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““““IIII’’’’vvvveeee NNNNeeeevvvveeeerrrr 
HHHHeeeeaaaarrrrdddd SSSSuuuucccchhhh 
...this was the actual response I got from a business owner 
who failed to understand one of the greatest secrets 
Dear Reader 
My wife Jane and I were 
sitting outside on the terrace of 
the Café de Paris in Monaco, 
close to the Casino de Monte 
If you‘d been sitting with us, 
I’m sure you’d remember the 
day just as well as we did! 
Not just because of the con-stant 
stream of rich and famous 
leaving their Ferraris, Maseratis 
and Bentleys for the casino val-ets 
to park — but more impor-tantly 
because of a conversation 
that took place that day. 
It was a conversation which 
revealed the very essence of 
why some business owners and 
business leaders create hyper-successful 
companies with 
revenues, profits and valua-tions 
which are the envy of 
their peers, and why some busi-ness 
leaders have an endless 
struggle to match this success. 
It was a conversation which 
was full of valuable nuggets 
which have the potential to 
bring dramatic tangible in-creases 
to your bottom line re-sults. 
of business achievement 
Let me tell you exactly 
what happened that day... 
It all started when I heard a 
man at the next table grumble 
under his breath – “these peo-ple 
are so lucky!” 
Normally, I wouldn’t say 
anything. And I’m not sure 
why I did on this occasion, but I 
was compelled to say to him, 
“it’s not luck.” 
The ‘lucky view’ is one I 
might have shared a few years 
back, before I spent a year liv-ing 
in Monaco and studying for 
my MBA (I actually went to 
Monaco after being fired from 
my job and receiving a gener-ous 
payoff!). It was at this time 
that I was first introduced to 
the wealth and success found in 
the principality. 
I have since spent many 
years meeting with, interview-ing 
and studying ultra-successful 
business leaders to 
understand how they think, act 
and make decisions and what 
they do differently that allows 
them to enjoy the personal re-wards 
which come with own-ing 
or running a hyper-successful 
It’s this research which has 
led me to write two best-selling 
international business books 
which explain exactly how 
great business leaders think 
and act. 
More importantly, it’s led to 
the creation of two highly ac-claimed 
business mentoring 
programmes: Enterprise Leader 
Development Programme and 
Foundation Series Plus+ in Enter-prise 
Leadership’ – both of which 
explain exactly how the great-est 
business leaders achieve the 
results they do, and how you 
can repeat their success in your 
own company too. 
The man on the next table 
seemed a little startled by my 
‘it’s not luck’ comment. 
He replied, “if it’s not luck, 
what is it?” 
“Ah ha!” I said smiling, 
“they know something you 
What they know practically 
guarantees that they have a 
constant stream of new innova-tive 
ideas coming into their 
business — almost daily — 
with each idea worth thou-sands, 
hundreds of thousands 
or more in new revenues and 
profits. What they know could 
be worth the same — or more 
— for your business too. 
As I turned my chair around 
to speak to the man, I could see 
Jane’s eyes turning upwards in 
that ‘here we go again’ gesture 
and at the same time I could see 
his wife’s eyes doing the same. 
“So,” said Mike as he intro-duced 
himself. “What is it? 
Richard Parkes Cordock, Expert 
in Enterprise Leadership’ explains 
what the highly profitable and 
super successful business leaders 
who choose to live in Monaco 
know – that just about every other 
UK business leader doesn’t. 
Monaco, the weekend residence of many UK 
business leaders and business owners
Why isn’t that valet parking 
my car and why don’t I have a 
house here in Monaco?” 
“You could,” I said confi-dently. 
It turns out Mike had his 
own business which he had 
been running for many years, 
but hadn’t quite made the leap 
to take him up to the next 
level. His company was doing 
ok, but was missing out on the 
quantum leaps and there was 
clearly something holding the 
growth of his company back. 
“If it isn’t luck,” said Mike 
again, “and the people who 
live here know something I 
don’t, then what is it?” 
“Ok, – here it is!” I said 
getting ready to share with 
him some of the strategies 
which are already being used 
and applied by thousands of 
business owners and business 
leaders around the world in 
the ‘executive quick-start’ 
Foundation Series Plus+ in 
Enterprise Leadership. 
“Most of the people you see 
here are business owners. Not 
all of them of course,” I said as 
Formula 1 racing driver David 
Coulthard coincidentally 
strode past our table. 
