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Executive Master of
  Business Administration

 All MBAs
offer you

                  It’s not the MBA. It’s you. - 1
Accreditation                                                                                                             It's not our                                                       It's
                                                                                                                           different                                                         unique point
                                                                                                                                                                                             of view.
                                                                                                                         The Mission of MSM Romania - Do Your Goals Match Ours?
                                                                                                                         We have been holding conversations with our students, alumni, faculty, staff and Advisory Board
                                                                                                                         about mission of Maastricht School of Management Romania (MSM Romania). To the students
                                                                                                                         we asked, “Why did you choose to study with us?” To the teachers we asked, “Why do you teach
                                                                                                                         for us?” To our staff we asked, “Why do you work for us?”. To the Advisory Board we asked,
                                                                                                                         “What are you expecting from your employees who graduate from us?”

                                                                                                                         After asking all of these questions, we received a lot of excellent, thoughtful answers. After
•	 “Accreditation” is the review of the quality of higher                                                                sorting through the data we found a couple striking facts about those who were choosing to
   education institutions and programs. It is an important                                                               study or work with us. First, they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
   way to let students know that an institution or program                                                               They want to reach goals greater than they could previously. Second, they want to be part of a
   provides high quality education.
                                                                                                                         community which includes others like themselves in terms of values and aspirations. Of course,
•	 Whether a business school, university, or program is                                                                  a good MBA education was important to all of them, but this was not the main reason they had
   accredited is important. Students who want grants and                                                                 chosen MSM Romania as their MBA partner.
   loans need to attend a business school, university, or
   program that is accredited. For graduates, accreditation
   gives reassurance of the degree’s value, now and further                                                              As a result of these discussion, we were able to formulate the following mission statement:
   up in their career.
                                                                                                                               “We recognize in each student their inner spark, we then provide knowledge and
•	 Employers ask if a business school, university, or                                                                          reinforce character by bringing the students together with professors and peers
   program is accredited before deciding to provide                                                                            who share our values, so in the end the graduates become the change agents our
   tuition assistance to current employees, evaluating the
   credentials of new employees, or making a charitable                                                                        businesses and community need.”
                                                                                                                         We hope that these messages communicate to you our sincere passion to not just provide an
•	 Governments require that a college, university, or                                                                    MBA in Romania, but to be a part of making something bigger in Romania. The MBA is the tool
   program is accredited in order to be eligible for federal
   grants and loans or other funds                                                                                       that we have at our disposal to make a difference in our community.

                                                                                                                         If your goals match ours, we invite you to join us on this journey.

                                                                                                                         MSM in a nutshell
Maastricht School of Management’s MBA programs                 Our EMBA program complies with the standards upheld       Maastricht School of Management (MSM), which is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2012, has its roots
have been accredited by the Association of MBAs                by the Higher Education Quality Control Organization of
                                                                                                                         in the Institute for Management Science at the Technical University in Delft dating back to 1952 In 1989 the
(AMBA), the Association of Collegiate Business Schools         the Netherlands.
                                                                                                                         school relocated to the historical city of Maastricht and in 1993 its name changed to the Maastricht School
(ACBSP), and the Assembly of Collegiate Business
Education (IACBE).                                             The Romanian program is also fully accredited by          of Management.
                                                               AMBA, ACBSP, IACBE and the Dutch Ministry of
                                                                                                                         As a key player in the global education field, MSM is one of the few management schools that systematically
The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science           Education.
endorses the academic standards of Maastricht School                                                                     combine education, technical assistance and research in its professional services.
of Management’s Executive MBA degree by law.                                                                             With more than 2,000 students annually graduating in more than 20 countries, MSM is the largest and most
                                                                                                                         international business school of the Netherlands.
                                                                                                                         MSM offers its Outreach MBA throughout the world by partnering with respected educational institutions
                                                                                                                         in each local market. This association, Asociatia Maastricht School of Management Bucharest (MSM RO),
                                                                                                                         was created by some of Romania’s most respected educational leaders of the past decade: Dora Surugiu,
                                                                                                                         Adrian Stanciu and Oliver Olson.
                                                                                                                         MSM Romania holds all of its classes at its modern facilities near Piata Dorobanti in Bucharest, Romania.

2- Maastricht School of Management Romania                                                                                                                                                                    It’s not the MBA. It’s you. - 3
It's not our                                                   It's
                                                                                                                         case studies.                                                   creating
                                                                                                                                                                                         a new one.

                          Radu Atanasiu, DMD, MBA                                              Camelia Buburuz
                          Entrepreneur & Consultant                                            JW Marriott               The 2-year, part-time MSM Romania EMBA program provides state-of-
                          Class of 2010                                                        Class of 2012
                                                                                                                         the-art postgraduate education in business administration to mid-career
                                                                                                                         professionals with the aim to advance their knowledge and practice of
                                                                                                                         management and to train them to lead in a dynamic global business
                                                                                                                         environment. The Diploma is a Dutch degree conferred solely by MSM.

