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Lessons In 
For Your 
Front Line 
and Key 
Dea r Reader 
For the pa s t 5 ye a r s I ’ve been in-te 
rviewing, res ea rching and me et ing 
wi th some of the UK highes t a chi ev-ing 
ent repreneur s , bus ine s s owne r s 
and le ade r s to under s tand thei r mind-set 
, behaviour s and how they achieve 
the ext raordina ry resul t s the y do – 
of ten wi th l i t t l e or no resource s . 
Much of what I ’ve lea rnt I ’ve 
brought toge the r for the benef i t of 
companie s to t ea ch thei r employe e s 
what I cal l ‘bus ines s -owner - thinking’ . 
I ’m of t en a sked to def ine and ex-plain 
what bus ines s -owne r - thinking 
i s . The two word respons e I give i s : 
Gordon Ramsey. 
In i t sel f , thi s means very l i t t le, but 
in thi s ar t i cle I ’d l ike to give you 
seven re asons wh y Gordon Ramse y 
demons t rat es bus ines s -owne r - thinking 
at i t s pures t , and why i t i s impe rat ive 
that you t rain and deve lop your ke y 
employe e s and f ront l ine manage r s to 
think, a ct and make dec i s ions l ike 
bus ines s owne r s . 
Love or ha te Gordon Ramse y, he re 
are seven rea sons he i s the epi tome of 
bus ines s -owner - thinking. 
1: The only standard to aim for in 
bus iness i s cel lence! 
The re i s no den ying tha t Gordon 
Ramse y has a chi eved exc el l ence and 
ma s te ry in hi s work. Being a 3 s t ar 
Mi chel in rat ed chef , he i s judged not 
only b y hi s cus - 
tomer s , but b y 
hi s pee r s and 
cul ina ry cr i - 
t iques . He i s un-deniabl 
y pas s ion-ate 
about hi s food and work, and the re 
i s onl y one s tandard he has ever set 
out to a chieve: exc el l enc e. 
In your bus ines s the s ame mus t be 
t rue , you mus t s t r ive for exce l lence to 
s tand above your compet i tor s as a rec - 
ogni s ed ma rke t l eade r . Only when you 
set a goal to be come marke t l eader in 
your indus t ry and eve ry a ct ion and 
deci s ion you take i s made wi th thi s 
s tanda rd in mind — b y eve ry em-ploye 
e, manage r and di re ctor — very 
quickl y wi l l you r i se to the top of 
your f ield and s t a y there. You’ l l be - 
come known in your indus t ry for your 
unf l inching resolve and commi tment 
to the highes t s tandard, jus t a Gordon 
Ramse y i s . 
2:Maximni sng the l i fe t ime value 
of your cus tomer s , and harnes s-ing 
thei r word of mouth market ing 
WILL grow your bus ines s— 
My onl y exposure to Gordon Ram-se 
y i s through the TV and media, I 
have never pe r sonal l y me t him. 
I have hi s s eve ra l of hi s TV pro-gramme 
s : ‘Ki tchen Nightma re’ whe re 
he turns a round unde rpe r forming res - 
taurant s . Thi s TV s er ies i s a mas te r 
clas s in bus ines s , f ar and above of 
Dragons ’ Den or the Apprent ic e. 
Ramse y knows onl y too wel l tha t 
the growth and suc ces s of hi s res tau-rant 
s — and an y re s taurant — comes 
f rom repea t cus tome r s and word or 
mouth re commenda t ions . Thes e rec - 
ommendat ions can ei the r f rom cus - 
tomer s , journal i s t s or through the me - 
dia. He knows i t s about bui lding a 
brand, whe re the value s l ive up to the 
s tanda rd of excel lence. Not a brand in 
te rms of a logo, but values which cus - 
tomer s come to expec t f rom one of hi s 
res taurant s . 
I rec ent ly saw him turna round a 
res taurant in Ame r ic a, where the food 
was so poor and the s e rvi ce was so 
bad the cus tome r s would have no re a-son 
to come back and eve ry e at at that 
res taurant , and would have no reason 
to eve r re commend i t to anybod y el se. 
In fac t , the y would have eve ry rea - 
son to te l l thei r f r iends , f ami l y and 
col l eagues to s t a y awa y f rom tha t res - 
taurant . 
Thes e two pr inciples - - maximi s ing 
the l i fe t ime va lue of a cus tomer 
through repe at bu ying, and word of 
mouth market ing — a re c ent ral theme s 
of bus ines s owner thinking, and when 
eve ry emplo ye e and manage r in your 
organi s at ion under s tands that the 
Richard Parkes Cordock, explains what your 
front-line manager and key employee can learn 
from business-owner-thinking and why Gordon 
Ramsey is the perfect person to learn from! 
Gordon Ramsey: An insight into business-owner-thinking 
and lessons for all front-line managers and key employees
growth of your compan y comes out of 
these two ke y fac tor s , then aga in, 
eve ry dec i s ion has to be made wi th 
these two pr incipl es in mind. 
Would you s a y thi s i s the cas e in 
your own bus ines s? 
Are your emplo ye es and manage r s 
thinking through the i r ac t ions and 
consequences wi th your cus tomer s 
des i re to repe at bu y f rom you and 
re commend you to other s . 
