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                     ROTARY CLUB OF ASCOT
                                         DISTRICT 9465
                             HOME OF THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR
MEETING LOCATION:                                                               VOLUME 43 - BULLETIN 34
Silks Bar & Bistro, 174 Wright Street, Belmont WA 6104                                               1ST MAY 2012
Breakfast Meeting, Every Tuesday, 7am For 7.30am                                                            PAGE 1
                                     		                   MY RYLA EXPERIENCE - KASHINEE VEEREN
                                       		          I first heard about RYLA when I was 17. Back then I was
MEETING DATE:            8TH MAY       		          involved with the Rotaract Club of Mauritius. It then meant I
WELCOMING: 	         Max Morrell       		          had to fly to Madagascar for RYLA and at 17 I was getting
		                Ron Alexander        		          ready to come to Uni, there was no way my parents would
                                       		          sponsor my RYLA experience.
HOST CHAIR:         Aidan Wood
GUEST SPEAKER:    Mandy Mason          So when I got asked about RYLA, I was in!! As exciting as it sounded, RYLA
  Learn - Foundation for Autism        came at the wrong time; my graduation, my parents’ visit, moving out,
LOYAL TOAST:	    Gren Courtland        finding a new place, new job ... Eventually everything fell in place and I
GRACE:	          Hugh Langridge        went for it.
INT/ROTARY INFO: Joanna Kendall
                                       Day 1 involved some mingling as we got used to each other through team
                                       outdoor activities. Highlight of that day was The Five Love Languages
                                       activity by Gary Chapman. It was an assessment of how givers and
                                       receivers like to express their love. Here’s the link if you’d like to do the
WELCOMING:       Michael Metcalf
	                Gren Courtland        We went abseiling and rock climbing off a cliff on the following day. It was
HOST CHAIR:       	    Directors       a very hot day. Having done that before on previous JCLA camps and
      Committee Meetings               Handicamp, I wasn’t too intimidated by these activities. In the evening we
LOYAL TOAST:	    Roma Gehringer        had a visit from the Toastmasters Club. I didn’t know that they existed. They
GRACE:	              Brian Poole       were very good in training us for some public speaking activities.
INT/ROTARY INFO: Hugh Langridge
                                       Day 3 was less physical and involved more indoor activities where we had
                                       to put out our personalities to test. We were handed our Myers-Briggs Type
                                       Indicator personality report back where we learnt more about ourselves. In
                                       the evening we did some trust activities which were very similar to the ones
MEETING DATE:           22ND MAY
                                       on JCLA camps. However having done that before, I still struggled with
WELCOMING:          Ros McLernon 	     those. I guess it’s something I’ll have to work on.
    	               Mike Bermann
HOST CHAIR:        Ron Alexander       That night we had the one world diner, unfortunately I was part of
GUEST SPEAKER:     		        TBA       Cambodia, so that night I was given a small bowl of plain steam rice for
LOYAL TOAST:	       Garry Jacobs       diner. It was really hard to digest that. After which we had a presentation
GRACE:	          Michael Metcalf       on different Rotary projects that are going on. That helped me to learn
INT/ROTARY INFO: Stephen Kendall       more about the various projects that are going on.
                                       President: Janet Holding		
                                       0403 586 686
WELCOMING:       	Brian Poole                                          Apologies To: Julia Temby (Treasurer)
			               Mike Evans                                                                  0411 046 535
 Possible Sundowner??? TBA                                         
                                       Bulletin Editor: Kimberley Holding
                                       0412 804 646
ROTARY CLUB OF ASCOT                   VOLUME 43 - BULLETIN 34
                                             DISTRICT 9465                                      1ST MAY 2012
                                                                                                      PAGE 2             HOME OF THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR

We had some mini strategic games on the next day and that was so much fun and we got to know
each other further. I was on the Rotary Diner project so that day I was pretty much busy organising it
with the team. The diner went well. At that point, I was just exhausted and I just wanted to go to bed.
After the diner, we gathered in our daily small teams debrief after which I could retire in bed. Little
did I know that RYLA was up to some mischief that night. My life would come to an end in the next
few min. All of a sudden, Tanya came to our room. She looked agitated and stressed. There was an
emergency and we had to meet at the muster point. We had 5 min to gather our small back packs.
Anxious as I was , I thought there was a fire nearby and I decided to bring along my 2 most important
things which I brought along on camp; my GHD and my Hair Dryer. You’d be surprised how heavy
these can be when you have to carry them on all night! I started thinking about how I’d never see my
parents, how I wouldn’t make it to my graduation...the world was really coming to an end.