“…but most are. It’s what 
they know as business owners 
or business leaders that has 
given them the rewards which 
you can see they clearly enjoy. 
They know that the way to 
grow their business comes 
down to three main areas: 
“Making their customers 
Making their teams be-lieve. 
And making themselves 
and fellow leaders believe.” 
These are the three core 
themes of Enterprise Leader-ship 
and it’s the principles of I 
BELIEVE (the leader), WE BE-LIEVE 
(the team) and THEY 
BELIEVE (the customer) which 
are taught in both Enterprise 
Leader Mentoring pro-grammes. 
Ultimately, business is all 
about belief and when you 
align the belief of the leader-ship 
of your company, with 
the belief of your team, and the 
belief of your customers, you 
create an environment where 
profit and growth can be maxi-mised. 
“Belief?” said Mike. “I’ve 
never heard such nonsense. 
I’ve been at the sharp end of 
business for over 20 years and 
I know that belief has little to 
do with success. It’s not belief 
but getting on the phone and 
pursuing customers, that’s 
what drives my business. It is 
tough and every day is a battle. 
If I believe anything, it is that 
it’s a war out there.” 
Now you and I know that 
business should not be a war. 
No customer wants to be 
part of a war zone. Your cus-tomers 
want to feel loved, they 
want to feel that your employ-ees 
care about them, and they 
want to do business in a 
friendly environment; defi-nitely 
not in a war zone or be 
part of a battle! 
Like Mike, your ultimate 
challenge is to make your cus-tomers 
believe in you. Because 
when your customers believe 
in you three things happen. 
Firstly, they buy from you. 
Have you ever bought any-thing 
you didn’t believe in? I 
suspect not. 
Secondly, customers buy 
from you time and time again 
so you can maximise their life 
time value. The true worth of 
your customers doesn’t come 
from just one-off transactions, 
it comes from developing last-ing, 
profitable relationships. It 
comes from 
creating a 
brand and 
making your 
customers be-lieve 
in you 
and want to 
keep coming 
back to buy 
from you. 
In your 
business, the 
only way 
you’ll ever 
make your cus-tomers 
want to 
keep coming 
back to you is 
if you keep 
keep creating 
and making 
sure you are always relevant to 
them – and they always be-lieve 
in you. 
Unless everybody in your 
company fully understands the 
true value of a customer to 
you, it is all too easy to let your 
standards slip, and loose your 
customer’s belief. 
When your customers loose 
their belief in you, they loose 
their desire to buy from you – 
AND you loose out on a life-time 
of further revenue and 
profit from them. 
This critical principle of 
maximising the life-time value 
of your customer is something 
that every one of your employ-ees, 
regardless of the position 
they hold should understand 
and apply in their work. 
Maximising life-time value 
is spelt out in detail in the En-terprise 
leader Development Pro-gramme, 
a programme which 
has been created from the 
ground up for your employees. 
It is also explained in summary 
in the Foundation Series Plus+, a 
‘quick start’ introduction into 
Enterprise Leadership which 
has been designed for you, a 
business owner or business 
The third thing, that hap-pens 
when your customers 
believe in you is that they do 
your marketing for you and 
tell their friends, family and 
business associates about you. 
But for that to happen you 
have to thrill them, you have 
to WOW them, you have to 
dazzle them. You have to be 
outstanding in everything you 
It’s no different from seeing 
a great movie and telling 
somebody else about it. 
There’s al-ways 
about a 
great movie 
that has 
hooked you 
in, and is easy 
to rave about 
and ‘pass on’ 
to your 
In fact, I saw a 
great movie 
last week. It 
was called 
‘Shall We 
Dansu’ and it 
was the Japa-nese 
of a movie 
that was re-made 
in Hol-lywood 
called ‘Shall We 
Dance’ starring Richard Gere. 
But here’s the thing. 
I’ve seen the Japanese origi-nal, 
which is a wonderful film 
and I’d recommend it to you 
and to anybody else, but I 
haven’t seen the Hollywood 
remake, because I hear it’s not 
so good. 
You may be wondering 
why I’m telling you about a 
Japanese movie, as clearly 
Mike was when I told him the 
same story. But I’m telling you 
this for a very deliberate rea-son 
to demonstrate the power 
of word of mouth marketing. 
