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Reduce your energy dependency and     lower your heating bills


                                      first, conserve
about us

                                                                                           S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N

 “Planning to reduce your
 energy dependency and                                           EcoLogic Foam Insulation was created because of the owner’s
                                                                 personal need for better insulation and lowered heating bills.
 lower your heating bills?                                       With today’s high energy prices, the cost of heating poorly insulated
 First conserve what you                                         buildings is prohibitive. In addition to its industry leading thermal
                                                                 resistance, Ecologic Foam Insulation leads to improved air quality,
 have. Before spending on                                        reduced drafts, a dust and mold free interior living environment, and
 high efficiency mechani-                                          buildings that prevent moisture infiltration and reduce noise
                                                                 transference into homes and offices.
 cal equipment, ensure you      Mark Nelson
                                Founder & President
 conserve the heat you do       EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation

 produce, the energy you do     Our Mission:
 use. High quality HVAC              EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation will efficiently and cost effectively provide industry leading
                                insulation solutions through professional, customer-focused service.
 equipment will not be
 efficient for as long as the     Our Pledge:
                                    Ecologic Spray Foam insulation has searched to bring you the best insulating product on the
 air you heat or cool seeps     market, and is committed to provide unparalleled service.
 out through your walls.            Ecologic Foam will lower your heating bills, improve your air quality, add value to your
 Seal your building envelope    home and increase the comfort of your living environment.
                                    We will work with your schedule to ensure efficient, timely service.
 with EcoLogic Spray Foam           We will assist you with applying for and attaining eligible grants, rebates and incentives
 insulation and conserve        which will offset much of the expense over traditional insulation.
 your energy. First conserve
                                Our Service Delivery:
 with EcoLogic Spray Foam            We have combined the best product with the best equipment to provide you with an
 Insulation.”                   unmatched experience. is is where we leave our competition behind. EcoLogic Spray foam
                                insulation has custom built its spray truck to double the output of all our competition, while
 “ e first step in improv-       operating more quietly. With two hydraulic reactors, two spray guns, and enough hose
 ing your energy efficiency       to cover even the largest job sites, Ecologic Spray Foam can handle your needs.
                                     Combining our unique equipment with efficient management practices and flexible em-
 is to control your internal
                                ployee work schedules, we are able to meet your needs regardless of your tight trade deadlines.
 environment. EcoLogic               We invite you to contact us through our website at or by phone at
 Spray Foam Insulation does     1-888-880-8420 so that we can discuss your insulation needs.

 this better than every other   Best Regards,
 material on the market.
 Having sealed your build-      Mark Nelson
 ing envelope, your climate     Founder & President
 control equipment; furnace,    EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation

 air conditioner and air
 purifier, can be reduced in
 size, saving you money in
 purchase and in on going
 expenses. First Conserve,
 with EcoLogic Spray Foam

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home insulation 101

first, conserve

w w w. e c o l o g i c f o a m . c o m

Building Science                                                        What causes air leakage?
Building Science is the study of how the components of structures            In order to understand how to create an efficient wall system,
work together to form systems. A building performs many func-           we must first understand the science behind the sources of air
tions and has many systems to accomplish these. A wall is a system      leakage. Air acts as a liquid in many regards and it is often helpful
formed to separate two unlike environments. Its purposes include        to think of it in terms of a liquid flowing through your walls.
maintaining temperature differences, maintaining moisture levels         Like water, air leaks from one side of a barrier to another by
at desired set points, preventing infiltration of the elements (rain,    any means possible when there is pressure to do so. is means
snow, and wind) and protecting the inhabitants and property in          that it will flow through cracks and holes, around end plates, and
which it encloses. A builder is contracted to produce attractive,       through material that may slow but not stop its flow. e pressure
durable, energy efficient homes. In spite of this, there is still a       for air to move comes from a variety of sources including tempera-
gap between desired efficiency and achieved results, despite              ture gradients, moisture gradients, and wind. Any pressure gradient
improvements in code required insulation levels and the use of          can cause a significant reduction in the performance of insulating
high-efficiency HVAC products. e reason is simply because when            material. When a wall system is faced with several of them, the
it comes to insulation, R-value alone is not a good measure. For a      R-Value installed bears no resemblance to the R-value at which
wall to achieve its design objectives; that of a highly efficient         the wall system performs. Products that do not seal the building
protective system, it must provide a high-performance air barrier       envelope do not function as good insulators.
system to make a structure truly energy efficient.
                                                                        How does moisture
Heat loss occurs by                                                     become a problem?
Conduction and Convection.                                                   When air travels through a building wall, it takes with it not
     Conduction is the transfer of heat through solid molecules,        only heat, but also water vapor, pollutants, dust, odors, and al-
an example of which is the heat felt in the handle of your pot after    lergens. In order to prevent moisture from entering unchecked, a
boiling water. Conductive heat transfer is relatively slow. Convec-     wall system must stop the movement of air across its components.
tion is the transfer of heat by liquid or gas molecules moving from     In houses, even fairly small air leaks can move large amounts of
hot areas to cold areas (a temperature gradient). When two fluids of     water vapor compared to vapor diffusion. Some experts estimate
differing characteristics come into contact, convective currents are     that the ratio of moisture transported by air flow compared to vapor
formed to equalize the differences, transferring heat energy from        diffusion is 10 to 1, or even higher. ASHRAE 2001 Fundamentals
warm areas to cold areas. is method of heat transfer is relatively      recognizes that effectively controlling moisture in a home requires
fast and accounts for 80% of heat loss while only 20% of heat loss is   an effective air barrier, and states that “without effective control of
due to conduction. Most insulation methods address convection in        airflow, vapor retarders are completely ineffective.”
different ways and with different results.                                        e continuity of a vapor diffusion retarder is critical for air
     Fiber Insulations slow convection, EcoLogic Foam stops con-        barriers as small gaps in air barrier systems can locally concentrate
vection. Fiber based insulation products such as Fiberglass, Cellu-     both air leakage and moisture as condensation in specific areas,
lose and Rockwool are designed to slow down air molecules, and as       causing significant moisture damage, mold and mildew.
such they only slow convective currents. As the exterior temperature
drops, and pressure gradients rise, convective currents accelerate
and Fiber Insulations become less and less effective, resulting in
increased heat loss. EcoLogic Foam is designed to stop convection
by stopping air infiltration. Studies show that 1/4 inch of EcoLogic
Foam is effective in stopping nearly 100% of heat loss through

Air leakage
      Air leakage is responsible for increasing heating and cooling
expense in a building by up to 40 percent, according to the United
States Department of Energy (DOE). In addition to forcing
homebuyers to pay bigger energy bills, air infiltration also causes
problems like drafts, localized hot and cold spots, moisture,
condensation and durability issues like ice damming, rot, and
spalling which can lead to structural failure and shorten the useful
life of a home. ese issues can also impact occupant health and
safety through mold and mildew infestations.

