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Brookton’s Market PR Proposal
Shayna Gaskins, Alex Gilligan, Lydia Novalis, Sage VanAmerongen, Elizabeth Gulino
Relionce PR Firm
Ithaca College
Team contact:
Alex Gilligan
Cell Phone: (480) 227-7626
Relionce PR Firm
Table of Contents
Project Team………………………………………………………………………………..3
Situational Analysis.………………………………………………………………………..4
SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………………….........6
Target Audience…………………………………………………………………………….7
Scope of Assignment.………………………………………………………………….........8
Research Methods…………………………………………………………...........................9
Key Messages……………………………………………………………….........................10
Communication Vehicles……………………………………………………………...........11
Implementing the Campaign……………………………………………………………......12
Additional Documents
Relionce PR Firm
Project Team:
Elizabeth Gulino is currently a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major at
Ithaca College planning to minor in Journalism and possibly Politics. She stays active on campus
by participating in organizations such as a Park School Dean’s Host, a writer for The Odyssey &
Her Campus, a club field hockey player, PRSSA member and a news reporter for the ICTV
satirical news show, That Other News Show. Elizabeth plans on graduating in 2018 and pursuing
a career in New York City or Los Angeles.
Shayna Gaskins is currently a junior Sport Media major and Writing minor at Ithaca College.
She keeps busy on campus by participating in various extracurriculars such as tutoring in the
writing center, writing for both The Odyssey & Her Campus, active board member of the
Student Athletic Advisory Committee. Shayna is also a member of the Ithaca College Women’s
Basketball team. Shayna plans on graduating in spring of 2017 and go straight to graduate school
in order to gain a masters in public relations and corporate communications. After receiving her
masters, she hopes to pursue a career in the sports world while concentrating on the
communications aspect of the industry.
Lydia Novalis is currently a junior, sport media major at Ithaca College. Lydia spent her summer
interning with the New York Jets in which she gained valuable experience that will help further
her career in the sport industry. In hopes of interning with the New York Rangers this spring
Lydia will be taking direct marketing and sport relations in the spring in New York City.
Lydia plans on graduating in 2018 with a career in the sport world while residing in one of the
major cities located in the United States.
Sage VanAmerongen is currently a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communication major at
Ithaca College. Sage is a Leadership Scholar on campus and frequently participates in
professional development as well as volunteering in the community. Sage also spends her time
participating in Students Today Alumni Tomorrow. This past summer, she interned with
NYSPHSAA (New York State Public High School Athletic Association) in Albany, NY where
she resides. Sage plans on graduating in the fall of 2018, and finding a profession in the
corporate world.
Alexandra Gilligan is currently a junior Sport Media major at Ithaca College. Alex has had
amazing opportunities while at Ithaca College, both in and out of the academic calendar. While
in school, Alex is a student-athlete, as she is a member of the Ithaca College Women’s
Basketball team. Outside of the academic calendar Alex has received two very valuable
internships in the past two summers. Summer of 2014 she interned with the New York Yankees
in their non-baseball events department, and summer of 2015 she interned with AEG Live in
their ticketing department. Alex plans on graduating in Spring of 2017 with a career in the sport
or entertainment industry.
Relionce PR Firm
Our client, Brookton’s Market, is a grocery store and deli located in the small town of
Brooktondale, New York. The market is a small, privately owned business that caters to the
community with a friendly atmosphere and caring attitude. Brookton’s itself carries a wide
variety of products including local farmers’ produce, craft beers, cleaning supplies, and other
typical market finds. In conjunction with the grocery component, they boast a plethora of options
with regard to hearty deli sandwiches and baked goods.
Relionce PR Firm is based in Ithaca, New York and our firm’s goal is to both solidify and
expand upon Brookton’s customer base to reach the greater Tompkins County community. We
feel that by implementing a strategic form of advertising that engages the community as well as
provides information about the business, there will be a dramatic boost in business. We foresee
the advertisements not only promoting Brookton’s market, but the events that will bridge the gap
between the market and community. By creating more events that engage the community, more
broad advertisements and focusing on in-store products that they sell, this will in turn expand
their clientele base.
Situational Analysis:
Brookton’s Market is located in Brooktondale, New York, a small town about 6 miles away from
Ithaca, New York. The market boasts a strong sense of community. They pride themselves on
this as well as making their customers feel as if they are home as soon as they walk through the
doors. This is made evident through the cozy interior design of the marketplace in addition to the
staff being on a name-to-name basis with all their customers. In a rare situation that a staff
member didn’t know the name of a customer, they immediately make it a priority to get on a
first name basis with them.
The demographics of Brooktondale are a crucial component to take into consideration. Currently,
there are approximately 2,380 residents of this small town located on the outskirts of Ithaca. The
small community borders the town of Caroline, which prides itself on having a tight knit
community. This being said, the residents within this community support its local businesses, but
that simply just isn’t enough for Brookton’s Market. In order to add a considerable boost in
revenue and awareness of the awesome products that are sold, a huge component will be getting
more foot traffic from people within the community as well as from the surrounding towns
outside of it.
There are megalomaniacs of the grocery world within upstate New York, which include
Wegmans, Tops, Walmart and even smaller specialty stores such as Greenstar. The first question
that comes to our minds is what do these stores have in common with Brookton’s Market and
Relionce PR Firm
what are the differences between the two. They are all stores that promote groceries as well as
specialty and seemingly ordinary items, and at Wegman’s you as a consumer have the ability to
dine in just like Brookton’s Market. Walmart boasts the reputation of being a neighborhood
grocery store, very similarly to the ideals that Brookton’s promotes to their customers. The major
difference between these places is the notoriety that the others have and how they are a common
household name. Although the scale of these businesses is different, this is one of the main goals
that we are looking to achieve. We want to get the name of Brookton’s Market out to the greater
Tompkin County area, especially since their product is so unique and memorable.
An integral component that Brookton’s lacks is the amount of customer traffic that comes in and
out as well as the amount of grocery specific items that are purchased. It has been expressed that
a large amount of store revenue comes from the deli side of the market. The managers, Erin
Keeble and Mike Gabello, have expressed that while this is great for business, it steers away
from the heart of what the market place truly is. In addition to this, they have also stated that
becoming more focused on the deli aspect of their business is an avenue that they are not ready
to go down yet.This is an important concept that they are looking to change, and one that we are
looking to help structure in order to achieve that goal.
The fact that this marketplace has such a strong community backing does a great deal for this
particular situation. A big issue that many businesses face is getting their name out there and also
having people come in. Retaining the customers is huge, so the neighborhood residents will
continue to return and give Brookton’s their business.
Brookton’s presence in the market isn’t as strong as it could be. Currently, they have a wide
variety of basic necessities as well as specialty and organic items. This in itself should be an
automatic draw for consumers to come in and purchase their products, but that doesn’t seem to
be the case. Unfortunately, the market side of the shop is overshadowed by the deli option and
people don’t seem to be coming in just for simple items, which are made readily available. The
products that boast are those that people would be able to purchase at a Wegmans or at a Tops
and seems to be the avenue that they are to be going down. In order for Brookton’s Market to
gain more of a presence in the market industry, we will have to give customers a reason to come
in and truly sell the experience to them in addition to the products that they will be able to
Relionce PR Firm
SWOT Analysis:
Brookton’s Market has many unique strengths as well as weaknesses. To begin, we will highlight
their particular strengths that make them stand out against competitors. They have loyal
customers in their tight knit neighborhood of Brooktondale, and stay on a personal level with
their regular customers while making new ones feel the same sense of community. The people of
Brooktondale feel at home when they are shopping or eating at Brookton’s Market because of
the intimate feel that the store gives off. Their community events such as movie nights and
charity based events allow people in the community to come together and get to know each other
even better than they already do.
