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The True Scriptual Calendar:
According to Scriptures 5780-11-7
In the anceint language of AbraHam, Yitzhak and Yaakov
( anceint Hebrew ( R-L)
( English ( L-R)
“Prove all things”
The true calendar has to meet all ofthe specifications for units oftime giveninthe Scripture.
The true calendar has to be solar as the Feast Days are directlylinked to the agricultural year.
The true calendar also has to have the following units oftime:
1 Day = nighttime + daytime = 24 Hours
And Alhymcalledthelight‘day’and the darknessHe called ‘night.’ And therecame to be evening and there
came to be morning, the first day.
Yn 11:9
Yhwhsuaanswered,“Are there not twelvehours intheday?Ifanyonewalksinthe day, he doesnotstumble,
because he sees the light of this world.
1 Week=7Days
includingthesabbath,whichwasmadeforman,becausethe original place Perec was the sabbath, (H7637)
whenit was introducedto the Y’ishra’alites , YHWH use manna from Heaven,evenat the time of
Yhwhsua,the true sabbath was knowandkept bythe Yehudi, (H7676)
(Beresheet.1:1-31; Beresheet.2:1-3)
Inthe beginning Alhym created the heavens and the earth.
In the 1st
Until sin brought chaos, this was the sin of the messengers
And the earthcameto be formless and empty, and darkness was onthe face ofthe deep. And the Ruakh
ofAlhym wasmovingon the faceof thewaters.AndAlhymsaid,“Let light come to be,” and light came to
be. And Alhym sawthe light, that it was good.And Alhym separated the light from the darkness. And
Alhym called the light ‘day’ and the darkness He called ‘night.’ And there came to be evening and there
cametobe morning,thefirstday.And Alhym said,“Letanexpansecometobeinthemidst ofthe waters,
and letit separate the waters from the waters.” And Alhym made the expanse and separated the waters
whichwere underthe expanse from the waters which were above the expanse. And it came to be so. And
Alhym called the expanse ‘heavens.’ And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the
secondday. And Alhym said,“Letthewatersunderthe heavens be gathered together into one place, and
letthedryland appear.”And itcametobe so.And Alhymcalledthedryland‘earth,’andthe collection of
the waters He called ‘seas.’ And Alhym sawthat it was good. AndAlhym said,“Let the earth bring forth
grass,theplantthatyieldsseed,andthe fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in
itself, onthe earth.” And it came to be so. And the earth brought forth grass, the plant that yields seed
according to its kind,and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is initselfaccording to its kind.And
Alhym sawthatit was good.And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the third day.
And Alhym said,“Letlightscometo be in the expanse ofthe heavens to separate the dayfrom the night,
and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years, and let them be for lights inthe
expanseoftheheavenstogive lightontheearth.”And itcameto beso. And Alhym madetwogreatlights:
thegreaterlighttoruletheday, and thelesserlight to rule the night, and the stars. And Alhym set them
intheexpanseoftheheavensto givelightontheearth,and toruleoverthedayand overthe night, and to
separatethelightfromthedarkness.AndAlhymsawthatitwas good. And there came to be evening and
there came to be morning, the fourth day. And Alhym said,“Let the waters teem with shoals ofliving
creatures,andletbirdsflyabovetheearthonthe face ofthe expanse ofthe heavens.” And Alhym created
greatseacreaturesandeverylivingcreaturethatmoves,withwhichthewatersteemed,according to their
kind,and everywinged bird according to its kind.And Alhym sawthat it was good.And Alhym blessed
them, saying, “Bear fruit and increase, and fill the waters inthe seas, and let the birds increase onthe
earth.” And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the fifth day. And Alhym said,“Let
theearthbringforththelivingcreatureaccordingtoitskind:livestockandcreepingcreaturesand beasts
ofthe earth, according to its kind.” And it came to be so. AndAlhym made the beast ofthe earth
accordingtoitskind,livestockaccordingtoitskind,andallthatcreep onthe earth according to its kind.
And Alhym sawthat it was good.And Alhym said,“Let Us make maninOur image, according to Our
likeness, and let them rule over the fish ofthe sea, and over the birds ofthe heavens, and over the
livestock,and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that creep onthe earth.” And Alhym
createdthemaninHisimage,intheimageof Alhym Hecreatedhim–maleand femaleHecreated them.
And Alhym blessedthem,andAlhymsaidtothem,“Bear fruitandincrease,andfillthe earthandsubdue
it,and ruleoverthe fishofthe sea,and overthebirdsofthe heavens,andoverall creaturesmoving onthe
earth.” And Alhym said,“See, Ihave givenyou everyplant that yields seed which is onthe face ofall the
earth, and everytree whose fruit yields seed,to you it is for food.“And to everybeast ofthe earth, and to
everybird ofthe heavens, and to everycreeping creature onthe earth, inwhich there is life, everygreen
plant is for food.” And it came to be so. And Alhym sawall that He had made, and see, it was verygood.
And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the
earth were completed,and all their array. And onthe seventh day Alhym completed His workwhich He
had done, and He rested onthe seventh dayfrom all His workwhich He had made. And Alhym blessed
theseventhdayand set it apart, because onit He rested from all His workwhich Alhym in creating had
1 Month = 30 Days
(Beresheet.7:11,24; Beresheet.8:3,4; Dis.11:2,3; Dis.12:6; Dis 13:5)
Inthe sixhundredthyearofNoakh’slife,in the secondmonth,theseventeenth day ofthe month, onthat
dayallthefountainsofthegreatdeepwere brokenup,and the windowsofthe heavens were opened.And
the waters were mightyonthe earth, one hundred and fiftydays. And the waters receded steadilyfrom
theearth,and attheend of thehundredand fiftydaysthewatersdiminished.Andinthe seventhmonth,
the seventeenth day ofthe month, the arkrested onthe mountains ofArarat.
“But castoutthecourt,whichisoutsidetheDwellingPlace,anddo notmeasureit,forit has beengivento
the gentiles, and theyshall trample the set-apart cityunder foot for forty-two months. And Ishall give
unto mytwo witnesses, and theyshall prophesyone thousand two hundred and sixtydays, clad in
sackcloth.” And the womanfled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by Alhym, to be
nourished there one thousand two hundred and sixtydays. And he was givena mouth speaking great
matters and blasphemies, and he was givenauthorityto do so forty-two months.
1 Year =12Months (IKings 4:7);
And Shelomoh had twelve governors over all Yisra’al, who provided food for the sovereignand his
household – each one made provisionfor one month ofthe year –
I Chronicles 27:1-15)
And the childrenofYisra’al, according to their number, the heads offathers’ houses, and the
commanders ofthousands and hundreds and their officers, served the sovereigninall matters ofthe
divisions which came inand went out month bymonth throughout all the months ofthe year, each
divisionhaving twenty-four thousand.
Over the first divisionfor the first month was Yashobbʽam sonofZabbdi’uwl
And over the divisionofthe second month was Dodd ai anAhhohhite,
for the third month was Benayahu, sonofYehoyadd the priest,
The fourth for the fourth month was Asahal the brother of Yo’abb,
The fifth for the fifth month was Shamhuth the Yizrahhite
The sixth for the sixth month was Ira sonofIqqĕsh the Teqowite,
The seventh for the seventh month was HH ĕlets the Pelonite
The eighth for the eighth month was Sibbekkai the Hushathite,
The ninth for the ninth month was Abbiʽezer the Anathothite,
The tenth for the tenth month was Maharai the Netophathite,
The eleventh for the eleventh month was Benayah the Pirathonite,
The twelfth for the twelfth month was HH eldai the Netophathite,
1 Year = 12 Months x 30 Days = 360 Days
1st Day of the Year = 5th Day of the week
And Alhym said,“Letlightscometobeinthe expanse ofthe heavens to separate the Dayfrom the night,
and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years, and let them be for lights inthe
expanseoftheheavenstogive lightontheearth.”And itcameto beso. And Alhym madetwogreatlights:
thegreaterlighttoruletheday, and thelesserlight to rule the night, and the stars. And Alhym set them
intheexpanseoftheheavensto givelightontheearth,and toruleoverthedayand overthe night, and to
separatethelightfromthedarkness.AndAlhymsawthatitwas good.And there came to be evening and
there came to be morning, the fourth day.