                                                                                                                                       • 3
home              insulation 101

                                                                                                    S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N

How does an air barrier increase                                          The only proven insulation and
energy efficiency and improve                                              Air Barrier combination: Closed Cell,
moisture control?                                                         Spray Applied Foam.
     When wall system fails to prevent air leakage, the buildings               One of the most frequently-specified Air Barrier products is
HVAC system has to work harder to maintain the desired                    closed-cell spray-applied polyurethane foam. is is because in
temperature. An effective air barrier system controls air movement         addition to providing an air permeance rating of less than 0.001 L/
into and out of the building, allowing the HVAC system to                 s/m2 (twice as good as that specified by the National Building Code
perform without having to make up for the loss of conditioned air.        of Canada) at an application thickness of 1.5 inches, the material
   is results in increased operating efficiency, reduces energy             also offers an effective insulation R-value of nearly 7 per inch.
 consumption and saves money. e inclusion of an effective air              It is the only fully-tested, proven combination insulation air barrier.
barrier system will allow the HVAC system to be downsized at              It qualifies as such because spray-applied polyurethane foam forms
the design stage saving money up front and offsetting the cost of          a monolithic barrier without compromising gaps. It is a two-
upgrading to effective air barrier systems.                                component product manufactured on site but engineered at the
     With regards to moisture control, an air barrier prevents water      molecular level to meet required performance criteria for every code
vapor in the exterior environment from entering the wall. e DOE           and climate.
estimates that in a 100-ft2 wall, one cup of water can diffuse                   Spray-applied foam conforms to any shape, adhering to the
through drywall without a vapor barrier in a year, but 50 cups can        wall system, it requires no fasteners, eliminating thermal bridging
enter through a 1/2-inch, round hole. In fact, “sealing air leaks is 10   and condensing surfaces, while also increasing installation speed
to 100 times as important as installing a vapor barrier.”                 and reducing labor costs.
                                                                                EcoLogic Spray Foam also improves structural strength.
What makes an Air Barrier?                                                Testing conducted by the National Association of Home Build-
     Air barrier systems, as defined in the National Building Code         ers (NAHB) Research Center shows closed-cell SPF insulation
of Canada, must be constructed of materials with an air permeance         between wood-and steel-stud wall panels increases rack and shear
rating of less than 0.02 L/sm2 at 75 Pa and must be continuous            resistance two to three times over standard stick-built components
throughout the building envelope. To be effective an air barrier           and glass fiber insulation when sprayed onto gypsum wallboard and
system must be able to withstand both positive and negative air           vinyl siding, and increased racking strength by 50 percent when
pressures without displacement, and must be durable enough to last        sprayed onto oriented strand board (OSB)5 .
the life of the building.                                                       It should be noted, however, that only closed-cell formulations
     All penetrations in the Air Barrier must be sealed or the            like that used by EcoLogic Spray Foam offer these benefits.
assembly itself becomes leaky, which defeats the purpose of install-      Most open-cell foams have not been tested for air permeance and
ing the system in the first place as outlined above. ere are many          therefore do not qualify as Air Barrier systems. One open-cell foam
Air Barrier products available and they are not all created equal.        manufacturer’s product requires an application of 5.5 inches to pass
Some products are difficult to properly install and require great skill     the minimum requirements to qualify as an air barrier.
to seal details at joints, seams and penetrations, which raise labor
costs. is is especially true of irregularly shaped and complicated

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p r o d u cn s u l a t im n t1 o n
                                                                                           i t infor oa i 01

first, conserve

w w w. e c o l o g i c f o a m . c o m

What is Ecologic’s
Spray Foam Insulation?                                                Ecologic is the only way to properly seal and insulate:
    Factory trained technicians insulate with HeatLok Soya,
A Canadian Construction Materials Center (CCMC) approved                                                  •    Odd shaped wall cavities
Soya based closed cell Urethane spray foam.                                                               •    Steel frame construction
                                                                                                          •    Vaulted ceilings
Ecologic uses the                                                                                         •    Partially blocked openings
leading product on the market.                                                                            •    Window and door frames
Tested and approved by:                                                                                        and other traditional
     •   e US Department of Energy                                                                             problem areas.
     • Oak Ridge National Laboratories
     •   e Canadian Mortgage Housing Corporation
       Canadian Construction Materials Center

Testing by these agencies and others show this to be:
     •    e most cost effective, energy efficient and
       environmentally friendly insulation product available today.

EcoLogic Foam is a green product:
    • Is created using Soybean Oil and Recycled plastic bottles.

Blowing Agent:
    • Has absolutely no Ozone Depleting Substances (Zero ODS).

Single Application:
    • Meets and exceeds the Canadian National Building Code
       requirements for a ermal Insulation, Vapour Barrier,
       and an Air Barrier.

Exceeds the Canadian quality Standards set out
in CAN/ULC S 705.1
    • “Standard for ermal Insulation Spray Applied Rigid
      Polyurethane Foam Medium Density Material Specification”.
      Although first developed in 2006, Ecologic Foam is rapidly
      gaining acceptance among homeowners and builders for its
      superior insulative properties.

                                                                                                                                  • 5
compare spray foam with traditional insulation

                                                                                                       S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N

How does EcoLogic Foam insulation                                           EcoLogic Foam
compare to fiberglass or cellulose?                                          is environmentally friendly.
      Foam insulation outperforms both fiberglass and cellulose              EcoLogic Foam is made from Soya bean oil and recycled plastic
insulation simply because air infiltrates both fiberglass and                 bottles. It is applied with a blowing agent containing zero ozone de-
cellulose. Air Infiltration accounts for up to 40% of heat loss. is          pleting substances. Applying EcoLogic Foam Insulation will reduce
results in the actual R-value these inferior products perform at being      energy costs by between 50% and 80%, reducing fossil fuel use and
as much as 50% below their advertized R value. Because fiberglass            decreasing the impact of greenhouse gasses on the environment.
and cellulose do not eliminate air infiltration, as air passes through
                                                                                 EcoLogic Foam has greater thermal resistance to heat energy
these products, their R-value drops. Bottom line: just because it’s rat-
ed at R-30, doesn’t mean it will perform at R-30. When products are         (R-Value) than any competing product.
tested for their R-value in a lab, it is not only a static environment,          Fiberglass manufacturers’ measures claims regarding R-Value
meaning there is not air passing across or against the material, but it     are inaccurate at best. Under laboratory conditions, fiberglass
is done under test conditions, which do not reflect the challenges           insulation is tested in perfect conditions and fails to represent how it
faced by commercially installed products in a home (time & financial         will perform in the field. e smallest compression of the batt, gap
pressure of labor, and skill of installer). is is not how the home will     around the edges or imperfectly filled wall cavity results in dramatic
ultimately function. Where you have penetrations in your exterior           performance drops verses claimed figures. is can result in a 26%
wall for windows, doors, sill plates, vents and hose bibs, and imper-       compromise in performance without considering the effects of tem-
fectly installed wall cavities, you have air infiltration. Air infiltration   perature and pressure gradients.
is increased by pressure differentials; both moisture pressure and air            R values are not stable across different temperatures. As the
pressure generated by wind.
                                                                            difference in temperature across a wall increases (colder one side or
      EcoLogic Foam is applied under pressure as a liquid and expands
                                                                            warmer the other) the performance of fiberglass insulation drops
more than 30 times as it reacts into foam. In the process of doing
                                                                            dramatically, losing 50% of its thermal resistance as outside
so it expands to fill the space into which it is sprayed, bonding with
                                                                            temperatures reach -28`C. is performance drop is common to all
every variance in the surface provided. It leaves no holes, gaps, spaces,
                                                                            fibrous insulation including Cellulose and Rockwool.
air pockets, or unreached areas. It penetrates cracks, joints, holes, and        While the above study measured the effects of temperature
hiddenvoids to form a monolithic continuous barrier. Neither Fiber-         gradients, the same holds true for pressure gradients generated by
glass nor Cellulose compare.                                                wind and moisture. is is a direct result of air infiltration created by
      EcoLogic Foam has a true and stable R value that is unbeaten by       these pressure gradients as air cold air is moved into the lower bound-
competitive technologies. Both fiberglass and cellulose will shift, settle   ary and hot air is pulled out of the top of the wall cavity. is can
and permit increased air infiltration over time, further degrading their     result in a reduction of up to 80% of the advertised R-Value. Did you
performance.                                                                realize that on a cold winter day your R-19 wall may only perform at
      EcoLogic Foam creates cleaner, healthier living environments          an equivelant of R-7? Imagine the difference an actual R-21 spray
by stopping mold, moisture and dust infiltration altogether. Unlike          applied foam wall would have on your energy bills, comfort level
Fiberglass and Cellulose, it contains no Volatile Organic Compounds         and required HVAC sizing.
(VOC’s) or Chloro Flouro Carbons (CFC’s) that degrade indoor air
quality and negatively impact health.
      EcoLogic Foam reduces noise transmission. Walls sprayed with
EcoLogic Foam are dramatically quieter. Noise originating out-
doors or from Mechanical heating and cooling equipment is effec-
tively silenced through the application of EcoLogic Foam insulation.
Neither fiberglass nor cellulose attains the STC rating of EcoLogic
spray foam.

