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100 ideas for envisioning   Application Concepting Series
                            No. 1
powerful, engaging,
and productive              A publication of
                            FLASHBULB INTERACTION, Inc
user experiences
in knowledge work           Also available in .html, “Idea Cards”
                            and 11’’X17” .pdf formats at
By Jacob Burghardt
This book is for my grandfather, William Wolfram, who
believed that the nature of work was changing into something
very different than what he had experienced at sea, in the
fields, and on assembly lines — and strongly encouraged
me to explore what it might mean.


   The category of human efforts sometimes called “knowledge
   work” is growing.

   Knowledge workers are valued for their specialized intellectual
   skills and their ability to act on and with complex information in
   goal oriented ways.

   In many contexts, the idea of knowledge work has become
   almost synonymous with using a computer, to both positive and
   negative effect.

   Product teams creating computing tools for specialized workers
   struggle to understand what is needed and to successfully
   satisfy a myriad of constraints.

   As a result of the design deficiencies in these interactive
   products, people experience many frustrations in their working

   Noticeable deficiencies, along with the ones that have invisibly
   become the status quo, can lower the quality and quantity of
   workers’ desired outputs.

   With so many people in front of so many screens — attempting
   to practice their chosen professions — these deficiencies have
   real costs.

                                         WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

  I’m going to do some                 So I’m ge�ng started               Well, there’s one big
  of my normal work                    on a normal work                   thing that I really
  so you can see what I                item that I tackle all             don’t understand, but
  mean about this new                  the �me...                         I can get around it...
  so�ware applica�on
  that I am supposed
  to use all day...

                                           INTERACTIONS PERFORMED

                                           EXPERIENCED EFFORT

                                           SUBJECTIVE SATISFACTION

                                                      +         +    ++                     +
                                           PROGRESS TOWARD GOAL


    Hmm, this part is just                   Done. But I s�ll can’t
    too long and arduous                     arrive at the quality
    compared to how I                        of work that I want,
    used to do this...                       no ma�er what...

                                                                            Mismatched     Hard
                                                                       Overly flexible    Typical
                                                                       Awkwardly dynamic
                                                                       Inconsistent Distracting
                                                                         Boring Circuitous

+   +                            +      +            +           +

                                                                      8:12 ELAPSED TIME

                                                                 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS



   Collectively, we have an infrastructural sense of what these
   technologies can be that tends to limit our ability to imagine
   better offerings.

   Targeted improvements in the design of these tools can have
   large impacts on workers’ experiences. Visionary design can
   advance entire fields and industries.

   At a basic level, applications can “fit” the working cultures that
   they are designed for, rather than forcing unwanted changes in
   established activities. They can augment rather than redefine.

   When workers alter their culture to adopt a new computing tool,
   it can be solely because that tool provides new meaning and
   value in their practices.

   Going further, elegantly designed applications can become a
   joy to use, providing an empowering, connective sense of direct
   action and a pleasing sensory environment for people to think

   Product teams can make significant progress toward these aims
   by changing how they get started on designing their products
   — by beginning with an emphasis on getting to the right design
   strategy and design concepts long before getting to the right
   design details.

   It is time to start holistically envisioning exemplary new tools for
   thought that target valuable intersections of work activity and
   technological possibility.

                                          WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

  Now I’ve got a new                   I feel like I make                 I s�ll run into confus-
  applica�on for doing                 progress toward what               ing spots and errors,
  the same work, and                   I want to accomplish               but it’s easier to get
  let me show you how                  more quickly...                    around them...
  much be�er it is by
  comple�ng the same
  task with this tool...

                                           INTERACTIONS PERFORMED

                                           EXPERIENCED EFFORT

                                           SUBJECTIVE SATISFACTION

                                              +       ++          +
                                                                      +                       ++    +
                                           PROGRESS TOWARD GOAL


    And I get to a be er                           Overall, this new
    conclusion faster,                             tool feels like it just
    which feels much                               belongs in how I
    more empowering...                             think about my own
                                                   ways of working...

                             Meaningful        Engaging

                            Clearly targeted     Extraordinary
                           Eye opening         Dependable activity infrastructure

                             Domain grounded      Mastery building
                                   Irreplaceable      Beautiful

+   +++      +
                     6:03 ELAPSED TIME

                                                                             WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

        Extensive concepting,

        based on intensive

        driving visionary,
        defined strategies

        for exemplary tools
        for thought.


   Suggestions for product teams:

        Deliberately spend more time envisioning, at a high
        level, what your interactive application could be and
        how it could become valued infrastructure in work

        Do not assume that a compelling knowledge work tool
        will arise solely from the iterative aggregation of many
        discrete decisions during the long haul of a product
        development process.

        Create a divergent ecosystem of concepts for your
        product’s big picture and primary experiences.

        Examine the potential value of reusing expected design
        conventions — while at the same time ideating potential
        departures and differentiated offerings.

        Explore a breadth of directions and strategies before
        choosing a course.

        Plan on staying true to the big ideas imbedded in the
        concepts that your team selects, while knowing that
        those ideas will evolve along the way to becoming a

                                          WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

        Extensive concepting,

        based on intensive

        driving visionary,
        defined strategies

        for exemplary tools
        for thought.


   Suggestions for product teams:

        Ask more envisioning questions, both within your team
        and within your targeted markets.

        Develop empathy for knowledge workers by going into
        the field to inform your notions of what your product
        could become.

        Stimulate conversations with this book and other
        sources relevant to the topic of mediating knowledge
        work with technology.

        Find and explore situations that are analogous to the
        work practices that your team is targeting.

        Keep asking questions until you uncover driving factors
        that resonate.

        Create visual models of them.

        Focus your team on these shared kernels of under-
        standing and insight.

        Lay the groundwork for inspiration.

                                         WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

        Extensive concepting,

        based on intensive

        driving visionary,
        defined strategies

        for exemplary tools
        for thought.


   Suggestions for product teams:

        Use design thinking to expand upon and transform your
        product’s high level mandates and strategy.

        Continually explore the strategic implications of your
        team’s most inspiring ideas about mediating knowledge

        Make projections and connections in the context of key
        trends and today’s realities.

        Think end to end, as if your product was a service,
        either literally or in spirit.

        Build and extend brands based on the user experiences
        that your team is striving to make possible — and how
        your product will deliver on those promises.

        Envision what knowledge workers want and need but
        do not articulate when confronted with a blank canvas
        or a legacy of unsatisfactory tools.

        Invite workers to be your collaborators, maintaining a
        healthy level of humility in the face of their expertise.

                                           WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

        Extensive concepting,

        based on intensive

        driving visionary,
        defined strategies

        for exemplary tools
        for thought.


   Suggestions for product teams:

        Dive into the specific cognitive challenges of knowledge
        workers’ practices in order to uncover new sources of
        product meaning and value.

        Set higher goals for users’ experiences.

        Envision “flashbulb interactions” in targeted activities
        — augmenting interactions that could make complex
        conclusions clear or open new vistas of thought.

        Explore how carefully designed stimuli and behaviors
        within onscreen tools might promote emotional
        responses that are conducive to attentive, focused

        Surpass workers’ expectations for the potential role
        of computing in their mental lives.

        Raise the bar in your targeted markets, and with it,
        the bar for all knowledge work tools.

                                           WORKING THROUGH SCREENS



   Extensive concepting, based on
   intensive questioning, driving
   visionary, collaboratively defined
   strategies for exemplary
   tools for thought.

   This phrase embodies a suggested overall approach for product
   teams envisioning new or improved interactive applications for
   knowledge work.

   In support of this suggested approach, this book contains 100
   ideas — along with many examples and questions — to help
   product teams generate design strategies and design concepts
   that could become useful, meaningful, and valuable onscreen

                                      WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

   Table of Contents

   Preface                                                         24

   Introduction: The case for Application Envisioning              27

   Primer on example knowledge work domains                        46

   A. EXPLORING WORK MEDIATION AND                                 52
   A1. Influential physical and cultural environments              54
   A2. Workers’ interrelations and relationships                   57
   A3. Work practices appropriate for computer mediation           60
   A4. Standardization of work practice through mediation          63
   A5. Interrelations of operation, task, and activity scenarios   66
   A6. Open and emergent work scenarios                            69
   A7. Collaboration scenarios and variations                      72
   A8. Local practices and scenario variations                     75
   A9. High value ratio for targeted work practices                78

   B. DEFINING INTERACTION OBJECTS                                  82
   B1. Named objects and information structures                     84
   B2. Flexible identification of object instances                  87
   B3. Coupling of application and real world objects               90
   B4. Object associations and user defined objects                 93
   B5. Object states and activity flow visibility                   96
   B6. Flagged variability within or between objects                99
   B7. Object ownership and availability rules                     102
   B8. Explicit mapping of objects to work mediation               105
   B9. Common management actions for objects                       108
   B10. Object templates                                           111

   C. ESTABLISHING AN APPLICATION FRAMEWORK                        114
   C1. Intentional and articulated conceptual models               116
   C2. Application interaction model                               119
   C3. Levels of interaction patterns                              122
   C4. Pathways for task and activity based wayfinding             125
   C5. Permissions and views tailored to workers’ identities       128
   C6. Standardized application workflows                          131
   C7. Structural support of workspace awareness                   134
   C8. Defaults, customization, and automated tailoring            137
   C9. Error prevention and handling conventions                   140
   C10. Predictable application states                             143


   D. CONSIDERING WORKERS’ ATTENTIONS                               146
   D1. Respected tempos of work                                     148
   D2. Expected effort                                              151
   D3. Current workload, priority of work, and                      154
       opportunity costs
   D4. Minimizing distraction and fostering concentration           157
   D5. Resuming work                                                160
   D6. Alerting and reminding cues                                  163
   D7. Eventual habit and automaticity                              166

   E1. Offloading long term memory effort                           172
   E2. Offloading short term memory effort                          175
   E3. Automation of low level operations                           178
   E4. Automation of task or activity scenarios                     181
   E5. Visibility into automation                                   184
   E6. Internal locus of control                                    187

   F. ENHANCING INFORMATION REPRESENTATION                          190
   F1. Coordinated representational elements                        192
   F2. Established genres of information representation             195
   F3. Novel information representations                            198
   F4. Support for visualization at different levels                201
   F5. Comparative representations                                  204
   F6. Instrumental results representations                         207
   F7. Highly functional tables                                     210
   F8. Representational transformations                             213
   F9. Simultaneous or sequential use of representations            216
   F10. Symbolic visual languages                                   219
   F11. Representational codes and context                          222

   G. CLARIFYING CENTRAL INTERACTIONS                               226
   G1. Narrative experiences                                        228
   G2. Levels of selection and action scope                         231
   G3. Error prevention and handling in individual interactions     234
   G4. Workspace awareness embedded in interactions                 237
   G5. Impromptu tangents and juxtapositions                        240
   G6. Contextual push of related information                       243
   G7. Transitioning work from private to public view               246

                                                                  WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

   H. SUPPORTING OUTCOME EXPLORATION AND                       250
   H1. Active versioning                                       252
   H2. Extensive and reconstructive undo                       255
   H3. Automated historical records and versions               258
   H4. Working annotations                                     261

   I. WORKING WITH VOLUMES OF INFORMATION                      _264
   I1. Flexible information organization                       _266
   I2. Comprehensive and relevant search                       _269
   I3. Powerful filtering and sorting                          _272
   I4. Uncertain or missing content                             275
   I5. Integration of information sources                       278
   I6. Explicit messaging for information updates               281
   I7. Archived information                                     284

   J. FACILITATING COMMUNICATION                               288
   J1. Integral communication pathways                         290
   J2. Representational common ground                          293
   J3. Explicit work handoffs                                  296
   J4. Authorship awareness, presence, and contact             299
   J5. Public annotation                                       302
   J6. Streamlined standard communications                     305
   J7. Pervasive printing                                      308

   K1. Application localization                                314
   K2. Introductory user experience                            317
   K3. Recognizable applicability to targeted work             320
   K4. Verification of operation                               323
   K5. Understanding and reframing alternate interpretations   326
   K6. Design for frequency of access and skill acquisition    329
   K7. Clear and comprehensive instructional assistance        332
   K8. Seamless inter-application interactivity                335
   K9. Directed application interoperation                     338
   K10. Openness to application integration and extension      341
   K11. End user programming                                   344
   K12. Trusted and credible processes and content             347
   K13. Reliable and direct activity infrastructure            350


   L. PURSUING AESTHETIC REFINEMENT                       354
   L1. High quality and appealing work products           356
   L2. Contemporary application aesthetics                359
   L3. Iconic design resemblances within applications     362
   L4. Appropriate use of imagery and direct branding     365
   L5. Iconoclastic product design                        368

   M. PLANNING CONNECTION WITH USE                        372
   M1. Iterative conversations with knowledge workers     374
   M2. System champions                                   377
   M3. Application user communities                       380
   M4. Unanticipated uses of technology                   383

