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September 2012
     Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in
                Video Marketing
The media theorist Marshall McLuhan famously noted, “the medium is the                                                        Research Brief
message.” He meant that new forms of media have their own set of rules,                                                       Aberdeen’s Research Briefs
and that content is ultimately developed that takes advantage of these rules.                                                 provide a detailed exploration
McLuhan’s maxim still holds true today as marketers come to terms with                                                        of a key finding from a primary
the powerful medium of video to engage with buyers through digital                                                            research study, including key
channels. Between May and July 2012, Aberdeen surveyed over 100                                                               performance indicators, Best-
marketing and sales professionals about the use of Rich Media in external                                                     in-Class insight, and vendor
prospect and customer communications, including video. We found that                                                          insight.
Best-in-Class companies are more likely to use video in their content-based
marketing efforts. This research brief considers the best practices these
companies are adopting to get their message heard in Technicolor.

Business Context: Of Medium and Message
The challenge to be heard above the noise is in many ways the essence of                                                       Research Definition: Rich
promotional marketing. Today’s competitive markets and multitude of                                                            Media for Sales and Marketing
channels offer no refuge, and as seen in Figure 1, difficulty in differentiating
in a “noisy” market is the top-most cited pressure by study respondents.                                                       Rich media is the use of visual,
The other top pressures are in many ways typical marketing and sales                                                           audio, video, and interactive
                                                                                                                               communications mediums,
concerns; budgetary pressure (i.e. the need to do more with less), lead
                                                                                                                               including video, audio, online
conversion, and market segmentation. Adoption of video-based marketing                                                         chat, web meetings and screen
can serve to address many, if not all, of these pressures in various ways.
                                                                                                                               sharing, and web events.

Figure 1: Top Pressures driving adoption of Rich Media in sales
and Marketing

     Competitive “noise” in our target market;
       difficult to differentiate our solution

                      Marketing / sales budgets
                        stretched too thinly

                   We are not effective enough
                   in converting leads to sales

                                                                                                   All Respondents
                     Not effective enough in
                  identifying the best prospects

                                                    0%                 20%                 40%                 60%

                                                             Percentage of Respondents, n = 110

                                                                     Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012
This document is the result of primary research performed by Aberdeen Group. Aberdeen Group's methodologies provide for objective fact-based research and
represent the best analysis available at the time of publication. Unless otherwise noted, the entire contents of this publication are copyrighted by Aberdeen Group, Inc.
and may not be reproduced, distributed, archived, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent by Aberdeen Group, Inc.
Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing
Page 2

Of course, video has been used in marketing since the earliest days of TV            Defining the Rich Media for
and its effectiveness as a means of broadcast communications is self-evident.        Sales and Marketing Best-in-
What’s changed now is the accessibility of video, both for creators and              Class
consumers. Today, many of us carry a high-definition video camera around
                                                                                     Aberdeen used four key
in our pocket at all times in the form of a smartphone. Sophisticated, pro-          performance criteria to
or near pro-grade camera equipment and editing software is now relatively            distinguish the Best-in-Class
cheap and easy to use; in other words it’s never been easier to generate             (top 20% of aggregate
video of respectable visual quality. In the meantime, among online                   performers) from the Industry
consumers, watching video content on computers has become just as                    Average (middle 50%) and
common as watching video on television, over half of global online                   Laggard (bottom 30%)
consumers (56%) watch that video content on a mobile device at least once            organizations. The metrics
a month.1 As high-speed mobile internet access becomes ubiquitous,                   used to define the Best-in-
consumers can practically create and watch video anywhere, anytime.                  Class among these firms are:
                                                                                     √ 89% customer retention
The accessibility of video opens new possibilities for marketing to address             rate, compared with 62%
the key pressures noted above by cutting through the noise, differentiating             and 21% among Industry
(sometimes by the very use of video), and generating marketing                          Average and Laggard firms.
conversions.                                                                         √ 28.4% year-over-year
                                                                                        increase in total company
                                                                                        revenue, vs. 7.4% for
Video-based Marketing Drives Conversions                                                Industry Average
Best-in-Class companies (see sidebar for definition of the Rich Media for               companies and a 1.4%
Sales and Marketing Best-in-Class) are 38% more likely than all other                   decline among Laggards.
companies to use video in their external communications (55% vs. 40%).               √ 11.8% year-over-year
Marketing’s contribution to sales-forecasted pipeline for Best-in-Class                increase in Marketing’s
companies was over twice that of all other companies (40% vs. 17%) and                 contribution to Sales-
customer retention for the Best-in-Class was 89% compared with 48% for                 forecasted pipeline;
all others. Additionally (and tellingly), Best-in-Class companies achieved             Industry Average and
twice the website conversion rate of all other companies (4% vs. 2%).                  Laggard companies
                                                                                       reported a 2.3% increase
                                                                                       and a 0.1% decline,
                                                                                     √ The average sales cycle was
                                                                                       shorted by the Best-in-
                                                                                       Class by 7.4%, and by
                                                                                       Industry Average firms by
                                                                                       0.2%; Laggards report an
                                                                                       average lengthening of the
                                                                                       sales cycle of 6.2%.

