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Canadian Culture
I agree with you, that the in the U.S. sports and fraternities plays a big role in our cultural because our society sees as part of something you will
experience once in college. Our culture also puts emphasis on living life to the fullest while you are young which is many cases is misunderstood in
college. On the flipside many Canadians do not see the importance of having school spirit or making a big deal over athletic games in college. The
Canadian culture focuses more on fairness and the opportunity to have equal access to learning. The U.S. does give out more scholarships because in
part of the grades/ sports but I think the main reason is that the cost to attend college here is way more than in Canada. I do not like the idea that college
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Canadian Culture Research Paper
Canada has been known for, and has taken great pride in being a multicultural nation to the point of making multiculturalism a law accompanied by a
nationally recognized holiday. Canada is, by the measure of many nations, the greatest nation on the planet. This great land and people are known for
the country's wide open spaces, its varied geographical areas and its acceptance of all people, regardless of race, culture and religion. As such, Canada is
widely known as one of the most multicultural and accepting countries in the world. What remains to be seen is whether Canada is truly multicultural
or if this nation is just tolerant of other cultures as a result of law or its "Canadian character". The term itself can be interpreted in more
MULTICULTURALISM 2008–2010" prepared by Citizenship and Immigration Canada cites information from polls conducted by Environomics for
Focus Canada (a leader in analytics in Canada). It states, "In a study conducted in 2003, support for multiculturalism among Canadians has increased
over seven years: 85% of Canadians agreed that multiculturalism was important to Canadian identity in 2003, compared to 74% in 1997" (http:/
/–state.pdf, pg 7 paragraph 5). This research would indicate a national movement towards embedding
multiculturalism in Canadian culture. It would also indicate that although there are a majority of Canadians who support multiculturalism; there is still
a group, roughly half a million people, who either do not care about multiculturalism or worse, who are opposed to the concept. Advocates of Canada's
multicultural identity cite census figures, including those from the 2001 census, which state that of the approximately two million immigrants arriving
in Canada between 1991 and 2001, "58 percent were from Asia, 20 percent from Europe, 11 percent from the Caribbean, Central and South America,
eight percent from Africa and three percent from the United States." These figures show a
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Canadian Culture Essay
Each and every one of the world's many nations is unique in its own way. No two nations are the same in terms of the way they live. Whether it is
driving on the right or left side of the road, pronouncing words a certain way or using hand gestures to communicate different meanings, each nation of
the world has something that allows it to stand out. This uniqueness can come from certain religions, cultural practices, geography, history or from a
multitude of other reasons. Despite this, a unique nation usually gains its originality and identity from its people. The way the people interact, live,
work, play and have come to exist dictate how others perceive them as a culture. Canada is a provocative country with a divergent
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For example, the discovery of corn in places such as Southern Ontario proved the complexity of trade routes as corn had originated in Mexico. Also, the
Iroquois Constitution written somewhere around 1400, included rhetoric about land–ownership, freedom of religion and the rights of women. To quote
Dr Poutanen, "Aboriginal peoples before European contact were dynamic, complex, and culturally rich as well as diverse." . The first Europeans had
contact with Aboriginals around 1000 AD with the landing of the Vikings in Newfoundland. However, long
–term settlement and engagement first
appeared when Jacques Cartier claimed areas of the St. Lawrence for France in 1534 under Francis I. There were many different types of
encounters including contact, collision and relationship. Initially, settlers and indigenous tribes were peaceful, sharing gifts and culture. As time
progressed however, natives began to lose face with Europeans. Disease burdened the Natives as their bodies were not immune to European disease.
Many thousands of people died and those who didn't were forced to abide by European rule. Even after fighting hard on the side of the British, the
emergence of new settlers after the War of 1812 pushed Aboriginals to the brink of society. New settlers needed the land to colonize and farm. Some
natives such as Louis Riel tried to resist; however it was futile. Europeans took control of the land and granted natives only a small portion of their
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Essay On Canadian Culture
The Canadian culture, history, entertainment, foods, and music are all unique things about Canada. They have similar likes and music interest as
Americans. There is a bunch of interesting facts that are entertaining.
Foods Canada's eat included nanaimo bars and , poutine. Montreal style bagels, Butter tarts,Yellow pea soup, Cod tongues , scrunchions.Breakfast
foods include Bacon Maple syrup waffles eggs pancakes Bagels muffins. Fast foods Burgers fries Pizza. Diner Beef Ham Rice
Corn Potatoes Chicken. Fish Cod. Cabbage. Gravy Turkey. Dessert Ice cream. Many food we eat. Fast foods Burgers fries Pizza. Diner Beef Ham
Rice Corn Potatoes Chicken. Fish Cod. Cabbage. Gravy Turkey. Dessert Ice cream. Many food we eat. Canadian lives were hard back then like
many other places. There wasn't really that much food for the canadians to eat which was really bad. There wasn't even enough houses for the
canadians to live in. There wasn't really a lot of jobs so you mainly had to be a farmer. If not then you had to catch fish and animals which was a pain.
For entertainment they had fests and they would play games. The foods they would eat was mainly Bizon and crops because that's what they really
only had.
The canadian history was more content...
The music has changed from being a classical, rock type of thing to a hip–hop and pop. Canada has been a birthplace for many of america's biggest
artist like Shawn Mendes, Justin Bieber and, Nickelback. In 1997 one of the songs that was on the charts at 97 was As Long As You Love Me by
The Backstreet Boys. Currently as of November of 2017 the songs are the same as the U.S. In Canada the 1 hit on the charts is Havana by Camila
Cabella. They have good taste in music like the U.S many Canadian artist have became a part of the U.S as well as starting a career and becoming a
bigger star. Canada has a lot to do with the United State's
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Canadian Culture Essay examples
Canadian Culture
Canada is one of two countries located in North America and is the second largest country in the world. It is situated just north of the United States and
constitutes the northern part of the country, excluding Alaska. Over the years Canada's culture has been influenced by European culture and traditions,
mainly that of the French and British. Canadian culture has also been influenced by the countries' first people, the Aboriginals, as well as the newer
immigrated population (Wikipedia, 2007). Canada consists of ten provinces and three northern territories, almost all of which are "rich in land and
natural resources" (Bailey, par. 2). Canada is often referred to as a mosaic community because there is such a wide more content...