                                                                                                                         Team and Individual Coaching                                      Business & Public Policy
                                                                                                                         From day one of the Executive MBA, a Kenneth Blanchard-           Today’s business leaders in Romania must place an
         Ana Scarlat                                                          Gabriel Vinte                              certified executive coach, Mihaela Reese, is available to         emphasis on the inter-play between business, society,
          Romcarton                                                              ING Bank                                make sure that you get the most out of the MBA in your team       culture and political forces. This interplay has never been
        Class of 2013                                                         Class of 2013                              work and in your individual performance.                          more evident than during the current global economic crisis.
                                                                                                                                                                                           This course gives the students the tools to deal with all
                                                                                                                         Innovation and New Business Strategy                              these forces in an ethical and sustainable manner, while still
                                                                                                                                                                                           meeting its responsibilities to a business’ stakeholders.
                                                                                                                         One of Romania’s most respected entrepreneurs, Marius
                                                                                                                         Ghenea, teaches this course which is designed to provide
“I believe that the brain is like a muscle. If you don’t      “...for me, the MBA with Maastricht meant a great
                                                                                                                         students with the structured information about why, when
                                                                                                                                                                                           Electives Module
work it out, it shrinks. But aside from helping recapture     opportunity to enrich my life with great people.
                                                                                                                         and how to start new successful entrepreneurial start-            During this module you will have the chance to dig deeper
my brain flexibility, enrolling in the Executive MBA          Working with them and learning from them and
                                                                                                                         ups. Covering areas such as the nature and importance of          into a variety of subjects that are crucial to today’s business-
program has made me understand, in depth, the                 their experiences was a great set-up enabled by the        entrepreneurship, the creation and development of a new           person. Either choose a subject which complements your
principles and forces behind today’s economy, societal        structure of the classes offered. I would recommend        business venture, the growth, management and also the             current career or use this as an opportunity to push yourself
behavior and even human mentality... some applied             the experience to all those feeling that they can push     ending of such a venture, the course should enable students,      outside of your comfort zone.
philosophy, if I can say so.                                  their time management limits and enlarge their views       upon completion, to successfully evaluate, launch, finance
                                                                                                                                                                                           If you choose Marketing, you will learn how to better evaluate
                                                              on businesses directly connected to their careers as       and grow new business start-ups.
I worked with cool, brilliant fellow students. I met some                                                                                                                                  your customer in the Strategic Marketing course. You will
                                                              well as potential prospects. Going through the process                                                                       then learn how to sell the product to those customers that
passionate professors. And, above all, it’s been fun!”        is a a perfect test of balancing more than just work and   Social Value Action Learning Project                              you have target in the Sales Management course.
                                                              personal life.”
Radu Atanasiu, Entrepreneur & Consultant                                                                                 The aim of this final project is to challenge the students in     Should you choose Finance, you will learn how to better
                                                              Camelia Buburuz, JW Marriott                               a practical business situation in which they must use the         evaluate the details of your own company, a potential
                                                                                                                         different strands of knowledge acquired during the course-        acquisition or a company in which you might want to invest
                                                                                                                         work stage of the MBA.                                            in the Financial Statement Analysis course. Then after you
                                                                                                                         The students will collaborate with a for profit company           have completed the analysis, you will get the tools that you
“They told me the MBA was difficult and in my mind I          “Being an analytical person my decision to attend          and an NGO in developing and implementing strategies              will need in order to actually invest in the Investments &
was like: “hmm, really?” But MSM MBA is difficult. Not        MSM’s program was backed by a mini study of the            that will directly affect the company’s bottom line while         Capital Markets course.
because of how much one needs to study but because            MBA programs on the Romanian market and by the             simultaneously provide measured value to the NGO.
every day is a challenge to be the best I can be; it’s        conclusions drawn after attending several interesting      Main objectives: increase profit (EBITA) of the company,          We are also constantly adding new electives based on global
                                                                                                                         positively impact the local community and create a                developements, access to interesting teachers and student
difficult because it teaches me about trust and how to        open classes. Unexpectedly, the reality of this program
                                                                                                                         defendable competitive advantage among the respective             demand.
lean on my colleagues, how to listen to them and how to       was better than my initial expectations and all its
share my ideas; it’s difficult because I learn about real     strong points – modern teaching methods, continuous        competitive set.
life and about myself as much as I learn about business       improvement system based on periodic surveys,
theories. Still, every day when I enter the school, I smile   extensive networking, very transparent grading and
because I am happy to be a part of this great family          teacher-student feedback system – are enhanced by
which is MSM Romania.”                                        the dedicated local team that is always supportive and
                                                              makes huge efforts to keep things on the right track.”
Ana Scarlat, Romcarton
                                                              Gabriel Vinte, ING Bank

Testimonials                                                                                                             State-of-the art curriculum
4--Maastricht School of Management Romania
4 Maastricht School of Management Romania                                                                                                                                                                                     It’s not the MBA. It’s you. - 5

        Course                                                    ECTS1 Credits     Equivalent                Course                                                            ECTS1 Credits             Equivalent
                                                                                  teaching hours2                                                                                                       teaching hours2

1.	Foundation                                                                                       2.8	      Leading Change in Multinationals                                         4                    32 hours
                                                                                                    	         1. Corporate Restructuring & Change Management
1.1	    Quantitative Methods                                               3         24 hours       	         2. Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
                                                                                                    	         3. Managing and Structuring Organizations
1.2	    Accounting for Managers I (Financial Accounting)                   3         24 hours
1.3	    Accounting for Managers II (Management Accounting)                 3         24 hours       2.9	      Innovation and New Business Ventures                                     4                    32 hours
1.4	    Managerial Economics                                               3         24 hours       	         1. Intrapreneurship
                                                                                                    	         2. Entrepreneurship
1.5	    Financial Management                                               3         24 hours
                                                                                                    	         3. Innovation Management