Simpl y b y a sking the se two ques - 
t ions : ‘What ef fec t wi l l my act ions 
have on my cus tomer s wi l l ingnes s to 
come back and buy f rom us again”, 
and “what ef f ec t wi l l my deci s ion 
have on my cus tomer s de s i re to re c-ommend 
me to other s ’ , you are in-va 
r i abl y des t ined to the f ind r ight 
answer not onl y for your cus tome r s , 
but al so for the long- te rm growth of 
your compan y. 
3: Bus iness i s not about what you 
want —i t ’ s about what your cus-tomer 
want s. 
Ramse y knows ful l wel l that bus i - 
nes s i s al l about the cus tome r . I f you 
haven’ t got a cus tome r , i f you have-n’ 
t got dine r s in your res taurant , you 
haven’ t got a bus ine s s . 
Eve rything he does , he does be - 
cause he ca res for hi s cus tomer s . 
He want s hi s cus tome r s to have the 
memorable expe r i ence , the mos t ex-qui 
s i te food, in pe r fec t sur roundings . 
For al l the ego and PR which 
cle ar l y comes wi th Gordon Ramse y, i t 
i s s t i l l obvious that he does what he 
does for hi s cus tomer s who eat at hi s 
res taurant s . 
Man y t imes in hi s TV shows , wi l l 
he di smi s s pretent ious food which i s 
cle ar l y there for the ego of the chef , 
and repla ce i t wi th s impl e food which 
the cus tome r want s and enjoys . 
In the wor ld of bus ines s -owne r - 
thinking we demons t rate thi s focus on 
the cus tome r b y drawing a pyramid, 
whe re inva r iabl y in a t radi t iona l bus i - 
nes s s t ruc ture the l eade r ship i s a t the 
top, the te am i s below, and inherent l y 
the cus tome r i s at the bot tom. 
More of ten than not , the leader ship 
at the top i s a ctua l l y una l igned wi th 
the res t of the te am. 
One of the core theme s in bus i - 
nes s -owne r - thinking i s to inver t the 
pyramid and making sure eve rybody 
in the compan y unde r s t ands that bus i - 
nes s i s al l about the cus tome r , and 
therefore the cus tome r mus t be at the 
top of the p yramid. 
Long te rm sus tainabl e growth c an-not 
come f rom an y other wa y. 
I s thi s how the focus i s in your 
compan y? 
In too man y organi sa t ions manage - 
ment and emplo ye es c an t alk for 
hour s , but neve r rea l l y ment ion the 
cus tome r , or doing the r ight thing for 
them b y put t ing the i r needs f i r s t . 
The refore the compan y becomes 
ove r l y inward looking, ra ther than 
facing outwa rds towa rds the onl y 
thing whi ch ma t te r s , the cus tome r . 
4: I f your teams don’ t bel ieve, 
they won’ t be able to make your 
cus tomer bel ieve. I f your cus-tomer 
don’ t bel ieve in you, they 
won’ t buy f rom you! 
Ramse y i s a gre at people per son, 
and a gre at l eader of people. 
People respe ct him for hi s 
achi evement s in the cul inary wor ld, 
but al so i t i s evident that he i s able to 
ge t uni f i ed te ams working in ha rmon y 
towa rds a common goa l . 
That common goal i s out s tanding 
food, i s happy cus tomer s , i s smooth 
servic e, i s turning pa ying cus tome r s 
into pas s ionat e fans who to come 
back and ea t a t the res t aurant t ime 
and t ime aga in. 
In the va r ious ‘Ramse y’ s night - 
ma res ’ TV programmes that I ’ve se en, 
whe re he turns a round underpe r form-ing 
re s taurant s , he usual ly ha s to s ta r t 
f rom a ve ry low point , where the con-f 
idence and be l ief of the team i s a t a 
low ebb. 
Ramse y i s a mas t er of creat ing be - 
l ief in the team and e l iminat ing 
doubt . 
He knows tha t he cannot turn the 
res taurant by himse l f , and that the 
succe s s of the bus ines s i s in the 
hands of the emplo ye es and manage r s . 
I f he took al l the people out of the 
res taurant , he would be l ef t wi th 
nothing but empt y cha i r s and tabl es , 
and an un- s taf fed ki tchen which i s 
unable to se rve cus tomer s . He knows 
that i t i s a people bus ines s , and the 
succe s s of hi s res taurant s i s down to 
hi s abi l i t y to get the mos t f rom hi s 
manage r s , and hi s manager ’ s abi l i t y 
to get the mos t f rom thei r emplo ye es . 
He doe s thi s by giving them some - 
thing to be l ieve in, b y giving them a 
higher purpose , by giving them a di - 
re ct ion and making sure eve rybod y i s 
cle ar in what the y are doing in thei r 
role to cont r ibute towards the higher 
purpose of the compan y. 
In your own company, does every-body 
know what the higher purpose 
i s , and do the y be l ieve in i t? 
Thi s i s how ent repreneur s and 
bus ines s owne r s a chi eve the ext raor - 
dinary resul t s the y do, b y crea t ing 
some thing gre ate r than themselves 
that the res t of the te am can be l i eve 
in and s t r ive for . 