I’ve just told you about 
something that I believe in (the 
Japanese version) and I’ve also 
told you about a movie that I 
haven't even seen, but I have 
little belief in because of the 
negative customer reviews I’d 
read and the poor write ups by 
film buffs. 
You should know your cus-tomers 
are doing the very 
same thing. If for any reason 
they have a negative experi-ence 
with your company, or 
you do not provide excellence 
in everything you do, it’s all 
too easy for your customers to 
spread negative 
‘recommendations’ about you, 
rather than ‘positive ones’. 
Once a prospect picks up on 
these negative recommenda-tions, 
their belief and desire to 
buy is very limited. 
Now it’s all very well 
knowing that business is all 
about belief, and creating be- 
Profit and growth are maxi-mised 
when the belief of your 
company’s leadership, team 
and customers are aligned. 
Your customers 
want to feel 
loved, they want 
to feel that your 
employees care 
about them, and 
they want to do 
business in a 
friendly environ-ment; 
not in a war zone 
or be part of a 
Monaco: the playground of the world’s 
most successful business leaders
lief in the eyes of your custom-ers. 
But it’s a different thing to 
physically create belief in the 
eyes of your customers. 
Great business leaders 
know and understand that to 
make their customers believe 
in them, they have to turn 
around the way they look at 
themselves – and the way their 
customers look at them. 
In most companies, possi-bly 
even yours, when you 
draw your organisation chart it 
is quite likely that you’d put 
yourself at the top. 
Underneath that, you’d 
draw in your directors, and 
managers and underneath 
them, the rest of your team. By 
definition, underneath these 
people are your customers. 
This is a traditional pyra-mid 
structure of a company. 
It’s also quite likely in your 
company — as it is in just 
about every other company in 
the world — that the vision 
you and your fellow leaders 
hold is not understood or 
shared by the rest of your 
team, or by your customers. 
I know from the business 
leaders I speak to, this disjoint 
is something they immediately 
recognise in their companies. 
But what the great leaders 
I’ve met, interviewed and 
studied do is to invert the 
pyramid and recognise that 
business is all about serving 
their customer – and therefore 
they turn their business upside 
down and put their customers 
at the top of the pyramid. 
The simple saying ‘if you 
haven’t got a customer, you 
haven’t got a business’ will 
always be true! 
These same leaders know 
also that the only way they’ll 
be able to make their custom-ers 
believe and buy from them, 
is if their own team believes in 
the first instance, and the only 
way they’ll be able to make 
their team believe, is if they – 
the leader — believes in the 
first place. 
This brings back the three 
core principles of Enterprise 
Leadership which is the align-ment 
of I BELIEVE (the 
leader), WE BELIEVE (the 
team) and THEY BELIEVE (the 
The truly great business 
leaders, multi-millionaire and 
billionaire entrepreneurs take 
the principles of I, WE and 
THEY BELIEVE a step further. 
They know that to have the 
greatest chance of making their 
customers believe and want to 
buy, every individual em-ployee 
in their company must 
step up and see themselves as 
a leader. 
They know that for their 
company to reach its highest 
level of revenue, profitability 
and overall growth, every per-son 
in their company must 
think, act and make decisions 
like them — a customer-focused 
business owner/leader. 
The same is true in your 
At your heart, you are a 
business leader who is pas-sionate, 
who is confident, who 
is persistent and is prepared to 
step outside your comfort zone 
to conquer your fears, doubts 
and limiting beliefs. 
It’s because of your leader-ship 
ability that your team be-lieves 
in you – and it’s why 
your customers believe you 
when you talk to them. 
It’s your mindset and atti-tude 
of leadership and per-sonal 
leadership that you need 
to infuse into each and every 
member of your team, because 
ultimately it’s your people 
who deal with your customers, 
and it’s your people therefore 
who are responsible for mak-ing 
your customers believe in 
your company. 
We call people who think, 
act and make decisions like 
business owners ‘Enterprise 
Leaders’, because they are the 
natural extension of you, the 
business owner, business 
leader or entrepreneur. 
Enterprise Leaders embody 
your spirit. They share your 
passion, belief and confidence 
and they’re able to bring to 
your company greater levels of 
innovation and creativity. 
They’re able to tap into new 
areas of imagination and ideas. 