	       Total Foundation                                               15           120 hours
                                                                                                    	         Total Core                                                              48                   264 hours

2.	     MSM Core
                                                                                                    3.	       Romanian Core and Electives
2.1	    Social Value Action Learning Project                           16            8 hours
2.2	    Business in the Global Arena                                       4         32 hours       3.1	      Business and Public Policy                                               3                    24 hours
	       1. Geo-Political Environments                                                               3.2	      Critical Thinking and Analysis                                           2                    16 hours
	       2. Trade & Investment
	       3. Global Macro-economics                                                                   	

2.3	    Finance in International Markets                                   4         32 hours       3.3I	     Elective I                                                               3                    16 hours
	       1. Capital Markets & Institutions                                                           3.3II	    Elective II                                                              3                    16 hours
	       2. International Finance                                                                                                                                                       2                    16 hours
	       3. International Accounting                                                                 3.3III	   Elective III

2.4	    Managing Cultural Diversity                                        4         32 hours       	
	       1. Team Dynamics                                                                                	     Total Romanian Core                                                     13                    88 hours
	       2. Human Resources Management
	       3. Cross-cultural Management
                                                                                                    4.	Performance
2.5	    Global Corporate Strategy                                          4         32 hours
	       1. Global Strategic Management
	       2. Measurement and Strategic Performance Management                                         	         Social Value Action Learning Project                                    16                   160 hours
2.6	    Marketing in a Global Context                                      4         32 hours       	Total                                                                            632                  640 hours
	       1. Global Marketing Management
	       2. International Customer, Market and Industry Analysis
                                                                                                    •	 The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System        [1] ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System
2.7	    Global Supply Chain Management                                     4       32 hours            (ECTS) is a student-centered system based o the student
	       1. Operations Management & Management Sciences                 	           	                                                                               [2] One credit corresponds with 8 teaching hours
                                                                                                       workload required to achieve the objectives of a program.
	       2. IT & Global Value Chain Management                                      	
                                                                                                    •	 The curriculum may be subject to change.
	       3. Supply Chain Management                                                 	

6--Maastricht School of Management Romania
6 Maastricht School of Management Romania                                                                                                                                      the globally networked management school - 7
Globally                                                                                                                           It's not our
                                                                                                                                                                                                        you do
                                                                                                                                                                                                        with it.

    Networked                                                                                                                           expertise.

                                                                                                                                       Program Design                                                         group-study. This is considered an invaluable skill for managers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              The use of group study enables participants to benefit from the
                                                                                                                                       Our EMBA program is designed to stimulate creative management          experiences of others. Group members are selected at random in
                                                                                                                                       thinking and to meet the needs of candidates looking to improve        order to maximize the learning opportunity in an environment that
                                                                                                                                       on the theoretical underpinnings and training required to apply        fosters collaboration with fellow members from different cultures
                                                                                                                                       management knowledge into practice. Candidates are trained             and work environments. Needless to say, a program that is being
                                                                                                                                       in an international, multicultural and multi-disciplinary setting      taught by faculty from a variety of countries provides excellent
                                                                                                                                       preparing them to successfully operate in the global business          chances of enhancing your intercultural communication skills.
                                                                                                                                       The EMBA Program can be completed in approximately 22                  Executive MBA Graduates
                                                                                                                                       months. Lectures and classes are conveniently paced and are
                                                                                                                                       conducted on alternating weekends with an extended winter and          The candidates admitted to our EMBA program are mid-career
                                                                                                                                       summer break (the exact schedule can be found at our website).         executives, the self-employed, and the expert consultants in
                                                                                                                                       This way, participants are away from their jobs for only a minimum     general management who have full-time job responsibilities, and
                                                                                                                                       period of time.                                                        therefore cannot afford to attend classes on a full-time basis.
                                                                                                                                       The program consists of four segments, starting with a Foundation      Surveys have shown that our EMBA graduates return to their
                                                                                                                                       segment, providing a solid knowledge base in each of the major         respective organizations with promising career prospects and
                                                                                                                                       management disciplines. The following Core segment offers              greater confidence. The majority of our alumni assumed new
                                                                                                                                       courses with a broader focus. These are more integrated and            responsibilities with increased opportunities for advancement,
                                                                                                                                       often multidisciplinary in nature. The Electives segment contains      while others utilized the additional skills to take on new
                                                                                                                                       a set of courses which give you the choice to gain more specialized    professional challenges or career changes.
                                                                                                                                       knowledge in the fields of Marketing or Finance. The program
                                                                                                                                       is completed by the Social Value Action Learning Project in the        Romanian Advisory Board
                                                                                                                                       Performance segment, a practical business challenge involving
                                                                                                                                       both a for profit company and an NGO.                                  The mission of MSM Romania’s Advisory Board is to provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                              external perspective and review as well as advocacy and support
                                                                                                                                                                                                              for the school’s programs, strategic direction, and overall
                                                                                                                                       Teaching Methodology                                                   objectives. Current members of the advisory board include Steven
                                                                                                                                       Our aim is to teach concepts and theories of management,               van Groningen (Raiffeisen Bank Romania), Misu Negritoiu (ING
                                                                                                                                       stimulate critical thinking and transform management problems          Bank Romania), Peter de Ruiter (PWC Romania) and Sandra
Multiple Networking Opportunites at MSM Romania                                                                                        into opportunities from a multidisciplinary and multicultural          Pralong (former President, Fundatia Soros Romania), among
                                                                                                                                       perspective. The general approach includes lectures, problem
                                                                                                                                       based learning exercises, case study analyses, student
                                                                                                                                       participation, seminars, discussions and independent study.
MBA Master Classes
                                                                                                                                       The majority of the courses taught include case studies to simulate
   Over the years, hundreds of people have attended our MBA Master Classes which are open to the public on a monthly basis. We         decision-making. Case studies provide a vehicle for identifying
   are convinced that it is the responsibility of universities, as generators and repositories of knowledge, to make the professor’s   problems, analyzing them, deriving solutions and considering how
   knowledge available to the communities in which they are active. This is MSM Romania’s way of giving back to the community.         to implement them.
   In addition, this is a good chance for those who are considering an MBA program to ‘test drive’ our professors.                     Working efficiently and effectively in multicultural groups is
                                                                                                                                       emphasized in the EMBA program through an approach of
Executive Dialogues
   One of the most valuable components of a good MBA is networking, not just with classmates, but with faculty and outside guests.
   The purpose of the Executive Dialogue is for students and alumni to be able to have an ‘off-line’ conversation with a senior
   executive that they might not normally have the chance to meet. The discussion is not focused on a specific industry or job, but
   rather a general discussion about the challenges and responsibilities associated with being an executive in today’s Romanian        Distinctive competencies of the MSM / MSM Romania MBA
   business environment.
                                                                                                                                       •	 Outstanding reputation in management education                      •	 Excellent national and international faculty
   These events are only open to students, alumni of MSM Romania and CEU Business School Romania.
                                                                                                                                       •	 Globally networked knowledge community                              •	 State-of-the-art MBA curriculum with specific
Informal Networking Events                                                                                                                                                                                       considerations of the realities of doing business in
                                                                                                                                       •	 22-month, weekend program
   At MSM Romania, we look for any good opportunity to get together outside of our formal events. This includes Christmas                                                                                        Romania
   parties, Halloween parties (in costume, of course), BBQs on the terraces and roof of our campus, and even group trips outside of    •	 All studies take place in Bucharest
                                                                                                                                                                                                              •	 Apply the knowledge and skills acquired from MBA class
   Bucharest, such as the Danube Delta and Amsterdam.                                                                                                                                                            immediately to your daily work
                                                                                                                                       •	 You have the choice to study at the campuses in the
The Netherlands Romania Chamber of Commerce                                                                                               Netherlands, China, Egypt or Peru.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              •	 Build global academic and business networks through
   While a student of MSM Romania, you also have an open invitation to all networking events of the Netherlands Romania Chamber        •	 Interaction with high-level Romanian executives and                    your MBA class and the MSM global alumni network
   of Commerce. This is an excellent opportunity to extend your network beyond the students and alumni of MSM Romania and                 entrepreneurs
                                                                                                                                                                                                              •	 Gain access to a vast Romanian and global alumni network
   intereact with some of the most important foreign investors in Romania.
                                                                                                                                       •	 Combine your professional career with MBA study