In our programme s where we te ach 
bus ines s -owner - thinking, one of the 
cent ra l themes i s c re at ing the be l i ef 
of the te ams around the higher goal s 
of the compan y. 
5: Innovat ion and change are the 
only way forward. Standing s t i l l i s 
not an opt ion 
Ramse y knows ful l wel l that s t and-ing 
s t i l l and doing the s ame thing as 
ye s te rda y i s usual l y a re c ipe for di s - 
as te r . 
In the companies he turns around, 
the onl y wa y forwa rd i s through inno-va 
t ion, crea t ivi ty and change. 
In the res t aurant bus ines s , thi s 
could s impl y be changing the menu, 
the t able cloths , the dé cor the name 
of the res t aurant , but impor tant l y, i t 
i s about not being af raid to change, 
and not res i s t ing change. 
I t was Da rwin who said ‘ that i t ’ s 
not he s t ronges t of f i t t es t who sur - 
vive, but those who a re mos t adapt - 
able to change’ . 
The mas t er s of change in my opin-ion, 
a re ent repreneur s . 
Mos t of the res taurant s Ramse y 
turns around in hi s TV programmes 
have fai led in the pas t to change and 
fai led to t ake act ion despi te nume rous 
wa rning s ignal s . 
I t ’ s only through entrepreneurial 
thinking, and only through the be - 
l ief and conf idenc e your employee s 
and managers that wi l l al low you to 
you can change, and that the 
changes you are making are for the 
good of your cus tome rs . 
Bel i ef and conf idenc e ne eds to be 
in the emplo ye es and manager s in 
your compan y. 
The fa ct i s that i t i s your emplo y-ees 
and manage r s who are clos es t to 
your cus tomer s , and i t i s therefore 
thei r ideas whi ch of ten have the 
gre ate s t va lue, bec ause of thei r con-s 
tant conta ct and int e ra ct ion wi th 
your cus tomer s . 
The y can s ee wha t ’ s working and 
what i sn’ t . 
You need however to give them the 
conf idenc e and permi s s ion to change 
and s t r ive for the highes t goa l s , to 
bui ld for the long t e rm, rathe r than 
jus t chas ing shor t te rm goal s . 
Of cour s e, the long- t erm – shor t 
te rm conundrum mus t be managed, 
but i f your focus i s a lways on the 
giving great e r value, a great expe r i - 
ence to the cus tome r , then the long 
te rm shor t te rm wi l l ul t ima te ly man-age 
i t se l f . 
6: You mus t know your market , 
and your cus tomer s just as wel l 
as you know your sel f 
Eve ry ent repreneur I ’ve eve r met and 
inte rviewed has unde r s tood thei r ma r - 
ke t be t te r than an ybod y e l se in the i r 
compan y. 
You can se e thi s demons t ra ted b y 
Ramse y in hi s programmes , as one of 
the f i r s t things he does when turning 
around a res t aurant i s to under s t and 
hi s compe t i t ion. 
He l i t eral l y wa lks up and down the 
high s t ree t and talks fac e - to- fac e wi th 
regul a r peopl e in the town to ask i f 
the y e at at the res taurant or wh y the y 
don’ t . 
He want s to know wha t they l ike 
and wha t they don’ t l ike. 
He get s close to hi s cus tome r s . I t ’ s 
only b y l i s t ening to cus tome r s can he 
come up wi th the changes and f ind 
hi s pos i t ion in the ma rke t , and f ind a 
voi ce which expl ains who he i s and 
what hi s res taurant i s , and why he i s 
di f ferent . 
I rec ent ly saw in one of hi s pro-gramme 
s a re s taurant in Ame r ic a who 
was s e rving ve ry middl e of the road 
food of the lowe s t s tanda rd. 
But s impl y b y taking a s t ep back, 
speaking to loc al cus tomer s and look-ing 
at othe r res t aurant s in town, i t 
became qui ckl y evident that there was 
no s teak hous e, and so a s imple over - 
night change, turned an underpe r -
forming los s making company into a 
new f resh, exci t ing and prof i table 
res taurant wi th no di re ct compet i t ion. 
Now you ma y not be able to do 
thi s in your company, and you ma y 
not have to make such a drama t i c 
change, but the answe r to the growth 
of your compan y i s wi thin your cus - 
tomer s , i t ’ s wi thin your emplo ye es 
and i t ’ s wi thin under s tanding your 
ma rke t pl ac e. 
I f you te ach and t rain your em-ploye 
es to think l ike bus ines s owner s , 
to be more re cept ive, to t ake a great - 
es t inte res t , to be more cur ious in 
thei r ma rke t , to take a great level of 
inte res t and pr ide, i t i s only natural 
that the y wi l l come up wi th new ide as 
which wi l l dr ive your compan y for - 
wa rd. 
I ’ l l leave point number 6 wi th a 
phras e f rom Paul Gorman, my own 
bus ines s mentor , “ideas are the coin 
of mind”. Simply put , i t i s your com-pany’ 
s abi l i t y to turn ide as into prod-uct 
s and se rvic es that your cus tome r s 
need and want whi ch wi l l keep your 
compan y growing. 
Your abi l i t y to do that i s down to 
your emplo ye es , i t i s down to them 
thinking and act ing l ike bus ines s - 
owne r s . 