Another strength that Brookton’s Market has is their dine-in and deli sales. The deli itself is more
profitable than the grocery aspect of the store and attracts more customers overall. The deli might
be more popular due to their location, which is right behind a bus stop.. This location is another
strength because it can attract out of towners and frequent travelers to the market.
But, with strengths come weaknesses. While their location behind a bus stop might be ideal for
travelers, it is also in a very small town. Most out of towners have not heard of Brookton’s
Market, especially because there are no stoplights in the town of Brooktondale. Being far away
from the large population of college kids in Ithaca is a disadvantage that the market has. If it
were closer to downtown Ithaca, it may attract a wider variety of young customers. Another
weakness of theirs is not getting their name and brand out there in other areas. Ithaca offers so
many opportunities, like Apple Fest, Chili Fest and Beer Fest to allow Brookton’s Market to get
their name out their to those outside of Brooktondale.
As mentioned before, their deli sales outshine their grocery revenue. Brookton’s wants to move
toward expanding their grocery sales but cannot seem to do so. This is definitely one of their
biggest weaknesses as a market and they should try to expand their grocery sales by focusing
more on them and their role in the market.
Some of the weaknesses that Brookton’s Market has can easily turn into opportunities. With their
outstanding deli sales, they can help promote their grocery section. An idea is to use what they
have in their grocery section to make the deli foods, and then advertise the exact ingredients they
used so customers would be more inclined to buy the grocery items to make their own foods at
home. They have numerous marketing opportunities with all of the “fests” offered in Ithaca to
reach a broader array of customers that aren’t from the small area of Brooktondale. They can
even use the bus stop outside of their market to advertise specials and menu items that would
attract travelers and people walking or driving by.
Relionce PR Firm
Brookton’s Market also faces a lot of threats. Their closest competitor in proximity is a store
called Dandy Mini Mart, which attracts a lot of truckers and travelers to stop at when going
through the town of Brooktondale. This store takes away a lot of their potential customers. Other
threats include any markets that are like Brookton’s Market, such as small markets and local
eateries close by that also attracts the tight knit community and have a neighborhood feel. Their
lack of advertising and marketing to other communities outside of Brooktondale also hurts them
and takes away other target markets they could be attempting to reach.
Target Audience:
Brookton’s Market has done a great job of developing their relationship with their local
community of Brooktondale. Although Brooktondale only has a population of about 2,708, their
managers,Erin Keeble and Mike Gabello, have created a safe environment for those 2,708
people. Now, let’s compare the population of Brooktondale to Ithaca. Ithaca has a population of
62,609. That is almost a full 60,000 more people than Brooktondale. Ithaca is one of the many
towns in Tompkins County. This county has an abundance of every age group, which is ideal for
all businesses. That being said, there are a couple different target markets that we believe they
should be focusing on. Both men and women between the ages of 21 to 27 and business
professionals within the greater Tompkins County area will be the main focus for Brookton’s
It is time for Brookton’s Market to move up the list of grocery stores in Tompkins County, and
currently there are only 12. Relionce firmly believe that by focusing on these two-targeted
segments Brookton’s Market will be able to succeed in the grocery business world of upstate
New York.
Relionce has come up with an example to each other these targeted segments. The first will be a
25-year-old woman who is receiving her doctorate from Cornell University. The second will be a
46-year-old professor from Ithaca College.
Rebecca Gallagher is a 25-year-old woman from
Mendham, New Jersey. She is currently receiving her
doctorate in psychology from Cornell University. Rebecca
loves nature and going on, what she likes to call,
“adventures.” Those “adventures” included long hikes,
rock climbing, and even some swimming. She is also into
the healthy eating lifestyle (i.e. organic foods). She also is
the type of person to use their social media (i.e.
Instagram) to let people know where she has been and
what she is eating. This is exactly the type of customer
Relionce PR Firm
that would fit in great at Brookton’s Market. The kind hearted, adventurous, intelligent, young
adult is exactly who should be targeted for a market with such a small unique clientele to begin
with. This new younger crowd will bring in a fresh new atmosphere to Brookton’s Market.
LeRoy Davidson is a 46-year-old computer science
professor at Ithaca College. He has a wife and a
daughter, and a red fox lab named Jerry. His hobbies
include sitting down with a hot cup of coffee and a good
book, and cooking. He loves to use natural herbs in his
concoctions, and enjoys trying new blends of coffee.
This consumer would also be a great fit for Brookton’s
Market because of their interests. When you first walk
into Brookton’s Market you see a seating area with
books and magazines to the right, and the coffee to the
left. There is a little sign by the coffee saying you get a
discount on your cup of joe for using your own cup. For
a coffee drinker and a book lover, this is an ideal situation. Brooktons Market also has plenty of
herbs and spices. This type of customer will give Brookton’s Market that same homey feeling
that it has always had, making it a place customers always wanting to come back.
Scope of Assignment:
Our assignment is to expand the target audience that Brookton’s Market reaches. We would like
to persuade and market to college kids in the Ithaca area and beyond to come to Brookton’s
Market by advertising what they offer at local festivals such as Apple Fest and Chili Fest. Also,
because of their vast array of beer selections and home-y feel, we believe that college aged
students will greatly appreciate what they have to offer. The goal is to expand the demographic
of people shopping and dining at Brookton’s Market while maintaining the togetherness and feel
of the tight knit community market. Completing this goal would greatly improve the market’s
profit and help get their name out there in other neighborhoods and towns.
Relionce PR Firm
Research Methods:
Primary and secondary research were integral in discovering the plan of action with regard to our
client. We conducted approximately 50 hours of desk research in order to find out information
about Brookton’s Market, how social media impacts businesses positively and negatively, why
small town businesses have the upper hand in some situations and on the contrary, and why
small town businesses need to step their game up. The ebbs and flows of communities both
support and, in some instances, neglect the growth of particular businesses. Sometimes the
timeline of places, which promote varying needs will be different in 2005 than in 2015. That’s
why it’s so incredibly important to figure out ways for companies and the like to grow with the
times and not necessarily become lost in the mud.
Primary research that was incredibly beneficial to our team was done through meeting with Erin
Keeble and Mike Gabello during class. This was conducted very similarly to a panel discussion.
We, as a class, were able to ask specific questions we had about their business, their experiences
within the market and what they were looking to gain from our help. It was really awesome to
gain this insight, because you can hear all kinds of information from your professor and find
information online, but it’s completely different when you hear something first hand. We were
able to get an accurate account of what they were looking for and able to take our own spin on
the matter. What really stood out to us was how much they relied on their community backing
and the market moola that they implement within their business. Erin expressed that sometimes
they struggle to make rent on a monthly basis and the market moola, which is essentially the
customers paying up front and essentially creating an account for themselves. The information of
what they were buying is recorded and they have the freedom to buy anything within the store
until their money runs out. This really illustrates how important the community is to Brookton’s
Market and how this was such a vital component that we wanted to expand on and to reach a
greater amount of people.
Relionce PR Firm also went out to Brookton’s Market. We did this in an effort to gain a visual of
what the actual product was that we are dealing with. We wanted to fully immerse ourselves in
our client and basically go about things as if we were the customers. This was an extremely
beneficial tactic because we were able to look around and essentially see what our product is and
how to make it better. We were also able to see the managers in their natural habitat and how
they go about their daily routine. This information was extraordinarily crucial to steadying our
ideas and figuring out on how to move forward.