    8- Maastricht School of Management Romania                                                                                                                                                                                                    It’s not the MBA. It’s you. - 9
It's not our                                                                                           it's
   MISSION                                                                                             shared
and values.                                                                                                                                                                               Camp
The main prerequisite for admission to the MSM Romania EMBA Program is a sound
academic background, quality career progress and a passion for change. Applicants
must hold at least a Bachelor’s degree or its academic equivalent from a recognized                                                                                                       Each academic year starts with a Discovery Camp somewhere far from Bucharest.
university in any subject.                                                                                                                                                                This intense weekend is designed to take you out of your comfort zone and prepare
Proficiency in English is absolutely essential to complete the                                                         Applications should be submitted at least 6 weeks before the       you for the physical and mental challenge of being an MBA student. We feel that it is
EMBA Program. Applicants, whose previous education has                                                                 start of the program. Please refer to the website       important to ‘hit the ground’ running in the first day of classes in the MBA program.
been in a language other than English, must submit evidence                                                            or for program starting dates and up-to-date
of proficiency in the English language. Minimum TOEFL (Test of                                                         admissions criteria. There will be a an admissions interview       The Discovery Camp gives you a chance to get to know the other students in the
English as a Foreign Language) score: 570 paper based TOEFL,                                                           once the application is complete.
230 computer based, 88 internet based or minimum IELTS score
                                                                                                                                                                                          MBA so that you are already able to draw on each other’s unique strengths and
                                                                                                                       Maastricht School of Management Romania reserves the right to
of 6.5.
                                                                                                                       withdraw, add or change a specialization course or to change the   experiences already from the first class session.
A GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) score of at                                                                title of a course due to evolving market trends. Candidates are
least 500 is the desirable prerequisite for enrolment, but is not                                                      admitted on a competitive basis.
required for candidates with more than 7 years work experience.
                                                                                                                       On the application form you will find a list of additional
Five or more years of managerial experience are strongly                                                               requirements. These must be sent together with your application
recommended.                                                                                                           form to:
A Statement of Motivation as well as two Letters of                                                                    MSM Romania
Recommendation.                                                                                                        Admissions Office
                                                                                                                       Putul lui Zamfir, nr. 36, 011684
Please be complete and precise when filling in the application                                                         Bucharest Romania
form. Only complete applications will be accepted.