As we hopped onto the bus, we were blindfolded, and we were asked to stopped talking and not
interact with anyone. I was scared and angry at this stage...I didn’t want to be there. At one point I
even thought to myself what if those guys were some kidnappers. The journey was long, very long...
The facilitators whispered to five of us and we got out in the middle of some forest while the bus drove
away with the others. We had no watch on us, so I suspect we started walking around ten. We walked
and walked. I was anxious all the way scared I might be bitten by some snakes or some kangaroos
would jump on me. It was my first experience in the bush- I had never been in a bush or even near a
forest before. I was paranoid at every single noise I’d hear. I walked all night prepared for the worst
and walked until it was dawn. I started feeling safe, couldn’t feel my feet much, but hey that didn’t
matter, I WAS ALIVE and I could see the day. I would make it to my Graduation. No one really knew I
was scared as I was quiet most of the time and I tend to be really quiet when I don’t feel safe.

It was something I can’t forget and something I would never want to do again. I still get freaked out in
the dark or near bushes. I don’t really know what I got out of that activity but I’m not ready for a per-
sonal debrief as yet. It was not fun particularly not knowing when we would stop walking. We finally
stopped walking around five and hopped on the bus back to the camp. Highlight of my day on that
day was that we got to sleep in that day.

In the evening we had an activity that addressed our individual emotional values. So we were given
various situations and we had to choose between strongly agree or disagree or neither. I was happy
that I could choose between either ends and never chose neither. I did enjoy that. The night ended
with an amazing talent show that we had to organise in half an hour. It was very relaxing.

Day 6 was the highlight of my camp, it was an activity called Breaking through. It meant breaking a
board into 2 through Karate techniques. I never thought I’d be able to do that and didn’t have much
interest in it. We had 1 hour of practice and finally we had to try it. I decided to go among the first
few as waiting would make me more anxious. I went gave everything I could but it didn’t break. So
we had a personal session with the trainers to see what we were doing wrong. After a few practices,
I went for it and gave everything I could, all my emotions, just everything I felt, and I did break it. The
best thing I took away from RYLA was this feeling of breaking through. It’s a feeling I can’t describe
and it’s a feeling I’ve never felt before. But I surely did enjoy every single bit of it.

It was finally time to go home and at this stage I couldn’t wait to get back. I’d like to thank the Rotary
Club of Ascot for sponsoring me and helping me to achieve something I’ve always wanted to do. I
however feel, I could have got much more out of it had I not been on JCLA camps before which tend
to be very similar like RYLA.
                                         DISTRICT 9465                                  1ST MAY 2012
                                                                                              PAGE 3          HOME OF THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR

           GUEST SPEAKER SWAP                          ROTARY CORD BLOOD BANK
   Bev Poor is listed as the Host Chair for the    The signage is now up on the building! This
   12th June, however she will be on a Trans               is great PR for Rotary in WA.
    Siberian Trip from Beijing to Moscow (!)
                                                   PDG Hugh Langridge has provided us with a
  We need to organise for someone to swap                         photo......
    dates with Bev, please either contact
      Mike Evans or Kimberley Holding

                  WINE RAFFLE
      This weeks winner is Ron Alexander!

   Ros McLernon is asking for nominations for
          an Apprenticeship Award.

                 CLUB WEBSITE                                   CLUB HANDOVER
  President Janet, Kimberley & Deepti have        President Elect Michael Evans has confirmed
  been working hard to get the new website        that the club handover date has now been
  up and running.                                 set.

