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May 2009

Paul’s Café: 11/12, Dream House, Datta Mandir Road, Nashik Road. Ph: (0253) 2458473
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  Love is Blind But Friendship is Clairvoyant
If You Think You Can…You Will !

                             If you think you are beaten, you are.
                              If you think you dare not, you don't.
                            If you'd like to win but think you can't,

                                    it’s almost certain you won't.
                                    Life's battles don't always go
                                        to the stronger or faster,
                            but sooner or later, the one who wins
                                  is the one who thinks;… I can.
                                                         -Walter D. Wintle

     Some day…You Will, said the sky
     For the bird in the cage it will need a lot of
     Change is the only constant,
     Some day the cage will disappear;
     Then you will fly again…. &
     will teach others too, to fly…to explore life!!!!

     …Think YOU can & you WiLL!!!

Tuesday, 21 April, 2009

    ♥   Intellectual intimacy:                          ♥   Spiritual intimacy:
        This    isn't   about   discussing  highly          Often the least excavated of all the
        intellectual ideas. The important thing is          foundations of marital intimacy, yet this
        discussing your thoughts. They may be               has a significant impact on the others. It
        thoughts about food, finances, health,              doesn't require agreement of belief on
        crime, work, politics, etc. They reveal             every detail. Instead, we seek to tell each
        something of what's gone on in your mind            other what's going on in our inner self.
        throughout the day.                                 It's discussing our thoughts about spiritual
                                                            realities. The purpose isn't agreement, but
    ♥   Social intimacy:                                    understanding.
        This has to do with spending time around
        the events of life. Some of these events        ♥   Physical intimacy:
        we experience together; others happen               Because men and women are different
        while we're apart and are shared through            (long live their differences!), we often
        open communication. Much of life involves           come at sexual intimacy in different ways.
        doing. When we do things together, we               The husband's emphasis is often on the
        not only develop a sense of teamwork, we            physical aspects—the seeing, touching,
        also enhance our sense of intimacy.                 and climax are the focus of his attention.
                                                            The wife, though, comes to sexual
    ♥   Emotional intimacy:                                 intimacy with more interest in the
        Feelings are our spontaneous, emotional             relationship. To feel loved, appreciated,
        responses to what we encounter through              and treated tenderly brings her great joy.
        the five senses. I see the fire truck racing        Sexual intimacy requires understanding
        down the road and I feel troubled. You              and responding to these differences.
        touch my hand and I feel loved. When we
        share emotions, we build emotional

                                   Practicing          intimacy

        An essential ingredient of intimacy is              The opposite of self-centeredness,
        allowing    your   spouse      to  be               then, is love. Love concentrates on
        him/herself    without   striving   to              the well-being of the spouse. We take
        conform him/her to your ideals.                     time to listen to the thoughts,
                                                            feelings, and desires of our spouse.
        In intimacy, we try to grow closer                  We seek to understand and to
        together,   not   to   eliminate  the               respond with empathy. We choose to
        "otherness," but to enjoy it. Men and               do things with each other, even
        women are different and we must                     things that may not be our favorite
        not, even with good intentions, seek                activities, simply because we want to
        to destroy those differences.                       be with each other.

        What keeps us from experiencing                     In the context of such intimacy we
        intimacy? All of us are egocentric; the             become supportive and caring of each
        world revolves around us. Yet, when                 other, which builds a stronger, more
        we focus on self, we lose intimacy.                 contented marriage.

11 quick and simple ways to express love
       Say it now or it might be just a bit too late to let
    Patience is good but certain things in life must be instant!
     1.Embrace        your     past. Assemble      a
     scrapbook together, pull out your wedding
     video, or write your own personal romance
     story. Reliving special memories together is a
     great way to strengthen your bond.
     2.Be kids together. Have a pillow fight,
     challenge each other to a game of hopscotch,
     or cuddle on the couch and laugh as you
     watch cartoons.
     3.Wrap your mate in love. While your
     sweetie showers sneak his towel into the
     dryer, and as he steps out, wrap him in fluffy
     warmth. Or use the same idea to warm her
     feet when she snuggles in bed on a chilly
     autumn night.
     4.Speak the languages of love. Surprise