Since the solaryearisbased onthe sunand the sunwascreated orreset onthe 4th Day of the Week, it
makes sense that the solar year starts with the 5th Day of the Week after the creation
or resetting ofthe sunwascomplete. SundownonWednesdaymarksthe endofthe4th Dayand begins the
5th Day of the Week. So the Year begins at sundown on Wednesday night with
the beginning of the 5th Day of the Week.
The agricultural year is directly linked to the Feast Days and the Calendar
“Three times inthe year you are to observe a festival to Me:“Guard the Festival ofUnleavened Bread.
Sevendays you eatunleavenedbread,asIcommandedyou,atthetimeappointedinthe month ofAbib –
for inityou cameoutofMitsrayim–anddo notappearbeforeMeempty-handed;and the Festival ofthe
Harvest, the first- fruits ofyour labours which you have sowninthe field;and the Festival ofthe
Ingatheringattheoutgoingoftheyear,whenyou have gatheredinthefruitofyourlaboursfromthe field.
“Three times inthe year all your males are to appear before the Master YHWH.
“Sixdays you work, but onthe seventh dayyou rest – inploughing time and inharvest you rest. “And
perform the Festival ofWeeks for yourself, ofthe first fruits ofwheat harvest, and the Festival of
Ingatheringattheturnofthe year.“Threetimesintheyearall yourmenare to appear before the Master,
YHWH, the Alhym ofY’ishra’al
1st Month = Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread
-beginning of the Barley Harvest with the Sheaf Offering
This month is the beginning ofmonths for you, it is the first month ofthe year for you.
Uyiqara .23:5-15).
‘Inthefirstmonth,onthe fourteenth dayofthe month, betweenthe evenings, is the Passover to YHWH.
‘And onthe fifteenth dayofthis month is the Festival ofUnleavened Bread to YHWH – sevendays you
eat unleavened bread.‘Onthe first dayyou have a set-apart gathering, you do no servile work. ‘And you
shallbringanoffering madebyfireto YHWHforsevendays. Ontheseventhdayisa set-apartgathering,
you do no servilework.’”And YHWH spoketoMoshe,saying,“Speaktothe childrenofY’ishra’alandyou
shallsaytothem,‘Whenyou comeintotheland whichIgive you, and shallreapitsharvest,thenyoushall
bring a sheafofthe first-fruits ofyour harvest to the priest. ‘And he shall wave the sheafbefore YHWH,
for youracceptance.OnthemorrowaftertheSabbaththepriestwavesit.‘Andonthat daywhenyou wave
the sheaf, you shall prepare a male lamb a year old,a perfect one, as a burnt offering to YHWH, and its
grainoffering:two-tenths ofan ĕphah offine flour mixed with oil, anoffering made byfire to YHWH, a
sweetfragrance,and its drinkoffering:one-fourth ofa hinofwine. ‘And you do not eat bread or roasted
grainor fresh grainuntil the same daythat you have brought anoffering to your Alhym – a lawforever
throughoutyourgenerationsinallyourdwellings.‘AndfromthemorrowaftertheSabbath, from the day
thatyou broughtthesheafofthewave offering, you shallcountforyourselves:sevencompletedSabbaths.
3rd Month= Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) - end of the Wheat Harvest
‘Until the morrowafter the seventh Sabbath you count fiftydays, thenyou shall bring a newgrain
offeringto YHWH.‘Bringfromyourdwellingsfora wave offering two loaves ofbread,oftwo-tenths ofan
ĕphah offine flour theyare, baked with leaven, first-fruits to YHWH. ‘And besides the bread,you shall
bringsevenlambsayearold,perfect one, and one young bull and two rams. Theyare a burnt offering to
YHWH,withtheirgrainofferingandtheirdrinkofferings, anoffering made byfire for a sweet fragrance
toYHWH.‘And youshalloffer onemale goat as a sinoffering, and two male lambs a year old,as a peace
offering. ‘And the priest shall wave them, besides the bread ofthe first fruits, as a wave offering before
YHWH, besides the two lambs. Theyare set-apart to YHWH for the priest. ‘And onthis same dayyou
shallproclaimaset-apartgatheringforyourselves,youdono servile workonit – a lawforever inall your
dwellings throughout your generations. ‘And whenyou reap the harvest ofyour land do not completely
reap the corners ofyour field whenyou reap, and do not gather anygleaning from your harvest. Leave
them for the poor and for the stranger. Iam YHWH your Alhym.’”
7th Month = Feast of Tabernacles –
the end ofthe agricultural year and the ingathering ofgrapes, olives, pomegranates, dates, etc.
And YHWHspoketoMoshe,saying, “Speakto the childrenofYisra’al, saying, ‘Inthe seventh month, on
thefirstdayofthemonth,you have a rest,aremembranceofblowing oftrumpets, a set-apart gathering.
‘You do no servile work, and you shall bring anoffering made byfire to YHWH.’ ” And YHWH spoke to
Moshe, saying, “Onthe tenth dayofthis seventh month is the DayofAtonement. It shall be a set-apart
gathering for you. And you shall afflict your beings and shall bring anoffering made byfire to YHWH.
“And you do no workonthatsameday,for itis the DayofAtonement, to make atonement for you before
YHWH your Alhym. “For anybeing who is not afflicted onthat same day, he shall be cut offfrom his
people.“And anybeingwho doesanyworkonthatsameday,that being Ishall destroyfrom the midst of
his people. “You do no work– a lawforever throughout your generations inall your dwellings. ‘It is a
Sabbathofrest to you, and you shall afflict your beings. Onthe ninth dayofthe month at evening, from
evening to evening, you observe your Sabbath.” And YHWH spoke to Moshe, saying, “Speakto the
childrenofY’ishra’alsaying,‘Onthefifteenthdayof thisseventhmonthistheFestival ofBooths for seven
daysto YHWH.‘Onthefirstdayisa set-apartgathering,youdono servilework.‘For sevendaysyou bring
anoffering made byfire to YHWH. Onthe eighth daythere shall be a set-apart gathering for you, and
you shall bring anoffering made byfire to YHWH. It is a closing festival;you do no servile work. ‘These
aretheappointedtimesofYHWHwhichyouproclaimasset-apartgatherings, to bring anoffering made
byfire to YHWH, a burnt offering and a grainoffering, a slaughtering and drinkofferings, as
commandedforeveryday – besidestheSabbathsof YHWH, and besides your gifts, and besides all your
vows, and besides all your voluntaryofferings which you give to YHWH. ‘Onthe fifteenth dayofthe
seventhmonth,whenyou gatherinthe fruitoftheland,observe the festival of YHWH for sevendays. On
thefirst dayis a rest, and onthe eighth daya rest. ‘And you shall take for yourselves onthe first daythe
fruitofgood trees,branchesofpalmtrees,twigsofleafytrees,andwillowsofthe stream, and shall rejoice
beforeYHWHyourAlhymfor sevendays. ‘And you shall observe it as a festival to YHWH for sevendays
intheyear –a lawforeverinyour Generations.Observeitintheseventhmonth.‘Dwellinboothsforseven
days;all who are native Yisra ’alites dwell inbooths, so that your Generations knowthat Imade the
childrenofYisra’ĕldwellinboothswhenIbrought them out ofthe land ofMitsrayim. Iam YHWH your
Alhym.’” Thus, did Moshe speakofthe appointed times of YHWH to the childrenofYisra’al.
Nowthatwe knowwhat units of time the true calendarconsistsof, we cannowlook for a calendar that
meets these criteria.
