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Volume 1, Issue 9
March 2012
Masters of International Business
Centre for management Studies
                                                          BUSINESS LETTER
Jamia Millia Islamia University

                                    Microfinance: An Effective Tool to Eradicate Poverty
                                    The Reserve Bank of India         various ways how such ser-       member of the group (usually
                                    (RBI) defines microfinance        vices can assist low income      a manageable number of
                                    as “the provision of thrift,      people will be discussed         about five) is liable if one or
                                    credit and other financial        demonstrating that even the      more members default on the
                                    services and products of very     poorest can benefit from the     loan. The joint liability serves
                                    small amounts to the poorer       provision of small loans. This   as collateral, since even if an
                                    in rural, semi-urban and ur-      is a view that is still ques-    individual project fails and
                                    ban areas for enabling them       tioned in the academia.          some of the borrowers are
                                    to raise their income levels                                       unable to pay, the group as a
                                    and improve their living          India has been a forefront       whole might still manage the
                                    standards.”                       participant in using micro-      debt. In economic terms, this
                                    Microfinance has emerged as       finance as a tool of poverty     also cuts down on the need
                                    a needful programme to the        alleviation as microfinance is   for the bank to monitor its
                                    needs of the most underprivi-     used both by government and      borrowers, since the borrow-
                                    leged people. The concern         Reserve Bank of India as a       ers will have the incentive to
                                    over today is ever increasing     means for poverty alleviation    monitor themselves. One
                                    poverty and there is an urgent    with credit support from the     clear advantage to putting
                                    need of empowering, ena-          banking system. RBI and          borrowers into groups is that
                                    bling the most neglected sec-     NABARD regulate the micro-       it creates a support group
                                    tions of the society through      finance operations of the        mechanism.The major chal-
                                    organized support to all pov-     banking sector as a part of      lenge faced by the Micro-
                                    erty alleviation programmes.      their overall banking opera-     finance Institutions (MFIs) is
                                    Considering the paucity of        tions. The informal group        the higher interest rates
                                    funds with poor people, the       lending in India started in      charged on loans. In order for
                                    need of the hour is to provide    1986-87 when the NABARD          microfinance institutions to
                                    adequate credit to the needy      supported and funded an ac-      remain viable, in large part
                                    people to enable them to un-      tion research project on         due to high administrative
Inside this issue:                  dertake entrepreneurial activi-   „Saving and Credit Manage-       costs associated with small
                                    ty.                               ment of Self-Help Group‟s.       loans, they either need to be
                                                                      The large numbers of wom-        heavily subsidized or to
Corporate Speaks            2       The concept of providing          en‟s organizations like, SE-     charge relatively high interest
                                    financial services to low in-     WA (Self Employed Wom-           rates. While on the surface,
                                    come people is much older         en‟s Association), Working       this appears contrary to the
News Bits                   3       than still believed by many       Women‟s Forum (WWF) etc          operating objectives of micro-
                                    development       practitioners   were also involved in micro-     finance (or, at the very least,
                                    and bankers around the            finance activities.One feature   of poverty relief), it should be
Inside Consumer Mind        3       world. This is important since    common to many microcredit       emphasized that while interest
                                    it underlines the contribution    programs is that loans are       rates of 30 percent, 50 per-
                                    that microfinance institutions    only offered to small groups     cent,
Quote for the Month         4       (MFIs) can make to the de-        of people, not to individuals.
                                    velopment of the financial        Each member of the peer                      Cont…..on Page 4
                                    sector in their respective        group has his or her own
                                    countries. Subsequently the       business plan, but every
Page 2                                                                                                                              Mi`bytes

                              CORPORATE SPEAK
                              Mr. Kaushik Chattopadhyay
                              Godfrey Phillips

                              Q1. What are the different risks which you face in domestic and international market?
                              A. Risks in domestic market are different from risks in international market. For instance in domestic busi-
                              ness the major risk might be government rules and regulation whereas in international market primary risk
                              for us is currency fluctuation but we keep Gross Margin Contribution (GMC) at a reasonable level to mini-
                              mise the same. Another important risk which we face is Credit Risk, although ECGC takes care of this risk,
                              but still we cannot give credit to every market. For Example Europe Banking is strong and our Letter of
                              Credit is pretty safe but in Africa it is risky to work even on Letter of credit which is considered as one the
                              safest method of making payment, as banks have gone bankrupt in Africa. Economic sanctions and political
                              instability are other risks which we face in international market.