                                                         Say it Now &
     your "amante" (Italian for "lover") with some
     international sweet talk.
     5.Write love notes to each other. Spell it out
     in his oatmeal with raisins, on her dashboard

     with yarn, or use lipstick on your bathroom
     mirror. Compose your own poem, borrow a
     verse from Song of Songs, or just write "I love
     6.Turn on the charm.Who says you have to
     stop flirting once you're married? At your
     next party, wink at him across a crowded          8.Remember the little things. When you
     room, or slip your arm around her as you          step in to help with the day-to-day "drudge"
     make social small talk. That personal             chores—making dinner, bathing the kids—
     connection amid the crowd is like saying,         your spouse knows she's appreciated and
     "This is great, but I'd rather be with you!"      loved. And completing a chore for your
     7.Connect online. E-mail your spouse              sweetie frees more time and energy for the
     throughout the day, just to say you're thinking   two of you to enjoy other activities together.
     of him.                                           9.Send it snail mail. Take time to write an
                                                       encouraging note, slap a stamp on it, and mail
                                                       it. Your spouse will love the surprise—
                                                       especially since it won't be a credit card bill
                                                       or junk mail!
                                                       10.Celebrate everything. Most couples
                                                       celebrate the anniversary of their marriage or
                                                       first date, but how about the anniversary of
                                                       your engagement, or first kiss? (If you don't
                                                       remember, make it up!) There have been all
                                                       kinds of milestones throughout your
                                                       relationship, so mark each one with flowers, a
                                                       card, or a romantic interlude.
                                                       11.Just say it. Your spouse needs to hear
                                                       those three simple words daily. Whisper it,
                                                       sing it, shout it. Say it.

People come into your life for
                                a reason, a season or a lifetime.
                              When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that

                             When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a
                                                   need you have expressed
                             They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you
                              with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or
                                   spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are
                                     They are there for the reason you need them to be

                            Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
                           this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
                                       Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
                                    Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
                           What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled,
                                                       their work is done.
                          The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

                                  Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because
                                        your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
                                 They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
                                   They may teach you something you have never done.
                                   They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
                                         Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

                                     LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
                          things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
                                              Your job is to accept the lesson,
                              love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other
                                            relationships and areas of your life.
Tuesday, 21 April, 2009

                                     It is said that love is blind but
                                        Friendship is clairvoyant.

Stay Blessed…
                      I quit my job, my relationship, my
                     spirituality... I wanted to quit my life.
             I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.
 "God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?" His answer
                                  surprised me...
     "Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
                                 "Yes", I replied.

  "When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of
 them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the
    earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the
bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern
grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo
               seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo." He said.

  "In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would
                                    not quit.
  In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo see. I would not
                                 quit." He said.
 "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to
  the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just 6 months later
 the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing
 roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I
     would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle."

                                He said to me.
  "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you
                    have actually been growing roots?"
         "I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you."
 "Don't compare yourself to others." He said. "The bamboo had a different
      purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful."

           "Your time will come", God said to me. "You will rise high"
                       "How high should I rise?" I asked.
             "How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return.
                        "As high as it can?" I questioned,
         "Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can."
   I left the forest and bring back this story. I hope these words can help
                   you see that God will never give up on you.

                      HE will never give up on you!