The True Calendar of the Scripture
The only Calendar that meets all of these criteria is the Solar Calendar found at Qumran
mentioned in Mismarot from Cave IV, also mentioned in the Book of Enoch (I Enoch)
After thislawIbeheldanotherlawofaninferiorluminary,thenameofwhich is the moon, and the orb of
whichisas theorbofheaven. Itschariot,whichitsecretlyascends, the wind blows;and light is givento it
bymeasureEverymonthat itsexitandentranceitbecomeschanged;anditsperiodsareasthe periods of
the sun. And wheninlike manner its light is to exist, (79) its light is a seventh portionfrom the light of
the sun. (79) And whenin…is to exist. I.e., whenthe moonis full (Knibb, p. 171). Thus it rises, and at its
commencementtowardstheeast goes forth for thirtydays. At that time, it appears, and becomes to you
thebeginningofthemonth.Thirtydaysit is with the suninthe gate from which the sungoes forth .Half
ofit isinextentsevenportions,onehalf;and thewholeofits orb is void oflight, except a seventh portion
outofthe fourteenportionsofitslight.And ina dayit receives a seventh portion, or halfthat portion, of
itslight.Itslightisbysevens,byone portion,andbythehalfofa portion. Its sets with the sun. And when
period,previouslytothedayofthemonth, the moonsets with the sun. And onthat night it is darkinits
fourteenportions,thatis,ineach half;but it rises onthat daywith one seventh portionprecisely, and in
itsprogressdeclines from the rising ofthe sun.During the remainder ofits period its light increases to
Chapter 73
ThenI sawanotherprogressandregulationwhichHeeffectedinthelawofthe moon. The progress ofthe
moons,andeverythingrelating to them, Uriel showed me, the holyangel who conducted them all. Their
stations Iwrote downas he showed them to me. Iwrote downtheir months, as theyoccur, and the
appearanceoftheirlight,untilitiscompletedinfifteen days.In eachofitstwo sevenportionsitcompletes
all its light at rising and at setting. Onstated months it changes its settings;and onstated months it
makes its progress through each gate. Intwo gates the moonsets with the sun, viz. inthose two gates
whichareinthe midst,inthe third and fourth gate. From the third gate it goes forth for seven days and
makesitscircuit.Again,itreturnstothegatewhencethesungoes forth, and inthat completes the whole
ofitslight.Thenit declinesfromthesun,and entersineightdaysintothesixthgate,and returnsinseven
daysto thethirdgate,fromwhichthe sungoesforth.Whenthe sunproceedstothefourthgate,the moon
goes forth for sevendays, until it passes from the fifth gate .Againit returns insevendays to the fourth
gate, and completing all its light, declines, and passes onbythe first gate ineight days;And returns in
sevendays tothefourthgate,from whichthesungoesforth.ThusIbeheld their stations, as according to
the fixed order ofthe months the sunrises and sets .At those times there is anexcess ofthirtydays
belonging to the suninfive years;all the days belonging to each year ofthe five years, whencompleted,
amounttothreehundredand sixty-four days;and to the sunand stars belong sixdays;sixdays ineach
ofthe five years;thus thirtydays belonging to them;So that the moonhas thirtydays less thanthe sun
and stars.Themoonbringsonalltheyearsexactly,thattheirstationsmaycomeneithertooforwards nor
too backwards a single day;but that the years maybe changed with correct precisioninthree hundred
and sixty-four days. Inthree years the days are one thousand and ninety-two;infive years theyare one
thousandeighthundredand twenty;and ineight years two thousand nine hundred and twelve days. To
themoonalone belong inthree years one thousand and sixty-two days;infive years it has fiftydays less
thanthe sun,for anadditionbeing made to the one thousand and sixty-two days, infive years there are
one thousandsevenhundredandseventydays;and thedays ofthemoonineightyears are two thousand
eight hundred and thirty-two days. For its days ineight years are less thanthose ofthe sunbyeighty
days,which eightydaysareitsdiminutionineightyears.Theyearthenbecomestrulycompleteaccording
tothe stationofthemoon,and thestationofthe sun;which rise inthe different gates;which rise and set
inthem for thirtydays.
Chapter 74
Thesearetheleadersofthechiefsofthe thousands,thosewhichpresideover all creation, and over all the
stars;withthefourdays whichareaddedand never separatedfromtheplaceallotted them, according to
thecompletecalculationoftheyear. And theseservefourdays,whichare notcalculatedinthecalculation
ofthe year.Respectingthem,mengreatlyerr,fortheseluminariestrulyserve, inthe dwelling place of the
world,one dayinthe first gate, one inthe third gate, one inthe fourth gate, and one inthe sixth gate
.And the harmonyoftheworldbecomescompleteeverythreehundredandsixty-fourthstateofit. For the
signs,theseasons,TheyearsAndthe days,Urielshowedme;theangel whom the Lord ofgloryappointed
overallthe luminaries. Ofheaveninheaven, and inthe world;that theymight rule inthe face ofthe sky,
and appearing over the earth, become Conductors ofthe days and nights:the sun, the moon, the stars,
and all the ministers ofheaven, which make their circuit with all the chariots ofheaven. Thus, Uriel
showedmetwelve gatesopenforthe circuitofthechariotsofthesuninheaven,fromwhichthe raysofthe
sunshoot forth. From these proceed heat over the earth, whentheyare opened intheir stated seasons.
Theyarefor thewindsand thespiritofthedew, whenintheirseasons theyare opened;opened inheaven
atitsextremities.TwelvegatesIbeheld inheaven, at the extremities ofthe earth, through which the sun,
moon,and stars,andalltheworksof heaven,proceed at their rising and setting. Manywindows also are
openonthe rightandontheleft. One windowat a certainseasongrows extremelyhot. So also, are there
gates from which the stars go forth as theyare commanded,and inwhich theyset according to their
number.Isawlikewisethechariotsofheaven,runningintheworldabovetothosegatesinwhichthe stars
turn, which never set. One ofthese is greater thanall, which goes around the whole world.
Chapter 75
And at theextremitiesofthe earth Ibeheld twelve gates openfor all the winds, from which theyproceed
and blowover the earth. Three ofthem are openinthe front ofheaven, three inthe west, three onthe
rightside ofheaven, and three onthe left. The first three are those which are towards the east, three are
towardsthenorth,threebehindthose which are uponthe left, towards the south, and three onthe west.
From four ofthem proceed winds ofblessing, and ofhealth;and from eight proceed winds of
punishment;whentheyaresentto destroythe earth, and the heavenabove it, all its inhabitants, and all
which are inthe waters, or ondryland .The first ofthese winds proceeds from the gate termed the
eastern,throughthefirst gate onthe east, which inclines southwards. From this goes forth destruction,
drought,heat,andperdition.Fromthe second gate, the middle one, proceeds equity. There issue from it
rain,fruitfulness,health,anddew;and fromthethird gate northwards, proceed cold and drought. After
these proceed the south winds through three principal gates;through their first gate, which inclines
eastwards, proceeds a hot wind.But from the middle gate proceed grateful odor, dew, rain, health, and
life. From the third gate, which is westwards, proceed dew, rain, blight, and destruction. After these are
the winds to the north, which is called the sea. Theyproceed from three gates. The first (80) gate is that
whichisonthe east,incliningsouthwards;fromthisproceeddew,rain,blight,and destruction. From the
middle direct gate proceed rain, dew, life, and health. And from the third gate, which is westwards,
inclining towards the south, proceed mist, frost, snow, rain, dew, and blight.
(80) First. Or, "seventh" (Knibb, p. 178).
After these inthe fourth quarter are the winds to the west. From the first gate, inclining northwards,
proceed dew, rain, frost, cold,snow, and chill;from the middle gate proceed rain, health, and blessing;
And from thelastgate,whichissouthwards,proceeddrought,destruction,scorching, and perdition. The
account ofthe twelve gates ofthe four quarters ofheavenis ended.All their laws, all their inflictionof
punishment, and the health produced bythem, have Iexplained to you, mysonMathusala. (81)
81) Mathusala. Enoch's son, Methuselah. Cp. 82) Beresheet. 5:21. as well as in the
Book of Jubilees
And onthe newmoonofthe first month, and onthe newmoonofthe fourth month, and onthe new
moonofthe seventh month,andonthenew moonofthetenthmonth are the days ofremembrance, and
the days of theseasonsinthe fourdivisions of the year. These are writtenand ordained as a testimony
forever.And k ordainedthemforhimselfas feasts for the Generations forever, so that theyhave become
therebyamemorialuntohim.Andonthenew moonofthefirstmonthhewas biddentomake forhimself
anark, and onthat (day) the earth became dryand he opened (the ark) and sawthe earth. And onthe
newmoonofthe fourth month the mouths ofthe depths ofthe abyss beneath were closed.And onthe
newmoonofthe seventh month all the mouths ofthe abysses ofthe earth were opened,and the waters
beganto descend into them. And onthe newmoonofthe tenth month the tops ofthe mountains were
seen,and Noahwas glad.And onthisaccount he ordained them for himselfas feasts for a memorial for
ever, and thus are theyordained.
and has the following characteristics:
This calendar has 1Week=7Days,
1 Month =30 Days,
1 Year =12Months,
1 Year=360Days plus4intercalarydaystomake aneven364 DayYear which is perfectlydivisible bythe
7-dayweekto give 52Weeks a year,
1st Dayofthe Year =5th Dayofthe Week;
1st Month =start ofthe BarleyHarvest.