    The Nielsen Global Survey of Multi-Screen Media Usage;

© 2012 Aberdeen Group.                                                                 Telephone: 617 854 5200                                                                             Fax: 617 723 7897
Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing
Page 3

Figure 2: Video-based Marketing Adoption Rates

                                                                                              Sector Definition: Video
                                                        Best-in-                              Marketing
 Percentage of Respondents

                                                        Class                                 Video-based marketing is the use
                                                                                              of pre-recorded video,
                             50%                        All Others
                                                                                              animations, or presentations
                                                                                              with audio that are used for
                                                                                              external prospect and customer
                                                             40%                              communications. Videos can be
                             40%                                                              used on third party sites, like
                                                                                              video sharing sites and social
                                                                                              networks, as part of the external
                                                                                              web experience, or shared
                                                                                              directly with prospects and

                                   Use video-based medium for external
                                                                       n = 110
                                                          Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012

While marketing awareness is the most prevalent use case for video-based
marketing, Best-in-Class companies are not only more likely to use video,
they’re increasingly more likely to utilize video throughout the buyer’s
journey from awareness, to consideration (i.e. mid-funnel), through to post-
For example, 60% of Best-in-Class companies are using video as a means of
driving marketing conversion, either by gating the video content itself, or
using video together with a call-to-action, compared with 48% of other
companies. Video is less often used during the active sales cycle when one-
to-one rather than one-to-many conversations are the rule, but here again
Best-in-Class companies are more likely to utilize video during the sales
cycle. For example, video can be used to either start the conversation with
a prospect (i.e. secure initial call or meeting), or to increase prospect /
customer intimacy via personalized videos recorded with a webcam. The
post sales use case is also compelling, with companies using video to provide
instructional support. Several hardware providers are shipping equipment
with QR codes that launch how-to and other instructional videos when
scanned with a smartphone; a video “Read Me” if you will.

© 2012 Aberdeen Group.                                                                          Telephone: 617 854 5200                                                                                      Fax: 617 723 7897
Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing
Page 4

Figure 3: Video Throughout the Buyer Journey

       Marketing                                                        67%
       Awareness                                             55%

      Marketing                                                   60%
      Conversion                                       48%

        Marketing                                          53%
        Nurturing                              36%

  Sales Qualified

    Sales Closing                                    Best-in-Class
                                                     All Others
       Post Sales

                    0%               25%             50%                 75%
                            Percentage of Respondents, n = 110
                                                 Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012

Horses for Courses
Along with the mix of uses for video comes a mix of capture and
production approaches. Figure 4 below show the adoption rate of various
modes of video capture and creation. The most popular mode is screen
capture with audio, as this requires little to no additional hardware beyond
a typical laptop and easy-to-use, often free software. However, the Best-in-
Class are more likely to utilize professional-grade production (both in-house
and outsourced). The important thing to note is that these modes aren’t
mutually exclusive: a company may use professional resources to produce a
corporate or product introduction video, or video for use at an event or
conference, while using screen capture to share demos or short
presentations with prospects and customers.

© 2012 Aberdeen Group.                                                               Telephone: 617 854 5200                                                                           Fax: 617 723 7897
Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing
Page 5

Figure 4: Horses for Sources – Pro-grade and DIY Video
Production Both in Use

       Screen capture with audio                                                           Video for Marketing Fast Fact
                                                                                           √ The average length of a
             Professional-grade                                           38%                corporate video is 3.5
            production (in-house)                                                            minutes
                                                                                           √ Best-in-Class companies
   Personal-grade equipment                                    29%                           are 50% more likely than all
 and production (camcorder, etc.)                                     35%
                                                                                             others to host video on
                                                                                             their web site (81% vs.
           Professional-grade                             25%
         production (outsourced)                        22%
                                                                     Best in Class

                                                          25%        All Others

                                    0%    10%     20%         30%       40%          50%

                                         Percentage of Respondents, n = 110
                                                 Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012

Best-in-Class Video Marketing Capabilities
Video comes with some of its own rules, while adhering to some of the ‘old’
rules as well. Best-in-Class companies deploy a number of video-based
marketing capabilities at a higher rate than other companies.

