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Religious Education Congress 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
St. Paul Catholic High School
Bristol, CT
Presented by
Office of Religious Education
Archdiocese of Hartford
Formando Discípulos,
Forming Disciples,
Cultivating Faith
Cultivando la Fe
8:00 – 9:00
9:00 – 9:15
(Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Motta, D.Min. – Director, and Ms. Patricia Keck, MA – Assistant Director, Archdiocesan
Office of Religious Education
9:15 – 10:00
(Joe Paprocki, D.Min., National Consultant for Faith Formation, Loyola Press – Compliments of Loyola Press)
In the Rite of Baptism we are told that we have become a new creation and have
clothed ourselves in Christ. Catechesis, then, is the process of getting dressed! To put
on Christ is to learn, day be day, what it means to live as his disciples. The key to
Christian discipleship is no secret. Jesus told his disciples, “Learn from me” (Mt 11:29).
To clothe ourselves in Christ is to learn from him the importance of the six tasks of
catechesis (GDC 85-87). In this address, we will take a refreshing look at these tasks:
knowing God (knowledge of the faith), worshipping God (liturgical education), loving
God and neighbor (moral education), turning to God (teaching to pray), living in
community (education for community life), and proclaiming the Kingdom (missionary
initiation). Catechesis is the process of helping others to try these six areas of
Christian life “on for size” so that they come to realize that putting on Christ is a
perfect fit.
(10:30 – 11:45)
(Archbishop Henry J. Mansell, D.D. presiding)
(11:50 – 12:00)
(Ms. Patricia Keck, M.A. – Assistant Director, Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education)
 Registration and Exhibits: 8:00 – 9:00
 Opening Prayer / Welcome: 9:00 – 9:15
 Keynote Address: 9:15 – 10:00
 Liturgy: 10:30 – 11:45
 Lunch (first shift): 12:00 – 12:35
 Lunch (second shift): 12:35 – 1:10
 Exhibits Open: 12:00 – 1:15
 Workshops (round 1): 1:15 – 2:15
 Workshops (round 2): 2:30 – 3:30
Coffee and Danish available in the cafeteria during registration (8:00 – 9:00)
FIRST SHIFT: 12:00 – 12:35 SECOND SHIFT: 12:35 – 1:10
For those in towns N-Z For those in towns A-M
LEADER: Gracious God, you know us and you love us. You know all of the joys, pains, successes and struggles
we have experienced as your teachers and catechists. Guide us as we now reflect on our response to
your call.
Father of all families, you have called me to serve the family in
truth and love as a catechist. May I be faithful to this call, rooted
in your Word, and open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
May I use these gifts, especially the gifts of faith, hope, and love,
to serve the family as a witness to you, who are love and life and
the source and destiny of all families.
Let your Spirit enlighten my mind and strengthen my heart so
that I can be a path of Christ‟s love to families, especially those in
need, the homebound and aged, the disabled and disheartened.
Through the intercession of Mary and Joseph, I pray for the
Church, the Bride of Christ, whose mission to build a civilization of love passes through the family.
LEADER: John Henry Cardinal Newman was born in London in 1801. Originally an evangelical Oxford
academic and clergyman in the Church of England, he converted to Roman Catholicism in 1845, was
the first Rector of the Catholic University in Dublin, and was made Cardinal by Pope Leo XIII in 1879.
Through his extensive published writings and private correspondence he created a greater
understanding of the Catholic Church and its teachings. At his death he was praised for his
unworldliness and humility. On September 19, 2010 (Catechetical Sunday), Pope Benedict XVI
beatified John Henry Cardinal Newman. Let us now pray in Blessed Cardinal Newman‟s words:
ALL: God has created me to do him some definite service;
He has committed some work to me which he has not committed to another.
I have my mission – I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next.
I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons.
He has not created me for nothing. I shall do his work.
I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place while not intending it –
if I do but keep his commandments.
Therefore I will trust him.
Whatever, wherever I am, I can never be thrown away.
If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve him;
in perplexity, my perplexity may serve him;
if I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve him.
He does nothing in vain.
He knows what he is about.
He may take away my friends.
He may throw me among strangers.
He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink,
Hide my future from me – still he knows what he is about.