  But we need your help!!!                        It will be on Saturday 23rd June 2012 at
                                                  Burswood on Swan
  •	 Do you have any photo’s of the club
     events?                                      Watch this space for more details.........
  •	 Do you have info on any past or present

  If so, please send them to Deepti by email
  or bring them to the next meeting!
ROTARY CLUB OF ASCOT                       VOLUME 43 - BULLETIN 34
                                          DISTRICT 9465                                           1ST MAY 2012
                                                                                                        PAGE 4           HOME OF THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR

 After 21hrs of stopovers and flights, both excited and tired, I arrived in Laos. The first half of our first
 day was spent in the conference room, where we had to negotiate with the Director of Mahosot
 Hospital. Believe it or not, this is the only country that Interplast visits, where they have to negotiate a
 price on arrival. The money covers the use of the 2 operations theatres, local hospital staff, use of 2
 ward rooms and electricity. I think they even charged us for the glue that was going to be used on
 the certificates they presented the team! I can’t say I blame them, as they really lack funding. It’s
 very evident when you see the state of even the newest operating theatres.

 After we negotiated and a cost was agreed, we then proceeded to the consultation room. There
 was a big queue of people that lined the corridors. Most of them had stayed the night in the hall-
 ways, as they don’t have enough money to stay anywhere else, but they are quite happy to sleep
 on a matt, as long as they are with their family.

 We began our consultations; I think we saw about 45 patients on the first day. There were two pa-
 tients that really stood out and were definitely my favourites of the tip. The first, a 5 year old boy who
 had a burn on his ankle that contracted the skin on his ankle. He had to walk on the side of his foot,
 but it didn’t stop him, he was always running around with a big smile on his face. The second, a
 boy of about 9, had a burn under his arm, which had caused the skin under his arm to contract. He
 couldn’t lift his arm above his head.

 The second day was when the surgeries began. I had to steel myself, as before the trip I would get
 queasy watching RPA on the TV. I ended up doing ok; managing to separate the little boy I had
 seen before the surgery, to the sleeping body I saw on the operating table in front of me. In the
 operating theatre is where the magic happens. How can an hour surgery really change someone’s
 life? For the 2 boys I mentioned above, they will be able to walk, run and move around without any
 impediment. This means they will be able to live a normal life, without the ridicule of the other kids.
 When they get older, it means they will be able to get a job and make money for their families.

 Some of my favourite memories were made during the ward rounds. I had so much fun playing with
 the kids. I took balloons, colouring pencils, scrap books, bubbles and little toys with me. It’s amazing
 that a 10c balloon can bring such joy to someone’s day. The kids had big smiles and the parents
 kept saying ‘khawp jai’ (pronounced cop-chai), which means thank you.

 On the final days, we followed up on the surgeries the surgeons had completed. The little boy with
 the contracture on his foot; he now had a straight foot; he was so impressed he was adamant he
 had to get up and run around. Mum had to hold him down and chide him so he wouldn’t put weight
 on his plastered foot and ankle!

 With the boy that had the contracture of the skin under the arm; the surgeons released the skin and
 stitched him up. Before they left, they removed the stitches and he was able to lift his arm up above
 his head. You couldn’t paint a smile that big! He was so happy; he was now free of the disability that
 was stopping him from living a normal life.

 I would love to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to go along with the Interplast team. It has
 been a life changing experience and one that has given me a new perspective on life. I look for-
 ward to helping Brian Guest in the District and hope to raise more funds in the future for more teams.

 See the next page for photos!
                                                    DISTRICT 9465                        1ST MAY 2012
                                                                                               PAGE 5                  HOME OF THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR

                              <----BEFORE                     AFTER ---->

                AFTER ---->

  WHAT’S COMING UP IN.........................

                                                                  QUIZ NIGHT		           5TH
       CHRSTINE GOSS		                    15TH                    BANGKOK CONFERENCE	   6TH - 9TH
       GEOFF MALTHOUSE		                  18TH                    BOARD MEETING	        14TH
       JILL COURTLAND		                   22ND
       MIKE BERMANN	 	                    23RD
   Month and RI Theme            First Tuesday            Second Tuesday              Third Tuesday            Fourth Tuesday                    Fifth Tuesday

July – Settling In         5th Brian Poole           12th Board Aims Complete 19th Committee Meeting 26th Mike Bermann
                           David Malone                                        complete              PDG Phil Cordery
                           Healthway                                                                 Rotary Youth Exchange
                           Complete                                                                  complete
August – Membership        2nd Kashinee Veeren       9th Michelle Kendall      16th Janet Holding    23th Ros McLernon           30th DG Visit - evening meeting
                           PDG John Ranieri          Mark Burns     Principle, Patrick Peake         Troy Hendrikson             Janet Holding
                           District Membership       Tranby P.S complete       Perth Energy          Ambassadorial Scholar 2000- complete
                           Director complete                                   complete              01 complete
September – New            6th Peter Richardson      13th Julia Temby Giovanni 20th Committee meet      27th Michael Metcalf
Generations                Gary (plug) Welch         Ferrari                   complete                 The Cycling Phenomenon
                           complete                  Paediatrician, PMH                                 complete