First Nations have the oldest influence on Prairie culture as they have lived in this region for centuries. Fur traders and explorers from Eastern Canada
were the first Europeans to come to the Prairies. "They gave rise to the MГ©tis, famous for their skill in bison hunting" (Wikipedia, 2007, par.9).
Located in Southern Alberta, there is an historical site, Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump, where they exhibit the large cliffs that the MГ©tis would use
to run the bison off of the edge. They were very resourceful and used all parts of the animal for their survival. Once the Canadian Pacific Railway was
built more ethnic groups started to settle in this region. "The Prairies were settled in district ethnic block settlements giving certain areas a distinctly
Ukrainian, German, French and Scandinavian Canadian cultures" (Wikipedia, 2007, par.9). Just outside of Edmonton, Alberta there is the Ukrainian
Cultural Heritage Village which is a museum that was built to resemble pioneer settlements in east central Alberta. Buildings from the surrounding
communities have been relocated to this area and have been preserved for their historical significance. There are also people who dress in historic
costumes that actually play the roles of the men, women and children who lived at that time. Another culture that is prevalent in the southern prairies is
the "cowboy culture" (Wikipedia, 2007, par.10). Because ranching is so popular in this
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Canadian Culture
To understand if the U.S. – Canadian magazine dispute was motivated by genuine desire to protect Canadian culture, I feel like you have to
understand the Canadian people and their way of life. I do believe that his was more of a culture protection move than an economical move. The
Canadians in my opinion do not want a United States of America state but they want to be country that has their own morals and views. I feel that this
move tried to protect the way of thinking and that those magazines only opened the door for Canadians to becoming more Americanized. However, that
being said, some part of it was because of the financial structure, and probably pressure placed by competitive Canadian magazines that had to deal with
profit loss due to the American magazines entering the more content...
Now how they tried to sell it to the public and the lawmakers was probably the culture aspect on what the American magazines are doing to the
Canadian culture. And from what I see here in the United States and the grueling TV series such as Cops or the misguiding reality TV shows such as
the Kardashians, is a prefect tool to use to argue on what Americanization is bringing to the table and why abiding citizens of Canada shouldn't view it.
Thinking about it more depth, just one show of the Kardashians should be enough to stop any culture from banning reality TV shows from the United
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Canadian Culture vs American Culture Essay
Although Canada and the United States share the same continent, they are divided by their unique ideas and views. After WWI ,Canada broke its ties
with Britain and new independent nation was born with a unique culture. This new culture developed through the Canadian citizens. As a Canadian
citizen, Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie helped achieve autonomy from Britain and solidify national unity at home. Canadian inventor
,Fredrick Banting ,maintained his culture as Canadian and contributed to the world through his invention of insulin. Many artists, authors, actors ,
actresses and athletes have played their part in Canadian culture. During the 1920s and 1930s, Canada asserted independence from Britain and the
United States to more content...
Finally ,Canada achieved its goals as an independent and unique culture. Canadian and American cultural views were different which was proved
because one is multicultural and the other is not. Canada was known as "mosaic" which means immigrants from any ethnic group were accepted here
and were allowed to practice their religion. Therefore, they have a double identity ,meaning they are their ethnic group before a Canadian citizen as in
Japanese–Canadian, Asian Canadian and so on . Whereas ,American culture was known as the "melting pot ", where they accept other cultures
however they encouraged their citizens to give up their original culture ( Wells ,10 and 11 ). Canadian's usually describe themselves as "NOT
AMERICAN"(Wells,35) . Many Americans view Canada as a positive nation and as a better environment to live in then the United States . A legal
sectary from Gastonia ,North Carolina said "Canada's such a terrific place, I'd move there tomorrow if I could" (Wells, 35). This proves that Americans
want to come to Canada since it is a safer environment due to it's unique culture. Canadians are recognized as more modest, less aggressive and more
down to earth then their southern neighbors (Wells,35). Canadian inventors contribute to the Canadian culture through their successful discoveries. A
famous inventor ,Fredrick Banting was the first
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Canadian Culture And Identity
In understanding body politics and spatial struggles, one cannot neglect the concept of identity and what it means. The history of modern Canada has
its history deep in migration and settlement; from the aboriginal peoples, to the French and later British. Over the years, discussions have entered
academia with the aim of defining an understanding Canadian culture and identity. This project was aimed at finding artists who has work that deals
with this and established themselves in this field.
Camille Turner considers herself to be a media/performance artist and she is also an educator. She came up with the idea of 'Miss Canadiana' after a
self conscious episode, where she was concerned about the perception of her identity as a black Canadian.
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Dress Codes In Canadian Culture
School Dress Codes in Canadian Culture
In Canadian culture, the majority of schools enforce a 'dress code'. Dependent on school and its location, some are stricter than others. Private schools
for example, are known for having strict dress codes while public schools haven't enforced them nearly as much. However, in this day and age, public
schools are enforcing a seemingly biased dress code. In the BBC podcast, students, parents and teachers shed a light on the dress codes in Canadian
public schools and their focus on young women. Lindsey Stocker, was sent home from school from wearing shorts that were too short (because they
didn't go to her knees). This situation, however, is not unique. Emily Connors got sent home from her public more content...
This standard plays a bigger role in the lives of women in that if you do not meet the standard, you should expect ridicule, you should expect
catcalling, and you should expect rape. This "standard" comes with being in sync with the current fashion trends, but due to dress codes, it's hard
to meet the standard. If you go out shopping at stores like Forever 21, you will not find shorts that extend past your fingertips. The dress code goes
one of two ways; if you are wearing "appropriate" clothing (abiding by the dress code), you are ridiculed by your classmates, and if you are
wearing "inappropriate" clothing (rebelling against the dress code), you are ridiculed by your professors in front of your classmates. This makes it
difficult for young women to find "appropriate" clothing in both means, let alone to for them to feel comfortable in it. Besides dress codes making
it difficult for young women to fit in, dress code also supports rape culture. They show young men that it is okay to view girls or young women as
sexual objects, as a mean of temptation, as distractions. It shows them that if women are not covered up, they are asking for it; a term widely used to
describe rape, making it casual and a
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Canada's Unique Culture
Canada's Unique Culture Did you know Canada is a good place to live? The history of Canada is very unique because there's always a lot to do.