                              Q 2.How do you promote your Brands as cigarette is injurious to health?
                              A. No doubt, there are lot of restrictions in this trade because of the product having a negative connotation
                              attached to it, however it provides new challenges for the business manager to adapt to. In India there is a
                              Law COTPA (Cigarette and other tobacco Prohibited Act) which bans media advertising. So the only point
                              of advertising we are left with is the point of sales like Kirana stores and Pan shops that too with POS mate-
                              rial. In international Market there is a provision called FCTC which is a framework which restricts the con-
                              sumption of tobacco products worldwide. We respect the same and believe that smokers make a conscious
                              decision to smoke and should not be incited to do the same. We take care to modify our Product & promo-
                              tional practices complying with the same. Marketing of Cigarette though difficult have now moved the
                              concept from the customer to the Intermediaries in the channel. Trade marketing is a key now a day to en-
                              hance market share. With respect to Consumer marketing sampling of new products and attractive POP
                              materials along with merchandise in certain markets are still allowed. ATL have been literally wiped out as
                              a marketing tool for us, though bill boarding is still allowed in certain countries like Tanzania.
                              Because of these restriction companies have to be dynamic in their approach and need to think out of the
                              Box to adapt and develop market.

                              Q3. What are the current changes in the market environment, which will impact Godfrey Phillips India
                              business globally?
                              A. There has been a recent development where people are getting inquisitive about ethics of tobacco prod-
                              ucts including cigarette. As people will get more empowered and knowledgeable then they will take a con-
                              scious decision, so i think cigarette consumption will decrease over a period of time but will not fall drasti-
“Marketing of tobacco         cally as it is an addictive product. Consequently industry will hit a mark where it will become stagnant and
                              competition will be fierce given that rules and regulations also change at a drastic pace. The companies
    is difficult ”            which are able to adapt would rule the roost.

                              Q4. Which market do you see as potential market for your product?
                              A. Europe and North America are on slide because of rules and regulations and consumer empowerment. In
                              Africa & Latin American markets which are key markets for us we have seen a sudden spurt in demand of
                              cheap and poor quality cigarettes. We want to provide an affordable but a quality product to those custom-
                              ers. At the same time to cater to markets in developed countries our packaging plays a major role because it
                              shows a premium image of the product. We at Godfrey Phillips are adept in catering to the needs of our
                              South-East Asia is on the rise because lots of illicit cigarette follow route of South-East Asia to make in-
                              roads into European and North American market.
“100 of the Fortune 500
companies have R&D in In-     Q5. How do you overcome cultural barriers while promoting your brand?
                              A. First of all the brand name is chosen as such that it does not offend the feeling of any sect or religion. For
dia ”                         instance, in South Africa majority of the population is black but majority of consumers are white so while
                              targeting the segment a thorough market research is done on that segment‟s believe and practices so we do
                              not offend any of their cultural practice. For e.g Soccer is the most popular sport in Africa and companies
                              take note of the same in order to carve out new Cigarette package. Also colors are used as per the lifestyle
“India is among 4 countries   of the customers. Flashy colours are accepted in Africa whereas in Developed countries packaging need to
                              carry a royal image.
that make Supercomputers”
                              Q6. What will be your advice to international business students from Jamia Millia Islamia?
                              A6. First of all come with fresh mind and with a sense of adaptability as you will be in foreign territory
                              frequently and you might face cultural or a social barrier and Best of luck for your future.
Volume 1, Issue 9                                                                                                            Page 3