October – Vocational       4th Kimberley Holding     11th                       18th Ronnie Malthouse   25th
Service                    Luke O'Keefe              complete                   Fran Hazeldean          complete
                           EigthyTwenty Vision                                  City of Belmont
                           complete                                             complete

November – Foundation      1st Melbourne Cup         8th Hugh Langridge Sue     15th Rotary Cord Blood 22nd Committee meet &          29th Business Network Meeting -
                           Bernie Ryan               Alexander complete         Bank Tour complete     Peter from P.L.A.N             Sundowner
                           A Jockeys Life                                                              complete                       complete

December – Rotary Family 6th Dianne Reed             13th Club AGM              20th Christmas Party    27th – No Meeting Christmas
                         Carole Theobald from        complete                   complete                Break          complete
                         Zonta complete

January – Rotary           3rd Peter Richardson       10th Ronnie Malthouse      17th No Meeting -      24th Michael Metcalf          31st Ron Alexander
Awareness                  Deepti Roopun              Holl Ransom - RC Crawley Handicamp Dinner         David Tucker - Bicycles for   Eddie - Bakhita, East Timor
                           complete                   complete                   complete               Humanity complete             complete
February – World            7th Joanna Kendall        14th Club Forum            21st Club Birthday &   28th Gren Courtland
Understanding               Craig Alford - The Big    complete                   Interplast Team        Rick Davies - RAWCS
                            Ride complete                                        complete               complete
March – Literacy / Rotaract 6th Jodie Sparks     Kero 13th Aidan Wood            20th Committee         27th Deepti Roopun
                            O'Shea - Facebook         Hannah & Emma              Meeting                Maureen Meredith - Curtin
                            complete                  JCLA complete              complete               Volunteers complete
April – Magazine Month      3rd Garry Jacobs          10th complete              17th complete          24th Jeff Stephenson
                            Jeff Stephenson                                                             Kashinee Veeren
                            complete                                                                    RYLA complete
May – Australian Rotary     1st Mike Bermann          8th Aidan Wood       Mandy 15th Committee         22nd Ron Alexander            29th Sundowner
Health                      Kimberley Holding         Mason - LEARN              Meeting
                            Interplast complete       Foundation for Autism
June – Fellowship           5th Kimberley Holding     12th Bev Poor - to be      19th Julia Temby
                 April                 May                   June                   July                  August             September
Mon                                                                                                                                           Mon
Tue                             1                                                                                                             Tue
Wed                             2                                                                    1                                        Wed
Thu                             3                                                                    2                                        Thu
Fri                             4                   1                                                3                                        Fri
Sat                             5  Quiz Night       2                                                4                  1                     Sat
Sun     1                       6  RI Conference    3                   1                            5                  2                     Sun
Mon     2                       7  RI Conference    4                   2                            6                  3                     Mon
Tue     3                       8  RI Conference    5                   3                            7                  4                     Tue
Wed     4                       9  RI Conference    6                   4                            8                  5                     Wed
Thu     5  AFL Tontine Starts   10                  7                   5                            9                  6                     Thu
Fri     6                       11                  8                   6                            10                 7                     Fri
Sat     7                       12                  9                   7                            11                 8                     Sat
Sun     8                       13                  10                  8                            12                 9                     Sun
Mon     9                       14  Board Meeting   11  Board Meeting   9 Board Meeting              13 Board Meeting   10    Board Meeting   Mon
Tue     10                      15                  12                  10                           14                 11                    Tue
Wed     11                      16                  13                  11                           15                 12                    Wed
Thu     12                      17                  14                  12                           16                 13                    Thu
Fri     13                      18                  15                  13                           17                 14                    Fri
Sat     14  P.E.T.S             19                  16                  14                           18  Reunion Ball   15                    Sat
Sun     15  P.E.T.S             20                  17                  15                           19                 16                    Sun
Mon     16  Board Meeting       21                  18                  16                           20                 17                    Mon
Tue     17                      22                  19                  17 Interact Club 10th Bday   21                 18                    Tue
Wed     18                      23                  20                  18                           22                 19                    Wed
Thu     19                      24                  21                  19                           23                 20                    Thu
Fri     20                      25                  22                  20                           24                 21                    Fri
Sat     21  Hat Day Party       26                  23                  21                           25                 22                    Sat
Sun     22                      27                  24                  22                           26                 23                    Sun
Mon     23                      28                  25                  23                           27                 24                    Mon
Tue     24                      29                  26                  24                           28                 25                    Tue
Wed     25                      30                  27                  25                           29                 26                    Wed
Thu     26                      31                  28                  26                           30                 27                    Thu
Fri     27                                          29                  27                           31                 28                    Fri
Sat     28                                          30                  28                                              29                    Sat
Sun     29  District Assembly                                           29                                              30                    Sun
Mon     30                                                              30                                                                    Mon
Tue                                                                     31                                                                    Tue
Theme      Vocational            Foundation           Rotary Family             Settle In              Membership         New Generations

