages in our heart chakra can manifest in our physical health, such as heart problems, asthma and weight problems. It is often the actions of people that reveal blocks even more clearly than words on a page. Throat Chakra- This chakra is in the throat, and its colour is blue, the meaning of the throat chakra is communication. This chakra is connected to our ability to communicate verbally. It is possible, because of a blockage, to experience problems with voice and throat, as well as issues with everything surrounding that area, including the teeth, gums and mouth. Dominating conversations, gossiping, speaking without thinking and having trouble speaking your mind can be seen as blockages or misalignment of the throat chakra. However, if the throat chakra is aligned you can speak and listen with compassion as well as feel confident when you speak because you know you are being true to yourself with your words.
  • 9. Subject Research-The Different Chakras Third Eye Chakra- This chakra is located between the eyes on the forehead which is why it's also known as the brow chakra. The colour of this chakra is indigo and the meaning is intuition and imagination. Due to this chakra being located on the head, blockages can be manifested as headaches, issues with sight or concentration and hearing problems. Other issues of having a blockage in the third eye chakra are trouble listening to reality or those who are not in touch with their intuition. When this chakra is open it is known that people will follow their intuition and be able to see the big picture. Crown Chakra- • This chakra is located at the very top of the head and its colours are violet or white. This chakra means awareness and intelligence. The crown chakra is linked to all the other chakras so it affects the whole of the body including the brain and nervous system. This chakra is connected to enlightenment and represents our connection to our life's purpose and spirituality. Anyone with a blocked crown chakra will seem narrow- minded, skeptical, or stubborn. If this chakra is open it is said that all other chakras are open and will lead to the person's bliss and enlightenment.
  • 10. Subject Research-History of Crystals 1546- Georg Bauer wrote De Natura Fossilium, the first scientific text on mineralogy, describing the physical characteristics of stones. 1659- Thomas Nicols published Gemmarius Fidelius (The Faithful Lapidary). In it he argues that gems do not possess special healing properties. As a result, the use of precious stones for healing and protection fell out of favour in Europe. c. 19th century- Advances in science and medicine as well as investigations into mediums, crystals and faith healers began to increase skepticism around crystal healing as people converted to new medicines. However, in 1880, the Curie brothers discovered piezoelectricity the process of using crystals to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. 1970s- Sidelined for some time against growing skepticism, the advent of New Age culture brought a revival of crystals for healing practices. Books started to re-popularize the use of crystals for spiritual well-being. Much of the information was derived from old traditions, experimentation and channeling. 21st century- Crystal therapy is now accepted as a mainstream and complementary therapy, crossing the boundaries of religious and spiritual beliefs.
  • 11. Subject Research-Different Crystals Rose Quartz- This crystal is the number one for self-care, it is the stone of unconditional love. It will reveal the true essence of love, open your heart to all levels and heal heartache. If you are single this is the stone for you as it attracts love and relationships and for those who have partners this stone will promote unconditional love and restore trust and harmony. In terms of self-care this stone soothes and reassures situations of trauma, crisis or grief. It will support self-forgiveness and invites you to trust and value yourself. Aventurine- This stone is excellent for compassion and perseverance and will help with neutralizing negative situations and dissipates anger and irritation. This stone is commonly known to be in the colour green and is known as the heart healer. It will sooth well-being and emotion calm through its colour. This stone will guard the heart against psychic vampirism, assist it to heal and help bring harmony between the mind and the heart. Green aventurine teaches us to trust our intuition, connect with our inner joy and synchronize ourselves with nature.
  • 12. Subject Research-Tarot • Introduction- One of the most cherished objects among mystics, psychics and intuitive is the tarot. In actuality it is the divination tool that we observe being used the most. It has surpassed the likes of scrying, tea leaf reading, crystals ball gazing and palmistry. Tarot cards are said to tell a story- a story about ourselves. Our greatest assets and our darkest secret are revealed by the stator. It exposes out flaws and our deepest aspirations. The tarot functions as a mirror to our soul, reflecting back to us just what we need to keep evolving into our finest selves. Just by comprehending the tarot's narratives, we can obtain divine wisdom about ourselves and our life. Since ancient times, tarot cards have been used to help individuals navigate their lives and comprehend the emotional concerns affecting them. Tarot cards can be used to add clarity and knowledge to both private and professional settings. Regular Tarot use can help you become more conscious of life changes and exploits possibilities for the better. It is possible to foretell the future or make predications using Tarot. The proper word for this is divination.