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s p r a y i n s u l ab e n e f i0 s
                                                                                                   foam tion 1 t 1

first, conserve

w w w. e c o l o g i c f o a m . c o m

Why Choose Ecologic?                                                       7.   Ecologic Is Environmentally Friendly
                                                                                EcoLogic Foam is made from Soybean oil and recycled plastic
1.   Ecologic Creates      ermal Resistance                                     bottles. It is the ONLY Spray Foam Insulation product available
     R-Value is a measure of thermal resistance. With an R-Value                in Canada that utilizes a Zero Ozone Depletion Substance
     of 7 per inch, it provides the highest thermal resistance of               (Zero ODS) blowing agent. e use of our foam has no negative
     any insulation product available on the market today.                      impact on the Ozone or your living environment. A building that
                                                                                is insulated with EcoLogic Foam will also use up to 80% less
2.   Ecologic Creates A Cost Savings Air Barrier                                energy.
     In order to prevent the transfer of heat energy, insulation
     must stop convective air movement. EcoLogic Spray Foam                8.   Ecologic Is Builder Friendly
     Insulation forms a monolithic, continuous air tight barrier.               Because EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation is installed as a direct
     Applied as a hot liquid, it instantly reacts and expands to create         replacement to fiberglass batts, it is installed in the same sequence
     an impermeable, continuous, air tight seal which exceeds by                as traditional insulation, and requires no alteration to your
     500 times, the national building code requirements for                     building plans. For builders, there is no need to schedule any
     air barriers.                                                              additional time for installation or make adjustments for its use,
                                                                                unlike ICF or SIP buildings.
3.   Ecologic Creates A Vapour Barrier
       e Canadian National Building Code (NBC) recognizes                  9.   Ecologic Is Cost Effective
     EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation as a Vapour Barrier. is is                  EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation is a vastly superior product to
     due to its closed cell structure. It accomplishes this without             Fiberglass, Cellulose and Rigid foam. Because of the equipment
     any gaps as it forms a perfect seal against the substrate onto             and training required, EcoLogics professional installation will
     which it is sprayed.                                                       add incrementally to the overall cost of your building. When you
                                                                                consider the savings you will reap in the following areas, EcoLogic
4.   Ecologic Creates Structural Rigidity and Integrity                         Spray Foam Insulation is not only a sound financial decision,
     EcoLogic Foam creates a closed cell structure when it reacts at            it is the only one:
     application. is adds to the structural rigidity of the wall onto
     which it is sprayed and increases its racking and sheering strength        ■   Reduce the size of your HVAC equipment by 40%.
     by 300%. is results in a vastly stronger structure, which will                 Because your home is so much more efficient, you do not
     last for years.                                                                need or want heating and cooling equipment sized for a
                                                                                    standard house. Because smaller units are significantly
5.   Ecologic Improves Indoor Air Quality                                           cheaper you have a direct up-front cost offset to the
     EcoLogic Spray Foam creates an air-tight structure preventing                  investment in EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation.
     dust, moisture and mold from entry. EcoLogic Spray Foam
     Insulation does not contain formaldehyde, bleach, or any other             ■   Increase the value of your home by 3 or 4 times your
     VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) where other forms of                         investment in EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation.
     insulation like Fiberglass and Cellulose do. EcoLogic foam is                  According to the Home Appraisers Journal “A homes value
     recommended by Pulmonologists and allergists for those who                     increases $20 for every $1 of annual energy savings.” In a
     suffer from Asthma and Allergies to improve their living                        world of rapidly rising energy costs, your savings will only
     environments.                                                                  grow in the years you own your home.

6.   Ecologic Improves Noise Attenuation                                        ■   Additional financial incentives are available through a variety
     Whether it be outdoor noise, mechanical noise from your HVAC                   of rebate programs offered at the federal and provincial levels
     equipment, or a home theater you wish to isolate from the rest of              as well as through Manitoba Hydro. See our incentives page
     your living environment, no other product possesses the ability                for more.
     to absorb airborne noise like EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation.
     In noise critical applications, such as home theaters, where a             ■   Direct savings month after month. While the added cost of
     significant reduction in sound transference is required, EcoLogic               EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation may increase your mortgage
     Spray Foam Insulation forms a foundational component of a                      payment by $10 - $20 per month, you will enjoy several
     noise isolating wall system.                                                   hundreds of dollars monthly in energy savings, plus lower
                                                                                    your impact on the environment and reduce the strain on
                                                                                    our depleting resources.

                                                                                                                                             • 7
savings & value

                                                                                                   S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N

 Savings & Value:                                                        Energy efficient Housing
      Here at EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation, it is our goal to aid      made more affordable with
you in installing the best insulation available, reducing your energy    Mortgage Loan Insurance
costs and adding value to your home. If you would like a free esti-           More than 17 percent of the energy consumed in Canada is used
mate of the energy savings available to you by installing our product,   to run our homes. Buying an energy-efficient home or making ener-
simply submit the following form and we will reply to you within one
                                                                         gysaving renovations can offer big savings. A 10% CMHC mortgage
business day with an estimate of the savings you could realize. is
is a no obligation offer. Further, we will send you a free estimate of    loan insurance premium refund and extended amortization periods
the value added to your home in resale based on the average value        of up to 40 years without surcharge may be available when you use
realized by home owners due to energy saving improvements.               CMHC insured financing to purchase an energy-efficient home or
      Finally, should you choose to install EcoLogic Foam in your        make energy-saving renovations.
home, we will work with you to apply for and get available grants and
rebates. See Rebates & Incentives for more information.                  For more information visit:

                                                                         Energy – Efficient Housing Program:
                                                                             Recognizing that energy costs in Canada continue to rise,
                                                                         Genworth Financial Canada is helping Canadians purchasing
                                                                         energyefficient homes, or renovating to energy-efficient standards to
                                                                         combat high-energy costs.

                                                                         For more information visit:

                                                                         Manitoba Hydro Power Smart Program
                                                                         ... offers incentives and rebates to install energy efficient insulation

                                                                         For more information visit:

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f r e q u e n t l y a s kn s u q u e o ni o n s
                                                                                                i ed lati st 101

first, conserve

w w w. e c o l o g i c f o a m . c o m

What is Spray Foam Insulation?                                               that simplifies construction practices. It is rated by the Canadian
Spray Foam Insulation (also referred to as Spray Polyurethane Foam)          National Building Code as an approved Vapour Barrier, Air Barrier,
is a method of sealing and insulating that is spray applied like paint.      and ermal Insulation. EcoLogic Foam exclusively uses HeatLok
It is a two-component system typically consisting of petroleum oils,         Soya which has been certified by the CCMC and formulated with the
plastics, and resins. e two liquids are heated at high pressure and          environment in mind. It is made from Soy Bean Oil and Recycled
mix at the spray gun. When the two liquids hit the target substrate          Plastic Bottles. It emits no VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)
they react with each other and rapidly expand curing as a foam. Spray        or CFCs (Chloro Fluoro Carbons). It contains no formaldehyde or
Foam Insulations fall under 2 categories Open Cell (also referred to as      bleach. It behaves just like petroleum based spray foams, without any
1/2 lb. or low density foam) and Closed Cell (also referred to as 2 lb. or   of the harmful environmental side effects. EcoLogic Foam is the most
medium density foam).                                                        cost effective, energy efficient and environmentally friendly insulation
                                                                             method available today.
What is The Difference Between Open
Cell and Closed Cell?                                                        What is R-Value?
Open Cell, 1/2 lb. or low density spray foam cures soft and the              R-Value is a measurement of thermal resistance. A higher R-Value
irregular bubbles which form during the expansion reaction are               means a greater ability to resist heat flow. However R-Value only
broken or open. ese pockets fill with air, and as such the R-Value            measures resistance to conduction. Conduction (heat transfer through
of Open Cell foam is close to that of dormant air, around 3.6 per            solid molecules) is only responsible for 20% of a buildings heat loss,
inch. Being spray applied as a liquid Open Cell foam conforms to any         while convection (heat transfer by air molecules moving from hot areas
shape, but it is not a Code Approved Vapour Barrier with a perme-            to cold areas) is responsible for 80%. Just ¼ inch of EcoLogic
ability rating of over 400 ng. Closed Cell, 2 lb. or medium density          Foam will stop 99% of heat loss by convection.
spray foam cures rigid and the millions of microscopic bubbles which
form during the expansion reaction remain closed and intact. is              What is The R-Value of EcoLogic Foam?
traps the reaction gases, and as such the R-Value of Closed Cell foam
is close to that of the reaction gas, around 7 per inch. e Closed            EcoLogic Foam has the highest R-Value (7 per inch) of any
Cell structure is very strong; increasing shear and racking strength by      insulation product available today. Also, unlike Fiber Insulations such
300%. Closed Cell foam is a Code Approved Vapour Barrier with a              as Fiberglass, Cellulose, and Rockwool, EcoLogic Foam has a “real
permeability rating of under 45 ng. Closed Cell foam stops both air          world” R-Value which is not affected by external forces. Studies by
flow through the wall and air flow within the wall cavity.                     the US Department of Energy found that Fiber Insulations loose half
                                                                             of their R-Values when outside temperatures reach -28°C. Similar
What is Permeability?                                                        tests found the same effect from wind, with Fiber Insulations loosing
Permeability, rated in ng, is a measure of the transference of               half of their R-Values when exposed to a 15 km/h wind.
grains of water through a material at a standard vapor pressure and
temperature. e Canadian National Building Code gives a Code
Approved Vapour Barrier rating to materials with a permeability
rating of less than 60 ng. EcoLogic Foam meets the requirements of
the National Building Code as a Vapour Barrier.