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Bulletin 34

  • 1. ROTARY CLUB OF ASCOT DISTRICT 9465 HOME OF THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR MEETING LOCATION: VOLUME 43 - BULLETIN 34 Silks Bar & Bistro, 174 Wright Street, Belmont WA 6104 1ST MAY 2012 Breakfast Meeting, Every Tuesday, 7am For 7.30am PAGE 1 MY RYLA EXPERIENCE - KASHINEE VEEREN DUTIES ROSTER I first heard about RYLA when I was 17. Back then I was MEETING DATE: 8TH MAY involved with the Rotaract Club of Mauritius. It then meant I WELCOMING: Max Morrell had to fly to Madagascar for RYLA and at 17 I was getting Ron Alexander ready to come to Uni, there was no way my parents would sponsor my RYLA experience. HOST CHAIR: Aidan Wood GUEST SPEAKER: Mandy Mason So when I got asked about RYLA, I was in!! As exciting as it sounded, RYLA Learn - Foundation for Autism came at the wrong time; my graduation, my parents’ visit, moving out, LOYAL TOAST: Gren Courtland finding a new place, new job ... Eventually everything fell in place and I GRACE: Hugh Langridge went for it. INT/ROTARY INFO: Joanna Kendall Day 1 involved some mingling as we got used to each other through team outdoor activities. Highlight of that day was The Five Love Languages activity by Gary Chapman. It was an assessment of how givers and receivers like to express their love. Here’s the link if you’d like to do the MEETING DATE: 15TH MAY assessment: WELCOMING: Michael Metcalf Gren Courtland We went abseiling and rock climbing off a cliff on the following day. It was HOST CHAIR: Directors a very hot day. Having done that before on previous JCLA camps and Committee Meetings Handicamp, I wasn’t too intimidated by these activities. In the evening we LOYAL TOAST: Roma Gehringer had a visit from the Toastmasters Club. I didn’t know that they existed. They GRACE: Brian Poole were very good in training us for some public speaking activities. INT/ROTARY INFO: Hugh Langridge Day 3 was less physical and involved more indoor activities where we had to put out our personalities to test. We were handed our Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality report back where we learnt more about ourselves. In the evening we did some trust activities which were very similar to the ones MEETING DATE: 22ND MAY on JCLA camps. However having done that before, I still struggled with WELCOMING: Ros McLernon those. I guess it’s something I’ll have to work on. Mike Bermann HOST CHAIR: Ron Alexander That night we had the one world diner, unfortunately I was part of GUEST SPEAKER: TBA Cambodia, so that night I was given a small bowl of plain steam rice for LOYAL TOAST: Garry Jacobs diner. It was really hard to digest that. After which we had a presentation GRACE: Michael Metcalf on different Rotary projects that are going on. That helped me to learn INT/ROTARY INFO: Stephen Kendall more about the various projects that are going on. President: Janet Holding 0403 586 686 MEETING DATE: 29TH MAY WELCOMING: Brian Poole Apologies To: Julia Temby (Treasurer) Mike Evans 0411 046 535 Possible Sundowner??? TBA Bulletin Editor: Kimberley Holding 0412 804 646
  • 2. ROTARY CLUB OF ASCOT VOLUME 43 - BULLETIN 34 DISTRICT 9465 1ST MAY 2012 PAGE 2 HOME OF THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR MY RYLA EXPERIENCE CONT................ We had some mini strategic games on the next day and that was so much fun and we got to know each other further. I was on the Rotary Diner project so that day I was pretty much busy organising it with the team. The diner went well. At that point, I was just exhausted and I just wanted to go to bed. After the diner, we gathered in our daily small teams debrief after which I could retire in bed. Little did I know that RYLA was up to some mischief that night. My life would come to an end in the next few min. All of a sudden, Tanya came to our room. She looked agitated and stressed. There was an emergency and we had to meet at the muster point. We had 5 min to gather our small back packs. Anxious as I was , I thought there was a fire nearby and I decided to bring along