7: Your success is 98% down to 
your own mindset . You mus t de-velop 
your manager s and em-ployees 
jus t as much as you de-velop 
your sel f . 
Ramse y has a cl as s i c ent repreneu-r 
i al bus ines s -owne r mindset . 
Minds et i s something I ’ve wr i t ten 
about much ove r the pa s t few ye a r s in 
my two books and var ious t raining 
cour s es . 
The t rai t s tha t s t and out in suc-ces 
s ful bus ines s owne r s a re pas s ion, 
bel i ef and red hot des i re ; the y a re 
courage, of not re l ying on luck, of 
having cl ea r goal s . . . of being pe r s i s - 
tent , of bounc ing back f rom fai lure 
and not being af raid to fa i l . 
The fa ct that Rams e y i s s t rong in 
al l of these a re as explains wh y he i s 
the suc ces s hi s i s . The re ma y we l l be 
super ior chef s to Rams e y ( I ’m not 
re al l y in a pos i t ion to judge thi s ) , but 
i f so, I doubt f ew wi l l e cl ipse Ram-se 
y, as i t i s minds et which dr ive s him 
forwa rd. 
In the res t aurant wor ld, there a re 
man y prot égé es , wi th Rams ey himse l f 
being a prot égé e of Marco Pie r re 
Whi te. 
In your compan y, i t i s almos t 
protégées of bus ines s -owner s you 
need who embody thi s ent repreneur ia l 
spi r i t . 
Thi s are not ent repreneur s them-selves 
, but are what I c al l Ent e rpr i se 
Le ade r s . 
The y are peopl e can dr ive your 
ente rpr i se forwa rd and are peopl e 
who can think, act and make de ci - 
s ions l ike bus ine s s owner s . 
The y are peopl e who sha re the pas - 
s ion, bel ief and des i re of ent repre - 
neur s . 
When you c re ate a ve r t ic al spine 
in your compan y wi th your ke y em-ploye 
Bring the entrepreneurial spirit of Gordon Ramsey to your key employees and managers 
es and manage r s a l l thinking, 
act ing and making de ci s ions l ike 
bus ines s owne r s… who have a highe r 
purpose to aim for , who inve r t the 
pyramid, you’ l l ve ry quickl y crea te 
an envi ronment of exc el l ent which 
people can bel i eve in. 
But wi thout ingra ining bus ines s - 
owne r - thinking de ep in your emplo y-ees 
who ask the ques t ion of them-selves 
‘what would I do i f thi s was my 
bus ines s ’ and ‘what would I e xpe ct to 
be done i f I was a cus tomer of thi s 
bus ines s ’ , you’ l l neve r a chieve the 
t rue potent ia l your company i s ce r - 
tainl y capabl e of . 
But asking those ques t ions , and 
answer r ing those ques t ions i s de - 
pendent on having the r ight people 
wi th the r ight mindset to del ive r re - 
sul t s . 
The s a ying that people ge t hi red 
for ski l l s but f i red for a t t i tude’ wi l l 
alwa ys be t rue. 
At t i tude and mindse t i s the di f fer - 
ence betwe en suc ces s and fai lure. I t 
i s an at t i tude of bel i ef and can do 
which i s ne eded in your ke y emplo y-ees 
and manage r s . Henry Ford was 
r ight when he sa id, ‘whether you be-l 
ieve you can, or you bel i eve you 
can’ t , you are r ight ’ . 
Man y compani es t alk about the 
word ent repreneur ship, but in of ten 
fear the word ent repreneur , be l ieving 
that ent repreneur ship i s about r i sk. 
I t i sn’ t , i t ’ s about resul t s , and 
achi eving ext raordina ry resul t s 
agains t a l l odds and wi th l i t t le or no 
resourc es , and who in bus ines s does - 
n’ t suf fer f rom a l ack of resourc es at 
some t ime. 
But I bel i eve that a bet t e r pos i t ion 
and a more pra ct i ca l and achi evabl e 
thing to a chi eve in companies i s a 
network of Ente rpr i se Le ade r s , or 
people who think and a ct l ike bus i - 
nes s owner s , who have conf idence in 
themse lves to think, ac t and make 
deci s ions l ike bus ines s owne r s . 
Thes e a re peopl e who inherent l y 
know that the succ es s of the bus ines s 
the y work for i s in thei r hands and 
thei r abi l i t y to inspi re those a round 
them to re ach for the same high s t an-dards 
and goal s . 
Our t raining programmes which 
include workshops , coaching s es s ions 
and e - le a rning/audio programme s a re 
des igned to c re at e wi thin a core nu-cleus 
of people in your compan y, 
bus ines s owne r thinking, so that you 
have the peopl e to take you whe re 
you want to go. 
Your abi l i t y to go f rom point A to 
point B res t s wi thin the hands of your 
In a compet i t ive envi ronment , the 
s ingle mos t impor tant fac tor which 
wi l l di f ferent iat es your compani es 
f rom othe r s wi l l alwa ys be your peo-ple. 
Think for a moment about two res - 
taurant s s ide, by s ide in the same 
s t reet se rving the s ame kind of food. 
One res taurant s impl y t rundles a long, 
lacking the spa rk, energy, idea s , 
imagina t ion and bel i ef and wi l l to do 
some thing di f fe rent . 