How Long Has Spray Foam Insulation
Been Around?
Spray Foam Insulation has been around for more than 30 years. Its
primary use was in the food storage industry. Original Spray Foam
Insulations contained urea formaldehyde, and used CFCs as blowing
agents. Spray Foam Insulation today does not contain urea and
EcoLogic Foam uses a Zero Ozone Depletion Substance (Zero ODS)
blowing agent.

Who is The CCMC?
 e Canadian Construction Materials Center.

What is EcoLogic Foam?
EcoLogic Foam is a spray-in-place, medium density, two-part,
soya based polyurethane foam insulation. It is a 2 lb. Closed Cell,
rigid foam that in one step provides a sealed, thermal envelope

                                                                                                                                              • 9
frequently asked questions

                                                                                                      S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N

What Makes EcoLogic Foam                                                  How Does EcoLogic Foam
So Effective?                                                             Control Moisture and Condensation?
     EcoLogic Foam is much more effective than traditional                       Most of the damaging moisture within a building envelope is the
insulation products, because it is applied as a liquid, and then          result of convection currents both through and within the wall cavity.
expands as foam 20 to 30 times its original liquid size in seconds.       Warm moist inside air circulates and exchanges with cold dry outside
As it expands, it conforms to and fills in every single nook, cranny,      air in a cavity insulated with Fiberglass or Cellulose. As the moisture
crevice, hole, crack, and gap to create a continuous thermal envelope.    in the air condenses, it forms dew within the insulation. is destroys
EcoLogic Foam creates a complete seal against air infiltration, the        the insulation, decreases its effectiveness, and if it is there long enough
number one source of energy loss. is innovative insulation adheres        causes mold and rot. Both EcoLogic Foam and other Open Cell spray
to any clean, dry surface and will not shrink, settle, or disintegrate.   foams create an air-tight seal and are highly effective at stopping air
Since Fiber Insulations like Fiberglass and Cellulose are settling        movement through the wall, however only EcoLogic Foam, with its
materials, they cannot seal from stud to stud or around outlets and       Closed Cell structure, can stop the air movement within the wall. No
other penetrations. In addition, Fiberglass and Cellulose can lose        air movement means no convection, resulting in no condensation,
their insulation value if water or moisture invades the wall cavity.      and elimination of moisture problems.
As a Code Approved Vapour Barrier, EcoLogic Foam actually
eliminates moisture problems in a wall cavity. EcoLogic Foam is an        What Is EcoLogic Foam Made Of?
inert substance and will not support mold growth.                         EcoLogic Foam is made from Soy Bean Oil, Recycled Plastic
                                                                          Bottles, and Resins. It is a two component liquid system that is spray
How Does EcoLogic Foam Control                                            applied like paint, using a Zero Ozone Depletion Substance (Zero
Indoor Air Quality and Comfort?                                           ODS) blowing agent. e chemical constituents are similar to those
     EcoLogic Foam creates an air-tight sealed thermal envelope.          used in many products already in your home, such as upholstery foam
When spray applied, the liquid rapidly expands as foam 20 to 30           and the foam used for pillows and mattresses; although the properties
times its original size conforming to and filling in every single nook,    of the foam are different.
cranny, crevice, hole, crack, and gap. With EcoLogic Foam there
are no fibers or loose matter to contaminate the interior air. By          Are There any Glass Fibers
stopping exterior air infiltration, EcoLogic Foam also stops dust and      in EcoLogic Foam?
external pollutants from entering the building. As a Code Approved             No. Glass fibers have been listed as a suspected carcinogen by
Vapour Barrier it also stops air movement or convection within the        the EPA and most Fiberglass insulation manufacturers now print a
wall cavity, which eliminates moisture problems such as mold and          warning label on the wrapper.
mildew. EcoLogic Foam does not contain bleach or formaldehyde
nor does it emit any harmful VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) or         Where is Spray Foam used?
CFCs (Chloro Fluoro Carbons). A building sprayed with EcoLogic                  Spray Foam Insulation is used in all aspects of construction:
Foam is also much quieter; it decreases the noise from both the           Industrial, Commercial, Agricultural, Institutional, and Residential.
exterior environment and interior mechanical systems. e end result        In new home construction, Spray Foam Insulation is fast becoming
is improved indoor air quality, and a healthier more comfortable          the industry standard for hard to insulate areas such as Rim Joists,
building. is is why e American Lung Association uses Spray                Sill Areas, Cantilevers, Bays, Cathedral Ceilings, and Bonus Rooms.
Foam Insulation for their “Health Homes” being built in the U.S.          However, homes that are completely insulated and sealed with Eco-
                                                                          Logic Foam give their owners substantial advantages over traditional
                                                                          insulation methods. EcoLogic Foam can also be used to insulate
  Air Quality Control                                                     HVAC plenums and ducts as well as plumbing drains and lines which
                                                                          helps conserve energy and reduce the interior noise of these mechani-
                                                                          cal systems. Other applications include the exterior of flat roofs, base-
                                                                          ment floors, underground footings and foundation walls, and pools.

                                                                          Does EcoLogic Foam Have Building
                                                                          Code Approvals?
                                                                               EcoLogic Foam has the approval of all four major building
                                                                          codes in the United States, and Canada. EcoLogic Foam is not only
                                                                          recognized as a ermal Insulation, it also meets the requirements
                                                                          of a Vapour Barrier, and an Air Barrier. In fact, it is one of the
                                                                          most extensively tested insulation products ever. Concern in the
                                                                          1970’s over the excessive off-gassing of an early foam product
                                                                          called urea formaldehyde, and the health effects of other insulating

10 •
f r e q u e n t l y a s kn s u q u e o ni o n s
                                                                                               i ed lati st 101

first, conserve

w w w. e c o l o g i c f o a m . c o m

products, specifically Asbestos and Fiberglass, resulted in some
extremely thorough and sensitive emissions testing for new building
products. EcoLogic Foam has met the requirements of these emis-
sions tests and all subsequent re-certifications.

Is EcoLogic Foam
a Fire Hazard or a Fire Barrier?
     It is potentially both. EcoLogic Foam only chars, does not
support self-sustained combustion, and will extinguish once an
external flame source is removed. EcoLogic Foam is also thermoset,
not thermoplastic; meaning that it does not return to liquid form
once it is cured. ese properties make EcoLogic Foam a great fire
barrier. For example, if the common wall between a warehouse and
a showroom is sealed with EcoLogic Foam a fire can burn in the
                                                                                                                   S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N

warehouse all night and the showroom would remain untouched.
However, it is the super insulating properties of EcoLogic Foam that
make it a fire hazard. e heat from a fire inside a building com-
pletely sealed with EcoLogic Foam will be reflected back to the fire
and cause the fire to burn hotter and quicker. For this reason a code
approved fire barrier must be installed over EcoLogic Foam in living
spaces. 5/8” drywall is an approved fire barrier for this.

How Does EcoLogic Foam
Compare to ICFs
(Insulated Concrete Forms)?
     ICFs or Insulated Concrete Forms share many of the same
advantages as EcoLogic Foam. ey both create a more energy
efficient wall by creating a completely sealed thermal air barrier.
   ey both create a stronger wall and a quieter building. ICFs are
much more expensive and time consuming to build than conven-
tional wood framed walls insulated and sealed with EcoLogic Foam.
Since EcoLogic Foam is applied at the same time in the construc-
tion process as Conventional Insulation, there is no interruption or
alteration to the construction schedule. Everything from framing,           your home from the exterior environment, reducing your heating
plumbing, and electrical to interior and exterior finishing is exactly       and cooling requirements. As such EcoLogic Foam and Geothermal
the same. ICFs require drastic changes to all aspects of the construc-      Energy heating and cooling systems complement one another to cre-
tion process, which result in increased time and money. ICF block           ate truly remarkable energy efficient homes.
walls are typically 11” to 13” thick decreasing your living space where
EcoLogic Foam’s high R-Value (7 per inch compared to 3.6 per inch           How Much Does it Cost?
for ICF) allows you to maximize your living space. Also ICFs are                 While the initial cost of insulating and sealing your building
limited to walls with little customization, where EcoLogic Foam can         with EcoLogic Foam will add 4% - 6% to the cost of the project
be used to seal and insulate the roof (hot air rises) and the most highly   above the cost of using Fiberglass, it will actually add value to your
customized wall structures. ICFs, however, are a great alternative for      building and put money in your pocket every month. Some of the
cement basements, and work extremely well with wood framed main             initial cost is offset by the ability to downsize the heating and cooling
floors and roofs that are sealed and insulated with EcoLogic Foam.           systems. Additionally there are several government and utility pro-
                                                                            grams created to help you offset the cost of insulation upgrades. e
How Does EcoLogic Foam                                                      remaining extra cost will add to the cost of your mortgage slightly, a
                                                                            few dollars every month, but by using 50% to 80% less energy you
Compare to Geothermal Energy?
                                                                            could save hundreds of dollars every month on your utility bill, and
     While Geothermal Energy and EcoLogic Foam both work                    add thousands of dollars in value to your home. According to the
towards the same result: lowering your energy bills, and reducing your      Home Appraisers Journal “A homes value increases $20 for every
greenhouse gas emissions, they accomplish this in 2 different ways.          $1 of annual energy savings.” With the rising costs of energy, your
Geothermal Energy is an alternative source of heating and cooling           savings will continue to grow for the entire life of your building.
for your home. EcoLogic Foam is the best way to seal and insulate