1. Financial discounts
Financial discount for in-full advance payment 	                                                                                                                        10%
Financial discount for two installments payment, appliable to the second installment 	                                                                                  5%
Early bird financial discount if sign-up and first payment are made
6 months previous to the program start 	                                                                                                                                5%

2. Commuting incentives
Commuting for more than 100km to school premises. 	                                                                                                                     1,000 	EUR
Commuting for more than 200km to school premises.	                                                                                                                      2,000 	EUR	

3. Refferal fee
Refferal of a new student during the program. The reduction will be applied to the new student’s fee. 	 750 	 EUR
                                                                                                                                                                                          During your time as a student of the        dependent upon the other students
4. Scholarships                                                                                                                                                                           Maastricht School of Management             who are in the program, the Discovery
Entrepreneurs2,000 EUR	                                                                                                                                                                   Romania, you will push yourself to          Camp also provides the platform for
GMAT Score over 700 3,000 EUR                                                                                                                                                             new heights, figuratively and literally!    you to make this discovery along with
High achievers (international significant recognition awards, ex members of national sports teams) 	                                                                    4,000 	EUR        During the three days of the Discovery      those colleagues who will not only be
Social Responsibility/Community Involvement results 	                                                                                                                   2,000 	EUR        Camp, we encourage you to discover          joining your MBA class, but will also be
Diversity of the experience (foreigners, diverse background students) 	                                                                                                 3,000 	EUR        your strengths, weaknesses, limits,         an instrumental part of your lifelong
For public or non-profit sector 	                                                                                                                                       15,000 EUR        capabilities, fears and hopes. Since the    network. Hopefully you will also discover
For Financial Discounts and Commuting Incentives the amounts will be sumed up, not applied in a succesive manner.
                                                                                                                                                                                          value of a world-class MBA is greatly       some new friends along the way.
There is a limited number of scholarships in each category
With the exception of the refferal fee and the Public/Non-profit sector discounts, all other discounts are cumulatives up to 5,000 EUR.
The public/non-profit sector scholarship cannot be cumulated with any other scolarship or discount.

10- Maastricht School of Management Romania                                                                                                                                                                                                                 It’s not the MBA. It’s you. - 11

Maastricht School of Management                       Maastricht School of Management
Outreach Programs Department                          Romania

P.O. Box 1203 	        phone 	     +31 43 387 08 08   Putul lui Zamfir 36 	   phone 	     +40 21 310 12 48
6201 BE Maastricht 	   fax 	       +31 43 387 08 00   011684 Bucharest 	      fax 	       +40 21 317 10 79
The Netherlands 	      e-mail    Romania 	               e-mail
	                      website         	                       website

12- Maastricht School of Management Romania

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MSM Romania brochure autumn 2012