Emplo ye es and manager s in thi s 
res taurant ove r ove r l y focused on 
themse lves , at the expens e of the cus - 
tomer . 
Cons ide r now the s econd res tau-rant 
, whi ch i s ful l of ene rgy, pas s ion 
and exc i tement . Whe re people are 
proud of the food the y se rve, the at - 
mosphe re the y c rea te, the expe r ience 
the cus tome r has and whe re the cus - 
tomer longs to come back, and i s ea - 
ge r to te l l thei r f r iends about thei r 
me al . Res taurant s l ike Gordon Ram-se 
y’ s . 
The di f fe rence betwe en the two i s 
people and how the y think and ac t . 
I f you would l ike to thi s ene rgy to 
your compan y, thi s f reshnes s , i f 
you’d l ike to t rain your emplo ye es to 
think l ike bus ine s s -owne r s and turn 
them f rom emplo ye es into leader s 
who inspi re othe r s and se t new s tan-dards 
s impl y conta ct Richard Pa rkes 
Cordock at 
richard@ente rpri s eleaders . com or 
cal l 0207 558 8017 for an informal 
chat . 
www.enterpri s el eaders . com

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Gordon Ramsey: Business-owner lessons for managers

  • 1. SPECIAL ‘GORDON RAMSEY’ ENTERPRISE LEADER REPORT Seven Lessons In Business Owner Thinking For Your Front Line Managers and Key Employees Dea r Reader For the pa s t 5 ye a r s I ’ve been in-te rviewing, res ea rching and me et ing wi th some of the UK highes t a chi ev-ing ent repreneur s , bus ine s s owne r s and le ade r s to under s tand thei r mind-set , behaviour s and how they achieve the ext raordina ry resul t s the y do – of ten wi th l i t t l e or no resource s . Much of what I ’ve lea rnt I ’ve brought toge the r for the benef i t of companie s to t ea ch thei r employe e s what I cal l ‘bus ines s -owner - thinking’ . I ’m of t en a sked to def ine and ex-plain what bus ines s -owne r - thinking i s . The two word respons e I give i s : Gordon Ramsey. In i t sel f , thi s means very l i t t le, but in thi s ar t i cle I ’d l ike to give you seven re asons wh y Gordon Ramse y demons t rat es bus ines s -owne r - thinking at i t s pures t , and why i t i s impe rat ive that you t rain and deve lop your ke y employe e s and f ront l ine manage r s to think, a ct and make dec i s ions l ike bus ines s owne r s . Love or ha te Gordon Ramse y, he re are seven rea sons he i s the epi tome of bus ines s -owner - thinking. 1: The only standard to aim for in bus iness i s cel lence! The re i s no den ying tha t Gordon Ramse y has a chi eved exc el l ence and ma s te ry in hi s work. Being a 3 s t ar Mi chel in rat ed chef , he i s judged not only b y hi s cus - tomer s , but b y hi s pee r s and cul ina ry cr i - t iques . He i s un-deniabl y pas s ion-ate about hi s food and work, and the re i s onl y one s tandard he has ever set out to a chieve: exc el l enc e. In your bus ines s the s ame mus t be t rue , you mus t s t r ive for exce l lence to s tand above your compet i tor s as a rec - ogni s ed ma rke t l eade r . Only when you set a goal to be come marke t l eader in your indus t ry and eve ry a ct ion and deci s ion you take i s made wi th thi s s tanda rd in mind — b y eve ry em-ploye e, manage r and di re ctor — very quickl y wi l l you r i se to the top of your f ield and s t a y there. You’ l l be - come known in your indus t ry for your unf l inching resolve and commi tment to the highes t s tandard, jus t a Gordon Ramse y i s . 2:Maximni sng the l i fe t ime value of your cus tomer s , and harnes s-ing thei r word of mouth market ing WILL grow your bus ines s— guaranteed. My onl y exposure to Gordon Ram-se y i s through the TV and media, I have never pe r sonal l y me t him. I have hi s s eve ra l of hi s TV pro-gramme s : ‘Ki tchen Nightma re’ whe re he turns a round unde rpe r forming res - taurant s . Thi s TV s er ies i s a mas te r clas s in bus ines s , f ar and above of Dragons ’ Den or the Apprent ic e. Ramse y knows onl y too wel l tha t the growth and suc ces s of hi s res tau-rant s — and an y re s taurant — comes f rom repea t cus tome r s and word or mouth re commenda t ions . Thes e rec - ommendat ions can ei the r f rom cus - tomer s , journal i s t s or through the me - dia. He knows i t s about bui lding a brand, whe re the value s l ive up to the s tanda rd of excel lence. Not a brand in te rms of a logo, but values which cus - tomer s come to expec t f rom one of hi s res taurant s . I rec ent ly saw him turna round a res taurant in Ame r ic a, where the food was so poor and the s e rvi ce was so bad the cus tome r s would have no re a-son to come back and eve ry e at at that res taurant , and would have no reason to eve r re commend i t to anybod y el se. In fac t , the y would have eve ry rea - son to te l l thei r f r iends , f ami l y and col l eagues to s t a y awa y f rom tha t res - taurant . Thes e two pr inciples - - maximi s ing the l i fe t ime va lue of a cus tomer through repe at bu ying, and word of mouth market ing — a re c ent ral theme s of bus ines s owner thinking, and when eve ry emplo ye e and manage r in your organi s at ion under s tands that the Richard Parkes Cordock, explains what your front-line manager and key employee can learn from business-owner-thinking and why Gordon Ramsey is the perfect person to learn from! Gordon Ramsey: An insight into business-owner-thinking and lessons for all front-line managers and key employees