   Glossary                                               386

   Bibliography                                           393

   About the author +
   FLASHBULB INTERACTION, Inc.                            399

                                                        WORKING THROUGH SCREENS


   When I started the writing that eventually result-    they do not develop a robust design strategy for
   ed in this book, I was driven by a conviction that    their application, let alone consider divergent high
   some critical conversations seemed to be missing      level approaches in order to create a compelling
   from the development of new technologies for          application concept. Instead, they seem to assume
   knowledge workers.                                    that useful, usable, and desirable products arise
                                                         solely from the iterative sum of many small defini-
   I kept returning to the same four observations        tion, design, and implementation decisions.
   about how many real world product teams
   operate:                                              These observations would not carry much weight
                                                         if it was not for the current state of computing
   1. Many product teams overlook common needs           tools that are available to knowledge workers in
   that knowledge workers have of their onscreen         many vocations. Put simply, these products often
   tools while at the same time developing un-           contain vast room for improvement, especially in
   needed functionality. These teams start with a        highly specialized forms of work, where there are
   seemingly blank slate, even when many valuable        concrete opportunities to truly tailor technologies
   product requirements could be explored based on       to important activities. Highly trained individuals,
   existing, proven understandings of how comput-        working in their chosen professions, commonly
   ing tools can valuably support knowledge work.        spend unnecessary effort acting “on” and “around”
                                                         poorly conceived tools, rather than “through”
   2. Many product teams’ everyday yet pivotal defi-     them. The toll on performance and work outcomes
   nition and design conversations do not sufficiently   resulting from these extra efforts can be drastic
   consider knowledge workers’ thought processes         to individual workers, but since it is difficult to
   or how a technology might influence them. While       collectively recognize and quantify, the aggregate
   individuals in these teams may occasionally use       of these losses remains largely undetected within
   terminology borrowed from cognitive psychology,       organizations, professions, industries, and
   the actual details of how a tool could meaningful-    economies.
   ly impact “thinking work” may not receive more
   than a surface examination.                           I believe that current deficiencies in technologies
                                                         for knowledge work are strongly tied to our often
   3. Many product teams struggle to understand          low expectations of what it can mean to support
   the knowledge work that they are striving to sup-     complicated activities with computing. Our shared
   port. Even when some of a team’s members have         ideas of what constitutes innovation in this space
   a strong empathy for targeted work practices,         have, in many cases, become tightly constrained by
   teams as a whole can have mixed levels of success     our infrastructural sense of what these technolo-
   meaningfully translating their cumulative under-      gies can and should be. Too often, we are not see-
   standing into overall models of how their tool        ing the proverbial forest due to our shared focus on
   could valuably mediate certain activities. These      a small grove of trees. In our cultural accommoda-
   shared models, when executed well, can guide the      tion to what computing has come to “mean” in our
   definition and development of a product’s many        working lives, it seems that we may have lost some
   particulars. Without them, resulting applications     of our capacity for visionary thinking.
   can become direct reflections of a team’s lack of
   guiding focus.                                        To regain this vision, product teams can spend
                                                         more time considering what it might actually take
   4. Many product teams begin construction of final     to support and build upon knowledge workers’
   products with very limited notions of what their      skills and abilities. Getting inside of these essential
   finished product will be. Whether unintentionally     problems can require teams to adopt goals that
   or intentionally, based on prevailing ideologies,     are more like those of the pioneers of interactive


   computing, who were driven by the potential for         ideas present a supporting framework for teams
   augmenting human capabilities with new tech-            striving to see past unsatisfactory, “business as
   nologies. When teams extend these pioneering            usual” technologies in order to create compelling
   ideas by applying them at the intersection of           and meaningful tools for knowledge workers at
   specific activities and working cultures, they can      the forefronts of their fields.
   discover a similar spirit of considered inquiry and
   exploration.                                            I look forward to hearing about how these ideas
                                                           hold up in the context of your own product
   Higher order goals — aimed at creating tools for        development challenges. My sincere hope is that
   thought to be used in targeted work practices,          this book provides some measure of inspiration
   cooperative contexts, and technological environ-        that leads you to envision tools that promote
   ments — can lead product teams to ask very              more powerful, engaging, and productive user
   different questions than those that they cur-           experiences. Knowledge workers — those who
   rently explore during early product development.        will opportunistically make use of the fruits of your
   Through the critical lens of these elevated goals,      efforts, if you are fortunate — deserve no less.
   the four observations listed above can truly take
   on the appearance of lost opportunities for             Jacob Burghardt
   innovation and product success.                         1 Nov 2008, Seattle, WA
                                                           E -
   I have personally experienced these lost op-            P - 206.280.3135
   portunities in my own career researching and
   designing knowledge work tools for domains
   such as life science, financial trading, and graphic
   design, among others. Even with the best inten-
   tions, in 20/20 hindsight, I did not always have
   time to think through and apply some important
   ideas — ideas that could have improved products’
   design strategies and, in the end, enhanced
   workers’ user experiences. There are simply so
   many useful ideas for these complex, multifaceted
   problems, and under the demands of real world
   product development, time for questioning and
   exploration nearly always passes too quickly.

   Listening to other practitioners in the field, I know
   that I am not alone in making these observations
   and facing these challenges. And yet, when it
   comes to accessible, practitioner oriented refer-
   ences on these topics, there seems to be large
   areas of empty space waiting to be filled.

   This book is a foray into part of that empty space.
   The 100 ideas contained within can act as shared
   probes for product teams to use in formative
   discussions that set the overall direction and
   priorities of new or iteratively improved applica-
   tions for thinking work. As a collection, these

                                                               WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

   Acknowledgements                                       Publication Information

   Since this book feels more like a synthesis with a     Working through Screens is the inaugural publica-
   particular perspective than a completely origi-        tion of FLASHBULB INTERACTION, Inc.
   nal work, I would like to emphatically thank the
   authors of all the publications that are included in   This book is available for free in .html and .pdf at
   the bibliography. I would particularly like to thank, where you can also
   William Lidwell, Katrina Holden, and Jill Butler       find an abbreviated “Idea Cards” version designed
   — the authors of Universal Principles of Design:       for use in product ideation exercises.
   100 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Percep-
   tion, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design              Softcover copies of this book can be purchased
   Decisions, and Teach through Design — which            at minimum third party cost at:
   was a key inspiration for the format of this work.

   The following reviewers have provided invaluable       All original contents of this publication are subject
   comments on various drafts of this publication:        to the Creative Commons license (Attribution-Non-
   Liberty Harrington, Kristina Voros, Amii LaPointe,     Commercial-ShareAlike http://creativecommons.
   Myer Harrell, Aaron Louie, Brian Kuan Wood,            org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) unless otherwise
   Jessica Burghardt, Matt Carthum, Matt Turpin,          noted. Please attribute the work to:
   Miles Hunter, Julianne Bryant, Eric Klein, Chris       “Jacob Burghardt / FLASHBULB INTERACTION
   Ziobro, Jon Fukuda, and Judy Ramey.                    Consultancy.”

   I would also like to thank understanding friends
   who spend long, internally motivated, solitary
   hours working on personal pursuits. You made
   this project seem not only possible, but like a
   good idea.


   Introduction: The Case
   for Application Envisioning
   The Experience of Modern                                edge workers who will appear throughout this
   Knowledge Work                                          book:

   In a growing number of contemporary work-               An architect considers an alternate placement
   places, people are valued for their specialized         for an interior wall in order to improve the view
   intellectual skills and their ability to act on and     corridors within a building that she is design-
   with complex information in goal oriented ways.         ing. As she interactively visualizes a certain wall
   There is a general sense that many types of             placement within a 3D model of the building, she
   work are becoming more abstract, specialized,           pauses to consider its implications for a number
   complex, improvisational, and cerebral.                 of the project’s requirements. She saves different
                                                           versions of her design exploration, adding working
   Peter Drucker called the people that engage in          notes on what she thinks of each design direction.
   these types of work “Knowledge Workers.” Robert         Once she has created several different directions,
   Reich, the former U.S. Labor Secretary, used the        she then uses the building modeling application to
   term “Symbolic Analysts” to describe a similar          realistically render each possibility, compare them
   category within the workforce. More recently,           in sequence, and review a subset of design options
   Richard Florida has defined the characteristics         with her colleagues.
   of “the Creative Class.” All three of these terms
   fall within roughly the same frame, emphasiz-           A scientist sorts through the results of a recent
   ing the commonality of inventing, producing,            clinical study using an analysis application that
   interpreting, manipulating, transforming, apply-        automatically generates clear and manipulable
   ing, and communicating information as principle         visualizations of large data sets. She uses the tool
   preoccupations of these workers.                        to visually locate interesting trends in the clini-
                                                           cal results, narrowing in on unusual categories of
   The current experience of this purportedly new          data at progressively deeper levels of detail. To
   work — what it feels like to practice a highly          better understand certain selections within the
   trained profession or to simply earn a paycheck         complex biological information, she downloads
   — has a very different essential character than         related reference content from up to date research
   the type of work experiences that were available        repositories.
   just a generation or two ago. A large part of that
   change in character is due to the extensive use of      A financial trader works through transaction after
   computing tools in these work practices.                transaction, examining graphs of key variables and
                                                           triggering his trading application to automatically
   In essence, the expansion of “knowledge work”           accept other trades with similar characteristics. He
   as a concept has been closely tied to the expan-        uses his market information application to analyze
   sion of computing. Interactive applications have        trends so that he can make better decisions about
   become woven into the fabric of vast territories        uncertain and questionable deals. As he barrels
   of professional activity, and workers are continu-      through as much work as possible during his always
   ously adopting new tools into previously “offline”      too short trading day, he values how his tools pre-
   areas. Although these tools are not the only focal      vent him from making crucial errors while permit-
   point for knowledge workers, they are becoming          ting him to act rapidly and to great effect.
   a point of increasing gravity as cultures of practice
   continue to co-evolve with these technologies           While these short descriptions are probably not
   over time.                                              representative of your own day to day activities, it
                                                           may be easy enough for you to imagine how essen-
   Consider these example experiences, which are           tial interactive applications could become in each
   part of the working lives of three fictional knowl-     of these cases. After long periods of accommoda-

                                                               WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

    tion, accomplishing many knowledge work goals          In short, when interactive applications are at their
    involves turning to a screen, controlling a cursor,    thoughtfully envisioned best, they can become
    entering data, and interacting with well known         seemingly indispensable in knowledge work. At
    and meaningful representations of information.         their most visionary, these tools can promote user
    Looking toward future technologies, it is likely       experiences that provide a sense of mastery and
    that most knowledge workers will perform at            direct engagement, the feeling of working through
    least some of their efforts within the bounds          the screen on information and interactive objects
    of a similar framework for some time to come.          that become the almost palpable subjects of users’

    The Impacts of
    Application Design                                     Issues in Contemporary
                                                           Onscreen Tools
    The design of these computing tools has the
    potential to make massive impacts on working           Unfortunately, many knowledge work products
    lives. Unless knowledge workers are highly moti-       present themselves as nowhere near their thought-
    vated early adopters that are willing and able to      fully envisioned best. Workers too often find that
    make use of most anything, their experiences as        many parts of their specialized computing tools
    users of interactive applications can vary drasti-     are not useful or usable in the context of their
    cally. These differences in experience can largely     own goals or the larger systems of cultural mean-
    depend on the overall alignment of an individual’s     ing and activity that surround them. Problematic
    intentions and understandings with the specifics       applications can continuously present workers with
    of a tool’s design. Since the majority of the com-     confusing and frustrating barriers that they must
    puting applications in use at the time of writing      traverse in order to generate useful outcomes.
    were not created by the workers that use them,         At their poorly envisioned worst, computing tools
    this means that the product teams developing           can — contrary to marketing claims of advanced
    these applications contribute roughly half of this     utility — effectively deskill users by preventing
    essential alignment between user and comput-           them from acting in ways that even remotely
    ing artifact. To restate this common premise,          resemble their preferred practices. Not exactly
    “outside” technologists (of the stripe that would      the brand promise that anyone has in mind when
    likely be drawn to reading this book) often set        they start the ball rolling on a new technology.
    the stage for initial success or failure in workers’
    experiences of their onscreen tools.                   If one was to summarize the status quo, it might
                                                           sound something like this: when it comes to
    Direct alignment with an augmenting tool can           interactive applications for knowledge work, prod-
    cause surprising joy, or at least a sort of trans-     ucts that are considered essential are not always
    parent, “on to the next thing” sense of success.       satisfactory. In fact, they may be deeply flawed in
    Individuals and organizations can place a high         ways that we commonly do not recognize given our
    value on useful and usable products that sup-          current expectations of these tools. With our
    port workers’ limitations while at the same time       collective sights set low, we overlook many faults.
    enhancing their skills. Truly successful interac-
    tive applications can provide users with tailored      Poorly envisioned knowledge work applications
    functionality that, among other things, facilitates    can:
    and enhances certain work practices, powerfully
    removes unwanted effort through automation,               Attempt to drive types of work onto the
    and generates dynamic displays that make                  screen that are not conducive to being me-
    complex relationships clear.                              diated by interactive computing as we know


      it today. New applications and functional-      them sufficient means to organize, visualize,
      ities are not always the answer, and some       navigate, search or otherwise make use of it.
      work practices can be more effectively
                                                      Disrupt workers’ attentions, and the essen-
      accomplished outside of the confines of
                                                      tial cognitive flow of intensive thinking work,
      a computer.
                                                      with unnecessary content and distracting
      Fail to reflect essential divisions of how      messaging.
      work is segmented within targeted orga-
                                                      Require workers to waste effort entering
      nizations, forcing unwanted redefinition of
                                                      specifics and “jumping through hoops” that
      individuals’ roles and responsibilities and
                                                      neither they nor their organizations perceive
      creating new opportunities for day to day
                                                      as necessary.
      errors in workers’ practices.
                                                      Force workers to excessively translate
      Introduce new work processes that
                                                      their goals into the constraints of onscreen
      standardize activities in unwelcome
                                                      interaction, even after extended use. All
      ways. When technologies inappropriately
                                                      applications require their users to act within
      enforce strict workflow and cumbersome
                                                      the boundaries of their functional options,
      interaction constraints, these tools can
                                                      but certain constraints on basic actions may
      force knowledge workers to create and
                                                      be too restrictive and cumbersome.
      repeatedly enact unnecessarily effortful
      workarounds in order to reach desired           Introduce automation that actually makes
      outcomes.                                       work more effortful, rather than less. With-
                                                      out appropriate visibility into an automated
      Lack clear conceptual models of what
                                                      routine’s processing, workers can be left
      they, as tools, are intended to do, how they
                                                      with the difficult challenge of trying to
      essentially work, and how they can provide
                                                      understand what has been automated, if
      value. Inarticulate or counter intuitive con-
                                                      and where problems have occurred, and
      ceptual models, which often stem from a
                                                      how to fix important issues.
      product team’s own confusion about what
      they are creating, can lead workers to de-      Hide useful historical cues about how con-
      velop alternate conceptions of application      tent came to be in its current state, while
      processes. These alternate models may in        preventing workers from restoring certain
      turn lead to seemingly undiagnosable            information to its earlier incarnations. Tools
      errors and underutilized functionality.         without these capabilities can increase the
                                                      difficulty of recovering from errors, which
      Present workers with confusing data
                                                      can in turn reduce creativity and scenario
      structures and representations of informa-
                                                      oriented thinking in dynamic interactions.
      tion that do not correlate to the artifacts
      that they are used to thinking about in         Leave workers without sufficient cues
      their own work practices. To effectively        about the activities of their colleagues.
      use an application built upon unfamiliar        This lack of awareness can lead to misunder-
      abstractions, workers must repeatedly           standings, duplicated effort, and the need
      translate their own domain expertise to         to extensively coordinate efforts outside the
      match a system’s definitions.                   computing tool itself. These negative effects
                                                      may be found in intrinsically collaborative
      Encourage a sense of information over-
                                                      work as well as efforts that are not typically
      load by allowing individuals and organiza-
                                                      recognized as having cooperative aspects.
      tions to create and store large volumes of
      valuable information without providing          Fail to support informal communication