Secondary research that was performed was looking up information about the town of
Brooktondale itself. This is really important because of the prominence that community holds
within this business. By figuring out population information such as the median age of the
community, individuals that live below the poverty level and the median household income of
Relionce PR Firm
those who live in Brooktondale, New York. (see appendix) In addition to this, we discovered
some insight into what the community of Brooktondale is like as well as more statistic-based
information about the businesses within this community. (see appendix) We decided to this, in
order to have a more complete understanding of the environment that is surrounding Brookton’s
We also found information about a grocery store in Iowa that has strikingly similar
characteristics to that of Brooktondale. It was really interesting to see a business venture that was
successful and did so without losing themselves and their integrity in the process. It was
interesting to see components that Brookton’s shares with Mulholland’s and what makes the
latter so incredibly successful, and how we can use those successes in our plan for Brookton’s
Market. (see apprendix)
The Relionce PR team also researched the importance of organic and local food to communities
like Brooktondale. Locally grown foods represent a sustainable agriculture, unlike commercially
grown foods which are industrialized. Local farmers tend to place a higher value in the food they
grow, therefore it usually has better quality than commercial foods. Also, commercially grown
foods are more likely to carry foodborne illnesses than locally grown ones. Members of a
community that support local farmers and businesses are helping to stimulate their local
economy, much like Brookton’s Market hopes to do. (see appendix)
Key Messages:
> Brookton’s Market is a local grocery and deli story that strives on personal relationships with
the community and creating a safe place for all.
> The people of Brooktondale go to Brookton’s Market for a choice of one of their signature deli
sandwiches or wide variety of locally grown grocery items.
> Brookton’s Market is nestled in the heart of Brooktondale which makes it idea for an easy stop
for that early morning coffee, lunch break, or that ingredient you forgot you needed for Sunday
night dinner.
> In addition, Brookton’s Market has a wide variety of craft beers, many of which are brewed
right here in Ithaca.
Relionce PR Firm
Communication Vehicles:
The different communication platforms that Brookton’s Market uses and the ways that they use
them, affects their possible success and development greatly, and we believe with some small
and simple changes that it can allow for extreme growth and progress as a “Neighborhood
First looking at their overall media outreach. They do not advertise abundantly at all. Specially,
being a student at Ithaca College and never seeing any type of advertisement for this store shows
a lack of overall media outreach, specifically to the college students.
Second, they do not participate in many events outside or even in Brooktondale, and more
specifically, not the ones that would be crucial to communicating their objectives and brand.
Apple Fest in the Ithaca Commons would be a great festival to participate in, especially with
their abundance of craft beers and local food items. It would also give them a chance to show
how they focus on the “community” aspect of their business, something that may be highly
appealing to college students. This is one of many festivals and events that they can attend with
the ability to get their overall brand and name across to one aspect of our more developed target
Third, looking at their social media. Understanding that right now, this is not their strongest
point, but with some simple alterations it could have a large benefit on all of our new developed
target audiences. First understating the lack of a main theme throughout all platforms is the
biggest problem. Having a consistent theme throughout all social platforms will allow for easy
brand identification. Simply starting with the look of the platforms is important, than branching
out into the information that is within the platforms is important, overall it all needs to be
Currently the main social media outlets consist of Instagram and Facebook, which is good for
where we stand right now. I think that with improvements on the store as a whole, and a possible
curve in target markets would make it necessary to add more social media to the overall brand. A
simple change that would automatically attract the younger target audience is a simple geotag on
Snapchat, which is an app that allows “snapchatters” to take photos and share them with their
chosen friends, and a geotag would identify “Brookton’s Market,” over a picture, which could be
visible to all friends.
Using the right medium for the right audience is key to their success. Understanding that the
younger, but 21 and over is predominantly on Instagram would show that the craft beer would be
best advertised their, as maybe the people who do their daily shopping and are looking for more
Relionce PR Firm
frequent sales would be best gathering information from Facebook. Also looking at the target
audience in terms of business professionals, possibly including text messages, showing the daily
specials or things like that seeing that the coffee and deli is what will attract them. Their e-mail
communication could use some “fine tuning,” but overall it is a great communication method for
everyone, in which Brookton’s Market should continue with this.
Overall Brookton’s Market needs improvement but with the suggestions given and further
development, growth of success is practically guaranteed.
Implementing the Campaign:
Relionce hopes to achieve greater community outreach and also expand on Brookton’s Market’s
advertising. We believe these will be the two focal points that will drive the success of
Brookton’s Market.
The definition of community outreach is, providing a service to populations who may not know
or have access to that specific service. The biggest part of this is the mobility of community
outreach, which means having to go outside of the area you are located in. For Brookton’s
Market, that area would be the Greater Tompkins County area. That includes, Ithaca, Dryden,
Lansing, etc. Our main goal is to create awareness about Brookton’s Market and what they have
to offer to those in the area.
One of the ways we would like to try and implement the community outreach is by hosting our
own beer fest event. The beer fest will include the craft beers being sold in Brookton’s Market,
games, live music, and food. This event will draw beer lovers from around the community and
will also help in advertising the market. Other ways we have discussed creating outreach
opportunities are attending the local festivals throughout Tompkins County, such as Oktoberfest,
Apple fest, and Chili fest. There will be a tent set up with the food sold in the store, and games to
win coupons or maybe a free coffee. The idea of going to events such as these are to get the
name out there and to help those who have never heard or been to Brookton’s Market to want to
go there and see what the atmosphere is like.
As far as advertising, there are plenty of ways to go about promoting a unique market like
Brookton’s. The Ithaca area alone has the Ithaca Journal, Cornell Chronicle, The Cornell Daily
Sun, The Ithacan, etc. All of these are local media outlets that will be utilized both printed and
online. We will also take advantage of the social media that Brookton’s Market already has and
hone in on certain aspects of the market that are currently thriving. Our goal is to create
advertisements that will show the environment of Brookton’s Market. To show everyone that
Brookton’s could be there home away from home if they want too.
Relionce PR Firm
Brookton’s Market is a valuable, reliable and profitable neighborhood market. Although with our
observations and research we noticed some flaws in the business, we see a future full of profit
and success. We see that Brookton’s Market has a strong position in the listing of ‘Neighborhood
Market’s’, and with its unique style and particular characteristics, it is a place that is bound to
succeed. We have suggested many adjustments that should be taken by Brookton’s Market that
we believe will allow for expansion and maximum growth. We have also pointed out their
current strengths in which we gave further suggestions to allow for more growth, but also
provided praise for their current success. Overall our proposal sets out many alterations that
Brookton’s Market has at their disposal for which we see will allow the market to reach an
extremely high level of success.
Collectively the entirety of this drive to expand Brookton’s Market clientele will entail a portion
of money to be dedicated to advertisements dispersed in the great Tompkins County area.
Advertisements cover a broad range from newspapers and online articles to signs and flyers
placed around center Ithaca area. Newspaper and online advertisements could be featured in The
Ithaca, Ithaca Journal, Tompkins Weekly, and Ithaca Voice, where an ad can go from a hundred
dollars up to five hundred dollars. Online articles is a great way to be featured and have a sit
down interview and really connect with the customer base that is trying to be persuaded. Posters,
flyers and signs being hung up and distributed around the center of Ithaca will grab the attention
of the potential clientele base as well. In return we expect a double in customer base which in
return will double the revenue the market is expected to make from the expansion. Any and all of
these advertisements invites to clientele to come check out the market less than 10 minutes away
and/or search them through web engines which they will come across the newly renovated
website. PR Relionce suggests that you use our services for 30 days and have an assessment at
the end of 30 days if our services need to be extended. We feel that in a 30 day period we can
implement our advertising plan for the market and nearly double their annual revenue and foot
traffic. Brookton’s Market can rely on PR Relionce to develop the market brand and grow the
company. This will include: Social Media (managing facebook, twitter, instagram), Media
Relations (gaining positive coverage for the market, products, services), Leadership,
implementing and maintaining advertisements.). For our 30 day service we have a flat rate of
$4,500. At the end of the 30 days an evaluation will be made on whether or not our services need
an extension and from there we have a different raging price. By strategically placing newspaper
advertisements, online interviews, posters and signs around the downtown Ithaca area and
greater Tompkins County area this will engage future clientele and pull them towards the cozy,
friendly atmosphere of Brookton’s Market.