                                                                                                                                                         • 11
Protect                  your biggest investment with a healthy family environment

                                                                                     d es ig n & ar t dir ection Cr aycr af tCreat


888.880.84 20
22 Holdsworth Avenue • Winnipeg, MB • R2P0P3 • Canada
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  • 1. Reduce your energy dependency and lower your heating bills S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N first, conserve
  • 2. about us first, conserve S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N “Planning to reduce your Welcome! energy dependency and EcoLogic Foam Insulation was created because of the owner’s personal need for better insulation and lowered heating bills. lower your heating bills? With today’s high energy prices, the cost of heating poorly insulated First conserve what you buildings is prohibitive. In addition to its industry leading thermal resistance, Ecologic Foam Insulation leads to improved air quality, have. Before spending on reduced drafts, a dust and mold free interior living environment, and high efficiency mechani- buildings that prevent moisture infiltration and reduce noise transference into homes and offices. cal equipment, ensure you Mark Nelson Founder & President conserve the heat you do EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation produce, the energy you do Our Mission: use. High quality HVAC EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation will efficiently and cost effectively provide industry leading insulation solutions through professional, customer-focused service. equipment will not be efficient for as long as the Our Pledge: Ecologic Spray Foam insulation has searched to bring you the best insulating product on the air you heat or cool seeps market, and is committed to provide unparalleled service. out through your walls. Ecologic Foam will lower your heating bills, improve your air quality, add value to your Seal your building envelope home and increase the comfort of your living environment. We will work with your schedule to ensure efficient, timely service. with EcoLogic Spray Foam We will assist you with applying for and attaining eligible grants, rebates and incentives insulation and conserve which will offset much of the expense over traditional insulation. your energy. First conserve Our Service Delivery: with EcoLogic Spray Foam We have combined the best product with the best equipment to provide you with an Insulation.” unmatched experience. is is where we leave our competition behind. EcoLogic Spray foam insulation has custom built its spray truck to double the output of all our competition, while “ e first step in improv- operating more quietly. With two hydraulic reactors, two spray guns, and enough hose ing your energy efficiency to cover even the largest job sites, Ecologic Spray Foam can handle your needs. Combining our unique equipment with efficient management practices and flexible em- is to control your internal ployee work schedules, we are able to meet your needs regardless of your tight trade deadlines. environment. EcoLogic We invite you to contact us through our website at or by phone at Spray Foam Insulation does 1-888-880-8420 so that we can discuss your insulation needs. this better than every other Best Regards, material on the market. Having sealed your build- Mark Nelson ing envelope, your climate Founder & President control equipment; furnace, EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation air conditioner and air purifier, can be reduced in size, saving you money in purchase and in on going expenses. First Conserve, with EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation.” 2 •
  • 3. home insulation 101 first, conserve 888.880.8420 w w w. e c o l o g i c f o a m . c o m Building Science What causes air leakage? Building Science is the study of how the components of structures In order to understand how to create an efficient wall system, work together to form systems. A building performs many func- we must first understand the science behind the sources of air tions and has many systems to accomplish these. A wall is a system leakage. Air acts as a liquid in many regards and it is often helpful formed to separate two unlike environments. Its purposes include to think of it in terms of a liquid flowing through your walls. maintaining temperature differences, maintaining moisture levels Like water, air leaks from one side of a barrier to another by at desired set points, preventing infiltration of the elements (rain, any means possible when there is pressure to do so. is means snow, and wind) and protecting the inhabitants and property in that it will flow through cracks and holes, around end plates, and which it encloses. A builder is contracted to produce attractive, through material that may slow but not stop its flow. e pressure durable, energy efficient homes. In spite of this, there is still a for air to move comes from a variety of sources including tempera- gap between desired efficiency and achieved results, despite ture gradients, moisture gradients, and wind. Any pressure gradient improvements in code required insulation levels and the use of can cause a significant reduction in the performance of insulating high-efficiency HVAC products. e reason is simply because when material. When a wall system is faced with several of them, the it comes to insulation, R-value alone is not a good measure. For a R-Value installed bears no resemblance to the R-value at which wall to achieve its design objectives; that of a highly efficient the wall system performs. Products that do not seal the building protective system, it must provide a high-performance air barrier envelope do not function as good insulators. system to make a structure truly energy efficient. How does moisture Heat loss occurs by become a problem? Conduction and Convection. When air travels through a building wall, it takes with it not Conduction is the transfer of heat through solid molecules, only heat, but also water vapor, pollutants, dust, odors, and al- an example of which is the heat felt in the handle of your pot after lergens. In order to prevent moisture from entering unchecked, a boiling water. Conductive heat transfer is relatively slow. Convec- wall system must stop the movement of air across its components. tion is the transfer of heat by liquid or gas molecules moving from In houses, even fairly small air leaks can move large amounts of hot areas to cold areas (a temperature gradient). When two fluids of water vapor compared to vapor diffusion. Some experts estimate differing characteristics come into contact, convective currents are that the ratio of moisture transported by air flow compared to vapor formed to equalize the differences, transferring heat energy from diffusion is 10 to 1, or even higher. ASHRAE 2001 Fundamentals warm areas to cold areas. is method of heat transfer is relatively recognizes that effectively controlling moisture in a home requires fast and accounts for 80% of heat loss while only 20% of heat loss is an effective air barrier, and states that “without effective control of due to conduction. Most insulation methods address convection in airflow, vapor retarders are completely ineffective.” different ways and with different results. e continuity of a vapor diffusion retarder is critical for air Fiber Insulations slow convection, EcoLogic Foam stops con- barriers as small gaps in air barrier systems can locally concentrate vection. Fiber based insulation products such as Fiberglass, Cellu- both air leakage and moisture as condensation in specific areas, lose and Rockwool are designed to slow down air molecules, and as causing significant moisture damage, mold and mildew. such they only slow convective currents. As the exterior temperature drops, and pressure gradients rise, convective currents accelerate and Fiber Insulations become less and less effective, resulting in increased heat loss. EcoLogic Foam is designed to stop convection by stopping air infiltration. Studies show that 1/4 inch of EcoLogic Foam is effective in stopping nearly 100% of heat loss through convection. Air leakage Air leakage is responsible for increasing heating and cooling expense in a building by up to 40 percent, according to the United States Department of Energy (DOE). In addition to forcing homebuyers to pay bigger energy bills, air infiltration also causes problems like drafts, localized hot and cold spots, moisture, condensation and durability issues like ice damming, rot, and spalling which can lead to structural failure and shorten the useful life of a home. ese issues can also impact occupant health and safety through mold and mildew infestations. • 3