History is very important because it's what happened in your family's past. "They lived in tepees–conical shelters covered with skin which were
portable and easily erected, yet warm in sound enough to withstand strong winds." (Guek–Cheng Pang pg 21). Religion is very important because that
is how you grow up and what you believe in. "Myths were very important. They told the story of creation, the origin of the moon, the sun and the stars,
and explained the meaning of various religious rituals." (Guek–Cheng Pang pg 77). In the past, they were all farmers and planted all of their food.
"Today, less than
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Essay On Canadian Pop Culture
Canadian Pop Culture
I would watch many different shows, movies, and animes. I don't watch any Canadian shows. None of the animes, shows and movies I watch are
Canadian because I would watch japanese anime and Canadian shows don't seem that interesting to me. Animes I watched are "Shingeki No Kyojin"
and "Naruto". There's also a few anime movies I seen, like "Boruto". I haven't heard or seen any Canadian movies. I've seen a few episodes of
Canadian shows: "MasterChef Canada" and "The Amazing Race Canada". I watch shows that are similar to "The Flash", "Marvel's Agents of
Shields", and "Arrow".I listened to music that a Canadian person sings. I listen to Justin Bieber's and Shawn Mendes music. Some Justin Bieber's
songs I listened to is " more content...
Depending on what succeeded can benefit me; if it's the news or weather channel that succeeded they would continue to run it, instead of canceling it
because they are getting profit out of it. This is beneficial to me because I can be informed on what's happening in other countries or what's happening
in Canada. Some of the qualities of Canadians products are better than and just as good as some of American products.Some songs by Canadian singers
are better than American songs. Some of Justin Bieber' songs are better than Americans; "What Do You Mean" and "Sorry" are one of the best songs.
Some Canadian products are more worse than some American products. Some clothings, foods, movies, songs, video games, advertisements, etc, are
better than, worst than, or same quality as some American products. I think most American shows or movies are better than Canadians and Canadian
music are better music than Americans. Having CRTC and CANCON regulations are really important because it informs the world about what's
happening in other countries/world and it strengthens Canada's culture, social and economic structures. It informs people across the world about
Canada and if people ever want to or are planning to go to Canada they will know when to come because they would know
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Characteristics Of Canadian Culture
There are many different views of Canadian culture and to me personally, it refers to our unique culture, identity and values of being Canadian. Canada
does not only embody one culture, it instead embodies many other different cultures that co–exist with each other. It is one of the most notable unique
characteristics of Canada's by being such a diverse country. In my preference, in order to follow Canadian culture, you have to follow the Canadian
values and beliefs, an example: how Canadians have rights/freedom, and are nice/polite people. Moreover, all Canadians have been associated with
things that sets Canada apart from other countries, such as ketchup chips, free healthcare and Canada's national sport, curling. Canadian culture is
represented by uniqueness of Canadians, traditions and values/beliefs of the Canadian people. I like to see Canada as cultural mosaic, rather than a
cultural melting pot. One of Canada's distinct qualities is its multiculturalism, where there is co–existence between different cultures. Canada is mostly
made up of immigrants which makes Canada so culturally diverse with different cultures. Canadians take pride in its diversity of its cultures as it
makes up Canada. "Multiculturalism is the key factor in building Canada into a greater nation that includes everybody." Stated by Austin Uthe. I fully
agree with Mr. Uthe's point, to include everybody no matter what race and ethnicity will make Canada a greater nation with everybody having same
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Art In Canadian Culture Essay
have always been an inspiration for people throughout the world. Collectively, these creations represent the intellectual dimension of Canadian culture.
Moreover, the wealth of Canadian directed projects provides the general public with an easily accessible method of comprehending the utmost epitome
of Canada's cultural evolution. Understanding Canada's cultural history via artistic formats is very advantageous because this learning process can
gradually help to develop a more cohesive society and induct a sense of pride and unity within Canadian civilians. Nevertheless, Canadian cultural
policies have not been adapted to regulate the creative and technological boundaries which the modern day digital revolution surpasses with swift ease.
As a result, in Canada, the direction and prominence of art is at a crossroads. more content...
According, art programs prepare both young people and teens to be resourceful, visionary and brilliant problem solvers, which employers will
definitely seek for in order to build the workforce. In addition, the impact of the arts on Canadian life can lead to increased community development
and enhanced social cohesion. To specify, the arts can be a driving factor for the empowerment of a community. For instance, the Creative City
Network of Canada says that the arts play an essential role in social agreeance since they incite tourists to take the time to visit, create a feeling of
belonging and contribute to preserving the collective memory. Without question, arts andculture can be used to characterize a community and
distinguish it apart from others. On the other hand, businesses and even the government, are not interested or motivated to increase their sponsorship of
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Canadian Culture
All these are the deep and important driver of Canadian culture and shows the prevalent culture on the basis of which society make their
development and growth. There is less power distance prevailing in the society of Canada. Power is equally distributed among each individual
within the society and organization. Each employee has his own value in the organization this will create confidence in him and he will be more
motivated to perform the job role. Individualism is prevailing in the Canadian society; people are like to take care of themselves and their family
(Reddy, 2011). They are not loyal towards the whole society. This factor is higher in theculture of the Canada. Individual always work for their growth
and development rather thinking about the whole organization which affects the success of the organization in achieving their objectives (Reddy,
2011). Communication Hall:
Communication style in Bangladesh:
The concept of cross culture also includes communication language and communication style. Bangla is the national more content...