Shoot Once, Show Everywhere
Keeping in mind that marketing awareness is the number one use case for
video, marketers need to be able to get their videos where they can be
viewed and shared, namely video sharing sites and social networks, including
of course YouTube and Facebook. By a 91% margin as seen in Figure 5,
Best-in-Class companies are more likely to have the ability upload videos to
these sites without additional transcoding / format conversion. But as noted
above, Best-in-Class companies are more likely to use video for more than
just awareness; it’s a vehicle for conversion, prospect engagement, and
customer intimacy. As such, 60% of the Best-in-Class have the ability to
select and distribute video assets on both public and private channels,
compared with 38% of all companies.
Video is also mobile. It’s now commonplace to access everything from short
clips to entire movies on a smartphone or tablet. Call it the last mile of
deliverability; Best-in-Class companies are 33% more likely than all others to
ensure delivery across multiple hardware platforms, and mobile and social
networks (53% vs. 40%). As a marketer, you simply don’t know what device
your buyer will be using to access your content; Best-in-Class companies
© 2012 Aberdeen Group.                                                                      Telephone: 617 854 5200                                                                                  Fax: 617 723 7897
Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing
Page 6

are less likely to take the risk that they won’t be able to see what you’re
showing them.

Figure 5: Shoot once, distribute anywhere

                             70%        67%                Best in Class     All Others
 Percentage of Respondents


                             40%                                           38%


                                        Ability to upload        Ability to select    Cross-device delivery /
                                        to video sharing          and distribute     distribution / syndication
                                          sites without           video assets         to multiple hardware
                                   additional transcoding      on both public and        platforms, mobile,
                                   (i.e. “one-click” posting    private channels       and social networks
                                      to social networks)
                                                                                                          n = 110

                                                                           Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012

There are also significant differences between Best-in-Class and other
companies when it comes to the video-based marketing experience. Several
capabilities shown in Figure 6 suggest the importance of interactivity. Fifty
percent (50%) of Best-in-Class companies have the ability to make video
content interactive and 47% are incorporating ‘click-to-action’ links within
the video (i.e. hyperlinks placed within the video content), compared with
33% and 27% of all other companies, respectively. But regardless of whether
companies are using interactive video or embedded links, they should be
thinking about what they want the viewer (i.e. the buyer) to do next. In
other words they need to think in terms of call-to-action.

© 2012 Aberdeen Group.                                                                                              Telephone: 617 854 5200                                                                                                          Fax: 617 723 7897
Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing
Page 7

Figure 6: Lights, camera, call-to-action: Content rules still apply
                             50%                          47%                         Best in Class
 Percentage of Respondents

                                                                                      All Others
                                             33%                            33%

                             30%                                 27%

                                    Ability to make   Integrated click-to- QR codes used to Ability to auto-
                                    video content         action links      launch videos        generate
                                      interactive     embedded in video                    recommendations
                                                                                            for next action or
                                                                                           content for viewers

                                                                                                          n = 110

                                                                            Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012

Performance Management
Best-in-Class companies are more than twice as likely as all others to
capture user-level utilization information about video assets, such as opens,
length of view, and next actions (60% vs. 29%). This capability can
significantly boost the value of video as a marketing asset by serving as a
proxy for engagement and interest. This data can be incorporated into lead
scoring or prioritization within the marketing automation or CRM system.
This is also consistent with broader trends we see in performance
management of content-based marketing; 67% of Best-in-Class companies
say their rich media deployments provide extensive visibility into content
engagement and 58% track the performance of individual rich media assets
compared with 37% and 35% of all other companies, respectively.