This is a fixed Calendar with the 1st Dayofthe Year and the 1st Dayofeach 3-month period falling on
Wednesdaynight the beginning ofthe 5th Dayofthe Week. The dates ofthe feasts are also fixed with a
particular dayofanygivenmonth being onthe same dayofthe weekeveryyear. One intercalarydayis
fixed atthe end ofeach3-monthperiodandactsas a buffer or divisionpoint betweenthe next seasonor
3-month period.Each seasonor 3-month period has exactly13weeks. Here is what the reconstructed
calendarlookslike(keepinginmind thatasSabbathisonSaturdaybutstartsFridaynightsoallthe days
inthis calendar start the night before):
Reference:"TenYears ofDiscoveryinthe Wilderness ofJudea" byJ.T. Milik1959
Intercalating the True Calendar ofthe Scripture:
To datescholarshavenotbeenableto determine howto properlyintercalate this calendar. Ofnecessity,
sincewe asbelievershavetoknowwhento keep the Feast Days using the True Calendar ofthe Scripture,
we alsomustbeabletointercalatethiscalendar.Thesolaryearconsistsofapproximately3651/4 days per
year. The beginning ofthe solar year also starts at the Spring or Vernal Equinoxonabout March 21. In
scientifictermsthisis0degreesor360degrees.Sincethelengthofthesolar year is not evenlydivisible by
a whole number ofdays it is difficult to have a solar calendar line up with the solar year. The Gregorian
calendar which most ofus use, has 365days. But to keep the calendar inline with the solar year the 1/4
daymust be accounted for. To take care ofthis loss of1/4 days per year, the Gregoriancalendar is
intercalated every4 years during which time 4 x1/4 days =1daywas lost. Therefore, everyfour years we
have a leap year of366 days and that extra dayis added on
With the True Scriptual Calendar, a year consists of360 days +4 intercalarydays to give 364 days per
year.So 11/4 days islosteachyear.Therefore,every5or 6 years this calendar is intercalated byone week.
Thismethodisverysimple,andthecalendarbecomesself-correcting.Thecalendargets its starting point
whenthe Spring Equinoxis onthe 4th Dayofthe WeekYerushalayim Time betweenTuesdaysunset to
Wednesdaysunset.As5-or 6-yearspass,theSpringEquinoxagainis onthe 4th Dayofthe Week. This is
whenthecalendarisintercalatedbyone week. This keeps the calendar always withinapproximatelyone
weekfrom the Spring Equinox. It is critical to keep the calendar synchronized with the Spring Equinox
directlylinked to the solar year.
And commandyou thechildrenofY’ishra’althattheyobservetheyearsaccordingtothisreckoning-three
hundredand sixty-fourdays,andwillconstituteacomplete year, and theywill not disturb its time from
itsdaysand fromitsfeasts;foreverythingwillfall outinthemaccordingto their testimony, and theywill
notleave outanydaynordisturbanyfeasts.But iftheydo neglect and do not observe them according to
Hiscommandment,thentheywilldisturballtheirseasons and the years will be dislodged from this and
theywill neglecttheirordinances.AndallthechildrenofY’ishra’alwillforgetandwillnotfind the path of
theyears,and willforgetthe newmonths,andseasons,andShabbats and theywill go wrong as to all the
order ofthe years .For Iknowand from henceforth will Ideclare it unto you, and it is not ofmyown
devising;for the bookis writtenbefore me, and onthe heavenlytablets the divisionofdays is ordained,
lesttheyforgetthefeastsofthecovenant and walkaccording to the feasts ofthe nations after their error
and aftertheirignorance.For therewillbethosewhowillassuredlymakeobservationsofthe moon -how it
disturbs the seasonsand comesinfromyeartoyeartendaystoo soon. For this reasonthe years will come
uponthem whentheywill disturb, and make abominable the dayoftestimony, and anuncleandaya
feastday, and theywill confoundallthe days, the kodesh with the unclean, and the uncleandaywith the
kodesh;for theywill go wrong as to the months and Shabbats and feasts and jubilees. For this reasonI
commandandtestifyto you that you maytestifyto them;for after your death your childrenwill disturb
them,sothattheywill notmake theyearthreehundredand sixty-fourdaysonly,and forthis reasonthey
willgo wrong asto thenewmonthsandseasonsandShabbatsand festivals, and theywill eat all kinds of
blood with all kinds offlesh.
Inthe name oftwo witnesses
Book3the bookofthe skylights
Here are excerpts from pages 57and 63.
1 Thechiefs ofthe heads ofthe thousands, who are placed over the whole creationand over all the stars,
haveto do withthefour inserteddays, being inseparable from their office, according to the reckoning of
thefiguringthe year.Owing tothemmen’serror,forthoselightstrulyrender service onthe stations, one
inthe first window, one inthe third windowofthe skies, one in the fourth window, and one inthe sixth
window. The exactnessofthe year is3done throughitsseparate three hundred and sixty-fourstations. For
thesesignsandthetimesandtheyearsand thedays themalach Uriel showed to me.4 Blessed are all the
tzadikim!Blessed are all those who walkinthe wayofobedience, and never sin(as do the chattaim)! In
the reckoning ofalltheir days, the sun traversestheskies, entering intoand departing fromthe windowsfor
thirty days, with the chiefs ofthousands ofthe order ofthe stars, together with the four days inserted,
thosethatdividethefourseasons ofthe year, and those who 5go before them to properlyinsert the four
days.Owing to thesefour,theyeladim-a‘am will be inerror bynot counting them inthe full numbering
ofthe year.Yes,menwillmakemistakesandnotaccuratelymarkthem.6Fortheybelong to the counting
ofthe yearand arerecordedfaithfullyforever –one inthe first windowand one inthe third – one inthe
fourthand oneinthesixth– so theyeariscomplete with threehundredand sixty-four days. 7This count
isaccurate,andtherecordingofit exact;for the lights, months, feasts, years, and days has Uriel opened
up tome, the same as 8that which YHWH subjected the entire world creationand the sky-host. He has
authorityovernightand dayinthe skies to make the light give illuminationto the bnei-a’am – the sun,
moon, and stars – 9 and all the powers ofthe skies that revolve intheir orbital merkavot. Such are the
orders to the stars, orders that set them intheir places inproper seasons, festivals, and months.
Prove all things
Don’t justtakemyword forit, the dayof hisreturnisintertwined with the true scriptual calendar, ifwe are
not keeping hisfeastdayaccording to scripture wewillnot be amongst those who are to escape the
tribulation, seek the truth once delivered unto the saints
May this blessing be upon you
YHWHwill kneel before you presenting gifts and will guard you with a hedge of protection.
YHWHwill illuminatethewholenessofhisbeingtowardyou bringingorderandhewill give you comfort
and sustenance.
YHWHwill lift up his wholenessofbeingandlookuponyou andhe will setinplace all you needtobewhole
and complete.
I writehasthe raukhmovesme, notlookingfor dissentionamong the truebrethren( Nätzräya) not by the
worlds standards, man. Made opinion to me is nothing, I serve the Almighty One
And the dragonwasenraged with the woman, and he wenttofightwith the remnantof her seed, those
guarding the commands of Elohim and possessing the witness of Yhwhsua Messiah.