They’re able to make decisions 
with confidence by first asking 
‘what would I do if I was the 
owner of this company?’ and 
‘what would I expect to be 
done if I was a customer of this 
When you train, develop 
and mentor your people to 
think, act and make decisions 
like you – they go the extra 
mile for your customers, be-cause 
this is exactly what you 
would do as a business leader. 
Never again will your cus-tomers 
feel frustrated when 
dealing with you, never again 
will they feel taken for 
granted, and never again will 
your company be accused by 
your customers of being com-placent 
or not caring, because 
now every member of your 
team has the urgency, commit-ment 
and conviction that you 
have as the business owner/ 
leader in your company. 
You can be sure that only 
positive recommendations are 
being spread about you in the 
market place, and not negative 
Your route into developing 
your people to think and act 
this way is through the Founda-tion 
Series Plus+ in Enterprise 
In this short, but compre-hensive 
introductory pro-gramme 
you’ll hear how 23 of 
the UK’s most profitable and 
most highly regarded self-made 
business leaders think, 
act and make decisions, and 
you’ll discover how to bring 
their thinking to your com-pany 
and turn your people 
into Enterprise Leaders. 
You’ll discover how to de-velop 
your people so that they 
have the ability to dramatically 
grow and expand your com-pany, 
so you too can enjoy the 
rewards just like the entrepre-neurs 
and business owners 
who have their cars parked by 
the valets outside the Casino 
de Monte Carlo. 
Mike’s wife was now get-ting 
itchy feet and was keen to 
go down to the shore and dip 
her toe in the cool Mediterra-nean 
“I can see it, I can see it! 
said Mike as I finished sharing 
the same story with him. “The 
pyramid, my people, Enter-prise 
Leaders, our customers, 
the three levels of belief. I 
think we’ve been focusing too 
much on ourselves and trying 
to win the battle, rather than 
just focusing on doing what's 
right for the only thing that 
really matters, our customers.” 
“It’s quite simple” I said, 
“When customers believe, they 
“Well I believe in what 
you’ve told me and I’m going 
back to the hotel right now to 
log-on and order the Founda-tion 
Series Plus+ in Enterprise 
“It’s the best place to start” 
I said. “It’ll be there waiting for 
you when you get home.” 
As he shook my hand his 
wife mouthed, “Come on!” 
and began making her way to 
the steps down to the water-front. 
I waved goodbye as they 
weaved through the tables, 
narrowly avoiding the clutter 
of designer handbags and 
mini- Chihuahua dogs that 
were on the floor at the side of 
almost every table. 
I caught the eye of the 
waiter as he was passing. “Un 
pression et un juice de or-ange,” 
I asked, just about ex-hausting 
my full French vo-cabulary. 
Settling back to enjoy the 
crisp autumn sunshine, Jane 
gave me a sharp prod and re-minded 
me not to start any 
more conversations with peo-ple 
who think successful entre-preneurs 
are just ‘plain old 
Just stop me, I thought! 
A traditional company struc-ture, 
with the leadership at 
the top, and often unaligned 
with the rest of the company. 
The inverted pyramid puts 
your customer first and leads 
to greater levels of belief, 
revenue and profits. 
Prove it to yourself—Try 
Risk Free for 60 Days 
Order the Foundation Series Plus+ 
in Enterprise Leadership today and 
receive a full 60 Day money-back 
guarantee. If for any reason you do 
not feel the hundreds of business 
growth and personal leadership 
strategies included in the programme 
will open the door to extraordinary 
growth in your company, simply 
return the entire programme to us for 
a full and prompt refund. Please 
however keep your copy of the book 
Business Upgrade with our compli-ments.