Aberdeen’s study did not consider the equipment and software used to
capture and edit video content, focusing instead on management of video
from a marketing and sales perspective. In this area Best-in-Class companies
are five and a half times more likely than all others to use an enterprise
video management platform as seen in Figure 7 below. Such platforms
automate many of the capabilities discussed above. While many
organizations are leveraging traditional enterprise content management
(ECM) systems to manage video, enterprise video management platforms
have emerged to address the unique requirements and opportunities
associated with video content management. They are particularly effective at
several stages of video lifecycle:
                             •   Distribution and management. As noted above, video
                                 introduces several unique distribution requirements, including the

© 2012 Aberdeen Group.                                                                                              Telephone: 617 854 5200                                                                                                          Fax: 617 723 7897
Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing
Page 8

        need to distribute assets on third party channels (i.e. social). Video
        also introduces unique content search and access challenges. Search
        metadata must be carefully managed to ensure findabillity and
        search engine optimization.
    •   Reporting and analytics. Video also introduces unique reporting
        and analytics requirements. Within the enterprise, the ability to                        Demographics
        track the percentage of individuals viewing videos to completion is                      Of the 110 responding
        often critical in learning applications for compliance purposes. As                      organizations, demographics
        noted above, this same capability gives marketing and sales valuable                     include the following:
        insight about viewer engagement that can be used to score and / or
                                                                                                 • Job title: Manager (26%);
        prioritize leads.
                                                                                                   Senior Management (23%);
                                                                                                   EVP / SVP / VP (18%);
Figure 7: Enterprise Video Management Platforms Meet Unique
                                                                                                   Director (12%); General
Content Management Requirements
                                                                                                   Manager / Managing Director
                                                                                                   / Principal (7%); Other (14%)
                                            80%    73%
                Percentage of Respondents

                                                                                                 • Department / function:
                                                              Best-in-Class                        Marketing (49%); Business
                                            60%                                                    Development / Sales (27%);
                                                              All Others                           Corporate Management
                                                                                                   (7%); Other (17%)

                                                                                                 • Segment: Software (27%); IT
                                            20%                                                    Consulting / Services (18%);
                                                                                                   Media / Marketing Services
                                                                                                   (14%); Financial Services /
                                            0%                                                     Insurance (7%); Industrials
                                                    Enterprise video                               (7%); Computer / Telecom
                                                  management platform                              Equipment & Services (5%);
                                                                       n = 110                     Other (22%)
                                                             Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012
                                                                                                 • Geography: Americas (80%);
                                                                                                   APAC region (8%); and
Summary and Recommendations                                                                        EMEA (11%)
Every marketer knows how difficult it can be to rise above the noise, even
with the most well-developed messaging and creative. Your buyer is                               • Company size: Large
inundated with information and offers, the majority of which never get                             enterprises (annual revenues
viewed. That’s why so many Best-in-Class marketers are incorporating                               above US $1 billion)- 11%;
video into their content-based marketing repertoire.                                               midsize enterprises (annual
                                                                                                   revenues between $50
Video presents new rules in terms of content development. Firms should
                                                                                                   million and $1 billion)- 21%;
think more about the story with video and keep content concise; the
average length of a corporate video is 3.5 minutes. Marketers should also                          and small businesses (annual
align the means of video capture with the use case. Sometimes time-to-                             revenues of $50 million or
deliver trumps production value, or as the saying goes, perfect can be the                         less)- 70%
enemy of good. For example, if you’re using video to capture the buzz at
your customer event or trade show, desktop video editing may prove to be

© 2012 Aberdeen Group.                                                                               Telephone: 617 854 5200                                                                                           Fax: 617 723 7897
Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing
Page 9

“good enough” to include the video in your daily wrap up blog post. In
other cases, a professional-grade video is more appropriate, such as when it
will be used on the web site or at marketing events.
When it comes to use cases, Aberdeen’s data shows that videos go beyond
awareness to drive marketing conversions through the funnel, for
engagement during the sales cycle, and in post-sales customer engagement
and support.
But some (relatively) old rules of content-based marketing still apply. Videos
used in the marketing funnel should include a call to action or next step,
either implicitly or explicitly – keep the end in mind. Marketers should also
establish practices to track the utilization and performance of video assets
(as they should do with other marketing assets). Not only is this key to
understanding what content is working and which is not, but it can be used
to gain insight into buyer engagement.
For more information on this or other research topics, please visit

                                            Related Research
 Marketing Lead Management: From the                         Revenue Performance Management
 Top of the Funnel to the Top Line; July                     Demystified; June 2012
 2012                                                        B2B Social Media Marketing: Are We
 Web Experience Management: From                             There Yet?; March 2012
 Content to Customer; June 2012                              Sales and Marketing Alignment: The New
                                                             Power Couple; December 2011