What won‟t retailers do to understand what consumers want, and how to lure them? They‟ve left no
stone unturned in unraveling this mystery. They have quizzed consumers, asked them to fill out
forms, tracked them inside the shop and used mounds of point-of-sale data to figure them out better.
Now, the highest science employed in the pursuit of understanding man is coming to the aid of retail-
Welcome to the world of „neuromarketing‟. Coined in 2002 by Ale Smidts, a professor of marketing
research at Rotterdam School of Management, the term simply means studying a consumer‟s brain
activity and examining its responses to various stimuli. It‟s about researchers using advanced technol-
ogy, like functional magnetic resonance imaging, to understand why a consumer decides the way she
decides. Or using sensors to figure out how heartbeats respond when a buyer decides to spend her
hard-earned money on a brand.
The Subconscious Play
 “Neuromarketing excels at diving to the subconscious level, where as much as 95% of all decisions
are made,” says AK Pradeep, founder of neuromarketing research firm NeuroFocus. “The subcon-
scious level is where critical marketing objectives, such as initial product or service interest, purchase
intent and brand loyalty, are formed.” So measuring at that level makes sense.
NeuroFocus, set up in 2005, tries to do precisely that. “They [companies] can test their brands, prod-
ucts, packaging designs, in-store marketing and advertising,” says Pradeep. “They can test their in-
vestor relations, human resource materials and the effectiveness of their spokespersons, and they can
test all the things that their competitors have as well. And much more.”
A case Pradeep narrates is of a financial services client, which gave NeuroFocus six print ads and
asked the firm to determine which was the most effective. Pradeep and his team zeroed in on the one,
based on “how consumers responded at the subconscious level.” He recalls, “When I presented our
findings to the company‟s management, they told me that our winner had only been rated as
„mediocre‟ at best by the conventional research techniques.” But NeuroFocus still clinched the ac-
count. Here‟s how: “They quickly added that, to their great surprise, the ad we picked had actually
made their call centres receive a record number of inquiries from consumers.”
One of the courses Baba Shiv, Professor of Marketing, Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaches
is called „The Frinky Science of the Mind.‟ Well, he too confirms, “It‟s all happening at the instinc-
tive level, not at the rational level.”
Shiv shares an example from one of his pet themes—how perceptions about price and quality play out               “70% FMCG
in the real world: in the US, when Toyota launched its Corolla in 1984, it was a spitting image of
GM‟s Geo. The same production line churned out both the cars, only the badges were different. Says            purchase decisions
Shiv, “When JD Power and Associates conducted a survey after three years and asked consumers
what problems they had with these cars, the people reported more problems with the GM Geo than
                                                                                                               are made at their
with Toyota Corolla.” In the eyes of the public, Toyota was a better brand and could do no wrong,
whereas GM manufactured cars for rough use. It had to do with the “perception” of Toyota being a
superior brand that led to people reporting fewer problems with its cars.
Toward Awareness
A couple of questions arise. One, are the traditional market research techniques still relevant? Pradeep
says they do have a role. “For example, they can be helpful in getting at answers to factual questions.
The conscious mind can deliver that information fairly readily.”
Two, what hurdles is micromarketing facing? Education, Pradeep says. He spends a lot of time travel-
ling across the world making presentations about the potential of neuromarketing. NeuroFocus is now
present in the UK, Europe, Latin America and Asia too. Pradeep‟s book The Buying Brain is an at-
tempt to make people more aware of this tool. Indeed, the industry is seeing more action in this
sphere. Apart from Pradeep‟s works, there has been Martin Lindstrom‟s Buyology and Amazon lists
61 books on the subject. Not surprisingly, the developed world has taken to neuromarketing more
swiftly than the other nations (see: Getting A Toehold In India). Even in 2004, there was a much-
publicised „blind taste test‟ involving Coke and Pepsi, wherein cola drinks were offered to subjects
without revealing the brand name to them. Half of the subjects chose Pepsi—it produces a “stronger
response” in the brain, as Wikipedia puts it. In reality, Pepsi has far less than half the market. Coke
scores for reasons other than taste.
Now, neuroscience research firms abound—so that the industry is wondering how to unify stand-
ards—and have started enlisting experts to get a competitive edge in the market. All with the hope
that they can, finally, understand the consumer!
                                                                                              Deepak Goel
                                                                                        Business Journalist

                                          Quote For the Month
  Phone: 9891984210, 9871858982

                                                                                                         -Steve Jobs

                                         MICRO FINANCE

 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:                        Cont...from page 1
                                         or more appear exorbitantly        problems mutually.
                                         high, they are quite low com-
                                         pared to its alternative, the                   By-Luthufi M
                                         traditional informal sector                   MA (HRM), JMI
 STUDENT EDITORS:                        lending, which is usually
                                         dominated by local elites.
 SOOBIAN AHMED                           And the high rates are neces-
 NAMITA DHAMANI                          sary, given the fact that there
 SAHIL BHAT                              are always overhead costs and
                                         transaction costs, and transac-
                                         tion costs must accurately
                                         reflect risk.
                                         Microfinance provides an
                                         ambience for economic de-
                                         velopment through mutual
                                         cooperation between the
                                         members. It is build up on the
                                         framework of cooperative
                                         system which includes mutual
                                         help, identical needs, member
                                         based ownership and legal
                                         status. It promotes the partici-
                                         patory finance (interest free),
                                         risk sharing, profit sharing,
                                         and manufacturing and pro-
                                         duction of need based prod-
                                         ucts. It inculcates a culture of
                                         daily deposits and strengthens
                                         the economic condition of the
                                         members. Moreover they are
                                         being trained and consulted
                                         by the MFIs regularly and set
                                         a mechanism for solving the