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Business Owner Thinking (200

  • 1. SPECIAL LEADERSHIP REPORT FOR BUSINESS OWNERS AND BUSINESS LEADERS ““““IIII’’’’vvvveeee NNNNeeeevvvveeeerrrr HHHHeeeeaaaarrrrdddd SSSSuuuucccchhhh NNNNoooonnnnsssseeeennnnsssseeee!!!!”””” ...this was the actual response I got from a business owner who failed to understand one of the greatest secrets Dear Reader My wife Jane and I were sitting outside on the terrace of the Café de Paris in Monaco, close to the Casino de Monte Carlo. If you‘d been sitting with us, I’m sure you’d remember the day just as well as we did! Not just because of the con-stant stream of rich and famous leaving their Ferraris, Maseratis and Bentleys for the casino val-ets to park — but more impor-tantly because of a conversation that took place that day. It was a conversation which revealed the very essence of why some business owners and business leaders create hyper-successful companies with revenues, profits and valua-tions which are the envy of their peers, and why some busi-ness leaders have an endless struggle to match this success. It was a conversation which was full of valuable nuggets which have the potential to bring dramatic tangible in-creases to your bottom line re-sults. of business achievement Let me tell you exactly what happened that day... It all started when I heard a man at the next table grumble under his breath – “these peo-ple are so lucky!” Normally, I wouldn’t say anything. And I’m not sure why I did on this occasion, but I was compelled to say to him, “it’s not luck.” The ‘lucky view’ is one I might have shared a few years back, before I spent a year liv-ing in Monaco and studying for my MBA (I actually went to Monaco after being fired from my job and receiving a gener-ous payoff!). It was at this time that I was first introduced to the wealth and success found in the principality. I have since spent many years meeting with, interview-ing and studying ultra-successful business leaders to understand how they think, act and make decisions and what they do differently that allows them to enjoy the personal re-wards which come with own-ing or running a hyper-successful business. It’s this research which has led me to write two best-selling international business books which explain exactly how great business leaders think and act. More importantly, it’s led to the creation of two highly ac-claimed business mentoring programmes: Enterprise Leader Development Programme and Foundation Series Plus+ in Enter-prise Leadership’ – both of which explain exactly how the great-est business leaders achieve the results they do, and how you can repeat their success in your own company too. The man on the next table seemed a little startled by my ‘it’s not luck’ comment. He replied, “if it’s not luck, what is it?” “Ah ha!” I said smiling, “they know something you don’t.” What they know practically guarantees that they have a constant stream of new innova-tive ideas coming into their business — almost daily — with each idea worth thou-sands, hundreds of thousands or more in new revenues and profits. What they know could be worth the same — or more — for your business too. As I turned my chair around to speak to the man, I could see Jane’s eyes turning upwards in that ‘here we go again’ gesture and at the same time I could see his wife’s eyes doing the same. “So,” said Mike as he intro-duced himself. “What is it? Richard Parkes Cordock, Expert in Enterprise Leadership’ explains what the highly profitable and super successful business leaders who choose to live in Monaco know – that just about every other UK business leader doesn’t. Monaco, the weekend residence of many UK business leaders and business owners
  • 2. Why isn’t that valet parking my car and why don’t I have a house here in Monaco?” “You could,” I said confi-dently. It turns out Mike had his own business which he had been running for many years, but hadn’t quite made the leap to take him up to the next level. His company was doing ok, but was missing out on the quantum leaps and there was clearly something holding the growth of his company back. “If it isn’t luck,” said Mike again, “and the people who live here know something I don’t, then what is it?” “Ok, – here it is!” I said getting ready to share with him some of the strategies which are already being used and applied by thousands of business owners and business leaders around the world in the ‘executive quick-start’ Foundation Series Plus+ in Enterprise Leadership. “Most of the people you see here are business owners. Not all of them of course,” I said as Formula 1 racing driver David Coulthard coincidentally strode past our table. “…but most are. It’s what they know as business owners or business leaders that has given them the rewards which you can see they clearly enjoy. They know that the way to grow their business comes down to three main areas: “Making their customers believe. Making their teams be-lieve. And making themselves and fellow leaders believe.” These are the three core themes of Enterprise Leader-ship and it’s the principles of I BELIEVE (the leader), WE BE-LIEVE (the team) and THEY BELIEVE (the customer) which are taught in both Enterprise Leader Mentoring pro-grammes. Ultimately, business is all about belief and when you align the belief of the leader-ship of your company, with the belief of your team, and the belief of your customers, you create an environment where profit and growth can be maxi-mised. “Belief?” said Mike. “I’ve never heard such nonsense. I’ve been at the sharp end of business for over 20 years and I know that belief has little to do with success. It’s not belief but getting on the phone and pursuing customers, that’s what drives my business. It is tough and every day is a battle. If