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              Chinese Menu                                           Chinese Menu
SOUP’S                             VEG       CHI       CHINESE RICE                             VEG        CHI                    Caf é Menu
Tomato Soup                        30.00 /         -   Fried Rice                               50.00 / 55.00                 STARTERS (SHURUAT)
Manchow Soup                       30.00 / 35.00       Egg. Fried Rice                                 - / 55.00
Sweet Corn Soup                    30.00 / 35.00       Ginger Rice                              55.00 / 60.00
                                                                                                                   Mix Veg Pakoda                         35.00
Hot & Sour Soup                    30.00 / 35.00       Garlic Rice                              55.00 / 60.00
                                                       Szechuan Rice                            55.00 / 60.00      French Fries                           35.00
Mushroom Manchow Soup              35.00 / 40.00
                                                       Hongkong Rice                            55.00 / 60.00      Veg.Chilly (Dry) (8pc)                 50.00
Clear Soup                         25.00 / 30.00
Noodle Clear Soup                  25.00 / 30.00       Singapore Rice                           55.00 / 60.00      Veg.Manchurian (Dry) (8pc)             50.00
                                   30.00 /         -   Chowmein Rice                            55.00 / 60.00      Veg.Chinese Bhel                       50.00
Tomato Shorba
                                                       Shanghai Rice                            60.00 / 65.00
VEG ( GRAVY) 7pc                                                                                                   Paneer Tikka (H) (5pc)                 45.00
                                                       Yong Chow Rice                           60.00 / 65.00
Veg. Chilly                                  50.00                                                                 Paneer Pakoda                          45.00
                                                       Triple Szechuan Rice                     65.00 / 70.00
Veg. Szechuan                                50.00                                                                 Veg.Spring Roll                        55.00
                                                       CHINESE NOODLES                          VEG         CHI
Soyabean Chilly (20 pc)                      55.00                                                                                    NON - VEG
                                                       Hakka Noodles                            50.00 / 55.00
Potato Chilly                                50.00                                                                 Chicken Spring Roll                    65.00
                                                       Egg. Noodles                                    - / 55.00
Veg. Manchurian                              50.00                                                                 Chicken Tikka (H) (4pc)                45.00
                                                       Ginger Noodles                           55.00 / 60.00
Veg. Hongkong                                50.00                                                                 Chicken Chilly (Dry) (7pc)             55.00
                                                       Garlic Noodles                           55.00 / 60.00
Veg. Sweet Garlic                            50.00     Hongkong Noodles                         55.00 / 60.00      Chicken Manchurian (Dry) (7pc)         55.00
Veg. Hot Garlic                              50.00     Szechuan Noodles                         55.00 / 60.00      Chicken Chinese Bhel                   60.00
Veg. Balls In Sweet Ginger Sauce             50.00     Singapore Noodles                        55.00 / 60.00      Chicken Lolly Pop (H) (4pc)            40.00
Paneer Chilly                                60.00     Noodles with Rice                        60.00 / 65.00
                                                                                                                   Fried Chicken (7pc)                    60.00
Mushroom Chilly                              60.00     Chinese Chopsuey                         55.00 / 60.00
                                                                                                                   Chicken Tikka Pakoda (6pc)             85.00
CHICKEN ( GRAVY) 7pc                                   American Chopsuey                        55.00 / 60.00
                                                       Chowmein Noodles                         50.00 / 55.00
Chicken Chilly                               60.00
                                                       Yong Chow Noodles                        60.00 / 65.00
Chicken Szechuan                             60.00
                                                       Shanghai Noodles                         60.00 / 65.00
Chicken Sweet Garlic                         60.00
                                                       Triple Szechuan Noodles                  65.00 / 70.00
Chicken Hot N’ Sour                          60.00
                                                       CHINESE RICE                             VEG.        CHI.
Chicken Chow Chow                            60.00
                                                       Manchurian Rice (Rice + Manch. Gravy) 65.00 / 70.00
Chicken In Hot Garlic Sauce                  60.00
                                                       Chilly Rice (Rice + Chilly Gravy)         65.00 / 70.00
Chicken Sweet Ginger                         60.00
                                                       If there is any complaint regarding a particular dish,
Chicken Hongkong                             60.00          please return it at the first bite, for alteration.              ANY TIME KHANA
Chicken Manchurian                           60.00
                                                       Dream House, Shop No. 11, Next to Lions ClubGround,              WE ARE SURELY NOT THE FIRST TO START!
Chicken Lollypop in Gravy (5pc.)             85.00        Datta Mandir Rd., Nashik Road, Ph.: 2458473                     BUT ARE TRULY THE BEST TO SERVE!!
Caf é Menu                                                       Indian Menu                                               Tandoor Se
         BURGER’S & HOT DOG’S                                                           CHICKEN
                                                                                                                             Chicken Tandoori - (F)                       165.00
Veg. Cheese Burger 30.00          Veg. Hot Dog         35.00      Chi.Kadai             60.00 Chi. Kolhapuri        60.00    Chicken Tandoori - (H)                         85.00