                                      For Previous Editions Pleases Visit

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Mibytes March 2012 Edition

  • 1. Volume 1, Issue 9 March 2012 Mi`bytes Masters of International Business Centre for management Studies BUSINESS LETTER Jamia Millia Islamia University Microfinance: An Effective Tool to Eradicate Poverty The Reserve Bank of India various ways how such ser- member of the group (usually (RBI) defines microfinance vices can assist low income a manageable number of as “the provision of thrift, people will be discussed about five) is liable if one or credit and other financial demonstrating that even the more members default on the services and products of very poorest can benefit from the loan. The joint liability serves small amounts to the poorer provision of small loans. This as collateral, since even if an in rural, semi-urban and ur- is a view that is still ques- individual project fails and ban areas for enabling them tioned in the academia. some of the borrowers are to raise their income levels unable to pay, the group as a and improve their living India has been a forefront whole might still manage the standards.” participant in using micro- debt. In economic terms, this Microfinance has emerged as finance as a tool of poverty also cuts down on the need a needful programme to the alleviation as microfinance is for the bank to monitor its needs of the most underprivi- used both by government and borrowers, since the borrow- leged people. The concern Reserve Bank of India as a ers will have the incentive to over today is ever increasing means for poverty alleviation monitor themselves. One poverty and there is an urgent with credit support from the clear advantage to putting need of empowering, ena- banking system. RBI and borrowers into groups is that bling the most neglected sec- NABARD regulate the micro- it creates a support group tions of the society through finance operations of the mechanism.The major chal- organized support to all pov- banking sector as a part of lenge faced by the Micro- erty alleviation programmes. their overall banking opera- finance Institutions (MFIs) is Considering the paucity of tions. The informal group the higher interest rates funds with poor people, the lending in India started in charged on loans. In order for need of the hour is to provide 1986-87 when the NABARD microfinance institutions to adequate credit to the needy supported and funded an ac- remain viable, in large part people to enable them to un- tion research project on due to high administrative Inside this issue: dertake entrepreneurial activi- „Saving and Credit Manage- costs associated with small ty. ment of Self-Help Group‟s. loans, they either need to be The large numbers of wom- heavily subsidized or to Corporate Speaks 2 The concept of providing en‟s organizations like, SE- charge relatively high interest financial services to low in- WA (Self Employed Wom- rates. While on the surface, come people is much older en‟s Association), Working this appears contrary to the News Bits 3 than still believed by many Women‟s Forum (WWF) etc operating objectives of micro- development practitioners were also involved in micro- finance (or, at the very least, and bankers around the finance activities.One feature of poverty relief), it should be Inside Consumer Mind 3 world. This is important since common to many microcredit emphasized that while interest it underlines the contribution programs is that loans are rates of 30 percent, 50 per- that microfinance institutions only offered to small groups cent, Quote for the Month 4 (MFIs) can make to the de- of people, not to individuals. velopment of the financial Each member of the peer Cont…..on Page 4 sector in their respective group has his or her own countries. Subsequently the business plan, but every
  • 2. Page 2 Mi`bytes CORPORATE SPEAK Mr. Kaushik Chattopadhyay ITD Godfrey Phillips Q1. What are the different risks which you face in domestic and international market? A. Risks in domestic market are different from risks in international market. For instance in domestic busi- ness the major risk might be government rules and regulation whereas in international market primary risk for us is currency fluctuation but we keep Gross Margin Contribution (GMC) at a reasonable level to mini- mise the same. Another important risk which we face is Credit Risk, although ECGC takes care of this risk, but still we cannot give credit to every market. For Example Europe Banking is strong and our Letter of Credit is pretty safe but in Africa it is risky to work even on Letter of credit which is considered as one the safest method of making payment, as banks have gone bankrupt in Africa. Economic sanctions and political instability are other risks which we face in international market. Q 2.How do you promote your Brands as cigarette is injurious to health? A. No doubt, there are lot of restrictions in this trade because of the product having a negative connotation attached to it, however it provides new challenges for the business manager