Bangladesh is a culture–centric nation business personal follows all the cultural beliefs and values while making business decisions. Business
organizations operating in Bangladesh follows autocratic or transactional leadership style which affects the team management. A team can be managed
effectively if team members have received equal opportunity in decision making. Democratic style of leadership is helpful in making good decisions
(Abdullah, et. al., 2011). The growth rate of development is slow in the Bangladesh because of inappropriate leadership style and decision–making
process. An effective team management involves cooperatively working in the team, proper communication network between members, work as per
the set target and objectives and time to time appraisal of
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Essay On Canadian Culture
There are many ways to defined Canadian culture through different terms that make Canadian culture, Canadian. Canadian culture can be found
through artistic, musical, literary, culinary and political and social elements. Dennis Lee believed that "If you're Canadian; you don't really have a
place to call home". (Dennis, 1974). However, the landscapes in Canada are known to be embedded in notions of Canadian culture showing us the
Canadian identity. In this paper, I will state how Rod Charlesworth's landscape painting demonstrated Canadian culture by reviewing the importance
terms such as the Atwood's "survival, group of seven, the environmental determinism, authenticity, Canada as a northern country, and Northrop Frye's
idea I have chosen a Canadian painting called "Algonquin" painted by an artist named Rod Charlesworth. A little background information about the
artist, Rod Charlesworth, is that he was born in Terrace, British Columbia in 1995. Rod Charlesworth artworks are majority influenced by Tom
Thomson and the Group of Seven. He studied art at Okanagan College, where he was able to express the beauty of Canadian landscape. He is able to
create Canadian culture through his painting, and his painting shows a strong Canadian cultural more content...
Algonquin Park used to be where the aboriginal settlement came to gather their survival needs. As it is stated in Algonquin Provincial– Official website
of the Friends of Algonquin Park that, "Scattered family groups of aboriginal peoples came to fish, hunt and pick berries, but their numbers were
never large. It was not until the 1800s that big changes came to the rugged Algonquin highlands". (Algonquin Park, 1998). Algonquin Park is the first
provincial park which was established in 1893, therefore, it is the oldest provincial park in
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The Canadian Culture Essay
Culture can be defined as the behaviours and belief characteristics of a particular social, ethnic,
or age group. Every country has its own special way of life. Canada's in particular can be considered
unique because Canada is a cultural mosaic, which allows elements of many cultures to be integrated
into one. Canada's culture has many influences because the numerous people who immigrate here are
encouraged to keep their culture. These immigrants also teach the people they meet when they move
here about their own ways of life. Canada has a culture that is made up of many because of all the
immigration, and openness to culture that the country possesses.
At different times throughout history, people more content...
When Canada became its own
Canadian culture p2
country, the identity became separate from the UK. Although there were still British colonies, people
were free to start developing their own identity. The Canadian government policy has predominantly been one of peace–keeping. In the 1960s the
United States started to become more violent, and Canada
remained peaceful, people looked to Canada as a place to get away from violence ("Canada in the 19th",
2009). Canada is known worldwide for being peaceful, and is recognized for its peacekeeping efforts in
war zones. "Canada is of a handful of nations to which the United Nations can regularly turn to
obtain peacekeeping advice and expert peacekeepers." ("Canada & Peacekeeping", 1999) The
word peace keeping was invented by the fourteenth Canadian Prime Minister, Lester B. Pearson during
the Suez crisis of 1956, for which he was later awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
The geography of Canada affects our culture considerably. Canada is located north of the United
States, occupying most of northern America. It is the second largest country in the world. Canadians
take pride in this fact. Firstly, the climate affects what we wear. In the north most parts of Canada, thick
coats and parkas are a necessity, along with mittens, and thick hats, or toques, in Canadian slang in
warmer, southern parts of Canada we must prepare for
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Canadian Workplace Culture
When it comes to work in Canada, it is totally evident that each workplace is unique. It has its own culture and unwritten rules which every newcomer
should know and be familiar with them. In fact, when the new immigrants come to work in Canada they face various difficulties and challenges in their
jobs. It is precisely for these reasons, the majority of the experts in the Canadian workplace culture confirm that there are some common tips which can
help the newcomers to integrate into the Canadian workplace successfully. Punctuality and greeting: firstly, the punctuality is extremely important in
the Canadian culture because the fact of arriving late to your work can negatively affect your career. For example, you might lose your reliability
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Canadian Culture: Questions And Answers
1.What emphasis does work, study and family life have in your country or in your culture? Which of the 3 is most important in your country or in
your culture? In many parts of Canada, there is a strong legacy protestant work ethic which pervades the culture. People generally define themselves
by their work. Of equal importance is the family, and extended social bonds. Their concept of family is quite inclusive, and often extends beyond mere
family members. Although Education ranks third on the list it is still highly valued, which is reflected in the quality of their public school systems. 2.Is
your personal emphasis the same? My own priorities closely match those of my brethren. A balance of work, study, and family are the cornerstones
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Canadian Culture Essay
The way Canadian culture is perceived is different for everyone. Too some we are stereotypical flannel wearing Canadians, to others we are just like
any other person from around the world. I like to think of Canadian culture as a welcoming, polite, quietly patriotic, multicultural and a safe society
where we are free to express ourselves. Furthermore, I wanted to find out what Canadians think of the culture we have developed over the past 250
years. Too find out what Canadian culture is to others I asked 3 different Canadians, all from diverse backgrounds and different walks of life some
sets of questions. Questions such as "what does it mean to be Canadian?" or "why did you move to Canada?". Questions such as those will help me find more content...
Canadian culture to Francheska is politeness, which her and I both agree on.