my 2 most important things which I brought along on camp; my GHD and my Hair Dryer. You’d be surprised how heavy these can be when you have to carry them on all night! I started thinking about how I’d never see my parents, how I wouldn’t make it to my graduation...the world was really coming to an end. As we hopped onto the bus, we were blindfolded, and we were asked to stopped talking and not interact with anyone. I was scared and angry at this stage...I didn’t want to be there. At one point I even thought to myself what if those guys were some kidnappers. The journey was long, very long... The facilitators whispered to five of us and we got out in the middle of some forest while the bus drove away with the others. We had no watch on us, so I suspect we started walking around ten. We walked and walked. I was anxious all the way scared I might be bitten by some snakes or some kangaroos would jump on me. It was my first experience in the bush- I had never been in a bush or even near a forest before. I was paranoid at every single noise I’d hear. I walked all night prepared for the worst and walked until it was dawn. I started feeling safe, couldn’t feel my feet much, but hey that didn’t matter, I WAS ALIVE and I could see the day. I would make it to my Graduation. No one really knew I was scared as I was quiet most of the time and I tend to be really quiet when I don’t feel safe. It was something I can’t forget and something I would never want to do again. I still get freaked out in the dark or near bushes. I don’t really know what I got out of that activity but I’m not ready for a per- sonal debrief as yet. It was not fun particularly not knowing when we would stop walking. We finally stopped walking around five and hopped on the bus back to the camp. Highlight of my day on that day was that we got to sleep in that day. In the evening we had an activity that addressed our individual emotional values. So we were given various situations and we had to choose between strongly agree or disagree or neither. I was happy that I could choose between either ends and never chose neither. I did enjoy that. The night ended with an amazing talent show that we had to organise in half an hour. It was very relaxing. Day 6 was the highlight of my camp, it was an activity called Breaking through. It meant breaking a board into 2 through Karate techniques. I never thought I’d be able to do that and didn’t have much interest in it. We had 1 hour of practice and finally we had to try it. I decided to go among the first few as waiting would make me more anxious. I went gave everything I could but it didn’t break. So we had a personal session with the trainers to see what we were doing wrong. After a few practices, I went for it and gave everything I could, all my emotions, just everything I felt, and I did break it. The best thing I took away from RYLA was this feeling of breaking through. It’s a feeling I can’t describe and it’s a feeling I’ve never felt before. But I surely did enjoy every single bit of it. It was finally time to go home and at this stage I couldn’t wait to get back. I’d like to thank the Rotary Club of Ascot for sponsoring me and helping me to achieve something I’ve always wanted to do. I however feel, I could have got much more out of it had I not been on JCLA camps before which tend to be very similar like RYLA.
  • 3. ROTARY CLUB OF ASCOT VOLUME 43 - BULLETIN 34 DISTRICT 9465 1ST MAY 2012 PAGE 3 HOME OF THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR GUEST SPEAKER SWAP ROTARY CORD BLOOD BANK Bev Poor is listed as the Host Chair for the The signage is now up on the building! This 12th June, however she will be on a Trans is great PR for Rotary in WA. Siberian Trip from Beijing to Moscow (!) PDG Hugh Langridge has provided us with a We need to organise for someone to swap photo...... dates with Bev, please either contact Mike Evans or Kimberley Holding WINE RAFFLE This weeks winner is Ron Alexander! APPRENTICESHIP AWARDS Ros McLernon is asking for nominations for an Apprenticeship Award. CLUB WEBSITE CLUB HANDOVER President Janet, Kimberley & Deepti have President Elect Michael Evans has confirmed been working hard to get the new website that the club handover date has now been up and running. set. But we need your help!!! It will be on Saturday 23rd June 2012 at Burswood on Swan • Do you have any photo’s of the club events? Watch this space for more details......... • Do you have info on any past or present projects? If so, please send them to Deepti by email or bring them to the next meeting!