Used with permission
El Señor me dijo: “Tú eres mi siervo, Israel,
y estoy orgulloso de ti”.
Y ahora habla el Señor,
aquel que desde el vientre me formó
como siervo suyo,
para que le trajera a Jacob
y le reuniera a Israel.
¡Tan valioso soy para el Señor
y en Dios se halla mi fuerza!
Él dice: “No sólo eres mi siervo
para restablecer las tribus de Jacob
y traer a los sobrevivientes de Israel,
sino que te convierto
en luz de las naciones
para que mi salvación llegue
hasta el último rincón de la tierra”.
Used with permission
Brothers and sisters,
I, a prisoner for the Lord,
urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received,
with all humility and gentleness, with patience,
bearing with one another through love,
striving to preserve the unity of the Spirit
through the bond of peace: one body and one Spirit,
as you were also called to the one hope of your calling;
one Lord, one faith, one baptism;
one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ‟s gift.
And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets,
others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers,
to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry,
for building up the body of Christ,
until we all attain the unity of faith
and knowledge of the Son of God, to mature to manhood,
to the extent of the full stature of Christ.
Reprint permission granted by GIA Publications
GOSPEL: MARK 10:35-45
Santiago y Juan, los hijos de Zebedeo, se le acercaron y le dijeron: “Maestro, queremos que nos
concedas lo que vamos a pedirte.”
Jesús les preguntó: “¿Qué quieren que haga por ustedes?”
Ellos le contestaron: “Concédenos sentarnos uno a tu derecha y otro a tu izquierda cuando se
manifieste tu gloria.”
Jesús les dijo: “No saben lo que piden. ¿Pueden beber el cáliz de amargura que yo voy a beber, o pasar
por la terrible prueba que yo voy a pasar?”
Ellos le respondieron: “Sí, podemos.”
Jesús entonces les dijo: “Beberán el cáliz que yo voy a beber y pasarán por la prueba que yo voy a
pasar. Pero el sentarse a mi derecha o a mi izquierda no me toca a mí concederlo, sino que es para
quienes está reservado.”
Al oír aquello, los otros diez se indignaron contra Santiago y Juan. Jesús los llamó y les dijo: “Ustedes
saben que quienes figuran como jefes de las naciones las gobiernan tiránicamente y que sus
dirigentes las oprimen. No debe ser así entre ustedes. El que quiere ser importante entre ustedes, que
sea su servidor, y el que quiera ser el primero entre ustedes, que sea esclavo de todos. Pues tampoco el
Hijo del hombre ha venido a ser servido, sino a servir y a dar su vida en rescate por todos.
Response: Señor, escucha nuestra oración or Lord, hear our prayer.
Used with permission
Reprint permission granted by GIA Publications
Reprint permission granted by GIA Publications
Reprint permission granted by GIA Publications
Reprint permission granted by GIA Publications
Used with permission
Reprint permission granted by GIA Publications
The General Directory for Catechesis reminds us that the most effective catechesis takes place within a
climate of prayer. In this workshop, we will go over the basic skills needed to lead others in reflective prayer
(guided meditations) as well as liturgical prayer (prayer services).
Joe Paprocki, D.Min., National Consultant for Faith Formation, Loyola Press. (Compliments of Loyola Press)
ROOM 135-D
This presentation on the benefits of Diocesan partnership with the VLCFF (Virtual Learning Community for
Faith Formation) will include an overview of the requirements for the Certificate in Catechesis. We will do a
walk-through of the registration process as well as looking at what an online class looks like and how to
fully participate.
Richard Drabik, M.A., Multimedia Coordinator, Institute for Pastoral Initiatives, University of Dayton.
(Compliments of the University of Dayton)
ROOM 219
This workshop will provide clarifications on teasing, bullying and fighting. How do we address these issues
in the classroom? We will discuss strategies for holding the line, outlining options, and not getting caught
up in solving the problem. There will be discussion time for case examples.
Catherine Hogan, MSW, LCSW, Founder and CEO of Inclusion Teaming
ROOM 122
This workshop will awaken our need for the Scriptures as our springboard for teaching and sharing our
faith with those in our classrooms.