                                                      WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

        in the contexts where knowledge work is              at the same time salvaging tried and true methods.
        accomplished, as well as provide direct              Over time, the plasticity of mind and culture can
        means for actively initiating conversations          display a remarkable ability to overcome barriers
        about key outputs. These omissions can               and interweave “satisficed” benefits. After con-
        make essential communication acts more               siderable effort, established work arounds and
        effortful, as workers attempt to create              narrow, well worn paths of interaction can emerge.
        common ground and tie their ideas back               An uncompelling, difficult tool can become another
        into application content while using sepa-           necessary reality. The status quo continues, despite
        rate, “outside” communication channels.              the ongoing promise of augmenting specialized,
                                                             thinking work with computing.
        Lack needed connectivity options for
        individuals and organizations to tie the             At the level of individual knowledge workers’
        product’s data and functionalities into their        experiences, attempting to adopt and use poorly
        broader technology environments. Result-             conceived applications can lead to frustration,
        ing applications can become isolated                 anxiety and fatigue. These negative mental
        “islands” that may require considerable              states are not conducive to people successfully
        extra effort in order to meaningfully                accomplishing their goals or being satisfied in their
        incorporate their capabilities and outputs           working lives. Put another way, knowledge work
        into important work activities.                      applications have the capacity to detract from the
                                                             pleasure and well being that people experience as
    These example points, which represent just a             part of working in their chosen professions. Knowl-
    sampling of the many problems that can be found          edge workers often do not contribute their efforts
    in poorly envisioned knowledge work applica-             solely for compensation in an economic sense;
    tions, call attention to the fact that these potential   their actions are intertwined with personal purpose
    issues in users’ experiences are not “soft” consid-      and identity. For this reason, a major deficiency in
    erations. All of these points have implications for      a knowledge work application can be said to have
    workers’ satisfaction with a computing tool, their       a different essential quality than a failure in, for
    discretionary use of it, the quantity and quality of     example, an entertainment technology. When a
    their work outcomes, and their perceptions of a          knowledge work application becomes an obstruc-
    product’s brand. The sum of the above points can         tion in its users’ practices, vital time and effort is
    be viewed as a fundamental threat to the core            wasted. Beyond the obvious business implications
    goals of organizations that are seeking to adopt         of such obstructions, it is difficult to sufficiently
    new technologies as a means of supporting their          underscore the potential importance of these
    knowledge workforces.                                    losses to individual workers, especially when
                                                             developing products for highly skilled individuals
                                                             who are seeking to make their chosen contribu-
    Making Do with                                           tions to society and the world.
    the Status Quo
                                                             So how did we get here? Where did this status
    Since many of today’s applications contain a             quo come from? Why are these tools not better
    mixture of both clear and direct functional op-          designed? Why do the brand names of so many
    tions and functionality that is frustrating, obtuse,     knowledge work products conjure disdain, or
    and effectively useless, knowledge workers often         only a vague sense of comfort after having been
    become skilled at identifying those portions of          extensively used — instead of something more
    technologies that demonstrate benefits relevant          extraordinary? We can assume that no product
    to their challenges. Individuals tend to weed out        team sets out to deliver a poorly conceived tool to
    problematic features from their practices, while         knowledge workers. And yet, even with good inten-


    tions, that is what many have done and continue         user experiences has become a central exercise
    to do. Ironically, even tools designed for niche,       in the development of many of today’s success-
    domain specific markets — which can represent           ful brands and product strategies. Yet in the much
    the most concrete opportunities to create truly         “younger” and relatively distant disciplines that
    refined tools for specific work practices — are not     develop complex onscreen applications, the
    immune to these problems. In fact, they may be          potential for design’s strategic contributions
    especially susceptible to them.                         has not been adequately recognized.

    First Steps of                                          Getting to Design
    Application Design                                      Details Too Quickly

    Taking a step back, it can be useful to examine the     At the end of a knowledge work product’s initiating
    early, initiating steps that lead to the creation of    conversations, when it appears that a project will
    a knowledge work application. Plans for a new or        become a funded and staffed reality, there is often
    revised computing tool can arise in a variety of        a strong desire from all involved to see “some-
    ways, though there are some common patterns to          thing” other than high level abstraction and textual
    their early gestations. In general, a small core of     description. The common response to this desire
    initiators defines a product’s principle mandates       is where foundational user experience problems
    before a broader cross section of team members          begin to crystallize. In a characteristic straight to
    and disciplines are brought onto a project. These       the details progression, teams quickly, instinctu-
    early conversations may take on very different          ally move from high level consideration of product
    forms depending on, for example, whether a              strategy into the smallest specifics of a product’s
    product represents a disruptive technology or a         definition, design, and implementation. Their
    competitive entry into an established category of       approach jumps abruptly from the global to the
    knowledge work tools. In any case, teams’ invest        extremely granular, without the connective tissue
    some part of their formative discussions consider-      of a holistic middle ground.
    ing their offerings’ potential driving forces, brand
    positioning, and underlying technological charac-       Part of the reason for this jump in collective mind-
    teristics. These efforts typically involve modeling     set is an increase in team size. Left to their own
    ideas about potential opportunities in targeted         devices, newly added team members often
    market segments, which often correspond to a            gravitate toward the level of granularity that is
    particular range of knowledge work specialties          their primary focus during the extended course of
    and organization types.                                 product development. To a specialist, this makes
                                                            perfect sense. These detailed skills are what they
    During this early initiation, product strategy          are typically valued and promoted for, and their
    efforts for knowledge work applications often           narrow expert perspectives are presumably why
    do not involve “design thinking” in any real sense.     they are brought onto projects in the first place.
    When faced with the complexities of scoping             The problem with these assumptions is that, when
    and conceiving a viable computing tool, design          getting into details too soon and too narrowly,
    ideation, at the time of writing, seems to typically    specialists’ decisions may be under informed and
    take a back seat role. This is in stark contrast to     lacking a larger vector of creativity and guiding
    many other types of products, especially outside        constraints.
    of computing, where design thinking is increas-
    ingly being used as a key approach in early, initiat-   The commonly cited maxim of the influential
    ing conversations. One does not need to look very       designer Charles Eames, “the details are not the
    far to see how generative concepting of potential       details, the details make the design,” is a useful

                                                                WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

    truism in the extended development of viable            While specifying every detail of a complex interac-
    computing applications for knowledge work.              tive application before any implementation takes
    After all, if a specific part of a user interface is    place is also not generally considered a viable
    missing important options for the work practices        approach to product development, at the time of
    that a tool is designed for, then its usefulness and    writing, the pendulum seems to have swung too far
    usability will suffer during real world interactions.   in the direction of improvising design strategy. Pre-
    Armed with this understanding, some technolo-           vailing straight to the details ideologies are largely
    gists immediately begin their journey away from         out of step with the reality of resulting product
    the vagaries of a product’s strategy toward             outcomes. A survey of the inflexibilities, over
    something more “real.” Without considering              extended interaction frameworks, and scattered
    how they might be stifling their own success            conceptual models of contemporary knowledge
    and innovations, these teams begin haphazardly          work products in many domains can sufficiently
    anticipating workers’ detailed needs and possible       prove this point.
    complaints as a means of sketching a satisfactory
    concept for their product.
                                                            Adding Features Until
    The path of the straight to the details progression     “Magic Happens”
    is predictable and common. Product teams enact-
    ing this progression begin implementing without         Behind the straight to the details progression is
    the vector of a larger design strategy to guide         a belief that a successful, even visionary, product
    them through the many highly specific choices           will somehow emerge from the sum of countless
    that will inevitably follow. Their initial concep-      detailed definition, design, and implementation
    tion of their product is relatively simplistic, but     decisions (see Figure 1 on page 34). In this view,
    they believe that they can continually map out          applications can evolve from a collection of some-
    the complex specifics along the way, whether in         what modular pieces, so long as the assemblage
    diagrammatic illustrations, textual specifications,     does not somehow “break” in the context of users’
    or in working code. They move forward with the          human limitations and cultural expectations. Keep
    implicit assumption that interactive applications,      working on the details and magic will happen —
    being made of abstract computer language, are           or so the assumption goes.
    somehow highly malleable, and that all encom-
    passing “fixes” can be made when needed.                The larger gestalt of an interactive application
                                                            receives little or no consideration in this framing of
    In reality, product teams creating knowledge work       product development. Teams with this mindset do
    applications rarely have the luxury of extensive        not typically sketch diverse concepts for how their
    downstream revisions, despite their deep seated         creation could mediate work practice in appropri-
    assumptions to the contrary. When they do enjoy         ate, innovative, and valuable ways. To overstate the
    the luxury of such changes, the cost of these           case, many product teams believe that knowledge
    revisions can be prohibitively high. For this rea-      workers can be supported by directly giving them
    son, key corrections, additions, and improvements       what they want, adding details to a tool as needed
    are all too often put off for the “next version,” or    in a somewhat systematic manner. This approach
    “next public release” with the assumption that          may work for a while — until tools collapses along
    users will be able to work their way around any         fundamental, structural fault lines of conceptual
    issues in the meantime. Facing limited resources        clarity, information display, and meaningful
    and complex challenges, many teams develop              consistency.
    distorted notions of what constitutes acceptable,
    or even exceptional, quality and user experience.


    Even though the magic happens expectation               practices, they may unwittingly hold onto an initial,
    often results in poorly designed computing tools        roughly hewn, consensus view about knowledge
    for knowledge work, the straight to the details         workers’ activities and needs. This view can be-
    progression may be successfully applied to other        come their framing point of reference throughout
    types of onscreen products. This might explain          the development of their product, despite incom-
    why many product teams creating knowledge               ing information that could valuably transform it. In
    work applications still hold on to these shared         practice, the momentum of a disoriented group’s
     assumptions — there are positive examples and          initial concept for their computing tool often places
    well known brand names that can serve as their          certain ideas at the primary, driving core of what
    reference points. When a product’s goals are            is eventually developed and released. What the
    relatively simple or very well characterized, as in a   architect and psychologist Bryan Lawson calls a
    highly established genre of application, teams can      “primary driver” takes hold in their design outputs.
    have a shared grounding without actively taking         And in these cases, as end users of such products
    time to grow that collective understanding. For         can attest, magic does not often happen.
    example, everyone in a typical product team prob-
    ably understands how a collaborative calendar
    application works, because they use them every          Uncritical Reliance
    day. If their understanding happens to be less          on Pioneering Ideas
    than complete, team members can probably
    round out their views without too much difficulty       If the pioneers of interactive computing had only
    or discussion. A product team may even be able          been thinking about detailed design decisions,
    to create real innovations in this kind of applica-     at the expense of the bigger picture, they would
    tion by making incremental changes in small             have likely never envisioned many of the conven-
    details based on assumptions about unmet needs.         tions that we commonly use today. For example,
                                                            Douglas Englebart, a pivotal figure in the pioneer-
                                                            ing era, has defined much of his working life based
    Crucial Understanding Gaps                              on a series of epiphanies about how technology
                                                            could enhance human problem solving. During a
    Tools for specialized knowledge work typically do       time when computers were still primarily used for
    not fit this sort of “make it up as we go” mold.        batch process mathematical tasks, he envisioned
    One of the main reasons is that product teams           remarkable possibilities for the application of
    inevitably have a difficult time understanding the      computing to knowledge work. Of particular inter-
    work practices that they are striving to mediate.       est is Englebart’s astonishing 1962 description of
    They do not tacitly know the cultures that they         an architect using interactive computing as a fluid
    are attempting to support. A base level of un-          part of complex work practices, long before such
    derstanding about larger systems of activity and        a future had been realized. In his essay “Augment-
    meaning is necessary in order to design a useful        ing Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework,”
    tool that will be well suited for those systems.        Englebart outlined how an architect might use
    Teams need to understand what the architect             a computer to review a symbolic representation
    Eliel Saarinen spoke of as the “next larger con-        of a building site; consider different scenarios in
    text.” Software developers, for example, do not         excavation and building design; refer to handbook
    inherently know what it means to analyze clinical       and catalog resources; locate windows so that light
    research data, let alone how that data fits into the    is not reflected into the eyes of passing drivers;
    larger flows of activity within a research lab.         examine the resulting structure to ensure that it
                                                            does not contain functional oversights; and store
    When technologists find it difficult to understand      the resulting work for later retrieval and annotation
    the many specifics of foreign and elaborate work        by stakeholders (the architectural examples used