Relionce PR Firm
FOR IMMEDIATE RRELEASE For more information, please
Alex Gilligan, Project Manager
(480) 227-7626
Headstrong Public Relations Firm Vows for Expansion with Local Market
Ithaca, NY – Oct. 21, 2015 – Not afraid to take chances is Relionce PR Firm’s motto. Relionce
PR Firm prides ourselves on our initiative to help a company from the ground up and to expand
their business not completely change it. Our client, Brookton’s Market afforded us the
opportunity to work with them in order to expand their community outreach as well as boosting
their business as a whole.
Relionce PR Firm has expanded our knowledge on the field and subject matter through lectures
and primary and secondary research. This has allowed us to come to a better understanding of
what our processes will entail. We collected data pertaining to the town of Brooktondale, local
markets, social media, as well as organic and locally grown products. Relionce went to
Brookton’s Market to obtain an accurate depiction and idea of not only what the market had to
offer but the overall tone of the small town market. It was imperative that we immersed
ourselves in the business so that we could be able to be fully invested in the market and therefore
be able to produce the most helpful and necessary PR proposal.
Relionce’s public relations proposal will include an overall analysis of the company,
improvements to their current business plan, and then the ultimate goal of increasing
opportunities for them as a local business. The objective is to help Brookton’s Market grow and
reach their ultimate potential as a company.
About Brookton’s Market:
Brookton’s Market is located in Brooktondale, NY which is a small township approximately 10
minutes away from Ithaca. There are three integral individuals that contribute to the running of
this business: Aaron Snow, who is the owner and Erin Keeble and Mike Gabello who equally
split management duties. The market itself boasts a very cozy and intimate feel, with its
management on a name-to-name basis with almost everyone that walks through the door. Within
the marketplace there are a myriad of options for grocery items, varying from reasonably priced
organic foods to a large selection craft beers. In addition to the grocery options, there is a deli
that also offers an abundance of choices for food that can be taken to go or eaten right in the
Relionce PR Firm
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, please
Alex Gilligan, Project Manager
(480) 227 7626
Local Brookton’s Market Strives for Expansion
Brooktondale, NY – Nov. 9, 2015- Brookton’s Market is located in Brooktondale, NY, which is a
small township approximately ten minutes away from central Ithaca. Established as a market in
early 2008, Brookton’s Market has done an amazing job at becoming a pivotal stop in a
community members day. Whether that is to grab coffee before work, one of their signature
wraps during lunch, or groceries with the kids, this market makes it perfect for everyday needs.
Within the marketplace there are a myriad of options for grocery items, varying from reasonably
priced organic foods to a large selection craft beers. In addition to the grocery options, there is a
deli that also offers an abundance of choices for food that can be taken to go or eaten right in the
store. With a larger dining area and smaller child’s corner it is extremely cozy and inviting
especially during the cold upstate New York winters.
There are three integral individuals that contribute to the running of this business: Aaron Snow,
who is the owner and Erin Keeble and Mike Gabello who equally split management duties.
Keeble and Gabello do an inquisitive job at co-managing while maintaining the store at
satisfactory level.
The market itself boasts a very cozy and intimate feel, with its management on a name-to-name
basis with almost everyone that walks through the door. The environment of Brookton’s Market
is very inviting and their customers feel as if they are home once inside. Community is a
significant component to the market and is incredibly important to this business as an aspect that
they truly thrive off of. Not only do they support members of the Brooktondale community, but
the local farmers and food providers of the Tompkins County area.
While almost all large scale grocery stores lack that personal basis with customers, Brookton’s
Market and their customers are a tight knit group that support one another in any endeavor,
which transcends into the local shops. The market is looking to expand their business as a whole
and tap into other demographics as well as increase their economic footprint in central New
About our goal:
Relionce PR Firm would like to expand the clientele of Brookton’s Market to the greater
Tompkins County Area. Our strategy is to various different advertisements be seen in several
local Ithaca magazines such as Ithaca Times, The Ithacan, The Ithaca Journal, and the Cornell
Chronicle. In return such advertisements will draw attention in from non regular customers and
ultimately boost Brookton’s Market clientele base thus increasing the revenue within one year.
Relionce PR Firm
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, please
Alex Gilligan, Project Manager
(480) 227 7626
Brookton’s Market Perfects the Outside Beer Fest
Brooktondale, N.Y - Nov. 18, 2015 - Brookton’s Market hosted its very first Brookton’s Beer
Fest. This beer fest included hundreds of craft beers originating from the greater upstate New
York region. Venders from Tompkins County and neighboring towns partook in the event as
well, sharing their most
Hundreds of Brooktondale community members attended the events alongside numerous
members of neighboring towns and dozens of Cornell and Ithaca College students. The event
took place right on site at Brookton’s Market with festivities starting around four pm and ending
close to nine pm. There was a cover charge of ten dollars that allowed the people partaking in
the event to walk from table to table testing out different craft beers, watching brew masters
craft beer, gain knowledge on ingredients and new beers, while socializing with the community.
Tables were set up outside on the lawn filled with different local and neighboring counties beers
alongside different breweries. There were also booths selling brewing kits, stickers, bags,
books, etc. along with a booth that had information on all the different beers and breweries
present at the event.
Most notably known for their one of a kind craft beers, the Ithaca Brewery Co. showcased their
newest craft beer - Outdoor Ale. Ithaca Beer released its draft-only, extremely limited, ultra
fresh, 5.1% ABV, pale ale style beer at the event which was an instant hit.The Ithaca Brewery
Co. were giving demonstrations on how to craft one’s own beer with even a one on one tutorial
of the mixing of ingredients.
To find out more:
To find out more about the first annual Brookton’s Beer Fest go to,
Brookton’s Market Instagram and #BrooktonsMarket. There you can find dozens of photos,
reviews, more information, and upcoming events.
Relionce PR Firm
Demographic information of Brooktondale, New York:
Population: 2, 380
Median Age: 49.4
Total Housing Units: 1,042
Median Household Income: $55, 415
Average Household Income: $66,782
Per Capita Income: $29,063
Individuals Below Poverty Level: 5.6%
Race and Hispanic Origin
White: 1,957
Black/African American: 106
American Indian and Alaska Native: 0
Asian: 17
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0
Two or more Races: 71
Hispanic or Latino (of any race): 20
Neighborhood Data of Brooktondale, New York:
Business Addresses: 32
Single Family Addresses: 1,100
County: Tompkins
Relionce PR Firm
Visual Aides:
Relionce PR Firm
Relevant information about small town grocery stores:
• Mulholland Grocery Store: Located in Malvern, IA
• Population: Approximately 1,100
• 5, 000 Square foot space
• $1 million sales, employ 11 individuals
• Residents state that community wouldn’t be able to survive without Mulholland’s
• Gathering place for community
• Everyone is on a first name basis
• Keys:
o Diversified Products: meat market, grocery store and catering business
American FactFinder - Community Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2015
Brooktondale, NY 14817 ZIP Code Profile. (2015, July 1). Retrieved November 10,
Ithaca, NY 14850 ZIP Code Profile. (2015, July 1). Retrieved November 10, 2015.