Madeleine Porter, Pflaum Publishing Group Representative; DRE, Diocese of Providence. (Compliments of
Pflaum Publishing)
ROOM 123
This workshop will present practical ideas to help bring families together in prayer, help our families grow
in the faith, remind our families that they are the Church and become once again the primary educators of
their children.
Charlane Faught, Consultant, Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division. (Compliments of Our Sunday Visitor
Curriculum Division – formerly Harcourt Religion)
ROOM 117
The translation of the new Roman Missal has been approved by the Vatican and will be implemented in
2011. Why is the change in language for the Roman Missal important? There is a different philosophy of
translation. How can this affect the ordinary parishioner and his/her family? Can our understanding of the
Eucharist change? What should a catechist do to facilitate the implementation?
Rev. David J. Baranowski, Director, Office for Divine Worship, Archdiocese of Hartford; Pastor, St. James
Church, Rocky Hill
ROOM 118
This workshop will be a discussion about the levels of moral reasoning (Kohlberg), determining where we
and others stand, what affects moral reasoning, and how to promote higher levels of reasoning. Active
involvement will be encouraged.
Marcia Franko, M.A., faculty, Catholic Biblical School, Archdiocese of Hartford and former Parish
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
ROOM 217
Many parishes do not have post-Confirmation youth ministry programs in the traditional sense. However,
most parishes do have various ministries where teens are either already involved or can become involved.
Often times, it is within these ministries where teens are most effective in ministering to their peers. This
workshop will help identify existing ministerial areas in the parish as well as strategies to enhance their
Crystal Medeiros, Assistant Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Diocese of Fall River
ROOM 214
This workshop will focus on the lifelong need of the Catechist for a balanced spiritual formation as
necessity, gift and mystery.
Sr. Clare Bertero, OSF, Former Diocesan Director of Religious Education, Archdiocese of Boston
ROOM 216
This workshop will explain how to use creative crafts and activities to add to your lesson plans. The
liturgical seasons will be covered as well as Sacramental retreats.
Carol Lisella, Director of Religious Education, St. Patrick Parish, South Hadley, MA; Faculty, Holyoke Catholic
High School. (Compliments of RCL Benziger)
El Evangelio de Marcos es un vivo testimonio de lo que implica ser discípulo de Jesucristo, hasta el final. Esta
respuesta ha de darse en el corazón, en la mente y en la vida diaria. Ambas dimensiones requieren
conversión y formación, sostenidas en una espiritualidad que reconoce que Jesús es verdaderamente el Hijo
de Dios, en palabra y obra.
Miguel Arias, MA, Consultor para el Ministerio Hispano, Loyola Press. (Gentileza de Loyola Press)
El Concilio Vaticano II describe a la familia como la “Iglesia doméstica”. Se explorará la actividad misionera
de los padres y su lugar como lideres catequéticos en el seno de la familia y cómo pueden responder a su
misión evangelizadora.
Dulce M. Jiménez Abreu, Directora de Programas Hispanos de William H. Sadlier, Inc. (Gentileza de
William H. Sadlier, Inc.)
ROOM 119
La catequesis y la pastoral juvenil, cómo usar modelos y técnicas de ambos para traer al joven a una nueva
experiencia de su fe.
Angel Delgado, Coordinador de Pastoral Juvenil de la Diócesis de Springfield hasta el 2010; Director de
Programas de ILS/FSS Holyoke/Chicopee Behavioral Health Network
ROOM 120
Este taller tratará de cómo promover una catequesis que ayude a que los padres se involucren de mejor
manera en la Iglesia después de la preparación bautismal.
Aida Hidalgo, Directora del Apostolado Hispano de la Diócesis de Providence RI
ROOM 215
El programa „La Comunidad Cibernética Para la Formación en la Fe” (CCFF) de la Universidad de Dayton
invita a todos los involucrados en la catequesis y los diversos ministerios de la Iglesia a seguir creciendo en
su fe haciendo uso de una de las grandes bondades que nos presenta la tecnología, en este caso los cursos por
internet. Este taller compartirá con los participantes la experiencia de la CCFF, su Programa de Certificación
en Catequesis y la experiencia del aprendizaje combinado o blended learning como alternativa de formación
en las comunidades hispanas.