I failmiserablyyetitis allI know, Iranawaymanytimesfromthe father, filledmyanswers with excuses,
but I know,
I seekout the true Nätzräyaaccording toscriptures, beginning with HisSacred Calendar, endorsed by the
scriptures, noone said itwill be easy, yetHisreigniswheremytreasureis, Iwalkthe way oftheheretic, not
conforming to mans – made- god, the days I will publish for 2020 next
One thing Ihave learned wemustread intheHebrew perspective, notmodernday teachings, the writings
of the Nätzräiym, ourmoderndaybiblesare filled withlies, deception, theydo not speakthe truth theyhave
drawnso manyawayfrom the living waters, the truth once delivered to the saints ( Yahudah1:3)
©Elder Keironjohn (Keiyah)
Spengerstr 51
Calculating the true scriptual calendar

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Calculating the true scriptual calendar

  • 1. Calculating The True Scriptual Calendar: Watchmen According to Scriptures 5780-11-7 In the anceint language of AbraHam, Yitzhak and Yaakov - ( anceint Hebrew ( R-L) ( English ( L-R)
  • 2. “Prove all things” The true calendar has to meet all ofthe specifications for units oftime giveninthe Scripture. The true calendar has to be solar as the Feast Days are directlylinked to the agricultural year. The true calendar also has to have the following units oftime: 1 Day = nighttime + daytime = 24 Hours Beresheet.1:5, And Alhymcalledthelight‘day’and the darknessHe called ‘night.’ And therecame to be evening and there came to be morning, the first day. Yn 11:9 Yhwhsuaanswered,“Are there not twelvehours intheday?Ifanyonewalksinthe day, he doesnotstumble, because he sees the light of this world. 1 Week=7Days
  • 3. includingthesabbath,whichwasmadeforman,becausethe original place Perec was the sabbath, (H7637) whenit was introducedto the Y’ishra’alites , YHWH use manna from Heaven,evenat the time of Yhwhsua,the true sabbath was knowandkept bythe Yehudi, (H7676) (Beresheet.1:1-31; Beresheet.2:1-3) Inthe beginning Alhym created the heavens and the earth. In the 1st dimension Until sin brought chaos, this was the sin of the messengers And the earthcameto be formless and empty, and darkness was onthe face ofthe deep. And the Ruakh ofAlhym wasmovingon the faceof thewaters.AndAlhymsaid,“Let light come to be,” and light came to be. And Alhym sawthe light, that it was good.And Alhym separated the light from the darkness. And Alhym called the light ‘day’ and the darkness He called ‘night.’ And there came to be evening and there cametobe morning,thefirstday.And Alhym said,“Letanexpansecometobeinthemidst ofthe waters, and letit separate the waters from the waters.” And Alhym made the expanse and separated the waters whichwere underthe expanse from the waters which were above the expanse. And it came to be so. And Alhym called the expanse ‘heavens.’ And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the secondday. And Alhym said,“Letthewatersunderthe heavens be gathered together into one place, and letthedryland appear.”And itcametobe so.And Alhymcalledthedryland‘earth,’andthe collection of the waters He called ‘seas.’ And Alhym sawthat it was good. AndAlhym said,“Let the earth bring forth grass,theplantthatyieldsseed,andthe fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, onthe earth.” And it came to be so. And the earth brought forth grass, the plant that yields seed according to its kind,and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is initselfaccording to its kind.And Alhym sawthatit was good.And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the third day. And Alhym said,“Letlightscometo be in the expanse ofthe heavens to separate the dayfrom the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years, and let them be for lights inthe
  • 4. expanseoftheheavenstogive lightontheearth.”And itcameto beso. And Alhym madetwogreatlights: thegreaterlighttoruletheday, and thelesserlight to rule the night, and the stars. And Alhym set them intheexpanseoftheheavensto givelightontheearth,and toruleoverthedayand overthe night, and to separatethelightfromthedarkness.AndAlhymsawthatitwas good. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the fourth day. And Alhym said,“Let the waters teem with shoals ofliving creatures,andletbirdsflyabovetheearthonthe face ofthe expanse ofthe heavens.” And Alhym created greatseacreaturesandeverylivingcreaturethatmoves,withwhichthewatersteemed,according to their kind,and everywinged bird according to its kind.And Alhym sawthat it was good.And Alhym blessed them, saying, “Bear fruit and increase, and fill the waters inthe seas, and let the birds increase onthe earth.” And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the fifth day. And Alhym said,“Let theearthbringforththelivingcreatureaccordingtoitskind:livestockandcreepingcreaturesand beasts ofthe earth, according to its kind.” And it came to be so. AndAlhym made the beast ofthe earth accordingtoitskind,livestockaccordingtoitskind,andallthatcreep onthe earth according to its kind. And Alhym sawthat it was good.And Alhym said,“Let Us make maninOur image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish ofthe sea, and over the birds ofthe heavens, and over the livestock,and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that creep onthe earth.” And Alhym createdthemaninHisimage,intheimageof Alhym Hecreatedhim–maleand femaleHecreated them. And Alhym blessedthem,andAlhymsaidtothem,“Bear fruitandincrease,andfillthe earthandsubdue it,and ruleoverthe fishofthe sea,and overthebirdsofthe heavens,andoverall creaturesmoving onthe earth.” And Alhym said,“See, Ihave givenyou everyplant that yields seed which is onthe face ofall the earth, and everytree whose fruit yields seed,to you it is for food.“And to everybeast ofthe earth, and to everybird ofthe heavens, and to everycreeping creature onthe earth, inwhich there is life, everygreen plant is for food.” And it came to be so. And Alhym sawall that He had made, and see, it was verygood. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were completed,and all their array. And onthe seventh day Alhym completed His workwhich He
  • 5. had done, and He rested onthe seventh dayfrom all His workwhich He had made. And Alhym blessed theseventhdayand set it apart, because onit He rested from all His workwhich Alhym in creating had made. 1 Month = 30 Days (Beresheet.7:11,24; Beresheet.8:3,4; Dis.11:2,3; Dis.12:6; Dis 13:5) Inthe sixhundredthyearofNoakh’slife,in the secondmonth,theseventeenth day ofthe month, onthat dayallthefountainsofthegreatdeepwere brokenup,and the windowsofthe heavens were opened.And the waters were mightyonthe earth, one hundred and fiftydays. And the waters receded steadilyfrom theearth,and attheend of thehundredand fiftydaysthewatersdiminished.Andinthe seventhmonth, the seventeenth day ofthe month, the arkrested onthe mountains ofArarat. Dis.11:2,3 “But castoutthecourt,whichisoutsidetheDwellingPlace,anddo notmeasureit,forit has beengivento the gentiles, and theyshall trample the set-apart cityunder foot for forty-two months. And Ishall give unto mytwo witnesses, and theyshall prophesyone thousand two hundred and sixtydays, clad in sackcloth.” And the womanfled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by Alhym, to be nourished there one thousand two hundred and sixtydays. And he was givena mouth speaking great matters and blasphemies, and he was givenauthorityto do so forty-two months. 1 Year =12Months (IKings 4:7); And Shelomoh had twelve governors over all Yisra’al, who provided food for the sovereignand his household – each one made provisionfor one month ofthe year – I Chronicles 27:1-15) And the childrenofYisra’al, according to their number, the heads offathers’ houses, and the commanders ofthousands and hundreds and their officers, served the sovereigninall matters ofthe
  • 6. divisions which came inand went out month bymonth throughout all the months ofthe year, each divisionhaving twenty-four thousand. Over the first divisionfor the first month was Yashobbʽam sonofZabbdi’uwl And over the divisionofthe second month was Dodd ai anAhhohhite, for the third month was Benayahu, sonofYehoyadd the priest, The fourth for the fourth month was Asahal the brother of Yo’abb, The fifth for the fifth month was Shamhuth the Yizrahhite The sixth for the sixth month was Ira sonofIqqĕsh the Teqowite, The seventh for the seventh month was HH ĕlets the Pelonite The eighth for the eighth month was Sibbekkai the Hushathite, The ninth for the ninth month was Abbiʽezer the Anathothite, The tenth for the tenth month was Maharai the Netophathite, The eleventh for the eleventh month was Benayah the Pirathonite, The twelfth for the twelfth month was HH eldai the Netophathite, 1 Year = 12 Months x 30 Days = 360 Days 1st Day of the Year = 5th Day of the week (Beresheet.1:14-19;) And Alhym said,“Letlightscometobeinthe expanse ofthe heavens to separate the Dayfrom the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years, and let them be for lights inthe expanseoftheheavenstogive lightontheearth.”And itcameto beso. And Alhym madetwogreatlights:
  • 7. thegreaterlighttoruletheday, and thelesserlight to rule the night, and the stars. And Alhym set them intheexpanseoftheheavensto givelightontheearth,and toruleoverthedayand overthe night, and to separatethelightfromthedarkness.AndAlhymsawthatitwas good.And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the fourth day. Since the solaryearisbased onthe sunand the sunwascreated orreset onthe 4th Day of the Week, it makes sense that the solar year starts with the 5th Day of the Week after the creation or resetting ofthe sunwascomplete. SundownonWednesdaymarksthe endofthe4th Dayand begins the 5th Day of the Week. So the Year begins at sundown on Wednesday night with the beginning of the 5th Day of the Week. The agricultural year is directly linked to the Feast Days and the Calendar (She.23:14-17); “Three times inthe year you are to observe a festival to Me:“Guard the Festival ofUnleavened Bread. Sevendays you eatunleavenedbread,asIcommandedyou,atthetimeappointedinthe month ofAbib – for inityou cameoutofMitsrayim–anddo notappearbeforeMeempty-handed;and the Festival ofthe Harvest, the first- fruits ofyour labours which you have sowninthe field;and the Festival ofthe Ingatheringattheoutgoingoftheyear,whenyou have gatheredinthefruitofyourlaboursfromthe field. “Three times inthe year all your males are to appear before the Master YHWH. she.34:21-23). “Sixdays you work, but onthe seventh dayyou rest – inploughing time and inharvest you rest. “And perform the Festival ofWeeks for yourself, ofthe first fruits ofwheat harvest, and the Festival of Ingatheringattheturnofthe year.“Threetimesintheyearall yourmenare to appear before the Master, YHWH, the Alhym ofY’ishra’al 1st Month = Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread -beginning of the Barley Harvest with the Sheaf Offering
  • 8. shemot.12:2; This month is the beginning ofmonths for you, it is the first month ofthe year for you. Uyiqara .23:5-15). ‘Inthefirstmonth,onthe fourteenth dayofthe month, betweenthe evenings, is the Passover to YHWH. ‘And onthe fifteenth dayofthis month is the Festival ofUnleavened Bread to YHWH – sevendays you eat unleavened bread.‘Onthe first dayyou have a set-apart gathering, you do no servile work. ‘And you shallbringanoffering madebyfireto YHWHforsevendays. Ontheseventhdayisa set-apartgathering, you do no servilework.’”And YHWH spoketoMoshe,saying,“Speaktothe childrenofY’ishra’alandyou shallsaytothem,‘Whenyou comeintotheland whichIgive you, and shallreapitsharvest,thenyoushall bring a sheafofthe first-fruits ofyour harvest to the priest. ‘And he shall wave the sheafbefore YHWH, for youracceptance.OnthemorrowaftertheSabbaththepriestwavesit.‘Andonthat daywhenyou wave the sheaf, you shall prepare a male lamb a year old,a perfect one, as a burnt offering to YHWH, and its grainoffering:two-tenths ofan ĕphah offine flour mixed with oil, anoffering made byfire to YHWH, a sweetfragrance,and its drinkoffering:one-fourth ofa hinofwine. ‘And you do not eat bread or roasted grainor fresh grainuntil the same daythat you have brought anoffering to your Alhym – a lawforever throughoutyourgenerationsinallyourdwellings.‘AndfromthemorrowaftertheSabbath, from the day thatyou broughtthesheafofthewave offering, you shallcountforyourselves:sevencompletedSabbaths. 3rd Month= Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) - end of the Wheat Harvest Uyiqara.23:16-22. ‘Until the morrowafter the seventh Sabbath you count fiftydays, thenyou shall bring a newgrain offeringto YHWH.‘Bringfromyourdwellingsfora wave offering two loaves ofbread,oftwo-tenths ofan ĕphah offine flour theyare, baked with leaven, first-fruits to YHWH. ‘And besides the bread,you shall bringsevenlambsayearold,perfect one, and one young bull and two rams. Theyare a burnt offering to YHWH,withtheirgrainofferingandtheirdrinkofferings, anoffering made byfire for a sweet fragrance toYHWH.‘And youshalloffer onemale goat as a sinoffering, and two male lambs a year old,as a peace
  • 9. offering. ‘And the priest shall wave them, besides the bread ofthe first fruits, as a wave offering before YHWH, besides the two lambs. Theyare set-apart to YHWH for the priest. ‘And onthis same dayyou shallproclaimaset-apartgatheringforyourselves,youdono servile workonit – a lawforever inall your dwellings throughout your generations. ‘And whenyou reap the harvest ofyour land do not completely reap the corners ofyour field whenyou reap, and do not gather anygleaning from your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the stranger. Iam YHWH your Alhym.’” 7th Month = Feast of Tabernacles – the end ofthe agricultural year and the ingathering ofgrapes, olives, pomegranates, dates, etc. uyiqarav.23:23-44). And YHWHspoketoMoshe,saying, “Speakto the childrenofYisra’al, saying, ‘Inthe seventh month, on thefirstdayofthemonth,you have a rest,aremembranceofblowing oftrumpets, a set-apart gathering. ‘You do no servile work, and you shall bring anoffering made byfire to YHWH.’ ” And YHWH spoke to Moshe, saying, “Onthe tenth dayofthis seventh month is the DayofAtonement. It shall be a set-apart gathering for you. And you shall afflict your beings and shall bring anoffering made byfire to YHWH. “And you do no workonthatsameday,for itis the DayofAtonement, to make atonement for you before YHWH your Alhym. “For anybeing who is not afflicted onthat same day, he shall be cut offfrom his people.“And anybeingwho doesanyworkonthatsameday,that being Ishall destroyfrom the midst of his people. “You do no work– a lawforever throughout your generations inall your dwellings. ‘It is a Sabbathofrest to you, and you shall afflict your beings. Onthe ninth dayofthe month at evening, from evening to evening, you observe your Sabbath.” And YHWH spoke to Moshe, saying, “Speakto the childrenofY’ishra’alsaying,‘Onthefifteenthdayof thisseventhmonthistheFestival ofBooths for seven daysto YHWH.‘Onthefirstdayisa set-apartgathering,youdono servilework.‘For sevendaysyou bring anoffering made byfire to YHWH. Onthe eighth daythere shall be a set-apart gathering for you, and you shall bring anoffering made byfire to YHWH. It is a closing festival;you do no servile work. ‘These aretheappointedtimesofYHWHwhichyouproclaimasset-apartgatherings, to bring anoffering made byfire to YHWH, a burnt offering and a grainoffering, a slaughtering and drinkofferings, as
  • 10. commandedforeveryday – besidestheSabbathsof YHWH, and besides your gifts, and besides all your vows, and besides all your voluntaryofferings which you give to YHWH. ‘Onthe fifteenth dayofthe seventhmonth,whenyou gatherinthe fruitoftheland,observe the festival of YHWH for sevendays. On thefirst dayis a rest, and onthe eighth daya rest. ‘And you shall take for yourselves onthe first daythe fruitofgood trees,branchesofpalmtrees,twigsofleafytrees,andwillowsofthe stream, and shall rejoice beforeYHWHyourAlhymfor sevendays. ‘And you shall observe it as a festival to YHWH for sevendays intheyear –a lawforeverinyour Generations.Observeitintheseventhmonth.‘Dwellinboothsforseven days;all who are native Yisra ’alites dwell inbooths, so that your Generations knowthat Imade the childrenofYisra’ĕldwellinboothswhenIbrought them out ofthe land ofMitsrayim. Iam YHWH your Alhym.’” Thus, did Moshe speakofthe appointed times of YHWH to the childrenofYisra’al. Nowthatwe knowwhat units of time the true calendarconsistsof, we cannowlook for a calendar that meets these criteria. The True Calendar of the Scripture The only Calendar that meets all of these criteria is the Solar Calendar found at Qumran mentioned in Mismarot from Cave IV, also mentioned in the Book of Enoch (I Enoch) Chap.72-75, After thislawIbeheldanotherlawofaninferiorluminary,thenameofwhich is the moon, and the orb of whichisas theorbofheaven. Itschariot,whichitsecretlyascends, the wind blows;and light is givento it bymeasureEverymonthat itsexitandentranceitbecomeschanged;anditsperiodsareasthe periods of the sun. And wheninlike manner its light is to exist, (79) its light is a seventh portionfrom the light of the sun. (79) And whenin…is to exist. I.e., whenthe moonis full (Knibb, p. 171). Thus it rises, and at its commencementtowardstheeast goes forth for thirtydays. At that time, it appears, and becomes to you thebeginningofthemonth.Thirtydaysit is with the suninthe gate from which the sungoes forth .Half