  • 4. ROTARY CLUB OF ASCOT VOLUME 43 - BULLETIN 34 DISTRICT 9465 1ST MAY 2012 PAGE 4 HOME OF THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR INTERPLAST TRIP TO LAOS - KIMBERLEY HOLDING After 21hrs of stopovers and flights, both excited and tired, I arrived in Laos. The first half of our first day was spent in the conference room, where we had to negotiate with the Director of Mahosot Hospital. Believe it or not, this is the only country that Interplast visits, where they have to negotiate a price on arrival. The money covers the use of the 2 operations theatres, local hospital staff, use of 2 ward rooms and electricity. I think they even charged us for the glue that was going to be used on the certificates they presented the team! I can’t say I blame them, as they really lack funding. It’s very evident when you see the state of even the newest operating theatres. After we negotiated and a cost was agreed, we then proceeded to the consultation room. There was a big queue of people that lined the corridors. Most of them had stayed the night in the hall- ways, as they don’t have enough money to stay anywhere else, but they are quite happy to sleep on a matt, as long as they are with their family. We began our consultations; I think we saw about 45 patients on the first day. There were two pa- tients that really stood out and were definitely my favourites of the tip. The first, a 5 year old boy who had a burn on his ankle that contracted the skin on his ankle. He had to walk on the side of his foot, but it didn’t stop him, he was always running around with a big smile on his face. The second, a boy of about 9, had a burn under his arm, which had caused the skin under his arm to contract. He couldn’t lift his arm above his head. The second day was when the surgeries began. I had to steel myself, as before the trip I would get queasy watching RPA on the TV. I ended up doing ok; managing to separate the little boy I had seen before the surgery, to the sleeping body I saw on the operating table in front of me. In the operating theatre is where the magic happens. How can an hour surgery really change someone’s life? For the 2 boys I mentioned above, they will be able to walk, run and move around without any impediment. This means they will be able to live a normal life, without the ridicule of the other kids. When they get older, it means they will be able to get a job and make money for their families. Some of my favourite memories were made during the ward rounds. I had so much fun playing with the kids. I took balloons, colouring pencils, scrap books, bubbles and little toys with me. It’s amazing that a 10c balloon can bring such joy to someone’s day. The kids had big smiles and the parents kept saying ‘khawp jai’ (pronounced cop-chai), which means thank you. On the final days, we followed up on the surgeries the surgeons had completed. The little boy with the contracture on his foot; he now had a straight foot; he was so impressed he was adamant he had to get up and run around. Mum had to hold him down and chide him so he wouldn’t put weight on his plastered foot and ankle! With the boy that had the contracture of the skin under the arm; the surgeons released the skin and stitched him up. Before they left, they removed the stitches and he was able to lift his arm up above his head. You couldn’t paint a smile that big! He was so happy; he was now free of the disability that was stopping him from living a normal life. I would love to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to go along with the Interplast team. It has been a life changing experience and one that has given me a new perspective on life. I look for- ward to helping Brian Guest in the District and hope to raise more funds in the future for more teams. See the next page for photos!