Johnson Romero, Coordinador de Iniciativas Hispanas del Instituto de Iniciativas Pastorales de la
Universidad de Dayton OH. (Gentileza de The University of Dayton)
ROOM 121
A través de este taller, queremos comprender mejor nuestra cultura y aprender nuevas “herramientas” para
discernir el mensaje del Evangelio a través de ellas.
Hermana Maria Elizabeth Borobia, FSP, Coordinadora de Evangelización de las Hermanas Paulinas y de
Pauline Books & Media. (Gentileza de Pauline Books & Media)
The Archdiocese of Hartford and The Institute for Pastoral Initiatives at the University of Dayton
have partnered to provide online courses for
Adult Faith Formation
The courses are designed for:
Priests and Deacons  Parish Catechetical Leaders 
Catechists  Lay Ministers  Catholic School Educators 
Adult Formation Coordinators  Youth Ministers 
Campus Ministers  College Students  Parish Council
Members  Parish Social Justice Committees  Parents 
Youth  And all who desire to learn more and to
appreciate the depth of their Catholic faith.
Los cursos están disponibles
también en español
Included are courses in: Catechesis  Catholic Doctrine  Church History  Communication 
Ecclesiology  Liturgy  Sacraments  Prayer  Morality  Scripture  Social Justice  and World
Recommended beginning courses (may be used for Archdiocesan Certification) are: Catholic Beliefs
 Survey of Catholic Doctrine  Sacraments  Introduction to Christian Morality  New Testament 
Old Testament  Catholic Social Teaching  and Introduction to Catechesis
Catholic School Educators: contact Mr. Lawrence Duffany, Office of Catholic
Schools (860.242.4362), 
Información en Español: contacte al Señor Carlos Aedo, Oficina de Educación
Religiosa (860.243.9465), 
All Others: contact Ms. Patricia Keck, Office of Religious Education (860.243.9465), 
Read about: Catechesis (English and Spanish), RCIA and
Adult Faith Formation, The Bible and our Catholic
Biblical School, Youth Ministry and Catholic Scouting
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Caritas Christi Center
Catholic Biblical School
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Family Life Office
Fiat Rosary
Holy Apostles College and Seminary
Holy Childhood Association
Holy Family Retreat Center
Inclusion Teaming
Liguori Publications
Loyola Press
Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry
Office for Divine Worship
Office for People with Disabilities
Office of Catholic Schools
Office of Religious Education
Our Lady of Calvary Retreat House
Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division
Pauline Books & Media
Pflaum Publishing Group
Pro-Life Ministry
RCL Benziger
Vocation Office
William H. Sadlier, Inc.
467 Bloomfield Avenue
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Phone: 860-243-9465
Fax: 860-243-9690
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  • 1. Religious Education Congress 2010 Saturday, November 6, 2010 St. Paul Catholic High School Bristol, CT Presented by Office of Religious Education Archdiocese of Hartford Formando Discípulos, Forming Disciples, Cultivating Faith Cultivando la Fe
  • 2. -1- PROGRAM REGISTRATION AND EXHIBITS 8:00 – 9:00 OPENING PRAYER / WELCOME 9:00 – 9:15 (Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Motta, D.Min. – Director, and Ms. Patricia Keck, MA – Assistant Director, Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education KEYNOTE ADDRESS: “DO I LOOK FAT IN THIS? PUTTING ON CHRIST, A PERFECT FIT! 9:15 – 10:00 (Joe Paprocki, D.Min., National Consultant for Faith Formation, Loyola Press – Compliments of Loyola Press) In the Rite of Baptism we are told that we have become a new creation and have clothed ourselves in Christ. Catechesis, then, is the process of getting dressed! To put on Christ is to learn, day be day, what it means to live as his disciples. The key to Christian discipleship is no secret. Jesus told his disciples, “Learn from me” (Mt 11:29). To clothe ourselves in Christ is to learn from him the importance of the six tasks of