 Author: Trip Kucera, Sr. Research Analyst, Marketing Effectiveness
 ( LinkedIn @TripKucera
For more than two decades, Aberdeen's research has been helping corporations worldwide become Best-in-Class.
Having benchmarked the performance of more than 644,000 companies, Aberdeen is uniquely positioned to provide
organizations with the facts that matter — the facts that enable companies to get ahead and drive results. That's why
our research is relied on by more than 2.5 million readers in over 40 countries, 90% of the Fortune 1,000, and 93% of
the Technology 500.

As a Harte-Hanks Company, Aberdeen’s research provides insight and analysis to the Harte-Hanks community of
local, regional, national and international marketing executives. Combined, we help our customers leverage the power
of insight to deliver innovative multichannel marketing programs that drive business-changing results. For additional
information, visit Aberdeen or call (617) 854-5200, or to learn more about Harte-Hanks, call
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This document is the result of primary research performed by Aberdeen Group. Aberdeen Group's methodologies
provide for objective fact-based research and represent the best analysis available at the time of publication. Unless
otherwise noted, the entire contents of this publication are copyrighted by Aberdeen Group, Inc. and may not be
reproduced, distributed, archived, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent by
Aberdeen Group, Inc. (2011a)

© 2012 Aberdeen Group.                                                                                                   Telephone: 617 854 5200                                                                                                               Fax: 617 723 7897