Town of Caroline, NY » Local Businesses. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2015
Santana, M. (2014, May 18). Small-town grocers holding strong after big decline.
Retrieved October 5, 2015.

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Brookton’s Market PR Proposal

  • 1. Brookton’s Market PR Proposal Shayna Gaskins, Alex Gilligan, Lydia Novalis, Sage VanAmerongen, Elizabeth Gulino Relionce PR Firm Ithaca College Team contact: Alex Gilligan Cell Phone: (480) 227-7626 Email:
  • 2.         2   2   Relionce PR Firm Table of Contents Project Team………………………………………………………………………………..3 Abstract.…………………………………………………………………………………….4 Situational Analysis.………………………………………………………………………..4 SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………………….........6 Target Audience…………………………………………………………………………….7 Scope of Assignment.………………………………………………………………….........8 Research Methods…………………………………………………………...........................9 Key Messages……………………………………………………………….........................10 Communication Vehicles……………………………………………………………...........11 Implementing the Campaign……………………………………………………………......12 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….....13 Fees…………………………………………………………………………………………13 Additional Documents Pre-Release…………………………………………………………………………14 Press-Release……………………………………………………………………….15 Post-Release………………………………………………………………………..16 Appendix……………………………………………………………………………….......17
  • 3.         3   3   Relionce PR Firm Project Team: Elizabeth Gulino is currently a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major at Ithaca College planning to minor in Journalism and possibly Politics. She stays active on campus by participating in organizations such as a Park School Dean’s Host, a writer for The Odyssey & Her Campus, a club field hockey player, PRSSA member and a news reporter for the ICTV satirical news show, That Other News Show. Elizabeth plans on graduating in 2018 and pursuing a career in New York City or Los Angeles. Shayna Gaskins is currently a junior Sport Media major and Writing minor at Ithaca College. She keeps busy on campus by participating in various extracurriculars such as tutoring in the writing center, writing for both The Odyssey & Her Campus, active board member of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee. Shayna is also a member of the Ithaca College Women’s Basketball team. Shayna plans on graduating in spring of 2017 and go straight to graduate school in order to gain a masters in public relations and corporate communications. After receiving her masters, she hopes to pursue a career in the sports world while concentrating on the communications aspect of the industry. Lydia Novalis is currently a junior, sport media major at Ithaca College. Lydia spent her summer interning with the New York Jets in which she gained valuable experience that will help further her career in the sport industry. In hopes of interning with the New York Rangers this spring Lydia will be taking direct marketing and sport relations in the spring in New York City. Lydia plans on graduating in 2018 with a career in the sport world while residing in one of the major cities located in the United States. Sage VanAmerongen is currently a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communication major at Ithaca College. Sage is a Leadership Scholar on campus and frequently participates in professional development as well as volunteering in the community. Sage also spends her time participating in Students Today Alumni Tomorrow. This past summer, she interned with NYSPHSAA (New York State Public High School Athletic Association) in Albany, NY where she resides. Sage plans on graduating in the fall of 2018, and finding a profession in the corporate world. Alexandra Gilligan is currently a junior Sport Media major at Ithaca College. Alex has had amazing opportunities while at Ithaca College, both in and out of the academic calendar. While in school, Alex is a student-athlete, as she is a member of the Ithaca College Women’s Basketball team. Outside of the academic calendar Alex has received two very valuable internships in the past two summers. Summer of 2014 she interned with the New York Yankees in their non-baseball events department, and summer of 2015 she interned with AEG Live in their ticketing department. Alex plans on graduating in Spring of 2017 with a career in the sport or entertainment industry.
  • 4.         4   4   Relionce PR Firm Abstract: Our client, Brookton’s Market, is a grocery store and deli located in the small town of Brooktondale, New York. The market is a small, privately owned business that caters to the community with a friendly atmosphere and caring attitude. Brookton’s itself carries a wide variety of products including local farmers’ produce, craft beers, cleaning supplies, and other typical market finds. In conjunction with the grocery component, they boast a plethora of options with regard to hearty deli sandwiches and baked goods. Relionce PR Firm is based in Ithaca, New York and our firm’s goal is to both solidify and expand upon Brookton’s customer base to reach the greater Tompkins County community. We feel that by implementing a strategic form of advertising that engages the community as well as provides information about the business, there will be a dramatic boost in business. We foresee the advertisements not only promoting Brookton’s market, but the events that will bridge the gap between the market and community. By creating more events that engage the community, more broad advertisements and focusing on in-store products that they sell, this will in turn expand their clientele base. Situational Analysis: Brookton’s Market is located in Brooktondale, New York, a small town about 6 miles away from Ithaca, New York. The market boasts a strong sense of community. They pride themselves on this as well as making their customers feel as if they are home as soon as they walk through the doors. This is made evident through the cozy interior design of the marketplace in addition to the staff being on a name-to-name basis with all their customers. In a rare situation that a staff member didn’t know the name of a customer, they immediately make it a priority to get on a first name basis with them. The demographics of Brooktondale are a crucial component to take into consideration. Currently, there are approximately 2,380 residents of this small town located on the outskirts of Ithaca. The small community borders the town of Caroline, which prides itself on having a tight knit community. This being said, the residents within this community support its local businesses, but that simply just isn’t enough for Brookton’s Market. In order to add a considerable boost in revenue and awareness of the awesome products that are sold, a huge component will be getting more foot traffic from people within the community as well as from the surrounding towns outside of it. There are megalomaniacs of the grocery world within upstate New York, which include Wegmans, Tops, Walmart and even smaller specialty stores such as Greenstar. The first question that comes to our minds is what do these stores have in common with Brookton’s Market and
  • 5.         5   5   Relionce PR Firm what are the differences between the two. They are all stores that promote groceries as well as specialty and seemingly ordinary items, and at Wegman’s you as a consumer have the ability to dine in just like Brookton’s Market. Walmart boasts the reputation of being a neighborhood grocery store, very similarly to the ideals that Brookton’s promotes to their customers. The major difference between these places is the notoriety that the others have and how they are a common household name. Although the scale of these businesses is different, this is one of the main goals that we are looking to achieve. We want to get the name of Brookton’s Market out to the greater Tompkin County area, especially since their product is so unique and memorable. An integral component that Brookton’s lacks is the amount of customer traffic that comes in and out as well as the amount of grocery specific items that are purchased. It has been expressed that a large amount of store revenue comes from the deli side of the market. The managers, Erin Keeble and Mike Gabello, have expressed that while this is great for business, it steers away from the heart of what the market place truly is. In addition to this, they have also stated that becoming more focused on the deli aspect of their business is an avenue that they are not ready to go down yet.This is an important concept that they are looking to change, and one that we are looking to help structure in order to achieve that goal. The fact that this marketplace has such a strong community backing does a great deal for this particular situation. A big issue that many businesses face is getting their name out there and also having people come in. Retaining the customers is huge, so the neighborhood residents will continue to return and give Brookton’s their business. Brookton’s presence in the market isn’t as strong as it could be. Currently, they have a wide variety of basic necessities as well as specialty and organic items. This in itself should be an automatic draw for consumers to come in and purchase their products, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Unfortunately, the market side of the shop is overshadowed by the deli option and people don’t seem to be coming in just for simple items, which are made readily available. The products that boast are those that people would be able to purchase at a Wegmans or at a Tops and seems to be the avenue that they are to be going down. In order for Brookton’s Market to gain more of a presence in the market industry, we will have to give customers a reason to come in and truly sell the experience to them in addition to the products that they will be able to purchase.