  • 11. ofit isinextentsevenportions,onehalf;and thewholeofits orb is void oflight, except a seventh portion outofthe fourteenportionsofitslight.And ina dayit receives a seventh portion, or halfthat portion, of itslight.Itslightisbysevens,byone portion,andbythehalfofa portion. Its sets with the sun. And when thesunrises,themoonriseswithit;receivinghalfaportionoflight.Onthatnight,whenitcommencesits period,previouslytothedayofthemonth, the moonsets with the sun. And onthat night it is darkinits fourteenportions,thatis,ineach half;but it rises onthat daywith one seventh portionprecisely, and in itsprogressdeclines from the rising ofthe sun.During the remainder ofits period its light increases to fourteenportions. Chapter 73 ThenI sawanotherprogressandregulationwhichHeeffectedinthelawofthe moon. The progress ofthe moons,andeverythingrelating to them, Uriel showed me, the holyangel who conducted them all. Their stations Iwrote downas he showed them to me. Iwrote downtheir months, as theyoccur, and the appearanceoftheirlight,untilitiscompletedinfifteen days.In eachofitstwo sevenportionsitcompletes all its light at rising and at setting. Onstated months it changes its settings;and onstated months it makes its progress through each gate. Intwo gates the moonsets with the sun, viz. inthose two gates whichareinthe midst,inthe third and fourth gate. From the third gate it goes forth for seven days and makesitscircuit.Again,itreturnstothegatewhencethesungoes forth, and inthat completes the whole ofitslight.Thenit declinesfromthesun,and entersineightdaysintothesixthgate,and returnsinseven daysto thethirdgate,fromwhichthe sungoesforth.Whenthe sunproceedstothefourthgate,the moon goes forth for sevendays, until it passes from the fifth gate .Againit returns insevendays to the fourth gate, and completing all its light, declines, and passes onbythe first gate ineight days;And returns in sevendays tothefourthgate,from whichthesungoesforth.ThusIbeheld their stations, as according to the fixed order ofthe months the sunrises and sets .At those times there is anexcess ofthirtydays belonging to the suninfive years;all the days belonging to each year ofthe five years, whencompleted, amounttothreehundredand sixty-four days;and to the sunand stars belong sixdays;sixdays ineach ofthe five years;thus thirtydays belonging to them;So that the moonhas thirtydays less thanthe sun and stars.Themoonbringsonalltheyearsexactly,thattheirstationsmaycomeneithertooforwards nor
  • 12. too backwards a single day;but that the years maybe changed with correct precisioninthree hundred and sixty-four days. Inthree years the days are one thousand and ninety-two;infive years theyare one thousandeighthundredand twenty;and ineight years two thousand nine hundred and twelve days. To themoonalone belong inthree years one thousand and sixty-two days;infive years it has fiftydays less thanthe sun,for anadditionbeing made to the one thousand and sixty-two days, infive years there are one thousandsevenhundredandseventydays;and thedays ofthemoonineightyears are two thousand eight hundred and thirty-two days. For its days ineight years are less thanthose ofthe sunbyeighty days,which eightydaysareitsdiminutionineightyears.Theyearthenbecomestrulycompleteaccording tothe stationofthemoon,and thestationofthe sun;which rise inthe different gates;which rise and set inthem for thirtydays. Chapter 74 Thesearetheleadersofthechiefsofthe thousands,thosewhichpresideover all creation, and over all the stars;withthefourdays whichareaddedand never separatedfromtheplaceallotted them, according to thecompletecalculationoftheyear. And theseservefourdays,whichare notcalculatedinthecalculation ofthe year.Respectingthem,mengreatlyerr,fortheseluminariestrulyserve, inthe dwelling place of the world,one dayinthe first gate, one inthe third gate, one inthe fourth gate, and one inthe sixth gate .And the harmonyoftheworldbecomescompleteeverythreehundredandsixty-fourthstateofit. For the signs,theseasons,TheyearsAndthe days,Urielshowedme;theangel whom the Lord ofgloryappointed overallthe luminaries. Ofheaveninheaven, and inthe world;that theymight rule inthe face ofthe sky, and appearing over the earth, become Conductors ofthe days and nights:the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the ministers ofheaven, which make their circuit with all the chariots ofheaven. Thus, Uriel showedmetwelve gatesopenforthe circuitofthechariotsofthesuninheaven,fromwhichthe raysofthe sunshoot forth. From these proceed heat over the earth, whentheyare opened intheir stated seasons. Theyarefor thewindsand thespiritofthedew, whenintheirseasons theyare opened;opened inheaven atitsextremities.TwelvegatesIbeheld inheaven, at the extremities ofthe earth, through which the sun, moon,and stars,andalltheworksof heaven,proceed at their rising and setting. Manywindows also are openonthe rightandontheleft. One windowat a certainseasongrows extremelyhot. So also, are there
  • 13. gates from which the stars go forth as theyare commanded,and inwhich theyset according to their number.Isawlikewisethechariotsofheaven,runningintheworldabovetothosegatesinwhichthe stars turn, which never set. One ofthese is greater thanall, which goes around the whole world. Chapter 75 And at theextremitiesofthe earth Ibeheld twelve gates openfor all the winds, from which theyproceed and blowover the earth. Three ofthem are openinthe front ofheaven, three inthe west, three onthe rightside ofheaven, and three onthe left. The first three are those which are towards the east, three are towardsthenorth,threebehindthose which are uponthe left, towards the south, and three onthe west. From four ofthem proceed winds ofblessing, and ofhealth;and from eight proceed winds of punishment;whentheyaresentto destroythe earth, and the heavenabove it, all its inhabitants, and all which are inthe waters, or ondryland .The first ofthese winds proceeds from the gate termed the eastern,throughthefirst gate onthe east, which inclines southwards. From this goes forth destruction, drought,heat,andperdition.Fromthe second gate, the middle one, proceeds equity. There issue from it rain,fruitfulness,health,anddew;and fromthethird gate northwards, proceed cold and drought. After these proceed the south winds through three principal gates;through their first gate, which inclines eastwards, proceeds a hot wind.But from the middle gate proceed grateful odor, dew, rain, health, and life. From the third gate, which is westwards, proceed dew, rain, blight, and destruction. After these are the winds to the north, which is called the sea. Theyproceed from three gates. The first (80) gate is that whichisonthe east,incliningsouthwards;fromthisproceeddew,rain,blight,and destruction. From the middle direct gate proceed rain, dew, life, and health. And from the third gate, which is westwards, inclining towards the south, proceed mist, frost, snow, rain, dew, and blight. (80) First. Or, "seventh" (Knibb, p. 178). After these inthe fourth quarter are the winds to the west. From the first gate, inclining northwards, proceed dew, rain, frost, cold,snow, and chill;from the middle gate proceed rain, health, and blessing; And from thelastgate,whichissouthwards,proceeddrought,destruction,scorching, and perdition. The
  • 14. account ofthe twelve gates ofthe four quarters ofheavenis ended.All their laws, all their inflictionof punishment, and the health produced bythem, have Iexplained to you, mysonMathusala. (81) 81) Mathusala. Enoch's son, Methuselah. Cp. 82) Beresheet. 5:21. as well as in the Book of Jubilees Chap.6:23-38, And onthe newmoonofthe first month, and onthe newmoonofthe fourth month, and onthe new moonofthe seventh month,andonthenew moonofthetenthmonth are the days ofremembrance, and the days of theseasonsinthe fourdivisions of the year. These are writtenand ordained as a testimony forever.And k ordainedthemforhimselfas feasts for the Generations forever, so that theyhave become therebyamemorialuntohim.Andonthenew moonofthefirstmonthhewas biddentomake forhimself anark, and onthat (day) the earth became dryand he opened (the ark) and sawthe earth. And onthe newmoonofthe fourth month the mouths ofthe depths ofthe abyss beneath were closed.And onthe newmoonofthe seventh month all the mouths ofthe abysses ofthe earth were opened,and the waters beganto descend into them. And onthe newmoonofthe tenth month the tops ofthe mountains were seen,and Noahwas glad.And onthisaccount he ordained them for himselfas feasts for a memorial for ever, and thus are theyordained. and has the following characteristics: This calendar has 1Week=7Days, 1 Month =30 Days, 1 Year =12Months, 1 Year=360Days plus4intercalarydaystomake aneven364 DayYear which is perfectlydivisible bythe 7-dayweekto give 52Weeks a year, 1st Dayofthe Year =5th Dayofthe Week;