                                                                WORKING THROUGH SCREENS


            Begin creating individual                   Iteratively add more discrete
            features, without spending                  parts, without considering
            any time in the space                       overarching ideas about
            between high level product                  how the application could
            strategy and detailed                       mediate knowledge work
            product implementation


Until magic happens,                        And a cohesive, or at least
somehow unifying the                        satisfactory, application
aggregation of separately                   supposedly emerges
created minutiae
                                            In reality, such products
                                            may be deeply and
                                            frustratingly flawed,
                                            driving poor user experience
                                            and lesser outcomes in
                                            targeted knowledge work

                                                    WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

    throughout this book are an homage to Engle-            require a carefully considered design strategy to
    bart’s landmark application concept).                   tame their potential complexities into clear, useful,
                                                            and desirable simplicity.
    Pioneers of interactive computing, such as Engle-
    bart, did not have the luxury of working only at        The very idea of design strategy implies the selec-
    the detailed level of their emerging creations.         tion of one direction from a pool of potential
    They also set the vision and goals for their own        approaches, yet the magic happens expectation
    and subsequent generations of technological             restrains breadth and ideation by promoting a
    development. Looking objectively at the conver-         narrow track of implemented reality. In essence,
    sations taking place in product teams today, it         teams following the straight to the details progres-
    appears that many technologists are relying very        sion are practicing single vision and concept design.
    heavily on these and other proceeding foun-             The essential, elemental “shapes” of their products
    dations. Not on the intellectual spirit of these        are the shapes that happen to unfold in front of
    foundations, but on their literal conventions.          them after the sum of many small decisions. They
    As knowledge work applications have become              deemphasize a larger type creativity, which in turn
    standardized and commonplace within technolo-           reduces possibilities for useful and compelling
    gists’ worldviews, it seems that we may have all        innovation.
    become limited by a shared, infrastructural sense
    of what these tools can and should be. People           So how can product teams creating interactive ap-
    creating these products have, to some extent,           plications for knowledge work embrace this larger
    stopped examining them through a critical lens          type of creativity? If the straight to the details
    that could uncover important new possibilities.         progression, the magic happens expectation, and
    As they continue to copy and tweak existing             single vision and concept design characterize the
    standards, we become increasingly accustomed            mindset that eventually leads to problematic or
    to a certain rate of change and a certain level of      failed computing tools, what mindset can teams
    generic, all purpose design.                            adopt to avoid these pitfalls?

    While vernacular evolution certainly has its place,
    repetition of familiar patterns is clearly not the      Introducing
    entire picture of exceptional design process.           Application Envisioning
    Knowledge work tools can be much more than
    the sum of their discrete functional parts. A sole      Generally speaking, product teams can cultivate
    focus on detailed salvaging and assembling of the       a perspective of targeted yet open exploration,
    past leaves no room for other, important pursuits.      without analysis paralysis. They can spend more
    If product teams do not explore different strate-       time in the space between product origination
    gies for their application’s overall approach to        and product implementation. They can create an
    mediating work, how will they imagine new tools         environment where divergence and a multiplicity
    that truly and valuably fit into workers’ specialized   of ideas are valued in their discussions. They can
    thought processes and cultures?                         forgo an early emphasis on specifics by creating
                                                            abstract models that visualize their understandings
                                                            and outline potential spaces of design possibility.
    Embracing a More                                        They can ask more questions in their targeted mar-
    Strategic Creativity                                    kets and sketch novel concepts for how their prod-
                                                            ucts could play a role in knowledge work, while
    Appropriate and exciting concepts for knowledge         documenting tangible evidence of their ideas.
    work tools are built on holistic vision, not just       They can balance top down decision making with
    pattern matching and incremental iteration. They        bottom up input from knowledge workers in order


    to synthesize singular design strategies. These        in their worlds. While immersed in the activities
    strategies can embody a strong brand positioning       that they are striving to mediate with comput-
    and the grounding of a team’s best application         ing, teams can uncover unmet needs and other
    concept, assembled from a core set of sketched         important insights for design strategy. This immer-
    functionalities that target a carefully chosen scope   sion may also lead them to start thinking about
    of work practices.                                     their product as a service, either literally or in
                                                           spirit, which can highlight new areas for innovation
    This suggested approach can be summarized by           through ongoing, networked connection. Teams
    the following phrase, which appears in the open-       may take a sense of partnership with targeted
    ing pages of this book:                                workers so far as to invite them to become collabo-
                                                           rators, maintaining a healthy level of humility in the
       Extensive concepting, based on intensive            face of their expertise.
       questioning, driving visionary, collaboratively
       defined strategies for examplary tools for          Another process suggestion is for product teams
       thought.                                            to look outside of the work that they are target-
                                                           ing in order to cast new light on their envisioning
    Is there a repeatable methodology or process           questions and their emerging design concepts.
    to advance this change in mindset and general          While pioneering figures of interactive computing
    approach? Not in any strict sense, because these       had to work from an essentially blank slate, today’s
    explorations are very emergent and freeform,           technologists do not have to start from square one
    despite their focused nature. However, a name for      when they think about what it might mean to aug-
    this period between project initiation and project     ment certain thought processes and activities with
    implementation could allow teams to effectively        computing. There is a growing body of research
    plan for it. The term application envisioning          and critical perspective that teams can use as
    suggests an early, separate interval in product        lenses for making sense of these complex, multifac-
    development in which teams can intentionally and       eted design problems. In order to extract potential
    collaboratively consider potential design strate-      strategic principles, teams can examine comput-
    gies and design concepts for their computing tool,     ing tools that have been successfully adopted into
    rather than sliding down a largely unconsidered        similar activity contexts within other types of work
    course (see Figure 2 on the next page).                practice. Advanced analogies to products in other
                                                           domains can lead to inspiration that may fuel truly
    Application envisioning can allow teams to culti-      novel solutions that draw upon seemingly
    vate empathy for targeted knowledge workers and        unrelated fields of endeavor.
    their worlds, lay the ground work for inspiration,
    explore diverse questions and ideas about what         The idea of application envisioning has strong
    their product could be, and develop a shared, big      parallels to mindsets found in other, older design
    picture view — with the assumption that many           disciplines, whose practitioners more commonly
    important details will need to be fleshed out          apply design thinking in strategic ways. For ex-
    along the way to a completed release.                  ample, product teams creating computing tools
                                                           for knowledge work can learn a great deal about
    One (increasingly routine) process suggestion for      envisioning new technologies from the successful
    application envisioning is that this early, explor-    practices of the best industrial design teams. These
    ative time presents a significant opportunity for      teams also shape peoples’ daily lives through their
    product teams to get out of their offices and into     creations, albeit with a focus on the mass pro-
    the field. Teams can strive for “what it’s like”       duced, physical embodiment of material culture.
    understanding of knowledge workers’ current            Industrial designers typically take time early in their
    experiences by directly observing and engaging         projects to explore different concepts so that they

                                                               WORKING THROUGH SCREENS





            Spend more time in the                      Meaningfully question what
            space between high level                    it could mean to mediate
            product strategy and                        certain knowledge work
            detailed product                            activities with technology:
            implementation                              observing and talking with
                                                        targeted workers,
                                                        collaboratively modeling
                                                        the problem space,
                                                        and sketching diverse
                                                        design concepts





Strategically synthesize                    Then move forward with your
the fittest overarching                      chosen design strategy and
vision and concept                          design concepts, expanding
for your product from                       upon details, iteratively
among an ecosystem                          implementing and gathering
of envisioned futures                       further input

                                                    WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

    can divine the “right” overarching direction for       knowledge work computing. Flashbulb interactions
    their product, rather than immediately honing in       are a branch of sorts off of the term “flashbulb
    on and elaborating a single solution. These de-        memories,” coined in 1977 by Roger Brown and
    signers often conduct various forms of research,       James Kulik in the psychology literature. A flash-
    synthesizing models of their problem space before      bulb memory is a recollection that stands out as
    moving forward into design ideation. Once they         a clear and pivotal moment, a punctuated experi-
    begin ideating, they typically sketch thumbnail        ence in the compilation of one’s past. In a similar
    after thumbnail of potential options, long before      vein, a flashbulb interaction is one of those rare
    they even consider realistic renderings or exact-      moments when an interactive application impacts
    ing specifications. From these early explorations      a knowledge worker in some profoundly positive
    in “design research,” industrial design teams can      way, such as making a complex conclusion clear
    uncover important constraints, possibilities, and      or opening up a new vista of thought.
    languages for their product. They can discover
    potential emotional connections with end users         Product teams can explore how their computing
    and gain empathy for the context of a success-         tools might promote flashbulb interactions by
    ful offering and brand, all of which puts them in      beginning their projects with these high level
    strong position to define singular and compelling      questions:
    design strategies.
                                                              What are the big picture problems that
                                                              knowledge workers currently face in their
    The Higher Goals                                          work practices? What mental work is
    of “Flashbulb Interactions”                               currently difficult?
                                                              How might our application transform ab-
    Envisioning a diverse range of appropriate pos-           stract and taxing mental work into dynamic,
    sibilities for a product is not an easy task. Even        highly visual, direct, and appealing interac-
    with a shared emphasis on a multiplicity of ideas,        tions?
    practitioners of all design disciplines sometimes
    face the lure of literal, small scale iteration of        How could our interactive application help
    known patterns when more innovative responses             knowledge workers accomplish the best
    could be appropriate, valuable, and feasible.             work of their professional lives? What
    Application envisioning efforts can represent             would those outcomes look like?
    a fundamental change in how product teams                 How could our application support highly
    define and design interactive applications, but           valued work outcomes that could not be
    this change alone may not be enough to arrive at          attained without its functionalities?
    exceptional tools for knowledge workers. With-
    out higher order goals that aim to truly augment          How could our application reduce or elimi-
    peoples’ intellectual skills and abilities, applica-      nate routine tedium in knowledge workers’
    tion envisioning can become just another phase in         experiences, while allowing them to use
    product development, without any of the in-               their expertise in new and valuable ways?
    tended, strategic payoffs. A team’s own infrastruc-
                                                              How could our application foster and clarify
    tural grounding in the conventions of computing
                                                              useful communication and collaboration?
    can easily stifle threads of divergent, meaningful
    concepting. The gravity of the known can easily           How could our application promote a sense
    preclude more creative questions and proposals.           of confident power and uninterrupted,
                                                              focused engagement?
    A new term may be useful to product teams as
    they attempt to uncover new sources of value in           How might the transition to using our ap-


       plication be a pleasurable experience that         details, can be crucial for developing truly success-
       workers will remember for years to come,           ful computing tools in this space. Product teams
       especially when they reflect on how they           that embrace early envisioning as a central exercise
       used to accomplish the same goals?                 in application development, along with significantly
                                                          elevated goals for user experiences, can generate
    These questions are a direct attack on low expec-     appropriate and innovative possibilities for emerg-
    tations of technologies for knowledge work. They      ing generations of knowledge work tools. By in-
    contain an optimism that is similar to pioneering     tensely questioning what it could mean to mediate
    questions that lead to the creation of interac-       specific thought processes and work practices with
    tive computing, but they can be applied to the        an interactive application, these teams can develop
    grounded particulars of specific challenges that      tools that deliver more enjoyable and relevant
    product teams face today. Most importantly,           experiences, better work outcomes, improved
    when technologists have asked these questions,        brand loyalty, and other valuable results.
    they may find it difficult to fall back on literal,
    small scale iteration of known design patterns,
    knowing full well that more innovative responses      Using This Book
    could be appropriate, valuable, and feasible.
                                                          This book is a tool for product teams to use as they
    Product teams are not likely to know if and when      envision new or iteratively improved knowledge
    they have generated design strategies and con-        work applications. It presents 100 ideas that can
    ceptual sketches that could result in products that   remind teams of common factors for the design
    meet these aspirations, but that sort of absolute     of extraordinary computing tools, helping them
    decision making is not the point of conducting        to generate a greater diversity of sketched models,
    these inquiries. Instead, teams can pose these        frameworks, and concepts. Each concisely pre-
    and other questions about flashbulb interactions      sented envisioning idea is a specific consideration
    in order to take their eyes off of the conventional   for early, formative conversations about what an
    state of knowledge work computing and begin           application might become. These random access
    considering potential narratives for exceptionally    topics are intentionally enmeshed and overlap-
    positive user experience. This change in perspec-     ping, not mutually exclusive. The categorization of
    tive can uncover surprising ideas and design          the 100 ideas sketches an overall framework and is
    constraints that, in turn, can help teams to better   intended to improve their collective accessibility as
    understand deep seated opportunities that their       an envisioning reference. The resulting collection
    application might address, as well as what those      is a practitioner oriented synthesis that can expand
    solutions might look like.                            the range of questions that product teams explore
                                                          as they generate potential design strategies and
                                                          design concepts — inherently raising their shared
    Summary of Case                                       expectations for their products’ positive impacts
    for Application Envisioning                           on knowledge work.