  • 1. Executive Master of Business Administration Romania All MBAs offer you Know-How. It’s not the MBA. It’s you. - 1
  • 2. Accreditation It's not our It's your different unique point of view. perspectives. The Mission of MSM Romania - Do Your Goals Match Ours? We have been holding conversations with our students, alumni, faculty, staff and Advisory Board about mission of Maastricht School of Management Romania (MSM Romania). To the students we asked, “Why did you choose to study with us?” To the teachers we asked, “Why do you teach for us?” To our staff we asked, “Why do you work for us?”. To the Advisory Board we asked, “What are you expecting from your employees who graduate from us?” After asking all of these questions, we received a lot of excellent, thoughtful answers. After • “Accreditation” is the review of the quality of higher sorting through the data we found a couple striking facts about those who were choosing to education institutions and programs. It is an important study or work with us. First, they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. way to let students know that an institution or program They want to reach goals greater than they could previously. Second, they want to be part of a provides high quality education. community which includes others like themselves in terms of values and aspirations. Of course, • Whether a business school, university, or program is a good MBA education was important to all of them, but this was not the main reason they had accredited is important. Students who want grants and chosen MSM Romania as their MBA partner. loans need to attend a business school, university, or program that is accredited. For graduates, accreditation gives reassurance of the degree’s value, now and further As a result of these discussion, we were able to formulate the following mission statement: up in their career. “We recognize in each student their inner spark, we then provide knowledge and • Employers ask if a business school, university, or reinforce character by bringing the students together with professors and peers program is accredited before deciding to provide who share our values, so in the end the graduates become the change agents our tuition assistance to current employees, evaluating the credentials of new employees, or making a charitable businesses and community need.” contribution. We hope that these messages communicate to you our sincere passion to not just provide an • Governments require that a college, university, or MBA in Romania, but to be a part of making something bigger in Romania. The MBA is the tool program is accredited in order to be eligible for federal grants and loans or other funds that we have at our disposal to make a difference in our community. If your goals match ours, we invite you to join us on this journey. MSM in a nutshell Maastricht School of Management’s MBA programs Our EMBA program complies with the standards upheld Maastricht School of Management (MSM), which is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2012, has its roots have been accredited by the Association of MBAs by the Higher Education Quality Control Organization of in the Institute for Management Science at the Technical University in Delft dating back to 1952 In 1989 the (AMBA), the Association of Collegiate Business Schools the Netherlands. school relocated to the historical city of Maastricht and in 1993 its name changed to the Maastricht School (ACBSP), and the Assembly of Collegiate Business Education (IACBE). The Romanian program is also fully accredited by of Management. AMBA, ACBSP, IACBE and the Dutch Ministry of As a key player in the global education field, MSM is one of the few management schools that systematically The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Education. endorses the academic standards of Maastricht School combine education, technical assistance and research in its professional services. of Management’s Executive MBA degree by law. With more than 2,000 students annually graduating in more than 20 countries, MSM is the largest and most international business school of the Netherlands. MSM offers its Outreach MBA throughout the world by partnering with respected educational institutions in each local market. This association, Asociatia Maastricht School of Management Bucharest (MSM RO), was created by some of Romania’s most respected educational leaders of the past decade: Dora Surugiu, Adrian Stanciu and Oliver Olson. MSM Romania holds all of its classes at its modern facilities near Piata Dorobanti in Bucharest, Romania. 2- Maastricht School of Management Romania It’s not the MBA. It’s you. - 3
  • 3. It's not our It's you case studies. creating a new one. Radu Atanasiu, DMD, MBA Camelia Buburuz Entrepreneur & Consultant JW Marriott The 2-year, part-time MSM Romania EMBA program provides state-of- Class of 2010 Class of 2012 the-art postgraduate education in business administration to mid-career professionals with the aim to advance their knowledge and practice of management and to train them to lead in a dynamic global business environment. The Diploma is a Dutch degree conferred solely by MSM. Team and Individual Coaching Business & Public Policy From day one of the Executive MBA, a Kenneth Blanchard- Today’s business leaders in Romania must place an Ana Scarlat Gabriel Vinte certified executive coach, Mihaela Reese, is available to emphasis on the inter-play between business, society, Romcarton ING Bank make sure that you get the most out of the MBA in your team culture and political forces. This interplay has never been Class of 2013 Class of 2013 work and in your individual performance. more evident than during the current global economic crisis. This course gives the students the tools to deal with all Innovation and New Business Strategy these forces in an ethical and sustainable manner, while still meeting its responsibilities to a business’ stakeholders. One of Romania’s most respected entrepreneurs, Marius Ghenea, teaches this course which is designed to provide “I believe that the brain is like a muscle. If you don’t “...for me, the MBA with Maastricht meant a great students with the structured information about why, when Electives Module work it out, it shrinks. But aside from helping recapture opportunity to enrich my life with great people. and how to start new successful entrepreneurial start- During this module you will have the chance to dig deeper my brain flexibility, enrolling in the Executive MBA Working with them and learning from them and ups. Covering areas such as the nature and importance of into a variety of subjects that are crucial to today’s business- program has made me understand, in depth, the their experiences was a great set-up enabled by the entrepreneurship, the creation and development of a new person. Either choose a subject which complements your principles and forces behind today’s economy, societal structure of the classes offered. I would recommend business venture, the growth, management and also the current career or use this as an opportunity to push yourself behavior and even human mentality... some applied the experience to all those feeling that they can push ending of such a venture, the course should enable students, outside of your comfort zone. philosophy, if I can say so. their time management limits and enlarge their views upon completion, to successfully evaluate, launch, finance If you choose Marketing, you will learn how to better evaluate on businesses directly connected to their careers as and grow new business start-ups. I worked with cool, brilliant fellow students. I met some your customer in the Strategic Marketing course. You will well as potential prospects. Going through the process then learn how to sell the product to those customers that passionate professors. And, above all, it’s been fun!” is a a perfect test of balancing more than just work and Social Value Action Learning Project you have target in the Sales Management course. personal life.” Radu Atanasiu, Entrepreneur & Consultant The