to adapt to. In India there is a Law COTPA (Cigarette and other tobacco Prohibited Act) which bans media advertising. So the only point of advertising we are left with is the point of sales like Kirana stores and Pan shops that too with POS mate- rial. In international Market there is a provision called FCTC which is a framework which restricts the con- sumption of tobacco products worldwide. We respect the same and believe that smokers make a conscious decision to smoke and should not be incited to do the same. We take care to modify our Product & promo- tional practices complying with the same. Marketing of Cigarette though difficult have now moved the concept from the customer to the Intermediaries in the channel. Trade marketing is a key now a day to en- hance market share. With respect to Consumer marketing sampling of new products and attractive POP materials along with merchandise in certain markets are still allowed. ATL have been literally wiped out as a marketing tool for us, though bill boarding is still allowed in certain countries like Tanzania. Because of these restriction companies have to be dynamic in their approach and need to think out of the Box to adapt and develop market. Q3. What are the current changes in the market environment, which will impact Godfrey Phillips India business globally? A. There has been a recent development where people are getting inquisitive about ethics of tobacco prod- ucts including cigarette. As people will get more empowered and knowledgeable then they will take a con- scious decision, so i think cigarette consumption will decrease over a period of time but will not fall drasti- “Marketing of tobacco cally as it is an addictive product. Consequently industry will hit a mark where it will become stagnant and competition will be fierce given that rules and regulations also change at a drastic pace. The companies is difficult ” which are able to adapt would rule the roost. Q4. Which market do you see as potential market for your product? A. Europe and North America are on slide because of rules and regulations and consumer empowerment. In Africa & Latin American markets which are key markets for us we have seen a sudden spurt in demand of cheap and poor quality cigarettes. We want to provide an affordable but a quality product to those custom- ers. At the same time to cater to markets in developed countries our packaging plays a major role because it shows a premium image of the product. We at Godfrey Phillips are adept in catering to the needs of our customer. South-East Asia is on the rise because lots of illicit cigarette follow route of South-East Asia to make in- roads into European and North American market. “100 of the Fortune 500 companies have R&D in In- Q5. How do you overcome cultural barriers while promoting your brand? A. First of all the brand name is chosen as such that it does not offend the feeling of any sect or religion. For dia ” instance, in South Africa majority of the population is black but majority of consumers are white so while targeting the segment a thorough market research is done on that segment‟s believe and practices so we do not offend any of their cultural practice. For e.g Soccer is the most popular sport in Africa and companies take note of the same in order to carve out new Cigarette package. Also colors are used as per the lifestyle “India is among 4 countries of the customers. Flashy colours are accepted in Africa whereas in Developed countries packaging need to carry a royal image. that make Supercomputers” Q6. What will be your advice to international business students from Jamia Millia Islamia? A6. First of all come with fresh mind and with a sense of adaptability as you will be in foreign territory frequently and you might face cultural or a social barrier and Best of luck for your future.
  • 3. Volume 1, Issue 9 Page 3 GUEST COLOUMN INSIDE THE CONSUMER’S BRAIN What won‟t retailers do to understand what consumers want, and how to lure them? They‟ve left no stone unturned in unraveling this mystery. They have quizzed consumers, asked them to fill out forms, tracked them inside the shop and used mounds of point-of-sale data to figure them out better. Now, the highest science employed in the pursuit of understanding man is coming to the aid of retail- ers. Welcome to the world of „neuromarketing‟. Coined in 2002 by Ale Smidts, a professor of marketing research at Rotterdam School of Management, the term simply means studying a consumer‟s brain activity and examining its responses to various stimuli. It‟s about researchers using advanced technol- ogy, like functional magnetic resonance imaging, to understand why a consumer decides the way she decides. Or using sensors to figure out how heartbeats respond when a buyer decides to spend her hard-earned money on a brand. The Subconscious Play “Neuromarketing excels at diving to the subconscious level, where as much as 95% of all decisions are made,” says AK Pradeep, founder of neuromarketing research firm NeuroFocus. “The subcon- scious level is where critical marketing objectives, such as initial