  • 2. growth of your compan y comes out of these two ke y fac tor s , then aga in, eve ry dec i s ion has to be made wi th these two pr incipl es in mind. Would you s a y thi s i s the cas e in your own bus ines s? Are your emplo ye es and manage r s thinking through the i r ac t ions and consequences wi th your cus tomer s des i re to repe at bu y f rom you and re commend you to other s . Simpl y b y a sking the se two ques - t ions : ‘What ef fec t wi l l my act ions have on my cus tomer s wi l l ingnes s to come back and buy f rom us again”, and “what ef f ec t wi l l my deci s ion have on my cus tomer s de s i re to re c-ommend me to other s ’ , you are in-va r i abl y des t ined to the f ind r ight answer not onl y for your cus tome r s , but al so for the long- te rm growth of your compan y. 3: Bus iness i s not about what you want —i t ’ s about what your cus-tomer want s. Ramse y knows ful l wel l that bus i - nes s i s al l about the cus tome r . I f you haven’ t got a cus tome r , i f you have-n’ t got dine r s in your res taurant , you haven’ t got a bus ine s s . Eve rything he does , he does be - cause he ca res for hi s cus tomer s . He want s hi s cus tome r s to have the memorable expe r i ence , the mos t ex-qui s i te food, in pe r fec t sur roundings . For al l the ego and PR which cle ar l y comes wi th Gordon Ramse y, i t i s s t i l l obvious that he does what he does for hi s cus tomer s who eat at hi s res taurant s . Man y t imes in hi s TV shows , wi l l he di smi s s pretent ious food which i s cle ar l y there for the ego of the chef , and repla ce i t wi th s impl e food which the cus tome r want s and enjoys . In the wor ld of bus ines s -owne r - thinking we demons t rate thi s focus on the cus tome r b y drawing a pyramid, whe re inva r iabl y in a t radi t iona l bus i - nes s s t ruc ture the l eade r ship i s a t the top, the te am i s below, and inherent l y the cus tome r i s at the bot tom. More of ten than not , the leader ship at the top i s a ctua l l y una l igned wi th the res t of the te am. One of the core theme s in bus i - nes s -owne r - thinking i s to inver t the pyramid and making sure eve rybody in the compan y unde r s t ands that bus i - nes s i s al l about the cus tome r , and therefore the cus tome r mus t be at the top of the p yramid. Long te rm sus tainabl e growth c an-not come f rom an y other wa y. I s thi s how the focus i s in your compan y? In too man y organi sa t ions manage - ment and emplo ye es c an t alk for hour s , but neve r rea l l y ment ion the cus tome r , or doing the r ight thing for them b y put t ing the i r needs f i r s t . The refore the compan y becomes ove r l y inward looking, ra ther than facing outwa rds towa rds the onl y thing whi ch ma t te r s , the cus tome r . 4: I f your teams don’ t bel ieve, they won’ t be able to make your cus tomer bel ieve. I f your cus-tomer don’ t bel ieve in you, they won’ t buy f rom you! Ramse y i s a gre at people per son, and a gre at l eader of people. People respe ct him for hi s achi evement s in the cul inary wor ld, but al so i t i s evident that he i s able to ge t uni f i ed te ams working in ha rmon y towa rds a common goa l . That common goal i s out s tanding food, i s happy cus tomer s , i s smooth servic e, i s turning pa ying cus tome r s into pas s ionat e fans who to come back and ea t a t the res t aurant t ime and t ime aga in. In the va r ious ‘Ramse y’ s night - ma res ’ TV programmes that I ’ve se en, whe re he turns a round underpe r form-ing re s taurant s , he usual ly ha s to s ta r t f rom a ve ry low point , where the con-f idence and be l ief of the team i s a t a low ebb. Ramse y i s a mas t er of creat ing be - l ief in the team and e l iminat ing doubt . He knows tha t he cannot turn the res taurant by himse l f , and that the succe s s of the bus ines s i s in the hands of the emplo ye es and manage r s . I f he took al l the people out of the res taurant , he would be l ef t wi th nothing but empt y cha i r s and tabl es , and an un- s taf fed ki tchen which i s unable to se rve cus tomer s . He knows that i t i s a people bus ines s , and the succe s s of hi s res taurant s i s down to hi s abi l i t y to get the mos t f rom hi s manage r s , and hi s manager ’ s abi l i t y to get the mos t f rom thei r emplo ye es . He doe s thi s by giving them some - thing to be l ieve in, b y giving them a higher purpose , by giving them a di - re ct ion and making sure eve rybod y i s cle ar in what the y are doing in thei r role to cont r ibute towards the higher purpose of the compan y. In your own company, does every-body know what the higher purpose i s , and do the y be l ieve in i t? Thi s i s how ent repreneur s and bus ines s owne r s a chi eve the ext raor - dinary resul t s the y do, b y crea t ing some thing gre ate r than themselves that the res t of the te am can be l i eve in and s t r ive for . In