  • 6.         6   6   Relionce PR Firm SWOT Analysis: Brookton’s Market has many unique strengths as well as weaknesses. To begin, we will highlight their particular strengths that make them stand out against competitors. They have loyal customers in their tight knit neighborhood of Brooktondale, and stay on a personal level with their regular customers while making new ones feel the same sense of community. The people of Brooktondale feel at home when they are shopping or eating at Brookton’s Market because of the intimate feel that the store gives off. Their community events such as movie nights and charity based events allow people in the community to come together and get to know each other even better than they already do. Another strength that Brookton’s Market has is their dine-in and deli sales. The deli itself is more profitable than the grocery aspect of the store and attracts more customers overall. The deli might be more popular due to their location, which is right behind a bus stop.. This location is another strength because it can attract out of towners and frequent travelers to the market. But, with strengths come weaknesses. While their location behind a bus stop might be ideal for travelers, it is also in a very small town. Most out of towners have not heard of Brookton’s Market, especially because there are no stoplights in the town of Brooktondale. Being far away from the large population of college kids in Ithaca is a disadvantage that the market has. If it were closer to downtown Ithaca, it may attract a wider variety of young customers. Another weakness of theirs is not getting their name and brand out there in other areas. Ithaca offers so many opportunities, like Apple Fest, Chili Fest and Beer Fest to allow Brookton’s Market to get their name out their to those outside of Brooktondale. As mentioned before, their deli sales outshine their grocery revenue. Brookton’s wants to move toward expanding their grocery sales but cannot seem to do so. This is definitely one of their biggest weaknesses as a market and they should try to expand their grocery sales by focusing more on them and their role in the market. Some of the weaknesses that Brookton’s Market has can easily turn into opportunities. With their outstanding deli sales, they can help promote their grocery section. An idea is to use what they have in their grocery section to make the deli foods, and then advertise the exact ingredients they used so customers would be more inclined to buy the grocery items to make their own foods at home. They have numerous marketing opportunities with all of the “fests” offered in Ithaca to reach a broader array of customers that aren’t from the small area of Brooktondale. They can even use the bus stop outside of their market to advertise specials and menu items that would attract travelers and people walking or driving by.
  • 7.         7   7   Relionce PR Firm Brookton’s Market also faces a lot of threats. Their closest competitor in proximity is a store called Dandy Mini Mart, which attracts a lot of truckers and travelers to stop at when going through the town of Brooktondale. This store takes away a lot of their potential customers. Other threats include any markets that are like Brookton’s Market, such as small markets and local eateries close by that also attracts the tight knit community and have a neighborhood feel. Their lack of advertising and marketing to other communities outside of Brooktondale also hurts them and takes away other target markets they could be attempting to reach. Target Audience: Brookton’s Market has done a great job of developing their relationship with their local community of Brooktondale. Although Brooktondale only has a population of about 2,708, their managers,Erin Keeble and Mike Gabello, have created a safe environment for those 2,708 people. Now, let’s compare the population of Brooktondale to Ithaca. Ithaca has a population of 62,609. That is almost a full 60,000 more people than Brooktondale. Ithaca is one of the many towns in Tompkins County. This county has an abundance of every age group, which is ideal for all businesses. That being said, there are a couple different target markets that we believe they should be focusing on. Both men and women between the ages of 21 to 27 and business professionals within the greater Tompkins County area will be the main focus for Brookton’s Market. It is time for Brookton’s Market to move up the list of grocery stores in Tompkins County, and currently there are only 12. Relionce firmly believe that by focusing on these two-targeted segments Brookton’s Market will be able to succeed in the grocery business world of upstate New York. Relionce has come up with an example to each other these targeted segments. The first will be a 25-year-old woman who is receiving her doctorate from Cornell University. The second will be a 46-year-old professor from Ithaca College. Rebecca Gallagher is a 25-year-old woman from Mendham, New Jersey. She is currently receiving her doctorate in psychology from Cornell University. Rebecca loves nature and going on, what she likes to call, “adventures.” Those “adventures” included long hikes, rock climbing, and even some swimming. She is also into the healthy eating lifestyle (i.e. organic foods). She also is the type of person to use their social media (i.e. Instagram) to let people know where she has been and what she is eating. This is exactly the type of customer
  • 8.         8   8   Relionce PR Firm that would fit in great at Brookton’s Market. The kind hearted, adventurous, intelligent, young adult is exactly who should be targeted for a market with such a small unique clientele to begin with. This new younger crowd will bring in a fresh new atmosphere to Brookton’s Market. LeRoy Davidson is a 46-year-old computer science professor at Ithaca College. He has a wife and a daughter, and a red fox lab named Jerry. His hobbies include sitting down with a hot cup of coffee and a good book, and cooking. He loves to use natural herbs in his concoctions, and enjoys trying new blends of coffee. This consumer would also be a great fit for Brookton’s Market because of their interests. When you first walk into Brookton’s Market you see a seating area with books and magazines to the right, and the coffee to the left. There is a little sign by the coffee saying you get a discount on your cup of joe for using your own cup. For a coffee drinker and a book lover, this is an ideal situation. Brooktons Market also has plenty of herbs and spices. This type of customer will give Brookton’s Market that same homey feeling that it has always had, making it a place customers always wanting to come back. Scope of Assignment: Our assignment is to expand the target audience that Brookton’s Market reaches. We would like to persuade and market to college kids in the Ithaca area and beyond to come to Brookton’s Market by advertising what they offer at local festivals such as Apple Fest and Chili Fest. Also, because of their vast array of beer selections and home-y feel, we believe that college aged students will greatly appreciate what they have to offer. The goal is to expand the demographic of people shopping and dining at Brookton’s Market while maintaining the togetherness and feel of the tight knit community market. Completing this goal would greatly improve the market’s profit and help get their name out there in other neighborhoods and towns.
  • 9.         9   9   Relionce PR Firm Research Methods: Primary and secondary research were integral in discovering the plan of action with regard to our client. We conducted approximately 50 hours of desk research in order to find out information about Brookton’s Market, how social media impacts businesses positively and negatively, why small town businesses have the upper hand in some situations and on the contrary, and why small town businesses need to step their game up. The ebbs and flows of communities both support and, in some instances, neglect the growth of particular businesses. Sometimes the timeline of places, which promote varying needs will be different in 2005 than in 2015. That’s why it’s so incredibly important to figure out ways for companies and the like to grow with the times and not necessarily become lost in the mud. Primary research that was incredibly beneficial to our team was done through meeting with Erin Keeble and Mike Gabello during class. This was conducted very similarly to a panel discussion. We, as a class, were able to ask specific questions we had about their business, their experiences within the market and what they were looking to gain from our help. It was really awesome to gain this insight, because you can hear all kinds of information from your professor and find information online, but it’s completely different when you hear something first hand. We were able to get an accurate account of what they were looking for and able to take our own spin on the matter. What really stood out to us was how much they relied on their community backing and the market moola that they implement within their business. Erin expressed that sometimes they struggle to make rent on a monthly basis and the market moola, which is essentially the customers paying up front and essentially creating an account for themselves. The information of what they were buying is recorded and they have the freedom to buy anything within the store until their money runs out. This really illustrates how important the community is to Brookton’s Market and how this was such a vital component that we wanted to expand on and to reach a greater amount of people. Relionce PR Firm also went out to Brookton’s Market. We did this in an effort to gain a visual of what the actual product was that we are dealing with. We wanted to fully immerse ourselves in our client and basically go about things as if we were the customers. This was an extremely beneficial tactic because we were able to look around and essentially see what our product is and how to make it better. We were also able to see the managers in their natural habitat and how they go about their daily routine. This information was extraordinarily crucial to steadying our ideas and figuring out on how to move forward. Secondary research that was performed was looking up information about the town of Brooktondale itself. This is really important because of the prominence that community holds within this business. By figuring out population information such as the median age of the community, individuals that live below the poverty level and the median household income of
  • 10.         10   10   Relionce PR Firm those who live in Brooktondale, New York. (see appendix) In addition to this, we discovered some insight into what the community of Brooktondale is like as well as more statistic-based information about the businesses within this community. (see appendix) We decided to this, in order to have a more complete understanding of the environment that is surrounding Brookton’s Market. We also found information about a grocery store in Iowa that has strikingly similar characteristics to that of Brooktondale. It was really interesting to see a business venture that was successful and did so without losing themselves and their integrity in the process. It was interesting to see components that Brookton’s shares with Mulholland’s and what makes the latter so incredibly successful, and how we can use those successes in our plan for Brookton’s Market. (see apprendix) The Relionce PR team also researched the importance of organic and local food to communities like Brooktondale. Locally grown foods represent a sustainable agriculture, unlike commercially grown foods which are industrialized. Local farmers tend to place a higher value in the food they grow, therefore it usually has better quality than commercial foods. Also, commercially grown foods are more likely to carry foodborne illnesses than locally grown ones. Members of a community that support local farmers and businesses are helping to stimulate their local economy, much like Brookton’s Market hopes to do. (see appendix) Key Messages: > Brookton’s Market is a local grocery and deli story that strives on personal relationships with the community and creating a safe place for all. > The people of Brooktondale go to Brookton’s Market for a choice of one of their signature deli sandwiches or wide variety of locally grown grocery items. > Brookton’s Market is nestled in the heart of Brooktondale which makes it idea for an easy stop for that early morning coffee, lunch break, or that ingredient you forgot you needed for Sunday night dinner. > In addition, Brookton’s Market has a wide variety of craft beers, many of which are brewed right here in Ithaca.