Chi. Cheese Burger 35.00          Chi. Hot Dog         40.00                            65.00 Butter Chi.
                                                                  Chi.Tikka Masala                                  65.00    Pahadi Tikka - (8pc)                           95.00
                    MILK SHAKES                                   Lasooni Chicken       60.00 TandooriChi.Masala(H) 110.00   Chicken Tikka - (8pc)                          85.00
Vanilla                 30.00     Strawberry            30.00
                                                                  Lucknowi Chicken      65.00 TandooriChi.Masala(F) 220.00   Chicken Tukra - (8pc) - With Bone            190.00
Kesar Pista             30.00     Chocolate             30.00
                                                                  Chicken Hyderabadi 65.00 Chi. Handi (F)          190.00    Hara Murg - (F)                              175.00
Butter Scotch           30.00     Cold Coffee           30.00
                                                                  Chicken Dalwala       55.00 Chi. Handi (H)       100.00    Hara Murg - (H)                                90.00
                   TEA / COFFEE
                                                                  Chicken Saagwala      55.00 Btr. Chi.Handi (F) 220.00      Tandoori leg                                   65.00
Nescafe                15.00  Milk                     15.00
                              Bottled Water            15.00      Egg Curry (2 eggs)    45.00 Btr. Chi. Handi (H) 110.00                              VEG
                          PIZZA                                                         MUTTON                               Hara Paneer - (F) 10pc                         85.00
Pizza Unix                                                                                                                   Hara Paneer - (H) 5pc                          50.00
                                                       50:00      Mutton Handi (F)     190.00   Mtn. Saagwala      55.00
                                                                                                                             Paneer Tikka - (F) 10pc                        85.00
Chicken Tikka Pizza                                    75:00      Mutton Handi (H)     100.00   Mtn. Hyderabadi    65.00
                           EGG                                                                                               Paneer Tikka - (H) 5pc                         50.00
                                                                  Mutton Masala         55.00   Bhuna Mutton       55.00
Masala Omelette         30.00     Boiled Egg       20.00                                                                                   TANDOORI SPECIAL
                                                                  Mutton Kolhapuri      60.00   Mtn. Roganjosh     60.00
Plain Omelette          25.00     Spanish Omelette 40.00                                                                     Tandoori Platter (4 pc. each)                 180.00
                                                                  Kheema Masala         55.00   Mutton Lucknowi 65.00
Egg Bhurjee             35.00     Half fried Egg   30.00                                                                     (Chi.Tikka, Pahadi Tikka, Paneer Tikka, TandooriAloo)
                                                                  Kheema + Paratha 100.00       Kheema Mutter      55.00
             RAITA / SALAD / PAPAD                                                                                           Chicken Tikka in Szechuan sauce (8pc) 110.00
Veg. Raita                                              20.00                             VEG                                                                              110.00
                                                                                                                             Paneer Tikka in Szechuan Sauce (10pc)
Green Salad                                             15.00     Veg.Kadai             45.00   Veg. Kolhapuri     45.00                              ROTI
Roasted Papad                                           05.00     Veg. jalfrezi         45.00   Veg.Makhanwala 45.00         Roti                5.00    Btr. Roti          07.00
Fried Papad                                             08.00     Baingan Masala        45.00   Malai Kofta        60.00     Naan               10.00    Btr. Naan          12.00
Masala Papad                                            10.00     Methi Mutter Malai    50.00   Mutter Paneer      55.00     Aloo Paratha                Kulcha/Paratha     15.00
Russian Salad -                                         25.00     Aloo Palak                    Aloo Jeera         40.00
                                                                                        40.00                                                         RICE
(Steamed Potatos, Beans, Carrots, Gr. PeasTossed in Mayonnaise)
                                                                  Lasooni Palak         40.00   Aloo Mutter        40.00     Steam Rice                 Jeera Rice          25.00
             Pasta Special                                        Bhindi Masala         45.00   Chana Masala       40.00     Gr.Peas Pulao      30.00   Dal Khicda          45.00
     Order Any Pasta For Just Rs. 85 /-                           Rajma Masala          40.00   Veg. Handi (F)    120.00     Cheese Pulao       40.00   Veg.Pulao           30.00
  TYPE’S             SAUCES                                       Lasooni Methi         40.00   Veg. Handi (H)     60.00     Veg.Biryani     60.00 Chicken Biryani 70.00
  Spaghetti                     Napolitienne                      Puri Bhaji                    Veg. Hyderabadi    50.00
                                                                                        40.00                                Mutton Biryani  70.00 Paneer Biryani    70.00
  Macaroni                      Peppery Cheese
                                                                                        PANEER                               01 Kg Chicken Biryani (Serves 08)    Rs. 400/-
                                                                                        60.00   Paneer Kolhapuri 60.00       01 Kg Mutton Biryani (Serves 08)     Rs. 450/-
                                Fiery Hot Sauce                   Kadai Paneer
  Penne                                                           Palak Paneer          60.00   Paneer Bhurjee 65.00                                  Dal
        All Pasta can also be served with                         Paneer Makhni         60.00   Paneer Tikka M/s. 65.00      Dal Tadka          35.00   Dal Fry             30.00
             chicken for Rs.15/- extra                            Paneer Handi (F)     190.00   Paneer Handi (H) 100.00      Dal Makhni         40.00   Butter Dal Fry      35.00