  • 4. home insulation 101 S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N How does an air barrier increase The only proven insulation and energy efficiency and improve Air Barrier combination: Closed Cell, moisture control? Spray Applied Foam. When wall system fails to prevent air leakage, the buildings One of the most frequently-specified Air Barrier products is HVAC system has to work harder to maintain the desired closed-cell spray-applied polyurethane foam. is is because in temperature. An effective air barrier system controls air movement addition to providing an air permeance rating of less than 0.001 L/ into and out of the building, allowing the HVAC system to s/m2 (twice as good as that specified by the National Building Code perform without having to make up for the loss of conditioned air. of Canada) at an application thickness of 1.5 inches, the material is results in increased operating efficiency, reduces energy also offers an effective insulation R-value of nearly 7 per inch. consumption and saves money. e inclusion of an effective air It is the only fully-tested, proven combination insulation air barrier. barrier system will allow the HVAC system to be downsized at It qualifies as such because spray-applied polyurethane foam forms the design stage saving money up front and offsetting the cost of a monolithic barrier without compromising gaps. It is a two- upgrading to effective air barrier systems. component product manufactured on site but engineered at the With regards to moisture control, an air barrier prevents water molecular level to meet required performance criteria for every code vapor in the exterior environment from entering the wall. e DOE and climate. estimates that in a 100-ft2 wall, one cup of water can diffuse Spray-applied foam conforms to any shape, adhering to the through drywall without a vapor barrier in a year, but 50 cups can wall system, it requires no fasteners, eliminating thermal bridging enter through a 1/2-inch, round hole. In fact, “sealing air leaks is 10 and condensing surfaces, while also increasing installation speed to 100 times as important as installing a vapor barrier.” and reducing labor costs. EcoLogic Spray Foam also improves structural strength. What makes an Air Barrier? Testing conducted by the National Association of Home Build- Air barrier systems, as defined in the National Building Code ers (NAHB) Research Center shows closed-cell SPF insulation of Canada, must be constructed of materials with an air permeance between wood-and steel-stud wall panels increases rack and shear rating of less than 0.02 L/sm2 at 75 Pa and must be continuous resistance two to three times over standard stick-built components throughout the building envelope. To be effective an air barrier and glass fiber insulation when sprayed onto gypsum wallboard and system must be able to withstand both positive and negative air vinyl siding, and increased racking strength by 50 percent when pressures without displacement, and must be durable enough to last sprayed onto oriented strand board (OSB)5 . the life of the building. It should be noted, however, that only closed-cell formulations All penetrations in the Air Barrier must be sealed or the like that used by EcoLogic Spray Foam offer these benefits. assembly itself becomes leaky, which defeats the purpose of install- Most open-cell foams have not been tested for air permeance and ing the system in the first place as outlined above. ere are many therefore do not qualify as Air Barrier systems. One open-cell foam Air Barrier products available and they are not all created equal. manufacturer’s product requires an application of 5.5 inches to pass Some products are difficult to properly install and require great skill the minimum requirements to qualify as an air barrier. to seal details at joints, seams and penetrations, which raise labor costs. is is especially true of irregularly shaped and complicated designs. 4 •
  • 5. p r o d u cn s u l a t im n t1 o n i t infor oa i 01 first, conserve 888.880.8420 w w w. e c o l o g i c f o a m . c o m What is Ecologic’s Spray Foam Insulation? Ecologic is the only way to properly seal and insulate: Factory trained technicians insulate with HeatLok Soya, A Canadian Construction Materials Center (CCMC) approved • Odd shaped wall cavities Soya based closed cell Urethane spray foam. • Steel frame construction • Vaulted ceilings Ecologic uses the • Partially blocked openings leading product on the market. • Window and door frames Tested and approved by: and other traditional • e US Department of Energy problem areas. • Oak Ridge National Laboratories • e Canadian Mortgage Housing Corporation Canadian Construction Materials Center Testing by these agencies and others show this to be: • e most cost effective, energy efficient and environmentally friendly insulation product available today. EcoLogic Foam is a green product: • Is created using Soybean Oil and Recycled plastic bottles. Blowing Agent: • Has absolutely no Ozone Depleting Substances (Zero ODS). Single Application: • Meets and exceeds the Canadian National Building Code requirements for a ermal Insulation, Vapour Barrier, and an Air Barrier. Exceeds the Canadian quality Standards set out in CAN/ULC S 705.1 • “Standard for ermal Insulation Spray Applied Rigid Polyurethane Foam Medium Density Material Specification”. Although first developed in 2006, Ecologic Foam is rapidly gaining acceptance among homeowners and builders for its superior insulative properties. • 5
  • 6. compare spray foam with traditional insulation S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N How does EcoLogic Foam insulation EcoLogic Foam compare to fiberglass or cellulose? is environmentally friendly. Foam insulation outperforms both fiberglass and cellulose EcoLogic Foam is made from Soya bean oil and recycled plastic insulation simply because air infiltrates both fiberglass and bottles. It is applied with a blowing agent containing zero ozone de- cellulose. Air Infiltration accounts for up to 40% of heat loss. is pleting substances. Applying EcoLogic Foam Insulation will reduce results in the actual R-value these inferior products perform at being energy costs by between 50% and 80%, reducing fossil fuel use and as much as 50% below their advertized R value. Because fiberglass decreasing the impact of greenhouse gasses on the environment. and cellulose do not eliminate air infiltration, as air passes through EcoLogic Foam has greater thermal resistance to heat energy these products, their R-value drops. Bottom line: just because it’s rat- ed at R-30, doesn’t mean it will perform at R-30. When products are (R-Value) than any competing product. tested for their R-value in a lab, it is not only a static environment, Fiberglass manufacturers’ measures claims regarding R-Value meaning there is not air passing across or against the material, but it are inaccurate at best. Under laboratory conditions, fiberglass is done under test conditions, which do not reflect the challenges insulation is tested in perfect conditions and fails to represent how it faced by commercially installed products in a home (time & financial will perform in the field. e smallest compression of the batt, gap pressure of labor, and skill of installer). is is not how the home will around the edges or imperfectly filled wall cavity results in dramatic ultimately function. Where you have penetrations in your exterior performance drops verses claimed figures. is can result in a 26% wall for windows, doors, sill plates, vents and hose bibs, and imper- compromise in performance without considering the effects of tem- fectly installed wall cavities, you have air infiltration. Air infiltration perature and pressure gradients. is increased by pressure differentials; both moisture pressure and air R values are not stable across different temperatures. As the pressure generated by wind. difference in temperature across a wall increases (colder one side or EcoLogic Foam is applied under pressure as a liquid and expands warmer the other) the performance of fiberglass insulation drops more than 30 times as it reacts into foam. In the process of doing dramatically, losing 50% of its thermal resistance as outside so it expands to fill the space into which it is sprayed, bonding with temperatures reach -28`C. is performance drop is common to all every variance in the surface provided. It leaves no holes, gaps, spaces, fibrous insulation including Cellulose and Rockwool. air pockets, or unreached areas. It penetrates cracks, joints, holes, and While the above study measured the effects of temperature hiddenvoids to form a monolithic continuous barrier. Neither Fiber- gradients, the same holds true for pressure gradients generated by glass nor Cellulose compare. wind and moisture. is is a direct result of air infiltration created by EcoLogic Foam has a true and stable R value that is unbeaten by these pressure gradients as air cold air is moved into the lower bound- competitive technologies. Both fiberglass and cellulose will shift, settle ary and hot air is pulled out of the top of the wall cavity. is can and permit increased air infiltration over time, further degrading their result in a reduction of up to 80% of the advertised R-Value. Did you performance. realize that on a cold winter day your R-19 wall may only perform at EcoLogic Foam creates cleaner, healthier living environments an equivelant of R-7? Imagine the difference an actual R-21 spray by stopping mold, moisture and dust infiltration altogether. Unlike applied foam wall would have on your energy bills, comfort level Fiberglass and Cellulose, it contains no Volatile Organic Compounds and required HVAC sizing. (VOC’s) or Chloro Flouro Carbons (CFC’s) that degrade indoor air quality and negatively impact health. EcoLogic Foam reduces noise transmission. Walls sprayed with EcoLogic Foam are dramatically quieter. Noise originating out- doors or from Mechanical heating and cooling equipment is effec- tively silenced through the application of EcoLogic Foam insulation. Neither fiberglass nor cellulose attains the STC rating of EcoLogic spray foam. 6 •