    To summarize, contemporary computing tools for        The 100 ideas themselves can be traced to a range
    knowledge work often contain significant design       of sources and perspectives in product strategy,
    deficiencies — both recognized and overlooked         human factors, human computer interaction,
    — that detract from people’s working lives.           systems analysis, industrial design, interaction
    Looking beyond the current state of these tools,      design, information architecture, usability research,
    interactive computing has remarkable potential        computer science, and other professional special-
    for improving thinking work. An early emphasis on     ties. Many of the ideas are rooted in commonly
    design strategy and design concepts, not design       cited considerations and guidelines, though they

                                                              WORKING THROUGH SCREENS

    have been framed here specifically for use while           Stakeholders and influencers in applica-
    envisioning computing tools for knowledge work.            tion envisioning can use these ideas to drive
    Some of these commonly cited points call out spe-          product teams toward a broader conversa-
    cific functionalities that are currently available in      tion about what it might mean to valuably
    a subset of contemporary products, while others            augment specific types of knowledge work.
    touch upon broader connections to the techno-
                                                               Students may find this survey of factors in-
    logical contexts that workers’ practice within. This
                                                               formative, gaining a sense for the potential
    book also borrows liberally from those authors
                                                               breadth of considerations that can influence
    who have put forward ideas that have advanced
                                                               the design of these computing tools.
    my own work as a practitioner providing research,
    strategy, and design services. These publications
    can be found in the bibliography. Beyond com-
    monly cited ideas and valued references, a num-         Book Approach and Exclusions
    ber of the 100 ideas can be traced back to specific
    stories from real world product teams. These            Although much of the text is written as if the
    envisioning ideas were considered assumptions           reader is part of product team designing a new
    in some groups of technologists and missing in          knowledge work application, the same ideas can
    others groups in a way that pointed to their value.     apply when revising or extending an existing tool.
                                                            Similarly, the tone — but not the primary informa-
    A variety of audiences may find the 100 ideas in        tion — of this book often reflects the interests of
    this book useful:                                       product teams working in commercial contexts.
                                                            Please note that this book’s ideas might be just as
        Product managers and other leaders                  applicable to tools created by an open source com-
        within organizations can use these ideas to         munity or developed internally within knowledge
        promote innovative design strategies and            work organizations.
        to inspire their teams to set higher goals
        for product success.                                100 ideas is a very round number, and it points to
                                                            the limitations of this book. Just as there is no set
        Researchers investigating the character-            recipe for effective product development, there
        istics, practices, and potential techno-            are many other, equally valid ideas for envision-
        logical desires of certain populations of           ing interactive applications for knowledge work.
        knowledge workers can use these ideas to            The ideas in this book were selected due to their
        outline a broader range of questions for            potential impacts in a wide range of application
        their studies.                                      envisioning conversations. Many of the ideas rep-
        Definers of interactive applications can use        resent generally important considerations that are
        these ideas as probes to generate models            commonly overlooked in contemporary products.
        and stimulate strategic thinking in work-           That being said, some of the ideas will presum-
        shops and other requirements elaboration            ably be much more important for specific product
        efforts.                                            contexts than others. None of the 100 ideas are
                                                            universals or do-or-die edicts. Please take them or
        Designers of interactive applications can           leave them, depending on the situation you find
        use these ideas to identify important user          yourself in and your belief in their value.
        experience factors for different activity
        contexts, to sketch a broader range of de-          The reader will find few mentions of specific tech-
        sign concepts, and to make more informed            nologies in this book, other than frequent refer-
        decisions about design strategy in this             ences to certain genres of networked applications
        space.                                              used in architecture, clinical research, and financial

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B+W Letter Working Through Screens Book