our programme s where we te ach bus ines s -owner - thinking, one of the cent ra l themes i s c re at ing the be l i ef of the te ams around the higher goal s of the compan y. 5: Innovat ion and change are the only way forward. Standing s t i l l i s not an opt ion Ramse y knows ful l wel l that s t and-ing s t i l l and doing the s ame thing as ye s te rda y i s usual l y a re c ipe for di s - as te r . In the companies he turns around, the onl y wa y forwa rd i s through inno-va t ion, crea t ivi ty and change. In the res t aurant bus ines s , thi s could s impl y be changing the menu, the t able cloths , the dé cor the name of the res t aurant , but impor tant l y, i t i s about not being af raid to change, and not res i s t ing change. I t was Da rwin who said ‘ that i t ’ s not he s t ronges t of f i t t es t who sur - vive, but those who a re mos t adapt - able to change’ . The mas t er s of change in my opin-ion, a re ent repreneur s . Mos t of the res taurant s Ramse y turns around in hi s TV programmes have fai led in the pas t to change and fai led to t ake act ion despi te nume rous wa rning s ignal s . I t ’ s only through entrepreneurial thinking, and only through the be - l ief and conf idenc e your employee s and managers that wi l l al low you to you can change, and that the changes you are making are for the good of your cus tome rs . Bel i ef and conf idenc e ne eds to be in the emplo ye es and manager s in your compan y. The fa ct i s that i t i s your emplo y-ees and manage r s who are clos es t to your cus tomer s , and i t i s therefore thei r ideas whi ch of ten have the gre ate s t va lue, bec ause of thei r con-s tant conta ct and int e ra ct ion wi th your cus tomer s . The y can s ee wha t ’ s working and what i sn’ t . You need however to give them the conf idenc e and permi s s ion to change and s t r ive for the highes t goa l s , to bui ld for the long t e rm, rathe r than jus t chas ing shor t te rm goal s . Of cour s e, the long- t erm – shor t te rm conundrum mus t be managed, but i f your focus i s a lways on the giving great e r value, a great expe r i - ence to the cus tome r , then the long te rm shor t te rm wi l l ul t ima te ly man-age i t se l f . 6: You mus t know your market , and your cus tomer s just as wel l as you know your sel f Eve ry ent repreneur I ’ve eve r met and inte rviewed has unde r s tood thei r ma r - ke t be t te r than an ybod y e l se in the i r compan y. You can se e thi s demons t ra ted b y Ramse y in hi s programmes , as one of the f i r s t things he does when turning around a res t aurant i s to under s t and hi s compe t i t ion. He l i t eral l y wa lks up and down the high s t ree t and talks fac e - to- fac e wi th regul a r peopl e in the town to ask i f the y e at at the res taurant or wh y the y don’ t . He want s to know wha t they l ike and wha t they don’ t l ike. He get s close to hi s cus tome r s . I t ’ s only b y l i s t ening to cus tome r s can he come up wi th the changes and f ind hi s pos i t ion in the ma rke t , and f ind a voi ce which expl ains who he i s and what hi s res taurant i s , and why he i s di f ferent . I rec ent ly saw in one of hi s pro-gramme s a re s taurant in Ame r ic a who was s e rving ve ry middl e of the road food of the lowe s t s tanda rd. But s impl y b y taking a s t ep back, speaking to loc al cus tomer s and look-ing at othe r res t aurant s in town, i t became qui ckl y evident that there was no s teak hous e, and so a s imple over - night change, turned an underpe r -
  • 3. forming los s making company into a new f resh, exci t ing and prof i table res taurant wi th no di re ct compet i t ion. Now you ma y not be able to do thi s in your company, and you ma y not have to make such a drama t i c change, but the answe r to the growth of your compan y i s wi thin your cus - tomer s , i t ’ s wi thin your emplo ye es and i t ’ s wi thin under s tanding your ma rke t pl ac e. I f you te ach and t rain your em-ploye es to think l ike bus ines s owner s , to be more re cept ive, to t ake a great - es t inte res t , to be more cur ious in thei r ma rke t , to take a great level of inte res t and pr ide, i t i s only natural that the y wi l l come up wi th new ide as which wi l l dr ive your compan y for - wa rd. I ’ l l leave point number 6 wi th a phras e f rom Paul Gorman, my own bus ines s mentor , “ideas are the coin of mind”. Simply put , i t i s your com-pany’ s abi l i t y to turn ide as into prod-uct s and se rvic es that your cus tome r s need and want whi ch wi l l keep your compan y growing. Your abi l i t y to do that i s down to your emplo ye es , i t i s down to them thinking and act ing l ike bus ines s - owne r s . 