catechesis (GDC 85-87). In this address, we will take a refreshing look at these tasks: knowing God (knowledge of the faith), worshipping God (liturgical education), loving God and neighbor (moral education), turning to God (teaching to pray), living in community (education for community life), and proclaiming the Kingdom (missionary initiation). Catechesis is the process of helping others to try these six areas of Christian life “on for size” so that they come to realize that putting on Christ is a perfect fit. EUCHARISTIC LITURGY (10:30 – 11:45) (Archbishop Henry J. Mansell, D.D. presiding) ANNOUNCEMENTS (11:50 – 12:00) (Ms. Patricia Keck, M.A. – Assistant Director, Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education)
  • 3. -2- CONGRESS SCHEDULE  Registration and Exhibits: 8:00 – 9:00  Opening Prayer / Welcome: 9:00 – 9:15  Keynote Address: 9:15 – 10:00  Liturgy: 10:30 – 11:45  Lunch (first shift): 12:00 – 12:35  Lunch (second shift): 12:35 – 1:10  Exhibits Open: 12:00 – 1:15  Workshops (round 1): 1:15 – 2:15  Workshops (round 2): 2:30 – 3:30 COFFEE Coffee and Danish available in the cafeteria during registration (8:00 – 9:00) LUNCH SHIFTS FIRST SHIFT: 12:00 – 12:35 SECOND SHIFT: 12:35 – 1:10 For those in towns N-Z For those in towns A-M VISIT THE EXHIBITORS OPEN THROUGH LUNCH TIME AND DURING REGISTRATION FORMANDO DISCÍPULOS, CULTIVANDO LA FE FORMING DISCIPLES, CULTIVATING FAITH
  • 4. -3- OPENING PRAYER LEADER: Gracious God, you know us and you love us. You know all of the joys, pains, successes and struggles we have experienced as your teachers and catechists. Guide us as we now reflect on our response to your call. ALL: A CATECHIST’S PRAYER Father of all families, you have called me to serve the family in truth and love as a catechist. May I be faithful to this call, rooted in your Word, and open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. May I use these gifts, especially the gifts of faith, hope, and love, to serve the family as a witness to you, who are love and life and the source and destiny of all families. Let your Spirit enlighten my mind and strengthen my heart so that I can be a path of Christ‟s love to families, especially those in need, the homebound and aged, the disabled and disheartened. Through the intercession of Mary and Joseph, I pray for the Church, the Bride of Christ, whose mission to build a civilization of love passes through the family. LEADER: John Henry Cardinal Newman was born in London in 1801. Originally an evangelical Oxford academic and clergyman in the Church of England, he converted to Roman Catholicism in 1845, was the first Rector of the Catholic University in Dublin, and was made Cardinal by Pope Leo XIII in 1879. Through his extensive published writings and private correspondence he created a greater understanding of the Catholic Church and its teachings. At his death he was praised for his unworldliness and humility. On September 19, 2010 (Catechetical Sunday), Pope Benedict XVI beatified John Henry Cardinal Newman. Let us now pray in Blessed Cardinal Newman‟s words: ALL: God has created me to do him some definite service; He has committed some work to me which he has not committed to another. I have my mission – I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next. I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. He has not created me for nothing. I shall do his work. I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place while not intending it – if I do but keep his commandments. Therefore I will trust him. Whatever, wherever I am, I can never be thrown away. If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve him; in perplexity, my perplexity may serve him; if I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve him. He does nothing in vain. He knows what he is about. He may take away my friends. He may throw me among strangers. He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink, Hide my future from me – still he knows what he is about.