product or service interest, purchase intent and brand loyalty, are formed.” So measuring at that level makes sense. NeuroFocus, set up in 2005, tries to do precisely that. “They [companies] can test their brands, prod- ucts, packaging designs, in-store marketing and advertising,” says Pradeep. “They can test their in- vestor relations, human resource materials and the effectiveness of their spokespersons, and they can test all the things that their competitors have as well. And much more.” A case Pradeep narrates is of a financial services client, which gave NeuroFocus six print ads and asked the firm to determine which was the most effective. Pradeep and his team zeroed in on the one, based on “how consumers responded at the subconscious level.” He recalls, “When I presented our findings to the company‟s management, they told me that our winner had only been rated as „mediocre‟ at best by the conventional research techniques.” But NeuroFocus still clinched the ac- count. Here‟s how: “They quickly added that, to their great surprise, the ad we picked had actually made their call centres receive a record number of inquiries from consumers.” One of the courses Baba Shiv, Professor of Marketing, Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaches is called „The Frinky Science of the Mind.‟ Well, he too confirms, “It‟s all happening at the instinc- tive level, not at the rational level.” Shiv shares an example from one of his pet themes—how perceptions about price and quality play out “70% FMCG in the real world: in the US, when Toyota launched its Corolla in 1984, it was a spitting image of GM‟s Geo. The same production line churned out both the cars, only the badges were different. Says purchase decisions Shiv, “When JD Power and Associates conducted a survey after three years and asked consumers what problems they had with these cars, the people reported more problems with the GM Geo than are made at their with Toyota Corolla.” In the eyes of the public, Toyota was a better brand and could do no wrong, whereas GM manufactured cars for rough use. It had to do with the “perception” of Toyota being a shelf” superior brand that led to people reporting fewer problems with its cars. Toward Awareness A couple of questions arise. One, are the traditional market research techniques still relevant? Pradeep says they do have a role. “For example, they can be helpful in getting at answers to factual questions. The conscious mind can deliver that information fairly readily.” Two, what hurdles is micromarketing facing? Education, Pradeep says. He spends a lot of time travel- ling across the world making presentations about the potential of neuromarketing. NeuroFocus is now present in the UK, Europe, Latin America and Asia too. Pradeep‟s book The Buying Brain is an at- tempt to make people more aware of this tool. Indeed, the industry is seeing more action in this sphere. Apart from Pradeep‟s works, there has been Martin Lindstrom‟s Buyology and Amazon lists 61 books on the subject. Not surprisingly, the developed world has taken to neuromarketing more swiftly than the other nations (see: Getting A Toehold In India). Even in 2004, there was a much- publicised „blind taste test‟ involving Coke and Pepsi, wherein cola drinks were offered to subjects without revealing the brand name to them. Half of the subjects chose Pepsi—it produces a “stronger response” in the brain, as Wikipedia puts it. In reality, Pepsi has far less than half the market. Coke scores for reasons other than taste. Now, neuroscience research firms abound—so that the industry is wondering how to unify stand- ards—and have started enlisting experts to get a competitive edge in the market. All with the hope that they can, finally, understand the consumer! Deepak Goel Business Journalist
  • 4. CMS, MIB Quote For the Month E-mail:, Phone: 9891984210, 9871858982 “ -Steve Jobs MICRO FINANCE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Cont...from page 1 Prof. SAYED WAJID ALI or more appear exorbitantly problems mutually. high, they are quite low com- pared to its alternative, the By-Luthufi M traditional informal sector MA (HRM), JMI STUDENT EDITORS: lending, which is usually dominated by local elites. SOOBIAN AHMED And the high rates are neces- NAMITA DHAMANI sary, given the fact that there SAHIL BHAT are always overhead costs and transaction costs, and transac- tion costs must accurately INTERVIEW BY: reflect risk. Microfinance provides an SOOBIAN AHMED ambience for economic de- SAHIL BHAT velopment through mutual cooperation between the members. It is build up on the framework of cooperative system which includes mutual help, identical needs, member based ownership and legal status. It promotes the partici- patory finance (interest free), risk sharing, profit sharing, and manufacturing and pro- duction of need based prod- ucts. It inculcates a culture of daily deposits and strengthens the economic condition of the members. Moreover they are being trained and consulted by the MFIs regularly and set a mechanism for solving the For Previous Editions Pleases Visit