          (Home Delivery In 40 Min. From The Time Order Is Placed. Minimum Order Rs. 200/-)
The best and the most beautiful things
in the world cannot be seen or even touched.
       They must be felt with the heart.
         Designed & Compiled By Paul’s Café Private Limited

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Cafe Bulletin May 2009

  • 1. May 2009 Paul’s Café: 11/12, Dream House, Datta Mandir Road, Nashik Road. Ph: (0253) 2458473 write to us at: visit our blog: Love is Blind But Friendship is Clairvoyant
  • 2. If You Think You Can…You Will ! If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win but think you can't, Enthuse… it’s almost certain you won't. Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster, but sooner or later, the one who wins is the one who thinks;… I can. -Walter D. Wintle Some day…You Will, said the sky For the bird in the cage it will need a lot of patience… Change is the only constant, Some day the cage will disappear; Then you will fly again…. & will teach others too, to fly…to explore life!!!! …Think YOU can & you WiLL!!! 1
  • 3. Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 ♥ Intellectual intimacy: ♥ Spiritual intimacy: This isn't about discussing highly Often the least excavated of all the intellectual ideas. The important thing is foundations of marital intimacy, yet this discussing your thoughts. They may be has a significant impact on the others. It thoughts about food, finances, health, doesn't require agreement of belief on crime, work, politics, etc. They reveal every detail. Instead, we seek to tell each something of what's gone on in your mind other what's going on in our inner self. throughout the day. It's discussing our thoughts about spiritual realities. The purpose isn't agreement, but ♥ Social intimacy: understanding. This has to do with spending time around the events of life. Some of these events ♥ Physical intimacy: we experience together; others happen Because men and women are different while we're apart and are shared through (long live their differences!), we often open communication. Much of life involves come at sexual intimacy in different ways. doing. When we do things together, we The husband's emphasis is often on the not only develop a sense of teamwork, we physical aspects—the seeing, touching, also enhance our sense of intimacy. and climax are the focus of his attention. The wife, though, comes to sexual ♥ Emotional intimacy: intimacy with more interest in the Feelings are our spontaneous, emotional relationship. To feel loved, appreciated, responses to what we encounter through and treated tenderly brings her great joy. the five senses. I see the fire truck racing Sexual intimacy requires understanding down the road and I feel troubled. You and responding to these differences. touch my hand and I feel loved. When we share emotions, we build emotional intimacy. Practicing intimacy An essential ingredient of intimacy is The opposite of self-centeredness, allowing your spouse to be then, is love. Love concentrates on him/herself without striving to the well-being of the spouse. We take conform him/her to your ideals. time to listen to the thoughts, feelings, and desires of our spouse. In intimacy, we try to grow closer We seek to understand and to together, not to eliminate the respond with empathy. We choose to "otherness," but to enjoy it. Men and do things with each other, even women are different and we must things that may not be our favorite not, even with good intentions, seek activities, simply because we want to to destroy those differences. be with each other. What keeps us from experiencing In the context of such intimacy we intimacy? All of us are egocentric; the become supportive and caring of each world revolves around us. Yet, when other, which builds a stronger, more we focus on self, we lose intimacy. contented marriage. 2