I believe anything, it is that it’s a war out there.” Now you and I know that business should not be a war. No customer wants to be part of a war zone. Your cus-tomers want to feel loved, they want to feel that your employ-ees care about them, and they want to do business in a friendly environment; defi-nitely not in a war zone or be part of a battle! Like Mike, your ultimate challenge is to make your cus-tomers believe in you. Because when your customers believe in you three things happen. Firstly, they buy from you. Have you ever bought any-thing you didn’t believe in? I suspect not. Secondly, customers buy from you time and time again so you can maximise their life time value. The true worth of your customers doesn’t come from just one-off transactions, it comes from developing last-ing, profitable relationships. It comes from creating a brand and making your customers be-lieve in you and want to keep coming back to buy from you. In your business, the only way you’ll ever make your cus-tomers want to keep coming back to you is if you keep innovating, keep creating and making sure you are always relevant to them – and they always be-lieve in you. Unless everybody in your company fully understands the true value of a customer to you, it is all too easy to let your standards slip, and loose your customer’s belief. When your customers loose their belief in you, they loose their desire to buy from you – AND you loose out on a life-time of further revenue and profit from them. This critical principle of maximising the life-time value of your customer is something that every one of your employ-ees, regardless of the position they hold should understand and apply in their work. Maximising life-time value is spelt out in detail in the En-terprise leader Development Pro-gramme, a programme which has been created from the ground up for your employees. It is also explained in summary in the Foundation Series Plus+, a ‘quick start’ introduction into Enterprise Leadership which has been designed for you, a business owner or business leader. The third thing, that hap-pens when your customers believe in you is that they do your marketing for you and tell their friends, family and business associates about you. But for that to happen you have to thrill them, you have to WOW them, you have to dazzle them. You have to be outstanding in everything you do. It’s no different from seeing a great movie and telling somebody else about it. There’s al-ways some-thing about a great movie that has hooked you in, and is easy to rave about and ‘pass on’ to your friends. In fact, I saw a great movie last week. It was called ‘Shall We Dansu’ and it was the Japa-nese original of a movie that was re-made in Hol-lywood called ‘Shall We Dance’ starring Richard Gere. But here’s the thing. I’ve seen the Japanese origi-nal, which is a wonderful film and I’d recommend it to you and to anybody else, but I haven’t seen the Hollywood remake, because I hear it’s not so good. You may be wondering why I’m telling you about a Japanese movie, as clearly Mike was when I told him the same story. But I’m telling you this for a very deliberate rea-son to demonstrate the power of word of mouth marketing. I’ve just told you about something that I believe in (the Japanese version) and I’ve also told you about a movie that I haven't even seen, but I have little belief in because of the negative customer reviews I’d read and the poor write ups by film buffs. You should know your cus-tomers are doing the very same thing. If for any reason they have a negative experi-ence with your company, or you do not provide excellence in everything you do, it’s all too easy for your customers to spread negative ‘recommendations’ about you, rather than ‘positive ones’. Once a prospect picks up on these negative recommenda-tions, their belief and desire to buy is very limited. Now it’s all very well knowing that business is all about belief, and creating be- Profit and growth are maxi-mised when the belief of your company’s leadership, team and customers are aligned. Your customers want to feel loved, they want to feel that your employees care about them, and they want to do business in a friendly environ-ment; definitely not in a war zone or be part of a battle! Monaco: the playground of the world’s most successful business leaders
  • 3. lief in the eyes of your custom-ers. But it’s a different thing to physically create belief in the eyes of your customers. Great business leaders know and understand that to make their customers believe in them, they have to turn around the way they look at themselves – and the way their customers look at them. In most companies, possi-bly even yours, when you draw your organisation chart it is quite likely that you’d put yourself at the top. Underneath that, you’d draw in your directors, and managers and underneath them, the rest of your team. By definition, underneath these people are your customers. This is a traditional pyra-mid structure of a company. It’s also quite likely in your company — as it is in just about every other company in the world — that the vision you and your fellow leaders hold is not understood or shared by the rest of your team, or by your customers. I know from the business leaders I speak to, this disjoint is something they immediately recognise in their companies. But what the great leaders I’ve met, interviewed and studied do is to invert the pyramid and recognise that business is all about serving their customer – and therefore they turn their business upside down and put their customers at the top of the pyramid. The simple saying ‘if you haven’t got a customer, you haven’t got a business’ will always be true! These same leaders know also that the only way they’ll be able to make their custom-ers