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  • 1. September 2012 Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video Marketing The media theorist Marshall McLuhan famously noted, “the medium is the Research Brief message.” He meant that new forms of media have their own set of rules, Aberdeen’s Research Briefs and that content is ultimately developed that takes advantage of these rules. provide a detailed exploration McLuhan’s maxim still holds true today as marketers come to terms with of a key finding from a primary the powerful medium of video to engage with buyers through digital research study, including key channels. Between May and July 2012, Aberdeen surveyed over 100 performance indicators, Best- marketing and sales professionals about the use of Rich Media in external in-Class insight, and vendor prospect and customer communications, including video. We found that insight. Best-in-Class companies are more likely to use video in their content-based marketing efforts. This research brief considers the best practices these companies are adopting to get their message heard in Technicolor. Business Context: Of Medium and Message The challenge to be heard above the noise is in many ways the essence of Research Definition: Rich promotional marketing. Today’s competitive markets and multitude of Media for Sales and Marketing channels offer no refuge, and as seen in Figure 1, difficulty in differentiating in a “noisy” market is the top-most cited pressure by study respondents. Rich media is the use of visual, The other top pressures are in many ways typical marketing and sales audio, video, and interactive communications mediums, concerns; budgetary pressure (i.e. the need to do more with less), lead including video, audio, online conversion, and market segmentation. Adoption of video-based marketing chat, web meetings and screen can serve to address many, if not all, of these pressures in various ways. sharing, and web events. Figure 1: Top Pressures driving adoption of Rich Media in sales and Marketing Competitive “noise” in our target market; 54% difficult to differentiate our solution Marketing / sales budgets 38% stretched too thinly We are not effective enough 37% in converting leads to sales All Respondents Not effective enough in 30% identifying the best prospects 0% 20% 40% 60% Percentage of Respondents, n = 110 Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012 This document is the result of primary research performed by Aberdeen Group. Aberdeen Group's methodologies provide for objective fact-based research and represent the best analysis available at the time of publication. Unless otherwise noted, the entire contents of this publication are copyrighted by Aberdeen Group, Inc. and may not be reproduced, distributed, archived, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent by Aberdeen Group, Inc.
  • 2. Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing Page 2 Of course, video has been used in marketing since the earliest days of TV Defining the Rich Media for and its effectiveness as a means of broadcast communications is self-evident. Sales and Marketing Best-in- What’s changed now is the accessibility of video, both for creators and Class consumers. Today, many of us carry a high-definition video camera around Aberdeen used four key in our pocket at all times in the form of a smartphone. Sophisticated, pro- performance criteria to or near pro-grade camera equipment and editing software is now relatively distinguish the Best-in-Class cheap and easy to use; in other words it’s never been easier to generate (top 20% of aggregate video of respectable visual quality. In the meantime, among online performers) from the Industry consumers, watching video content on computers has become just as Average (middle 50%) and common as watching video on television, over half of global online Laggard (bottom 30%) consumers (56%) watch that video content on a mobile device at least once organizations. The metrics a month.1 As high-speed mobile internet access becomes ubiquitous, used to define the Best-in- consumers can practically create and watch video anywhere, anytime. Class among these firms are: √ 89% customer retention The accessibility of video opens new possibilities for marketing to address rate, compared with 62% the key pressures noted above by cutting through the noise, differentiating and 21% among Industry (sometimes by the very use of video), and generating marketing Average and Laggard firms. conversions. √ 28.4% year-over-year increase in total company revenue, vs. 7.4% for Video-based Marketing Drives Conversions Industry Average Best-in-Class companies (see sidebar for definition of the Rich Media for companies and a 1.4% Sales and Marketing Best-in-Class) are 38% more likely than all other decline among Laggards. companies to use video in their external communications (55% vs. 40%). √ 11.8% year-over-year Marketing’s contribution to sales-forecasted pipeline for Best-in-Class increase in Marketing’s companies was over twice that of all other companies (40% vs. 17%) and contribution to Sales- customer retention for the Best-in-Class was 89% compared with 48% for forecasted pipeline; all others. Additionally (and tellingly), Best-in-Class companies achieved Industry Average and twice the website conversion rate of all other companies (4% vs. 2%). Laggard companies reported a 2.3% increase and a 0.1% decline, respectively. √ The average sales cycle was shorted by the Best-in- Class by 7.4%, and by Industry Average firms by 0.2%; Laggards report an average lengthening of the sales cycle of 6.2%. 1 The Nielsen Global Survey of Multi-Screen Media Usage; © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
  • 3. Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing Page 3 Figure 2: Video-based Marketing Adoption Rates Sector Definition: Video 60% Best-in- Marketing 55% Percentage of Respondents Class Video-based marketing is the use of pre-recorded video, 50% All Others animations, or presentations with audio that are used for external prospect and customer 40% communications. Videos can be 40% used on third party sites, like video sharing sites and social networks, as part of the external 30% web experience, or shared directly with prospects and customers. 20% Use video-based medium for external communications n = 110 Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012 While marketing awareness is the most prevalent use case for video-based marketing, Best-in-Class companies are not only more likely to use video, they’re increasingly more likely to utilize video throughout the buyer’s journey from awareness, to consideration (i.e. mid-funnel), through to post- sales. For example, 60% of Best-in-Class companies are using video as a means of driving marketing conversion, either by gating the video content itself, or using video together with a call-to-action, compared with 48% of other companies. Video is less often used during the active sales cycle when one- to-one rather than one-to-many conversations are the rule, but here again Best-in-Class companies are more likely to utilize video during the sales cycle. For example, video can be used to either start the conversation with a prospect (i.e. secure initial call or meeting), or to increase prospect / customer intimacy via personalized videos recorded with a webcam. The post sales use case is also compelling, with companies using video to provide instructional support. Several hardware providers are shipping equipment with QR codes that launch how-to and other instructional videos when scanned with a smartphone; a video “Read Me” if you will. © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