  • 4. 140
  • 5. 11 quick and simple ways to express love Say it now or it might be just a bit too late to let Patience is good but certain things in life must be instant! 1.Embrace your past. Assemble a scrapbook together, pull out your wedding video, or write your own personal romance story. Reliving special memories together is a great way to strengthen your bond. 2.Be kids together. Have a pillow fight, challenge each other to a game of hopscotch, or cuddle on the couch and laugh as you watch cartoons. 3.Wrap your mate in love. While your sweetie showers sneak his towel into the dryer, and as he steps out, wrap him in fluffy warmth. Or use the same idea to warm her feet when she snuggles in bed on a chilly autumn night. 4.Speak the languages of love. Surprise Say it Now & your "amante" (Italian for "lover") with some international sweet talk. 5.Write love notes to each other. Spell it out in his oatmeal with raisins, on her dashboard ALWAYS!!! with yarn, or use lipstick on your bathroom mirror. Compose your own poem, borrow a verse from Song of Songs, or just write "I love you." 6.Turn on the charm.Who says you have to stop flirting once you're married? At your next party, wink at him across a crowded 8.Remember the little things. When you room, or slip your arm around her as you step in to help with the day-to-day "drudge" make social small talk. That personal chores—making dinner, bathing the kids— connection amid the crowd is like saying, your spouse knows she's appreciated and "This is great, but I'd rather be with you!" loved. And completing a chore for your 7.Connect online. E-mail your spouse sweetie frees more time and energy for the throughout the day, just to say you're thinking two of you to enjoy other activities together. of him. 9.Send it snail mail. Take time to write an encouraging note, slap a stamp on it, and mail it. Your spouse will love the surprise— especially since it won't be a credit card bill or junk mail! 10.Celebrate everything. Most couples celebrate the anniversary of their marriage or first date, but how about the anniversary of your engagement, or first kiss? (If you don't remember, make it up!) There have been all kinds of milestones throughout your relationship, so mark each one with flowers, a card, or a romantic interlude. 11.Just say it. Your spouse needs to hear those three simple words daily. Whisper it, sing it, shout it. Say it. now! 4
  • 6. People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person... When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are They are there for the reason you need them to be Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season. LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 It is said that love is blind but Friendship is clairvoyant. 5
  • 7. 6