  • 11.         11   11   Relionce PR Firm Communication Vehicles: The different communication platforms that Brookton’s Market uses and the ways that they use them, affects their possible success and development greatly, and we believe with some small and simple changes that it can allow for extreme growth and progress as a “Neighborhood Market.” First looking at their overall media outreach. They do not advertise abundantly at all. Specially, being a student at Ithaca College and never seeing any type of advertisement for this store shows a lack of overall media outreach, specifically to the college students. Second, they do not participate in many events outside or even in Brooktondale, and more specifically, not the ones that would be crucial to communicating their objectives and brand. Apple Fest in the Ithaca Commons would be a great festival to participate in, especially with their abundance of craft beers and local food items. It would also give them a chance to show how they focus on the “community” aspect of their business, something that may be highly appealing to college students. This is one of many festivals and events that they can attend with the ability to get their overall brand and name across to one aspect of our more developed target audience. Third, looking at their social media. Understanding that right now, this is not their strongest point, but with some simple alterations it could have a large benefit on all of our new developed target audiences. First understating the lack of a main theme throughout all platforms is the biggest problem. Having a consistent theme throughout all social platforms will allow for easy brand identification. Simply starting with the look of the platforms is important, than branching out into the information that is within the platforms is important, overall it all needs to be consistent. Currently the main social media outlets consist of Instagram and Facebook, which is good for where we stand right now. I think that with improvements on the store as a whole, and a possible curve in target markets would make it necessary to add more social media to the overall brand. A simple change that would automatically attract the younger target audience is a simple geotag on Snapchat, which is an app that allows “snapchatters” to take photos and share them with their chosen friends, and a geotag would identify “Brookton’s Market,” over a picture, which could be visible to all friends. Using the right medium for the right audience is key to their success. Understanding that the younger, but 21 and over is predominantly on Instagram would show that the craft beer would be best advertised their, as maybe the people who do their daily shopping and are looking for more
  • 12.         12   12   Relionce PR Firm frequent sales would be best gathering information from Facebook. Also looking at the target audience in terms of business professionals, possibly including text messages, showing the daily specials or things like that seeing that the coffee and deli is what will attract them. Their e-mail communication could use some “fine tuning,” but overall it is a great communication method for everyone, in which Brookton’s Market should continue with this. Overall Brookton’s Market needs improvement but with the suggestions given and further development, growth of success is practically guaranteed. Implementing the Campaign: Relionce hopes to achieve greater community outreach and also expand on Brookton’s Market’s advertising. We believe these will be the two focal points that will drive the success of Brookton’s Market. The definition of community outreach is, providing a service to populations who may not know or have access to that specific service. The biggest part of this is the mobility of community outreach, which means having to go outside of the area you are located in. For Brookton’s Market, that area would be the Greater Tompkins County area. That includes, Ithaca, Dryden, Lansing, etc. Our main goal is to create awareness about Brookton’s Market and what they have to offer to those in the area. One of the ways we would like to try and implement the community outreach is by hosting our own beer fest event. The beer fest will include the craft beers being sold in Brookton’s Market, games, live music, and food. This event will draw beer lovers from around the community and will also help in advertising the market. Other ways we have discussed creating outreach opportunities are attending the local festivals throughout Tompkins County, such as Oktoberfest, Apple fest, and Chili fest. There will be a tent set up with the food sold in the store, and games to win coupons or maybe a free coffee. The idea of going to events such as these are to get the name out there and to help those who have never heard or been to Brookton’s Market to want to go there and see what the atmosphere is like. As far as advertising, there are plenty of ways to go about promoting a unique market like Brookton’s. The Ithaca area alone has the Ithaca Journal, Cornell Chronicle, The Cornell Daily Sun, The Ithacan, etc. All of these are local media outlets that will be utilized both printed and online. We will also take advantage of the social media that Brookton’s Market already has and hone in on certain aspects of the market that are currently thriving. Our goal is to create advertisements that will show the environment of Brookton’s Market. To show everyone that Brookton’s could be there home away from home if they want too.
  • 13.         13   13   Relionce PR Firm Conclusion Brookton’s Market is a valuable, reliable and profitable neighborhood market. Although with our observations and research we noticed some flaws in the business, we see a future full of profit and success. We see that Brookton’s Market has a strong position in the listing of ‘Neighborhood Market’s’, and with its unique style and particular characteristics, it is a place that is bound to succeed. We have suggested many adjustments that should be taken by Brookton’s Market that we believe will allow for expansion and maximum growth. We have also pointed out their current strengths in which we gave further suggestions to allow for more growth, but also provided praise for their current success. Overall our proposal sets out many alterations that Brookton’s Market has at their disposal for which we see will allow the market to reach an extremely high level of success. Fees Collectively the entirety of this drive to expand Brookton’s Market clientele will entail a portion of money to be dedicated to advertisements dispersed in the great Tompkins County area. Advertisements cover a broad range from newspapers and online articles to signs and flyers placed around center Ithaca area. Newspaper and online advertisements could be featured in The Ithaca, Ithaca Journal, Tompkins Weekly, and Ithaca Voice, where an ad can go from a hundred dollars up to five hundred dollars. Online articles is a great way to be featured and have a sit down interview and really connect with the customer base that is trying to be persuaded. Posters, flyers and signs being hung up and distributed around the center of Ithaca will grab the attention of the potential clientele base as well. In return we expect a double in customer base which in return will double the revenue the market is expected to make from the expansion. Any and all of these advertisements invites to clientele to come check out the market less than 10 minutes away and/or search them through web engines which they will come across the newly renovated website. PR Relionce suggests that you use our services for 30 days and have an assessment at the end of 30 days if our services need to be extended. We feel that in a 30 day period we can implement our advertising plan for the market and nearly double their annual revenue and foot traffic. Brookton’s Market can rely on PR Relionce to develop the market brand and grow the company. This will include: Social Media (managing facebook, twitter, instagram), Media Relations (gaining positive coverage for the market, products, services), Leadership, implementing and maintaining advertisements.). For our 30 day service we have a flat rate of $4,500. At the end of the 30 days an evaluation will be made on whether or not our services need an extension and from there we have a different raging price. By strategically placing newspaper advertisements, online interviews, posters and signs around the downtown Ithaca area and greater Tompkins County area this will engage future clientele and pull them towards the cozy, friendly atmosphere of Brookton’s Market.