  • 6. -5- PENITENTIAL RITE OPENING PRAYER LITURGY OF THE WORD FIRST READING: ISAIAH 49:3,5-6 El Señor me dijo: “Tú eres mi siervo, Israel, y estoy orgulloso de ti”. Y ahora habla el Señor, aquel que desde el vientre me formó como siervo suyo, para que le trajera a Jacob y le reuniera a Israel. ¡Tan valioso soy para el Señor y en Dios se halla mi fuerza! Él dice: “No sólo eres mi siervo para restablecer las tribus de Jacob y traer a los sobrevivientes de Israel, sino que te convierto en luz de las naciones para que mi salvación llegue hasta el último rincón de la tierra”. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: PSALM 40 Used with permission
  • 7. -6- SECOND READING: EPHESIANS 4:1-7,11-13 Brothers and sisters, I, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love, striving to preserve the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace: one body and one Spirit, as you were also called to the one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ‟s gift. And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, to mature to manhood, to the extent of the full stature of Christ. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Reprint permission granted by GIA Publications GOSPEL: MARK 10:35-45 Santiago y Juan, los hijos de Zebedeo, se le acercaron y le dijeron: “Maestro, queremos que nos concedas lo que vamos a pedirte.” Jesús les preguntó: “¿Qué quieren que haga por ustedes?” Ellos le contestaron: “Concédenos sentarnos uno a tu derecha y otro a tu izquierda cuando se manifieste tu gloria.” Jesús les dijo: “No saben lo que piden. ¿Pueden beber el cáliz de amargura que yo voy a beber, o pasar por la terrible prueba que yo voy a pasar?” Ellos le respondieron: “Sí, podemos.” Jesús entonces les dijo: “Beberán el cáliz que yo voy a beber y pasarán por la prueba que yo voy a pasar. Pero el sentarse a mi derecha o a mi izquierda no me toca a mí concederlo, sino que es para quienes está reservado.”
  • 8. -7- Al oír aquello, los otros diez se indignaron contra Santiago y Juan. Jesús los llamó y les dijo: “Ustedes saben que quienes figuran como jefes de las naciones las gobiernan tiránicamente y que sus dirigentes las oprimen. No debe ser así entre ustedes. El que quiere ser importante entre ustedes, que sea su servidor, y el que quiera ser el primero entre ustedes, que sea esclavo de todos. Pues tampoco el Hijo del hombre ha venido a ser servido, sino a servir y a dar su vida en rescate por todos. HOMILY PROFESSION OF FAITH GENERAL INTERCESSIONS Response: Señor, escucha nuestra oración or Lord, hear our prayer. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST PREPARATION OF THE ALTAR AND THE GIFTS Used with permission
  • 9. -8- PRAYER OVER THE GIFTS EUCHARISTIC PRAYER PREFACE HOLY Reprint permission granted by GIA Publications MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION Reprint permission granted by GIA Publications AMEN Reprint permission granted by GIA Publications COMMUNION RITE LORD’S PRAYER SIGN OF PEACE BREAKING OF THE BREAD
  • 10. -9- Reprint permission granted by GIA Publications COMMUNION COMMUNION SONG Used with permission PERIOD OF SILENCE PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION
  • 12. -11- WORKSHOPS SESSIONS IN ENGLISH 1+2 SKILLS FOR LEADING PRAYER (REFLECTIVE AND LITURGICAL) The General Directory for Catechesis reminds us that the most effective catechesis takes place within a climate of prayer. In this workshop, we will go over the basic skills needed to lead others in reflective prayer (guided meditations) as well as liturgical prayer (prayer services). Joe Paprocki, D.Min., National Consultant for Faith Formation, Loyola Press. (Compliments of Loyola Press) ROOM 135-D 1+2 ONLINE ADULT FAITH FORMATION AND CATECHIST CERTIFICATION IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON This presentation on the benefits of Diocesan partnership with the VLCFF (Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation) will include an overview of the requirements for the Certificate in Catechesis. We will do a walk-through of the registration process as well as looking at what an online class looks like and how to fully participate. Richard Drabik, M.A., Multimedia Coordinator, Institute for Pastoral Initiatives, University of Dayton. (Compliments of the University of Dayton) ROOM 219 1+2 ANYTHING YOU CAN DO THAT YOU HAVEN’T This workshop will provide clarifications on teasing, bullying and