  • 8. Stay Blessed… I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. "God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?" His answer surprised me... "Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?" "Yes", I replied. "When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo." He said. "In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo see. I would not quit." He said. "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle." He said to me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots?" "I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you." "Don't compare yourself to others." He said. "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful." "Your time will come", God said to me. "You will rise high" "How high should I rise?" I asked. "How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return. "As high as it can?" I questioned, "Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can." I left the forest and bring back this story. I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you. HE will never give up on you! 7
  • 9. Building Strong Relationships 8
  • 10. Ju sta st he let ca go ter yo pi ur lla fe rm ar et s. am Cl im or b ph th os e w es in al to Th l at of f a 's n ea bu irv r a tte an n rfl a. d ex y b pe efo rie re nc it e l th eav e lif es it e af s bo te dy r. ,
  • 11. 10
  • 12. FREE HOME DELIVERY: 2458473 Chinese Menu Chinese Menu SOUP’S VEG CHI CHINESE RICE VEG CHI Caf é Menu Tomato Soup 30.00 / - Fried Rice 50.00 / 55.00 STARTERS (SHURUAT) Manchow Soup 30.00 / 35.00 Egg. Fried Rice - / 55.00 VEG Sweet Corn Soup 30.00 / 35.00 Ginger Rice 55.00 / 60.00 Mix Veg Pakoda 35.00 Hot & Sour Soup 30.00 / 35.00 Garlic Rice 55.00 / 60.00 Szechuan Rice 55.00 / 60.00 French Fries 35.00 Mushroom Manchow Soup 35.00 / 40.00 Hongkong Rice 55.00 / 60.00 Veg.Chilly (Dry) (8pc) 50.00 Clear Soup 25.00 / 30.00 Noodle Clear Soup 25.00 / 30.00 Singapore Rice 55.00 / 60.00 Veg.Manchurian (Dry) (8pc) 50.00 30.00 / - Chowmein Rice 55.00 / 60.00 Veg.Chinese Bhel 50.00 Tomato Shorba Shanghai Rice 60.00 / 65.00 VEG ( GRAVY) 7pc Paneer Tikka (H) (5pc) 45.00 Yong Chow Rice 60.00 / 65.00 Veg. Chilly 50.00 Paneer Pakoda 45.00 Triple Szechuan Rice 65.00 / 70.00 Veg. Szechuan 50.00 Veg.Spring Roll 55.00 CHINESE NOODLES VEG CHI Soyabean Chilly (20 pc) 55.00 NON - VEG Hakka Noodles 50.00 / 55.00 Potato Chilly 50.00 Chicken Spring Roll 65.00 Egg. Noodles - / 55.00 Veg. Manchurian 50.00 Chicken Tikka (H) (4pc) 45.00 Ginger Noodles 55.00 / 60.00 Veg. Hongkong 50.00 Chicken Chilly (Dry) (7pc) 55.00 Garlic Noodles 55.00 / 60.00 Veg. Sweet Garlic 50.00 Hongkong Noodles 55.00 / 60.00 Chicken Manchurian (Dry) (7pc) 55.00 Veg. Hot Garlic 50.00 Szechuan Noodles 55.00 / 60.00 Chicken Chinese Bhel 60.00 Veg. Balls In Sweet Ginger Sauce 50.00 Singapore Noodles 55.00 / 60.00 Chicken Lolly Pop (H) (4pc) 40.00 Paneer Chilly 60.00 Noodles with Rice 60.00 / 65.00 Fried Chicken (7pc) 60.00 Mushroom Chilly 60.00 Chinese Chopsuey 55.00 / 60.00 Chicken Tikka Pakoda (6pc) 85.00 CHICKEN ( GRAVY) 7pc American Chopsuey 55.00 / 60.00 Chowmein Noodles 50.00 / 55.00 Chicken Chilly 60.00 Yong Chow Noodles 60.00 / 65.00 Chicken Szechuan 60.00 Shanghai Noodles 60.00 / 65.00 Chicken Sweet Garlic 60.00 Triple Szechuan Noodles 65.00 / 70.00 Chicken Hot N’ Sour 60.00 CHINESE RICE VEG. CHI. Chicken Chow Chow 60.00 Manchurian Rice (Rice + Manch. Gravy) 65.00 / 70.00 Chicken In Hot Garlic Sauce 60.00 Chilly Rice (Rice + Chilly Gravy) 65.00 / 70.00 Chicken Sweet Ginger 60.00 If there is any complaint regarding a particular dish, Chicken Hongkong 60.00 please return it at the first bite, for alteration. ANY TIME KHANA Chicken Manchurian 60.00 Dream House, Shop No. 11, Next to Lions ClubGround, WE ARE SURELY NOT THE FIRST TO START! Chicken Lollypop in Gravy (5pc.) 85.00 Datta Mandir Rd., Nashik Road, Ph.: 2458473 BUT ARE TRULY THE BEST TO SERVE!!