The second person I had the privilege of interviewing was Tony Minh, a man who was born but who's family comes from Chinese and Vietnamese
descent. I Started off the interview by asking him "if you could live anywhere but Canada where would it be?" Tony responded with "I would like
to live in the U.K, no where else." This statement shows that obviously Tony would like to move to much similar country so he holds are values
quite close. The next question I asked tony was how does he keep his Asian heritage/values? He responded with "as a Canadian I know I have the
right to show off my heritage so we still do things like Chinese New Year." This quotation proves my point that Canada is a very welcoming and
multicultural society. I then asked him "what do you think of multiculturalism?" Tony then said in response "its interesting and cool because Canada
almost feels like its many countries put together." Spoken like a true Canadian accepting and loving everyone. Finally, the last question I asked is
"what is Canadian Culture to you?" Tony said to me "hockey, maple syrup, being polite and holding the door open", this just goes show that the
stereotypes to which Canadians are perceived are very true and are part of our culture
The final person I interviewed was my mother, Angie Kartz. She is a 4th
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Canadian Culture

  • 1. Canadian Culture I agree with you, that the in the U.S. sports and fraternities plays a big role in our cultural because our society sees as part of something you will experience once in college. Our culture also puts emphasis on living life to the fullest while you are young which is many cases is misunderstood in college. On the flipside many Canadians do not see the importance of having school spirit or making a big deal over athletic games in college. The Canadian culture focuses more on fairness and the opportunity to have equal access to learning. The U.S. does give out more scholarships because in part of the grades/ sports but I think the main reason is that the cost to attend college here is way more than in Canada. I do not like the idea that college Get more content on
  • 2. Canadian Culture Research Paper Canada has been known for, and has taken great pride in being a multicultural nation to the point of making multiculturalism a law accompanied by a nationally recognized holiday. Canada is, by the measure of many nations, the greatest nation on the planet. This great land and people are known for the country's wide open spaces, its varied geographical areas and its acceptance of all people, regardless of race, culture and religion. As such, Canada is widely known as one of the most multicultural and accepting countries in the world. What remains to be seen is whether Canada is truly multicultural or if this nation is just tolerant of other cultures as a result of law or its "Canadian character". The term itself can be interpreted in more content... The report on "THE CURRENT STATE OF MULTICULTURALISM IN CANADA AND RESEARCH THEMES ON CANADIAN MULTICULTURALISM 2008–2010" prepared by Citizenship and Immigration Canada cites information from polls conducted by Environomics for Focus Canada (a leader in analytics in Canada). It states, "In a study conducted in 2003, support for multiculturalism among Canadians has increased over seven years: 85% of Canadians agreed that multiculturalism was important to Canadian identity in 2003, compared to 74% in 1997" (http:/ /–state.pdf, pg 7 paragraph 5). This research would indicate a national movement towards embedding multiculturalism in Canadian culture. It would also indicate that although there are a majority of Canadians who support multiculturalism; there is still a group, roughly half a million people, who either do not care about multiculturalism or worse, who are opposed to the concept. Advocates of Canada's multicultural identity cite census figures, including those from the 2001 census, which state that of the approximately two million immigrants arriving in Canada between 1991 and 2001, "58 percent were from Asia, 20 percent from Europe, 11 percent from the Caribbean, Central and South America, eight percent from Africa and three percent from the United States." These figures show a Get more content on
  • 3. Canadian Culture Essay Each and every one of the world's many nations is unique in its own way. No two nations are the same in terms of the way they live. Whether it is driving on the right or left side of the road, pronouncing words a certain way or using hand gestures to communicate different meanings, each nation of the world has something that allows it to stand out. This uniqueness can come from certain religions, cultural practices, geography, history or from a multitude of other reasons. Despite this, a unique nation usually gains its originality and identity from its people. The way the people interact, live, work, play and have come to exist dictate how others perceive them as a culture. Canada is a provocative country with a divergent more content... For example, the discovery of corn in places such as Southern Ontario proved the complexity of trade routes as corn had originated in Mexico. Also, the Iroquois Constitution written somewhere around 1400, included rhetoric about land–ownership, freedom of religion and the rights of women. To quote Dr Poutanen, "Aboriginal peoples before European contact were dynamic, complex, and culturally rich as well as diverse." . The first Europeans had contact with Aboriginals around 1000 AD with the landing of the Vikings in Newfoundland. However, long –term settlement and engagement first appeared when Jacques Cartier claimed areas of the St. Lawrence for France in 1534 under Francis I. There were many different types of encounters including contact, collision and relationship. Initially, settlers and indigenous tribes were peaceful, sharing gifts and culture. As time progressed however, natives began to lose face with Europeans. Disease burdened the Natives as their bodies were not immune to European disease. Many thousands of people died and those who didn't were forced to abide by European rule. Even after fighting hard on the side of the British, the emergence of new settlers after the War of 1812 pushed Aboriginals to the brink of society. New settlers needed the land to colonize and farm. Some natives such as Louis Riel tried to resist; however it was futile. Europeans took control of the land and granted natives only a small portion of their rightful Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Canadian Culture The Canadian culture, history, entertainment, foods, and music are all unique things about Canada. They have similar likes and music interest as Americans. There is a bunch of interesting facts that are entertaining. Foods Canada's eat included nanaimo bars and , poutine. Montreal style bagels, Butter tarts,Yellow pea soup, Cod tongues , scrunchions.Breakfast foods include Bacon Maple syrup waffles eggs pancakes Bagels muffins. Fast foods Burgers fries Pizza. Diner Beef Ham Rice Corn Potatoes Chicken. Fish Cod. Cabbage. Gravy Turkey. Dessert Ice cream. Many food we eat. Fast foods Burgers fries Pizza. Diner Beef Ham Rice Corn Potatoes Chicken. Fish Cod. Cabbage. Gravy Turkey. Dessert Ice cream. Many food we eat. Canadian lives were hard back then like many other places. There wasn't really that much food for the canadians to eat which was really bad. There wasn't even enough houses for the canadians to live in. There wasn't really a lot of jobs so you mainly had to be a farmer. If not then you had to catch fish and animals which was a pain. For entertainment they had fests and they would play games. The foods they would eat was mainly Bizon and crops because that's what they really only had. The canadian history was more content... The music has changed from being a classical, rock type of thing to a hip–hop and pop. Canada has been a birthplace for many of america's biggest artist like Shawn Mendes, Justin Bieber and, Nickelback. In 1997 one of the songs that was on the charts at 97 was As Long As You Love Me by The Backstreet Boys. Currently as of November of 2017 the songs are the same as the U.S. In Canada the 1 hit on the charts is Havana by Camila Cabella. They have good taste in music like the U.S many Canadian artist have became a part of the U.S as well as starting a career and becoming a bigger star. Canada has a lot to do with the United State's Get more content on