  • 14.         14   14   Relionce PR Firm FOR IMMEDIATE RRELEASE For more information, please contact: Alex Gilligan, Project Manager (480) 227-7626 Headstrong Public Relations Firm Vows for Expansion with Local Market Ithaca, NY – Oct. 21, 2015 – Not afraid to take chances is Relionce PR Firm’s motto. Relionce PR Firm prides ourselves on our initiative to help a company from the ground up and to expand their business not completely change it. Our client, Brookton’s Market afforded us the opportunity to work with them in order to expand their community outreach as well as boosting their business as a whole. Relionce PR Firm has expanded our knowledge on the field and subject matter through lectures and primary and secondary research. This has allowed us to come to a better understanding of what our processes will entail. We collected data pertaining to the town of Brooktondale, local markets, social media, as well as organic and locally grown products. Relionce went to Brookton’s Market to obtain an accurate depiction and idea of not only what the market had to offer but the overall tone of the small town market. It was imperative that we immersed ourselves in the business so that we could be able to be fully invested in the market and therefore be able to produce the most helpful and necessary PR proposal. Relionce’s public relations proposal will include an overall analysis of the company, improvements to their current business plan, and then the ultimate goal of increasing opportunities for them as a local business. The objective is to help Brookton’s Market grow and reach their ultimate potential as a company. About Brookton’s Market: Brookton’s Market is located in Brooktondale, NY which is a small township approximately 10 minutes away from Ithaca. There are three integral individuals that contribute to the running of this business: Aaron Snow, who is the owner and Erin Keeble and Mike Gabello who equally split management duties. The market itself boasts a very cozy and intimate feel, with its management on a name-to-name basis with almost everyone that walks through the door. Within the marketplace there are a myriad of options for grocery items, varying from reasonably priced organic foods to a large selection craft beers. In addition to the grocery options, there is a deli that also offers an abundance of choices for food that can be taken to go or eaten right in the store.
  • 15.         15   15   Relionce PR Firm FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, please contact: Alex Gilligan, Project Manager (480) 227 7626 Local Brookton’s Market Strives for Expansion Brooktondale, NY – Nov. 9, 2015- Brookton’s Market is located in Brooktondale, NY, which is a small township approximately ten minutes away from central Ithaca. Established as a market in early 2008, Brookton’s Market has done an amazing job at becoming a pivotal stop in a community members day. Whether that is to grab coffee before work, one of their signature wraps during lunch, or groceries with the kids, this market makes it perfect for everyday needs. Within the marketplace there are a myriad of options for grocery items, varying from reasonably priced organic foods to a large selection craft beers. In addition to the grocery options, there is a deli that also offers an abundance of choices for food that can be taken to go or eaten right in the store. With a larger dining area and smaller child’s corner it is extremely cozy and inviting especially during the cold upstate New York winters. There are three integral individuals that contribute to the running of this business: Aaron Snow, who is the owner and Erin Keeble and Mike Gabello who equally split management duties. Keeble and Gabello do an inquisitive job at co-managing while maintaining the store at satisfactory level. The market itself boasts a very cozy and intimate feel, with its management on a name-to-name basis with almost everyone that walks through the door. The environment of Brookton’s Market is very inviting and their customers feel as if they are home once inside. Community is a significant component to the market and is incredibly important to this business as an aspect that they truly thrive off of. Not only do they support members of the Brooktondale community, but the local farmers and food providers of the Tompkins County area. While almost all large scale grocery stores lack that personal basis with customers, Brookton’s Market and their customers are a tight knit group that support one another in any endeavor, which transcends into the local shops. The market is looking to expand their business as a whole and tap into other demographics as well as increase their economic footprint in central New York. About our goal: Relionce PR Firm would like to expand the clientele of Brookton’s Market to the greater Tompkins County Area. Our strategy is to various different advertisements be seen in several local Ithaca magazines such as Ithaca Times, The Ithacan, The Ithaca Journal, and the Cornell Chronicle. In return such advertisements will draw attention in from non regular customers and ultimately boost Brookton’s Market clientele base thus increasing the revenue within one year.
  • 16.         16   16   Relionce PR Firm   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, please contact: Alex Gilligan, Project Manager (480) 227 7626 Brookton’s Market Perfects the Outside Beer Fest   Brooktondale, N.Y - Nov. 18, 2015 - Brookton’s Market hosted its very first Brookton’s Beer Fest. This beer fest included hundreds of craft beers originating from the greater upstate New York region. Venders from Tompkins County and neighboring towns partook in the event as well, sharing their most   Hundreds of Brooktondale community members attended the events alongside numerous members of neighboring towns and dozens of Cornell and Ithaca College students. The event took place right on site at Brookton’s Market with festivities starting around four pm and ending close to nine pm. There was a cover charge of ten dollars that allowed the people partaking in the event to walk from table to table testing out different craft beers, watching brew masters craft beer, gain knowledge on ingredients and new beers, while socializing with the community. Tables were set up outside on the lawn filled with different local and neighboring counties beers alongside different breweries. There were also booths selling brewing kits, stickers, bags, books, etc. along with a booth that had information on all the different beers and breweries present at the event.   Most notably known for their one of a kind craft beers, the Ithaca Brewery Co. showcased their newest craft beer - Outdoor Ale. Ithaca Beer released its draft-only, extremely limited, ultra fresh, 5.1% ABV, pale ale style beer at the event which was an instant hit.The Ithaca Brewery Co. were giving demonstrations on how to craft one’s own beer with even a one on one tutorial of the mixing of ingredients. To find out more:   To find out more about the first annual Brookton’s Beer Fest go to, Brookton’s Market Instagram and #BrooktonsMarket. There you can find dozens of photos, reviews, more information, and upcoming events.  
  • 17.         17   17   Relionce PR Firm Appendix Demographic information of Brooktondale, New York: Population: 2, 380 Median Age: 49.4 Total Housing Units: 1,042 Median Household Income: $55, 415 Average Household Income: $66,782 Per Capita Income: $29,063 Individuals Below Poverty Level: 5.6% Race and Hispanic Origin White: 1,957 Black/African American: 106 American Indian and Alaska Native: 0 Asian: 17 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0 Two or more Races: 71 Hispanic or Latino (of any race): 20 Neighborhood Data of Brooktondale, New York: Business Addresses: 32 Single Family Addresses: 1,100 County: Tompkins
  • 18.         18   18   Relionce PR Firm Visual Aides:
  • 19.         19   19   Relionce PR Firm Relevant information about small town grocery stores: • Mulholland Grocery Store: Located in Malvern, IA • Population: Approximately 1,100 • 5, 000 Square foot space • $1 million sales, employ 11 individuals • Residents state that community wouldn’t be able to survive without Mulholland’s • Gathering place for community • Everyone is on a first name basis • Keys: o Diversified Products: meat market, grocery store and catering business American FactFinder - Community Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2015 Brooktondale, NY 14817 ZIP Code Profile. (2015, July 1). Retrieved November 10, 2015. Ithaca, NY 14850 ZIP Code Profile. (2015, July 1). Retrieved November 10, 2015. Town of Caroline, NY » Local Businesses. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2015 Santana, M. (2014, May 18). Small-town grocers holding strong after big decline. Retrieved October 5, 2015.