  • 13. Subject Research-Tarot History The history of tarot is quite enthralling. With tarot there are many different perspectives about the origins of them. It is thought that the earliest deck of cards that resemble the number cards found in the tarot is the Mamluk deck, which dates back to the third century of the common era in Egypt. There is no doubt that the Mamluk deck was inspired by the paper card games from China. Early Mamluk decks contained four types of cards, Polo sticks, swords, cups and coins which had a lot of similarities to the wands, cups, swords and pentacles of today's modern tarot decks. Unlike the trump cards of the Major Arcana, You don't see the detailed stories in the early cards as you do in the trump cards of the Major Arcana. The earliest origins of tarot cards appeared in the North of Italy in the earliest fifteenth century, these cards only hade 21 trump cards in them. The earliest versions of the tarot cards were initially created as nothing more than a game. The mystical history of the tarot takes a lot of twists and turns. Court de Gebelin, Eteila, Eliphas Levi, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Coleman are big players of the development of the mystical and divinatory version of the tarot. These people started to draw connection between the story of the tarot cards and all sorts of deeper meaning, occult symbolism and ancient wisdom.
  • 14. Subject Research-Tarot History 0) The Fool- Means good friends, happiness and that you need to take a great leap forward. 1) The Magician- Mean an element of surprise and something good or bad. 2) The High Priestess- This is the highest card in the tarot deck. Means very powerful and that good or bad secrets will be revealed. 3) The Empress- Means that there will be delays in your life these can be good or bad delays. 4) The Emperor- Means stability or stabilizing influence coming into your life. 5) The Hierophant- Means that there could be marriage coming in your life. That you could do well in a government or public company, you will have better body corporate. 6)The Lovers- Love affairs. Romance building again within marriage. Relationship. Relatives. Loving relationship you could share with a friend. 7) The Chariot- Movement of residence. Journey. Victory over a situation or problem. Balancing opposite polarities. 8) Strength- Inner strength. Confrontation with yourself or other people. 9) The Hermit- Loneliness. Unattached. Soul0searching time needed or time alone. 10) Wheel of Fortune- Elevation of money. Overseas trip. Completion phases. 11) Justice- Legal situation or document. Police. Finding out the truth in the matter affecting the balance. 12) The Hanged Man- Getting stronger in oneself after a lot of deliberating and delaying in your life. 13) Death- Death of situation or endings. New beginning.
  • 15. Our Idea For Print Advert From looking at the previous adverts that Canon has produced, our idea for the print advert is to show the journey of transformation. To show this, we are going to it based on witchcraft as it is a journey of learning and lot of research and practice goes into it. It's also a journey of learning how to work nature like controlling your emotions every moon phase and retrograde, incorporating herbs and stones to help balance everything, as well as your spiritual journey. We are planning on shooting a scenic photo in a woodland looking area where there will be a high angled, over-the-shoulder photo of someone doing some witchcraft. The print advert will have a slogan saying, 'Show Your Journey of Transformation'. The print advert will also show a product that Canon is trying to promote along with the Canon logo.
  • 16. Idea For Magazine Front Cover From looking at previous magazines that Canon have produced. Our idea for the front cover is show off what the camera can do in terms of taking photos. To show this, we are going to take lots of different images and compose a collage with all these images and then take one final photo of the camera and the lens, this will be a big close-up. We will be taking photos in these different locations: Winter Gardens, Riverside (River Wear), and Barnes Park. We are using these locations because we thought we could have scenery images, images of history which will be taken in the Winter Gardens as it is a museum and images of the woodlands when we will be taking the images of our journey of transformation. All of these images will be taken in different camera angles and sizes.
  • 17. Shooting Schedule • Monday- production/post-production • Tuesday- production/post-production • Wednesday- production/post-production • Thursday- blogger (at home) • Friday- blogger