  • 7. s p r a y i n s u l ab e n e f i0 s foam tion 1 t 1 first, conserve 888.880.8420 w w w. e c o l o g i c f o a m . c o m Why Choose Ecologic? 7. Ecologic Is Environmentally Friendly EcoLogic Foam is made from Soybean oil and recycled plastic 1. Ecologic Creates ermal Resistance bottles. It is the ONLY Spray Foam Insulation product available R-Value is a measure of thermal resistance. With an R-Value in Canada that utilizes a Zero Ozone Depletion Substance of 7 per inch, it provides the highest thermal resistance of (Zero ODS) blowing agent. e use of our foam has no negative any insulation product available on the market today. impact on the Ozone or your living environment. A building that is insulated with EcoLogic Foam will also use up to 80% less 2. Ecologic Creates A Cost Savings Air Barrier energy. In order to prevent the transfer of heat energy, insulation must stop convective air movement. EcoLogic Spray Foam 8. Ecologic Is Builder Friendly Insulation forms a monolithic, continuous air tight barrier. Because EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation is installed as a direct Applied as a hot liquid, it instantly reacts and expands to create replacement to fiberglass batts, it is installed in the same sequence an impermeable, continuous, air tight seal which exceeds by as traditional insulation, and requires no alteration to your 500 times, the national building code requirements for building plans. For builders, there is no need to schedule any air barriers. additional time for installation or make adjustments for its use, unlike ICF or SIP buildings. 3. Ecologic Creates A Vapour Barrier e Canadian National Building Code (NBC) recognizes 9. Ecologic Is Cost Effective EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation as a Vapour Barrier. is is EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation is a vastly superior product to due to its closed cell structure. It accomplishes this without Fiberglass, Cellulose and Rigid foam. Because of the equipment any gaps as it forms a perfect seal against the substrate onto and training required, EcoLogics professional installation will which it is sprayed. add incrementally to the overall cost of your building. When you consider the savings you will reap in the following areas, EcoLogic 4. Ecologic Creates Structural Rigidity and Integrity Spray Foam Insulation is not only a sound financial decision, EcoLogic Foam creates a closed cell structure when it reacts at it is the only one: application. is adds to the structural rigidity of the wall onto which it is sprayed and increases its racking and sheering strength ■ Reduce the size of your HVAC equipment by 40%. by 300%. is results in a vastly stronger structure, which will Because your home is so much more efficient, you do not last for years. need or want heating and cooling equipment sized for a standard house. Because smaller units are significantly 5. Ecologic Improves Indoor Air Quality cheaper you have a direct up-front cost offset to the EcoLogic Spray Foam creates an air-tight structure preventing investment in EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation. dust, moisture and mold from entry. EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation does not contain formaldehyde, bleach, or any other ■ Increase the value of your home by 3 or 4 times your VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) where other forms of investment in EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation. insulation like Fiberglass and Cellulose do. EcoLogic foam is According to the Home Appraisers Journal “A homes value recommended by Pulmonologists and allergists for those who increases $20 for every $1 of annual energy savings.” In a suffer from Asthma and Allergies to improve their living world of rapidly rising energy costs, your savings will only environments. grow in the years you own your home. 6. Ecologic Improves Noise Attenuation ■ Additional financial incentives are available through a variety Whether it be outdoor noise, mechanical noise from your HVAC of rebate programs offered at the federal and provincial levels equipment, or a home theater you wish to isolate from the rest of as well as through Manitoba Hydro. See our incentives page your living environment, no other product possesses the ability for more. to absorb airborne noise like EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation. In noise critical applications, such as home theaters, where a ■ Direct savings month after month. While the added cost of significant reduction in sound transference is required, EcoLogic EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation may increase your mortgage Spray Foam Insulation forms a foundational component of a payment by $10 - $20 per month, you will enjoy several noise isolating wall system. hundreds of dollars monthly in energy savings, plus lower your impact on the environment and reduce the strain on our depleting resources. • 7
  • 8. savings & value S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N Savings & Value: Energy efficient Housing Here at EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation, it is our goal to aid made more affordable with you in installing the best insulation available, reducing your energy Mortgage Loan Insurance costs and adding value to your home. If you would like a free esti- More than 17 percent of the energy consumed in Canada is used mate of the energy savings available to you by installing our product, to run our homes. Buying an energy-efficient home or making ener- simply submit the following form and we will reply to you within one gysaving renovations can offer big savings. A 10% CMHC mortgage business day with an estimate of the savings you could realize. is is a no obligation offer. Further, we will send you a free estimate of loan insurance premium refund and extended amortization periods the value added to your home in resale based on the average value of up to 40 years without surcharge may be available when you use realized by home owners due to energy saving improvements. CMHC insured financing to purchase an energy-efficient home or Finally, should you choose to install EcoLogic Foam in your make energy-saving renovations. home, we will work with you to apply for and get available grants and rebates. See Rebates & Incentives for more information. For more information visit: Energy – Efficient Housing Program: Recognizing that energy costs in Canada continue to rise, Genworth Financial Canada is helping Canadians purchasing energyefficient homes, or renovating to energy-efficient standards to combat high-energy costs. For more information visit: Manitoba Hydro Power Smart Program ... offers incentives and rebates to install energy efficient insulation For more information visit: 8 •
  • 9. f r e q u e n t l y a s kn s u q u e o ni o n s i ed lati st 101 first, conserve 888.880.8420 w w w. e c o l o g i c f o a m . c o m What is Spray Foam Insulation? that simplifies construction practices. It is rated by the Canadian Spray Foam Insulation (also referred to as Spray Polyurethane Foam) National Building Code as an approved Vapour Barrier, Air Barrier, is a method of sealing and insulating that is spray applied like paint. and ermal Insulation. EcoLogic Foam exclusively uses HeatLok It is a two-component system typically consisting of petroleum oils, Soya which has been certified by the CCMC and formulated with the plastics, and resins. e two liquids are heated at high pressure and environment in mind. It is made from Soy Bean Oil and Recycled mix at the spray gun. When the two liquids hit the target substrate Plastic Bottles. It emits no VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) they react with each other and rapidly expand curing as a foam. Spray or CFCs (Chloro Fluoro Carbons). It contains no formaldehyde or Foam Insulations fall under 2 categories Open Cell (also referred to as bleach. It behaves just like petroleum based spray foams, without any 1/2 lb. or low density foam) and Closed Cell (also referred to as 2 lb. or of the harmful environmental side effects. EcoLogic Foam is the most medium density foam). cost effective, energy efficient and environmentally friendly insulation method available today. What is The Difference Between Open Cell and Closed Cell? What is R-Value? Open Cell, 1/2 lb. or low density spray foam cures soft and the R-Value is a measurement of thermal resistance. A higher R-Value irregular bubbles which form during the expansion reaction are means a greater ability to resist heat flow. However R-Value only broken or open. ese pockets fill with air, and as such the R-Value measures resistance to conduction. Conduction (heat transfer through of Open Cell foam is close to that of dormant air, around 3.6 per solid molecules) is only responsible for 20% of a buildings heat loss, inch. Being spray applied as a liquid Open Cell foam conforms to any while convection (heat transfer by air molecules moving from hot areas shape, but it is not a Code Approved Vapour Barrier with a perme- to cold areas) is responsible for 80%. Just ¼ inch of EcoLogic ability rating of over 400 ng. Closed Cell, 2 lb. or medium density Foam will stop 99% of heat loss by convection. spray foam cures rigid and the millions of microscopic bubbles which form during the expansion reaction remain closed and intact. is What is The R-Value of EcoLogic Foam? traps the reaction gases, and as such the R-Value of Closed Cell foam is close to that of the reaction gas, around 7 per inch. e Closed EcoLogic Foam has the highest R-Value (7 per inch) of any Cell structure is very strong; increasing shear and racking strength by insulation product available today. Also, unlike Fiber Insulations such 300%. Closed Cell foam is a Code Approved Vapour Barrier with a as Fiberglass, Cellulose, and Rockwool, EcoLogic Foam has a “real permeability rating of under 45 ng. Closed Cell foam stops both air world” R-Value which is not affected by external forces. Studies by flow through the wall and air flow within the wall cavity. the US Department of Energy found that Fiber Insulations loose half of their R-Values when outside temperatures reach -28°C. Similar What is Permeability? tests found the same effect from wind, with Fiber Insulations loosing Permeability, rated in ng, is a measure of the transference of half of their R-Values when exposed to a 15 km/h wind. grains of water through a material at a standard vapor pressure and temperature. e Canadian National Building Code gives a Code Approved Vapour Barrier rating to materials with a permeability rating of less than 60 ng. EcoLogic Foam meets the requirements of the National Building Code as a Vapour Barrier. How Long Has Spray Foam Insulation Been Around? Spray Foam Insulation has been around for more than 30 years. Its primary use was in the food storage industry. Original Spray Foam Insulations contained urea formaldehyde, and used CFCs as blowing agents. Spray Foam Insulation today does not contain urea and EcoLogic Foam uses a Zero Ozone Depletion Substance (Zero ODS) blowing agent. Who is The CCMC? e Canadian Construction Materials Center. What is EcoLogic Foam? EcoLogic Foam is a spray-in-place, medium density, two-part, soya based polyurethane foam insulation. It is a 2 lb. Closed Cell, rigid foam that in one step provides a sealed, thermal envelope • 9