  • 4. Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing Page 4 Figure 3: Video Throughout the Buyer Journey Marketing 67% Awareness 55% Marketing 60% Conversion 48% Marketing 53% Nurturing 36% 47% Sales Qualified 30% 33% Sales Closing Best-in-Class 12% All Others 33% Post Sales 18% 0% 25% 50% 75% Percentage of Respondents, n = 110 Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012 Horses for Courses Along with the mix of uses for video comes a mix of capture and production approaches. Figure 4 below show the adoption rate of various modes of video capture and creation. The most popular mode is screen capture with audio, as this requires little to no additional hardware beyond a typical laptop and easy-to-use, often free software. However, the Best-in- Class are more likely to utilize professional-grade production (both in-house and outsourced). The important thing to note is that these modes aren’t mutually exclusive: a company may use professional resources to produce a corporate or product introduction video, or video for use at an event or conference, while using screen capture to share demos or short presentations with prospects and customers. © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
  • 5. Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing Page 5 Figure 4: Horses for Sources – Pro-grade and DIY Video Production Both in Use 38% Screen capture with audio Video for Marketing Fast Fact 42% √ The average length of a Professional-grade 38% corporate video is 3.5 production (in-house) minutes 26% √ Best-in-Class companies Personal-grade equipment 29% are 50% more likely than all and production (camcorder, etc.) 35% others to host video on their web site (81% vs. 53%) Professional-grade 25% production (outsourced) 22% Best in Class 25% All Others Webcam 16% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Percentage of Respondents, n = 110 Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012 Best-in-Class Video Marketing Capabilities Video comes with some of its own rules, while adhering to some of the ‘old’ rules as well. Best-in-Class companies deploy a number of video-based marketing capabilities at a higher rate than other companies. Shoot Once, Show Everywhere Keeping in mind that marketing awareness is the number one use case for video, marketers need to be able to get their videos where they can be viewed and shared, namely video sharing sites and social networks, including of course YouTube and Facebook. By a 91% margin as seen in Figure 5, Best-in-Class companies are more likely to have the ability upload videos to these sites without additional transcoding / format conversion. But as noted above, Best-in-Class companies are more likely to use video for more than just awareness; it’s a vehicle for conversion, prospect engagement, and customer intimacy. As such, 60% of the Best-in-Class have the ability to select and distribute video assets on both public and private channels, compared with 38% of all companies. Video is also mobile. It’s now commonplace to access everything from short clips to entire movies on a smartphone or tablet. Call it the last mile of deliverability; Best-in-Class companies are 33% more likely than all others to ensure delivery across multiple hardware platforms, and mobile and social networks (53% vs. 40%). As a marketer, you simply don’t know what device your buyer will be using to access your content; Best-in-Class companies © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
  • 6. Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing Page 6 are less likely to take the risk that they won’t be able to see what you’re showing them. Figure 5: Shoot once, distribute anywhere 70% 67% Best in Class All Others Percentage of Respondents 60% 60% 53% 50% 40% 40% 38% 35% 30% 20% Ability to upload Ability to select Cross-device delivery / to video sharing and distribute distribution / syndication sites without video assets to multiple hardware additional transcoding on both public and platforms, mobile, (i.e. “one-click” posting private channels and social networks to social networks) n = 110 Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012 There are also significant differences between Best-in-Class and other companies when it comes to the video-based marketing experience. Several capabilities shown in Figure 6 suggest the importance of interactivity. Fifty percent (50%) of Best-in-Class companies have the ability to make video content interactive and 47% are incorporating ‘click-to-action’ links within the video (i.e. hyperlinks placed within the video content), compared with 33% and 27% of all other companies, respectively. But regardless of whether companies are using interactive video or embedded links, they should be thinking about what they want the viewer (i.e. the buyer) to do next. In other words they need to think in terms of call-to-action. © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
  • 7. Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing Page 7 Figure 6: Lights, camera, call-to-action: Content rules still apply 50% 50% 47% Best in Class Percentage of Respondents All Others 40% 33% 33% 30% 27% 25% 21% 20% 15% 10% Ability to make Integrated click-to- QR codes used to Ability to auto- video content action links launch videos generate interactive embedded in video recommendations for next action or content for viewers n = 110 Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012 Performance Management Best-in-Class companies are more than twice as likely as all others to capture user-level utilization information about video assets, such as opens, length of view, and next actions (60% vs. 29%). This capability can significantly boost the value of video as a marketing asset by serving as a proxy for engagement and interest. This data can be incorporated into lead scoring or prioritization within the marketing automation or CRM system. This is also consistent with broader trends we see in performance management of