fighting. How do we address these issues in the classroom? We will discuss strategies for holding the line, outlining options, and not getting caught up in solving the problem. There will be discussion time for case examples. Catherine Hogan, MSW, LCSW, Founder and CEO of Inclusion Teaming ROOM 122 1+2 TEACHING AND PRAYING WITH THE SCRIPTURES This workshop will awaken our need for the Scriptures as our springboard for teaching and sharing our faith with those in our classrooms. Madeleine Porter, Pflaum Publishing Group Representative; DRE, Diocese of Providence. (Compliments of Pflaum Publishing) ROOM 123 1+2 FAITH STARTS IN THE FAMILY – LET’S EMBRACE THEM This workshop will present practical ideas to help bring families together in prayer, help our families grow in the faith, remind our families that they are the Church and become once again the primary educators of their children. Charlane Faught, Consultant, Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division. (Compliments of Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division – formerly Harcourt Religion) ROOM 117
  • 13. -12- 1+2 DOES WHAT WE SAY AT MASS REALLY MATTER? The translation of the new Roman Missal has been approved by the Vatican and will be implemented in 2011. Why is the change in language for the Roman Missal important? There is a different philosophy of translation. How can this affect the ordinary parishioner and his/her family? Can our understanding of the Eucharist change? What should a catechist do to facilitate the implementation? Rev. David J. Baranowski, Director, Office for Divine Worship, Archdiocese of Hartford; Pastor, St. James Church, Rocky Hill ROOM 118 1+2 IS IT RIGHT OR WRONG? This workshop will be a discussion about the levels of moral reasoning (Kohlberg), determining where we and others stand, what affects moral reasoning, and how to promote higher levels of reasoning. Active involvement will be encouraged. Marcia Franko, M.A., faculty, Catholic Biblical School, Archdiocese of Hartford and former Parish Coordinator of Youth Ministry ROOM 217 1+2 TAPPING TEENS FOR PEER MINISTRY Many parishes do not have post-Confirmation youth ministry programs in the traditional sense. However, most parishes do have various ministries where teens are either already involved or can become involved. Often times, it is within these ministries where teens are most effective in ministering to their peers. This workshop will help identify existing ministerial areas in the parish as well as strategies to enhance their experience. Crystal Medeiros, Assistant Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Diocese of Fall River ROOM 214 1+2 HELP!! I CAN’T DO THIS ALONE… This workshop will focus on the lifelong need of the Catechist for a balanced spiritual formation as necessity, gift and mystery. Sr. Clare Bertero, OSF, Former Diocesan Director of Religious Education, Archdiocese of Boston ROOM 216 1+2 GOD, GLITTER AND GLUE! This workshop will explain how to use creative crafts and activities to add to your lesson plans. The liturgical seasons will be covered as well as Sacramental retreats. Carol Lisella, Director of Religious Education, St. Patrick Parish, South Hadley, MA; Faculty, Holyoke Catholic High School. (Compliments of RCL Benziger) LIBRARY – 2nd FLOOR SESIONES EN ESPAÑOL 1 EL DISCIPULADO CRISTIANO: RELEVANCIA Y COMPROMISOS El Evangelio de Marcos es un vivo testimonio de lo que implica ser discípulo de Jesucristo, hasta el final. Esta respuesta ha de darse en el corazón, en la mente y en la vida diaria. Ambas dimensiones requieren conversión y formación, sostenidas en una espiritualidad que reconoce que Jesús es verdaderamente el Hijo de Dios, en palabra y obra. Miguel Arias, MA, Consultor para el Ministerio Hispano, Loyola Press. (Gentileza de Loyola Press) AUDITORIUM