  • 1. WORKING THROUGH SCREENS 100 ideas for envisioning Application Concepting Series No. 1 powerful, engaging, and productive A publication of FLASHBULB INTERACTION, Inc user experiences in knowledge work Also available in .html, “Idea Cards” and 11’’X17” .pdf formats at By Jacob Burghardt
  • 2.
  • 3. This book is for my grandfather, William Wolfram, who believed that the nature of work was changing into something very different than what he had experienced at sea, in the fields, and on assembly lines — and strongly encouraged me to explore what it might mean.
  • 5. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM The category of human efforts sometimes called “knowledge work” is growing. Knowledge workers are valued for their specialized intellectual skills and their ability to act on and with complex information in goal oriented ways. In many contexts, the idea of knowledge work has become almost synonymous with using a computer, to both positive and negative effect. Product teams creating computing tools for specialized workers struggle to understand what is needed and to successfully satisfy a myriad of constraints. As a result of the design deficiencies in these interactive products, people experience many frustrations in their working lives. Noticeable deficiencies, along with the ones that have invisibly become the status quo, can lower the quality and quantity of workers’ desired outputs. With so many people in front of so many screens — attempting to practice their chosen professions — these deficiencies have real costs. 3 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 6. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM I’m going to do some So I’m ge�ng started Well, there’s one big of my normal work on a normal work thing that I really so you can see what I item that I tackle all don’t understand, but mean about this new the �me... I can get around it... so�ware applica�on that I am supposed to use all day... INTERACTIONS PERFORMED EXPERIENCED EFFORT SUBJECTIVE SATISFACTION + + + ++ + PROGRESS TOWARD GOAL 4 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 7. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Hmm, this part is just Done. But I s�ll can’t too long and arduous arrive at the quality compared to how I of work that I want, used to do this... no ma�er what... Needed Mismatched Hard Overly flexible Typical Awkwardly dynamic Inconsistent Distracting Boring Circuitous Replaceable + + + + + + 8:12 ELAPSED TIME 5 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 9. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Collectively, we have an infrastructural sense of what these technologies can be that tends to limit our ability to imagine better offerings. Targeted improvements in the design of these tools can have large impacts on workers’ experiences. Visionary design can advance entire fields and industries. At a basic level, applications can “fit” the working cultures that they are designed for, rather than forcing unwanted changes in established activities. They can augment rather than redefine. When workers alter their culture to adopt a new computing tool, it can be solely because that tool provides new meaning and value in their practices. Going further, elegantly designed applications can become a joy to use, providing an empowering, connective sense of direct action and a pleasing sensory environment for people to think “within.” Product teams can make significant progress toward these aims by changing how they get started on designing their products — by beginning with an emphasis on getting to the right design strategy and design concepts long before getting to the right design details. It is time to start holistically envisioning exemplary new tools for thought that target valuable intersections of work activity and technological possibility. 7 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 10. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Now I’ve got a new I feel like I make I s�ll run into confus- applica�on for doing progress toward what ing spots and errors, the same work, and I want to accomplish but it’s easier to get let me show you how more quickly... around them... much be�er it is by comple�ng the same task with this tool... INTERACTIONS PERFORMED EXPERIENCED EFFORT SUBJECTIVE SATISFACTION + ++ + + ++ + PROGRESS TOWARD GOAL 8 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 11. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM And I get to a be er Overall, this new conclusion faster, tool feels like it just which feels much belongs in how I more empowering... think about my own ways of working... Wanted Meaningful Engaging Clearly targeted Extraordinary Eye opening Dependable activity infrastructure Domain grounded Mastery building Irreplaceable Beautiful + +++ + 6:03 ELAPSED TIME 9 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 12. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Extensive concepting, based on intensive questioning, driving visionary, collaboratively defined strategies for exemplary tools for thought. 10 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 13. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Suggestions for product teams: Deliberately spend more time envisioning, at a high level, what your interactive application could be and how it could become valued infrastructure in work activities. Do not assume that a compelling knowledge work tool will arise solely from the iterative aggregation of many discrete decisions during the long haul of a product development process. Create a divergent ecosystem of concepts for your product’s big picture and primary experiences. Examine the potential value of reusing expected design conventions — while at the same time ideating potential departures and differentiated offerings. Explore a breadth of directions and strategies before choosing a course. Plan on staying true to the big ideas imbedded in the concepts that your team selects, while knowing that those ideas will evolve along the way to becoming a reality. 11 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 14. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Extensive concepting, based on intensive questioning, driving visionary, collaboratively defined strategies for exemplary tools for thought. 12 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 15. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Suggestions for product teams: Ask more envisioning questions, both within your team and within your targeted markets. Develop empathy for knowledge workers by going into the field to inform your notions of what your product could become. Stimulate conversations with this book and other sources relevant to the topic of mediating knowledge work with technology. Find and explore situations that are analogous to the work practices that your team is targeting. Keep asking questions until you uncover driving factors that resonate. Create visual models of them. Focus your team on these shared kernels of under- standing and insight. Lay the groundwork for inspiration. 13 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 16. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Extensive concepting, based on intensive questioning, driving visionary, collaboratively defined strategies for exemplary tools for thought. 14 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 17. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Suggestions for product teams: Use design thinking to expand upon and transform your product’s high level mandates and strategy. Continually explore the strategic implications of your team’s most inspiring ideas about mediating knowledge work. Make projections and connections in the context of key trends and today’s realities. Think end to end, as if your product was a service, either literally or in spirit. Build and extend brands based on the user experiences that your team is striving to make possible — and how your product will deliver on those promises. Envision what knowledge workers want and need but do not articulate when confronted with a blank canvas or a legacy of unsatisfactory tools. Invite workers to be your collaborators, maintaining a healthy level of humility in the face of their expertise. 15 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 18. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Extensive concepting, based on intensive questioning, driving visionary, collaboratively defined strategies for exemplary tools for thought. 16 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 19. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Suggestions for product teams: Dive into the specific cognitive challenges of knowledge workers’ practices in order to uncover new sources of product meaning and value. Set higher goals for users’ experiences. Envision “flashbulb interactions” in targeted activities — augmenting interactions that could make complex conclusions clear or open new vistas of thought. Explore how carefully designed stimuli and behaviors within onscreen tools might promote emotional responses that are conducive to attentive, focused thinking. Surpass workers’ expectations for the potential role of computing in their mental lives. Raise the bar in your targeted markets, and with it, the bar for all knowledge work tools. 17 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 21. FRONT MATTER | FRAMING THE PROBLEM Extensive concepting, based on intensive questioning, driving visionary, collaboratively defined strategies for exemplary tools for thought. This phrase embodies a suggested overall approach for product teams envisioning new or improved interactive applications for knowledge work. In support of this suggested approach, this book contains 100 ideas — along with many examples and questions — to help product teams generate design strategies and design concepts that could become useful, meaningful, and valuable onscreen offerings. 19 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 22. FRONT MATTER Table of Contents Preface 24 Introduction: The case for Application Envisioning 27 Primer on example knowledge work domains 46 A. EXPLORING WORK MEDIATION AND 52 DETERMINING SCOPE A1. Influential physical and cultural environments 54 A2. Workers’ interrelations and relationships 57 A3. Work practices appropriate for computer mediation 60 A4. Standardization of work practice through mediation 63 A5. Interrelations of operation, task, and activity scenarios 66 A6. Open and emergent work scenarios 69 A7. Collaboration scenarios and variations 72 A8. Local practices and scenario variations 75 A9. High value ratio for targeted work practices 78 B. DEFINING INTERACTION OBJECTS 82 B1. Named objects and information structures 84 B2. Flexible identification of object instances 87 B3. Coupling of application and real world objects 90 B4. Object associations and user defined objects 93 B5. Object states and activity flow visibility 96 B6. Flagged variability within or between objects 99 B7. Object ownership and availability rules 102 B8. Explicit mapping of objects to work mediation 105 B9. Common management actions for objects 108 B10. Object templates 111 C. ESTABLISHING AN APPLICATION FRAMEWORK 114 C1. Intentional and articulated conceptual models 116 C2. Application interaction model 119 C3. Levels of interaction patterns 122 C4. Pathways for task and activity based wayfinding 125 C5. Permissions and views tailored to workers’ identities 128 C6. Standardized application workflows 131 C7. Structural support of workspace awareness 134 C8. Defaults, customization, and automated tailoring 137 C9. Error prevention and handling conventions 140 C10. Predictable application states 143 20 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 23. FRONT MATTER | TABLE OF CONTENTS D. CONSIDERING WORKERS’ ATTENTIONS 146 D1. Respected tempos of work 148 D2. Expected effort 151 D3. Current workload, priority of work, and 154 opportunity costs D4. Minimizing distraction and fostering concentration 157 D5. Resuming work 160 D6. Alerting and reminding cues 163 D7. Eventual habit and automaticity 166 E. PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES TO OFFLOAD EFFORT 170 E1. Offloading long term memory effort 172 E2. Offloading short term memory effort 175 E3. Automation of low level operations 178 E4. Automation of task or activity scenarios 181 E5. Visibility into automation 184 E6. Internal locus of control 187 F. ENHANCING INFORMATION REPRESENTATION 190 F1. Coordinated representational elements 192 F2. Established genres of information representation 195 F3. Novel information representations 198 F4. Support for visualization at different levels 201 F5. Comparative representations 204 F6. Instrumental results representations 207 F7. Highly functional tables 210 F8. Representational transformations 213 F9. Simultaneous or sequential use of representations 216 F10. Symbolic visual languages 219 F11. Representational codes and context 222 G. CLARIFYING CENTRAL INTERACTIONS 226 G1. Narrative experiences 228 G2. Levels of selection and action scope 231 G3. Error prevention and handling in individual interactions 234 G4. Workspace awareness embedded in interactions 237 G5. Impromptu tangents and juxtapositions 240 G6. Contextual push of related information 243 G7. Transitioning work from private to public view 246 21 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 24. FRONT MATTER | TABLE OF CONTENTS H. SUPPORTING OUTCOME EXPLORATION AND 250 COGNITIVE TRACING H1. Active versioning 252 H2. Extensive and reconstructive undo 255 H3. Automated historical records and versions 258 H4. Working annotations 261 I. WORKING WITH VOLUMES OF INFORMATION _264 I1. Flexible information organization _266 I2. Comprehensive and relevant search _269 I3. Powerful filtering and sorting _272 I4. Uncertain or missing content 275 I5. Integration of information sources 278 I6. Explicit messaging for information updates 281 I7. Archived information 284 J. FACILITATING COMMUNICATION 288 J1. Integral communication pathways 290 J2. Representational common ground 293 J3. Explicit work handoffs 296 J4. Authorship awareness, presence, and contact 299 facilitation J5. Public annotation 302 J6. Streamlined standard communications 305 J7. Pervasive printing 308 K. PROMOTING INTEGRATION INTO WORK PRACTICE 312 K1. Application localization 314 K2. Introductory user experience 317 K3. Recognizable applicability to targeted work 320 K4. Verification of operation 323 K5. Understanding and reframing alternate interpretations 326 K6. Design for frequency of access and skill acquisition 329 K7. Clear and comprehensive instructional assistance 332 K8. Seamless inter-application interactivity 335 K9. Directed application interoperation 338 K10. Openness to application integration and extension 341 K11. End user programming 344 K12. Trusted and credible processes and content 347 K13. Reliable and direct activity infrastructure 350 22 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 25. FRONT MATTER | TABLE OF CONTENTS L. PURSUING AESTHETIC REFINEMENT 354 L1. High quality and appealing work products 356 L2. Contemporary application aesthetics 359 L3. Iconic design resemblances within applications 362 L4. Appropriate use of imagery and direct branding 365 L5. Iconoclastic product design 368 M. PLANNING CONNECTION WITH USE 372 M1. Iterative conversations with knowledge workers 374 M2. System champions 377 M3. Application user communities 380 M4. Unanticipated uses of technology 383 Glossary 386 Bibliography 393 About the author + FLASHBULB INTERACTION, Inc. 399 23 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 26. FRONT MATTER Preface When I started the writing that eventually result- they do not develop a robust design strategy for ed in this book, I was driven by a conviction that their application, let alone consider divergent high some critical conversations seemed to be missing level approaches in order to create a compelling from the development of new technologies for application concept. Instead, they seem to assume knowledge workers. that useful, usable, and desirable products arise solely from the iterative sum of many small defini- I kept returning to the same four observations tion, design, and implementation decisions. about how many real world product teams operate: These observations would not carry much weight if it was not for the current state of computing 1. Many product teams overlook common needs tools that are available to knowledge workers in that knowledge workers have of their onscreen many vocations. Put simply, these products often tools while at the same time developing un- contain vast room for improvement, especially in needed functionality. These teams start with a highly specialized forms of work, where there are seemingly blank slate, even when many valuable concrete opportunities to truly tailor technologies product requirements could be explored based on to important activities. Highly trained individuals, existing, proven understandings of how comput- working in their chosen professions, commonly ing tools can valuably support knowledge work. spend unnecessary effort acting “on” and “around” poorly conceived tools, rather than “through” 2. Many product teams’ everyday yet pivotal defi- them. The toll on performance and work outcomes nition and design conversations do not sufficiently resulting from these extra efforts can be drastic consider knowledge workers’ thought processes to individual workers, but since it is difficult to or how a technology might influence them. While collectively recognize and quantify, the aggregate individuals in these teams may occasionally use of these losses remains largely undetected within terminology borrowed from cognitive psychology, organizations, professions, industries, and the actual details of how a tool could meaningful- economies. ly impact “thinking work” may not receive more than a surface examination. I believe that current deficiencies in technologies for knowledge work are strongly tied to our often 3. Many product teams struggle to understand low expectations of what it can mean to support the knowledge work that they are striving to sup- complicated activities with computing. Our shared port. Even when some of a team’s members have ideas of what constitutes innovation in this space a strong empathy for targeted work practices, have, in many cases, become tightly constrained by teams as a whole can have mixed levels of success our infrastructural sense of what these technolo- meaningfully translating their cumulative under- gies can and should be. Too often, we are not see- standing into overall models of how their tool ing the proverbial forest due to our shared focus on could valuably mediate certain activities. These a small grove of trees. In our cultural accommoda- shared models, when executed well, can guide the tion to what computing has come to “mean” in our definition and development of a product’s many working lives, it seems that we may have lost some particulars. Without them, resulting applications of our capacity for visionary thinking. can become direct reflections of a team’s lack of guiding focus. To regain this vision, product teams can spend more time considering what it might actually take 4. Many product teams begin construction of final to support and build upon knowledge workers’ products with very limited notions of what their skills and abilities. Getting inside of these essential finished product will be. Whether unintentionally problems can require teams to adopt goals that or intentionally, based on prevailing ideologies, are more like those of the pioneers of interactive 24 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 27. FRONT MATTER | PREFACE computing, who were driven by the potential for ideas present a supporting framework for teams augmenting human capabilities with new tech- striving to see past unsatisfactory, “business as nologies. When teams extend these pioneering usual” technologies in order to create compelling ideas by applying them at the intersection of and meaningful tools for knowledge workers at specific activities and working cultures, they can the forefronts of their fields. discover a similar spirit of considered inquiry and exploration. I look forward to hearing about how these ideas hold up in the context of your own product Higher order goals — aimed at creating tools for development challenges. My sincere hope is that thought to be used in targeted work practices, this book provides some measure of inspiration cooperative contexts, and technological environ- that leads you to envision tools that promote ments — can lead product teams to ask very more powerful, engaging, and productive user different questions than those that they cur- experiences. Knowledge workers — those who rently explore during early product development. will opportunistically make use of the fruits of your Through the critical lens of these elevated goals, efforts, if you are fortunate — deserve no less. the four observations listed above can truly take on the appearance of lost opportunities for Jacob Burghardt innovation and product success. 1 Nov 2008, Seattle, WA E - I have personally experienced these lost op- P - 206.280.3135 portunities in my own career researching and designing knowledge work tools for domains such as life science, financial trading, and graphic design, among others. Even with the best inten- tions, in 20/20 hindsight, I did not always have time to think through and apply some important ideas — ideas that could have improved products’ design strategies and, in the end, enhanced workers’ user experiences. There are simply so many useful ideas for these complex, multifaceted problems, and under the demands of real world product development, time for questioning and exploration nearly always passes too quickly. Listening to other practitioners in the field, I know that I am not alone in making these observations and facing these challenges. And yet, when it comes to accessible, practitioner oriented refer- ences on these topics, there seems to be large areas of empty space waiting to be filled. This book is a foray into part of that empty space. The 100 ideas contained within can act as shared probes for product teams to use in formative discussions that set the overall direction and priorities of new or iteratively improved applica- tions for thinking work. As a collection, these 25 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 28. FRONT MATTER | PREFACE Acknowledgements Publication Information Since this book feels more like a synthesis with a Working through Screens is the inaugural publica- particular perspective than a completely origi- tion of FLASHBULB INTERACTION, Inc. nal work, I would like to emphatically thank the authors of all the publications that are included in This book is available for free in .html and .pdf at the bibliography. I would particularly like to thank, where you can also William Lidwell, Katrina Holden, and Jill Butler find an abbreviated “Idea Cards” version designed — the authors of Universal Principles of Design: for use in product ideation exercises. 