  • 5. Canadian Culture Essay examples Canadian Culture Canada is one of two countries located in North America and is the second largest country in the world. It is situated just north of the United States and constitutes the northern part of the country, excluding Alaska. Over the years Canada's culture has been influenced by European culture and traditions, mainly that of the French and British. Canadian culture has also been influenced by the countries' first people, the Aboriginals, as well as the newer immigrated population (Wikipedia, 2007). Canada consists of ten provinces and three northern territories, almost all of which are "rich in land and natural resources" (Bailey, par. 2). Canada is often referred to as a mosaic community because there is such a wide more content... First Nations have the oldest influence on Prairie culture as they have lived in this region for centuries. Fur traders and explorers from Eastern Canada were the first Europeans to come to the Prairies. "They gave rise to the MГ©tis, famous for their skill in bison hunting" (Wikipedia, 2007, par.9). Located in Southern Alberta, there is an historical site, Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump, where they exhibit the large cliffs that the MГ©tis would use to run the bison off of the edge. They were very resourceful and used all parts of the animal for their survival. Once the Canadian Pacific Railway was built more ethnic groups started to settle in this region. "The Prairies were settled in district ethnic block settlements giving certain areas a distinctly Ukrainian, German, French and Scandinavian Canadian cultures" (Wikipedia, 2007, par.9). Just outside of Edmonton, Alberta there is the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village which is a museum that was built to resemble pioneer settlements in east central Alberta. Buildings from the surrounding communities have been relocated to this area and have been preserved for their historical significance. There are also people who dress in historic costumes that actually play the roles of the men, women and children who lived at that time. Another culture that is prevalent in the southern prairies is the "cowboy culture" (Wikipedia, 2007, par.10). Because ranching is so popular in this Get more content on
  • 6. Canadian Culture To understand if the U.S. – Canadian magazine dispute was motivated by genuine desire to protect Canadian culture, I feel like you have to understand the Canadian people and their way of life. I do believe that his was more of a culture protection move than an economical move. The Canadians in my opinion do not want a United States of America state but they want to be country that has their own morals and views. I feel that this move tried to protect the way of thinking and that those magazines only opened the door for Canadians to becoming more Americanized. However, that being said, some part of it was because of the financial structure, and probably pressure placed by competitive Canadian magazines that had to deal with profit loss due to the American magazines entering the more content... Now how they tried to sell it to the public and the lawmakers was probably the culture aspect on what the American magazines are doing to the Canadian culture. And from what I see here in the United States and the grueling TV series such as Cops or the misguiding reality TV shows such as the Kardashians, is a prefect tool to use to argue on what Americanization is bringing to the table and why abiding citizens of Canada shouldn't view it. Thinking about it more depth, just one show of the Kardashians should be enough to stop any culture from banning reality TV shows from the United Get more content on
  • 7. Canadian Culture vs American Culture Essay Although Canada and the United States share the same continent, they are divided by their unique ideas and views. After WWI ,Canada broke its ties with Britain and new independent nation was born with a unique culture. This new culture developed through the Canadian citizens. As a Canadian citizen, Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie helped achieve autonomy from Britain and solidify national unity at home. Canadian inventor ,Fredrick Banting ,maintained his culture as Canadian and contributed to the world through his invention of insulin. Many artists, authors, actors , actresses and athletes have played their part in Canadian culture. During the 1920s and 1930s, Canada asserted independence from Britain and the United States to more content... Finally ,Canada achieved its goals as an independent and unique culture. Canadian and American cultural views were different which was proved because one is multicultural and the other is not. Canada was known as "mosaic" which means immigrants from any ethnic group were accepted here and were allowed to practice their religion. Therefore, they have a double identity ,meaning they are their ethnic group before a Canadian citizen as in Japanese–Canadian, Asian Canadian and so on . Whereas ,American culture was known as the "melting pot ", where they accept other cultures however they encouraged their citizens to give up their original culture ( Wells ,10 and 11 ). Canadian's usually describe themselves as "NOT AMERICAN"(Wells,35) . Many Americans view Canada as a positive nation and as a better environment to live in then the United States . A legal sectary from Gastonia ,North Carolina said "Canada's such a terrific place, I'd move there tomorrow if I could" (Wells, 35). This proves that Americans want to come to Canada since it is a safer environment due to it's unique culture. Canadians are recognized as more modest, less aggressive and more down to earth then their southern neighbors (Wells,35). Canadian inventors contribute to the Canadian culture through their successful discoveries. A famous inventor ,Fredrick Banting was the first Get more content on
  • 8. Canadian Culture And Identity In understanding body politics and spatial struggles, one cannot neglect the concept of identity and what it means. The history of modern Canada has its history deep in migration and settlement; from the aboriginal peoples, to the French and later British. Over the years, discussions have entered academia with the aim of defining an understanding Canadian culture and identity. This project was aimed at finding artists who has work that deals with this and established themselves in this field. Camille Turner considers herself to be a media/performance artist and she is also an educator. She came up with the idea of 'Miss Canadiana' after a self conscious episode, where she was concerned about the perception of her identity as a black Canadian. Get more content on
  • 9. Dress Codes In Canadian Culture School Dress Codes in Canadian Culture In Canadian culture, the majority of schools enforce a 'dress code'. Dependent on school and its location, some are stricter than others. Private schools for example, are known for having strict dress codes while public schools haven't enforced them nearly as much. However, in this day and age, public schools are enforcing a seemingly biased dress code. In the BBC podcast, students, parents and teachers shed a light on the dress codes in Canadian public schools and their focus on young women. Lindsey Stocker, was sent home from school from wearing shorts that were too short (because they didn't go to her knees). This situation, however, is not unique. Emily Connors got sent home from her public more content... This standard plays a bigger role in the lives of women in that if you do not meet the standard, you should expect ridicule, you should expect catcalling, and you should expect rape. This "standard" comes with being in sync with the current fashion trends, but due to dress codes, it's hard to meet the standard. If you go out shopping at stores like Forever 21, you will not find shorts that extend past your fingertips. The dress code goes one of two ways; if you are wearing "appropriate" clothing (abiding by the dress code), you are ridiculed by your classmates, and if you are wearing "inappropriate" clothing (rebelling against the dress code), you are ridiculed by your professors in front of your classmates. This makes it difficult for young women to find "appropriate" clothing in both means, let alone to for them to feel comfortable in it. Besides dress codes making it difficult for young women to fit in, dress code also supports rape culture. They show young men that it is okay to view girls or young women as sexual objects, as a mean of temptation, as distractions. It shows them that if women are not covered up, they are asking for it; a term widely used to describe rape, making it casual and a Get more content on