  • 14. -13- 2 LA MISIÓN EVANGELIZADORA DE LOS PADRES El Concilio Vaticano II describe a la familia como la “Iglesia doméstica”. Se explorará la actividad misionera de los padres y su lugar como lideres catequéticos en el seno de la familia y cómo pueden responder a su misión evangelizadora. Dulce M. Jiménez Abreu, Directora de Programas Hispanos de William H. Sadlier, Inc. (Gentileza de William H. Sadlier, Inc.) ROOM 119 2 LA NUEVA CONFIRMACIÓN: PASTORAL JUVENIL Y CONFIRMACIÓN La catequesis y la pastoral juvenil, cómo usar modelos y técnicas de ambos para traer al joven a una nueva experiencia de su fe. Angel Delgado, Coordinador de Pastoral Juvenil de la Diócesis de Springfield hasta el 2010; Director de Programas de ILS/FSS Holyoke/Chicopee Behavioral Health Network ROOM 120 2 LA PRAXIS (PRÁCTICA) BAUTISMAL Este taller tratará de cómo promover una catequesis que ayude a que los padres se involucren de mejor manera en la Iglesia después de la preparación bautismal. Aida Hidalgo, Directora del Apostolado Hispano de la Diócesis de Providence RI ROOM 215 2 CURSOS DE FORMACIÓN EN LA FE ONLINE: UNA ALTERNATIVA DE FORMACIÓN PARA NUESTROS TIEMPOS El programa „La Comunidad Cibernética Para la Formación en la Fe” (CCFF) de la Universidad de Dayton invita a todos los involucrados en la catequesis y los diversos ministerios de la Iglesia a seguir creciendo en su fe haciendo uso de una de las grandes bondades que nos presenta la tecnología, en este caso los cursos por internet. Este taller compartirá con los participantes la experiencia de la CCFF, su Programa de Certificación en Catequesis y la experiencia del aprendizaje combinado o blended learning como alternativa de formación en las comunidades hispanas. Johnson Romero, Coordinador de Iniciativas Hispanas del Instituto de Iniciativas Pastorales de la Universidad de Dayton OH. (Gentileza de The University of Dayton) ROOM 121 2 ¿QUÉ TIENE QUE VER MI FE CON FACEBOOK Y EL CINE? A través de este taller, queremos comprender mejor nuestra cultura y aprender nuevas “herramientas” para discernir el mensaje del Evangelio a través de ellas. Hermana Maria Elizabeth Borobia, FSP, Coordinadora de Evangelización de las Hermanas Paulinas y de Pauline Books & Media. (Gentileza de Pauline Books & Media) AUDITORIUM
  • 15. -14- The Archdiocese of Hartford and The Institute for Pastoral Initiatives at the University of Dayton have partnered to provide online courses for Adult Faith Formation through the VIRTUAL LEARNING COMMUNITY for FAITH FORMATION (VLCFF) The courses are designed for: Priests and Deacons  Parish Catechetical Leaders  Catechists  Lay Ministers  Catholic School Educators  Adult Formation Coordinators  Youth Ministers  Campus Ministers  College Students  Parish Council Members  Parish Social Justice Committees  Parents  Youth  And all who desire to learn more and to appreciate the depth of their Catholic faith. BECAUSE OF OUR PARTNERSHIP, FEES HAVE BEEN REDUCED FROM $90 TO $40 PER COURSE (plus books) Los cursos están disponibles también en español Included are courses in: Catechesis  Catholic Doctrine  Church History  Communication  Ecclesiology  Liturgy  Sacraments  Prayer  Morality  Scripture  Social Justice  and World Religions Recommended beginning courses (may be used for Archdiocesan Certification) are: Catholic Beliefs  Survey of Catholic Doctrine  Sacraments  Introduction to Christian Morality  New Testament  Old Testament  Catholic Social Teaching  and Introduction to Catechesis FOR MORE INFORMATION Catholic School Educators: contact Mr. Lawrence Duffany, Office of Catholic Schools (860.242.4362),  Información en Español: contacte al Señor Carlos Aedo, Oficina de Educación Religiosa (860.243.9465),  All Others: contact Ms. Patricia Keck, Office of Religious Education (860.243.9465), 
  • 16. -15- WE ARE BLOGGING NOW Read about: Catechesis (English and Spanish), RCIA and Adult Faith Formation, The Bible and our Catholic Biblical School, Youth Ministry and Catholic Scouting Receive updates via email Find up-to-date information about our events Learn more about catechesis around the country Stay current on new resources available
  • 17. -16- EXHIBITORS + Boston College School of Theology and Ministry Caritas Christi Center Catholic Biblical School Catholic Book Store Catholic Scouting Family Life Office Fiat Rosary Holy Apostles College and Seminary Holy Childhood Association Holy Family Retreat Center Inclusion Teaming Liguori Publications Loyola Press Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry Office for Divine Worship Office for People with Disabilities Office of Catholic Schools Office of Religious Education Our Lady of Calvary Retreat House Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division Pauline Books & Media Pflaum Publishing Group Pro-Life Ministry RCL Benziger Vocation Office William H. Sadlier, Inc.
  • 18. ARCHDIOCESE OF HARTFORD OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 467 Bloomfield Avenue Bloomfield, CT 06002 Phone: 860-243-9465 Fax: 860-243-9690 Web: | Email (English): Email (Español):