7: Your success is 98% down to your own mindset . You mus t de-velop your manager s and em-ployees jus t as much as you de-velop your sel f . Ramse y has a cl as s i c ent repreneu-r i al bus ines s -owne r mindset . Minds et i s something I ’ve wr i t ten about much ove r the pa s t few ye a r s in my two books and var ious t raining cour s es . The t rai t s tha t s t and out in suc-ces s ful bus ines s owne r s a re pas s ion, bel i ef and red hot des i re ; the y a re courage, of not re l ying on luck, of having cl ea r goal s . . . of being pe r s i s - tent , of bounc ing back f rom fai lure and not being af raid to fa i l . The fa ct that Rams e y i s s t rong in al l of these a re as explains wh y he i s the suc ces s hi s i s . The re ma y we l l be super ior chef s to Rams e y ( I ’m not re al l y in a pos i t ion to judge thi s ) , but i f so, I doubt f ew wi l l e cl ipse Ram-se y, as i t i s minds et which dr ive s him forwa rd. In the res t aurant wor ld, there a re man y prot égé es , wi th Rams ey himse l f being a prot égé e of Marco Pie r re Whi te. In your compan y, i t i s almos t protégées of bus ines s -owner s you need who embody thi s ent repreneur ia l spi r i t . Thi s are not ent repreneur s them-selves , but are what I c al l Ent e rpr i se Le ade r s . The y are peopl e can dr ive your ente rpr i se forwa rd and are peopl e who can think, act and make de ci - s ions l ike bus ine s s owner s . The y are peopl e who sha re the pas - s ion, bel ief and des i re of ent repre - neur s . When you c re ate a ve r t ic al spine in your compan y wi th your ke y em-ploye Bring the entrepreneurial spirit of Gordon Ramsey to your key employees and managers es and manage r s a l l thinking, act ing and making de ci s ions l ike bus ines s owne r s… who have a highe r purpose to aim for , who inve r t the pyramid, you’ l l ve ry quickl y crea te an envi ronment of exc el l ent which people can bel i eve in. But wi thout ingra ining bus ines s - owne r - thinking de ep in your emplo y-ees who ask the ques t ion of them-selves ‘what would I do i f thi s was my bus ines s ’ and ‘what would I e xpe ct to be done i f I was a cus tomer of thi s bus ines s ’ , you’ l l neve r a chieve the t rue potent ia l your company i s ce r - tainl y capabl e of . But asking those ques t ions , and answer r ing those ques t ions i s de - pendent on having the r ight people wi th the r ight mindset to del ive r re - sul t s . The s a ying that people ge t hi red for ski l l s but f i red for a t t i tude’ wi l l alwa ys be t rue. At t i tude and mindse t i s the di f fer - ence betwe en suc ces s and fai lure. I t i s an at t i tude of bel i ef and can do which i s ne eded in your ke y emplo y-ees and manage r s . Henry Ford was r ight when he sa id, ‘whether you be-l ieve you can, or you bel i eve you can’ t , you are r ight ’ . ++++++++++++++++++ Man y compani es t alk about the word ent repreneur ship, but in of ten fear the word ent repreneur , be l ieving that ent repreneur ship i s about r i sk. I t i sn’ t , i t ’ s about resul t s , and achi eving ext raordina ry resul t s agains t a l l odds and wi th l i t t le or no resourc es , and who in bus ines s does - n’ t suf fer f rom a l ack of resourc es at some t ime. But I bel i eve that a bet t e r pos i t ion and a more pra ct i ca l and achi evabl e thing to a chi eve in companies i s a network of Ente rpr i se Le ade r s , or people who think and a ct l ike bus i - nes s owner s , who have conf idence in themse lves to think, ac t and make deci s ions l ike bus ines s owne r s . Thes e a re peopl e who inherent l y know that the succ es s of the bus ines s the y work for i s in thei r hands and thei r abi l i t y to inspi re those a round them to re ach for the same high s t an-dards and goal s . Our t raining programmes which include workshops , coaching s es s ions and e - le a rning/audio programme s a re des igned to c re at e wi thin a core nu-cleus of people in your compan y, bus ines s owne r thinking, so that you have the peopl e to take you whe re you want to go. Your abi l i t y to go f rom point A to point B res t s wi thin the hands of your people. In a compet i t ive envi ronment , the s ingle mos t impor tant fac tor which wi l l di f ferent iat es your compani es f rom othe r s wi l l alwa ys be your peo-ple. Think for a moment about two res - taurant s s ide, by s ide in the same s t reet se rving the s ame kind of food. One res taurant s impl y t rundles a long, lacking the spa rk, energy, idea s , imagina t ion and bel i ef and wi l l to do some thing di f fe rent . Emplo ye es and manager s in thi s res taurant ove r ove r l y focused on themse lves , at the expens e of the cus - tomer . Cons ide r now the s econd res tau-rant , whi ch i s ful l of ene rgy, pas s ion and exc i tement . Whe re people are proud of the food the y se rve, the at - mosphe re the y c rea te, the expe r ience the cus tome r has and whe re the cus - tomer longs to come back, and i s ea - ge r to te l l thei r f r iends about thei r me al . Res taurant s l ike Gordon Ram-se y’ s . The di f fe rence betwe en the two i s people and how the y think and ac t . I f you would l ike to thi s ene rgy to your compan y, thi s f reshnes s , i f you’d l ike to t rain your emplo ye es to think l ike bus ine s s -owne r s and turn them f rom emplo ye es into leader s who inspi re othe r s and se t new s tan-dards s impl y conta ct Richard Pa rkes Cordock at richard@ente rpri s eleaders . com or cal l 0207 558 8017 for an informal chat . www.enterpri s el eaders . com