content-based marketing; 67% of Best-in-Class companies say their rich media deployments provide extensive visibility into content engagement and 58% track the performance of individual rich media assets compared with 37% and 35% of all other companies, respectively. Technology Aberdeen’s study did not consider the equipment and software used to capture and edit video content, focusing instead on management of video from a marketing and sales perspective. In this area Best-in-Class companies are five and a half times more likely than all others to use an enterprise video management platform as seen in Figure 7 below. Such platforms automate many of the capabilities discussed above. While many organizations are leveraging traditional enterprise content management (ECM) systems to manage video, enterprise video management platforms have emerged to address the unique requirements and opportunities associated with video content management. They are particularly effective at several stages of video lifecycle: • Distribution and management. As noted above, video introduces several unique distribution requirements, including the © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
  • 8. Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing Page 8 need to distribute assets on third party channels (i.e. social). Video also introduces unique content search and access challenges. Search metadata must be carefully managed to ensure findabillity and search engine optimization. • Reporting and analytics. Video also introduces unique reporting and analytics requirements. Within the enterprise, the ability to Demographics track the percentage of individuals viewing videos to completion is Of the 110 responding often critical in learning applications for compliance purposes. As organizations, demographics noted above, this same capability gives marketing and sales valuable include the following: insight about viewer engagement that can be used to score and / or • Job title: Manager (26%); prioritize leads. Senior Management (23%); EVP / SVP / VP (18%); Figure 7: Enterprise Video Management Platforms Meet Unique Director (12%); General Content Management Requirements Manager / Managing Director / Principal (7%); Other (14%) 80% 73% Percentage of Respondents • Department / function: Best-in-Class Marketing (49%); Business 60% Development / Sales (27%); All Others Corporate Management 40% (7%); Other (17%) • Segment: Software (27%); IT 20% Consulting / Services (18%); 13% Media / Marketing Services (14%); Financial Services / 0% Insurance (7%); Industrials Enterprise video (7%); Computer / Telecom management platform Equipment & Services (5%); n = 110 Other (22%) Source: Aberdeen Group, July 2012 • Geography: Americas (80%); APAC region (8%); and Summary and Recommendations EMEA (11%) Every marketer knows how difficult it can be to rise above the noise, even with the most well-developed messaging and creative. Your buyer is • Company size: Large inundated with information and offers, the majority of which never get enterprises (annual revenues viewed. That’s why so many Best-in-Class marketers are incorporating above US $1 billion)- 11%; video into their content-based marketing repertoire. midsize enterprises (annual revenues between $50 Video presents new rules in terms of content development. Firms should million and $1 billion)- 21%; think more about the story with video and keep content concise; the average length of a corporate video is 3.5 minutes. Marketers should also and small businesses (annual align the means of video capture with the use case. Sometimes time-to- revenues of $50 million or deliver trumps production value, or as the saying goes, perfect can be the less)- 70% enemy of good. For example, if you’re using video to capture the buzz at your customer event or trade show, desktop video editing may prove to be © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897
  • 9. Lights, Camera, Call-to-Action: Trends in Video-based Marketing Page 9 “good enough” to include the video in your daily wrap up blog post. In other cases, a professional-grade video is more appropriate, such as when it will be used on the web site or at marketing events. When it comes to use cases, Aberdeen’s data shows that videos go beyond awareness to drive marketing conversions through the funnel, for engagement during the sales cycle, and in post-sales customer engagement and support. But some (relatively) old rules of content-based marketing still apply. Videos used in the marketing funnel should include a call to action or next step, either implicitly or explicitly – keep the end in mind. Marketers should also establish practices to track the utilization and performance of video assets (as they should do with other marketing assets). Not only is this key to understanding what content is working and which is not, but it can be used to gain insight into buyer engagement. For more information on this or other research topics, please visit Related Research Marketing Lead Management: From the Revenue Performance Management Top of the Funnel to the Top Line; July Demystified; June 2012 2012 B2B Social Media Marketing: Are We Web Experience Management: From There Yet?; March 2012 Content to Customer; June 2012 Sales and Marketing Alignment: The New Power Couple; December 2011 Author: Trip Kucera, Sr. Research Analyst, Marketing Effectiveness ( LinkedIn @TripKucera For more than two decades, Aberdeen's research has been helping corporations worldwide become Best-in-Class. Having benchmarked the performance of more than 644,000 companies, Aberdeen is uniquely positioned to provide organizations with the facts that matter — the facts that enable companies to get ahead and drive results. That's why our research is relied on by more than 2.5 million readers in over 40 countries, 90% of the Fortune 1,000, and 93% of the Technology 500. As a Harte-Hanks Company, Aberdeen’s research provides insight and analysis to the Harte-Hanks community of local, regional, national and international marketing executives. Combined, we help our customers leverage the power of insight to deliver innovative multichannel marketing programs that drive business-changing results. For additional information, visit Aberdeen or call (617) 854-5200, or to learn more about Harte-Hanks, call (800) 456-9748 or go to This document is the result of primary research performed by Aberdeen Group. Aberdeen Group's methodologies provide for objective fact-based research and represent the best analysis available at the time of publication. Unless otherwise noted, the entire contents of this publication are copyrighted by Aberdeen Group, Inc. and may not be reproduced, distributed, archived, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent by Aberdeen Group, Inc. (2011a) © 2012 Aberdeen Group. Telephone: 617 854 5200 Fax: 617 723 7897