  • 10. frequently asked questions S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N What Makes EcoLogic Foam How Does EcoLogic Foam So Effective? Control Moisture and Condensation? EcoLogic Foam is much more effective than traditional Most of the damaging moisture within a building envelope is the insulation products, because it is applied as a liquid, and then result of convection currents both through and within the wall cavity. expands as foam 20 to 30 times its original liquid size in seconds. Warm moist inside air circulates and exchanges with cold dry outside As it expands, it conforms to and fills in every single nook, cranny, air in a cavity insulated with Fiberglass or Cellulose. As the moisture crevice, hole, crack, and gap to create a continuous thermal envelope. in the air condenses, it forms dew within the insulation. is destroys EcoLogic Foam creates a complete seal against air infiltration, the the insulation, decreases its effectiveness, and if it is there long enough number one source of energy loss. is innovative insulation adheres causes mold and rot. Both EcoLogic Foam and other Open Cell spray to any clean, dry surface and will not shrink, settle, or disintegrate. foams create an air-tight seal and are highly effective at stopping air Since Fiber Insulations like Fiberglass and Cellulose are settling movement through the wall, however only EcoLogic Foam, with its materials, they cannot seal from stud to stud or around outlets and Closed Cell structure, can stop the air movement within the wall. No other penetrations. In addition, Fiberglass and Cellulose can lose air movement means no convection, resulting in no condensation, their insulation value if water or moisture invades the wall cavity. and elimination of moisture problems. As a Code Approved Vapour Barrier, EcoLogic Foam actually eliminates moisture problems in a wall cavity. EcoLogic Foam is an What Is EcoLogic Foam Made Of? inert substance and will not support mold growth. EcoLogic Foam is made from Soy Bean Oil, Recycled Plastic Bottles, and Resins. It is a two component liquid system that is spray How Does EcoLogic Foam Control applied like paint, using a Zero Ozone Depletion Substance (Zero Indoor Air Quality and Comfort? ODS) blowing agent. e chemical constituents are similar to those EcoLogic Foam creates an air-tight sealed thermal envelope. used in many products already in your home, such as upholstery foam When spray applied, the liquid rapidly expands as foam 20 to 30 and the foam used for pillows and mattresses; although the properties times its original size conforming to and filling in every single nook, of the foam are different. cranny, crevice, hole, crack, and gap. With EcoLogic Foam there are no fibers or loose matter to contaminate the interior air. By Are There any Glass Fibers stopping exterior air infiltration, EcoLogic Foam also stops dust and in EcoLogic Foam? external pollutants from entering the building. As a Code Approved No. Glass fibers have been listed as a suspected carcinogen by Vapour Barrier it also stops air movement or convection within the the EPA and most Fiberglass insulation manufacturers now print a wall cavity, which eliminates moisture problems such as mold and warning label on the wrapper. mildew. EcoLogic Foam does not contain bleach or formaldehyde nor does it emit any harmful VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) or Where is Spray Foam used? CFCs (Chloro Fluoro Carbons). A building sprayed with EcoLogic Spray Foam Insulation is used in all aspects of construction: Foam is also much quieter; it decreases the noise from both the Industrial, Commercial, Agricultural, Institutional, and Residential. exterior environment and interior mechanical systems. e end result In new home construction, Spray Foam Insulation is fast becoming is improved indoor air quality, and a healthier more comfortable the industry standard for hard to insulate areas such as Rim Joists, building. is is why e American Lung Association uses Spray Sill Areas, Cantilevers, Bays, Cathedral Ceilings, and Bonus Rooms. Foam Insulation for their “Health Homes” being built in the U.S. However, homes that are completely insulated and sealed with Eco- Logic Foam give their owners substantial advantages over traditional insulation methods. EcoLogic Foam can also be used to insulate Air Quality Control HVAC plenums and ducts as well as plumbing drains and lines which helps conserve energy and reduce the interior noise of these mechani- cal systems. Other applications include the exterior of flat roofs, base- ment floors, underground footings and foundation walls, and pools. Does EcoLogic Foam Have Building Code Approvals? EcoLogic Foam has the approval of all four major building codes in the United States, and Canada. EcoLogic Foam is not only recognized as a ermal Insulation, it also meets the requirements of a Vapour Barrier, and an Air Barrier. In fact, it is one of the most extensively tested insulation products ever. Concern in the 1970’s over the excessive off-gassing of an early foam product called urea formaldehyde, and the health effects of other insulating 10 •
  • 11. f r e q u e n t l y a s kn s u q u e o ni o n s i ed lati st 101 first, conserve 888.880.8420 w w w. e c o l o g i c f o a m . c o m products, specifically Asbestos and Fiberglass, resulted in some extremely thorough and sensitive emissions testing for new building products. EcoLogic Foam has met the requirements of these emis- sions tests and all subsequent re-certifications. Is EcoLogic Foam a Fire Hazard or a Fire Barrier? It is potentially both. EcoLogic Foam only chars, does not support self-sustained combustion, and will extinguish once an external flame source is removed. EcoLogic Foam is also thermoset, not thermoplastic; meaning that it does not return to liquid form once it is cured. ese properties make EcoLogic Foam a great fire barrier. For example, if the common wall between a warehouse and a showroom is sealed with EcoLogic Foam a fire can burn in the S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N warehouse all night and the showroom would remain untouched. However, it is the super insulating properties of EcoLogic Foam that make it a fire hazard. e heat from a fire inside a building com- pletely sealed with EcoLogic Foam will be reflected back to the fire and cause the fire to burn hotter and quicker. For this reason a code approved fire barrier must be installed over EcoLogic Foam in living spaces. 5/8” drywall is an approved fire barrier for this. How Does EcoLogic Foam Compare to ICFs (Insulated Concrete Forms)? ICFs or Insulated Concrete Forms share many of the same advantages as EcoLogic Foam. ey both create a more energy efficient wall by creating a completely sealed thermal air barrier. ey both create a stronger wall and a quieter building. ICFs are much more expensive and time consuming to build than conven- tional wood framed walls insulated and sealed with EcoLogic Foam. Since EcoLogic Foam is applied at the same time in the construc- tion process as Conventional Insulation, there is no interruption or alteration to the construction schedule. Everything from framing, your home from the exterior environment, reducing your heating plumbing, and electrical to interior and exterior finishing is exactly and cooling requirements. As such EcoLogic Foam and Geothermal the same. ICFs require drastic changes to all aspects of the construc- Energy heating and cooling systems complement one another to cre- tion process, which result in increased time and money. ICF block ate truly remarkable energy efficient homes. walls are typically 11” to 13” thick decreasing your living space where EcoLogic Foam’s high R-Value (7 per inch compared to 3.6 per inch How Much Does it Cost? for ICF) allows you to maximize your living space. Also ICFs are While the initial cost of insulating and sealing your building limited to walls with little customization, where EcoLogic Foam can with EcoLogic Foam will add 4% - 6% to the cost of the project be used to seal and insulate the roof (hot air rises) and the most highly above the cost of using Fiberglass, it will actually add value to your customized wall structures. ICFs, however, are a great alternative for building and put money in your pocket every month. Some of the cement basements, and work extremely well with wood framed main initial cost is offset by the ability to downsize the heating and cooling floors and roofs that are sealed and insulated with EcoLogic Foam. systems. Additionally there are several government and utility pro- grams created to help you offset the cost of insulation upgrades. e How Does EcoLogic Foam remaining extra cost will add to the cost of your mortgage slightly, a few dollars every month, but by using 50% to 80% less energy you Compare to Geothermal Energy? could save hundreds of dollars every month on your utility bill, and While Geothermal Energy and EcoLogic Foam both work add thousands of dollars in value to your home. According to the towards the same result: lowering your energy bills, and reducing your Home Appraisers Journal “A homes value increases $20 for every greenhouse gas emissions, they accomplish this in 2 different ways. $1 of annual energy savings.” With the rising costs of energy, your Geothermal Energy is an alternative source of heating and cooling savings will continue to grow for the entire life of your building. for your home. EcoLogic Foam is the best way to seal and insulate • 11
  • 12. Protect your biggest investment with a healthy family environment d es ig n & ar t dir ection Cr aycr af tCreat S P R AY F O A M I N S U L AT I O N 888.880.84 20 22 Holdsworth Avenue • Winnipeg, MB • R2P0P3 • Canada w w w. e c o l o g i c f o a m . c o m