believe and buy from them, is if their own team believes in the first instance, and the only way they’ll be able to make their team believe, is if they – the leader — believes in the first place. This brings back the three core principles of Enterprise Leadership which is the align-ment of I BELIEVE (the leader), WE BELIEVE (the team) and THEY BELIEVE (the customer). The truly great business leaders, multi-millionaire and billionaire entrepreneurs take the principles of I, WE and THEY BELIEVE a step further. They know that to have the greatest chance of making their customers believe and want to buy, every individual em-ployee in their company must step up and see themselves as a leader. They know that for their company to reach its highest level of revenue, profitability and overall growth, every per-son in their company must think, act and make decisions like them — a customer-focused business owner/leader. The same is true in your company. At your heart, you are a business leader who is pas-sionate, who is confident, who is persistent and is prepared to step outside your comfort zone to conquer your fears, doubts and limiting beliefs. It’s because of your leader-ship ability that your team be-lieves in you – and it’s why your customers believe you when you talk to them. It’s your mindset and atti-tude of leadership and per-sonal leadership that you need to infuse into each and every member of your team, because ultimately it’s your people who deal with your customers, and it’s your people therefore who are responsible for mak-ing your customers believe in your company. We call people who think, act and make decisions like business owners ‘Enterprise Leaders’, because they are the natural extension of you, the business owner, business leader or entrepreneur. Enterprise Leaders embody your spirit. They share your passion, belief and confidence and they’re able to bring to your company greater levels of innovation and creativity. They’re able to tap into new areas of imagination and ideas. They’re able to make decisions with confidence by first asking ‘what would I do if I was the owner of this company?’ and ‘what would I expect to be done if I was a customer of this business’? When you train, develop and mentor your people to think, act and make decisions like you – they go the extra mile for your customers, be-cause this is exactly what you would do as a business leader. Never again will your cus-tomers feel frustrated when dealing with you, never again will they feel taken for granted, and never again will your company be accused by your customers of being com-placent or not caring, because now every member of your team has the urgency, commit-ment and conviction that you have as the business owner/ leader in your company. You can be sure that only positive recommendations are being spread about you in the market place, and not negative ones. Your route into developing your people to think and act this way is through the Founda-tion Series Plus+ in Enterprise Leadership. In this short, but compre-hensive introductory pro-gramme you’ll hear how 23 of the UK’s most profitable and most highly regarded self-made business leaders think, act and make decisions, and you’ll discover how to bring their thinking to your com-pany and turn your people into Enterprise Leaders. You’ll discover how to de-velop your people so that they have the ability to dramatically grow and expand your com-pany, so you too can enjoy the rewards just like the entrepre-neurs and business owners who have their cars parked by the valets outside the Casino de Monte Carlo. Mike’s wife was now get-ting itchy feet and was keen to go down to the shore and dip her toe in the cool Mediterra-nean waters. “I can see it, I can see it! said Mike as I finished sharing the same story with him. “The pyramid, my people, Enter-prise Leaders, our customers, the three levels of belief. I think we’ve been focusing too much on ourselves and trying to win the battle, rather than just focusing on doing what's right for the only thing that really matters, our customers.” “It’s quite simple” I said, “When customers believe, they buy.” “Well I believe in what you’ve told me and I’m going back to the hotel right now to log-on and order the Founda-tion Series Plus+ in Enterprise Leadership”. “It’s the best place to start” I said. “It’ll be there waiting for you when you get home.” As he shook my hand his wife mouthed, “Come on!” and began making her way to the steps down to the water-front. I waved goodbye as they weaved through the tables, narrowly avoiding the clutter of designer handbags and mini- Chihuahua dogs that were on the floor at the side of almost every table. I caught the eye of the waiter as he was passing. “Un pression et un juice de or-ange,” I asked, just about ex-hausting my full French vo-cabulary. Settling back to enjoy the crisp autumn sunshine, Jane gave me a sharp prod and re-minded me not to start any more conversations with peo-ple who think successful entre-preneurs are just ‘plain old lucky’. Just stop me, I thought! A traditional company struc-ture, with the leadership at the top, and often unaligned with the rest of the company. The inverted pyramid puts your customer first and leads to greater levels of belief, revenue and profits. Prove it to yourself—Try Risk Free for 60 Days Order the Foundation Series Plus+ in Enterprise Leadership today and receive a full 60 Day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you do not feel the hundreds of business growth and personal leadership strategies included in the programme will open the door to extraordinary growth in your company, simply return the entire programme to us for a full and prompt refund. Please however keep your copy of the book Business Upgrade with our compli-ments.