aim of this final project is to challenge the students in Should you choose Finance, you will learn how to better Camelia Buburuz, JW Marriott a practical business situation in which they must use the evaluate the details of your own company, a potential different strands of knowledge acquired during the course- acquisition or a company in which you might want to invest work stage of the MBA. in the Financial Statement Analysis course. Then after you The students will collaborate with a for profit company have completed the analysis, you will get the tools that you “They told me the MBA was difficult and in my mind I “Being an analytical person my decision to attend and an NGO in developing and implementing strategies will need in order to actually invest in the Investments & was like: “hmm, really?” But MSM MBA is difficult. Not MSM’s program was backed by a mini study of the that will directly affect the company’s bottom line while Capital Markets course. because of how much one needs to study but because MBA programs on the Romanian market and by the simultaneously provide measured value to the NGO. every day is a challenge to be the best I can be; it’s conclusions drawn after attending several interesting Main objectives: increase profit (EBITA) of the company, We are also constantly adding new electives based on global positively impact the local community and create a developements, access to interesting teachers and student difficult because it teaches me about trust and how to open classes. Unexpectedly, the reality of this program defendable competitive advantage among the respective demand. lean on my colleagues, how to listen to them and how to was better than my initial expectations and all its share my ideas; it’s difficult because I learn about real strong points – modern teaching methods, continuous competitive set. life and about myself as much as I learn about business improvement system based on periodic surveys, theories. Still, every day when I enter the school, I smile extensive networking, very transparent grading and because I am happy to be a part of this great family teacher-student feedback system – are enhanced by which is MSM Romania.” the dedicated local team that is always supportive and makes huge efforts to keep things on the right track.” Ana Scarlat, Romcarton Gabriel Vinte, ING Bank Testimonials State-of-the art curriculum 4--Maastricht School of Management Romania 4 Maastricht School of Management Romania It’s not the MBA. It’s you. - 5
  • 4. Curriculum Structure Course ECTS1 Credits Equivalent Course ECTS1 Credits Equivalent teaching hours2 teaching hours2 1. Foundation 2.8 Leading Change in Multinationals 4 32 hours 1. Corporate Restructuring & Change Management 1.1 Quantitative Methods 3 24 hours 2. Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics 3. Managing and Structuring Organizations 1.2 Accounting for Managers I (Financial Accounting) 3 24 hours 1.3 Accounting for Managers II (Management Accounting) 3 24 hours 2.9 Innovation and New Business Ventures 4 32 hours 1.4 Managerial Economics 3 24 hours 1. Intrapreneurship 2. Entrepreneurship 1.5 Financial Management 3 24 hours 3. Innovation Management Total Foundation 15 120 hours Total Core 48 264 hours 2. MSM Core 3. Romanian Core and Electives 2.1 Social Value Action Learning Project 16 8 hours 2.2 Business in the Global Arena 4 32 hours 3.1 Business and Public Policy 3 24 hours 1. Geo-Political Environments 3.2 Critical Thinking and Analysis 2 16 hours 2. Trade & Investment 3. Global Macro-economics 2.3 Finance in International Markets 4 32 hours 3.3I Elective I 3 16 hours 1. Capital Markets & Institutions 3.3II Elective II 3 16 hours 2. International Finance 2 16 hours 3. International Accounting 3.3III Elective III 2.4 Managing Cultural Diversity 4 32 hours 1. Team Dynamics Total Romanian Core 13 88 hours 2. Human Resources Management 3. Cross-cultural Management 4. Performance 2.5 Global Corporate Strategy 4 32 hours 1. Global Strategic Management 2. Measurement and Strategic Performance Management Social Value Action Learning Project 16 160 hours 2.6 Marketing in a Global Context 4 32 hours Total 632 640 hours 1. Global Marketing Management 2. International Customer, Market and Industry Analysis • The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System [1] ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System 2.7 Global Supply Chain Management 4 32 hours (ECTS) is a student-centered system based o the student 1. Operations Management & Management Sciences [2] One credit corresponds with 8 teaching hours workload required to achieve the objectives of a program. 2. IT & Global Value Chain Management • The curriculum may be subject to change. 3. Supply Chain Management 6--Maastricht School of Management Romania 6 Maastricht School of Management Romania the globally networked management school - 7
  • 5. Globally It's not our global It's what you do with it. Networked expertise. Program Design group-study. This is considered an invaluable skill for managers. The use of group study enables participants to benefit from the Our EMBA program is designed to stimulate creative management experiences of others. Group members are selected at random in thinking and to meet the needs of candidates looking to improve order to maximize the learning opportunity in an environment that on the theoretical underpinnings and training required to apply fosters collaboration with fellow members from different cultures management knowledge into practice. Candidates are trained and work environments. Needless to say, a program that is being in an international, multicultural and multi-disciplinary setting taught by faculty from a variety of countries provides excellent preparing them to successfully operate in the global business chances of enhancing your intercultural communication skills. environment. The EMBA Program can be completed in approximately 22 Executive MBA Graduates months. Lectures and classes are conveniently paced and are conducted on alternating weekends with an extended winter and The candidates admitted to our EMBA program are mid-career summer break (the exact schedule can be found at our website). executives, the self-employed, and the expert consultants in This way, participants are away from their jobs for only a minimum general management who have full-time job responsibilities, and period of time. therefore cannot afford to attend classes on a full-time basis. The program consists of four segments, starting with a Foundation Surveys have shown that our EMBA graduates return to their segment, providing a solid knowledge base in each of the major respective organizations with promising career prospects and management disciplines. The following Core segment offers greater confidence. The majority of our alumni assumed new courses with a broader focus. These are more integrated and responsibilities with increased opportunities for advancement, often multidisciplinary in nature. The Electives segment contains while others utilized the additional skills to take on new a set of courses which give you the choice to gain more specialized professional challenges or career changes. knowledge in the fields of Marketing or Finance. The program is completed by the Social Value Action Learning Project in the Romanian Advisory Board Performance segment, a practical business challenge involving both a for profit company and an NGO. The mission of MSM Romania’s Advisory Board is to provide external perspective and review as well as advocacy and support for the school’s programs, strategic direction, and overall Teaching Methodology objectives. Current members of the advisory board include Steven Our aim is to teach concepts and theories of management, van Groningen (Raiffeisen Bank Romania), Misu Negritoiu (ING stimulate critical thinking and transform management problems Bank Romania), Peter de Ruiter (PWC Romania) and Sandra Multiple Networking Opportunites at MSM Romania into opportunities from a multidisciplinary and multicultural Pralong (former President, Fundatia