  • 10. Canada's Unique Culture Canada's Unique Culture Did you know Canada is a good place to live? The history of Canada is very unique because there's always a lot to do. History is very important because it's what happened in your family's past. "They lived in tepees–conical shelters covered with skin which were portable and easily erected, yet warm in sound enough to withstand strong winds." (Guek–Cheng Pang pg 21). Religion is very important because that is how you grow up and what you believe in. "Myths were very important. They told the story of creation, the origin of the moon, the sun and the stars, and explained the meaning of various religious rituals." (Guek–Cheng Pang pg 77). In the past, they were all farmers and planted all of their food. "Today, less than Get more content on
  • 11. Essay On Canadian Pop Culture Canadian Pop Culture I would watch many different shows, movies, and animes. I don't watch any Canadian shows. None of the animes, shows and movies I watch are Canadian because I would watch japanese anime and Canadian shows don't seem that interesting to me. Animes I watched are "Shingeki No Kyojin" and "Naruto". There's also a few anime movies I seen, like "Boruto". I haven't heard or seen any Canadian movies. I've seen a few episodes of Canadian shows: "MasterChef Canada" and "The Amazing Race Canada". I watch shows that are similar to "The Flash", "Marvel's Agents of Shields", and "Arrow".I listened to music that a Canadian person sings. I listen to Justin Bieber's and Shawn Mendes music. Some Justin Bieber's songs I listened to is " more content... Depending on what succeeded can benefit me; if it's the news or weather channel that succeeded they would continue to run it, instead of canceling it because they are getting profit out of it. This is beneficial to me because I can be informed on what's happening in other countries or what's happening in Canada. Some of the qualities of Canadians products are better than and just as good as some of American products.Some songs by Canadian singers are better than American songs. Some of Justin Bieber' songs are better than Americans; "What Do You Mean" and "Sorry" are one of the best songs. Some Canadian products are more worse than some American products. Some clothings, foods, movies, songs, video games, advertisements, etc, are better than, worst than, or same quality as some American products. I think most American shows or movies are better than Canadians and Canadian music are better music than Americans. Having CRTC and CANCON regulations are really important because it informs the world about what's happening in other countries/world and it strengthens Canada's culture, social and economic structures. It informs people across the world about Canada and if people ever want to or are planning to go to Canada they will know when to come because they would know Get more content on
  • 12. Characteristics Of Canadian Culture There are many different views of Canadian culture and to me personally, it refers to our unique culture, identity and values of being Canadian. Canada does not only embody one culture, it instead embodies many other different cultures that co–exist with each other. It is one of the most notable unique characteristics of Canada's by being such a diverse country. In my preference, in order to follow Canadian culture, you have to follow the Canadian values and beliefs, an example: how Canadians have rights/freedom, and are nice/polite people. Moreover, all Canadians have been associated with things that sets Canada apart from other countries, such as ketchup chips, free healthcare and Canada's national sport, curling. Canadian culture is represented by uniqueness of Canadians, traditions and values/beliefs of the Canadian people. I like to see Canada as cultural mosaic, rather than a cultural melting pot. One of Canada's distinct qualities is its multiculturalism, where there is co–existence between different cultures. Canada is mostly made up of immigrants which makes Canada so culturally diverse with different cultures. Canadians take pride in its diversity of its cultures as it makes up Canada. "Multiculturalism is the key factor in building Canada into a greater nation that includes everybody." Stated by Austin Uthe. I fully agree with Mr. Uthe's point, to include everybody no matter what race and ethnicity will make Canada a greater nation with everybody having same Get more content on
  • 13. Art In Canadian Culture Essay have always been an inspiration for people throughout the world. Collectively, these creations represent the intellectual dimension of Canadian culture. Moreover, the wealth of Canadian directed projects provides the general public with an easily accessible method of comprehending the utmost epitome of Canada's cultural evolution. Understanding Canada's cultural history via artistic formats is very advantageous because this learning process can gradually help to develop a more cohesive society and induct a sense of pride and unity within Canadian civilians. Nevertheless, Canadian cultural policies have not been adapted to regulate the creative and technological boundaries which the modern day digital revolution surpasses with swift ease. As a result, in Canada, the direction and prominence of art is at a crossroads. more content... According, art programs prepare both young people and teens to be resourceful, visionary and brilliant problem solvers, which employers will definitely seek for in order to build the workforce. In addition, the impact of the arts on Canadian life can lead to increased community development and enhanced social cohesion. To specify, the arts can be a driving factor for the empowerment of a community. For instance, the Creative City Network of Canada says that the arts play an essential role in social agreeance since they incite tourists to take the time to visit, create a feeling of belonging and contribute to preserving the collective memory. Without question, arts andculture can be used to characterize a community and distinguish it apart from others. On the other hand, businesses and even the government, are not interested or motivated to increase their sponsorship of the Get more content on
  • 14. Canadian Culture All these are the deep and important driver of Canadian culture and shows the prevalent culture on the basis of which society make their development and growth. There is less power distance prevailing in the society of Canada. Power is equally distributed among each individual within the society and organization. Each employee has his own value in the organization this will create confidence in him and he will be more motivated to perform the job role. Individualism is prevailing in the Canadian society; people are like to take care of themselves and their family (Reddy, 2011). They are not loyal towards the whole society. This factor is higher in theculture of the Canada. Individual always work for their growth and development rather thinking about the whole organization which affects the success of the organization in achieving their objectives (Reddy, 2011). Communication Hall: Communication style in Bangladesh: The concept of cross culture also includes communication language and communication style. Bangla is the national more content... Bangladesh is a culture–centric nation business personal follows all the cultural beliefs and values while making business decisions. Business organizations operating in Bangladesh follows autocratic or transactional leadership style which affects the team management. A team can be managed effectively if team members have received equal opportunity in decision making. Democratic