  • 13. Caf é Menu Indian Menu Tandoor Se NON-VEG BURGER’S & HOT DOG’S CHICKEN Chicken Tandoori - (F) 165.00 Veg. Cheese Burger 30.00 Veg. Hot Dog 35.00 Chi.Kadai 60.00 Chi. Kolhapuri 60.00 Chicken Tandoori - (H) 85.00 Chi. Cheese Burger 35.00 Chi. Hot Dog 40.00 65.00 Butter Chi. Chi.Tikka Masala 65.00 Pahadi Tikka - (8pc) 95.00 MILK SHAKES Lasooni Chicken 60.00 TandooriChi.Masala(H) 110.00 Chicken Tikka - (8pc) 85.00 Vanilla 30.00 Strawberry 30.00 Lucknowi Chicken 65.00 TandooriChi.Masala(F) 220.00 Chicken Tukra - (8pc) - With Bone 190.00 Kesar Pista 30.00 Chocolate 30.00 Chicken Hyderabadi 65.00 Chi. Handi (F) 190.00 Hara Murg - (F) 175.00 Butter Scotch 30.00 Cold Coffee 30.00 Chicken Dalwala 55.00 Chi. Handi (H) 100.00 Hara Murg - (H) 90.00 TEA / COFFEE Chicken Saagwala 55.00 Btr. Chi.Handi (F) 220.00 Tandoori leg 65.00 Nescafe 15.00 Milk 15.00 Bottled Water 15.00 Egg Curry (2 eggs) 45.00 Btr. Chi. Handi (H) 110.00 VEG PIZZA MUTTON Hara Paneer - (F) 10pc 85.00 Pizza Unix Hara Paneer - (H) 5pc 50.00 50:00 Mutton Handi (F) 190.00 Mtn. Saagwala 55.00 Paneer Tikka - (F) 10pc 85.00 Chicken Tikka Pizza 75:00 Mutton Handi (H) 100.00 Mtn. Hyderabadi 65.00 EGG Paneer Tikka - (H) 5pc 50.00 Mutton Masala 55.00 Bhuna Mutton 55.00 Masala Omelette 30.00 Boiled Egg 20.00 TANDOORI SPECIAL Mutton Kolhapuri 60.00 Mtn. Roganjosh 60.00 Plain Omelette 25.00 Spanish Omelette 40.00 Tandoori Platter (4 pc. each) 180.00 Kheema Masala 55.00 Mutton Lucknowi 65.00 Egg Bhurjee 35.00 Half fried Egg 30.00 (Chi.Tikka, Pahadi Tikka, Paneer Tikka, TandooriAloo) Kheema + Paratha 100.00 Kheema Mutter 55.00 RAITA / SALAD / PAPAD Chicken Tikka in Szechuan sauce (8pc) 110.00 Veg. Raita 20.00 VEG 110.00 Paneer Tikka in Szechuan Sauce (10pc) Green Salad 15.00 Veg.Kadai 45.00 Veg. Kolhapuri 45.00 ROTI Roasted Papad 05.00 Veg. jalfrezi 45.00 Veg.Makhanwala 45.00 Roti 5.00 Btr. Roti 07.00 Fried Papad 08.00 Baingan Masala 45.00 Malai Kofta 60.00 Naan 10.00 Btr. Naan 12.00 Masala Papad 10.00 Methi Mutter Malai 50.00 Mutter Paneer 55.00 Aloo Paratha Kulcha/Paratha 15.00 20.00 Russian Salad - 25.00 Aloo Palak Aloo Jeera 40.00 40.00 RICE (Steamed Potatos, Beans, Carrots, Gr. PeasTossed in Mayonnaise) Lasooni Palak 40.00 Aloo Mutter 40.00 Steam Rice Jeera Rice 25.00 25.00 Pasta Special Bhindi Masala 45.00 Chana Masala 40.00 Gr.Peas Pulao 30.00 Dal Khicda 45.00 Order Any Pasta For Just Rs. 85 /- Rajma Masala 40.00 Veg. Handi (F) 120.00 Cheese Pulao 40.00 Veg.Pulao 30.00 TYPE’S SAUCES Lasooni Methi 40.00 Veg. Handi (H) 60.00 Veg.Biryani 60.00 Chicken Biryani 70.00 Spaghetti Napolitienne Puri Bhaji Veg. Hyderabadi 50.00 40.00 Mutton Biryani 70.00 Paneer Biryani 70.00 Mushroom-N-Cheese Macaroni Peppery Cheese PANEER 01 Kg Chicken Biryani (Serves 08) Rs. 400/- 60.00 Paneer Kolhapuri 60.00 01 Kg Mutton Biryani (Serves 08) Rs. 450/- Fiery Hot Sauce Kadai Paneer Penne Palak Paneer 60.00 Paneer Bhurjee 65.00 Dal All Pasta can also be served with Paneer Makhni 60.00 Paneer Tikka M/s. 65.00 Dal Tadka 35.00 Dal Fry 30.00 chicken for Rs.15/- extra Paneer Handi (F) 190.00 Paneer Handi (H) 100.00 Dal Makhni 40.00 Butter Dal Fry 35.00 (Home Delivery In 40 Min. From The Time Order Is Placed. Minimum Order Rs. 200/-)
  • 14. The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. Designed & Compiled By Paul’s Café Private Limited