Soros Romania), among others. perspective. The general approach includes lectures, problem based learning exercises, case study analyses, student participation, seminars, discussions and independent study. MBA Master Classes The majority of the courses taught include case studies to simulate Over the years, hundreds of people have attended our MBA Master Classes which are open to the public on a monthly basis. We decision-making. Case studies provide a vehicle for identifying are convinced that it is the responsibility of universities, as generators and repositories of knowledge, to make the professor’s problems, analyzing them, deriving solutions and considering how knowledge available to the communities in which they are active. This is MSM Romania’s way of giving back to the community. to implement them. In addition, this is a good chance for those who are considering an MBA program to ‘test drive’ our professors. Working efficiently and effectively in multicultural groups is emphasized in the EMBA program through an approach of Executive Dialogues One of the most valuable components of a good MBA is networking, not just with classmates, but with faculty and outside guests. The purpose of the Executive Dialogue is for students and alumni to be able to have an ‘off-line’ conversation with a senior executive that they might not normally have the chance to meet. The discussion is not focused on a specific industry or job, but rather a general discussion about the challenges and responsibilities associated with being an executive in today’s Romanian Distinctive competencies of the MSM / MSM Romania MBA business environment. • Outstanding reputation in management education • Excellent national and international faculty These events are only open to students, alumni of MSM Romania and CEU Business School Romania. • Globally networked knowledge community • State-of-the-art MBA curriculum with specific Informal Networking Events considerations of the realities of doing business in • 22-month, weekend program At MSM Romania, we look for any good opportunity to get together outside of our formal events. This includes Christmas Romania parties, Halloween parties (in costume, of course), BBQs on the terraces and roof of our campus, and even group trips outside of • All studies take place in Bucharest • Apply the knowledge and skills acquired from MBA class Bucharest, such as the Danube Delta and Amsterdam. immediately to your daily work • You have the choice to study at the campuses in the The Netherlands Romania Chamber of Commerce Netherlands, China, Egypt or Peru. • Build global academic and business networks through While a student of MSM Romania, you also have an open invitation to all networking events of the Netherlands Romania Chamber • Interaction with high-level Romanian executives and your MBA class and the MSM global alumni network of Commerce. This is an excellent opportunity to extend your network beyond the students and alumni of MSM Romania and entrepreneurs • Gain access to a vast Romanian and global alumni network intereact with some of the most important foreign investors in Romania. • Combine your professional career with MBA study 8- Maastricht School of Management Romania It’s not the MBA. It’s you. - 9
  • 6. It's not our it's Your Discovery MISSION shared purpose. and values. Camp The main prerequisite for admission to the MSM Romania EMBA Program is a sound academic background, quality career progress and a passion for change. Applicants must hold at least a Bachelor’s degree or its academic equivalent from a recognized Each academic year starts with a Discovery Camp somewhere far from Bucharest. university in any subject. This intense weekend is designed to take you out of your comfort zone and prepare Proficiency in English is absolutely essential to complete the Applications should be submitted at least 6 weeks before the you for the physical and mental challenge of being an MBA student. We feel that it is EMBA Program. Applicants, whose previous education has start of the program. Please refer to the website important to ‘hit the ground’ running in the first day of classes in the MBA program. been in a language other than English, must submit evidence or for program starting dates and up-to-date of proficiency in the English language. Minimum TOEFL (Test of admissions criteria. There will be a an admissions interview The Discovery Camp gives you a chance to get to know the other students in the English as a Foreign Language) score: 570 paper based TOEFL, once the application is complete. 230 computer based, 88 internet based or minimum IELTS score MBA so that you are already able to draw on each other’s unique strengths and Maastricht School of Management Romania reserves the right to of 6.5. withdraw, add or change a specialization course or to change the experiences already from the first class session. A GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) score of at title of a course due to evolving market trends. Candidates are least 500 is the desirable prerequisite for enrolment, but is not admitted on a competitive basis. required for candidates with more than 7 years work experience. On the application form you will find a list of additional Five or more years of managerial experience are strongly requirements. These must be sent together with your application recommended. form to: A Statement of Motivation as well as two Letters of MSM Romania Recommendation. Admissions Office Putul lui Zamfir, nr. 36, 011684 Please be complete and precise when filling in the application Bucharest Romania form. Only complete applications will be accepted. 1. Financial discounts Financial discount for in-full advance payment 10% Financial discount for two installments payment, appliable to the second installment 5% Early bird financial discount if sign-up and first payment are made 6 months previous to the program start 5% 2. Commuting incentives Commuting for more than 100km to school premises. 1,000 EUR Commuting for more than 200km to school premises. 2,000 EUR 3. Refferal fee Refferal of a new student during the program. The reduction will be applied to the new student’s fee. 750 EUR During your time as a student of the dependent upon the other students 4. Scholarships Maastricht School of Management who are in the program, the Discovery Entrepreneurs2,000 EUR Romania, you will push yourself to Camp also provides the platform for GMAT Score over 700 3,000 EUR new heights, figuratively and literally! you to make this discovery along with High achievers (international significant recognition awards, ex members of national sports teams) 4,000 EUR During the three days of the Discovery those colleagues who will not only be Social Responsibility/Community Involvement results 2,000 EUR Camp, we encourage you to discover joining your MBA class, but will also be Diversity of the experience (foreigners, diverse background students) 3,000 EUR your strengths, weaknesses, limits, an instrumental part of your lifelong For public or non-profit sector 15,000 EUR capabilities, fears and hopes. Since the network. Hopefully you will also discover Notes: For Financial Discounts and Commuting Incentives the amounts will be sumed up, not applied in a succesive manner. value of a world-class MBA is greatly some new friends along the way. There is a limited number of scholarships in each category With the exception of the refferal fee and the Public/Non-profit sector discounts, all other discounts are cumulatives up to 5,000 EUR. The public/non-profit sector scholarship cannot be cumulated with any other scolarship or discount. 10- Maastricht School of Management Romania It’s not the MBA. It’s you. - 11
  • 7. Maastricht School of Management Maastricht School of Management Outreach Programs Department Romania P.O. Box 1203 phone +31 43 387 08 08 Putul lui Zamfir 36 phone +40 21 310 12 48 6201 BE Maastricht fax +31 43 387 08 00 011684 Bucharest fax +40 21 317 10 79 The Netherlands e-mail Romania e-mail website website 12- Maastricht School of Management Romania