  • 15. 1st Month =start ofthe BarleyHarvest. This is a fixed Calendar with the 1st Dayofthe Year and the 1st Dayofeach 3-month period falling on Wednesdaynight the beginning ofthe 5th Dayofthe Week. The dates ofthe feasts are also fixed with a particular dayofanygivenmonth being onthe same dayofthe weekeveryyear. One intercalarydayis fixed atthe end ofeach3-monthperiodandactsas a buffer or divisionpoint betweenthe next seasonor 3-month period.Each seasonor 3-month period has exactly13weeks. Here is what the reconstructed calendarlookslike(keepinginmind thatasSabbathisonSaturdaybutstartsFridaynightsoallthe days inthis calendar start the night before): Reference:"TenYears ofDiscoveryinthe Wilderness ofJudea" byJ.T. Milik1959 Intercalating the True Calendar ofthe Scripture: To datescholarshavenotbeenableto determine howto properlyintercalate this calendar. Ofnecessity, sincewe asbelievershavetoknowwhento keep the Feast Days using the True Calendar ofthe Scripture, we alsomustbeabletointercalatethiscalendar.Thesolaryearconsistsofapproximately3651/4 days per year. The beginning ofthe solar year also starts at the Spring or Vernal Equinoxonabout March 21. In scientifictermsthisis0degreesor360degrees.Sincethelengthofthesolar year is not evenlydivisible by a whole number ofdays it is difficult to have a solar calendar line up with the solar year. The Gregorian calendar which most ofus use, has 365days. But to keep the calendar inline with the solar year the 1/4 daymust be accounted for. To take care ofthis loss of1/4 days per year, the Gregoriancalendar is intercalated every4 years during which time 4 x1/4 days =1daywas lost. Therefore, everyfour years we have a leap year of366 days and that extra dayis added on February29. With the True Scriptual Calendar, a year consists of360 days +4 intercalarydays to give 364 days per year.So 11/4 days islosteachyear.Therefore,every5or 6 years this calendar is intercalated byone week. Thismethodisverysimple,andthecalendarbecomesself-correcting.Thecalendargets its starting point whenthe Spring Equinoxis onthe 4th Dayofthe WeekYerushalayim Time betweenTuesdaysunset to
  • 16. Wednesdaysunset.As5-or 6-yearspass,theSpringEquinoxagainis onthe 4th Dayofthe Week. This is whenthecalendarisintercalatedbyone week. This keeps the calendar always withinapproximatelyone weekfrom the Spring Equinox. It is critical to keep the calendar synchronized with the Spring Equinox becausetheFeastDaysalongwiththecalendararedirectlylinkedtotheagriculturalyearwhichisinturn directlylinked to the solar year. BookofJubilees And commandyou thechildrenofY’ishra’althattheyobservetheyearsaccordingtothisreckoning-three hundredand sixty-fourdays,andwillconstituteacomplete year, and theywill not disturb its time from itsdaysand fromitsfeasts;foreverythingwillfall outinthemaccordingto their testimony, and theywill notleave outanydaynordisturbanyfeasts.But iftheydo neglect and do not observe them according to Hiscommandment,thentheywilldisturballtheirseasons and the years will be dislodged from this and theywill neglecttheirordinances.AndallthechildrenofY’ishra’alwillforgetandwillnotfind the path of theyears,and willforgetthe newmonths,andseasons,andShabbats and theywill go wrong as to all the order ofthe years .For Iknowand from henceforth will Ideclare it unto you, and it is not ofmyown devising;for the bookis writtenbefore me, and onthe heavenlytablets the divisionofdays is ordained, lesttheyforgetthefeastsofthecovenant and walkaccording to the feasts ofthe nations after their error and aftertheirignorance.For therewillbethosewhowillassuredlymakeobservationsofthe moon -how it disturbs the seasonsand comesinfromyeartoyeartendaystoo soon. For this reasonthe years will come uponthem whentheywill disturb, and make abominable the dayoftestimony, and anuncleandaya feastday, and theywill confoundallthe days, the kodesh with the unclean, and the uncleandaywith the kodesh;for theywill go wrong as to the months and Shabbats and feasts and jubilees. For this reasonI commandandtestifyto you that you maytestifyto them;for after your death your childrenwill disturb them,sothattheywill notmake theyearthreehundredand sixty-fourdaysonly,and forthis reasonthey willgo wrong asto thenewmonthsandseasonsandShabbatsand festivals, and theywill eat all kinds of blood with all kinds offlesh.
  • 17. Inthe name oftwo witnesses Enoch Book3the bookofthe skylights Here are excerpts from pages 57and 63. 1 Thechiefs ofthe heads ofthe thousands, who are placed over the whole creationand over all the stars, haveto do withthefour inserteddays, being inseparable from their office, according to the reckoning of thefiguringthe year.Owing tothemmen’serror,forthoselightstrulyrender service onthe stations, one inthe first window, one inthe third windowofthe skies, one in the fourth window, and one inthe sixth window. The exactnessofthe year is3done throughitsseparate three hundred and sixty-fourstations. For thesesignsandthetimesandtheyearsand thedays themalach Uriel showed to me.4 Blessed are all the tzadikim!Blessed are all those who walkinthe wayofobedience, and never sin(as do the chattaim)! In the reckoning ofalltheir days, the sun traversestheskies, entering intoand departing fromthe windowsfor thirty days, with the chiefs ofthousands ofthe order ofthe stars, together with the four days inserted, thosethatdividethefourseasons ofthe year, and those who 5go before them to properlyinsert the four days.Owing to thesefour,theyeladim-a‘am will be inerror bynot counting them inthe full numbering ofthe year.Yes,menwillmakemistakesandnotaccuratelymarkthem.6Fortheybelong to the counting ofthe yearand arerecordedfaithfullyforever –one inthe first windowand one inthe third – one inthe fourthand oneinthesixth– so theyeariscomplete with threehundredand sixty-four days. 7This count isaccurate,andtherecordingofit exact;for the lights, months, feasts, years, and days has Uriel opened
  • 18. up tome, the same as 8that which YHWH subjected the entire world creationand the sky-host. He has authorityovernightand dayinthe skies to make the light give illuminationto the bnei-a’am – the sun, moon, and stars – 9 and all the powers ofthe skies that revolve intheir orbital merkavot. Such are the orders to the stars, orders that set them intheir places inproper seasons, festivals, and months. Prove all things Don’t justtakemyword forit, the dayof hisreturnisintertwined with the true scriptual calendar, ifwe are not keeping hisfeastdayaccording to scripture wewillnot be amongst those who are to escape the tribulation, seek the truth once delivered unto the saints May this blessing be upon you YHWHwill kneel before you presenting gifts and will guard you with a hedge of protection. YHWHwill illuminatethewholenessofhisbeingtowardyou bringingorderandhewill give you comfort and sustenance. YHWHwill lift up his wholenessofbeingandlookuponyou andhe will setinplace all you needtobewhole and complete. I writehasthe raukhmovesme, notlookingfor dissentionamong the truebrethren( Nätzräya) not by the worlds standards, man. Made opinion to me is nothing, I serve the Almighty One And the dragonwasenraged with the woman, and he wenttofightwith the remnantof her seed, those guarding the commands of Elohim and possessing the witness of Yhwhsua Messiah.
  • 19. I failmiserablyyetitis allI know, Iranawaymanytimesfromthe father, filledmyanswers with excuses, but I know, I seekout the true Nätzräyaaccording toscriptures, beginning with HisSacred Calendar, endorsed by the scriptures, noone said itwill be easy, yetHisreigniswheremytreasureis, Iwalkthe way oftheheretic, not conforming to mans – made- god, the days I will publish for 2020 next One thing Ihave learned wemustread intheHebrew perspective, notmodernday teachings, the writings of the Nätzräiym, ourmoderndaybiblesare filled withlies, deception, theydo not speakthe truth theyhave drawnso manyawayfrom the living waters, the truth once delivered to the saints ( Yahudah1:3) Shalom ©Elder Keironjohn (Keiyah) ElderKeironjohn Spengerstr 51 D-32130Enger (Germany)