style of leadership is helpful in making good decisions (Abdullah, et. al., 2011). The growth rate of development is slow in the Bangladesh because of inappropriate leadership style and decision–making process. An effective team management involves cooperatively working in the team, proper communication network between members, work as per the set target and objectives and time to time appraisal of Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Canadian Culture There are many ways to defined Canadian culture through different terms that make Canadian culture, Canadian. Canadian culture can be found through artistic, musical, literary, culinary and political and social elements. Dennis Lee believed that "If you're Canadian; you don't really have a place to call home". (Dennis, 1974). However, the landscapes in Canada are known to be embedded in notions of Canadian culture showing us the Canadian identity. In this paper, I will state how Rod Charlesworth's landscape painting demonstrated Canadian culture by reviewing the importance terms such as the Atwood's "survival, group of seven, the environmental determinism, authenticity, Canada as a northern country, and Northrop Frye's idea I have chosen a Canadian painting called "Algonquin" painted by an artist named Rod Charlesworth. A little background information about the artist, Rod Charlesworth, is that he was born in Terrace, British Columbia in 1995. Rod Charlesworth artworks are majority influenced by Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven. He studied art at Okanagan College, where he was able to express the beauty of Canadian landscape. He is able to create Canadian culture through his painting, and his painting shows a strong Canadian cultural more content... Algonquin Park used to be where the aboriginal settlement came to gather their survival needs. As it is stated in Algonquin Provincial– Official website of the Friends of Algonquin Park that, "Scattered family groups of aboriginal peoples came to fish, hunt and pick berries, but their numbers were never large. It was not until the 1800s that big changes came to the rugged Algonquin highlands". (Algonquin Park, 1998). Algonquin Park is the first provincial park which was established in 1893, therefore, it is the oldest provincial park in Get more content on
  • 16. The Canadian Culture Essay Culture can be defined as the behaviours and belief characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. Every country has its own special way of life. Canada's in particular can be considered unique because Canada is a cultural mosaic, which allows elements of many cultures to be integrated into one. Canada's culture has many influences because the numerous people who immigrate here are encouraged to keep their culture. These immigrants also teach the people they meet when they move here about their own ways of life. Canada has a culture that is made up of many because of all the immigration, and openness to culture that the country possesses. At different times throughout history, people more content... When Canada became its own Canadian culture p2 country, the identity became separate from the UK. Although there were still British colonies, people were free to start developing their own identity. The Canadian government policy has predominantly been one of peace–keeping. In the 1960s the United States started to become more violent, and Canada remained peaceful, people looked to Canada as a place to get away from violence ("Canada in the 19th",
  • 17. 2009). Canada is known worldwide for being peaceful, and is recognized for its peacekeeping efforts in war zones. "Canada is of a handful of nations to which the United Nations can regularly turn to obtain peacekeeping advice and expert peacekeepers." ("Canada & Peacekeeping", 1999) The word peace keeping was invented by the fourteenth Canadian Prime Minister, Lester B. Pearson during the Suez crisis of 1956, for which he was later awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The geography of Canada affects our culture considerably. Canada is located north of the United States, occupying most of northern America. It is the second largest country in the world. Canadians take pride in this fact. Firstly, the climate affects what we wear. In the north most parts of Canada, thick coats and parkas are a necessity, along with mittens, and thick hats, or toques, in Canadian slang in warmer, southern parts of Canada we must prepare for Get more content on
  • 18. Canadian Workplace Culture When it comes to work in Canada, it is totally evident that each workplace is unique. It has its own culture and unwritten rules which every newcomer should know and be familiar with them. In fact, when the new immigrants come to work in Canada they face various difficulties and challenges in their jobs. It is precisely for these reasons, the majority of the experts in the Canadian workplace culture confirm that there are some common tips which can help the newcomers to integrate into the Canadian workplace successfully. Punctuality and greeting: firstly, the punctuality is extremely important in the Canadian culture because the fact of arriving late to your work can negatively affect your career. For example, you might lose your reliability Get more content on
  • 19. Canadian Culture: Questions And Answers 1.What emphasis does work, study and family life have in your country or in your culture? Which of the 3 is most important in your country or in your culture? In many parts of Canada, there is a strong legacy protestant work ethic which pervades the culture. People generally define themselves by their work. Of equal importance is the family, and extended social bonds. Their concept of family is quite inclusive, and often extends beyond mere family members. Although Education ranks third on the list it is still highly valued, which is reflected in the quality of their public school systems. 2.Is your personal emphasis the same? My own priorities closely match those of my brethren. A balance of work, study, and family are the cornerstones Get more content on
  • 20. Canadian Culture Essay The way Canadian culture is perceived is different for everyone. Too some we are stereotypical flannel wearing Canadians, to others we are just like any other person from around the world. I like to think of Canadian culture as a welcoming, polite, quietly patriotic, multicultural and a safe society where we are free to express ourselves. Furthermore, I wanted to find out what Canadians think of the culture we have developed over the past 250 years. Too find out what Canadian culture is to others I asked 3 different Canadians, all from diverse backgrounds and different walks of life some sets of questions. Questions such as "what does it mean to be Canadian?" or "why did you move to Canada?". Questions such as those will help me find more content... Canadian culture to Francheska is politeness, which her and I both agree on. The second person I had the privilege of interviewing was Tony Minh, a man who was born but who's family comes from Chinese and Vietnamese descent. I Started off the interview by asking him "if you could live anywhere but Canada where would it be?" Tony responded with "I would like to live in the U.K, no where else." This statement shows that obviously Tony would like to move to much similar country so he holds are values quite close. The next question I asked tony was how does he keep his Asian heritage/values? He responded with "as a Canadian I know I have the right to show off my heritage so we still do things like Chinese New Year." This quotation proves my point that Canada is a very welcoming and multicultural society. I then asked him "what do you think of multiculturalism?" Tony then said in response "its interesting and cool because Canada almost feels like its many countries put together." Spoken like a true Canadian accepting and loving everyone. Finally, the last question I asked is "what is Canadian Culture to you?" Tony said to me "hockey, maple syrup, being polite and holding the door open", this just goes show that the stereotypes to which Canadians are perceived are very true and are part of our culture The final person I interviewed was my mother, Angie Kartz. She is a 4th Get more content on