100 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Percep- tion, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Softcover copies of this book can be purchased Decisions, and Teach through Design — which at minimum third party cost at: was a key inspiration for the format of this work. The following reviewers have provided invaluable All original contents of this publication are subject comments on various drafts of this publication: to the Creative Commons license (Attribution-Non- Liberty Harrington, Kristina Voros, Amii LaPointe, Commercial-ShareAlike http://creativecommons. Myer Harrell, Aaron Louie, Brian Kuan Wood, org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) unless otherwise Jessica Burghardt, Matt Carthum, Matt Turpin, noted. Please attribute the work to: Miles Hunter, Julianne Bryant, Eric Klein, Chris “Jacob Burghardt / FLASHBULB INTERACTION Ziobro, Jon Fukuda, and Judy Ramey. Consultancy.” I would also like to thank understanding friends who spend long, internally motivated, solitary hours working on personal pursuits. You made this project seem not only possible, but like a good idea. 26 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 29. FRONT MATTER Introduction: The Case for Application Envisioning The Experience of Modern edge workers who will appear throughout this Knowledge Work book: In a growing number of contemporary work- An architect considers an alternate placement places, people are valued for their specialized for an interior wall in order to improve the view intellectual skills and their ability to act on and corridors within a building that she is design- with complex information in goal oriented ways. ing. As she interactively visualizes a certain wall There is a general sense that many types of placement within a 3D model of the building, she work are becoming more abstract, specialized, pauses to consider its implications for a number complex, improvisational, and cerebral. of the project’s requirements. She saves different versions of her design exploration, adding working Peter Drucker called the people that engage in notes on what she thinks of each design direction. these types of work “Knowledge Workers.” Robert Once she has created several different directions, Reich, the former U.S. Labor Secretary, used the she then uses the building modeling application to term “Symbolic Analysts” to describe a similar realistically render each possibility, compare them category within the workforce. More recently, in sequence, and review a subset of design options Richard Florida has defined the characteristics with her colleagues. of “the Creative Class.” All three of these terms fall within roughly the same frame, emphasiz- A scientist sorts through the results of a recent ing the commonality of inventing, producing, clinical study using an analysis application that interpreting, manipulating, transforming, apply- automatically generates clear and manipulable ing, and communicating information as principle visualizations of large data sets. She uses the tool preoccupations of these workers. to visually locate interesting trends in the clini- cal results, narrowing in on unusual categories of The current experience of this purportedly new data at progressively deeper levels of detail. To work — what it feels like to practice a highly better understand certain selections within the trained profession or to simply earn a paycheck complex biological information, she downloads — has a very different essential character than related reference content from up to date research the type of work experiences that were available repositories. just a generation or two ago. A large part of that change in character is due to the extensive use of A financial trader works through transaction after computing tools in these work practices. transaction, examining graphs of key variables and triggering his trading application to automatically In essence, the expansion of “knowledge work” accept other trades with similar characteristics. He as a concept has been closely tied to the expan- uses his market information application to analyze sion of computing. Interactive applications have trends so that he can make better decisions about become woven into the fabric of vast territories uncertain and questionable deals. As he barrels of professional activity, and workers are continu- through as much work as possible during his always ously adopting new tools into previously “offline” too short trading day, he values how his tools pre- areas. Although these tools are not the only focal vent him from making crucial errors while permit- point for knowledge workers, they are becoming ting him to act rapidly and to great effect. a point of increasing gravity as cultures of practice continue to co-evolve with these technologies While these short descriptions are probably not over time. representative of your own day to day activities, it may be easy enough for you to imagine how essen- Consider these example experiences, which are tial interactive applications could become in each part of the working lives of three fictional knowl- of these cases. After long periods of accommoda- 27 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 30. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING tion, accomplishing many knowledge work goals In short, when interactive applications are at their involves turning to a screen, controlling a cursor, thoughtfully envisioned best, they can become entering data, and interacting with well known seemingly indispensable in knowledge work. At and meaningful representations of information. their most visionary, these tools can promote user Looking toward future technologies, it is likely experiences that provide a sense of mastery and that most knowledge workers will perform at direct engagement, the feeling of working through least some of their efforts within the bounds the screen on information and interactive objects of a similar framework for some time to come. that become the almost palpable subjects of users’ intentions. The Impacts of Application Design Issues in Contemporary Onscreen Tools The design of these computing tools has the potential to make massive impacts on working Unfortunately, many knowledge work products lives. Unless knowledge workers are highly moti- present themselves as nowhere near their thought- vated early adopters that are willing and able to fully envisioned best. Workers too often find that make use of most anything, their experiences as many parts of their specialized computing tools users of interactive applications can vary drasti- are not useful or usable in the context of their cally. These differences in experience can largely own goals or the larger systems of cultural mean- depend on the overall alignment of an individual’s ing and activity that surround them. Problematic intentions and understandings with the specifics applications can continuously present workers with of a tool’s design. Since the majority of the com- confusing and frustrating barriers that they must puting applications in use at the time of writing traverse in order to generate useful outcomes. were not created by the workers that use them, At their poorly envisioned worst, computing tools this means that the product teams developing can — contrary to marketing claims of advanced these applications contribute roughly half of this utility — effectively deskill users by preventing essential alignment between user and comput- them from acting in ways that even remotely ing artifact. To restate this common premise, resemble their preferred practices. Not exactly “outside” technologists (of the stripe that would the brand promise that anyone has in mind when likely be drawn to reading this book) often set they start the ball rolling on a new technology. the stage for initial success or failure in workers’ experiences of their onscreen tools. If one was to summarize the status quo, it might sound something like this: when it comes to Direct alignment with an augmenting tool can interactive applications for knowledge work, prod- cause surprising joy, or at least a sort of trans- ucts that are considered essential are not always parent, “on to the next thing” sense of success. satisfactory. In fact, they may be deeply flawed in Individuals and organizations can place a high ways that we commonly do not recognize given our value on useful and usable products that sup- current expectations of these tools. With our port workers’ limitations while at the same time collective sights set low, we overlook many faults. enhancing their skills. Truly successful interac- tive applications can provide users with tailored Poorly envisioned knowledge work applications functionality that, among other things, facilitates can: and enhances certain work practices, powerfully removes unwanted effort through automation, Attempt to drive types of work onto the and generates dynamic displays that make screen that are not conducive to being me- complex relationships clear. diated by interactive computing as we know 28 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 31. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING it today. New applications and functional- them sufficient means to organize, visualize, ities are not always the answer, and some navigate, search or otherwise make use of it. work practices can be more effectively Disrupt workers’ attentions, and the essen- accomplished outside of the confines of tial cognitive flow of intensive thinking work, a computer. with unnecessary content and distracting Fail to reflect essential divisions of how messaging. work is segmented within targeted orga- Require workers to waste effort entering nizations, forcing unwanted redefinition of specifics and “jumping through hoops” that individuals’ roles and responsibilities and neither they nor their organizations perceive creating new opportunities for day to day as necessary. errors in workers’ practices. Force workers to excessively translate Introduce new work processes that their goals into the constraints of onscreen standardize activities in unwelcome interaction, even after extended use. All ways. When technologies inappropriately applications require their users to act within enforce strict workflow and cumbersome the boundaries of their functional options, interaction constraints, these tools can but certain constraints on basic actions may force knowledge workers to create and be too restrictive and cumbersome. repeatedly enact unnecessarily effortful workarounds in order to reach desired Introduce automation that actually makes outcomes. work more effortful, rather than less. With- out appropriate visibility into an automated Lack clear conceptual models of what routine’s processing, workers can be left they, as tools, are intended to do, how they with the difficult challenge of trying to essentially work, and how they can provide understand what has been automated, if value. Inarticulate or counter intuitive con- and where problems have occurred, and ceptual models, which often stem from a how to fix important issues. product team’s own confusion about what they are creating, can lead workers to de- Hide useful historical cues about how con- velop alternate conceptions of application tent came to be in its current state, while processes. These alternate models may in preventing workers from restoring certain turn lead to seemingly undiagnosable information to its earlier incarnations. Tools errors and underutilized functionality. without these capabilities can increase the difficulty of recovering from errors, which Present workers with confusing data can in turn reduce creativity and scenario structures and representations of informa- oriented thinking in dynamic interactions. tion that do not correlate to the artifacts that they are used to thinking about in Leave workers without sufficient cues their own work practices. To effectively about the activities of their colleagues. use an application built upon unfamiliar This lack of awareness can lead to misunder- abstractions, workers must repeatedly standings, duplicated effort, and the need translate their own domain expertise to to extensively coordinate efforts outside the match a system’s definitions. computing tool itself. These negative effects may be found in intrinsically collaborative Encourage a sense of information over- work as well as efforts that are not typically load by allowing individuals and organiza- recognized as having cooperative aspects. tions to create and store large volumes of valuable information without providing Fail to support informal communication 29 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 32. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING in the contexts where knowledge work is at the same time salvaging tried and true methods. accomplished, as well as provide direct Over time, the plasticity of mind and culture can means for actively initiating conversations display a remarkable ability to overcome barriers about key outputs. These omissions can and interweave “satisficed” benefits. After con- make essential communication acts more siderable effort, established work arounds and effortful, as workers attempt to create narrow, well worn paths of interaction can emerge. common ground and tie their ideas back An uncompelling, difficult tool can become another into application content while using sepa- necessary reality. The status quo continues, despite rate, “outside” communication channels. the ongoing promise of augmenting specialized, thinking work with computing. Lack needed connectivity options for individuals and organizations to tie the At the level of individual knowledge workers’ product’s data and functionalities into their experiences, attempting to adopt and use poorly broader technology environments. Result- conceived applications can lead to frustration, ing applications can become isolated anxiety and fatigue. These negative mental “islands” that may require considerable states are not conducive to people successfully extra effort in order to meaningfully accomplishing their goals or being satisfied in their incorporate their capabilities and outputs working lives. Put another way, knowledge work into important work activities. applications have the capacity to detract from the pleasure and well being that people experience as These example points, which represent just a part of working in their chosen professions. Knowl- sampling of the many problems that can be found edge workers often do not contribute their efforts in poorly envisioned knowledge work applica- solely for compensation in an economic sense; tions, call attention to the fact that these potential their actions are intertwined with personal purpose issues in users’ experiences are not “soft” consid- and identity. For this reason, a major deficiency in erations. All of these points have implications for a knowledge work application can be said to have workers’ satisfaction with a computing tool, their a different essential quality than a failure in, for discretionary use of it, the quantity and quality of example, an entertainment technology. When a their work outcomes, and their perceptions of a knowledge work application becomes an obstruc- product’s brand. The sum of the above points can tion in its users’ practices, vital time and effort is be viewed as a fundamental threat to the core wasted. Beyond the obvious business implications goals of organizations that are seeking to adopt of such obstructions, it is difficult to sufficiently new technologies as a means of supporting their underscore the potential importance of these knowledge workforces. losses to individual workers, especially when developing products for highly skilled individuals who are seeking to make their chosen contribu- Making Do with tions to society and the world. the Status Quo So how did we get here? Where did this status Since many of today’s applications contain a quo come from? Why are these tools not better mixture of both clear and direct functional op- designed? Why do the brand names of so many tions and functionality that is frustrating, obtuse, knowledge work products conjure disdain, or and effectively useless, knowledge workers often only a vague sense of comfort after having been become skilled at identifying those portions of extensively used — instead of something more technologies that demonstrate benefits relevant extraordinary? We can assume that no product to their challenges. Individuals tend to weed out team sets out to deliver a poorly conceived tool to problematic features from their practices, while knowledge workers. And yet, even with good inten- 30 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 33. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING tions, that is what many have done and continue user experiences has become a central exercise to do. Ironically, even tools designed for niche, in the development of many of today’s success- domain specific markets — which can represent ful brands and product strategies. Yet in the much the most concrete opportunities to create truly “younger” and relatively distant disciplines that refined tools for specific work practices — are not develop complex onscreen applications, the immune to these problems. In fact, they may be potential for design’s strategic contributions especially susceptible to them. has not been adequately recognized. First Steps of Getting to Design Application Design Details Too Quickly Taking a step back, it can be useful to examine the At the end of a knowledge work product’s initiating early, initiating steps that lead to the creation of conversations, when it appears that a project will a knowledge work application. Plans for a new or become a funded and staffed reality, there is often revised computing tool can arise in a variety of a strong desire from all involved to see “some- ways, though there are some common patterns to thing” other than high level abstraction and textual their early gestations. In general, a small core of description. The common response to this desire initiators defines a product’s principle mandates is where foundational user experience problems before a broader cross section of team members begin to crystallize. In a characteristic straight to and disciplines are brought onto a project. These the details progression, teams quickly, instinctu- early conversations may take on very different ally move from high level consideration of product forms depending on, for example, whether a strategy into the smallest specifics of a product’s product represents a disruptive technology or a definition, design, and implementation. Their competitive entry into an established category of approach jumps abruptly from the global to the knowledge work tools. In any case, teams’ invest extremely granular, without the connective tissue some part of their formative discussions consider- of a holistic middle ground. ing their offerings’ potential driving forces, brand positioning, and underlying technological charac- Part of the reason for this jump in collective mind- teristics. These efforts typically involve modeling set is an increase in team size. Left to their own ideas about potential opportunities in targeted devices, newly added team members often market segments, which often correspond to a gravitate toward the level of granularity that is particular range of knowledge work specialties their primary focus during the extended course of and organization types. product development. To a specialist, this makes perfect sense. These detailed skills are what they During this early initiation, product strategy are typically valued and promoted for, and their efforts for knowledge work applications often narrow expert perspectives are presumably why do not involve “design thinking” in any real sense. they are brought onto projects in the first place. When faced with the complexities of scoping The problem with these assumptions is that, when and conceiving a viable computing tool, design getting into details too soon and too narrowly, ideation, at the time of writing, seems to typically specialists’ decisions may be under informed and take a back seat role. This is in stark contrast to lacking a larger vector of creativity and guiding many other types of products, especially outside constraints. of computing, where design thinking is increas- ingly being used as a key approach in early, initiat- The commonly cited maxim of the influential ing conversations. One does not need to look very designer Charles Eames, “the details are not the far to see how generative concepting of potential details, the details make the design,” is a useful 31 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 34. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING truism in the extended development of viable While specifying every detail of a complex interac- computing applications for knowledge work. tive application before any implementation takes After all, if a specific part of a user interface is place is also not generally considered a viable missing important options for the work practices approach to product development, at the time of that a tool is designed for, then its usefulness and writing, the pendulum seems to have swung too far usability will suffer during real world interactions. in the direction of improvising design strategy. Pre- Armed with this understanding, some technolo- vailing straight to the details ideologies are largely gists immediately begin their journey away from out of step with the reality of resulting product the vagaries of a product’s strategy toward outcomes. A survey of the inflexibilities, over something more “real.” Without considering extended interaction frameworks, and scattered how they might be stifling their own success conceptual models of contemporary knowledge and innovations, these teams begin haphazardly work products in many domains can sufficiently anticipating workers’ detailed needs and possible prove this point. complaints as a means of sketching a satisfactory concept for their product. Adding Features Until The path of the straight to the details progression “Magic Happens” is predictable and common. Product teams enact- ing this progression begin implementing without Behind the straight to the details progression is the vector of a larger design strategy to guide a belief that a successful, even visionary, product them through the many highly specific choices will somehow emerge from the sum of countless that will inevitably follow. Their initial concep- detailed definition, design, and implementation tion of their product is relatively simplistic, but decisions (see Figure 1 on page 34). In this view, they believe that they can continually map out applications can evolve from a collection of some- the complex specifics along the way, whether in what modular pieces, so long as the assemblage diagrammatic illustrations, textual specifications, does not somehow “break” in the context of users’ or in working code. They move forward with the human limitations and cultural expectations. Keep implicit assumption that interactive applications, working on the details and magic will happen — being made of abstract computer language, are or so the assumption goes. somehow highly malleable, and that all encom- passing “fixes” can be made when needed. The larger gestalt of an interactive application receives little or no consideration in this framing of In reality, product teams creating knowledge work product development. Teams with this mindset do applications rarely have the luxury of extensive not typically sketch diverse concepts for how their downstream revisions, despite their deep seated creation could mediate work practice in appropri- assumptions to the contrary. When they do enjoy ate, innovative, and valuable ways. To overstate the the luxury of such changes, the cost of these case, many product teams believe that knowledge revisions can be prohibitively high. For this rea- workers can be supported by directly giving them son, key corrections, additions, and improvements what they want, adding details to a tool as needed are all too often put off for the “next version,” or in a somewhat systematic manner. This approach “next public release” with the assumption that may work for a while — until tools collapses along users will be able to work their way around any fundamental, structural fault lines of conceptual issues in the meantime. Facing limited resources clarity, information display, and meaningful and complex challenges, many teams develop consistency. distorted notions of what constitutes acceptable, or even exceptional, quality and user experience. 32 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 35. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING Even though the magic happens expectation practices, they may unwittingly hold onto an initial, often results in poorly designed computing tools roughly hewn, consensus view about knowledge for knowledge work, the straight to the details workers’ activities and needs. This view can be- progression may be successfully applied to other come their framing point of reference throughout types of onscreen products. This might explain the development of their product, despite incom- why many product teams creating knowledge ing information that could valuably transform it. In work applications still hold on to these shared practice, the momentum of a disoriented group’s assumptions — there are positive examples and initial concept for their computing tool often places well known brand names that can serve as their certain ideas at the primary, driving core of what reference points. When a product’s goals are is eventually developed and released. What the relatively simple or very well characterized, as in a architect and psychologist Bryan Lawson calls a highly established genre of application, teams can “primary driver” takes hold in their design outputs. have a shared grounding without actively taking And in these cases, as end users of such products time to grow that collective understanding. For can attest, magic does not often happen. example, everyone in a typical product team prob- ably understands how a collaborative calendar application works, because they use them every Uncritical Reliance day. If their understanding happens to be less on Pioneering Ideas than complete, team members can probably round out their views without too much difficulty If the pioneers of interactive computing had only or discussion. A product team may even be able been thinking about detailed design decisions, to create real innovations in this kind of applica- at the expense of the bigger picture, they would tion by making incremental changes in small have likely never envisioned many of the conven- details based on assumptions about unmet needs. tions that we commonly use today. For example, Douglas Englebart, a pivotal figure in the pioneer- ing era, has defined much of his working life based Crucial Understanding Gaps on a series of epiphanies about how technology could enhance human problem solving. During a Tools for specialized knowledge work typically do time when computers were still primarily used for not fit this sort of “make it up as we go” mold. batch process mathematical tasks, he envisioned One of the main reasons is that product teams remarkable possibilities for the application of inevitably have a difficult time understanding the computing to knowledge work. Of particular inter- work practices that they are striving to mediate. est is Englebart’s astonishing 1962 description of They do not tacitly know the cultures that they an architect using interactive computing as a fluid are attempting to support. A base level of un- part of complex work practices, long before such derstanding about larger systems of activity and a future had been realized. In his essay “Augment- meaning is necessary in order to design a useful ing Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework,” tool that will be well suited for those systems. Englebart outlined how an architect might use Teams need to understand what the architect a computer to review a symbolic representation Eliel Saarinen spoke of as the “next larger con- of a building site; consider different scenarios in text.” Software developers, for example, do not excavation and building design; refer to handbook inherently know what it means to analyze clinical and catalog resources; locate windows so that light research data, let alone how that data fits into the is not reflected into the eyes of passing drivers; larger flows of activity within a research lab. examine the resulting structure to ensure that it does not contain functional oversights; and store When technologists find it difficult to understand the resulting work for later retrieval and annotation the many specifics of foreign and elaborate work by stakeholders (the architectural examples used 33 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 36. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING FIGURE 1. COMMON APPROACH TO ITERATIVE APPLICATION DESIGN Begin creating individual Iteratively add more discrete features, without spending parts, without considering any time in the space overarching ideas about between high level product how the application could strategy and detailed mediate knowledge work product implementation 34 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 37. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING Until magic happens, And a cohesive, or at least somehow unifying the satisfactory, application aggregation of separately supposedly emerges created minutiae In reality, such products may be deeply and frustratingly flawed, driving poor user experience and lesser outcomes in targeted knowledge work 35 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 38. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING throughout this book are an homage to Engle- require a carefully considered design strategy to bart’s landmark application concept). tame their potential complexities into clear, useful, and desirable simplicity. Pioneers of interactive computing, such as Engle- bart, did not have the luxury of working only at The very idea of design strategy implies the selec- the detailed level of their emerging creations. tion of one direction from a pool of potential They also set the vision and goals for their own approaches, yet the magic happens expectation and subsequent generations of technological restrains breadth and ideation by promoting a development. Looking objectively at the conver- narrow track of implemented reality. In essence, sations taking place in product teams today, it teams following the straight to the details progres- appears that many technologists are relying very sion are practicing single vision and concept design. heavily on these and other proceeding foun- The essential, elemental “shapes” of their products dations. Not on the intellectual spirit of these are the shapes that happen to unfold in front of foundations, but on their literal conventions. them after the sum of many small decisions. They As knowledge work applications have become deemphasize a larger type creativity, which in turn standardized and commonplace within technolo- reduces possibilities for useful and compelling gists’ worldviews, it seems that we may have all innovation. become limited by a shared, infrastructural sense of what these tools can and should be. People So how can product teams creating interactive ap- creating these products have, to some extent, plications for knowledge work embrace this larger stopped examining them through a critical lens type of creativity? If the straight to the details that could uncover important new possibilities. progression, the magic happens expectation, and As they continue to copy and tweak existing single vision and concept design characterize the standards, we become increasingly accustomed mindset that eventually leads to problematic or to a certain rate of change and a certain level of failed computing tools, what mindset can teams generic, all purpose design. adopt to avoid these pitfalls? While vernacular evolution certainly has its place, repetition of familiar patterns is clearly not the Introducing entire picture of exceptional design process. Application Envisioning Knowledge work tools can be much more than the sum of their discrete functional parts. A sole Generally speaking, product teams can cultivate focus on detailed salvaging and assembling of the a perspective of targeted yet open exploration, past leaves no room for other, important pursuits. without analysis paralysis. They can spend more If product teams do not explore different strate- time in the space between product origination gies for their application’s overall approach to and product implementation. They can create an mediating work, how will they imagine new tools environment where divergence and a multiplicity that truly and valuably fit into workers’ specialized of ideas are valued in their discussions. They can thought processes and cultures? forgo an early emphasis on specifics by creating abstract models that visualize their understandings and outline potential spaces of design possibility. Embracing a More They can ask more questions in their targeted mar- Strategic Creativity kets and sketch novel concepts for how their prod- ucts could play a role in knowledge work, while Appropriate and exciting concepts for knowledge documenting tangible evidence of their ideas. work tools are built on holistic vision, not just They can balance top down decision making with pattern matching and incremental iteration. They bottom up input from knowledge workers in order 36 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 39. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING to synthesize singular design strategies. These in their worlds. While immersed in the activities strategies can embody a strong brand positioning that they are striving to mediate with comput- and the grounding of a team’s best application ing, teams can uncover unmet needs and other concept, assembled from a core set of sketched important insights for design strategy. This immer- functionalities that target a carefully chosen scope sion may also lead them to start thinking about of work practices. their product as a service, either literally or in spirit, which can highlight new areas for innovation This suggested approach can be summarized by through ongoing, networked connection. Teams the following phrase, which appears in the open- may take a sense of partnership with targeted ing pages of this book: workers so far as to invite them to become collabo- rators, maintaining a healthy level of humility in the Extensive concepting, based on intensive face of their expertise. questioning, driving visionary, collaboratively defined strategies for examplary tools for Another process suggestion is for product teams thought. to look outside of the work that they are target- ing in order to cast new light on their envisioning Is there a repeatable methodology or process questions and their emerging design concepts. to advance this change in mindset and general While pioneering figures of interactive computing approach? Not in any strict sense, because these had to work from an essentially blank slate, today’s explorations are very emergent and freeform, technologists do not have to start from square one despite their focused nature. However, a name for when they think about what it might mean to aug- this period between project initiation and project ment certain thought processes and activities with implementation could allow teams to effectively computing. There is a growing body of research plan for it. The term application envisioning and critical perspective that teams can use as suggests an early, separate interval in product lenses for making sense of these complex, multifac- development in which teams can intentionally and eted design problems. In order to extract potential collaboratively consider potential design strate- strategic principles, teams can examine comput- gies and design concepts for their computing tool, ing tools that have been successfully adopted into rather than sliding down a largely unconsidered similar activity contexts within other types of work course (see Figure 2 on the next page). practice. Advanced analogies to products in other domains can lead to inspiration that may fuel truly Application envisioning can allow teams to culti- novel solutions that draw upon seemingly vate empathy for targeted knowledge workers and unrelated fields of endeavor. their worlds, lay the ground work for inspiration, explore diverse questions and ideas about what The idea of application envisioning has strong their product could be, and develop a shared, big parallels to mindsets found in other, older design picture view — with the assumption that many disciplines, whose practitioners more commonly important details will need to be fleshed out apply design thinking in strategic ways. For ex- along the way to a completed release. ample, product teams creating computing tools for knowledge work can learn a great deal about One (increasingly routine) process suggestion for envisioning new technologies from the successful application envisioning is that this early, explor- practices of the best industrial design teams. These ative time presents a significant opportunity for teams also shape peoples’ daily lives through their product teams to get out of their offices and into creations, albeit with a focus on the mass pro- the field. Teams can strive for “what it’s like” duced, physical embodiment of material culture. understanding of knowledge workers’ current Industrial designers typically take time early in their experiences by directly observing and engaging projects to explore different concepts so that they 37 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 40. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING FIGURE 2. APPLICATION ENVISIONING APPROACH TO DESIGN C Q C Q C Spend more time in the Meaningfully question what space between high level it could mean to mediate product strategy and certain knowledge work detailed product activities with technology: implementation observing and talking with targeted workers, collaboratively modeling the problem space, and sketching diverse design concepts 38 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 41. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING C C C Strategically synthesize Then move forward with your the fittest overarching chosen design strategy and vision and concept design concepts, expanding for your product from upon details, iteratively among an ecosystem implementing and gathering of envisioned futures further input 39 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 42. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING can divine the “right” overarching direction for knowledge work computing. Flashbulb interactions their product, rather than immediately honing in are a branch of sorts off of the term “flashbulb on and elaborating a single solution. These de- memories,” coined in 1977 by Roger Brown and signers often conduct various forms of research, James Kulik in the psychology literature. A flash- synthesizing models of their problem space before bulb memory is a recollection that stands out as moving forward into design ideation. Once they a clear and pivotal moment, a punctuated experi- begin ideating, they typically sketch thumbnail ence in the compilation of one’s past. In a similar after thumbnail of potential options, long before vein, a flashbulb interaction is one of those rare they even consider realistic renderings or exact- moments when an interactive application impacts ing specifications. From these early explorations a knowledge worker in some profoundly positive in “design research,” industrial design teams can way, such as making a complex conclusion clear uncover important constraints, possibilities, and or opening up a new vista of thought. languages for their product. They can discover potential emotional connections with end users Product teams can explore how their computing and gain empathy for the context of a success- tools might promote flashbulb interactions by ful offering and brand, all of which puts them in beginning their projects with these high level strong position to define singular and compelling questions: design strategies. What are the big picture problems that knowledge workers currently face in their The Higher Goals work practices? What mental work is of “Flashbulb Interactions” currently difficult? How might our application transform ab- Envisioning a diverse range of appropriate pos- stract and taxing mental work into dynamic, sibilities for a product is not an easy task. Even highly visual, direct, and appealing interac- with a shared emphasis on a multiplicity of ideas, tions? practitioners of all design disciplines sometimes face the lure of literal, small scale iteration of How could our interactive application help known patterns when more innovative responses knowledge workers accomplish the best could be appropriate, valuable, and feasible. work of their professional lives? What Application envisioning efforts can represent would those outcomes look like? a fundamental change in how product teams How could our application support highly define and design interactive applications, but valued work outcomes that could not be this change alone may not be enough to arrive at attained without its functionalities? exceptional tools for knowledge workers. With- out higher order goals that aim to truly augment How could our application reduce or elimi- peoples’ intellectual skills and abilities, applica- nate routine tedium in knowledge workers’ tion envisioning can become just another phase in experiences, while allowing them to use product development, without any of the in- their expertise in new and valuable ways? tended, strategic payoffs. A team’s own infrastruc- How could our application foster and clarify tural grounding in the conventions of computing useful communication and collaboration? can easily stifle threads of divergent, meaningful concepting. The gravity of the known can easily How could our application promote a sense preclude more creative questions and proposals. of confident power and uninterrupted, focused engagement? A new term may be useful to product teams as they attempt to uncover new sources of value in How might the transition to using our ap- 40 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 43. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING plication be a pleasurable experience that details, can be crucial for developing truly success- workers will remember for years to come, ful computing tools in this space. Product teams especially when they reflect on how they that embrace early envisioning as a central exercise used to accomplish the same goals? in application development, along with significantly elevated goals for user experiences, can generate These questions are a direct attack on low expec- appropriate and innovative possibilities for emerg- tations of technologies for knowledge work. They ing generations of knowledge work tools. By in- contain an optimism that is similar to pioneering tensely questioning what it could mean to mediate questions that lead to the creation of interac- specific thought processes and work practices with tive computing, but they can be applied to the an interactive application, these teams can develop grounded particulars of specific challenges that tools that deliver more enjoyable and relevant product teams face today. Most importantly, experiences, better work outcomes, improved when technologists have asked these questions, brand loyalty, and other valuable results. they may find it difficult to fall back on literal, small scale iteration of known design patterns, knowing full well that more innovative responses Using This Book could be appropriate, valuable, and feasible. This book is a tool for product teams to use as they Product teams are not likely to know if and when envision new or iteratively improved knowledge they have generated design strategies and con- work applications. It presents 100 ideas that can ceptual sketches that could result in products that remind teams of common factors for the design meet these aspirations, but that sort of absolute of extraordinary computing tools, helping them decision making is not the point of conducting to generate a greater diversity of sketched models, these inquiries. Instead, teams can pose these frameworks, and concepts. Each concisely pre- and other questions about flashbulb interactions sented envisioning idea is a specific consideration in order to take their eyes off of the conventional for early, formative conversations about what an state of knowledge work computing and begin application might become. These random access considering potential narratives for exceptionally topics are intentionally enmeshed and overlap- positive user experience. This change in perspec- ping, not mutually exclusive. The categorization of tive can uncover surprising ideas and design the 100 ideas sketches an overall framework and is constraints that, in turn, can help teams to better intended to improve their collective accessibility as understand deep seated opportunities that their an envisioning reference. The resulting collection application might address, as well as what those is a practitioner oriented synthesis that can expand solutions might look like. the range of questions that product teams explore as they generate potential design strategies and design concepts — inherently raising their shared Summary of Case expectations for their products’ positive impacts for Application Envisioning on knowledge work. To summarize, contemporary computing tools for The 100 ideas themselves can be traced to a range knowledge work often contain significant design of sources and perspectives in product strategy, deficiencies — both recognized and overlooked human factors, human computer interaction, — that detract from people’s working lives. systems analysis, industrial design, interaction Looking beyond the current state of these tools, design, information architecture, usability research, interactive computing has remarkable potential computer science, and other professional special- for improving thinking work. An early emphasis on ties. Many of the ideas are rooted in commonly design strategy and design concepts, not design cited considerations and guidelines, though they 41 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS
  • 44. FRONT MATTER | INTRODUCTION: THE CASE FOR APPLICATION ENVISIONING have been framed here specifically for use while Stakeholders and influencers in applica- envisioning computing tools for knowledge work. tion envisioning can use these ideas to drive Some of these commonly cited points call out spe- product teams toward a broader conversa- cific functionalities that are currently available in tion about what it might mean to valuably a subset of contemporary products, while others augment specific types of knowledge work. touch upon broader connections to the techno- Students may find this survey of factors in- logical contexts that workers’ practice within. This formative, gaining a sense for the potential book also borrows liberally from those authors breadth of considerations that can influence who have put forward ideas that have advanced the design of these computing tools. my own work as a practitioner providing research, strategy, and design services. These publications can be found in the bibliography. Beyond com- monly cited ideas and valued references, a num- Book Approach and Exclusions ber of the 100 ideas can be traced back to specific stories from real world product teams. These Although much of the text is written as if the envisioning ideas were considered assumptions reader is part of product team designing a new in some groups of technologists and missing in knowledge work application, the same ideas can others groups in a way that pointed to their value. apply when revising or extending an existing tool. Similarly, the tone — but not the primary informa- A variety of audiences may find the 100 ideas in tion — of this book often reflects the interests of this book useful: product teams working in commercial contexts. Please note that this book’s ideas might be just as Product managers and other leaders applicable to tools created by an open source com- within organizations can use these ideas to munity or developed internally within knowledge promote innovative design strategies and work organizations. to inspire their teams to set higher goals for product success. 100 ideas is a very round number, and it points to the limitations of this book. Just as there is no set Researchers investigating the character- recipe for effective product development, there istics, practices, and potential techno- are many other, equally valid ideas for envision- logical desires of certain populations of ing interactive applications for knowledge work. knowledge workers can use these ideas to The ideas in this book were selected due to their outline a broader range of questions for potential impacts in a wide range of application their studies. envisioning conversations. Many of the ideas rep- Definers of interactive applications can use resent generally important considerations that are these ideas as probes to generate models commonly overlooked in contemporary products. and stimulate strategic thinking in work- That being said, some of the ideas will presum- shops and other requirements elaboration ably be much more important for specific product efforts. contexts than others. None of the 100 ideas are universals or do-or-die edicts. Please take them or Designers of interactive applications can leave them, depending on the situation you find use these ideas to identify important user yourself in and your belief in their value. experience factors for different activity contexts, to sketch a broader range of de- The reader will find few mentions of specific tech- sign concepts, and to make more informed nologies in this book, other than frequent refer- decisions about design strategy in this ences to certain genres of networked applications space. used in architecture, clinical research, and financial 42 WORKING THROUGH SCREENS