  • 6. HOST CHAIR ROSTER - 2011-2012 Month and RI Theme First Tuesday Second Tuesday Third Tuesday Fourth Tuesday Fifth Tuesday July – Settling In 5th Brian Poole 12th Board Aims Complete 19th Committee Meeting 26th Mike Bermann David Malone complete PDG Phil Cordery Healthway Rotary Youth Exchange Complete complete August – Membership 2nd Kashinee Veeren 9th Michelle Kendall 16th Janet Holding 23th Ros McLernon 30th DG Visit - evening meeting PDG John Ranieri Mark Burns Principle, Patrick Peake Troy Hendrikson Janet Holding District Membership Tranby P.S complete Perth Energy Ambassadorial Scholar 2000- complete Director complete complete 01 complete September – New 6th Peter Richardson 13th Julia Temby Giovanni 20th Committee meet 27th Michael Metcalf Generations Gary (plug) Welch Ferrari complete The Cycling Phenomenon complete Paediatrician, PMH complete complete October – Vocational 4th Kimberley Holding 11th 18th Ronnie Malthouse 25th Service Luke O'Keefe complete Fran Hazeldean complete EigthyTwenty Vision City of Belmont complete complete November – Foundation 1st Melbourne Cup 8th Hugh Langridge Sue 15th Rotary Cord Blood 22nd Committee meet & 29th Business Network Meeting - Bernie Ryan Alexander complete Bank Tour complete Peter from P.L.A.N Sundowner A Jockeys Life complete complete complete December – Rotary Family 6th Dianne Reed 13th Club AGM 20th Christmas Party 27th – No Meeting Christmas Carole Theobald from complete complete Break complete Zonta complete January – Rotary 3rd Peter Richardson 10th Ronnie Malthouse 17th No Meeting - 24th Michael Metcalf 31st Ron Alexander Awareness Deepti Roopun Holl Ransom - RC Crawley Handicamp Dinner David Tucker - Bicycles for Eddie - Bakhita, East Timor complete complete complete Humanity complete complete February – World 7th Joanna Kendall 14th Club Forum 21st Club Birthday & 28th Gren Courtland Understanding Craig Alford - The Big complete Interplast Team Rick Davies - RAWCS Ride complete complete complete March – Literacy / Rotaract 6th Jodie Sparks Kero 13th Aidan Wood 20th Committee 27th Deepti Roopun O'Shea - Facebook Hannah & Emma Meeting Maureen Meredith - Curtin complete JCLA complete complete Volunteers complete April – Magazine Month 3rd Garry Jacobs 10th complete 17th complete 24th Jeff Stephenson Jeff Stephenson Kashinee Veeren complete RYLA complete May – Australian Rotary 1st Mike Bermann 8th Aidan Wood Mandy 15th Committee 22nd Ron Alexander 29th Sundowner Health Kimberley Holding Mason - LEARN Meeting Interplast complete Foundation for Autism June – Fellowship 5th Kimberley Holding 12th Bev Poor - to be 19th Julia Temby swapped?!
  • 7. ASCOT ROTARY CLUB - CALENDAR MAY TO SEPTEMBER 2012 April May June July August September Mon Mon Tue 1 Tue Wed 2 1 Wed Thu 3 2 Thu Fri 4 1 3 Fri Sat 5  Quiz Night 2 4 1 Sat Sun 1 6  RI Conference 3 1 5 2 Sun Mon 2 7  RI Conference 4 2 6 3 Mon Tue 3 8  RI Conference 5 3 7 4 Tue Wed 4 9  RI Conference 6 4 8 5 Wed Thu 5  AFL Tontine Starts 10 7 5 9 6 Thu Fri 6 11 8 6 10 7 Fri Sat 7 12 9 7 11 8 Sat Sun 8 13 10 8 12 9 Sun Mon 9 14  Board Meeting 11  Board Meeting 9 Board Meeting 13 Board Meeting 10    Board Meeting Mon Tue 10 15 12 10 14 11 Tue Wed 11 16 13 11 15 12 Wed Thu 12 17 14 12 16 13 Thu Fri 13 18 15 13 17 14 Fri Sat 14  P.E.T.S 19 16 14 18  Reunion Ball 15 Sat Sun 15  P.E.T.S 20 17 15 19 16 Sun Mon 16  Board Meeting 21 18 16 20 17 Mon Tue 17 22 19 17 Interact Club 10th Bday 21 18 Tue Wed 18 23 20 18 22 19 Wed Thu 19 24 21 19 23 20 Thu Fri 20 25 22 20 24 21 Fri Sat 21  Hat Day Party 26 23 21 25 22 Sat Sun 22 27 24 22 26 23 Sun Mon 23 28 25 23 27 24 Mon Tue 24 29 26 24 28 25 Tue Wed 25 30 27 25 29 26 Wed Thu 26 31 28 26 30 27 Thu Fri 27 29 27 31 28 Fri Sat 28 30 28 29 Sat Sun 29  District Assembly 29 30 Sun Mon 30 30 Mon Tue 31 Tue Theme Vocational Foundation Rotary Family Settle In Membership New Generations